Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1903, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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in ctz
25c LACES AT 3c, 5c AND 10c
THOUSANDS of yards of plain, and fancy Vices and inserting,
GRAND display of embroideries, and inserting Suisse, nainsook and
cambric, neat and dainty patterns, alio wide showy patterns
;T;t""f:,rf". 5c, 7c and 10c
iii ii
J- also aalloons and band in Venice net top orientals, torchons,
r I'll SJ W S s r "-"V '. V T v vn'i j
r 3c, 5c and 10c
vaUnciennes, etc. , worth up to 25c,
at, yard
Early Showing of the Fabrics and Frocks Thot Will Reign During the Coming Season
tjtE HA VE prepared to anticipate an early demand for spring goods. Tomorrow we open a great display of the newest and smartest things of the fashion centers of the world. As usual it is at BrantleiJ where the first author
W itive showing of styles is made. Each department will reveal a glint of spring. The master minds of the originators of fashion are represented in our complete display. The goods shown here are those destined to the
greatest popularity this spring. ' .-
Spring Dress Goods in Newest Effects
' Advance Sale of Spring Conceptions In Waistlngs, Silk Challia, Etc.
2,000 yards of Silk waistinsrs, In the newest
and prettiest, plain, dotted and striped
effects, Persian designs, "
worth easily Sue ana . j M C
69c, at w
1,750 yards of silk striped waistiniri Jn
creme, sky blue and all colors-
pretty new figures
and dots
Here are the most fashionable fabrics known for spring wear;
Highest Grade Mercerized Vestlngs at 50c
White, Course Oxford Vestings at 29c
Mercerized Fancy White Vestings at 39c
Mohair Melange, in pretty tints, 46-in. wide, at 85c
White Waist Linens, extra wide, at 59c
Oatmeal Cloth for outing wear at $1.25
New Etamines-New Voile Etamlnes-Scotch Suitings-New Hohalr Sicilians
the much admired Heavy Creme Woolens.
Great Dress Goods Specials on Bargain S(iuare
i Dress Good of all wool and silk and wool.
plaids, serges, prunellas, mohairs, crepe
cloths for evening wear
regular 75o goods
I Cheviots, mountain serges, etamines, can
vas, prunellas, 50-in Mohairs, A C rm
fancy weave regular tl val- s-l
Imported and domestic dress goods in black
and all colors. Arroures, etamines, mis
trals, cheviots, worsteds, mo- 1
hair lustres, serges and fancy lj
weaves worth, $1.25, at
Broadcloths tl. 50 and $2 quality,
crrstaline, 12 quality unfir
1.50 quality; Venetians, tl.75
quality; Sicilians, $1.50
quality, etc , all go at
Final clearance of Fancy Wool Waistlngs French Flannels, Scotch Flannels,
75c and 85c qualities, all fc
Advance Spring Display of
On Monday we will open about 200 of the newest and prettiest ideas
of the early spring designs in chiffon, maline, soft braids, novelty
materials, etc. , also a splendid assortment of hats for tourist and
winter resort wear. The' prices are very (Jit OK
moderate, ranging from pliiiU lO a)1vI
Advance Sale of Spring Silks
V47K ARE showing the most complete line west of Chicago of 27-inch
and 2-tone glace silk for shirt waist suits. They com in hair line
stripes in taffeta and Louisenes in 10 different size stripes, new colorings,
blues, greens, reds, browns, Bhot with white and black, new check silks
from the small pin checks to a large check, in plain and changeable effects,
new designs in liberty and twilled foulards, mostly in the new small dots and
new geometrical effects. A great many of th?e new silks are exclusive
patterns and are shown only by us. Prices, -q Cj 25
Embroidered Silk Dress Patterns
Embroidered Shantung silks (Pongee), our exclusive showing. Hand
some Pongee Robes with ample material for trimmings. The skirt is
semi-made, all in one piece, in the latest fashion, only one
pattern of a kind, ranging in price fj)lj 50 tO ffil
65 exclusive patterns, containing 12 to 15 yards in the most artistic embroidered colored designs
also several styles in single waist patterns at special prices 02- 4-r tLi CTO
from, per yard VOt tt 4? 1 .O
New Phoenix Mills Colored Taffeta at 75c Yard
125 pieces new plain and glace taffetas in every shade of the rainbow, including all the snare
changeable enacts. If you are looking lor any particular anaae you can I maica
elsewhere see this fine taffeta we are selling at, yard
for Mondoy Only
New "Bonnet," guaranteed taffeta
per yard
New Japanese corded silks
per yard
Now Japanese plain silk
per yard
New all silk pongee
per yard
New white and cream Louisene
per yard ,
New 36-Inch black taffeta
per yard
New Phoenix mills 27-lnch taffeta
per yard .
Extra Specials
New black satin stripe grenadine
per yard
New black Iron frame grenadine
per yard
New black double faced peau de sola C
per yard . A. D
New washable taffeta, black and eolors-
per yard .
New crepe da chine, black and all
colors per yard ......................
Correct Ideas in New Spring Suits
Initial Showing for 1903 of Swell Tailored Suits for House, Street and Shopping
Elaborate preparations have boon
made in this department for showing
at the earliest possible moment, the
newest and most fetching spring ideas.
We have just received a complete and
beautiful array of spring's most fash
ionable garments.
The styles and dress fabrics for this
season are more than usually attrac
tive in weave, texture and color. Such
fabrics as voiles, mistrals, tweeds,
suitings, banicures, etamines, cheviots,
etc. Among tlie new shapes the popu
lar blouse with new wide and round
ruche, the new JJiveria with and with
out double capes and poplins, pretty
shopping effects in the popular walk-
ing skirts. In this display are also
many charming effects in costume
skirts. The prices of those suits are
14.85, 19.00, 24.50, 29.00,
39.00, 49.00 and up to 98.00.
We wish to announce the continuation of our
display of a New York tailoring company's model
suits and skirts. During the next two weeks we
will continue taking orders for these garments,
which will be made to your Individual measure
and fashioned according to your own fancy.
Early Sale of Fine Wash Goods
Mercerized Waistlngs One immense lot of very fine white mercerized wulitings
and fine madras cloth, actually worth up to 35c, go at, yard
White Goods such as India linens, nain
sooks, fancy weaves In lace effects, A "
Special for Monday
100 dozen bunches silk grapes and foliage, each bunch containing IS
grapes a truly remarkable value. Regular prica is $1.00
on sale Monday
JJE respectfully solicit a visit from you to our new hoe department
W on the second floor. We are showing in advance, all the new and
extreme styles of spring footwear, in prices from $3.60 to $8. We make
a specialty of genuine bench-made shots,
Ladles' Hand Turn Shoes $5 and $6
Ladies' Hand Welt Shoes $5 and $6
Ladies' Bench-Made Shoes $8
We are sole agents, for Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes for men and
toomen. Prices $5 and $6
etc., worth 25c, go at, yard
Brandenbergs and Percales, 36-in.
floral designs, dots, stripes, etc.,
worth up to 15c, go at, yard
wide in
flusllns Good quality bleached and un
bleached muslins, 3-lnches wide, O1
go at, yard
Special Values
All of our fringed table cloths in 8x10 and
8x12 size, pluln and white, also red and
blue borders, worth $1.50, go at, Q
each Out
All the balance of our plain hemstitched
pillow shams and lunch cloths would bo
cheap at 60c go it, 2 5 C
64-inch pure linen silver bleached table
damasks, worth 50o, at, Qg
Ginghams Bargain square of fine ginghams
such as French, Scotch and chambray
ginghams, 36 inches wide, worth Ql
15c, at, yard OC
Dimities Immense lot of all kinds of dimi
ties, lawns, batistes, etc., in the newest
floral designs, worth 25c, go at, Q 1
yard 02C
Sateen Extra good quality sateen, in small
floral designs, polka dots.strlpes.etc. gf .,
worth 15c, go at, yard Uw
in Table Linens
C2-inch and 72-inch Irish, Scotch and Ger
man, all linon bleached and silver bleached
table damasks, also something new in
hemstitched Meached damask, Pn
worth 75c, go at. yard ulW
72-inch all pure linen German silver bleached
and full bleached Irish table dm-:n
asks, worth 81, goat, yard ........ 0"C
Ore big lot of napkina. These are drum
mer's samples, some are slightly soiled,
but otherwise perfect, worth -f Cfl
$2.60 dozon, go at, dozen leO"
Chiosgo Committee leoommandi Changs of
Date or Place.
pnd. He has played but twelve game?,
however. Palmer, forced thus from second
sticks at third, having bettered his average
a trifle.
The Individual averages are:
Emery 43
Kraman 12
Palmer , ; 9
Hrunke 42
Kneel I 43
1 onract 13
International Esecntlte Aaked to Put
Contents Back a Year or Author
ise Mlaaonrl City aa Loca
, Hon of Event.
CHICAGO, Jan. 31. H. J. Furber. presi
dent of the Olympian Games association,
today said of the proposed transfer of the
1904 games from Chicago to St. Louis:
We have aa yet received no official noti
fication from Kurope. but there la a strong
Marble .-13
1 4 . u n 1 1 . in
Schneider ...
A. C. Reed..
Frltscher ...
Huntington .
Ahmanaon ..
H. D. Heed..
K. A. Keller.
Alf Keller....
Fruneisco ...
probability that a transfer to St. Loul will 1 eneiuon f7
tie made. There la something more Impor- lj!ar ,y si
' tant than either the Olympian games or the j .nan,"f5 j
Ht. Ixiula exKaltlon. It Ui the feeling of
friendship which should unite these two
great clnas of the middle west and which
should In every undertaking suppurt each
other to the best of their ability.
The officers of the International Olympian
Gamea Hiwoelatlon have placed before the
International Ulymplun commlxslon, whose
headquarters are In Kuroe, a statement
setting forth the complications which have
arisen owing to the post ponemetit of the
Bt. Iiuls exposition until ID". I'pon rep
resentations on the purt of St. Louis that
the Olympian games. If held In Chicago
the same year as the world s fair, might
rrlously embarruss the latter enterprise,
the Chicago association decided to urge a
DStponement of the games until ififi, etat-
7 303
6. t74
7. KI6,
4 638
KorBcutt S6
Tracey 36
Gilchrist 39
Lehman 33
For the two-thirds of the season flnlNheri
Emery leads the league In strikes, having
made 157. Denman la high man on spares,
with 208. Huntington has made the moxt
splits ftfty-slx being chalked to his credit.
In all three cases this refers to the men
only who have played the full forty-two
games. Comparison with those who had
played a leas number would of course be
unfair to them. (July two men have played
three games straight In a single evening
without an error. These are Marble of
the Oate City team and Francisco of the
KniK Parks, f igures nave been computed
Ing to the chairman of the International showing the actual work of each team to
Olympian commission at Paris that If this ; date as a team. The pin average, the
were not agreeable Chicago would consent . strikes, spares, splits ana errors made bv
to a transfer of the contests to St. IyOiiiH,
but If neither of these courses shonld meet
the approval of the International Olympian
commission Chicago was prepared to carry
out the program In l'.4. as originally con
templated. The responsibility of a decision
now rests on the foreign commission.
In taking the position which It has, Chl-
each are given. Each team has played
forty-two gsmea. or 210 Individual games,
there being Ave men to a team. The teams
are given In the table In their orders as
thew stand In the percentage column, and
It Is an Interesting fuel that ' almost
throughout the rank by pin average corre
sponds to that by percentage of games
cago iias felt that It should irot permit 1 lost and won. The Nationals are the only
local priue or amouion 10 siann in ine way i exception to tne rule
of the success of an undertaking like the I Pins Ave.
Louisiana. Purchase exposition, which, hav- Omaha .. 36.696
Ir.g received the sanction and support to Gate Olty 35,9i)
.the extent of tti.omi.oiio of the I'nlted State Clarkson. 35.689
government, is now a national enterprise
Oat Cltya Make a Slet Gain I
eeatigt During tun
I Week.
n Per-
Games. Won. Lost. Ave.
, Omaha 42 32 10 .".rt2
Gate City 42 26 16 .t;i9
I Clarkson 43 24 18 .571
National 42 22 2o .f;'l
Oerman 42 22 .476
St. Charles 42 16 26 ..IM
Western 42 14 2S .333
Krug Park 42 14 28 .3i3
National. 3f.nh6
Oerman.. 35.6o7
St. Ch'les 34.940
Western.. 34 112
Krug P'k 34.163
174 648 975 21 21
171 641 929 2kS 32fi
169 633 932 117 3.V)
170 676 R77 19i 349 !
1H 629 9119 240 322 1
166 "9 K92 242 3i7
162 564 82 215 439
162 671 865 210 454
was much talk of several
Iist week marked the close of just two
thlrda of the bowling season. The only
Important feature of the week's play was
'the work of the (late City team In taking
'five gamea out of kIx from the Oermaus.
The postponed series was played off, as
well as the regular meeting of the sched
ule. The result boosted the percentage of
the Oate City men considerably. Mean
while the Omahas took but two out of their
three gamea with the Nationals, and thus
dropped a little In perci-ntag.'. Thus there
Is one team somewhere within striking dis
tance of the leadera once again. Hut It Is
a king journey yet to a tie. The Nationals
and the Clarksons were a tie for third
Idace last week, but this time the Nationals
lost, while their rivals won, and took the
position, the two being now separated by
ome fortyeven polTls of percentage. Tin
rest of the teams are strung out the same
as before. The Westerns and Krug Parks
aire still a tie for last place, each having
dropped all three games of the weeks
nertaa. In the Individual averages thtrtv
one players are now Inside the honor mark.
Kmery still leads. while Seaman has
Jumped uji tron seven nta placa ta aec-
bowlers attending the' national bowling
tournament at Indianapolis beginning Feb
ruary 23, It la now apparent that no one
will go from Omaha, it was thought for
a time that three players would represent
this city. Caotaln weber of the Germans,
Captain Clarkson of the Clarksons and Al
Knot or the (firmans, wlio went last veur
h!, I and pulled oft first prls In the pair con-
Oreat Interest has been aroused among
the local bowlers by the announcement that
loaded bulls will be allowed at the lndlan
apells tournament. Several Omaha players
use the weighted ball constantly, and co-ild
hardly do without it. The weight of i n
ordinary unloaded ball la about fifteen
pounds and one-half. Balls (re loadeil so
as to weigh from seventeen and one-half
to twenty-two pounds. "Billy" Emery of
the Ouiahae. the man who leads the indi
vidual averages column, uses a loaded ball
weighing nineteen and a half pounds ().
A, Potter's weighs eighteen pounds. Wood
Hartley awings seventeen and a half
pounds. Huntington's Is the same else and
H Heed rolls a nineteen-pound sphere.
"The load certainly helps a lot." said
Emery, "for It has a decided Influence In
making the balls roll truer. They are more
accurate when loaded. But that extra
efficiency does not Increase as the weight
Increaies. When you get them up to seven
teen and -a half pounds more weight does
no nuiil It slmnlv nulls your arm off.
That extra two pounds Is ample to steady
your bail, and that la all you want."
years has been the manager of the Saints,
will , leave In the morning for Tacoma,
Wash., where he will manage the Tacoma
team In the Pacific Northwest league. Mr.
McKlbben tonight said he had the signa
ture of Johnny Kllng of Kansas City to a
contract for the coming season and that
Kline: will catch for Tacoma. Harry Mau-
pln. the well known slant artist of St.
Joseph, has been signed by McKlbben.
Either Farrell or Whistler, he thinks, will
be appointed manager for St Joseph.
BlsT 'Frisco Race la Won by Schorr's
Popular Horse from a Good
Field on Muddy Track.
RAN KRA'NrTSOO Jan. 81 F.sherln. the
clever daughter of Esher, In the string of
John Schorr, won the California Oaks at
Oakland today from a good field. The
weather was cloudy and tne track muaay.
Ksherln was the favorite. The race was
valued at 32,500. of which the winner's share
was ll.90. Tt! mile and a sixteejitn nanai-
cap went to Durazxo, the favorite. Results:
f irst race, luturity course, sening: rutin
Fullen won, Kinaldo second, Nullah third.
Time: 1:13.
Second race, three-auarters of a mile, sell
ing: tjuls II won, Mexlcanna second, Laura
r . M. tnira. Time: 1:1a.
Third race, one mile, selling: Diderot
won Dunblane second. Urchin third. Time:
Fourth race, one mile and an eighth.
California Oaks: Esherln won. Nigrette
second, Graxlna. third. Time: . 1:574.
Fifth race one mile and' a sixteenth:
Durazzo won. The Fretter second. Hesper
third. Time: 1:61V4.
Sixth race, futurity course, selling: Matt
Hogan won. Oolden Cottage second. I Do
Go third. Time: 1:124.
Races at New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. St. The Durnell
& Hunt puir, McChesney and Scotch Plaid,
ruled favorltea at even ma ne y In the bet
ting on the Merchants handicap, worth
$2 110 to the winner the principal number
of today'a card. The firm's chances de
pended upon the former and the liberal
price quoted looked like a gift. Despite
all sorts of Interference, tne chestnut son
of MacDuff galloped In ahead In front of
his Held. Ed Corrigan's Hargls ran a sur
prising race, but was outclassed. McChes
ney and Jim Clark, both ridden by Kedfern,
were the only 'Winning favorites..
Weather clear and tuck good.
First race, seven furlongs, selling: Karl
Kahler won, Hedge eeoaud, Paul Creyton
third. Time: 1:2. '
Second race, rtve furlongs: Applesweet
won. Agnes Mack second, Henry McDanlel
third. Time: 1:014-5.
Third race. handicap, six furlongs:
Scorpio won, Bummer second, Mrs. Frank
Foster third. Time: 1:14 2-6.
Fourth race Merchants handicap, one
mile and a sixteenth: McChesney won,
Hargls second, Harry New third. Time:
'i.h7k r.a . 1 11 n one mile and a half:
Brief won, ' Satin Coat second, Hay ward
Hunter third. Time: 2:37.
Sixth race, one mne: jim mr wuu,
St. Tainmanv second, Bard of Avon third.
Time: 1:413-6.
South Omabnns Win Lute.
The basket hall team of the boutn
Omahn Young Men's Christian association
chalked up 2 credits against the 26 of the
Omaha Young Men a Christian Association
Reds." or second team., in the contest at
the South Omahans' gymnasium last night.
The snore at the end of the first half whs
11 and, nor was the victory won until the
last half minute of the last half, when
Miller of the Magic CHy aggregation mads
Held goal. Prior to this the score stood
26 and. .
After the game' there was a peace offer
Ing In the form of refreshments. In two
weeks a return game will be played at the
Omahans' quarters.
third time over the course and on the
fourth round several others dropped out.
The races may be resumed tomorrow.
Wrestlers Straggle for Downs, but
Neither Succeeds la Scor-
In Point.
NEW YORK, Jan. 31. The wrestling
bout at Madison Square Garden tonight
between Tom Jenkins, the world's champion
catch-as-catch-can wrestler. and John
Plenlng, the "riutcher Boy, ended In a
draw. The men were on the mat prac
tically from :60 until midnight, when the
police declared the bout at an end. Ac
cording to the conditions of the match the
first bout was a Graeco-Rnman affair and
the second was catqh-as-catch-can. As no
full was scored, Jenkins had no oppor
tunity to try some of his championship
Bowling; Entries Star Open.
INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 31. At the re
quest of Thomas Curtis of Brooklyn and for
the benefit of New York and other eastern
bowlers, the entries to the national bowling
tournament will be taken up to February
The extentlon was aranted In deference
to the New Y'orkers. whose preliminary ar
rangements were held back by a misunderstanding.
World's Fair Team la Beaten.
HOUGHTON, Mich., Jan. 31. The Por
tage Lake Hockev team defeated the St.
Louis World's Fair team tonight, 10 to 1.
Clgrur Makers of Havana Enter Into
an Agreement Good for
Ten Tears.
HAVANA, Jan. 31. Six of the principal
Independent cigar factories have now en
tered Into an agreement not to sell their
brands or plants for ten years.
Two other firms, among the largest In
dependent concerns, have not signed, owing
to the fact that under the wills of the
founders they are not permitted to trans
fer their business except to the owners'
legal heirs.
There have been no definite results yet
from the conference of American retailers
and others with the Independents with
reference to the American traffic.
MrKtnnea Takes St. Jo Men.
French Police Hope to Land Others
of the Dwyer and (oar.
tennr Gang;.
(Copyright. 19"3. by Press Publishing Co.)
NICK. Jan. 31 (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The French
j detectives who arrested Dwyer and Courte
1 nay are watching others who sre suspected
I of being members of a gang of turf
I swindlers. The men now in custody prob-
auiy will w incu iu . m. .m.
Budhauser, who was expelled from Paris
last summer tor similar offensei, came
back to France recently, passing himself
off at Marseille as Dwyer's Jockey. The
police hsve photographs of him In Jockey
costume. He Is suspected of having put
"knockout drops" Into Huton's liquor. Bud
hauser has fled ta Naples.
American Syndicate Will Transform St
Petersburg's Transportation
Underground Railway, New Street Car
System, Sixteen Bridges and Big;
Power House Form Part of
Gigantic Scheme.
NEW YORK, Jan. 31. Referring to the
negotiations that have been long pending
for the construction of electric traction In
St. Petersburg, the American tomorrow will
"After more than a year's practically In
cessant negotiations with the Russian au
thorities, Murray A. Vernock of Pittsburg,
backed by New York capital, has gained
the concession. The entire construction
will cost not less than $60,000,000.
"The offer of the American syndicate was
In the first Instance rejected by the St.
Petersburg municipal authorities, they be
ing hostile to foreign tenders In general
and to the American scheme in particular.
"This derision, however, did not balk
the Americans who entered Into direct ne
gotiations with M. Witte, the Russian min
ister of finance, who has, according to pri
vate advices Just at hand, finally approved
of the enterprise. ,
"The projoct Involves the construction of
an underground railway, the changing of
the network of existing horse tramways Into
electric roads, the drying up of the Cather
ine canal, the building of sixteen iron
bridges across the river Neva, the conver
sion of a hospital Into a huge power sta
tion and the erection of a new hospital."
flares Still Halt.
gram.) liyroa . WctJUbbao, who fur thxea Jbsvcrai ef the j acuta withdraw altar lb
KALAMAZOO. Mich.. Jsin. 31. An at
tempt was made today to sail the first
races In the international yacht regatta
on Hull lake. The yachts were to sail rtve
time over a flve-mlie course. Tile best
time was 1:16, Just one minute outside the
time limit, and as a consequence th
judges declared It no race In buth the trials.
Thirteen Persona Are Drowned.
CORFU. Island of Corfu. Jan. 31. The
I British schooner Pioneer ran Into a tor
1 neitn boat deal rover near the channel of
Corfu today, and thirteen persons are be
lieved to havs been drowned. Two bodies
hat thus far been ticked up.
Matrimonial Mutters BrlnsT Family
Much In the Public Eye at
Present Time.
(Copyright, W3, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Jan. 31. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The earl of
Rosebery's family has been the center
of much social interest for some weeks.
First It was announced that bis elder
daughter. Lady Sybil Primrose, one of the
greatest heiresses In Britain, was betrothed
lo Charles Grant, whose sole distinction
seems to be that he Is a dancing man.
The match Is said to have been strongly
opposed by Lord Rosebery, but, as the
young woman has a will of her own and
likewise a fortune of her own (having In
herited It from her mother, a Rothschild),
she seems to have carried her point. She
Is 23 years old.
Her younger sister. Lady Margaret, mar
ried three years ago, at the age of 18, the
earl of Crewe, a widower twenty-three years
older than she and with three daughters
of Just about her age.
Next came the report that the former
prime minister's elder son and heir. Lord
Dalmeny, as engaged' to marry Lady
Marjorie Grenvllle, the only daughter of a
still famous beauty, the countess of War
wick. Lady Marjorie was 18 la October.
She Is handsome, fond of all outdoor sports
and a fearless horsewoman. She has not
gone Into general society yet, spending her
time mostly at Warwick castle.
Then came Lord Rosebery's party, Janu
ary 8, In commemoration of Lord Dalmeny's
coming of age. Dalmeny Is a second lieu
tenant In the Life Guards and goes much
in society, hut has no liking for politics
or study. The family's political hopes rest
on the younger son, Neil. On reaching his
majority Dalmeny came into the Inheri
tance from his mother of $10,000,000. Ills
one ambition In life is to cut a figure as a
St. Louis Exposition Boomer to Meet
Bin British Manufacturers
at Banquet.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Jan. SI. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Ex-Governor
David R. Francis of Missouri, who is on
an European mission as the president of
the St. Louis exposition, will be the chief
guest at the American society's banquet
In commemoration of Washington's birth
day. Mr. Francis will arrive In London
February 21 and the banquet will be on the
23d. The heads of Great Britain's manu
facturing firms have been Invited to meet
Mr. Francis and It Is said that every phase
of British commerce will be represented.
The lord mayor of London, the chiefs of
other great municipalities and chambers of
commerce and members of the dlplomatlo
corps have also been Invited.
PARIS, Jan. 31. Among projects which
the approaching St. Louis exposition has
given rise to Is a suggested American
edition of the Paris Figaro, to be edited
and printed at the exposition. ' The Figaro
always has taken a friendly Interest in
America and at the present moment Jules
Huret, the cleverest reporter on Its staff, la
filling a commission as special envoy to
the United States.
Ing the Shamlen suburb of Canton and gun
boats are held in readiness at Hong Kong
to sail for this port If their services aro
Strike Tien Up All Railroad Train a
Firing- to and from
Makes Arrangements for a Visit to
Cody's Wild West
(Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Jan. 31. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Buffalo Bill
had a call this week from , Sir Stanley
Clarke, the king's equerry, to arrange for
a vlalt by the king and queen to the Wild
West show at the Olympla on his return
from Windsor. The show Is doing excellent
Dead Animals and Household Goods
Jostle Each Other la feot
land's tllrerls.
LONDON, Jan. 81. Melting snow has
caused extensive floods and serious dam
age In Scotland.
The Tay has overflowed in Berthshlre and
many carcasses of deer, cattle and sheep
and quantities of household furniture are
floating in the streets of Perth. In In
verness the Nesse has overflowed and the
j railroad bridges have been damaged. The
. Dee has flooded part of Balmoral and
caused great destruction.
Chinese Officers Capture Arms.
CANTON, Jan. 31. The Chinese authorl
ties have captured arms and ammunition
and commissary stores collected for the
"reformers." Foreign marines are patrol
AMSTERDAM, Jan. 81. Cavalry and ma
rines from various stations have been
brought here to reinforce the local garri
son. In view of the strikn eventualities, and
the Dutch Ironclad Evertsen Is held in
readiness at Nleuwediep to come here f
requested. The postal service to Haarlem
and Utrecht Is carried on by motor cars.
All traffic on the Netherlands railroad
Is at a complete standstill and the move
ments of troops are Impeded, as they are
obliged to leave the trains and either
march here or come to the city In boats.
During the day It was announced that
the State railroad had agreed to stop the
entire service to and from Amsterdam,
owing to the threat of the strikers to pro
claim a strike throughout the country un
less they did so. But later a telegram was
received from the Netherlands Railroad
company, agreeing to the demand not to
carry goods for the transportation com
panies In support of whose men the rail
road men had gone out on strike. The
State railroad having agreed to 'act In ac
cord with the Netherlands company, the
strike la considered at an end.
The leaders of the unions have. Indeed,
decided to call off the railroad strike and
have ordered work to be resumed at 6
tomorrow morning.
THE HAGUE. Jan. 81. The engineers of
tne netneriands railroad here went on
strike today. No trains are lesvtn .
Amsterdam or Rotterdam.
A special cabinet council was called to
consider the situation, but as the Nether
lands railroad Is a private company, the
ministry decided that It could not inter
fere except to preserve order.
"When Grip prevails, everything Is
Grip." That Grip Is epidemic Is proven
by the rush orders for Dr. Humphreys'
"77." The telegraph and telephone wires
are kept hot by the urgency of the demand.
Taken early, cuts It short promptly.
Taken during Its prevalence, it preoccu
pies the system and prevents Its Invasion.
Taken while suffering, relief la speedily
realized, which Is continued to an entire
The use of "77" will break up an oh
stlQate Cold that hangs 00.
At ail Druggists, 25 cents, or mailed, on
receipt of price. Doctor's Book Mailed
Humphreys' Homeopathic M'dlclrve Co.,
Cur. WiiUam and Julio bis.. New York.