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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY TtEE: SUNDAY. FEH11T AKY 1, .100X THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL Few People? Know How 1 erf al l( la ta FrMrrtlnv Hfillh and Brtatr. Kesrly everybody nr,w that charcoal ! th nfMt and most ffflrlm? disinfectant nd purifier In nature, but few realise ttt alu hn tik-n Into the human syntem (or the (am clesnslna; purpose. Chsrrnal It a remedy that the mora yotj take of it the better; It la not a drus; at all, but simply abaorba the gases an1 Impurl tl always present In the stomach an. I In testine anil carries them out of the sys'en. Charrnal sweeten the breath after amok Ing and drinking or after eating onlont anil (her odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clrara and Improve the complexion. It whiten the tenth ana further act a a natural anil eminently afe r.atbartle. It abaorba the Inturloiia rases which col lect In the stomach ami bonln; It dlsln feet the mouth and throat from the po on of catarrh. All druggists aell charcoal In one form or another, but probably the beat charcoal and the moat for the money I Stuart Ab aorba nt Lotenaes; they are eompesed of the finest powdered willow charcoal and other harmless antlaoptlca In tablet form, or, rather, In th form of large, pleaaant tast ing lozenge, the charcoal being mixed with honey. The dally use of theae lozenge will a ion tell In a much Improved condition of the general health, better complexion, aweeter breath and purer blood, and the beauty of It la, that Co poaalble harm can result from their continued uae, but, on the contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo physician, In (peaking of the benefit of charcoal, says: "I advise Stuart' Absorbent Lozenge to all patient suffering from ga In the stomach and bow el, and to clear th complexion and purify the breath, mouth and throat; I alao be lieve the liver I greatly benefited by th dally uae of them; they coat but twenty-five ce,nts a box at drug atorea, and although In omi sense a patent preparation, yet I be lieve I get more and better charcoal in Btuart' Absorbent Lozenge than la any ol th other charcoal tablets." aV QUAKER MAID OVP Absolutely vl IV I I j Pur. & Quaker Mali Bj Is I ; A parted WWikar. Ricl asd '' 1 . b"ow, iecliii of flmr, XV Prffctly w n4 rttt- lutiiy pun; It ItpraliH bj iB wlit km nil R. Fir tilt at ttii ludlai bari, cafti an drug ttorii. Specialists In alt DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN, 1 12 years of no cessful practise la Omaha. CllARGES LOW. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE and nil PC cured l S f without culling, twin of rlLCO loss of iin Usal suarsalee ta cur you mr money refunaea. CVnUII 10 urd for lite an tke rain Ola IslLId thorou(hlr clesneea tram th mttm. Boon tnrr elan nd symptom Slsappaara tonpletaly ana forever. No "BRKAKINO OUT" ol Ik limn on th akin or lac. TrMtmat coatalne druaa or Injurious aaaalcla. WEAK MEN from Exoaasas or VICTIMS TO KIHVULl I-ECiLITY OR BX. MAtatluN. WABTINO Wr.AKNy.SS. with IAKH fckXAY la YOL'Nl. an MIDULB AGED; lac of vim. vlaor an atrsnatii, wits, orsaus impatrea and tut. Cures attaraatMOl. f. UrM BUaTsDVaT. STRICTURE ei4 ltb a nir bom traat- cut. No aMt ao aMniioa tr. .u"' mi. A A., t v.i Hiak Colond or wlCh anllVr waloMot o at.o4tn(. CoaaullatloB Pre. Traatmrat by Mall. Call or address, zl . ltb at. DR. SEARLES & SEARLES. T2A DR. McGREW SPECIALIST Treats all forms of IISEASES AND DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY Xi Tears Experience, 17 Years In Omaha, Hi remarkable suc cess has nver been qualed anU eveiy day brings many flatter ing reports ot th gooU he 1 doing, or the roller he has given. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood Poisons. NO "BKEAKINO OUT" on the rkln r face and all external aigna of the dlseuaa dlaappear at once, l innn nlCCHCtt rman.nllr rurd la VAHiCOCELE Cure a giutrdninej in LESS TtlA. & UAls. iiU.UUJ cuaea cured of nerv ous deUlllty, loaa of Oiel. Ktaney ana Iliaduer Dlaetiaea, ii--aroctf le. VlUCK CUKES-LOW CHAUQt;3. Tr.aiuicnt by inll. . O. buJt Jw. Office over m ri liiu eirtct, between furnaui uid Jjouai stream, OilAiiA, tstiU. oisor. iiImt uhmrT, fc'fxnKlirT or tertiary, rnwiu.-m 1 ui-JwT rluiM Pi riorr.i ruta. Villi !.!. fctr Ihloatt- A ! hut, I i.r, Mu.oiui 1'atrlirjss lu in .; an' fmvt r i'uivU, .lli-ut l hf um uf Ueii'iiry ir t( I'l-'Mti. by tlnwtnlf rf ul lU'rtil 1'vmpound, frw w-kn' um of whirh rrnkn i otean, win, ft-r intTi.ilaf fatiiira wtth the It t hrlnfr mil VatifT iroiatn it. full 1ifortnil.n, an.1 Utii for In.ii, tint frre? rf . hr In ll nirfeter. A-ldf, I'rvt. t 1 , KOHl New Luudua tuatt Biontn. iu i or r.vr?nrtw raninaf out. ii . .mu air 1 CLARK'S Bowling Alleys Bisg-est-Brlghtest-Best. 1313-15 Harney Street. 8 ft in.-- ,n S.HIRSCH&CO.I l ,r:" ! Dealers. ii 8 "ii. i '' l ast j KANSAS CITTfMO F1L0Q0 P Ir" i i gfTE Dowling Alloys l-OMPHISP! TH H K1VK BCCT il l rv9 COMrKlSE THE FIVE BEST ALLEYS WEST Of CHICAGO. l3!2FarnanSt. 'Phone 23T8 hhlW I'lBLItATIOf. Tcor Fcrtscs Tcld frai GT THE ZOQIie. Xiiilwi nnaltyoarUfa, T ul hmm! vuu m Hoi . 4.x. ij lml- In.? rf yuur hi mn4 a at IntrioMuirf on A Irxjorr. a? ra araS th of rMr Unh AftU fttjii M rti ktoiA our nomLoOT ba4c a.yi lMMPf J rttii bt U)4 All If aaiaxin or KTSTaaas. u a. reus av, f r. at. BASE BALL IN WINTER TIME Peac Confereccs Ontootm a Ead Blow to Fines Erigade TWO RUBBER LEGS IN SOVE TROUBLE Kd Oelebantr end lirorar Darla Mar Hare ta Hrlira Mmrr Thr Heceed from Hew lork ntluaal t'lab. Everythlns; lovely. That peace conference at Cincinnati had the additional effect of putting out every pipe In the laundry. At least, not a wreath of smoke has been aeen since, and when the pipe Is out the dream la over. For a day or two after the agreement was TStl fied feeble attempts vere made to keep up an appearsace of opposition, tut the senti ment waa too strong axainat It, and the knockers had to put away their little ham mers, and temporarily at least Join the ranks of the boosters. About the only event of the week baa been the stoppage of payment on a $1,000 check in favor of El Delehanty by President Fred Poatal of the Washington club. In view of the fact that "Big Ed" has drawn H.000 from the New York Nationals and $600 from the War.htngton team, It Is not likely that he really needs the money, but the Interest arises from the refusal ot the Washington team to be further mulcted by the contract-Jumping player, and the statement made In connection therewith that Dele hanty may go to New York after all, be cause of this refusal. George Davis of the Chicago Americans la In the same tlx, Comisky refusing to pay the New York National team the advance money given by McOraw to Davis to Induce him to Jump. It Is barely possible that these "rubber lege" can't lead English, or underatand It, but If they can, they ought to be giving thinks that they are still alive Instead ot Inviting the punishment their dishonesty deserves. New York has no claim, moral or legal on the Chicago or Washington teams, and must In law and equity look to the players It was sought to corrupt for the return of the money, which was In effect a bribe to Indue the recipient to break contract. And It 1 safe to assume that they will play where they were as signed by the peace conference or they will not play at all. That John T. Brush or Andy Freedman, It's the same thing will likely lose the amounts paid to Davis and Delehanty will gain him no sympathy. He was merely caught with the good on his person; that' all. Out here In the west we are only await ing the word of the umpire, and we are also promised the real thing In the way ot um pires this coming season. Mantger-Cap-taln Tom Delehanty has announced his In tention of winning the pennant for Denver, and Charley Nichols says It's a cinch for Kansas City. So that's all over now. But It Tom Delehanty doesn't learn something that isn't in the book ot rules before next fall it will be because his head Is thicker than anyone here suspects. Charley Nlch ola made good on hi talk last season through a peculiar combination of circum stances, which may not favor htm this sea son, but It's a cinch that he will have bet ter ball than he did last year at that. Some of his star player will not he with him, but he will have a good team, and under tho new condition of affairs will have com plete control of bis men. Last summer the Kansas City team was to a great ex tent demoralised because of the fact that the men were continually being tampered with by representatives xt other organiza tions and club discipline waa at a discount during the entire season. This state of affairs will not sxlst again, and Manager Nichols will have full control of the team. George Tebeau has abandoned his ex pressed intention of taking the Denver team away from Packard, and the agitation for cheaper ball has been renewed In the mountain city. Out there the people pay 35 cents for general admission and 65 cents for the grandstand. This 1 insisted upon by the visiting teams, as the claim Is made that it Is more expensive to play in Den ver than In any other city on the circuit. That additional dime means a great deal to each ot the visiting magnates durlnj the sesson, and the 15 cents tacked on to the grandstand price puts many an additional dollar Into the pocket of Magnate Packard. Last year, a really . vigorous crusade. was worked, up in favor of the cheaper price, but Packard was obdurate, and the price held. Nor is there any reason to expect that It will be lowered this season. The people want to see the games, and will pay the prloe aooner than miss them, iind on this fact hangs the extra tax. Just now the Hickeyltes are a little bit at sea as to where they are going to play ball next aummer; that Is, they profess to be. It has come time (or the great Thomas J. to back up on th talk be ha made during the winter about taking the team away from St. Paul and planting It In Chicago, and he I finding this a little harder than he expected. George Lennon bss come to his assistance on the one side, saying that he has a new ground In St Paul, and that Ws franchise will remain unmo lested. Then Jim Hart and Charley Comls kev helned the treat organizer out on the other side by ssylng they would not permit his invasion of Chicago. A meeting ot the American aasoclatlon Is called for Chicago during the week, where theclrcuit and the schedule will be discussed, and the chances ere that the call of time will find the Klrkeylies Just where they were last sum mer. Two dark secret are mystifying the base ball world Just at present that cannot be kept secrets much longer. No. 1 Is where will Ban Johnson's grounds In New York be located. No. 2 Is who owns the Phila delphia club. Barney Dreyfus knows the j aniwer to the latter, but declines to give I it out. One thing that has been cleared ' up during the week is whst Vanderborst j think ot Brush. Hq told it, but roost of ; It wouldn't look well In print. It is too much like what Psrke Wilson said to the umpire: "Th9 Western league certainly ha a very bright season before it for 190S," ssld William A. Rourke after .iis return from the league meeting at Kansas City. "It looks as though our path were certainly to be a smooth one this yar. W have the wind and tide with us, while last sea son it was a choppy sea and a head-on gale all the time. Even at that we mado a success of the season, snd It Is hard tu Imagine how much better we can do this year with all the adverse clrcumstsnces removed. "The affair at Kansas City was a regular camp-meeting. It was a love feast from beginning to end. Everything went as smooth as a whiatle. Tebeau was hanging around on the outskirts somewhere, but he. was not admitted to the meeting, nor was bis presence recognised, officially or otherwise. He made his tslk around on the outsid. telling whst he wanted to do, but we must have looked all that felt, for be never approached us In any way, and we made -no overture to him. Even If he bad had a chance for a conference, he queered hi game the very first thing by telling around that he wanted us to drop out ot both contest cities, Mllwaukts and Kansas CUy. That waa a preposterous demand, and of course after bearing teat we didn't care to have any bulnes with Tebsu. "It Is hard to put In words Just bow much belter off the Western league Is this yesr than last. We have everything that we hadn't turn. ' We have the parks snd plants In Milwaukee and Kansas City, whirh Is a great help. And we have a atrong financial .condition In Peoria, which waa a weak spot last season. Everything will gr a rushing In that town this year, for the best men In the city are behind the team. There Is a stock company with $15,000 capital, half of which is paid up. Of this concern Simmons, a leading laun dryman, la president, and Flndlny, the president rf the street railway company, la Vice president. "And we have money, too. In the Brat place, there is I3.K00 of clean velvet In the sinking fund, with every do.Iar of debt paid off as far as we know. We do not owe a cent today. Then each club throws In $00 at the beginning ss sn evidence of good faith. This makes $4.000 more, nnd that, too, Is a fund kept In trust, and not touched. By the time the league gets to taking in Its 10 per cent dues from eight clubs there will be a big wad of money in the coffers. We allowed President Sexton to retain the presidency of the Threi-Eye league, after all. He was willing to re sign that if we wished, but we' did not In sist on It. He accepted the Three-Eye position subject to our action. We will pay him $2,000 a year, and the other league $1,0G0. He will have a secretary. "Our next "meeting Is called for March 2, and at that Mme the schedule wilt come up for adoption. President Sexton will have It prepared for us. He and President Hickoy of the American association will get together between now and then and fix up the two schedules so there will be no conflktlons, according to the new agree ment. This will be a great thing for both leagues. "My own team will rank up with that of last year, and so will those of Kansas City, Milwaukee, Denver and St. Joseph. All will grade about wtth what those towns had last season. But In Peoria, Des Moines and Colorado Springs the teams will be greatly improved. I have Just decided on some Improvements to raf grounds here. I shall add fifty feet of grand stand to the west end of my present grand stand. That will Include the present entrance area and thirty-six feet of the north bleacher. The entrance will be left where It Is, and It will therefore come up through the mid dle of the grand stand. Then I'll build an exit at the end ot the new grand stand for the use of the north bleachers. Then I'm going to level my grounds over again." ATHLETICS AT THE UNIVERSITY Basket Ball Team Rrady e Start oa Western Ei edltloa. Despite the turmoil Into which the Uni versity of Nebraska has been thrown dur ing the last week with the mid-year ex aminations, athletics have In no way been neglected and the plans for action In all departments were brought pretty nearly to completion. Basket ball Is the only type of game that has brought any men Into training for some time, but the five men who are to defend the colors of the Institution in, this field have been working over time, getting ready to meet the Jay hawkers in last night's contest and pre paring for the western trip which will be taken during the coming week. The team will leave Lincoln on Tuesday and wilt play the. Colorado college at Colorado Springs, the University of Colorado at Boulder, the High school at Greeley and the Young Men's Christian association at Cheyenne, Wyo. The mea will not return before Sunday or Monday. The team to take the trip will be made up of the best players who have tried for places this year. Captain Hewitt will manage the play and cover the center, Hewitt Is a mammoth fellow and his great reach will help him pull the leather out of the rafters constantly. He is also light on his feet and is everywhere on the floor at once. Elliott will fill the forward po sitlon formerly held by Cortelyou and If he keeps up the pace he has been showing at practice be will equal the alertness ot his agile predecessor. Ferguson Is the other forward and it Is his custom to drop the ball through the baskets every time he gets within seeing distance. Hoar, Benedict and Hiltner will shift at the positions of guard. "Billy" Hoar Is a new man on the 'varsity team, but he has made a good showing and now they couldn't get along without him. He la fast on his feet and accurate. He hails from WeBt Point, where lives the one-time clever forward, "Eddie" Baumann, who coached Hoar be fore be came down to school. Benedict Is tall and slender and goes into a basket ball game wlh all the signs of his gridiron spiflt and Is rapid enough to cover almost anything the Colorado people can suggest. Hiltner, the manager, has shown In the games this season that he ran do some thing else In the sport besides arrange schedules and he will pull a ball from his opposing forward with sleight-of-hand magic, Newton will be taken, along as a substitute and will mske good on any cor ner of the floor that he happens to locate in. All In all, the team Is considered In good shape for the trip and the games will be watched with Interest by Nebraska. . The foot ball schedule for next season Is closed. The last date was fixed early this week by Manager Ruckner and It is now definitely determined exactly what teams the famous Cornhuskers will meet In tho fall and where. There will be eleven games during the season, of which eight, one more than last year, will be played In Lincoln. The schedule Is as follows: Sep tember 19, Lincoln High school, at Lincoln; September 2, Grand Island college, at Lincoln: October 3, University of South Uikota, st Lincoln: October 10. Denver university, at Denver: October 17. Haskell Indians, at Lincoln; October !4, University of Colorado, at Lincoln; October 31. Uni versity of Iowa, at Iowa City; November 7, Knox college, at Lincoln; November 14, Kansas university, at Lawrence; November 21. Belle vue college, at Lincoln; November If- (Thanksgiving day). University of Illi nois, at Lincoln. It will be noted that five heavy gsmes are on the list tn the shape of the Haskell Indiana, Iowa, Knox, Kanaas and Illinois. Three of these, and the three of most In terest Haskell. Knox and Illinois will be plsyed on the home gridiron at Lincoln. Kansas gets the game In Lawrence because It Is its turn, and Iowa has the first at Ioa City, with the agreement that a game will be played In Lincoln during the season of 1904. The Thankaglving game with the University of Illinois promises to excite more interest than any of the others and will probably be as well watched as any gam Nebraska could have Hated for the day. Illinola Is a conference college, belonging to the "Big Nine." and Is an unknown quantity to the Cornhuskers. The tesm will be more or less feared because of Its past record and already there is sons speculation in the university on the probable outcome of the game. Next to Illinois in Interest will come the game againat Knox. This Is the college which gave the Nebraska tram It hardest rub, with la ixcspUeB of Minnesota, dor- Ing the season Just psst. and her non- conference rules and beefy' men make hr always a ciangercus crowd. The Knox game Isst fall stood 7-0 at the end M two of the hardest fought halves ever seen in Lincoln, and for this the dsy will drsw well. The red men from the Haskell school have always given Nebraska a scare snd slwsya a spectscular event. They nearly carried the day on Thanksgiving. 1!01. an! held the first half of last season's game to a single score. . Iowa will be probably essy, but the mstch will attract all Ne braska from the fact that for years the lowans hsve refused to play, and that this will renew relations between the two former rivals. Three old friends sre missing from the list Mlnnesots. Missouri and Doane. Minnesota hsd no date open for a "heavy" tenra, as they now recognlie Nebraska. Missouri made Impossible demands nd Doane wanted too much money. Pou'h Dakota and Colorado will be Interesting because they are new. "The reason why Nebraska Islled to get Into the 'Biff Nine' this year," said a man from the east thla week, who was In a position to know. "Is because she has done nothing In athletics outside of foot ball. Let her get up a track team that can make rsconls at the western meet, send out a ball team that corresponds, and you will have no trouble. In a year or so more, with a continued good foot ball squad, in getting In." Base ball cage work for the battery can didates will begin this week. A number of tossers have been putting In their names of late, and the prospects are now that In time the team will have a worthy list ot them to Its credit. Gore is a new man who will try at the box stunt; Thomson, the Indian boy, who was In for a time last year, Is getting back his arm and will try out, and "Johnnie" Bender, the catcher of Bell's bunch last year, will try his hand at putting them over. Bender Is captain of next year's foot ball squad and seems to be active on the Nebraska field, whether It Is marked for the pigskin skirmish or lined for base runners. And lastly comes Captain Murray Townscnd, a wixard with his arm, who will throw his share of the time and a little more If necessary. For other positions on the team there will be any number of candidates, and the com petition for places will sift It down to the best of material. Captain Townsend, who has been at his home In Tekamah for1 the past month, was In Lincoln Thursday to register for the second semester and to look over the base ball situation. "I have received letter!! from anxious athletes all over the state," he said, "and from the Indications we will have a good string ot candidates for the box. r think we may count on a strong team this year, and the schedule that Is being arranged will be the beet that has ever been made." Track athletic will have a start this week. Dr. Clapp and Captain Tobln de cided yesterday that they would call out the track, team bunch for elementary work on Tuesday afternoon, and that from then on until spring there would be constant work. The first of It will be a process for getting hardened Into shape. Tobln thinks the prospect 1 good for a first class team this year and Dr. Clapp states that If he team Is able to put up a credit able showing they will be taken In for the Chicago meet In an attempt to show the Big Nine that there Is something to the Institution worthy of athletic note besides Its foot ball. A meet will be held Indoors on Charter day, February 16, at which pole vaulting, potato races, standing high Jump and putting the shot will be feature events. BASKET BALL CHAMPIONSHIP Oraahsv Asaociaxtloa Team Ha Belter Than st Look-in for West era Honors. With one month of the basket ball 'sea son gone, the Young Men's Christian asso ciation team here finds Itself involved as a favorite in the race for the western championship honors. .This 1 a result little anticipated by Manager N. H. Nelson of the team when he first started framing up its schedule. In fact, the Idea was to compete in but a small way this season, and play but a few games. As soon as the team was actively in the field. Mana ger Neleon was fairly swamped with appli cations for games, Omaha being a favorite center for basket ball contests. Next bis tesm proved Itself one of the very best In this part of the west, snd the business finally resolved itself into a fight tor cham pionship honors, with the Omaha tesm, that of Kansss University and the Fitch tesm of the Denver Young Men Chris tian association as rivals for top honors. Having already laid the Lincoln Young Men's Christian association and the Haskell Indians under the sod, the local team wilt have a chance to try on the Kansss Uni versity men here next Tuesday, when they play In the gymnaalum. The Omaha play ers sre confident ot winning, as they have everything to their advantage, being still on their borne grounds. They dofeated Haskell here, considered till then the strongest team In the tranamlsaourt coun try. Though the Kansans were victorious over them two years ago, they feel confi dent of redeeming that defeat next Tues day. AH that then remain will be to settle the champlonahip problem with the Fitch team. For this purpose the season will be wound up with two games, one in Denver and one here. Both will be played In March. This is quite an undertaking, as it Is a financial risk to try bringing baaket ball teams such a distance. It has not been done before In Omaha alnre the Young Men's Christian association ' team of Chicago was out here five yesrs sgo. ' The local men have won every game so far this season, anil that Is csuee for congratulation and confidence, yet they have to remember that hey have not yet played off their own floor. It will be a very different proposition to go onto a itrange floor. This la what they must soon begin to do. The foreign games of the schedule are coming on In the near future. They begin after the Kanaas game. On Thursdsy, February the Young Men's Christian association goea to Sioux City to meet the association team there. The business men's team will also go along to play the business men's team of the Iowa city. Later comes a game wi:h the Lincoln Young Mens Christian association at Lloooln, and one with the University of Nebraska there, probably In the same trip. After the return home the Sioux City team and probably the Ne. braska 'varsity team will be entertained here at return games. Still later In Feb ruary the local team goes down in Kansas. It plays a return game with the Haskell Indians at Lawrence, and one with the team of William Jewell college at Liberty, Mo. On tho same trip it is barely possible that the team will go to Kansas City and play the Shmelxer Arms company team. This Is classed as a professional aggregation, and Manager' Nelson is not very desirous of taking It on. Th team asked for a date hera for February t, . but tould not be obliged. It will take a trip up tbts way early la February. It offers a silver cup worth $75 for the team that scores the most point against it this season. ' Bo th Toung Mea' Christian acsocla tioa boy aav much playing before them yst. aom eight (mbc ailU ibis aoa. They comprise the best team that ever represented Omaha, and they make It on team work and Kpeed. The men are not a heavy lot. but they make up on weinht with their accuracy and the ay they play together. This has come from long and constant practice. The Denver team, which they play In March, has never been a far east as the Missouri river before, but Is rated the best lu Colorado. SHOOTERS PLAN FOR SPORT Match ot ftfMe Against Omaha to Be Made the Karaite for n Scal ier Ann Feat. Shooting Interest Just now centers In the tram match that has been arranged be tween ten Omaha trigger artists and an equal number from over the atate. Thla was to have occurred on next Saturday. Februnry 7, but owing the Inability of some of the state team to come to Omaha on that day It has been put off for ene week. The match will be held at the grounds of the Omaha Gun club across the river. It will be twenty-five live birds per man, and the trap shooters are unanimous In an opinion that this Is to be one fine race, for the two teams contain tn their personnel the crack men of the business In Nebraska. The Omiha team Is not yet picked down to ten men, but the half score will be chosen from the following thirteen; Parmelee, Fogg, Lewis, Loomls. Jones. Brewer. Townsend, Hater. Goodrich, Grant, R. Kimball, Downs, Toozcr. That Is an Imposing array of talent. Some of the men have national reputations most of them are well known throughout the middle west at the trap game. Any ten of them will make a formidable team. From a dozen men squally well known will the opposing line-up be picked. As captain there is George Carter of North Platte. The others are George Simpklns of Lincoln. J. Burke of Elgin, Gub Schroeder of Columbus. O. Selvers of Grand Island. Frank Heard of Herman, "Dominie" of Fremont, lnti Bray of Syracuse. W. A. Waddlngton and George Raines of Beatrice, W. Illtam of Hunting ton, Fcrrie Moore of Lincoln. Not one of these men but has shot In many high class competitions In this and other states, snd moet of them are veterans and past masters. So the only possible dope on this team match is that It will be one of the keenest races ever shot here. The real talent of the state at large Is arrayed acalnst that of Omaha, and there la no predicting the outcome. It Is probable that considerable money will be wagered on the side. Local shooters are counting so much on the match event that they have decided not to be satisfied with It slone, so they will make the end of that week a little shootfest In Itself. They have arranged a twenty-five live bird sweepstake event for Friday, February 13. This Is the day pre ceding the time set for the match, and practically all the men wbo will compete In that will be in Omaha Friday afternoon. Th sweepstake will be open to all, with a $15 entry. It ts estimated that fully twenty-five men will enter the event, and they "will be the best Nebraska affords. The "first regular shoot of the Omaha Rifle club was postponed one week, being held last Thursday night Instead of on the previous Thursday. That other shoot was, therefore, dubbed a practice affair, and some score of riflemen participated. They were well satisfied with the records they made, and announced themselves as ready to begin the season's competition this last week. On last Thursdsy night, accord ingly, the first regular scheduled shoot wa held. All score were accurately kept and preserved, and they will be averaged in from week to week, to determine the win. ner of the prize for hlgt'est average at the close of the season. A new target shooting organization ha JUBt been formed in Omaha. It ta called the Blue Rock club, and the members shoot t clay targets only. C. C. Muenteferlng Is president of the club, Ralph Crandall vice president and A. C. Welshans secretary. Mr. Muenteferlng Is also captain of the shooters. The club has established tem porary grounds out by Cut Off lake, but will later secure a permanent location and build a club house. A rKSTIFKHOIS GERM, Borrows Up the Scalp Into Dandruff . nnd Saps the Hair's Vitality. People who complain of falling hair as a rule do not know that It is tb.e result of dandruff, which is caused by a pestifer ous parasite burrowing 'up the scalp as It digs down to the sheath In which tho hair Is fed in the scalp. Before long the balr root Is shriveled up and. the balr drop out. If the workr of the germ la not de stroyed hnlr keeps thinning till' baldness comes. The only way to cur dandruff ta to kill the germ, and until now there baa been no hair preparation that would do It; but today dandruff a easily eradicated by Newbro's Herplcide, which. make hair glossy and soft aa silk. - Persistent Memory. Norton I noticed you were very quick to give up your seat ta the street car to that lady in black. Spink Yes, since childhood's 'days I never have felt easy when I saw a woman with a strap' tn her hand. Boston Tran script. ...... A IVIILD CASE Of Contagious Blood Poison never exis ted. It is always bad though sometimes no external symptoms of the disease ap pear for a long time. Because the disease is alow in devel oping, does not indicate that the cas it a mild one, for the poisonous virus at work in the Mood and system may be spending its force upon some internal vital organ while you are looking for ex ternal 6igns. Contagious 'Blood Poison does not affect all alike. In most cases the first little sore k quickly followed by painful awellinatn the groin'1, a red erup tion upon the Dody, sores or ulcer in the mouth and throat, unsightly copper colored blotches, losa of hair and eyebrow and other symptoms of thfs miserable disease. When the poison is thus fighting its way to the aurface, exposing the disease in all its hideousn-ss, we call it a bad case, but Contagious Blood Poison, whether working internally or externally, is a dangerous, treacherous disease. S. S. S. ia the only remedy that cure Contagious Blood Poison thoroughly and permanently. .It is an autidote for the deadly virus that produces the awful erup tions, sores and ulcers, and destroys the bones. Mercury and Potash dry up the skin eruptions, but in so doing drive the poison further into the system, where it slumbers for a time, but comes back again with redoubled fury. S. S. S. is a vegetable remedy that has been used successfully for years in treating this vila disease and curea it in all stageaand forma. If you have the ' alighteat symptom ; an occasional aora in the mouth, or' mnsralar fir bone pain, your blood is tainted and the dis ease is liable to break out again at any time. A course of S. S. S. will remove every trace of poison and at the same time build up your .en-. - health. Write for Car Hi Home Treatment book. No cha ja foi medical advice. Tbe ifi Ipbuii'io Co., Atlanta, Ca. 5 rv Edison and Columbia Phonographs, $5 to $100- Casli or Payments 14,000 Records to Select Front. We carry a complete stock of Edi son snd Columbia Machines snd Rec ords. Our facilities for showing Records and lining mall orders cannot be equsled In the West. Call on us or write. Dosfcrs wanted. Free concerts all day and evening-. Also Vehicles. Automobiles . and Diodes. Co H. E. FREDRICKSON, 15th and Capitol Avenue. 'Phone 2161. HriaJswwiaaaaaBi PAID Hi MONTH OF DECEMBER Br the aurs sod ear sjratta ot th CiBeratlve Tarf Association, at earns ratio with a capital stork ( eiOO.OOO, doing bualnra under tb law of th. State or South Dakota, and licensed by tb 8tatM of Illinois and I.oulilaoa and th Titles of Chicago and N.w Orlcace. Not oar Incomparable reeorl for tb month of December for profits paid on srh and vry account In operation. Weekly Profits Paid as Follows: Wee of Dec. 1 ... 1 0. 20 Per Cent Week of Dec. 15. ..10. 04 Per Cent Week of Dec. 8.-1 0.90 Per Cent Weak of Dec. 22... 10. 19 Per Cent Week of Dec. 29... 12.00 Per Cent A total of a asd BH-10O prr rent, or X.'t:t on earn flOO. Larger and smaller accounts In sxa't proportion, which statrmsnt can be tended by thouaandpof clients throughout tb country and th or aollrltrn in awara, ana iuro mmr iniiriifii wiinnrawai on it..!, EXPERT HANDICAPPING and PRICES furntahed to BOOKMAKERS and fOOL U ROOMS. Not our unparalleled record of ia i niiea oiaiea ana lansaa: Dec. 1 Dec. it Dec. S Dec. pec. i.r... !-c. a Hie. 8 Dm. . .,.. Dec. l5 Dm. 11 D. 12 Vv. IS ie. IB ..If Tou Dart . . Uataon ..Trocailero ..Rrandy fma.h ..Rolling Boer ..Deuonan ..Flaneur ..Lauk ..Carl Kahler ..rtuburhan Queen... ..Jei.t. Jarboa ..I.nt.nn. ,, ... ..The Caatnn ..WhUkey Klnf ..Won. 1-1 ..Won. 60 1 ..Loat. .Won, 1 ,.won, 5-1 . ..Won. 10-1 ..Won. 4-1 ..Won. 10-1' ..Won. -l ,.Won, IB 1 ..Won. -5 . . Lout. ..Won, 8-1 , ..Lost. Dec. c. IS..... Flsuro for yoaraelf anil ran Trill see that a t?10 play on every selec tion would have netted yon 91,440 la f wen ty-aerea da . Our price for tbla Information la $10 par week, but If yon are not In a pniltlon to handle your own money on our daily special wires, we will do ao for you without ei trs rnmpenaatlon. BKAh l MIXD, w do not operate aeries or pools in which s part of InTeatrd cap ital may be lost, thus destroying the capital of a small number of Inventor.. The earn In rs oc our system of play art passed to lbs credit of sll Investors ss s unit, snd dis bursed according to contrsct. MRAK l MISD, w do not pise sny restrictions whatever sn the withdrawal of your investment. BEAR tl MIXD. ws do not divert sny psrt of capital In Vested wltb m t n tha eitie. chase of racing stable, stock farms, or other turf suxlllarln. Our business is strictly Investment on races, as per plan set forth In our booklet. If yon have Idle steser. nassr M earalnsr money, a postal rard will brlnar yon nnr Haelnar Manual or Mooklet of useful Tnrf Information, with nor Entirely New nnd Orla laal Plan, Indorsed h Pre aa and Pabllo and reeommeaded by Promi nent Hanks and Bankers. Tho Co-Oporafivo Turf Association, Inc., REFERENCE. STATE NATIONAL . m BANK OP KIvV OR!.e!tS. KeW 111183111, Lfl ., ft Mew-Orleai La. WHAT MARDI GRAS IS, (.CiKitlnuetl from yt-aterday' Issue.) Tha history of the Mardl tlraa relt hrutlon In New Orleans Is In tcrfUini. In one form or anot tier. It havlriK been olmervcil, althotiKh lit brok.-n Intervals, fornerly thrre-(iinrt-rs of a century; und iroti tiniinusly each year since the clone of ths Civil War. Hut It nniHt vultUe tn any that it .had Its origin In the custom in olden time rf l.n ittlaria'H pltiteM und merchants lonkliiK to France, their mother country for their faahlona, HiniiaementM and Uterinum one of the rcNiilts of whit h was the Introduction, In 1SL'7, of the llrat iiralul street rin -esslon of masquerade In .New Orlenna ly a number of youns; Creole ent ! men. some of thern Junt returned from IiiiIhIiIhk a I'.irlHien education This whs followed ten yeara later liv on on a niinh larger uul urumler ca1e on the Mardl firas of KIT ; and from these the Carnival method of festivity inuy tie said to have been fully I mm lit d In the i'r scent City. (To lie I'ontlnued In Tomorrow's leaue i s HQ Kfl Omaha to New Orleans ZUiUU and Return. Lon limit and stopovr allowad. Copy of Mardl Oris booklet at 140Z Farnsm HI., or write, W. H. BHILU, Lilat. Paaa. Agt., Illinola Central Rsllroad, Omaha, Neb. The best for Tender Face after Shavinf tic boitl. Howell bmf 4 jcmM rv. r-w- v.v "a $650 Mobile Runabout 3550 Mobile Surrey 31000 Mobile Delivery Wagon $2000 Mobile 12 Passenger Wagonette 32000 Shelby (iasolinc $1200 Winton Gasoline 32500 Rial. National Dank rf New Orleans amnnnt of fit! to Blll.tMM MMt and flmr ana attrntlon. loor nio.rr "Sprrl lal Wires' to clients In all parts ot ! DfW. IT., dc. ia., Doe. 1.. Dec. 20., D.c. -U.. Iw. 2J)., Dec. 24., Dec. VS., Dec. aa., D. 27., Bee 2D. ac. HO.. Dec. 31.. .Playlike ...lohn Peter. Bweet Alio. .tAiion .Old Hutch .H.vward Hunter.. .Won. .Won. .Won. . l.o.t. .Won, .Won. II n n is-s In 1 .Ai.jnr T.nny. .McChenney..,, Fl.y. K .Plavllke .Roush IlHer. .Rcrw.-h Plaid.. .Potheen ..Won. ..Won, ..Won. , ..Scratched ..Won. as to laveat. naoaee that ikeaia ft, V '"' 1 1 " "'Mi nvmmt iu i aAjl aiu... M,Ar.L.a.fcJ IrnfrilasTslfltsilrtiatfa'asili tF8T HOWELL'S AUTI-CHAPPIll C., lfh and Capitol at.