February 1. l!k).l. The Illustrated Bee. Published Weekly by The Bee Publishing Company, Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. Trice, 6c Per Copy Per Tear, $2.00. Entered at the Omaha Poatomce at Second Class Mall Matter. For Advertising Rate Addreaa Publisher. Communications relating to photographs or article for publication should be ad dressed, "Editor The Illustrated Bee, Omaha." j Pen and Picture Pointers THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. Del' HESTER I. LONG, who has Just been elected to the United States senate from Kansas, Is one of the figures In congress that have loomed up big In the last few years. His service has boon com paratively brief, but has been notablo In a high degree. During his first term In con gress he was on the committee on elec tions, and there gained much distinction by his conduct of a couple of contest cases, both of which he won. When elected for tha pppnd time, he was promoted to a place .. yTe ways and means committee, and got ,Spn3 chance to awaken the country to his ability. His speech on the Cuban reci procity measure last spring was regarded as the feature of the debate, and In a large measure paved the way for Mr. Long's ele vation to the senate. Mr. Long Is a native of Pennsylvania, although he waa reared In the west, his parents moving to Mis souri when he was but 6 years old. When 19 he went to Kansas and after a three- CHARLES SOMERS YOUNG, WHO HAS RISEN FAST IN RAILWAY SERVICE. years' term In the Normal school at Paola. he entered the office of a law firm at To peka and was In due time admitted to tho bar. As soon as he waa legally qualified, In 1885, he went to Medicine Lodge and be gan bis life's work, not the least part of which haa been to retire Jerry Simpson from circulation. In 1889 Mr. Long secured his first nomination to office and was elected as a member of the Kansas atate senate, where he aerved with distinction. Ia 1890 Jerry Simpson carried the "Big Seventh" Kansas district for congress by nearly 10,000 majority. In 1892 his fellow townsman waa hla opponent, and the Simp son majority was cut to 1,700. In 1894 the Medicine Lodge champion were again pitted pw l"n uanMAn papers are telling a I story about a Berlin lady who tm riTnnw . . ... of the well known "cures" In Germany. He gave her a letter which purported to be a prescription for her treatment there, and which she presented to the doctor at the "cure." It read as follows: "Rup, fena, ledlega, N. 8. ord, ent, 11. chlhrlst. nlxsl, ehen, Sielhra, hordl, efed, erneln, sel, naus, a, e, h, r, lan, gsara daml, t, solhr, gat, tea, welmo, nateru, hehatun, dervl, elle, lcht, gea, und, et, Versta N. D. E. N." The doctor perused the lines again and aaw that the letters when put In their proper order ran as fol lows: "Rupfen ale die Gans ordentllch. Ihr 1st nix. Ziehen ale Ihr aber die Federn etnieln aus. aebr langaara, damlt so Ihr gatte awel Monate Ruhe hat und er vtel lelcht gesundet. Verstanden?" Ia English these words mean: Pluck the old gooae thoroughly well. There Is nothing the mat ter with her. But pull out the feat her j one by one, very alowly, so that her hus band may have a couple of months rest, by which means he may perhapa be reatored to health. Do you understand?" The doctor shook hla head dubiously over her, and ordered two months of the usual exercise, baths, waters, and rest. Dr. Woodrow Wilson, who has recently been chosen president of Princeton college, la a man of great tact and considerable native wit. A former student of that In stitution tells a story which he regards as indicative of the way In which he will bold the students in leash by ready wit and a genial smile Instead of trying to awe them with bis dignity. When darkneas lent cover to the project, on the evening of ths day on which the announcement of Dr. Wilson's election was made, some of the mors boisterous spirits organised a celebration and, having requisitioned horna and a green grocer's MR. AND MRS. DANIEL KINNISON CELEBRATED THEIR GOLDEN against each other, and Long was elected by a nice majority. In l!w it was Simp son's time, and, although Long had routed the sockless statesman on the stump dur ing a serlea of Joint debatea on the money question, the voters wanted Jerry, and he went back to congress for the last time. In 1898 Long was again successful and since then he has been twice re-elected, the last time by 8,000 majority. He was a dark horse In the senatorial fight, but as aoon as his name was sprung all factions of re publicans hastened to his standard and his choice waa made unanimous In caucus. Mr. Long waa married In 1894, following his first election to congress, to Miss Anna Bache, whom he had met while attending school at Paola. They have two children, both girls, aged 7 and 5. Mr. Long was born In 1860. One of the many bodies Into which Ne braskans have organized themselves Is the State Association of County Commission ers, which recently met In Omaha for Its annua) conference. This organization is especially active during legislative years, for then It finds opportunity to present to the lawmakers changes which county com missioners would like to see made In the statutes. In the present lnatance there are a number of these. For ex ample, some of the counties of the state are organized under townships, with boards of supervisors, and others are organized Into commissioner districts, with commis sioners to look after the affairs of the county. For the supervisors the law pre scribes a two-years term, and for the com missioners a three-years term. Some effort to secure uniformity of tenure of office la to be made. Other similar matters are to be presented to the legislature by the proper committees of the organization. During the stay In Omaha the members of the asso ciation lined up for a photograph. Robert 8 Armstrong, who was recently appointed to be assistant secretary of the treasury under Leslie M. Shaw, is an Iowa youth, being still under 30. He was born near Des Moines, and being early thrown on bis own resources, worked his way through Ames college. In the most part paying bis expenaes by money he earned In the Ames printing office, where be learned the printer's trade while getting his edu cation. After leaving achool he was at- Gleanings From the Story stock of bead lettuce, deacended upon the new president. At the first toot of the horn be knew what was coming, but before bedlam could break loose Dr. Wilson was out among the serenaders, grasping each one by the band and thanking them Individually and collectively for their congratulations, pre tending not to see the lettuce heads which the students made desperate efforts to keep out of view and to get rid of. When the students recovered from this unexpected overthrow of their plans some one shouted: ' ALBERT HENS LEY. WINNEBAGO INDIAN COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF THURSTON COUNTY. . f OP DAVID CITY, Neb., WHO RECENTLY WEDDING. tached first to one of the Des Moines papers, and finally went to Chicago, where he was given a position on the News, and then waa aent to New York as correspond ent for that publication. When Governor Shaw was made secretary of the treasury he appointed Mr. Armstrong to be his private secretary. He took hold of the duties with a grasp and comprehension thai was new to the place, and Introduced many reforms about Treasury headquarters, all of them tending to expedite the business of the great office. It was his capacity ROBERT S. ARMSTRONG, FIRST AS SISTANT SECRETARY OF THE U. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. for detail that attracted attention to him and secured for him his elevation to a place that Is one of the most responsible under the government. On January 13, 1853, In Shelby county, Illinois, Mr. Daniel Klnnlson and Miss Elizabeth Abbercromble were united In the holy bonds of matrimony. Mr. and Mrs. KinnlAon came to Butler county, Nebraska, In 1873, and homesteaded 160 acres of land In Olive township, Ave miles west of David City, where they still reside. Nine children were born to this couple, four of them now living, three boys and one "What's the matter with Woodrow Wil son T" And the answer came loud and clear: "He's all right. He's a brick." The students then marched away sing ing, "For he's a Jolly good fellow," and carrying their lettuce beads with them. The late John E. Kenna, United States senator from West Virginia, used to delight bis Washington friends by his many "darky stories." He told the following as happen ing at the White Sulphur Springs, where eclored waiters serve the guests: "One evening when din!ng at the White T I' ,H,r"' L H. Thorp.. .T,rTur" Brok" Bo. Vic rwt. OFFICERS OF NEBRASKA COUNTY r 111 1 ' r - v i ; y o 'THE CLUB," AN ORGANIZATION OF AT LOTHROP SCHOOL, WHICH IS girl. On January 13, 1903, about thirty-five neighbors, friends and relatives assembled at the Klnnlson homestead and assisted them In celebrating their golden wedding anniversary, bringing a large number or presents appropriate to the occasion. A. C. Smith, the new president of the Commercial club, was elected to that office during his absence In the east. He has been a member of the organization for years and has been one of Its directors. Mr. Smith was born in Clnclnnatus, Court land county, N. Y., on October 13, 1863, and lived there until 1868, at which time Ihe family moved to Council Bluffs, where they remained until 1892, coming then to this city. Mr. Smith attended Harvard and graduated In 1887. During the year 1886 the business at Eleventh and Howard street was begun, but for six years the family continued to reside In Iowa. In 1897, the elder Smith dying, the business was Incorporated under th.i style of M. E. Smith & Co., and A. C. Smith became its president. He served as one of the di rectors of the Transmlssieslppi exposition and during last year was the president of the Municipal league. Charles Somers Young Is another of the young men who have pushed their way to the front In the business world. Mr. Young left school in 1895, being graduated from Cornell university with the class of that year, and came to Omaha to engage In newspaper work. He began as "cub" re porter on The Bee, and advanced rapidly, within a year being railroad editor of this paper. His work In this department was such as attracted general attention among the railroad men of the country, among other things that he had to handle being the closing of the Union Pacific receivership and the reorganization of the road after the sale in 1897. January 1, 1899, he went with the B. A M. as assistant advertising man ager for the Burlington system west of the Missouri river. Three years later he was made manager of the department, and within a year was asked to come to Chicago as assistant general manager of the ad vertising for the entire Burlington system. This position he resigned to accept the po sition of advertising manager for the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul system. Two promotions within a year on one system and an advance from the position of be ginner to head of one of the most Important Tellers' Pack Sulphur chocolate eclairs were passed at dessert. When they reached me I started to help myself to one, but found It stuck fast to the plate, so forcing the fork under It I again tried, but it still held firmly. Looking up I was somewhat abashed and my friends were convulsed with laughter by bearing the waiter say: " "Souse me, Sah. but dat's my thumb.' " President Cleveland was on his first trip to the Mississippi, and was reviewing the parade In his honor. The day was chill, and the mayor, after the parade had been going on about an hour, whispered to Colonel Lamont, who bad Just come on the H. W Winter. j P r, Norfolk. Pr..trt.nl. FUttsmoutk 8fuf,: COMMISSIONERS' A8SOCIATKn! GIRLS FROM THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDYING THE DRAMA. departments on one of the great lines of railroad of the country within four years Is certainly a remarkable record. Mr. Young is original in many of his methods of advertising, and much that he haa done has received favorable comment from older and more experienced advertising experts. "The Club" gets its name from a desire of its membership to be distinguished from all the other clubs by the fact that It is the club to which they belong. It is com posed of the bright young women of the ARTHUR CRITTENDEN SMITH, PRESIDENT OMAHA COMMER CIAL CLUB. eighth grade at the Lothrop school, who are Just winding up their work In the grammar grades and preparing to enter the High school. In addition to their regular school work they have taken up the study of the English drama, and have, with the assist ance of their teacher, made much progress In the reading of Shakespeare and other classical works. One of the objects of the club Is to give practical Illustrations of what the members have learned by their studies, and to this end plays suitable to their uses are presented In part from time to time at the home of one or another of the members. stand, that In view of the temperature the president might like to fortify himself with a little something. "Of course he would," the colonel promptly replied. "Haven't you asked him yet?" "No," the mayor replied, "I didn't Just er like to." "Go ahead and ask him," said the colonel, and the mayor obeyed. "Where Is it?" said the president, by way of reply, and followed the mayor Into a room Just off the stand. The mayor aet out and filled three glasses with good old red liquor calculated to kill the effecta of the chilliest temperatures. The president counted the glasses and then the people In the room. Thtre were himself, the mayor and Lamont. "Who," asked the president, "is the third glass for?" "Why er," said the mayor, "one Is for you, Mr. President, one is for Colonel La mont, and one er for me." The president's eyes twinkled. He took up the glass assigned to Lamont, poured it into his own glass, and, as he raited It to his lips, said: "Dan don't drink," and swallowed It at a gulp. Alexander Sulllvanfwho is now residing In Denver, Colo., served in the British army In the Crimean war and acted as trumpeter at the terrible charge of the Light Brigade, "the noble 600," at Bala klava. In describing the horrors of that day, he says that when Lord Cardigan or dered him to sound the retreat he raised his bugle to his lips, but was unable to give out a sound. "Lord Cardigan." as he tells the story, "turned to me with a fierce oath and repeated his command, but shook my bead and dropped my bugle. He must have understood, for, raising his sword high above my head, he shrieked: 'Retreat, men, as best you can, and save yourselves.' " i J