Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14
THE OMAHA DA 117.' HEE: SUNDAY, FKNIJUAltY 1. l!0:i. Tiie Omaha Sunday Ber E. KOSEWATER, EDITOR. PL' BMP) HE I) EVERY MORNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, fially Bee (without flundayl, "ni TearM1 ISMy Hee and rttinday. n Year ' Illustrated om- Vear 2"' Sunday Iie. ( ine Year " Hutiiruay Hee, Onr Year I f" Twentieth Century Kurmcr, One Year.. 1 VI DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Pally He (without Bunilny). p'-r rnpv.... 2c Daily Hce (without Hunduyi, per w-k...2c lially Hoe (including HunUuyi. per week. .17c Hiinclay lie, per copy JC Evening He (without flundiyi. r" week -livening Nee (Including Sunday), per een : : A Complaint of Irregularities In delivery should be addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha-Th Bee Building, outu Omaha-City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth and M Street. Council muffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 1M I'nlty Building. . New York-232 Park Row Building. Washington 6"1 Fourteenth Street. COKREBPONDENCK. Communications relating t- new and ed Itorlal matter ahould be addressed: Omaha bee, Editorial Department. STATEMENT OP" CIRCULATION. btMe of Nebraska, Douglas County, as.: George 11. Tsschuek. secretary of The Be puhllehlng company, being duly swum, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening arid Sunday Bee printed during the month of December, 12, wti as follow!: 17 sovsau 1 80,010 If 80.SJH0 JO 30.7SO ti.' 2H.7O0 ty 50, (MM) 2j 80.H00 24' 30,900 25 ! 80,200 it 30.HSO 27 so.mto 2J( 2M,MOS a so, too 30 82,820 3O.M70 .052,0-13 . 10,181 Ler.s unsold and returned coplea... Net total sales O42.404 Nat average aalei ao.4;i QEOROE B. TZ3CHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me thla 31et dav of December, A. D. KA M. B. HUNOATE, (Seal) Notary Public The campaign for lax reform In Ne braska la on and It will continue until the glaring lnpqnnlltles arc remedied. The Fowler currency bill hug been put to Bleep and the Hryanlte onrsn of those purls will tiox- up Its bugbear until the next campaign. It's cfiny to give up Koinethlng .you do not have. 'That may hare something to do with the reported purpose of the crown prince of Rnxony to renounce Ills right to succession to the throne. In Nebraska lawmakers are entitled to draw pay for sixty days' session. No one nevd imagine final adjournment will come sooner, no matter how many days are adjourned over In the Interval. By the way, what has become of the hobgoblin of militarism that was going to subject us all to rule by court-martial If the reins of government were not Im mediately turned over to the democratic party? In his signed communications It used to be W. It. Hearst. The It became William R. Hearst. Now the signature Is William Randolph Hearst That Js the way the climb up the political lad der Is made. According to William E. Curtis, the story of the street railway franchise of New York Is full of comedy, tragedy, Intrigue, romance, dishonesty, brllery, blackmail and crime. This is sizing it up In a nutshell. Perhaps the proposed new department of commerce might have been called the department of Industry but for the reflection such designation might cast upon tho Industrious employes of the other departments. Hooks embodying the results of scien tific Investigation of the Pelee eruptions are being thrown out on the market. The chances are, however, that It will take another volcanic outbreak to send the demand for them tip high. A comnrisslon of learned German phy sicians has come to the conclusion, after exhaustive investigation and experi ment,' that hypnotism la not to be relied upon as a curative agency for disease. In other words, they are decidedly op posed to losing any of their patients by the hypnotic route. We havs cot heard anything definite yet of Wu ling Fang's doings since his return to his mother country. Unless the former Chinese minister speedily sets some American Ideas In motion to stir up backward China we ' will be tempted to believe that his experience among us Is not U'lng utilized to Its fullest by him. The spreudlng conviction that United States senators must be elected by di rect vote of the people Is lu evidence more and more. Scarcely a - magazine or periodical devoted to the cIIhouknIoii of current tjplcs but what Is glvlug space right along to the 'ilUrusalnn of this steadily growing question. What Is equally to the (mint Ih the fact that tho great majority of the writers not only support the demand for direct pop. ular election, but sen that It hus be come an Imperative necessity. The attorney general of New York has written tin opinion In which he holds that the offering of a railroad puss or a Iullman sleeper pass Is a misdemeanor ou the part of the rallrond official or employe who makes the tender and that its acceptance by a memlM-r of the legislature would subject him to for feiture of his crnee. That this princi ple applies with equal force to the giv ing and accepting of Misses In Ne braska there Is no question. But If every member of the Nebraska legisla ture Mho has accepted (muxes forfeited his ofhee, there wocM uot be a cor poral' guard left ou the legislative pay roll 1 32.2MO 1 81,120 1 81,470 1 31,000 t .....31,040 ( S1.H20 T 2N.OOO 1 80.000 t 80,000 10 ao.orto 11 HO.SUO . 11 80,970 It 30.M40 14 2S.S20 it ao.sio II 80,910 U.VOLflr, LtK it.VD JKFFC.RSOS DAVIS. Within the lifetime of a generation that still counts millions of survivors, a gigantic treasonable conspiracy at tempted the overthrow of the great American republic. At the sacrifice of millions of treasure and rivers of blood poured out by patriotic sons of freedom the rctM'Iliou was suppressed and the union saved and preserved for all fu ture generations. The survivors of the blue and the gray have fraternized and fought battles under the Stars and Strlix's, ami the memory of the brave men who fell In the war of the rebellion will be cherished on both sides without resentment by either. There Is, however, a broad line of de marcation that cannot and should not be wiped out. The American tory never will stand on the same plane In history with the American patriot of revolu tionary days. The memory of Benedict Arnold, vl!i rendered valiant service In the enrly stages of the revolutionary struggle, cannot be linked with that of George Washington. For the same reason every attempt to link .the name of Abraham Lincoln with that of Jefferson Iavls or Robert. E. Lee Is a sacrilege that must shock the moral sentiment of every true lover of liberty. The emotional outburst at the American metropolis a few ayt ago at which Charles Francis Adams eulogized Robert K., Henry Watter son paid a warm tribute to Abraham Lincoln, and William Hepburn Russell lauded Jefferson Iavls to the skies has the tendency to place these men lefore the new generation of Americans on an equal plane, when In fact they repre sent principles as far apart as the poles. Lincoln, Lee and Davis were southern men by birth and this Is all they had In common. Davis and Lee were born In affluence and were Iwth educated at the West Point Military academy at the ex pense of the nation. Abraham Lincoln was born In poverty and educated by his own toil. Both Davis and Lee had been dedicated by their military training to the defense of the flag and when they raised their arms against that emblem of glory and organized armies to destroy the government they bad sworn to de fend and protect ihey were guilty of tut highest crime an American citizen can commit. Their treasonable course may be forgiven, but It cannot and should not be glorified by speech, or by monument. At the outbreak of the civil war, Lee was colonel of the Second United States cavalry. Had he been Imbued with the highest Ideal of the American soldier he would have rallied with General Scott under'the flag of the union rather than with Jefferson Davis under the flag of disunion. He would have emu lated the course pursued by that loyal and gallant Virginian, General Thomas, or that loyal son of Tennessee, the In vincible Farragut. If he entertained conscientious scruples against fighting bis native state he should have broken his sword Across his knee and retired to private IJfe. The beatification of Jefferson Davis by men who wore the blue borders on blas phemy. It Is an Insult to the memory of thousands -of brave men who were subjected to the horrors of Anderson vllle and other confederate prisons with the full knowledge and consent of Jeff erson Davis. It Is a monstrous reflec tion upon the memory of Abraham Lin coln, for whose assassination Jefferson Davis was Indirectly If not directly re sponsible. It Is a matter of recorded history that Davis encouraged and ap proved the plot for the abduction of Lincoln from Washington to Richmond, which was the prelude to Wilkes Booth's dastardly crime. And It Is also a matter of history that Davis and his cabinet approved the plot to scatter yel low fever Infection In New York and other northern cities whose population during the war was chiefly made up of defenseless women and children. Is It not amazing that Americans who revere the memory of Lincoln should be carried away by sentimental gush over Davis or Lee when If Davis and Lee had had their way the American union would have been dismembered and slavery enthroned and perpetuated? Had Lincoln been forced to capitulate trea- sou would have lieeu triumphant, loy alty humiliated and the march of prog ress and civilization Iti America turned back for centuries. If Davis and Lee had succeeded, the disunited states would have been Mexlcaulzed and Mex ico Imperlallzed. If Davis and I-e had triumphed no single American republic would have counted for more among the nations of the world than does Ven ezuela today. The cause represented by Lincoln was humanity and civilization. The mar tyred emancipator needs no monument. and Davis deserve none at the hands of a nation dedicated to freedom and free Institutions. jvor sM isrAi runr. The treaty providing for the apiwint- ment of u commission of Jurists to set tie the Alaskau boundary question Is not satisfactory to the Canadians. They appear to be apprehensive that they will lose their case. This Is Indicated lu the statement of one of the leading men In the Domlulon. Sir Charles Tupper, who said that the treaty means that the United States will euchre Canada out of Its rights. He declared that Great Britain will not fight the United States for one Inch of Cauudiuu territory, add lug that the United States knew what it was doing wheu It agreed to a com mission of three on each side. Promi nent Canadian newspapers have ex pressed themselves lu a similar way showing a fear that we shall be able to convince the British Jurists that our contention Is the correct one and that the Canadian claim is utterly untena ble. it Is highly probable that this will be the result, if the British Jurists are act uated by a sense of fairness and jus tice, rather than by an unalterable pur pose to stand by the claims of Canada regardless of the facts and the terms of the treaty between Russia and Great Britain, which were unquestioned for more than half a century. The truth Is that the Canadians know they have not a good case and hence their dlsatisfai tlon with the promised commission, but It would seem that they should be will ing to trust British Jurists to do what Is fair and Just In the matter. Ameri can have no doubt that the representa tives of this country would decided ac cording to their conviction of what Is right. SXUnuCRA TIC AM CHIC AS A MBA S S AUORS When Benjamin Franklin presented his credentials as envoy of the Ameri can republic at the court of Louis XVI, clad In a suit of Pennsylvania home spun, he created a decided sensation among the regally caparisoned, le- wlged and bejtowdered scions of French nobility and especially the superbly uni formed diplomatic representatives of all the nations. But the shocking simplic ity of the American philosopher-statesman was no Impediment' to his mission and did not detract from his Influence and fame. Even today the bust of Ben- aniln Franklin occupies a conspicuous lace with the galaxy of great men, whose 4uonuments and portraits are pre served at the royal palace at Versailles. The example of republican simplicity set by Ben Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson In the early days has leen followed by American ministers to foreign countries for more than a century. The list included In our own days such eminent Americans as Bayard Toylor, James Russell Lowell, John La throp Motley, Thomas F. Bayard and last, but not least, John Hay and An drew D. White. All these distinguished Americans were content to appear at the Imperial and royal courts of Europe In plain evening dress, and this simplic ity was nisre Impressive because these men were the envoys of the world's greatest republic and one of the great est nations on the earth. We seem now to have reached the parting of the ways. The tremendous Impetus given to snobocracy by the ac quisition of colossal fortunes appears to have turned, the heads of some of America's diplomatic representatives at the capltuls of Europe. Cable advices from Paris announce, for example, that Ambassador McCormick has Invested In a dazzling court dress that will eclipse In spangles, gold braid and gilt luce the most fantastic suit ever worn by a Per sian shah or Indian maharajuh. This example of American snobocratlc mum mery Is liable to become epidemic among American ministers afflicted with van ity and we should not be surprised If America would outdo all the effete mon archies of Europe in vulgar display of laced coats, emerald buttons and buck les and other gearing that distinguishes titled foreigners. Whether the State department will finally be compelled to prescribe a dis tinctive American court dress for Amer ican diplomatic representatives, corres ponding with the number of millions at their command Individually, remains for the future. It would be In accord with the eternal fitness of things for snobo cratlc American diplomats to Invest their surplus not only In flashing liv ery, but In genuine titles of nobility that will place them on au equal footing with the descendants of the robber barons of Germany and the robber knights of It aly, France and Austria. TUB PRESIDENTIAL SALART. Thirty years ago the salary of the president of the United States was In creased from $25,000, which had been tlje compensation since the organiza tion of the government, to $50,000. When the question of raising the presi dential salary and also the pay of members of congress was before the Forty-second congress there was a strong popular opposition, but the law was passed. Subsequently the portion of the act providing an Increase In the pay of congressmen was repealed. It was then thought by very ninny that the compensation of the nresldent. which had been satisfactory to the In cumbents of that great office for more than eighty years, was ample for the chief executive of this republic. The government provides him with a resi dence furnished at the public expense and pays at least In port for the serv ice necessary In the White House. The opposition to Increasing the salary urged that It was not required and was not desirable that the president of the United States should imitate for eign rulers in making lavish expendi ture for entertainments and other pul- llc display. Some outlay lu this direc tion Is essential, but It should be on a scale consistent with republican Ideas and not fashioned after that of Euro pean royalty. A bill has Just leen Introduced In congress proposing to again lucreuse the presidential salary, making It $100,- 000. That public sentiment will ! vvery strongly against this it Is entirely safe to assume. There Is no good rea son for Increasing the compensation of the president. Fifty thousand dollars a year is a very ll!eral Income. No president who hos received it has found it Inadequate. On the contrary all of them have been able to meet every so cial requirement of the uosltlon and have something left of the salary at the cud of their terms. There was no more generous entertainer thau Presl dent Arthur, yet he did not find It necessary to sieud all his salary. Mr, Cleveland saved a portlou of his and so did Mr. McKlnley, neither of whom neglected auy social duty or lived other wise than as Iterated the dignity and the proper demands of the pmltlon. The office of president of the United States is not only of highest honor In this republic, but In the world. Emoluments can add nothing to Its distinction These should lie sufficient to meet the legitimate requirements of the position and that Is now the case. The fact that enormous salaries are leliig paid to men who administer the affairs of corjionitlons and trusts Is uo argument lu favor of Increasintr the presidential salary. Whst the head of a steel com bination Is paid, for Instance, has no prosr bearing upon the question of the conieiisatioti of the chief executive of the nation. There Is a tendency to Increase the salaries of public officials which should not 1h encouraged. A bill has passed congress to Increase the salaries of the federal Judges. Perhaps this Is Justifi able, although we shall get no better Judges by reason of It. A few days ago prominent member of the house of representatives said that the pay of congressmen Is too small and ought to be Incrensed. This shows the trend and If there Is public Indifference re garding It there Is likely to le within n few years a geueral advance lu the couiiions.itlon of public officials that will add millions to the annual c.x- wnses of the government, without se curing any greater faithfulness or effi ciency In tho public service. , COLORADO AS It MURASKA. The recent senatorial election In Colo rado, resulting, after a brief but turbu lent legislative contest. In the aban donment of the field by the republican candidates to Senator Teller as the democratic choice, stands out by con trast in lwld relief with the protracted struggle for the senatorshlps In Ne braska two years ago. Colorado went republican In the last election, aud without question au hon est count of the legal votes cast would have given n republican majority In the legislature on Joint ballot and in sured the return of a republican to rep resent the Centennial state In the upper house of congress for the next six years. The competing aspirants within the party, however, finding their ambitions blocked between themselves, notwith standing the vantage point enjoyed by the party through tho possession of all the machinery of the state government, by which the regularity of their pro cedure would be Insured, threw up the sponge when the critical emergency was readied and rather than yield to some republican leader who might command the party support, stood by and even lent assistance to the success of the democratic candidate. Had Colorado republicans enjoyed unfaltering and un selfish leadership, who could doubt that they would have now regained the sent In the senate lost by the back sliding of 189U? In Nebraska two years ago the sena torial fight was more hotly pressed, though less turbulently waged. For three successive mouths, day after day and week after week, the fruitless bal lots In Joint session and In caucus marked a stubborn deadlock that grew apparently steadily more Impenetrable. 80 narrow were the party majorities In the two houses and so peculiar the con ditions afforded by the fact that two senators' were to be chosen, that had either of the principal candidates been willing to trade off the Interest of the party In the other senatorshlp, he could have 'effected his own election In com bination with' a democrat or a populist. But no thought of achieving personal mhltlnii by such a course was ever serin- " entertained. The deadlock- was (l to the last hour of the last day i, He.' legislative session, but when the supreme moment arrived patriotic devotion to party overcame all obstacles and the leaders whose efforts had car ried Nebraska for McKlnley and repub licanism and made It possible for the state to be represented In the senate by republicans stopped voluntarily aside to make way for men upon whom the party strength could be united. Nebraska's two seats In the United States senate ore filled by two repub licansColorado's two seats by two democrats, although Colorado is now almost as strongly republican as Ne braska. With the facts In view, the reasons for this contrast are not hard to find. ( COSSSCTISO THK VUXTISESTS. Now that there Is a favorable pros pect for the construction of an Isthmian canal, It Is said that Interest has re vived In tho project for connecting the continents by a railway system. The International American congress that met In the City of Mexico last winter adopted a resolution favoring the con struction of au intercontinental railway and made provision for keeping up In terest la the matter In tho Interval be fore the. assembling of the next confer ence, this was done ny tne president of the congress to apisilut an international committee, which he did, the Amerlcun memlsTS Is-lng ex-Senator Davis of West Virginia and Mr. Andrew Carnegie, loth of whom have taken great Interest In the pan-Ameri can railway lde. The proposition Is to build a railway line connecting the systems of the United States and Mexico ou the north with those of several countries on the south, traversing all of the Central American republics and nil of those in South America which touch the Pacific ocean, with brunch lines Into Venezuela and Brazil. The promised route has been sun-eyed, under the direction of the International Hallway commission, aud the project Is said to le practicable from an engineering standpoint and that the cost of construction would not Ih excessive. It is contemplated to send a commissioner, to be appointed by the international committee, to Cen tral aud South America to rejiort on the commercial assets, the resources of the country- to be traversed and other matters, and If these should tie fouud satisfactory- It Is thought an effort will tie made to push the project, which it is exiiected will get some aid from the countries through which the line would pass. The construction of such a railway would be a vast undertaking, Involving an estimated expenditure of $-0,X',-xt, but In this era of great enterprises it Is by no menus ImprotmHe that the plan of connecting the northern and southern continents by rail will be an accomplished fact within a generation. It. Is not much If any greater project than was the building of otir first trans continental railroad or the construction of tho Sllierlan railway by Russia. If It is practicable, of which there seems to ho no doubt, and the commercial ss slbilities are such as to warrant Its con struction, there will be no difficulty In securing the neeessa.-y capital. With the Panama canal built ami au interna tional railway connecting the systems of this country with those of the coun tries south of us, the problem of com mercial relations betweea the United States and the southern continent wo.ild be solved and a unity of Interest, aud cordiality of friendship be firmly estab lished. The Nebraska State Historical so ciety has accumulated n roomful of relics, wcopous, tools, pictures, etc., reminiscent of territorial days. Whether the collection of these me mentoes was made with a design or merely Incidental to the organization and pnriHises of the historical society has not transpired. Suttlceth to say, however, that the aggregation of pioneer day bric-a-brac affords a plausible basis for asking the legislature for an appro priation of $S'),000, to be expended lu the construction of a fireproof mu seum exclusively devoted to housing theso curios. It la presumed that the possession of a fnuseum ot the state capital would necessitate appropriations for a building, superintendent and Jani tors, as well as for the heating and lighting, and also for a custodian of the venerated collection from now on and forever. Whether the present gen eration of taxpayers should be com pelled to shoulder this expense for the edification of future generations Is a question for the legislature to solve. Just now the people of Nebraska are praying and hoping for a reduction of taxes, even If they have to forego the exhibition of historic relics at the state capital In a fireproof museum. The terrible Southern Pacific wreck In Arizona develops anew a condition too often presented by such disasters, In which the railway employes all have their mouths sealed by their superiors to prevent them from giving any Infor mation to the public until after they have been posted as to what stories they shall tell before the coroner's Jury. The object, of course, Is to protect the railroad from admissions of culpable negligence that would run up the dam age claims, but In the lnten-al people whose relatives or friends have been maimed or killed are kept In Ignorance and suspense, anxious for the detailed circumstances. The idea that seems to Imbue some railroad officials that a dis astrous wreck, carrying with it the destruction of Innocent lives. Is a purely private matter for the road, is vicious and untenable and action on that the ory ought not to be tolerated for a mo ment in a free country. The compiled statistics for tho cal endar year 1002 indicate that the ex ports of the United States to foreign countries exceeded our imports from abroad by nearly $400,000,000. If our political economists of today revolved their science about the balance of trade theory, as lu the days before Adam Smith, how they would rejoice at such a showing and count the coin sent over to extinguish the debt. But happily the favorable balance of trade as the basis of national prosperity has long ago lost the commanding place It en- Joyed lu the books ou political economy. It Is estimated that 4,CXK),000 people in the United States are supplied with gas for light and fuel from natural giis wells. This must be as good as laugh ing gas for them when they contemplate the gymnastics of the coal dealer's price schedule. Tbe Supreme Teat. Milwaukee Sentinel. Among the first names transmitted by the Hawaiian cable were J. Kalanlanaole and D. Kawawanakoa. Now what could Marconi do In a case like that? The Strennoua l"ee. Brooklyn Kajle. They ore about to shorten the train time between London and Pektn to fifteen days. Julea Verne will need to rewrite his book.' Ideas are going to escape Into China by the fast mails. Dl-rornna and Bnalneaallke. Baltimore American. Rv arranainc to hold on Sundays the memorials for deceased members congress has acted wisely. In that way the time of the sessions may the more generally d .-voted to the business of practical Im portance. Worked Roth VVajn. Washington Pout. It seems that the government Is still raying a special attorney to look after the rases of Greene and Gaynor. In the mean time, the late associates of former Cap tain Carter are resting comfortably In Canada and spending the money they lifted from the government. Uncle Sam Is being worked both ways from the middle, but It is not a new experience for him. Afler-ntnner Omtorr, W. It. Howells In Harper's. The fake-humorous speaker has n eas ier career than even the fake-eloquent speaker. Vet at any glvep dinner the ora tor who passes out mete elocution to his bearers has a success almosl as instant and spleniUd as his clownng brother. It Is amazing what things people will ap plaud when they have the courage of each other's Ineptitude. They will listen, after dinner, to anything but reason. They pre fer also the old speaker to new ones; they like the familiar taps of humor, of elo quence; If they hare tasted the brew beiore they know what they are going to get. The note of their mood Is tolerance, but tolerance of the accustomed, the expected; not tolerance of the novel, the surprising. They wish to be at rest, and what taxes their minds molests their intellectual re pose. They do not wish to climb any great heights to reach lb level ot the orator. BLASTS KHOM RAM'S IIOR1, Great la always gentle. Envy tats out Its own beart. To surrender Is often to win. Kalth overcomes miny failures. A teacher Is not a taskmaster. Taint docs net irake a 1 sinter. Mercy la the badge of majesty. Felf-denlat Is the secret of delight. The truly humble hide their humility. Labor Is for man and not man for labor. To support a delusion Is to court defeat. The angry man belongs to his passions. Divine pity alone meets human pathos. The poor In spirit are rich In possibili ties. Hypocrites' cloaks may be cut In the style of heaven, but they are woven of the cotton of earth. PEHSOVtl, AMI OTIIKKWISIC. The sultan of Sulu may enjoy the rare distinction of reading his own obituaries. A Michigan man has developed a taste for rating money. No wonder his heirs pronounce him crasy. Twelve hundred blscultmakera are on a strike In Chicago. As long as buckwheat cakes are abundant the people can pull through by a scratch. The manager of a Canadian railroad pro tests vigorously against subsidies to rail roads because they are burdensome to tax payers. Wouldn't that Jar you? The attorney general of Ohio Is up against the real thing now. He Is asked to decldo whether or not a handsome young woman Is subject to arrest for wearing a stuffed humming bird on her hat. The efforts of Colonel A. K. McClure to Induce the legislature of Pennsylvania to appropriate money for a monument to Gen eral Robert E. Iee on the Gettysburg bat tlefield provokes a blast of wrath very much like that of Senator Foraker regard ing battle fags. One fire-eater denounces the proposition as an attempt "to exalt treason and honor a traitor to his oath." John Newdlck of K&komo, Ind., a man of muscular piety, objected to his unro generate wife mixing the family dough when the hour for prayer arrived. As she persisted In the unholy work. John arois In righteous wrath and thrashed her to a finish, and then proceeded with prayer. At last accounts the pious slugger was pray ing for Borne friend to lend blm $25 and costs which an Irreligious court assessed. A Minnesota lawmaker comes to the front as a genuine promoter of home In dustry. He wants state subsidies for parents of singles, twins, triplet and quar tets. The top limit Is 12,000 for four babes la a bunch. The Minnesota scheme is an Improvement on that of the Chicago woman who would have th state pension wives. As both reformers are unmarried, they manifest suspicious sympathy for the tied. Major Church Howe of Nemaha, United States connul at Sheffield, England, Is en joying the fat of the land as well as South down mutton. No banquet In the locality Is a banquet without him, and his brilliant conversational powers lends to every feast a piquancy altogether bewitching. The major attended the annual banquet of the Sheffield Oolf club January 10, and, con versed copiously. The Sheffield Telegraph says he was "in excellent humor," which means that the major Jollied the crowd with expressions of cousinly esteem. That Is the major's Prince Albert. JOl REALISTIC PROPHECY. Eminent Fanlt-Kl adera Beem to Ex pect Impossibilities. New York Times. It appears to give pleasure to eminent divines to define from tlma to time, ac cording to their light, the function and sphere of the dally newspaper. Bo long as they limit themselves to the statement of safe and generally accepted ethical propo sitions they are on solid ground and may boldly defy Intelligent contradiction; but they do not seem to find that area large enough to bold them comfortably. Dr. Ly man Abbott is the latest to tell, a waiting public what a dally newspapers should and should not be, and what he says inter esting. After explaining that It .Is the duty of a newspaper ta give all the news that's fit to print, .truthfully and Impartially, he goes on to say: "The daily press should be more than a reporter. It should be an Interpreter. The tendency of human life Is development of Justice, merey, kindness, reverence and love. We have a right to ask the press to Interpret all events In relation - to this progress. We want to know what Is the significance, for example, of this great struggle between the coal miners and oper ators. Does It forecast a better organiza tion of labor? Does It look toward a bet ter organization of capital, toward a better understanding between the two? In It a movement toward more clearly defined classes? And are we to prepare ourselves for a war between labor and capital, a war between classes as there was a war be tween sections?" The editor of a newspaper who should conform to Dr. Abbott's stsndard of quali fications by answering authoritatively all the questions which a man of his Intelli gence, would like to have answered would be a very capable prophet more capable, we Imagine, than any now In the business of Journalism, and possibly a better all round prophet than some of those whose generalizations from the law of probabili ties have puzzled the theologians under taking to Interpret them. In discussing dally Journalism It Js well not to fix the standard at unattainable heights. Editors are human. They know a great deal, no doubt, but they are not In errant, and perhaps they are not perfectly sure on a great many subjects concerning which they would like to forecast the fu ture. It might very well be that they do the best they can with the problems which constantly confront them, but that they can offer authoritative solutions of questions concerning which wide differences of opin ion exist among thoughtful students of events Is too much to expect of men who live on a whirlwind of news and whose sources of information are not Infallible. w "They're Here Y Our Spring Styles ot , They are called the "Browning" and a half doz:n shap:s arc represented that are new, at tractive and becoming blocks- The only difference b:tween them and the $5.00 style and qualities is S 1.00 you gain if you buy your hat here. i RO CI.OTHHO FITS I.I K K OI Ri. ItlKORM IIIVOHIi; LAWS, Oraaalsed Moremeat Amssg Hells lous Denominations. New York World. In the tnatter of uniform marriage and divorce las a strong church movement Is well under way. Committees have been appointed representing Ih" Protestant Epls ropal. Preh terlaa and Methodist organ isations. Thee have already held a meet ing In this city. It Is hoped to Interest the other Protestant denominations and the Roman Catholics as well, though ths church of Rome does not as yet recognize divorce. While the churches will exert a powerful Influence toward ths end In view, the es tablishment of uniform laws must Inevit ably tend toward the further seculariza tion of the marriage rite. As the laws stand, not all the states demand marriage licenses, only half of them forbid mar riages of whites and tegroes, In three states and a territory (Arizona) whites and Indians cannot wed, ard In four states and the same territory the union of whites and Chinese Is forbidden. Differing bars of blood relationship are raised In different states and the lawful age for marriage likewise varies. Most of these restrictions and regula tions have bearings on the divorce ques tion. The differences must be reconciled by statutes firm enough to hold every where, yet so wisely drawn as to discour age the legitimate marriage Intent nowhere. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. Ke A woman always looks under the bed for a man. 8e Yea, and a man goes nut between the acta to look for him. Detroit Free Press. Clara Mr. Sweetser Is quite attentive to me. Wonder If he thtnka of proposing? Constance Phouldn't wonder. Everybody says he is a man of the strangest tastes. Hcetou Transcript. "I don't seem to make any Impression on your father, Maude. And I've done my best to get on ht right side." "Try his left side, Oeorge. He hears bet ter on that side." Cleveland PlaJu Dealer. Mrs. Jenner Ie Ondego Your church Is becoming rilentlnd with the pastor? Why is that? He has been preaching for you nfteen years, hasn't he? Mrs. Pelldom-Holme Yes. That's the trouble. He has begun to preach at us, now, Chicago Tribune. He Do you believe In long engagements? She Not too long. If we are married Irs June It will be all right. Somervllle Jour nal. "How do you like your new servant ?" "That Isn't the question at all," anewered young Mrs. Torkine. "We are trying to find out how she likes us." Washington Star. . Dinah Look hyar, 8am. we done bin married fo' or Ave days now; doan' yo' reckon yo' bettah go out an' look lo' some wuck? Sam Nebah mind 'bout dat, ylt. I'll find ome wuck fo' yo' time 'nough, but I doan" want yo' ter t'lnk ob waehln' an' Ironln" till de honeymoon am past. Philadelphia Press. Insurance Adjuster Don't you think you have placed a rather high estimate upon the articles destroyed? Your total Is $1.2ii). Now, I'm pretty well convinced the entire lot could be duplicated for less than a quar ter of that sum. Policy Holdeiwi jave you Just what the tnlnga cost, not a cent more. 1 bought them all at our last church fair. Boston Transcript. THE LITTLE CHIRCH BACK HOME. Leslie's Weekly. When the big pipe organ's swellln' an' the city choir sings. An you almiss' hear the ss-lshln' of the lovln' angels' wings. An' the congregation's musln' on the prone- ness for to sin, ' Sort o' leanln', listless, waltln' for tho preacher to begin: In that holy hush It happens that I clean fomet the Dlace. An' again I'm meek an' lowly 'for a throne 01 savin grace; A throne that wasn't nestlln' 'neath a spire or a dome. But the sinners sought their Savior In that little church back home. When we had protracted meetln's, why. 'twould done you good to hear The congregation slngin' with a blend o' voices clear, How the "Rock o' Ages" towered like a shelt'rln' sort o" wall, An' our souls soared up to glory since the rock was cleft far all. Ev'ry face was wreathed with sweetness, an' we always had a smile For the stranger, saint or sinner. In the pew across the aisle; For a diamond's often gathered from the commonest of loam. An' we didn't mind the settln' In the little church back home. There were weddln's where the neighbors gathered In from far an' wide, An' the boys looked on In envy while their alsters kissed the bride; There were fun'rals, too, where enlghbors didn't feel ashamed to cry When they laid to rest tho sleeper In the little yaxd close by. Each iew seems sort o' sacred, an the lowly pulpit there 'Pears like a holy gateway to a firmament that's fair; Where the sweet, scpernal sunshine softly scatters Morrow's gloam An' lets us enter heaven from the little church back home. The city choir's voices rise In cadences so sweet As they elng about the river where the sainted ones shall meet. An' the preacher's voice Is plesdln as he auks us, soft an' low. To treat all men as brothers In this weary vale of woe. This city church Is handsome an the con gregation's large, The preacher'e doin nobly with his heaven. seekln' charge; The choir's swellin' anthems soar to heaven through the dome. But my old heart la slghln' for the little church back home. OUH success Is due. In a measure, to the fact that we embrace every meritorious Idea. We con stantly seek to originate new methods of excellence that will In any way aid us In the practice of fitting glases. J. C. HUTESON & CO.. 213 8. lfith Street.' Paxton Block. $4 Hats R. I. Wtleoa, Mgr. 0 1