TITK OMATTA PATTT Tltt: StJXDAV, FKBRTTAHY 8, 1003. 10 AMONG THE TRIGGER ARTISTS 'Winona and Frank Show They Can Work Off as Wall ai on 8 tags. THEY APPEAR AT OMAHA RIFLE CLUB Alan Participate In l.l Bird hot at Omaha Hun Clnli (irntinili aad Make Remarkably iood Irorra, Winona and Frank, the trigger artlsl who have been at the Orphcum (luring last week, were the sensation of the week with Omaha shooters. Thursday anil Friday were turned Into little gun carnival for the en tertainment of thcne flrearma exper:s, ami tbft pair proved beyond a doubt that they can shoot oft the stage aa well aa on and perform feata In the open that are really more remarkable than those done brhlml the footlights. Thursday night Winona and Trank were Invited down to the regular weekly shoot of the Omaha Rifle club, at the range be low Townaend'a gun atore. They gave a preliminary exhibition there and wl'i 22 caliber rlflea accomplished most anything. Winona, for Instance, the woman of the pair, shot sixteen straight bulls-eyes at alxty feet In Just five seconds. She used a Martin repeater, using 22 shorts sixteen tlmea with one loading. The bulls-eye was half an Inch In diameter, the regulation alze for the distance. Later the club held lis shoot and Frank and Winona partici pated, putting the Omahans to shame by their performance. A big crowd was pres ent at the range to see all this done, and there were shotgun devoteea there aa well a riflemen. At Live Bird Shoot. The scatter men wanted to see what the atage artltatrould do In their line, so they arranged a live bird shoot for Friday aft ernoon. This waa held at the Omaha Gun club grounds across the rfver. There were two racea of ten live birds each. Winona killed nine birds In each, Frank eight each time. Winona meanwhile gave sidelight rifle exhibitions, pulling down the pigeons that were crippled but got out of grounds. At 110 ' yards with her 22-callber abe killed them repeatedly aa they fluttered on the ground. One time a bird landed on the fence and clung there. The distance by actual measurement waa 110 yards. Wi nona put four shots out of five In the bird before It fell off. Then the gunners threw up clay plgeona for her and she would break them as fast aa one man could throw them In the live bird racea there was but one money and $2 entry. Hafer took the money In the first with a clean acore. In the sec ond Kimball, Lewis and Fogg tied with clean scores and divided the money, cores of Live Bird Contests. The acorea were: First Race. Kimball 2222 21222 9 Grant Vti'iil 22222 9 Kogera 21112 oaill 8 Iewla 11222 22210 9 Hafer 11122 2211210 J'ogg 22211 22202 9 Townsend 22022 22222 9 "Frank" U2111 I222 8 "Winona" 22211 11102 9 Sherwood 022 22212 7 Saturday- Afternoon's Saturday afternoon there Second Race. 12222 2222210 222i) 22222 8 22220 22222 9 22222 2222210 22222 22202 9 22222 2222210 22222 2222210 2222 22220 8 22222 02222 9 2222 11202 8 Shoot. waa more hooting at the gun club grounds. Some dozen sportsmen held a competition at twenty-five targets. Entrance waa S3, and Smith, Townsend, Lewis and Jonea were tied for first with 23 broken each. Tho acores: Bmlth 11111 11111 11101 11111 11101-23 Townsend ...11111 lolll 11111 11111 1011123 Lewis 11111 11110 11111 01111 1111123 Jones 101 U 11111 11011 11111 1111123 Sherwood ....11111 10111 11110 11111 1111022 Goodrich ... .11100 11111 mil 11111 1011123 Rogers 111)1 11111 11111 lolll WOll-22 Fogg loin urn moi iiou iuoi21 Gllhansen .. .11011 11110 01111 mil 1111021 iJing oolll 11110 '11110 01111 1111120 Morrell lolll 11111 11111 111U WHO 20 Hreisbach ...llool lolio Will lloll 1111119 Green' ...11110 10101 11111 11110 0101018 Rem Has Ieaa Card. Practically the same ahootera then held a race at twenty-five live birds. Rem took first with a clean card. Dick Kimball was aecond with 24 killed. The acores: Kimball 22222 02222 2!22 22122 22112-24 Grant 2o2u2 22222 22222 22222 0221222 "loomls 22222 22111 22122 02222 2210223 Kogers 22222 21222 22211 2u22 2222223 Lewis 22211 21221 22212 11102 1120123 Goodrich 22222 2222 22223 22222 00222 Zl Hafer 22222 22222 2212 22002 17 Dreiobach ...laml 22222 22112 2u212 17 Townsend ...12121 22011 22211 22121 19 Sherwood ...02"O2 1222 22220 22222 15 Vogg 21212 22222 22222 21022 19 Kern 12211 22121 22221 11122 22221 2d Both Friday and Saturday were fine days for shooting, despite the temperature. Sat- urday waa milder than Friday. The air was bright and clear both days and birds active. Monday night next Omaha ahootera will assemble at lownaend'a gun store to com plete the detaila for the Nebraska agatnat Omaha team shoot to be held next Sat urday. The Omaha team will also b aelected at this meeting. Baa Ball Mea la Chicago. CHICAGO. Feb. 7. American association base ball men are gathering In Chicago for their annual meeting originally scheduled THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL Tow People) Kaow How racial It Is la Preaerrlaa; Health and Bee at t, Nearly everybody knowa that charcoal la the safest and moat efficient disinfectant aad purifier In nature, but few realise lta alue- when taken Into the human system for the same cleansing purpose. Charcoal la a remedy that the more yon take of It the better; It la not a drug at all, but simply absorbs the gases and Impuri ties alwaya present In the atomaeh and In testines and carries them out of the system. Charcoal sweetens the breath after amok lag and drinking or after eating onions and other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and Improves the complexion. It whitens the teeth and further acts aa a natural and eminently safe cathartic. It abaorba the Injurious gates which col lect in the stomach and bowels; It dlaln tects the mouth and throat from the p- eoo .Of catarrh. All druggists soil charcoal In one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and the moat for tt.e money Is Stuart's Ab sorbent Lozenges; they are cinp'sed of the finest powdered willow charool and other harraleat antiseptics In tablet form, or. rather, in the form of large, pleiaant last Ing loaengea, the charcoal being mixed wth honey. The dally use ot theae lozenges will aoon telUln a much 'mprcved court t'ca el lh general health, better coraploxlr.n, aweeter breath and purer blood, and the b.-ajty rf it ' la, that no possible harm ran result from their continued use, but. on the contrary. great benefit. , A BuSslo physician. In eptaktng of the tieneflts of charcoal, aaya: "I advUe etuart'a Absorbent Loaengea to all patienta eulK-rlng from gas la the stomach an1 bow els, and to clear the complexion and purify tha breath, mouth and throat; I also be lieve the liver la greatly benefited br tha dally use of them; they cost but twenty-live cants a box at drug storea. and although la sotus sense a patent preparation, yet 1 he lleve I get more aad better charcoal la Stuart's Absorbent Lozengee thaa la an at laa ether eharsaai Ubleta." for today. No ogicinl eclnn was held, however, and It in probable none will be heM before Monday. The circuit quentlon will bn one of the i hlef topic oi riisu.io.i and It will be derided whether the leasue will entir Chlcngo during the coming eea wtn. There I said to be little f hamr for the removal rit the Ht. I'mil club to thli i tty, h ha be n currently speculated upon. The subject wlil come before the meeting for discussion, however. LAST WEEK WITHJHE BOWLERS Omaha 'Make n rw Threr-tiame Herord and lncreae Their Lead. Cliih. names. Won. Lne P.I.'. Omaha tft :fi 1 .T.'t tlate CUV 42 1 .K19 fsaMonul In ' 2"i 2" .n.w riarkson U -i 21 (.firman t.i 21 24 .4Hi Ht. ChHrles 12 11 'M Western 4o 11 2 .:i7 .rug 1'ark . 46 It 1 .311 After the performance of the Omiha Rowling club last week the members of the lengue have awukened to the cold fart thHt thla iiuintet hv n ithlng short of a miracle can he headed off In Its march to the cham pionship. The Omahtis have Just taken three straight games from the C'larkeon and with a lead of more than 150 points In perrentnge they have tlrst place as good ns won. though the season Is hut just pant the two-thirds mark. In winning those three games the timahas established a new rec ord, they bowling the first three successive games of Sou or better ever rolled In Omaha iiy H league team. The Nationals took three straight from the Krug 1'srks, and this caused a double move In the standing. The Nationals re placed -he t'larkson at third, and the Krug Parks gain undisputed possession ot the bottom line. A week into the Westerns stood there also, but they have now moved up by taking two games out or tnree from the (iermann. Otherwise the order of the teame Is not rl.anged. The Oate City and St. Charles teams did not play last week. so they are behind the schedule, w!th only forty-two games played eacn. i ney win hold a special session and catch, up with the balance. In Ihe Individual averages thirty rollers are In the honor list. Emery is away first and Seaman sticks a wide second. The list reads: Indirldoal Averages. Games. rins. 8.453 2.229 2,S! 7.4M 8.027 2.140 7.4ai 6,37 7.42.") 6.342 6.300 7.342 7.865 7.XS8 7.838 7.7S2 7.763 4.561 7.091 7.181 B.616 6.632 4.078 3.5C2 7.H6 4,56o 4,538 6.048 6.544 6.038 Average. 187 38-45 185 9-13 179 13-15 178 22-42 178 17-45 178 4-12 177 29-42 in 6-36 176 33-42 Emery 45 Seaman 12 Conrad 15 Kncell 42 Prunke 45 Marble 12 Potter 42 Znrp .." 3 Heselin 42 Krug 36 A. C. Reed 36 176 6-36 176 174 34-42 174 35-45 174 28-45 174 8-45 1T2 42-45 172 23-45 168 25-27 168 36-42 171 4-42 170 6-33 170 2-9 169 22-24 169 8-21 169 7-42 168 19-27 168 2-27 168 167 31 -S9 167 26-36 Frltscher 42 Heed (2S9) 45 L. J. Schneider 45 Huntington 45 W eber 4! 1enman 45 Torier 27 Gilchrist 43 Ahmanson 42 Hartley in Keller 3! .tones 24 tVlgman 21 rYanclaco 42 Sheldon 27 Chandler 27 Forscutt 36 Tracey 39 Lehman Thla week the other twenty bowlers of the league are printed In their rolling order. They are the men who have not rolled an average of 600 pins for three arames. Thev stand: uames. t-ins. Average. 166 13-36 166 6-12 166 2-21 16) 26-39 lto 14-24 163 17-27 16316-30 162 16-18 162 12-33 182 3-15 161 16-33 161 12-27 160 12-39 160 9-36 169 3-9 159 14-30 156 8-21 155 7-12 153 4-15 153 5-24 F W. Schneider ',....36 5,9X9 Lund 12 1.998 3.4M 6.461 3.974 4.418 4.906 2,932 5.858 2.433 5.329 4,359 6.252 6.769 1.434 4,784 3,2X2 1,867 5.329 3,677 Roth 21 Hengele 39 William Zltzman 24 Fowler 27 tensen ....30 ....18 ....33 ....15 ....33 ....27 ....39 36 .... 9 ....30 ....21 ....12 ....15 ....24 Iges ... Avers "Bwennon .. Helleck ... ICru Clarkson . Reynolds . Carson .... Wad en .... Frush French . . . Taylor .... Matthal .. SKATERS MAKE FAST TIME Moatreal Coatcate Load to Two Tied Records, Thoogsh Nose Arc Ber.tea. MONTREAL Feb. 7.-Ideal weather con ditions, a big crowd, superb Ice and large fields In all the events, with exciting finishes, combined to make the speed con tests for tne sKating cnampionsmps or America held here today under the aus pices of the Amateur Skating Association of Canada and the National Skating As sociation of America a great success. No records were broken, but In the 220 yarde amateur and half-mile professlonrl events both tne Canadian ana American records were equalled, in tne oiner events tne ttme made was disappointing under the conditions John Nl'.teen or Minneapolis carried off all the professional events on the card. In the three-mile event ussen maae me pace almost all the way, but at the final turn fell back Into the bunch and it looked as if ne waa beaten. But when the men got out cn to the stretch he came again like a flash, beating Cerval Bantle. the North Dakota man, by three Inches. Morris Wood of the Verona l.aKe HKaiing ciuo. rwew York, won the mile amateur event cleverly. The winners and the time of the several events follows: Two hundred and twenty yards, amateur: Won by J. F. Robson, Toronto. Time: 0:20 2-5. In Ills trial heat Kobaon equalled the American and Canadian record of 0:201-5. Half-mile, professional: Won by J. Islls- aen, Minneapolis: I'arley Davidson, bt. louis. aecono. Time: 1:1 i-o. r-a pro- feselonal record. Half-mile, amateur: won by . c. St. Marie, Montreal. Time: 1:25 2-6. tine mile, amateur: on by M. ood. New York. Time: 2:57. Half-mile, backwards: on by Oscar Beaudern, Montreal. Time: 1:33. Two hundred and twenty yards, hurdles: Won by Larry P. Cherver. Toronto. Time: 0:28 3-5. Three-mile professional: Won by J. Nils- sen. Minneapolis. Time: 8:59 3-5. Three-mile amateur: wmi by G. Belle- feullle, Winnipeg. Time: :091-5. Nebraska ValversWr Beatea. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Feb. 7. (Sneclal Telegram.! In the presence of 1,500 people the" I'liiveralty of Nebraska banket ball team met with Its nrst defeat on Its west ern tour here tonight, being defeated by the Cheyenne Business college team. Score: Mrst hair l nivernity or iseDrasaa. i:; Cheyenne. 18. Second half L'nlverslty of Nebraska, SU; Cheyenne, 42. Nebraska played a brilliant game, but iiu never dangerous. Nolan of Cheyenne was the star performer. ' Chicago t lab to Play Here. William Rourke. manager of the Omaha base ball team, has judt completed arrange ments to nave mree spring g:ims here with the National league team of Chicago, under the munagt-ment of Frank Selee. The dates set are April 7, 8 und 9, and on these daya Vinton street park will be graced by the Windy City stuVa in competition with the Omahi teum. Selee hinuelf w!ll be no hum 1 1 attraction, fur he la immortalised "in local purt traditions as the manager of umuha'tt famous pennant team of 1(9. lion llnu Match Decfared Off. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Feb. 7.-The big bowling match for $1,000 proposed between the Chicago Kig Trio, under tne manage ment of W. V. Thompson of Chicago, and all the Ail-Americans, under Sam Karpr of Dayton, which was to have been a fea ture of the Bowling Congress, lias been de clared ft because the lat.er teuma will not be available. , To Stay nllh w'aaalnartoa lob. W ASHINGTON. Feb. 7 Fred C Postal. 1 resident of the ushinglon Base Bull lub, who arrived here from Iletrolt today. announced positively that Delehauty will br kept with the Washington club and tht Kyan also will be aigned a sain, 'resident Ban Johnson of the American league wilt arrive here tonight. To Bv Truck Trainer. CHICAGO. Feb. T. By unai.lmojs vote of the athletic council, Iowa State college. H. J. Weefers. once Ihe world's chumpion uprlmer, has been secured for ira-k trainer for the coming esm. Weefers is now in Ha mm ore ami will Ijke charge of Iho vork here Mich 1. ' Beatrice Teaas la Defeated. BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. T (Sneclal 1 The Beatrice bowling learn went to Crete Thurs day and met defeat al the bands ul the Crete bowleis by la pins. HORTON WINS BURNS PURSE Takea Big 'Frisco Handicap by Leng'.t and Ha'f. HORSE STARTS AS TWENTY-TO-ONE SHOT Canard tomes Second, nllh Claude flood Third, After r'at and Karl- oaa Hare Ihronnh I'nnrlng Haln Over Sloppy Track. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 7 A twenty-to-one-shot, Horton. the grandson of El Raco and Fustlados-Last, carrying tho colors of Rianchi & McGovern. won the $10,000 Burns handicap at Ingleslde today from one of the best fields that ever contested In the event. Cunard of the Morrlp stable was second, with Claud", owned by M. J. Daly, next. The race was run over a sloppy track and In a heavy rain, but the footing was com paratively firm. Despite the unpleasant weather one of the largest crowds of the season gathered to witness the western classic, and the general Impression was that If fine weather had prevailed all records for attendance would have been broken. Nineteen horses went to the post for the big races, with Nones and the Morris pair, Cunard aud Durazzo, second choices. El liott was next In demand at 8 to 1, while 20 to 1 waa quoted against Horton. After a delay of but nine minutes Jake Holtman sent the big field away to a fine start, with Eonlc snowing In front. Pass ing the stand Yellowtail was showing the way, with Eonlc and Elliott next. When the half was reached Yellowtail was still showing the way and Clauds had moved Into second place. Eonlc and Cunard were close up and Nones in about eighth place. Elliott had dropped. There was not much change at the three-quarters, but at the head of the stretch it appeared as If Cu nard would win. C. Kelly, aowever. moved up with Horton, and the chestnut horse, re sponding gamely, made one of his greatest runs. He caught Cunard tha last furlong, and won with something to spare by a length and a half, the Daly horse a half a length away. Nones did not And the track to his liking, but finished fifth. First money In the race was $7,000. Horton waa bred near Vallejo by the late "By Holley" and is 7 yeara of age. Twenty-one hooka drew In aa favorites were successful, the operators did not have a profltablo afternoon. There waa an upset In the last race, when Hermencla out gamed Diderot and beat him a neck. Weather rainy; track sloppy. Results: First race, seven-elahths of a mile sell ing: Mcehanus won, Velma Clark second, Harry Thatcher third. Time: 1:29. Second race, three and a half furlongs, purse: Boxwood won, Bearcatcher second, Bombarler third. Time: 0:49. Third race, three-quarters of a mile, sell ing: Sylvia Talbot won, Stuyve second, Constellator third. Time:. 1:16. Fourth race, one mile and a quarter," Burns handicap, $10,000 added: Hofton won Cunard second, Claude third. 'Time: 2:01; Fifth race, eleven-sixteenths of a mile, selling: Tower of Candles won. Ballroom Belle second, l.lizle Rice third. Time: 1:09. Sixth race, one mile, selling: Hermencla won, Diderot second, . Axmlnster third. Time: 1:45. FORTUNE OFFERED TROTTER Brlarntoa Heee2 Parses Range from f 5,000 to f 20,000 Per Race. NEW YORK, Feb. 7.-C. A. McCully, ar, of the New York Trotting association made public the stakes for the grand circuit mtetlng at Brighton Beach next August. There are five stakes .valued at $45,000, the largest amount ever offered at any one meeting for light harness horses. The richest prize Is the Bonner Memorial for 2:12 trotters, which has a guaranteed value of $20,000, double the amount given for the event last year. The Brighton Beach, for 2:10 pacers. Is also Increased to twice lta amount In. 1MJ2 and la now worth $10,000. , Three other purses for 2:20 trotters, 2:20 pacers and 2:35 class, open to 4-year-olds, are fixed at $5,000 each'. Entries lor these five contests close on March 7. Borne thirteen other classes will be arranged later, bringing the total pre mium list up to at least 7o,0o0. All these early closing races are on the Brighton Be.ch plan of Bending non-winners to 1 no stable afier three heats. The events probably will be best two in three heats. Chicago Derby Attracts Many. CHICAGO. Feb. 7. Entries for the Ameri can Derby for 1903 have closed, with 120 nominations, tne pick of eastern and west ern 3-year-olds, being named as possible starters for the Washington Park club's great classic. The race, which is at a mile and a half, with 120,000 added money, as the rich prize, will as usual be run on the first day of the Washington Park meeting next June. The owners and horses repre sented this seaon are: Mrs., H. Arthur's Phtlo and lord Touchwood, Q. C Baker's Jack Young, Baker & Gentry's F. A. Bul lock, K. J. Baldwin's Americano W. M. Harrlck's Sun Gold, G. W. Belknap's Gypseene, August Belmont's Lord of the Vale, G. C. Bennett & U'o.'a Canyon, Au Revolr and Alflo O. T. Boot's Alfredo, Mrs. R. hradley's Ahola, Buckley & Bailey's Sir Faust. J. Burrow's Action, B. F. But ler's Beaugard and Discharged, Mrs. M. Cone's Navasota. F. Cook's Linguist and Lendln, K. Corrtgan's McGowan. Maxey Blumenthal, Creole, Serge, McGee and Ravel, B. J. Cunningham's Gilfain, M. j! Daly's Claude. W. W. Darden's J. Sidney Walker and Monsieur Beaucaire C. DfWitt & Co.'s Will Sherry 3. A. Drake's Savable, Von Rouse. Orly II and High Chancellor, P. Dunne's Karly. DurnclLft Hurx's Prince of Kndurance and Tom Maybln, P. J. pwyer'a Merry Acrobat, C. R. Ellison's Stallful, Judge I lines, Captain Arnold, Ly man Hay and Senator Morrison, ' Kzell & Lasarua' Moula, D. 8. Fountain's Dunont and Sir Hugh, H. Franklin's Bn Volio. W. F. Rnzler's Triad, W. Gurth's Trapet ilst, W. Gerst's Fore and Aft, Gorman & Bauer's Bardulph, Sinner. Simon and lem Reed, J. O. Gieener & Co.'s Postmaster Wright and Olenant. W. M. Hayes' Requisi tion. Hayes & Headley's Orlando, Hayes ft Van Meter's Incubator, Hedges & Co.'s Gregory K.. C. F. Higley's Cash Boy, 8. C. Mlldreth's Topsail and Witful K. R. Hitch cock's Grey Friar. It. N. Hodges' Otter Tall and Ontonagon. Keating A llecker's Mal ory. F. J. Kelley a Jack Full, O. J. Long's Governor and Watoina. J. K. Madden r Onntus. Daupln and Yardarm. ('. K. Mihon's Banter. P. H. McCarren's Mackey Dwyer. T. C. McDonald's Woodlake and Bourbon, Mlddleton & Jung-tilut's Shooting Star, Santon, Manru snd The Picket. J. C. Milam & Co.'s Dun McKenna. Mochier & Co.'s Capible and Albemarle. W. Murkle's Bas d'Or. K. O'Meara'a .lack Orr. Oots Bros." First Mason. H. T. Oxnird's Stand ard Bearer. Farmer & Co. 'a Chumblee. J. W. Pugh's Bob Franklin. Pehm Bros.' Novellft, J B. Respess' DickwelU-s, Collon ade and Barney. W. II. Havre's Bonnie Burr, J. F. Schorr's Gold Bell, J. W. Bhorr's Junewuy, Bob Mclean and Rightful. H. Cc;..Ubc?s I.Iinucr.a. I4.cv ('ruwforu. &1 muncl and Gthelrrnns. is evens Kut ed?e'g gene, Talbot BroV Kstraiia Palnn. J. Tevis" Valeut, L. Thompson's George Gihhs. Tlchenor & Ci.'s 6ldney C. I-ove. Flo Car- line. Foxy Kane and Hurry, Tracey tt Co. s Authority and The Don, Wh tney A Imr yea's Ir.ah I-ad, R. T. Wilson's Mexican and Granudule, Woodford & Buckncr s Bad News and Red Raven. Sheriff Hell Wins Clnb Honor. NEW ORLKAN8, Feb. 7. When Sheriff Bell rlloperi home an easy winner In the Club Houae handicap today h placed ll.&JO to the creillt of Ills owner M. L. Hayman. Phrrmount was sold for $I.5o0 to J. P. Glbbs. Carat was run up to Il.tSOj and bought In. (Vy'on v. us run up to $1.1u0 and sold to R. H Clark. Jerry Hunt wu.i run up 10 SH0 and botpht In. Jockey Redf. in. who was hurt yeslerdov In Ihe fall of I'llef, shows but littl Im provement to'lay. The attending physicians say he Is snff rlng from bruises and shuck, but will be up and about ugiiii within J week or tell :. Weather rainy and track eloppy. Results: Firbt ruce. selling, one mile: Carat won. O Hagen second. The Messenger third Time: 1 .44 aecnnd race, one mile: Hedg won, Floyd K. second. Melbourne Eclipse third. Time; 1:45 I t Third race, handicap, six furlongs: If You Dare won, lla-ry New econd. Bummer third. Tlmei 1:1H. Fourth rice, the Club House handicap, one mile: Sheriff Bell won. Albert F. Dewey aecond. Kmahee Hard. Tiire: 1:44. Fifth, race, selling, one utile: Ceylon won. The Way second, Benson Caldwell third. Time: 2:42 1-5. Sixth race, selling, six furlongs: Jerry Hunt wen. Mis fchanley second, Stuart Young third. Time: 1:17 1-6. Renllag Katrlea Closed. INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 7. Kntrlea closed tftniaht for the American Howling Con gress tournament, which will be held iiere the week of February 23. There have been received seventy-rive entries of rlve-men funis, twenty-seven Individual ntrles and 119 two-men teams. It Is probable that at leat t20 men will face the alley- at Tom llnsin s hall during the tournament. It is thought that large number of New York entries have been mailed, tndny and th:it when these are received the number will be awellrd lit least fifty, making the total number over !'). 1 lie five-men learns en tered are from Chicago, St. Ixitils. Colum "ius. Wheeling, iMiluih, Dubuque. Belle ville, Illinois. Indianapolis, Cleveland, Akron, O., Toledo. Ixiulsvllle, Koroma City, .Minneapolis. Milwaukee, Peoria, Dayton. OshktiFh. Wis.. Bt. Paul, F.rle. Pa., and Sivith Henu, ind. The time when each man shall bovii will be allotted bv chance next Tuesday morning by. lot. The prize list will be 4,0ii0. SHEEDY ON TAKING CHANCES Well Known Artist In that Line Re. eonnta an Experience to ' the Point. . The Hon. Patrick Sheedy, citizen of the world- gave to the public a few chunka of wisdom out of his wide experience the other day In his sun parlor In the Sturte vant house, reports the New Yort Bun. The subject of Mr. Sheedy'a discourse waa money, the hardships of not having It and the difficulty of gettfng It In theae daya when the folks who have It take aa few chances aa possible of losing It. "1 can tell whether a man has money or not just by looking at him," said Mr. Sheedy. "You see a lot of fellows out there on Broadway laughing and having a real good time. The chances are there lan't a dollar in the crowd. If a man had money he wouldn't be with the crowd. He'd prob ably be afraid of one of them tryln' to touch him. Why, In these daya if a man has money, he won't even laugh at a good etory. . He'a afraid that if he'a. too genial you may apring a borrow proposition on him." And Mr. Sheedy sighed. "Talkln' of chancea," said he, 'Til tell you a true story of the old times that are different from these. Down at Sheepshead Bay there was a bookmaker that had a horse running. The race waa on and it, looked a cinch for the nag. At the half It was' aecond and catch ing up to a lighter-weighted horse that waa leading. " 'Jack,' said the bookmaker to a pal In bard luck that stood by him, I bet you $1,000 to a dollar that my horse wins.' " 'Yes, you will," said bis pal. 'You know I haven't any money, an' that's the raison y're Muffin'.' , " 'Well.' answered the bookmaker, 'I'll bet you $1,000 to a pin.' "The other fellow looked at his coat lapel and he didn't even have a pin. Then he happened to glance down on the ground and picked up what looked like a pin. In a flash they made the bet. I was stake holder. "Well, the horse In front managed to atagger In just In front of the bookmaker's horse. I waa Just about to pay over the money when the bookmaker looked at what we thought was the pin, and he said: '"Walt; that'a not a pin. It's a needle.' Ani It waa. "Say," remarked Mr. Sheedy, "that waa the closest bet I ever aaw. It waa juat a case of wlnnin' or losing by a head, or an eye, juat as you choose to put It." HUGE CROP OF fOMATOES Twice as Many Mllllonn of Cases Canned Last Year Than tho - Year Before. Such a demand for canned tomatoea has arisen that more than double the quantity put up laat year has been packed In' the last few months. There have been canned' for consumption between now and next summer 9,494,813 cases of tomatoea, or more than 200,000,000 tins, a case containing two dozen tins of tomatoes. Last year the packera only put up 4,618,221 cases. The American Grocer, which baa been col lecting figures on this enormous tomato pack, attributes It In part to the fact that in the three preceding yeara the amount of tomatoea put up was abort of the require ments. The result waa that, for tho first time In a quarter of a century or more, stocks were completely exhausted, leaving the market In Canada as well aa In the United States ao bare that it forced an early start thla year on the pack, which went Into consumption as fast aa It was available. Thla put a premium on canned tomatoea. Every factory bas been worked to lta max Imam capacity and in spite' of an irregular crop New , York's, owing to the wet wcalhor, being almost a total failure the production Is beyond the usual requirements and there is a hope of saving a small sup ply for next year in case the crop ahould be poor. Maryland has canned the moat tomatoes, putting up 4,614,282 casea against 1,750.000 last year. Nebraska waa the least produc tive state. It has auprlied only 3,352 esses. Authorities on the tomato market aay that the unusual high purchasing power of the people, due to the general proaperlty, baa created an enormous demand for pre pared foods, and In spite of the higher coat of tomatoea, the demand Is urgent and in cessant. So, In spite of the Increased pro duction. It la not likely that canned toma toea will be any cheaper than usual. "JUST LIKE MOTHER MADE" A Wall far Soerotaah aad Home Raised Tork, "with Na Ia dlsektlon In Its Bones." The things that mother used to make, aaya a writer In the Atlantic, are' still In tho world. Far In the recesses of life you will find them. And the name of the magic charm ia pork. Fresh young pork home rslsed perk clean and fat and aweet. Pork that permeates and flavors, with no Indi gestion In Its bones and no sorrows In Its train. Verily, there is more poetry Jn pigs thn Homer extracted from their white and rosy hides or even Charles Lamb. Oh, for some modern bard to aing the glorlea of the vanishing home-r.:ado jork! For where te exlsta Joy .la. Sureotash do you know It? Not tho cold, hard, lumpy mixture, one part corn and other part beana but aucco tash, the real thing, such aa our Puritan ancestors knew and loved bean flavored with corn, corn melting to bean, and all alive and palpitating to the gentle Influ ence of pork. Talk not to me ot stock yarda or of herd or butler or cottolene or olemargarlne or other )ust-aa-goc2a. I would go far thla morning to meet a respectable, worthy piece of home-raised pork. It la not the iblngs that mother used to make that art passing away, but the things that they atand for the things that we must come back to in spirit and in truth, and Id ac tuality, If we would taste again the true flavor, not the flavor of pork alone, but tUe flavor of life itaelf. Will Inlt Kamlne District. SEW YORK. Feb. 7 Among the pss rrnn ri sailing today on the Itesmnhl lllm her Im lr. l-onls KIoiiw Uk 1 will vlult th famii'a strlrkeiv "prevlnres oi Finland. l.ai.Un.i . 1 Sweden. In the Interest of the ( hrlailan ilerald relief fund. A third re mlttxnre of tiii.UM has been cabled to the central relief rnmmittee at HelalnKfnra and F.. to the Swedish famine i-ommlarilon. Stockholm, for the relief of suffering Swedes, making a total of l&MWO tbua far cableU for the famine fund. no one- cAfi compete yPcsA ' .-TRICES AFTER BAD INDIAN AGENTS Ind'an Eight Association is Pursuing Gfookid Batamtion Official!. CHIEF WHITE GHOST'S HOT ARRAIGNMENT ! He Tells of the Frauds Perpetrated on the Red Man at the Crow Creek Asrency In South Dakota,. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7. (Special.) Tho officers of the Indian Rights association, who are hot after crooked Indian agenta on the various reservations, are growing im patient at the delays in supplanting the agenta, against whom charges have been preferred and proved. To show what ln luitice Is being done the Indians they have made public the following appeal from Chief White Ghost for protection for hU tribesmen agalnat the frauda perpetrated on the Crow Creek agency In South Dakota with the connivance of the agent there. Chief White Ghost's Appeal. CROW CREEK AGENCY, Crow Creek, S. D, Frienda: Let me relate a few of the trbuolea to which my people are doomed. I have dealt with many Indian agenta some good and some bad. The good ones build up and the bad ones tear down, and the inulan has to suffer. The Dresent agent. 11. D. Chamberlain. does not help us, but he hinders and makes us worse by being incompetent, misman aging our affairs and dtxhoneat. Hince he became our agvnt he has faHed to control the Indians and does not enforce the regu lations and laws of the reservation, out encouraged dancing and allowed obsolete Indian games and gambling to revive, ao that our young men lose their money they get for working. He took us a number of limes last spring and summer to the town of Chamberlain (8. D.) for the purpose of exhibiting my people at tbe. Sunday ex cursion, for be had the Indians to dance for the excursionists. And more, he al lows more wandering and going away from home than It ha been done for many yeara past. He permits the Indian trader and other men to bring many thousand cattle Into and overun our reservation for grazing and money making speculation, and will not adjust damages done t6 the Indians' crops by these cattle, and will not have them taken away. These white men leased here and there a quarter section .of allotted land, then on the Btrength of that they would turn their cattle loose upon the res ervation, and our Indian agent protects them, and our complaints were not heeded b him. He allows and encouragee able bodied Indian men to lease their home steads to these cattlemen, and in thla way destroys homes that should be Improved. Playlns la with Cattlemen. He let white men winter their cattle last winter on the reservation on unleased and tribal lands, and let the beef contractor keep the key to the government corral, .h,re the iue beef cattle were suupoaed to be kept over night for shrinkage, thus allowing him to run them In In the morning alter Itedmg and watering tnem, Just be fore slaughtering, and on Iki Issue clay floor and uiaeaxed cattle were killed and ssued to the old Indians and the schools for the children to eat. The cattle had had orea on them, and the old women w Id not have the heaos of some of them they were ao bad. He helps Ihe Inittan trader to keep up his to.k from govern ment supplies, and in other ways asxlHts him In money making si hemes. even hold ing back and retaining annuity or interest payment checks for the Indian trader, and persecuting and threatening punixhment to Indians' w ho complain against said Indian trader. Thla agent bought horses for government una from the Indian trader and permitted them to be kept in the government barn and fed at government expense before ac cepting them f". several weeks and most f them were unsound and unfit for use. lie naea and does away with government unnllea and represents them aa being ex pended aa they were Intended. He favors bad Indians by apiolnilng them to por tions, apparently for personal reaaons. Ono man, a bad Indian, w aom he wanted to send to the Insane asyljm last winter and whom he often said ought to be dead, was FOUR COMPLETE CHANGES CHANGE OF NAME. CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. CHANGE OF BUSINESS POLICY. And Last, Bui Hoi Letst, CHANGE OF PRICES. Every piece of Furniture in our store Jias been reduced from 15 to 33 1-3 per cent. This i not a reduction of a few odd pieces that we wish to close out, but EVERY PIECE OF FURNITURE in our store. We have spent the last week re-marking our com plete stock, and Monday, morning we will open our doors with prices that will give you an opportunity to furnish your home at a big saving. pntiaO. tru.iuQ 1 yum Formerly Shiverick Furniture Co. not long after appointed aa our judge. He appoints Incapable, old and crippled white men and unfit boys to positions In the school and at the agency. He does not no tice the fact that the Indian trader em ployed many white men In his store as herders upon the reservation, which posi tion the Indian should have, as stated in his license. Many of his herders are very undesirable white young men, who ran after our women. Countenancing Immoral Practice. He protects and allows Immoral charac ters (whites) and prostitutes to stay on the reservation and to molest our women and to corrupt our young men, and will not send them away when told about them. But he accuses good people of immoral practices and tries to get rid of them on theae grounds. He makes all these bad people his friends because they try to help him cover up wrong actions on his part. He also keeps whisky at his house In a good supply so Indians have gotten It and been drunk, and he will not punish white men and an eighth-breea Indian woman because these people are his friends and In volved In many of his doings, although they hove given whisky to Indians. When our school opened nearly half of our children were away with their parents and many children are not yet In tha school, although It has been opened nearly two months. Marjy children are not sent to school because our agent will not order thein to go. An Indian inspector waa here several weeks ago with a stenographer, took down most of theae things agalnat the agent In writing and sent them to the Great Father more than two monhs ago, and still this man Is permitted to stay and continue his work. I am getting old and have waited long, and I hope before I die to see my people freed from the hands of Incompe tent and dlahonest Indian agents. My good friends, government sometimes makes more fuss about the length of my fast diminish ing hair, but as I have tried to be honest with them, I pray that they will treat me In the same manner. Will the good friends all over the country not help us to get free and keep free from this kind of men? Our spirits are hungry for gmxi men to help us. Our young men go away to school and are helped, but they come back to be made loom 01 vy uaii men. xuur iriena, His CHIEF WHITE X GHOST. Mark. Tbe Indian Rights association people In sist they will net cease their efforts until the injuries Inflicted on the Indiana by In competent or dlaboneat agenta are all remedied. GIVE TI1K HOYS A SHOW. Opportonltlea to Act as Hoet a Cure for Baahfulaeae. Valentine parties will be popular as long aa hearta are young and heels respond to music, and In planning the social evening for her family of half-grown children. It U a wise Vnothcr who count upon the assist ance of ber boys.. The capabilities of boy in thla line arq aqldom appreciated. A girl la Instructed in the proper way of receiving gueata and looking after tteir entertainment, while the average boy in the average family Is duly informed aa to clean collars, new ties and other toilet acceasorlea, and then left to his own devices. f the mother would only try the lad ahe would fln him taking to the dutlea of host like a young duck to water. A boy likea to feel Important, and being the boat In reality aa well aa on the face of tbe In vitation, fills him with a aenae of Import ance, to which be instantly rlaea. Aa a cure for bashfulnesi, the responsibility of looking after the comfort and pleasure of others works like a charm. A girl, espe cially after ahe passe a certain age, la apt to ateal off in a corner with her bwt friends and leave less favored, guests to their own devices. A boy Is more broad-minded than his sister, and unhampered by furbelows and those violent lutlmaclea of girlhood, dl- J vtdet his attentlona more evenly. Murderer Is Lynched. DI FI.IN, Oa., Feb. 7 -I.ee Hall, colored. who shot and mortally wounded BhertfT t rawfurd on Wednesday, waa taken from jail at Wrlgbiavllle today and lynctiHL C8L MOVE OF SULTAN IS UNWISE Other Powers Taking Stapa to Step Mobilisation of Army. SLAUGHTER OF CHRISTIANS IS FEARED Soldier to Be Brought Into Macedonia . Are Semi-Barbarous and Ex tremely Hostile to People of that Country. PARIS, Feb. 7. Official advice have been received here confirming tbe report that the ultan of Turkey ha ordered the Immedi ate mobilization of 210,000 troops for i military demonstration in Macedonia. The atep taken la regarded with appre hension by the French officials as being likely to involve complications betweon Turkey and Russia and Austria. It I ald that the Ruaalan and Austrian governmneta have agreed upon a formal note to the aultan, which will be presented wnuin me next iew aays, instating on ad ministrative and official reforms in Mace donia Although Franco will not be a party to the note. It will approve of It. It la considered that the aultan' mobil ization of such an army 1 clearly an ef fort to forestall tb presentation of thla note. Mobilization ot ao many troop I regarded here a unwise and dangerous, es pecially aa it I said that tbe soldier who are to be brought Into Macedonia from AJ atle Turkey are emi-barbaroua levies and are hostile to Christiana, which will tend to Inaugurate another aeries of maasarrea. It ia understood the power are exchang ing vlewa aa to the eourae to be puraued toward tha mobilization of tb Turkish troop. Prices May Be Excessive. MANILA, Feb. 7. Oovernor Taft and Archbishop Guldl, tbe papal delegate, will resume on Monday the friar landa negotia tion, which were Interrupted for tbe pur pose of gathering data concerning the es timates. It la anticipated that the prices asked by outalde parties having equities In the friar lands will prove excessive. Neither the outsiders nor the member of the religious orders have aa yet formally submitted their figures. Duel Is to Be Foaght, PARIS, Feb. 7. Deputy Lasles, antl emlte, has cent hi seconds to Deputy Belle, socialist, a result of a fight today in tbe corridor of the Chamber of Deputies. Tbe affair began when M. Belle applied an epithet to M. Lasles because of the letter's political apeecb. M. Lasles responded thst they would settle the matter elsewhere, and M. Belle atruck M. Lasles a blow In the face. Other deputies then separated the eombataota. Prevents and break up Colds and 1