THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, EEHKUAUY 8, lf03. 11 WIIAT A HORSE SHOW IIEAS fam. Ixplantory Bngretticm. h Gotno tion wits tbd Project GRtAT AFFAIRS FOR SWAGCER PEOPLE Dlaalay af Eaelae Arlafaeraey Hit '' a Parade af naaaaally la Ita RhI Bib aaa Tirkrr. Probably a treat majority of the Omthi ho a re reslny, in tbe newspapers that Omaha li to bare a horse abow next September here no rery vtTld 111 of Just exactly what such an affair la, what It com pri, bow tt la manac-d, That happens there and wfcat. In abort, there la to borne how besides the horses to make It a mat tar of such extreme Internet wherever U may ba given. Is all these things eeery bora abow la J alike, no matter what Ita extent. What ever proportion It may have, it always baa pretention aplenty, for a borae abow ll a aorlety event. It la- morf It I the so ciety event. A a matter of fart the horaea are to a large proportion of those who pay dmiaaion the smallest part of the abow. It la a borae ahow, and tbe animal are tbera. tbe beat lo the land. Also are prea. ent tboae who appreciate the animate, who know their every fault and virtue. But tbere la more money exhibited In coetly clothes and trapping generally of both man and women than In all tbe gear of tbe borsns and equipage. A horae ahow la resent lally big society i event. It ranDot bone for success other wlaa. In wbstever city the abow 1 given ! tb. element there that represent tbe "4f0" mint be Interested in the affair or It will" not be a go. There la no Intention to try and depart from thi precedent lo Omaba. The ehow next fall will be the biggest ao- I clety event the city baa ever known If tbe ' promoter have their way. And it la In- ' tended that each aurreedlng year tbe so clety world will hold It breath and tt fund for tbe annual repetition of this bew. Tor yeara aome of tbe progressive society mec of Omaha who are alao borne lovera : ant alao bualneaa men have been endeavor- i tng to .get a borae abow catabllibed bere. ! They arc about to succeed. Tbe transfor matlon of the Soutberu Western Horae bow circuit Into tbe Ameriran Horae Ebow , association and tbe accompanying exten- , ion occurred simultaneously with tbe ad- I xnlaalon ft Omaha Into tbe circuit. . At the meeting in Kansas City at which tbeae thing were accomplished tbe new , organixatlon -was started, with twenty : rttiea Involved. Tbey were Ban Antonio, Houston. Fort' Worth. Pallas, raris. Little Rock. Milwaukee, Bt. Paul. Minneapolis. Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha, Des Moines. In dianapolis. Louteville, Kaehrllle, Atlanta and Kansas City. Since that time five ad ditional cltlea have been taken In. Tbey are Cincinnati, Detroit, St. Joseph, Evans vtlle and Terr Haute. Seven months will be exhausted by this circuit. It open Id San Antonio on April i and closes In St. Jnph on October 3ft. . About four days are given to each city .on the average. Tbe Omaha ahow will be one of the blg- gect .of tbara all. Already tbe stockholders of the association have voted to offer 5.000 In prises. This 1a an unusually large sum nd sufficient to bring tbe finest horses 4n tbe jwantry. There arc certain exhibitor identified with this circuit who alway fol low Jt throughout. Some of tbe more prom inent bora ownera whs will bring tbelr animal her are: Colonel. W. G. Cowling. Bt. Paul; K. A. Asbbrook and W. A.' Rule",' Kansas City; Guatav Bucb, Max Ortbwein. John L. Bratton. Bt. Louis; C. iTatt. Little Rock. Ark.; John Cudahy, Omaba; Dr. Bark, Den ver; Dr. Sherman Wllllama. Denver: Thomas Bass, MrxJoo. Mo.; Herbert Crane. St. Charles, I1L; Henry Kram, Pontlac. 111.; Ball Broa., Versailles, Ky.; O. D. Vn derwood. Kanu City; Thoma W. Lawaon, Boston: George W. raper. Toronto, Can.; Crow Murray. Theological Seminary, Va.: K. 6. Stotuburg. Philadelphia, and C. K. Q. Bllltnga. Chicago la the three yeara of Ha extatenee under tbe former name, ten car load of equip ment have followed thlB circuit from enf to end. Every Imaginable atyl of eaulp ment Is carried tor the better abowing off of the horae in competition. Every vehicle from a dog cart up to a ten-ton drag will be bere. and these are the lateat producta of tbe lour leading carriage manutactorie In thla country. There wAll alao be carried every possible atyle of bitchea. All tbe more modem modus of driving horses, never seen In thi city, will b shown at the borse show. Two of tbes newest ones are the Roman, three boraea abreast, and tbe Vnloorn, two abreast and one in the lead. The abow Is booked tor four daya bere. September 8. , 10 and 11. Tuesday, Wednes day. Thursday and Friday. There will be four evening program and one matinee, probably on Wednesday afternoon. Each show wtll consume fully two hours and a halt, as nine claaae will be shown each time. There will be every possible class In Xbe Omaha show, from roadster to a road tour, from a polo pony to a four-in-hand. Then, besides this many additional feature are planned. There will be many pole ponies entered, and thJr rldrr. killed asen at tbe game, will be here- A ooc ten, or prohatily several of them, will be arrangrS. Fony polo has sever been en la Omaha. Further features will be a cross-country thaae and rough Tiding and fancy rifiUig- It 1 experted that tbe borse abow will be a grrat thing commercially for Omaha. Merchant win decoratd their stores and building from top to bottom. Inside and out, with tbe colors of tbe abow to be adopted. It will have all the attractions of a carnival, with Bane of tbe bad fea ture, the tmrvlioeaa. tbe bolstnrocsseas and such. It will alas be a good excuse to ask for tbe lowest of exrurwlon rates to this city. And then tbe show will be a liberal education in Itself la mors way than one. Already several bualneac men of Omaha besides those interested la tbe Omaha Horse Show association have been ap proached regarding this proposition, and all are heartily in favor of It- CSa oen of the department stores have been earn and tbey applaud tbe plan and promise to dec orate llbrraHy. Everything points to tbe vast uc-ce f tbe lnlUal enterprise. they play. During tbe Omaha contest they were clean and fair and square from start to finish, even though tbe game was one of tboae hair breadth margin, eyelaeh finish aCatr that win bring out unfair play and roughness If anything can. It abould be addd alao that tbe two Kansas men who acted as sceptres. Alpha Bnumnag and L P. Wherry, were absolutely Impartial and fair to both teams throughout, being arpareplry uninfluenced by college af filiatian and allegiance. Y. M. C. A. BASKET BALL Tfaa Ptlll Stra- aai Caatlrat af a Goal Plae la teatas's taadlaa;. Member of tbe baaket brll team ot tbe Toung Men'a Christian asaociation in Omaha are still ruminating over their defeat last Tuesday night by a team ao decidedly their Inferior. All the boys reallie that they were way off form, and that none of them, save perhaps Hansen at' center, waa play ing his average game. Even at that tbe athletes are unable to understand bow a team that they had outclassed so decidedly all season on form and comparative scores could snatch a victory from tbetn. In this connection It is interesting to note the score made at basket ball in tbe trans mlssouri country Blnce tbe season opened on January 1. First of all, tba local asso ciation team overwhelmed tbe Lincoln as sociation boys here on January 2. by a score of S4 to 12. Next tbe Lincoln asao ciation team defeated the I'nlverslty ot Ne braska 11 to It. Next tbe Haskell Indians came north, and stopped off at Lincoln for twe gamea. There they swamped the 'var sity team. So to 18 and also won from tbe Lincoln association boys, S3 to 21. That was on Friday and Saturday night. Janu ary 1? and IS. Leaving that windfall In their wake, the Indian came on to Omaha to meet tbe association team bere on Jan uary 21. Tbe Omahans had no hopes of winning, but tbey did, and by a big score, 21 to 11. Then and not till then people began to consider the Omaha aggregation a a cham pionship team. Tbey bad doubled score on the strongest team In tbe west, and they bid fair to run a clean card of vic tories for the season. And then cams the Kansan. They, too, stopped off in Lin coln, and tbey played the same teams aa Haskell, being defeated by both. Tbe Lin coln association beat the Jaybawkers 12 to 22. while the Vnlversity of Nebraska Won, 22 to IS. Naturally, the Omaha boys felt mighty confident against snch a grade of teams as the one indicated by the scores. And it may have been this overconfidence that got away with them. Anyway, the visitor did them up last Tuesday xtlgbt, 26 to 24, Just enough to win, but a vic tory none tbe less. No one thinks, however, that tbe decided slump shown by tbe Omaba boys last week Is any prsage of a permanent tailing off in form, or that It waa anything more st rloua than an off day. It is confidently ex pected by the supporters of the team -bat the men will hereafter show their former proweaa. Even at that, that defeat waa slap In the lace a far as western cham pionship honors are concerned, for Kansas Can certalnl not claim the supremacy in the transmissouri country, having won only one game, yet neither can the Omahans lay claim to the laurels, having been de feated by Kanna. tbe team that baa made the weakest ahowlng of any. Tbe only way to aatlsfactorily settle the matter Is for Omaha to secure a return game with tbe Jaybawkers on their own field and let that contest determine the whole business. Tbe team goes south late this month to meet the Haskell Indians st Lawrence. Kan., and tbe team of William Jewell college at Liberty, Mo., and might arrange a game with Kansas while In Law rence on that trip. Should the Oate City men win, they will then be free to proceed with tbelr final game with the Fitch asso ciation team of Denver. Tbe result of the Omaha-Denver games would definitely set. tie the championship of the west, while a thing now stand everything Is muddled, for all tbe aspiranta hav been defeated by weak team and hav won from strong teams. Tbe Kansas, university team played a schedule of seven foreign games on its trip, going from Omaba to meet Highland Park college at Dps Moines, then tbe Des Moines association team, and finally the Ottumwa association team. Tbe boys from the Sun flower state cannot be praised too highly for the gentlemanly game of basket ball JAYHAWKERS L00K STRONG Exsteet ta Pal a Caaaaailaaek'ai Teaaa aa the Grlalraa Sewt Fall. Alpha Brummag.o. right tackle on tbe foot ball team of Kanaas university for tbe last two year, and captain of tbe Jaybawker eleven for tbe coming Reason, was in Omaba last Tuesday with tbe baaket ball team from Kansas university. B rummage I tbe man whom Arthur Curtis, coach of Kansas last year, said was tbe best tackle In the west that season. Curtis made this statement arter following tbe teem through all its games. Including the one wit1 his own alma mater, the Vnlversity of Wisconsin. Being tbe man who ha made the most remarkabl reputation of any middle wefe foot ball player In a line position, Curtis should know whereof be speaks. Brummage waa In his own old position, which be faeid four rear straight on tbe Badger team, and tbe Kansss boy played the game after Curtis' own style. Brummage to the Ideal type of foot ball player for a tackle position. He Is bvy, yet not beefy; solid, but not so muscle-bound as to be slow on bis feet: of a good height, yet with his weight laid low enough to make him firm on his pins. He still has two years to play under the con ference rules limiting a man's time on a team to four seasons. The Kansas captain bad some Interesting things to tell regard ing foot ball st Kaneas. Said be: "W will have a remarkable team at Kan sas this fall. It will undoubtedly be our beet alnce Tost left us, if present prospects are fulfilled. Curtis last season put us on our toot ball feet again, and though there was not opportunity In the one season to build up a team of champions, we ars prime J. for that now. "Tbe spirit at the university is all one ot confidence now. We cannot figui a bow we ran lose. Although we will not have Curtis back, we have lust secured tbe famous Weekes of Michigan, quarterback on tbe Wolverine team for four years past. In cluding the last two of the wonderful su premacy of the Ann Arbor men. Having been for two yeara under the personal In struction of Coach Tost, Weekes Is, of course, thoroughly Imbued with his Ideas nd methods. We couldn't ask anything better than that, for Yost is recognized in the west at least as the most remarkable roach of tbe age. Combine that Instruction with Weekes' own record as foot bail player and we feel sure that we are getting a good thing. He was twice placed at quar terback oh the All-Weatern eleven. Of course there are always those who think that a player doesn't necessarily make a good coach, but tbe Vnlversity of Michigan evidently thinks that Weekes would be a bUxh grade foot ball teacher, for that acbool refused te let bim go till it waa sure of Tost tor another season. Had Tost left Michigan we would not have secured Weekes. "We get back eleven of the men that Curtis coached last season and nine of tbe eleven are first team men. They are my self at right tackle. Hicks at right and. Allen at right guard, Ackerman at left guard, Peters at left tackle. Pooler at quar terback. Reed at Icrt bait, Moshar and Love, who interchange at fullback Cook for substitute left halt and J. Alford for substitute right half. Any one can see what a formidable lineup thet makes, and it will be a great start for Weekes to begin on a team ot trained and experienced men In that way. We start training on September 1 at Lwrence.- "Cnrtls goes bspk to Wisconsin next fall to be bead coach. I have Just heard from him, and be has entered Rush Medical col lege for the second half of the year. He intends to practice medicine eventually, and will probably pay his wsy through medical school with the proceeds of his coaching. At Kanaas he received 11.000 tor tbe ten weeks' work. At Wisconsin be gets $1,800. We psr Weekes tl.200 this season. We re gard Curtis aa a fine roach. I think be did everything with that Kansas team last year that any man could have done. He is a hard worker, and anything but frlrilou. He 1 very reserved and confines foot ball strictly to tbe gridiron itself. He never discusses it outside." 1 Edison and Columbia Phonographs ?s 650 Mobile Runabout $550 Mobile Surrey $1000 Mobile Delivery Wagon $2000 Mobile 12 Passenger Wagonette $2000 Shelby Gasoline 1200 Winton Gasoline $2500 H. E. FREDRICKSON, 15th and Capitol Avenue. 'Phone 2161. $5 to 5100 Cash or Payments 14,000 Records to Select From. W carry a complete stock of Edi son and Columbia Machines and Rse arda. Our facilities tor abowing Records sad filling snail arders cannot be equaled Is tba Weat. Call aa as ar writs. Dealers wasted. Prea eoacarai All day and avaning. Abas Vehicles. Automobiles and Bicycles. ATHLETICS AT THE UNIVERSITY tea Ar Eataaalaetle Over tar Ost task ssi Htsy Are Try iaa; far Teaaa, With tbe beginning of tbe second semes ter at the Vnlversity of Nebraska all de partments of spring athletics have taken new life. The last week has failed out mus cular men with varied tendencies, and dressed them in "gym" suits for different types of work. Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock candidates tor tbe track team were called out tor tbe first time and began ele mentary training under the direction' of Dr. Clapp, the physical director, and Cap tain Tobln. During tbe week, also, candi dates for the diamond have been put Into tbe cage for "working out" and to go through the process of Bifting, in order that prospective material may be selected for tb 'varsity squad, and other men for the "Boruba." To complete tbe week of ac tivity the baaket ball team, under Man ager Htltner and Captain Hewitt, has been taking a lively run out into the aHitudinou regions of Colorado and Wyoming, playing cheduled games and making a good show ing for the Scarlet and Cream. Tbe aevea Jien who toCk tbe bahket ball trip are the athletic representatives before the public Ju-t now. In other departments the action la, ao to apeak, behind tbe scenes. And for thla reason tbe course of th basket boys haa been watched with In terest by Nebraska. They have had games at Denvsr. Bouider, Colorado Spring. Greeley and Cheyenne. They have worked hard for their alma mater and they hav done well. They have gone lnta every con test with a determination to win and they have made a creditable showing. It la not generally known, but neverthe less true, that baaket ball Is tbe most ex hsustlng form of athletic sport Indulged in by college la America. And for that rea son these "N" men who have been throwing goals ia the mountains during tbe last few daya deserve more credit than they ordi narily receive. At the end of one of his noted foot ball aeaa'ona Cortelyou. the "star" end for the Comhuskers tor tour yeara, came Into the "gym" to take on bas ket ball. He had been in every hard grid iron game, and in tbe most terrific scrim ages for nearly three months. His coach had pronounced his "wtnd" wood. But In spite of all this, exactly ten minute or baaket ball waa enough to put him out of tbe- playing and Bead him, exhausted, te the locker room. That 1 wby only tbe moat robust fellows in school can ever hope to wear baskit ball first team sweaters. And that Is why, too. Captain Hewitt, with his little party, abould be commended for what be has done. At a disadvantage from a lack of old naa, tba aoon aa bald uj wn wonder fully well at tb university thi year. Hewitt ha watt bed tbe fve mm on tbe floor and rcaxhed tbem tntil they were able to make any n-sve in tbe took with lightning rapidity. Durlnr .practice day and tbe bor have prat 'J red faithfully every day, with ns enthusiastic supporter like those tht greeted the football squad Hewitt could be beard at all time nailing out. TVcp It In. EUlott;" "Get up orer blm. FeTguon;" "Cover vout man, there. Hiltner;" "Get down under him. Hosr:" and "1 say. Newton, play lfw!" Thi. to gether with the admirable coaching of It. Clapp, baa made the leather toseer abut tbey are, tbe trick plays suggested by the physical director hi Tiny proved especially profitable. During the last week cf February an other basket bsH trrp is contemplated, this time to tb east. It Is planned to take In tbe Omaha Toung Men's Christian associa tion. Des Moines Toung Men Christian association, Monmouth Military srhoti. Chlrago Centra Toung Men Christian as sociation and the Vnlversity of Wisconsin at Milwaukee or Madison. Already Lincoln has been given a number of good games, of especial note being the Haskell Indians, Lincoln Toung Men's Christian assoclstion' and Kansas. In these, Nebraska baa lost. TT TT The track team Is preparing for a list of events for one week from tomorrow, Feb ruary 16, which 1 charter day at the uni versity. Dr. Glarp and Captain Tobln hare been giving tbelr entire energy to the working up of this turn, and It will be good. Tbe pole vault will be pre-rnilnen'Jy Interesting, .from that tbe fact that I. Clspr holds the world's championship rec ord, gained at Tale. "Bill" Johnson, tbr fast little colored boy, is high man at this In the university now. but Benedict will press him hard. Tobln will put the shot and likely win against all comers. Bene dict will come pretty close to "Bobby" Gaines' mirk at the high Jump proposition, and potato races and the like will be worth while because of the large number, of en tries. Lchmer of Omaha and Harry Reed of Omaha will probably do something at this. The base ba'l men have at last satisfied old "Jack" Best, the trainer, and come Into the cage. Town send has arranged for this sort of a "working out" programme, and pitchers are now getting their arms Into shape. Bender, Townsend. Thomson and Goar are already on the ground, and there is a prospect that Hoar, a Fremont man, will come in. ROURKE ON WESTERN LEAGUE Local Mag-Bate Still Looks oa the Fatara Thrown Rose-Colored Glaaeea. "It is not any cinch whatever that Whist ler, one of my first basemen, will go to Montgomery, Ala., as player-manager of the Sou: hern league team ft that place," said Manager William Reurke of tbe Omaha base ball club late last week. "As a matter of fact. Whistler is such a good man that l am anxious to keep him in tbe Western league. He is certainly too good a base ball player to go In the Southern league. So I have offered Wills tier to St. Joseph, and until that town refuse blm I'll not let him go to Montgomery. Of course, down at St. Joseph now they say they have Charles Farrell, more familiarly known as 'Duke' Farrell, or at leant tbey have a chance to get him. 'Duke' is the catcher who was with the Brooklyn team last season. He is a high grade ballplayer, but at that I am not ao cure that Whistler would not be more suitable and saatisfactory tor St. Jo eph under all th circumstances. Down there they want a player-manao'er. Now Farrell is the player art right, but he has never been anything else, and Is in no way qualified to manage a team. Whlatler, meanwhile, haa had considerable experience managing team in th minor eastern leagues and is not any scrub of a player, either. "I had been banking a good doal on get ting pro-season games with Hart's Chicago National league team for April here, but my chance for that ar not so bright now. I see that the western club of the National and American leagues are talking of play ing tbelr spring seie with each other, and if tbey carry out these plans that will of course keep the Chicago Nationals away from this part ot the country. If tbey can get tbe different teams to agree to it, tbey will undoubtedly bold this series of National clubs versus American, for that will prove a big drawing card for tbe practic games. But there Is still a chance of us getting Hart 'a men out here. I have left April 11 and 12 open for them, and hav written Hart that I shall bold ths bates till Febru ary 15. By that time we'll know definitely. "But affairs are bo quiet and aettled and orderly in the Western league and In my own club that we are spending most of our time watching the other fellow. Every body In our league has eagerly awaited the result of tbe American assoclstion meeting Saturday. It is certainly time for tboae people to be giving out their circuit, and tbey ought to do It at that meeting. Then we'll aee whether or not Hlckey will take his club from Bt. Paul to Chicago. I don't think It will be any winner In the Windy City. In one sense Chicago is three big cities, and they would undoubtedly get good Sunday crowds out there on the North Side. But that' all they would get. There wouldn't be a corporal's guard ou. on week days. It's the out-of-town people that make tbe weekday crowd In -Chicago,-and they wouldn't go clear out to that park. It , tbe Boating population that make those big cities such good base ball towns. Even here In Omaha VO per cent of our weekday business la out-of-town people, and clear out there on the North Side Hlckey couldn't get any of that floating population patronage. "I aee that tbe American league mag nate still refuse to make public tbe loca tion of tbelr grounds In New Tork City. Tbat is beginning to look rather fitby to me. Tbey Bay they have two options, so if tbey are ahut out of one tbey will have the other ta fall back upon. But they've got to expose the eec-rt and start work on the grounds mighty quick now or they ran not get It ready for the season. It they in tend using that attention at Lennox avenue and One Hundred and Forty-first street tbey cannot delay much longer, tor that la quite centrally altuated and it will mean steel construction throughout. Tbey cannot put any framework ia there, nor any other com bustible material. It must be steel stands, and tbey are alow building." MIS Jmki Those who live near a volcano know that beneath the calra exterior of the sleeping- riant is a racine sea of fire, molten rock and sulphurous gases, but the thin vapory smoke laarily ascending from its crater is per haps the only external sign of the commotion and tumult within. Living in this atmosphere of danger they soon become insensible to fear and are only aroused to a sense of their peril by the rumblings and quakings which foretell the coming eruption and downpour of heated rock and ashes, scalding mud, blinding, suffocating smoke and sulphurous gases. The were living in fancied security when the sleeping volcano awoke, and they were lost. Thousands of Blood Toison sufferers are living upon a sleeping volcano, and are taking desperate chances. Under the Mercury and Potash treatment, the external evidences of the disease disappear and the deluded victim believes the cure complete. But the fires of contagion and the deadly virus have only been smothered in the system. The little sore that now and then makes its apparence in the mouth, the slight rheumatic pains in muscles and joints and the red rash that occasionally breaks out upon the body , are warn ing symptoms, which often go unheeded. Then the rumblings grow louder, the smouldering poison bursts out and the body is soon covered with sores and copper colored splotches and pimples, and all the old S)-mptoms return sore mouth and tongue, ulcerated throat, swollen glands, and manj' others that the sufferer believed had been tip rooted and destroyed by the Mercury and Potash treatment, Not only do these minerals fail to cure the disease, but work the greatest injury to the system. Mercurial Rheu matism, Necrosis or death of the bones, deep and offensive Ulcers, Salivation, Inflammation of the Bowels and Stom ach are some of the horrible effects of Mercury and Potash. The use of S. S. S. in Contagions Blood Poison cases is never followed bv such results. We offer One Thousand Dollars for proof that it contains one particle of Mercury, Potash, or other mineral, but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable remedy. It cures even where the worst symptoms have developed, and the patient, to all appearances, was hopelessly incurable. S. S. S. is an antidote for Contagious Blood Poison, and the onlj- radical and permanent cure known. This has been proven by an experience of nearly fry years, during which thousands have been restored to sound and vigorous neaitn wnen it seemed noming coma stop the ravages of the disease and save them from a most horrible fate. S. S. S. destro3-s and eliminates every atom of poison from the sj'stem purifies, strengthens and builds up the blood, and he smouldering fires of this terrible dis ease are extinguished, and no signs of a return are ever seen. We have a special book on Contapious Blood Poison, which will be sent free on application. It describes fully all the symptoms and stages of the disease, with complete directions for treating the same. Medical advice or any special infor mation desired is furnished by our physicians without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. Rowxtnc Grew, Ky., March 14. 1902. Gentlemk : For over four years I suffered rrratly from a severe case of Contagious Elood roiwrn. I went to Hot Spring, staving tbera four months. J then consulted physicians, who prescribed Mercury. Nothing did me any ood, in fart the treatment proved more harmfal than beneficial. Thus I continued to suffer for four years. I mentioned my case to a friend, who told me that 5. S. S. had certainly cured him. I at once commenced its use, and in a few months could find no trace of the disease what ever, and I can truthfully aay I am entirely well. I recommend S. S. S. to all in need of a sure and safe cure for Contagions Blood Poison. D. &L SaKCE&g. Residence, Mitchell House. OR. .7. c GREW SPECIALIST Treats all forms at HSE4SFS AND DISORDERS er MEN ONLY Tt Tears BBtperianoa. 17 years In Omaha. His remarkable auo rmm V never Seen equaled and even dar brings many flatter tnc reports of the food be 1b dotn. or the relief he haa riven. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Eluod Poisons NO "BREAKING OUT" on the skin or faoa and all external sign of the disease disappear at onoa. BLOOD DISEASE "-rsrii VARICOCELE lZXiilZL" ovtK SD.03- xr'izroi villu. uktoiaru diBcbara-a. fetrtcture, tiieel, aUdnay and Bladder tlaea a. Hjf- """uUlCK CURES-0-OVr CHXBOES. Treatment by mail. P. O. Boa 7i Oflloa over tii B. 1U atreet, between Faxnam aof I'lnn" streets, OMJlMJl. 1sB. Li WV ll" sssss$$s$ssss$s$ ts HIGH BALLS i999 MADE FROM X Quaker Q IDaid H Rye m Hsvs delicious llavor saculiarly their awn. puikar Mall Rya ta astolutsly Burs. Fee medicinal Buraeset it Is unequalled. Or sale at th. leading catsa. Sruf stores and bars. S. KIRSCH & CO. WhslwM Ubmt Dalian, KASIti riTT.MO. v. a-1. is 7 TT' 84 PROFIT 84 Paid in Month of December and Imtrj. trr tba nn aad aat avatam af saa Oa OmatJti Tarf anlattsa. a aaae arevrlaa wlU a saiBal Mack af 1S,SH, aoiac baBiaaao and-the aasas af tbe Btate af Sonta laaaota, aad Unwind by the Btataa af Ilflnw aad 1 iniana aad tbe CtUaa of Chirm, aad fmm ial mr ae taaosaa arable nnai d far praflni aatd as each aad -a a ery Weekly Profits Paid as Follows: Wk Dm. 1 . . I v a-eai of Ifcee. It. . IJ raw Caaat Week af Uoa. la. . ia.4 Paa- aaa Week ml Iea. KI..WJI raw Oew Week af lmm. B..UaSarCat A lacaJ mt a mm SS-iaa mmw not, ar aad BMillir aaroaata ta aaast aiaaartlau. wbjefc aands af eatuBsd elwata Oil naaitaat fha Catted National Hank of New Orlaana kMirtyttoai aalkeaavdl ta aaaBaata avarata, aad sTtwaa war aadinsii tlaaa rr la aa aat la mmr But a a aa EXPERT HAJfUICaVrriMO POO 4. KUOMfi. afJaav a. . uai afeavlS.. l4lrerOaal U FarOeaU mm mmmm SlOa. Larwar ba laaaod b tbea- mt ) ta aiaaa aawj aa aawj alii ataaav Taar bmb b away aawaauaa aaab, rUUU raratah ad ta BOOCMAEKKS aad We Do Not Hare to Pick tbe Whmer. Ta aurLa-lla isabadtad ta mmr ewaveaa ar aaaeldy w aaj tkaat aaed by atfiwalisi k aaavrra. Tbraaarh taa seal H aaaaay wUI aaiiiaea, aaa Ti ai k Kiorru mt ta aaaae na llkar, we elftamlaata fraan raan aaok wkitk we Saab v lavestaeau aaasa haraaa arble.h kan aa kaw v tiatewae- ta a at th aar atatase aa ear eta aitar bivawias aa aJI tb rraalalaa a-atc mltatan. W atla? aa ran akii 1 Ka aer aaat eaaaat h had aa a aaiaiaaaai arflt, awed It W aat aaataal ta set Ijomm mmr mbi aa a las' tan Th reader a.a iiatUf aa aar atvaaiaca, aa th Sek Marker haa aa asp a aaa af a rly asao err aar aad wtll atat avaraar ari tkaa a mmr real la hla beak. Wa aawa take eaa. aaaaa drala, set a ar atiac aaJy alar raan w aaa red aaa la a araaf tea) fertaUaty, aad saarala mm a latwar aaa la thaa aay aa ar twa ar half daaea b tiki awaat art e aar eltaata th he-aeflt a frame whleh. taajcthar with th rtac-laxl, la aab)t t wttb- arawaj aa aeaaaaa. MKAK lb MlftU. wa da aat operate eartaa ar aeatt la wbleb a part af in vested capital mar b last, tbud dastreylac tba capital of a small number af 1b vcaiura Tbe earutiifi an eur srsieai af play ar auaed ta tba eradlt at ail Investors ss a unit, and dmhuraed accordlna; ta t.-on tract. SEAR lb Mlnli. at do aat plana aay rastrtroens whatever oa tba wKk draaai of your invesLBaeat. 1 MKAJt in MlftU. w do not dlvart aar pari af capital levanted with uetethe purchase of raclac stablaa. stack far ma, baukuca. or etaar unjarsDtaiile turf aui luartfa. Our baaiuasa lascneUy larestmeat on racaa. aa par plan aat fmtfc la our booklet. MKAJt IN M1U. wa ar aat ta B"W A.DDLJNG CLOTHES, Mrtravt strut -rltas tar a bar eatataaea. Oar paaltlaa I aaa stroua. too rvapeoaatiia, and too wi-ll-known Truthfully, wear and w'.U rontiau to bt tba RJTIOSINO TITIF SEN SATION', aad aa ta our KKLUki LJTT ar FINANCIAL ABPOKSI HILJTT. wa take nraaanr la referring yu to tbe State Kauanal bank of New Onena. If ya ha ldl aaaaey, naaaey ta laveat, aaaaey tbat abald h aanlai aaaaey, a nanal rmrt will betas; yaa aar Marias "Vaa-, ami ar kwklrt ml aaefal tarf lafaraaattaa, with aa aattrely mm mm aatd artslaal plaa, ladaiaed by area aad pa bile aad reraaana wd by Bnatacal aaaka aad kaakan. The Co-Opcralive Turf Association, Inc., KICK KM KM tic, STBTK B ATI OB A. AIK OK MEW OfLLaCAJkb. KEY ORLEANS. UL mm j $ n n nn $ n n n n W ..'fSkav Specialists In aU DISEASES and DISORDERS cl MEN. 12 year, of sua ccaslul practio ia Urn sbs. CHARGES LOW. fARICOCELE HYDROCELE and raaaaaaBia. This is one of tbe most dangerous and often fatal diseases. It always results from a cold or from an attack of the grip. I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy quickly cures ' these diseases and counteracts any tendency ! toward pneumonia. It is made especially : for tbeae and similar ailments and can al way he depended upon. mm A nataral wSMtlaa. The youngster la the art gallery looked long and earnestly at the painting. Then he read the insert ptloa. "Do you like it" asked his mother "Oh. I like It well enough. he answered, "but I don't understand It." "What Id it you don't understand r "Why. ll aaya 'Wild Humes Aft er Itoaa Bouheur.' I aea tba horses all right, bat where s the girl they're aharr Broaklyn tag.a. V nil fr curat I . : ar. viiuu ouui. pia at riaaaBt ! f liat 1 as.l suaraatw I sura yob or money rafuAM.. CVQLltl IC wa tor Ilia aba ta. pateca OlrlllLI tasmsair caanw. Iraa taa a?.lai tocua mmmi sign aa. trmiHoia oifpa rs au04.iet.Ir an. toea Na "KkEaklNO Ol'T" af IB. Him aa tb. akia m taea. Trwiamt i.nlalat a mm mi. ems e tniartoua bmmuimims WCMW Itril rma U in or Vimnll TO VIEAbV Utll KCBVOLS IIUUTT tia tt- fcatalioK, waiTim. tlikkisn witk gaRXT Ik .AT ts TOtKU aat BtlUL'US AiiED; act af via. ujur aat etrafesut. ita furw 1 eii wttk a aaw aaaa tenet- STRICTURE z IlktlbAHk. Kidney and BlaAaar TtbuMm, Waak ; aa. byrnm. Vrln. ueai af tnumnj, tlriaa 1 hia curat ar wlU atliu aiaaai aa uu..iu I CaaaaltaUaa Vra. Traataarat hy laall. I tall or adareaa. 11 . ldth - OR- SEAKUS & SEARLES, gtg twentieth' century farmer btakr Heat ( aral rrvarat. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Wrtta ta a baaapl Capy. Grandpa's Uruurp asked la aire, dtrenfth aad purltr. No medical chest complete Without it. Recommended by leading; physicians Ask your dealer for tt. Tbe nountala Distilling Co., Cincinnati, Ohio CLARK'S Bowling Alleys Birrest - Brteiitat Beat. 1313-15 Harney Street. gin Bowling Alloys COMPRISE THE FTVE BEST ALUTYS WEPT OF CHICAGO. 1212 Fir run LL 'Phsss 2375