Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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B.ard if Haatot Belittei Teacher of
Graien From Lu'.j.
'Sorl'nnfnn ftir other Properly anil
1 .11 I I In I k.M... .-..- I
Sever Ilia (omirrllnn ivllh
Swift lloaae.
TInrr .!. Pock, a teacher of German at :
the South Omsha ttigh sehoot, received hi !
".ailiiog papem at the tin ml of the Board 1
of r.duiiitlon at a meeting Ti1d last night.
It war, aanprted that Bock had been put on
the teaching force at a salary of (75 a j
month without having taken an examina- I
tlo-i. He afterward went through a ape- j
Hal examination on the science of teach- I
In German and Engllah. He passed on I
theae ftuhlpita. hut It innnarpit In rh 1
board" that he ought to have gone through
the entire list of question, and as he had
no, he wa requlrud . to sever his connec
tion with the school pay roll.
About month sgo the board requested
Bock to stand another examination. This
ho riecllnr-d to' do. He stated to the board
that he : ttnad n bts spep.lal examination
and did not consider. It necessary to take
any more examinations. If. B. Fleharty of
'.he examining board was present and stated
!hat he considered that Bock bad been suf
Hclently examined, but thla did not seem
to Influence the board and the order of
dismissal went through.
Miss Jessie Carpenter, supervisor of mu
sic, had her salary raised from 175 to $90
a month. Miss Cassidy, Miss McCafron,
Miss rtcrtha Clark and Miss Donahue were
each given a false of $5 a month.
On account of the crowded condition of
the Brown park school It was decided to
rent a room near by In order to aocommo
date the overflow.
The addition to the Albright school was
accepted by the board and the new rooms
will be opened this week.
Some Insurance policies were canceled
and Loechner was instructed to go ahead
and renew the canceled policies at re.
duced rate. '
The South 8lde Improvement club was
given permission to hold meetings In the
Albright school.
Teacher' salaries and some other bills
were allowed before adjournment.
oancfl Approve Appraisers Re part.
At the regular monthly meeting of the
city council last night a supplemental re
port of the appraisers appointed to ascer
tain the damages, If any, accruing '.Tom the
vacation of a portion of Thirty-sixth street
waa read and approved. Mention was made
of this report In The Sunday Bee, an1
v.blle It Is practically the same as the
first fno submitted, it la more explicit in
defining the boundaries of the property to
be vacated. When the report had been
read and adopted an ordinance was Intro
duced vscatlng thla property to the Bur
lington upon the payment of $1,043. As
aoon a thin money Is paid Into the city
treasury the mayor is authorised and di
rected to sign a deed to the property. On
the other hand the railroad company will
deed to the city atrip along Boyd street,
in addition to the, payment of the sum
mentioned. This vacation deal Is practl.
tally closed now, as all that 1 to be done
is the payment of the money and the paa.
sag of the ordinance. All of the terms
have been agreed upon in committee, so
that It doea not appear aa It there would
be any dlffloulty about a final settlement.
Resolutions on the death of Hon. W. O.
Bloana, former mayor of South Omaha,
werej read and adopted and- ordered spread
,upon tne. minutes. A copy la also to be
sent to the family of the deoeaaed.
A meat inspection ordinance was intro
duced. It was Introduced by Adklns, and
provides that a atock Inspector, may be ap
pointed by th mayor and removed by the
mayor. Nothing In th ordinance men
't Ions confirmation by the council. After
being read this document wss sent to the
Judiciary committee for consideration.
In accordance with plana auggested some
time ago for improvements in the esstern
portion ot -the city Engineer Beal was dl
rested to establish the grade on Twelfth
street from J street north to th city
A new plat of Spring Lake park addition
was submitted and referred to the street
and alley committee for approval.
The chairman of the finance committee
aubmltted an appropriation aheet contain,
ing the aalary list for January and a few
minor claims. This was approved and then
the council adjourned for on week.
Massgtr Maaehea Quits.
Order were issued at Swiff plant her
yesterday directing that P. B. Manche be
relieved a manager, and that he proceed
to Chicago for Instruction. Mr, Manche
I suoceeded her aa manager of th plant
by U B. Patterson et Chicago. It is stated
that Mr. Patterson la an experienced packing-house
manager, and a be already has
a Urge number of friends la th two Oma
sa he will hardly be permitted to get
lonesome. ,
Slow Akoat Faraalte.
Very few. If any, building permits are
being taken out these daya. Those who are
building aay that It la no ua to secur a
permit, aa ther Is no regular Inspector.
It Is th same with plumbing permits.
Those who dealr to make connection with
gas or ' water main go ahead with
out going through the preliminar
ies of securing a permit. This
Is because ther I no plumbing Inspector.
When Mayor Koutsky decided to merge the
office ot building and plumbing Inapector
along- with that of city engineer he thought
that the fee saved would be turned Into
the city treasury. Instead of taking aut
permits, property owner go ahead with
their building and repair regardless of
ordinance tor the reaaon that ther '.a no
on to see that th fee are paid. It Is
tru that th city engineer I supposed
to look after thea matters, but he has all
be can do now in looking after th street,
crosswalk and other duties. It Is under
stood that the council will soon auggeat to
the mayor th advisability of appointing a
building and plumbing inspector.
Special Folic Or4cra.
Chief of Police Brlgg has directed the
regular and special police under bis control
to watch especially for suspicious charac
ter. Th numerous robberies In Omaha
and som attempted burglaries la South
Omaha have called th attontlon ot slore
, keepers her to the necessity for protect
ing themselves. During th last week some
Established 1823.
That's All!
rsai WTX lrfTTTXIN0 x
Ss4am , 14.
special details have been made by the
mayor at the request of business men. The
guards are paid by those who requested the
employment of the epectsl police, conse
quently there Is no extra expenditure on the
part of the city.
Pontaftlre Reerlpts.
A very creditable showing In stamp sales
at the Bouth Omaha postofflce Is made for
Janaary. The sales amounted-to $3,987.77,
while the sali.s for January, 1902, were $4.
015. M. These figures show an Increase of
ll.S71.ll!' The buslneas at the South Omaha
postofflce is tonstantly Increasing, and It
ill not be long before the postmaster will
be compelled to call for more help. While
the carrier force seems sufficient at this
time, It will not be long before another car
rier and an additional clerk will be needed,
but these additions to the force are not
expected before the close of the present fis
cal yera.
Male City CJosaln.
Joseph f'ernev. Nineteenth and P streets,
reports the birth of a son.
There Is a decidedly active demand for
feeders at the stock yards these day.
A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs.
Wylle Herkett, Twenty-fifth and Washing
ton streets.
Clyde and Edith Gnmmlll of Nelson. Neb.,
are In the city, the guests of their brother,
John C. Gammlll.
Peter Plcqueur secured A permit vester
day for the erection of a dwelling at Thirty
eighth and V streets.
Frank Stryker. who recently underwent
an operation at an Omaha hospital, waa
reported some better yesterday afternoon.
The local order of Eagles will give an
entertainment at the new lodte rooms,
Twenty-third and N streets, Wednesday
Aa compared with February 2 of last year
the hog receipts show a decrease, while
there Is an Increase In the receipts of cattle
and sheep.
The Cudshy company will resume the
rutting of Ice at Seymour lake today. It
was reported Inst night that the Ice was
not eight Inches thick.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson. !6R South
Twenty-first street, entertained a number
of friends Saturday night. As It was a
surprise party, a number of hnnclsome
presents were given to the host and hostess.
Several Movements In I.lne ot Bet
terments for That fectloa
re Set on Foot.
At the meeting of the North Omaha Im
provement club Monday evening the Initia
tive was taken In a crueade toward the
Improvement of that portion of the city
through the beautifying of the property,
streets and public grounds, while Chief of
Detectives Dunn started a boom toward
ridding North Omaha of obnoxious weeds.
The club also heard the report of the ef
forts of Rev. Henry, who is endeavoring to
prevent the establishment of another sa
loon or saloons In the Sixth ward. A
good-slxed delegation of women was pres
ent at the meeting and an effort will be
mad at a laW date to establish an aux
iliary to the club, composed ot the wives
of the members of the club.
Park Commissioner Craig recommended
to the club that th members secure,
through Individual or collective efforts,
the beaut (flcation of the streets in that
part of the city, and urged better care of
tho public property there by the planting ot
shrubs, trees and flowers in the school
house grounds. He also asked for more
light, pure air and comfort In the school
houses. He urged cleanliness and order,
all of which would tend to cultivate a pub
Ho sentiment for better homes and secure
the best development of the community. In
the general discussion which followed sev.
eral of the women present took part and
urged that the suggestions be adopted,
while the members, as a whole, pledged
their support to the work. "A committee
consisting of Mrs. Robinson, W. J. John
son, Miss Kimball, R. B. Wallace, Rev. F.
HU Henry and 'J. T. CVafg was appointed
by the president, to report within two
weeks, some methods of procedure which
would accomplish the Improvements sug
gested. This resolution, offered by W. J. John-
son, was adopted:
Resolved, That we ask the present. leg
islature. In all fairness to loo.nnO residents
of Omaha, to repeal the present municipal
tax law and so allow all classes of prop
erty to bear their Just share or proportion
of the municipal burden.
Chief Dunn, in urging the removal of the
weeds, offered to don a working suit,
swing a scythe or push a lawn mower or
become the president of a mowing club as
long as the usual yearly growth of weeds
remained. The club promised its support
and the chief will become the leader of
the overall brigade.
Rev. Henry reported that he had been
battling against the breweries who de
sired to establish saloons in North Omaha
and had secured several hundred namea of
resident who protested against the allow
ance ot any licenses which would permit
saloon to be located there. He said that
th matter had been' laid before the Are
and police commissioners for their de
cision. Th Best Care for Cold
Is Dr. King' New Discovery for Consump
tion. Sure, pleasant, safe and guaranteed
to soon cur or no pay. 60c, $1.00. For
sale by Kubn ft Co.
Coaatr Board Coaslderlas; Depart
aneat Fay Rolls for the En.
aalnar Year,
Th county commissioner bad the heads
of departments before them yesterday aft
ernoon and are still wrestling with the re
sults. At 6 o'clock the board, which was
sitting only as committee of the whole,
adjourned to meet again aa such at
o'clock this morning. To date the things
agreed upon are said to be the addition ot
a male nurse for the men' wsrd at the
county hospital and the raising of the
salaries of some of the employes. Sten
ographer Shot well. In Judge Vlnaonhaler's
office, is Jo be rslsed from $60 to $65 per
month. If present plans carry at the board
meeting this moraine at 10 o'clock, and
Recorder Olson, In the same office, is to b;
raised from $50 to $60. In the county
clerk's office Mlsi Eva Mahoney's salary
as stenogrspher is to be Increased from
$60 to $60 per month. In the office of the
clerk of the district court MI Emma
Munneck. amanuensis, is to be raised from
$50 to $60 and Miss Leon I e Grovet from
$40 to $45, and Andrew Gallagher, Jury
clerk, from $SJ JS to $30. Other poaltlons
are to be considered this morning before
th commissioners meet sa a board.
Ton Risk loar Lite
If you neglect pile. They will cause fatal
dlseaaea, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve post
ttvely cures or no pay. 25c. For sal by
Kuhn Co.
Additional Bsquiremint Fixed by Board in
Order t Gradnat
Other MfmlifPi of the Board of Trade
Take a Shot at Iloman for III
Attltadc on the Tax
In future neatness, legibility and correct
ness of penmanship will be one of the re
quirements at the blgh school, and no pu
pil will be graduated from that institution
who does not write a neat, legible and rea
sonably correct hand, except by reason of
physical Incapacity. Even the teachers
will be made to come up to a certain
standard in this respect. Such Is the dic
tum of the Board of Education proclaimed
at its meeting of last evening.
This matter came before the board In
the form of a report from the committee
on high school. In which was embodied rec
ommendations from, the superintendent
which the committee Indorsed for adop
tion. The communication of the superin
tendent, which was addressed to the com
mittee, was as follows:
Insist oa (iodd Writing.
A good deal of criticism Is from time to
time Indulged in concerning the quality of
writing done by the young ptuple who
graduate not only from our own lilnh
school, but from high schools generally.
Much of this criticism is unjust, tor a ma
jority of the pupils who graduate from the
high school write a plain, satisfactory hand.
Much of this criticism, however, too much
of it. Is Well founded, for many pupils do
go out as graduates from the school writing
a wretched hnnd. These, and the consider
able number of pupils who leave school be
fore they graduate, writing a poor hand,
give many times a bad name to the Instruc
tion of the school from which they came.
It Is Intended that pupils shall enter the
high school accustomed to do neat written
work and writing a plain, fairly correct
hand. This hand writing should grow bet
ter, and not worse, by the time they gradu
ate. That the writing has in too many
cases Rfown wore Is due to several reasons
among others to the naturally careless
habits of some pupils, habits which they
should not be allowed to continue; to the
laxneas of some high school teachers who
do not exact careful, correct, written work;
10 me rmn example in writing set by sum
hlKh school teachers (most teachers in
grades below the high school and many
high school teachers write well, but a mi
nority have not yet thought It worth while
to acquire the correct hand writing which
should be to every teacher indispen!ible) :
to the fact that many times a auantltv ot
writing altogether too great la required
from pupils, so that they cannot do it well
In the time allowed; to the fact that no
regular Instruction in writing is given In
the high school, outside the commercial
course, even to those pupils who need It.
11 seems to me tnat tne time is opportune
for us to correct this matter so far as our
own school Is concerned. I therefore make
the following recommendations:
1. That one of the teachers now In the
high school be assigned to teach writing,
and that provision he made for another
teacher to do the work done by the teacher
who will teach writing.
Z. That all high school pupils whose writ
ten school-work Is not satisfactory In neat
ness, correctness or legibility be. required to
take writing as a regular study until such
time as their written school work becomes
and continues to be satisfactory.
3. That after June. no pupil snail be
graduated from the high school who does
not write a neat legible, reasonably correct
hand; provided, that In any case where It
Is, for physical reasons. Impossible for a
pupil to acquire such a hand writing ex
ception may be made by the board upon
recommendation of the principal Of the
high school, approved by the high school
committee, and the graduation of the pupil
4. That after June 30, 1904, all teachers in
the employ of this board, in the high school
or elsewhere, be expected by this board
to be able to "write and to write a plain,
neat correct hand writing, both upon the
blackboard and In such other writing as Is
connected with their school duties, unless
excused from this . requirement by , the
Board of Kilucatlon, upon recommendation
by the superintendent ot instruction.
The report of the committee requested
that the committee be authorised to assign
nolber teacher to the high school to take
the work of the teacher who is to be placed
In charge of. the instruction In penmanship.
The report. Including the communication ot
the superintendent, was adopted and sev
eral of the members in voting expressed
themselves enthusiastically In favor ot the
plan proposed.
. Tools for Manual Training;. ,
The committee on supplies reported upon
the question ot tools for the manual train
ing department of the high school, showing
that the tools for five classes In the first
year of the work would cost $625; for three
classes in the second year of the work, $192,
and for one class In the third year of the
work, $205; a total of $1,022, without the
lathes which had been asked for and which
would cost $600 more, or $1,622 In all.
Mr. Homan moved that the committee
be authorized to purchase all of the tools
mentioned, including the, and the
motion was adopted, the only negative vote
being that of Mr. Levy, chairman of the
committee on supplies.
On motion of Mr. Homan the committee
on buildings and property was Instructed
to employ an architect to prepare plans for
a two-story, eight-room building on tho
Monmouth Park site, recently purchased.
A resolution by Mr. Homan instructing
the attorney of the board to prepare a bill
for legislative enactment authorizing the
board to refund any part or all ot Its
bonded Indebtednesa for a period of twehty
year at a rate of Interest not to exceed 4
per cent, was referred to the committee on
Judiciary and the attorney of the board.
Toward the close ot the meeting the
board adopted a resolution introduced by
Mr. Maynard, and seconded by Mr. Christie
In which was expressed In strong terms the
displeasure of the other members at the at
titude taken by Mr. Homan in regard to
the recent question ot the tax levy for
school purposes during the coming year.
These resolutions reviewed at great length
tho official career ot Mr. Homan as a mem
ber of the board, pointing out wherein it
was believed he had acted in a manner in
consistent with bis present Sdvocacy of a
2-mlll levy, and presented argument and
figures in support ot the adoption of a levy
of 2 $-10 mills. Throughout their entire
course Mr. Homan's position was severely
condemned and criticised.
The resolutions were adopted by s viva
voce vote with no dissenting voice. After
they bad been adopted Mr. Homan called
for an aye and nay vote, but was ruled out
of order, aa the result ot the former vote
had been announced.
A much-lndqrsed document, which was
marked as having passed "thro' military
channels" and had gathered signatures all
along those channels evidenced approval
on the part ot the army authorities of tho
application of Captain W. H. Wassels of
the garrison at Fort Crook for the position
of commandant of cadets at the Sigh school.
It was placed on file.
An application from Charles M. Richards
of 'his city for the same position was re
ferred to the committee on blgh school.
I Store Sear llaroa.
HCRON. 8. D.. Feb. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Bolle t Jensen's general store,
postofflce and telephone exchange at Vlr
gle, sixteen miles southwest ot Huron, was
destroyed by fire this morning. Loss,
$6,000; Insured for small amount.
The r'aoaoas 1U! Viataae
of O. H. Mumm's Extra Dry now arriving is
similar to the 1889 vintage. Immense re
serves guarantee the maintenance of qual
ity; i:s.71 case Imported In 1902, being
07,104 bottles nor Uaa say other brand.
woman in Club and charity
Yesterday was legislative lay with the
Woman's club, end the roll of the Doug
las county representatives in the twenty
second legislature wrs posted In conspicu
ous prominence suggestive, to the uniniti
ated, of revolt against all tradition and
the motto of the state federation "Not to
Demand Success, but to Deserve It." This
was tot the fact, for there was no Inten
tion of revolt, and the roll was posted
merely to aid the women In the more ex
pedient exercise of the "privileges" granted
them in lieu of the "rights" enjoyed b;
men. As everyone knows, who knows any
thing at all of the artivlty of the organ
ised women of Nebraska, there are at lenRt
four matters that they proise bringing be
fore the legislature this winter, and chief
among these Is a bill to Bcctire more equit
able property rights for women. The oth
ers Include a bill for a court for Juvenile
offenders, one for an adequate pure food
law and another, not their own, but In
which they will co-operate with the State
Traveling Library commission In a request
for an appropriation of $8,000, Instead of
$4,000, the sum provided by the last legis
lature, for the conduct of the commission's
work for the blennium.
Previous to the consideration of these
matters several other things were disposed
of, among them a recommendation of the
membership committee that an effort be
made by members to increase the member
ship of the club, and that each woman who
has not already done so exercise her privi
lege of securing one new member, only
fifty of the members having done so this
year. It was further recommended that
some' means be devised for reinstating
members who have lapsed, without requir
ing them to again pay the Initiation fee
of $2, and that the club year, for Lew
members coming In now, be extended to
Include the year of '03-'04. As the two last
named recommendations conflict with the
provision of the by-laws, the matter was
referred to the constitution committee to
be reported on in two weeks.
As the club Is soon to celebrate the tenth
anniversary of Its establishment, two rec
ommendations were made for such a cele
bration. First, that a banquet be given at
some of the large hotels; and' second, that
an informal celebration be held in the club
parlors, to Include a program reviewing
briefly the history of the organization, con
gratulations and many other features so
attractive that the house unanimously de
cided to accept this suggestion.
The HbraYy appropriation came next for
consideration. The work of the commis
sion was reviewed and a letter read from
F. 1m Haller, the resident commissioner on
the "Need of the Commission in which
he gave chief credit for the origin and sub
sequent growth of the commission to fie
women's clubs of the state, and tuen asked
their co-operation in the effort to secure
an $8,000 appropriation for the next two
years' work. Miss Margaret O'Brien of
the Omaha public library was among the
speakers, and gave an interesting compari
son of the work of th Nebraska commis
sion with that of other states.
The time usually devoted to the program
was given over to the property rights bill,
Attorney D. L. Johnson explaining the pres
ent law snd also the proposed bill. He
congratulated the women upon their Inter
est in the matter of property rights, ex
pressing his sympathy , with their bill
which, he said, was essential and already
too long- delayed. Th proposed bill was
drafted by the Nebraska Suffrage- associa
tion, and Is receiving. the support ot the
women of the state, and was ULanlmously
adopted by the Omaha Woman's club. It
is as follows: 1
Section 1-That section 29, chapter xxlll.
Compiled Statutes of the state of Nebraska
of lnul, entitled "Decedent be and the
same Is herebyamended to read as follows:
"Sec. 29 The husband of every deceased
person shall be entitled as courtesv, to the
use, during- his natural life, of one-third
part ot all the land whereof his wife was
seized, of all estate of Inheritance at any
time during the marriage, unless he is
lawfully barred thereof, the same to be
enjoyed, controlled, owned, assigned, set oft,
conveyed, barred and governed In all re
spects In the same manner as Is provided
for In the foregoing section of this chapter
in relation to the widow's dower."
Sec. 2 That section 30, chapter xxlll,
Compiled Statutes of the State of Ne
braska for 1901, entitled "Decedents," be
and the same Is hereby amended to read as
"Sec. 30 When any person shall die seized
of any land, tenements or hereditaments,
or of any right thereto, or entitled to any
interest therein in fee simple, or for the
life of another, not having lawfully devised
the same they shall descend, sublect to his
or her debts In the manner following:
"1. If the intestate leaves no Issue, one
half shall descend to the surviving husband
or wife In absolute title, and the other one
half to the intestate's father and mother
in equal shares.
"2. If the Intestate shall leave one or
more issue, one-half shall descend to the
surviving husband, or wife In absolute title,
If the aurvlver i the father or mother of
all of said Issues; if not, then one-third
shall descend to tHe survivor in absolute
title, and the residue shall descend In equal
shares to the children of such intestate,
and to the lawful Issue of any deceased
child by right of rtpresentatlon.
"3. If the Intestate shall leave no Issue,
and no father, one-half shall descend to
the surviving husband or wife In absolute
title, and one-half to the Intestate's mother.
"4. If the Intestate shall leave no Issue,
and no mother, one-half shall descend to
the surviving huybund or wife In absolute
title, and one-half to the Intestate's father.
Ana in case ot tne aeatn or both father
and mother of the Intestate, then the cne
half of the estate shall descend In equal
shares to the brothers and sisters of such
Intestate, and to the children of any de
ceased brother or sister by right of repre
sentation. Provided, however, that If the
surviving nusDana or wire snail accept the
Interest In the property which, he or she
may receive from the deceased husband ot
wife as provided for In this section, tnat
then and In that case the same shall be In
full for all claim for dower and courtesy
which he or she might otherwise have
under the provisions of this act and also
under any existing laws In the real eBtate
of such deceased husband or wlf?. And
provided further, that nothing: In this sec
tion contained shall be so construed as, to
In any manner affect the right of the sur
viving husband or wife to the homestead
Interest In the real extato of the deceased
husband or wife, as now existing under the
present law.
"5. If the Intestate shall leave no Issue,
not surviving husband or wife, nor father
or mother, the estate nhall descend In equal
shares to Ihe brothers and sisters o such
intestate and to the children of any de
ceased brother or sister by right of repre
sentation. "8. If the Intestate shall leave no lsue,
por surviving husband or wife, nor father,
mother, brother or sister, such intestate's
estate (hall descend to the next of kin in
equal degree, excepting that when there
are two or more collateral kindred In equal
degree, but claiming through different an
cestors, those who claim through Ihe near
est ancestor shall be preferred to those
Climates wearout. t-mokes and sprays
lo not cure,Tliey relieve symptom
Instead of removing cnue :w Livreaa,
we take Atiim o tlmt numbly out of
the synv-m tlutt noiiiliiK remulna
which can produce au attack: surlerera
are noon able to wcrk, eat, sleep and
stand expOKure without the sliKiilet
return or Asthma. lieln right la
principle our treatment does what
relief ' cannot do. We cure to slay
cured severe, loiii-taudlug and pro'" caK-a. If you are
skept U because you are Ignorant
tifour great work, hlun Iwi wr Imvt
treated , Si, i Atbnia and llay Kever
surTerers. If you desirti roinpleU) re
lief, health restored, and no return of
Asthma, write for our book 73 Fraa,
V. UA.HUL9 UIU, HUtfALO, v. K,
claiming through an ancestor more remote;
provided, however,
"7. if any person shall die. leaving chil
dren, or leaving one child, and the Issue
of one or more other children, and any
suth surviving child shall die under age
and not htvlng been married, all the estate
that came to the deceased child by Inherit
ance from such deceased parent snnll de
scend in equal shares to the other children
nf the same iwrent. and to ihe Issue of any
such other child who shall have died, by
rliiht of representation.
"8. If at the death of such child who shall
die under aae. and net having be?n mar
ried, all the other children of his said par
ents shall also be dead, and .ny of them
shall have left Issue, the estate that came
to shIiI child, iiy Inheritance from said par
ent, shall descend to all the Issue of other
children of the same parents: and If all
the snid Issue arc In the 'same degree of
kindred to said child, the shall share the
said estates equally :, otherwise they shall
take according to the right of representa
tion. ". If the tntestnte shall leave a surviving
husband or wife and no kindred, the estate
phiill descend to soch surviving husband or
wife in absolute title.
"1. If Ihe Intestate shall leave no hus
band or wife not kindred, the estat shall
escheat to the people of this state.
The propose! Juvenile court law was
presented briefly by Mrs. C. 8. Loblngler,
Its provision being already widely known
through the State Hoard of Charities and
Correction. Prevention rather than correc
tion Is its keynote.
There were present at the meeting two
members of the legislature.
Last Month Xot Surpassed In Thirty
Three Years In Sllaht Pre
cipitation. Not In thirty-three years has there been
a drier January than that of 1903. The
total precipitation for the month, accord
ing to tho monthly meteorological summary
Issued by the local weather bureau, was .07.
January, 1S99, had the same record, as also
did January, 1879. The average total pre
cipitation for this month for thirty-three
years Is .62, which goes to emphasize the
unusual lack ot precipitation In the last
month. The deficiency of the last month
as compared with the average for thirty
three years was .55.
The mean temperature for the January
which has just passed Into history was 27
above zero, and the mean for Januarys for
a third of a century back was 21. The
highest tempersture was 61 above on Jan
uary 13, and the lowest 3 degree below
zero on the 12tb. The greatest dally range
was 29 degrees on the 6th, and the least
dally range was 6 degrees on the 27th.
The average dally excess for last month
as compared with the mean for thirty
three years was 6 degrees. The accumu
lated excess since January 1 was 186.
The prevailing wind for tbe month was a
northwestern and the total movement was
7,316 miles. The maximum velocity for five
minutes was fifty-two miles an hour from
the northwest on the 7th.
Not only was last month a dry one, but It
was a dark and cloudy one as well.' Only
nine days could be counted from the 1st to
the 31st. There were twelve partly cloudy
days, ten cloudy and Ave days on which
.01 inch or more of rain fell.
A Good Thtna; for Mother.
If she Is tired out, sickly, run down, Elec
tric Bitters will give her new life or there's
no charge. Try them.- 60c. For sale by
Kubn t Co.
Sloppy Track Spoil New Orleans
Sport, Even for Lucky
NEW ORLEANS, Veb. 1-r-Ralny weather
and a sloppy track, were the racing condi
tions today. Ahumada and Manehack were
the only winning favorites and the latter,
well backed and thoroughly at home in the
going, made a show of hi company. Re
sults: First race, one mile: Illuminate, 104 (Rob,
bine), 10 to 1, won; Asua, 1 7 (Munroe), 15
to 1, second; Blue Ridge, 107 (Robertson),
B to 1, third. Time: 1:45 3-6.
Socond race, six furlongs: Ed L, 111 (Red
fern), 12 to 1, won; Stratton II, 112 (Wlok
tleld), 7 to 2, second; Little Jack Horner,
111 (Fuller. 7 to 2, third. Time: 1:1. .
Third race, live and a half furlongs:
Ahumada, t6 (Haack), even, won; Saint
Cuthbert4 109 (Redfern), 7 to 1, second;
L'Etrenne, 106 (Winklteld), 3 to L third.
Time: 1:08 3-5.
Fourth race, one mile, handicap: Nitrate,
115 (Redfern), 8 to 1, wen; Brief, 110 (Pul
ler), 7 to 2, second; Mrs. Frank Foster, 93
(Llndsey), 4 to 1, third. Time: 1:43 4-5.
Fifth race, three furlongs: Manshack,
108 (D. Hall), C to 6, won; Becky Rice, 110
(Hoar), 6 to 1, second; May Holladay, 110
(Hedfern), to z, tnira. Time: v.ju j-o.
Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth: The
Messenger, 104 (Llndsey), 8 to 1, won;
i'Jeenla. 91 (Bridewell). 7 to 1. second: Mc-
Wllllams, ill (Robertson), 6 to 1, third.
Time: 1:531-5.
Well Played Horse Win.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2. Well played
horses were again successful at Oakland
today. The weather was line and the track
Three of the winner were bid up. J. M.
Crane advanced the price of Mexlcanna
from $40 to $7U0. Tower of Candles was
bid up from $5n to $l,2uO by T. J. Callahan,
owntr of Champagne, and Frank Woods
was boosted from 1400 to $4,6uO by Tim
Murphy. All were retained.
Results: ,
First race, Futurity course, selling:
Mexlcanna, 110 (BurLsl, S to 5, won; Qua
l.anka, 1i9 (Blrkenruth), 15 to 1, second;
Stunts, 1U9 (J. Daly), 10 to 1, third. Time:
Second race, seven-sixteenth of a mile,
2-year-old maidens, purse: Softta, 112
iBurna). 3 to 1. won: Juana, 112 (Bullman).
6 to 6, second; Miss May Bowdlsh, 112 (Kin-
keaoi, 75 to 1, iniro. lime: 0:4a.
Third race, one mile, aelllnic: Axminster.
109 (Burns), 4 to 1, won; Fossil, 86 (Knapp),
Z to 1, secona; noreen, iu isnaw), s to 1,
third. Time: 1:43.
Fourth race, six furlongs, selling: Toer
of Candles, 110 (Hlrkenruth). 7 to 10, won;
Champagne, 99 (W. Waldo), 12 to 1, seond;
Ada N. (Waterbury), 4 to 1, third. Time;
Filth race, one mile and a quarter, sell
Ing: Frank Woods, 1ij9 (Jenkins), 6 to 6,
won; Oreyfeld, 112 (Kelly), 4 to l, seeond;
July Gyp, 101 (Lewis), 25 to 1, third. Time:
Sixth race, one mile, purse: Yellow Tall,
1W (SVaterbury), 7 to 6, won; Ben McDhul,
Itift (Minder), 3 to 1, second; Dlvlna, luO (J.
Daly), 3 to 1, third. Time: 1:414.
Featherweight Champion I Too
Fat to Successfully Meet
Billy Maynard.
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 2 -Young Cor
hett, the champion featherweight, and Billy
Maynard of New York sparred six rounds
at the WashiiiKton Sporting club tonight.
C'orbvtt appeared fat and out of condition.
In the tirst round he succeeded in floor
ing Maynard, which was his best effort
during the bout. Maynard, on the other
hand, was In excellent form and had all ton
advantage. In the second round Corbett
went to the floor, but It waa not deter
mined whether his fall waa due to a punch
or a slip. The tight waa disappointing.
Ball Mtetlo- Fall to Materialise.
CINCINNATI. Feb. 2 The presidents of
the western clubs of the National league
were again in conference today and dia
cussed Ihe proposition for a aeries ot games
between the National and American league
clubs beture the championship Jeaaon
opens. The plan did not meet with the ap
proval of ihe club owners who are here and
they thought It best to allow the clubs In
the west to arrange exhibition games.
Thus far President Dreyfuss of Pittsburg
and President Rblson of St. Lnufai are the
only members here. President Hart of Chi
cago and President Pulliam, who wer ex
pected, did not arrive today. No word was
received from them and it is not known
whether they will come.
Deposit Fight Forfeit.
NEW YORK, Feb. 2.-J. H. Herman,
present owner of the International Athletic
club of Fort Erie, (int., today posted 5.uu)
a forfeit money for a fight between James
J. Corbett and Jim Jeffries for the heavy
weight championship of the world. The
club guarantees a purse of J5.tM and June
2o Is the data suggested by Mr. Herman
(or th match.
Eexolfe to Stand Ij the Hew Seal of
Eigutess Dollars Per Wsek.
Strike ot the Rook binders Settled at
Late Ifarar a Rrsalt et Con
ference, After a Holiday
ot Oa nay.
The priuters of Oraaba will strike this
morning at all of the Job offices to secure
a scale of $18 per week, 40 cent per thou
sand for piece work and 63 hours' labor per
This course was decided upon at a spe
cial meeting of th union which did not
adjourn until midnight last night. Th
men will report for work this morning,
and It tbe wages are granted will continue
at work. The president of the union, K.
S. Fisher, and the representative of the
International union, P. M. Jones, were in
structed to call all men out In cast the
cale is not granted.
A representative of the employing prin
ters wss before the union, hut the trans.
actions in the conference did not permeate
Deyona tne room where It was held.
It was not stated definitely last night
whether the employing printers would con
cede tbe rats or not, but the impression
was strong that thev would not. ami thai
the printers would all refuse to commence
wora in ins morning. The differences be
tween them, however am tint an rui
to wsrrsnt the prediction of s protracted
While the printers were decldinsr n stHW.
the bookbinders' union held a conference
v itn the employers, end after being out but
one day reached a satisfactory agreement,
and will return to work this morning.
Loral Asaoelatlon to Promote the En
terprise will Be Perfected
The Omaha Horse Show association will
become an actuality today at a meeting tit
the men Interested In :he project. This
will occur In the private office of F. A.
Nash at the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
railroad headquarters. Mr. Nash probably
will call the meeting for 2 o'clock. Officers
will be elected, a board ot directors ap
pointed and the wheels set in motion for
bringing off the horse show here In Sep
tember. Monday afternoon the promoters of thr
project met with Mr. Nash, 'but owing to
the absence of two of them, no formal
action was taken. However. It was de
cided to give a show, and $5,000 was voted
for the prise fund. This Is a very generous
sum for such a purpose, and will Insure
the Omaha show entries from all over tho
country. With such a substantial premium
list the best will try.
It was further decided to be magnanimous
and to charge no entry fees the first year.
This will enable all the local horsemen to
enter their animals In competition with
the crack horses comprising the foreign
Ir. C. D. Gray of St. Louis, the man who
has gained a wide reputation as a pro
moter of horse shows. Is In Omaha con
ferrlng with the leaders of the horse show
movement. Though definite arrangements
have not yet been completed with Dr. Gray,
It Is probable that he will be engaged to
promte the Omaha show. He will remain
over for the meeting today, and he was
present at the Informal gathering Monday.
The Omaha Horse Show association was
recently admitted to membership In the
American Horse Show association-St Its
annual meeting at Kansaa City. F. A.
Nash was made one of the directors of
the national organisation. This ha a mem
bership list of twenty-five cities, making an
extensive circuit.
Dr. Oray last year handled the horse
shows at St. Louis and St. Paul, as well as
In other .cities. He has already been en
gaged to promote the shows this year at
Milwaukee, St. Paul, Denver, Salt Lake
City, Houston and San Antonio, which are
ail on tse same circuit with Omaha.
Mr. Nash Is confident that the Omaha
show will be a great success. '"We can
get fifty Omaha horses to show." he said,
"and we may be sure of about 200 from the
outside. There will be a large string of
horses that will follow the entire circuit.
And each succeeding annual show In
Omaha will bring out more local horses.
This will prove a great proposition for this
Local Basket Ball Team to Meet
Clnb from Kansas l'ns
' Basket ball teams of the L'nlverslty of
Kansas and the Omaha Young Men's Chris
tian association will meet tonight on the
association gymnasium floor. Two years
ago the Jayhawkers came to Omaha and
fairly swamped the local team, but there
can be no such Issue this time, as the as
sociation haa the strongest team it has ever
known. No team In the west can walk
away with the Omaha boys, and thev will
undoubtedly give the Kansana a hard rub.
while the chances are all for a victory for
the locals. The lineup:
Hicks no no o. wiiiri
D. Alford C. Wlll.rd
J. Altord ...OiC Hni
All.n Kr-Rr Mlll.r
Wherry L FL F Jrdli.
With the Bowler.
The Krug Parks lost three games to ths
Nationals last night on Lents & Williams'
alley. Score;
2d. 8d. Total.
2o4 1HX 642
176 1K2 6t7
178 194 678
175 157 618
22s 16a 673
m m ts76
2d. Sd. Total.
1S6 157 4i9
172 1"3 4H1
147 157 4b9
164 151 466
142 lal 478
"m "7I9 ilia
Gilchrist ..
A. Heed ...
Total .
s 170
, 190
Frueh ........
V. Krug .......
Bllllarai Tonraament Opens.
NEW YORK, Feb. I. The annual cham
pionship tournament of the National As
sociation of lillliard Players began tonight
at the Hanover club. Brooklyn. J. Wyron
Stark of Wllkesbarre, Pa., and Charles r.
conklln of Chicago were the contestants
in the opening game, which lasted- forty-sis
minutes Stark won by IW0 to U&. The win
ners high run was 47 and bis average
I 24-4. Conklln s best effort netted 33 points
and his average was 16-46.
BemOT Track UlsqoallSeat loas.
CHICAOO. Feb. 1-At the regulsr
monthly meeting of the board of stewards
of Ihe Western Jockey club today th dls
(lualirlcatlon of the following persons and
horses wa removed: Pratt Bros., owners
the horse Ellxa Cook, Trlxle II; Mutter
II property of J. H. Davenport; James
"My fttbar ka baas s safferar from sick haatsch
tor th laat iwiiit Iti yaars ana asvar loaaa say
nllsf unul ha bagaa taking yosr Caacarats. Slnea
kiku bacoa laaln Curarai ha ha aarar ha
the aaadacha. Thar save attraly swat Sua.
CaacaraM aa what yoa raeomsasd thast to So. I
will fir yoa th priTllaf of nalaf kit luat."
CM. llcktos, 1U4 Ballast ftk, W.lndlauapollt, 14.
Plaaaaat. Ps) titbit, Potaat. Taata Sna. Be Soa4,
MtTtr Bickta, Wtaktn or Crip, let. Sto.Mt. Mtttr
' aula. Is hulk. Tka iidiIm tablat stamp C 0 C
yafast4 tar ot lost Btoaty baak.
tarliag Rwa4y Co., Chicago or M.T. gol
(I Zr ThsDowsIs .
kMDVCATrWumO irf
Lynch nd John May, Jockeys; P. Gallag
her, Jockey, wa reinstated.
Company to F.aeowrace Racln.
HABTTNOB. Neb.. Fb. l(Bpeclst Tele-
rrrnm.) The members of th Huttings Rld
ng and Driving association held a special
meetlne? tonlaht for the purpose of organis
ing a company to purchase the fair grounds
Just north of ths city the object being to
encourage racing and breeding of fast
horses. A stock company waa finally prgnn.
lied and the grounds will be purchased and
fitted up In flrst-clas shape.
lee Yaeht Rare Postponed.
KALAMAZOO. Mich., Feb. 1-At a con
ferenee of Ice yachtsmen today It was de
cided to postpone the race for the Interna
tional trophy until next year. The thaw ot
the past two days has made the Ice unsafe.
Itching, Burning Palms
Painful Finger Ends,
anaMnsaapnaaa ,
With Brittle, Shapeless,
. Discolored Nails,
lis Well as Roughness and
Soak th hands on retiring In s strong,
fcot, vieamy lather of Cutlcur Posp.
Dry snd rtioint freely with Cutlctira
Ointment, the great tkln cure snd purest
of emollients. Wear, during the night,
old, loose kid gloves, or bandsge lightly
In old, soft cotton or linen. For reef,
rough snd chapped hands, drr, fissured,
Itching, feverU palms, w ith brittle,
shapeless nails and painful finger ends,
this treatment Is simply wonderful, fre
quently curing In s single application.
In no other way have Cntioiira i$op
snd Ointment demonstrated their aston
ishing curative properties mom effec
tually than In the treatment ot the
hands, especially when tortnred with
Inching, burning and scaly ecrema.
Complete local snd constitutional
treatment for every humour of the
'kin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair,
may now he bad for one dollar. Bathe
freely with hot water and Cutlcurs
Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts
snd scales, snd softju the thickened
cuticle. Dry, without hard mbbing,
snd spply Cntloura Ointment freely,
to sllay Itching, Irritation and Inflam
mation, and soothe and heal, and,
lsstly, take the Cutlcura insolvent
Pills, to cool and cleanse the blood.
This treatment affords Instant relief,
permits rest and sleep In the severest
forms ot eczeros, end other Itching,
burning snd scaly humours, snd points
to a speedy, permanent sud economical
cure of torturing, disfiguring humours
from Infancy to age, when all other
remedies snd the best physiclaus fall.
Try tho
Okalaboma, . New Mexico,
Texas, Indian Territory and
Kansas, are almost the only
parts of the west where GOOD
land Is cheap and CHEAP
land Is good.
Investigate and you will
surely Invest.
Th low rates via the Rook
Island, February S and IT,
enable you to look things over
I at small cost.
Ask about them.
1323 Farnan St., Omaha.
Qiiktr Rail Its Is
ptrfsct Wblsksy. Ilclul
nede-, .tflcltut if tlmr,
perficnr ix u. skt
Ivttlf bvi; It t pralsstf
k; U vti Bin ml I.
For tsii at tkt litaif
tin, utn ni sril
WbsUimi Uattr
Forty Blses, luc to tOs Each.
Tampa fiA-
fUCHARDBON UKU3 CO.. Distributor.