Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1903, PART I, Page 2, Image 2
TllK OMAHA DAILY 11KK. HUN PAY, FEllIUTAIiY 1. 1005. W lo Saturday Our A Lace lilt Commencing Monday, Feb. 2. We LavOjiuiuli' a rwuril for low priceH on all rad'Hvof ,la"0 curtnlDP, all' through the Hcason no low as to attract very gMi ral attentjt Id making reductions now from these prices for this special, ale,;ti( know that wo are making for our customer n ciirtain-buj-ing-opportunity which has nothing of the ordinary nbout it.. ".Xh? reductions are these: $1.00 Krtttlnnhm"L"rf Curtain now 62Hc a pair. 11. S5 Notlirftbaa Lac Curtains now 85e a pair. , $1.50 Nottingham-Lac Curtains now 98c a pair. IJ.CS Nottingham Lace Curtain now 9ftc a' pair. 'tuVs Nottingham Lace Curtains now 11.10 a pair. . oitfaghiUn Laca'CurTalm now 11.25 a pair. Jf.25 Nottingham Lacs Curtains now f 1.47 a pair. It 60 Nottloghim Laca Curtains now ll.KS a pair. ' "Iff 75 Nottingham Laca ' Curtains now 1.9 a pair. ' . MJO Nottingham Lace Curtatna now 12.29 a pair. ' 14.00 Nottingham Laca Cuttalna now 12.68 a pair. ,110 Nottingham Laca Curtains now $2.93 a pair. 1 j "-fl.75 Ruffled Swla Curtains now I1.12H a pair. v 11.00 Ruffled 8wlss Curtalasj-now $1.23 a pair. .ti.&O Ruffler Swiss Curtains now 11.5ft a pair. '.11.75 .RufBod . Bwlia Cunalis no $169 a pair. i ,r, ( ' fJ.M Ruffled aVct CurtalhaJ-now $1.49 pair. " M.OO Ruffled Net Curtain's Aow $1.91 a pair. . "tt.W . Ruffled Nat Curtains tow $2.49 a pair. -H'M Ruffled-Net Curtain's tfow $2.63 a pair. . IvtiO RuJd Net Curtalna-now $3.27 a pair.. ' t&tQ' Ruffled Net Curtalnsnow $3.48 a pair. 1$0 Ruffled 'Net Cuttalnsow $3.98 a pair. It-li Ruffled Net CurtaltHlnow $4.50 a iiUCJA. Buifding.' Corner riding, ag does the Real Estate exchange, bill In. tb bouse, for the repeal of that sscUca la to Omaha charier which com pels lhi city's tax commlssioher to accept the Stat Board of Equalisationa figures la aseaslng tha railroad terminals within the city limits for municipal purposes, the effect being: tha same as the former men ure,Q increase the railroad's local taxes. At tha Sana time Senator Wall of Sherman, alee by '"request" Introduced a bill pro viding tor precisely. 4he opposite, by stredgthealng the present statute, which compel the - Omaha tat commissioner to take the atate board's figures. behalf of the humane society of Omaha and the atate. Ten Eyck of Douglas has introlacad arwo, msesurrs of commend ble purport. One Is H. R. 171, which pe Sallzea the docking of horses' talis and the other la H. R. J2J, extending the provi alona of the cruelty to animal law to poul try. ' v. " Th former bill .provides' a psnalty of ftom $100 to ISQ0 Onejfor do(,klpg the tail 61 a horse so ts to cut the Done and specl- ;es that when' 'horse Is found 'with his all eo docked 4t shaJt be- prHna facie evi dence that the person In whose possession r od whose premises the animal s . found fi the ,lHy prrty. - - Other waeh Tfla "bave-'been Introduced ent there la little question of the passage at somV Vl Hlm7 Th Inmnlty of : such feasuref haa 'ofamended)het& io-tHe'con- Sleratl ot theAeglslatftsnaoiibtloas Humaae'sOeletle which .fe SO, aCUvely Jromotrng thla'aort of legisUtloif will find their efforti crowned with success. t'Tfca Joint revenue committee of the sen ate and house wit In session from 1.80 to H) "O'clock this afternoon and dlscusseu jie trs ortt tectione of the revenae law. 4 w: practically the agreement of 'lite stfemtMra to ehaage the date ol assessing from ' February 1 to April;' as to whether the assessments should be on a cash value, tMr'ed the committee, though It wss stated 'majority favored the change. Secttone tliat -were marked for a change were that relating to achedule of property to be fl'xcd. 'telephone and express companlea, 4fectrteal companlea, assessment of Irve aroctt and that section relating to assessors. X'raoVe Was made for the election of county atseisors, but no action was taken. Fries, Reynolds and Wilson were not at the meet trif. The committee will meet again Mon- . - . 1 RAILROAD TAX FIGHT IS ON Bills at Opposite Mature Affect. j tarsi Titles of the'sletrapol. ' '' ' ttam riaaa. j ; , (From a Staff Correspondent.) 1 MJNCOLN, Jan. Si. (Special.) The quea tipo ..of;, whether, etttea of tha metropolitan las,fhail bars the right, to tax, railroad abd talograph ' property wi.thla , the city fimlts for municipal purposes la. squarely before the senate. This morning- Hall of Douglas .Introduced a bill, by special re asst, eliminating railroad and telegraph Uxatloa from section .75, article I, chap ter 1 xxt 11 of .the compiled statutes, aofar as oilea of the metropolitan class are con- trod. and. amends section xcvlll, chapter Slla, entitled. "Cttlea of the Metropolitan Class," so that .the city tax assessor shall have the 'power to assess railroad and telegraph property and not using the as sessment aa levied by the State Board of SqaalUatlon. r.'As an opponent of this bill Is 8. F. 140 FED THE DOCTOR. Haw Ho Mad lee of Feod. V . Bomaymes It Is the doctor himself and lu wis to quit the medicines our himself by food. who and t la, looking around for a concentrated palatable ' prepared food I got hold of Orape-Nut and Immediately began ualng (l four times a day, exclusively tor break fast with milk; tor luncheon and dinner ior dessert, aad a cup on retiring," says physlolaa of Mt. Zlon, 111. ' , "I bad bad nervous dyspepsia for over a year. My normal weight 1 140 pound but I bad been steadily losing flesh until a month ago I only weighed 122 pound. I concluded it waa time to throw 'physio to to dog' In my cat. Twsntv-four hour after starting the Qrap-Nut re gies the fullness and distress after eat ing had ceased. The heartburn, water brash, palpitation of the heart and other symptoms that bad reminded m for over a year that I had a stomach, soon disap peared and 1 can now eat a square meal aad feel good afterwards. "I weighed yesterday and waa surprised to find that I had gained 1$ pounds fn a moath, and th end la not yet. , "The nervoua symptoms have entirely disappeared and I am atronger than I have been for two yeara. I thank you for plvpc ofapa-Nuta at the disposal of those suffering with nervous dyspepsia." Name glvsa by Poaiuts Co., BattU Greek, Mich. ' - ' , fW, Fb. 1. 190S. Annual t I p. m. Soecial Sale of Curtains pair. Td) 7 Sixteenth and Douglas Sta Introduced by Wall of Sherman, which provides for the strengthening of the sec tion, la regard to cities of the metropolitan class, taking the assessment of railroad property, as made by the state beard. Almost the entire morning was spent In discussing the bill for a Joint resolution to msmorlallse nongresi to kill the land leasing bill of Senator Dietrich. Howell of Douglas moved an amendment that the fencet unlawfully enclosing the ' publio domain be removed. Thla occasioned much debate, until , the senator . changed-hie amendment that the fencea must come down by June 1, 1904. This was carried unanl mously. Senator Howell developed Into a cham pion o a. larger navy and tat bj-lng ;ahout the desired condition he Introduced a Joint resolution, known as S. F. 144, as followa "Whereas, Conirjeaa baa .prudently taken ateps to strengthen -the army. of the Unitid States by an. Increase In the. proposed ap propriatioris '.for this branch of .the service, therefore . . Resolved. That, In. Vie wojth menacing attitude of foreign poVeta, the Interna tional situation Justifies Jhe general gov ernment in frisking further, preparations to secure a -lasting peace by , being prepared for wirrHhrrefor; be If 4 .. rs Re'lolvetl, That the atate of Nebraska, by spe:tull ,rquetVltsrepreBta,t.lveS In congresjl ti pp6t f 4. appropriation fori larger a.?y.'s'.;'" v., , yne senaie went into commltteo of the whole tor the' consideration of bills on general file. It recommended to report back 8. F. 19, relating to Insurance, to the commltteo. "... 8. PV 117, 'asking congress to defeat the Dietrich land leasing bill, was, amended by Howell of Douglas to read "that the fencea unlawfully enclosing thr publio lands he taken down by June 1, 1904 Hastjr cf Furnss, Hastings of Butler and Coffey of Boyd were appointed a commute to Investigate the difference in taxes pafd by Insurance companies In Nebraska and Iowa, as atated in the 'Hasty resolution passed yesterday. Immediately after'adjournment the mem bers of the committee' oh public lands and buildings began to arrange for their visits to the state Institutions this week. The senate adjourned at 12 o'clock until 11 o clock Monday, February 9. Bills on first Readlnar (Saturday). 8. F. 141, by Hall of Doua:as (by eoecial request) To amend aer-tlon .ft. ' chuntur xlla, entitled "Cities of the Metropolitan Claas," and section 85, article . 1, - chapter lxxvll, entltd "Revenue," Compiled Btat- uiee, taxing everything; at par cash value to eiMninaung rauroaa taxation, as pre acrlbed by thla statute. H. K. Hi. by Howell of rwinrlnTn amend section 40, chapter xllll. (fornDlled Diaiuie. emu eo "lnaurance Companies. H. r'. 143. by O NeUl of Lancaster Pro viuing lor ine appointment pt a state sur veyor and draughtsman In the ftffVce of the commissioner of publio lands and ouuuina. v Sills latrodqeed Friday Afternoon. 8. F. 137. by Olffln of Dawson (by re quest) To amend article li, chapter xciita. Compiled Statutes, entitled "Water lllchts Irrigation," by adding section (W. provid ing fur official seal for the office of the State Board of Irrigation! and section 70, providing that fees lie co'lected by the secretary of said board for filing, .examin ing, laaulna and makint? copies of water right Instruments; and section 71, provid ing for the disposition of all such moneys by him so collected. 6. F. 138, by Glffln of Dawson (by re quest) To amend sections 52 and 56, chap ter xcllltt. article II. Compiled Htatates, en titled "Water KlKhts IrriRation." S. F. 1!. by Olrtin of Dawson To amend section 13 and 21. chapter xciila, article HI, Compiled Statute, entitled "Water Klghis Irrigation." " T 8. K. 14t), by Wall of Sherman bv r' quest) To .amend section ko. article I, cliapter lxxvll,- Compiled Statutes, entlt'.ed "Revenue," to strengthen present law re garding assesment of railroad property by slate board. HOUSE HAS SHORT SESSION atarely Qaaraaa Preaeat - aad No Basla ( Momeat Attempted. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 31. (Special.) Fifty-two members, barely a quorum, answered the roll call thla morning in th house. A large number had jbeen excused th day be for, other bad gone horn during th night or were otherwise detained, without excuse. A few members came In after roll call. A resolution by Thompson ot Merrick was adopted . placing all house employe under charge Tf (be chief clerk during tbe period of adjournment next w..k and pro viding tor th employment and remunera tion of only aa many employe a ar actually needed. ' After tbei reading of committee report and bill on second reading th hous at 10:46 'adjourned o -motion -of Morsman of pouglaa until Monday, February t, at p. m. . . . Krw mil. H. R. 271. by RJggs of Dougl To pro- vide or tne incorporation oi cnooi ui triits in cities of the first class havu W. than 4'i.uW and more than 26. nw In habitants (South' Oman. -and regulating the duties. iowrs and ao vermin nt of kalU school district; to provide for board of education In said achojl districts,' fixing th terms, salaries, bonds nd quallnca lions of th Member ul th same ami rcg- ulntlng and defining the power and (titles of enlil boarris of education; sl to pto ylrte fur n treasurer, secretary nd attorney for a.itrt districts and for the contrcl of the property, money and funds of eal(l dis tricts: also rterlnlng the duties and powers of the Hoard of Kduratlon In rrgard to tax ation for school ptirpoi-ea. the luani' of bond anil all matters pertaining to tlie retenue and finance of said school dis trict"; and fnr the repeal of all aet of parte of acta In conflict therewith. This provides for a hoard of five memtvra at the annual cltv election of l4. no flection of school board memltera for Ijn.l, term of office to be three year; provide for aec retary at $T2n per annum, iiembera In draw an annual salary of l.urt and give surety bond of U,taj. Aggregate sthot.l tax not to exceed to mills. Honda mav be Issued fcr not to exceed thirty years, drawing not more than I per cent Interest If aperlal or regular election. lln the emergency clause. FRANCE MOST ASTUTE (Continued from First Page.) , allied powers to Mr. Bowrn's latest pro posal arrived here yesterday, but. have not yet been presented to the minister. Thla Mr. Bowen considers a hor-cful aim. n courteous terms the allies refuse their consent 'to the proposition that the t'nlted States and other claimant nations rerelvo the same treifment as the blockading powers. Knowing the consequences that were to follow this answer the representatives . of the allies look upon themselves the re sponsibility of withholding the notes and of again cabling, urging; a retraction of the preferential demands. The exchanges sre still In progress be tween tho Italian, British and German embassies, but there Is no evidence thtt the allies Intend yielding. It they hold out, their representatives must present the Joint refusal and Washington negotiations will come to a standstill. Baron Speck von Sternberg today spent two hours In conference with Count Quadt, who, aa charge d'affaires, has thus far con ducted the Venezuelan negotiations for Oermany. The German minister was placed In possession of the correspondence which hss passed between Mr. Bowen and the allied powers and was advised by the count of the serious hitch which bad arisen ak a result of the contention of the triple alli ance for preferential treatment. Meanwhile Mr. Bowen la biding hlr time. He is keeping Caracas informed as to the situation here and Is counselling patience, hoping that the powers will yet yield. As a matter of fact, he has so. far re ceived no Intimation from the powers that they are really dnslrous. of settling tha Venezuelan dispute at Washington, as (hay have thus far merely received his sugges tions with counter propositions, Mr. DeMargerie today informed Secretary Hay be had received specific Instructions to Insist that France shall not be discrim inated against In the settlement tit the Venezuelan claims. When shown the dispatch regarding' the explanation given In Berlin of the apparent hitch In the Venezuelan negotiations, Mr. Bo'wen said: All settled forelan claims are covered by the IS per cent ararna-ement. The 30 per cent proposition now offered Be f era exclu sively to unsettled claims, which not only the blockading power, but the peaceful powers, are pressing for settlement It Is absolutely false that the 13 per cent arrangement Is Included In the SO per cent proposition. It Is entirety distinct. There has been so much -confusion, dis cussion and misunderstanding in regard to this question of percentage that I am Will ing to make thla statement. - HOPE FOR MRS. MAYBRICK May Be Releasee) from Prison March t'nder God Con ' - dart Rale. la LONDONi Jan. . 31. Both A'trfbaesador Choate aad Mrs. --Florence Msybrtck her self recently received rebuffs In the 'fct-i 'tempts to gain' the- latter'a freedom. - The home secretary replied to the-em bassy's representations, and to the im prisoned woman's appeal that he saw no grounds for. her release. The appeals were made especially In con nection with the necessity for Mrs. May brick's presence In the United States to testify' In the Virginia (and aults In which she and her mother, Baroness Deroques, are Interested. Tho baroness has exhausted all her means In fcrr endeavor to giin hor daughter's freedom and Is now almost pen niless. i If the remission of sentence, which Is generally applied In the case of life sen tences. Is granted In Mrs. Maybrlck's ease, she should be released In March. Whether, thla will be done seems doubt ful, notwithstanding the alleged' existence of a letter from Lord Salisbury to the late Ambassador Bayard promising that .the prisoner's senfence, would be remitted. PATTERNS AFTER AMERICA Kreaeh Deputy Prtpea iapreme Court Constituted Like - ' Oar Own. . .- '. . a (Copyright, 19C8, by. Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Jan.- 31. (New York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) A high compli ment la paid to American jurisprudence by Deputy Charles Benolst, who haa. lntrd duced into th Chamber of Deputies ' bill to establish . in France a supreme court like that in the United States, and to be composed of a presiding Judge and eight other Judges, to be appointed for Ufa by tbe president ot the republic. It 1 pro vided that a Judge may resign at the age of 70 and after ten year of aervlce with full salary. Benolst argues that '.this supreme court would be the highest tri bunal In the land, framed. on constitutional lines and taking no part In executive Or legislative administration. MAYOR MUST STAND TRIAL Cuba Senate to Pas Bill Exonerating tbe Strike Prisoner. HAVANA, Jan. 21. After a debate last ing four daya, the annate, by 12 to 10, re jected the house bill granting amnesty to all persons who were held for Mai at the time of - tbe atrlke last November. An amendment to aet at liberty all exot pt tbe mayor and other municipal officials -was rejected by the same vote. Fourteen per sons, including the maypr, will have to atand trial. - , Striker Loot th Savop. BARCELONA, Bpain, Jan. 31. The supply of provisions having failed at Ru (near Tarragona), where a general strike I Ja progress, tbe strikers have looted a number of shops, moat of which ar now closed Msny arrests hsv been made. Kxteada Tints for Tax Payment. MANILA. Jan. 31. Tbe Philippine gov ernment has extended the time for. the payment ot the land tax and has remitted the penaltie for failure to pay In seven impoverished province. '.-..'., Iowa Coal Mia Closed. - DE8 MOINES" la., Jan. tY-The mines Of . the Glbaon Coal company th. largest In the stau, have been Idl sine, veaterday and were cloned twfor for several days as a result of a atrlk precipitated by th rriuw vi iiio romttny iu re-migy a ois charged man. A conference has two called for Monday between th. otttclals of th I nlted Mlpe Worker fur loH and th representatives of the Coal Operatura' as sociation CONGRESSMAN RUMPLE DEAD Announcement Oaniei Shook U Bit Many Ff ends is Congress. THOMPSON CALLS AT WHITE HOUSE Mia Official Preparations Art Com pleted and lie Wtll Await His Wife In Sew 1 orlf tlamble' Home stead Bill Reported. i (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 81 (Special Tele gram.) News of the death of Congressman Rumple, representing the Second Iowa dis trict, waa received at the national capital shortly after the meeting of congress at noon oday. ThtJJxh Captain Rumple w&s a comparatively new member, ha had been In congress sufficiently long to have gained a host of warm friends on both sides of tho chamber, and the message announcing Ills death caused universal and profound re gresl. Though recent advices from Chi cago, where the affl'cted congressman Isy in the horpltal, have Indicated that his Ill ness was an lacurable one, nevertheless the announcement of his death csme as a great shock to his many friends In the national capital. As soon ss his death became gen erally known to members of the Iowa dele gation a meeting was held at which Speaker Henderson and a committee were selected to prooeed to Chicago and accompany the remains to Marengo, the home of the de ceased member. A special car will be at tached to the Pennsylvania train leaving here tomorrow at 8:30, which will carry the congressional delegation. Congressman Lacey this afternoon drew up appropriate resolutions relative to the death of Captain Rumple and they were presented to the house by Congressman Hepburn, dean of the delegation, and In conformity with prece dent the: house adjourned out of respect to hla nemory. , Hnffalo May Boy Fort. Representative -Mondelr today Introduced a bill authorizing the secretary of the In terior1 tc Issue a patent to the city of Buf falo, Wyo., for lots T and 8, section 3, township SO north, range 82 west, embraced within the abandoned Fort McKlnney mil itary reservation upon payment by the au thorities of Buffalo of the appraised price of said lots.' It la expected that an Item, of $350,000 will be embodied In the sundry civil bill for the Hot Springs sanitarium, which Rep resentative Martin and others have been working on for aome time. Should this amount be carried $500,000, In round num bers, will be appropriated for the sani tarium end permit buildings to be erected along lines contemplated by the board of governor of the National Soldiers' Home. . 'Representative-Martin today secured an amendment to the 'sundry civil' appropria tion bill providing an appropriation of $10,-00-for Improving the fish hatchery at SpearSsh, S. D. Thompson Visit the President. D. E. Thompson Is ' tonight taking It easily at his rooms at' the New Wlllard, chatting with such friend ts drop In upon him. This morning. In company with Sen ators Millard and Dietrich, be went to the White House to pay his respects to Presi dent Roosevelt and 'fo thank the president for' his appointment.'- Mr. Thompson spent the remainder of the day visiting friends In various executive, department and else where about the city to bid them farewell. Mr. Thompson shld to The Bee correspond ent tonight- that all his preparations of an offlctet 'character bad been completed at the 'State department and be expects .to leave Washington Sunday night for New 1 York, there to await the coming of bis wife from Nebraska, .... ... , ' A avorable. report was .made to the sen ate today on Senator Gamble's bill extend ing the provisions of fh homestead law so aa to cover Isolated trikcuj of land left cut of ceded Indian denervations. The situa tion In the ceded portion, of the great Sioux reservation. Is cited aa an example aa to why Gamble's proposition should pass. - free Delivery Roate. The following rural free .delivery let ter carrier were appointed today: Iowa Arlington, regular, Ruby L. Peck; substi tute, Jamea H. Peck. (- Leigh ton, regular. Dirk Vanbaaf ton; substitute, Jobn Van haafton. South Dakota Ferney, regular, Henry A. Becker; substitute, Arnold W. Becker. Groton, regular, Charles Snell; substitute, Mrs. A. J. Snell. Mount Ver non, regular, William E. Baker; jubatituto, THEORIES ABOUT CATARRH. Peculiar Idea Reaardlnu; a Common Dlaeaae. Mark Twain' cure ior a cold In the head was simple, but be clalma very effective In his own case; his plan was to eat nothing whatever-for twenty four houra or pre sumably until the trouble had disappeared. Although not able to speak from per aonal experience as to the effectiveness of this treatment, it certainly haa the merit of extreme ,ecomony, but It occur to us that the application of It to a. case of nasal catarrh might be attended with difficulties. Catarrh, as everyone knows. Is a chronic cold la the bead and Mr. Twaln'a treat ment. If It ahould become a fad, would mrfke of us nation of fasters: an army, emulating tbe example of the Immortal Tanner , who achieved world wide fame by fasting forty daya. Catarrh is certainly becoming a national disease and there I little doubt but that errors In diet, particularly over eating Is a very common cause. Most people however are more interested In the cure of the trouble than In tbe cause. and modern medical science haa produced more effective and less heroic remedies than Mr. Twain's. Hydrastln is a new remedy, very effective In some forms of Catarrh. Red Gum Is an other which on account of its antlseptlo properties la very valuable, while many severe casea of Chronlo Catarrh have beu entirely cured by tho sangulnarla or ex tract ot Blood roet alone. Within a year an enterprising chemist has combined all of these remedies In tab-.i let form, palatable and convenient and the suoerlorlty ot this lableta over other ca tarrh remedies is so apparent that alt druggists now carry thm in atock to sup ply the popular demand. They are called Stuart' Catarrh Tablets and It la doubtful If any medicine has achieved a national popularity In ao short a time as this. ' Stuart's Catarrh Tablets ar ued by thouaand of traveling men because tbey csn be carried la tbe packet and used any time and In any quantity . being free from Cocaine, opiate or any poisonous drug. Tbey clear the head and throat from the disgusting secretions of catarrh, very often In a few hours time. Far nasal Catarrh they are far auperlor to any wash, lotion or. ointment the use of which Is- often aa ioconvenient and annoy ing aa tbe disease Itself. For coughs, colds, bronchial catarrh and catarrh of stomach, these tableta give im mediate relief and a permanent cur wher lotion, douche and Inhaler make no im pression, whatever. This preparaUun Is a boom. -to catarrh sufferers and any druggist . will . tell you that Stuart's' Catarrh Tablet! U a remedy that bis com to ty. BONE-SETTER PERFORMS AT HUDSON, WISCONSIN. Another Sets fi Congenital Dislocated Hip for n Minneapolis Young Lndy, Twenty-Three Years of Age, Without Knife or Pain. A REMARKABLE OPERATION IN BLOODLESS SURGERY. HUDSON, Wis., Jsn. 31 Miss Anna Col borg, 23 years of age, residing at 117 East Fifteenth street, Minneapolis, Minn., was born with a dislocated hip. The tune setter at Hudson, Wis., oct the hip perfectly for her. with his bsre hands, without the least pain or the giving of chloroform, or the use of plaster cast, stay or brace of any kind. It was cer tainly a remarkable operation, and the young lady returned home perfectly de- lighted. Miss Colborg s father Is tlectrl- , Mrs. Blanche Baker. Webster, regular, Lee P. Albin; substitute, J. J. Rpcnsley. The application of II. W. Hatter, J. R Morris, Aaron Cover, W. W. Klrker and John Hall, Jr., to organize the First Na tional bank of Deep River, la., with a capital of $25,000 was approved by the comptaoller of the currency today. The corporate existence of the First Na tional bank of Burlington, la., has been extended until the close of business Febru ary 1, 1923. The Tootle-Lemon National bank of St. Joseph, Mo., was today rrproved as resere agent for the Beatrice National bank of Beatrice, Neb. , Miss Olive Conger of 8eymottr, la., was today appointed a 21,000 clerk in tbe Treas ury department. L. E. Rlchardton of Keytesville, Mo., has been appointed a $1,000 clerk In army head quarters, Omaha. Postmasters appointed: Iowa L. H. Al len of Harvard, Wayne county;. F. W. Shuh of Lacone. Warren county; Emanuel Beery of Norwalk, Warren county; O. A. McKin- ney of Runnells, Polk county; Luther Bason of Tuskeega, Decatur county. Wyo ming Almond, Sweetwater county, Walter B. Aiken; Hulett, Crook county, John B. Baxter. (iermuii .Minister la Prophet. Baron Speck von Sternberg, the new German minister, who arrived In Wash ington last night,. was presented to Presi dent Rootevelt today by Secretary Hay. The call was format,, the baron desiring to present' his credentials as special minis ter from Oermany to this country before the taking charge of the embassy's affairs In tbe absence of Ambassador von Holle ben. The exchanges were verbal, the president for this occasion waiving the usual prepar atory ceremonlea and Baron Sternburp con fined himself to an exposition of the em peror's friendly feeling for tho United States' and his own gratification at being able to return to America In this capacity. The president responded In a felicitous vein, incidentally expressing the hope that tbt baron's coming would result In the set tlement of all pending questions, this being an indirect reference to the Issues. Beyond this, the question waa not dis cussed. The baron called upon Minister Bowen this afternoon. In a subsequent Interview Baron Stern berg expressed the .gratification he felt at returning to ihu 'United States. He said: 'i ' As I return to. America as a minister plenipotentiary 1 am reminded of the changes that have taken plHce since I was here more than ten years ngo as a mili tary attache. Then your president waa a civil service comllssloner. I do not pose as a prophet, tut when I first met Mr. Roose velt I waa deeply impressed with hla un tiring energy and essential sincerity of purpose. It Whs this combination that convinced me that some dy 1 would sej him at the head of thla groat tiation. When I euld godbye to him on my de parture from Washington the first time 1 added: "When I BRain congratulate you, Mr. Roosevelt, you will be one step nearer the White House." On hearing of his appointment as assist ant swretary of the nnvy, I wrote him: "Permit me to congratulate you on this second step nearer the presidency." and when he was elected governor of New York 1 telegraphed him: "The next time I offer you my congratulations it will be Prenl detit Roosevelt." I believed he would be president because I knew the!1 stuff he was n.ade of. To mo, and the same opinion prevails In Europe, your president Is the personification of what la good and great and healthy In America. Captain Hobaon Ketlre. ' Captain Rlchmond'P. Hobson of "Merrl mac" fame, has tendered bis resignation as a naval constructor in the navy. For some time Captain Hobson has Bought to be retired, but the board which examined blm pronounced him fit for duty,, and be was ordered to take charge of construction work at the Bremerton, Wash., naval sta tion. It Is well known that for some time Cap tain Hobson haa suffered from aa affection ot the eyea which he and hla friends have claimed Incapacitated blra for active duly. A bill to retire blm has passed the house of representatives and recently, when It waa called up in the senate by Mr. Morgan It was passed over on objection by Mr. Cockrell, who insisted that an examining board having pronounced htm fit for duty he should not be retired. . MORGAN OBJECTS TO HIS TAX Nat Liable for Any Personal ment, but Willing to Pay x Same a Before. NEW YORK, Jan. 31. Among the vlsl tora to the tax office yesterday was J. Pier pont Morgan, who was on the tax books for a personal assessment of $600,000. Mr. Morgan said that though be was not liable for any personal assessment be be lieved It to be the duty of every citizen to contribute to the support of the city and be waa willing to pay on an assessment ot $100,000, as he did last year. Telearraukera After More Waare. TOPEKA. Kan., Jan. 31. Tbe Rock Is land operators are rapidly organizing them selves as members ot tbe Order of Railway Telegraphers and the next atep will be a request for an Increase In wages, which It is expected will be made at once. Steamer Prove Total Los. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J, Jan. 31-The freight steamer Gulf Stream of the Clyde line, from New York, for Philadelphia, which went aground yesterday mi a sand bar oral Avalun, N. J., is a total loan. It lias broken In two and is full ot water. Captain Swan and some of thu rrrw, who went aboard the vessel In the hope that It might be saved, were landed by the II to saver last tiight. uiaa I'rr.iurin nriimi, PllToHURa, Jan. 31 Charles E. Vloettle has tendered hi resignation as president of the American lint (Jlaa Worker. r nni tiiaa worat-rs union to take effect March li. Mr. Vlot-ttle is the third president of the organlZittlim to resign within three years. The national omcera ay the resignation are due to internal dUenlon. Italian Arrested fur Marder. PITTSBURG. Jan. 31. Narala Swanbeitl, an Italian, was arrested here today f'ir a murder committed In Italy eight mcJlitha ago. After the killing B an belt I fted the country and was traced to Pittsburg. He mill be tjrn.d ov.r to the proper authuri- i tie for talradiiiun to Italy. Wonderful Operation clan for Swan J. Turnblnd, on the "Svenska Amerlkannka l'osten" of Minneapolis, Minn. The mother of Miss Colborg says: "I wish to personally recommend tho Bone-Setter at Hudson. Wis., to all may be crippled. My daughter Anna was born with a dislocated hip, 23 yeara ago, and when she consulted the Bone-Setter her dialnrated leg was 4H Inches shorter than the other one. Now, with the hip perfectly set, there Is only a very slight limp In her walk, which la acarcely per HOLDS TRUSTS ARE MENACE Views of treat Br tiih Sociologist on tho Combinations of Today. REVIVAL OF THE SPIRIT OF PAST AGES Aim at Financial Abaolotlam In tead of Governmental a For merly, One a Detrimental to t'roarra a the Other. (Copyright. 1!3, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Jan. 31. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Benjamin Kidd, the great sociological writer, baa returned from the United States profoundly Impressed with the gravity and urgency of the trust problem. He baa given to the World correspondent his views on the question and its future, as follows: "The trusts of today are the revival In Industrial life of exactly the same spirit that created absolutism In states. For merly men aimed at administrative ab solutism; now the trust leader' object Is the attainment of financial absolutism, "It Is as pernicious In Its latter day a in its former aspect, and It Is as vital to the Interests ot humanity and progress that financial absolutism should be destroyed as It was that absolutism among ruler should be abolished. "The whole history or British civilization has been the hlstor of a steady, tenacious fight against absolutism in the state, a fight which baa been entirely successful. Financial absolutism must be fought, and, in my opinion, the Influence that will fight and overcome It will be that same British civilization which baa crushed absolutism In other forms." Benjamin Kldd's "Principles of Western Civilization" baa attracted more attention than any work of recent years dealing with the philosophy of history. His "Social Evolution" is deemed of such world wide Interest that It has been translated Into German, French, Russian, Italian and Swedish, and rests on the shelves ot schools In all countries alongside ' of Herbert Spencer's works. His "Control of tbe Tropics" also ranks' among th Important works of the time. . OMAHA SOCIALIST SELECTED National Committee Appoint New "Governor Drawn for Middle . Western, State. ST. LOUIS,' Jan. 31. A new quorum wa appointed by the national committee of tha socialist party today to succeed tbe com mitteemen ousted from office yesterday. Tbe new committeemen are: S. H. Lovltt of Aberdeen, S. D., Ernest Uintermann of Glrard, Kan., John M. Work of Dea Moines, la., John H. Sterner of Kansas City and J. P. Roe of Omaha. The new quorum will be installed on Monday. KILLS SELF ON WEDDING DAY Butte Man Pile Present Bound Him and Take III Own Mfe. ' BUTTE, Mont., JaJ. 81. Carl Wlntera, formerly county auditor, ehot himself through tbe head with a revolver tonight, dying instantly. It is said hla fiancee broke their engage ment after having learned that he bad been drinking, and tbls, it is believed, led to hi suicide. On a table by hla side were plied heaps of wedding presents which bad been sent for tbe ceremony, which was to have been performed tonight. STOLEN CHECKS RECOVERED Thieve Fear to Keep Xon-Mea-ot lable Paper, Which 1 Burled fa ' Lumber Yard. TOLEDO, O., Jan. 31. Over 600 letter were found burled in a lumber yard thla afternoon. Every envelope bad been slit, but money order and checka to the value of several hundred dollars whloh could not be disposed of without danger. of detection were left undisturbed. ' . . The letters were rifled of Jewelry, caab and New Year' gifts. UTAH MAN EXPECTS POST Colonel Hay Think Kow Vande vanter i Judge He Will Get ' New Vacancy. OGDEN, Utah, Jan. SI. Colonel A. B. Hay says that while be baa received no official notification be bad been given to understand that be will receive the ap pointment ot attorney general of the In terior department. In place of Vandevanter, today appointed' Judge ot the Eighth cir cuit. JUNK OF RIVER COMMISSION It Will Be Disposed Of After Inspec tion by Officer of th Army, The last chapter In the history of the Missouri River commission is now being written and the War department Is making i ...i. ji...., ,1., ' thm body, which was disbanded six months - . ,. ,,, . rnr. , ,nr. - priate funds for its expenses. Yesterday Captain 11. M. Reeves, aide-de-camp on th staff of General Bates, was ordered to proceed to Gasconade, Mo., for the purpose i oi inspecting muq reporting upuu iub dbi means of disposing of tbe property of tbe commission. Tbls. property .consists of a number ot snag boata which have been used to reinov obstructions from tbe river, ma chlnCry for' building rip-raps, office furni ture and CxlurtK, surveying instruments ceptible. No knife wa used, no chloro form given, no plaster cast, stay or brace used; no pain with the operation. With his bare hands he did the work. We are delighted and cannot say enough In praise of the Done Setter. ' Signed. "MRS. O. CARLBORG." To consult the Bone-Setter at Hudson, Wisconsin, it I necessary to write first and say how you sre crippled and let blm set a time when be can aee you, as all of his time Is taken by appointment. and other material which haa been accu mulated by the commission. , Captain Reeve will go to Gasconade Feb ruary 10 to make the Inspection. The prop erty Is valued at several thousand dollars, and the method of It disposal is not known at this time, as much of It, In Its present form. Is unsulted for anything but the work for which It waa constructed. NO TRACE OF BANK ROBBERS Police Are Wondering; What Became of Blar Stolen from Parmer Meaklnd. No further clue - to the Waterloo bank robbers hss been reported to Chief Dona hue. That official stated yesterday that one of the strange features In connection with the robbery wa the Inability of tbe officers to secure any trace of the missing team stolen from the Monklnd farm. Thu chief Is of the opinion that the robbers have deserted the rig and It haa been taken Into the care of soma farmer, who ha not reported his find. The chief also bellevca that the robbers will not make any attempt at disposing of the team through any- sale, but will either turn It loose in tbe highway or place it under ahclter. NO STRIKE ON SOUTHERN LINE I'sjion raelfie Striker Will Confine Their Effort to tbe One Road, Strike leaders In Omaha said yesterda; morning that they will not attempt to pttl. out the men on the Southern Pacific rail way. Great Interest has been felt In th matter all along-, as It was thought th strikers would certainly resort to that move In case President Burt did not conjo to a settlement. "The striker feel that they can accom plish their ends without Insisting- on the atrlke being carried to other Harrlman line of railroad, and will proceed with the plana already outlined," said one of the leaders. . Dote Pains. Itchlnv, Seabbr Skin Dlaeaae. Swelllnaja Carbvnclea, PI ra plea, Scrofula, permnotlr cured by taking UoUni Blood ttuiiu. It dtjatrtrya th active folaoa In lh blood. If you hav acht and palna In Uonea, back and Jotnta. Itching Bcabby Skin. Blood feli hot or thin, Swollen Glands, HliUigi and Durapi on tha Sktn, Mucui Palchei In Mouth. or Throat, Pita pita, or offeniitTa aruptlont, Copper-Colored Bpats or raah on Ukln, all .run -down, or nervoua, L'iuere on any part of tha bouy. Hair Of Eyebrow lalllug out Carbunctea or Boili, take Botanlo Blood 4) a Ira, goaranteed to cura oven tha woret acid moat deep-aeattd casea wher doctors, patent snedlolnee, and hot sprints fall. Heala all aorea, aiupe all aches and palus, reduces all swellings, makes blood pure and rich, completely changing tho entire body Into .a elaan, healthy vondtton. B. B. B. baa cured thousands of cases of Blood Poison oven after reaching tha last staxea. Old Hheamatlatn. Catarrh, Heseiiia are caused, by aa awful Fojioned condition of tha Blood. B. B, B. alops Hawking and Bpltitng, lick ing and Borate king. Acnes and Paine; cures lUieuni tlsm, Catarrh ; beats all Bcaba, tiealee, Eruptions, Watery Blisters, foul festering fores of cmi; by giving a pure fcrnltn bloc 4 supply to effected parte. Cancer Cared . Botanle Blond Balm Cures Cancers of all Kinds, Suppurating Bwalllngs, Eating Bores, Tumors, Uf Ulcere- It kills the Center Poison and heals tha aorea or worst cancer perfectly, li you have a per Blatant Plraple. Wart, Bwelltngs, Hhootlng, Btlugli.g Palna, take Blood Balm and tbey will diaappfsr be fore tbey develop Into Cancer. Many apparently hopeleaa cases of canoe cured' by taking Botaola i)Ionr1 fie 1m. Htt Ul AUAIv l klC. llvf a laWrw kxettl ' g. a .. .V V" as s --.-a, C" l . ml1 inmi nttitwj t y eiwaitrurei whw. tha ,u.Ur I. i.ken wed ltlfe.r.Il.l. alwaytrures tea tha rlajht ejUMMtltjr la taken. at eareel v w r sMsrv will care promptly he re J A Botanic Blood Balm (II. H. II. I I Pleiaant snd Ufa to Uk. Thoroughly tasted for 30 yra. I'ompocM of Pure Bolanlo Ingredlanta. blrvnstheus weak kldneya mud waaJc toma.-hs, curs dyspspaia. Complete directions so wltb aac bottle. feod In Omaha by llostun Store Urn Department. Kith and Iarla St. la Coaacll BlasT lr H. 12. Anderson, Bau,' Broad war. ,n Sooth Omaha by Villon Dros t o., 24th and !. Call or -write any above ttorrai niood Palm arnt by eiprrn a re ceipt of X. All Wool Subjsct to ycur test- Trousers S3.50 ' No more, no less. Coat and Vest SI2.50 No more, no less, W defy anyone to duplicate our trousora to any other tailor shop In Omaha, for tbe above price. How can a a do It? How can e do It la New York, Kauaaa City and Chicago? , GRAND PANTS CO Open Evening. 203 N. 16ta S Mill iPiKliill II IUIIITU IU VI uu