Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15

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Omaha people had a cbtsr to see some
thing worth while at tb tbesters last
ees Only one weak rpot totted, the ,
opening diu at the Doyl After -rtcklnta
from Pack" had psssed came the bright
aad tuneful -Princess Chic." !iji a de
light, an alone with the opera cam the
billiard, so that the beauties of the fW
.Ww ated oa empty at. It eem a
,plty that "Happy Hooligan." for example,
could have god wea'her. while the wont
atom ef tbe winter fell vpon tb brightest
ef comic operaa. Kvrie Bellew drew oat
the patronage be deserved, and gave two
splendid performances before large assem
blages of Omaha fashioneblea. "San Toy"
alao drew good houses, bat tell aomewhat
abort of receiving the enthusiastic welcome
that has been given chr musical ceme
dlea daring the Mwn. The music la pretty,
ths scenery and costumes are beautiful, but
tbe lines are deadly dull and the aonga are
ot of the sort that are whistled and
hummed tor days after being heard. At the
' Creighton -Orpbeum what in probably tbe
best bill of tbe ssson drew large bouses
all week. The act of Lroy. Talma and
rtosco la one of the most pleasing In tbe
line of the msrl'al and mystifying ever put
on. and oiMt an Immenae hit locally. Other
feature of the bill alao proved very popu
lar. After having listened to "Sultan of Sulu."
"Florodora." "Prince of Pilsen." "Utt!e
Tuchss" and other of tbe bright, spark
ling musical comedies that have moved 1c
such daiillng procession along tbe amuse
ment highway during the last two or three
years. "Fan Toy" reminds one very much
of the bender Bertie Van Alrtyne and
the "fellahs down at the club" used to gc
on. They would order tip an apollin
arta lemonade and light a cigarette and
It and thick and think and be perfectly
devilish. In many waya "5i Toy" la quite
as exhilarating aa an appolinari lemonade.
f"ne of Its humor fairly makea one squirm
with anxiety to get away. Our grandfath
ers maybe our great-grandfathers, used to
alng "One little, two little." and so on up
till they had enumeratfd "ten little Injun
bora." sad here cornea the puteaant and
subtle mandarin. Ten How. and alng "One
little, two little, three little, four llttl.
five little, six little wlvea." with all the
enthusiastic eclat of one who ha made
discovery. Why he stopped at six doesn't
appear. Ten or a dozen would hve added
that much more beauty to the atage picture,
and wouldn't have prolonged the song a
great deal. And then TJ. the real humor
1st of the piece, ia equipped with tome ex
cruciatingly funny business: that Is. It wa
rery funny Indeed when first Invented.
When Harriet Beecher Stowe had Topsy
teal Hits Ophelia's gloves and ribbon and
get "caught with the goods" she added a
quaint touch of humor to the patboa of her
story; and that incident never rail to get
a laugh when "I'ncle Tom's Cabin" I pre
vented on the stag. In this light It I a
l'ttle bit surprising that when Tucker and
Poppy and Dudley "frisked" Li and discor.
ered a number of stolen article of per
sonal adornment that no one laughed.
Vaybe It was because of the general ven
eration for old age; and It wa likely sym
pathy for Innocence that Induced the peo
ple to refrain from cachinnatloa when LI so
blandly admitted that he wa. a "klepto
lunatic. And in tbe aame scene, when Li
If giving expression to his desire for Eng
lish dress, he does not specify a hat; that
would never do. He distinctly order a
"bniycock" hat; that ought to get a laugh,
but It didn't. It probably went well in
dear old Lunnon'. And. horrors! what a
blunder "props" did make, for Instead ot
providing U with a billycock" hat b
rave him a "bowler." Took advantage of
the poor Chinese's ignorance of correct
English form, you know, and shnnted oS
on him "dicer" of a type he dida't want.
And these are only sample of the "good
things" with which "San Toyairiy glis
tenv Two topic for discussion and even de
rate, which age cannot wither nor custom
stale." are the functinn of the critic and
the elevation of tbe stage. Just at present
the debate fcr it !s no longer a discus
sion involve both these nerenn'.al iih-
Jecta. and is grewlng In acerbity to the
pcint where words win hardly sufflcs longer
ta express the Ideaa ot the disputant. In
deed, one or two of them seem to have al
ready exhausted their ideas and to have re
sorted to epithets ia lieu thereof. Ia time
past The Bee has tried to make It position
rlesr oa the matter of criticism, and H
glad t state that it find its attitude quits
ia :tn with that of some who are recou
nt red aa leaders If not actual authorities ca '
matters pertaining to the theater. By these
It Is held that tbs critic's office Is a most
Important one. to the public and to tbe
actor aHke; hut it Is also contended that
tbs critic should be capable not only of
forming a sound Jcdgment. bat of giving
tc it Intelligent expression, and moreover,
endowed with a sufficient appreciation .of
the dignity of hi position to prevent him
from ever stooping to mere abuse or to In
dulging in personalities. Critics whs come
within the scop of these requirements ar
sot uaselcoms ta the actor, even though
the latter may not always find favor with
, . - - I
Call at the below named drug store and
receive a tree ms ot hHK K H EC
LtMA CURE, the greit remedy for Ec
Km. Plmpies. Liidr.a". fcam Eruptiuna
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rity tbe blood by taking Ktnuc a fepsia
bod Tonic
I have ued jour hetck k a Kriema Curs
and Remivk s Pepsin Biood Totuc fur
treatnMOt of a very obstinate caaa of sc
aesia. after hating consulted the very beet
f pbvsictana In this city without sorcess.
and csa romrtenttoualy rw-ommend tnem
t any oee ( s.y fneno aft:ct-1 with this
dreadful d kom. I have bea afflicted wita
wm tor nearly four ar. an
Kmi k's Kcaeraa Cur and Remlra a
Wpa:n Blood Tonic have been the only
rraieOlee. that I hits been able to obtala
say relief from, after kstng many oitacr
frepara t lor s
tAlll'EL BARNES, it. E., E. E.
! Wwuaturk- Rd. l.on-i.n. Ftf i-d
thtroia st McConcrii Drug Co.. lath aa4
I-i-.i ia
haefer a. Mih and ChK-ago Sta
ki-hn a Ca . iith and I j -(.& 8ts
J. H Merchant lth ana Howard Fls
C. A. Mrktxrr. N at . swum Omaha.
tieorrt BY Uavia,
Cxfcaia audita, 1
Oeorae B Lwvut, 4 West bnalsir.
k E. ""aw i.' V
tbs former. Ia a private letter to the
dramatic editor of Ths Bee. Mr. E. H. Soth-
era gives gocd eipresslon to tbe attitude of
the honest actor toward the critic thus
"I like a controversy myself, because It
begets friendship. I like a man who ran
stand up against me, but d a the beggar
who goes aaay from the contest and spits
on your coat as It hang In the hall." Mr.
Pot hem haa been more mauled and hauled
by the critics daring the present season
than any other man on tbe American stage,
but further along la tbe same letter be
speaks of tbe mil who haa most merci
lessly criticised him mark, criticized, cot
abused In terms cf the highest regard.
I'nfortunately. tbe office of critic has been
so generally prostituted under the malevo
lent ministration of the "modern" Jour
nalist that It haa come to be little more
than a vehicle for the expression of per
sonal spite or the puffery that Is purchased-
Soaie of tbe most graceful writers
oa stage topics have fallen into this hsblt.
to the end that they have not only lost
flelr own Influence, but have done a great
deal to destroy tbe Influence of tbe honest
writer who have striven to maintain the
traditions of their high calling. This ia
the regrettable nature of the situation, for
It brings discredit not alone on tbe offend
ers, but tbe earnest and conscientious crltl:
must also suffer, for tbe public If not at
all likely to discriminate. As to tt honest
actor, so to tbe honest critic the highest
reward that may come la the consciousness
of having done right according to tbe light
that I within him.
Tbe elevation of tb stage 1 also a per
ennial topic for debate, but, fortunately,
while the debaters are wrangling over
mns. the natural law of change ia work
ing out the salvation of the stage. Prog
ress 1 the order ot the day to matter
theatrical, th same a la other walka of
life. No ooe who I at all familiar with tbe
topic will undertake to maintain that the
stags ba not advanced as rapidly In
morality as it has In any other dtrectlor.
It may be that certain topica are still dis
cussed from ths stags with a freedom that
seems shocking to persons ot delicate
minds, but it must be admitted that the
freedom of the stage l not ooe whit more
rrone to take advantage of Its license In
this direction thaa the average novel "with
purpose." It may be that the difference
He in tbe fact that we do not like to hear
spoken the words that we can read without
shudder. The pasmodic outbursts or
protest against the moral tone ot tbe stage
nowadays generally come from well-meaning
persona who lack practicality in this
direction, no mstter how sound they may
be in othcra. One ot these Is thus discussed
In the Philadelphia Press:
Th. latest nroDOsaJ to "eievate the stage"
comes from a professor of Greek In the
Northwestern university, who would have
all plays censored before public production
by a commute of "representative moral
Tlx re is only cme objection to this
scheme. . It is Impossible. There is no au
thority competent to aecwe upon im con
stitution of a committer of representative
moral cltlaens;" If tbef were it would be
much simpler to have this authority censor
the play, and be done with it.
Censorship, bo by public opinion but by
autrcrity. haa been tried In England for
more than 150 years. Nobody but the cen
sor himself and the lord chamberlain, who
appoints him. regards It ss aught but a
dW-mal annoying and futile restriction upon
dramatic art. it dons not limit the output
of bad rUya. snd it not ukseldom keep
good plays off the stage.
The only way permanently to elevate the
drama is to elevate the audiences who sup
port the drama, and whose Uvss are re
flected In that drama. When somebody has
discovered haw to do this, we shall find
thst there Is nothing the matter with the
Cnsnlas; Evests.
This afternoon "Shore Acres." James A.
Heroes drama of homely life, will be
opened at th Boyd tor an engagement that
lncludea tonight and Monday night. Since
Mr. Heme's death "Shore Acres" haa re
mained under the control of Mrs. Herne and
ha not been allowed to deteriorate In any
particular. The acting company contains
all the old players, with ons or two ex
ception, who have so long been, identified
with the play. Mr. James T. Calloway will
again appear in tbe role of Nathaniel Berry
and Mr. Atkins Lawrence aa Martin Berry,
the thick-headed brother. These two ac
tor were long; Identified with Mr. Heme
and they have retained all hi bit of stage
business. This is equally true of Miss
Belle Theadore. who gives such a capital
rendition of Ma Berry; Mr. William M.
Burton, ths Josiah Blake; Mr. Charles E.
Fisher, the Joel Gate, and Mr. James
Burrows, the captain ot ths Uddy Ana-
Mr. Herbert Flanaburgh. wco ha won sucn
. success as Dr. Warren, was protege of
Mr. Heme's, and gtvea promise 01 becom
ing a noted character actor. The children
la "Shore Acre" ar also a most attrac
tive feature. Although they have to be
changed from time to time, owing; to their
outgrowing the part a, Mr. Hern devotes
a deal of time and attention to their char
acterixationa and thla result .la keeping
them within the picture.
8. Miller Kent, the young actor who
succeeded Nat Goodwin in the role of Teddy
North in "The Cowboy and ths Lady." will
be seea at the Boyd theater Tuesday and
Wednesday night and Wednesday matlne.
Mr. Kent presented tbe play ta Omaha last
season, when it was well received.
"Sherlock Holmes" at Boyd' new theater
tor three cighta and one Saturday matlrea.
commencing Thursday, February 19. i al
moat enough ot an announcement to test
the capacity of the theater to Its utmost
at every performance- Mr. Gillette's sue
ceaaat the Carrie k theater. New Tork.
hi tour of two year ago throughout th
largest cltle of th east, hi ucceasful
engagement of eight months at Sir Henry
Irving' Lyceum theater, London, ar all
known to theater patrona, sad hia abort
engagement hero oa hia way to the PaclSe
coast will give Omaha people an oppor
tunity to see tbe man aad tb play which
havs attracted so much attention every
where. This engagement will be the flrat
and th laat that Mr. Gillette will play here
la this piece. Plans mads tw years ago
caa bo longer be postponed aad Mr. Gil
lette is under contract to appear ia some
thing els next year. He haa the same
company which appeared with him ia New
Tork and London and all of tbe unique and
acetic effects which have dose so much
toward making "Sherlock Holmes" a suc
cess. At ths Orphsunv. commencing with a mat
inee today, the Ornheum Read Shew, under
I d rectloa of Martin Ceck. general manager
ct ins iTpneua t ircuu company, win play
its annual engagement, with two excep
tions the aamea oa iia roster this s eases
ar new. aad those two are Mclatyre aad
Heaia. Ia Omaha their favor is well es
tablished, tor they enjoy the personal ac
quaintance of a large circle, having re
sided here In the early '. A a vehicle
for their fun-uaklng black -far dellaea
tloa. they will present for the trst half of
the week a aew atetch entitled "Oa Guard."
Tat the Utter half or th week they will
pwt oa their famous old "Georgia Mia
strels. Another prominent contributor to
th cosnody element will be Nat Wills, who
of th many comedlaaa la ths tramp gulss
ia said to a ths pace-maker. Nlcr Lotg
aad Idalea Cot to a. a ho for a time wars
member of baa Dai'a com, will play
"The Critic and the Lady." a new sketch
dealing with an actress who objects to be
ing Interviewed aad a critic who sdopts
tbe rose of being a photographer. M go
aetts Kskia. with her pretty gowns, suc
cessfully direct her effort to singing aad
dancing. Tbe sensational novelty ot tbe
program will be Rawson and Juae. who pre
sent for the first time to crar thester pa
tron boomerang throwing. They not only
are adepts with this primitive weapca of
tbe bushman of tbe antipodes, but Include
la tbelr specialties club Juggling, spesr
throwing and bow sad arrow shooting. Tbe
Mellnl trio, new-comers, constitute the mi
alcal feature, who are said to be excellent.
They are styled tbe Milanese minstrels,
their act being given in tbe form of the
street singers. Julius M. Tannan ha a
monologue uniquely his own. He give imi
tation of tbe curtain speeches ot. cele
brated actors.
For tbe Tri-City Press club entertain
ment to be given at Boyd' theater next
Monday afternoon the newspaper scribe ta
charge hare secured an attractive pro
gram. The local feature, which were tb
latest additiona to tbe card, will rank di
rectly with toe theatrical portions, a mu
sics) talent of the highest professional
character baw been obtained.
Mr. Robert Cuecaden. the Omaha violin
ist, who created such a favorable Impres
sion here recently pon hi return from
year of tudy abroad, will glv a trlolofr
of famous string selections. In a series of
public recitals Just ended Mr. Cuscadea has
established his repute aa a violinist. Mr.
D line re Cheney, who was for eight year
tbe basso In tbe Schumann quartet, tbe
most famous men's four la America, will
sing second on te program. Hia will be
the selection "Let All Obey," from Stephen
Leach's "Enchantress." Mr. Cheney has
but recently come to Omaha, and. by a
peculiar coincidence, sang at the St. Louis
Press club entertainment given In that city
a short time ago.
Frederick B. Pate, a tenor, who has
had eight years' experience In grand opera
troupea. will be fourth on tbe program.
Mr. Pates is .another newcomer, who haa
sever yet sung In public here. His is a
lyric tenor of much power. He will sing
Balfe's famous Ca Tat Ids. "Com Into fie
Garden. Maud." among tbe most notable
tenor solo production of th author of the
"Bohemian Girl."
Carl Better, tbe manager of the Orpbeum
theater, while a local attraction, will give
a theatrical act. It ta expected that hi
monologue will pro to the big hit of the
Two selections from legitimate vaude
ville will alao grace tbe program. Mana
ger Relter haa chosen Mignonette Kokln.
tbe dancer, aad the Milanl trio. Milanese
minstrels, from the Orpbeum of this week,
as the strongest attractions for the press
club program. Each act stand high in it
With the rendition complete of the Bret
first act of "Shore Acre" the program will
close. The act occupies thirty-five minutes.
and brings upon tbe stage sixteen of the
two doxen actors in the troupe. James A
Heme's own company will give the act,
and it has Just secured sew scenery en
tire. The nart selected Is the barnyard
scene, famous tbe country over for Its
Ossip Gabrillowitsch. the most brilliant
of tbs younger group of pisno virtuosi, will
play at the Kountze Memorial church Tues
day evening. February 17. Hia reputation
haa preceded him. The aala of reserved
seat will open at Msnde'lberg' jewelry
tor Thursday morning.
Elks lodge No. ot tfcti city I pre
paring to give aa entertainment followed
by a masquerade ball at the Ak-Sar-Ben
den that will eclipse anything; Ia an amuse
ment way it has attempted since Its or
ganization. It will be on th order of the
well public function given at ths Madison
Square Garden. New Tork. Tbe den will
be practically rebuilt to accommodate the
function- Th galleries will be carpeted
and reseated. Boxes will bs arranged for
exclusive parties. Tbs lower floor will be
cleared for dancing. ith the exception of a
wide promenade that will encircle It. This
promenade will be carpeted and lined with
Cowers and potted palma and plant. Re
tiring room for the ladle and smoking
rooms for the men will be built. For danc
ing aa orchestra ot sixty men of ths pick
of the musicians of Omaha will be in at
tendance. On the dancing floor no one v?ill
be allowed besides those holding Invita
tion. To serve a art Incentive to elabo
rateness and originality of costumes rich
and costly prizes will be offered. The Elk
fun makers will be the entertainer. They
will be dressed to represent Hsppy Hooli
gan. Gloomy Gus. Foxy Grandpa aad ths
other characters of the comic papers. A
novelty to be given will be a minuet aad
other old-time dances given by a quartet
of dancers garbed la the costumes of long
ago. When the solicitors call on 70a to
buy tickets, buy for the sake of the cause
If nothing else.
X Csuls of Btaarelaad-
Frank Mordaunt. well known al over
tbe countrv. ta very sick at a stn-tarlum
near Stanford. Cone.
Cole Younger, being out of reach of the
Minnesota courts, is to go on the stsge.
This is another step toward the elevation
so much talked about.
Laura BtgTr la to be starred in a
diama built on the eventa of her life. Her
co-conspirators ought to be so .presenied
aa to receive the Justification tbe Jersey
cojrts denied them.
While the engagement of Robert Hilllard
In "Jim Bludo" la spoken of as a success,
the announcement is followed by the fur
ther lnformetlon that Mr. HlJiard will re
turn to vaudeville next week.
Mary Shaw and Amelia Bingham are
now accused of having designs on "Ham
let." Mavbe one of thee women will
realise the much discussed characterisa
tion of the part In which so many ambi
tious men have failed to please the critics.
M. R. Bimberg. executive head of the
West End Amusement company, which
controls the West Ec.d ttieater in New
Tork. has declared his independence of
the "trust." Hia complaint is that he waa
discriminated against in ths mstter of
Robert Bell of Denver is energetically
pushing his plan for sanitarium for
actors suffering from tvibeeculorls or other
pulmonary diseases. He has secured ample
hacking for the project and expects 10
be able to take over a handsome building
st Manltou. Colo., for the purposes of
th home- Much Interest 10 the proposi
tion has been shown in he east, and the
outlook for its permanence ia good.
From a school girl to a prima donna In
two months Is literally the history of Vera
Mlchel-ra. who so charmed Gmaiiana
early this week by the manner in which
she sang the title roi in "Princess Chic."
Mkchelraa had been tn tbe part bit eight
weeks and before that time ahe had never
appeared 4n a theatrical production. But
mure important to the your.g atar than
even thia meteoric rise is her prospect for
next season, aa John glorjm. manager of
the Kirk La Fheile attractions, confided
to a fnerd white here that tie Intended
starring her in -The Fortune Teller." This
was not meant for publlra'lon. and tbe
young woman herself does not vet know
of 1 tie plans for her further eaaltstlon.
Vera Mkheiena li but II years of age. She
ia a San Francisco airU the daughter of
the once famous Italian tenor. Michelena.
who now conducts a conservatory in Kan
FTancisco. Lsi season Maude Lillian
Rerrl was singing the stsr part In the
"Princess Cnic " Tr.ts season Socum
started the company erf with a new prima
donna. He t as far as Sal Franc lac o
and there alicheler.a was takes from her
fathers srhcuj snd given tne part. Her
Italian ancestry seemed to make her all
that was desired with but iitHe stage
training. She already bad th tempera
ment ax. i study wtfi her falLer had givea
her the true lyric Italian atyie of singing
so effective in light opera. In Saa Fraa
clwo, waeo she ma her stage debut.
!4 Icheler.ik waa widely advsrtiM-d as a
mecw of President Castro of Veneaueia.
This proved a great hit. wut Mirbeieba
Indignantly debied the tttt and cams
near causing ewulews IrouMe for the ea-
terpnaiug agent w he kxiLed to
daughica- aa 1 Spa-aiaa bluvd.
And her eometb Breltkoff & Haertel.
Lei pilg. with aa English versioa by John
BerchoU to "Scboea Gretleln." a song
cycle by Voa Fielltx. Tbi constitutes "No.
. Poems One Ought to Forget:"
A youth red ty the garden gate.
With auburn locks encircling
Hts noble brow and with eres so bright;
Tbe morning belis were ringing.
My throbbing heart beats loud and fast
And troubi-d thoughts cnm o'er me.
The dew etlll llnsers on the grasa.
The youth ia gone by: farewell, love!
Is there not a questioa as to whether th
"auburn locks" belong to the youth or to
the gate? And is It not possible that
"tbe morning bells were ringing with eye
sv bright?" Perish the thought. Bells
ring with tongues, not eyes.
Other belles but that'll do; It Is no Urn
to indulge la idle quip or uaeless Jest.
Mis Fannie Arnold will present, with
tbe assistance of local artists, a series ot
evenings with Wsgaer at Unity church oa
February 14. March 14. April IS and May
23. Mr. Joseph Gahm will be the pianist
of the series. A chorus, which has been
working for some time ta Wagnerian
fetudes, will sing. Surely there 1 a
"Wagner revival" on.
The Woman's club presents Mrs. William
Spencer Crosby in Wagner lecture-re?ltals
oa February 21 and 24. But Miss Arnold'
Wagner acheme the first one planned
should not be neglected. There I room
for both.
There ar several good attraction booked
for tht month, tbe first being tbe appear
ance of the Swedish Ladies' Quintette.
which will take place at tbe Boyd on
Thursday erening. February 12. If one Is
to form any opinion from the press notices,
this organization is a very gnod one. hiring
dons a great many of the bigger cities,
both here and in Europe, and receiving high
Tbe next attraction Is the recital by
Ossp Gabrillowitsch. who. as yon very
plainly see, baa made a name for himself,
and a big one at that. Mr. Gabrillowttach
will play oa February IT. Tuesday night.
The pianists tell me that this will be a
rare treat. I have never heard him. but
hia reputation ha not ben assailed in
any particular, so thst sn evening of the
best at the piano can be looked forward to
with pleasure.
The next musical offering will be the
local production of Arthur Whiting' ong
cycle. from the poem of Oliver Hereford,
"Overheard in a Garden. the musical pro
duction being named "Florlana." This
will be at the St. Mary- Avenue Congre
gational church.
The appearance of Kocian, th young
violinist who. like Knbelik. cornea from
Bohemia. 1 at the Boyd oa Febru
ary 22. Washington' birthday. Tbe ap
pearance will be a matinee, I believe.
Then on Saturday. th :6th. will occur
the first of the Lenten muslcale. with
Genevieve Clark Wilson of Chicago, the
distinguished soprano, a the attraction.
And. en passant, let me remark that if
Omaha managers lese money occasionally
on their Tecturea, they must accept a
bar of the blame upon their own shoul
ders. Up to th day I have not received
from the managements tbe slightest Inti
mation that either Gabrilowltsch or Kociaa
is coming. I have learned It from per
sonal sow ices. Thla Is true of almost all
attractions playing ia Omaha. There li
not enough attention paid to tbe getting
up of suitable advance notice. Look at
the theatrical business; see what a busy
man tbe press man i. If my friend- ths
msnagera. want to receive publicity In
this column, they should supply me with
at least the meager Information that a
atar 1 about to shine forth In the local
Armament. Out of purely personal
courtesy and kindly feeling to the various
managements The Bee has. ia Its musical
department, endeavored to find out some
thing about their attractions, which It waa
thought would be of interest to the people;
but let the managers remember this, la case
at some time they are ignored.
I askec? the musical critic of an Omaha
a. it. list week if be wer troubled thl
. . , -i.-j .....- 9
V-T hq immediately ciitu
very recent date where he wa obliged to
.-.--v 10 .h. local management and
ask oersonally for the ucaeis. umui
w differ. He U more amiable thaa I am.
I have Just received from a friend In
Chicago the clipping from which the fol
lowing excerpt ks taken about th work of
George Hamlin. artUt. In th city of Boston.
Those who know Mr. Hamlin will bear me
out la ths statemeat that h is certainly a
prophet of the reckless and subtle Richard
Strauss, and that be ha a gift of Impart
ing th fruit of his tudy ia uch a way
that Straus become really intelligible to
aa audience. Now. please do not aay
that I wrote that a Strauea waltz could not
be understood that Is the manner in which
on i generally quoted. Ther f th
Strsuss of the mazy waltx and the Strauss
ef the mystic mist, and behold there la
indeed a difference.) But this I not evi-
dence. To continue, tbe fact that George
Hamlin who ia now prominent enough to
pell hia name Georg went to the some
what reserved circles ot Boston and re
ceived these line from that lion of ths
tribe of Judah of criticism, Phillip Hale, is
rejoicing his best friends, and hs has many
cf these:
vi . u.miin v iWvoted himself of late
to the study of Strauss, the composer of
sorgs He has done inn ,wunoui mnwio
I.,. ikxmhl nf oecuniary success, without
the desire of starting a fad and becoming a
lion among ladies, snmui jjcnwuimi i'i
tense For Mr. Haml:n is i.ot a musical
ooseur: hs is s singer of uncommon Intelll-
- . - . -11" kl 1 nrm
irnce: ne is inn sun -!
lTh brains. The songs of Strauss sppeai
to him aa tbey must to every Droao-minaea
or sensitive musicisn.
He Ends Such oeauty in inrw nun n"
he has mad them t" Ms own thst he
wishes others ta share In his pieaaure. He
does not write polemical articles; he does
not find fault with "ther composers of
sons" be snnounoes his recitals modestly,
ss though he sld: "Here ere song which
give me gTeat pleasure. Some are nobly
sensuous: some are full of sacred emotion:
some chsnt sonorously the Joys of nstur
snd the ecstacy of glowing life; and on
or two are witty and Ironical, and If Iron-Irf-al.
thy are at the same time pathetic.
Listen to them all and see if you do not
agree with me."
Thus he appear on th stage, -a sincere
snd enthusiastic interpreter of Richard
Btrsuss. snd since be is a true and skilled
interpreter, since he sings with the au
thority of knowledge ss well ss of convic
tion, his Interpretation ia at once accepted,
and his enthusiasm ta contsalous
Nor is It the s-ast brilliant feather in ths
cap of Strauss that be haa drawn unto him
such disciples.
Ia this connection I may state that Mr.
Hamlia haa beea signed aa ons of tb solo
ists st tbe May festival, pro 1. It is to be
hop?d tbst it ons of the lx concerts of
thst eccasioa he may b heard ia his spe
cial work.
The May festival choir will ia future
meet la tb large assembly room of tb
Board of Education oa tb fifth Boor of
tbe city hall. Tb rebearaala will be oa
Monday night, rs before.
-This th board kindly graated at sons la
coavealeace. ia order t show their Inter
est and encouragement. Member Stubea
dorf said, la his naive way: "How caa 11
get a quorum with such good music going
oa right close?". So hs Was givea a pledge
that all members of th hoard would be
xclud4 from rehearsal until their meeUag
wa over, or would be admitted by tkket
signed by tbe full board In session. And
tbst at tbe close of esch rehearsal ther
would be a special musical program re
served for them.
Th festival choir feela rery grateful to
the board for Ita prompt action In supply
ing it wtth commodious quarters, the
church room, which has been used, bring
Bow too small for th membership.
Members of tbe choir will find It advis
able to come earlier than usual, on ac
count ef tbe necessary delay In getting to
the rehearsal room, tbe elevator being lim
ited In rapacity.
Tbe social part ot the rehearsals will, ia
future, be held from 7: JO to t p. m.
Visitors admitted only by ticket.
Mr. Richard Wherry, whose fine tenor
voice was well known to Omaha people
some ten year ago. Is visiting la tbe city.
He ha consented to sing tbe offertory' sMo
at the First Methodist Episcopal rhnrch
this morning. He has selected the "Gate
of Heaven" by Schnecker. to which the di
rector ot music of that church has arranged
a choral "interlude" as It were.
Cslasabla Grsykafksae Compaay
Oweas Oae of Its Big stores
la OssaTsa.
Our forefathers enjoyed life la their way
and had many form of amusement which
we yet ppreciate. but the opportunities
which even the middle class ran have at
mall expense nowadays would mske our
grandfathers and grandmothers think they
hsdn't lived st all if tbey could enjoy what
we have within our reach. Some wonder
ful Inventions have been made within tbe
last few years, one of the most Important
of which la tbe grspbophone. Tbe popu
larity of this machine has been gained be
cause of the entertainment and amusement
which it sffords. The Improvement made
oa these machines of late and the remarka
ble advancement In the process ot making,
records has gone beyond the hope of th
most sanguine. Tbe moulded record and
disc graphophones. manufactured under en
tirely new Columbia process, are some of
tbe latest improvements and thsy are now
perfected to tbe extent that the scratchg
and muffled sound Is done away with and
Instead the stralna are now smooth, clear
and resonant, rendering both the vocal and
instrumental muale unexcelled.
A recent special cable dispatch to tbe
New Tork World gave an account of the
NewsTear' reception held by the queen of
England In the Royal palace, describing
bow one of our American Talking Machines
was the unrivalled center of attraction.
Another Interesting and important use ct
the Graphophone Is that st language teach
ing. A Graphophone cylinder oa which an
exercise la a foreign .language has been
recorded by a teacher becomee, so to speak,
a living text book that talks to tbe pupil
a patient instructor that repeat words and
sentences uncomplainingly as often aa de
sired. Ia thia way the ear aad tongue
quickly acquire familiarity with foreign
word a they are spoken, the only re
quirement being your pare moment with
a set of Germaa. French or Spanish
The value of the graphophone as a me
chanical amanuensis and substitute for the
stenographer cannot be overestimated. The
absolute accuracy, the constant readiness
and tbe economy ef the mechanical as com
pared wtth tb human amanuensis, have
brought It Into favor and as in the largeet
business establishments. In fart, some' ot
the large Chicago mercantile house have
In dally operation as high a seventy-five
graphophones la a tingle office for handling
their correspondence, which by the aid of
these wonderful machine reduces the ex
pense fully f0 per cent
Bridgeport. Con., is a town rich In fac
tories, and among all It vast manufactur
ing enterprises there I probably none more
Interesting than that of the American
Graphophone company. This factory has a
rapacity at present of 600 machines and
40.000 records per day. This estimate, how
ever. I based on a working day of ten
hours, and the factory has to be kept in
operation overtime in order to supply the
All goods manufactured by the American
Graphophone company arj controlled and
sold by the Columbls Phonorranh eomnanv.
1 - -
Wch has over twenty selling depots iu
. Cnlted Statea and haa Juat opened a
b ranch la Omaha. They succeed the Witt
mana company ' and have remodeled and
equipped their store at Seventeenth and
Farnam streets until It Is one of the most
attractive place in the city. This is tb
first exclusive talking machine store Omaha
ha ever had, and aa the company ha not
pared expense to make it equal to any In
the country Omahans ara to be congratu
lated upon Its advent. Mr. J. H. Wittmann
wDl continue as manager, ably assisted by
Mr. G. Ia Smith, both of whom bar many
friends who wish them success.
Mr. Wittmann stated to The Be repre
sentative that It was his determination to
give Omaha every possible metropolitan ad
vantage, besides maintaining an office her
where the consumer csa positively find
everything and anything la talking ma
chines or supplies at all tlmea aad with the
i unexcelled facilities their Omfca office will
rainy nrai tns t nicago or New Tork offices.
They further Intend ia the very near fu
ture to glv th people of Omaha an op
portunity of meeting the world' most fa
mous record msking artist. Mr. Cal Stew
art. Mr. Stewart' Uncle Josh records ar
too well known to need further comment,
but they Intend to have this star attraction
brought to Omaha for one matinee and
evening's entertainment where tb public
will be Invited free to meet this prince of
entertaiajra and learn exactly how he
makes his famous records. Further par
ticulars win follow.
Schools Skoals Lisalt Stadles ta tse
fsl Arts-Kadi Sctearea. Say Speak
ers at Cdacalwrs f avewtlew.
ANN ARBOR. Mica.. Feb. The first
session today of tbe convention of edu
cators and bjslcess men. who are hers dis
cussing higher commercial education, was
givea over to papers by prominent edu
cators. Prof. W. A. Scott of ths University
or Wiacoosia declared that detailed com
mercial courses must be introduced lnt
Chessman A. Hen-irk. principal of the
Central High school ot Philadelphia, said
ther waa no inducement nowaday tor
young men to go through high schools in
view of the lack of studies in tb curricu
lum. Prof. E. D. Joofl of th I'niversity of
Michigan declared that business men were
ceeded as special lecturer: In commercial
courses, aad aaid:
"We must bring the students to the busi
ness men by means of summer schools lo
cated la Industrial centers, where actual
eon-art may be had with industrial coodi
tlona." Prof. R. H. Tbuns'oa of Cornell spots to
night aa "To What Eitent and la Whv.
Way Should Student of Commerc Study
lie said:
The constant endeavor of school boards to
crowd the whoie pan to logy ot a liberal
education Into a common school system cas
trer siiccd. In general, where toe pupil
ta to go directly Into business, the technical
science of th curriculum should be mithe
matiua. the acsenccs uf v"?-, e-t-tl paruo
kiarl chemistry.
This Afternoon, Tonight, Monday Night.
America's Great ret Horn Flay. Jame A. Item'
Presented tinder th direction of Mrs. Jame A. Hern
Prices-rUtlrvce. 25c, 50c; Night. 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.
Tuesday and Wednesday Nights ""'r
The Tourg Romantic Actor
Fresertlng Nat Goodwin' Great Succesa
The Cowboy and the Lady
With the Original Knickerbocker Theatre Production.
Prices-Matinee, 25c. 50c; Night, 25c, 50c, 75c, $ 1.
For 4 Performioces, 5tartiag Thursday, Feb. 1.
Seats on sale Monday, February 16.
Tbe Season's Most Notable Social Event.
Entertainment and
iji At Ak-Sar-Ben Den
Under the auspices of B. F. O. &. No. S) of Omaha. Admission to danc
ing floor. Sl.fsX Only those holding invitations permitted on the floor.
Tickets to spectators gallery, $1 00. reserved seats. Costly prises will be
given for the most graceful and the best costumed dancers. The Elka lodge
a preparing a program of entertaining novelties to be given on thia night
that will eclipse anything they have grven before, or anyone else has.
4283 Loss Co:, 32 to 40 bust.
Woman's Long Coat with Capes, AZ3
Perforated for Three-Quarter lngth
Long coat are much In vogue and are both
protective nd comfortable. This atyliah
example Include tbe becoming and fashion
able1 cape and becomes suited to traveling.
general uae. driving or bad weather wear,
aa It Is made of. one material or another.
The original from which the drawing wa
made la of dark gray cravenette wtth collar
of velvet and handsome smoked pearl but
tons, but cloths of various aort. taEeta
arid checked loulslne silks are equally ap
propriate. The edges are finished with
double rows of machine stitching in tlack
The coat is made with loose fitting,
double-brrarted fronts and backs which
cutllne the figure stylishly and are joined
by means of under-arm gorea. The under
arm seama are left open for a few laches
J above the lower edge to allow greater
freedom and at each front Is Inserted a
pocket underneath a lap. The aleeves are
two-seamed and are finished with roll
over cuffs. Over tbe ahoulders are ar
ranged triple rapes that are rut without
fullness. The neck is finished with a regu
lation collar and lapels that turn back
ever the edges of the capes.
The quantity of material required for
tbe medium alt la 1'S yards 44 Inches wide
or a yard IZ Inches wide.
The pattern 424 la cut In a lie for a
34, t. "TfS and 40-Inch bust measure.
For tbe accommodation of Tbe Be
readers these patterns, which usually retail
at from ZZ to J rente, will be furnished at I
a nominal price. 14 reals. whlrh covers all
eipense. in order to get a pattern enclose
10 cents, give number snd name of pattern
wanted and bust measure.
Crews Making Active Preparations
for Yesna ( Baitlewblns tn
tb t'Mat nf liana sra a.
preparations are being made for th early
departare of the Cagship New York and the
fruiter Boston, MarMehead and Ranger
for tbe coast of Honduras. Store for all
th ship will b placed aboard today.
Admiral Class has received orders fixing
a time ta sail, and It Is possible that tbey
will b detained her antll th arrival at
writ tea orders There I a probaolllty,
however, that ordera will be received her
by wire, la which cant th four vessels may
get away tomorrow or Monday sucraiag.
Woodward & Burgess
Masquerade Ball
Monday, February 23
Week Commencing
Sunday Mat Feb, 8
The Orpheum Show
Direction Martin Beck
Vaudeville JLil Star Aggregation
Mclntyre and Heath
Presenting First Half of Wetk "On Guard"
Tbe Latter Half "The tlcorgla Minstrels."
Nat Wills
The Happy Tramp.
Nick Long and idalina Cotton
In "The Critic and the Lady."
Mignonette Kokin
Rawson and June
Th Australian Boomerang Thrower.
' Meiani Trio
The Milanese Minstrels
Julius M. Tannan
The Famous Impersonator.
New Moving Scene.
Regular Prices. 10c, 25c, 50c
Tuesday evening, February Ktb. 1501.
the most eminent pianist touring this
country today. Reserved seats sale opens
Thursday, February Uth, at Mandelberg'a
Jewelry store.
Prices Uk. Tie and $1.00.
Reserved Seats $1.00.
Mr. Kelly ....
Tone Production
navijjrc Block.
18th and Farnam
Piano Tuner 2nd Repairer
ED EYANS, T.!. P-2566. .
Everything new and up-ta-dat.
Special attention ta prtvat parties.
Tel. UUl lilt Howard, OatAHA.
A7Z a f
Telepaoae 1 .V! 1.