Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 19, Image 19

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1 1)
Board of Trade Bnsinen is Bather Dull,
with 8m.!. Rale
Corn anil Data llardrn, hot Trtnuac
lions Are I.lahl and Muse Irne-
lion Lovrrr, While Jan
nary I'ork lamp.
fHir-AOO, Jan 81 -Trading- on th Board
of Irde was rather quiet todav, but attor
an easy opening v. hem una-) Mrotm. with
May h fruition li,.r. May com wh, also
a shad lower, while oat were tim-h ingod.
l'rovlvlnna w. re -hill h;iI rloF-d t -ady,
with May product from 2V :" lower.
W heat wan dull and prlr confined
within a narrow ratine. The feature of the
tiny wan thi selling of July Hnd linylng of
May by comnili'tlon houses ftiippnncu to
have been acting fur the leading of the
long. The opening was lower on weak
rabies and favorable weather throughout
the winter wheat belt, hi lug Vu' to ','''
lower at Titjllr. There wan some si-uing
early by dlanoi.rHgid lontiii at 77c, the low
point, but later u better Mipport developed
on buying by cnmmlawlnti houses and on
covering by short and the market became
qu'te Mrong, May Helling up to 7i'c. The
cloe whs tlrm with May u ehaie lower
at 77:v. A fair export demand wan a
strengthening factor late In the day. 'l"r
ances of wheat and Hour were nuiil to
672, ooo bu. Primary receipt were 5"i9.iai hit.,
compnred with Oi,(K a year ago Minne
apolis and Imliith reported reielpt of
cara, which, with local receipt of care,
none of contract grade, made total reciipt
for the three points of ,15 cars, agtilnat 14-1
last week and X'ts a. year ago.
Corn was quiet and aft.-r a little weak
ness on the early depression In wheat, a
firmer feeling develop d, the offerings beln
light. A good cash demand, together with
no Improvement In the car situation, wer
bull factors. The principal buying was by
commission houses. The close was firm,
with May a shade lower Ht 44 V' t7c, after
selling between 44V MV and 4rc. Local
receipts were ?M cars, with nunc of contract
Uats were alro neglected, hut In the ab
senee of any selling pressure, prices ruled
firm, t'aph demand continued good and re
ceipt were rather light, lil.l tars being re
ceived here. The close was steady wllh
May unchanged at 3W after ranslng be
tween a'Mlc and 'Mc.
May provisions were dull and prices held
barely steady. There was no Important
trade, either one way or the other. Late
In the day a sharp break occurred In the
nrlce of January pork, which ysterday
sold at $19 tha support heretofore given
that commodity by a leading Interest hav
ing been withdrawn and a drop to 114.40
took place, with the close at the low point.
The decline In Jar.uury lard was also heavy,
amounting to Wc. May pork closed
lower at 16.6n,. Mav lard was off 5c at
l.37Vi, while ribs were d iwn 2V"5- at $9 124.
Kstlmated fcelpts for Monday: Wheat,
3S cars; corn, 256 cars; oats. 2M cars; hoga,
46.OU0 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Opel'. I )I!gh. Low. Close.l Yrs'y .
Wheat I .. ..
Jan. 7W4 7V 71 .4
May 77 ri 77V 77 77'l7.VlOi
Jjly 73i(j 74T! 734, 737,1 .4
Corn- i I
Jan. R (ffSI V l f
May 44V4jj 45 ;VifiHV.'': 47
Julv '43V(i ' 434 43 Vtf '
Jan &
Mav 34 afrSSBSflVi M'4 3rt
July 32 , 3J 32 W fc2 iH
Jan. 17 2S 17 25 18 40 IB 40 18 75
Mav 10 47Vi W f7H 1 47V4 ltl f.2Vfc 16 Bj
July 16 15 18 20 ltl 18 20 16 20
Lard I
Jan. 10 00 10 00 9 40 9 47H 90
Mav 9 40 9 424 7H 37 9 42
July 9 25 9 23 9 20 9 20 9 27'
Jun. 0 00 9 KH 9 00 00 9 024
May 9 174 174 10 124 9 174
July 9 024 8 974 9 00 9 024
No. i.
Cash quotatlona were aa follows: I
FLOUR Steady; winter patents, M.ffViJ
8.75; straights,; spring patents,
$3.60(0.96; straights, f3."cff3.M; bakers, J2.26
&2.40. .
WHEAT No, 2 spring. 7i'Sf77oi No. S,
74c; No. 2 red, 73Va744c.
CORN 2. Ma No. 2 yellow, 4S
OAT3 No. 2. Sfc; No. 3 white, Xi1t
RYR No. 2, 49c.
HAHI.EY Good feeding, 43'S'ICc; fair to
choice malting, 4't4ii5c.
HEEDS No. t flag. $1.18; No. 1 north-K-evtern,
$1.21. Prime timothy, $4- Clover,
contract grade, $11.90.
PKOVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.50
fil6.624. Lard, per lao lbs.. $9.5059.624.
Phort ribs sides (looseVt t.Kit9 15. Dry
salted shoulders (boxedl. $H .i'Ai S.50. Short
clear sides (boxed), $.374ti9.624.
Following were the receipts and ship
ments of Hour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 28.3IU H,0
Wheat, bu v 65.Bot 2i,:'o0
Corn, bu 214.700 2M.20
Oats, bu 24!t,K'iO lhl.KoO
Rye, bu 6.7t)
llarley, bu 57,000 s.ftflo
On the Produce exchsngj today the bjt
ter market wak dull and steady; cream
cries, lrtJfS&o; dairy. lKj'Jf.c. Kggs, weaker;
loss off, cases returned, 2o4e. Cheese,
steady, 154lic.
UnntatlnRa n. i
NEW YORK. Jan. Jl.-I LOUR-Recelpts,
14.230 bbls.; exports, 15,242 bbls.; dull and
easy; v.'tntet patents, $3. 6504. 00; winter
Straights, $3.603.65; Minnesota patents,
$4.104c40; winter ex.ras, $2.80iB3.10; winter
bakers, $3.253-45; winter low grades, $2.60
lT2.90. Rye flour, dull: fair to -ood. ti.Wp
ll; choice to fancy, $3.4oy3.5. UuckwUeat
Vul". dul1. 42.2(2.1, spot and to arrive.
'1 VUHNMUAlr- bteady; yellow western,
r$l.l; city. $1.17; Krandywine, $3.4(i;.o5.
RE bteady; No. a western, 61c, f. o.
b., afloat; state, 6u674o, c. 1. f., New York.
1JARLKY Viulets feeulng, 4.C, c. 1. t.,
New York, iiomlnul.
WHhiAT Receipts, 2o3,3nO bu. ; exports,
94.120 bu.; spot, easy; No. 2 red, Mic, ele
vevtor; No. i red, M4c, f. o. b., afloat; No
1 northern Luluth, h7c, f. o. b., atloat;
No. 1 hard Manitoba, toc. f. o. to., afloat.
Weakei cables, forecasts of large HUfsiati
shipments and bearish winter wheat crop
new depressed wheat for a time thla morn
ing, after which It rallied partially on cov
ering. Tha close was quite steady at a
tartial 4c pet advance. March closed at
:c; May. aaHmalc. closed at Mc; July,
Jtm, closed at 7sc.
CHUN Receipts, W.ooO bu.; exports, 108,
767 bu.; No. 1, nominal elevator and f9c, f.
o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, &)c; No. 2 white,
fcid-. Weakened moderately on favorable
weather news, dull cables, large receipts
here and absence of demand In sympathy
wllh wheat, the clone was steady and Itjin
Vc net higher to unchanged. February
closed at 6'4i-; March. 6Vu7o, closed at
tic; May. 6t4lrfic. closed at 6uV; July,
4 Dl l.i-lfic, closed at 44c
OAT8-Hecelpis, wi,tii( bu.; exports, 770
bu.; spot, quiet; No. 2, 43c; standard white,
i.ic; Nu. 4, 424c; No. 1 while, 44c; No. &
while, ii4r. track mixed western, nominal;
track white. 4a''i4ii option slow and barely
steady. May closed at 4Jc.
HAY Hull: shipping, tttjTOc; god to
Choice. $o .u I va.
rtOPH l'lrm; state, common to choice,
1&2, 3oti37c; lul, S4iU7c; old, Hu'4c- a
cltlc coast, list, 27V 32c; l'JU, 2oU.'7c; olds.
4J 124f-
lllDKS Firm; Ualveston, 15c; California
19c; Texas, ltc.
Leather Firm; add, 24"ijfiitc.
PROVISIONS-Heef. steady; famllv. lVfi
17c; mess, aio.mxiilo.5o; beef hams, jil.Vv
2150; packet, 14'uI.h-; city extra India niest
$:4 0i)27.ii. Cut meats,; pickled bel
lies, ul: pickled hoi.l,ers, Kjis'.c;
pickled ham. llfiUSc. I.ard, easy;
axn steamed, $;i .In; rertneil, easv; conti
nent, $lcju; louth America, tnHn; com
pjund, "4o"c. Pork, dull; family, $i ;5
V10J; short clear, $1 4"u21.oO; mess, llso
1U1S .oti.
E hi TTKR-nrm; extra creamery,
ffTa factory. lt.(iJ"c; creamery, common to
'choice, l'y-'ae; held creamery. liui,c"; state
dairy Is ujj-; renovated,
4. HEW K-FIrm: state full cream, fancy.
small, colored, fall n.adc. 144i'; lute made
13'Ul4c; wh'te, fall ma.le. 14411144c; late
made, lSc; large, cvlored, fill mad -, 144c;
late made, HV', large, white, fall niaue.
144c; late made, 13c.
EGOS Firm; state ami Pennsylvania,
average, best, lsu-: western fancy, :ic;
Kentucky, 21t)2Uc; western, poor to good,
TALLOW gteidy; city $2 per packing),
4c; country (packages freei, 4u(i 4c.
HfOI'LTKY Alive, nonilnall uiichanged;
eaeed. western chickens, lliyltc; western
wis. lJc; turkevs. lsijloc.
h ICE Firm; Jaian. nominal.
METALS Nothing f feature transpired
In metals today, pi li es ruling gem rally on
chi.ged, with business of the regulation
Haturday dullness Tin was barely steadv,
spot quoted at Hi. Copper, duii and
nominal, unchanged Standard. $11 10; lake,
$U.4i-o l$ 7";- electrolytic, $12.4ovf U f.; cast
liifc l2iU.tJ. Lead, 4Ull .1 $4.U'4 fur
llvuof"). Iron,
Record ( learlnaa anil ni Loan K
panslon Are the liar's Featnrea.
NEW YORK. Jan. H.-The market was
a merely nominal affair today. Some of the
trnderV who sold short yesterday bought
to cover on the belief that thfre was no
warlike threat In the Vei.eiuelan situation
and that the labor cilspjte on the Cnlon
Pacific had a less serious aspect this morn
ing than was reported yesterday. There
was continued atsorptlon of Delaware A
Hudson, which Wat explained as being due
to reports of very large current earnings.
The extra dividend of one-half of 1 per
cent on Northern Pacltlc had not been fore
told, but it was without apparent effect
upon entlment. As Northern Securities
Is practically the sole owner of Northern
Pacllio shares and as the increase In the
Hei uritWs company s dividend already made
was presumably based npon the Northern
I'arliic evtra the episode was allowed to
(ass without a ripple In the stock mnr
kt Interest centered In the weekly bank
statement, and even more In the dav s
clearing house figures. The latter disclosed
that the balances to be settled between
clearing house Institutions for the day
were the largest In the history of the clear
li.g house, reaching a total of $24.i77.4!.
The heavy Individual debts snd credits of
a few of the largest banks In the associa
tion made It seem evident that some finan
cial transaction ot great magnitude was
carried throj",h today. The subtreasury
had a lirge credit balance, due to the pay
ment of a Central Pacific note due the gov
ernment. The large loan expansion for the
week was attributed to the Pennsylvania
lc an, which Is authoritatively stated to
hnve been nearly atn.nti.iam. It Is generally
believed that a considerable portion of the
loan was taken by foreigners and was thus
a factor In the easier tone of exchange
which developed during the week. The
re-deposit with the hanks by the railroad
company of the proceeds of the loan has
been responsible for the free supply of
funds which developed yesterday In' the
money market. The, ordinary speculator
In stocks flnda cause for hesitation about
operating In the evidence of such finan
cial requirements as was furnished by to
day's bank statement and clearing house
figures. The market sold off after the bank
statement and Jlosed dull but about steady.
I'nlted Staietl coupons have advanced 4
per cent as compared with the closing call
of last week.
The following are the closing; prices on
. C v - 1. f . . . .
mc a-icw iuik oiots, exenunge:
. M' 8i. Kallw.jr pfd Sr.
. WCj Tnas HaelB,- 3
.lm T.ilftio, St. It. V. 29
. S5 1 do yfd 4l
. 1J CnUin rieltlc lMi'
. 72 ' du pld f-"
. 614 Wtbaiih 2 H
. 3f)l,4 do pfd 4i
11 .Wlitrliiig L. K .... H'
10 I do lit pfd 36
. 274 Wis. onirtl ZS'J
. 82 i do pfd 62
. 4.14 Adimi Ki ami
.22H Ainrriran Ki 2.'d
. 11 I'nlted Statrii fell 13
. J4 Welli-Parso Ex 220
. v4 Amal. Topper Al,
. Aintr. Car & F 4nt
. do pfd lj
. 46 Amer. Lin. Oil 17-i
. laiV' do pfd Ai
.24., Anierl'an 8. A R.... 4H'4
do ptd
Ual a uhio
do pfd...
r'anadian Pacific . .
Canada So
t'hea. St Ohio
(.'hliaao Ai Alton...
do pfd
ChUaao A K. ill..
Chicago i O. W...
do lttt pfd
do 2d pfd
Chicago N. w...
Ch.cago Tirr. A Tr.
do pfd
C. C. C. gt. L. .
Colorado So
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Del. & Mudaon
Del. L. A W
Lianvar & H. U
do pfd
do lat pfd
do M ptd
Great Nor. ptd
llo"kllig Valley ...
do pfd
IIII110I1 Central ...
Iowa Central
do pfd
Lake Krt. ft V...
do pfd
L. A N
Manhattan I,
Wet. St. Ry
Mei. Central
.Vri. National ....
Minn. A fit. L
Mo. Pacific
M , K A T
u pfd
a i pfd &rv.
at Anac. Mining Co Mli
4oS llrooklyn K.'T..
, 714 Colo. Fuel A Iron.
. IS", tuns. t)aa
.Ji2 Cont. Totiacco pfd..
.1(104 (ien. Klsctrlc
. S7 Hocking Coal
.14H"i Inter, caper
. 4.14 do pfd
. 7-'l Lacletlo liaa
. 47 'National Biscuit ..
.111 National Lead
.1264 No- American
.1441, Pacific Coaat
.13'i H. Ilic Mill
. 2o People's (iaa
. Ih4 rreasFil H. l ar
.107 I do pfd
.1114 Pullman P. Car....
. 271, Republic Steel
. do I do pfd
. 74
. IS
.. 174
.. 7-
.. M
. . 44
,. 27S
. 6.1
. 31
.. B4
.. 44
.. 21
. 714
. 62',
. 14
,. 78
. 124
. hi
. 17
. (24
. 37
. 6;i
,. iv
. 4
. 1.1
.. 34i
. r9
- 474
N. J. Central
Ml sugar
N. Y. Central 150 Turn. Cnal A
Norfolk A
74 .I'nlou IIik A P.
do pfd
Ontario A W
do 1st pfd
do id pfd
Bt. L. A 8. F ......
v'i1 jo pfd.
J.1 V. g. leather ..
.1WV 00 pfd
. (1st V. . Rubber
. 7i,l do pld
. 74 ,V. g. tltael
. Dl'i. 00 pfd..,
f(0 Western t'nton ....
do lit pfd
do 2d nfd 71'; Amn l, m..M.
St. L. 8. W SU do pfd
do pfd to K. C. Routhern
St. Paul 17?4j do pfd
do pfd m Rock Island
Bo. Pacific gsj do pfd
80. Railway 3G4a
New York Money Market,
NEW YORK, Jan. 31. MONEY On call,
steady at 8 per cent: time mnnev enoier-
sixty days, 4j44 per cent; ninety days and
six months,
per cent; prime
mercantile paper, 4Vit5 per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 86H75'!0
4.87 for demund and at $4 KS87fVfi4.84 for sixty
days; posted rates, $4 M4 and $4.o74ii4.o8
commercial bills, $4.Ki!4''g4.K34c.
BILVKH-Bar, 474c; Mexican dollar,
HONDS Government: Refunding 2s,
registered and coupon, 109; 3s, registered
1U7; coupon, 107'a; new 4s, registered, 1344;
coupon, i:i4; old 4b, registered and coupon,
11U; os, registered, KKi; coupon, 1044. Rail
road bonds: Bteady.
Tho closing Quotations en bonds are as
f. 6. rf. 2s. reg....lJ L A N. unl. as 101
do roupoi us lex Central 4s 7'i
do 3s, rcg 10) I do Is Ine 154,
do coupon 107 Minn A St L. 4s.. K'31,
do iisw 4s. t 1344 M., K. & T. 4s
do coupon lis', do za I.4V
do old 4a, reg Ill N. Y. C. gen. 4s...l04
do coupon 114 N. J. C. gan. 5s 133'l
do 6s. rcg liu No. Pacific 4a Iu3'
do oupon lo4 4 do 3 7"
Atchison gen. 4s I(r.!t. N. A W. con. 4s. '. '. '. iloiv
do adj. 4s n Reading gen. 4a t;.
Bal. ft Ohio 4s JiilRt L A 1 M e. Sa lt4'i
do 34a r S4, 8t. L A 8. F. 4s... f.'i
do rone. 4s 104'- Bt. L. 8. W. Is 7lT
tanada go. 2s i0H do 2s g.i
tantral of Oa. fs lvb 8. A. A A. P. 4s gnu
do la Inc 74 80. Pacltlc 4a SlU
Chca. A Ohle 44s. ..In 80. Railway fs 117'
Chicago A A. 4a... 7 'Teiaa ft Paclnc la. ..116V
C. II. A g. n. 4a.... 114, T.. St. L. A . 4a... 7
v. at at 01 r g. M..I1I1) l nion Cache 4, loJU
v. A N. w
7s 134 I do rouy. 4a imu
4 1(1 iWahash la li:v
C U I tl
(' C C (I L 4a. .101 do Is
. . 7t
( nicago ler. 4a a do deb. B
Colurado 8o. 4s fS .Wat Shore 4s 110
In-llier A R. 0. 4s.. 9't Wheel A L. E. 4 ', II
Krle prior Man 4s 74 Wis. Central 4a ' sou
do general 4s HI Con. Tobacco 4a.... 07U
F. W. A I). C. Is. ...1124 Colo. Fuel 5s U
Hocking Vsi. 44s... 1HS
Boston tk, anal llonds.
HOSTON. Jan. 31.-Call loans, 4415 per
cent; time loans, 4t5 per cent. jftlcial
closing of slocka and bonus:
Atrhlson 4a 101 Allnuex 41
: Is 1"4'4 Amalgasiated !.!'..
Mei. Central 4 76 lllnghain
Atchlaon it4 Calumet A llacls... Bit,
do pfd W Centennial
Boston A Albany !t topper Range -
lI'Mon A Me U4 llomlnlon Coal 129
Boetoti Klrvated 15'l Franklin ts
N. Y . N H A II... MI lale Royala ." 11
Klt.hburg pfd H"4 Mohawk f,,n,
I nlon Pacific leu, old llomlnlon 19
Mei. Centrnl 244 Oaceola 27
American 8ugar I21, Parrot !loi
do pfd 121 Qulncy 24
Americ an T. A T 162', Kama Kf topper l.'o
llomlnlon 1 it 8 M .lainara l Hi
lfn. Klectrlr 1W Trlinnunlaln li.-.i
Mans. RlM-trle S64 Trinity f",
do pld 24 I nlted Slates 2V
fnlted Kruit 110 llsh 64
I 8. Steel 37 I Victoria
do ptd a6V Winona 4u
W eatlnah Common. . .101 Wolverine 74
Adventure 15 Paly West ,s :
I nnrtnu toe at Quoiatlnns.
I.ONIXN. Jan. 31. Closing qiotatlnns:
tonaols lor nione) . .13 i-id' New ork Central .... K.5
do account 3:1 Sj Norfolk Jt Western.!! 7:i
Anaconda &'! do pfd p.,
Atchis..n SK4:'intarlo A Western... 34',
do pfd 1"."- I'eniif yUanla 7
Baltimore A Ohio 1(.1 Rand Mines nu
anadlau Pacific 1"' Reading JH,
Cheaapeake A Ohio... r.J', do lat pfd 444
hlca.o 11. W 2 I do 2d pfd l
C . M A Ht. P 11 Routhern Railway 34
Iwlleera do pfd r,
I tenter A R. 0 4", Southern Pacific g'4
do pfd fl ilnlon 1'aclflu l-3,
Erie 41S do pfd K.4
do lat pfd 73 .tinted Siatea 8trel... J"',
do 3d pfd Hi I do pfd 4
llllnola Central 144 Wahaah So
Limiavltle A Nith. . . 12V do pfd 41,1.
Missouri. K T ...
HA R SILVER Bteady at 21 VI per ounce.
, MiiNEV-3u4 per cent. The rale of dia
count In the open nutrket for short bills Is
.i-VKo i-lts per ent and for three-months
Dills is
$ &-lt4i34 per cent.
11m uW ( learlsiKs.
OMAHA. Jan 31. -Bank c'earlngs for the
week ending lodax show un Increase of
sjiSisl.sai 7i over those of the corresponding
wck of ll1'-. The dativ figures reud:
li"3. 19'2.
Mtnday $l.!J.7t 4N $1.1ls i'2(4
T'icsdrtv l.PCljo !( i.iasj siib 73
Wednesday 1.22J.'l 23 :. ,.::'5 f"
Thursday l.L"77.7 IS 9a3.X"3 72
Kndav 1.119 LH. 411;i,
Saturday l,2,-2.a44 75 l.uKi.&vl 7
Totals t7.17J.2J9 ill $ii.2T2 ?7 S3
I'HII.AOEI.PUIA, Jun. 31. flearlngs
tl7.44T. 2x2 ; balances. $1'. 4. money, 8 er
HAI.TIXtORK Jan SI Clearings. S3 S9i,
5 : balances. $t7G,32; money, b per cent.
NEW ViiKK. Jun 31. Exchanges, $J04,.
TtiVsMs. balances. U4.977.fr4'J.
HtJHTUN. Jan. 31. Exchanges, $J21,231;
( HU'AOi.1. Jan $1 4'learlncs, rJ4.V25;
balances, U,iajs,047. ,ts Vura, ex.tan.e.
epot. 6plter, nclet at
steady snd unchanged.
par; foreign exchange, sterling, posted st
4 S44 for . i'ii v snd at ft for demund.
I'i.Nt'I.SN ATI. Jim. .11. -CI. urlnus. $..41.
New 1 hi k exchange, dull, l.'ic premi um;
money, elisv, 4 per cent.
HT. l.( H iS. J jn. 31. -Clearing. $"i."13..'i4:
balance. I', ; m ney. steady, f'ott per
cent; New York exchange, par.
err 1 ork llnln torka.
NKW TORK. Jan. 31 -The following are
the cl' sing prices cn mining stocKS:
A'lsn.s Cou'le Chief f
Alb .... 3e ontsrlo
free, e ...4" nphlr 115
Brunawlik i nn 7 I'hoenli
Cnmatork Tunnel .... tf Potoel 60
(on. lal. A Vs ttsi Savage 34
Horn Silver I::, sierr Neteda
Inm Sliver Hi mall H.'pee 30
Leadvllle Con 3 Standard -On
Krporta and Imports nt leir York.
NEW YORK. Jan. 31 Total Imports of
merchandise and dry goods at the port of
New York for this week are valued at
Total Imports of specie at the port of
New York for this week were tl.244 sl'ver
and tli.rstl gold Total exports of specie
trom the port of New ImX were t7i;.nso
at. Tools Uriiln and I'rovlslona.
ST. I.OII3, Jan. 31.-WMKAT-Wetk;
No 2 red cash, elevator, 71c. noniina.; track,
74'ij7S4c; .May, 744c; July, 71Vu714c; No. 2
CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 414c; track,
414'i444c; Mav, 41ic.
tiATS Easier; No. 2 cash. 2."i4c; track,
06c; May, 3Gtc; "No. 2 white, 374c
RYK Steady at 414'ij.'sc.
1'lyOl'R Easy; rr-1 winter patent. $3.4.'9
3 i5; extra fancy and straight, tJ lo'j.l. I";
clear. $:iK 'n3.1j.
('( 'HN M KA 1. Steadv, $2. 3d.
SEED Timothy, steady at S.iivi3 '.
UKAN Strong; sacked. iust track, 81f
HAY' Timothy, strong-r at $Hi.("gl5.(Ki;
prairie, slow at $! .ami 1 l.titi.
HAOGlNd 6 5-1 Wl 7 1-ltk.'.
11 EMI' Twine, 9c.
PROVISIONS I'ork: Lower; Jobbing,
standard mess, $16.7n. Lard; Lower at
9 .4". Dry salt meats, boxed extra shorts,
t.124; e'ear ribs, $9,124; short cliars,
$9,374- Raoon, weak; boxed extra shorts,
tin; clear ribs. I11.124; short clear, $111,374.
METALS Lead: (Jiiiet at .I93'3 974.
Spelter: Steadv t !..
Pol'LTRY I-Irm; chickens, 11c; turkeys,
lic; ducks, 13c; geese, ti'n7c.
Hl'TTER Steady ; creamery, 19iS2tc;
dairy, 172".
KUUS-Higher; lJic for fresh.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls S.i0
Wheat, bu 7ti,ijft tVl.'ilo
Corn, bu lei,'") 2i'.iii)
Oats, bu Sl.CK) 60,w0
Kansns City firnlii and Provisions.
6V,,.. July. W-Sc. Cash: No. 2 hard. K'rt
67c; No. 3, 65'fl4io4c: No. 4, 5SjS2c; rejected,
6-4'ti "7r : No. 2 red, 7nc; No. 3. 6.fuiSc.
CORN January, live; May. 3bV-f:4c.
Cash: No. 2 mixed, 394tr40c; No. 2 white,
414c; No. 3. 41c.
OATS-No. 2 white, 3o1(3o4c; No. 2 mixed.
3541 34e.
RYE No. 2. 4f.c.
HAY Tlmnthv, $13.M; prairie. $9 00.
J4CTTKR Creumcry, 19(u23c; dairy, 23c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Whent, bu 4t.i si 40,ii'J
Corn, bu P'3,3'i0 Bo,4t)
Oats, bu 42.0U0 ' 2tj,(Xiu
Philadelphia Prodnee Market.
Firm and good demand;' extra western
creamery, 2o4c; creamery, nearby prints,
Ed'lS Firm, with good demand; freeh
nearby, 2.1c, at the mark; fresh western.
2:1c, at the mark; fresh southwestern, 22c,
at the mark.
('11 EESE Firm and fair demand: New
York full creania, prime, small, 144c; New
York firll creams, .fair to good. prime,
smnl!, 134fal3c; Now York full creams,
prime large. 14c; New Y'ork full creums,
fair to good, prime large, 134fy 13e.
Toledo (irnln and Seed.
TOLEDO. Jan. 31. WHEAT-Dull and
steady; cash and January, 764c
CORN Dull, unchanged, 46e: Mav, 44c.
OATS Dull, steady; January, 36V; May,
RYE 51c. '
SEED Clover, dull, fairly active, steady;
January, $7.15; March, $7.20; prime timothy,
$1.95; prime alelke, $7.20.
. a
Minneapolis Wheat. Floor and Bran.
754(&7B4c; July, 764c; on track, No. 1 hard,
76; No. 1 northern, 76c; No. 3 northern.
FLOUR First patents, ' $4. OGftl 15; second
patents, $3.9Mi4.05; first clears, $2.60; second
clears, $2.1511 2.2a.
BRAN In bulk. $14.504j 14.75.
Cattle Komloal llogrs and Sieei
Steady, wllh Fair Iteeelpta,
CHICAGO, Jan. 31. CATTLE Reelpls,
3.0W; market nominal- good to prime steers,
$4.504j5.75; poor to mijnlum, $3.00ii4.5ii; Block
ers and feeders, $2.2i'i)4.oO; cows, Jl.4tKtt4.50;
heifers, $2.0tJf(i4.75; canners, $1.4U(Jc2.40; bulls.
$2.-f)(li4.23; calves, $3.5ufu6.75; Texas-fed
Bteers. $3.50fi4.5O.
HOQS Receipts todav, 15,000; estimated
for Monday, is.uoO; left over, S.aOO. Market
steady at yesterday's close: mixed utid
butchers, $6.5K(i6.75; good to choice, neavv,
t68y6.95; rough, heavy, $6.fki'4.M); light.
ax. irf j (S.tV ; bulk of sales,'(iH.75.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,000;
market steady; goixl to choice wethers,
$4.4i"u5.25; fair to choice mixed. $3.5iKii4.4";
western sheep, $3.7ofii'o.OO; native lambs,
$4.0(i;i1.40; wek'ern lambs, t4.0U4i6.2S.
Official yesterday:
RecelptB. Shipments.
Cattle 33,189 4. MS
Hogs 23,fi9.i 2,040
Sheep 3,732 532
Kansas City Lire Stock Market.
ceipts, . si0; market nominal; choice export
and dressed beef steers, $4.85(i 5.50; fair to
good, $"..9ki I. So; stackers, and feeders. $2.75
4t4.50: western-fed steers, $2.6i"UAi.lO; Texus
eteers, $3.mi(ft4.10; Texas cows, t2.Oiii3 0O; na
tive cows, tl. 75414.00- native helfera, t2.70
4i2.75; canners. tl 0ni"y2.ii; bulla, $X2iT3.75;
calves, $3.(i(ii7.00. Receipts for the week:
Cattle. 36,4fiO; calves. l.tliO.
HOGS Receipts, 2.OO0; market weak to
liV lower; top, 1W.A24: bulk of sales, JH. TOii
6.85; heavy, $6.7i'(ii6.924 ; mixed packers,
$6. Si "ft . 30; light, tii.4iicd6.74; Yorkers, $6.70f,i,
6.774; pigs, $ti.O(fy6.3o. Lecelpts for week,
SHEEP AND T.AMrtS-Recelpts, 1,00";
murket Htrong; native lambs. tt.4KHi.2a; wowt
ern lambs. $3 .V(i6.10: fed ewea. $3.iki 5.10;
native wethers, $3.fiO(li4.S5; western wetliers,
$:i.iKii4 9o; stockers and feeders, $2.3o'u3.50.
Rectipts for week, lo.t".).
St. I.onla I. Ire Klork Market.
ST. IXH'IS, Jan. 31-CATTLE-Recelpta,
3'o head. Including 2t Texans; market
steady; native shipping and export steers.
$4 301 5 50. with strictly fancy quoted up
to $6; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.00
tuft.uu; steers under lbs.. $3.(Ni'u4.50;
stockers and feeders. $2.31X04.25: cows and
heifers, $2. 2a a 4 76; canncis tl.tjuliLSo; bulls,
t2.5tJ4.0O; calves $4.O(if(j7.50; Texas and In
dian steers, $2 &&4.4V, cows and heifers,
H sis Receipts, 2.000 head: market 10c
lower; pegs and lights, $6.25fi6.fio; packers,
tn.n'Wifi.TS: butchers, $6.7("tt6.95.
SHEEP AND IAMHS-Recelpls. 1.O10
head; market strong; native .muttons. $3 .noli
5 2"; lambs, $4.7.'. '06 40: culls and bucks. $2.D
u4 5"; stockers. $1.5ut.i3.0o; Texans, $3 2.i'i4-4 40.
Worl Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 31. WOOL Firm;
fleece, 2M32C
ST. Lot IS. Jan. 31. -WOOI Steady to
firm; medium grades and combing. 17ii21c;
light tine. ifil94c; heavy fine. 11160; tub
washed. 19'y29c.
LONDON. .Ian. 31 WOOI The offerings
at the wool auction sale today consisted
of a superior selection of 12.691 ba'es; com
petition was active and prices were firm.
Crosstireds were Irregular. Falkland Island
stock was In steady demand and tine Cape
of Hood Hope and Natal sold readily.
America bought a moderate supnly of
good merinos and fine crossbreds. Follow
ing are the sa cs: New 8011th Wales. 2.7'i
bales; s o ird. !4d'uls 11 4d; greasy. 5d't
Is Id. (Juiensland, 5i bales; scoured. Is
2dls M; greusv 54'gvi. Victoria, 3.)
bales; scoured. 7d'il t'l; greasy, 54dils
5d. South Aiistnilii. 6a) hales; scoured,
nil: greasy. 54diils id. West Australia,
l,i4) bales; scoured, till; greasy. 6Vul"4d.
New Zealand. 2.90 ba'es: scoured. 6ils 3d:
greasy. 4'4iill4'l Cape of Good Hope and
Natal. fai bales: scoured. 94dils 5'd ;
greasy. 5illd Falkland Island". 5ia) bales;
scoured, nil: greasy. 44is4d The arrivals
for the second series of sales amount to
95.3"6 bales, inc'udiiig 47,nai fotwardtd di
rect to spinners.
Cotton Market.
and steady; sales, 3.2') laalcs: ordi
nary, 7 7-16c; good ordinary. 7 6-16 low mid
dling. 4c: middling 9c; good middling.
5-16c; nildrtilng fair. Inc; receipts, 16 11 1
nuies; stoca, ;m naies Futures, quiet
and eteady; Febrimrv s (19'is.72c; Min-h.
a.T'.nj-.xf'c; April, s s5tit7e: May. 8 91iKlc:
June. 97fi 9:'c: Jul. 9"3js.'4c: August,
S.bMS.Tlc: September K251IVIVV
St I OI1S. Jan. 31 -COTTON-Market
unchanged; middling. -4c: sales. 2:i Imiee;
reeelpts J ?47 bale, ahlpmeiits, 2,4jo bales;
stock, ,14 bales.
EptfSteen and Cows Contiderably Lowtr
Than a Week Ago.
hog's held fully steady tor the week
Althouah llieep Itrrelpts for Januara
llaie lleen the Meatiest on Here
ord llemand Una lleen Fully
Eimnl to the Occasion.
6OI TH OMAHA. Jan. 31.
Rec Ipts were:
Olttiiitl Monday
Official Ttiesuay
Oflliiiil Wednesday ..
Oftlclal Thursday ....
Official Friday
OfMciaJ Saturday
Total this week...
Week ending Jan. 3. .
Week ending Jan. 10
Week ending Jun. 17.
Week ending Jan. 24.
Same week last year.
Total this month
Total January, 192 ...
Total January, l:d...
'1 olal January, lsiai . .
Total January, 1!M...
Total January. lMiv..
Total January, 1V7...
Total January, lv.i...
Total January, l.v5...
Cutlie. Hngs. Sheep.
.. 4 221 O.U.'l
. . 5.; 2.1 l".'vi 9. "15
. . 3.K l.s 5.7'
. . 3.1 M ..4iSi 3 tvIS
. . l.o2 7.9 fl 1.146
. . 213 6,'v 462
...744 4,!'I7 25.'V'5
,.19.o4S 47, 742 2i.l.'l
..19. 497 4sa.lti ..2:!'
. .I'iaW 3;.o4 ZO.l
..1 1.917 47..i.s 19,116
. .ll.-l'i' 4li.47S 12.1.61
. .Vh.toi 116 N3 9i,379
. 73.'.'S 2.(".:i;9 f)4.S,'a
..55.4541 2'I.47J t4.2s2
,.57.il7 l'i.:(.6 Jo.927
..41.749 194.:'3 M.9'4
. .43.4"6 1.19. 554 7.345
..h .94 11.4.5'S 41.1194
, .4H.19S 97. PW 12,IS
, .ov.ils Ij5.il9 12,711
The following table shows the receipts ot
tattle, hogs Mild sheep ai South Omaha
for the year to date, and conipcnsons with
last year: Jmsl. UaC Inc. Dec.
Cattle 76.7ns 73,S"S 2,f""
Hogs l'.ni.lx!') 23('.3.'9 23.719
bheep 97,to9 66. 76 41,so4
Average prlc paid for hogs at South
Omaha lor Ihe last several uas with com
parisons: Date. I 1903. 1902. ;i901.(lX.lSl'S.,li98.l:i97.
6 33 I
6 374
5 294,
6 14441
6 894;
5 22, 4 95
b 2-i 4 96,
1 4 96.
b 29, 6 02
1 a 04
6 24, j
6 09, 5 06,
09, i mil
6 lo 6 14!
6 14 5 25
6 04 6 23)
4 :i;
4 35,
4 l!9,
4 37 1
4 ii
4 34 1
4 3S
4 35
4 41,
I 49
4 53
4 58
4 E2
4 48,
4 56,
4 54,
4 54,
4 63
4 591
I t 421 t U
a C7
1 67,
1 44,
3 4s,
3 43.
3 44 3 2
3 3 3 H
3 39 3 1
a 401 3 IS
6 40
6 40
J 3 4
3 l:
4 351
3 11
8 07
3 U
3 19
3 56
3 23
3 5u,
8 53,
3 60,
3 15,
3 60:
' 1
3 50;
3 49
3 51
3 54,
3 66;
3 63!
3 56
3 61
8 (,)
3 57,
3 63
3 08,
3 7"!
3 61,
3 43
3 29
3 47
5 43
6 464
5 17,
H a. , (i. 1
6 00
I 6 364 1
6 14, 6 16,
J 49,
3 47
b 41
0 494!
6 4941
6 If
5 26
6 17
a 2;
2 47
( 22,
3 51. 3 22
3 (, 3 26
3 o0 3 26
3 541 3 26
3 571 3 23
I 3 2j
3 62
3 63 3 33
3 72; 3 33
3 67 3 30
3 62; 3 2.'
3 64 3 27
I 3 29
3 66
. . . 1
I 6 394l
1 6 474i
I ti 5S4'
I 6 27
6 27
6 15 5 26!
02 1 5 13J
6 03, a lo,
6 0S 5 21
6 14, 5 13,
I 5 181
6 12
6 M I
6 ,S9Sj.
6 664
6 724 1
6 654i
6 54-41
6 644i
6 73 .i
6 674
6 95,
5 us 1
ti 15
5 97!
5 22
5 2Si
6 25:
5 17:
4 62
4 54!
4 55
Indicates Sunday.
The oftlclal number of ears of stock
brought In today b-- ench road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r'B.
C. M. & St. P s
Walaash 1
Cnlon Pacltlc system 11 2 2
C. & N. W 21
F.. E. & M. V 25
C. St. P., M. & 0 4
H. & M 17
C, B. & Q 3 3
C, R. 1. & P.. east.. 1 6
C, R. I. & P.. west.. 2
llllnola Central .. .. 1
Total receipts 7 95 3
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.,
Omaha Packing Co 815 ....
Swift and Company 60 1.255 ....
Armour & Co 15 1.742 ....
Cuduhy Packing Co 1.3"3 457
Armour, from Sioux City .... l.B'.'J ....
Armour, from Kan's City .... 1,569 ....
Morton & Uregson 347 ....
Other buyers 1 ....
Totals 76 7.061 467
CATTLE As Is generally the. case on a,
Saturday, there were not enough cattle
here today to make a market. The supply
for the week has been fairly liberal, but
still there Is a slight decrease as compared
with last week. The receipts for the month
of January, as will be seen from tha table
above, show a big Increase over last year
and also over all previous years. Other
markets have also had heavy supplies, so
that the general downward tendency of
prices Is not to be wondered at.
The beef steer market this week has been
In rather unsatisfactory condition. The
quality of the offerings was Inferior and
receipts were larger at all points than
packers needed. On Friday there was a
slightly better tone to the trade, but still
the week closed with prices 15'it25c lower
than the close of the previous week. The
bulk of the cattle now coming forward sell
from $1.00 to $4.50, with an occasional bunch
good enough to bring $5.00 or better, but
no finished cattle have been offered with
which to make a test of the market.
The cow trade has also suffered quite a
decline. As compared with the close of
last week. It Is fafe to quote the general
market a quarter lower, or 2fl(f30c lower.
The class of cows that have suffered the
most are those that have been selling
around $3.25 and $3.50, while the canners
went off the leasl. The bulk of the cows
sell from $2.50 to $3.50, with prime grades
selling up to $4.40.
As mentioned yesterday, the bull market
has be. 11 very unsatisfactory to the selling
Interests. The better grades In particular
have been hard sellers, and have brought
little more than the bologna bulls. It takes
a prime fat bull now to bring $3.50, while
the bulk sell from $2.25 to $3.25. Veal calves
have held Just itbout steady all the wee.
The week closed with the market on
stockers and feeders of good quality active
and strong. Dehorned cattle In particular
were ready sellers and brought considerably
more than the horned cattle of the same
quality. Cattle weighing from 800 to l.ooO
"pound's were in the greatest demand, but
light cattle of good quality also sold well,
but common stuff of all weights wiu neg
lected and hard to, sell at any price. The
bulk of the CHttle sell from $3.25 to $3. i5,
with prima rattle selling as high as $4 40.
HoGS Tnere. wa Just a fair Saturday a
run of hogs here today and the market
opened about steady with yesterday's closs,
or nearly a nickel lower than yesterday's
average. The market was not particularly,
brisk, but still, owing to the moderate
offeringe, practically everything was dis
posed of In good eeason. The bulk of the
medium weight hogs sold from $6 65 to $6.75.
The prime heavy hugs sold from t6 75 to
$6,824. The light stuff sold from $6.65 down.
The receipts of hogs for the week ahow
s.n increase over lust week amounting to
about head. For the month of Janu
ary there Is a decrease u compared with
the same month of last eur of about
nifmo bead. The market this week has
Teen In fairly good shMpe, although prices
have fluctuated quite rapidly back and
forth The week closes with a gain of
lust week. Representative sale:
No. A. 8h. Pr. No A. Sh. IT.
12 . t ... t 50 4 JI0 ... t 70
11 ...1"0 ... Oi'l i -"" 4 7D
to.'. 117 ... t 7:. U 241 ... 4 70
11 no ... 4 'HI :t 2'7 11 6 70
Ml "' 11 ... 4 SO (1 Z'l 4(1 4 70
47 149 ... 4 8 77 2:1 ... 4 70
,4 ... ( (Hi 41 : I W 4 "0
: ii to 6 t0 4'i ::! ... 70
si ii . .. i 9 I" 4 7"
M HI 2i0 4 40 'l 4t) 4 to
7 ami ... 4 " Us i4 ... 4 7(1
; via ... 46214 ft. t.4 U I ill
U. ...'... Hie ... 4 :-, 74 2 ... 470
M 2"0 SO 6 (w 62 2.4 ... 4 70
74 210 ... 4 65 64 210 ... 4 70
M tan 40 4 ti 1" H 411 4 7S';
.104 0 " M -14 4li 4 72
;t 21a ... 4 62. t 22" 40 4 72'
60 217 ... 6 6.'. ttj 2"2 ... 4
14 210 ... 4 66 72 2l 160 t Tl-t
66 2"4 ... 4 65 r, :.. . . . 4 72 ,
o 22 ... 4 67'j 43 24" 40 4 72',
75. 226 ... 4 471, 57 ;w , Jjl,
71 227 160 4 67', 7 21' . . 4 72',
7 2"7 ... 474 '4 S' 4
54 220 SO 4 47' 61 2' 120 4 72',
70 224 ... 4 67', 47 S ... 6 7!'a
70 :;i 120 4 K7S 71 227 ... 4 72',
4 22 ... 4 47'j 74 241 ... ( 72',
71 fcVl ... tf-i H ...... .".0 ... 6 75
70 m 120 4 67', 67 2-lo to 171
61 2'2 40 4 67', 65 2 -7 ... 4 7 5
71 2,4 ... 4 471, 67 277 ... 6 75
75. 224 4" 4 70 54 21 ... 4 77',
70 2ai o 4 7" 5 ! ... 4 60
70 241 ... 4 70 61 3"4 . . ltl
6t !JI 4 7o r.a .11 ... 6 6"
4 111 li c 70 66 2t ... 6 S2i
PHF.F.I' There were only two cars of
ewes on the mark t today and they brought
$4 l'. which a" pronounced Just about a
steady price. For the week receipts have
sgaln been liberal and for the month tl'.ero
Is a gain over the same month of last vear
amounting to over 4ii.'hi head As will be
seen from the table of receipts above, it U
also the largest run ever received at these
yards in the mmth of January.
The demand, though, on the pirt of local
packers has been fjlly equal to the occa
sion and a good, steady, active murket lias
been experienced all the week. On snm-
deT when receipts werta h'-avy packers
l.oundcd the half-fat staff a little, but that
U to bv vijcvivU. The tu I tliipm.iit of
Colorido sheep arrived this week, but they
were far from being finished anil the limbs
sold at $)". Taking the week a n while
the market has been in very satisfactory
condition to the selling Interests.
Very few feeders have been offered tide,
week, but the demand wns sutttclcnt to
tike nil that arrived at good strong prices
T he demand of course Is eontined largely
to the better grades. common sturT is
not wanted In the country.
IJiiot itlons: Choice wtstern lamias. $"i ,Vi..'
6'"'. fair to good lambs. $'. "";. .''; choice
native laml'S. $; 7V(; ,a: choice yearlings,
t . ia-.5 4"; fair to good yearlings, tl .75 it".
choice wethers. $4 ..'li I C ; fslr to good. $4 .'A
'u4 .'.": choice ewes. $4 i '.i4 to; fair to good.
$3.2." H If'; feed, r lambs. $4.2511 4 75: feeder
yearlings. $t 7.Vn-l m ; feeder wethers. :'. 7..
4.'. feeder ewes, t2.H3.U'. Representative
No. Av. pr.
In cull e'V.i pi $3 tan
447 Western ewes lo5 4 10
St. Joseph Live "look Market.
ceipts. os head; steady: natlvs. ll.75i6 6o;
Texans and westerns. $3.254 75; cows and
heifers. $2(,-(t 4 25: veals, $2.5ta'0.aO; bulls
and stHgs. $2.5o'(4 35.
H( HS-Receipts. 4.260 head; light and
light mixed, $6.70'k6.s5; medium and heavy,
$l 'if 974.
SHKF.P AND 1.AMHB Receipt. 43 head;
market tlrm; Colorado lambs, $6.25; year
lings, $5.25; ewes. $4. 4i "11 4.5o.
loin City I. lie loik Market.
SlofX CITY. Th.. Jan. 31. - Special Tele
gram.) -- CATTDK Receipts, 3i head;
steady; beeves. $;;.5"'uvr (ai; cows, bulls and
mixed. $1.5n'j4.iaj: stockers and feeders,
$2 7n'i4 '; calves and vt arllngs, $2.504.110.
IIOOS -Receipts, 3.sni head: 5c lower, sell
ing at t6.;"(6.7:; bulk, $6.4("'y6t.
tiirk In lKht.
The following w-rro the receipt of live
stock at the six principal titles ' vesterday :
Cattle, llogs. Sheep.
Omaha 213 6,6.1s 41:2
Chicago 8(. I5.l 1 faal
Kansas Cllv 6'i 2.i l.'"
St. Uuils .K0 2,i00 1,0)
St. Joseph li'S 4.2HO 43
Sioux City 2' 3.8oti
....4,421 33.69S
IV. Farnam Smith
& Go.
We offer Union Stock Yards
Stock, Seuth Omaha, at 105,
1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064
our conmssiOFi
la 1-141 or tlU 1-12 rents per
1.4MM1 bushels.
Every facility for prompt trading
In either Grain or Stocks Is offered to
the public. All transactions are
placed on regular exchanges by means
of our private wires.
A Full Line of Market News
received at all times. Our
We handle 20 shares and upwards
of Stocks and 1,000 bushels and up
wards of Grain.
144 la alle St. Rank Floor.
Tel. iilim Main.
Safety .Profit
50 PerCent or Over per Annum
Estimates Based on Ascertained Facts
Meniere Land & Lumber Go.
Owns the flneHt body of Red Cypress In
the state of L,oullana and lurge tracts of
I'lne. Has one nine mill In operation,
paying monthly dividends of one per
cent, and sells treasury stock only to
complete large cypress mill, )ah,
Phlnglu anil planing plants.
Capitol Stock, $300,000.
Half tf it Treasury Stock.
Value of Present Timber Holdinr s, $674,000.
No chance about It. Troduct, cost of
manufacturing, selling value and pro lit can
be closely etimited. Every good mill In
the south is earning 60 to lj per cent.
This property stands with the best. A
few thousand shares at par value of $1.00
each. Illustrated prospectus sent on ap
plication. WRITE US TODAY.
The Kendrick Promotion Go,
Mention this paper.
Have VOl II ml It la Wheat Lately
If not. why don't you get Information
from aiiniu one who will KEKI V(-lT
We urged our subscribers to buy wheat
at T.r-7il-77-7s and Mi cents and on Friday,
Jan 231, we said, "Sell May wheat above
If ynu bought at 75 and sold above fc2 you
don't nt"d our service. If you gut "whip
rawed'' it's time you had mure .-iih
It costs yuu only $Vi a year to KEEP
It If, I IT by taking our lally Forecasts on
Ft'rks t.nd sriiin. ifJiie week's trial for $1)
Send for KKfciE booklets which tell all
about our methods ami ate full of valuable
1HI-: MIIIKIIT 4 II4.MT 4 tl.,
4 5 Mailers Building. Chicago. 111.
l'p-to-date mining paper if'illy
tllustruiedi. containing all the lat
ent ua-s from famous gold tampe,
1. 8. MlnlnsT Journal, I5I Nassau St.,
ew York.
( H l, ri4ll H4MOSI, !Ttt K(4, ('OTTln.
fimuha Branch, :'J4 lioard of Trade. Tel
tplione, 31.
All orders promptly executed on Chicago
board of Tittle.
fl ighty Factor in
Small Investors Throughout tho United States Join
Hands with the National Securities Co. of
St- Louis. Mo-, and Form a Oi
Kantio Combination'
The present rare will undoubted! v b"
known In history a- the "Financial Age.''
for never In the history of the world has
there been so much whaJ might be termed
concentration of capital as In this present
age. Formerly an Individual would make
an investment and win or lose by the inlaiht
of his own Individual capital, but by the
present system, thousands of Investors
tncrne themselves Into one company, there
by having the concentrated strength of the
entire capital. The Napoleon of this class
of Investment Is undoubtedly .1 I'lerpont
Morgan, who through keen business Judg
ment and by the confidence which he has
Inspired In the multi-mtlllonalre.M of our
country. Is able today to form billion-dollar
combinations. In the city of St. Iuils
is a firm known ns the .National Securities
l'o., whose standing in the Hnanclal world
Is of the highest nature. They ure today
doing for the small Investor who has from
toil up to Invest what J. I'lerpont .Morgan
Is doing for the mulM-iriilllonalres of our
country, and by fnrttitnii n gigantic com
bination, made up of thousands of investors
In every slate in the union. tJtey arc now
recogtiix 'd as a tnlaihty factor In tho tiniin
cial world. The general plan upon which
the National Securities Co. Is operated
does not materially differ from that em
ployed by the national tanas, that Is, the
National Securities Co., invi-et their money
that they receive from depositors in bonds,
stocks and other securities, but ;hn in
vestors In the National Securities Co. In
hteiid of occupying the relative position of
depositors in the national banks, partici
pate in the prollls of the National Securi
ties Co. and thereby occupy the same posi
tion in the National Securities Co. as the
a.toekholders do In Ihe national banks. The
national banks In at-ci-pMng your deposits
for a given time, pay from 11 per cent to 4
per cent Interest per annum and then take
your money mid reinvest It and the prollt
that Is made upon your money Ih divided
among the stockholders. The National Se
curities l'o. take your money and guarantee
6 per cent per month dividends, 72 per cent
CORN Exports of corn aro enormous, fivi'l;t block
age east practically raised, phipiiMMitN of corn the pant
week, the largest in months. Amount of corn at Chi
cago and other prominent points rapitlly deniinishing.
(.railing extremely poor. Market oversold, lloltlings
.ire largely in the hands of a powerful bull crowd ami
preparations are in order for an active bull campaign
shortly. SATURDAY RED LETTER goes into details
regarding the coming movement, the underlying condi
tions and the future selling price of corn.
WHEAT Further liquidation on wheat will come
early in the month when buying will pay big profits. I
am a believer in $2.00 wheat on the May delivery and I
have thousands of reasons to substantiate my position.
STOCKS If you are interested in Wall Street specu
lations or if you are long or short of securities in the
New York market you should consult the RED LETTER
as it treats at all times upon all important movements
that are to come in Wall Street. Send for SULLIVAN'S
George T. Sullivan,
Omaha Office, Room A, N. Y, Life Bldg.
WIT C. WALSH. Hanager, Tel- 3372. OHAHA, NEB.
On the Harket, Backed by UoH r 1 with il'Illons In Sight,
Buy Columbus Consolidated Stock
$100.00 Invested In Homestakc stock showed profits of over $10,000 besides
tremendous returns in dividends. COIA'MIH'S should do as well, as It has
th extension of all ore bodies that pass throuKh the Homeutake, besides thoso
VESTORS Just returned from a trip to the property. Write for a copy of
thflr indorsements. Homeutake st arted with about 30 acres of ground prac
tically no ore In sight, had to haul In all machinery and supplies by ox
teams, had to experiment upon treatment of ores. COLl!MHl8 starts with
two lines of railroads ot hand and the pant twenty-five years' experiment of
the Homestake to guide them. Columbus should certainly equal the Home
stake. Write for finely Illustrated proHpectun. Reference Western Bank,
Denver, others If desired. Approved stocks sold on Instalments.
Offices 14 and IS, Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colo.
California-Nevada Mining Co.
0at&O nrn fltlflllM ,IN' pr vamp: op stock when virtoa
UOO " "' Sr-KILIST. W'LL "
Th Conipmny ouna (he limmii old Vlrtnr iitl Hoodlum mlnea. two of th rli liat dlnn r
dla. iivrred lao the Arl .n. 1.) Ririv, t unou al.d Ml. (rouna
MalliOO TON UK I4H ORK AH K IN SUiHT. WuHTH l.'n.fton.tKiO.
Th Anions Mill will b lUualiKl tUla niol.lh mill dlvldli1 may t IniTaMiant nl luuultl Will
pollkv-ly la Arll lal.
I'RKBKNT HRr'K l 00 FKR HI1ARE Will Iflunn Keb'r 15 to II SO. Write for Prospectus.
W. H. BALDWIN & CO.. Financial AtfenU. V0LCKERT BLIG., ALBANY N. V.
Kt.KKHEN' E I'omoier. lal AK'n.lea; Plate hank & Trult Company, boa Alifelea, Csl. ; taf
mining Journal ot Hi Slate or promli.nn inl .lni men.
P B. Weare. T'Ten. C. A. Wsare. V Ftu
aituiucra ol llio txcbttiiKee.
iJrlu.i. ll'lr li All I'uiliLM.
Bought ana soia tor reu or
future delivery.
OMAHA BRANCH, Ua-111 lioard ot Trade.
1 elephone lull
W. E- Ward. Lotai M'nastr.
Makes Most I srlul Preset.!.
Iig Financial Uorld
per annum, nnd give oil the privilege of
1 withdrawing our money at any time that
I you wish and pay your dividends each
mouth. In making an investment there
I are two thngs to consider. The Investor
should tlrst consider the tact that money Is
i simply a commodity a merchandlseab'.e
commodity nnd Is only worth what It will
bring, and you should therefore lake this
I money to that market which will bring
you the largest amount of prollt for it and
you must be discriminating in making your
investments and iuvestlKiue thoroughly the
i people to whom von are entrusting your
J money. Now the standing of the Na
I tlonal Securities tn. 1 uuipiestionable and
! It will take but very little time and troublo
! to find out the exact Mandlng of this tlrm
i which Is doing so much for the tmnll lu-
vestors throughout the country. Simply
i sit down and send your name and address
I to the National rV tiiitlca Co., St. l.ouls.
I Mo., and thy will send to you by return
mail their beautiful book, wloch will cx-
plain to you tully the exact nature of their
ouslness and will also give you
the names and addresses of banks
and trust companies, to whom you
can wilto and lind that the large assets of
this company will absolutely protect the
deposits which you make. While, as stated
before, they nccept small deposits from .'"
upwards, still they have many larger de
positor.,' such ns Chas W. Hawkins of
jvtiver. t'oln.. who deposited with them
Jia.iaai; C. W. Hurkett. u phvsieliin of Wat
saw, Ind.. deposited with them eia.iaal. and
many others. Remember, this Mrm Is one
that Is organized with a paid up capital
of tl'Hi.taai, and its reputation for solidity
and honest dealing is second to none III
the country, nnd !f -you wish to know full
particulars and ulsn to learn why it takes
money to make money and that a small
Investor has not the opportunity to make
the large profits If he goes It alone as he
will to Join this gigantic ombinntion of
small Investors, write today to The Na
tional (Securities Co., I'ept. 41. St. Uiula,
Red Letter"
We execute orders for bushels and
upwards, deliveries made in Cblcago and
Kansas City. All orders villi receive care
ful and prompt attention.
ItOOM 4 A. V. Ml K III. DO.
Tel. 10.MI. UMAIIA. .M'.l;.
I Address Omaha. Keb.