Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 13

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    The Omaha . Sunday
PAGES 13 TO 24. i'
Tbi Fallowing; Kndorarmf nti from
Frrsa, Financial InsHtntlona
nil ( aalomrra Prove Sot Onlr the
Ureat Merit of the Kellerstrass
Whtikrr, nt the Company to De
the tireateat Distilling Company la
the World.
KelKratrasa LHatllllnK Company' Goods
WlUWy Known.
In the KellcmtrHM Distilling Company,
Xansaa City has one of tti bigKFSl whiskey
iniiniifactui lug conrerns In ine country,
lu Hoods arts shiipil Into every vtate in
the union, from Maine to Cailtorma and
;Nortn Dakota to Texas. '1 h company
make a specialty ot the mall ordrr traue,
and travelera lu remote places are agree.
aoiy surprised when lnvlied by lotne lo
latetl planter, trapper or miner 10 indulge
n an "eye-P"ner to note that the bulue
aet before til in. contains the Kellerstrass
label. j
TiQ Kellsrutraes establishment had a
Jro.Jost beginning, but Ha growth has bepn
leudy anu rapiu. Hulinlug after bulldlim
lUas been auoed to Its plant, and the ca
pacity of the distillery is being IncreaxeJ
cunatanUy. It Is no unusual mKht to see
tram twenty to forty express WHgons
buoKnd up In front of the Kelei Tirana
shipping uepartment, waiting to be loaue 1
v.liJi goods consigned to the four point of
Uwi compass.
It la no exaggeration to say that tha
lvelirratresa goods are better known In
iiunoreos of the smaller towns than they
a i e aL home. This Is natural, as befoio
lxlnted out, on account of the popularity
wl this grrsl dlHtlllery's product with the
purchasers by mall order. Nine men cu
of ten, It has been asserted, whether ttuy
La trom Massachusetts, Oregon,
or Arizona, will, upon being asked liat
firnn.l of whisky tney keep at home lor
luedlcliial and tamlly use, promptly an
swer "ivellerstrass. '
Kellerstrass whiskey Is, however, fast be
coming belter known In the larger citits.
There are very few tlrst-clasa place wheie
It Is not sold, and jiersons who become a
qatnted with Its flavor thereafter Insist
upon being served with no other brand.
It Is the universal home wnlsky and every
wlno ' mother ha a bottle ot It In the
family meU'-inu chest ready for emer
gencies. tit, Louis Ulobe-Democrat, Dec.
The Kellerstris Distilling Company of
X finnan City, Mn., the proprietors ot the.
Keilerstraes Rye Whiskey, have one of the
jr.oet completely equipped plants of the
kind In the world. They make the whisky,
Ijottle it, pack it for shipment and send It
direct to the consumer without ever al
lowing It to pass through the hands of the
dealer. By this method of dealing th
purity of the whirky is assured and the
company can guarantee Its uniform
Ity and flavjr to the consumer. bt. L,ouls
Kepublic. November 9, 11K)2.
The delicious flavor and the purity of
Kellerstrass Rye is proverbial. This well
known whisky Is made by the Kellerstrass
lMstllllng Company of Kansas City, Mo.
Million) of bottles have been sold and not
a slnple customer has ever expressed his
dissatisfaction. This Is a remarkable
record and certainly speaks well for the
high gTade of this famous whisky. Chi
cago American, November 8, li2.
It pays to satisfy people at this day and
age. The merchant who sells on the
"satisfaction or money back" plan, and
adheres to it strictly, is seldom heard to
complain of a scarcity of business. The
Kellerstrass Distilling Company of Kansas
City, Mo., has fully wO.Ooo customers, every
one of whom it claims Is satisfied. Their
great success under these conditions is not
bo remarkable after all. Minneapolis
Farmers' Tribune, November 7, .19o2.
The development of the mail order busi
ness In the last few years has been llttlo
ehort of marvelous. It Is now possible to
buy and sell almost anything on the mail
order plan. The Kellerstrass Distilling
Company of Kansas City, Mo., which has
long been famous for the purity of its
whlskv. has adooted the plan of selling
dlraoa.40 the customer. The business . H
this company has developed until the en
tire output of the distillery Is now sold In
this 'way, and It is- said the express com
panlea are almost swamped by -the-enormous
shipments that go- out from tha
Kellerstrass' Company every day. Commercial-Appeal,
Memphis, November 4, 19J2.
Kellerstrass Rye, the famous whisky of
the Kellerstrass Distilling Company of
Kansas City, AIo., is known and used by
more people than any other brand of
whisky. Its wonderful popularity Is duo
to Its absolute purity and delightful flavor.
In order to avoid any possibility of adul
teration the Kellerstrass Comptuiy ship
their whisky direct from their distillery
to the consumer, never selling to dealers
under any circumstances. They , guaran
tee tha quality of the whisky and will re
fund money In case it does not prove per
fectly satisfactory. That It is all they
claim la proven by the fact, that the com
pany has over 826,(100 regular customers re
siding lit all parts of the United States
and Canada. liurllngton (la.) llawkeye,
November 18. liH'2. .
Kansas City, Mo., boasts of the fact
that it has the largest mall order whisky
house in the world. This is the Keller
strass Distilling Company, which has es
tablished a national reputation for the pur
ity of its whisky. This comp has fully
Suo.Ouo customers and ships wi to every
state and territory In the uni. ... -Houston
Post. November 4. 19ii2.
The adulteration of whisky has become
so universal a practice It Is almost lmpos
lhle for the consumer to secure at any
Iirloe whisky that Is absolutely pure. This
s not the fault of the distiller, but the
middle man or retail dealors. The Keller
strass Distilling Company of Kansas City,
Mo., In order to Insure its whisky reach
ing the customer in the same pure state
that It leaves ine distillery, nas adopted
the plan of selling and shipping direct to
in customers. That this plan is proving
pcnular Is evidenced by the fact that the
Kellcrstrata Company has grown to be
the largest whisky house in the world.
Atlanta Constitution. November 4. lf'J.
Some dealers adulterate their whisky be
cause tney can thus make a larger profit.
That they make a serious mistake Is dem
ons! rated by the wonderful success of the
KIIerstrass Distilling Company of Kansas
Ciiy. Mo., which has built up Its enormous
trade entirely by selling a whisky that is
absolutely pure. This company sells mil
lions of bottles of Its famous whisky every
year and Is generally conceded to be the
largest whisky house in the world.
Omaha Uee. November 7. 1S0Z.
The wonderful growth of the Kellerstrass
Distilling Company, from a small concern
to the largest mall order whisky house In
the world, demonstrates beyond all doubt
that up-to-date business methods, when
coupled with an article of merit,, produce
wonderful results. This company, . which
It located in Kansas City. Mo.. has
achieved its great success by selling the
highest grade whisky at a prioe heretofore
charged for the Inferior grades. lit, Joseph
(iaiete, Nov. It li2,.
Kellerstrass ltye Is used regularly by
more people than any other brajtd of
wmsay in me worm, This wnisky is noted
lor us purity, its delicate flavor and it
uniformity of taste and color. The Keller
strass Instilling Company of Kansas City,
juo., me mailers or inn famous whisky
deal with their customers direct. They
employ no salesmen and do not sell to
dealers. They claim that thlH la Ih nnlv
way they can be sure of their customer
receiving the whisky In the same pure
state It leaves tha distillery. Bt. Joseph
News. Nov. 15. Iii.
The American National Bank of Kansas
uiiy. aio., nepi. j,, lac'j. To Whom it May
Concern: We tsks pleasure In recommend
ing to the business community ihn Kllr.
strasa Distilling Company of this city, of
which Mr. Kruert Kellerstrass Is president.
e.vr since mey were established In this
city they have transacted their banking
business with us and we have waiche,!
with Interest the wonderful growth of their
Their phenomenal success Is an unfailing
Indication of integrity, knowledge and In
defatigable energy. Ve have given them tn 1 1 ... nur tintilr w. , f,. ......
having answered many Inquiries about
them, and there is not a single rase re
ported to us that did not come up to our
We wish this progressive firm abumlnn
suci' In the future to which they are
certainly entitled, ana. no uuuut, will ob
is Id. cry truly yours,
O. B. GRAY. Cashier.
Traders' Rank of Kansas City, Kansas
City. Mo., Sept. 27. 1C To Whom It May
Concern: 1 take pleasure In slating that
i have for several years done business
with the Kellerstrass instilling Comany
or mis city, hi nirn sr. truest Keller
strsss la president, ana mat our relation
have been moat satisfactory. Their ere.!!
standing l nrst-ciaM and the wonderful
growth of their business during the nut
five years la abundant evidence of their
square dealings with their customers
lours very tidily,
J. ft. POAliiaCK, J'rejildeut
w.m i .at
issatisfied Customer !
Bye Whisky
Is Not
the Best
Why Do
Others Try -to
r f I T. . . I w,i
gnaxure ovck
1 m
ii.iii Hi
' "HlMHlji J
.... iiosf
Direct From a
in America.
United States Registered Distiller to Consumer.
I' lillii i l nil N'll'Alli ll ihhiW
I'll Hil'iT TT i i iii ii ilil . .
In illllliNlllllilli I1 1 I'll lllilH
, MgVJlHfv t 'Wtuwimy
" "'!ni!i'ii(f,- ri
r mffrrrB liiillil lii UrtJ ilil
a mm IfttflB aR n
... . -K. . - V
-"Iffll'lHn jZt, f
,'k, J ,L!!
And we will send you, free of charge, two sample bottles one twelve, one fifteen-year-old
Rye, a corkscrew and a gold-tipped whisky glass. We make this
offer simply to get you to try the goods. We also have this same brand eight
years old, which we will dispose of at $2.50 per gallon, in lots of two or more
gallons at one shipment. We also give sample bottles, glass and corkscrew
with these goods. All our goods are put up in full quart bottles and sent express
prepaid. If goods are not satisfactory, return them at 'our expense and we will
refund your money. It is almost impossible to get-pure whisky from dealers.
These goods are shipped direct from the Distilling Company, which guarantees
their purity and saves middleman's profit. We are the only Registered Dis
tillers in America selling to consumers direct the entire product of "Qlir Registered
Distillery'," others who claim to are only dealers buying and selling.
1 1 1 nitt 1 1 ;
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1 ' i , ' v ... .!!"' i NHPI
! 1 W"AS CITYvMO.U.Sl:;!!!;!1 ft";
V": 'tW-'"" v!iTiyffr.l,Jff.!!l!1,.'B!l!!a.i,!J' ilill ii ' iMHl'iti Mm '
I waot to say just a few words to the people of this country who have use for an absolute pure whiskey
for medicinal purposes. By placing before the people of this country a high-grade whiskey that has never been
equaled, I have now in the neighborhood of 400,000 customers, and I shipped out more bottles of whiskey by ex
press in 1902 than any other one house in America. This it an absolute fact. Kindly read the testimonials in the
column to the left they, will speak for themselves. This is a new record in the whiskey business; in fact, it might
be termed a whirlwind record, but I am not as yet satisfied. I want every person in this -country to have my now
famous Kellerstrass Rfc Whiskey, and in order to do this I am going to make a special offer that has never been
made. I am going to send two gallons of my ten-year-old Kellerstrass Rye Whiskey and four sample bottles, two
glasses and two corkscrews, all express charges paid, on receipt of $5.30. This is giving each one who takes ad
vantage of this order $1.00, for I have always sold this whiskey for $3.19 per' gallon, and I will never again make
this offer; but remember, I will only send one order to a person. In case you feel that you do pot wish two gal
lons yourself, you can get a neighbor to enlist with you. I know that this offer is going 'to bring in an avalanche of
orders, but I love these whirlwind paces, and I can assure you that I will at all times do my part in furnishing the
purest whiskey ever sold from V distiller direct to the consumer. This is the same proposition that I made you last
month, and on account of the many, requests coming from every section of the country, I am going to extend the
time 15 days longer. In my business career I have found that the broad-gauged merchant makes the biggest sue
cess, and although I lose money on every order that I get on this proposition, for any child can easily figure this
out, simply take your pencil and paper and figure the cost of the government tax and the cost of whiskey and you
can easily figure that this proposition is below the actual cost to me. However, through this proposition I have re
ceived thousands of customers, and I am willing, besides selling this whiskey below cost, to spend thousands of
dollars in newspaper space for the purpose of having every one give it a test, knowing full well that my whiskey is
all that I claim for it, and the best and purest to-day on the market, and if you once use it it will supercede in your
household any other brand that you may be using, and it is thro ugh your continued orders that I will realise a profit,
although I lose money on this first order. I place the strongest emphasis upon the fact that I am satisfying my
customers and I cannot prove this stronger than by giving you the actual words of these customers, and therefore
respectfully request that you read their testimonials in the column to the left of this ad. In my last talk I made
the statement to. you that we had shipped by express more bottles of whiskey in 1902 than any other house in
"America.' I am now in a position to state to you that in the month of January of this year we have shipped by ex
press more bottles of whiskey than any one house in America. It stands to reason that our enormous, business is
founded upon the. fact that we have a whiskey that suits the palate and satisfies the stomach. While making this
talk I have a few words of advice to give my many patrons. The spring of the year is coming on it is at this
time of the year that our constitution should be fortified, and every physician will tell you that a good stimulant is
almost necessary to assist nature in strengthening our constitution in such a manner that it will ward off disease.
Especially is this the case in that territory where chills, a gue and fever are prevalent. Now, the basis of all stimu
lants is alcohol, no matter whether it comes under1 the name of a tonic, pick-me-up, etc. Now, from the mere fact
that my whiskey is absolutely pure and has the endorsement for medicinal purposes from the leading physicians of
the country, gives me the privilege to make the statemen t that Kellerstrass Rye used both plain as well as in a
toddy, will do more to ward off disease, invigorate the entire constitution and stand as a guard against chills, ague
ft ana lever tnan any medicine mat you can taxe into tne stomacn. i nave, as you an Know, maae a wonderful record
jl in the whiskey business a record second to none in the world, but I have one ambition, and that is that I want
jj everybody in this country to know what I know, and that is that my whiskey is absolutely pure, and it is my inten-
L tion to give to the public such a whiskey that in time Kellerstrass Rye will be a synonym to pure whiskey. Remem-
U ber, now is the time for you to buy this whiskey, for after the 15-day limit you will be obliged to pay $6 JO for
A what now is being offered. for $5.30. With this offer I know that I am going to make the month of February a red
W letter month in the history of my business. ' ERNEST KELLERSTRASS, President
f 1iT1Ri"l5 'ou mut us "'s whole page advertisement and your
Ulilklfl U Gil letter not later than February 23rd. Rememb:rt it is from
the biggest Whisky House in America. You know us. We have advertised
in this paper for years,, but this offer will never appear again.
NOTE Orders from Arizona, Colorado, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico,
Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Florida, must call for twenty quarts prepaid.
The above firm ar bolu owners of Itegistered Distillery No. '12 of the Sixth District of Missouri. When writing please mention The Omaha Bee.
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