Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1903, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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    T1IK OMAHA DAIlA" nEK; SUNDAY, rrmiUARV 8, 1003.
TeL Cll-4.
W Close Sslurdsy
Ktamincs and Voiles will undoubtedly take the lead this pea
son In t-Ujlish dross materials. You will want one and Thompson,
Be Men & Co., is the place to get the new ones. They are not ex
pensive, uOc buys a pwd quality though we have them at 75c,
f 1.00, $1.50 and f2.00 per yard. Our line of heavier weaves In
both plain and mixed effects are here for your inspection.
New Silks for Shirt Waists.
; Jasper Pongee 24 Inches at f 1.00.
Benpal Tongee at 75c, $1.00 and $1.25.
Broche Pongee 24 inches at $1.00.
Tusah Silk, one of the very latest creations in silk, 28 inches
at 75c
Louisine Silks in Shephard checks, 21 inches, 75c and $1.00.
TlHIliilIf,Iia,lELIe)IllnI ,.
Y. M. C. A. Buildine. Corner Sixteenth ana Douglas Sti
with som of th legislator, for there ar
aome republicans who art ao narrow po
litically that anything that looke good to
a city that voted against even on of the
republican candidate! la a bad, bad meas
ur. Even tha fact that tha republican!
are in such a majority in both houses and
tha fact that good legislation or bad leg
(pint I on will he laid at tbe door of tha
publican party will not, It la not a bad
prediction, offset tha railroad argument.
Tb railroad lobby baa not only been
busy in Lincoln during tha week, but
from tha report being brought in tt haa
don much work out in the atat dlssstn
inatir.g atorlea of reduction of tax collec
tion should the railroad have "to pay city
taxea. The fear of a reduction In tax col
lection la a mighty club and It haa been
wleldef morning noon and night,- and
though the facta agatnat the rallroada are
conclusive, they hare Dvt been driven bom
with the aam vigor and the aam smooth
ness that ha characterlied the Work of
th lobby.
Stock Yard Mca Frlntael.
From the stock yarda of South Omaha
cornea mighty waiL It I a fear that th
legislature will reduce th charge mad
by the company. Tha fear 'cam about
thla way. Some time ago William Fax'.on
was in Lincoln seeing what h could e
and hearine- what he could hear, and Sen
ator Umstead Incidentally remarked that
be Intended to Introduce a bill to cut down
tb stock yard rat. Yesterday Mr. Um
stead waa at th stock yarda on private
business. Member of the company
learned of hi presence and In a short
time the senator was th most Bought after
man In that neck of th woods. Sine Mr.
Umstend's return to Lincoln, however,
tb remark mad by him to Mr. Paxton
may become a reality. "I had ' forgotten
It," said Senator Umstead," but since I
have been there and saw how much in
terested and how badly frightened th. men
were.. I em of tb opinion bow that a bill
of that kind would b tb proper thing for
th legislature to pass. Th company's
charges ar entirely too hign ana it is
probable that I will Introduce such a, bljl."
; Fight o IJhom Ral.'
The passage of th Gilbert bill to compel
the city of Omaha to purchase tha water
work of that city and taking away from
the city the control of tb plant by au
thorizing th governor to appoint a board
to look after it, and spend th money paid
Into th treaadry by tha taxpayera of
th city, recall that Omaha cltixen have
had to fight many battlea with various leg
islatures In order to keep th stat from
taking from It every vestige of home rale.
Th record In th office of th sec
retary of atat ahow that away back In
18(7 th people of Omaha were fighting
tha principles of lust such a law that haa
been paased. In these records Is a petition
signed by 205 cltliens of Omaha protest
ing against the legislature passing an act
to authorise th governor to appoint a
commission to spend th money of th
city for grading th street and alleys of
the town. Tha petition I yellow with age,
but 16 still speaks out plain for home
rule. It la as .follows:.
Th undersigned cltliens of the city of
OrtiHha, learning through th newspapers
f this city that there Is now pending be
fore your honorable -body a bill for an act
appointing certain persons to establish for
tb city of Omaha a for tta streets
and alleys, most humbly but strongly re
monstrate against its passage, bellelng as
w do that th city council is tb proper
I.B. falas, Heatac. Scabby
' welllace, taroaael. Pimples,
Serofala, amMMatly cumd bjr ukl.g BuU.l.
fcUuuS italai. II eeaxrue th. actlt. Patau. I. Ul.
SluoS. II jto Yr acbaa ana palaa I. bo.ea, fcak
and Joints. Ilchlng tteabbf Halo. biK4 fa-la hot
Itilu, B.ollaa UlaaSa, hlatuea 4 Hump. a th.
m, MiKua Patclta I. MoulB, Bur. Throat. Ptn
,ia, ot erwpUoua, Cour-Color Spot.
r rota on sata. all rva-uova, r, Liua.
a anr .art 4 th. boar. Hu at Kaaroa nulla
aut Carbancla. w 'l;a. tat.
Itotaale Blood Holm, gjaiorootooai
t. cur. araa th. vorat aa mom SacaaU
fbata auelwra, u4Uiuaa. aa. Sol apnug.
UU. Uaat. all aor, atupa all acaaa a.4 aiua,
rv4ura ail .aallluaa. aiakaa aluoa sar. au rich, chaa.laa tha aaltr. body lute m eta a.
Saalthy oun.lloa. i. V. S. baa tura. lkuaaa.a
ul caM ai bioo4 Polau. im aJLar raaahiaa ia.
U1 aiat-a.
blo nbaoasotiaam, Cotorrh. Era.aao
ara e wa br aa awhtl Potao.. cso4ltioa of U14
SiaoS. 0. B. H. Mona Htaktni aa. Spilling, iU-S-li!
aa Scralrtilaa. Ai.aa an. Palna; turaa Haaaiaa.
li.ia. Calarrh-, baa I a all Btaba, So.!aa. Kraptlaaa,
I. fti.rf Dia mw .vs.-, iu, aw pii.aau
by si'tas s Sara, SnlUv Slau4 wiwlf U atlaeia)
Caocor Caroa
Botaat. Bloo Balm Cwra. (.nam at all KlaSa.
Si,uwr,llas .alliuaa, kalluf Suraa, TaiBura. ban
I lca.-. II aula tha Camar Polaoa a.4 baa la lb.
bM. ar orai eaaeair aarlat-tly. II yoa aav. a m.
lalaat rmpla. V art. S.alllu.a. BouHlii. Sllaaa
paiua, Uli blooa balm aa. Ibay will aiaappaar
fiir tbay Savaiu. Int. Ca.w. ataay avaaraady
bt-alaa. eaaao l aaavac can4 ml (aklaa auHaula
biod llalia. ,
'at u CIA taa ft 1 hav.
Buy o ! r Smmii. fr fci. mt aay
. aaa"al. rtlt-avafal. H-la t
laa. kli.taa 1 Sa. a.. ... 1 alavoy . ua
rh.a Hi. rl.l.t ajamalUy la Imakvai.
a I f m tif amMB.jr va u I
. . arraivfliii.
' !iale Klooa Ualaa l. H. H.) is
Mvaaaal aa aaf. I. tab. Tkorauahiy Lata, tot M
)r. CwuifAl of Pur. bulaule In.ivMilanU.
I . ..Kirha. ant kl.aaya ul ataaia.-ba, aara.
Ci.'pala. L'uaulvl. SO atlb botLla.
. bu!4 la Oaaka by ltaatoa atoro Dct(
OoBortiooaf. iwtsi r Uoosjla SI a.
Ia Cooaril Blot?, by K. K. Aaaer.oo,
;) Btanaway. la Soala Oataba by
tllloa Uri( 1 gatlt H.
loll vavlao aar obovo atoroo.
. atlooat Itolaa aoat by tfr.a oa o
at I p. ra.
Be Feb. I, 1WI,
New Dress
body to lay out and expend the money
of the city; that the present charter gives
full and ample authority to the dty council
to establish grades for the entire city; that
the city council can and will eatebltsh
grades for the city when needed, and that
aaid bill will work incalculable mischief
and retard the advancement of the clty'a
interest. We ask your honorable body
therefor not to paaa said bill.
Operators Graat Soft Cool Mem r oar
teen Per Ccht laeroaa aad
Aarreemeat la Ratified.
INDJANAPOLI3. Feb. 7. Th miner'
convention thla afternoon ratified and ac
cepted thv offer of 14 per cent increase
and th convention adjourned.
Th Inside day wag seal 1 to b with
th condition of the Columbua day wag
seal agreement of 1$98:
Track layers, (2.56; track layers' help
rs, $2.86; trapper,; bottom eager,
$2 66; drivers, t2.5C; trip riders, J.6;
water haulers and machine hauler, $X.E6;
tlmbermcn, where such ar employed, $2.66;
plpemen, for compressed air plants, $1.60;
company men In long-wall mines of third
vein' district of northern Illinois, $J6; all
other Inside dsy laborers, $3.36. Yardage
and dead work ar to be advanced 12 Vi
per cent. ,
In addition to the above the operators
verbally agreed that outsld day labor be
Increased 12 per cent in Ohio, Illinois
and Indiana and In tha Pittsburg district,
except where price had been advanced
during ,th preient year. In those cases
sufficient increase would be granted to
bring tha amount up to liVi per cent,
though where more than ltMi per cent was
secured th wage would not be reduced.
In th mine of the Monongahela com
pany th advano la to be a straight on
of 26 cent a day.
At th meeting ot tha seal commute
fh Indiana miners agreed ' to withdraw
th shot-Bring bill from th senate, wfer
it la a apeclal order for Monday morning.
Tb operator concede that tb agree
ment Is a victory tor th miners, while th
men are Jubilant over the victory. .; . , . '
Tha seal ahow that many material con
cessions hav been mad from tha original
demand of the miners. Tby did not get
th absolute run of mine basis, nor the
flat differential of 7 cent. They asked
for an advance of 12 centa per ton and
received t cent on th mine run baa Is.
An Increase ot 22 per cent is made on In
side day labor.' The seal I not palatable
to th operators. C. S. Brooks, secretary
of th Ohio operatora, said: "The con
dition of th industrial world and th coal
market ar such that w were compellod
to accede to tha demand of th tnen, but.
remember, tt ' will b a dear victory for
them. '
"Befor many yeara ther will be a tlm
of depression, then th fall will be mighty
for the miners. It la th worst day's work
they hav aver done.".
Take Laxatlv Bromo Quinine Tablets . AH
druggists rsfund th money It It falls to
cure. E. W. Drove' signature on each
box I5c '
Mlaaoarl Paolao Follows Load of Katy
la Oraatlatf I a ere aut o
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 7. After an all-day eon.
feranc between th offlclaU of tha Mia
aourl Paclflo, railroad and representatives
ot th tralnni", the officials of th road
granted the aam Increase granted by the
Missouri, Kansas Texas road yesterday.
Tonight, after a ahorter conference, th
officials of th Et Louis tt San Francisco
road granted a similar lnoreas. It I
now twllevsd th Cotton Belt and Wabash
roads will follow a similar oours early
next week.
TOPE K A, KanVreb. 7.-J. W. Kendrick.
third vie president of th 8anta F. will
b her the first ot next week to eonfer
with the grievance committees of tha con
ductor and trainmen.
Tha action of the Missouri, Kansas ft
Texa In granting th demanda ot th
trainmen make tha Santa Fa employe
believ their chance for obtaining an in
crease ar good.
Caieaara Father Refuse to Prod ace
Daaatv la Coart Evea Wk .
SPRING FIELD. 111.. Feb. T. Prof. Jama
W. Brook, principal of tha Shields school,
Chicago, waa thla evening fined $500 for
contempt ot court by Judge Crelghtoa for
securing th custody of his 11-year-old
daughter, Florence, by fraudulent meana,
A further fine of $10 and costs' for failure
to answer Interrogative and another of
$10 and costs for failure to bring hi daugh
ter into court were also Imposed.
He waa alao committed to Jail until he
does produce the child. Brooks flatly re
futed to produce th child in court even
after being sentenced t Jail.
PaSaoa Daaitr Mao. with Proatloo ot
Uola Foartoa r.t
, , Hljtbeir. . . ':
EVANSV1LLR. Ind., Feb. T. Th Ohio
river I above the danger line and la still
rlsiag. The atag at noon today waa 26.$
feet. Th weather bureau predtcta that It
will reach 40 feet by Monday.
While the water now eovera tha low
lands, th farmer had warning In time
t aav. their property and their loss will
b Ugtt.
JoJg KinVaid Willing to Unload th
loirdei oa Senator Millard.
Seaator Dolllver Compelled o Caaeel
Aitaolatraeat at Chleaaro Cksssei
to' Bo Mad at tbe Iks.
(from a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. Special Tele
gramsJudge Klnkaid of the 81xth Ne
braska congressional district has 'been
quietly browsing around Washington for
several dsys past, with a view of famil
iarizing himself with his nw duties. Tb
Judg is rapidly acquiring all th trick In
th game of politics, for he haa Intimated
to Senator Millard that .he would be glad
It the latter would make all appolntmenta
In the Blxtl, district and assum the re
sponsibility therefor. The senator, how
ever, haa told Mr. Kinkald that while he la
wilting to assum' some ot the responsibil
ity, he doe not propose to Interfere with
postoffices and other appointments of a dis
tinctly district nature and Klnkaid will be
called upon shortly to do things which he
had hoped he would be able to persuade
Senator Millard to do.
Speaker Henderson, who baa been com
pelled to be away from the house for sev
ers! days on account ot a' severe cold and
sore throat, waa reported" considerably bet
ter today) In his absence from th house
Congressman Lacey of Iowa has been act
ing aa speaker.
Senator Millard ha recommended the ap
pointment of Panlel Murdock a post
master at Oconee, Piatt county.
Senator JJolliver, who wa to hav mad
th principal speech at th Lincoln club
banquet In Chicago on th occasion of th
anniversary of Lincoln' birth, ha been
compelled to withdraw hi acceptance on
account of senatorial duties.
Major Thomas Cruse, quartermaster, will
proceed to Omaha and report to the com
manding general. Department ot tha Mis
souri, for assignment In charga of duties
performed by Lieutenant Colonel John
Pullman, deputy quartermaster general
chief quartermaster of that department,
during hla absence on leave ot Lieutenant
Colonel Pullman. .
Chang-ee at Shoshone Ageaey,
It Is expected that tb nomination will
be sent to th senate early next week of
Harry F. WadBworth ot Lander, as agent
at tha Shoshon ( Wyo.) agency, to aucceed
Captain H. O. Nickerson, who will be ap
pointed allotlng agent to allot landa on
th reservation In severalty to th Sho
shone! and Arapahoe Indiana. It Is ex
pected also that F. 8. Smith ot Lander will
be nominated aa postmaster at that place
and that Mr. Smith' position aa disburs
ing clerk at the Shoshon agency will be
filled by the appointment of George T. Har
ris. Senator Clark of Wyoming has gone to
Aehevllle, N. C, aa on of a senate com
mittee appointed to attend th funeral ot
Representative Moody.
Roatlao ot Depsrtmeatt,
H. O. Krats and wife ot Sioux City .ar
visiting at th capital. During the day
they called upon Secretary 8haw and Rep
resentative Lot Thomas. Mr. Krats I en
route to New York on business. .,'
A. S. Spear' of Cedar county, Iowa, wk
among Secretary Shaw's callera -today.' .
Philbert Roth,' chief of th forestry, di
vision , ot ' the ' general land . offlc. - today
resigned and Commissioner Richards haa
recommended K. H. Jouea to aucceed him.
Mr. Roth resigned for tha purpose ot ac
cepting a, position offered him by Secretary
Wilson at the Agricultural department.
The postmaster general haa authorized
th postmaster at Hawarden, la., to change
th location of th postofflc to the room
adjoining It present location.
The Continental National bank of Chi
cago ha been approved aa a reserve agent
tor the First National bank ot Oilmor
City, la.J and the Western National bank,
Bank of United Statea of New York for
the First National bank of Mitchell, S. D.
Postmasters appointed: Wyoming, Lena
Haaticga, Wlddowfield, Carbon county.
laraa Hosnostead BIIL '
The president signed the bill providing
for fres homesteads on public lands tor
actual and bona fid settlers in th north
halt of tha ColvtUs Indian reservation In
Washington and reserving th publio landa
for that purpose.
Maaeasa Geta Meteorlt. .
The National museum today received a
meteorite weighing tSO pounds which ws
recently found on a farm In Christian
county, Kentucky. Wail it measures
barely a good foot and a bait In length or
breadth, it is ao heavy that It require
several men to carry It. '
Old Iowa Pollticiaa Dlea.
Colonel William Penn Clark, president of
th constitutional convention of Iowa held
prior to Ita admission aa a state, and "chair
man of th Iowa convention that aent a
Lincoln delegation to the national conven
tion In mo, died her yesterday. H wa
born In Baltimore elghty-stx year ago.
lit practiced law in Bellfontaine, O., where
be established the Logal County Gazette.
H was paymaster In th army during th
war and practiced law until alxteen year
ago. The body will be cremated and In
terred at Arlington on Monday.
Krlo Hake Exalaaatloaa.
The Erie railroad haa lied a reply with
tb Interstate Commerc commission to th
request tor Its rsasons for advancing
freight rate on grain, dressed meata and
other commodities. Tha Increased ratea In
tho main, the answer alleges, ar a restor
atlon of standard ratea In force many year.
except during ahort periods whsn thsy have
been temporarily reduced on account ot
conditions similar- to those which led to
th reduction mad prior to th recent
changes. Th road cltea the Increased cost
ot labor, materials and prices tf commodl
ties. The answer say that tha Erie, Ilk
other railroad companies, haa been re
quired to expend very large sums, aggregat
ing many millions of dollars, in improve
ments, which have not materially added to
th earning capacity ot tb property. Tb
permansnt Improvements contemplated dur
ing the next few yeara on the Erie, accord
Ing to Ita anawer, amount to upward of
$15,000,000. dependent largely upon ability
to maintain reasonable rata. Large addl
tiona In equipment, amounting to $1,000,000,
ar required In tha near tutur.
v Payao Diaes Rooaevelta.
Postmaster Oensral and Mra. Payne en
tertatnsd President and Mra. Rooaevelt at
dinner tonight. Covers wsra laid for thirty
Ave. The guest Included Secretary Hay,
Secretary of th Treasury and Mra. Shaw,
Attorney General ard Mra. Knox. Secretary
of th Navy Root, Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson and Miss Wilson. Senator Fry
Senator and Mra. A. H. Piatt. Senator and
Mra. Hale, Senator and Mra. Hanna, Sena
tor and Mr. Lodge. Senator Keaa and Mlaa
Ksan, Senator Spooner, Mra. Oarrett A.
Hobart, Mr. and Mra. Charlea Emory Smith,
Commander and Mra. W. 8. Cowies, Mrs-
Stanley Mstthews, Mrs. Olmsted. Miss
Hitchcock, Major and Mrs. W. 8. Cameron,
Mlsa Louie Jonea,
Two Baadlt !) la Battlo Befor Bole
Sarvlvo ot Osig CapH.
VINITA, 1 T., Feb. 7.-In a flerc battle
between United State deputy marshal
and a band of alleged horse thieve t
Blue Jacket, I. T., today two of th band
were Instsntly killed and another sur
rendered to th officer. .
Deputy Sheriff Rowland of Caddo county,
Oklahoma, learned that th band wa
stealing horses and mule In th Indian
Territory and telling them In Oklahoma
and aelllng animal In th Indian Territory
which they had atolen In Oklahoma. Row
land received a clue that tha band mad
their headquarter at Blue Jacket, and.
accompanied by Deputies I. L. OllstCap, O.
B. Whit and Isaac Teeple. he reached
tb house occupied by th band at day
light thla morning. ;
When Deputy Whit knocked at th door
he waa met by Doo Wattenberger, heavily
armed. A fierce fight followed and when
the smoke cleared away Wattenberger and
Jim Stevens were dead. Ben Stevena aur
rendered and was brought to th Vlrfta
) , .
Coafederato1 Veteran Look oa Old
" " Serte Almost as Dear
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Feb. 7. Camp Har
dee, United Confederate Veterans, today
unanimously passed th following resolu
tion indorsing th bill Introduced by Sena
tor Hanna to provid for th pensioning
ot former slave:
Whereas, Ther waa a .bill Introduced In
congress this week by Deques t to bestow a
gennlon upon all destlute former slaves;
Resolved, by Csmn Hardsa Kn ita TTnltaut
Confe1rste Veterans, of Birmingham,
Ala., That w hearlly Indorse thla bill snd
sincerely hop that congress will act upon
it and glv to all worthy former slavea
Who are in Md a sufficient pension to keep
mem rrom tunenng ana want. A moat
kindly feeling, almost that of comradeshlo.
prompts us to express ourselves In this
manner, realising that the southern slave
was not the cause, by any act ot lilo own,
of ehedding one drop of blood In the civil
war. im tne contrary, ne remained on the
farm, laboring peacefully day by day with
out A murmur, to feed and clothe the aoutn-
rn army ngntmg at the rront.
Sine th war he has been law-abiding
and Industrious and the smallest number
haa been guilty of crime. We feel that the
former six and the former confederate
soldier will go in history together, 'and,
too, In a strange relationship, the one fight
ing t keep the slave In slavery, the other
ty his labor furnishing the meat and ap
pliances 10 'carry vn mis warrar without
on word of protest or complaint.
Not What la Tanaht, bat How Stadeat
Is Made ' to Leara. that
. Matter.
ANN ARBOR, Sllch., Feb. T. With thla
morning' session th convention ot edu
cator and buslnsss men which has been In
session three day cam to- a close.
Prof. Dewey ot the Massachusetts Insti
tute of Technology- deplored th lack of
fitness shown by college graduatea fcr tb
hard realities of lit.
"Men com' out Into the world living In
a mist," he aald. "They find their college
course hag unfitted them tor rigorous ap
plication to business."
Prof. Ripley ot Harvard urged th gen
eral advancement "of business methods,- cf
exacting attention to study, all throufefc
University student's courses ' .
."It 1 not so much what w teach as how
w mak him losra that counts' he, said.
"Classics ar a good as political economy,
but best ot all Is tha engineering courss.
with Its mathematics, Involving much the
same application as does real business."
Aaaaaolis Saperintoadeat Paalsko
Third-Class Hea Who Refaso
to I-et Practice Die.
ANNAPOLIS, Feb. T. Midshipman R. H,
Pearson who had hla jaw broken during a
fistic encounter at the Naval academy ten
dored hla resignation - today to Superin
tendent Brpwnson. .
The fisticuff resulted from an attempt
to "run" Pearson. ' He wa aocused ot
cowardice when he threatened to' report
th would-be hazer, and was forced to fight
an upper class msn of hi slzs and weight.
Superintendent Brownaon aummoned be
for him today all tho member of th third
claaa and lectured them on th Inquitlea
of "hazing" and "running" On their r
f usal to dlBcontinu th practice b re
atrlcted them from all liberty and today for
for the first tlm la years they wer com
pelled to adher closely to their dutle In
th academy school room and workshops.
Captain Brownaon say h will break up
all form ot hazing at th academy. -
aspoetod Sato Robber Blows Braina
Oat a Ofllecrs Batter la
Door. -
BEAUMONT, Tex.. Feb. T. Whll officer
wer breaking down th front door ot ' a
house ooeupiod by Frank Permouth today
for th purpose of arresting him, Permouth
placed th muzz! ot a revolver to hla
forehead and killed himself.
Permouth' wife today filed Information
against her husband, saying that h had
threatened to kill her unless she pro
vided him with money. Eh told th offi
cer that her husband wa wanted In St
Louis for a safe robbery committed two
yeara ago and that there waa a reward ot
$1,000 offered for hi arrest. Sh was mar
ried to him in Houston, Tex., since th
robbery, and ah think that he haa never
disclosed hi real nam. A picture of
Permouth will b sent to St. Louis tor
Coort Rales that Deathbed Bride Mast
Frodae Orlclaal or Lose
Estate. '
CINCINNATI, Feb. 7. Judg Nippert to
day refused to receive tor probata a copy
of th will of the 11 John Mccormick
Qlbaon, la which h made Miss Henrietta
Cecillia Wolf his heir. Miss Wolf mar
ried him on hi deathbed and he died a
week later.
Th original will could not b found and
a copy mad from th stenographer's notes
waa presented. The. court said tha copy
waa shown to b a true one, but th vl
denee did not ahow that th testator had
not revoked th will. By , thla decision
tha estate la Inherited by hia mother and
brother. ' . ..
TVyosalas- Hoas Postpoae Iadeaa
Itely Kooololioa to Adaalt
CHEYENNE. Wyo, Feb. 7. Ths.hous.
today Indefinitely postponed a resolution
xnsmortallitag eoagreaa to pas th omul
bus ataUhood bill.
J p n
E Jl P E
I (El
Skilled apeclollste In fvery department do their modern dental work without paining tho patient and the prlcea ,
charged are about one-fourth of what la usually demanded j private, obeeure dentist who inflict tho torture-,
of the Inquisition in their old-fashioned work. DON'T THROW TOUR MONET AW AT on poor dental work
done by snrall concerns where they do not have the experience or gpedalUita to do yoor work properly. NO
STUDENTS CONSULT THE SPECIALISTS FREE. Teople come here from all parts of the west to have
their wort done. Special prices until March 1Mb. . . .. .
makes the extracting, filllngr and crowning of the teeth a pleasure.
with out-of-town people. Call early and avoid the rush. , .
Fillings from . .......... . . 25c - . fJESB Scft Fl!!lnzs ' ' ' :,EE
Set of Testh from. ...$3.00 RWw T,8t!l Extrwt8i1--'-' "FREE
Cold Crowns from ........ $2.85 HdJ' Alcmta Plates from...... $8.00
Work done free, small charges for material. Be sure you are In the right place. ' "
pn I Pfipr We will forfeit $1,000 If any dentist In Omaha can compete with us In fine workmanship, -UnnLLL(ttik
tine material and painless methods. We run no clinic for Jwys to eiperlment. Old experi
enced dentists come here from all parts of the world to learn our painless methods. Beware of Jealous, idle,
sorehead, misfit dentists. They are losing thelt business people hare got tired of paying high prices and be
ing tortured as in the past . ' .
I !
JJegotisUn Hear of Private Paot Between
ItJy and usrmany.
Atrt Amoazr 'Themselves that V'ea-
sis.laa lettlcmeat MSai B Same
for Both, bat Tell Britain
r 1
., , . , ; astsisg Ao ii.
'-WASHINGTON, ' freb. 'T--DlslcfostaM ot a-
sftcret alliance between Gertnaat and Italy
constituted th most important development
In th Veneiuelaa situation tonight. This
tact ha betn mad known to the British
ambassador and It will put all ' th nego
tiators mor closely on their guard in tha
drafting Of the protocols which ther hope
to submit to Mr. Bowen during th next
few days.
The German-Italian alliance waa old
news to Mr. Bowen, he having1 learned ot
it In Caracas befor he left there. Gen
erally speaking, It Is Intended to secure
to Italy the sam treatment In th allies'
settlement with Veneiuela aa that received
by Germany and Great Britain.
Protocols Hast Bo Similar,
Mr.. Bowen has made it plain to both the
British ambassador and tbe German min
ister that he cannot affix hla signature to
any protocola they may present which, ar
not aubstantially of tha same character
aa (hat submitted by the Italian ambassa
dor. All three of th first aet of protocola
have been received at th Italian, Brit
ish and German embassies, but their con
tents ar not known to Mr. Bowen, neither
have the .allies' reprcsentativea been ao-1
qualnted as yet with th .details of each
other's convention.
Several Important conferencea took place
throughout tha day at th British em
bassy in an effort to reach an agreement
upon th protocol.
Regarding reference to The. Hague, Mr.
Bowen baa informed th allies that h
would not consent that one man be se
lected from th personnel of Th. Hague
tribunal to sit as arbiter in th question
ot preferential treatment. U wishes that
the court shs)l consist ot three and pref
erably of 0v members. ' " .
Kxalala Row with Bootobw
'Several' more or less sensational atories
hav been in circulation during the last few
days, which hav caused considerable an
noyance to tha British ambassador and to
th other negotiator regarding th not
Mr. Bowen- addressed to tha former laat
Monday. That these report msy be cor
rected th negotiators ar desirous that
tha facts b stated.
On Tuesday, after receiving tb not,
Sir .Michael Herbert called on Mr. Bowen
and aaked that ha withdraw tha entire
Dots, a It wa not diplomatic In char
acter and Mr. Bowen refused. .
Th ambassador then asked that th sen
tence beginning "on this side ot the water
w want peace and not alliances" with
drawn. Again Mr. Boa in regretted that be could
not grant tbe request!
Finally the ambassador represented that
th latter part ot tbe aenteaca regarding
the continuance of th allianc of Oreat
Britain with Germany and Italy would
cause him embarrassment when submitted
to the Italian ambassador and tha Qsrmsn
minister. Mr. Bowen replied that he would
be only too glad to do anything that would
further th negotlationa and at one struck
out the objectionable clause, which road:
And it will occasion great aurprlso and
regret when it becomes known that Oreat
Britain has even proposed continuing its
present aJllance with Germany and Italy
one moment longer than it must.
With this on ehang the not wak. finally
transmitted by the French ambassador to
tha Italian and German embassies.
Many exchanges ar going on between
Washington and European eapltele a th
result o fth effort of th allied repre
sentative to prepare satisfactory protocols.
Tha task ot drawing up the document la
very complicated, owing to tb necessity
for providing against all eontlngenciea and
framing a sot of agreements for that set
tlement of th claWna thit will resist tbe
attacka of astute Internationa) lawyers.
Meanwhile, measages are passing be
tween Mr. Bowen and the allies' represent
atlvea ia an amicable manner and unUss
som nsw element is injected Into tbe
situation by tb allies (for Mr. Bowen
Y & 'DliwYI IT
regard hi cue as mad up) It Is ho
llered that the negotiations will proceed
to a successful conclusion.
Londoa Fool Mora Hopeful.
LONDON, Feb. 7. The announcement
from Washington that th Vaneiuelan pro
tocol i In course of construction, confirm
ing th hopeful view ot th situation ex
pressed here, ha' created great satisfac
tion. ,
During tha latter part ot th week offi
cial circles, have evinced ouiet confidence
that in spit of alarm report a settle
ment wss in 'sight.
Ther have ' been privat expression Of
Intense Irritation at Mr. Bowen's al
leged breach ot etiquette; but these hsve
never been allowed to" -Inter tars .-with -th
determination voiced by both th British
and German diplomats to aecur a termi
nation ot the difficulty through any tea
slbla channel.
Sir Michael Herbert's triptures- found
sympathetic aupport In Downing street and
apparently formed the subject of exchange
of message between Berlin, London and
Rome, whence the representatives ot those
power at Washington wer instructed to
present a good front and prevent th re
currence of the publication ot new of the
nature ot which he had complained.
' Aatletpated in Lostos.
The refusal of Preaident Rooevelt to ar
bitrate tha question a to whether th
power shall receive preferential treatment
in the settlement ot their claima againat
Venesuela 1 regretted, but wa antlcl
oatsd. The strong disinclination ot the Brltlah
Foreign office to have reeour to Th Hague
court of arbitration wa founded chiefly on
th ballet that between now and th ren
dering of th court' decision nw com
plicatlotia may aria, and th decision to
refer th matter to Th Hague waa' only
arrived at aaa last resort when th negotia
tion threatened to drag on Indefinitely.
Th official her ar confident that Tb
Hague court will glv th allies at least
some measurs of different treatment la th
settlement ot claima from that accorded
to the other nations who did not take sg
gresslv step to secured their alleged
right. ,
Beyond om comparatively alight delib
erations ovsr the word of tb protocol
no further trouble 1 expected her whr
th railing of th blocked will be regarded
with almost a much relief aa it will be la
peleaaa Germ a a Alliaaee.
Lord Gsorg Hamilton, th Indian secre
tary,, spoks in Bradford tonight, aftsr at
tending tha cabinet meeting in tb morn
ing. In hi tpeech thl vnlng b said
ha sincerely hoped that in tb oours of a
vsry few hour the Vnsulan controversy
would be closed. Defending Oreat Brit
ain' alllano with Germany, h aald tbo
Oerman government throughout had be
haved with perfect propriety and tact.
"Th objection to thl allianc with Ger
many," said th Indian aeoretary, "ar la
part based upon tha reoolieotlon of tb In
sult launched agslnat th British army
by a. certain section of th German pros
during th South African war. but th af
fect of Great Britain' action la Vanesuela
will b to Inform th world that It 1 not
apt to reaent insults." .
Ask to Laaa Coal.
CARACAS, Fh. T. A commit te com
posed ot two Germans, two Frenchmen, on
Engllahman, two Dutchmen and two Span
iards, representing the foreign resident
of Caracas, hav Informed W. W. Russell,
secretary ot the American legation, that
next Tuesday th city will b without gas.
A a result great fear 1 felt for tb afty
of Ufa and property.
Tbe commute requested Mr. Russell to
use hi good office In th nam of th for
eign communltlea to secure permission for
a cargo of coal to paaa the blockade. It la
understood that Mr. ' Russell haa referred
tha matter to Washington.
Tha revolutionary cotnmltts In Caracas
I much disheartened at the receipt of new
that General Luciano Meudosa and hi fol
lower hav been obliged to abandon their
revolutionary operation because of a lack
ot ammunition. It la conaidered by many
person that tha revolution I practically
at aa end.
Hica School Itckailaai Society. "
which represents th Omaha High awhooi
)D all debates, held a meeting Friday alter
noon. Although th mwilni was primarily
rnr the election or omcera other buslneal
was transacted. Ono mrnute sxtempo
ruitout apaxv.-hwe ware auai by: bUtierd
liuuter, JuKfb oweiison, Charles lot)-
4, 1522 DOUGLAS (Jo the Front)
land and Roger Williams. The society
adopted a constitution and proceeded to tha
election of officers. The election resulted
aa follows: President, Maurice Teylor:
vice president, Richard Hunter; secretary
Byron Eaton: treasurer, Joneph I,lvens..n-
jioranan, jonn Olney; Bergen nUat -arms,
H Irani Peterson: reporter. Roger Williams.
At the request of the members esch ot the
new officers gave a short speech. The re
tiring president, Leslie Hlgglns, and tbe re
tiring secretary, trnest Kelley, also gave
short speeches.
Vaadalla Tralas Collide Hear Terr
Haato with Fatal Ba
salt. ."' . . ; . .-
INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. .7. In a heS-on
collision between a passenger and aa .extra
Vralght train on tbe Vandalla two miles
west of Terr Haul tonight two men were
killed, two mor probably fatally hurt and
a dosen passenger mor or less Injured.
Th killed: ' - .
FIREMAN ALCH088 of Effingham, ill. ,
The seriously Injured:
F. Kelly, express messenger; Injured In
ternally. Charles McKee, Marshall, III.; '.bruised
about th chest and head; badly cut. '.'
' None of th passengers war seriously
hurt. All were taken to ' Terr Haute.
Both engine wer demolished, and tbe
baggage car wa overturned. '
Harries to Paris oa Receipt of Tele
gram Assssselsg -Wife's
lUaos. .
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
CANNES, Franc. Feb. 7. (New tork
World Cablegram Special ' Telegram.)
Charles M. Schwab arrived tiers lata
Thursday aboard th stesm yacht Mar
garita. H found a telegraphic dispatch await
ing him, announcing that hla wife
wa ill In Part, where she bsd
gon with her father and mother
from Palermo. Mr. Schwab Immediately
eama ashors and took tb ordinary express
for Paris, accompanied by hla doctor. Mr.
Schwab seemed to be much better than
when h left Cannes.
He haa given up tb yacht' "Margarita,
for which h paid $5,000 a week.
How a Biar Calcaaro Firm Solved tt.
. ....
So many mploys "bolt th lunch" and
eat what they should not, that thsy soon
how th effect In nervousness and dya-
pepsla. This haa attracted tha attention
of manager of th big tor and 'shop.
In on Chicago firm an experiment on
torn of th alrls resulted ia a oomoiels
solution of th Question. .
Th woman that made the experiment
tell th tale, a follow: "About a year
ago I became alarmed at tha atat ot my
daughter health. .," Sh was employed by
a big firm her and tor soras ressoa str-ad-lly
lost flesh, grew very nervous, had no
appetlt and couM not sleep.
"Questioning her, I found she atsi but
Ilttl lunch, for that at that busy ur sha
waa seldom served promptly, and 'to lime
being ahort, she juat 'bolted'-th food and
rushsd back. Sh at very light break
fasts and I . could e shs suffrrcl '.from
lack of noarlahment. I fslt responsible
for this and flaally got her som Irap
Nuta for breakfaot. . . I ; ,'
"I also got a neat leather cSss' holding
two pint flask. On I filled with milk, th
other with cold Poatum Coffee which had
booa properly made. Sha alao carried a
packag of Orapo-Nuts. Th Postum sh
drank load, with a daah of lemon. Bh
followed th Orape-Nnt with, som fruit,
and this mad up hsr lunch. - f
"Ia spit of th warm weather aha im
proved greatly In two week' tlm. Bh
gained In flesh, her serve wer steady
and sh (lept sweetly at sight. Shs svr
fslt th old weakness from hunger.
"In a short time a few other girls I th
offic tried tt, and th effect wa so marked
upon all that still other war persuaded.
Finally a room wa cleared out sad .tbe
one hundred and odd girl wr served
dally with Grspe-Nuts snd hot Postum.
It wss a revolution, but tb manager aaw
tb good result and adopted tbe plaa.
greatly to the beaafit ot th health of the
employe aad at a earing In expense."
Nam given by Poetuia Co, Battle Creek,