Basket Ball a Winter Game for Athletes QPictures from Photographs JTaken by a Bee Staff Artist. - 4 . " '- I r -. t , -v r 0 fi' I Li 1 . ( & 1 K. (I 7 i v-...". ... Jjl. or OMAHA Y. M. U. A. SECOND TEAM. OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL. BASKET BALL TEAM. . . ....... . ' .- ; . . : j'v ... : " . ; -' V i .. 1 f -' .'. n --S T - . 1 1 1 W3! ! ! ... : V-.. - ! M'" 1' -' Avra,'li! " ! . t: OMAHA Y. M. C. A FIRST TEAM. LINCOLN T. M. C. A. BASKET BALL TEAM. N O MOKE remarkable event Is re corded la the hUtorjr of athletic and aporu than the rlae of the game of basket ball from obscure Inclplencjr to place among the leading aporu of the land. Only a low years ago this game was making Its first timid advance Into the range of vision of amateur athletes. Now thousands of these the couutry over are devoted to the sport, and during Us own season It holds a. supremacy as unquestioned as that of foot ball or base ball In their own times. The one big secret of the Immediate suc cess and popularity of this game Is that It solved the great problem, a competitive sport for the odd season. For the fall there is always foot ball, for the spring base ball, and tenuis and golf share up both seasons. But for midwinter there was nothing till basket ball came. For those chill months beginning with Thanksgiving day and ending In April there was no sport that contained sutllolenl of the oiements of skill and speed and agility and of the spirit of competition to make It a general success. Basket ball proved to be Just this game. It was not to be expected that ath letes who spent all spring and summer and fall In strenuous pastimes would be willing to relax Into a winter torpor and hibernate, as It were. In their own languor till the opening of the outdoor season again. They demanded a vigorous, fast indoor game, and basket ball furnished what they wished. It Is not to be denied that It was such men, those proficient in other stirring games, who created the demand for basket ball, nor can it be doubted that they were the ones who took It up Drst and paved Its way to a lasting success. This game Is JubI as strenuous In its way as the gridiron contest, and It Is In finitely faster from lta nature and Its loca tion. The biggest and strongest of them can use every pouud they have In following the flashlike sinuosities of the basket sport. It Is do game for human wisps. To be paradoxical, a frail wan caunot play It, nor can a man play It and remain frail. Neither tennis nor golf require any special degree of bodily development, though su periority lu either Is hard to attain with out such a physical backing. But basket .1 ri ., , - . , . . - - . ' ' t a ' M i to Mill 4 i 'vuj A? ft 1 ti IT 1 J S3 n M citii CA'I i Sill rem Rlpky. Vn Qmn. Edaa Cook, llaoagr. Mu Cook. CpUla. Bailia Horrinstoa. Maud McOluola. Bixli 8taUln(toa. Julia Freeman. WAKEFIELD HIGH SCHOOL BASKET BALL TEAM. man who would not be eligible, physically at least, for a position on any team o gridiron heavyweights. Basket ball Is peculiarly a game of suffer ance, of ignoring and of overlooking. Rules provided to govern the play are rigid indeed and if strictly lived up to would come near making a tea party of any game. It Is different from other sports In that there is no exact dividing line and also In that violations of rules are often almost impossible of detection and are still oftener difficult to decide upon. There is a certain chivalry and generosity brought out in this game, both on the part of players and officials, that permits of many little Infractions of the exact spirit of the rules going unheeded. Oftentimes amuBing situations develop from this pecu liar relationship existing between the play ers and the regulations. For example, a rule says that one player shall not lay hands on another. On one occasion, during an intercollegiate game which took place In the armory gymnasium of the University of Nebraska, clever capital was made of this fact by a humorist disguised as an athlete. There was a very fierce scrim mage about one of the goals and when It was finally dissolved one player, famed in Nebraska athletic traditions as "Spook" Spooner, was found to be practically devoid of his Jersey shirt. It had parted In the side seams and fallen down In front and behind like an apron. Though he was bare to the waist, "Spook" ran back to his position as right forward and waited calmly for the whistle. Of course the attention of ' both spectators and players was entirely drawn from the ball to him, but he ap peared perfectly oblivious of It all and of his state of undress as well. Finally the referee gasped for breath and said: "Mr. Spooner, your shirt was torn off In that last scrimmage." "Why, that cannot be," said Spooner. "for the rules say they cannot touch me or take bold of my clothes." That a game which can demand and make good use of so much virile strength and athletic ability may still be adaptable to women and girls and boys might seem strange, yet the nature of the sport makes this possible. As In other games, not ball does demand some "body" for any high definite Influence in ha tuiu. A cntr out nf hia wl.1fl.rnt Plnlha will Buffer tnat actual hrtilv atrlfa oiih hi. nnnnn.n. v.. degree Of proficiency, not SO much aa foot welehlna- 175 nounda in his rvmnaalum thoae lndia-nltiea to a rrnator or leaa ox. tiaa thorn thopo alwava .nnfrnntin. fci a11 teani nor all players need be cham- ball. perhaps, but more even than base clothes and looking good for every pound tent. For those things do creep Into the anyway, and knows they are as good as he fin'' nd there ,re rale nl classes of nalL Yet the game la essentially one of of It will be looked at twice or maybe game, despite the rules againsi them. and that he cannot win the game on a m" Ba8ke baI1 distinctly a ball skill more thsa strength. The elements of three times by an opponent before the lat- So It Is easy to understand how man bluff based on his strength. It Is also p88ln 8ne. Tou are not allowed to bodily contact or man-to-man atrite are ter attempts any funny business or trip- who Is devoted to the gsme of foot ball easy to understand why in photographs of Crry the b11: you T not He to not supposed to enter into it, nor do they ping, hacking or pushing with him. And during, the fall can find what his physical two score championship basket ball teams nold ,t; ,ou m"7 only throw lt- Now, any to any appreciable extent. Despite that, a by the same reasoning a man who looks nature demands In basket ball during the that played throughout the country during 01,9 n ,earn t0 do that w,th 8,Ittr ndj man's physical proportions exercise a vrry little more than a wraith when you get him winter. Even though he may not come Into the last season It is hard to find a single (Continued on Fifth