TIT I OMATTA DAT TjY DEK: SATURDAY, JAN" IT A TIT M. 1003. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA 'Coroner1! Jury Returns Verdict of Suicide in Randall f mier Cue. STREET SQUATTERS CANNOT GET TITLE JHce Offlwn on Sharp I.ookot for Bank Robbers l.a Smallpox Pa tient leaves Hospital Magic City Gossip. An Inquest was held yesterday afternoon over the remains of Randall Frailer, and the Jury, after bearing the evidence, re turned a yerdlct of suicide. Arrangements are being made with Undertaker Brewer for the removal of the remains to Wayne, Neb., for Interment. Frailer, It appears from the testimony, had been despondent for some time and lack of funds to meet Mm n Ins; expenses worried him greatly. On the afternoon of the affair Frailer called l at bis barber shop and secured possession ' of his cup and brush, saying that he was (going r.jr. He, then stepped Into a saloon and paid a bill amounting to 35 cents and 'stated there that he was going away. 8ev ral other little, accounts were settled and I then Frailer purchased a bottle of car ibollc acid and went home and drank the (contents of the vial. Years ago the deceased was one of the (test known cattle men In the state and was considered well fixed. Through speculation he lost the money he had made and saved. Aside from Insurances In a couple of lodges, he left his family practically without funds. Frailer was a member of the Woodmen and the Workmen at Wayno, Neb., and It Is at the request of the mem bers of these lodges that the remains will be sent to Wayne for Interment. There was little testimony of Importance introduced at the Inquest, as the corener from the start understood that death had 'been caused by the taking of carbolic acid. i (snaot (rears Title City Attorney Murdock has declared that ;he proposes to go after squatters at once, or at lea, as soon as the weather will permit of squatters moving without Injury ta the health of families. A statemen. wss made In The Bee a day or two ago to the effect that those living on streets or alleys for a period of ten years or more would acquire title to the ground. This was ths law the former city attorneys worked tinder, but It now appears that by an act of the legislature of two years ago title cannot be acquired on any dedicated street or alley by squatters. Such title may bj acquired by the consent of the mayor and city council, but not by adverse possession. This places the matter In an entirely dif ferent light and the only thing that can he done now will be to pro ahead and demand leases from those who now occupy city property. An effort will be made to have the engineer and the city attorney go over tbla matter together In order that the mat ter may be straightened out, with the least expense possible to the city. Looklntc for ft an peels. The South Omaha police are on the look tout for bank robbers Just now. It has 1 been rumored In police circle that the gang' operating. In this vicinity Is making a harbdr of South Omaha Lnd that when a trick Is turned they make a run for cover here. Chief Brlgga Is having a special watch Jcept and all auspicious characters are ' being put through an examination. There seems to be no fear of any of the South Omaha banks being robbed, as the I system of protection appears to be perfect, 'but the chief has detailed special officers I to look out for suspicious characters bere. j1. 'No Smallpox Here. 1 Yesterday Dr. Sapp, the city physician, discharged the third patient at the Emer gency hospital and now the city is free .from smallpox. The Isolation of the three cases reported here so far this winter has, It is stated, tended to decrease J he num ber of cases. Every effort is being made by the health department to prevent tho sending of cases from other points to this city. While last year at thla time the city had several hundred caaes, the number has fallen so low this yoar that hardly any comment Is made. 80 far the city has been enabled to get along with only a light ex penditure as compared with one year and two years ago. - School Addition Completed. At noon yesterday the two-room addition to the Albright school was completed, and tho work was turned over by the con ' tractors to the. school district. It is un derstood that on Monday these rooms will be occupied by pupils. While these two rooms will help out the southeastern part of the city, there Is still a demand for ad dltlonal room. The proposed additional room In the Brown park district will not have to be rented now, but more room 1 still needed in the locality south of Q street. Railroad Officials Visit. Superintendent Baxter of the Union Fa cine and a party of officials visited South Omaha yesterday afternoon. The party came- down, from Omaha In a private car, and looked over the stock yards and some of the packing plants. The visit of the Union Pacific officials here revived the tory of the construction of a viaduct across the' tracks, but 11 was stated by those who are In a position to know fhat there was nothing of the kind in content plation, just at this time at least. Need Crosswalk. For a long time the inemoera of the First Presbyterian church have been petl ttonlng for a new cross walk at Twenty fifth and J streets. The wash of the bill nd the travel north and south soon wears cut a walk, and now a new one is badly Heeded. The last walk was laid there when Pr. Ensor was mayor, and It Is so far gone that those attending church can hardly find It, especially if the tempera ture happens to be above the freettng point. It is stated by those who claim to know that the coat of a new walk will be slight, and aa there is lumber on band now it V' I f;:. Wt J2aT-d will be but the work of an hour or two to put In a new walk, and thus help out those who attend this church. Maale City finaalp. Special revival services will be hld at the Haptlct church on Sunday. John Flynn Is ba k fmm Uncoln, where he spent pome weeks at the sanitarium, taking baths for rheumatism. Jerry KltigtrsM wss on the streets yes terday for the nrst time since his accident, lie still carries one arm In a sling. The young son of Mr. end Mrr El Kohansky, Twenty-fourth and K streets. Is rapidly recovering from a severe Illness. Rev. James Wise will speak at the Young Men's Christian association on Sunday afternoon. Miss Jessie Carpenter will sing. Some of the membra of the boys' depart ment of the Young Men's Christian associa tion will go to Lincoln today to visit the places of Interest. There will be a game of basket ball at the focal Young Men s Christian association rooms this evening between Omaha and South Omaha teams. The entertainment given by the postal clerks at vM Fellows' hall last nlRht was largely attended. There was an excellent program rendered and then came an oyster supper. While the pavement on Twenty-fourth atreet Is In a bad condition, there does not seem to be any help for It at the present time, as no money Is In sight for cleaning or for making needed repairs. RAMBO WANTS "LITTLE" GIRL She Is Eleven Years Old and Weighs Less Than Six Hundred Pounds. The very many warm and trusting friends of I. W. Miner, in Omaha and elsewhere, will find It exceedingly diffi cult to countenance the charge of Joseph Rambo of Council Bluffs that Mr. Miner has "kidnaped" Mr. Rambo's daughter. In the first place "Ike" Is a prominent Elk, a well-known and respected cltlien and entirely too old to attempt such capers. In the second place, Mr. Rambo's daugh ter happens to be "the Missouri fat girl," aged 11, weight 631, who was featured on the Ak-Sar-Ben midway last fall, and tho process of kidnaping would be almost as difficult as the process of conjecturing what the deuce any man would want to try it for. In conclusion, it might be re marked further that the spectacle of the kind-hearted and none-too-stalwart; Mr. Miner, gallavantlng over distant stales wtth a girl whose Identification would be as easy as the identification of the Mor mon tabernacle, and whose charms can scarcely be either material or evanescent, is a picture quite beyond the conception of the most imaginative. . Mr. Rambo, who is a very small man, called upon Chief Donahoe yesterday after noon, and said he "had another Fat Crowe case," adding that Mr. Miner had k'd naped bis daughter. The chief queried the man, and learned that Mr. Miner and W. F. Oerke had en tered into a contract with blm last Sep tember, by the terms of which the girl was to tour for exhibition purposes, the father to receive a "rental" of $5 per day. Oerke states that he has since gone before a notary and withdrawn from the contract. The last time the father heard from the girl and Mr. Miner, he told the chief, was about three weeks ago, when they were showing in a tent at an Alabama resort. Because he has not received any remit tance since, nor heard further from them be ' concludes the showman has kidnaped the show. Chief Donahoe told Mr. Rambo that as he is resident in Council Bluffs and the contract was made there, the case should be handled on that , side of the river, but advised blm to write the chief of police at the town last heard from and get the ex hibit located If possible; then take letters of identification and go collect hia daugh ter and bring her home. FRATERNITY .MEN ORGANIZE Omaha Members of Delta Tan Delta Form Alomnl Asaocla. tlon. The Omaha Alumni Association of Delta Tau Delta was organlied last night. The members of tho fraternity in the city met at a dinner at the Millard hotel and elected officers after the dinner, had .been served. The association starts out with very bright prospects, as there are thirty-five mem bers In the city, and it la the ultimate Intention to Include, the 200 members of the fraternity that live In the state in the organization. The officers elected were: W. S. Sum. mers, president; R. H, Mauley, secretary; B. K. King, corresponding secretary, and Clyde L. Babcock, treasurer. George L. FUher was elected as delegate to the western division conference to be held in Chicago February 20-21. with, Hugh A. Myers as alternate. The association exJ pects to have . about ten members in at tendance at the convention, which is the first that they will have ever attended as members of the association. - BUILDING COMPANY APPEARS Denies that Trnstee of W. R. Bennett Company la Entitled to Itealty. The Bennett Building company, J. E. Baum and C. W. Ralney have filed a re turn to the petition In the case brought by E. E. Hastings, trustee of tho W. R Bennett company. In which he seeks tp ob tain title to the building in which the mercantile company is located. In each case the respondents deny the Jurisdiction of the court, setting up the claim that the building company and the mercantile company are distinct corpora tions and that the bankruptcy of the mer cantlle company does not Bring the build Ing company into court; that the title of the building company is perfect and ante dates by many months the proceedings in bankruptcy. The response of Baum and Ralney re cite the contract between the building com. pany and Baum, by which he Is to be given certain stock in case be affects a compro mise with the creditors. Stole sv Dummy. Mickey Crall of Red Oak la., has evl dently been a student of the Happy Hooll- UncleSamFresides at tnc uottiing - Thus guaranteeing the absolute purity and genuineness of every bottle of Cedar Brook Whiskey Bottled In Bond Every bottle sealed by ths United States government and stamped with Its age and date of bottling. FOR SALE) ETESrWHCRI. THE ILLUSTRATED BEE HOME FOLKS YOU LIKE ARE the ones The Illustrated Boa is after. Its coming number will be full of faces thst are familiar to you or to your neighbor, at least. This paper is required to publish each week a certain amount of matter of a general nature, but it has never lost sight of its Immediate clientele, and the home folks always have the preference. Carefully written maga tlne articles, well illustrated from llctures made from photographs by expert engravers and perfectly printed by expert pressmen, give tho paper its tone In a general way, but equally well prepared, beautifully illustrated and perfectly printed local articles Is what baa endeared it to ita "home circle." CHESTER I. LONG, tho newly elected senator of the United States from Kansas, la a western man In every respect, and is already well known to the west for his achieve ments, not the least of which waa to defeat Jerry Simpson for congress twice. A splendid picture of Mr. Long Is used for a frontispiece and a short biographical sketch accompa nies it in the coming number of The Illustrated Bete. COUNCIL BLLTFS PUBLIC LIBR ARY has recently been the recipient of a $70,000 donation from Andrew Carnegie for the purpose of provid ing a home for the institution. In a well written article the story of the library la told, and accompanying it are excellent portraits of a number of Council Bluffs people who have been prominently connected with the library work In that city. BASKET BALL AS A WINTER GAME FOR ATHLETES is the topic of a discussion of the new sport from the standpoint of a follower and ardent admirer of the game. It is illus trated from photographs of different teams and flashlight pictures taken by a staff photographer during the progress of a game at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. AMERICAN GOODS IN THE NETHER LANDS is the title of the weekly letter from Mr. Frank O. Carpenter, in which he tells bow the Yankees have followed the Dutch In their con quest of Holland. Mr. Carpenter gives some Interesting account of the American industrial Invasion of the land made sacred by William the Silent. It la Illustrated from photo graphs taken in Holland. UNCLE SAM'S ADOPTED CHILDREN is an article on the lift) of the little ones during the days of deten tion at Ellis island. New York harbor. Something is told of the youngsters who are to become citizens of . the United Slates In time. They don't differ much from our own boys and girls, and are therefore Interesting. Illustrations are from photographs taken at Ellis island. . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS who re cently met in Omaha were pho tographed by a staff artist; this is an additional feature of the next num ber, and there are other home folks who have done something to get their pictures in the paper. Not a depart ment has been omitted, nor haa a point been, overlooked. If you are not now a subscriber, you should leave your order with your news dealer today. the illustrated BEE gan pictures, but has not applied the moral thereof to himself. . Last night he allowed his iirtDetuoua kleutomMnfncnl . mlum tt lead h m Into steal ng a dummy which stoid in ironi or Hunger a pawn shop, 416 North Sixteenth street. He did not want the dummy, but an overcoat which was chained on it. .Tarrying the dummy, and trvlng to look aa thoush he didn't knnw It rVuii hA gone two blueks, when he met Officer Lesch and was arrested. Vesta Chapter's MaU. 0 the Kastern Star, In Masonic temple lust nllthr n Itinrniiahlu ....... .-..V.I .. - c . ' ' ...... nift i.ij rnjunuic 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 , at which about rlfty couples danced until a lute hour to the miwlc of Dlmmick's orchestra. The dance urogram consisted of waltzes and two-eteps, with the exception of a flve-step and the lancers. Punch and lltrtit refreshments were, served at a booth iu the corner of the hall.' A committee con sisting of John D. Howe. JU H. Bradley. Luna M. Powell and Mrs. D. D. Moore were responsible for the arrangements. MixMes Nellie Schonlau, Cora Jack. Rose Wheeler and .Maud Weeks and Mesdames O. 8. i ucii, iuk r. nrown. u. j. Ayer aria r . A. ......... ...... .j w,r r u c i ami lion inailgf. of I h. nnnr Krl t. HrnHlav nrt.il an ....... r of ceremonies. Crusade Against Cigarette Dealers. It has been reported several times during me lam lew aays tnat the antl-clgarettc laws are being willfully violated bv certain dialers In thin city, who persist In selling tobacco to minors even after a warning haH been given them not to do so. The fmbllc school truant officer has been secur ng evidence against such dealers and will u.-k fur twelve warrants today and Mon day. He began yetiu-rday by secur ing a warrant for the arrest of William Stein, who is charged with having sold tobacco to minors from his store. Fortieth and Hamilton streets. Strike Breaker Hobbed. Fred Wellen, a Vnlon Pacific shopman, claims to be the loser of $40 which he says was taken from under his pillow in the simps hotel yesterday. He accuses Tom Hope, a negro, who has been employed to make up the beds in the hotel, and who quit work yesterday afternoon. Wellen put his roll under his pillow at night and forgot to remove It in the morning. When he remembered It in the evening it was gone. Held for I nvestlcatlon. Louise Cohen, a negress, living at 1U5 Cupltol avenue, is held by the police for Investigation. Utrt McDonald accuses her ' taking from him In Levl'a saloon at Eleventh street and Capitol avenue. Marrlaae I lernsrs. Marriage licenses were issued yeeier- cav to; Name and Address. Age. William O McKelghan. Portsmouth, la.. 23 Grate K. M-rhun, Eldorado, Kan lit Antony Warner, South Omaha 22 Karulu 11 art 4. South Omaha 18 Strikes at Their Root. Many dangerous diseases begin In Im pure blood. Electric Bitters purifloa the blood and cures or no pay. Only SOc For sal by Kuha 4 Co, EARNINGS OF TI1E MISERS Many Irs Able to Work Only a Fw Daji During ths Tear. OTHERS MAKE FAIRLY GOOD WAGES Statement nbmltted Showing Ike Workings of the DeneSt Fand and the Sum that lias Been Disbursed. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30. With the ex ception of the presentation of statistics the operators closed their case before the etiikrt commission today, and it Is eipected the miners will begin calling evidence In rebuttal on Monday. No session will be held tomorrow. The miners will take up three or four days next week, after which the commis sion will adjourn to the following Mon day. Tho arguments will consume .the greater part of the week beginning Feb ruary 9. Up to date the commission has heard 429 witnesses. Heading; rtoharses "Witness. It developed during the day that a Read ing company's miner, who testified before the commission at Scranton, had lost his place in consequence, and the commission exacted a promise that he should be rein stated. This concession waa only secured, however, after Judge Gray had expressed the opinion that it was not right to de prive a man of his position for testifying before the commission. The miner, J. P. Clarke, had been unex pectedly summoned, and went to Scran ton without first notifying hla foreman. On the third day of his absence the foreman filled his place, and afterward refused to reinstate him. Adam Boyd of Shenandoah, a division superintendent of the Philadelphia & Read ing Iron and Coal company, was recalled when the commission opened, and on cross examination said the company would rather let its miners drown tnan give rec ognition to the union. Jacob P. Jones of nttsvllle, paymaster of the Reading company, presented a statement showing the annual earning of contract miners at the Reading com pany's Bear Ridge, Good Springs, Kohlnoor, Potts, Draper, Indian Ridge, Pres ton No. 3, Richardson and Turkey Run col lieries. Presents Wage Statement. These were selected by the commission from the thirty-seven collieries for the purpose of arranging a wage statement. The statement showed that twenty-four men who worked an average of 265 shifts during 1901 earned $1,000 and over; twenty three worked 254 days and over and earned from $300 to $1,000; forty-six worked 249 days and earned J $00 to $900; eighty-six worked 244 days and earned $700 to $800; 130 worked 230 djys and earned $600 to 700; 188 worked 214 days-and earned $500 to $600; 140 worked 180 days and earned $400 to $500; 136 worked 143 days and earned $.100 to $100; sixteen worked 103 days and earned $200 to $300 each and 09 who worked an average of tweaty-elght days earned less than $200. Mr. Jones also presented a statement giv ing the earnings for 1901 of the men paid by the day, week or month and a statement showing the workings of the miners' and laborers' benefit fund from the time it wss 'organized 'by the late Franklin F. Gowen, in 1877, to date. When the fund was started the company contributed $20,000, and it had made up all deficits whenever -any occurred and also all expenses for 1 clerical work in connection with the iundl Nearly $2,000, 000 had been paid out-' In benefits. Water Floods When Men Strike. Patrick F. Brennan of Shamokln, a di vision superintendent, told of violence committed during the strike at the Henry Clay colliery, near Shamokln. Prior to the strike of 1900, he said, the market regulated the output of coal, but alnce then the men had beeti regulating production. . When the late atrike began there were 100 feet of water In the Henry Clay mine as the result of ap accident. The men struck and allowed 500 feet of water to accumulate. It would take several months to get some of the levels In condition to work, and six to eight months before the lower level was clear of water. The engineers at the Henry Clay col liery were working eight hours a day when the strike began, and the firemen were on duty longer. The firemen quit, and the engineers refused to hsndle so-called "scab" steam and also stopped work. The remainder of the day was taken up by witnesses called to show wages paid laborers and other workers employed in the coal regions in occupations other than mining. The wages were generally lower than those paid to mine workers. HACK DRIVERS MUsTbE GOOD At Least to the Kstent of Observing; ths Ordinance Regulating Charges. The police have begun a crusade against the overcharging hackraen of the city. It bas beea determined that the ordinance re garding the charges which may be asked by drivers of hacks and omnibuses fchall here after be obeyed to the letter. City Prose cutor Thomas states that no hackdrlver shall charge more than 60 cents for carry ing a paasengir from one depot to another, nor for any distance from the depot within the two-mile circle. R. L. Simmons, who drives for the Mack back line, forgot the ordinance restrictions, charged a passenger In excess of the amount to which he waa entitled and when arraigned before Judge Berka yesterday pleaded guilty and was fined $5 and costs. This arrest, the officers state, is the first of several which will be made,' aa com plaints In this direction are becoming too frequent.. I j For Woman's Eye The emollient, sanative, antl. septic, cleansing, purifying nd beautifying properties of Cutlcura Soap render It of price Us s valu to women. Millions of women u-e CuTICURA SOAF, assisted by Ct'TicUKA OINTMENT, for beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp ana stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red rough and tore hands and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Millions of women use CtrricuSA Soap in baths for annoying irritations, in flammations and dialings, too free or ottcusive perspiration, in washes for ulcerative weakneues, and for man sanative, antiseptic purposes wuictt readily suggest themselves, awU UirouuU tits wold. CATARRH ROBS WOMEN OF HEALTH AND BEAUTY Pc-ru-na Makes Women Healthy and Beautiful. Many Women Have Catarrh and Don't Know It. They Call It Stomach Trouble, Female Weakness or General Debility. re-ru-na Cores Catarrh Wherever Located. There are a great many people who are actually Invalids from chronic catarrh of some Internal organ who have not the slightest suspicion that they are victims of thla universal disease. This Is especially true in cases of chronlo catarrh of the organs lp the lower part of the abdomen or pelvic organs. The pelvic organs are especially liable to catarrh, which gives rise to weakening discharges, painful Irregularities, back ache, bearing-down pains, smarting and throbbing, with a host of other symptoms peculiar to weak persona of both sexes, but occurring much more frequently la women, when it Is called female weakness. There are a multitude of women, es pecially housewives, and all other women obliged to be on their feet continually, who are wrletched beyond description, simply because ,thelr strength and vitality is sapped away by catarrhal discharges. Peruna is such s specific for such rasea that when patients have once used it they can never be Induced to quit It until they are permanently cured. It begins to relieve Miss Cells Harrington, 303 Second avenue, Detroit, Mich., writes: "Weakness has filled many months of my life with suffering. Through carelessness I caught a severe cold two years ago which settled In catarrh and seriously Interfered with the regular functions of the body and made me nervous and irritable. I began taking Peruna and found la It a faithful helper, as It enriched my blood and Invigorated the whole system. 1 have no pains now and am always well. I heartily recommend Peruna as a reliable medicine." fllss Cella Harrington. the disagreeable symptoms at once. The backache.ceaaes, the trembling knees are strengthened, tbe appetite restored, di gestion made perfect, tbe dull headache Is stopped and tbe weakening drains are gradually cured. ' These results certainly Ask Your Druggist for a MINERS REPLY TO OWNERS Ray Shot Firing Ordinance is ts Be Sought in Goal States. ' MITCHELL SUBMITS MEN'S WAGE DEMANDS Sabeommlttee Spends All Afteraoon Dlseaaslaa Request, bat Comes to No Decision Before Time . ta Adloarn Arrives. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Jan. 30. The miners' union bas replied to the Indiana operators' objection to the shot firing bill. Tbe owners claimed that if the measure passed it would put them on an unequal footing with competitors In other states, and threatened to withdraw from the wage agreement convention if the bill were not dropped. To this the miners replied that similar bills were to be Introduced in the Ohio, Pennsylvania and Illinois legisla tures, and after laws had been obtained in those, states the miners would move on the legislatures in the twenty other mining states. The miners claim that this movement Is tor the purpose of bringing about better ventilation in the mines, and say they will . cot recede from their stand in In diana. Herman Just!, commissioner for the Illi nois Coal Operators' association, presented to the convention these resolutions: Resolved, That the scale committee of this convention ba and hereby is Instructed that In Uxlng tht scale of mining rates to be paid at the basing points, such rates shall be baaed alike upon the same system of weighing the coal and tbe same mining condition Resolved, That the scale committee of thla convention be and hereby la instructed to fix the machine mining rates to be paid In the four competitive statea, and that they shall be upon the same basis In each of the four.stutes. Tbe resolutions were referred to the scale committee. The Joint conference was permanently organised by the selection of George W. Traer, Chicago, aa permanent chairman and W. h. Wilson as secret avy C. 8. Scrogg of Chicago was made assistant secretary. The report of the credentials committee seated 704 delegates. Mr. Mitchell submitted the demands of ths minors. Ha said the country was paaalng through a period of noparalleled prosperity, bat the miners were not re ceiving their share of It. He wanted an adjustment of the differential bettreen pick and machine-mined coal and asked that tt ba fixed at T eenta flat. Ths miners' demands were aa follows: 1 Absolut run of mica basis for the siitlr romjierirtve flel'l. 1 flat diSoreaUml of 7 cents per ton Miss Otle Pavls, Oxldental Hotel, Indianapolis, lnd., write: "Peruna has been of such great benefit to me to cure bad cold and catarrhal difficulties that I am very glad to tell how It acted In my case. Before I began taking Peruna my cold was a month old and deep seated , but In less than a week I felt better, my head was clearer and my throat and lungs not nearly so sore. I therefore kept on taking Peruna for three weeks and then my system was entirely free from the cold and catarrh, I think Peruna a wonderful medicine." Hiss Otle Davis. k-S) 7 W (If. r-- 3vM Y follow a course of treatment with Peruna. Mrs. Nellie McDonald, 216 8. Cherry street, Nashville, Tenn., writes. "When I first began to take Peruna last spring I was unable to attend to my dally duties. I suffered terribly at tbe time from menstruation and although I consulted two Free Peruna Almanac. between pick and machine-mined coal. 3. An ailvanoe of 34 cents a ton on pick and niachire-nilned coal. 4. A 3ii per cent advance on all' Inside day labor, based on the Columbus Inside day sole agreement, a uniform scale for all outHlile day labor, with appropriate' ad vance with the mining rates. 6. That drivers and capers be paid same aa track layers and timber men. Immediately., after these demands bad beeu read Herman Justl, commissioner for tho Illinois operators, following the lead of Paul Penna, the Indiana operators' com missioner, submitted a lengthy statement, setting forth the reasons why the Illinois operators were not on an equality with other operators, and claiming that they should not have to agree to the same scale aa competitive districts. The Joint scale committee held Its first session this afternoon. It consists of six teen miners and sixteen operators. W. H. nankins of Pine Hun, O., was selected chairman and C. S. Scroggs of Illinois sec retary. A motion was made to adopt the scale submitted by the miners at the Joint con ference. Debate on this motion continued the en tire afternoon and no duclslon waa reached on any of tbe points submitted. WOMAN DIESIN HER SLEEP Wben Daaahler Awakens Sb Finds Dead Ilody of Mother r tier Side. MARYVILLE, Mo., Jan. 30. (Special.) Mrs. Anna B, Sominer and her daughter, Cecelia, retired In the same bed at fl o'clock Wednesday night, both In perfect heulth and good spirits. When Miss Bum mer awoke at 7 o'clock yesterday morning she found her mother at ber side, cold In death. Tho family reside on a farm south of Maryvllle and not far from Avenue City. Mrs. Sommer was 77 years of age and her death was probably due to heart trouble. The coroner of Andrew county was called, but did not deem it necessary to bold an Inquest. The deceased was one of the best known residents of this section of the state. ,Iioa't ouah All ftlsM. Rout ful sleep follows use of Dr. King's New Discovery, the best lung cure in the world. No rure, no pay. 60c, $1.00. For sale by Kuhn A Co. Figprune Cereal A delicious Cereal Coffee made of choice California firi tnd prune aad grain; absolutely free from artificial matter. SOLO JBV ALL OROCKRH. different physicians I found that they we Hot able to help me. I caught a severe ct during tho winter and It caused -ihflammi tlon and scant menses and In addition T had griping pains and cramps and dreaded tbe time. "One of my good neighbors advised me to try Peruna, telling me how grandly it had helped her. I followed her advice, as I waa felling desperately had and was very anxious to get well. Thanks to Peruna I am now well. Rlx weeks' faithful ubb of this medicine cured me. I feet like a new woman. Dally pains' and misery are now changed to life and.' happiness and I thank Peruna for tho health I now enjoy." New York City, N. Y., wrltea: Mrs. Eva Ilartho, 1.13 East 12th street'. New York City, N Y writes: "I suffered for three years with loucor rhea and ulceration of the womb. The doctor advocated an operation which I dreaded very much and strongly objected to go under it. Now I am a changed woman. Peruna cured me; it took nlnn bottles, but I felt so much Improved I kept taking it, as I dreadod nh operation so much. I am today in perfect health and have not felt so well for fifteen years." Mrs. Eva Bartho. Mrs. Alice J. Bardner, Dauphin, jpa., wrltea: "I have found a cure In Peruna. I cannot recommend Peruna enough and I also thank you for your kind attention to me. I am as well as could be ever since I began taking Peruna' and will recom mend it to others. I only weighed ninety, five pounds before taking Peruna; now I weigh one hundred and twenty-five." Mrs. Alice J. Bordner. . . If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart man giving a full statement of your case and he will bo pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hertman president of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Every Druggist Has Them. AT THE PLAYHOUSES "The Fatal Wedding;" at the Boyd. This Is the first thriller that has had the temerity to put in an appearance at the Boyd this season save on Sunday night. It had a genuine Sunday night welcome, though, a well-filled gallery being ever ready to applaud the noble speeches with which the lines teem or to gasp at the audacious villainy that Is from time to time perpetrated during the working out of the plot, while, "down stairs" was sold out. And some of this villainy Is auda cious even beyond the limits of the pro fessed thriller. From post to wire tho situations are mechanical and tho action of tbe play is driven very much aa is the chariot race In "Ben Hur," by machinery. It Is fudge and buncombe from start' to finish. Kosalle de Vaux, who has tbe part of tho persecuted heroine and she is per. secuted for fair In the piece shows ca pacity for bettor things than she la called on to do. Her manner on the stage Is natural and her expression bas force with, out rant, a quality exactly opposite that displayed by Mary Condon, who haa the Circe part and rants without force. Mary McCabe does a good bit of character work as the warm-bearted Irish woman, so essential to the modern "heart Interest" play, and Albert Kocardo Is good as a French butler who is also loyal to the suffering. But tbe star of the cast Is little I.illlau Rosewood, who plays a very important part In the action of tbe piece, and Is winsome and clever In ber work. "The Fatal Wedding" will be repeated at a matinee and evening performance .today. REPEAL OF LUMBER TARIFF Minnesota Lealslaturs Passes a fteso. lation Asking- Consrress to Take Aetloa. 8T. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 30. The house today adopted the senate resolution asking Minnesota senators and congressmen 'to favor the repeal of the tariff on lumber which Is declared to be "contrary to the principle of protection," a eontlnued belief In which Is announced in tbe resolution.