V 8 THE OMAITA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, FEDDIJAItY il. 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Whtat Grows Tirnur on TtTorablo Liverpool Otb'.es. DESPITE HEAVY SALES, CLOSE IS HIGHER Oats and Cora Fall Fraction, While rrorlilom, After Easy Day, Drtp Few t'enls oa Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 2. Trsding'on the Ronr.1 of Trad" was rather dull today In all I tie pita, and alter a nervoua session, wheat closed strong, with May up VuV'. .May corn was Vuc lower, with oats down a fraction. provisions were easier, fhe May products closing from 2'fcc to 12V4c lower. The unexpected firmness 01 the English cables caused a strong openlnt, In wheat, but the local trader were Inclined to he bearish and had considerable atuff for Kale, which carried the price rtown to Ti'MV'tiWc, after Initial sale at 77 V. 'he opening ng urea being c higher than 'Saturday's close. The leader of the recent bull movement u a liberal seller. It being repo.-ted that In the neighborhood of l.ono.ticio bushels were aold for hie account. When the j.res eii re from thla source had diminished the market developed a stronger tendency and Way advanced to 7Hc. The close ' was ?trong and near the top, with a gain of 'a ,r. at 7XV7HHc. Commission houses were the best buyers. Large world's shipment, amounting to 8,790,000 bushels for the week, a lean urgent cash demand and Increased primary receipts were bear Influencea. The amount on passage Increased 1,760,000 biiHhels. Clearances of wheat and flour equalled StW.OUO bushels. The visible up jily decreased 608,000 bushels, against a de crease last year of 1.444.0"O buahela. Pri mary receipts were 790,000 bushels, against 467,000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis and Doluth reported receipts of otxi cars, which with local receipt of 56 cars, 2 of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of tuO cars, against l.ua lost week and 3h9 a year ago. Corn ruled dull and featureless and the -olume nt trade waa light. Opening prices were firm, on the strength In wheat and on smaller receipts than had been estimated, but under the Influence of free short sell ing by locals and scattered liquidation by tired holders the market weakened. The late advance In wheat, however, gave firm ness to the situation and the close was about steady, with May Wq1c lower at 44V'. after soiling between 44c and 44Tc. lxval receipts were Jul cars, 1 contract grade. Nothing of Importance developed In the trading In oats and the market waa ex ceedingly dull. Receipts were fairly lib eral, while the cash demand waa good. The car shortage waa still a drawback to trading. The close was steady, with May a shade lower at 36H&3t4c, after ranging between 36c and 30-Sc. Local receipts were 34 cars. Provisions were easy on liquidation by longs and the volume of business was light. A little better demand developed late In the day, and a slight recovery was made. May pork closed 12'ic lower at 116.40, May lard was off z'fcc at $9.35, while ribs were down l(x&l2Hc at 19. 00& Estimated receipts for tomorrow; Wheat, 70 cars; corn, 495 cars; oats, 276 cars; hogs, 82,0") head. The leading futures ranged as follows: The Tendon copper market advanced ts to 64 ls M for spot and 61 5s fo future. More It remained unchanged, however, with standard quoted at Hi. lake at 112 Vff 12.70. rlt-ctrolytli! st IU.4.'v&12 6 and casting at 312.2fil2 Isd was 2 M lower In Ten don at 11 1 3d. but remained ntitt and tint hangi-d here at 4.12l. Spelter waa un changed at 2" 7s d In lonrton, while here It was a shade firmer at t49V7i5. iron In (llasgow closed steady. Iocally It con tinued largely nominal. No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted st $:'4 $724.&o. No. 2 northern foundry at 122 cni22.tV. and No. I southern ami No. 1 southern soft foundry at ISn-ft 24.50. patents. H !VM "5; first clears. K.SO; second deer. 2.1.Vfij 2f. H RAN In bulk. $14 ,Vfi '4.75. Articles. Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat J j j j j Feb. 734f 74 73f 74 78 May 77i'8'7' 7.77HSJ478V4i8H 77, July 74W, 763H76SUVI 73-k Corn I Feb. 43V4 42 43 43 May 44 44 44 44 44W July 434J 43 42 43 43 Oats I I Feb. 834; S34 33 May 36 SA 36 36i&' 86 July fc! 82 12 32 82 Pork I I I I May 16 46 1 47 16 So 1 40 IS 62 July 16 10 16 10 16 05 16 10 16 20 Lard I Feb. 125 82 25 32 47 May 82 35 1 25 35 .9 87 July 15 17 9 10 I 17 20 I 04 t OS 95 02 12 July 8 9o 8 95 8 82 8 87 9 00 Sept. 8 87 8 87 8 87 8 87 No. a. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Quiet, easy; winter patents, 83.60 63.76; straights, 83.3iKrf3.60; spring patents, l3.6tKS0.86; straights, 3.7(k'3.8o; bakers, 12.26 SJ2.40. WHEAT-No. t spring, 77o; No. 8. 7477c; Ho. 1 red, 7374c. CORN No. 2, 43c; No. S yellow, 43c. OATH No. 2, 33c; No. 8 White, 8300440. RYE No. 2, 49c. BARLEY Good feeding, 4S4oo; fair to Choice malting, 474T56C, SEEDS No. 1 flax. 81.18; No. 1 north western, $120; prime timothy, 84; clover, contract grade, lll.86ll.90. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.46 tT16.oO. Lard, per 100 lbs., $9. 3089. 40. 8hort ribs sides (loose), 8R.9ivf'9.05. Dry salted Shoulders (boxed). $. 26411.60. Short clear sides (boxed), $9.3i&9.&0. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls ; 16,000 16.600 Wheat, bu 43,6(0 11.200 Com, bu 272.700 142,100 Oats, bu .833,500 202,300 lye, bu 6,700 Jarley. bu 98,000 1,400 On the Produce exchange today-the but ter market waa dull an-1 steady; cream eries, 164j26c; dairies, 15to23c. Eggs, un settled, loss off, cases returned, 2oa Cheese, Steady, 13Q14C, MEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Ctaotatleas ( the Das- oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Feb. 2. FLOUR Receipts, 24,000 bbls.: exports, 4,714 bbls.; dull, but steady; winter patents $3,664(4.00; winter stralKhts, 33.5CKb3.85; Minnesota patents, 84.ltKo-4.30; winter ex;ras. 32.80ra3 10; winter bakers, i3.25di3.46! winter low tirade 1H &2.90. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, 33.00W sou; cuoico 10 iancy, a. tots 3. 60. Buckwheat Hour, quiet, $2.2062.30, spot and to arrive. CORNMEAL Quiet: yellow western, 81.11); city, $1.17; Rrandywlne, $3 4oBi,.56. RYE Steady; No 3 weatern. 61c, f. o. ., afloat; state, 664j57c, e. I. f.. New York. BARUIY-Uull; feeding, 47c. c. f New York, nominal. WHEAT Receipts, 69.360 bu.; exports. 28.616 bu. Spot steadier: No S r4 nun elevator, and 82c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 noriucrii, Lfuiuin, itc, I. o. d., afloat No. 1 hard. Manitoba MtUc. f. n h nr.t Options at flrat advanced on better cablea man expected, out w-re weakened by liquidation and bear pressure. In the fr. noon the market recovered on the visible supply decrease, good western support and exports, ijofing nrm at iic net higher. March closed at K3c; May. 8o4iSlc, cliaed at 61c; July, 784i7sc, closed at 78Vc. ( URN-Receipts, 108.000 bu.; exports, 64.48S Vii Km.l .i.u.lu X.' e i . 89c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow. 68c: No. 2 white. 6nc. The option market opened verv steady on cablea, sold iff under moderate cifferings and the Increased visible supply, but was later rallied by lartfe tleurancea and the wheat upturn, closing steady at uncnangea prices to aa net decline. Februury, 6ti&ic, closed at 6Sc; March, i57c, cloae at 66c; May 50 9-16U6cl closed at 6oc: July closed at 4SV- OAT8 Receipts, 100,500 bu.; exports, 15.940 nu. open, Cuiei; iso. z, 3c; Mo. i. 4'IViC No. 8 white. 43c; No. 2 white, 44c; track mixed wtstern. nominal; track white atate. C.HIW. upnona were quiet ana unsettled following other markets. May closed ai 41n. HAY Steady: shipping, &5ff70c; good to Clloice, sti.9og i.uo. tlOPS Firm; state, common to choice 1902, iiij37c; l'l, 24?7c; ol.la. 812c; Pa cllic coaat, 1WC. Z7u32c; 1901, Mij.'Tc; olds. e.i-"c. HIDES Steady: Qalveston, 18c; C'allfor Ilia. 19c; Texan 14c. LEATHER Firm; acid. 24ttc. PROVISIONS Reef, weaker; family. $16 00 fjio uu; mews, u.i'( lo tto; Dcr.-f hams. $20 5ocq; 21.60; pa. ket $12 ijo4) 13.00; city extra Ind.a mess, . vu t cut meats, irregular pickled tx-lhes. j W'u lO.uO. pickled should ers. $11. 26 8. 50; pickled hams. $U.0Kull.5J. lard, easy; western steamed. $9 u; rertned, easy; continent, $10.'.iv(i 10.76: South America $11; compound, $7.6Ko7.75. Pork, cssy: fam ily, $18.76fc 19 00: short clear, $19.00021.00; iness, $ll 0iH(J18 60. TALLOW Steady; city ($2 per packing), 8c: country (packages free), fi'i&c KICH Firm ; Japan, nomlt-al. "BUTTER Receipts, l.ls pkgs.; unsettled; statu dairy. !Ktj25c; crrarucry. extra, Stic; creamery, common to choice. 19fl25c. KO;rt Receipts, 8,060 pkgs.; tirm; state and Pennsylvania. av.Tage best, 25c; weal ern.8oir to fupcy. 19i--c. CHiJEPE Receipts. 2v0 pkga ; state, full cream, fancy imall white, fall made. 14o) 14c; late made. 13-Wc; small colored, fall msde, !4c: late made. 13iilV; large white, fall made, HV; late made, 11V: large colored, fail ma.de, 14c; late made, 13c. POl'LTRY Alive, stsady; turkeys, lrin 14e; foals. 14c. Dressed, slow: western chickens, 13jl4c; western fowls, l.KU'14; tursevs. 1Aiij2n MKTAlJi Tin was a shade tower today, both In lxmdon, where It declined 6a to S.UI for epul and to 4H for futures and locally, bera It closed at 82S. 42 tfI9.fi. OMAHA WHOLF.Ut.R MARKET. Coadltlnn of Trade aad taoallnas on Staple and Fancy Prsasre, EtJOH Fresh stock, 17c. LIVE TOI LTRY-Hens, 8ci old roosters, 4fi5c; turkeys. l."i13c; ducks 8fi9c; geese, Vifite; spring chickens, per lb.', U8c. DRESSED POILTRY Young chickens, 1"&1"c: hens, loc; turkeys, 154jl8c; ducks, 11 'o 12c; geese, lonillc;! RFTTER Packing stock, 13'Vc; choice dslrv In tith l.ViflTe! aenarntor 2fn'!Tu OYSTERS Standards, per can, 2hc; extra I selects, per ran, 3.tc; New York counts per can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., 831.75; bulk, standard, per gal., $1 35. FRKSH FISH Trout, 910c; her-!r!3, Sc; pickerel. 8c; pike, 9c; perch. c. buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh. 3c; blueflns. 3c; white fish. 9c: salmon, 16c; haddock, lie; codfish, 12c; redsnupper, loc; lobsters, boiled, per lb.. 30c; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bull hesds 10c; cattish, 14c; black bass, 2oc; halibut. 11c. RRAN Per ton $13 60. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up-! land, $S; No. 1 medium. $7; No. 1 coarse, $6.50. Rye straw, $6. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair: receipts light. CORN 3fie. OATS 34c. RYE No. 2. e. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY-Kalamaioo, per doi., 25c; California, per dot., 4u4ju'iic. POTATOES Per bU;. 4oy46c. SWEET POTATOES Iowa and Kansas, $2.26. ' TURNIPS Per bu., 40c; Canada rutaba gas, per lb., lc. BEETS New southern, per do, bunches, 60c; old, per bu., 40c. CUCl'MHERS Hothouse, per do., $1 PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c. CARROTS Per bu., 40c. J0REEN ONIONS Southern, per doxen bunches. 45c. , - RADISHES Southern, per dox. bunches, 45c. TURNIPS New southern, per dox. bunch es, 60c. . SPINACH Southern, per dox. bunches. 60c WAX BEANS Per bu. box. $3; atrlng beans, per bu. box. $1.50. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., lc. ONIONS Home grown, In sacks, per lb., lc; Spanish, per crale, $1.75. NAVY BEANS P'Sr bu.. $2.60. TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-baaket crate, $4.5Kiiu.oO. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate, $2.75. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box. $2.60. APPLES Western, per bbl., $2.75; Jona thans, $4.50: New York stock, $3.25; Cali fornia Uellrfowers, per bu. box, fl-W. nipt:a Ma In hub ner keg. $6.0O7.00. rn i Muii"H H I KM Wisconsin, per bbl.. $10.50; Bell and Bugles, $11; per box, $3.50 STRAW r lonua, i 60c. TROPICAL f KU 11 H. LEMONS California f.ncy, $S.co; choice, 3,25. .;..,.. (JHANUKa California naveis, iancy, h.i choice, $3; Mediterranean sweets, $2.. DATES Persian, In 70-1D. Doxes, per io., 6c; per case of 80-lb. pkgs., $2.25. F1QS California, per 10-lb. cartons, $1; Turkish, per 36-lb. box, 14(gl8c. . HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case, . CIDER New Yorx, 4.tii; per -ddi., 4. iu. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per -bbl., 82.25; per bbl., $3.75. POPt. OHN-ier in., zc; snenea, c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lb 8c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8ftl2c; sheep pelts, 2575c; horse hldea, $1.5032.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., lie; No. 2 soft shell. per lb 13c; No. Z hard sne:, per id., lie; Uraills, per lb.. 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per dox., 6uc; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, ner lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60; cocoanuts. per 100, $4. OLD METALS, ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes the following prices: Iron, country, mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb., s4c;.Draas. ugni, per id., oc; leau. fter lb., sc; xlnc, per lb., 2c; ruDDer, per b.. 6c Liverpool Grain and Provlaloaa. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 2. WHEAT No. 1 northern, spring, quiet at 6s 9d; No. 2 red western, winter, firm at 6s 2d; No. 1 Cali fornia, 7s. Futures, quiet; March, 6s 8d; May, 6ald. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new. 4s6d; old, no stock. Futures, quiet; March. 4a4d; May, 4s 2d. PEAS Canadian, quiet at 6s 4Ud. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, quiet at 8s 3d. HOPS At London (Paclflo coast), firm, as JD! I OB. PROVISIONS Beer, easy; extra jnoia mess, 101s 3d. Pork, easy; prime mess western, &s. Hams, snort cut, 14 to is lbs., quiet. 62s. Bacon, Cumberland cut. ?H to 30 lbs., steady, 67s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., Arm, 4Ss 6d; long clear mlddlea, light, 28 to 34 lbs., steady, 4a 6d; long clear middles, heavy. 36 to 40 lbs., steady. 47s; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., steady, 47s 6d; clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., steady. 51s. Shouldeia. suuare. 11 to 13 lbs., steady. 40s. I-ard. prime western, In tierces, dull. 49s 6d; American refined. In pails, dull, 60s. BUT PER Nominal. CHEESE Strong; American finest white and colored, 62s 6d. TALLOW Firm; prime city, 27s 6d; Aus tralian, In London, 34s 3d. Following are the stocks of bread- stuffs and provisions here: Flour, 73.000 sacks; wheat, 12.261,000 centals; corn, 319.000 centalu; bacon, 19,600 boxes; bams, 6.600 boxes; shoulders, 2.900 boxes; Siuttti, 13.400 cwt.; cheese. 68.900 boxes; lard, . 200 tierces prime western steam ana 4lo tons of other Kinds. . Following are the stocks of wheat and corn In store and in quays (railway and canal depots not Included): Wheat, 1,769,- 000 centals; corn, 339,000 centals. WKARK COMMI!ilO lOMPAJY. llo-IU Board l Trade. Omaha, Sen Telephone 1SI4I. CHICAGO. Feb. 2 WHEAT There has been a range of s little over a cent In wheat, and a: It beit the May eold c river rHturday s cloee. The market was Weak rarly, but turned strmg Uter. mainly on the report of UV.OO bushels sold from New York to Australia. Cables were strong. Liverpool closlnn d higher and Ixindon W'ld higher There was a decrense In the vixlhle of om.imo bushelH. The world's ship ment were 8,780, mi bushels. Clcaranee!, ;M.(iii0 bushels. Northwest receipts were fifio cars, against 370 Pest yenr. Primary re-, celptsj, i,o)0 bushels, agHlnst 47.i"0 a year ago. tocal receipts. 5o cars, with 1 con tract : estimates for tomorrow. 70 enrs. On piiHKSKe Increased 1.71',ooo hiishels. Cold weather Is predicted, sccompanled by snows or rain turning to snow. Duluth re ported a good demnnd-frnm exporters. The theory In the market wawt that Armour was sgali: accumulating wheat under cover. CORN The markrt has been rather draggy, with prices at one time off fa'(le. There was more or less liquidation bv com mission houses and not much demnnd. loiter In the day most of the decline wan recovered In sympathy with rally In wheat. The cash market was easy and about c lower and corn In western cara wus much harder to sell than In eastern. Local re ceipts were 301 cara, with 1 contract: esti mates for tomorrow. 49-i cars. Clearances, 32S.UM bushels. Visible Increased ftoft.ooo bushels. The local stock, 2.7TO.nno bushels. Increased 212.000 bushels. On passage de creased 163,0"0 bushels. The world s ship ments were 2,436.000 bushels, almost entirely from America. Prlmnrv receipts, 8S3.000 bushels, against 351. ooo last year. OAT8 The market has hw mtller and narrowr wltn u any Fpeclal rcatufe. 'inero has been the some experiences s In com In the cash market, oats In eastern cars in much better demand than In weatern. Re ceipts, 334 cars, with 21 contract; estimate for Tuesday. 275 cars. Visible Increased 21,000 bushels. The local public etock, 512,- 0"0 bushels; decreased, 100.0)0 bushels. Clear ances, 43.000 bushels. PROVISIONS The market onenert easy. Harris A Gates sold 1.000.000 ribs. Roloeon sold lard. There has been but little sup port to the market and trade has been light. Cash demand dull. There were 45.- 000 hogs, with prices at yard 5c lowe Estl. matea ror Tuesday, 3Z.oon nead. nagu in the west todav. 70.200 head, against 63.20J head last week and 79.500 last year. WEARE COMMISSION COMPANY. Kansas City drain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 2. WHEAT May. 6Sc; Julv. 6M,fr;c; cash, No. 2 hard. M (fiT7c; No. 8, 64i?i3Sc; No. 4. SOITOOc: rejected. 5KB57C; NO. Z red. 69if70r; No. 3. l,iVn6Kc. CORN April 37Vic: May. 38',,(ft:oaje: July. 38c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 3ieg39c; No. 2 white. 41 c; No. 3. 4'c. . OATS-No. 2 white, 86c; No. 2 mixed, 35c. RYE No. 2. 46c. HAY Choice timothy, $13.60; choice prai rie, $900. BUTTER Creamery, 197123c; dairy, far.cy, 19c EQOS-Fresh, 17c. I Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu. 132, ROO 24. 8W Corn, bu 219.200 80,800 Oats, bu 79,000 22,00) Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Ven. 2. BUTTER Firm and c higher; extra western cream ery, 26ff27o; extra neArby prints. 28c. EOGS Firm and good demand; fresh nearby, 23c, at the mark; fresh western, 23c, at the mark; fresh southwestern, 2ic; fresh southwestern, 21c, at the mark. CHEESE Firm but "quiet; New York full creams, prime, small, 14gi4c; New York full creams, fair to good, small, 13 13c; New York full creams, prime, large, 14c; New York full creams, fair to good, large, 13'3'13c. Visible Sopply of Craln. NEW YORK, Feb. 2 The visible supply of grain Saturday. January 31, as com- fillefi by the New York Produce exchange, s as follows: Wheat, 48.447 bu.: decrease. 608.000 bu. Corn, 8,209,000 bu.; Increase, 900,000 bu. Oats, 3.300,000 bu.; increase. 21.000 ti. Rye, 995,000 bu. ; decrease, 8,000 bu. Barley, 2,813,000 bu.; Increase, 29.000 bu. Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., Feb. 2.-CORN Firm; No. J, 41c. OATS-8teady; No. 8 white, 33c. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 2. MONEY-Steady : on call, -3(4 per cent; highest, 3 per cent; ruling rate, 8 per cent; last loan, 2 percent, closing at 2ft3 per cent; time money, easy; sixty days, 4&4 per cent; ninety days, 4fi'4 per cent; six months. 4 per cent ; prime mercantile paper, 4 6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm; actual business in bankers' bills. $4.86S5e4.8690 for demand and at 4.8385iC4.8395 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, $4.M and $4.87; com mercial bills. $4.X3i-t.Sl3V SILVER Bar, 7c; Mexican dollars. S7c. BONDS Government, irregular; railroad, firm. The closing quotations cn bonds are as fellows: U. S. tot. 2s. reg....l09 Hocklnf Vil. 4A-- Kg St. tools Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 2.-WHEAT-H!gher; No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 71c, nominal: track, T4ft75c; May. 7474c; July. 71fc 71 c; No. 2 hard. 6&73c. CORN Easy; No. 2 cash, 41c; track, iU 43c; May, 41c. OATS Steady : No. 2 cash. 86c; track, 26'g:;tc; May, 36c; No. 8 white, 3737c. RYE Higher at 6051c. FLOUR Easy; red winter patents. 83.45! 155: extra fancy and straight, $3.1533.io; clear i3.("ti3.15. SEED Timothy, steady at $3.XXfJ'3.60. CORNMEAI Steady. $2.30. BRAN Dull, easy; sacked, east track, 79 82c. HAY Timothy, steady, $10.0015.00; prai rie, weak, $9tvvu.6o. IRON COTTON TIES-$1,0T. BAOC51Ntl-6 6-161i7 l-16c. 1IKMPT VV I N E-9. 50c. PROVISIONS Pork, hlghet; Jobbing, standard mesa, $16.80. I .aril, weak at $9.37. Dry salt meats (boxed), steady; extri shorts, $9.12; clear rius. $9.12: short clear, $9.37. Bacon (boxed (, steady; extra shorts, $10: clear ribs. $10.12: abort clear, $10.37. METALS Lead, quiet at $3 97. Spelter, firm at $4.k5. POULTRY Strong; chickens, lie; tur keys. 16c; ducks 1.1c; gese, fc'ftie. BITTER Steady; creamery, 19926c; dairy. 17(lj20c. ECJGS dteady ; 18c for fresh. Receipts. Shipments. Flour bbls ll.ooo U.0"0 Wheat, bu lua.uoo . U fli) Corn, bu 214.o0 221.0OJ Oats, bu Io9,000 64,00) do coupou do la. rvg do coupon do aw 4s, do coupon uo old 4a. do coupon do 6a, rg do coupon Alrhlaon gon. 4s. do adj. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a.., do l4a do conv. 4a Canada 8o. 2a.... Central of O. ts do la Inc. 10S L. A N. unl. 4a 100 "4 .i" uex. central 4a ?s .107 do la Inc :t .134 Minn. A 8t. L. 4a. ..1034 Aiit M.. K. A T. 4a ShL, lit j do 2a SL'i, 11 IN. Y. C. fm. J',a...l"4 N. I. C. gsn. 6a 13S 10214 No. Padflu 4a luaSi s 102 do la 72 l . N. A W. con. 4a 10 1 "4 102 'Reading gon. 4a 1 04 St. U A I. M. c. 6a. 114 ..106 St. L. A a. p. 4a.... M . .10i, 8t. L. 8. W. la.. ..ltM; do 2a .. 77 .. A. & A. P. 4a... rhn. A Ohio 4".-a...l0 'Bo. Paclflo 4a rhlcago A A. 8Sa.v 77 So. Railway 6a C. B. A Q. n. 4a... I. t4 .Texaa A Pactflc la. C. M A S P g. 4a. ..111 T., St. L. A W. 4a c. jfc N. w. c. T....lM union Faclno 4a. C, H. I. A P. 4s U"i i do conv. 4a.... C C C A st L g. 4.. 4 Wabaah la Chicago Tar. 4a Hl do 2a w do deb. B a Wait Shore 4a S Wheal. ALB. 4a. 7 Wia. C entral 4a Colorado So. 4a Donrar A R. U. 4a Erie prior lien 4a.. do general 4a P. W. A D. U.' Is... 1121, Con. Tobacco 4a. , 1 117", J1S 78 ..ltKIVi ..10S4, ..117 ..107 .. 79Vi 110 !a a Boston Stocks sad Bonds. MtjBTur. reo. z. c an loans, 45 per cent; time loans, 4lg5 per cent- Official closing oi stocks anu Dorics: Alrhleon 4a... Claa la Mei. (antral 4a... Atcblaon ....w..... do ptd Boston A Albany. Boaton at Ma Boston Elevated .101 lAllouei . ..IO6V3 Amalgamated ... 76 Rlngham ... H"i l'lm Hecla. ...loom Centennial ... b$ Copper Rang ...la'4 Domlulon Coal ... leo Krauklin N. Y., N. H. A H...1W .lale Koralo ... Kltrhburg ptd 140Vi MohawK t'nlon Padne 101 Old Dominion Max. ('antral American Sugar .. do ptd American T. A T. Dominion I. at S.. (ln. Klectrlc Masa. Klectrlo .... do pfd t'nited Fruit V. a. Steal do pfd 24-V Oa.aola 12b74 Pnrrot . .121 qulnrjr WeeClngh. Adventure .161'. .1M !! ion--; 37 1 Common. .1 0 Santa Pa Copper... Tamarack Trimountala Trinity I'nlted Statea t'tah Vl'-torla Winona Wolverine .. 1W 1'uIUhI Coppa- .. 4 .. 47 ..6(6 .. 15 .. .. 11 .. 614 .. 1S .. is .. 17 .107 .14 . SO . 10T, . 23'., . . 6 . 67 . 30 posted st $4.84 for sixty days and at $188 lor clpmsncl. CINCINNATI. Feb. 2-Clesrlngs. $."..0?1.. tvi; money, 4'a6 cr cent; New York ex change, psr ST. l-ol lS. Feb. I.-Clcsrlng", $9.oo7.04'c ; bslanc-es. $S,'C..!;.:A; money, steady, 'i6 per cent; Near York exchange, par. SKW 1 OH K TOI KS AD IIOD!). Market 8tna Mlaht Improtemeat, I'honah still Mainly Professional. NKW YORK. Ffb 1-The siock mstkot showed some improvement today over the spathctic conditions of last wefk and the volume of drallnas rose by more than Boo.ooo shares. Complaints from commission houses were unabated, however, of a lack of husl ness, and the market was called profes sional. A very lari,e part of the activity, both In stocks and bonds, centered In the Pennsylvania securities. As the par value of the Pennsylvania shares Is only $5o, the total sharc-s dealt In should be divided In half to make the showing egulal-nt to that of other leading stock.H. 'ihe same Is true of the Reading shares, which con tributed an Important part of the day s dealings. Pennsylvania promptly relapsed on the opening salts of 12.1M shares to 150, com pared with lil' on Saturday, and hovered about that price all day, with large deal ings. The convertible bonds rose 1 at the opening. This teemed to represent an adjustment to the convertible value be tween the two In accordance with the notice given by the directors of the antici pation of the convertdon privilege by a year. Increased activity In the general market seemed to have no connection with tne Pennsylvania movement. The revlv.cl of strength In the Krle stocks had a con siderable sentimental influence on the gen eral speculation. There was no news de veloped regarding th expected dejcl tor the transfer of the road, but there was some suspicion that the targe financial transaction reflected In the clearing house balances on Friday might have to do with Krle. The strentcth of ieiaware At Hudson was directly associated with that of Krle. 1 here was a current belief that all of the coalers are making enormous earnings st this time, which helped Reading and Ontario & yestern. St. 1-ouls ot San Fran- Isc-n continutd Its advance to Its hign figure, but nu Information was given out regarding the expected disposition of thts property. Auundant funds offered on Friday and the easy tone of call money this morning j iormeu cue oasis oi tne autrnpi co put up prices. Today s movement was hardlv more than tentative, hut It was more vigorous and confident than any of the numerous professional tests tor some time past. Amongst the day's special movements Amalgamated Copper waa conspicuous for a rise of over 2 points. Prevalent opinion points to improved trade conditions and there was talk today of large takings of copper by foreigners. There was (nothing to explain the rise In People s uas, except the declaration of a regular dividend. The Venexilelan situation was considered re assuring. There was a good demand for foreign exchange and It was reported that money has grown so cheap here that bank ers prefer to remit to pay off maturlns foreign Indebtedness. The day's guins were not fully maintained ana tne closing was rather irregular. Wabash debenture 6s be came very strong at the last. Total sales, pur value, o,ouo,uou. unuea States 4s registered advanced . The follownm are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchlwin a14 So. Railway pfd 5 do pfd 100 Triai c Pacific 3' Bal. A Ohio 101 Toledo, St. L. A W. :f do pfd I do pfd 44 Canadian Pacltc 1:7 Union Pacific ...... ..101 m London stocu (Imitations, LONIX1N, Jan. 31 Closing quotations: New lorlc Central 16 Toledo flraln and Herri. TOLEDO. Feb. 8 WHKAT Dull snd Mgher; cash. TT'c; Mav, 8!c. CORN Dull but steady; February, 46c; May. 44c. OATS Dull but steady; February, tic; Mhv S7c. RY"B-No. t, 63c. 81CKD Clover, fairly active and easier; February. $7.10; Murch. $7.1i; prime tim othy, $1.90; prime tltlke, $8.U. Milwaukee tirala Market. WILWAITKKK. Feb. 2 -WHEAT Sieadv; No. 1 northern. 79c; No. 3 north ern, 77j'78c; May, 7sc bid. RYK--Steacly: No. 1. 61'9'52c. HARLLY Steady ; No. 2. 64c; - sample. 4tV(i64e. CoRN-8teady;May. 44e bid. Dnlath tirala Market. ' DFH TH. Feb. 1-WHEAT-Cash. No. 1 hard. 7bc: No. 2 northern. 73c; No. 1 northern, 7tc; May, 77177c; July. 77c. OATS May. 36c. Minneapolis Wheat. Ploar and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. I. WHEAT Ms y, 76c: July. 76V: on track. No. 1 hard. 77c; No. 1 northern, TSc; No. X northern. 74c FLOUR First patents. Kvbi4. 16; second Conaola for money.. $.u do account Anaconda 6l.a Alrhleon J't do nfd lu.'Vs Baltimore & Ohio lfM,1 H.i.rl Mines Canadian Partite 14us Heading CheaapreLe & Ohio... 6'a Uo let p'd hlcago O. w zn Uo 3d ptd Norfolk Wratern. do pfd Ontario Weatern. Pennsylvania 75ii 5 34',.. 7 1IW 3l CI 3K U. 4c St. P It. V Southern Rjllway U'. Ci Beerr do pld ' IVnver a R. 0 40 Southern Pacific !, do pfd 61 . In ion PiclDc lo Erie ilt oo pr,- r,. do lat ptd 73 l ulled Statea Steel... i do 3d pld o I do pfil ki' I'llnoi. Central !44 Wauaah , ;o Loulavllle & N'aa'i. . .I2SV do pld ii Missouri. K. T JV KAR 81 LV ICR Steady at 21d per our-e MONEY 3a4 per cent. The rate o d'-- count 'n the open market for short bills Is 3-VU37-1B per cent and for three-inonths bills is Se-lt3 per cent. .ew York Mlnlaar Storks. NEW YORK, Feb. 2. The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Little Chief .. Ontario Ophlr Phuenla Potoal Savage I Sierra Nevada Ismail Hupea . Standard Adama Cuu Alice Hreeca bruiiawlck Con., comatork Tunnel Con. Cel. 41 Va. Horn Silver .... Iron Silver Lead vale Cos... ..13u .. 73 .. i ... ...660 ...1M ... I ... 40 ....40 ... ... so ...300 Bank Clearings. Feb. !. Rank clearirgs toda corresponding day last year, increase, t:x1.01a.tv. -Clearings, $142,910, OMAHA. $1.3C9.C9CM: ll.lcM.6HI.l9: NEW YORK, Feb. I &); balances. tS.Ml.tVV;. PHILADELPHIA. Fb I. Clearings. $1". Ma.au; balances, $3.22.719; money, 6 per cent. BALTIMORE. Feb. I .Clearings, $3,703. 488; bslincea, $tl6.iol; money, o per cent. BOSTON. Feb. I. Clearings. $19,297,710 balsncea, $2.S27.S3o. CHICAGO. Feb I Clearings. tW.fil4.915 balances.. $2,9S9.364; New Yora exchange, tyax; forelaTo exchange unchanged, sterlui; OMAHA LIVE STOCk MARKET Cattle EectipU Light and Price 1 Baled Strong to a Dime Higher. HOGS SOLD VEAK TO A NICKEL LOWER Liberal Ran of sheen and Lambs, hot Better tirades Sold Freely at liood, steady Prices, While Half Fat stuff Was a l.lttle Weak. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 2. Receipts were: Csttlc. Hos. Sheep. Olnclal Manna y Same day last week 4.221 riiinie week before ,! hame three weeks ago... ),nu Same tour weeks ago.... hame uav last Tear Lad ncccit- ia r OK TIIK YbAK TO DA I ri. 'Ihe follow. ng table shows the rtceipis of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omah.i for the year to date, and comparixons with last year: wij. lire. Ciittie .. 79. isl 74.CK4 6,75? tiogs 2mi,tv Sheep llli.tMM Average uric raid Omaha lor the last several uays with coin vi isons 6.23 .ln9 b.9c6 6.J. 7."o.t 241.0i4 nb,ljci fil.aMI for nogs at 9.U9 O.ClW 6.. as 4,3 MM 4,0.4 Dec. 37,:i46 booth Date. 1903. 19CJ.;i9Ol.19O0.jli9s.189S.189;. 10. Ik: i:i. Canada So 73 1 do ptd.. Cliee. A Ohio 12 ytabaeti Chicago A Alton.. do ptd .. 3 do pfd lla Wheeling St L. K.. Chlcaao. lnd. A l... 7 i do 3d pfd. Chicago A B. Ill It") rVla. Central Chicago A U. W 27 do pld. do lat pfd 33 Adama El... do id Dfd 44 American Ex Chicago & N. W 120 I nlted Statea Ex Chicago Ter. a Tr... 1", Wella-Fargo til 30 44 '4 4' 2S'i 62 ton do pfd C. C. C. A 8t. L. Colorado 8o do lat ptd do 2d pfd Dl. A lludaon.... Del. L. & W Denver A Rio O. do pfd Brie- do lat pfd do 2d pfd Oreat Nor. pfd.... Hocking valley .. do Pfd Illlnola Central ... Iowa Central do pfd .320 .lit .220 . 7 . 4(l . iH . 17V. . 45 .. 8Sa. Amal. Copper .. .. Amer. Car A F... .. 24 do pfd .. 70 l Amer. Lin. oil ... .. 44 do pfd ..m1 American 8. A R 464 . .307 I do pfd SfiTa .. 9 lAnac. Mining Co 101 S .. M'-i Brooklyn R. T 7 .. 41 4 Colo. Fuel A Iron... 74 ..72aCona Oaa tK't .. 414 Conf. Tobacco pfd. ..11714 ..200 On. Electric 1S2 ..102 Hocking Coal 1 .. 7 Inter. Paper la ..Kit, do pfd 72H . . 43Va inter. Power 65 .. Vi .Laclede Uaa H.I Lake Krle dt W 47 National Biscuit 44 do pfd 113 iNattonal Iead 27 U L. A N ,12lj No. American lit Manhattan L..,...,..HC'i Pacific Coaat it Met. St. Rr ,,..137 Pacific Mail 39 Me. Central 2f People's Oaa 107'k Me. National 1H ' Preaaed 8. Car (S Minn. A St. L.....r.lti7 I do pfd .1 Mo. Pacific .......i..lll4lPullman P. Car 232 U.. K. A T 27 Republic Steel 20', do pfd so do pfd 7k. N. J. Central 14 Sugar lis ta N. Y. Central lnl Tenn. Coal A Iron... 13 .... 2', .... 34't ...,u' .... t3 nt 74 Union Bag A P. do pfd U. 8. Leather . do pfd U. 8. Rubber .. do pfd U. 8. Steel .. S!l do pfd 81 .. 7JH .. 2 .. SO ..178 ..1K4 .. acv. ..' ssTa1 Western Cnlon Amer. Locomotlvs. do pfd K. C. Southern ... do , pfd Rock Island do pfd .. 14 .. 78 ... 12V, .. e ... 17'4 .. S3 .. S7. .. 87V, .. 8 ... 2H .. i ... 14 ' . . b94 ... 47ii .. 804 Jan. 1 . Jan. !!.. Jap. I . Jan. 4.. Jan. .. Jan. b.. Jan. 7.. Jaii. 8.. Jan. 9.. .Ian. Jan. Jan. OUU. Jan. 14. Jan. 15 Jan. 16. Jan. 17. Jan. 18. Jan. 19. Jan. 20.. Jan. 21. Jan. 22.. Jan. 23.. Jan. 24. Jan. 25. Jan: 26. Jan. 27. Jan. 28. . Jan. 19.. Jan. 30. Jan. 31.. Feb. 1.. Feb. 2.. 6 03 i 6 ;-V 6 29 )t, n V t4', 39VI 4-t e o 6 40 t6! 6 4,7, I 6 3t,"S 6 41 6 49V 0 491 6 394a; I 6 47' , 6 5SVal I 6 M I 6 094,1 .1 6 66VI i 6 72! I t tv.',i 6 64, 6 73, 6 67Ts 6 68 I 0 27 22 1 6 29 I 6 24; 6 09; UK I 16 t 14, 1 041 ' I 6 OOi 141 6 22: 6 15 6 17 6 22, .' 6 15 02, 6 Wi 6 0 6(14 6 12 5 95 o 9s, 6 l 6 97 1 5 921 4 961 4 7i; 4 Vo 4 Si 4 96 4 a, i 0i 4 a7 e 04, 4 17 I 4 3o I I 6 Ob i 4 4 I 14 4 HOI 6 26 1 4 :io 4 231 4 41, e 17, 4 49 4 M 6 16U 6 26 4 5S & 26i 4 C2 6 2o, 4 4K C 29, 4 b6, 6 27 1 4 54, I 4 04 5 26 6 13 4 631 a lb 4 bv 6 21 4 66, 5 13, 4 4K, 6 lo 4 66 1 I 4 62; 6 22! b 28 1 6 26, 5 17 6 22i 6 25 I 4 62 4 64; 4 55i 4 Ci7l 4 6s: I 421 B7, till I 4 II 44 4 44 ( 47, 3 3-1, 3 4 3 39, tt; I 40) I S 441 4 Si 3 bt 3 43 3 i, 3 29 3 W 3 47, 3 til 3 49 3 bo; J 49i 3 4i 3 50 3 491 S 47 3 Mi 3 61 3 6ll 3 M 3 ocii 3 bf 3 691 3 M I 3 &7 3 66A I 3 6113 62, 3 6' 3 tn 3 57 1 3 72j 3 63 3 67! 3 6o 3 621 3 til 3 70! 3 64 3 66 3 61 i 3 64 3 o4 3 63 1 14 3 25 3 27 3 l - II 3 U 3 II i 07 I u i 09 ii 19 I 34 3 23 4 3 22 3 26 3 2.. 3 V6 3 23 3 2j e 3 33 3 35 3 30 3 2 3 27 3 29 a 3 27 3 19 Indicator Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today bv nch road was: f ' u t f 1 una. UKUU U'r'a C, M. & St. P 9 I nlon Pacific system 2S C. & N. W 8 F., E. & M. V 21 C, St. P., M. & O.... 12 B. & M IS :., U. & y 7 C, R. I. & P.f east.. 2 t' R. I. At P., west.. 7 Illinois Centre! 6 1 CSM I SO IMS I 18 1 1170 8 1 1470 I 40 I ! I f 1470 V 1 J" S on STOCK CAKVES. I S42 2 n t f I as 1 . i: I . i 4 71 STXK'K COWS AND 1IEIFKR8. 14 i '7 I 7n 2J 424 i el 7M I 7". STOCK KRS AND FEEDERS. Wl I W Ss 4S4 US 1 t ;s 4 K.7 I at 2 - 2 2S If 1 I 2 an 2 IS 8 M Ifl 1 470 hn 8 718 I an 8 SM an 8 "... 4 4 0 4 MX 3 CW 8 l 4 00 T "t 8 8S 8 8 4 Ml 8 727 "n 17 S"6 4 It 4!.a S 70 4 4 II 1 7"0 7 40..., 114 4 20 1 71 8 75 N COURADO. fj" feeders.. 908 3 9) 1 feeder... 1000 I 90 W TOM I NO. 1 bull llcio 3 25 15 c ows 926 I 71 4 bulls 14:I 2 75 4 stags 1 ISO 3 10 1 bull imn 90 HOOS There was a farrlv liberal run of hops here today for a Monday and as other points were quoted lower the' market bvre also rased off a trifle. . The decline amounted to about 2itc, or the market could be quoted all the way from weak to Sc lower. Trading was not very active, as It seemed to be hard for buyers and sellers to agree on terms. The bulk of the medium weight hogs sold from $6 65 to W.70, prime heavy hogs from 16.70 to $60, and the light weights irom 96.60 down. There was not much change In the market until the es treme close, when the provision market eased off, but as most of the hogs were dis posed of the weak close did not hsve much effect on the general market. The sales on paper today do not show the decline, as the quality of the hogs wss exceptionally good for a Monday, and, In fact, was better than the quality of the hogs sold on Satur day. Representative sales: No. 22.. .. ' 75.. 71... If.. 7.. 75.. "0.. 87.. 13.. 82.. M.. 7S.. 76. . .. 42.. .. 7.. 2.. 72.., 7... 76... 73.. 76.7, M... 74.. 78.. 7.., h)... ti.. At. .. 87 .146 . .208 ..20 ..210 ..2d . -JOS . .2o ..213 .201 . .200 ..213 . .208 ..216 ..220 ..233 .212 ..336 ..227 .231 ..268 ..226 .228 ..224 ..220 ..210 .231 ..231 ..224 ..221 . .2411 ..24.1 . .734 10 6 16 20 . . 1 21 6 1 2 11 X 12 3 2 1.. 6 1 4 1 To 36 7 Bh. Pr. .. t 76 .. I in ,. 8 47 H .. 8 67i n n m til BO 8 SO . . 8 " .. 8 2'i .. 8 82L, .. I 86 40 8 86 ... 8 6 10 8 CIS .. 8 6 .. 8 86 .. 8 .. 4 CIS 8 65 8 86 8 46 8 46 8 86 8 86 8 .- 4 t 4 46 4 87Vi 4 7, 8 671, a 7 8 87 1, 8 tiV, No. 81 86 27 f. 82 71 8 tt 88 M 70 86 M 80 87 70 46 84 86 80 87.. 82.. 48.. JS.. 84.. IS.. 87.. 73.. 88.. 11.. 6.. 66.. At, .236 .231 .261 .244 .238 .238 .246 .28 .222 .288 .221 .'218 .248 .228 .28 .2f.2 .242 .241 2S4 248 227 2f.f 2i 280 268 241 241 98 278 2(8 844 2 ') ... S4f good Bh. Pr. .. 4 I7V .. I 70 .. 70 .. I 70 .. 8 70 .. 4 70 20 8 70 80 4 70 .. 4 70 .. 4 7 .. 4 70 ... 4 70 .. 70 .. 4 70 .. 4 70 8 7S 70 4 to 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 721, 4 721, 4 72? 4 76 4 76 8 76 4 75 4 15 4 76 8 80 4 80 supply of to 80 Total receipts 118 The ulsposltlof of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- urr oi neaa inuicatea Buyers, Omaha Pucktnr; Co 192 Bwlft and Company 693 Armour & Co 67 Cudahy Packing Co 306 Armour, from Sioux City 62 Vansant & Co 5 Carey & Benton 143 W. I. Stephen - 24 UvlngHtone & Shaller... 12 I. F. Hups..., 66 Wolf t Murnan 14S Dennis & Co 8 Ie Rothschilds 222 Other buyeis 106 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 101 1.244 1.1S5 1.0o9 1,784 322 3.XX1 2,S3 1,533 521 Norfolk & W do pfd Ontario A W. Penuaylvanls Reading do lat pfd do 2d pfd St. L. A 8. F.-.. do lat pfd do 2d pfd 8t. L. 8. W do pfd... St. Paul do pfd So. Paclflo So. Railway . Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 2. COTTON Oncned quiet at a decline of 1 point, under selling i ior Docn accounts, wnicn was chiefly en couraged by the outlook for receipts. The eurly estimate for ports pointed to a move ment of about 29,000 bales, as compared with is.foc Dares last year, ana tne interior re- ocipts also have recently shown an ex panding tendency. New Orleans showed a disposition to dragafter the call and Liverpool, where the market opened un changed . and advanced ViiiUic. also de clined, closing about 2 points lower. The weaker tone resulting from this Influence was responsible for a decline of from 4 to 8 points on the active option, from which the market was rallied toward the close by buying by room shorts and' commission houses, which with the list finally steady at a net decline of 2 to S points. The southern spot markets were held at gen erally unchanged prices. Liverpool re ported spot sales of 12.000 Dales and news from various dry goods markets. Including Mancnester. were distinctly encouraging. It was on the phases of the situation and on the ordinary that the recent liquidation had pretty well cleaned out the weaker long Interest that today's buyers were operating. Sales were estimated at 200,000 bales. New York Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 2 CATTLE Receipts, 4,210 head; steers, dull and 10c lower; fat bulls and good cows easier, other grades steady; ateers. (4.254)5.30; bulls, 33.154.10; cows, I2.75rj4.00. Cables quoted llvo cattle Bterdy; sheep selling at 13ftl4c, dressed weight: refrigerator beef dull; exports ..steady, 600 head cattle; estimated tomorrow. HI head cattle. 2.2SO head sheep and 4,240 quarters of beef. CAI.VKS Veals, general! steady; bcrn yard and western calves, unchanged; veals, r -i.lMrM.W; tops, ti.25rn9.50; barnyurd stock, $3.0c3.76: westerns, t-.SVfiS.W. HOt'.S Receipts. 8.445 heud ; higher; state, 7.10r7.25; mixed westerns. 36 HO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.7M head: oheep, stead to firm; lambs, 1.Vti25u iilsher, somes 'Sales 3mt4iic higher; shee;i, 3.ijci4.t!: culls, 12: export wethers, tf: lanir.s, t5.0Ufr6.5o; extra, tobO; culls, ttCoti- i.oo. . Totals 2,715 . 6.039 9,120 CATTLE There were not nearly as many cattle here today as arrived a week ago, so that in spite of the fact that other points were quoted lower the market here ruled active and higher. Buyers were all out early and trading waa active from start to finish. There were not many beef steers on aale today and the quality was also on the com monlsh order, but bjyers evidently had to have some cattle, so they took hold with considerable life, and the market ruled active and strong to a dime higher than lust Frldayi The better the quality the easier the cattle were to dispose of and the greater the advance, but as there were not enough of the better grades to fill packers' orders the common kinds In the majority of zases also Joined In the ad vance. The cow trade was fully as brisk as the market on steers and In fact It only took a comparatively short time for practically all the early arrivals to change hands. The demand was good for all klnas and the market was safely strong to a dime higher than last week. The medium to choice grades, though, - Improved a little more than the canners, but they also suffered a worse decline last week than the canners. The bull market was In a little better shupe today than It was last week. In some cases prices seemed to Improve a lit tle snd In others the prices looked about steady, but It was easier to make a sale. Veal calves continued In active demand at good steady prices. There was a brisk Inuuirv for si or Vers and feeders and the supply not being very large the market waa active and strong to a dime higher than last week. The better grades In particular were wanted and on that class of stuff the improvement waa greatest. Speculators carried very few cattle over S.muay. ro that they were all looking for fresh supplies, and It did not take them long to buy up everything In sight. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS, No. A v. Pr. No. At. Pr. - 1 121)0 I 76 1 1010 4 10 1 680 1 UO 1 1400 4 15 8 .71 I 26 12 1002 4 20 ft 1013 8 20 It 1225 4 20 11 627 I 70 18 ..1372 4 20 2 800 I 80 28 1118 4 26 4 1040 8 75 10 1120 4 26 1 1230 t 75 12 1060 4 25 5 1012 I 76 1 8 1181 4 26 1 MO lla 10 1061 4 25 1 70 4 no It 1184 4 3-". 4 1080 4 00 15 1084 4 0 4 HI IN 16 1187 4 38 I 1100 4 (10 18 1237 4 40 1038 4 05 40 1121 4 40 II 1012 4 08 18 1287 4 45 14 r3 4 06 1 8..... 1311 4 !.) t 872 4 C5 7 1371 4 7.', 48 '"l 4 10 7 1385 I 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS. II 830 t m '6 824 I to COWS. siitKh- There as a sheep here today for this time of year, but trie quality or tne offerings as a wnoie was hardly up fo tne usual standard. Buy ers, though, took hold In good shape, and anything at all good sola without much double at last week's closing prices. When It came to the warmed-up and hair-fnt stuff, however, -the market was not as brisk and If anything the prices looked a shude lower than last week. The weakness, though, was of hardly enough Importance to be worthy of mention. It wus evident that packers were anxious for good stuff, but that they did not care particularly for the half-fat kinds. Several trains were late In arriving, which delayed the market until the day was well advanced. Trie demand for feeders continued active and the few bunches of desirable sheep and lambs that arrived sold at good, strong prices. Quotations: Choice western lambs, $5.50 6.00; fair to good lambs, tSOOifi.5.50; ; choice native lambs, t5. 756.00; choice yearlings, t5.0iXfi5.40; fair to good yearlings, t4.755.00: choice wethers, t4.5itt14.8l; fair to good, 34.00 tn4.50; choice ewes, 34.0idJf4.4O; fair to good, 13.25474.00; feeder lambs, t4.2.i74.75; feeder yearlings, 3.754j4.O0: feeder wethers, IZ.To1 4.00; feeder ewes. I2.5OS3.0O. Representative sales: No. 10 cull ewes 5 cull ewes 21 cull ewes 4 cull ewes 1 cull ewe 102 cull ewes 11 cull ewes 5 cull ewes 1 buck 2 bucks 102 western ewes 325 western ewes 00 western ewes 93 western owes 233 western e ves 6 western ewes 490 western ewes 413 western ewes 293 Mexican ewes 61 western ewes 1 western wether 232 westein wethtrs 2 western yearlings 3 western yearlings 29 western wethers 95 western wethers 32 western lambs 13 went -rn lambs 15 western lambs 543 Mexican yearlings 6 western lsmbs K cull eweB 147 western feeder ewes 63 western feeder ewes 403 western ewes I2H western wethers 254 western feeder lambs.... 3N2 western wethers 212 western wethers 129 western yearlings 44 feeder lambs 413 western ewes 873 western wethers 5,12 sheep and yearlings 2.6 western yearlings 1;: western yearlings 627 western yearlings 607 western yearlings Av. Pr. S3 2 25 74 2 26 75 2 00 67 2 00 110 2 00 72 2 50 74 2 60 134 II 00 120 3 00 115 S 00 102 3 75 81 3 75 112 3 76 9 H 3 70 87 8 60 101 3 86 98 8 85 106 3 90 83 3 95 107 3 85 ,90 4 00 87 4 75 m 4 75 66 4 76 118 4 85 116 4 80 65 4 76 66 5 00 60 6 00 72 5 35 8.1 6 SO 6b 1 60 81 2 50 86 3 50 95 3 85 101 4 00 53 4 60 104 4 75 115 4 75 75 4 80 45 4 00 9S 4 00 95 4 35 77 4 75 81 4 80 70 6 25 , 70 6 25 59 5 75 St. Louis Live Stork Market. ST. Iil'IS. Feb. 2. 'ATTLE Receipts. 3.500 head. Inclmllns 2.000 Texan'; market slcady to firm: native shipping and export stc-trs, $4. iff 5. 28. with 6 rlctly fancy worth up to t6; dressed beef and butcher steers. tl.fi"c5.0J; steers under 1.000 lbs.. t3.SrVt7.t-5o; Blockers and feeders, t2.30tjl.20; cows and bclfers, t-'.2Vit4.75; canners. tl 5mc2.50; bulls, t2.sc4j3.60; calves. t4.t''o'-50: Texas and ln c'lnn steers, t2.80j4.S5; cows and heifers, t2.2fi3 25. HOGS Receipts. 6 500 hosd; market 5c lower; pigs and lights t6.2Mj6.S0; packer. JGJi!i6 7r: butchers, t .cV.t76.Sn. 6IIEKP AND I,A MBS- Receipts. 1000 '-"rid; ma-lc't stron: native muttons 13. ho 5.26: lambs. tl.70iR :-0: culls and bucks. ' KK44.50; lockers, tl 504 SJX); Texans, 13.25 41.40. Coffee Msrket. NEW YORK. Feb. 2.-COFFEE-8po. lo. ciulet; mild, stcc-dy. Futures opened eHdv a unchanged prices on all rave December, which whs 5 isclnts lower and continued steady throughout the session under a moderate trade. A leading bull ..t itst supported the market and the lcao was steady at u partial advance of points: sales were 32.500 bags. Including: March. 4 3'V; May, 4 5oc: July, 4.65c; An-,us-t, 4.70c; September. 4soc; December, '..15c. i ; Wool Market. 8T. LOl lS, Feb. t WOOIStesdy to Inn: medium grades and combing. lTift'Jlc; Iglit fine li'"il9Vc; heavy tine, liijltc; tub ashed. 19j:9c. NEW YORK, Feb. 2.-WOOL Firm. Klala Batter Market. EIX5IN. III . Feb. J aacTTER Firm at The offerings t dy were l.&uO lbs., t 10 rales were made; sale of lue week. 503,400 lbs. 1 1 t 1 1 t 1 i t 4 1 ........ I...... 14 1 1 4 18 f t 1 t 4 17 2 80 4.'!!"! 8 8 18 8 1 t 4 t 4 I 2 11 11 1.... 1.... 1.... 1..., 1!.... 24..., I.... 1... 4... J... I .. 8... 23... 1... .. 831 .. 6MI .. 70 ..1040 .. 700 .. 818 .. 830 60S till 804 1000 890 101,0 W7 80 1(100 8H1 1013 8.2 10O0 7fl 1120 798 811 lono R48 (K) 6K0 826 878 816 t4 Krt 1010 101 1040 1020 llloo 1026 844 807 1170 1176 1230 1 25 2 On : 00 2 ;s 2 26 2 26 2 2i S 25 2 40 2 in 2 60 2 1.0 t 60 2 60 2 60 t 60 2 60 2 60 2 80 2 61 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 61 1 80 2 80 t eo 2 80 1 80 2 1 1 80 2 8.) 2 to 2 80 70 2 70 2 75 ! 76 2 75 2 75 S 75 t 86 2 86 2 86 1 86 2 80 t 00 2 00 2 00 I 00 t 00 t M t OA 1... 1.... I..., 2.... II.... 13..., It 8 ... t.... It.... 1.... 11.... 4 ... t.... 61.... 8 ... 7.... i..., 7..., 21... 22... I.... 1... 2 .. 1 .. I... 2... 12... ' 1... t... 6... it!!! 7... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 28... 22... I... t... 2... t... t... ... 7... 4... 1... 1... ...1110 ... 878 ... 828 ...1170 ...1110 ... 77S ...120 .. .12m COWS AND HEIFERS. ....1080 ....1110 1180 ..,.1030 .... 868 .... 807 885 . ...1027 .... 930 . ... 1060 ....1000 1000 .... 862 884 .... 828 870 1088 1160 ....1170 11m ....1073 .... tt; .... 710 1310 647 8J0 1130 ltrrt 864 1150 110 1140 1120 1241 12"! 1304 ii0 1040 1060 860 tt.s 1032 1210 1078 not 1136 104 1254 1267 1471 1414 1434 I 00 I 0CI 8 00 t OO 8 00 t on t Of 10 I 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 8 In 1 10 2 10 t 10 t 16 2 16 I tt 3 20 3 20 1 20 t 25 3 26 8 26 -3 25 2 30 t 18 1 86 3 36 8 35 t 35 3 38 3 36 1 40 2 40 1 40 t 40 2 40 2 40 40 2 40 2 60 2 64 2 60 1 Ml 8 to 2 66 2 8.1 2 7o 8 7f t 8S .. 846 t to 12 Ml IS ,.10ut 3 tr, 14 1037 1 40 HEIFERS. . 380 2 60 762 I 28 . ItU 2 80 t 834 I 85 . 780 2 80 3 Hit IU .. 770 I " CALVES. . 12 4 26 1 100 t 50 . . to t 00 1 125 t no . 80 8 6 ' leu I 25 STAOS. .110 2 85 1 lilt 4 04 .1100 3 4" Bl'UJ. .1264 2 4" 1 880 8 AS . 840 2 65 1 1241 I 17 il 2 71 I 1540 t OS 110 3 15 1 1440 t 1 .r-SI 2 80 1 1210 8 l .1460 2 80 t 124M I 24 .14.4 i 1 1M0 8 21 . 7M) I to 1 I 15 .1314 t ti t 17 2 3 24 CHICAGO LIVG STOCK MARKET. Cattle Rise Fifteen Cents, Hogs Drop a McUel, While Sheep Stay Steady. CHICAGO, Feb. 2. CATTLE Receipts. 22,000 head; market strong to 15c higher; good to rlme steers, t4.6Cf6.10; poor to medium. t3.0O4t4.6O; Blockers and feeders, 12.25414.60; cows tl.4CXii4.50; heifers, t2.0O4J 4.75; canners. 11.4(2.50; bulls. t2.254i4.25: calves, t3.504j.75; Texas fed steers, t3.6O0 4.50. HOGS Receipts. 40,000 head: estimated tomorrow, 30.000; left over. 7.000; steady to tic lower; mixed and butchers. I6.5oi&.76; good to cholve heavy, t6.st9.95; rough heavy. ti5"(i.W; light, t6.254j6.55; bulk ot '?. - SHEEP AINU 1.AM03 rtrceipia, ,ouv head; market steady to strong; good to choice wethers, 4.40j5.25; fair to choice mixed t3.5044.40; western sheep, t3.754j 26; native lambs, t4.40ft6.35; weatern Iambi, tt 75 (2)6.30. Official eaiuraay; Receipts. Shipments. Cattle is Hogs " 'M Sheep I.69 " Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 2. -CATTLE Re- ...ir.i. r Tin hpsd natives. 1.300 head Tu nis, 300 head calves, nearly all natives; corn fed rattle, 54floc nigner; ciuarant.ne steauy ... t.mr. ,.r,B.-H Mttadv to 15c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, 14.80 ?5 60; fair to gooa, o.iiiw.oi; piumri. nuu eders. t2.9f4jT.3&; western fed steers, r.i.10 j5.1o; Texas and Indian steers, iiMcoj Texas cows, 2.3.vJ.ti; native 'J; ot-.. ,,.,1,.. hoifr 12 h.Vii4.20: canners. tl.00 fci.'io; bulls. I2.254i3.25; calves. t2.507.00. HtMio rteceipta. ,cn ..-- steady to 5c lower: top. t6 90: bulk of sales. tti.6"4i so; heavy, to. i'tl '; mixea iwnj. ti.254'5.k0; light, K.554j6.6;,.8; yorkers, to.6j4jl 6.67V. PIK". . SHEEP AMI' ljAMrs-nrcci.iii, , head; market strong; native lambs. 4.(xa 6 25- western lambs, t3.854j 10; fed ewes. t3 06416.IO; native wethers, t3.504J4.85; west ern wethers, 13 00434 90; Blockers and feed ers, t2.604j3.50. Slops City Live "lock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., Feb. 2. 48peclal Tele gram CATTLE Receipts, 4.5uO head; steady; beeves, t3.504f6.i4; cows, bulia and - , 1 , r . , OA utn..krH n . . I CHuM ti 7A 474 25; venrllngs and calves, t2 254(4.00. ... ft IX- Kitllr tki thrti ii IHEEP Receipts, 4C0 head; strong. Stock In Slaxht. The following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal cities yesterday: I'utll. 1 J , w. uhun in Cuttle ... . 2.7JI3 22 i 6.C1O 3.501) 1.15 4,i0J 3.22S tO.mio 2 N"0 6 IWI 3.M5 3.5.0 9.129 20.0U0 ..2"l 1 0.1 1.24 40) .39.641 61.610 35.013 Oniahi Chicago Kansas city.. ht. 1-ouls St Joseph siuux city Totals Si. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Feb. I CATTLE Receipts. 15a head; natives. H "btoo.-fi; Texans and wexlerns. t3.3'4?4 76: c-ows and heifers, 12 00 17 4 25; veals, t2.5f434.50; bulla and stags, t-!.50 llonS Receipts. 3.5 head; light and Unfit mixed, t4654i6.sO; medium and heavy, Ki 7541 !" . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.2S4 head: top Colorado lambs, MSR; top Colo, rsdn yearlings, to.38; weathers, t5.16; ewes. t4 40. likefmmirjion Co. 7 i n r. 8tV VKMMER8 Chicago Hosrd of Trade St. l.uls Merchants Exch'ga GENERAL CGMMISSION Theaters In Oraln snd Pro. Hslons for Cash or Fjturs r livery. Writs for our Market ltter. -OFFICES Chicago, 642 Rlalto Rldg. Missouri Vallev, Iowa. So. Omaha, ,119 Exch'ge Rldg. Omaha, 656-653 Bee Bldg. B. 'Wears, free. C A. Wears, KstaMtsnea issx. V Pre. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO Msuiuers of tbe Principal bxchaugea. rivals Wires to All Points. CHAIN, l'HOVI4IO8. STOCKS, BOKDS Bought and sold for rash or future delivery. OMAHA BRANCH, llo-lll Hoard of Trarta Telephone 1516 W. B. Ward. Local M-tage. IA1LWAV TIM ti CARD. INIOX STATlOl 10TI1 AND MARC Y. Union Paclflc. Leavs. a 9:40 sm Overland Limited.... The Fast Mall California Express... Pacific) Express Eastern Express The Atlantic Express... The Colorado Special... 7:10 am Chicago Special Lincoln, Heat rice and Btromnburg Kxpreas...b 4:00 pm Kortn fiatte uocai.. Grand Island Local.. Illinois (antral. Chicago Express Chicago, Minneapolis Bt. I'aui limited.. ..a 4:20 pm ..all;30 pm .a 8:00 am b 5:30 pro Arrive, a 7.50 pm a 1.25 pm a 5:30 pm a 7:.) am a 3:4o am a 1:40 am bl2:50 pm a 6:15 pm b 9.35 pni .a 7:35 am m .a 7:50 pm Minneapolis cte St. Paul Lxpress b 7:35 sm Chicago Local 10:45 am Chicago Lxpress : .(.uicuuTo, Hock Island & Tac BAST. Chicago Daylight L t d. .a 6:00 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7 00 am Chicago Kxpiess bll:15.am Lies Moines xpresa....a 4:30 pm Chicago Fast UxpresB...a 6:3j pm WKST. Rocky Mountain L'''d..a 6:50 pm Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo alio West a 1:30 pm Colo., Texas, Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a 5:40 pm YY ulJUall. St. Louis "Cannon Bal!" Kxpress a 5:55 pm St. Louis -ocal, Coun cil Bluffs. ..4 a 9:15 am Chicatro Northwestern. The Northwestern Line. 6:10 pm 8:06 am bl0:35 pm alO:35 pin Inc. a 6:46 am a 9:35 pm a 6:05 pm bll:50 am a 1:35 pm a 4:55 am a 6:00 pm al2:40 pm a 8:20 am al0:30 pm Fast cnicago a 3:40 am Mall a 8:oo pm Local Sioux Cttv a 5:10 am Daylight. St. Paul a 7:36 am Daylight Chicago a 6:oo am Local Chicago alo:oo am Local Carroll a 4:00 pm Fast Chicago a 6:60 pm Fast St. Paul 1 7:55 pm Limited Chlcagu a a:lo pm Fast Mall Local Sioux City b 4:00 pm Chicago. Milwaukee St. Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am Chicago Fast Lx press... a b:4o pm Chicago Limited a 6:05 pm Des Moines Kxpiess.... a 7:45 am Chicago Local 10:40 am u.ourl Paclflo. BU Louis Express s 10:00 am K. C. and St. L. Kx....al0:o0 pm ? .An a M :3c ni.i a 3:30 pm 4,10:io pm ail:20 pm a 6:10 pin a 9:50 am 8:50 pni u e:l.i am a 9:20 am a 2:40 pm b :50 am Pan I. all:15 pm n 3:4J pm a 7:50 ant a 3.40 pm a 8:25 pm a 6:lo am WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH A WEBSTER Elkhora A Missouri Fremont, Vntlay. Black Hills, Deadwood, Lead, Hot Springs a Wyoming, Cauper ana Douglas 3 Hastings. York, David, , City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Sewara b BoneBteel, Lincoln, Nio brara and Fremont. ...b Fremont Local u Missouri Paclnc. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b Cblcagro. St. rani, Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ..a Sioux City Passenger... a Oakland Local b Leavs. 3:00 pm 3:00 pm .... v 3:00 pm 7:30 am 7:30 am 4:10 pm Mlnnea Arrive, a 5:00 pm o 6:00 pm " . ... i b 6:00 pm . bl0;25 am al0:25 am polls A 6:30 am a 9:10 pm 2:00 pm all:3oam 6:45 pm b .4o am a Pally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally except Monday, c Sunday only. BURLINGTON STATION lOTH ct MASON Burlington Missouri River. Leave. . Arrive. Wymore. Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:05 pm Nebrsska Express a 8:40 am a 7:45 pm Denver Limllea ev 4:25 pm a 6:46 am Black Hills and Puget Sound Express all;10 pm a 8:10 pm Colorado Vestlbuled Flyer a 8:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:52 pm a 8:13 am Fori Crook and Platts- mouth b 3:20 pm bl0:85 am Bellevue A Pacific Jet. ..a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am lBellevue & Pacific Jet... a 3:50 am Kansas City. bt. Joseph A, Council Bluffs. , , Kansas City Day Ex. .a 9:15 am a 8:05 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all :05 am Kansas City Night Ex.al0:30 pm a 6:15 am i hicafcto. Ilui lluatou A tiulncy. Chicago Hi'CM lsl, a 7:00 am a 4:05 pin Chlauto-o Veatiliuled Ky.a 4:00 nm m m Chicago Local a 9:23 am all:00 pm a 6:ot pm a 7:45 am a 2:40 pm Chicago Limited. Fast Mall STEAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New Twin-Screw Steamers ot 11.800 Tooa. NEW YORK ROTTBhUAal. via BOt'LOONA Sailing 'WeAucaday at It A. 81. Ameterdaa fell. 4 Amaterdam Mar. 11 Ryn4an fab. II, Statn4ara Mar. 14 Rotterdam Mar. 4, Rotterdam Mar. 11 Holland-America Line, SW B'way, ft. v. Harry Moorea, itl yarnam at., J. 8. McNallj, 11.1 Parnajn at.. If. S. Jobea, 11.08 raroam at., Louie Neese, First Nat'l Ba . P. B. FluOcas A Co.. 1814 Capitol av., Chea. Mares, tit So. loch C, . L. Koatorya, tot So. lltk at., Omaha, sgeats. GOVERNMENT NOTICE, FORT' RILMY. KAN.. FEB. 1, 1903 Sealed proposals lit triplicate, will he re ceived here until 11 a. m . March X, 19o3, for construction of two d ouble sets of non-commissioned staff quarters. Information fur nished upon application, here; also at of fices of Depot Quartermasters, Chicago, III.; St. Louis, Mo., and Omaha, Nebraska. Bid ders will stats In their bids the time In which they will complete the work, as time will form an Important consideration in the award. United States reserves ths right to accept or reject any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes to be Indorsed "Proposals for Public Buildings." and ad dressed Captain G. O. Cres. cj M Fl clit Ml-4m OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER -Omaha, Neb.. January 30, 1903. . Sealed pro posals In triplicate, subj.-ct to the usual conditions, will bo received at this office until 10 a. m.. February 24, li3, and then opened in the presence of attending bidders, for printing required at Headquarters De partment of the Missouri during ths fiscal year commencing July 1, ljoi, and ending June 30, 19l. V. S. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Klatik forms for bidding and circular-giving full Information and require ments will be furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked rroposaia for Printing. dressed to Lieut. Col. JNO. W. PCLLMAN, and S' 6lD 2 1 4 6 2a 2o OFFICE OF THE .CONSTRCCTIN'tl Quartermaster, 621 Doolv Hulldlng. Sell Ilke City, Utah. February 3, 19o3. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will ba received lien until 11 a. m.. Standard time, March 2. K"'3, and then oned, for Ihe construction of two Barrack, each for two troops of cavalry. Including plumbing, heating, gas filplng and electric wiring, at Fort Doug ass, Utah itidders will sists In their bids the time In which they will complete ths work. Full information and blank forms of proposals furnlrhed on application to this office. Plana and specifications may be seen here. United Btales reserves the right to accept or reject sny or all proposals, or any part thereof Envelopes to be marked "Proposals for Publlo. Hulldlng." and ad dreeaed to Captain Sam'l V. Ham. Quarter tnaater. 4lD 3 8 4 27 2M