0 THE OMAHA DAILY HKEi SATURDAY, JANUARY .11, 1003. Tiie omaha Daily Bee E. ROSE WAT KR, RlilTOR. FUBLISIIF.I) EVERY MuKSINO. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION Pally Hee (without Sunday!, One Year.. $1 TO Uaiiy itee anil Sunday, one lear lllntratd Ke, On Yrar Sunday Hee, Oni Year Haturilay Bee, One Year.. Twentieth Century Farmer, on Year S( jo) 1.50 1 (M DELIVERED BY CARRIER, Dally Bee (without Bumisy). per copy.... 2c Dully Bee (Without 8mdy), pir week. ..12c Dally lire (Intituling Sunday;, per week. .17a Sunday Hee, per ropy J" Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week 60 Evening Hee (Including Hunday). per week :..!! Complaint of Irregularities In delivery should be addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha-The Hee Building. South omiih:i-cttv Hull Building, Twenty-fifth and M Streets. Couni II illurrs lo Pearl Street. Chicago IM" Unity Building. New Yrk-2S Park Row Building. Washington fil Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to new and ed itorial matter should be nbiressed: Omaba Bee, Editorial Department. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. fetete of Nebraska, Douglaa County, ea.: OcorKe R. Tzschuek, secretary of The Pee publishing company, bring duly sworn, eayt that the aotual numbrr of full and complete copies of The Dallv, Morning, Evening and Sunday Hee printed during the month Of Lfecemuer, ivv. waa aa louowa; l aa.iiHo : 81,120 a 81,470 ...: 81.000 6 31,0 k) 6 3 i.Mao 7, 2S.OOO 8 30.IMK) ilO.UOO 10 so.imio l: ao.uoo 12 30,070 13 ao.ttw 14 as, 320 is ao,.sio 17 30.820 18 80,1 19 ....8O,80 Su.tso 20 21.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 25.. .2s,too 'soisoo ao.o 8o,2B0 26 S0.S3O 8070 m!!!!!!!!!!"!'.6 2fl!!!!!.'! ao,790 S2,aao lltJiTO I IS 80,010 Total tiin.ino Lea. unaoid and returned copies.... o." Net avera "e' Vaiea" "aolloJ aVeraB "Veorob bVtzschuc'k. h.?foVr!1,.Ln n io2. m. B. hunoate, tBeaJ) Notary Fubllo. Having elected new officers, the Douglas County Democracy will now try io iana a rew more omces. Tl.- l 1 I ,1 I iu ,n..u.jr u. a..iuu '-"" office Is a plum that w 1 1 be greatly sought and fought for. Don t all speak .. 1 , i Senator fiietrich ttAd tho ait.iatinn t,r..ir nhon ho ...1,1 tho ro.inmitv treaties pending In the senate were "in statu Quay." Candidates for municipal office are al- ready as thick, as blackberries in June lwt- lt Vou,d be Just as logical to vate American friendship. AVhile, there aud we are still facing the midwinter coutend that levying city taxes at Ne- fore, the decision of the senate commit- montta of rcbrunry. General Fuuston refused to speak when called upon to respond at the Kansas day banquet. General Funston !s making progress. And now a SSnn Mnlvalne vnlpnnn ta - ... cuuing up capers, uut it is too late to :uu,,cue m l"v vuuul lrlul' u" '" S"""1 mm vuiuiuuia. , 1 tlovlniF ninwl nut n lmt a trnrjt thlnff I b- i ' ,t la for them to have a short supply, T lin nfial trtnn vnnld lllra ir Tiava tftnle I " - . 1 A debate between Governor Cummin. ut Iowa and Senator Hanna of Ohio ,, the hi,.ct nf lotting -uoii nh . - calnmeut Tf any more ex-pollcemen with shady records are lying around loose who have not yet couuected with the force under the Rrrtatch refnrni hnnrd thuv should hasten to present themselves and clalin the reward of reinstatement . : Ai usual, nearly every department of the city government knows where lt can use to advantage considerably more money than the charter limit allows, But these ambitious officers will have to continue to cut their garments ac- cording to the cloth. ino European wocitauers want enex- uela to make them preferred creditors .nstcna 01 maKiug tnem tane cnances like ordinary dalmanU. They ought to set up an. nuernai.onai coiiecuon agency ana invite assignment of claims .... nitj aiiouiuiiu wuiiuiKsiou.. , tlmo for tho mnnlclnnl tT ., If . . . " " - " Mt 77 by wringing he TZJl' . . IC Will nave IO Start a-inOVing. When a mund-nn of tho nit ,.n..ti. -" ' men for a special meeting hrcmtnenUy successful within twelve honra of failure to get a quorum present at the regular meeting, lt might be in order to dock absentees were It not that there might be more iu it for them to be ab sent than present The generosity of members of con- cress with the public money is Jllus- trated again by the Introduction of a bill to Increase the annual salary of the presldeut from $.')0.(XK to $100,000. Thla Is doubtless intended principally as a prelude for. a bill doubling the salaries of members of congress. The proposed constitutional amend- ment authorizing the merger of the governments of Omaha and Douglas couuty In part or in whole as Introduced ln the Beuate Is not as clear cut as was the amendment on that subject sub- inttted by the legislature of 1805. Con- stltutlonal amendments should not be ambiguous or verbose. That Representative Thompson is a cautious and sagacious politician may bo evidenced from the fact that ha wants It distinctly understood that bis bill to make the abstraction of domes- tic fowls, buylug stolen fowls and con- cealiug fowls a penitentiary offense ln Nebraska Instead of a misdemeanor waa Introduced by rcquaaC ' - A Victors IWAH FllOM ttKBHAfKA CITY. I Tbe moat raltfd railroad organ In braska today la published at Nebraska I City under the niUnntneY of the Tribune, lti vicious attack upon I Omaha and ltt.roar atout Uie alleged I plot of Omnha "to rob every county la I the state' outside of Douglas and Lan- caster conntles of much of the railroad taxes they are now, receiving" will create no surprise in Nebraska City and Otoe county, where its subserviency to corporations Is well known. The Nebraska City railroad Tribune claims to liave discovered In the cam- palgn waged by the Omaha press on the railroad tax question a ; conspiracy to divert the railroad taxes from, the remaining counties of Nebraska Into I the capacious maw of Omaha tax eat- era, and In the effort of the Real Estate exchnnge to repeal the clause in the charter that require the assessment of railroads for municipal purposes on the mileage basis "an attempt to steal the lion's share of the taxes for Omaha and slip this deft scheme down tho throats of country members of the legislature on the plausible basis of raising rail- road taxes." Taking its text from Head Lobbyist Baldwin, the Nebraska City organ promises "In some future issue to pro- duce facts and figures to show that this Bugnr'conte1 0l"aha ."cheme will make reuueuon in iue rauroaa contriDution to the school districts of Otoe county I 0 from 12 tO 25 ner Cent." Thla la n I Btartlln relation that should chal- lenge ptular attention. If It is true that h- assessment of the Ttnrli t"v I and depot grounds and the Union Pacific terminals and bridge in Omaha for city taxation would keep a dollar of railroad t8Xe" from any .cbool district in Otoe county, it certainly is an unholy scheme that' Bhould receive no countenance from any member of the legislature. But every rational rterann irnowa ti,n levying a city tax at Omaha on depot grounds and bulldinirs can have nn more effect upon Otoe county taxpayers tnan levying a city tax upon the Bur- nngton Driage at rsebraska Cltv would ' 1 have on tlie taxDavcrs In Dniur'nuU county. Wlth the Mnie proprlt,ty tl)e Nebrflskn city railroad organ might Cf.lltuIKl that tho iBuluinont r.f I iur "oncnisea or tne t acinc Express com- ,mnjr at mah wuld take money out Vhe dMTCt "nd C0Unty tren"- unes 01 utoe Bna an otIler counl luc iuuiiic- impress company nalntaln9 "gcncles and does bus- oraska city upon the owner of a team ' ,w ""Pe"wi 10 pay county aml Blaie la wouia rob the school children ln Cass county of part of their patrimony. But none are so blind as those who win 1101 see. ine Utoe county railroad .111 a. mi . w. ... 1 lorfranlat nmnminma tha ... I I . w.c vnuumigu lur more eqmiaoie rauroaa taxation a sham " i' i "t.oB. or tne ret 1U UlOe COUUtV j . v - I I 1 it. I m u uj iiKiiia nssesaeu on a conserva- tlve basis at one-sixth their actual ,,ni,IA 1 11 ra.uc .ur, buuu.u imve oeen assessed fi.uio.uuti, iu uLiit r worns. iitnfkii.A t.nir n u nrnt1f 4un " ..w county is Justly entitled to fllnra fhn it I three Umeg ' uch t t"',Z nK thov ,M . ' " 7" " , '!."' . " Ju "ry u01" ,ar or xax Tne wal are allowed to get away with has to be paid by tlm owu r mxpajers, rroperty owners In Nebraska clty a"e not only compelled " v ' l, 01 tl,e unty taxes T muroaas manage to shirk, Dul Tney H,8 Dar Bearjy the entire burdea of taxe8 imposed for maintain- uu,c,Pal government. ine railroad organist Is, doubt- t. un..i ... . I ,lD"' U'B". u"'""s of mm fact that the ot. unty railroad assessment ten was .by several thousands higher than it was last year, although ln Properties or tht railroads there have doubled and trebled in value since While the railroad Tribune can ruuK IU mis. we apnre- "e..u iui ine taxpayers or Otoe county will sea a good deal of rank injustice u - einrii4 airow(, In the United States senate a few I .. .. . . days ago tne question or reform in the I consular service received some corisld-1 1 ration, several senators exnreaainir . . - . - themselves in ravor or a reorganiratlon or tne senice, on some such lines as propoged Jn tne bUU Mon congress. .Loi.e said he ,s not one of those who believe that the consular .rvco la either bad or lnffl-..t. , " " - o -iv-3 ..uu.ainui- I Inal.i attur.L-a ),tnl. !,.... I .. J- I ua. lt' " w" done Uy in the n0U"e 01 "P"- ut. ne was ',8 frm bHevln tnat " is wjuuu luipi-urruicui. i ue ueiecis in our consular system." said the Massa- cnusens senator, -are not in tne ne- tual personnel at any given time, but ln lue ,acK wt Permanency or tenure, anu m u,e rallure auvanee tne best tramM nien m tM wrvice to the more iP"1""1"1 P"8 they grow ln expe- rlence and therefore in value." He urnHl that the value of a consul to the business interests of the United States, otner tilings being equal, is almost In exact proportion to his length of serv- ice. He thought it would be greatly In the Interests of the business of the Unl- I ted States to, as far as possible, have a I body of men as consuls, the mass of whom have had some training la the service, who understand foreign lan- guages. and who realise that when yiey enter th service there is a fair oppor- tuulty for regular promotion. "Instead of taking an entirely new man pitting I blm into J post of the highest impor - I tance, it would be better If he could be I put Into oae of the posts of es ii?ijoc tance and some man better trained and of longer experience advanced to the more important place." I This is manifestly the policy that I should be pursued- It Is In accord with sound business prtaelple nd tha - con - tills being distinctively commercial Ne-laments, bavin as their most Important duty the promotion of trade, there Is every reason why the service should be resulnted uion business principles and the requirement was never no strong a now. It Is true that the consular serv Ice of the United States Is neither bad nor Inefficient. It has Ieen very much improved during the past ten years, and the majority of consular ofneinls are doing excellent work. Credit for this has been freely accorded them by other countries. The best meJ In the service are those who have had the lonpest ex- pcrlenee, thus proving the contention of those who favor permanency, of tenure with prospect of promotion for faith fill and elDelent performance of duty. Those who urge reform desire that the high standard which has been reached shall be maintained and if possible Im proved, and It Is necessary to this that the consular service shall be dl vorced from politics and put upon a basis requiring merit and fitness to se- cure and retain a place lu It germ AST'S ATTITVDE viscvsatD. The committee on military affairs of the United States senate Thursday discussed the attitude of Germany in the cussed the attitude of Germany in the Venezuelan difficulty, with the resnlt that It was decided to make certain provision in regara to seacoast defenses, so as to be prepared for a possible ex- Imtt T1, rilsineslnn la ont.l n horo P. V It J -.!- UIQVUDD1UU " ...... ,I 1. , been earnest and the conclusion reached that the United States make it plain 1 1 1 (i v mc mui4 t iv i ip, i i v. i,uu iiuu try would be maintained That Germany dominates the Yenez- uelan situation Is obvious, the other al- lies doing pretty much as the Foreign office at Berlin Suggests. The aggres- slons have been committed by German warships. Yet so far as the United c. a i. . ment has shown evrv desire to avoid riv given the most explicit- assurances that it h nn intpntinn tn iin Bnvt;,in. ti.ia ' " v.. . , . Hill - f o.. n,. nc , , lrref(po8lbIe men ln blc fe cannot fairly be taken as reflecting the views m . . . or xue aiuiuue oi me government, uniy a few days ago the new diplomatic ren resentatlve of Germany to the United States publicly stated that it was the desire of his government to end the Venezuelan difficulty as'soon as nossl i,i and that Germnnv soueht to cultl- tee on military affairs may be Judicious, p are unable to see any eood reason fr nnnrehendinir trouble with nrmnnv on the contrary, there are very strong reasons for thinking that country wold make great sacrifices to avoid - RPris trouble with the United Rtata. Tha Venezuelan dlfflctiltv will ho a..t. tid it ,-an cnnfldpnti ho nM,ni without any Impairment of tbe friendly .ulatlona Wwoon P.rman Drl v . -""""J i"io luuuuj. tttt TBAfFIC conoESTioy. The congestion of railroad traffic on tl U11D. I1UCQ a-IVUl IUQ 11 COl 1LJ C Ai a. 1 t " " !TU" m"lOT' """"" rea""u"u5 " uu eyi- of abounding prosperity, such a situation has its drawbacks and dlsad nd thoo ro ii..f.if i,. both western .shippers and eastern ex porters. A traffic representative of one 0f the largest trunk, lines going 'Into Cw York said a few days ago that the illrond conmnnlea are nhvsicallv nn. able to handle the unprecedented vol- unie of trafflc o(rerlng. ne stated that th,v l.nro neither sufficient locomotive - " p. nor tracks: that they are dolmr their utmost and the beonle w ho are eomplalulng apparently do not apprecl- ate the work the railroads are doing or the proposition the railroads are up against. Recently the Lake Shore road oractlrnllv irave notice that it could re. polvo nr mnr eraln nnd It I. anld that 11,0 Ponnavirnnin la In the wrt ha. of all. its condition being so bad that ,t8 weslern ronnertlonB det,llne to de. j,ver graln to ,t for elevators situated Ion Its system. A Baltimore grain ex rt,, in a communication a few dva 11 " t Wni nnm.r atatod th.t I " " - " - 1' i' . . ...... imiijr u-nm nt that nnrt k.ihi.. . o,i i,.t v 0i .,.. i.. i ."-y ,, vB1UK heavy loss to exporters. Referring to the situation, the New York Journal of Commerce expresses the opinion that it is primarily due to the suppression of competition. It re .,. Vv: ... 1. ....... uim Ml umi iurr ;iutv" VI UllHlUftlH, VV peciuny in tne iai nve years, nas been steady anu continuous, ana. narrmg any serious crop failure, its increased volume could be approximately calcu lated urn. "If there had been any tnuig approacning even a regulate. eomiK-tltion between the Hues of tram portatlon during these years, each would have been preparing to secure Itn full share by ample provision for handling it. It. would have had a sur plus of facilities when trafflc was reia tively light, but this would have en I aided it to meet the demand when the full tide came. All the rival line would not have found themselves over whelmed at once and ln a struggle with congestion at Importaut ioints, while I vast and varied Interests were sub Jeeted to delay and loss on their a I count. I A it Is there are vlrtnally no rival lines, but a practical consolidation of the trunk lines luto a single, system controlling" transportation from the west to the Atlantic ports, checked only by tmj Uulf and the St. Lawrence coni- petition, which has uu great effect, it 1 Is pointed out that Iu building up the combination there have been so-called - 1 economies in equipment ami facilities for handling aud expediting tragic The aim has been to adjust equipment to tbe assumed needs of the whole couj- I blned system and give it a unified dl- I rection for the common profit. The 1 effect La not only leu to restrict equipment and facilities to the calcu lated needs of the entire tniuk line system and to deprive them of elastic ity, but new rivalry has leen excluded. Of course the congestion will soon w relieved. It cannot continue beyond ic opening of lake navlirution. ' Hut It s significant of what may periodically cur under the system of railroad com bination or "community of Interest." with its policy of "economies" In equip ment and traffic facilites. Iowa's supreme court has Just de cided that the state law requiring rail roads to equip their cars with auto matic safety coupling devices does not pply to locomotives and teuders and hat the railroads may still expose tho lives and limbs of their employes to the deadly hand coupler in connecting the locomotive to every train. The Iowa lawmakers should see to .it that this de fect be fixed up, and it would not be a bad plan cither for our Nebraska legis lators while in session to make sure that the Nebraska automatic coupling law Is not lamed by the same loophole, as the Iowa law. The renomlnatlou by President Roosevelt of Director of the Mlut Rob erts for another term disposes for the present at least of the stories of Mr. Roberts' expected retirement from that position. So far as the public Is con cerned lt Is satisfied with Director Rob erts' conduct of the mint and his re- ppolntment means that the president U likewise satisfied. Importers and manufacturers of coy ote scalps and bear cub paws will do well to deposit their trophies with the state auditor at the earliest moment before the law offering bonutlos for the destruction of wild aulmals in the state of Nebraska is repealed. This has been most lucrative busiucss, but there must be an end to all good things. A great many house rolls and senate files designed to regulate the Invest ment and deposit of educational funds re beiug rolled and filed In tbe legisla ture, but no effective protection tor the educational funds can be secured be fore the submission and adoption of an amendment to the constitution cover- lug this vital issue. Receiving; an Kqnlralent. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Expenses at the White Houbs have been gradually Increasing during the past year, but the country cannot complain that it li not getting good service. Where Fiction Thrlvea. Philadelphia North American. Congressman Lessler denies any collusion with the self-confeased perjurer Doblln. It' la curious that a place where so many Ilea are told should be named after George Washington. Hanging Hope on Lnwyera. Washington Post. Jim Tillman boasts that forty lawyers have offered to defend, blm. It la a boast that tends to create tbe Impression that an abnormal amount ;of defending, Is going to be necessary ln his case. Good Will Toward tbe Laat. Chicago Chronicle. The penitent but anonymous citizen who has sent $1 to the city ball as conscience money and asks the municipal officials to meet him ln heaven evidently does not know much about tbe crowd that holds forth in the municipal building these days. Cruelty to Animals. New York Tribune. The bill which has passed the house of representatives and Is now before . the senate, permitting railroad companies to keep cattle and other live stock ln cars without food or drink tor forty consecutive hours, ought to be defeated. This Is legia lation for the promotion of cruelty to animals. The present limit of, twenty-eight hours should not be exceeded. That Is liberal enough to shippers and railways alike. Adyantaar of Foot Ball. Casper Whitney In Outing. There are other games as Interesting ss foot ball, but foot ball happens now to be tbe most popular, and hence Is made the target for all the slings and arrows of the unsportly. It is vigorous, to be sure; it demands more physical effort than any other game, but, If not abused, lt gives larger returns to tbe participant. It has an element of danger, but no game lacking that -spice Is really wortb while. It is mental and a physical stimulant which strengthens not only the body, but denfnnds quick thinking, and lt develops patience and courage, and promotes clean living and temperance. These are not mere words; tbey may be verified by any one who cares to take the trouble to make a fair Investl gallon at the nearest school or college. GIVES ITSELF AWAY. SnrprUlnar Admission of Great Ilrltalu In She Veneaaelan Hatter. Kansas City Star. One of the greatest surprises of tho wbolo Venezuelan affair is the announcement by the British foreign office that Great Brit ain, and not Germany, took the Initiative in bringing about the alliance between the two powers.' The statement, made by a high British authority, that this announce ment was forced by Germany through a threat to publish the diplomatic corre spondence, la entirely plausible. With amazing self-containment the British au thorities have permitted the people of the I'nlted State and the press of their own country to believe that Germany was the instigator of the joint movement and. to express themselves accordingly. Tbe won der is that Germany did not force ac knowledgement earlier, especially consider ing tbe unfriendly feeling that has been aroused In this country. Great Britain's belati'd announcement changes the aepect of the case somewhat. and lessens the promise of an early ad justment of the difficulty. It absolutely dismisses the thought that tbe London gov ernment might, through displeasure over Germany's policy In maintaining the block ade, withdraw from the alliance, and move for independent aettlement. It emphasises the blunder made by England In going Into the alliance a blunder tint has been recog nized by the English people and commented upon pretty freely by the English press, and which may yet cause the ruuignatlou of tbe Balfour ministry. It does not. bow. ever, change tbe opinions of the world aa to Germany's rash procedure In Venezuelan waters. It frees the G'-rman government la a measure of the suspicion of having designedly sought to ally Itself with Eng land in a deliberate acbme to harass the United States on tbe Monro doctrine Issue. OTIIFFl LAM) THAI Ot RS. King Oscar of Sweden, who hna been obliged by 111 health to temporarily abdi cate the sceptre, Is reputed to be one of the most learned men In Europe. He Is a member or honorary member of nearly every Important academy or association of sciences. In addition to which he has at tained fame as a poet, HngulM, critic, In ternational arbitrator and athlete. He Is the possessor of hundreds of deroratlons, Including those of almost every known or der of knighthood, but the medal he val ues moat highly Is one given him by the Humane Society of France for stopping a runaway team on the streets of Paris. A characteristic Illustration of hla extreme modesty la given by a story told of his examination of some school children. Hav ing asked the class) to nnme the most fa mous monarch of Sweden, a small girl mentioned Oscar II. When pressed to mention a notable event of his reign the diplomatic miss wns obliged to admit she knew of none. "That is right," remarked the king. "I don't know of any myself." If the nation Is happy that has no history the Swedes own that privilege. King Os car spoke the literal truth. The only stir ring event of his reign was perhaps the Norwegian poet BJornsen's challenge of the king to a duel. Tho annnintment of Dr. Raudall Pavld- on to the archbishopric of Canterbury is but another illustration of bow the Scot Is conquering south of the border. The arch bishop of York is likewise a Scotchman. In the British government ten Scotchmen are drawing yearly 37,617 from the treas ury, viz: Arthur Balfour, tbe premier; Gerald Balfour, secretary for thn Board of Trade; Mr. Ititchle, the homo secre tary: Lord Balfour of Burleigh, secretary of Scotland; H. T. Anetruther, a Junior lord of the admiralty; Hon. T. Cochrane, parliamentary secretary for the home of fice; A. B. Law, parliamentary secretary for tho Board of Trade; Sir R. B. Flnlay, advocate' for Scotland, and Scott Plekson, solicitor general for Scotland. Moreover, the earl of Mlnto, governor general of Canada, Is a Scot, and Lord Hopetoun, until recently governor general of Austria, is of the same nationality. Some doubt has been thrown by recent travelers upon the correctness of the ac cepted notion that China Is a land of teem ing population, lt has been asserted that the human hives along the seaboard and the great rivers of China ought not to be taken as a basis for estimates; that ln those parts of the empire which lie off the main routes of traffic (the natural and artificial water courses) the population of China Is comparatively thin. A census recently taken by the Pekln government for the purpose of assessing taxes to meet the Indemnity payments seems, however, to prove the accuracy of the older esti mates. The census shows that the eighteen provinces of China proper contain 407,737,- 105 inhabitants; that THancburln nas 8.600,000 and Mongolia, Thibet and Chinese Turkestan a little over 10,000,000. The total population of the empire is 426,447,325, ac cording to this enumeration. The absolute reliability of Asiatic statistics Is ques tioned; nevertheless, the agreement of the results of the ceneus with the accepted estimates is so close as to Invite confi dence. The statement that the Chinese empire contains one-third of the human race will hereafter be regarded more than ever as an approximate truth. The Rand in general and Johannesburg in particular are tn the hands of what lr probably the most complete railroad mo nopoly in existence, and the fact that this Is controlled by the government does not better oonditlona. The freight rates from the coasts ta the Transvaal are so high that only the comparatively wealtby can live ln comfort there, enjoying luxuries in the way of furniture and the like such aa they have been accustomed to at home. Rents are abnormal, very moderate houses ln decent localities renting for from $2,500 to $3,000 a year and everything else Is proportionately dear. There is only one remedy for this the reductions of charges on the railways from Natal and the Cape, which are paying dividends to the govern ment large enough to make private cor poration green with envy. Import duties on foodBtuffs, building materials and min ing necessaries might be abolished until ordinary economic conditions return, to tbe great advantage of the colony. The fact that no especial honor has been conferred upon Lord Curzon for tho suc cessful way ln which he has "pulled oh" the Durbar is creating some surprise, even ln England, but the fact In, tha.t Lord Curzon occupies a position which makes it difficult to give him a distinction such as would usually follow an event like the Durbar. He is not a British peer. He de cllnes to become one, and lt is, therefore, impossible to give him a step in the peer age. It is true that he is an Irish peer and lt might be possible to offer blm a step up ln the Irish peerage. Lord Palmerston, for instance, was a viscount ln the peerage of Ireland, and it would be quite feasible to confer the same rank, or even an Irish earldom, on Lord Curzon. Apparently, however, King Edward does not care to create Irish peerages or give promotion to existing Irish peers. In these circum stances, the only distinction that can be conferred on Lord Curzon is one of the orders which he does not already possess. The removal of that great English In stitution, the PoBtofflce Savings bank, from Its 'present location to more commodious quarters ln West Kensington, makes salient the remarkable growth of the enterprise. In 1880, when it had to move to get more room for its business, lt had 8,185,000 de positors, and Us deposits amounted to 1168,000,000. Now its depositors number 9,000,000, and the deposits count up to $725,000,000. Originally designed for the benefit of the working classes, the bank now haa all kinds of depositors, Including many children and the wives of men whj have bank accounts elsewhere. The great popularity of the Institution is due to Its safety, the British government itself standing behind lt. Deposits as small aa 25 cents are received. Searchlights for Firemen. Powerful searchlights of such Intensity that their rays will throw Into bold relief every object that fire fighters may want to tee aro likely to be installed among the equipment of the Chicago fire department on wagons especially equipped for the pur pose. Marshal Musbam and City Electri cian Elllcott now have one of the lights of 60,000 candle power which they intend to test on the fircboat Illinois at tbe foot of Illinois street. The big light Is supplied with power from a new steam turbine engine, said to be tbe first 10 be applied to any commercial use la Chicago. The turbine Is expected to realize S'i per cent of the power stored up in tbe fuel. With the light the whole equipment weighs 600 pounds. The rays pouring from so concentrated a source of light would dazzle the eye and to meet this objection a shield has been de vised which will confine the gleam as far as possible to a point. Pilots In the lake and on the river are particularly to be pro tected from the danger of blinding. When turned on a building the light Is expected to stream through the windows and fill the house with light practically as strong as the rays of the sun. The ef fectiveness of such a device in the saving of life and minimizing danger to firemen la the main object of introducing the light. Chicago Chronicle. 19 IT A BOOMKn llKCIIO Prematare Rejolrlna; of Ta Dodaers Over a Sew York t'onrt Halloa;. Chicago Post. -It Is not Impossible that the New York frnnchlse-owlng corporations hav over reached themf.'lves In their artful attempt to annul the admirable and equitable law ' for the taxation of their special privileges j a real estate. The decision of the appel- 1 late court, which they hailed as great ; victory, may turn out to be a bitter defeat for them. That would be an Instance of poetic as well as pra-tlcal Justice. The question now under iliacusslon Is " ttiln: noes tne decision anect the essential tea- ; ttire of the law, the assessment of fran chises as real property, or does It Invali date only that tricky amendment which vests In the State Board of Tax Commls sloners the power to assces this species of taxable property? The prevailing opinion uses this lan guage: 1 am forced to the conclusion I that sn trturh nf thn art ss nrnvMns for Ihn assessment of a special franchise by the State Board of Tax Commissioners la un constitutional and void." "So much of the act"' is not the whole act, and all the Judges distinctly upheld the principle of franchise taxation. In another place the opinion says: "Therefore, when the legis lature deemed It wise to sdd to the tax able list the so-called special franchise. tho duty of assessing it devolved at once upon the local assessors. Its creation at one brought It within the scope of their official duties." This seems to Imply that the assessors are entitled and bound to assess the fran chises regardless of the provision cf the law which places this power In the state board. And. this is the construction now put upon the decision by the comptroller of New York and by the author of the original act, ex-Senator Ford. The latter says: "It unquestionably leaves the orig inal Ford bill Intact. It has now been de cided that tbe two amendments put ln at the suggestion of Governor Roosevelt-are void. Tbe principle of franchise taxation Is tn no way attacked by the decision." If Mr. Ford and the comptroller are right. what a boomerang the decUlon will prove to be for the tax-dogging and tricky cor porations! Not only will they have to pay franchise taxes, but they will have to ac cept the valuations of the local assessors. Cunning sometimes overreaches itself, and there is such a thing as getting hoist with one's own petard. The case goes to the court of last resort, and the people have a better prospect of ultimate victory than the corporations. POLITICAL. Dill FT. The state of Maine is out of debt and awfully lonesome. Mayor Carter H. Harrison of Chicago is hustling for a fourth term. , There is quite a flood of trust-busting bills ln the New Jersey legislature. They have as good a show as a snowball In the Sahara. Governor Pennypacker of Pennsylvania urges the enactment of a measure restrain ing newspaper criticism. Campaign lashes must have made a lasting impression on the governor. A Kansas lawmaker advocates a law for bidding the eating of snakes. There are a few Jiggers of mercy in the measure. To see snakes is sufficient punishment for a drug-store Jag. The mayor of the bustling city of Worcester, ln the old Bay state, has set a noble example of self-abnegation. He has vetoed an ordinance raising his salary from $2,500 to $4,000. , Tbe Utah' legislature has resolved that a newspaper comment comparing the mem bers from San Pete County to Jackrabbits "casts serious reflection upon the intelli gence and fitness for work of the legis lature." The Titan ex-Governor of Texas, The colossal J. S. Hogg, is emulating the ex ample of Ctncinnatus, and has taven to the cultivation of cabbages on a tremendous scale. Next month he intends to ship north many tralnloads of the savory vegetables so Intimately associated with corned beef. "Cy" Sulloway of New Hampshire is the tallest man ln the national house at pres ent, measuring nearly 6 feet, but 'in the next house he will give way to Representative-elect OUle James of the First Ken tucky district, who Is not only taller than that, but larger ln proportion, weighing 850 pounds. An Ohio man who died in Idaho recently achieved distinction in his native state by losing power of speech during a campaign in which he was a candidate. Triumphant election restored his power of speech. It was the first instance on record where a Buckeye lost his conversational talent with an office in sight. All told, the city of Boston is to collect thla year from real and personal property $15,979,373, which is $217,640 less than the assessment of taxes for the previous year. The expenses of Jhe year are estimated at $19,425,152.69, or a little over $500,000 less than last year's figures. In some parts of the United States Finns are becoming an Important element of the voting population. One advantage they have over immigrants from many European countries is that the proportion of il literacy among them Is Infinitesimal, hi of 1 per cent only, while among the Immi grants from southern Italy, Russia, Portu gal and Poland lt varies from 60 to 70. By the last census there were ln the United States 63,440 natives of Finland, of whom 19,000 resided In Michigan, 10,700 in Minne sota, 6,100 in Massachusetts, 4.000 In New York, 2.800 ln Ohio, 2.700 In California, 2,700 ln Washington and 2,100 ln Oregon. WW V A Sudden Drop This la the time of the year to look for sudden drops in the prices f clothing and other articles of masculine splendor. It Isn't because w bar -charged too much heretofore, but because we are willing to let the remainder of our broken lines of winter merchandise go for less than they are worth. The reason for this Is a simplo business reason these are the remaining garments after a busy season. We don't want to carry them over, and, a the season Is pretty well advanced, we sr will ing to share the loss with our customer. There are a few more of those CHILD'S VESTEE SUITS at $1.60 that sold at $3.00 and up to $9.00. $1.50 and $2.00 SHIRTS to be had now for $1.00. $1.00 SHIRTS to be had at 75c (all sizes except 16). 30C NECKWEAR to be had at 25c. BOYS' SHIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS (slightly soiled), that sold a high SS $1.00 now 25c. BOYS' GLOVES (the warm, leather kind) for 25c. MEN'S TROl'SEKS that sold from $5.00 up are bow $1.50..., And Overcoats, Ulsters and Suits from broken lines and odd sizes have been very materially reduced. No Clothing Fits Like Ours. R. S. WILCOX, Manager. nooKVKI.T A A 111 11KM MAN. So Man llettrr F.nrnn Ilia Par Than the President. James Ford Hhrdes In Prribnet's. Mr. Roosevelt merits the encouragement and sympathy of all lovera of good govern ment, aud he Is emit led, as Indeed Is every prr,,,jpnt, to consldernte and forbearing criticism. For. ardently desired as the mcp lt (B a hara p),rf, t0 n) Through the jinjn,,g 0f president Roosevelt. I have DpPn cnbled to observe the dally routine of n)g orX sn(1 j am frre to say that from tne business point of view no man better earns hit pay trisin cloos he. Mr. Bryce re- ,.Pv tht ,t nt the r.relilint work is like that of the manager of a rail way. Po far as corcerns the consultation with heads of departments, prompt de risions and the disposition of dally mat ters, the comparison is apt If a great American railway and a manager like Thomas A. Scott are borne In mind. But ! ttiA llwa mnmavA.'a IkKnr Is rtftllA In ... ... comparative privacy; he can be free 4rom interruption and dispose of his own time in a systematic manner. That is Impossible for the president during the session of congress. Office seekers themselves do not trouble the president so much as In former days; they may be referred to the heads of the departments; and, moreover, tbj introduction of competitive examinations and the merit system has oporated aa a relief to the president and his r. blnet of ficers. But hearing the recommendations by senators and congressmen of their friends for offices consumes a large amount of time. There are, as Senator. Lodge has kindly Informed me, 4,818 presidential offices and 4.000 presidential costofflcts: In 1 addition there are army and naval officers to he appointed. The proper selection In four years of tbe number of men these figures imply Is in Itself co small labor; lt would by a railroad manager be considered an onerous and exacting business. But thn railway manager may hear the claims of applicants in his own proper way, and, to prevent encroachments on his time, may give the candidates or their friends a curt dismissal. MIIITHFIL IlKMAKKS. "Pretty fast horse, eh?" asked the friend. "Fast? I should say so. Why, I can start out for a two-mile sleigh ride with him and get back before it thaws." Wash ington Star. "Colonel, how did you catch that cold in your head? ' "Taking off my hat ln an elevator, auh." "What did you do that for?" "There was a picture of a lady hanging up ln it, suh." Chicago Tribune. "Ira! Get up!" Mrs. Dayman called, shaking her sleepy husband. "If you're roing down town with Asa you'll have to hurry. Asa's up." "Aces up?" replied Qayman, sleepily, "You win the money. I never did havt any luck." Philadelphia Post. The Manayunk Philosopher rises to re mark that a woman In a decollete gown al ways reminds him of an oyster on the half shell. Philadelphia Record. Plattytude There la always room at the top. Merrlt Yes, but the fellows who are up there ere monopolists. N. Y. Time. Naggsby They tell me young Tryfler haj been quite another chap since his rich uncle kicked him out and made htm shift for himself. Waggsby Yes; the ' kick out of doors served a a aort of bloodless operation for congenital worthlessnes. Philadelphia Press. "But suppose," said the eastern girl, 'suppose, when you're out alone ln the evening without a chaperon, some man should accost you?" "I'd ewat him one,1' replied the western gin, calmly, "and trim's more than the chaperon could do." Chicago I'ost. Wlssum I was surprised that you should hit that little fellow nt the seance, Jle was somewhat Intoxicated, I prsnt you, but he Is one of the leaders among the spiritual ists and they didn't like your assault upon him at all. Harry There's no pleasing you, Wlssurri. You have alwaya told me to strike a happy medium and the first time I do lt you blame me. Boston Transcript. "Don't you think." said the man who was looking over the wares at the news stand, "that a Kst deal of poor literature is gotten out now?" "I'm not expressing any opinion," an swered the somewhat haughty attendant. "L am here to sell the stuff and not to read it." Washington Star. ' Boy (on hither side of line fence) If I had a fence like your I'd take lt off and let it reet a while. New Boy (on the other side) Tf I had a face like yours I'd see If I couldn't run It for enough soap to give -it a waahln'." Chicago Tribune. JOIIX BILL FllOTESTS. New York Bun. Oh, William, stop bombarding! Oh. Billy, please be nice; Stop calmly disregarding My excellent advice. Please be a little wiser, Be good and com awayt Oh Billy, be a Kaiser, Not a fireworks display. Oh. heavens! what's that roar therT What are you shelling at? That little speck on shore there? A fortress! It's a cat I Your head, my friend. Is swelling-, With all thla blamed pow-wow. Oh, William, dear, stop shelling That doubtless neutral cow! I do not mind blockading To gather ln your debt. But all this canonadlng Has got my nerves upset; I'm down here, willy-nilly To help your gunning sport, I'm , oh, confound it, Billy, That hen is not a fort! I don't see what I came for, Nor how to get away. Nor why I lent my nam for This Herman holiday I B111Y wild bombarding habit Is Damn! He's at it stllj; Oh, Lord! ha s killed a rabbit! I'll leave you, Cousin Bill!. 5-S 1