Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1903, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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111 POTIM.
He's Giving
Away a Fortune
4 Masterpiece of Philanthropy by
Hon. James R. Kenney, Lx
Mayor of Readnj, Pa.
k:M P. M.
The Man W ho Is Giving Away a For
tune in Books.
Hon. James K. Kcnney. ex-mayor, Is
giving wwiiy a fortune In book. He Is
putting them right Into tho homes of the
people absolutely without ccst or trouble
to them iave the email trouble of writing.
He had had prepared and printed the mod
remarkable work on personal magnetism,
hypnotism and how to succeed In life, that
has ever been written. It la brimful of
Intensely Interesting and practical Informa
tion. It Is Just what the young man needs
who Is starting In life to give him vim.
push and energy; to make him magnetic,
to enah e him to overcome obstacles and
surmount evpry difficulty to hie success.
It Is Just what the middle-aged man needs
to enable him to win and hold friends, to
become a leader In his community, to In
fluence and sway the minds of his business
associates and make hla mark In life. It
la Just what every father and every mother
needs to eradicate bad tempers and evil In
clinations In children, to strengthen their
morul faculties, banish diseases' and make
them grow to be men and women, such as
Ood Intended they should be.
It Is Just what every minister of the
gospel needs to help him hold the waver
ing steadfast In their faith, to help him
turn ths minds, of the wicked towarn
moraltv. honesty and right doing. It Is
lust what every lawyer needs to help him
Influence Juries, control witnesses and to
deliver hla argument In that forceful, con
vincing manner which carries conviction
with every word. It Is Just what you
need, no matter who you are or what you
do ,to enable you to get out of life the suc
cess, pleasure and happiness which the
Creator Intended should be yours. If you
are not successful, If you are not making
money. It Is because you do not know
that secret power that rules the thoughts
and minds of men. If you are already
successful you ran become more success
ful if you will but master the hidden forces
(round you. Iearn to use the secret
magnetic power with which nature has en
dowed you.
Kx-Mayor Kenney's book proves every
ona la born with this mighty, subtle power,
that any one can easily develop It at home
without, the knowledge of his Intimate
friends or asosclates, and Influence people
secretly to carry out his thoughts and
Id en a. It certainly is a wonderful force.
capable of Infinite good.
"Hypnotism truly reveals the secret of
life and the mysteries of nature," writes J.
If. 8chiielller, H12 Avon street, I.a Crosse,
Wis. "My own father could not have con
vinced me of Its wonderful power. If I had
not actually tested It for myself. I con
elder a knowledge of It Invaluable to those
who wish to get the most out of life; to
those who wish to achieve success and live
up to the vfull measure of their poaslUlt
J. R. Ganklns, Newport News. Va.
writes: "I must admit that I doubted very
much that hypnotism could be practically
taught. In four days after receiving your
work, however, you demonstrated to my
xtntlre satisfaction that I was never fur
ther from the truth In my life. I have
met with wonderful success. Your free
book Is the finest thing of the kind I have
ever seen."
A. C. Plyens of Ithaca, N. Y.. writes:
If any fault could be found with your In
struction It would ba that you give too
much, therby giving too many people the
opportunity to acquire great secrets that
have been guarded and known only by
very few for centuries secrets that confer
upon the possessor a wonderful power over
their less Informed friends."
Rev. John I.ewelllng of Hrownvllle, Neb.,
writes: "You are engaged In a glorious
work. Hypnotism sets us free from pois
onous drugs. I have Just cured a case of
throat and lung trouble which the doctors
had pronounced Incurable, I am applying
your teachings every day. I congratulate
you upon your work for suffering human
ity." Kx-Mayor Kenney ordered printed three
months ago W.ouo copies of hla new book for
free dlstrlbutlun. The first copies are Just
now coming off the press. They are ele
gantly llustrated with the finest engrav
ings and will prove a valuable addition to
any library. If you would know all about
hypnotism, the wonder science of the age,
personal magnetism, thought force, mag
netic) healing and kindred sciences, write
for a free copy of this remarkable book at
nee. It will be sent to your sddrees
postage prepaid. You will be delighted,
mystified and benefited more than words
can tell. Nothing like It has ever before
been printed. Kx-Mayor Kenney la giv
ing them away for the benefit of the pub
lic. He believes by doing so he Is ac
complishing more good than by donating
bis money to hospltuls, public libraries
or anything of this nature. He gives you
a book worth more to a young man than
g college education. He gives it to you
for your own pernotial use, to keep In your
library or to carry with you. On account
of the great expense in preparing and
printing this book only those are requested
to write who sre especially Interested in
bettering themselves In life and who ac
tually wish to make practical use of the
Information given In the book.
If you wunt a free copy write at once to
U C. Maucrs. secretary to ex-Maor Ken
ney, pfflc 130 M , C) Walnut Street, Phila
delphia, I'a. ,
keuevts rCldneV
& Bladder
liuublc at once.
Cures In
48 Hours an
ft a r nf uwLrsrt rrmnteHeiiv
Makes Must I serai Press at.
M - I'M! M Tsav
Hifh School Plan, May Take More Sab-
etant at Form Tonight
Probably Will Instruct the Secretary
to Aterlle for Bids for the Con
slrtirtlon of the evr llnlld
Ina's I'nlinilnllnn.
On Monday night the Hoard of Education
will bold meeting and It Is understood
that the secretary will be Instructed to
advertise for bids for the construction of
the foundation of the proposed high school
building to be erected on the Hoctor prop
erty at. Twenty-third and K streets. As
the board sees money In sight now from
liquor licenses and other sources some
of the memnerg favor the commencement of
Ibe building as soon as possible. It Is as
serted that by the time the foundations sre
well under way, money for the balance
of the structure can be provided. It Is fig
ured that In order to complete the build
ing It will be ntccssary to ask the people
to vote bonds In the sum of $lo0.oni). This
proposition, so It was stated yesterday,
will be submitted to the people at the
coming election.
One of the members of the board In
speaking of this matter said last night
that within a year sixteen new school
rooms had been added to the bnlldlngs now
In use and that six rented rooms were
now being occupied and paid for. This
shows an Increase In the enrollment beyond
the exnectatlons of the board when the ap
propriations were made last year.
In the matter of bonds 't Is asserted that
bonds of district No. 3 can be sold for
about 4 per cent, as the district Is not
bonded and has property valued at about
$400,000. It Is the Intention, in case tbe
bond proposition carries, to make the Issue
one of twenty years If possible In order to
secure as low a rate of Interest as pos
sible. At any rate bids for the founda
tion will be advertleed for on Monday
night and then the question of bonds will
be taken up after this matter Is dis
posed of.
Accepts Appraisers' Report.
The officials of tho Burlington road have
notified the city officials that the report of
the appraisers on the matter of vacating
a portion of Thirty-sixth street would be
accepted and that the payment of the $1,041
damages reported would be paid at once.
It appears that tho report of the apprais
ers was not exploit enough In that It did
not carry out the Idea of the engineers In
designating the lines to be followed. The
appraisers were consulted yesterday and
agreed to file a supplemental report show
ing exactly what was contained In the first
report, but making their statements more
explicit. This report will be filed with the
council so that it may be read at thi meet
ing to be held Monday night. As the mem
bers of the council are willing to consider
this supplemental report It Is thought that
the vacation ordinance soen will be under
way. The city officials Insist that the
amount of damages be paid Into the treas
ury before the ordinance is passed and this
has been agreed upon by all parties con
cerned. This Is the only case where the
city has derived any financial benefit from
the vacating of either streets or alleys.
City Clerk Makes Statement.
City Clerk Shrlgley has prepared a state
ment showing the condition of the city funds
at the close of business Saturday night.
This statement shows that 'the amount of
the 1902 levy was 1133,(156. The balance of
the levy from 1901 was $5,066. Insurance
paid, licenses and one-half of the county
levy bring the total up to $145,143. Up to
this date there has been drawn the sum of
$127,771. This leaves a balance of $17,372.
The fire ' fund Is completely exhausted,
while there Is only $3.88 in the general
fund. The balances In the other funds fol
low: Salary, $2,585; public light, $607:
Judgment, $9; water, $491; street repair, 12.
036; police, $19; Interest, $4,823; library,
$3,627; park. $2,569.
Christian KndrsTor Day.
Christian Endeavor day will be observed
at the First Christian church. Twenty
third and K streets, at 7:30 o'clock this
evening. This special service will take the
place of the regular evening service. A
general Invitation Is extended to all. The
program will consist of musical selections
and addresses. Miss Alice Bever will have
charge of tho services.
Una Irs' Kntertalnraent.
South Omaha aerie No. 154 of the Eagles
will give a house-warming at the new quar
ters of 'the order. Twenty-third and N
streets, on Wednesday evening of this week.
Preparations are being made for a fine pro
gram and some of the prominent officers of
the Eagles have promised to be present. In
vitations have' been sent to aeries In both
Omaha and Council Bluffs and It Is expected
that a large number of members of the or
der will be present on this occasion.
Sheep Barns I'nder Roof.
The big sheep barns at the Union stock
yards, which were destroyed by fire on
Christmas, are now under roof. The south
bare. 200 feet In width by 390 feet In
length. Is now ready for sheep. As for the
north barn, Chief Engineer King said yes
terday afternoon that it would take at least
two weeks to finish. In the meantime all
sheep received will be cared for in the
south barn and In the new hog division,
which was set apart for sheep a soon as
the old barns burned. A number of Im
provements have been made In the new
building and shippers of sheep to this mar
ket hardly will be able to find any fault
with the manner In which sheep are han
dled here now.
Magic City Gossip.
J. 8. Gosney has returned from a south
ern trip.
Mrs. A. A. Thurlow was reported on the
sick list lust week.
Major J. W. C'nws is laid up with a se
vere stack of rheumatism,
The new police detail for February will
go on watch at noun today.
Special revival services will be held ut
the Uaptlst church this morning.
The Sunday school hoard of the Metho
dist church will meet Monday night.
The body of Randall Frazler will be taken
to Wayne. Neb., today for Interment.
Harry Tagg has gone to Iowa to spend a
week looking after bunlne matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell will re
turn from Newmati'a Urove. Neb., Monday.
Perrle Wheeler, son of Dr. snd Mrs. R.
I,. Wbeeer, is visiting friends 111 Lincoln.
The city school teachers were paid In
warrants yesterday (or the month of Jan
uary. Mies Muude Rader, Klghteenth and I
streets, has gone to Uretna to visit frW.ids
for a tew days.
Mies Jessie Carpenter will sing at the
Young Mens Christian association meet
ing this afternoon.
Presryterlans are after Mayor KoutHky
asking for a suitable cross walk at Twenty,
fifth and J street.
Mrs. A. H. Murdoek entertained about
thirty members of the Richfield Woman's
club on Thursday afternoon.
It waa reported yesterday that the six
teen attorneys iu South Omaha were about
to organise a bar aasoclatiup.
The Magic City Kings Daughters will
give s tea at the li.vine of Mrs. U. H.
Montgomery Wedi esduy afternoon.
"The Samaritan's Samarlilsm" la tho
topic of lr. Wheeler's sermon at the First
Prasbylertan church this morning.
The fire department was called out yes
terday afternoon tj extlim ..nh a prairie
tire at 1 tnty-elghth si:u V rmets.
George McRrlde Is at home after a west-'
ern trip and will spend a few days with his
family before starting on a long trip.
The drill tram and officers of camp No
Mi, JdoUcra Woodmen ttf Ainerlta, went to
Fort Crook last night to Initiate candi
dates. Mrs. t 1,. Holmes and Mrs Oenrge It.
Smith entertained two srnre of friends at
breakfast Wcdncsdny morning.
I .oca I coal dealers deny any combination
snd agree to submit their Invoices to any
of the newspaper men for inspection.
There will be a reception tendered to Tlev.
nnd Mrs. Wise on Tuefiay evening at the
home of Colonel and Mrs. A. I., l.otl.
The Parstleld l.lteriry club will hold Its
fourteenth nnnunl reception at Odd Fel
lows' hull, Twenty-fourth and M streets,
Thursday evening.
On Wed needs y afternoon the Woman's
Foreign Missionary society of the Metho
dist church w'll meet with Mrs. ltanner
Twenty-third und (J streets.
J. U. Cnrter. chief Inspector of the Ne
braski Telephone company at South
Omaha. Whs called to l.lneiln yesterday by
tne eerloiis Illness of his anther.
The Senior Kndeavor society will give an
art exhibition at the Presbyterian church
on Monday night. It Is staled that copies
of iHmnui pHintlngs will be on exhibition.
Hlastlng for the grading at the stock
yards was something like a continuous per
formance veeterday afternoon. The work
of grading on this contract goes on day and
On Friday evening the members of the
IochI posfofllee clerks' union entertained
friends with a musical and literary pro
gram, whlcn was followed by an oyster
Tickets for the charity ball to be given
for the benefit of the South Omaha hospital
are selling rapidly. The ball will be held
at the Kxchange building on the night of
February 9.
Physical Director Baker was in charge
of the regular Saturday evening social at
the Young Men's Christian association last
evening. A special effort is being made ti
secure additional members. Kev. James A.
Wise of the Kplscopal church will speak
at the men's meeting this afternoon.
Program la Sow Mad I n and Shows
Promising List of Attrac
tions. A striking program has been secured for
the entertainment of the Trl-Clty Tress
club, to be given at Boyd's theater on the
afternoon of Monday, February 9.- The en
tertainment committee has now completed
the card, which will begin with the two
strongest numbers from the Orpheum vaude
ville bill for that current week. First
comes Mignonette Koklln, a famous
danseuse. The next act will be by the
Milanl trio, composed of the widely known
Milanese minstrels.
But the last acf of the vaudeville por
tion of tho performance Is the one from
which most Is expected. It is the mono
logue by Carl Reiter, manager of the Or
pheum theater here. This will be Mr.
Retter's first appearance on a stage in this
distinct role, but he has so often demon
strated his ability in the story telling di
rection that he has been urged many times
to carry his talents behind the footlights.
Fod a closing scene the entertainment
committee has secured one full act from
"Shore Acres." William B. Gross, general
manager of the James A. Heme attrac
tions, was In Omaha Saturday and arranged
with the committee for the production of
the first act. This was chosen because
of the fact that It introduced a large num
ber of characters, sixteen In all, and be
cause It contains some of the cleverest
touches In the play. It is tbe net located
in the barnyard of "Shore Acres" farm
during haying time.
Proceeds of the performance will be used
to entertain the National Editorial associa
tion, and Judging from present progress
with the sale of tickets, the visiting news
paper scribes will be shown the time of
their lives.
Much-Dlsraaaed Project Takes IHore
Material Form, with P. E. Her
Poshing; It.
A much discussed project seems about
to materialize and Omaha has very good
prospects of a large tannery opening In the
old Boyd packing house on the river bot
toms some time during 1903, perhaps by
the middle of the year. The promoter Is
J. H Thaw, now of Omaha, hut formerly
of Atlanta, Ga., and It is understood that
the machinery for the plant will come from
that place, or at least part of It will, and
that also a part of the financial backing
will come from there. The Omahan most
heavily Interested Is P. E. Her, the dis
tiller, whose efforts In behalf of tbe enter
prise have been mentioned already several
times in Tbe Bee.
A. L. Ilolcomb of the tlanta tannery
has been in Omaha recently, when the first
steps in the formation of a company were
taken, but has returned to Atlanta, to look
after the project at- that end of the line.
The estimated investment Is $150,000.
Hostler Assaults Foreman.
Irwin Walters, an extremely able-bodied
hostler in Stuben's livery stable. Fifteenth
and Lavenworth streets, was arrested yes
terday afternoon on complaint of Duvo
Kllng. the foreman, who charged him with
usxHuit. Kllng is only about half as large
as the prisoner, but was not much injured
during the assault.
C. C. Iteiden of Thompson, Belden & Co.,
left for New York Saturday.
K. 1-. Merrlam, a merchant pf Chadron,
Neb., la a guest at the Murray.
W. W. P. Home, linen buyeror Thomp
son. Belden ft Co., has gone to New York.
Frank GUfoll of Hyannls, a prominent
ranchman, Ut a guest at the Merchants.
He is accompanied by his ft-mlly.
Richard J. Wherry, who Is visiting his
home in this city, will sing at the lm
luanuel Baptlat church tonight.
William I.awrenc, a well known busi
ness man of Denver, Is registered at the
Henshaw while in the city on butdnesa.
Mlwt Oraee K. Mershon ' of Kldorado,
Neb., and Mr. W. o. McKeeghan of Ports
mouth, la., were married at the Dellone
hotel Saturday.
Representative Frank Currie of Whitney,
Neb., came up from Lincoln Saturday even
ing to remain here over Sunday. Ho Is a
guest at the Merchants.
Kdward Johnson of the Harrett-Johnson
Tailoring company has gone to "IndntiHU
to attend the annual meeting of the Mer
chant Tailors' National exchange.
Among those who were registered at the
8. Iilitz hotel last night were: Mr. William
Knbluson, a prominent resident of Seattle,
Wash., and M. D. Fitzgerald of Uloomlng
lon. 111.
tleorge H. Smith, St. Louis; F. W.
Henries Kansas City; K. McDunn.- Her
tholdl, N. D.. and O. H. Nelson, Chicago,
were registered at the ller Grand Saturday
C. F. Tracey of North Platte, secretary
of the I'nian Pacific employes' grievance
committee, is registered at the Dellone,
as is also George W. Vruman, the treasurer
of that committee.
E. Wels of Kxcelalor Springs, Wyo., F. B.
DeWater of Kansas City, Mr. and Mm. W.
D. lialley of Sioux Falls. S. D.. and J. I).
litlllspie of Chicago registered at the Pax
ion Saturday evening.
Among the guests registered at the Mur
ray Saturday evening were: Mrs. J. Me.
Keone and children of Hastings, Neb., Miss
Foley, Hastings. Neb.; Ueorge C. Purley,
'St. Paul, Minn ; H. H. Pierce. St. Joseph.
Mo.; William Stiles, Fairmont, Neb., and
J. M. Krown, Chicago.
F. K. Ktter, who has been night clerk
at tne Millard hotel tor the last two years,
r sinned his position Saturday evening.
Mr. Klter will go to hi home in Topeka,
Kan., where he will enjoy a abort rest,
after which he will again enter the employ
of J. K. Market u Son In one of their ho
tels. Among '.hote who registered at the Mer
chants Saturday evenirg were: Dr. W. H.
Meade of St. Jokeph. Mo., Mr. George Li.
Slnipktna of ijiuoln. A. II. Crowe, a
wealthy stockman of Kucampment, Wyo.;
H. (irlffln of Burlington, Wo.. John L.
...aer of Lincoln and P. R. Merganthaler
of Greeley, Neb.
Among those who were registered at the
Millard hotel Saturday evening were: Tom
Hughes. Grand Inland. Neb.; Mr. and Mrs.
W. K. Sharer. Sioux Falls. 8. D. ; W. C.
Otto. Republic. Wash M. T. (Joshnell of
the I'liion Pacific railroad, C. J. Howlby,
Crete, Neb ; F. C. Rout. Kutton, NeB., and
U. 1 Laogavrlh), Cbiuaau.
Chicago Opens Municipal Ttrd to Bell
Citiiiui Fns
tnfortnnate Customers Clamor to
Purchase Means of piking Fires
anil tae of Lots Has to
Be Cat Down.
CHICAGO, Jan. 81. The distribution of
bituminous coal at cost price by the city
was Inaugurated today.
Hundreds of persons, ftalnly women, gath
ered at the city collector's office and at the
various points of distribution throughout
tbe city and It was demonstrated early In
the day that 150 tons a day would prove
Inadequate to meet the demand.
A hurried consultation resulted In the re
striction of the amount sold to each person
to one-half ton. Instead of one ton, as origi
nally planned.
It Is estimated that 1,200 tons will be re
quired to meet the demands of the first day's
A schedule of prices, varying according
to the cost of delivery to tho distributing
points, was fixed, ranging from $2.20 to
$2.35 per half ton.
"It will be Impossible to fully meet the
demand," said Commissioner of Public
Works Blockl, who is in charge tf the
municipal coal yards, "but we hope to
be able to secure a large enough dally
supply to prevent suffering from absolute
want of coal. We shall have at least 200
tons a day to sell and doubtless could get
an adequate supply If the railroads could
deliver it to us."
Members of the Bogle-Indiana Coal com
bine, as Individuals, and nine corporations
indicted with them, will be placed on trial
here on February 23. This arrangement
was entered into today by attorneys for
the coal men and State's Attorney Peneen.
Heading: Shipments yBrealc Records.
READING, Pa.. Jan. 31. The Reading
Railway company during the month of
January brought down its main line to
tidewater nearly 1,100.000 tons of anthra
cite. During the last week the company
brought down over 10,500 cars, containing
about 273,000 tons.
The ehlpn.ent o' coal during the last
month has been the heaviest in the history
of the Reading company.
Life nnd Times of the Famous Mis
sionary the Subject of a Dis
course by Bishop O'Oormau.
Right Rev. Thomas O'Gorman, D. D.,
bishop of the diocese of Sioux Falls, S. D.,
will deliver a lecture before the Omah
council. Knights of Columbus, and their
guests, at Boyd's opera house on the even
ing of February 13. Invitations to the
lecture are now being issued.
The subject chosen by BlBhop O'Gorman
Is "Father Marquette," the famous pio
neer missionary of the great lakes and the
upper Mississippi. In the strenuous com
mercialism, of our day a subject which
carries the listener backward two and a
quarter centuries, when the pioneers of the
new world penetrated the trackless wilder
ness and blazed the path of civilization
and nationhood, promises Intellectual pleas
ure, recreation and instruction. The west
Is riot fas removed from pioneer days, and
many now living have experienced the
hardships and endured the privations In
cident to the development of a new country.
But western pioneer days are as of yeBter-
Ltiay, are Incidents of the onrush of settle
ment, wnne tnose or Father Marquette
were over a century In advance of white
civilization and settlement. His zeal and
devotion, his courage and" his achieve
ments cbmbinp to make his one of the
grand characters In American history. It
Is a singular Incident of his career that
. the eUe of tne westernmost post estab
lished by him, In what is now the state
of Illinois, Kankaskln has been obliter
ated by the shifting channels of the Mis
sissippi, while on the site of his hut on
Lake Michigan has grown up the second
largest city In North America. A picture
of Father Marquette adorned one of the
series of special postage stamps Issued by
the government to commemorate the
TransVnlesisslppI exposition, and a heroic
statue of the missionary has been placed
by the state of Wisconsin, In Statuary hall
in the national capltol. Both tributes to
the memory of the famous pioneer called
forth fanatic protests at the time, but no
attention was paid to them.
Bishop O'Gorman Is a stranger to most
of the people of Omaha, but not a stranger
to the northwest. Boston Is his birth
place. He Is on the last quarter of his
sixtieth year. He was ordained a priest
at St. Paul, Minn., November 5, 18t5, and
the greater number of his years Blnce then
have ben spent In the diocese of St. Paul.
During Archbishop Keane's administration
of the Catholic university at Washington,
Father O'Gorman was one of the professors,
and his services were rewarded with pro
motion to a bishopric. He was conse
crated by Cardinal 'Gibbons In Washington
April 19, 1806, and shortly after took
charge of tho diocese of Sioux Falls, suc
ceeding the late Bishop Marty.
During his stay in Omaha Bishop O'Gor
man will be the guest of Bishop Scannell.
On the evening of the 12th the visiting
bishop will be tendered a reception and
dinner at the ller Grand by the knights and
the local clergy. The committee of ar
rangements consists of Edward W. Sltn
eral, William Hayden. Martin Langdon,
Thomas J. Fitzmorris, John E. O'Hern and
Thomas F. Swift.
Vouna Woman Takes I'uiion,
Stella Wilson, a young woman who has
been living In various placea In the Third
ward since last fall, and who Is at present
living with Mamie Starling at !)12 Capl:ol
avenue, attempted suicide last night by
taking laud mum police Surgeon Hahn
was summoned In time and brought the
woman out of danger. The Wilson woman
entered Condon & Steven's saloon at HfC
Cnpito avenue at about 1 o'clock and went
Into a wint room. She soon called one of
the proprietors und told him she was about
to die. As she waa known to be a user
of cocaine, he did not take her remarks
seriously. A few moments later she was
found to be lying nearly unconscious n a
lorner of the wine room.
Bohemians to Banquet Koclan.
The Bohemians of Omaha are arranging
a baiKiuet in honor of Jar. 'Slav Koclan upon
the occasion of his visit to the city Febru
ary 2.1. Critics are divided as to hla ability
as a violinist in comparison with Jan R'u-
btiik. but as he is a younger musician, the
majority seem Inclined to look for better
thinga from him In the future. At the meet
ing of the banquet committee, which con
slats of Mr. and Mra. Vaclav liuresh, Jo
seph Mlk, 8. A. Bar.tnek and John Itoclsky,
it was decided to place tickets for the pro
posed baniiuet on sale so that the ex
pense of the function would be provided
lor early.
House Conimlltrr Is Busy.
The house committee of the Commercial
club Is making raidd progress In renovat
ing the rooms. The walls of the private
office of the secretary are being covered
with burlap and the floors of the halla
re-overed with matting. William Huthurn,
the caterer, is placing hi furniture and
supplies In the building and during uri.
week billiard, pool ami ping pong taldes
will be placed In the large room In the rear
and the tmaller room on the eastern side
of the building will be Usetl as dining
Searching; for an Heir.
Judge 8. R. Kelly of Eureka. Kan.. Is a
guest at th Arcade hotel, bis ausaiuu u
Omaha being In connection with the where
abouts. If llvinr. of Cornelius F. Knapper.
formerly of Clay countv. Pome twenty-flve
or thirty years ago Mr. Knapper removed
from Clay county to Pacific Junction, la.,
and there all trace of him has been lost.
Knapper Is one of the heirs to a large
estate for which Judge Kelly l attorney,
and his presence is needed to effect a set
tlement. Julius P. Cooley has been retslnej
to assist In the search.
Judge Declares Copper Patent I se
less as Inventor Found
Nothing New,
HELENA. Mont.. Jan. SI. Judge Knowles
In the I'nited States court decided today
that the Pelrre Manhes process of convert
ing commercial copper froracopper matte
was In all respects similar to the Bessemer
process of converting iron Into steel, and
that the Boston and Montana company,
against whom suit was brought to recover
for infringement of patent had a right to
use the process.
Farrell A Mldgeon claimed a royalty of
$2 a ton on all copper matte treated by the
process since it wss patented In 1892. All
copper produced in the I'nited States Is
converted by the Manhes pstent and It Is
estimated that the amount Involved, 1f dam
ages could be collected for all copper so
reduced, would be la the neighborhood of
Late TnVntrlral Manager's Debts K
ceed Assets by Twenty-Elsilit
Thousand Dollars.
NEW YORK, Jan. 81. The appraisal of
the estate of the late Augustln Daly, which,
was filed today, shows a deficiency of $28.
460. The assets included the lease and prop
erties of Daly's theater In this city, Daly's
theater, London, and contracts with Georgo
Edwardeg of the Gaiety theater London.
The gross personal estate is valued at $332,
Hf0. The total liabilities are $361,446.
Porter Pope Arrcatcd.
At 5:30 o'clock vesterdnv nfternnon
Thomns Pope, the negro porter at the shops
hotel, w as arrested on Cass street by OITl er
Crow, i he negro is accused by Fred Wel
len, a shops employe, of taking $40 which
he put under his pillow Thursday night
and forgot to remove in the morning. The
negro whs suspected because he makes tip
the beds In the hotel and also because ho
quit work at 3 o'clock of the afternoon
when the money was missed.
Northern Pacific Dividend.
NEW YORK, Jan. 31 The directors of
the Northern Pacific Railroad company
have declared the regular quarterly divi
dend of l'j per cent and an extra dividend
of It per cent.
The Clio society held Its regular monthly
meeting Friday. The following proram
whs rendered to a large audience of stu
dents: "Puppet Kings and Major Domos."
Hllma Edlng, oration, "Karl Martel," Don
ald Douglass; paper, "lippen Pope and
lximhHnls;" debate, "Resolved, That the
Permanence of Charlemagne's Empire Was
Impossible." The affirmative side, which
was debated by Carl Vansant and Robert
Savage was victorious. The program closed
with a vocal solo by Janet Marrlot.
The Browning, a society of freshman
girls, Is planning a very enjoyable program
for next Friday. The entertainment will
consist of an Instrumental solo by Melissa
Houptman; a book review of "The Vir
ginians," by Sarah Martin; the second edi
tion of the Oracle, a monthly paper pub
lished by the society, containing comical
Incidents happening to the members and
also local news. Miss Julia Batelle will
read selections from "Mrs. Wlggs of the
Cabbage Patch," the program closing with
a vocal solo by Mrs. Ely.
A number of former high' school girls,
now attending the 1'nlversity of Nebraska,
visited the high school on Friday. The
party came to Omaha to witness the basket
bnll game played between the university
and the Young Woman's Christian associa
tion teams and took great Interest In the
high school gymnasium. Among the party
were Alice Tewne, Ke.ulah Evans ind Helen
Since the high school gymnasium has
been opened the girls have shown great,
Interest In basket ball. They practice twice
a week after school and games are often
pluytd between the Juniors and the seniors,
though the regular Junior team has not yet
been formed. Two places are yet to be
filled on this team and over twenty girls
are trying for these two places.
The first half of the year's r-ork was
finished on Friday In most of the classes.
A good deal of the day was spent In giving
the pupils their final averages and to chang
ing the regular dally program of many
of the students. All pupils receiving an
average of less than 70 per cent were as
signed to take the work over again In the
subject in which they failed.
The (J. Q. Q. Is a newly organized so
ciety formed by a number of Junior girls.
The first meeting was held Wednesday nt
the home of Minnie Eldrige and an elabor
ate luncheon was served. The members of
the society are Beulah Buckley, Elizabeth
Klewlt, Kdna and Klolse Hlllia, Mary Mc
intosh Jean Fleming. Luelln Hlnes, Beulah
Phelps", Edith Patterson and Minnie El
Already there Is manifest considerable
Interest in the annual meeting of the Ne
braska State Conference of. Charities and
Corrections to be In St. Paul's church. Lin
coln, Thursday and Friday, February 5
and 6
A 6-year-old lad was picked up on a street
car Saturday afternoon by Sergeant Hud
son, who supposed tho child had become
lost and took him to the police station. The
.ad gave his name to Desk Sergeant Havey
as Monte Talbert, but did not know his
street address. ,
The verdict of the coroner's Jury
after the Inquest held Saturday aft
ernoon by Coroner Bralley over the
body of the unidentified man who fell
unconscious In Johnson & Larson's
saloon Thursday night was that the
stranger had died from nephritis, Induced
by uraemle poisoning. The body has not
been identified and will be held until Mon
day noon.
If Yon Only Find Out the Illght
Course to Pursue.
Many physicians who advertise to cure
piles, without the aid of the knife, simply
use Pyramid Pile Cure remedies. They do
so because they know It Is tbe best medi
cine for obtaining a proper combination of
the most scientific Ingredients for tbe curs
of piles.
Pyramid Pile Cure is not in sn experi
mental stage, but is an established remedy
and la recognized and used by tbe beat phy
sicians in tbe country. Being in suppository
form, it reaches the trouble at a nee and tbe
healing process Is quick and effective; Im
mediate results ars obtained, and before the
patient' realizes tbe fact he has recovered
from the pain, suffering and Irritation
which this trouble causes.
Children who suffer from this painful
trouble obtain relief at once. It if well
with a very young child to reduce tbe size
of the suppository before using. However,
if children are afflicted with piles, tbey
should be treated without delay or the
trouble may become chronic. Hundreds of
little ones have been cured with Pyramid
Pile Cure.
The prevention of piles la better than tbs
cure and they can be urevenled it only
people would look to the regularity of tbe
bowels and not become constipated. Con
stiputlon and Its attendant ills csn bs
avoided by the use of Pyramid Pills. The
proprietors of the Pyramid Pile Curs sav
that It was necessary to use with the ma
Jorlty of their patients a mild non-irritating
laxative, and the Pyramid Pills for constl
patlon were the result of much careful
thought and patient Investigation. Pyramid
Pile Cure and Pyramid Pills are sold by
druggists everywhere for fifty and twenty
five cents per packsge.
A little book on the nature and cure of
hemorrhoids or piles will be furnlsb1 free
1 upon application to the Pyramid Drug Co.,
J Marshall, ilka.
Mr. Michel BUndypiS, Secretary
Suffered From Inflammation of the Bladder
Cured by
the Only Absolute Cure for All
Oentlcmen: It affords me the greatest
ner'a Safe Cure, as I consider It was the sole means of restoring me to health. I suf
fered for nearly three years with inflammation of tho bladder, causing me severe plns
also the most terrible headaches, and at times 1 waa unable to attend to mv reaular
duties. I doctored without receiving any benefit and felt very discouraged, when a
club friend advlsvd me to trv Warner's Safe Cure. It seemed as If there was not a
sound organ In my bedy when I began using
encouraged, it loon seven montns to tuny
1 used no medicine but the Safe Cure und
good health of today entirely to It, and am
Mit-ir-ii blamiyitjb, nrji Marias St.,
i ne Mariowe ciuD.
If you have nalma in tbp hack, rheumatism, uric nclrl rtnliion rheumatic ffnut. dia
betes, Blight's disease, inflammation of the bladder and urinary organs; scalding pains
wken you urinate, eczema, laundice. swellings or tortdd liver: if n woman, benrina-
down sensations, fainting spells, so-called
symptoms tell you that your kidneys have
diseases seldom put out such symptoms as
working several months. You should lose
your druaaist s. It will relieve vou at nnm
disease germs.
Doctors prescribe and hnsnltaln use "Safe
or bladder trouble.
Warner's Safe Cure is purely vegetable and contains no narcotic or harmful drugs.
It is free from sediment and pleasant to take. It does not constipate. It Is a most vsl
uable and effective tonic; It la a stimulant to digestion and awakens the torpid liver.
It repairs the tissues, soothes Inflammatinnand irritation, stimulates the enfephled or
gans and heals at the same time. It builds up the body, gives It strength and restores .
energy. You can buy Safe Cure at any drug store or direct. 60 CENT8 AND 11 A
tv mire vou irt "Warner's Bafe Cure" take no" other. i
TEST YOI'R KIDNEYS Let some morning urine stand for twenty-four houra In a
glass or bottle. If then It is milky or cloudy or contains a reddish, brick-dust sedi
ment, or If particles or germs float about in it, your kidneys are diseased.
If, after you have made this test, you have any doubt In your mind as to the de
velopment of the disease in your system, send a sample of your urine to the Medical
Department, Warner's Safe Cure Co., Rochester, N. Y., and our doctors will analyse
it and send you a report with advice free .of charge to you, together with a valuabl
book describing all diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, and treatment for
each disease.
All letters from women read and answered by a woman doctor. All correspondence
In strictest confidence.
Beware of so-called kidney cures which are full of sediment and of bad odoi
they are positively harmful and do not
wakinek'S SAFE FILLS move the
W. A. COOK, M. D.
If you have any ailment In the above list you should seek relief. Ask the
banks about our reliability or let me give you the names of good citlsens I
have cured who do not object to the use of their names. I cure Varicocele In
one week never to return by an original method; you will be pleased after
I explain. Hydrocele In ten days. Lost manhood and evil effects of vicious
habits in thirty to ninety days. Blood Poison in twenty-seven to sixty days
without potash or -mercury. Piles In ten days. Fistula In two weeks and
Rupture in six. I guarantee my cures In writing, as well as to show the
proofs first. Charges low and consultation free at my office or by letter.
110 112 South 14th St. , Omaha, Neb, (Om Daily Nm Office.)
Offlce Hours t a. m. to 8. p. m. Fgmday, 10 a. m. to 12-30 p. m.
An Exceptional Opening
for a high grade salesman, who Is able to
command a large salary, to sell the Omaha
Retail Coffee and Oroiery Trade. Must be
experienced and have an established trade.
References must be the best.
CosTrs Importers,. Cfalcaa;.
The Bee Want Ads
Marlowe Club, New Orleans, Who
Diseases of the Kidney, Liver
and Blood,
Safe Cure
pleasure to testify to the merits of War-
it but a gradually Improved and felt much
restore me to health, but during tnat time
therefore know that I owe mv recoverr and
pleased to Indorse it. Very truly yours.
New Orleans, La. Dec. 8, 1!"Z. Secretary,
female wakness. painful periods; these
been diseased lor a long time, for kidney
the victim recognizes until they have been
no time get a 6lc bottle of Safe Cure at
mit pfTert a nurmanent core. It kills ail
P-irn" exclusively In all esses nf kldnnv
bowels Rently and aid a speedy cure.
Blood Poison,
Piles, Stricture,
Produce Results-