Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Trouble with Kiinyi Complicate the
Ewec.etarj's Coiiticn
He rassrs rolrly Oco I MaM III
Hospital Hi Boston and hoi
o Symptoms for the
BOSTON, Jan. 30. The following bulletin
' on the condition of et-Governtr Long was
laaued at 6:30 thli morning:
Governor 1-ong has hart three hour or
!ieep during the night. helds several
nap" The klrlnevs are a little more active
and he la certainly holding hla own.
Temperature, 101 2: nnle, H: respiration.
Although Mr. Long came to the hospital
two weeks fgo with catarrh of the bladder.
It was not until Tuesday that his condition
became at all unfavorable
At that time symptoms of the grip set
In and Dr. Hugh Cabot, who had been at
tending him, called the family pByslclan.
Dr. J. Wlnthrop Fpooner of Hlgham. Later
I)r. E. O. Cutler of thta city was also taken
Into the case.
On Wednesday the patient became mildly
delirious and a new complication In the
failure of the kidneys to perform ' their
f'inctlona set In. Since then tho physicians
have been fearful of uraemlc poisoning.
At 10:30 this forenoon the following bul
letin was issued by the physicians In at
tendance upon Mr, Long:
Mr. Long hnd a fairly good night. Hla
condition this morning shows no symptom
for the worse and he baa held hla ground.
At 4:30 an official bulletin was Issued
by Drs. Cutler and Cabot as follows:
"Mr. Long has passed a comfortable day.
There la little change In hla condition, but
what there 13 Is for tho better."
Mate of Maryland Inatltatea Strlot
Qoarantlae to Prevent Fever -Spreading.
BALTIMORE. Jan. 30. Acting upon the
recommendation of ithe state live stock
sanitary board, Governor 8mtth today
signed a proclamation forbidding the Im
portation of cattle Into Maryland from
i . i i
Capital, $50,000. Reference, Stats Nat. Bank of Nsw Orleans
928 Canal St., New Orleans, La. 280 Broadway, New Yolk
S2i Uon 817
Our Three-Horse Play Daily at New Or
leans Gets the Money,
Here is our record in full last seven days' racing.
Every horse played for our three-horse per day followers
is given below, showing the losers, as well as the winners.
Look the list over:
23 Ha user, 5 to I
23 If You Dare, 13
23 Tioga, 4 to 1
24 St Roche, 8 to 1
24 Jessie Jarboe, 10
21 .... .Scotch Plaid, 10
26 rUmselle, 8 to 8
26...... Hazel tl, 15 to 1
26 Potheen, 1 to 2
27 Paramount, 2 to
27 Jerry Hunt, 7 to
27 Ahmuda 2 to 5
28 John Peters, 7 to
28 Satin Coat, 8 to
28 Scotch Plaid, 4 to
29 If-You-Dare, 9 to
29 Harry New. 4 to
29 Chickadee, 2 to S
30 St.Cuthbert. 1 to
30 Aransas Pass, 6
30 Bean. 4 to 1
Xet Profit on a f!0 Play on Each Hor$e, tf0, After Deducting All Loots.
Prospects next week are brilliant for a series of
coups, such as the Scotch Tlaid killing we made at 10
to 1 last Saturday. We invite you to join us.
To obviate leaks over the wire, and to prevent anyone' from thwarting our
planned dally coupa, we are ourselves placing, through the foremost book
maker of the country, Mr. Sol. Liechtenstein, all of the money our clients wager
on our selection
Nothing Is communicated over the wlrea by ua before the races to our
subscribers. As a symbol of good faith, however, the day's selections are placed
In a aealed envelope, addressed to each subscriber, and put in the mail at the
New Orleans Ueneral Postolttce at 1 p. m. dally. We guarantee that no horse
will b played for any client, eacept the name of that horse has been mailed
to htm In an envelope bearing the New Orleans postmark not later than i . m.
of the day the races are run. After the races are run New Orleans clients
ran learn at our New Or lean office the names of the horses Mr. Ltchtensteln
has been instructed to play. New York clients can learn at our New York of
fice, and out-of-town clients will receive the news by telegraph. If they so or
derall telegrams at cost of subscriber. In addition, we undertake to place
In the hands of the K.lltor of the New Orleans IT KM before the races the se
lections the money will be played on, and also to advertise next morning the
names of the horaes In the New York DAILY AMERICA, which la the recog
nised racing authority of the country.
For the security of persons to whom oit fame and financial atandlng are
unknown, and who wish to follow u at New Orleans, the Maxim & Uay Co.
refers to the State National bank of New Orleans and turfmen generally.
The fae for our three-horae wire Is $10 'weekly. Mr. Sol Llchtenatein s
charges for placing your money at the track are 6 per cent of the net weekly
winnings. Statements are mailed you weekly, with check for any profits .Ac
counts accepted subject to withdrawal by you on telegraphic notice to that! ef
fect. Official closing odds, as published In the New York DAILY AMERICA,
the recognised racing authority of the east, are guaranteed.
The following are the minimum sums that are accepted for betting:
For a 15 daily play on each horse 3'
For a $10 dally play on each horse til
For a t'JO daily play on each horse KM
For a Ml daily play on each horse 18
'ur a V dally play on each horse
For a I too dally play on each horse tJO
For larger auma, in proportion. One week s information fee of A0 must
accompany all betting accounts. , -
Remit direct to the Maxlra Gay company. MS Canal street. New Orleans
All accounta received by the Maxim & Gay Co will tie played at the track
by Mr. HoL Llchtenateln or some other agent of the Maxim A Uiy Co., and the
Maxim Gay Co. will make all accountings direct to Its clients. The Maxim
Oay Co. assumes all responsibility for a proper execution of its clients'
Our friends are cautioned against sendlnj money through the malla with
ut registering. No checks accepted unless certified.
. terrltoiy south of an Irregular line; run
nine; from 1h northwest corner of Cali
fornia to ths northern border of Virginia.
This a'on la taken aa a precaution
stalest splenetic or aouthern ferer. The
: prohibition iiill lout from January 81 to
November 1.
Ora-anlse M-aa Meetlast pnd ero
Lobby to Oppose Missouri
ST. LOL'IS, Jan. 30. A call has been Is
sued for a man meeting of colored cltl
tens, to be held In this city on February
1. to protest against the passage of a bill
enforcing the use of "Jim crow" cars on
Miskourl rMlroada.
In addition to this, prominent colored
men from all over the state are requested
to assemble at Jefferson City on Tuesday,
February 3, and appear before the house
committee having the bill In charge.
Drlrbea moke and Fire at Freqaent
Interval and People Are Be
coming Alarmed.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30 The vol
cano Isalco. In the Central American re
public of Salvador, has Increased in ac
tivity and there is fear of an eruption.
I For aeveral months the volcano haa been
smoking, but now Are laauea from the
crater and Is accompanied by rumblings.
The officers of the steamer City of
Panama report that the volcano belches
emoke and fire at intervals of about fifteen
Golf Stream Goea Aahore Sear tape
May In a Hears' Fob bat
Moderate Wind.
PHILADELPHIA Jan. 30. The Clyde
line steamer Gulf Stream, from New York
for Philadelphia, is ashore eleven miles
north of Cape May. It is expected to bp a
total losa. A moderate southwest wind is
blowing with a heavy fog.
Gulf Stream left New York yesterday and
It Is presumed stranded during the night.
The crew of the vessel was removed In
ssfety by the .life-saving crew.- The
steamer carried no passengers.
Last 7 Bays
to 2 Won
to 1 Lost
to 1... Won
1 Lost
2 Lost
10 Won
2 3rd
5 .' Won
10.... 2nd
5 2nd
2 Won
to 5 Won
Dun Saji Bail roads' Effort to Relieve
Famii:e Restricts Distribution.
Steel Works Aloae Infer Ileeaaae of
Determination to tarry Coal to
Freeslnaj tastomers at
All llasards.
NEW YORK. Jan. .-H. O. Dun Co.s
veekly Review of Trade tomorrow will
Domestic trade and Industry continue to
firosper. while the fuel situation has grown
ess distjrbing through the special efforts
of transporter, aided to no small degree
by mild weather. Distribution of other
products has been restricted by the riis
trlminatiun In favor of coal and shippers
are Importune. Clearance pales are about
ended, leaving only small stinks of winter
goods Advance burlness In spring deliv
eries Is heavy ami fall contracts are also
plaoeu liberally. At some places the har
ness season opens favorably. In most
cases where there is delay on fuel account
manufacturing plants are busy, though
cost of materials and labor Is high. Firm
prices for finished products are conse
quently to be expected. Favorable returns
of railway earninga are constantly issued,
flgj'es thus far available showing an In
crease of 5.7 per cent over last year and
17.9 per cent over 1W1.
Miles of Kael f are Idle.
Miles of loaded cars and thousands of
tons of coke piled in the yards at Con
nellsvllie tell the story of conditions In
the Iron and tteel industry. Furnaces are
closing becuuse of the fuel shortage. Hv
giving coal, live stock and perishable goods
precedence railrtitd.a liclied consumers
everywhere, but at the expense of the lead
ing manufacturing Industry. Manv plants
are closed or running on part time, nnd
few orders' for distant delivery are cither
sought or ottered owing to the uncertainty
aa when normal conditions will prevail.
It Is stated that dell'-?rles of pig Iron to
the leading consumers nre several months
behind and spot Hessemer has risen, and
there is much Irregularity, as evidenced
by the decline In cast pipe. Locomotives
are being turned out of the shops with
record-breaking rapidity and ether railway
equipment Is In eiur.Hy good demand, while
strietviral material is still a feature. Manv
additional contracts for bridge building are
Footwear la Firm.
Footwear is firm, with nn advancing ten
dency, although list prices are without
chanaes. New business is light, but most
factories have nbundant orders on hand
nnd there are many hiiyers In the market.
Roth sole and upper leather are more ac
tive, shoe factories taking freely, espe
cially of hemlock sole, liuyers have also
recovered their wunts for several months
as to oak backs, and calf skins are selling
freely. Large quantities of Chicago p icker
hides rold at unchanged prices, and for
eign dry hides are strong.
A better Inquiry is noted for cotton goods,
yet sales are not materially increased, ow
ing to the IndiHposition of selle rs to accept
contracts. A number of lines have ad
vanced In price, the upward movement of
raw cotton having a natural efTeet.
Men's wear woolens and worsteds for
fall are now fully opened and buvers oo-
erate more freely. There Is no e.'ldence
of speculative activity, which emphasizes
the wholesome condition of the market,
and many lines have been withdrawn.
Fall ires for the. week numbered 24,1 In
the Cnlted States, against 31 last vear,
and 3U In Canada, compared with to a "year
a so.
Business for January la, Far In Ad
vance of. Expectations.
NEW YORK, Jan. SO.-Bradstreefs to
morrow will say: Tride developments In
January confirm the sanguine expectations
and predictions made at the outset of the
month. Wholesale and Jobbing trade in
spring dry goods, millinery, boots and shoes
and hats Is improving steadily, Januarv
Jobbing business in the leading cities east
and west being the best ever recorded In
that month. ,
Shipments on orders are larger and ear
lier than in preceding years. Retail trade
imports are hardly so favorable. I'nsea
aonable weather dulls retail distribution In
this line, and the usual Januury clear
ing sales are attracting less than ordinary
Among the Industries no sign of flagging
activity is noted. Iron and steel produc
tion Is at Its highest point, despite fuel and
car shortages, and prices are higher. Ac
tivity In lumber is noted the country over.
Tho car shortage trouble increases rather
than grows better. Smaller than expected
movements of grain and lumber to market,
of fuel from producing centers to consum
ers and of general merchandise from whole
salers and Jobbers to retailers are reported
the country over. Preference is still be
ing given to coal shipments, and some rail
roads are reported refusing all dead freight
outside of fuel.
The shoe trade Is more or less quiet and
leather is likewise, east and west.
ine strength In cotton gooda la In reality
the main reason shown for the advance
mis weeK in tne raw cotton market, though
smaller than expected receipts, better ca
bles and the strength of spot cotton in the
south are all assigned in support thereof.
Woolen aoods for next full are helnir of.
dered In fair quantities, while mills are
reing pusnea lor spring deliveries. Raw
wool continues Htroiia- and iiricea ara u
flood tide.
The Iron trade la renorted rather 'mrlet
and conservatism Is freely practiced. Buy
ers are no doubt backward, because much
of the bjsineas of last year was done at
old low quotations. A significant feature
Is that pig iron prices have been marked
up $1 per ten In all leading markets, and
lower rices so rreely predicted are
yet to materialize, notwithstanding the
fact that production at present Is In excess
of the largest ever before reported. The
next few weeks fbould contain develop
ments important both to producers and
consumers. Copper is strong and shows a
steadily advancing tendency.
Public building salea of structural bars
and platea have been large. Bur iron hag
advanced 11 per ton.
neai, inciuaing nour, exports fir the
week ending January aggregated 4.420,
O hushela, against 3,535.75; last week,
3, i02,3ti8 In this week a vear am anri a 77t -
Out) in 1901. Wheat exports since July 'l
KsiegaiB ivs.ow.Ka ouanels, against Its -34ti.lstJ
last season and 115,8.646 In 1D0O. '
ciuiii la aggregate ,M.i.!r Dushels.
against J!,:i.683 last week. 427.01ft a year
ago and 2,847,707 In 1901. For the fiscal
year exDOrts are 20. 400. Soil hn.h.i.
21ll.St last season and 115,395, 364 'in 19til.
jiupiiicbb inn ires in tne united States
for the week endinir Juniiaw 9o . . . v.
230. against i3 last week, 303 In the like
.,e?kJri,li' JSJ" ,Jm- 171 ,n 1900 nl 7
In 1S99. In Canada for the week 30. attainst
ti last week.
Eastern League Adjourns with o De
cision on Most Debated
NEW YORK. Jan M Th i
base ball magnates ad iiuirn-.t n,.i. . t. ......
days' session tonlKht without settling the
circuit question and without adopting the
j.i iru nsirrmeni oinuing the organlxa-
- ii'Brinrr lur any lerm vi vears
Regarding the Baltimore flenl rnmmll.
tee including President P. T. Powers was
niiuuinieu wun lull oower to net I, . ,u
the general impression mnni the mmrnaiua
after the adjournment that Baltimore would
ue bivii ine irancnise.
President Powers announced that a meet
ing of the board of the Natlonl ....,.!..
tlon of Professional tias n.. n i,,.
would be held In New York within the nxt
ten days to discuss and formulate plans
and decide what stand the areat minor
leaaue oraanizanon win tnic in ih.
Ina conference between the two hla leaoiiu.
i wmeii a new naiiunai agreement la to be
Mr. Powers also Said that a meeting ,,f
the rules committee cjnslstlng of Presidents
junnson, ruiiium ana Powers would be
held as soon as Johnson arrived from the
Automobile Show Opens,
LONDON. Jan. 30 Tha anlomnl.llo
which opened at the Crystal paluce today Is
ujr ir ine largest ever neiu in this coun-
iry. ueiween ihju and cara are ex
hibited, besides 12o circulating on the
grounds for the use of prospective pur-
i na'i B.
Omaha Beaten at ttlvas City.
6IOCX CITY. la., Jan 3ft -(Special Tele
gram The Sioux City High school de
feated the Oniulia Utah schuol In a basket
ball game by the store of 21 to 1. The
game was close up to the last minute. A
large crowu witnessed tne contest.
Ire Yarht Hmatta.
KALAMAZOO. Mich.. Jan. JO After an
exasperating wait of ten days vachisman
iouou iu tea ou uuu iaaa m gxij condl
tlon today for the Interratlonal Ice yacht
regatta. This morning there was too much
of a gale for the boats to venture oit. but
the first event of the Mlrhlaan champion
thlp will be sailed this afternoon.
Lincoln Sends Two Superior flasket
Hall Teams to fMay In
Lincoln basket ball teams came to Omaha
last night and carried away two games
from the two teams of the Young Women's
Christian association. The games were
played at (lermania liall before an audience
which packed the available space to over
flowing and so demonstrative In its ap
plause that the referee had at one time to
threaten to call the games unless the spec
tators were mor. orderly In their manlteMa
tlonS of feeling.
The first game was between the Young
Women's Christian association team of Lin
coln and the second team of the local
association. Before the game was fairly
under way It was found that the Moor was
too slippery for good work and this seemed
to Increase as the night advanced. The
second game was between the girls' team
of the I'nlversiiy of Nebraska nnd the
first team of the Omaha Young Women a
Christian association.
In both games the visitors demonstrated
that they were not only better drilled, but
were faster and more certain than the
local teams. In tne first game the Omaha
team Improved with the km me. and In the
second half made a remaraably good show
ing. All through tne games roius were ire
quent, Omaha getting the worst of the
touls. this heinx shown In the first half
of the second game, where out of eight
points four were made on tree throws by
the visitors anil four from the field, the
same as made bv the Omaha fm. The
llr.eup of the first game was as follows:
Omaha- 14 191 Incoln
Alice Stevens center Maud Millard
Florence I'armalfe. center. .... Bertha (Irltlin
Ethel Marshall. ..forward Helen Torbltt
Alli Baker forward H. Hutchinaon
Mary I.lrd guard. ...Ruth Woodsman
F. fticIJonaid guard Bess Kaley
Referee: Miss Anna Barr. Vmplres: Miss
Patterson of Brownell Hall and Miss Ma
comber of the high school.
Lineup of the stcond game:
Omahu-9 lS-lnlverslty
Caroline Flhlger. . .center. . .Pearl Archibald
Ethel Iirancc... .forward Minnie Jansa
EiH.h Mathls forward Edith Craig
Thvra Brandt guard Elva Sly
Edith Baker guard Alice Towne
Referee: Mis Woodsnall. I. mplres: Miss
Tatteron and Miss Macomber.
rw Orleans Horse Kvrerve nnd la
terfere with Others, Thus
Latins Money.
NEW ORLEANS, Jan. Srt.-Dlsquallfica-tions
altereu the results of today's racing
materiallv. Both Balm of Gilead and Pay
the Fiddler swerved In the final struggle
o' their lis'iectjve races and Interfered
to such an "extent with the contending
horses that they were disqualified. Pay
the Fiddler was the only beaten favorite.
The Texas colt, Arnnsas Pass, made a
good show of his company In the baby
race and landed a good stake for his peo
p'e, Muxlalla has been sold to J. Glvc.i for
Weather fine; track good. Results:
First race, six furlongs: .. St. Cuthbert
won. Automaton second, Versifier third.
Time: 1:44 1-5. M .
Second race, selling, six and one-half
furlongr: Aracne won. Little Jack Horner
second, Frank Kenny third. Time: 1:22 3-5.
Third race, 2-year-olds, three furlongs:
Aransas Pass won, Miss Holady second,
Alcorn R. third. Time: 0:36'.
Fourth race, selling, mile and one-sixteenth:
Optimo won. Chickadee second,
Flaneur third. Time: 1:52.
i.ifth race seven furlonas: Balm of Gil
ead finished first, but was disqualified;
Frank Rice won, Duke Baanaway seconu,
Nx third. Time: 1.30.
. sitih race mile and nneigixteenth: Pay
the Fiddler finished first, bjt was dis
qualified; Pollv Blxby won. Bean second.
Swordsman third. Time: 1:52.
Oakland llnrdles Lifted.
RAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 3D. Showers fell
at Intervals today and the track was
sloppy at Oakland. In the six and a half
furlongs handicap Kenllworth took up 131
pounds and won easily rrom princess Mi
tania and Yellowtall. Stuyve was prac
tically left at the post.
Owing to thei condition of the track the
hurdles were dispensed with.
weather rainy; track slow. Results:
lrt race. ' eleven-sixteenths of a mile.
selling: Isabelllta won. Tom Mitchell sec
ond. Clarlnette third. Time: 1:11.
Second race, one mile, selling: Harry
Thatcher won. Nellie Forest second, Ed
Adack third. Time: 1:44.
rhlrd, mile and a quarter: Favorlta
won, Poorlands second, Duke of York
third. Time: 2:19.
Fourth, one and three-sixteenths- of a
mile handicap: Kenllworth won. Princess
ritanla second, yellowtall tnira. Time:
Fifth, six fourlongs. selling: Evander
won, Wartenlcht Becond, Champagne third.
Time: 1:17.
Sixth, mile and a sixteenth, selling: Au
tollght won, Dotterell second, Dupont
third. Time: 1:504.
With the Bowlers.
The first and second teams of the Omaha
High school played at the Western alleys
last night, the first team winning three
straight. The score:
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Pierce 164 1W 1H9 493
Oreenleaf 173 ltil 13 517
Munger 178 144 14S 470
Sterrlker itw hi n
Benson 125 218 208 549
.... 807 807 849 2,463
1st. 2d.
3d. Total.
132 403
114 3:i
126 402
159 4:7
1K7 606
136 .
Wilcox ,
Barker ..
Totals 751 C74 718 2,143
Women Golfers Stay at Home.
krw YORK. Jan. 30 At the fourth an
nual meeting of the Woman's Metropolitan
Golf association the following officer were
elected: President. Mrs. W. Fellowes Mor-
fan, Baltusrol; vice president, Mrs. Wll
lam Shlppen, Morris County Golf club;
treasurer. Mrs. f. wii-anam. nninne-
cock Hills Golf club; secretary, Mlsa Ruth
Underbill; Nassau Country ciud. ine com
mittee appointed to consider the advisabil
ity of sending a woman's team abroad re
ported adversely.
Disaster Mara Steeplechase.
LONDON. Jan. 30 The Stewards" ateeple-
chaBe wa won today by Fanciful. Pat
rick's Ball and Haltator 11 fell in tne w ey
hridire Hteetiln chase and both horses.were
killed. Nightingale, the Jockey who as
riding' Saltator 11, was carrieu off the
course unconscious. King Edward at
tended the race.
Tarklo Man Cam After Jar of Fruit
aud Is Swallowed Ip In
TARKIO, Mo.. Jan. 30. (Special.)
Henry Bunny, a prominent resident of
Fairfax, was burled beneath a cave-in of
dirt In a "cyclone cellar" yesterday after
noon al 1 o'clock. The body was not re
covered until 3 o'clock and life was ex
tinct. Two yean ago a cyclone destroyed con
siderable property in this section of the
state and slncj that time tbe people have
bad a fear of storms.
Fruit was kept in this rave and Bunny
had gone In after a Jur of tomatoes when
the crash came.
Eceentrle Capitalist Leaves Peculiar
Directions In Will for Lis
OAKLAND, Cal, Jan. 30. The will of
Amos McCartney, an eccentric capitalist
who died on January 23, bas Just beea
opened. It directs tbat no religious erv
Ices be held at bis funeral, but suggesti
that a band of niuaic be provided for tbi
entertainment of the mourners.
The rstate. which is left to bis dauah
tr includes valuable DroDertv on Ri
Faring Island. In tbls state, realty In Kansas
City, (.000 acres of land In Missouri, real
estate in cuicago, ccsiaea aloe kit, bond
and niortjhgea.
Much Valuable Machinery Destroyed by
Accident at Niagara rails.
Wreck In firest Power House Cripples
the Enterprises Depending; I p in
. It for Electric Current
to linn Machinery.
NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y.. Jan. 30. Fire
whlrh started by the explosion of one of
the big transformers In the power house
of the Niagara Falls Power and Conduit
company last night destroyed thousands of
dollars worth of valuable machinery and
doubtless will mean great loss to roost of
the big factories here, some of which must
remain Idle for weeks.
Tbe officers of the company were not
prepared to give an estimate of tbe dam
age, but they admitted tbat the situation
was serious and would badly cripple tho
many plants depending upon Niagara fall
power, not only In this city, but In Buffalo.
Lockport and Tonawanda. The Are Is said
to have been caused by lightning, which
prevailed throughout this section during
tbe nigbt.
Am soon as possible the work of replacing
the damaged cables was begun and tem
porary arrangements were made with the
Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Light
company, whereby power was secured for
operating the local and Iluffulo trolley line.
Twentv of the fifty-five factories at Lock
port, N. Y., are shut down owiag to the
lire. The newspaper plants and smaller
factories ore Idle and the street car service
is at a standstill except one line.
The fire waa caused by a bolt of lightning
which struck a cable with defective lnsu
latlon, causing a short circuit, which blew
up a transformer In the house.
BUFFALO, N. Y., Jan. 30. The trolley
lines In this city which get Mielr power
from Niagara falls were badly crippled
today, but by the use of storage batteries
a number of lines were operated, although
only a limited number of cars were run
A number of plants were without light
W. B. Rankin of the Niagara Falls
Power company said the early reports of
damage were exaggerated. A full complo
ment of power for Buffalo was sent at
noon and most of the local users were
fully supplied. Tower bouse No. 2 was not
Injured and no machines, save some In
the transfoi-mcr house, were damaged.
The company had cable on hand to re
place the 7.000 feet burned out. The loss
waa in the neighborhood of $25,000.
Temperatnre Drop Thirty-Seven De
er era In Twelve Hours at
CLEVELAND, 0., Jan. 30. The Weather
bureau thermometer here recorded a drop
of 37 degrees during the twelve hours end
ing at 7 o'clock this morning. At that
bour the mercury marked 23 above zero.
With tbe cold wave came a fierce flfty-
five-mllc-an-hour northwest gale and heavy
snow squalls. Tbe high wind made much
trouble for tbe telephone and telegraph
ST. PAUL, Jan. SO. Today was one of
the coldest of the eeason. Unofficial ther
mometers registered 14 below. The official
temperature at 7 o'clock tbls morning was
9 below.
Minnesota Jndgres Direct . Suit Com
menced for Former Major's
Mall Money.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Jan. 30.Judga
Harrison, speaking for the district bench
today, directed County Attorney Boardman
to commence suit to collect the forfeited
bonds of Former Mayor Ames and to make
every effort to secure his arrest and return.
The bondsmen arc Thomas Lowry, Fred
Schick, W. T. Boutelle and W. R. Johnson.
They are liable for $10,000.
The Stage Coach
of Henry Clay's time often carried
famous Kentuckians. Rare Old
Sunny Brook was sure to be in
evidence because everyone knew
that it was distilled in the good
old honest way and that its match"
less flavor and natural purity
made it an Ideal stimulant.
Not aged, colored, or flavored
by artificial chemical processes.
JcBanaa Ceasty. Ky.
J. P.
Those stifferinir from weak
nesses which sup the plesmirea
of life ahould take a dollar bot-
tie of Juvcn Pill. One bottle
will tell a story of marvelous renulta ana
create profound wonder. This medicine hi
more rejuvenating-, vitalizing force than has
ever been offered. Sent by ninil in plain
package only on receipt of this adv. and tl. IB
This i U worth of medicine for one dollar.
jlade l,y it nriginstors ('. . I loud Co., pro
prietor Hn'.ii Siranaril)a. Ixjwell. Mm'"
I'm Biff U for unnatural
d i(M-hart.lD dam m at iui,
Irrtiatiuba or ulririoDi
of mucoas mtOibiabv.
Paiiiiaan, aod nul uiao-
(ui or axHMjnuua.
set. MfciSy
A j oaaatM U
M lt'wlu,7)lll
.-A titamuTi.i Vl ltroaa-uia.
t. S. . 1 or In pi.ia wrappar.
"""Va! ', " "' W 74
m tmulw saai a layswU
8n! at sit flmt-elina
I Flavor J
A Simple Homo Treatment Which Novor Fails
to Restore Full Strength and
Vigor of Youth.
if, 'F I
There la no loncer any iir(l lor meu to auilr
from lost vitality, nlghi Iokhud, vamurelu, vie,
hen It ran Im turerj nlmopi like iiik'c In t li
pitvajr of our own home and raatur iiriiall weaa
urtfiiiM to full ti rftifc-th and vigor of youi!. by a
Iniulu imelv whiili auy mau can ut. Simply
Mid your nam and adrcta to the Dr. Knapp
aledi'ul Co, 20h Hull building, 1p trull, Mich,
and iliey will gladly wnd you the Ihxrior'a full pr
a rip uon fr and everything neceeMtry fur a quick
aud luKlIng cure.
The fuliowing, taken from their dally mall, ahowi
ahat nten av who have taken advantage of thii
grand free nfftrr:
' !ear Hira Flfaae grrrpt my etneere thank lor
youra of recent data. 1 bava given your treatment
On tccount of Its frightful hliieo jsi.rsa IUoihI I'oIminIiik Is commonly called
ths Kii.K of all DNeams. H May lt tithi-r h-Trdltary or contracted once the eya.
tm Is tainted Willi u. tne umcaae nnv
Xv7en.u, Klieumau.: fains, nun ur nwuiu-n juinin. rrijpiioti or copper
Biots on the Kur-i or liody, 11 1 1 1 VU'-rs, in the Mnuth or on tho Tongu
T h-oat. Swollen Tonsils, Kallln Out of Hair or t)y-lro.a, and flnal'v a 1,
tl.: Tains Btlft or Swollen Joints. fcriiptlotiH or Copper Colored
ilka uecuy ut in r imh uu uun.- , ,, ui mrrct or similar aymp-
toins, art HltuWN H UIAJQV CV.M. Immediate!. This tiYiWimn: Is piartlcally
the resjlt of llf work. It rcmtiiin- m tl.u.K'-roun drues or oilier (njufloua iiiuulmnes
of anv kind, it goes to the very l.ottom of the ol.tute and forces out every
imrtlrlM of impuritv. noon every i-ijin
forever. The blood, th tissue, the
cleansed, purtrieu ana rwiui i io yinei i i u, nnu ine paiirni preiari anew
for the. duties and pleasures of life. HKOWN'S lil.Oon CI' K K. U,W a bottle
lasts one month. MADE EY PH. BROWN, 95 Arch Street I'hlladeiphla.
Hold wuly lr kberwau at Met onarli Jirait Co., JUtU Deist Ms.. Dana ka.
J3JSH. .UVIA'T1. .-ADS Sga
f Faultless
I Quality J
I Best By
I Every Test J
cafea sn1 r Jobbers.
BON, Baltlmora, aid.
a thorough teat and the bent ill haa bee extraordi
nary. Jt haa completely braced me up. 1 am J net
ua vlgoroua aa heu a boy and you cannot realt
how hanpy 1 am."
"Dear Hire: Your method worked beautifully. Ht
aulta were exactly what I needed, tfireugth and
vlRttr have completely returned and t ulargeukant la
entirely ati(a;-.ury.
"Dear blre.--Youre waa received end f had nv
trouble In making uae of the racvlpi aa d. reeled,
and can truthfully aay ll la a boon to weak man "
Dmi't amp aid wonder ho they can afford le
do al thth. hut Bond today; the offer la genuine,
and the pr -riptlon will be aent by return mail lu
a perfectly plain envelope, aheolutely free, )ut aa
stated. Write today, and aoon you'll be cured.
manurai ueir in tun form of Scrofula
ue. Mora
mm r-juipiuiu uisappear co;iipl'tely and
lic-ah. ttt and the wholi a) nam are