Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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A avert tse meats
for taese
rtll te ttkra
itll 13
eveataaj aaitloa aaa nlll :."0 a, s
lor snaralag aaa oar ealtloa.
tat, t 1-2 r eUsI lrl),
la a ward thereafter. Nethlas; takea
far laaa Ibti So "
tloa. The aavertlseaseate aul
raa eoaseeatlvelv.
Advertisers, hy reaaaetlaat
ere cheek, eaa hara answer !
rMaf4 ta a siamberea letter la ear
ft Tha Bee. Aawr a address will
a delivered aa srasalatf.s ( IM
aaeek aalr
WANTED, position by dress goods sales
man; twelve years' experience; best ref
erence. Addrrss I'. O. Box 3?7, Unwln,
K.b. A-423 8
SITUATION wsntd by first-class Bails
man of energy, with seven years' road ex
perience; have the nblllty to handle any
maple, legitimate line; will locate or
travel anywhere; am well acquainted In
Chicago and vicinity, no prefer the latter
territory; good record; references. Ad
dress W 80, lice. A 476 8
A REGISTERED pharmacist, employed,
desires a rlnnRe; 26 yeara of age; H years'
experience; bent of references. Address
W , Bee. A-O00 8
MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad
far upon our failure to convince you of
this being the BEST and only reliable,
moat practical burbor college In tha
United Staled. Write for catalog today.
Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb.
B 783
OOOD messengers wanted: high
A. D. T. Co., 212 So. 12th St.
WANTED, experienced, honest, hustling
organisers fo Fraternal Union; beat
order In America. Liberal compensation.
F. F. Roose, President. Denver Colo.
B-M230 F17
WANTED, a harne.'pmaker, at once. Geo.
C. Chapman, Hastings, la. B-MfTJ 14
WANTED, practical bookkeeper for gen
eral work by manufacturing concern;
good position to right party; state ex
perience, age, reference and snlury ex
pected. Addrees W 28, Boa.. . iJ-337 11
BOOKKEEPER wanted, a, reliable man,
to keep the. ooks of a cattle feeding con
cern In Nebraska; must also be a steno
grapher and typewriter of some experi
ence; married man who has some knowl
edge of country grain buying preferred:
trust furnish good ref jrenccs. Inquire of
Kent & Burke, Uer.oa, Neb. B M346
WANTED, several reliable local, special
nd general agents In Nebraska, with
choice of territory, to seil ovir combina
tion life and accident policies; very lib
eral contracts given. Commercial men,
clerks, collectors and life Insurance
agents desiring better positions will find
It to their advantage to write nr. ur call
at office between -4 and 7 o'cIock p. m.
SOCIATION, tun New York Life Bldg.
B-3a2 9
CIQARM AKER8 wanted for open shrp; 4
good clgarmakers; ten-dollar mold work;
guaranteed steady work to competent
men. Address W 36, liee. B MiSOS
LINOTYPE machinist. Wa have position
In four-machine office, day shift, standard
wages. Present machinist wishes to
leave. Times-Kepulillcan, Marshallti.wti,
la. J. P. Dotson, manager. B M366 8
SALESMAN wanted; bustling salesman,
willing to take 2,f'X Interest In good
business. Add res W 33. Bee. B M8G214
SALESMAN Bright, Intelligent and well
educated young man to take charge of de
partment; good wages. H. K Fredrlck
aon, ISth and Capitol av. B-M361 V
SALESMEN WANTED Up-to-date, ac
tlve, to sell first-class groceries direct to
conaumetn at wholesale nrsi-ciass ter
rltory and liberal Inducements.- George
Meldrum & Co., 69 and 71 North Green
Street, Chicago, 111. B-M3S4 8
EXPERIENCED snap salesman; state age,
salary wantea. Aauress w ti, liee.
B-S99 13
WANTED, three first-class grocery bill
clerks; must be good, rapid writers and
swift and accurate at figures. None
others need apply. Address w 67, Bee.
B 401 8
SALESMEN $25 per week to sell a lamp
that makes its own gas; lamp free. Hast
em Gas Co., 87 Nassau St., N. Y. B
CIVIL service government positions; 14.93
appointments last year; this waa 4,692
more than any previous year: excellent
opportunity for young people; catalogue
of Information free. Columbian Corre
spondence College, Washington, D. C.
PERMANENT position for a man of good
habits and energy to represent large man
ufacturing establishment known to every
bank In the United States. Salary $900 per
year ana expenses, opportunity ior ad
vancement. Apply, stating age and quali
fications, to Aiaaager, Lept. 1-3, Box 824,
niiaaeipma, i'a. . . &
LEARN proofreading; situations secured
1S to J weekly. Home Correspondence
Bcnooi, mtiaaeipnia. m
WANTED, person to pall on retail trade
and agents for manufacturing horre; local
territory; salary $19.70. paid weekly, and
expense money advanced: previous ex
perience unnecessary; buslnesa successful;
enclose eeir-iodressei envelope. Btand
ard House, Caxton bldg., Chicago. B
WANTED Flrst-clasa barber; married
man preferred; steady job. J. C. Morgan,
Seward, Neb. B 458 8
AN INCOME of 116 week easily earned In
whole or spare timn by any person able
to write and willing to work; cheerful
duties; no canvassing;. Bend addressed
envelope, Empire, 3H3 Bridge 8t
Brooklyn. N. Y. B-455 8
TO BOYS Tool cheat, complete, absolutely
rree. ena aaaress (no money) ior par
ticulars. No endless chain scheme
Unique Monthly, IS Warren St., New York,
u 4o
WANTEDMen to learn barber trade
growing demand for our graduates; pre
para now for spring rush: short term
completes; practical experience by free
work; expert Instructions by qualified
barbers; tools, diplomas, positions and
board given graduate. Call or write.
Moler Barber College, I3"Z Douglas St.
B 449 13
DETECTIVES Every locality, good sal
ary: experience unnccevsarv. IriWns
tlunal Detective Agency, Milwaukee. Avis
H 450 8
YOUNO MEN with talent for drawing will
oenent dv writing to nan McCarthy, dl
rector. National School of Caricature. I
World Bldg., New York City. B 453 8
ANT PERSON who will distribute samples
i'r a oaiiy innuin anress sianrtHrd,
Wells, Chicago; no canvassing. B 452 8
WANTED, young man to travel; Jl weekly
rxpensea auvanceu; permanent position
enclose self-addressed envelope. Mgr,
cerains, mannaiian mug, i nicnwo.
TOl'NO man as stenographer, must have
exnerl"nce In shlpplna: state age and give
reierencei. .-uureva riee.
B IM f letters, reiurn io tig. ja per
l.OUO; send utanipert. addressed envelope.
Amason Chemical Co.. Mgr. W, S 1,ShM
Bt., Chicago. H415
WANTKD everywhere, hustlers to tack
algna, distribute circular, samples, etc.
Tin csnvesslng good puy. Sun Adv:rtgln
Bureau. Chicago. B 444 8
WANTED, responsible parties to represent
uu and art as our nnanctai agents in dif
ferent localities The Glob Loan and In
vestment Co., K30 Canal St., New Orlenns,
La. B-417 8
WANTED. Influential man of goo busl
reas ability to tnke choree of business of
large firm at Omaha and Council Bluffs:
no books or Insurnnce. Answer quick to
F. 8. W., Her Grand, Orraha, Neb.
B 41$ 8
MAN and wife for farm
Addreu W 82. Bee.
6. W. Iowa.
B-t l r
GENTS or boys copy letters at home and
return to us; highest prices paid weekly.
Send addressed nveltie for copv rd In
structions. Kegl Mfg. Co., 11 F'ilon
St.. New York. B 41 8
WANTED, experienced Mock food sales
man; liberal proposition to first class
man: atate territory wsnted. experlencs
and ret re nee. R. A, Pike at Co . Minn,
spoils, Ulua. ii-M 8
All Business Branches, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Typewriting, Penmanship,
Commercial Law, Arithmetic, Business Correspondence, Practical Office Work, ets.
Largest, best equipped and most thorough exclusive Business College In Omaha.
Endorsed by the World's Fastest and Most Famous Shorthand
Writer, Isaac S. Dement.
Dear Mr. Boylet: I am glad you are doing so well. But bow could It be other
wise? Anyone who bas received shorthand Instruction from you must always be
free In extolling your methods. It Is so seldom that shorthand students may receive
their knowledge by Instruction from one who
In a reportorlal way. Hence your success,
the wbeat from the chaff. You have my endorsement In full. Fraternally yours.
Apply for Catalogue. Boyles
MAN to carry stock and sell our house
paints and paint specialties; ii.zou to $2,000
cash required; ealarv ld; atate business
experience. Consolidated Taint & Oil Co.,
Indianapolis. Ind. B 486
WANTED Trustworthy man to distribute
samples and collect: 3 per day ana ex
penses; expenses advanced; salary paid
weekly. Enclose addressed envelope.
Smith, Mgr., 354 Dearborn Bt., Chicago.
B 474
CIRCULAR distributors everywhere; $3 to
17 per thousand earned. llstriDUtors
National Union, Cincinnati, Ohio.
B 488 8
WANTED, a few pupils to learn book
keeping tree and pay ior tuuion irora
their earnings after we place them In
positions; you can learn at your own
home In a few weeks without loss of time
or money; we guarantee It; we teach you
free and get you a position. Write for
full Information and our free book. "How
to Succeed In Business." It tells you how
you can better your poeltlon and make
more monev. Commercial Correspond
ence Schools, Drawer O, Rochester, N. Y.
13.000 appointments maae last year.
Chances better for 1P03. Examinations
soon In everv state. Circular 151. giving
full particulars as to positions, salaries,
etc., sent free. Address National Corre
spondence Institute, Washington, D. C.
YOUNO man to travel; ISO month and ex
penses; experience unnecessary; sena ref
erences. .Williams Co., Chamber Com.,
Detroit. Mich. B-Z 8'
FIRST-CLASS overall cutter, for marking
and machine cutting; draughtsman pre
ferred. Lincoln Overall & Shirt Co., Lin
coln, Neb. B 634 8
MANAGER wanted In every large county;
' Game o Skill nlckle slot machine tor
drinks, clgais or money; takes place of
forbidden slot machines'; strictly lawful
everywhere; rented or aold on eaey pay
ments; sixty thousand now in use. Cun
ningham Furniture Co., Dept. 86, Chicago,
111. B-27 8
$500 FOR $1 Agents wanted everywhere for
moat popular ana cneapest insurance ever
offered; new plan; old reliable company;
death benefit, weekly Indemnity, free
medical attendance, many other original
and popular features; $1 a year pays for
850 insurance other amounts In propor
tion; policlea Issued to either sex without
regard to nationality, color or occupation;
all claims promptly sad liberally settled;
exclusive territory and liberal contract
with full renewal commissions to capable
agents; exceptional opportunity to obtain
sole control of good territory by applying
immediately. International Company. 231
Broadway, New York. B
TOUNG MEN everywhere, copy letters.
nome evenings, 17 week. Send addressed
envelope for particulars. ' Manager Dept.
S 66, Box 1411. Philadelphia, Pa.
B 481 8
WANTED, men everywhere, good pay. to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv.
Bureau, Chicago. B 708 8
$1.50 TUNING, flrst-clsss. no fake; three or
more in tne same diock. i. eacn. reg
ulating, voicing, repairing and polishing
prices lowered. Perfleld Piano Co., Bee
bldg. Tel. 701. R 708 8
YOUNG MAN Travel, advertise: experi
ence unnecessary ;. $80 month; expenses;
enclose self-addressed envelope. Jamea
Co.. Monon bldg., Chicago. B 509 8
WANTED, man to travel In portion Ne
braska establishing trade; young man
over 21 preferred; reasonable salary; atate
occupation; references; addressed en
velope. E. Wlmmer, 856 Dearborn, Chi
cago. B 08 8
WANTED. 3 salesmen to solicit and collect;
quick promotions. tj( raxton diock.
SIDE LINE for Salesmen We want sales
men calling on the general store, drug or
saloon trade to write us at once for sam
ples and our liberal contract. A good
seller. Money maker for you. Dr. Bnede
kers Remedy Co., 137 Endlcott Arcade,
St. Paul, Minn. -254 11
SELL Bitters as side line on commission;
nne article, well advertised. 2558 Cuming.
WE MUST have more traveling salesmen.
Apply at once. George A. Baker at Co.,
South Bend. Ind.
WANTED, salesmen by manufacturer of
grocers' specialties; give experience fully)
food salary. Address Box 517, Chicago,
WANTED, two active salesmen In each
state capable of earning $25 weekly and
expenses; side line men earn -t weekly.
Sample dutnt weighing one pound free.
All stores handle goods. Address Mana
ger, Howland Block, Chicago. 130 b
SALESMEN John Sexton Co., importers
of teas and coffees and wholesale grocers,
18 to 22 State St., Chicago, want experi
enced, honest, energetic, high-grade men
to .sell farmers and other large buyers.
We are tha largeat grocery house In
America engaged In this nuslness, and
the originators of honest and modern
methods of conducting It. Wa handle the
finest goods and guarantee quality and
quantity of every article; no capital re
quired; exclusive territory given In which
to establish trade Insures fine Income.
Wo are farmers' headquarters in Chicago.
SALESMEN to sell perfumes, toilet soaps,
etc.. to dealers: $100 monthly and ex
penses. Plumer Perfumery and Mfg. Co.,
St. Louis. Mo. a4 V
WANTED Immediately by reliable Cleve
land houBQ, a wideawake man with good
buslnesa experience to complete our
traveling force for 1903; general mercau
tile trade; permanent. Blxler Co.,
Cleveland. O. ill
WANTED Salesmen for Nebraska and
North and South Dakota, Kansas, Mis
souri, southern Iowa and Minnesota, to
vlall drug trade; those with established
trade preferred; aalarv or commission
basis; Inquire for Mr. Randall. Her
Grand hotel Sunday, or address Lock
Box 1167, Waterloo. Ia. 711 8
BALESMAN wanted by responsible manu
facturer; traveling specialty wlremtn of
experience and ability for Nebraska ter
ritory; position permsnent. Man worth
giod salary write with references. Ad
dresa W S9. Bee. 649 $
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line: blah commissions with
advance of tlgo.00 mouthly; permanent po-
sltlon to right msn.
Jets it. Bmitn t'o
Detroit, Mich.
TWO experienced salesmen to represent
established mercantile house; references
required; permanent position; good pay
to right parties Addreaa Dept. 1616. No.
815 Dearborn St, Chics, a. 47k-
KNOWS, because he has used tha art
for the people of your city must know
College, New York Life Bldg.
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska ter
ritory; all round hustler; no technical
knowledge; exceptional opportunities.
Established, reliable and well-rated house.
F. R. Jennings, Salea Mgr., Detroit, Mich.
45 8
WANTED, at once, experienced traveling
salesman for Nebraska. We want a sales
man; none other need apply. Box B14,
Chicago. 5i4 8
ESTABLISHED house wants a first-class
traveling salesman for the state of Ne
braska; bond required. Address Box 6,
St. Louis, Mo. , 615 8
SALESMAN A flrst-clasw. thoroughly ex
. perlenced calendar and sign salesman to
represent us and to sell our Art Bas
Rellef and Chemlgraph Calendars, Sou
venirs, Show Cards and special process
Indoor Signs; most novel and artistic line
before the public: process owned and con
trolled exclusively by us; practically no
competition; state experience; unless you
can give best of reference it Is useless
to apply. Woodward & Tlernan Printing
Co., St. Louis, Mo. 1 475 8
A thorough knowledge of dressmaking and ladies' tailor
ing would be very useful and highly appreciated by her. Any
woman knows, no matter what age or station in life she may
attain, that such a knowledge can be considered second only
to a blessing, especially if through some misfortune she be
thrown upon her own resources.
We teach drafting, designing, cutting, fitting, shaping,
shrinking, pressing and everything necessary to first-class
Ladies' Tailoring and Dressmaking.
It will cost you nothing but will teach you something to make A visit of Inquiry to
the COLLEGE and see the excellent work our scholars are daily turning out. If
seeing Is believing, you axe requested to Investigate. Writ today for booklet.
Ladies' Tailoring College
Rooms Douglas" Block.
100 Girls. Call Canadian office, I5tn Dodge.
C 76
WANTED, housekeeper in small family.
3728 N. 18th fat. C 410
WANTED, girl for general housework,
small family; $4 a week. 1348 8. 7th av.
C M370 8
WANTED, girl for general housework in
smau tamiiy; no washing or ironing; ref
erence required. Call at 416 N. 20th at. ,
C-M364 8
A GIRL wanted at once at the Creche,
lUi and Harney. C 381 8
I PAY $30 to $40 per week for addressing
envelopea and mailing advertising of my
planoa and other musical goods; instruc
tions and complete outfit sent by express;
charges paid; no experience required.
Cronkrlght's Wholeeale tauslo Houaa,
Pittsburg, Pa. C
LEARN proofreading; situations secured,
$16 to $25 weekly. Home Correspondence
School, Philadelphia. C-
A GOOD poeltlon awaits every woman who
will sell our beautiful petticoats and solid
comfort walking skirts; exclusive terri
tory; big profits; no experience necessary;
send for catalogue and particular. Paris
Bkirt Co., Cleveland. O. O
WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing,
manicuring or facial treatment. Splendid
pay for graduates; four week completes;
tools, diplomas and positions given.
Catalogue mailed free. Moler College,
1302 Douglas St. C 448 13
WANTED, house maid.
Apply W 63, Bee.
C 435 8
$5.00 PER HUNDRED for addressing en
velopee: send dime and stamp for mate
rial and Instructions; steady work. C. E.
Miller. Ely Bldg.. Chicago. C-16 8
LADIES to work dollies and centerpieces
at home: all materials furnished; highest
prices paid; no canvassing. Send stamped
envelope to Ely Novelty Co., Ely Bldg.,
Chicago. C-621 8
LADIES to do piecework at their homes;
we furnish all materials and pay from $7
to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 84 Monro St., Chicago.
C 520 8
HOME employment, plain writers, filling
small blanks; rate. $26 per 1,000; stamped,
addressed envelope. Woman's Commer
cial Union, Mgr. W, Chicago.
C-447 8
INVEST $10 and make $300. no stocks,
horses, lottery or gamble, earned by your
self In your house; send for circular be
fore our offer Is withdrawn. The Acme
company, lutt Fulton St., Naw York.
WANTED Um or woman for general
housework on farm; permanent place.
Mrs. W. E. Winter. Gretna. Neb . R. F.
D. No. 1. C-M632
COPYING letters at home, full or spare
time; no nsmes to supply or addressing
envelopes: nothing to buy; $30 per thou
sand paid weekly; send -addressed en
velop for copy and application blank.
Imperial Co.. U3 Liberty St.. New York.
C 440
LADIES or girls copy letters at home and
return to ur ; highest prices paid weekly.
Send addressed envelop tor copy and In
struction. Krgal Mfg. Co.. 130 Fulton St.,
New York. C 490 6
LADIES to do plain sewing at home, steady
work, good pay; materials sent every
where fre. Mend addreased envelop for
partlcilars Du Pont Oaut. 8 66, Lock
Bua 13S. Philadelphia, Pa. C-tHi 8
Omaha Commercial College
17th and Douglas Sts., Rohrbough Bros., Props,
POrNTBR NO. 1 The busiest scene now In Omaha may be found at the Omaha
Commercial College. Nearly 5o students are enrolled. The gymnasium In filled to
overflowing. The meetings) of the board of trade 2 row more exciting. The Literary
society has the largest attendance it has ever hau. The college orchestra has given
two excellent public entertainments and is p.eparlng for a third. The lectures on Frl
oav forenoons ore proving interesting and profitable. A public athletic contest has
been arranged between our students and Bellevue College, to take place on Thursday
evening, March 12. This will be one of the most interesting events of the winter. The
shorthand and typewriting department is doing the best work It has ever done. The
attendance is large and the progress remarkable. The business department was never
mo Interesting and progressive as now. Many new students have entered since Feb
ruary 1. A number of others will enter next week. The telegraph department haa a
large enrollment, and it wtll be larger In another week.
POINTER NO. 2 Mosher shorthand Is beyond the experimental stage. It Is no
longer questioned by critics. It is conceded to be the most modern and up-to-date
svetem ever devised. Students who take it make better stenographers than In any
other system. While It utilises all of the Gregg system worthy of use, It contalna
many new principles which add very materially to both legibility and speed. Brevity
In the Gregg Is obtained by the dropping of terminations; in the Mosher by the ap
plication of certain scientific principles not to be found elsewhere. Inquiries about it
continue to come from schools all over the country, and before next September this
svstem will supersede the Gregg In many of them, for the reason that It possesses a
higher degree of legibility, a greater epeed and la as easily learned. Circulars giving
comparisons and suggestions free. We teach by mall.
POINTER NO. 8 It is a well known fact that a large majority of the stenogra-
fihers employed In Omaha and Nebraska are students of the Omaha Commercial Col
ege. It la also admitted that from 50 to 80 of all first-class stenographers employed
are-our students. These facts evidently account for the unusual demand now being
made upon us for stenographers. It has been unprecedented for months. Scarcely a
day goea by when some of the leading mercantile establishments of Omaha and the
state do not call upon us for help. Many of the largest cities throughout the west ap
ply to us. A bank in Helena, Mont., offers to pay one of our students 8S5.0U per
month. These calls have been coming ao thick and fast that every student who Is
competent to hold a position Is now employed.
POINTER NO 4 A student can enter any time. We are having both day and
evening sessions. New classes are organ ixed every Monday. If you want a good
position attend the Omaha Commercial College, and you, are absolutely sure of secur
ing It. Catalogue free.
WANTED, young girl for office attendant;
must be neat and courteous; small wages.
Call this afternoon, Room 23, Patterson
bldg. C 717 8
LAD Itfl everywhere, copy letters home
evenings, and return to us; we pay $20.00
thousand, cash, new plan; steady work.
Send addressed envelope, full particulars.
Guurantee Co.. Dept. S 56, Philadelphia,
Pa. C 483 8
EARN MONEY EASY at home; new plan;
big pay; for writing only; takes little of
your time; send postal for particulars.
Disinfecto Co., Boston, Mass. C 526 8
CHAS. D. SNYDER, Manager.
16th and Dodge Streets.
C 406 8 .
PLAIN WRITERS everywhere, spare time
evenings, .tw weeg, steaay Dome work;
self addressed envelope, full pa. tlculars.
Manager. Dept. 8 C6. Box 1411, Philadelphia,
Pa. C 482
WANTED, houaekeeper for amall family;
middle aged preferred. Inquire 2)2 N.
21st St. C 408 10
GIRL for general housework; German or
Dane preferred: references required; good
wages. V33 N. 25th at. C M706 10
LADIES' and gents', copy letters home
evenings; nothing to buy; $16 per l.cmo
paid weekly; aend stamped envelope for
application. DeMar Mfg. Co.. lut W. 66th
at., New York. C 497 8
WANTED, lady solicitor; experience not
necesaary: good salary; permanent posi
tion. Address W to. Bee. C 499 8
KITCHEN girl; good wages. Northwest
corner 29th and Leavenworth. C 712 8
WANTED, lsdles to address envelopes;
none but experienced need apply. Room
44Chamber of Commerce. C tK g
DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam.
E 797
$1 PER WEEK-422 S. 18th St..
south of court house.
one block
e res
AETNA HOUSE. European, 13th ft
E 199
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago.
. E 8u)
L. M. E. haula trunks.
Telephone 780.
E 801
FLEOANT etam-heated rooms. 2009 Capi
tol Ave, E 191
VIENNA HOTEL, 1011-15 Farnam St.
E 802
STEAM-HEATED rooms, $10 jer month.
Barker Hotel, 13th and Jones Sts. Tel. 89.
E-t16 F17
ELEGANT rooms; hot water heat; modern;
inferences. 1616 Web iter. L M397
FURNISHED front room.
8eth; gentlemen only.
modern. Sn6 So.
I ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1111 8. U St
NEWLY furnished roms for housekeeping.
1411 Jones E 713 8
M 8. 26TH AVE., single room.
PLEASANT alcove room, with first-class
board, for two refined lJPli private fam
ily. 2671 St. Mary's Ave. F A67 F9
FOR RENT to a renned couple, a pleasant
alcove room with first-class board in a
amall family. Address W 46, Bee.
F 441 8
rooms. 220 N.
heat, tw
FOR RENT, first floor, consisting of five
large rooms and bath, partly furnished;
house modern except furnsce, desirable
location; east of Park Ave., near Leaven
worth. No children. Address W . Bee.
O 427
m i i . - ."
HALF store. UO Bo itUt St,
OFFICES In The Bee building. $10.00 per
month up. Rental price includea heat,
light and Janitor service R. C. Peters
& Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee
Bldg. 1-279
FOR RENT Building suitable for whole
eale purports at 916 Farnam; 2ix90, four
stories and first-class cemented basement,
elevator, Are and burglar proof vault,
office counter and fixtures. For price and
particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, secre
tary The Bee Building Co., room loo. Be
building. I-M587
DOUBLE parlors. Call at 1018 Webster St.
1 M647
FOR RENT, store In first-class location;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co., ground floor. Bea Bldg. . 1266
FOR RENT the building formerly occu
pied by The Bee at 816 Farnam Bt. It ha
four stories and a basement, which was
formerly used as The Bee press room.
This will be rented very reasonably. If
Interested apply at office to C. C. Rose
water, secretary, room 100, Bee building.
FOR RENT Nice office In
National Bank Blda.. $10.00.
the Omaha
Omaha Safe
Deposit & Trust Co.,
210 8. 13th St.
FOR RENT S-story and basement ' brick
building. No. 1316 Howard. AV. H. Thomaa,
First Nat l Bank Bldg. 1418 8
United States
National Bank Bldg.
1203 Farnam St. 1864 8
WANTED, canvassing agents in every
county to solicit subscriptions to THJ
Steady employment, with assured good In
come. Agents In the country with horse
and buggy especially desired. Canvassers
make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad
dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
Be building. Omaha. 218
WANTED Lady agents wanted for the old
established "Hygela Corsets and Skirts,"
the agent's best friend and money maker.
For particulars apply to Western Corset
Co., St. Louis, Mo. J
experience. To such we will make moat
liberal proposition to Introducs and sell
the handsomest line of calenders for 1304
ever offered to the public. Write promptly
with references. Do not write unless you
are experienced calendar aalesman. The
Kemper-Thomas Company, Cincinnati O.
WANTED, an agent, either sex, to sell
shirt waist goods In their horn and sur
rounding towns. Large line, including
high-class novelty patterns and exclusive
designs. Sells on sight. Big pay to right
rrty. Buckley Custom Shirt Co., Dept.
St. Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS, don't work for ethers; learn a
profession In ten days that will pay $10
to $36 per day. Prof. 8. A. Weltmer, Ne
vada, Mo. J
SURANCE CO., Elkhart, Ind., insures
persons from 60 to 84. Seventeen years In
business. Liberal contracts to agents.
SHAMROCKS for St. Patrick's day-March
17. We are the cheapest house in America
for tihnmrorks. Send for wholesale price
list or 10c for sample line. Jos. F. BUs,
Omaha, Neb. J
$20 AND upwards Invested in dividend pay
ing securities brings large profits. Send
for "Money Makers." Agents wanted.
Bcals & Bea Is. 86 Nassau St., New York.
J 458 8'
AGENTS 126 per cent profit. Sells to
every plumber, marble worker, black
smith, mechanic or farmer. One sale a
day cleara $76 a month, agents clearing
$:i7o a month. Luther Bros., 853 West
Av.. N. Milwaukee, Wis. J 461 8
AOENTS, $.r0 a week guaranteed; Auto
matic Washers sell themselves; agent
writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women
took ten orders." Time, 46 minutes, profit
over $a0; guaranteed to do a washing in
80 minutes; furnishes its own power, re
quires no labor; costs less money than
any other machine; free sample and ex
clusive territory furnished. Automatic
Washer Co., Station U, Chicago.
J 433 8
WANTED, agents (either sex), every lo
cality. Be your own boss, establish your
self in a legitimate, permanent and profit
able business without Investment, experi
ence unnecessary. We want reliable rep
resentatives to sell our coffees, teas,
spices, extracts, baking powder, soap and
toilet srtlcies direct to consumers; new
plan, best goods, handsome premiums,
exclusive territory; cseh compensstlon,
815 to $30 per week assured hustlers. A.
N. Manning & Co., 1473 E. Belmont Ave.,
Chicago. J 426 $
roitTl'NE for agents selling Dslnty D
serts, used In every family; particulars
and samples for 10 cents, ward At t.o.
24 West 7th street, Cincinnati, O.
J-61! 8
! MONEY for sgents, men or women; write
for our new plan and make 1156 on every
third turn of $6.00 worth of soaps, baking
powder, perfumes, toilet articles, etc. Do
this once a month and make $1,860 a year.
12 articles that everybody uses dally, con
somes nulcklv and buys freouently. They
sell easily and every buyer becomes your
regular customer, r. ranter, as Btarxei
Bt , Chicago. a 44 s-
wiVTEn oil finents In every countv: re
liable, enersetlc men to sell on commis
sion, especially to the farmers and threah-
ers. our lln ol nign-g-raue iiioricati.ig oils,
i-Aaira also bars, roof and house paints.
Apply at once. Address the Woodland OH
and Grease Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
J-418 8
ic.FMTS to handle our high a-rade per
fums: our plan wins, large profits, terms
reasonable. Letner Co., St. Louis. Mo.
J 4 '
iRF.NTfi. to sell Royal Pepsin Bitters: big
commissions, essy seller; samples re to
responsible parties, u t A, Bcnarrr. hi.
Louis. J-488 $
AGENTS to handle a brand nw patented
article Just coming out; no fake, but a
valuable patented necessity; ran be sold
on the street, office or household: writ
and secure your agency. Address Slmplea
Mfg. Co.. 2St Washington sL, Boston.
J 486 8
STOP runaways Hitch horses eotld In
stantly, carry In pocket; sight seller;
agents wanted. Pocket Hitching Post
Co., Richmond. Ir.d. J 470
AGENTS wsnted to sell tha swlrler gas
saver; double the light on H the gaa;
sells like hot cakes. Send for free sam
ple. Acorn Brass M'f'g Co., Peoria and
, Fulton Sts., Chicago. J 469 8
WE PAY $28 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce Poultry Compound.
International Mfg. Co., Parsons. Kan.
J 651 8
GO IN business for yourself; will send you
valuable formulas for making perfumes
anil toilet preparations; send for particu
lars. T. Slocum Miller, Chemist, dll Lan
caster Ave., Philadelphia. Pa.
J-848 8
HANDSOME nickel self-Inking pocket
stamp; your name, address and bottle
Indelible Ink postpaid, 25 cents; regular
60. Agents' catalogue. Price Mfg. Co.,
Norfolk. Va. J-47 8
AGENTS, please listen. Wa have some
thing never seen before. It sells at sight,
bandied by agents only. $ a month, a
permanent position: write today. Robin
son Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. J
$J2 WEEKLY and all expense for men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound;
straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
64. Parsons. Kan. J-36 8
WE PAY 828 a week and expenses for men
with rigs to Introduce poultry mixture;
year'a contract. Defiance Mfg. Co., Dept.
41. Parsons, Kan. J 638 8l
AGENTS can make $1,000 to $4,000 next three
months handling newly patented article,
absolute necessity, demand enormous ex
perience unnecessary, exclusive territory
gl"en. Household Noveltv Co (Manufac
turers), 1512 Broadway New York.
J-637 8
AGENTS wsnted to sell nursery stork; we
pay good commission to competent sales
men. F. W. Meneray at Co., Crescent, la.
J-462 t
WANTED, manager In every city, county
to handle best Davlna business known:
legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoe
nix co., id w. asm si., in. x.
J-S29 8
WE TEACH anybody how to manufacture
an article that sells at $3 each or 118 per
doxen to manufacturers or private homes;
manufacturing price 86c: no machinery
necessary. The Superior Chemical Works,
73 W. Washington at.. Chicago.
J 523 8
GENERAL AGENT to represent manufac
turer In exclualve territory; quick seller;
$26 per week; home work, no soliciting.
Write the Karsten Co., Dept. 28. Milwau
kee, Wis. .J-480 S
AGENTS wanted to sell pictures 'or sliver
Jubilee of Pope Leo XIII; big profits;
send 10c for sample. Fernow & Green
wald, 76-77 LaSalle av., Chicago, III.
J-671 8
AGENTS Our new Fountain Pen sells at
sight: luo per cent profit; send 10c for three
sample on trial. Tha Penfleld Co., Derby
Line, Vt. J 496 6
$100 TO $200 TO general and $25 to $50 to
local agents per week, where gaa Is used;
experience unneceesary; just out; gas
heater, only $1; eastern crate; selling
thousands dally; everybody buya, can't
help It; greatest necessity with economy;
free from coal monopoly; nothing ap
proaching It; wonderful; burns fifteen
parte air to one of gaa- must write quick
to secure territory. Chicago Industrial
Co., Michigan and LaSalle, Chicago.
J-607 8
$10 TO $25 DAILY; agents selling greatest
business getter for all stores; turning
darkness Into daylight In homes and
churches; write quickly. American Light
ing Co., 100 Michigan at., Chicago.
J 608 8
ACTIVE person to work at home, 888 In
cash paid for 12 days' trial; permanent
position if eatisfaotory ; state religion.
Address Henry EngwaJl (established 1867),
Lake Side bldg., Chicago. J 605 8
AOENTS $30 to $60 weekly easily made;
we prove this; luminous name plates,
numbers, signs readable darkest nights;
samples free. Right Supply Co., Engie
wood, 111. J-473 8
WANTED To rent, room suitable for stock
of mens furnishing goods. Address W
43. Bee. K MS32 IS
WE MUST have vacant houaea to supply
the people, if your property Is vacant
list with me. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas.
K-706 8
MODERN house, 6 or 7 rooms. In good
neighborhood; give description and loca-
Addrese w 67, Bee
K 480 8
1 WISH to purchase teas and furniture of
a ilrat-ciaaa hotel in a town of not less
than 2,ooo population. Address W. H. W.,
Hotel Munger, Deli Moines, Ia.
N M371 $
WANTED To buy amall stock of men
furnishing goods. Address W 42, Bee.
N-M391 13
A. P. TUKEY BON, Board of Trade,
want to buy a lot. with or without a
house, between Cass and Webster and
14th and 16th. Give lowest price and best
terms. N 47s s
WILL nui
West Farnam or Jlanscom park district,
or would consider a bargain In first-class,
well located residence, $t,0U0 to $8,000 cash.
Addresn W 6. Bee. N 714 6
WANT bargain in residence property, West
Fsrnam, $10,000 to $14,000. Address W 61,
Bee. N 716 $
I WANT a good residence In the Hanscom
psrk district' or on West Farnam. It
must be a bargain and a modern house.
Address W 69, Bee. N 691 $
CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel.
2U20. New and secondhsnd, bought, sold,
exchanged. O 8tH
TRY ME on wagon repairing. Flrst-clsss
work. H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth.
P 06
ONE carload of heavy draft horses. Omaha
Stablea. 14th and Howard Sts. P-M7u7
HORSE AUCTION at Union Stock Yard
horse market every Wednesday afternoon,
NEW and idhand typewriters.
1111 Farnam.
Q olo
BECOV'D-HAND billiard and pool tables)
billiard tablea repaired; a larg stock of
clissu bar nxtures, cigar countsrs, sta
The Brciiwlck-Balka-Colinder Co., 4i!-8
10th. Q-M126 Ml
FOR BALE-Two stove and thrs show
cases with stands, cheap If taken at once.
Address, U 67, Be. W-MtWl
INDIAN goods and relics.
HIS FarDam.
FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib
bing, combination ladder, kul Douglas.
FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any
other musical Instrument. 14 up. The
Wlltmann Co., 1621 Farnam. Q HSl
six-passenger rocks way car
rlage. in I
aV Sons Co
riage. In good condition. Milton Rossr
4 aa. iv
Tt LADIES' and gents' watches, 15u dia
monds left in pawn, good as new selling
si half price. Diamond Loan Utiles. 14
Douglas. Q-MJ40 F27
IDHAND safe cheap.
Derlgbt. 1119 Farnam.
FOR BALE, first mortgage note bearing
8 per cent interest, payable vsry six
months; has about 14 yar to run; good
security and endorsed by responsible
party; amount, $l.ou. Inquire C. M.
Lacbmsnn. Room 424, raxtwo block .
W 864
FOR R4LK Ml F.I.LAF.Ot ft.
OFFICE partition nne oak. glass panel. 80
feet, bargain. Phone 21fil. Q-'.Kt S
FOR BALK, cheap, new Ice p,ow, three
spring wagon, two pair buffalo horns
mounted. L. Larsen, 4:35 Seward t.
W-M(63 11
SODA WATER paya large profits: new mt
second-hand fountains; urge line; low
prices; essy payments; full Instructions to
purchasers; catalogue free. Robt. !
Green Pons, Philadelphia. Pa. Q-
FOR SALE or to trade for a good horre
one of the finest Csblnet Colum.l
Orsphophonea In Omaha; runs by etorie
battery; has clear, sweet tone; nothlig
hsrsh or unpleasant; a perfect parlor
graphophone. Address W 64, Bee ortlcc.
Q 4rt3 8
GREAT DANE watch dog, weight 160,
trained on man, lor sale. Julius l'aul.
Council Bluffs. i-6rt; S
Niirsry; city office and delivery grounds
J2"H N. 24th at. Call tr write for prices.
Order now for spring planting.
$100.00 CASH will buy an upright P. e
piano, in good condition, or win eeu on
monthly pavment. Aply to owner. .I n
California St. Tel. RediTl. y-;0 S
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass street.
MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 31ft S. 15.
MADAME LUCRF.TIA. medium. In9 Chi
cago St. 8-M247 M4
GRACE O BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 8. 13th.
T S2 ' ;
MISS HARRIS. 1821 Leav'w'tb, fop fir. flat 1
T Mi; K:
BATHS 501 N. 13th St.
T 769 2s
MME. SAUNDERS give, magnetic treat
ment. 1619 Leavenworth. Flat 7.
T-M398 U
MME. SMITH baths, 118 N. 18, 2d floor r. 2.
T-M6I4 M7
ino-tirloe lnat Uluoe optical Co.,
OpCt,ldUei 218 8o. 16th. U-&I9
TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers.
DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns and superflu
ous hair removed by electricity. K. U,
renrcr block. L-lt
RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empir
Huptur Co., N. Y. L.iie liug., omaha.
PRIVATE hospital before and during con
finement; baolea boarded and auopted,
Mrs. Gardels, 2334 Lake. Tel. Kvd-lMt.
ELITE PARLORS, 816 8. 16th St., 2d floor.
U M461 a
PRIVATE hospital before and during con
finement; first-class In every respect;
babies adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller. 2j04
tolondo St. Phone F-U82. U-817
CHIROPODY, manicuring, facial and ape
clal massage taught and practiced. A
Mayer, 512 iiee Biug. Consultation tree.
Tel. 1716. U sis
PRIVATE sanitarium Tor ladies before anc"
uuring conniietueni. Dr. and Mrs. Ui riscC
8625 California Bt. Terms reasotiHUle.
ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton.
B. J. Scannell, agent, 6v9 Ware Block.
U M44 23
A wholesome nerve A tissue food & home
treatment for disorders of women. Write
for free booklet. Vlavi Co.. Sts Bee Bldg.,
Omaha. Tel 1C98. U-MSS3
have moved to 113 8. 17th street. We will
continue to carry a nice line of pianos,
talking machines, small musics! mer
chandise and sewing machines and will
endeavor to .nerlt a share of your putron
U 164
WE RENT sewing machines, any make, 75o
per week; w repair and sell parts for
every machine m'f'g. Nebrasaa Cycl
Co., 16th 4k Harney. L-856 11
Gate City
Steam Dyeing and
Cleaning Company
J. W. Walker, Superintendent, for S years
foreman of the Pantorlum works.
GEO. iilGGINB, Mgr..
618 So. 16th. Tel. 32C5.
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and mole
permanently removed by electricity; con
sults tlon free and confidential; all woik
guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Dougm
YOUR FORTUNE told from cradle to
8 rave; what I tell you cornea true; aend
Ime and birth date. Prof. J. Myers,
Drawer 704, Chicago. U 513 8
FORTUNES TOLD Prof. Haselton. horo
cope writer; send 12c, blrthdsy and three
iuestlons snswered. 46 Grummnnd Ave.,
(troit, Mich. U 617 8
HOME Co-Operatlve former member writ
Consolidated Bldg. Co., Kansas City, Mo.,
and get credit for back payments In home
fund. U 421 8
MARRIAGE paper, different from othera;
prima addresses of all ladies and gentle
men's personal ads.; eight pages, with
photos of five pretty lady memoers, 10c.
A. J. Stover, Box A667, Chicago, III.
U-478 8
A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant; what
he tells comes true. Send 10c end blrth
dsy. Prof. E. Garnot, Box 2179. Boston,
Mass. U 48 S
HYPNOTISM easily lesrned book giving
full Instructions sl.00. K, 8. Mclntyre,
National Stock Yards, 111. U 477 8
HANDSOME and Intelligent American lady,
Immensely wealthy, but lonely, wants Im
mediately honest, capable husband, aa ad
visor and protector. Addrees Vera. 407
Temple Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. U-AT.S S
HANDSOME and charming lady, uwning
properly and Independent Income, would
assist kind and loving husband. "D C,"
Box 88. St. Iiouls, Mo. TT (Ml 8
WEALTHY, lonely, klnd-hes rted gentls
man, with elegant home, aeek wife to
shsre his home end wealth. Mr. Taylor,
810 Olive, Room 802, St. Iti!s, Mo.
U-640 8
A WEALTHY, attractive lady, unhappy
and lonely, seeks husband to share tier
wealth and affections. Addrees Ixyal, 715
Locust, Room 62, St. Louis, Mo.
U-63 8
$1.60 TUNING, first-class, no fske; three or
more In the same block. $1 00 each. Ilea.
ulatlng, volcelngs, repairing and pollsh-
Ing price lowered.
rerneid piano Co.,
Be Dlog. 11. 7i'l.
U-70T 8
I WAS 8AVED from consumption aftsr
my case had been pronounced Incurable
and hopeless by eminent physicians. If
you are suffering from this dread dlseas
and will write me I will gladly tell you
without cost how It was don at horn.
My sol object I to b of some benefit
to humanity. Rev. Melvln L. Peden. pas.
for Church of Christ, Btune St.. Gibson
burg. O. U 496 8
FEBRUARY records now on sale. Nebraska
Cycle Co.. 16th and Harney. U M501 10
WANTED, lady solicitor, experience not
necessary: good salary; permanent post
tlon. Address V 0, Be. U 468 a
An Ingenious treatment by which drunk
ards ar being cured dally In spit of
themselves; no noxious doses; ni weaken
ing of the nerves; a plesaant and posttlvs
Inexpensive cure for the liquor habit;
write for testimonials Edwin 11. Olles
Co., mfgr. chemist, Philadelphia.
U-S02 8
BRABS and aluminum casting, nickel plat
ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co.. 41
K. Mala bt.. Council bluffs. .