Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1903, Page 9, Image 9

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Famotn Aathor'i Reminiscsnces of the
Franco-German War.
4a Observer and rrl.nnrr of War-.
Ilenth c ry f a olleae hnm
A riarh of Tobacco aa
a l ife Haver.
At lb threshhoM of these few remarks I
shoVd like to be permitted to pay to the
French soldier my warm tribute of admira
tion. He la as easy to lead a a child.
Hie cherrfulnehs and gay philosophy enable
hlra to endure the greatest hardships with
out a murmur. All he want Is JustUo.
When ho ban received his provisions ho
straightway goca to weigh his meat, his
bread, hia coffee, hla nitir, even his aalt.
All he wants Is his due. and If he finds
that be baa not received short weight he la
satisfied and cheerful. A kind word from
an officer will make him happy. A cigar
ette offered to him If he la short of tobacco
will make a hero of him.
I remember one day passing; a young
soldier who waa being taken to the hospital.
Hla right hand had been shot off clean.
"Cheer up. my boy!" I said to him; "no
more fighting for you.' They will nurBe you
and take care of you."
"Ah. lieutenant," he replied, with a look
pitiful to contemplate, "how am I to roll
my cigarettes now?"
I put a small box of ready made cigar
ette In his breast pocket. I siiall never
forget the expression of gratitude on his
In another instance a devoted orderly
was pitying hla captain, whose leg bad
Just been amputated.
"Don't cry, old fool," said the captain to
Mm, "I am going to keep you, and. In the
future, you will only have one boot to clean
very morning."
A Devoted Orderly. (
1 had tho good luck to start the campaign
with a good, devoted orderly, a men about
40 years of age, called Rabier. He was a
tailor, a ahoemakcr, a carpenter, a cook
and, in timea of need, a man of many re
sources and unlimited audacity. But for
him I should have had to go without food
many a. day. He was an old African sol
1ler and It waa never with him a question
of what he could do, but rather of what he
could not do. His attachment and devo
tion to me were those of a kind parent, and
he many timea tended me as a kind and
skillful nurae would.
When, at night, I had retired under my
tent, and was lying on some straw or dry
leaves strewed on tho ground, with a
blanket over me, he would come noise
lessly In, listen to find out whether I. was
asleep, then carefully tuck me In before
he himself went to lie down under his own
tent. With a few pieces of wood he would
improvise a bedstead, and my clothes were
every day most carefully examined and
kept In a state that would have done honor
to the best of housewives. An officer ha
to atand on hla dignity more or less. My
dear Rablcr had no dignity to stand on,
and, thanka to that, he many timessuc
cessfully managed to scheme and get me
a dinner when I bad lost all hope of get
ting one.
I remember that one day my regiment
stopped for the night In a deserted village
which we reached at about 4 o'clock in the
afternoon. All the officers were assigned
to an abandoned farm house. The pro
visions had not arrived and no one bad the
slightest idea how soon they would arrive.
The privato soldlore -carried their pro
visions in the knapsacks. They were sure
of their meala. But the officers had. to
rely on the arrival of the wagons. For
two hours we sat In silence, about thirty
of ua. By o'clock some prepared to lie
down on the floor and try to sleep and for
get the pangs of hunger, when Rabier, ra
diant, triumphant, smiling from ear to ear,
entered and announced that dinner . waa
ready.' We looked at each other, speechless
and unbelieving. By what miracle could
dinner be ready? We repaired to a barn
where, to our stupefaction, we saw on the
floor omelettes, rabbits and chickens, fill
ing the placo wltb odorous perfumes.
I heard, later on, that Rabier had ridden
to a neighboring village and called on the
mayor, staling that he was ordered by the
general commanding the division to bring
provisions for his staff. And he got all he
asked for, the mayor even refusing to bear
of any payment. Rabier was the hero of
the day and none of us bad the courage to
reprimand blm for the manner in which
he had obtained that dinner.
Toor Rabier! At the battle of Worth he
received a bullet which entered his head
under the chin and came out between hia
nose and his right eye. Aa he was being
taken away from the battlefield he signed
to me that he wanted to speak. I went to
him and placed my ear close to his mouth,
when be aald la a tone hardly audible:
"Who will take care of you while I am
And I thought there were tears In his
eyes. I know there were fin mine. J never
saw him afur that. He died in the hos
pital. ,
The Death Cry of a Friend.
At 13 years of age I struck up a friend
ship with a young Pole, named Gojeskl.
who was In the satuo class with me at
school. We became inseparable chums.
Year after year we were promoted at the
same time. We took our university de-
At Pan-American Exposition.
Unlike Any Othsr !
Tb full flavor, the del lolous qual
ity, the absolute; Parity, of Low.
ey's Breakfast Coo ja distinguish
it from all other
Ka "treatment" with alkatla; ao
adulteration with flour,' starch or
rroend cocoa shells; nothing but tho
nutritive and digestible product of
the choicest Cocoa Bean
Ask Your Dealer for It.
grees the same day, entered the military
school In the same year and received our
commissions In the same regiment.
Fhort, fair and almost beardless, young
Oojeskl waa called "le petit lieutenant"
by the soldiers, mho all Idolized blm.
At the battle of Worth (August 6. 18701,
after holding our ground from 9 In the
morning till 5 In the evening, sgalns;
masses of German troops exactly six times
as numerous as our own, we were ordered
to charge the enemy so ss to protect the
retreat of the bulk of the army corps. A
glance at the hill opposite convinced us
that we had been commanded to go to cer
tain The colonel drew ua up In bat
tle line, plrked up a Prussian helmet with
bis sabre, held It high up in the air and
said to us: "Forward, boys, and remem
ber that a bullet In the back is as painful
as in the cheat, and It doesn't look so nice."
Down the hill he went like the wind
through a shower of bullets and shells. Our
colonel was the first to fall dead. Two min
utes later about two-thirds of the regiment
reached the top of the opposite hill. The
rest were on the ground. We wete Imme
dltely engaged In a desperate hand-to-band
fight a scene of hellish confusion. And
there, amidst the awful din of battle, 1
heard dear Oojeskl'i death-cry as he fell
from his horse a few yarda from me, and
I saw a horrible ganh on bis fair young
head. He bad paid France for her hospi
tality to hla family.
I fought like a madman, seeing nothing
but that dear mutilated face before my eyes.
I say "like a madman," for It was not
through courage and bravery. In a melee
you fight like a madman like a savage.
When I heil Blond for Poland.
Poor little Pole, he had died for France.
I myself, at the age of 14, had shed some
blood for Poland. Yes, at 14.
But llBten. In 1863, the Poles tried to
shake oft the yoke of Russia by force of
arms. All young France got excited over
the struggle, and subscriptions in aid of
the Insurgents were started in all the
French schools and colleges. I remember
collecting a good deal of money in my
school, and I found all the boys cheerfully
ready to do, without sweets or chocolate for
a week or so tn order to be able to give,
a franc, 50 centimes, or whatever they could
afford, out of their little pocket allowance,
for a cause that all considered a righteous
one. In the eyes of a French school boy
an Insurrection Is always a righteous cause.
However, there was a tall, big boy, who
not only refused to give or promlseme any
money, but who declared that he hoped the
Russians would soon exterminate all the
Poles. That was more than 1 could stand.
In a moment I had taken off my coat, and
advancing toward him with my clenched fists
I gave him a determined "Come on!
He was older and much atronger than I
was, and. after a few rounds, I got the
worst of It. During the struggle he man
aged to catch hold of my head under his
left arm and tore a piece of flesh off my
face. I have still a little scar under my
left eye which reminds me that, at 14, I
shed my blood for the holy cause of free
dom. My adversary, however, was not allowed
to rest on his laurels very long. Every
boy who felt strong enough to meet him
sent, him a challenge, and life waa made
so miserable for him that, at the end of
the quarter, his parents withdrew him
from the school.'
A Prisoner of War.
I was taken prisoner at the battle of
Sedan, and, after spending five months of
captivity in the fortress of Wesel, on the
Rhine, I returned to France, and one
morning surprised my mother at home.
For five months and a half she had bad no
news and did not know whether I was a
prisoner of "war or whether-I had been
killed. That., meeting can better b Im
agined than described. I could only spend
two days at home, as my regiment was
being reorganised in Paris, and I had to
Join It.
On March 18, 1871, the people of Parte.
in possession of all the armament wblcb
had been placed in their hands to defend
tho capital of France agalnat the Germans,
decided to make a strange use of their
guns. They proclaimed the Commune with
the view of killing somebody, their com
patriots rather than nothing, and the
French army, not yet reorganixed, and also
probably out of habit Just lately contracted,
retreated to Versailles, leaving Parla at
the mercy of the revolutionists.
Incident of the Comma nr.
A disaster at war Is not alwaya wtthout
Ita humorous aide, and the French army.
having enough reputation for bravery to
stand a little joke at its own expense, I
will here, in a few words, tell the story of
the capture of the Cbatteau de Becon, of
which magna para ful. We, were some 1,500
braves who took part in it.
On April 10, J871. we received from Mar
shal MacMahon the order to attack and
capture the Chauteau de Becon, on the
banks of the Seine, which castle was oc
cupied by the Communists, who had placed
on ita terrace two batteries that swept
everything on tbe road from Courbcvote
to Paris. The attack waa to take place
during the night. '
Now, everyone knows that a night at
tack has absolutely no chance of success
unless it is made by old troops, by soldiers
known every one to the officers. , The
French army was only Just organised after
the disasters of the Franco-German war,
and the reglraenta were quickly reorgan
ized wltb soldiers just returned from cap
tivity and with young recrulta. We did
not know the mon now unJer us, and the
men had little confidence in officers who
had never led them under fire before. We
all felt how risky the whole thing was; still
we had orders, and ours was not to discuss
but to go.
We started at 1 o'clock in the morning,
having to march about five miles to reach
the chateau. We had no mapa, and the
rumor spread among the troops that the en
gineers, who were In front, did not even
know where the entrance to the castle waa,
and that while they would look for It in the
pitch dark of the night, the communists
would probably have time to annihilate our
force on tbe road which tbelr cannons com
manded. There was no confidence in the
ranks. The engineers marched in front, fol
lowed by the Infantry. In the rear we were
with the artillery.
We advanced with great caution, the sol
diers with guns resdy to fire, the officers
with swords in their right hands and re
volvers In their left.
After marching at a very slow pace for
two hours and a half, we beard a great yell
from the front, following abots fired from
the castle windows. I will not attempt to
describe the scene of confusion that ensued
a panic of the worst description. At the
rear we shouted "halt!" But to atop In the
middle of the night panic-stricken soldiers
running away, why, you might as well try
to stop with you. umbrella an express when
running at the rate of sixty miles an hour
We had to retreat and return to the spot
we bad left two boura and a half before
Four men were killed and a doxen or so
wounded, but every one of tbe young re
emits was sure he had a bullet somewhere.
Leniency of the Marshal.
On hearing of our retreat Marshal Mac
Mahon ahowed himself lenient. He knew
what kind of troops we had under us, and
did not utter one angry word, but ordered
us to be ready to resume the attack at day
break. We bivouacked on the spot, took
coffee and a nap, and at 6 In the morning
I ordered our men 'o march, determined now
I to return dead or victorious.
We told tbe men, although knew
nothing about It, that the engineers now
had the plan of the rastle. and that the
capture of the place would be effected
without any difficulty, and. to give them
more confidence, some artillery went In
front of them. There I. nothing like
the sight of rannon to Inspire confidence
In Infantry soldiers. I have many times
heard shouts of Joy from the lofsntry on
hearing that the rannnna were near and
supporting them. "That'a all right." they
would yell, "the big drum la with us. Now
we can play a tune."
The men marched more cheerfully than
we expected. Some even began to sing,
which Is a great sign of confidence in
marching French soldiers. We now Ml
we were on the rosd to glory. Still we
advanced very cautiously. Soon we sighted
the castle with Its thirty or forty windows
facing us. All guns were aimed at those
windows to silence them at once. We
raw no one appear at the windows. We
heard not a sound.
We went on slowly, cautiously, every
hand on the trigger. Another big shout
started from the front, but a shout of Joy.
We looked with the glasses and ssw the
engineers Inside the gates of the csstle.
We told the men thst the csstle waa cap
tured. All hearts felt stout, all keen to
go on and to take full possession of tbe
place. Still we went on with prudence,
as an ambuscade might be feared. We
were now all of us Inside the grounds.
Partlea were Bent to search every part
of the castle; not a soul was seen any
where. The castle was empty. While we
had run away from tho castle toward
Versailles In the night the communists,
sfter firing a few shots from the windows,
had run away from the castle toward
Paris, leaving their two batteries on the
terrace. A messenger was dispatched to
the marshal to announce that we had taken
possession of the Castle of Becon. No
body was derorated for it, but we were
victorious and alive.
How a Little Tubarre Worked.
Tragedy was soon to follow this piece of
llgnt comedy. On April 14 my regiment
received orders to attack the Neullly
bridge, a formidable position held by the
communists. We had no cavalry to do tho
work, so artillery was ordered to send -the
cannons away pnd to charge the force
occupying the bridge. Forty men, under
my command, were chosen. I reviewed
my men. One of them looked aulky. '
"What's the matter with you?" I said.
why, lieutenant." he replied, "we shall
never any of us come back; the Job is a
oig one. i should like to have a pipe be
fore going and I have no tobacco."
"Look here, old fellow," I Bald, "fill your
pipe and have a smoke. We charge In ten
I gave him my pouch. He filled his
pipe and smoked. He said nothing beyond
a "thank you." We started by a by-street
and as soon aa we appeared on the main
load, 400 yards from the bridge, we made
a daeh. What the Germane had not done
some compatriot of mine succeeded in do
ing. I fell severely wounded. Out of
the forty men who started, ten took the
bridge, the other thirty fell dead or
wounded. I was quickly picked up and
taken to a house In safety by one of my
men the one whose pipe t had helped to
fill. For such a small service a French
soldier will risk his life, and I have always
thought I owed mine to my tobacco pouch.
After spending five monthsln the Ver
sailles hospital and three more at Salnt
Malo In convalescence, the army surgeons
declared that I should no longer be able
to use my right arm for military purposes,
and I was granted a lieutenant's retiring
But for that wound I should now be In
the French srmy, perhaps enjoying the
title of colonel, like most of my American
friends. MAX O'RELL.
Too Strlnarent.
Mr. Gotham So you are going to settle
in the United States?
New Arrival from South America Yes,
sir; they've got to drawing things a little
too fine 1 In South America to suit me.
Why, sir. It's got so now that a man can't
even get a job at overthrowing a govern
ment unless he belongs to the Revolution
ists' union, and haa paid hla fees regu
larly for six months. New York Weekly.
Brains at Red Rock,
Health, strength and vigor depend on
digestion.. Dr. King's New Life Pills makes
It perfect or no pay. Only 23c. For sale
by Kuhn 6 Co.
An Omar for I.adlea.
I sometime think that never lasts so
The Style as when it starts a bit too
That all the Pompadours the parterre
Some Chorus girl began, with Dance and
And this Revival of the Chignon low
That mix the most of us with nelpless Woe,
An, criticise it sorny! ror wno known
What long-necked peeress had to wear
it so:
Ah, my beloved, try each Style you meet;
Today brooks no loose ends, you must be
Tomorrow! why tomorrow you may be
Wearing it down your back like Marguerite!
For some we ome admired, the Very Beat
That ever a French hand-boned Corset
Were what they ueed to call Prunella
And put on Nightcaps ere they went to
rest. .
And we that now make fun of Waterfalls
Tney wore, and whom the Crinoline appalls.
Ourselves shall from old dusty f ashion
n la tea
Assist our Children In their Costume balls.
Ah, make the most of what we yet may
Befoie we grow so old that we don't care!
Before we have our Hats made all alike.
Sana Plumes, sans Wings, sans Chiffon,
and sans Hair:
Josephine Pasksm In Harper'
Littia Liver Pills.
Muat Boar Signature of
fee Pac-MalW Wrapper Betew. ,
Tear nwO and aa easy
to take aa swgma.
II m a nrrrfa
Syrup. of fls
the-best fejTvily laxaAivt
It is pure.
It is gentle.
It is pleasant.
It is efficacious.
It is not expensive.
It is good for children.
It is excellent for ladies.
It is convenient for business men
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It is used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the world
A Reform
In Spelling
If that man down stairs stays I shall
be obliged to move. I will not have my
personal correspondence continually In
spected by a stranger. It's an outrage!"
Miss Paula Seyton looked up angrily from
her morning mail.
"I should hate to go away," she aald
reflectively, aa she glanred around her
cozy domain. "I love these rooms and
they are so convenient to the office."
Miss Paula Seyton was an enthusiastic
Journalist whose friends sddressed her as
Paul. She had enjoyed the possession of
her charming flat in the Arlington until
the arrival of one, Paul Seaton, who took
the apartment below.
Their mall from the first was confused.
Letters intended for Paula and addressed
simply to Paul Seyton or P. Seyton were
sure to find their way Into tbe letter box
below. As Mr. Seaton was manuscript
reader for a downtown magazine and Paula
was doing night work on the Dally Dis
patch, it naturally followed that they
might have remained in total ignorance
of each other but for the letters which
persisted in going astray.
On this particular .morning the epis
tolary confusion was more exasperating
than ever to Paula. , She was unusually
tired and she laid down , a letter from a
tailor with a sigh ot vexation.
I did not order ,,ack coat with my
spring suit, so I suppose that is for him."
Taking up the, next letter she read:
"My Dear Paul. Allow mo to congratu
late you on your unexpected good f'ttune."
(Paula had lately received an inc. ease in
salary, so she read on.) "I was not sure
at first whether the plum had fallen to
you or that plucky lrttle Journalist whose
namo Is so llko yours, but the verses were
unmistakable." ' '
So he la a poet," Taula mused. "He
probably wears his hair In ringlets and
goes about reading his poetry to every
body who will listen. I detest poets, and
this one above all others."
She laid the letter down as If deter
mined to read no farther, but, seeing her
own name mentioned, her curiosity over
came her scruples and sho read on.
"By the way, have you met Miss Paula
yet? If not, I advise you to do so. A
friend of mine who Is working on the Dis
patch knows her, and aaya she la charming
and not a bit like your description of her.
Better cultivate her acquaintance. Yours
fraternally, JACK."
"So," she said to herself, "he has ac
tually discussed me with his friends. Per
haps I shall have something to say about
his making my acquaintance."
Then her eyea danced.
"It must be from Haskell. He has been
very nice to me or inie. i suppoau mai
ought to take these letters down to
Mr. Seaton and ask for mine.
Half way down the stairs she met a
roan coming up.
"Mlsa Paula 8eyton, I believe," he aald,
w'.th a smile and a bow.
raula gave a frigid little nod and looked
down Into tbe most eloquent pair of brown
eyes that she had ever seen.
'I am your neighbor Just below, be said.
genially. "I believe these letters were In
tended for you, although they were
addressed simply to Paul Seaton. I am very
sorry thst I opened them. It was a great
impertinence on my part, but you see, I
could not decide by the outalde that they
were not Intended for me."
"These are doubtless yours," said Paula
"Thank you, yes. It's a great annoy
ance. isn't it?" trying to be friendly.
"It le. Indeed," Paula replied. "I really
think that I shall be obliged to move."
His voice disarmed her and Bhe glanced
down at the tall figure with a halt smile
on her face.
"Oh, I hope you won't do that. Miss
Seyton," he said, noting the change that
had corns over her. "I am sure that I
can prevent all further trouble by asking
my friends to key my letters."
"Key? How?" she asked, with some
show of Interest.
"Why, like an sd, you know."
Drawing out his notebook he wrote bis
name and added the letters H. C. within
circle. .
"Now whenever you receive a letter ad
dressed to Paul Seaton without those magic
letters you era at liberty to open it. Good
morning. Miss Seyton. You are tired from
your night's work, and I will not detain
yod longer."
Paula retreated to her room.
"He did not offer to move," she reflected
"and he really ahauld, because be came
laat. But he is ever so much nicer than
thought he would be. and he apologized
beautifully. I wonder what those letters
mean that he wrote after his name? 11. C
what can they mean?"
Then, like a sensible little woman, Paula
went to sleep.
Paul Seaton read his lettera and indulged
In a revery before he went to his work
"She Is charming." he said to 'himself.
"How could I possibly have Imagined be
aa fat and forty? I shall make a desperat
effort to know ber. I wonder If she read
all of Jack's letter? If she did. she prob
ably despises me." ,
The letters no longer went stirey, but
faula was quilling ever a mw - circum
stance that both pleased and amused her.
Every morning she found with her mall a
small box of flowers. Sometimes they were
sweet, old-fashioned pinks, sometimes prim
roses, and again great bunches of purple
pansles. Paula attributed these to the sen
timental Haskell, but coining down stairs
one morning with a pansy tuc ked In her belt,
she met the poet. The least perceptible
smile on his face as his eyes rested on the
flowers solved for her the secret of the
Sender ot the flowers.
She was beginning to look forward to
these chance meetings with an eagerness
that surprised her, when one day she found
among ber lettera one addressed simply to
Paul Seyton. As It bore the name of a
magazine that bad sometimes accepted her
contributions, she broke tbe seal and read:
"Dear Mr. Seyton: I regret to disappoint
you by returning your exquisite little love
Idyll, but at present we are overstocked
with verse of all kinds. I shall be glad
to examine anything in prose that you
may care to send us. Very truly yours,
She unfolded the manuscript with some
curiosity. The poem was inscribed "To my
Sweet P ." When she reached "My flow
ers you on your bosom wear," the blushes
came and went in her cheeks and her eyes
grew bright. The heart of the poet was
revealed to her, and ehe realized for the
first time how dearly and truly he loved
A sound of footsteps In the hall below
aroused her from her pleasant revery.
She hastily replaced tbe letter In the en
velope and opened tho door. The poet
was waiting for ber at tbe foot of the stairs.
She held out the letter and the verses
with a guilty smile.
"It did not have tho letters on the out
side, you know," she began bravely, "and
so I thought It was for me. And and I
read the letter and the poem," ehe fal
tered, trying hard to raise ber eyes to his
The port caught her hands In his;
poem fluttered unheeded to the floor.
"And you are not angry with me for my
presumption, Paula, dearest?"
'No, why should I bo?" raising her eyes
o his.
Just how it happened, Paula never knew,
but the next moment bhe felt herself en
circled by a pair of strong arms and gently
rawn back until her bead rested on Paul
Seaton's shoulder.
Paul," she asked later, "what did those
letters H. C. mean?"
"Did you never gue6S? Sweetheart, they
tood for "Her Captive." But there need
be no more trouble about the mall. We
will spell It Seyton cr t'eaton. Just as you
"As you please," she repeated aoftly.
The Ruling Paialon.
A good woman was dying; a woman who
bad been a true wife and a loving mother;
woman with but one weakness a love
for gossip.
Although her time on earth was short
she was critically watching the attending
physician and tbe nurse, as they talked
in subdued whispers of the result which
their united skill bad been powerless to
In response to 'the summons of the
mmmtm 7 ,5rs:Trs,.
l (f If! xl mill 1 7 f
cups, mm
Its component parts are all wholesome.
It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects.
It is wholly free from objectionable substances.
It contains the laxative principles of plant.
It contains the carminative principles of plants.
It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste.
All are pure.
All are delicately Mended.
All are skillfully and scientifically compounded.
Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to
the orginality and simplicity of the combination.
To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
Manufactured by
litorKia paVRiIp (?
San Fro.rvcisco. Ctvl.
Louisville. Ky. Now York, N. Y.
dying woman her husband approached
her and bent low to catch the words
which he expected to be words of love.
Again she turned her eyts. from v.hicii
the light was fast fading, upon the dor
tor and the nuwe, and fhc said faintly:
"Do you suppose they are engaged?"
These-' words were her last. New York
In rw York Mate
1. ona Inlernrliau
Line Successfully t ura
Third Hall.
The electric road which has been run
ning between Hudson and Albany In this
state for two years or more, says the New
York Tribune, Is only one of a large num
ber of lnterurban lines of equal or greater
length now In operation in various parts
ot the United Sistes. Most of them, like
this, parallel steam roads, offer lower
fares than the latter and have taken away
from Ihetn a large amount of business.
Many, like this one, carry freight, mall
and express matter In addition to passen
gers. Nearly all of them pay handsome
dividends, because the patronage Is large
and the capitalization email. In one par
ticular, however, the practice of the Hud
son & Albany company la rsther uncom
mon. A private rlght-of-wsy was pur
chased by the projectors, who intended It
for a through road at the start, whereas
many other lnterurban systems are merely
consolidations of previously existing short
trolley lines. Having Its route all fenced
In, this corporation Is able to develop
higher speeds than would be safe on or
dinary country roads. Trains cover a dis
tance of . thirty-seven miles, Including
eighteen stops, in fifty-five minutes, which
Is forty' miles an hour. Between stations
actual running Is sometimes at the rate of
sixty miles an hour. Another advantago
of tho privato right-of-way Is that It ren
ders feasible the use of a third rail. In
stead of the overhead wire, to supply
current to the motors.
Now, this third rail has been the sub
ject of exceedingly gloomy forecasts. There
were plenty of prophets who expected
everything to work well In summer time.
"But wait till cold weather." they said,
"and then see what happens!" Pert of the
trouble which they anticipated was to come
from snowdrifts In deep cuts, but the prin
cipal evil on which they counted waa tho
paralysis which should ensue when tbo
electric conductor became coated with Ice.
A correspondent of the Electrical World
declares that tho trains on the electric
road have run more nearly on schedule
time this winter than those ot the com
peting steam line. Although there was a
great "rotary" plow In reserve ready for
Instant use, the ordinary plow was able
to keep the track open at all times. As
for the third rail, there was never but one
delay in cleaning It, and this did not ex
ceed two hours. With that oty exception
the conductor has . retnulned in rfl( fent
condition, although grains run only mice
sn hour in each direction. In one or two
particulars tbo apparatus is blight ly origi
nal, perhaps. It consists ot a combination
of knives and stiff brushes, nut the es
sential fart Is that under conditions more
trying than thqse which have existed In
New York City the third rail has ren
dered better s rvlce between Hudson and
Albany than on the Manhattan elevated
road-from which it would appear that the
managers of a rural corporation sometimes
show greater enersy and technical knowl
edge than metropolitan companies.
Duplicate of York's Model Cheap
Hotel to lie Krerlrri In
Excepting New York, no city in the coun
try possesses ,nure modest priced hotels
and lodging houses thnn does Chicago,
which. In the opinion of ihose competent
to Judge, accommodate upward of 40.000
men every night In the year.
These temporary abodes of tho homeless
and benighted in this city arc, aa a rule, as
good as ran be found elsewhere at the samo
rate, Lava the Chicago Tribune, but plans
have been recently drawn for a new modest
prlco hotel which, when completed, will
not only excel In every particular thnso
houses erected tn New York by D. O. Mills,
but will be the best In the world for the
poor man.
This new hotel will bo called "The North
ern" and will be erected by Miller 4 Me
Glnnia at 20-22-24 North Clark street.
There will be 250 rooms, which, will Im
furnished In a stylo never before attempted
In this or sny other country. That la, no
other city in the world will have a hotel
which will offer to a patron the comfort
and ' convcnlencea of f'The Northern' for
the small sum of 20 cents per night. Thn
rooms will be amply large, 12x14.' contain
ing a new model metallic bed, with, pur
wool mattress. A Turkish rug will cover
the floor and three solid oak straight back
chairs, together with a rocking chair,, n
commode with mirror attached, pictures
Bnd, in fad, everything necessary for a
man's comfort will-be furnished the patron
of this new hotel for the small outlay of
20 cents per night, or $1.40 per week. Thers
will also bo other rooms, larger, with more
conveniences, for which $2 per week will
bo charged.
This new hotel will be as near fireproof
as human Ingenuity has ns yet devised.
On the ground floor will bo located the bus
iness office, library, reading room, recep
tion room and smoking room. In the base
ment, or eubcellar, there will be nix bath
rooms, which will contain porcelain tubs,
each having a shower bath attachment.
Those Good Intentions.
Ills satanic majesty stalked into thn
chambers of the board of public works.
"Gentlemen," he said, "haa work com
menced on paving Sulphuric Acid boule
vard?" "Your majesty!" exclaimed Beelzebub,
"It haa been Impossible. That consignment
of paving stones we received from the
earth on the first of the year Is ruined;
every block Is broken!"
Thus It will be seen that not' all the
trouble is confined to this mundane sphere.
Baltimore News.