TIIE OMAHA DAILY IlKEt SUNDAY, FEimUARY 8. 1003, 18 Tile Omaiia Sunday Ber K. ROSKWATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Bee (without 8unda), On Year.. $4.00 Dally Hee and Hunday, Una Year ) Illustrated Bee, One Year tw ftunrinv 1 laa im, St. 00 Saturday Bee, One Year 1W I Twentieth Century Farmer, one Tear., i.w mri.ivrRPn my (VrrIICR. taiiy Bee (without Sunday), per copy.... 2c I J uncSViK Sunday Bee, per ropy 6c I .evening Bee (wunoui nunoiyi, pr w iivening Dee (including Bunday), per week 10c Complaint of lrreBularttt In delivery Should be addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omana City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth and M Street. Council muffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago Unity Building. jvew v or a El 2 -2328 Park Row Building. Washington 401 Fourteenth Street. ' Communication, relating to news an ed- itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha lee. Editorial Department. r omittances Viyabie to ThVee'Xiahin'cVmpa3: Only l-cent stamps accepted in payment of mall account.. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. TILE fUWUlHIUXSU UJrAni. , STATEMENT OK CIRCULATION. Itate of Nebraska. Douglas County, , ss. wZa?S?i WoSB Sunday Bee printed" during the month of January. im was as follows: .BO,4W) 17 ',. I t M.SO,2SO 18. I .80,T0 I 4 ..SS.80S f 80.5OO 0 80,R20 T 80.B20 ! I ..80,4tM 80,480 10 30.B00 li ...as, TOO U ....8,B0 Z BO.BBO 14 SO,4IH IS 80.B70 II 30,470 19.. 20.. 80.S4O 22!!!!!!""!"'M t3 30.3o aslsco !. ...... ......3U.BTO n 30.BTO 3o!o !!!'.!!!!!!!'.!!3o.0TO a ao,io 21. n . q Mim I Total 4io Irfia unsold and returned copies.... O.870 ... Nat average sales. "... ao.oBl GEORGE B. TZBCHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to Before me this Slut day or January, a. u. IK. M. B. HU IN OAT IS. (Seal.) Notary Public. No, Dr. Parkhurst's Ideal newspaper la not the Ideal newspaper of John N. Baldwin. Not the same. While the miners undertook to strike I last summer while the coal was hot, the dealers prefer to make their strike while the coal Is cold. . Those fighting elevator conductors of Chicago have struck a deadly blow at ky scrapers. Climbing sixteen or eight-. een stories takes one'a breath away. British military authorities are mak- Xng much ado over the hazing of Junior I fllcera who happen to be heirs to lordly titles. As If hazing were any respecter I of persons. I Usual dividends of f2 a share, ; botn .preferred and common, have been an- ' nounccd by the Union Pacific. But why I shouldn't It distribute big dividends ,when lta earnings are swelled by evaded taxes? I While the college professors ere ae- bating what the college, can do tmlvu' the business man. the college president. a . 1 1 m 1. . 4. I r v are ousy lemng tne ousmess iu.l. ne can go ror uie conege auu ously urging blin to do It. It seems that tbe emissaries from the Winnebago land ring who went to ..Washington to show Secretary Ultcb . cock the error of his ways in his ruling on the Indian heirship lands found that . the secretary hailed from Missouri. That new ocean cable to Hawaii has not been working extra hours at any time since it was laid. After all, very llttlit new transnires In Hawaii of Im portance enough to the outside world tn LiHtlfv Dflvlmr cable tolls on lta tr.n..ni.dfln. . Before the republican members of the Nebraska legislature reconvene after their recess, they would do well again to read over the platform upou which tbey were elected. In that platform , the party made several distinct pledges which republican legislators are ex pected to redeem. On of the saddest feature, of th fast approaching end of congress Is the Impending eclipse of that great states- .n.nnlltlcln James K. Jones, who Wiii rHr from th senate to Arkansas. r-.rrvin.r nothlii with him exrett th chairmanship of the democratic na- tlonal committee The president of the Carnegie lnstltu- tlon has made a report on what the Institution ha. accomplished In the first year of. Its existence, which' fills a big fat volume. At this rate It will take a whole library for each annual renort when the Institution really gets to the Dolnt of really doing something. . It 1. reported that the publicity re- quirements of the senate trust bill are not objectionable to Mr. Morgan and Mr. Hill. But suppose they were ob- lectlouable to thene great merger niag - nates, there would be no reason why their oblectlous should covern aslernnient regarding the Panama canal against the almost unanimous demand of the general public. Tbe late Senator Dawes of Massachu - sett, counted as oue of his greatest achievements having moved In congress the first appropriation for the weather bureau. Certaluly Its originators had no idequate Idea of the proportions to wbicn tne weatuer nureau would grow or the practical work It would aceoni- pllsh. The accuracy aud usefulness of tbe weather forecast, however, I. sure " to be developed much further as time goe. on and Its lmiortance to be much more fully realized. In emphasising the part be had In It. Inception, Senator Daw, only, displayed hi own farsight cdiieea. IBB COLORADO plan. The- dlsgraepful strung! that pre- ended tho re-election of Henry M. Tellor to the TJnlted States seuate In Colo- rado has aroused Intense disgust with I the present methol of electing United 1 States senators, and men of ull partlea In the Centennial state Bow favor thea0tiOn Is too strenuous and Insistent, election of United States senators by I direct Vote of the people. The change demanded, however, can- not be effected without an amendment of the Mr1 tttuUon. As the next best thing It Is proposed to give t.iel voters of Colorado the right to express their senatorial preferences through the , ballot box. With this end In view a bill Just Introduced In the Colorado legislature provides that at the general electijn preceding the time for the elec- tlon of a United States senator the political parties may place on a ballot the names of five or less candidates for the sepatorshlp and binds members of tbe legislature under penalty of ex- 1 pulsion to vote for the candidate of the,r respective party Indicated by pop- nlar vote. x . ........ . The Colorado plan doubtless baa some merit, but we fear it will work no bet- ter than the Nebraska plan adopted back In 18753, which has proven a most lamentable failure. The Colorado plai fn 'n-Pement on the N an e- brn ska plan In authorizing political parties to restrict the legislature in its l,t i the Nebraska olan does not contemnlnte nominations by party, but gives any rnndldate endorsed by C,000 or more electors tbe right to have his name Prin,eJ on ne official ballot. When It comes to the practical test the members of the legislature who are dl8Peed t( S'"1' ot will violate lnstrnc- tjons and pledges. The menace of ex- pulsion will hove no more effect upon boodlers than the menace of a pall of ... , u i. . - uivuiivc J. VL I " wuuiu nuvo uu a uiaugy cur. The only effective way of dealing with such scoundrels would be a trial by vigilance committee and an elevation on I a telegraph pole. I The representative who betrays tbe I people for money or place is a traitor I when he Is old and past the age of use and merits the penalty imposed on fulness he should not be permitted to traitors. Such doubtless would be the punishment meted out to a bribed pres- Identlal elector, and there Is preclons little difference between an elector who I defeats the choice of the people for pres- ldent and the reprobate who willfully defeats the choice of the people for United States senator. akothir tkassportatios mshomr. Announcement is made of a projected merger of lake fleets, which If effected win place most of the lake shipping, outside of that under Canadian control, bi the hands of eastern railroad lnter- ests. The Cleveland Leader says that plans are developing for the consollda tlon of a11 tbe package freight handling boat lines on tbe lakes, embracing seven companies owning in the- aggregate sixty-one steamers. It Is understood that the 'combination will be capitalized at $10,000,000 and the purpose is to se- cure as complete control as possible of the package . freight business of ' the IaIih T e fia nmtiUf ulls.l,1V Vw nntinnn. n transportaUon. which will mean higher mln ,, ,.... to the seaboard and also doubtless on goods coming westward. Tbe Vander- bllt and Pennsylvania railroads, which are said to be concerned In the scheme, if they shall secure practical control of lake transportation, will of course regulate rates so as to Insure liberal profit both for their vessels and their roods. Moreover they would be In a position to repress competition and mo- noimllze the trade from the lake ports, except what Is carried In Canadian ves- BP1S' "nu " lu"e POMlDle that even ule8e wm De "somea in the merger. 11 u Btated tnat th deal Is one of the most complete tnat has ever been at- I tempted and as J. P. Morgan figures In It Its success Is probable. - A GROUNDLESS FJCAR. Senator Morgan of Alabama, a per sistent opponent of the Panama canal, has discovered a new danger In the proposed purchase and construction of that waterway by the United States. IIe fear war between this country and Colombia, Indeed declared that it I. in- ev'tWe If the United States continues 118 W"cj wun rerercnee to tne eon- tructlon of an Isthmian canal. The ueraDie senator was doubtless serious m "tatInr Wt SPPrehenslon, but it Is not at a11 probable that It will have any errecr upon the senate or the coun-1 ,ry. Mr. Morgan has found so mauy troubles and difficulties iu connection w,th the Panama route, most of which were shown to have little or no founda- tion,(tiiai mere is a natural disposition not 110 Kra seriously anything he now says on this subject His devotion to the Nicaragua route is so profound and all-engrossing that he Is simply In- rapable of accepting anything favora- ble to the other route, however strongly supported by expert opinion. St,,l ,l would be Interesting to know what reason the Alabama senator has I r,or thinking that the iwllcy of the gov- ,ua3r caU80 a war- We are nt aware of anything iu connection with the course pursued by the United States 1 thut has not been perfectly fair and straightforward. There has been no effort made to force any concession from Colombia, but on the contrary our government has nhowu a desire to meet any reasonable views of that country, i mo uikiwuuu oi tne wasnington aa- minlbtratlon has been literal and no attempt has been made to get any ad - vantage of Colombia. It was of course necessary to let the Colombian govern- I ment understand that we would not submit to any sort of exaction, which that government seemed Inclined to - 1 make, but there was In una nothing to give reusouauie oueusu. ecu tor aior - lKan evidently intends to do nil he cnn to prevent the ratification of the treaty, wnich has been favorably reported to tue senate, but It Is tmllewed l.e will not, succeed In his purpose. The odds Bf;itr.pt hlra are too treat nnd the prendre of public sentiment for early should he, however, be able to prevent ratllii-r.tinn at this session there Is no ,i0ubt that an extra axs; Ion of the son ate wlU be) called by the president to act Byon the treaty. WOMAN IN CHLRCH AND STATE. The advent of the twentieth century woman on the political rostrum, In the halls of legislation and In the pulpit Is In accord with the natural trend of modern civilization. Within the past quarter of a century women have wedged their way Into the learned professions and are gradnally taking places as med- leal practitioners, dentists, teachers of music and teachers of the higher edu- ...... a ..-i catlonal branches In colleges ana uni- versitles formerly monopolized by men. It will not be In the least surprising If , ,ki, .Qnttoth vntiirv the Irrepressible twentieth century woman In the no distant future becomes a menace to men of the cloth, Last Sunday Rev. Annie Ford Eost- man astonished the members of the Congregational society of Brooklyn by declaring that "the profession of the Christian ministry Is becoming the most ,,....iui in w "In ilnva of slmnla Christianity." said Rev. Mrs. Eastman, "men and women worked together on terms of perfect equality. When the church became rich and pow- erful It silenced the voice of women in Its ministry, although they continued to preach until the latter port of the flf- teenth century. It would seem, there- fore, that the church needs women In its ministry when it Is poor nnd weak. This Is their call today. 1Q lUVIl lilt, wniaj, .uii.dw.id - staves or ooams or irunuw ami vre- tries. Mountebankery and buffoonery must be depended upon to attract crowds Into the churches, so that money may be obtained to carry on the good work. A minister's pay Is poor, and live any lonKer." Such talk In the City of Churches, where Ilenry Ward Beecher electrified the multitudes only a few years ago by his fervent pUlplt oratory, only re- echoes the recent assertion of Rev. C. M Sheldon, formerly of Kansas, that "churches are pow attended almost ex cluslvely by the well-to-do the persons who have comfortable or palatial homes. They have come to regard membership In a church as a sort of social dlstlnc tlon as an Investment of capital on which they will secure dividends in the hereafter." Whether this sordid spirit can be eliminated by women preachers hurling Elijah thunderbolts from the pulpit, no prophet or revelator can' predict, with any degree of safety. TBS SOUTH EtN RACE PROBLEM. Secretary of War Root, 1b an address before the Union League, of New York Friday evening, referred to the race question In the south aa presenting a problem the solution of which will take the greatest thought of the greatest ai,l,la I -4 li v flnlinfwiT I In ii.n-nfii -k 4hA minds In the country In regard to the outcry that has been made against the appointment of colored person, to fed eral offices In the south, Mr. Root pointed out that President Roosevelt has appointed fewer black men than Presi dent McKlnley did and there are today fewer black men holding office than when McKlnley died. He said that un der all tbe presidents back, to Hayes more colored men were appointed to office than under the present administra tion and nothing waa said The ebullition, therefore, of southern wrath toward President Roosevelt is simply because be has followed In the course of bis predecessors and because he has shown that be believes a colored man who Is capable and of good char acter Is entitled to consideration, should be accorded the same rights as other citizens and should not be excluded from tbe public service on account of I hJs race. Had the president enlarged I the policy of his predecessors In this I matter, or manifested a deliberate pur I Pe antagonize southern sentiment, some excuse might be urged for the out- cry that has been raised, but he baa not done these things. On the contrary, he n. eeu couserTuuve, uui ne nas re- fused to yield to that sentiment which woma exciuae an coiorea men in the south, no matter bow capable and worthy, from serving the government In any pumic capacity, uaving in a uuin ber of states taken from colored citizens I the right of suffrage, it Is now de- "landed that they be denied the privi- 1B bowing omce unaer tbe federal government mew coiorea citizens ng ure in xne ratio 01 nouinern represents tlon ,n congress not tees man rorty representatives from that section being oasea on tne coiorea population, yet while recognizing those people as a basis of representation In congress and the electoral college, they are denied the suffrage and it Is sought to shut them pt of the public service even In com muuitles wnere tney are In the major I "J- The Injustice, of this is obvious and indisputable Secretary Root said: "In a short time I the wnite. man win succeed In excluding I the. black man from all offices in the southern states. We can never throw off the responsibility that rests on our people for .the welfare of these black people that we held in slavery for so many generations." That undoubtedly renecis me general reeling among the people of the north. The improvement and uplifting of the colored race Is an I Imperative duty which must not be ng- lected. Some of the wiser leaders of the race urge that the colored man In the south should keep out of politics I and apply himself to intellectual ad- I vancement and tne acquirement of 1 anowieage iuu .sun in me inaustne. It Is sound hdrlce and Is having good rosultii. It remains true, however, that the colored man has the same right as every other citizen to aspire to and seek public office and this right should not bo denied him. It cannot be without violating a cardinal and vital pflnclplo of our republican Institutions. THK ITW OF THE St NATE. In a current magazine there is an article on te United State, senate in which tbe writer presents wine facts respecting the relations of that body to national legislation and points out the overshadowing power of the senate. Re ferring to the article an eastern paper observes that the majority of the senate can bully the president and every mem ber of his cabinet by threatening to defeat legislation In which he or they may be warmly interested, and may even believe to be essential to the public welfare, unless the demands of leading senators are complied with. The body Is, In fact, a huge, tyrannical, unscrupu lous and entrenched trades union." An other paper remark, that while the gen eral observer may have been Ignorant as to details and known little about the arbitrariness and subtlety of the methods employed, "every citizen who takes even a moderate Interest In na tional affairs must have noticed at how many points the senate has been an obstructive and unresponsive body and baa thwarted or stilled legislation that the country much desired. It seems to be no longer a conservative body in the best sense of tho term. Its conservatism Is that of sullen inertia or repression, a disinclination to answer the demands of changed conditions nnd the mighty Im pulses of progress that are hurrying the country forward." Abundant facts could be adduced In support of these views of the upper branch of congress, which has aptly been designated the "American House " of Lords." It not uncommonly disregards or treat with Indifference the recom mendations of presidents and the sug gestions of cabinet officials. Recently a distinguished senator took the president to task for expressing his opinion re garding proposed legislation, lecturing him upon what the senator deemed the Impropriety of the, chief executive ex pressing himself, even to congressmen, In regard to measures before congress. The country Is now being- given an object lesson in senate filibustering and obstruction which threatens to leave unacted upon, by this congress most Important and urgent questions. There being no restriction upon debate In that body, weeks have 'been consumed by the opponents of the statehood bill In discussing that measure, with the avowed Intention of talking it to death, Matters of great Interest to the general public are awaiting consideration, but with only four weeks of the session re malning it is highly probable that Borne of these matters will have to go over. Thus a minority of. senators, under the antiquated rules of that bodyare able to prevent legislation which the admin istration has urged and the people de sire. , . Tne power of the senate and the arrogance with which it asserts that power Justifies the unfavorable popular opinion of that body. There will, bow ever, be no change so long as United States senators are chosen as at present. Until senators are elected by direct vote of the people the traditional practices and method, of tbe senate will be adhered to and the abuses Incident to these will continue. Not even the British Hons of Lords Is less susceptible to the popu lar win ana influence than 1. the American senate. WOMAN'S PROPERTY RIGHTS. The agitation for a change In the law of decedents to estates which has beon promoted largely through the women's clubs throughout Nebraska, while per haps tending In the right direction, has by misuse of the phrase "woman's prop erty rights" given rise to much misap prehension of tbe real situation. It Is a fact which should not be forgotten that Nebraska is at the very forefront In ac cording to women rights over property that place them on complete equality with men. By statute enacted over fifteen year. ago women have been given in Ne braska the same right after marriage to hold and dispose of property acquired In their separate capacity as enjoyed by them before marriage. The married woman is privileged to go into business regardless of ber domestic status, make contracts, bring suit In court, perform nny labor or services on ber sole account and use or invest in ber own name all the earnings arising out of ber separate property or Individual btisluess or serv lees. If she was inarrled in any state which gives her additional property rights, she retains those when she re moves to Nebraska in'sides acquiring the privileges of our law. It Is therefore only with reference to the property that consists of the estate of a deceased husband that women In Nebraska find fault with the existing law, which in this respect is substan tially a statutory enactment of common law usages. The ijin-K-e of the nro- posed changes Is to give the heirs au estate in fee Instead of a conditional life estate, while proMny devised by w!U remains unaffected. To this change there Is no serious objection In fact. It has had legislative sanction tiefore hut so far as the result Is concerned Its Ini jKirtance seems to have been greatly exaggerated. A writer In one of tbe current period icals defines coeducation hs the admis sion of girls to boys' schools. The pith of bis characterisation Is the Intimation that Ui1 movement for coeducation has not brought aliout the admission of boys to girls' schools, nor even a demand for that kind of equality. The suggestion that Vassar should open it. doors to young men would doubtless be resented on the ground that the young women ought to have some Institutions of higher learning devoted exclusively to them Just a. tbe young men enjoy tbe privilege of universities that bar young women. Yet that Is no good reason why there should not be coeducational Insti tution, also as at present in which both can meet on common ground so far as they are disposed to do so. In its demand for legislation against parents who desert their families, the State Board of Charities and Corrections has embodied Into Its resolutions the proper principle making no distinction In culpability on the part of father or mother. The desertion of husband and children by the wife Is morally and In It. disastrous results just as much of an offense against society a. desertion by the husband. Tbe real reason for Inter ference of tbe law la the protection of the dependent members of tbe family, and In tbe case of young children the dependence Is as much If not more upon the mother as upon the father. If pen alties are to be placed upon wife deser tion they should also apply to tbe de sertion of minor children by either parent. Tbe campaign for tax reform come. right home to every citizen, because there Is no one who escapes paying taxes In one form or another. When the great tax-shirking corporations evade their share of the burdens of government, they .Imply shift them onto the less-favored Individuals who have no way of escaping pnyment not only of the part that belongs to them, but also of the part that the rallrouds should bear. The milk In tbe cocoanut of the naval appropriation bill Is the appointment of two additional midshipmen for each member of the senate and house. With this little bit of patronage thrown In to make It interesting, the bill ought to slide through as smoothly aa a newly launched battleship glides Into the water. The Coantrjr la Safe, Chicago News. Now that It has been officially settled that the American ambassador at St. Pe tersburg la to wear gold braid on his clothes, the nation should feel encouraged to go ahead with some o the less momen tous affairs ot state. The Better Way. St. IxmiIs Globe-Democrat. The New York Central railroad will have a staff of sixty surgeons located along its lines and each ot Its passenger trains will carry a kit ot surgeon's tools. English railroads beat that Idea last year. No pas senger was killed In their operation. Consider the Risk. Boston Transcript. The miners earn more than the average workman, so testifies a stattctlcan before the coal strike commission. Well, they ought to. The element of risk In their calling makes their services worth more than tbe labor ot farm bandB or mill op eratives. What of the Future, Governor T ' ' Philadelphia Press. The bachelor governor of Kansas Is will ing to give the women every chance ex cept the one to marry him. He Is In favor of woman suffrage. Perhaps he doesn't re alize that when women get the right to vote there will be no more bachelor gov ernors. Another Verbal Outcast. Minneapolis Times. Let us discard the term "gentle sex." The athletic girl bids us forget It. When she plays a game calling for strength of arm, swiftness of foot, push, pugnacity and persistence she does not play it gently, There's basket ball, for example. Girls play that game, and when H Is played right It Is rough in spots. Why should It be played gently? Wouldn't we laugh at the girls if they did play It in an Alpbonse Gaston manner? When Adams Raised Cain Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Philadelphia Telegraph somewhat sarcastically remarks that President Eliot of Harvard baa been pleased to class archi tects, engineers, electricians and landscape gardeners as professional men, and their callings are hereafter to be Included among the learned professions. Tbe Telegraph adds that with all due respect to President Eliot It can be safely averred that archi tecture was a learned profession thousands of years before colleges were dreamed of, No doubt that s true. But, let s see, wasn't .landscape gardening the very first profession of all? ANTIQUATED REVENUE SYSTEMS. What NakM Tax Reform of Special Importance to the Western States, Victor Rosewater In February Booklovers Magazine. The American people everywhere, but more particularly In the western states, are becoming restless under the burdens of unequal taxation. This Inequality springs from antiquated revenue systems devised at a time when the distinction be tween Individual and corporate wealth had not yet been accentuated, and the vast and valuable Intangible properties in the nature ot franchises and credits had not developed to notable proportions. That the most productive corporate fran chlses, out of which the biggest fortunes of our multl-mtlllonalres have grown, have up to the present, almost entirely escaped proportionate taxation ran be readily verl fled. The extent to which the Inequality is being Intensified by twentieth century Industrialism Is, however, scarcely yet rea Used. By taking the maximum current revenue as the basis of capitalization In the newest merger srhemes revenues swelled by tax evasion the corporate property Is being plastered wMh bonds representing capital Ized unpaid taxes on which interest Is to be earned in the future ss part of the fixed charges. When the demand Is later made of the merger railroads, or example, for these corporations to pay Into the public tressury money Justly due as taxes, but now diverted to payment of Interest or divl denris. the retort will come that they are being overburdened with taxes, when, in fact, they have, without rirht or excuse overburdened themselves with obligations resting on an unjust evasion of public dues In this wsy the concentration of Industry through community of Interest schemes or outright consolidation Is bound to force the question of tax reform conspicuously to the front not so much the reform of national taxation, but rather the reform of state and local taxation, which, after all, is felt more keenly and comes borne more closely to the people. The sfljutlon of tbe problem which caa be reachn.-OQiy gradually, can for the best though! ut our most practical J ecnomlat. and inoai. astute siausuuMk, BLASTS FROM RAVS HORH. Public sins need public censure. Pear makes a man his own foe, Rhetorlo cannot produce a revival In re ligion. There is no power sufficient to make a man out ot putty. To see a purpose la our pain I. a step toward finding peace. Greed and not goodness is the modern world's condition of greatness. Envy loses the flsvor ot its own Joys in abusing the form of another's. It makes all tho difference whether the shepherd loves the fleece cr the flock. It's no use for a man to pray to Ms Father so long aa he preys on his brother. He only really aspire, to the heights of holiness who walks In tho depths of hu mility. When you are only skim milk In ethics you cannot make up for It by being cream In theoretic. PERSONAL AD OTHERWIJK. A Chicago babe is struggling along under the name Theodore Roosevelt Stanislaus Spyschalhl. Mulal Abdul gave the pretender to the throne of Morocco a solar plexus greeting. For tbe present he will remain the Sultan Ails. The manipulator of the whlsXbroora In a New York restaurant died recently, leaving a fortune ot $45,000. The tipping system Is a olnch for tbe tipped. There are nearly 11,000,000 people in this country available tor military duty. All are not cracksmen, but those who are not familiar with a gun can be relied on to hoot off their mouths in any emergency. In declaring constitutional tbe state tax on cigarette dealers the Iowa supreme court was animated by humane considera tions. Rolling cigarettes gives their de votees sufficient exercise to keep them awake. The governor ot Georgia has attached nearly 200 colonels to his official staff. Next to a circus parade, there is no more entrancing spectacle than a governor's staff n regalia. Doubtless tho governor of Georgia thinks an executive cannot over work a good thing. A Cleveland brldo confesses to having assisted her busDand In burglarising apart ment houses. When a woman voluntarily promises to obey her husband and gets Into trouble she cannot shift the blame. That privilege has been man's exclusively since the daya of Adam. The harp that once through Tira's hall tho soul of music shed" has been shelved for many a year, but the Hill of Tara re mains and Is about to be sold at auction. Here is an opportunity for the descendant of Brian Bom to back sentiment with coin and convert the shrine Into a musical con servatory. Trust managers are not as Inconsolable as some critics imagine. One of them is cheering the mourners, if any there be, by asserting that while the human body is composed of 90 per cent of water, no cor porate body carries more than 58 per cent of that fluid. The discoverer deserves an advance in salary. REAL JOY OF LIVING. Philosophy of Llvlnsr for Something; Hla-her and Better Than Self. New York Mall and Express. Those of us who are plodding along through life in a narrow, and, therefore, elfish way, would do well to look ourselves over every now and then and question whether there Is .as great satisfaction In living only for ourselves as there might be In taking "others Into our lives. Each of us owes something to those near and dear to us, and to the world. There Is a com munity of interest between all mankind that no one of us can ignore and end our days in satisfaction. No man who lived solely for himself ever went to his grave feeling that he would be lonelier coffined In that narrow strip of earth than be had been while above It. if the fundamentala of his character were human, he looked back on bis past with keenest regret that he could not live It over again and be ot the world; if they were not if he was without that "one touch ot nature that makes the whole world kin" be lacked the capacity to realize what he had missed In isolating himself from the friendships, the handgrasps and the love that make life worth living. He knew that he had missed something that bad rounded out other lives better than his, but he did not know Just what it was. Fortunately few men are of that type. Most of-us have a sunny, genial side to our nature, even though It. is often concealed or roughened by the cares of business or the sorrows of affliction. Yet if we .would only stop to think how much we might help others to bear their burden by brightening up ourselves, by Inspiring others with good cheer and cordial feelings. It Is certain that each of us In hla way could contribute more than we do toward tbe happiness and contentment of all. It should be left to selfish men to hoard all the sunshine as a miser does his gold end to live I01.3 enough to know the bitter disappointments that come to those who have made their own way In the world re gardless of others. We should realize, be fore It is too late, what an Invaluable pos session a host of friendships are growing more precious with each year. They can not b formed at tbe close of life. The day to make them Is not after the cares ot life are almost over, but while we are in the midst of toe struggle, when the seed of good fellowship sinks deep and takes root in fertile, earthy ground, then It Is that we can prepare the harvest of priceless recollections we are to reap In later life. 'Did anyone ever call him Tom?" asked a philosopher the other day, speaking of a man of great wealth. fCono one ever knew him well enough for that," was the reply. "Then I'm sorrow for him. He'll be a lonely man when he most needs company." And so It will be for those or us who think we must trudge along through the world by ourselves that the path Isn't wide enough for company by our side, to share the Joys of comradeship. Such as we have had recently, pretty much all over the country ban emphasized that winter is not over yet. It in to those who have been caught by this weather that we offer the sup;getion that this is tho Beanon to get Pk1 clothes cheap. Clothing of the sort we manufacture is never unloaded on the market at "fake" advertised price. When we say our prices are reduced It means a legitimate something. KO CLOTHING FITS LIKE OCRS. KCVLAR SHOTS AT THR PrLTIT, Cleveland Leader: Cardinal Gibbon, sounds a timely warning against the growth of the divorce evil. But the attitude of the Catholic church has always been hos tile to divorce, and the words of the car dinal wlU not bav. thn effoct on those out side of his church which they should have. St. Louis Globe-Democrat: Dr. Park hurst proposes to extaMtsh an "Ideal dally newspaper" In New York City. The world will wait to see If the Ideal Is good and It It ran be realized. The doctor unquestlon ably grasps one part of the problem In a practical way. He expects to be backed by a number ot millionaires. Philadelphia Record: Clergymen of sev eral denominations are engaged in a con certed effort to make it more difficult to obtain divorce. Every divorce la an evil, but If there were no divorce at all marital unbapplness would not be diminished and characters would not be Improved. On the other hand, the Improvement of character would diminish marital unhapplness as well as divorce. It Is not so Important to sup press the symptoms as It is to eradicate the cause of a disease. Kansas City Star: The efforts of tVi Cathollo church to discourage divorce are wholesome in their effect on a much too marked tendency toward domestic disrup tion, but they would be still more effeotlv? rbut for the extreme, to which some ot the dignitaries go. Cardinal Gibbons is quoted aa saying: "I can conceive no scene more pathetlo than the contemplation of a child merging Into the years of discretion seeing her father and mother estranged from each other." The distinguished churchman be lieves that there should be no divoroe. Yet there are estrangements Irreconcilable es trangements between husbands and wives, and there, will be Just as long as human na ture Is frail. And when thry occur be cause of the error of the one and in spite of the fortitude and rectitude of the other, the child in question would better wltnesa the separation than be made to contemplate from day to day the unholy and pitiful al liance. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. She (nt ribbon counter) I want to get a nlre bow Clerk Yes? How would I do for that Bhe No I want a big red one, not an In significant littla green one. Philadelphia Press. Old Gentleman So you think my daughter loves you. sir. and you wleh to marry her? Dudlelgh That's what 1 called to see you about, la there any insanity in your family? Old Oentlemnn No, sir! and there's not going to be any. Medical Record. HI. Wife Josh Backlot, be yew loony T What yew pnlntln' Tabbev yaller fer? Josh (the guide) Tew let ner loose In the North Fork woods. Thet city chap what I'm guldlii' offered me 110 extra If he shot a mounting Hon, an' I need the money. Judge, Mrs. A. When I was engxged to my hus band he was the very light of my exist ence. Miss D And now? Mrs. A. The light goes out every night. Brooklyn Life. He What makes you smaik your Hps In that peculiar manner? Bhe If yon don't like the way I smack my lips perhaps you had butter smack them yourself. Chicago News. Kidder So you really love the girl? Does she return your affection? Kiddle That's Just what's the matter, confound It! She returned It Immediately, saying she' had no possible use for It. Boston Transcript, "You know that Griggs and I both love you. Can't you make a choice today?" "A choice. Indeed! When I do make a choice you can reet aseured that It will not Interest you!" Thanks. Ill tell Griggs." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "How dd you ever manage to get on the good side of that crusty old uncle of yours?" asked Fan. "Fed him the things he liked when he came to visit us," replied Nan. "The good side of any man la his Inside." Chicago Tribune. BY THEIR DEEDS. W. D. Nesblt In Chicago Tribune. A tattered beggar in the street Sung always some old crooning hymn. And held to those whom he might meet His hat, with ragged, greasy brim. Two men two mighty men came by Two honored leaders of the town; Came too, a dame of repute high Each passed the beggar with a fapwn. But still the beggar sung away, With awkward music in each word; And through the balance of that day The three that chanting echo henrd They heard, and held the fading strains As memories of things that bit as. And added to their other gains The golden one of kindliness. Now, by some careless prank of fste. These four met on the Way of Death. And Journeyed to the Joyous Gate Where but the perfect entereth. The warder halted them, and told How all who entered must be known By goodly deeds by deeds of gold By helpful actions all their own. The honored men explained that they Had given of their earthly wealth To help their fellows on the way To knowledge, pencefulnesa and health. The woman told of vlHlta made. The suffering and poor to greet AU three told how the world had laid Its laureled tributes at their feet. "You may go In." the warder smiled "Although your fame we did not know, A cup of water to a child Is more than all the passing show." The beggar turned to take his way With humbled mien and drooping bead. The warder called to him to stay, 1 "Come In! We've heard you slngf' be said. NERVE FORGE. Nerve force is saved when proper glasses are worn. The eyes control one-tenth part of the body's nerve supply, and when de. fects exist are a terrible drain upon the nervous system. There -may be no out ward sign of error, no pain, no seeming lack of good vision, yet. If you have nerv ous troubles, indigestion or headaches they are likely caused through consumption of nerve force by tbe eyes and eaa Mm be relieved except by glasses. J. C. HUTESON & CO.. 113 8 16th St., Paxton Block. Weather R. S. Wllees, Mar. V