THE OMAHA DAILY TXETa SUNDAY. FEIUtUAKY 8, 1003. 1I LMQUECO OPERATIVECOLONY Working FeUnrea of a lcialitt Community ia the State of Washington. FORMER OMAHA MINISTER IS PROMOTER How the Colony U MtMird, the Rights and of Mrnhtri asd Their Kdaratlonal and Religions Tendencies? Rev. W. E. Copcland, former! r of Omaha, now a member of the Co-Operatlve Brother hood Colony at Burley, Wash., and editor of It organ, the Co-Operator, contributes to the New York Independent an Interest- Ins account of the organization, purpose and development of the colonjr. He aaya In part: On one of the fingers of Puget sound Is Carr'a Inlet, at the end of which is to bo found a village without church, saloon. Jail, almshouse, bank, money or police. This town Is Burley, so called from Burley creek, a famous trout stream, at whose mouth Is built the first Industrial center of the Co-Operative Brotherhood, a bene ficial organisation which Insures against accident or death by providing homes and employment for ita members who by acci dent or illness are Incapacitated from par suing an avocation which will give them support. To reach Burley on takes a steamboat from Tacoma, and after a lovely ride of about an hour, enter Olg harbor, one of the numerous bays of which Puget sound lias so many, none more attractive than this land-locked harbor to which entrance seems impossible and yet which can be entered by large ships. The visitor taking the morning boat meets the mall wagon from the colony at Burley, sometimes a farm wagon, and sometimes a covered hack and sometimes a buckboard. A drive of six miles through the glorious woods of west ern Washington and along the shores of Henderson bay brings the visitor to the colony. Near the entrance gate Is to be seen the mill, where logs are made into lumber, sningles and boxes, these being the branches of manufacturing In which the colony la now engaged. Driving through the grounds the visitor sees, on the left a blacksmith shop, a two-story building used for a printcry, carpenter's shop and gen eral offices, a cluster of houses known to the colonists as Circle City, and atralght ahead another two-story building, in which Is the postofflcs, store, dining room, kitchen and rooms for single men. Clustered around the hotel are a cigar factory, milk house, laundry, root house, shoe shop and several cottages. All these buildings are plain, mostly covered, both roof and sides, with shingles. In Circle City is a school house, where there is a district school for nine months, where preaching Is to be heard on Sundays, and dancing mualo frequently on Saturday nights, and where the resident members or co-operators hold their meet ings. The Colony Varan. West and northwest of these buildings lie the colony lands, of which there are 191 acrea of rich land, known to settler in Washington as beaver bottom. Of this land some seventy acres have been logged, fifteen acres cleared and planted, forty acres under fence and partially cleared. This land rises In bunches from the creek and on the part Immediately west of the present village is to be built the perma nent town, which will have the advantage if good drainage and shelter from the r.outhwest winds, which during the rainy reason are far from pleasant. On the side Mil facing east will be the orchard and beds for small fruits, all of which can be Irrigated from abundant springs, which lat ter will also give a plentiful aupply for the town. Last spring on a third of an acre poorly cultivated, from lack of the needed ' help, a ton and a half of strawberries were picked. So plentiful and One are the wild berries. Including raspberry, red and black. huckleberry, blackberry, salmon berry, aalol berry and mountain raspberry, that the Indiana called the neighborhood Dial la or berry. The lands of the brother hood stretch from the mouth of Burley creek on both sides of the beautiful stream for a mile and a quarter, furnish ing a good water power and an abundance of aider lumber the alder growing here to be trees from thirty to forty feet high with a considerable quantity of cedar and small fir. Paroae of tha Brotherhood. The Co-operative Brotherhood waa or ganised In 1898 as an outgrowth of the Social Democracy (founded by Eugene V. Debs) and In the month of September of the same year the clearing at the mouth of Burley creek was begun in the midst of a thick undergrowth. The Co-operative Brotherhood was in corporated under the laws of the state of Washington. Members were solicited and Joined from all parts of tha Coiled States. Of these member there were two class is, liOnreeident and resident. The nonresident members pay dues for 120 'months or the sum of $1:0 In a shorter time if desired. After the payment of five years' duea (160 at present, though liable to an increase in the near future), the Co-operative Broth erhood agree to furniah a home and em ployment for any nonresident member wh REAL EtlJOYMEUT. The woman who read this will under stand to the full what Mrs, Tipton meant when aba say : " I am enjoying good neaim.- it take person who has been made wretched by sick si ess to under stand the joy of health. There are very many women who suffer aa did Mrs, Tipton, who might be cared aa she was by the nse of Dr. Pierre'a Fa vorite Prescrip tion. It estab lishea regularity, dries the drains whtch weaken women, heals in flammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. It u with plrasare I recommend Dr Pierce's nedtcin. writes Mrs. Nora Tipton, of Cropper (Crapper Station!, ahelby Co., kculucky. " Yon tenicmbrr my case uwi of female weakness and weak luura. I had no appetite and would ottrn I'll blood ; waa confined to any bed almost nan 01 kne use ana could aaraly stand on my I Aagff timet for the paina through ay whole Uv husband had to uav larce fwt a body and lvsleui doctor tails' for me. but since I hare taken four bottle of Dr. pierce a OoMca at eu teal Discov ery, four of 'Favorite Prearnrrtkia ' aad three vials of 'Pleasant Pellet' we haven't paid any more doctor ailia. It had been seven aiouiha since 1 stopped using Dr. tierce medicine and I have been enjoying good health all the time. Lean never praise these medicine too highly, r I have received so much bear til 1 pray that many who aunee as I did will take Dr. Here a anedictue. I am Sure Ihev wili never nul 10 srure when given a (air trial. Everybody tells DC I lot., better than they ever saw mc. I am aura I led better than 1 ever did before " Favorite Prescription " ha the testi mony of thousands of women to ita conv I plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and unproved sub '-titute in ita place. Dr. PiercVa Pleasant Pellets are s 'dies laxative. No other medicine qiiala them for i.Ucucs sad thorouy try accident or Illness can no longer sup port himself sod family, or. In case of a member'e death, to do the same for the widow and orphans, thos offering one of the best kinds of life sod accident Insur ance, becauie a home and employeot Is of more value than a lump sum of money, which may be stolen or wasted. So far but one person has taken advantage of the Insurance feature. This obligation Is made a part of the benefit certificate Issued to every member on Joining. Nonresident members, other than those taking advantage of the Insurance, become resident members on application to and acceptance by the board of directors, and so long ss they choose and are obedient to the by-laws and remain In a Co-operative Brotherhood ol ony. taking part In the activities or Sb'.d colony. The nonresident members furnish the working capital to enable the settlements to develop their resources, snd the resi dent members furnish the labor fir uch development and for their own support while making ready homes and preparing employment for those who wish to rerida In a colony. All the work done by lb res ident members Is for the benefit of the whole brotherhood, to whom as a whole be longs all lands, houses and machinery, and all of which at the end of ten years are entitled to residence In some colony be longing to the corporation, provided houses are ready and employment ran be secured. Selecting Members. No fixed rules deciding fitness for mem bership have yet been adopted, each case standing on its own merits, and the board of directors, from the beat information ob tainable, deciding whether the applicant ill be desirable. At the present time large families are not wanted, nor any over SO, unless exceptionally strong and vigor ous; this because Burley, the only colony. Is still In the pioneer stage. Each appli cant for membership is expected on honor to give as full a description of celt and family as ia possible. The resident members or co-operators decide In mass meeting as to the number of hours which shall constitute a day's work. At present ten hours Is the number, but no one except those employed In the mill Is obliged to work full time. Each co-operator reports to his or her foreman the number of hours worked and obtains pay for each hour. Women receive the same pay per hour as men. Most of the womn, however, find full employment in oaring for their households; all having families pre ferring to live In cottages rather than at the hotel. The women who remain at home are not paid for housekeeping, though In the ideal commonwealth this will be the rule. Baeh oo-operator is placed by the super intendent in some one of the departments milling, 'logging, printing, agriculture, office, clgannaktng or domeetio economy and does the best he or she can in the place assigned. There are misfits which delay the work, but aa rapidly as possible each fin da the proper place wbsre ths work is congenial. Neither anarchy nor free love find any sympathy at Burley; nor Is there any reli gious bond. Some of the residents are church members, others belong to no church; some are spiritualists and others materialists; soms are orthodox, others heterodox or interested in some form of new thought. Religious services are held every Sunday night in the schoolbouse, at which tha attendance Is small; the resident ministers (Unitarian) taking turns and sometimes being helped by strangers of other denominations. A few have come to Burley because they expected to find life easier than on the out side, others because they believed In the plan adopted by the Co-operattve Brother hood, and the lot-ger they remain the better they are pleased, Members 1st Good Standing. . . At the present time there are some S00 members in good stsnding, of whom about thirty reside at Burley, some with and some without their families. These resi dent members or co-operators, as they ars called, are working to Improve the land, build a town and accumulate wealth. What they produce each month, after making ad ditions to the permanent' Improvements, la divided pro rata among the workers ac cording to the number of hours wocked, and provldea a lodging, plain food and the necessary clothing for comfort. Aa more land is brought under cultivation and mou fruit cornea into bearlnr, and aa the Indus tries are further developed, the dividends will be larger, and not only necesaitles but luxuries will be provided. As with all pioneers in western Washington, where a home has to be hewn out of ths forest, con ditions are bard. But in -four years much baa been accomplished, far more than the same number of workers,' each for himself. could have done, and then the workers have been relieved from that terrible lone liness which haa caused so many ploneera in the big woods to abandon their clalma. of which the deserted cablna in ths neigh borhood of Burley give evidence. By co operation the price of living has been re duced to a minimum and good meals are furnished at 10 cenla. . The Co-operative Brotherhood in its first colony at Burley haa organlxed a people's trust, and to prevent future trouble all the property la placed In the hands of twelve trustees, three of whom are elected an nually to serve for four years; every mem ber In good standing can vote for the true tees, who by ths deed of trust are forbid den to mortgage or dispose of any of the property except with the consent of two thirds of the entire membership, which plan it is hoped will protect this society from the fate which has befallen so many other colonies. The affairs of the brotherhood ars man aged by a board of twelve directors, a part of whom are nominated by the residents at Burley, and all of whom ars elected by the board of trustees at Its annual meeting in January. This board of directors meets monthly at Burley to transact the business that may come before It. Its secretary and treasurer are under bonds and all expend! tures are carefully scrutinized by a finance committee of three before authorised, while the hooka ars open at all Units for Inspec lion. The local affaire at Burley art controlled by a board of managers, consisting of the heads of the various departments milling, logging, printing, agriculture and office and the aupertntendent of industries. The workers in each department present sev eral names for foreman, from which list the superintendent chooses one. The resi dent members select the superintendent, who Is confirmed by the board of directors. This first colony of the Co-operative Brotherhood starts on the flfin year of ita existence with better prospects than ever of carrying out the design of ita founders, which waa to build a town whose Inhab itants should own the land, the means of production and the products o! their Indus try, thus freeing the inhabitanta cf Burloy from the worry of rent. Interest and lack of employment. While not claiming to have solved the social pro' lem. so com plex snd so confuting, we da thluk we hsve found s way by which Industrious, honest snd energetic men and women may aecure homes, employment and a good re turn for their labor. SIMON ON SABBATH SCHOOLS Conclusion of the Paper Bead at tha Et Louis Conference. PROBLEMS FOR THE TEACHER TO SOLVE Importance of the (living of Seenlnr sad Religions lastraetloa la slated I pon and Special Train ing t rated aa .Verennary. IP Urataltoaa lasalt. "How far ars we from Chicago?" asked the passenger with the skull cap, wiping the moisture from the windowe of the sleeping car aad glancing out. The rasanger with the cropped beard raised his head aad sniffed the air. "About forty miles. 1 judge." bs said. Chicago Tribune. In its last Sunday Issue The Bee printed the opening portion of the paper on "Problems of the Jewish Sabbath Schools," read by Rabbi Abram 8lmon at St. Louis. The concluding portion of the paper fol lows: (b) The real, serious business of Bab bath school Instructions begins with the second class of children ranging In years from 8 to 13. The child has by this time grown from his instructive life Into that of the gensort-motor phase; reflex action Is slowly developing Into reflective. The child lives a life of the senses, reveling In fests of strength, trlala of skill and dis play of force. Heroes and demigods, with their thrilling and dramatic experiences. fill in his world of Ideals. Israel s epoch from the patriarchs through Moses, Joshua, the Judges and the first three Kings corre sponds to this stage In child-life. The teacher's art Is here put to the test. It Is not a matter of text book, but of talent. He must know the art of story-telling; not with the avowed object of adorning it with a moral, orten forced ana isr-ietcnea, out for the worth ot the tale Itself. It well told, the child grasps the moral at a bound and the lesson becomes the deeper Im printed on his mind. The child should ex tract the moral, not merely repeat what the teacher said. The child's sense of per sonality, growing more Intelligent and purer with maturing years, plays and twines Itself about these heroes and at taches Itself to them In accordance with the special qualities they display to the child-Interest. Religion can best be taught by means of these biblical characters. But the essential idea must be pressed home that these heroes act thus through Ood and perform their mighty acta of valor and of glory with Ood's help. Physical prowess will, form a leading attribute ot Ood at this period. Soon a quality of marked value comes to the front and, uniting with strength, forms a new Ideal of Ood. I refer to Justice. Fair play Is the insistence of every child. His heart la with the weaker party, especially when In the right. He applauds the divine aim of David's sling and glorlea In the treatment that the Egyptian bully received at the hands of Moses. Ha. cannot appreciate the seeming Injustice that the Promised Land should be withheld from the great law-giver. He acts on the principle of eye tor eye and lives in the Law rather than In the Prophets. The Ten Commandments, the "shalta" and "shalt nots" and mighty worda against theft, murder. Impurity, the Irreverent use of Ood's aacred name, whoae recklesa utterance becomes a sacrilege and whose holiness shall Inhabit the heart rather than be bandied on the lips, are the ripe fruits of this stage. His ethical stand ard takes on this new emphasis. Note his self-assertion and violent individualism! Do they not correspond to Israel's past when "each man did what waa right In his own eyes?" It marks the Inward combat between self and not-self between the carnal and the divine word. Toward the thirteenth year the passions and procttvt tlea become organlxed and a more orderly regime of life prevails, more nearly analogous to the reign ot ths Kings when political life was centralised. Sentiment of Patriotism. Note also that It reminds one of Israel's age of growing nationality. Patriotism is the new sentiment and pride deepens con sciousness of the people. Here let patriot Ism beget Ita reltgioua saturation as loy alty to God and to Israel's cause. The teacher must bring home to the child how Ood's hand led His people to Canaan and bow He stirred leaders to fight their bat tles and how they prospered as they obeyed His laws and suffered as they broke the covenant. It ia the idea of Ood in history, la our history, that Is the moat helpful les son for a child at this age to get. In this manner, the bible, taken from race-history and developed in keeping with the unfolding child consciousness can be made to teach a gradual and slowly advancing belief in Ood and at the same time create holy yet human types for Imitation and atlr a fount of valuable sentiment. To be sure, the Mosalo lawa of Justice, alavery, charity and the holidays should form a part of the curriculum in a study of ths fore going. All facta considered, I should claim this school period as the best for teaching Hebrew. The memory-sense functions at Ita highest, atoring away facts becomes an easy matter and ths grasp of languages la especially firm and quick. Language goea band in hand with nationality and the de velopment ot the Hebrew language la aynchronoua with the Exodus and its sub sequent history. Here let me Insist that Hebrew be not taught aa a mental drill; rather would I urge that It be pressed home as a sentimental thrill. The educa tion and religious value of ths study of the Hebrew language lies In linking it with God and His providence over Israel. No violence is done to a child's mind in hav ing H feel that Ood spoke in this holy tongue through Inspired messengers snd that the sublime Revelation found voles in Ita sacred accenta. It Is for the deepening of the Jewish consciousness that it wins my hearty approval In Babbath school cur riculum. Ate of Development. (c) We advance to the next grade com posed of children from 13 to IS years ot age. Both physically and psychically pro found changes mark the progress Into puberty. The soul Is a ferment of con flicting emotiona. Impulses and dreams. Heightened vitality Is especially in evi dence. The youth la a ventaole Niagara of emotion which to (wisely) economise and direct Into channels of healthy thought and resolution becomes the supreme task. Un less this is done, there develops either sn evaporation of all aentlment or an over saturation of sickly emotionalism. Every nation haa recognized the serious ness of the new psychologies! and physl ologlcal changes; Indeed all primitive races had their ceremonies ot Initiation. Wil liam H. Burham has shown how tbey cele brated the advent ot adolescence with Joy ous feast and mystic rite. The Roman cus torn is evidenced by the feast of Llberatla when the youth of 15 waa Invested with the toga vlrilia. We can readily understand why religious education has seized upon this period tor Its greatest work. The confirmation age la religion's gojden opportunity. The Je has not been slow In appreciating this spiritual crux. The Bar Mllzvah,aa an in. atltutloa may only be a few centuries old but ita spirit antedatea the Jew. Confirma tion la only a more recent appreciation ot this truth, puberty In our rtvillxstion be ing a later ripening. Being at once an in Illation and a consecration, Ita rites should bs given only to those who ere mature enough. I consider our confirmation the most aucceasful and effective religious ex erciae which the modern Jew possesses Ths abuses that formerly characterised it are fait passing away. Ita success la de pendent on ths adzing of ths golden hour n THERE ARE RUMORS IN THE AIR THAT A SALE WILL BE MADE BEFORE THE TIME SET BY THE COURT, AND THAT IT MAY OCCUR AT ANY HOUR. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THE SALE TO LAST EVEN FOR A DAY, STILL WE WILL OPEN MONDAY MORNING WITH A LOT OF FRESH SURPRISE BARGAINS THAT YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS. Women's Wear Oolf Skirts We want you to consider this figure Golf skirts, marked $10.50, go at 11.00 Golf Skirts, marked f 22.50 15.00 Golf Skirts, marked $23.00 16.67 Dress Suits An elegant suit for house or street wear all the very latest styles. Zibeline Suits, $12.50, for 8.34 Novelty Suits, $19.50, for 13.00 Zibeline Suits, $20.00, for 13.33 Etamine Suits, $23.00, for ...'.1667 Linen Sale We have added two cases of new linen to our already enormous stock, and all will be displayed on a bargain table Monday. Napkins, Cloths, Brown and Bleached Damask, Tray Cloths, Doylies, Center Pieces, Tea Cloths, etc. These goods will be offered at im ported cost. Kid Glove Sale Our entire stock of imported French Kid Gloves, always sold at $1.25. Every pair guaranteed and fitted on sale Monday at 89c Golf and Cashmere Gloves and Mitts an immense table of them, worth up to 50c, all, at 23c Neck Fuffs, silk chiffon, Liberty silk and feather ruffs all on sale at half the marked prices. Remnant Sale Our great Trustee Sale has accumu lated an endless lot of remnants that are gathered on our bargain center, at about half price. Printed Drapery Elegant designs, worth 23c at Monday .... 9c Corsets I Comforts Three cases of line Comforts that sold at $1.73 Monday at 1.19 We will sell our stock of the W. 0. O. Corsets, including all the best numbers of that celebrated make, at a discount of 20 per cent from the regular price. Beits We will clean up every belt in the stock some of them sold for $1.50 each, at 25c Muslin Underwear Our stock of women's Night Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Chemise, etc., are all on sale at about manufacturer's cost Women's Waists Nearly, 50 dozen, worth $1.23 each, at, 89c Boys Waists In percale, outing flan nel and flannel cloth, prices 23c and 33c Monday at ......... . .. :m. . . 19c Women's Cloaks Velours velvet, a perfect dream of style, $47.50 Monday at 23.75 Capes Black boucle cloth cape, Persian lamb collars and front, handsome fine lining, $37.50, Monday at... 18.75 SaJtz Plush Capes, brown marten fur trimming, $10.75, Monday at ....5.38 Stockings Children s Wash Dresses ftfi InrhM Inner 1ftfl.inh sn'uin SI Women's Burlington fast black seam less stockings, worth 35c, at 23c Our entire purchase, nobby little styles, from 1 to 14 years, all on sale Monday at cost. 30 inches long, 100-inch sweep, $110 Monday at 55.00 MINK CAPES Tail trimming, silk brocade lining, $219 Monday .109. 50 ITTflf ja Li h JlVa Nearly one thousand dollars worth. Wo were forced to takft them. They go on sale Uonday morning at about the price of the paper. Ten gross to sell 2 for a penny, others up to $2 each Cleaning-up Sale of Wall Paper, Room Moulding, Paper Gleaner Never before had you the chance of such values as we are making NOW! 50c to 75c Wall Paper, at roll 20c 25c to 50c Wall Paper, at roll 15c 10c to 23c Wall Paper, at roll 8c Other values, 5c, 4$c, 4c, 3$c, 3c, 2Jc and 2c per roll. Wall Paper Remnants In bundles, containing from 6 to 20 rolls, including border and ceiling, and combining all grades of wall paper from the cheapest that's good to the good that's cheap up from, per i SZr bundle 3c Room 'Moulding Gilts and Tapestries the en tire lot must go, per foot .... Wall Paper Cleaner The only reliable cleaner on the mar ket a 25c can we sold tons atl Cp that price for lOU NOTE No paper trimmed during this sals. when the aoul-actlvltlea ars on the "qui Its," ao to apeak, when like so much Inflammable material waiting for the happy spark to aet It all aglow with religious fervor and enthusiastic loyalty. The months of active waiting filled with dreams and high hopes of prospective youth, the public exercises, the. confessions and re liance upon God, the blessing of the class In their hour of soul-exaltation unite to stir the being as it haa never been energlxed before. It is the age o( vision. 'Without vision a people remains unruly." Study for This Period. In maplng out a course of Instruction for the confirmation pupils, we must again follow the plans ss before sketched. This age of youthful visions Is highly suggestive ot the Israel's golden age of prophets and psalmists. Prophecy was a child of strug gle and was called Into being as a social factor to revolutionize morals and re ligion. Though born In pessimism, it baa the most hopeful message ever given the world. It is the second sublime Revelation the Revelation of Conscience. Prophecy and psalmody embody our richest treasures. Ths Jewish conflrmanent must feel this to the core. These mighty geniuses of the soul preach tor the first time a message of Individualism. They are the first to launch the personal appeal. Righteous ness Is a. demand on each life. Religion must be a personal matter. The question of uppermost moment Is. "What does Ood 8k for you?" Jeremiah and Ezeklel break with the past community respect ability, by insisting. "The soul that ainneth. It shall die." Here we have personal religion as a aocial force at Its best. We come upon a grander altitude toward life. The proper sphere of ceremony, the superiority of the spirit over the letter, the glory of sainfic. the Immanence of God! Masculine Justice finds a worthy helpmate in feminine love. Ths confirma tion Ideal become "God In personal life." God must be a living, loving Deity. The association of the ace of adolesencs with s fu'.l appreciation ot the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man is therefore, every spropos. The bible should now be reviewed from this point of perspective. It Is a study of Cod in nature. God in history, God In consclenca and God in personal life. For lac Mora AaTaaerd, (d) On the basis of a post confirmation class being organized from youths of It to 20 years of sge. past biblical history waa omitted In the foregoing outline. I consider post-blblluat and middle age Judaism to bs possible of clear comprehen sion only by older pupils, auch aa ws In clude under ths term "Adolescents." The scholar having bsea confirmed In tha Law and the Prophets should advance to Israel'a Prayerbook. The child haa paasad from Its senssrt-motor to a highly reflec tive period. Ths Intellect Is dominant snd domineering. Where la the prsvlous years there seems an individualism run mad. It belongs mors properly to ths emotional tins. Hers, on ths contrary. It la aa Individual ism of which the Intellect is leader. One can readily notice the bravado and impetu osity of youth trying to leap the social and religious traces with a self-assertion and a rabid Independence to be a law unto Itself. The youth chafes under the re straints of society, authority and religion. Ths talmud is. the age of the rabbia and of tha Intellectual ascension followed in the-course of centuries by the flowering of Jewish Intellect In the philosophers ot the middle ages. Running parallel with this stream Is that of the prayerbook. The bible builds about the temple; the tal mud centers In the academy; the prayer book revolves sround the synagogue. Here we find religion a steadily progressive fac tor. It has proven Itself able to aurvlvs a national sanctuary and a special land. It baa demonstrated its power of independ ence of national and political ambitions. This Is Judaism. With the loss ot the sacrificial temple, Is developed the vlcarl- ousnesa of charity and the beauty of prayer. The synagogue becomes the rallying ground. I suggest, therefore, that the post-confirmation curriculum Include four courses of study. (A) The talmud, a familiarity with tha Uvea and works of the great rabbis and their place In the development of Judaism; the atudy of the social life of our people during the period covered by the second century, B. C, to the fifth century, A. D.; a study of the politic, religious struggles of that eventful epoch between the Phari sees and Sadducees, Essenes and Hellenes and the rise of Christianity. (B) A familiar acquaintance with the prayerbook. Paraphrasing a sell kwown proverb, I should say, "Let me make a na tion's prayers and I care not who makea Its laws." The prjrerbook representa the re ligious history of the Jew for many centur ies. He was at his best In his prayers. Tea, the Jew waa born with a prayer upon his lips. He took God Into his confidence. nor aver thought ot ssklng whether that con fidence wss misplaced. He was spiritually Intimate with God and thua his every prayer la a soul-revelation. Thus, to apply the race history Idea the post-confirmation should be marked by the entrance of youths in the synagogue-llfo and by a careful un derstanding ot the duty, beauty and efficacy of weekly and dally worship. Lectures on "Gems of the Hebrew Prayer Book" would be a very helpful education. k (C) A third Interesting course of lectures might be devoted to a hiatorlcal treatment of "Places of Worship." The advance of tha religious spirit from the simple stone to the altar, from the temple to ths syna gogue, should be studied In connection with similar movements among contemporane ous religions. (D) In addition to what haa already been aald, ths history of the Jew unto the pres ent hour should be systematically taught from tha modern standpoint. What tha Tcaehcr May Ess!. Just a final word aa to the Problem of ths Teacher. Our mistake has been a fail ure to catlmats ths Sabbath school teacher as of equal worth with tha public school teacher. We have not dignified him enough. We have not yet raised him to the ranks of the professionals. Sabbath school teach ing Is an art. why not also a science? A Sabbath school teacher abould bs trained for his task. We are not clamor ing for text books. A good text book la a poor teacher's fetich; the worst book can be safely entrusted to a good teacher. But how secure these teachers? How raise the standard and the calling of the Jewish Sabbath school teacher; how give him the necessary training bow? By placing In back of him an Institution like the board of education! Ws Jews have successfully systematized and united our charities. Condttlona seem favorable for a similar coalescence of our higher educations or- j gauizauon. nan ion iiuie uui cum. iur pooling our Sabbath school Interests and problems? Why may not a religious hoard of education, composed of a dozen of the most enthusiastic members of the various Sabbath school boards In a city, to whom Is tutrusted an endowment fund for the train ing of special teachers; In whom is vested the tack of choosing the teachers, making attendance compulsory, arranging uniform courses of study, bs after all not such a foolish vision? Why may not a chair of re ligious pedagogy be established at the He brew Union college and New York Theolog ical seminary? The day of specialists la at hand. Cannot this union aend forth Its strong Insistence that ths Sabbath school teacher Is and must also and alwaya bo a specialist? , I feel only too keenly tha Inordinate length of this paper and my confession Is candidly made that I am only feeling my way, walking at tiroes In the dark, yet stumbling here and there upon placea that emit a blight - glimpse of light. I have tried to follow the few stresks and I trust I have not gone far out of the way. And'lf they have afforded you even the falnteat ray of light and guidance, I shall feel highly gratified and amply rewarded. Anotkrrl Miss Jellus "Tour bedroom must be a very healthy place, dear. Mlsa Prettyface What makea you think ao? Miss Jellus Because I have noticed that when you ars downstairs sometimes'' you are dreadfully pale; but if you go up to your bedroom for a abort time you coma down with a beautiful color. Judge. PRATTLES OP THE YOlXGSTKRg. Teacjier Can any little girl tell me who waa Columbus? Sadie (frantically snapping her fingers) I know. Teacher Well, Sadie? Sadie Columbus, the gem of ths ocean. "Do you know." said the 8unday school teacher, addressing a new pupil In ths in fant class, "that you have a soul?" "Course I do," replied ths little fellow placing his band over his heart. "I can feel It tick." Johnny Aunt Martha won't play puss In ths corner with mc. Mother But perhaps Aunt Martha doesn't know how to play It. Johnny. Johnny Oh, but she must know how: I heard papa aay she waa an old cat. Rev. Dr. W. R. Huntington In an address at ths opening of St. George's home for deaconesses In New York City told about a Grace church Sunday school teacher who conducted her class In a friendly. Informal day. One day when she said, "Let us pray.". new little girl piped up cheerfully, "YesS: Let's!" 8h waa willing to try tha game, anyhow. A Utile girl, a newcomer In the class, listened with more than ordinary Interest, and after the teacher had. finished a talk on Samson the child lifted her band for permission to speak. "Well, Ethel," asked the teacher, "what Is itr "Samson wssn't as strong aa my papa la." "Is rour father ao surprisingly strong?" queried the teacher, tmlllng. "Oh, my papa's orful strong," replied Ethel, with emphasis. "Why, I heard mamma say that bs had a ellyfant on h!s bands." Tha Nasi Yaeht Race. It Is pleasing to learn that there will bs another attempt made by ths English people to rex apt ur ths cup this summer. A new challenger la being built on aecret lines which Is claimed will davelop remarkable speed. The most remarkable family medi cine today Is ths old reliable Hostetter's Stomach Bitters because It euros when ether remedies havs failed. It you ars a sufferer from Insomnis, nervousness, chills. Indi gestion, dyspepsia or liver troublea, bs aura to try a bottle. It will curs you. Margery's cousin. Cecilia, was IS and pretty, relates the New York Times. Pho waa also devoted to music and spent hours practicing on a large pipe organ. This, to gether with the fact that she invariably wore a wrapt expression when so engaged, earned for her the nickname of "Saint Cactlls." It happened that Margery's mamma waa railed to town and left her 6-year-old daughter In charge ot an obliging neighbor.. This womsn undertook to smuse her young guest by showing her a collection of prints, among which waa a copy of the familiar presentation of tha patron saint of muslo seated at the organ. ' "This, my dear," said the obliging hos. teas. "Is a picture of dalnt Cecilia." "It doesn't look a bit like her," spoks np ths tiny visitor. "Why, how do you know?" Inquired ths astonished owner of tha print. "How do I know?" returned the equally aatonlsbed Margery. "Why, 'Saint Cecilia' la my own first cousin. She teached ma my prayers aa' bow to play Jackslonea."