I THE OMAHA DAILY JIBVa THURSDAY, FEimtJAttY 5,. 100.1 X A SPECIAL I10T1CES rill be iiWrn eatl! In a. far the tmliig edition and III g. an te neralae; aad Seeder edltlea. fflatra, 1 I-se ward Sjret laeerttes, I a ward thereafter. Setnlear take) (or leas Iban x:Ve far Ik Brat I near, tlaa. These ad ves-tlseaseate Beast ee ran eeaseewtlvely. Advertisers, by reaetleal hered cheek aaa have aeaarere ad dreeeed a m4 letter la eare f The Bee. A ao were a airM4 arlll ka delivered a preeantatiaai at M heek aalr. WASTED SITt'ATIO. POSITION bookkeeper, bill clerk or fneriU office man; beat of reference. Address W Bee, Council Bluff. A ,W WAXTED MALE HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; fre railroad fire upon our failure to convince you of 1 thla being the BKHT and only reliable, most practical bnrber college In the United States. Write for catalog today. Western Barbera' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B 781 GOOD meaeeiifra wanted; high A. D. T. Co, m 8o. 13tb St. alarle. B 74 WANTED, experienced, honest, hunting organiser for Fraternal Union; beat order In America. Liberal compensation. jr. jr. Boose, 1'resiaont, Denver coio. B MHO F17 WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to HlRUJUUlf CIIIUIRIV, UTVIM.Hip lUBUCIi I tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National I Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B 843 4 WANTED, men tt learn barber trade; growing demand for school graduate; alway rush for barber In spring; pre- ara now; free work, expert lnatructiona, ecture, demobst rations, etc.; first-class facilities, newly fitted throughout; special finishing department. ' revolving chair. good light; tools, diploma and positions given graduate; catalogue free. Moler i Barber College, 1303 Dpugla Bt. B-963 f WANTED, a harneasmaker, at once. Geo, C. Chapman, Hastings, la. ' BM17S 11 WANTED, office.-boj; by manufacturing company; state age, Aaareaa .w a iiee. B 192 6 WANTED, stenographer and typewriter; man who ha had experience In a law and abatract ornV preferred; atate age and salary expeclvu. AdOrssa W 24, Be. FIHST-CIMflif barber wanted; guarantee I 116 week: steady Job. W. U. firhmelzel. Jioanaa hokul, Boisa, iaano. a ! J WANTED, experienced clerk to keep stock hooka; permanent position. Unlnger at Metculf Co., tth and Paclfle sta. . B M330 S WANTED, practical bookkeeper for gen eral worn By m&nuraoiuring cone good position toarlgbt Prty; at" pected. 'Adores w"C"BaT" B-H7 U WANTED, roat maker at one, ter, Red Cloud, Neb. H. P. Bow. B 33o WANTED for U. 8. army, able-bodied un married men between age of 21 and 13; cuiaena or Lnuea etatea, or gooa char acter a J temperate habits, who can s.1 nd wrlta English. For Infor UPiy to Recruiting Officer, xth t ' t pts., t'mana, or poatomc wicoin, fito. 15 -4 - tk A Ironer and tarcher. im N. B M3J jJiMjKK.EF.r'ER wanted, a reliable man. to seep Tne ooosa ot a c(tis Iceulng con cern in Nebraska; muV jImo be a steno grapher attd typewrite''' torn experi ence; married man who ' tome knowl- f f .unF.. .Tain ... 4 W tmmA rnust fumlah good refSi, "v V . inquire of Kent as Iiuike, Genoa, ;-.vv.." B M346 i -- WANTED, good baker; permanent place and good wage to right man. Address H. E. Christie. Corning, la. B M344 SALESMEN wanted, tip-to-date, active, to sell first-clans groceries direct to con sumers at wholesale; first-clans territory and liberal Inducement. George Meldrum A CO., t and 71 Nortn GlVea St., Chicago, WANTED, flrst-clnas Job Prwii, Nehrnska (Mty. .printer. Th B S-M 7 SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, 8 salesmen to solicit and collect; quick promotions, tsii v axton DiocK. -M76S WANTED, salesmen, $00 monthly expenses, permanent. Perry Nursery Co., Rochester, N. T. 11 4 WANTEDFEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 1Mb. ft Bodge. C (So NUR8E8' Training School. Pueblo. Colo. six weeks' - course ( diplomas. Address above. - " ? WANTED, housekeeper In small family. 1723 N. 14tn Bt. C U QIRL wanted, to do plain housework. 4K9 Davenport. Taka Farnam car. C 71V WANTED, ladles to learn . halrdresslng. manicuring and facial treatment. New and practical method that aaves years. Practice furnlsnoa by ire work. Instruc tions nd lecture by expert. Tool, diploma and positions given graduates Call or writ. Molar College, im Doug. las Bt. - c Bos WANTED, a good girl for general house work; good wage to the right girl. Apply to Mrs. n, 0. wiioox. uv win at. C 184 i tVANTED, girl to cars for baby. Apply at srocery slurs at lu iavnwortn Bt. C 196 4 31RL assist housework. 127 B. 25th st. C M201 WANTED, two bright, experienced sales ladles in a cloak, suit and waist depart ment. Address W J. Bee. C M324 (V ANTED, good girl -for general house work; good wages: no washing. Mrs. J. L. Haker, M4 Is. Win Ave. ,. C 831 rv ANTED, lady solicitor; experience not necessary; good salary; permanent posi tion. Aaoreaat w au, nee. c 12 6' FOR RKNT HOUSES. TO MOVE rlpht get Omaha Van Storage to., emue, iMia arnara, or lets. ibutMxd. D 787 HOU8ES. t& upwacd. Bemla, Paxton Blk. D 7S8 UntlCCC in all parts of city. The O. UWVJOUvJ f, L-avl Co., &oa Bea Bldg. - i m f AN8 and baggage wagons. Tels: HHd-1145. li 7ts 30U8ES. G. G. Wallace, Brown Block. I-7V1 30USF.! and flat. Rlngwalt, Barker block. d m lirX ICCC In all parte of ths city. R. UVJCJsJUt? c. ;vetr ft Co,, Jlee Bldg. I i fOR RENT, paet or alt of-S-mom house at 17U Biv-loth ft.; niOilern ax-reptfur nace; govd condition and convenient to ear anl lii-pot,. Iui4uirs.vn preutiwts or at 118 eu. .tn bt. - , . D M434 Vb PI I1P ST. i rooms f 8 04 I iia im. &i bl- rooms.. a 12.40 417 grannie ni.-i-nnim brick bouse. Dam. cioaoc ... 1 frJI Martha hU 4 1 115 liri(ta Hi. -8 V McCAiiLE I.N bath. eWwt IS OA tril Martha hu 4 roums, well.M......, u rooms, well 7.m) I v. I.U., iau DUWJK BT. D 87J gonKRN 7-room hwM ear park. 15" 8, ia.. , . D S,J B T1I AVK..' -ro-m modem home. V11IIhiti K. IHter. receiver. Jail hn.wu Bik.' t hott S77. D 7SJ rOR .HV: NT Modern rottsge, MIA Capitol events. " Th O. F. Davis Co., b lie Bldg. JJ Mta jr-4 IAGOAK1) Van ft Btorg Cu, Tel. lvak I j -. I - ' , ' ' f 1 rR ItKST nice -ron,n bouse, with hath A snd voeri emt fn.nt all in fine sliae. conveiileut to two car line, tit per month. C. M. Uachuukun. 46 paxton block 1-11S rK RENT HH-rfKnn eiittaa. In walking GLatauce from butttt.ja oeit-r and U. 1. abops. Uiuiie at N. Ilia Cl. D-Ul 1 rOR REST Ft RSISHED ROOMS. I'EWET European Hotel, Uth and Farnam. fl PF.R WEEK-M . 18th St., one block south of court house. . E .8 1617 CAE3Ga And bath. E 96- AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th a: Dodge. E 7 ROYALi HOTEL, E-iropean. lth Chics ro. n suo It. M. E. hauls trunk. Telephone 7. E mi FI.fXIANT (team-heated room. Capl- E 11 tol Ave. FRONT parlor. furnace heat. raa. Kt N. BM747 Ft aim Bii - VIENNA HOTEL 1011-13 Far nam "t. K BOS BTKAM-HEATED room. $1 pe" month. Barker Hotel. 13th and J one Ste. Tel mt. E M316 F17 EI.ROANT rooms; hot water heat: modern; leierence. idle web iter. TWO large room, heated, centrally lo cated; cheap If taken at once, 13 per week. 17i Webster. K IM . FURNISH ED ROOMS AND BOARD. Sfl 8. T1I AVE., single room. F808 PLEASANT alcove room; with flrst-clss board, for two refined pjple; private fiimJ iiy. t. Mary a Ave. o&7 f FOR, REST UNFIRSISHBD ROOMS, CENTRAL., all modern, (team heat, two rooms. 220 N. 23d. G 1S8 r -r-r FOR REST STORES AND OFFICES. OFFICES In The Bee building. 110.00 per month up. Kintal price includes neat. light and Janitor service. H. C. Peter & Co., Kenlal Agents, O round Floor, Be Bldg. . 1 2T8 FOR RENT Commission house. 1106-7 South Eleventh. Best room and location and liweat rent in the city; s.OuO feet floor pace, Including basement ""1 ' ' fnor. Good vault and iron sned. 8. t). Merocr Co., 2Xi Be Bldg. 1 ;- ' ' FOR' RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at Hit ifarnam; zxao, lour stories and fmt-class cemented basement. elevator, nre ana ourgiar prooi vauii, office counter and fixtures. Fof prloe and particulars Inquire C. C. Kosewater, secre tary I ne Bea Biuiaing lo., room loo, e building.. . , , , I M7 DOUBLE parlor. Call at lfil Webster Bt. I MJ47 FOR RENT, stora In flrst-clan location; rent reasonatile. Apply it, w. peters at Co., ground floor, Bea Bldg. I SUA. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu- rled by The Bee at WIS i arnara alt. It has our stories and-a basement, , which wss formerly used as Ah Bee- preaa rogm. This wlU fc r - i Interested apply at office to C. C. Rone- water, secretary, room wo. Bee building. l K61 HALF store. 620 Bo. Uth St. 1-638 I'OH RENT Nice office In the Omaha Omaha Bate Uth Bt. I ttw-a National Bank Bldg., 1 10.00, Jjeposit 4fe Jtruat Co., 210 a. FOR RENT. dek room or larger apace In IN. y. Lire bldg., front omca. inquire iiv, N. Y. Llf bldg. I M;W3 7 g ' , . .' i AOETS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE) TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make eas ly M0 to (low per montn. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Be building, umana. eis WIUj erect one-story building to suit tenant at 1218 Harney. inquire ti. u. Peters ft Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. J M7H2 8j FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture-Co., 1M9 Dodge. Tel, 20). New ana seconanana, ooiuint. soia, exchanged O 8"t FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC, TRY MB on wagon repairing. Flrst-clan work. H. Frost, l4tu ona Leavenwortn. DRAFT HORSES ONE carload of heavy draft horses. Omaha Stables, 14th and Howard Bt. p M107 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. NEW and 2dhand typewriter. Ill Farnam. W eiw billiard table repaireo; a large stoca 01 rheao bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Bruaswlck-Balko-Collnder Co., 407-8 a 10th. , Q-M426 Ml FOR BALE Two stove and three show cases with stands, cneap 11 taaen at once. Address, U 67. Be. VI aiesi INDIAN goods and relic. Ill Farnam. . Vt-K1 FENCE LATH for Qjilok ahlpment, crib bing, combination laaoer. vol jjougms. FOR 8 ALB, phonograph, superior' to any other muBlcal. instrument, 0 up. tm Wittmann Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 807 vim HALE. alx-Daaaenger rockaway car riage, in guoa conuiuun. nuuiu nogers ft Son Co. ' M704 76 LADIES and gents' watches. ISO dia monds, lcit in pawn, gooa a new, seuinf at half price. Diamond Loan Office, Hu. Douglas. .. Q M740 F27 W1RKHOTI8E. bl.000 sauare teet. fine trackage faauuea , itaeo at nunyan, nun and c arnam. w lit JDHAND safe cheap. , Derlght, 1119 Farnam. FOR BALE, first mortgage not bearing g per cent intereat, payable every aix month; ha about l'i year to run; good security and endorsed by responsible party; amount, II. Inquire C. M Bachmann, Room Hi, Paxton block . OFFICE partition, fine osk, glass panel, (0 feet, barasin. r'none xint. y ia s- CLAIRVOYANTS, MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cas treet. D 511 MME. GILMER, genuine palmist, 118 B. 15. a ia MAPANOfl LUCRKTIA. medium I1 Ohl cago St. B-WWI Hf ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. IS, Id floor, r. L l Mill r aRACfe O'BRYAN of Kentucky, 720 8. ISth, 1 11 BATHS 401 "N. Uth Bt. T 7t UuiS HARRIS, V62X. Leav'w'lk. top fir flat T M I i'S V PERSONAL. TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. measengers. C-WJ pH ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity, it. 1 kreiuwr block. V 814 RUPTURE CURED without pain. Kmiir Rupture Co., N. Y. Llf Bldg., Onieha. 1 Cr,irt'irlf; iPLnt. ..9 Globe Optical Po I PRIVATE hospital before and during eon flnement; InUi- bHtarded and adopted. airs. Uardela. ioc4 Lake. Tel. Ked-lnM . . . . PRIVATE hospital befor as Itnemeat: rtiai-clses in e ble adopted. . Iir. L. I bloiulu bk phonag-luvL L i nd during con very reaped U Miller. U 17 RKAD ths truth, "Wicked little Bupters' and aciresaas stweaaa, K-bruory - ha ' tu Eat." Newsdealers l'X'. L MUS a KL1TE PARLORS, VJ Uth Bt., 8d floor. 1 ill: BEST BARGAIN IN Tflt: PAPER PERSONAL. CHIROrODY. manicuring, facial and spe cial maaige taught and practiced. A Mayer, 614 Be' Ling. Consultation free. Tel. 1716. . U-Sui PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Option, 3625 California Bt. Terms reasonable. , . U-M432 ECZEMA SALVE thatwired W. A. Paxton. B. J. Bcannell, agent, M Ware Block. U-MMS U A wholesome nerve tissue food & home treatment for disorders of women. Write for free booklet. Vlavl Co.. 34 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Tel. 16S4 . U M8H TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS We have moved to 1U S. 17th street. We will continue to rarry a nice line of pianos, talking machines, small musical mr- chandise and sewing machines and will endeavor to .nerlt a share of your patron- ag. . COL1N8 PIANO COMPANY. . U-164 ART NEEDLE WORK And basket exhibit at 108 Her Grand. Bpe- dal. Embroidered shirtwaists and cos tume. . MISS BLISS OF DENVER. , U-M2oi WANTED, lady solicitor; experience . not necessary; good salary; permanent posi tion. 'Address W . Be. U XI V FOR TOASTS, grave and gay, see February "What to Eat.". wM"l.:i, 'Uc. " . ' . V M338 I MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4H PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any Urn. W. B. MEIK1.K. 4ol 8. UT11 ST. W 820 MONEY to loan on Improved Oraalm real estate. Brennan-Love Co., St bo. inn, W 821 WANTED city and farm loans; also bonds and wan-ants. R. C. Peter Co., liifi Farnam St., Bee Bldg. , W-822 4 TO t P. C. money. Bcfnla, Paxton Blk. . W 23 FARM and city loan, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. . w o PER CENT ill-an. Farnam. Garvin Bros., 1W4 W 8iS WANTED, clty-loana and warrant, w. Farnam. Bmlth Co.. um rnm "v. W 24 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. "..I MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, HEADQUARTER' FOR 8ALAK1 OlAXS. . Every man or woman in Omana. nouin Omaha ana council oiuus smhs salary call and get our money on your plain note, without publicity, mortgage or endorser. ' TRY US ON FURNITURE LOANS. Good remain in your possession; you get the full amount ot loan wunmu uuut tlon. Our system of payments tne easiest. Our rate are easily the loweC- We aim t0 PleKELIABLE CREDIT CO. Get Off Elevator at Third Floor. Room 803. PAXTON BLOCK. Room aa. PAY US For just what - - vr n"M th money 1 an we as a, aiw or take alx m repay - It. Salary loan, service uulcU are the oldest around conaisu n one montn 1 in which to Chattel and r low, our ibllcltv. W Una with all to recom- I mend us. OMAHA MORTOi R LOAN CO., ' 118 Board of Trad Bldg Tel. 22 (Established lbsl) . 8u South Itiih Bt. THE STAR LOAN COMPANT. Room 644 Paxton Block. 'Phone F2298. Thl company Is the prlvat bank of th wage-earner ana saiariea employe. 11 you have a permanent position aa clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or arti san of any kind, you can obtain on your notewithout security or Indorser: Bemi- - Monthty.Mon thly. Weekly. tin return to U3....8J6 a 60 return to us.... ij.m t 26 return to us.... 6.M 8 38 166 1Sntnm to Ul ... '4.00 ' ' 2.00 1.00 Our office are private and. our business confidenwai. Tom a. m. 10 i p. m. A 833 The BEST place to borow money on your mtt- . ta WHERE' you can get any amount. WHERE you get the lowest rates. WHERK no charges are made In advance. WHERE everytning le conauenuai. um-HR von return It In easy payments. WHERE you pay for only the Urn money Is in use. . WHERE can you do better than at th PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton block, 16th and Farnam. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, mercnanta, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 office In prln clpsl cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad Bldg. - X-831 CHATTEL, salary ft Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co, auo to u. ctraen, n. s, oaraer on X-832 MONEY losned on plain note to salaried people; business conndentlal, lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. Tha J. A. Hutton Co. , X (OS MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, Jew elry, boraea, cows, etc. C. r . Reea, Ji a. is. X 834 WE LOAN money on furniture, pianos and diamonds. OMAHA CHATTEL H BANK. 1404 Farnam. upstairs. Tel. A-2113. X " BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411. McCague building. Y 838 IF YOU want to aet In or out Of business or buy or sell property communlcat with Northwestern Clearing Co., N. Y lf Bldg. - - " Y-4W WILL sell at a bargain my' stock of aec otid-hatid furniture; nns entaDiisnea trade and am making' money. On ac count of poor health am obliged to sell, A snap if taken at one. Address W 20, Be. Y-M187 AN Investment of 3"Ji ha always averaged la per week; particulars on request, c M. Bragaw ft Co., New Orleana. U. X-U413 FS FOR BALE, flrst-clasa blacksmith and wsgon shop, with or without building; writ at once. Kucera Bros.. Western, Neb. Y-M140 F17 JOHN J RYAN CtVOPEHATIVK BREKIV. INi rA rt M amj iHSjaMAMMi TERPHlfE. Klv per ceut weekly dlvl denda paid. Write or rail on McClaCn ft War. I. aant. 4ut BapP bl" k Cu-incll Bluff. la. Y-M71A tr FOR BALK Do you want to buy a good laundry cbeapT If so, adjress Blair Strata laundry, BUeir. reb. 1 e Z3 FOR BALE, general blarksmlth ahnp and tools, also dwelling house; only firt-eUa shop In th to a 11; rn'iat sell at one Frank Krlst. Ohio a a. Nab. Yt2 i Cigar Business gxa Wll.l, buy one In good location, rtty j. if. joniwou. K. 1 . lji. 1 mil WAVTr 11, o buy. rooming honee or (Ul With down, halaara 8 data; sains ri brsi-il acvutlijr. Ad" Xv ' ARC ON THE WANT AD PAGE BISIES CHAXCF.g. GOOD permanent buslnesa In Omaha for cash or unlmcumbered low priced lot In Omaha or Council Bluffs; no fake: call early at 407 Bee bldg. Y-M341 I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CHOICE trackage, paved. 16th. Monroe. Ml N. RE 948 iS9no CASH buy lot , block 18, Orchard Hill. Address W. H. Crowell, Ithaca, N. If. RE M2U 6 FARMS FOR SALE Don't buy before you have seen our list of bargains. Write or call. HC'M Kbf"EKER8' ASSOCIATION, First Flowr N. X. Life Bldg. RE S1 4 MODERN (-room house, also g-room, fin locations, low prlcea. ' Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE MSu5 Fi TEN, twenty or forty acres in fruits; on of the beet fruit snd garden farms In Iowa; adjoins city limits Council Bluffs. Address, A, Bee, Council Bluffa. RE-M717-24 HOUSES And lot in all parts of city; also . acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 662 Bee Bldg. . RE 840 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. ' McAlleater, land commissioner. Union Pa clllo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. KE-S41 GOVERNMENT land, under irrigation, In oil Teglons along U. P. R. R. In Wyoming. L.. C. Patterson, Omaha. RE M4e i WILLUMSNanrE RE S42 OWN A HOME Make the rant pay for It. Call and learn our plan. HOM E8EEKERS' ASSOCIATION, , Flrt "Floor N. Y. Llf Bldg. RE 183 4 S ACRES choice fruit, 10-room brick dwelling. Barns, carriage house and other necessary buildings; good condition; fine locaiiun; near car line; at very low price for few days. , , B-room cottage, corner lot, 27th ave. and Grant, Jaou. Monthly payments. 4 vacant lots, Andrews ft Benson addition. 1160 each. W. N. NASON. 446 Bee bldg. RE MA 6-ROOM brick house, good order, lot 90x118. comer, 2 blocks from Ames ave. car Una. 1. w. n. UAiu, u n. 1. 1,1 re. RE M-H1 S DO YOU WANT TO . SELL A FARiU r If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stock raisers about It. The beat way to reach them I through THE TWENTIETH i CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 40.000 homes ot farmer and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to And a buyer among them. The cost of 1 an advertise ment la email 3 cents per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB., . . . . ' RE 604 ACRE TRACT, fine garden sand, 43 acres, 4 miles N. E. of p. O.,- Iloo per acre. Two lot on 80th, near Lalk wt., ioo. Cottage, full lot, 8331 Mwreeli h at., 86.T0. 8516 Howard St., 7 rooms, modern, 82,600. Bplendld lot, Wirt and 18th, 'only l&io. House, rooms, modern, 2126 Spencer, 82.400. Lot 8. E. corner aotbj and Dorcas at., 8700. w, M. UKAhAM, BEE BUILDING. , RE Maj7 10 . GARDEN tract, 42 acre N. E. of Omaha, w ymt ivti, UIKUIIU, Dee DIUg. REM325 10 ONLf snllea N. H. of Omaha you can .'. for 84,. Fine for garden nt tm, Be bldg. RE Mi 10 buy t. Inf. CANADA lands, 34 to tlO per acr. Hast ings a uayoen, ou n. x laiu. Omaha. ' 3B 33 4 A BARGAIN S30-acr farm in southern kanaas; climate good; winter short: '.t old within th next 80 daya, tJr o. acre will buy; In gas and oil ... close to school and church: 3o .. e in good cultivation; a ran b"r. For further Information wt!i or C"' '- ..' fl. B. Squires, 71 W. Myrtle Bt., Indvp- thence. Kansas. ; RE 334 6 1,0 ACRES timber land, Howell county. Mo.; fine fruit land; 60,000 cord of wood and saw timber on land: three miles from ' Willow. Springs; prlca 34 . per acre. Ad dress W 33, Be. RE M343 SHORTHAND AKO TYPEWRITING. GREGG 8. H.j Touch T. W., Bus. Branchea, leit g. cat- tree. urn. com. coi., 1 Doug. ' ' 1 843 A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLE8 college, court reporter principal. ix. 1. j-4ie. ,, sia NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd' x neater. MEDICAL, . DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of woman, from any cause; experienced, reliable. 1613 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha, Neb. Tel. 3tf. - , oo3 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal fins are tne Desi; sare; reuaoie. laxe no other. Bend 4c, stamps, for particular. "Relief for Ladles' In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa PATENTS. H. J. COWG ILL No fee unless success ful. 313 8. 16lh Bt., Omaha, Tel, l.i. ' . ' -t BUE A CO.. Bea Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Ea- tabllshed 1. No fee if wa fall. Haud book I red. Teleptoona lua and A -26 10. u3 M10 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. DOUBLE parlors. Call at 1616 Webster st. I M'lM ANNOUNCEMENT. W. C. RUSSELL moved to 1S Bo. 15th. i Mch MAY, GRAIN AND COAL, M. LONDON, 3303 Cuming. TeL A2MC -li FZ9 DRESSMAKING. KKISTKIt'8 Ladles Tallortng College. Bolt U-4-t-a, uougiaa block uin and IHxl. c. u. auer. Mgr. writ lor book ei. -lll LADIES' tailoring parlors, C3 Beward St. 1 r COLD AND SILVKR PLATING. OMAHA PIATI SO CO.. pea Bldg. T.l. r O. CARPET CLEANING AND L4l lU. A K J KTT, li tiirileg St. TVPKWRITKMS. LAMHr.KT. 1-1. a t tar i." l. - 1 - Monraa ft Co , 811 H. Ik . . 1 . . . roinD. FuUNDliuacfe ef key. Vail at tw , DAJCItU ACADEMV. JKNPKN A DREYER3. Washington hall; larg-!t In Omaha; new claaxea. forming for FehruHry; reduced rates; adults, Tuea rinya aPd FrMayw, II p. m. 749 MAS AGE. THREE FACIAL, maoeages, fl. 1711 Podge. 7M MUSIC. HIO8. J. KELLY, TOlca. Davldge Block. ELECTRICITY. GRAND ELECTRIC CO., 620 8. 18th Btj l'hono !Mti Electrical Eupplle. wiring and repairs. 788 7 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. J L. -BPITZBART. Tel. F-260. 21 Lake. Mil FI3 GENERAL ROOFING. WORK In any part of th country, Jon Rooting Co. 1 1617 Burt Bt. Tel. Ml 73 1 . . A.. COAL AND WOOD. HALD ft RICE, 606 8. 16th St. Tel. 1238. -M115 IS SCHOLARSHIP. EUSINKS3 college scholarship for sale at a bargain In one of Omaha leading com mercial colleges; life scholarship. Address S 47, Bee otllce. M716 PATENT OFFICE DRAWINGS. PATENT DRAWINGS, application blanks deeds, etc. Sues ft Co.. Bee Bldg. Tele phone 1623. . , Vol Mlo STAMMERING AND STUTTERING.. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramg .Bldg. -7o MASQUERADE COSTUMES.. THEO. LIEBEN. lniS Farnam, costumes. . . , . .,. Mn;a- SHIRTS TO ORDER. OMAHA SHIRT FACTORY, 1816 Farnam. M370 F18 ' PLUMBING. ' FREE ft WICKERSHAM, 603 80. 18th St. M 478 F2S CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. PIERSON, 20th and Burt. Tel. L-2K36. 76J GRAVEL ROOFING. BARRICK TeL 86L Roofing Co., 1616 Cuming ftl M4i SEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. ti. 1L ULLERY ft CO., 1611 Howard St: . -M743 "ARLSON ft CO.. 2121 Leavenworth. TeL "J8. 7 PETERSON L-4368. ft Lundberg, 115 8. 17th. Tel. - - -74 TAXIDERMIST. J. E. WALLACE, 60S Bo. 13th SC -878 NEEDLEWORK. EMBROIDERY and lace taught free. Mrs. Wilson, 1620 Douglas, 374 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., 811 North 16th. VB WALL PAPER AND PAPER HANGING. OILS, paints, varnishes, window glass. 1 J. Sterner, 2525 N. 20th BU Tel. A-W.s M746 F GARBAGE. ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co.. clean cess pools and vaulta, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced price., ten N 16th. Tel. 177. TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'P- i:i".. M. . a. TKa DEPOT on time. L. TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket rerywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1606 Farnam.- 'Phone 7M. 865 - DETECTIVE AGENCT. CAPT. THOS. CORMACK, prlvat detect ive. 617 Karbach Dlock, Telephone A-Z&32. 318 AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobiles. Derlght, lilt Farnam. i-877 PHONOGRAPHS AND SUPPLIES. ALL MAKES talking machines; send- for ratslogue. omana Bicycl Co., mn and Chicago. 78 - EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R, Rathbun, Room 15, Com'l Nt bank, . STORAGE. OM. Vsn St or. Co., 16t1'i Farn. Tels. luTa-ftS EXPRESSMAN'S Dal. Co. Tels. 1196-1146. PRINTING BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS PRINTING CO. position. Tel. 21iW. Linotype com- M1W MAN I KACTl RING. P. MELCHOIR, chlnlst. 13th nd Howard, ma- buO OMAHA Safe and Iron Wka. make a sne clalty of fire escapes, shutter, doors snd sales, u. Andrecu, A'rou., 1.2 au. lutn ft. hid LAW AND tOI.LECTIONS. 8TILLMAN ft PRICE. 33 U. B. N'l Bk. Bldg 47 NEW BNOW-CIIT'Rt'll CO., let floor N. Y", Ufa Bldg., attorneys and coliattors every where. -. j MACFAR1-AND ft Bldg. Room 8"4 MAY. Neta York lift I'lione I v.'.'. MS HA34NK9S. HAKNEMH mada to order and repaired. Old barneaa takeu M traoa. utn aua i-svett- worth. M'4? n At t ORDION PLEATING. UOI.DMAN Pleating Co, Iougtas Ink, " OMAHA PLEATING CO, W. E. Ilatck, Mar , U-10 iluaard Bl. TeL SX. - LAI SDR Y. OMAHA Supply. tt'eam lun.try aad City i l?M Las vo aorta. TeL A IM el MtllAtitt BATH. Mr. IaK liwsrdi feeihsj alte--t't 4r'OPATMT. ()tf E ft Al n J0HNM0M Ml folk tla U 3. I. La: a PAWNBROKERS. EAOLH Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential, ll'l IHukIns, ' . SIGN PAINTING. BCHROEDER Plgn Works. n 8. 17th. W aiso snip signa. write us. 376 June CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing riine aiienuon to. J. 1. Ocniltree, 2"th imi tm ke streets. FLORISTS. A. NORRLANDER. 706 8. 16th St. Tel. F-K. Cut flowers, bouquets, funeral de signs. M768 F7 PLAIN SEWING AND DRESSMAKING. MRS. M. CARR, 623 North Fifteenth street. . - 11 GOVERNMRT NOTICE. OFFICE CHIEF - OITATtTRRMARTFR. Omaha, Neb.. January 80. 1903. Sealed pro posals in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 10 a. m.. February 2x. 1008. and then opened In the presence of attendlpg blddera, ior I'linuiu rcquirea at iieaaciuartera De partment of the Missouri during the fiscal year commencing July 1, lnog, and ending June 80, linn. u. 8. reserves th right to reject er accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Blank forms for blddlna snd circular giving full Information and require ments will te iurmaned on application. Envelopes containing proposals should- be marked "Proposals . for Prtnilna-." and ad dressed to Lieut. Col. JNO. W. PULLMAN, C. VI. M. 6tD3S 4 6 25 26 OFFICE. OF THE - CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, 621 Dooly. BulMIng, Salt proposals. In triplicate, will be received h're until Ji a. m., Btnnoara time, Marcn z, iwa, and then oiened, for the construction of two Barracks, each for two troops ot cavalry Including plumbing, heating, gas piping ana eicctric wirtna. si rori Loug ass Utah Bidder will state In their bids the time in which they will complete the work. - Full Information and blank forms of proposals furnished on application to this office, t. Plana and specifications' - may be seen here. -United Slates reserves the right to accent or retect nnv or- all nronosals. or any part thereofi Envelopes to be marked l "Proposals for Public Building,' and ad dressed to Captain Sam'l V. Ham, Quartet master. . 6tD 2 3 4 S 27 38M LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF .STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. Notice' Is' hereby srlven that the regular annual meetlnff nf the stockholder of the South Platte Land Company will be held at the office of aaid company in uncoin, ie braska. at 11 o'clock a. m., on th 4th day of March, A. D. 1803. ' By order of the board of director. ,C. H. MORRILL. Preldent - A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln, XMeD., neD. x, ia. rasviu POSTOFFICE NOTICE, ' (Should be read DAILY oy all tnterested, as change may occur at any time.) Foreign mails tor th week ending Febru ary .7, l'J03, wllI clone (rnuM ri L. x in ail cases) at in general posionico as ;oiiow; Parcels post mail close one hour earner than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at I p. m., Wednesday, per s. m. Brandenburg, and Friday, per a. s, Bluchor. Regular ana supplementary mans ciosa at foreign station half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that supple mentary malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon clos en hour later at foreign station).. ' Transatlantic Malls. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCRVl . SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, POR TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECEJ, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR. QUEZ, per . s. La Lorralpe, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed ."per s. a. La Lorraine"). SATURDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. Zeeiahd, via Southampton (mail for Ireland must be directed "per a. . Zealand");-at 8:30 a. nv (supplementary 11 a. m.) for EUROPE, per a. a. Baxonla, , via Queenstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes printed -matter, commercial paper and samples fos Germany only. Tha aam class of mall matter lor other part ot Europe will not be sent by this ship un less specially directed by U. . . Afttr the closing of th supplementary transatlantic malls named above. .addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the pier of ?h American, Eaiglisn, French and Uet a. iteaniers, and remain open until v.u ten minute of th hour of 3e-' tS .earner. ji $W aoalk aad Central America, West ladles. Etc. , . , . ;.DAY At 8 a. m. for fJUBA, YUCA 1 C CAMPECHE, TABASCO arid.CHlA- ; A8, per a. a. Monterey (mall for other parte of Hex lea muat be directed "per a a. Monterey"); at 10 a, m. fos-BRAZIL, ner a. s. Tennyson, via Pernambuco. Bahla, Rio Janeiro and. San toe (.mall for Northern Brasll, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per . s. Ten. nyson 1; at 10 a. m. tor ilah i, per . . Prln Maurlts (mail lor Gonalves, St, Marc, Curacao, Venesuela, Trinidad, British and Dutcn ouiana must be di reoted "per a, . Prln Maurltx"); at 13 m. (auppiementary u:au p. m.j ror -ba-HAMAS and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Sara tafrn. FRIDAY At 0:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) ana bo uth pacific PORTS, per a. a. Boguranoa, via Cplon (letter mail fur Guatamala must be di rected "per . a. Seguranea");-at 12 m. for MEXICO, per B. s. Niagara, via Tampico (matt must oe oirec.ieu -per a. a. Ni agara"). SATURDAY At "6:80 a. m. for BA- HAMAS, per ateamer rrom Miami, Flor ida: at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per a.' a. Pretoria; at 8 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for rvKiv nn via Ban Juan), CURACAO -and VENEZUELA (except Venesuela parcels post malls), per a. . Caracas via San Juan and Curacao (mall for Bavanllla and Cartagena muat be di rected "per a. a. Caracas"); at 8:30 a. m. isiionlementary 10:80 a. la.) - for HER MUDA, BT. THOMAd, HT. CROIX. LEE WARD and - WINDWARD 1SLANDH. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA,- wr a. a. Madiana (mail for Grenada and Trinidad must btt directed ' per a. s. Madiana ); at 9 30 a. m. (sup plementary 10:110 a. m ) for FORTUNE ISIAND. JAMAICA. HAVAN1LLA and CARTAGENA, per a s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per a. Altai"); at Jo a. m. (supplementary 10 M a. ni.) for HAITI ana banta makta per a Athos; at lit a, m. lor CUBA, per a. . Morro Castle, via Havana' at 10 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, pr . . Maraval; at 13 m. for ARGENTINE, URUUUAY and PARAGUAY par a. . Corontla; at. 12 so p. m. fo CUBA, pec a. a, Ollnda, via Havana Mall for Newt-Nindiand. by rail to North bydney. and Ihenoe by taaisr, close at tin j oBlce alaily at 630 p.m. (connecting t-lumm her every Monday. Wednesday and ' r!aturday. Malls for Mntuelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by sleanwr, ciosa at tliia ollUe dail at 6.30 p. in. Malls for Cuba, by rail 10 Port Tampa, f lu., and thence by ateamer. rloa at thl office duy. except . 1 Duraday, el "4 ju a. tn. (the conne:llr.g rioeea sre snad 00 Alon days, UcdiMiUya and Baturdaysi. l, r Mexico City, erUod. unit.t specially daed fee dtspatrlt by slaamer, cluae At una .me daily except rkind&y al I 30 ' D. ta. and 11. u. m . nun!aya a 1 p. and 11 JO P Rl alalia foe Casta lilc 1 ellia. Puerto A'nries and Mr saall fur Guatemala, t-y rail la New Organs, and ' thenr by i-'ii-r. tli al this orflre dally. xcrpt foaJay. al a. ex an 11 p. ni.. b..ntla)i al 1 p. aa. and lit a. ir. (evaneetiug ckoeee here Mon days si tl 3w p. in. f..f Ixilie Puarl t Mlfi and k"f mall f jf (uaientala. a 1 D.aUats al ll f-. Ivcu luiat Heisired aasil cluMi tlls.Sk k' viwua oay. XraasaaxrlSe Malia. Malls f -r China and Japaa. Pca'ta, tivhm hrm ei.y at t p m. up Feh- rary 4 tn lal, .r 44tca par a jmium klar. Mai s lr LMua sad Japs. a Taennta, luea k-f ii y 11 I r ev us t t rry !. Iu.iuaie, fur favatva a Ni. a Ck- w Uaii I r i.ast. Jaaan. tle 4 I'M'i- it.ia i-ai - . ia a, a fa'. i.-. a- k S-.. It I .1 I xi t t feuar !. I 1 1 v.-, v . .- a MetA res a a 4 i.iea Mi-e I'tl ahMi 11.4 Mr-iwe u.auu. aaa ltft-en 1 1- e -. v et s m I-. aa by It r !. UuiMl.t, M ala Iw A-J1''. ! ll ( A .a. Nw fm ... f t A. H,R. 4 a - tt a ha 8a tia- s- :-ii'v it I p a a'( J-ry ..-! .. I.ui a ! ..! f a a pt s POSTOFFIf M NOTICE. th British mall for New Zealand doee. not arrive in time to -onnect with thia dlspat"h, extra malls closing at 8 3" a. m , 8.8" a. m. and P m.i Hun. lays at 4:3 a. m., t a. m. and 6.30 p. m. will be mail up and forwarded until th arrival ot th Cunard eteamer . Malls for Hawaii, China, Japsn and Phil ippine Island, via Ban -Francisco,- dosa here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to February 16, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Doric Mstls for China ana Ja n. via Vancouver and Victoria It C. clte herr dally at 6 30 p. m. up to February 17, inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Empress of China. Merchandise for II. -n. Ktal agency a r-hanghal cannot be forwarded via Canada. MhIIs fo. the Philippine Islands, via San Frsnclsco, close here dally at 6:80 1. m. up to Februsry .'4, Inclusive, for dis patch per U. 8. transport. Mails for Australia texcept West AuttrMla, which goes via Europe, snd New Zealand, which goes via Psn Flanclscoi and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver and Vlctof la, n. C. clos here dally t 6 p. m. after February 14 and up to February 2S, In-, elusive, for dispatch per s. . Aorangl. Tranepaclflo malls are forwarded o port of sailing dailv and the schedule of dot ing Is srranged on tb presumption of -their uninterrupted overland transit, Registered mail close at 6 p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. -Postmaster. Postoffice, New York. N. .. Jan. 80. 19.18. n IA1LWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION IOTH AND MARC" V. Union PaeHlo. ' ' .... Leave. Arrive. ' Overland Limited a 8.40 am a 2:60 pm Th Fast Mall 4 a 3:2s pin California Express a 4:30 pra i'aclilc Express all .30 put Eattern Expre i a 6:80 pin- Tha Atlantlg Expreas... a 7:80 am The Colorado Special. ..A 7:10 am a 3:40 am Chicago Special a 8:40 ana Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express.. .b 4:00 pro bl2:50 pm Notth Platte Local.... .a 8:00 am a 6:15 pm Grand Island Local.... b 6:30 pm b 8:3s pm lillaola Central,. . Chicago Expraaa a 7:36 am a 1:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis ft . , . Hi. Paul Limited .a.7:6Qi)m 3.06 am Minneapolis ft UL Paul .Express b 7:3S am 1)10:34 pm Chicago , I -ocal 10:46 am Chicago Express., . sJ0:36 pm Cklcago, Hock lslaad ft PaclSo. HAST. ' " ' ' Chicago Daylight L i o. a 6:08 am a' 4 am Clilcatco Daylight Local. J am. a 8 6 pm Chicago Express bll:16 am a 6:06 pm Des Mottles Express. ...a 4.80 pm bll:60sm Chicago Fast Express... bM. pin a 1:86 pm WB3T. ' Rooky Mountain L t'a..a 8:60 pm a 4:66 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo -ano Wast . I SO pra a 6:00 pm Coio.r Texhs, Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer. ......a 6:40 pro aI2:40 pm ' Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6'51 pra a 1:20 am Bt. Louir ocat, Coun cil Bluff a 8:16 am alO:80 pin Chicago ft Northwestern. Th Northwestern Line." ' ; Fast Chicago a 8:40 am Mail - a 8:110 pm Local Sioux Clt A 5:10 am 7 00 am a S:.t0 aid a 8:30 pm 10;26 pin ail:20 pm a 6:10 pm a 3:60 am a 8:50 pin a 8:16 am a 8:30 am a 3:40 pin b 8:60 am Paal. all:16 pm a 8:40 pm a 7:60 am a 1.40 pin Daylight Bt. Paul. a 7:o am Daylight Chicago. .a 8:uo am Local Chicago..... Local Carroll Fast Chicago .... Fast St. Paul Limited Chicago.. Fast Mail...... .... Local Sioux City. ...aloui aia ,a 4:oo pm ...a 6:60 pm 7:66 pm ...a 8:10 pm ,'.'.b 4.-00 pm Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Chicago Daylight. ......a t:45 am Chicago Fast Express.. .a 6:46 pm Chicago Limited a 8:09 pm ilea Molnea Express. ...a 7:46 am Chicago Local 10:40 am M.savart Pact o. '. Bt, Louis Express al0:00 am K.- c. and Bt. L. Ex....al0.60 pm .a 6:25 pra A :la am WEBSTER DEPOT ISTH ft WEBSTER Fresnont, Valley. Elkkora . " fc MlasaaH Leava Airly. lack Hl. Dead wood. Lead, ho Eprlng 8:00 pm A 6:00 pra Wyoming, Douglas UanttliUS. Casper and ...d. 3:00 pm o 8:00 pm York, uavio. City, BUpenor, vt"",V tr.It.e. and Seward. ...d 8:00 cm b 6:09 pm . M0:26 am Bonesteel, Lincoln, Nlc- , brora and Fremont.. ..b 7:80 ana Fremont Local ....o 1:80 am,, Miseeart raeine. Nebraska ,Leaiv Via H ' ' 1 I. 40:26 am V ecu 1 ug niiu- h i.wiui Chicago. S." Pw. Minneapolis - Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ..a 8:80 am a 8:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... a 2:00 pm ell:20 am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b :46 am . Dallv. b Dally except Sunday, d Dally xcept Saturday. Dally except Monday, e Sunday only. ' ... BURLINGTON STATION-10TH ft MASON Chicago, nerllngrtoa ft Qnlaey. '' ' Chicago Special.. a 1:00 am a 4:08 pm Chliyigo veauouiea A.a.a -r a t.w am Chicago Local ...ar.am au:uo pm - Chicago jimiieo ...a o.u pm a i.n am Fast MalL.e. - a : pra Barllnataa ft Mtssoarl River. . Laava , Arrive. - Wymore. Beatrice - ' Lincoln ...... --x "'!'" ' Nebrsska Express... ...a 8:40 am a 7:45 pm Denver Limited. A 4:26 pm a 6:46 am B ack IIIUS inu rit . . un..n F.jreas all:10 pm a 1:10 pm Colirado Veatlbulad -. H'yr .imi ((Mils - aa. a . v a s Lincoln Fast Mall b liipn.i 8:13 am Fort Crook and Platts- - mouth b 8:20 pm bI0:8S am Bellevu ft Paclflo Jet. ..a 7:60 pm a 8:37 am BellevuftraclUoJct...a8:60am .. Kansas City. SC Joseaa.ft Coaaell Bis (fa. Kansas City Day Ex.- am a :( pm Bt. Louis -Flyer as:iupm uira Kansaa City Night Ex.al0:30 pm a 6:16- am 1 STEAMSHIPS. KOLUKD-&!:R!CA LHIE jsaw Ywlo-aeraa Klaawara al U.A0S Toaa -HEW TOKK. MoTTkkUAM. Tla bot'UxlKA auu Waauaaoar at IS A. Is. ItTaAaB .steieoeaei .......Mar. is kattarAam .........nar. 4 Kottardaa) Mar. M Amateraam ,mmr. umatiaa aefii l Hellaaa-Aanarlaa. 1.1 as. CU U way, a. I . Harry Mooraa, Itui saraaa at.. J. a MeNal'.r. 1AII rrnaa at , M S. Jeaea. 14u4 garaaai at., Laaia Maw. rat Mi'l Bk.. r. Fiaeiaa a ca, uit rjasKel -. aaa Mum. ill uxk sL. S. L ' KMm, lk at.. Oauaa. aaaaia . i POLICE RUN DOWN THEIR MAN Patralaaaa la VTeaesl Caslsr Alleged Thief ' Arte Bard After aa rxcltlsc chaea of nearly s quar ter of a mil Frank Walimlller was run dowk by the patrol wagon yeaterday gad narrowly raped being rua eree Tb chase wa also taken ap by a crowd of pe destrian and eaased roues eicltroeat I th vlclalty ef Fifteenth atuT Bart street, where th ue was captured. Welimlller la said te base aatefeeg a string of shoe from Is treat af S. H. rtrsoa'g tore, 431 North b(itth' tree I. aaa chase wss lmm4lte!f given by latre'aiaa Creae. The Seelag ansa galalBg distance the eSeer when the patrol aagoe. chaa4 l saaa la iRg la aaother call. Driver Wilson Itatacdielely look up the hl aad after tulles leg Wai a.liler tor aeveral hlerka tus kiss te eor. Patrol Condartoy V a anas rrarea the ' ropeity. whleh the saan had caaeeaUd dvrlag hla tt- WsiaailiW a as IM t4 al the station hy the prwruta ef a stare Leanea earth street a Ik atae he stele a '( freas fciw- . ' Y4 alll haTe Ike g.al If 8- S'.l. h le Cemh' aaerl kTt'ra ! rhasaM. It is skaJ ef the per J'i!- trr- g'ai. Al44y ( saal 4. . aa'kee rea" a -i s-a k.. i I rir . ,1 I ... r . a,. ar - ' i " I'-1 't ,e.( I' . seal ..MI.S !. 1 a, -( I . hm k-r I I 1 I a a a ff a . (.a a'e .4,.. I : a-e- !! I im I a- I I' ' ) a -. ii i e I u I s ' ' t K. e, -i,a a--" i I .. 4. .. i i a- i S- -a is e-4 f-t .,,.., mt (h . 4 4- ' a--.- ia I r .1 taa, ei-a U4 A -4. L iltnl -i - X-UM -'. IU ta .- 4 ( aatrtiug