Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17
TIIF, OMAHA DAILY I! EE: SUNDAY, ' rEHIUTAUY 1. 100.?. FOR f ALH-REAL - GOING TO CANADA Ther''r nVire P,e Ko'ng to CanaJato buy lanii thai a v viere else, whsre they can depend on a toi crop every yta'. Writ yiilds frm I) ti 50 b'jvitls to acre, oats from 30 to 100 bush;ls, barley from 30 to GO bushels, rye from 30 to 60 bashel s and all other grains in proportion. Our lands are located near railroads and town. Prices from $4 to $10 per acre, on easy terms. Buy now, b;fore a-iothir aJvai:t is miJ. C3o up with us on one of our excursions. If you can't g wj will select some lands for you. It will surely ma' yotf mnoy. S;iJ for or call ail ?;t a bjok, free, issued jythe Canadian government, that tills yoj all a'jiut wistern Canala. OMAHA PROPERTY HOUSES On Fpaldlng Bt., near 25th, 1"-roon house, has gas, electric light, bath; a bargain at $2.too. On 33d St., ;iear Nicholas, 6-rnotn -.louse, gas, bath and two vacant lota, for 2.8.t. On Hamilton St., near 45th, 5-room house. In Walnut Hill, for $1,7. On Manderson 8t., near 17th. 5-room house, Jagaa and bath, houaa In good repair, On Vinton fit., near 23d, 5-room house. This la bargain for $1,100. On lbih St., north of Vinton, -ro-m house, all modern; a big bargain for $2.4fH). H Hastings & 'Phone F-2655. 510 New York Life. Tukey & Sons Out of the Ordinary. 10 ROOM, MODERN HOUSE H. W. Cor. Slat and Fnnpleton, In first class shape, for $8,500. YVlli take part In clear vacant property. 5 ROOM COTTAGE lff8 Kyner Ave., for only $1,560. Will tuke clear vacant property aa first payment. BUSINESS PROPERTY 132 feet square on the 8 K. Cor. 12th and Mason, on grade and vacant. Price $7,500. Will takfl clear property aa part payment. BEMIS PARK LOTS Five lota at 1300 each, on which we will build houses to autt purrhaa.Ta, who can make email cash paymenta. Balance on monthly paymenta. 16 LOTS ON 25TH ST, North of Grande Ave for $125 to $200 each, will make loaria to build houses aa soon aa Kite are paid for. Several house, will be built on theee lots aa noon aa aprlng opem. 15 ACRES , On 4Sth St.. eouth of Center, at $200 per acre; only $10 down and $5 per month. Ex cellent gurden land. Not high and dry, but rich and moist. An acre will Bupport a family. 50 ACRES North of Central Park for $150 to $200 per acre. Can Rive garden land or beautiful high, level land, as desired. On thla nron- erty we can make terms satisfactory. I i 10 ACRES AND HOUSE i O the above for $2,000. V 5 ACRES, garden land In Spring Valley addition, west of South Omaha, at a bargain. 2 COTTAGES, In Bouth Omaha, on J2d south of Q Bt., with V4 a lot each. Corner, $750; north bouse, $650. Satisfactory terms. 320 ACRES In Antelope county southwest of Clear water. Very fine Improvements and fine land. Price, $40 per acre. Possession given March 1st. A. P. TX'KEY ft BON. 44-445 Board of Trade Building. RE- DO YOU KNOW BEMIS PAUK has the grandest natural beauty of any district In Omaha; a beau tiful park, plcaaant drives, plenty of nice shade, as fine a class of houses and with a larger per cent of owners living In their own homes, than In any other part of the city. HAWTHORNE AVENl'E has Just been paved with asphalt and uniform stone walks, and will soon be as fine a street as you will find anywhere. Go and see for yourself, and don't forget to look at the following beautiful lots: The northwest corner of Hawthorne avenue and 34th street. 62'xl50, facing south and east, only $1,000. Two 60x155 foot lots, north front. Just west Of 84th St.. $300 each. Just west of 36th St., 82Vxl50, north front, $1,425. If uu can't pay all cash, we would take part cash and the balance to suit you, or we would make you a building loan. In other words TOUR TERMS WOULD BE SATIS FACTORY TO VS. If these lots don't suit you we have others, south front on Lincoln boulevard, beau ties, for only a trifle more money. At the northwest corner of 331 St. and IJncoln boulevard we have two beautiful Iota with nice shade, 5tixl50 each; your choice for $1,000. Or, If you want a nice lot In the West Farnam district, we have one on S5th St., Just west of Farnam, for $2,500. If you don't care to build, we have a large list of bargains In Improved -property at anywhere from $500 to $20,000. and can cer tainly show you wnat you warn you will call at the office, or telephone us and we will have a salesman call on you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Main Floor, New York Life Building. RE 901 t GREAT BARGAIN NEAR FARNAM STREET CAR LINE. We offer for quick sale six tine lota near Farnam ana 42a, worm irom do 10 sow each, first-class neighborhood and one of the best locations In this city to Dunn cot tages to sell or rent. Owner Is obliged to rlan aoma readv money and will con- alder an offer this week ot $2,750 for all If"youwant to make from $1,500 to $2,000 quick profit call and see us or telephone l.lKJ. TniS IS in imri 01 ivwn mat im rnslni faster and where property Is ad' vanclng In value more rapidly than any other portion or omana. URii'k- HCILDING FOR TRADE. We have for sale a well built three-story ktrlnfa hl,f.r In Ihla cllv. Building cost :. $32,000 (iround la worth $37,000 It la listed with us for sale at $30,no0. Prop erty belongs to an estste. and can be made to pay at least $2.0uo per annum net. IT IS CLEAR. Can trade It for good farming or graxlng land. CHEAP EASTERN NEBRASKA FARM. M acres near Tekamah. Burt county, Ne. brbka. rich soil. Pricet $6,750 CHEAP GARDEN LAND. $0 acres west of city, nothing finer around Omaha. $250. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 439 Board ot Trade Building. KE 178 ! Vndei Real Estate For Sale ACREAGE. SO acres, about 7 miles from Omaha P. O. ; s.OuO vines of grapes; bearing apple, plum. peach and apricot trees: price, v. CITY PROPERTY. 'KOPKRTi $850 fl.SOO $2,700 $2,700 for xl27 ft., near 25th and De- rutur Sis. for choice t ft. lot weat of High school and near car line. for 6-room house, lot 50x133 ft.; pav- tr.g raid; Tt 8 27th St. for 1143 and 1145 N. 17th St., 6xl40 ft.; Da vlna raid: rental $27 00 per month. $3,5u0 for $3x120 ft. on Capitol Ave., facing new market house. $3,600 for Urge huuee and lot. northwest corner 15th and Center. $11,000 for a row of brick buildings, ground luxl44; rental, ii.aju per year. 1S,UW Tor inree-Blury um uunuuif .iinui two blocks of new P. j. JOHN N. FKENZEK. Opp. Old P p. RE 15i 1 DOUGLAS COUNTY RENTAL CO. $. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. YY'e ran show you 100 bargains In all values of Omaha dwellings. Don't buy before seeing us. We have some nice fruit farms rear city that are "snaps." Come In and see us. RE 180 1 CHOICM tracks a, paved, Monroe. Ill N. Wth. Kt45 ESTATE. LOTS Bemla Park lots. In good location, on or near cat line, $350, $400, 1500 and $600. 80th and Curtla Bt., 81x296 feet, nicely located, will be sold this week for $400. On Burt St., near 17th. lot 66x132 feet, a go-id lot to build a flat. $2.Vj0. On Douglas Bt., near 47th, a large lot. nicely located, price WW. On Tratt St.. near rrth, lot 50x128. nicely located, price $650. Corner 27th and Pratt, a nice south front building lot, 50x128, for $6do. Heyden H OMAHA, NEB. RE-892-1 D. V. SHOLES CO. 718-720 New York Life. Telephone 4J. BARGAINS $1,500 for 7-room house, all modern, with furnace, north part of city. $1 86o for large s-ionm, 2-story house, sewer, water, gas, half block south Lake Bt. car. No. 2314 No. 2Mh Ave.; full E. front lot. excellent repair: both sides of street have good houses. BIGGEST BARGAIN In the CITY. $3,500 NEW 7-room house, modern, oak finish 'good location In WEST FARNAM DISTRICT; ready to move Into. $6.SOo for 100 feet east front, corner Park Ave. and Popjileton, with 9-room house, strictly modern, fine hot water heating plant, good repair, beautiful corner, room for another house. This property Is of fered at a bargain. Owner wants to sell quick, and we are going to sell It. Cun be shown any time. We want you to see this. $8,W for the best built, finest Interior hard wood finish upstairs and down, brick house, 8 rooms, very well constructed, large lot 75x134 feet front, near Rrownell Hall. This Is a tlno home, an exceptional well built up location, and th owner having left the city Is GOING TO SELL, this house. We want you to see It. It Is going to be sold and SOMEONE IS OO INO TO GET IT AT A SNAP. VACANT WEST FARNAM THREE VERY CHOICE EAST FRONT LOTS on 3th Ave. Just south of FARNAM; CORNER 67X165. $4,400; INSIDE LOTS 60X16-., $3,300. YOU can BUY one of these NOW, while on the market. WHEN OONE then YOU WILL WISH YOU HAD ONE. $2,250 for another beautiful lot on the same street opposite to the above, 47x105 feet. These uro right In "SWELLDOM." $1,500 for 48x136 feet, fronting on TURNER TARK and the BOULEVARD. ACRES J acres 2 miles west of Exchange building, So. Omaha, good bottom garden land, $uU0. 20 acres H mile north the Benson car line, few hundred feet north of the Orphanage in Benson, at $15o per acre. Is a good purchase. EXCHANGES GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY on good street renting for $76 per month, to trade for land or stock of merchandise. Sub ject to encumbrance $3,000. Price, $10,uio. Po.OOO handsome well constructed, modern hot water heated, oak finish, beautifully arranged residence: location unexcelled. Interior very handsome, rooms large, but owing to 111 health of owner will trade thla for first-class farm land and go abroad. Excellent opportunity for some one. FARMS RANCHES 1,630 acres 4 miles from Ple -ce. Neb.. I sets oi improvements; sju acres cultivated, 240 acres tine bo'tom hay land, one pasture 480 acres, one 9u acres, balance prairie pasture or hay land; fine stock farm, $-3 per acre. 3,040 acres 12 miles south of Ewlng on Elk- norn river; z,uu acres ueetfeu and mo state lease; 10-room house and other ex cellent Improvements, 5 miles running water, 20 miles of fence, enclosing 5,oo0 acres, 800 acres fine bottom hay land, cut l.OOO tons of hav: bar ruin Hi nv WRITE FOR PRINTED LIST OK FARMS APU RAiXCMLB. KW U.N hi J I ST OUT. RE 106 1 JOHN W. ROB BINS, 1802 Farnam Bt. Telephone 29. Special Bargains in Houses. $2,800 7 rooms, modern, except furnace; east front, on paved street, near Hanscom park. SPLENDID value. $2,800 New, 7 rooms, strictly modern, Ames Ave., near 24th, street paved. CHhAi'. $4,000 rooms, modern, oak finish, porcelain bath, open plumbing, everything first class and almost new; asphalt pave ment and permanent sldewalke, one block from car, on LaFayette Ave. SNAP. Cheap Building Lots. $2,000 Corner. lOOxlWH. Marcy and Jlst. $1,500 DOxlio. on 38th Ave., near Farnam. $1,050 eaat front on 29th, south of Farnam. $3U0 Full Ijt on 41st, near Farnam. Acreage. $705 pet acre, a finely Improved farm of 1"0 acres, within easy distance of Omaha. 7 acre, of botom land, near paved $500 sireei. $1,000 10 acres, near Center St. $2,0tw 20 acres, near Benson. I have other bargains In houses, lots and acres In every part of the olty: no trouole to tell you about them, so din t buy until you see me. List your property with us tor a quick sale. KE 162 1 GREAT BARGAIN. 7-room cottage, city water and sewer con nection, with gas fixtures complete; 75 bbl. riot em, with pump In the kitchen and sink; good slxe wo d and coal shed; nice shade trees; near 2Sth on Charles St., only 4 blocks irom the bent cur line in the city; house would rent for $15 per month; price, $i,5wi; terms can be arranged. Payne Investment Co., sole agents, main floor, N. V. L. bldg. RE-lOooS VACANT FROPERTY. SV4 acres on N and 13th sts., So. Omaha, snap, $1,250. ( lots near Krug Park. $250. 1 acre In Hyde Park, $150 I,ot on Isard St.. Walnut Hill. $150. Lot on Cjmlng and 3oth sis., $v.0. ' lxit on Cuming and 32d sts., Bemla Park, $1,WK. ' V. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. RE-129 1 FARMS FOR SALE Don't buv be ft re you have seen our list of bargains. Write or call. lIOMEsFEKERi ABSvlClATION, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 4S1 4 FOR Sale or Rent My farm. ISi mile, east of O'Nell. on Elkhorn river, consist ing of 520 acres: 12w acres under cultiva tion. Will rut 250 tons of hiv. Pasture. with running water, for M0 head of cattle. Good house and barns; archard, etc. Mill rent from 1 to t year. M chjel Gallagher, O Nelll, Neb. RE 997-1 16) acre good land for sue or lease. Call or write. Mrs. J. B. Webster. 1T" N. 24 St. KE lO 1 11-3 acres, with i-room cottage: suitable for gsrdm and poultry raising; If you are Interested It will par you to see the place. Address W , Bee. KE 170 1 ! WANT A HACK. A good cltrnt ef mine hss , lot on Ham ilton street near 4h. but want, a good cab or hack WORSE. Here , , chance fur the tiarkman. bee me. CHARLES E. WILLIAMSON. K& U I THERE IS NO BETTER INVESTMENT THAN OMAliA REAL ESTATE AT TODAY'S PRICES READ THE MANY SPLENDID OFFERS BELOW FOR SALE-REAL E STATU. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. HOUSES AND LOTS. Three houses unJ fail lot fronting two streets, near 24th and Lcsvenwortn sts., rents $22 only $1,600. 4 good houses on S. 19th St.. $i,EiO. Beautiful modern little home near I4th and Ames, $3,oo0. 1 cottages near 19th and Cedar, $1,500. 7-room cottage near 24th and Cuming. $1,7"0. 5-room cottage on N. 17th St.. nar Grand ave , $550. 1 good houses on full acre lots on N. oth St., $l,3uo each. Elegant roriwr for residence on 40th south of Cuming, two full lots. $2,400. Lots on r.ew motor lints only :si to $150 eich and only $5 down and only $5 per month. FARMS. RANCHES. ETC. 2,4oO acres valleV land (c acrs deeded, near Burwell, Neb., all ft need, fair house, cattle sheds, etc., large lake In center of ranch, 150 he id of rat:le, 12 hevl of hors s. $00 tons of hav, hay machinery anil tools. All goes for $8,750. A funun for some body. . . Make us an offer on a ten-acre tract close to South Omaha. We still have one good Douglas county eighty convenient to Omaha. Two good quarters, one In Cass county nnd one In Sarpy county also iwo In Burt county, one at $50 the other at $52 per l,hTW. 20 nnd 40-acre OARDEN, FRUIT or POULTRY tracts near Omaha, Improved or unimproved, from few hundred up to few thousand each. EXCHANGE. Good creamery, valued at $1,200. in good town situated In dairy country In Ne braska, to trade for city residence. 320 acres in Hlg Bend country, Washing ton, tine wheat land, to trade for 80 acres In eastern Nebraska. Frame store building and three good cot tages near 24th and Durdette, $.'15"" mort- , u trade 15 fmO eoultv for residence. Good nunrter-section in Antelope county to trade for 53,000 jtoc-' "t Komi, n ' 'y furniture: city prorexty also considered. 1 V i.uve wL lLK Ll for m - Modern 8-room house, prefer Hanscom Place or West Farnam. not over Jt.OW. Good residence In West Farnam district, not over fx.lnO- Low-priced cottages to be tola on pa- GEOU'P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO Telephone 55. l'axl?,n, M-?r, R L 1 1 1 1 FOR SALE, $3 down and $3 per month for sixteen months, buys 5 acres of rich un developed xlnc land In the v ry heart of the Missouri district; no difference where you live, an Investment In this land will make you money; send tor my circulars and learn why. Address W. B. Say Wr, Carthage, Mo. tin. mi NICE 7-room house, well located, good re- . pair near car line, to exchange for hotel . ... i , i .. ....... i . , ii x u - furniture anu ienn,- m braska or Iowa. Address 16, Bee. FOR SALE, 100 acres In the south, suitable stock rnbdng. general farming, trucking ; near good markets, sc hools, railroads, etc. . down In griss; no buildings; terms $10 down. $5 monthly; Immediate possess on. full particulars free. Rlsley s Rea. Estate Co., 411 Urunt at.. Pittsburg. 1. R. C. PETERS CO. Ground Floor Bee Building. 640 acre. In Stanton county, Nebraska, nt $45 per acre i owner will take a good resi dence as part payment; $10,000 Improve ments on this farm: best black loam soil. NO BETTER FARM INTHtfAlK 160 acres near Grand Island at $3S. will take residence part pay. n,. a 120 acres on Platte bottom near Bellevue. 40PrcCresMc1egantly Improved, to exchange for 160 acres good land 6-room cottage near car line. $1,250. easy T-room"' modern, near Hanscom rnm. CALIFORNIA IffoTa TnV & 'cX STSZ "hOMESEEKERS- ASSOCIATION, First Floor N. Y. Life j nn area In Frontier Co., Neb.; 250 cultl v.?eS: would exchange for. good city nronertv. I. N. Hammond, 61 Paxton block". RE-101 ! 280 acres of good prairie land near county seat of Deuel Co., Neb.-; special rgair, $3.00 tier acre. I. N. Hammond. 617 Pax ton block. RE 100 ! IF YOU want to buy or sell ,,y.I,r.0l,"'J1 a farm or ranch, see Hastings ft Heyden, 510 N. Y. Life. Omaha. Kb In- 1 W. H. GATES, 817 N Y. Life. Phone 1294. 8 rooms, modern, nice cellar, all In good order, a well arranged house, just good slse. south front, on paed "treet. In Kountse Place; been asking $3.5oo. but m"ght take little less, as ownr leaving Ui. city; here Is a chance to get a home for less than cost of building 7 rooms new, modern, oak finish down stalrT good barn, east front, lot 44x140, on 18th St., close In, $3 ,500. T rooms, two story, barn corner lot, 50x120, , ooderho:"es:ilose ln 'renting for 131, $3,000. One IH-story'. city water. 22d umOrace, east front, only $1.0u0. , KE loi l HOUSE. S rooms, full Jwo-story. two full T ,. i.h aoooV barn, fruit, etc.; i. k ihn 5th of February; you .r. .h. nrlAe. Call 625 New York Life Bids KE 954 ! BUY THIS-Nlce large 6-room cottage, large lot, tine plumbing. Iron fence; close to motor. Iw price; monthly paymenta. Buy and save $loo per year : In rent, see It 2S20 North Eighteenth. C. S Shepard, 832 New York Life. RE-969-1' FREE Fine building lots, near the court house, Rolla (county seatl, Mo. Apply Immediately. Knickerbocker Realty C o. (Incorporated), Porionl Bldg.. St l-o"'8- DO YOU WANT THE EARTH? :,) acres valley land. Garfield county: fair buildings. 15 miles fence, la") head . good cattle. 12 horses. So tons hay, i wagons. 2 mowers. 2 horse rakes. 1 stacker, all for $x,75o; 1.5oo acres of this land as fine alfalfa land as In the state; water within 5 feet of surface; owner in poor health; physician advises him to go to California; does not wish to rent It. J. H. PARROTTE. PAXTON BLK. RE 140 1 5-r. cottage, J033 Emmett St.; city water; 700. 5- r. cottage, new, all modern, 2511 Em mett, I1..IOO. 7- r hJUse, In Orchard Hill, 3JC7 Decatur, $50. 6- r. cottage on 24th near Ames ave.; paved and paid: $1.3oo. -r. cottage, city water, 17th and Corby, paved street, $l,4oo. 5-r cottage, city water, 3826 N. 21st St., $1,200. -r. modem house, 2215 California, $2,500. 8- r. modern house near Hanscom park, $2,2U. -r. modern house, YY'alnut Hill. $2. loo. F. D. YVEAD. 1524 Douglas. RE-128 1 MAKE me offer on i 6-room houses. No. 3118-3120 Corby St.; city water; owner must sell. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. RE-132 1 6-ROOM ecttage, corner lot. 27th Ave, and Grant, $90. I-room cottage, full lot. barn. 2616 Corby, 11.2 JO. 4 lots, Andrew ft Benson addition. $150 each 4 lots. Myers. R., ft T. addition, $3ou each. Monthly payments If desired. W. N. NABON. 446 Bee Bldg. RE 43S FoR SALE, one of the finest houses In the Wrl Farnuin street district, lib N. 3th i.r.. lo-rojm house, hardwood doors and r.rih, all modern Improvements, large barn, slse nf ground 7oxl65. Price. $Lo,iio. Terms lo suit purchaser. If not Suid by r'ibi.i.iiy 1j same will be for lease. A. J, Lew, 8. 13th St. RE-M763 4 DOUBLE, modern house; rents for $24; price, $l,4i. Box 44, lrvlngton. Neb. KE M777 ! MODERN 8-room house, also 6-room. fin location, low prices. Inquire 1411 Vinton. lili-Mjus 4. . FOR SALE REAL ESTAH: ALFALFA LANDS We want to show you that an slfnlfn farm Is the best money maker in Nehraka. Call or write for reasons and list llOMESKEKERS' AHSuCLVl 1N. First Floor N. . Life Bid. RE 183 1 TEN. twenty or forty acres in fruits, one or me nest iruu anu garien iarms in Iowa, adjoins city limits Council Bluffs. Audress A, Bee, Council Bluffs, HE-MI? F24 HOUSES and lots In all parts ot city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. V. Duvls Co.. Room 552, Bee Bldg. KE 434 RANCH and farm lanas ror sle by the Union Pac.fic Railroad company. B. A. McAllester. land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 439 GOVERNMENT land, under Irrigation, "n J oil regions along I'. P. R. H. In Wyoming. D. C. Patterson. Omaha. nr. MtHs Ft WILLIAMSON nre: m RE 437 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? U you want tc sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stock rulsers shout it. The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goos to 40,nno homes ot farmers and stoi k raiders, so If you have d good idece of lund to sell at a tenable price ; you ought to hud a buyer j aiHUilg lll'lll. lllC tJL 1H ll lUVei UKIIICUI , H small 2 cents rr word. THb 1VVLN I Ibl H ChM URY FARMER OMAHA, NbB. RE 604 FOR BALE Choice suburban home; handy to street cars; lo-room. brick house, burn, bheds, servants quarters-', i tilcken, car- i Mag and Ice houses; o acres choice fruits , and shrubbery, grapes, apples, cherries and garden; splendid comliiion; 25 per cent less than actual value; tall in quick or miss chance of lifetime. W. W. Nason, agent, 446 Bee bldg. KK-JiM OWN A HOME Make the rent puy for It. Call and learn our plan. HOVI K'SKKKERS' ASSOCIATION. First Floor N. Y. Life Hldtr. RE 182 1 FINF3 IMPROVED FARM 111 eastern Ne brasKaj 4() acres In Hie Platte valley, Merrick county; jlo.ooO worth of Improve ments; half mile lrom town; jrice only 4j per acre. Mut be sold I efore M:ircn 1 .o per acre alter March 1 11 not sold before that date. Payne Investment Company, Omaha, or Jteatop & Stone, Central City. RE M739 3 FOR HE.M 1IOLSES. TO MOVE right get Omana Van Storage Co.; ollke, ljlli Farnam, or 'lulu, l,iii-!A D 344 HOUSES, $5 upward. Bemls, Paxton Blk. D 39J Hni ICC 'n all parts of city. The O. nWUOCO f, Davis Co., ot Bee Bldg. D 336 VANS and baggage wagons. Tela. 1195-1145. D 391 HOUSES. G. a. Wallace, Brown Block. D 3S7 HOUSES and flats. Ring wait. Barker block. D-3t 7-KOOM modern house, 2311 Charles. Tele phone A-25j8. D 153 UOI1QFQ In all parts of the nUUOUJ R. C. Peters & Co., Bee cltv. Bids.. D-39J SEVEN-ROOM house, 2 S. 41st St.; gas. city water. Call Omuha Bldg. & Loun Asso'n for key; $15. D M73t ! FOR RENT Part or all of 9-room houj at 1713 South loth St.; modern except fur nace; good condition and convenient to car and depot. Inquire on premises or ut 119 South 25th street. D M134 FOR RENT. West Farnam St. district, i-room, modern house and barn, $15. 8-room, modern house, paved street, good location, $20. 7-room bouse, near Hanscnrn park, $15. 6-room house, N. 21st st., $10. BRENNAN-LOVE CO., 309 S. 13th St. D M772 5 S215 BURT ST. 6 rooms $ 8.00 2713 N. 22d St. 6 rooms 12.50 2417 Ersklne St. 7-room brick house. bath, closet ,15.00 2022 Martha St. 4 rooms, well 6.00 1115 Brlgtjs St. 3 rooms, well 7.00 McCAGUE INV. CO., 15o6 DODGE ST. D 37$ DESIRABLE FLAT. C rooms. 1611 Howard st., modern except heat, and In best of repair. .) per mnntn. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. D-Mti26 Fl MODERN 7-room houso near park. 15o9 8. 2Slh. D653 FOR RENT Nine-room house; Just newly papered and repaired: all modern except furnace; 22d St. and 1'oppleton Ave., jl8. Two 9-room houses, 3"th ana California Sts., all modern, city water and sewer, One 4-room house, 27th and Cuming Sts., city watei, $10. C. M. BACHM ANN. 4J6-37 Paxton Block. D-525 4"9 S. 25TH AVE., 9-rooir modern house. William K. Poller, receiver, 303 Brown blk. Phone, 377. D M160 MAGGARD Van ft Storage Co. Tel. 1496. D 3 FOR RENT, one 9-room house, with gas. wa,ter and sewer; Just been placed In first-class repair; In good location. C. M. Ilarhmann. 436-37 Paxton block. D 179 FOR RENT, all modern 6-room cottage. Apply Dr. Ford, room 400 McCague bldg. D-M747 1 7-ROOM house, N. 24th. $14.00. Tel. 84. D M33J FOR RENT Modern cottage. 2415 Capitol ivenue. The O. F. Davis Co., 5i& Bee Bldg. D s:2 F-4 FOR RENT, a tine 7-room bouse $12"0 a month. 33d and Ohio Sts. I 909 ! NEW 5-raom modern cottage; good loca tion, north, $1,650. Tel. 1472. D 933 1 H'24 Arbor St. rooms, city water in yard, .. 1M5 8. 2Mh St., 3 rooms, M 2sl7 Dewey Ave., 4 rooms; brick flat, second floor; modem, $s. 112 S 2Kth Ave., 6 rooms, city water, $10. 3617 Seward St., 8 rooma, ull modern, ex cept furnace. $12. 2550 Sahler St., 5 rooms, city water in yard. $13. S519 LaFayette Ave., 8 rooms, modem, ex cept furnace, $20. 230 N. 2Mb Ave., s rooms, all modern, $22.00. s33 Park Ave.. 8 rooms, modern, $40. Payne Investment Co, miitn floor. N. Y. L. bldff. D-l"3 1 2 rooms. .110 N. 17th St : ctty water; pos session at once; Inquire 1203 Farnam St. D-115 1 FOR RENT, nice 9-room house, with bath and sewer, east front, all In fine shaiH-, convenient to two car lines, $18 per month. C. M Buchmann 436 Paxton block D-118 IF YOUR house Is vacant list cannot supply the d'lnund. F. 1524 Douglar. with me; I ). Mead. 0-127 1 EIGHT-ROOM, brick, gas. furnace, bith. lnundry. Inquire on premises, .'fd r'apitol Ave. D 992 ! FOR RENT Six-room cottage, In walking distance from business center and U. P. shops. Inquire at 07 N. 19ih St. D-131 1 KMl H EXT HOt SES. CHEAP RENTALS. WE offer this week the following special bargains. Bee us without fall for full particulars. olf S. ;th ave., 10-r., strictly all modern. ensy walking dlstiince. only $: 1340 s. 27th.. t-r., strictly modern, except furiiiue; Hanscom park district, $.'5. 4"1J Nlcholus, -r , modern, except furnace; fine location, $:'.". 3031 Marcy, K-r., strictly nil modern, fine lo cation, reduced to i'li b Special Inducements on any of above houses if tnkni at once. Have also choke list of 3 to 6-r. houses. PAYNE, BOSTVVICK & CO.. " 6ol-3 N. Y. Life bldg. D GARVIN BROS, lis S. 35th Ave., 7 rooms, modern, $:i5. l"i"7 8. 2Hth St., 7 rooms, modern. $18. is S. 41st St., rooms, city water, gas, 17.50. Culifnrnla St . 4-room Ant. $12.50. 341:1 Mason St.. 8 rooms, well. $11. Hi Plnkney. : rooms, city water, barn. $10. 2217 N. 25th St., 5 rooms, city water, $y. GARVIN BROS, Com'l Nat l Bank Bldg., 1H Farnam St. D- KKW o-r. modern cottage; good location, north, $lf,.5o. Tel. 1172. D-17S 1 MOMK1Y TO LOA.V HEAL ESTATE. 4V4 PER CENT on business property. u per cent on residence property. (Jutlons to pay whole or part any tlm,. W. B. MK1KLE. 401 S. 15TH ST. W 41$ MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real tgtate. Brennan-Love Co., 309 8. 13th. W-419 n cltv . fBrm ,08nB. ai0 bond. .! Jrnt U 1' Pp, I ' 17, U Farnam St., Bee uiug. w-m l 4 TO 5 P. C. money. Bcmls. Paxton Hilt W-421 vA,ntnBSmW'T''lM: Ihomns, First Nat. Bank Bldg. . . -.... ..p-r, ,-knt loans. Garvin Bros.. 1D04 Farnam. W 423 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 FarnanstreeU PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcad. 1524 Douglas. W 125 MOEY TO l.OAX CHATTELS. -HEADQUARTERS" TTOll SALARY LOANS. Tfvrrv man o woman In Omaha, South ii,,,'hft and Council CUffs getting salary call and get our money on your plain note, without publicity, mortgage ur iiidorscr TRY US ON FURNITURE LOANS. Goods remain In your possession; you get the full amount of loan without deduc tion. Our bystem of payments the easiest. Our rates ure easily Iho lowest. We aim to t!".UAn,E CREDIT CO. Get Off Elevator at Third Floor. Room 30- PAXTON BLOCK. RomSOl PAY US For Just what time you keep the money is all we ask, and pay It back In one month or take six months or more In which to reuay it. YVe make both Chattel and Salary loans. Our rates are low. our service quick and without publicity. YVe are the oldest concern in our line with all around consistent dealings to recora- mOMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Trade Bldg Tel. 2295. (Established 1392 ) 306 South Wh St. A SOU The BEST place to borow money on your SALARY. FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK, etc., is , YYHERE you can get any amount. YVHERB you get the lowest rates. YVHEHE no charges arc made In advance. WHERE everything la confidential. WHERE you return It In easy payments. YYHERK you pay lor only the time money W'HERtTc'an you do better than at the PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxton block. 16th and Farnam. X M8M LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity r easiest terms; 40 cdllces In prin cipal title. Tolinan, 410 Board of Trade Bldg- X 432 CHATTEL, salary & Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co, sue. to D. Green, R. 8, Barkerblk THE STAR LOAN COMPANY, Room 044, Paxton block. Phone F2298. This company Is the private bank of the wage-earner and salaried employe; If you havs a permanent position aa clerk, bookkeeper, balesman, machinist or urtl san of any klnu, you can obtain on your nute, without, security or lndorser; Beml- Monthlv.Monthly. Weekly. $ir return to us. ...$26.66 $13.35 6 J i-o return to us.... 13.33 6.6j J k 2l return to us.... 6 66 ' 3 M 1.66 I 15- return tu us.... 4.0U 2uO 10U our offices are private and our business confidential. Frsm 9 a. m. to 7 p. tu. X M517 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business connoennai; lowtm rates, 514 Pax'-c block. The J. A. Hutton Co, X 433 IUHIE! I'HAME. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. r neea, am o. ij. X-31 WE LOAN money on furniture, pianos snd diamonds. OMAHA ihaitw. uiaa BANK, 1404 Farnam, upstairs. Tel. A-ilU. X 7o3 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange your business or property quick see J. XL. JolnxJii, M3 N. Y. Lil'e. Y 43a .FOR SALE Complete stock of seconuhand doinu a good butinea.; hue lo cution; store can be leased -or stock can be removed, ttiw can ue oougni at a uar gain; leu son for selling Is bad health. Audress, j' 49, jjce. i juxoo TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Ituum 411, Aiccague Duuuinav 1434 FOR SALE Grocery etork of about $1,000; fine established trade; a spleiidia oppor lutiltv to engage In a money-making bus lness; located in northwest part of the city. Address YV 10, Bee. I-JINW IF Yoi: want to set In or out of biieiness or buy ur sell property communicate with Northwestern Clearing Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. Y U6 WANTED Party with from $2,000 to $5,000 to accept permanent posit. on; nuainesa manufacturing. L. M. C, South Sioux City, Neb. X-M533 AN Investment of $25 has always averaged $33 per week; particulars on request. C. ai. iiruuw c-o., ,ew tirieaiiw, ia. Y M413 F6 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter wnere tocaieu; it you aesire qclik sale bend us description and prlc Northwestern Business Agency, D 312, Bk of Commerce bldg.. Mlniieupulls, Minn x tn t- FOR SALE, first-class blacksmith and wagon shop, with o? wit '.out building; write at nice. Kucera Bros., Western, Neb. Y-M140 F17 THH California-Nevada Mining Co. guar antees b per retit per month In dividends have 116. '", In t-igbi. Write for pros. pectus. W. H. Baldwin ft Co.. Brokers Volckert Building, Albany. N. Y. Y IOH.N J. RYAN CO-OPERATIVE BKEED INti FARM AND JKwuKMAKlNG EN TERPRISE. Kle per cent weekly divi dends paid. Write or call on McClafiln ft Ward, agents. rt Bapp block. Council bluffs, la. Y-M715 F26 FOR SALE Do you want to buy , good UunurycbeapT if so, address Bialr Eteaia Laundry, BUlr, Neb. Y F-2J BIMIF! f H AM'K. FOR SAl.K-Serondhaml Hubbard portable oven. .-si. i. verv cheap. Address, c. II. Bell. Missouri Valley. U. V-S.U2 NOT PROMISES. BUT PROFITS Investments of K'. nnl over cleared i per cent tnt week bv oi:r sife nirtliod of steciil.itl.n. Th f.iture holds forth op portunities equally us good or better. If ou want larve. quick and pure profits write gt once for full particulars. Sam uel F. I.loJ & Co., 70 Laclede Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. Y A OOon WEEKLY INCOME PAID on a small Investment by our stock re demption plan; his In st refer, rues: can re turn stock and withdraw nionev lnetod on demand Central Security Co., 96 Wall St., New York. Y H. E. WHITMAN & CO., the old reliable and conservative ilrm, are still paying their regular dividends as heretofore nil each" and every Tuesday throughout the year. This profit will not be reduced, as they are amply able to continue earning the same on all capital Invested. money is not used for gnmtdina purposes, but Is Invested In ieitltlmate busfnesn and Is fully protected by their extensive prop erties. Deposits may be withdrawn at any time, in fart or In full, on demand. Business men, banks and mercantile agencies throughout the country Indorse their methixls. Rigid Inquiry and thor ough Investigation solicited. For full particulars address II. E. Whitman St Co., Callahan Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. INVESTORS' OPPORTUNITY New financial proposition; b,est ever of fered; safe, sure and conservative; no risks and large semi-monthly disburse ments; methods approved by the success ful bunker; the first offer ever submitted to the moderate Investor wherein he shares In the enormous profit of the bank and bankers. Write for prospectus. Woolf & Co., 717 Lord's Court, New York. Y FOR RENT, my store building, for a term of years, brick, 56x7o, solid plate glass front, large basement, brick warehouse attached; building Is shelved and count ered for a general store; steam heating and gas plant go with building; a splendid opening for a general store; good town and country; competition light. Address W. W. Mitchell. YVood River. Neb. Y E. J. ARNOLD ft CO. of St. Louis. Mo., race horse owners and bookmakers, in vite the speculative public to an Investi gation of their methods. This Is an old and long established concern, amply re sponsible and reliable In all Its dealings A rigid Inquiry Into their business will develop a condition unattnlned by any other Investment proposition ever offered for nubile iiartlclimtlon. Subscription to their capital may be made In amounts of $. and upward, suhiect lo withdrawal in full en demand. Dividends paid In rash fifty-two times every year. The best pay ing safe Investment In the country. Refer ences: Banks, trust companies, commer cial agencies, St. lxiuls business men and prominent men everywhere. For full par ticulars address, E. J. Arnold & Co.. 9th and Pine Sts.. St. Louis. Mo. Y MAN Energetic, capable man. with strictly first-class rererenees, wining 10 invest $l,0oi) to $5,000, can secure position as branch office manager for well-established oonccrrt manufacturing a practical mo nopoly; salary and commission. Box 4S5, Springfield, O. Y FOR SALE, millinery stock, fixtures and good will of the old established house of Joyce, the Milliner; must be sold by Feb. 14, and the greatest advantages in all respects will be given a purchaser. Joyce, 1624 Douglas St. Y 904 1 FOR SALE, a new 7"-bbl. steam mill, cost J11.6O0, will take $s,500 this week, or trHde for land. Address W 11, Omuha Bee. Y 907 3 SEND for free book. Facts and Figures, explaining option trading; $20 margins l.iuo bushels, two cents Oshorn Grain Co, 17 Chamber Commerce, Minneapolis. Minn. Y 962 ! WHOLESALE and retail liquor store, es tablished In 1877, In central Netiraska, will invoice Block, doing a good business. Owner wishes to retire. A splendid op- fortunlty. YVm. Mndgett, Real Estate, Listings, Neb. Y PER CENT monthly dividend paid by North Carolina Mining & Developing Co.; 25,000 tons of ore ready for mill. YY'rlte for prospectus. E. N. Y'an Cott & Co., Brokers, 80 State St., Albany, N. Y. Y-913 ! BANJO and drum, genuine Roger, special and damp-proof calfskin neans, aiso slunk heads for orchestra use; factory prices. Send for list. Rogers Music House. 116 North St., Mlddletown, N. Y. Y PATENTS GUARANTEED. PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURNED. Send model or sketch for FREE opinion aa to patentability. Bend for illustrated GUIDE BOOK and list of INVENTIONS WANTED, finest publications Issued for free distribution. Contain valuable Infor mation regarding PATENTS, TRADE MARKS and COPYRIGHTS; HOW TO OBTAIN AND SELL THEM; loo me chanical movements, etc. Patents secured by us advertised free in the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPY FREE. Ad dress. YVILKENS ft CO.. Registered Attorneys, 502 F Street, YVash- ington, D. C. i v-i i- $30 TO $40 earned monthly on $100 Invested by our new met noil or succecsrui opera tion. Larger and smnller amounts earn In proportion. Weekly payments. Ac counts withdrawable on demand. YVe refer lo banks, mercantile agencies and hundreds of satisfied clients.1 Particulars free. J. D. Irving ft Co., 302 Broadway, New York. Y 900 ! 14 PER CENT WEEKLY DIVIDENDS paid regularly for the past three years, we have no visionary scheme of specula tion In grain or stocks to advance, but desire to interest you in a proposition that has proven ltseir successful. We havu never had a losing client. Send for our booklet, which explains our method In full. J. W. Stalnley, 231' Broadway. New York. Y-69S-1 TO TURF, stock and grain investors: Have you any money invesieu in tun speculation or in utocK or grain specula tion? If so, who Is your broker. W, know the good from the bad. Reports furnished on nil turf, stock and grain Investment companies. Write to. us before investing. We can be of service l you. The New York Financial and Mercantile Agency. Betz Bldg., Philadelphia. Pa., or to western office, Century Bldg.. St. ljuls. Mo. Y-N97-1 DOES YOUR MONEY EARN ALL IT IS WORTH .' On ovemner J we iiiereaseu our 3 per cent weekly dividend, Jo 4 per cent, mint ii, i"srHi, i n .... .... - ,1-ui.v RESERVE FUND DIVIDEND, will net von about 5 iier cent weekly on your Investment. This Is the earning power of your capital placed In a con servative, legitimate enterprise such as we offer. YVrlte for our booklet. "WHEN ALL ELSE HAS FAILED,'' and other Information. Highest mercantile refer ences and testimonials from old atatlaitcd client. The Mason-Teller Co, Lenox Bldg., Chicago, III. Y-930-1 PROFITABLE Investment; $25 and upward may be Invested (with absolute safely) in enterprise paying from 4 to 6 per cent per week. Dividend, paid weekly. Money can be withdrawn without notice. High est references; particulars free. J. C. Rose & Co., Temple Court Bldg., Chicago. CONFECTIONARY, Ice cream and notion business for sale. Reason for selling, bad health. YVI1I sell or rent building. . Ad dress. Box 546. Blair. Neb. , Y-936 ! AN INVESTMENT that has actually re turned $6.5o In net profits on each $P In vested during the past ten weeks Is worthy of your Investigation. Legitimate business methods. Settlements every Tuesday. References. Write for my dr cjlars, "The Only Way." George F. Slone, Box 124, lirookln. N. Y. Y 952 $0 00) CLOTHING establishment, doing big 'business, for land, part cash; new stock bought since September; investigate. Box 22S. Nebraska City. Y 956 1 YV ANTED Hotel In small town. Box 458, Cedar Rapids. Ja. Y-961 1 $100 INVESTED in wheat and corn by our "Safety Morgen System" should mukp $eJ to $ In three or four weeks. Safe, systematic and sensible. For psrtlcular, write C. K. Boardman ft Co., 2K1 and Jf6 j Salle St.. ouuosit. Board of Trade, Chicago. Y X stir RALE, leweler', outfit In growing town of 7oo; only Jewelry; repair work, $75 llll.lllll, IllU.V W fctfc - field. la. Y msMrm chimes. $- AND UPWARD earns t jcr cent weekly; ssie as a bunk it .-st nu tu , with drawn on demand; our retiTemvs are luin tlreds of best business concerns in Amer l a. International ltr estmert Co., Nulen Bldg, 6th and Olive, St. Louis, Mc. Y I'OR SALE, general blaeksmllh sh.p and tools, also dwelling house; only first class shop in the town; mist sell at once. Frank KrIM. Ohio a. Neb. Y-'.M: 7 TO TRADE for property, south or west, the following stocks of merchandise ami bustuoa engagements: New. clean, up-to-dute sto, k general merchandise Invoicing Hlvnit $12.i., located In Minnesota. Stock general merchandise. g ... Illinois. Drug slock. $' Kansas Stock general mer chandise. $.!. Iowa. Stock laots and shoes, $9. Nebraska. Drug stock. $.1,". loa. I-'.Ski stin k general meii ban, Use, .Minnesota Furniture and undertaking business, ; :.'. Oklahoma Territory. Gou.l hotel m Miniusoia. Hotel In St. Louis, Mo. Four or five small stocks general merchandise (running and not ronnlngi Invoicing from $l,.x to $...uo. Minnesota. Parties with country' stores will t!o well to list same with me. giving full, accurate description of your slock, about what It invoices, etc., In first lettii; sute best terms you will sell on or trade, also smallest amount of cash you will accept. Those looking for merchandise plcasu write fully first letter slie stock you can handle. II you desire to move or not and how much cash ou ran put in wlih vonr land. Determine the responsibility of your broker; this is hs essential as pick ing out the right farm or the right mer chandise. 1 hao most periect t lassiil.d system of exchanges, where wants of clients arc carefully recorded; alwavs something good to offer. Don't write unless you have something good or your Intentions good and moan sirictlv busi ness, whether buer or seller. Will act as trustee, fiscal agent or exclusive agent only. Address, l.ouis Y llde, Dnllv New, Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. Y-94o-l CALIFORNIA Fortune (Ml Co. has J big wells and 4o,l"0 barrels of oil stored. Will pay large dividends soon. W rite for pros pectus. T. J. Gallagher, Fiscal Agent, Y'olckert Bldg.. Albany, N. Y. Y-91; 1 GKN'I, MDSE $15.(i0, clean, up-to-date stock, leading business in county seat, thriving eastern Neb. town. Will con sider good clear land. Describe land fully tirst letter. FlAIURING MlLI,-7.i bids, capacity, fullv equipped, doing good business; an s-room residence, variety of fruit, barns, rattle sheds. 15 acres choice laud, completely fenced for feeding cattle, located In tlno wheat growing section of Neb.; monoy niaklng enterprise; $,noO In good Improved land will do. FRUIT FARM 5 acres, ,1ust outside city limits, has an elegant large, suhstuntiaLlv built 2-story hoim.- barns, sheds, poultry yards, 3V acres tine grapes, producing 40.000 lbs a season; an abundance of other varieties of fruit nnd shrubbery; u typical home. hHs cost owner over $15,0i. An im proved ltio acres near Omaha, or Improved ranch at right llgure, will be considered on deai for this at less than cost. HOTEL FURNITURE-IC sleeping rooms, first-class, $2 houso. completely furntslu'd, doing fine business, In thriving eastern Iowa town of 2.000. Will consider good Improved farm, valued $l.lo'i, or part cash, balance easv to good parly. ! ROOMING AND BOARDING bouse, 20 rooms, elegantly furnished, controls finest patronage best location In city: monthly income, fcnio to $l.ono. Owner's health necessitates sale nt right figure. NOTICE Any legitimate business or prop erty which you want to sell or exchange, furnish me full particulars and' descrip tion, stating your desires, and I will speedily put you In touch with a meri torious proposition' ami do business right away. J. 11. JOHNSON, N. Y. Life. . Y-M'.'H 2 62's PER CENT profit paid by us In month of December bv the sure and safe system of the Co-opcfntlvo Turf Association, a corporation with a capital stock of $10", vo. doing business under the laws of the state of South Dakota and licensed by the states of Illinois and Louisiana nnd the cities of Chicago and New Orleans; accounts In our hands given especial at tention; expert handicapping and prices furnished to bookmakers and poolrooms; one good priced winner wired each day at extremely low price to clients throughout the country. If you have Idle money, money to Invest, money that should be earning money, a postal card will bring you our Racing Manual of useful turf in formation, with our entirely new and original plan, Indorsed by press and publio and recommended by prominent banks and bankers. Note our big display ad vertisement on sporting page. Reference, State National Bank of New Orleans. The Co-Operative Turf Association, Inc.. New Orleans, La. Y-963 ! GREAT openings for business of all kinds. New towns are being opened on tne t lil cago Great YVestern Ry.. Omaha exten sion. For particulars address E. B. Maglll, Mgr., Town Site Dept., Fort Dodge, lit. Y HARNESS business for sale. L. Schafer, Marlon, 8. D. Inquire at Y 117 1 MARVELOUS revelation In the financial world; an Hbsoliftely reliable corporation, authorized cash capital $1 ,1100,000. paying it guaranteed dividend of 5 weekly, 22 monthly. 2Uoannually, with a strict elimi nation of gambling or speculation. $'.'5 earns you monthly, $5.50. $50 cams you monthly. $11. $100 earns you monthly, $'-".'. $500 earns you mohthly, $110. A steady Income the year round; nhsolutely sure; unquestionably safe; positively sound; all dividends remitted Tue-day of each week; free booklet. The J. E. Gard ner Co., Fuller Bldg.. N. Y. Y-121 1 TWO FINE general stocks of country merchandise; one Invoiced at about $12.iTh, the other $s.70n; no fixtures, millinery or clothing in either slock, but ull goo I clean, solid, saleable goods, open for fullest Investigation; nev.'r traded before; stocks ran be removed; owner would like a small part cash and balance faml l io.l or good rental property; can get ileal to suit you. Address 414 Hull bide. K i" 'S City, Mo., for full particulars. Mention which stock you want. Y YOUNG man with business cxpericiico wants to Invest one thousand dollars in paving htislness and become partner. Ad dress YV 21. Bee. Y-177 1 FORCED to sell at great sacrifice by parly leaving city furniture of large bouse, nil new, unusually tine location, best class of roomers; don't wait IT you want an op portunity to make money; write W IS, Bee. . Y-150 FURNISHED HOUSE 12 ROOM8, elegantlv equipped (nearly new), tine locution; cot $1.2on; owner leaving city; $wi0 will take It if you want a snap. See me quick. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-154 1 5 WEEKLY dividends paid on $20 and up ward; guaranteed by securities company; money withdrawn on demand; co-operative bookmaktng; send for prospectus. Richmond Svndlcate, St. Iiuls, Mo. Y-122 1 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where local d; for a quick sain send us dcseriptlon anil price, ixormwosi erri Rush-ess Agency. D 312. Bank of Com merce bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. $23.nk An average of $23.00 per day profit for (111) consecutive oays on invest ment. The Consensus System, based mi the consolidated opinion of all t lie lead ing turf experts of America. Send for booklet, free, giving full particulars. Thu Consensus Co., 65 West Broadway. New York. Yyl1l FOR SALE, a business In city of 6,000 In habitant, In northeast Neb.; $1.50o worth of furniture working In soda and mineral water line; pays a net profit of $ per year uA Investment. Total Involco real estate and all, $ti.5iO. If sold soon can be bought at a bargain. Address Gardner ft Seller, Norfolk. Neb. Y 994 1 BUY May wheat and corn at once, margin It 2Hc per bushel, which will amply pro tect yon and your money should double within 15 davs: do not delay; buy Im mediately; $50 will margin 2.(iO bu.; $H will margin 4.w bushels; remit by cash, draft or postal order; send for our free, book, "Modern Safe Methods for invest ments" Flower & Co., Brok-rs, Traders bldg. opposite Board of Trade, Chicago. PI. AIM HEWING AD MRS M. CARR, 522 North Fifteenth street, .6 F-ll CARPENTERS AND JOlNEn. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Luke street. 4170 VLOHISTI. A NORRLANDER, 70$ So. 16th Bt. Tel. F-S3o. Cut fluwera, bouquet,, jneral ti-