2 TIIK OMAHA PA1LY TlF,fh SATURDAY, -JANUARY .11, 1003. corrupt boHr, and In th" rase of the pres rmt Nehmka IrjcWiature I think have . t rf ni'-n. the van n.rlirl'y of honi ire rf a hirli standard of nn rallt jr and inf rl!!nr. and far removed frnm urh influent ps rre too often brouuhl to b-r In lawmaking- holii. "In rhort, I think e lll sneered In n'ttlng our bill throuEh the l"Rlrlal urr. Il la right. It la fair an I It la Just. It or):s to remove an Iniquitous burden from tht i boulder of the people of Omaha, and !ea n' t contemplate a (tingle hardahii to a riril'i person or corporation. Why lihoiil.ln t It pars? "The railroads have failed utterly, to even meet our argument, murh lees ron irovert them and their very failure, with nil the tr.r'nlnus power at their rnm i.iand, oiiKht to have some weight In ron xln'lng the tnembora of this legislature nf the Justice ol our position, th corrcctnosa of our argument and the utter absurdity of those of our rpponenta. The railroads are fighting this Mil flmply because It is fnlr -nd l,o(8u:o If pnRaed It will ftrco them to r-.eet their Just obligations as every other taxpnyer In Omaha hna to io. They fight i. II such moves designed to prevent tax evaalon." Ijincaaltr Meiubrrs Favorable. A member of the real estate exchange, while cxpresBlug the belief that the bill would ultimately pnaa, was a little less tanguine than Mr. Mcintosh. He had heard intimations that the Lam-aster coun'y del egation in the house an 1 senate was in imical to the bill, and fen red the old counted on from thla factfon wouM not be forthcoming But from Interviews with lieinberB of that delegation It appears thit thla gentleman was Incorrectly advised. One of the Ijanoaatrr county senators, asked about thla matter, said: "We are heartily In favor of this move ment. We have endeavored and are still i ndeavorlng to bring about the came stale of affairs In Lincoln, for hero we aro as j really Imposed on by the railroads .in the matter of .municipal tax evasion as are the. I oopln of, Omaha. Any member of our del1 pgation who would oppose this bill would bo do'i'x .. wrong and antagonizing the. wishes, of HQ per cent of the peoplo of Lin coln. '1 fully believe that If put to a. vote this question would carry In Lincoln by a 80 per cent majority. "No, sir, we are not opposed to this bill, but .will stand by it to the last," be con tinued. Other members from the city of Lincoln made similar statements. The chief opposition of a sincere nature. to ula bill will come from country rm.m beray who believe In 'that fantasy so per sistently urged by John N. Ualdwin and his confederates, that It will have the effect cf raising the city taxes in Omaha and rt du".ug the tax reqelpts In other counties ot the state. Tkere Is no question that, vague and false as this argument Is, It has found lodgement In the minds of a good many. If lbs friends of thla measure can suueced In convincing these doubting Thomases of the fallacy of this they will have overcome the meat serious, in fact, the . only really serious obstaelo In thulr way. Co house member stated, to a corre- epoadent for The Bee today that he op posed the bill because be thought It con templated an Imp-actlcabli and unconsti tutional act, since the constitution provides the privilege asked by Omaha for all municipalities. i Some of Baldwin's Figure. John N. Baldwin, In his address before the Joint committee on revenue, mado the Kintement that the Union Pacific employed In Omaha alouo over 3.00J men and hud built, a magnificent depot at a cost of sorae thiti like ISOO.OOO. This was when he was endeavoring to show how much his road bad done for the c,lty ot Omaha, which, he argued, ungrateful Jor-tHe aufclla benetlts, BoW sought' tb Impond unjust burdens of taxation upon , the company. In this con nection Mr. Baldwin said that not a city '-;or "community' In the sf ate 'of Nebraska' but ; would be glad ot the opportunity to exempt 'the Union Paclflo from a slflgle dollar ot taxes for a period of fifty year If only' It could get what Omaha possesses by grace of this great benevolent corporation. This . was all said when Mr. Baldwin was trying , to show how Omatia was indebted to the Union Pacific, but wholly a different argu ment was resorted to when the railroad at torney undertook to prove that his com pany's terminals in Omaha had been over valued for purposes of taxation. Id thla connection, bearing In mind that Mr. Baldwin himself boasted ot ..he mag nificent depot erected at a cost of ISOO.OOO, thla array ot flgurna may bo of Intereat. They are taken from the .books In the atate auditor' office and are wnat the Union raclflc returned, under oath, as that part ot taxes which it had distributed over the state, citing this to combat the argu ment that It should now be compelled to pay Its proportion of municipal taxes. It should be understood that these figures were used by Mr. Baldwin last night in his argument and formed the real basis of bis remarks. The figures are these: 33.48 miles of roadbed, right-of-way and main track, at 3,(io per mile. .$100,443 kl.M miles or smetrarK ana turn outs, at ll.uoO per mile 66.5s acres depot grounds, a depots, at S9.6t5 t aectlon hoiisye, at 190.. 4 tool houSM. at ftl I engine house, at $40..., it'il'jo! 97.810 19.&74 270 24 41 5.000 740 640 , 10.R1U ltii 2o0 S1.673 1 roundhouse, at j,iM) coal houses I water tanks 23 otllces, dwellings, etc 6 stuck yards Furniture and fixtures Fuel, tios and other personal prop erty not heretofore enumerated.... These figures are suopoaed to 'represent one-sixth of the actual valuation of these properties, that being the basis ot assess SKI The Best is the Cheapest" A tatement which generally carries with it the apparent corollary that the best ' is also the most expensive, and to only indirectly the "cheapest." Gorham Silver however, although by common consent the best, really costs no more initially than a silverware which may imitate it in character but bears no manufac turer's name at all or one comparatively un known. All Gorham silver on the contrary is legibly impressed with the trade-mark. All responsible jawalara asp It (! triMJNQ ment. If they wer frrrect. if. they dl1 really represen' f n"-elxtn of actual values. hero w ould Mr. Ball win'' $MO,0"0 depot come In? The six depots are returned at a total of t.'.T. 9'in. Six tlmea this seareaate amount would be I34T-41. whl. h would have to i represent the actual valuation of the nix depot.,. But that would not be as much, by Irs than one-half, as Ui valuation of this single depot, to which Mr. Baldwin has dixteroufly pointed In order to carry his point. Or, look at the figures another ay. The returns show rath of the six depots valued times this, the at tho same. $3.6';.". Six cfore wm.M .lv. th. .. . r - - - I f pi.ied actual valuation of each depot, and this would mal-- that IsuO.tXiO edifice worth only a mere bagatelle $i7,9!'0. TANGLE OVER ADJOURNMENT Smote I'lnaMv Atrrri to Take a He. itm ItrHlniilna Tomorrow to February O. (Fron. a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN', Jan. 30. fSpedal.) With the lobby and floor of the senate thronged with representatives endeavoring o get the senate to concur In the house motion to adjourn until Monday morning, Feb runry( fl, nnd with the members of tho seriate revenue committee pleading and begging for the concurrence, tho senate pat-red a busy day. Finally, at 5 o'clock, after the Benate had voted to pdjourn until 2 o'clock Monday, bad reconsidered that proposition, bad voted to adjourq until 10 o'clock Thursday, and bad reconsid ered that proposition, It concurred In the house tnotlou. The debate on adjournment started this morning, when Brown of Keya Baha. chair man or the senate revenue committee and tho Joint revenue ccmnrfltee, asked for an adjournraeirt until February 9. , Howell of Douglas amended to adjeum untfl 2 o'clork Monday. During the .-discussion on tho amendment the clerk bl .the house an nounced that body bed dJorned for fc. week, the senate concurring. The amend ment was ftniilly carried, however. When the aenate reconv6nod in the after noon a motion was mado by Jennings of Thayer to reconsider and It was 'carried. Wall moved to adjourn . nhtll'll o'clock Thursday. This carried tnroxgb? V mis take of Brown, who spoke agaiiift it and voted for it. Wn Brown't rrnaje was first called he ask'ed to be passed The I vote stood 15 to 18 tor the motion,, when Brown voted aye, carrying the motion. As soon aa he realized what Jae hail done Brown explained that bt made a Julstakc and maved to reconsider.. This wis car ried by a vote of 17 to 15. j Brown then moved to concur In tie mo tion of the house to adjourn until llji'clock Monday, February 9. After muchfdebato the motion b carried by the fdjlowlng vote: ye Anuerson, jirown, Los, Day, Ha'.l of Burt, Hartlaon, Hedge, Jen Marshall, Norris, Peinberton, Rey Bhcldon, Sloan, I'mstead, WYoung; 17. Nays: Alden, Beghtol.? Brady. Fries, nlnt-s. noldi, total, Coffey, Dean, Clffln, Hall of Dougiaa. Hast ings, Haaty, Howell, O'Neill, SaLnders, Wall, Warner and Way; total, 15. H. R. 67, providing for-the purchase ot the Omaha water works by the elf?, was read a third time, passed and signed oy the lieutenant governor. At the morning session W. J. Bryan, Judgo Holcomb and Judge Walter A.' Clarlt of North Carolina were, sotiate visitors. Mr. Bryan was surrounded as "soon1 as ho came In the chamber. Lloutenani" Gov ernor McOilton called rreldnt Harrison to the chair and ehook bands with the distinguished visitors. They only remained a short time. The party also vlsUed the house and called upon the governojt, ; The senate adjourned after 4 o'clock'-untll 10 o'clock tomorrow. . , ...... H. R. 7, A bill to compel the city eouncll of Omaha to purchase, the ,watef. .works, was reported favorably, '" '' ' The following bills were reported cor rectly engrossed: - 8. F. 25, Giving citiea of the first and aecond class the right tq isnue bonds to establish heating and lighting plants; later read a third time and pasted. S. F. 96, for the appointment of an In surance deputy; later read a third time and passed. 8. F. 61, establishing fees charged cor porations and others for filing papers; later read a third time af(d pasbed. k S. F. S3, cutting down V jnvest&ent :in schools to give them power' of normal schools, was reported enrolled. 8. F. 60, authorizing county boards to make contracts for building bridges, was indefinitely postponed. s 8. F. 13, entitled "Roads." A new bin was substitute',! and referred to committee. The committee, appointed to confer wilh the house committee on adjournment recomrr ended that the senate adjourn t,0 day until next Thursday. Howell of Doug las moved that adjournment - bev until 2 o clock Monday. Amendment oarrled. 8. F. 82, entitled "An act to create a food commission," and 8. F. 83, providing penal 1 1 ... .j .. i . '. - ivi Bumirmuujj iuuu, were recom mended to be placed 6b. general file.' Hasting s resolution to have a committee appointed to ipvcstlgate Insurance com panies' taxes was called up and adopted. Afternon Session. Jennings of Thayer moved to reconsider motion carried this 'morning to adjourn un til Monday at 2 o'clock. The proposition was carried. Secretary Allen to the governor ' an nounced that Oovernor Mickey had signed 8. F. 10, to legalise issue of bond by cities of first and second class. Lieutenant Oovernor McOilton signed 8. F. 35, reducing school Investments to 150,000, to give school privilege of normal schools. H. R. 67, compelling the city council of Omaha to purchase Omaha water works, was read a third time and passed. Senator Brown moved to concur with the house resolution to adjourn to 11 o'clock Monday, February 9. Wall moved to amend to adjourn to 10 o'clock Thursday. By an aye and nay vote amendment carried by 17 to IS, Brown by mistake voting for amendment after speaking ' against it. Brown explained his mistake and asked to reconsider. This was carried by a vote of it to 15. Brown then moved to adjouru until 11 o'clock February 9r the house con curring. This was carried by a vote ot 1 to 14. " , Sloan's motion to adjourn until jto o'clock tomorrow was carried. Benate adjourned at 5:15. BIMe oa First Heading. 8. F. 133. by Pemberton of Gage .rmend atory of and supplemental to article ill of chepter 13 of the Compiled Statutes, and to provide for the election of a tax commis sioner in cities of the first class having mora titan Ave thousand C5.0o and lrsM than tweiily-rtve thousand .uou) Inhabit ant. 8. F. VM. by Hastings To amend sections ( and 7 of chapter uO of tho Complied Statutes relating to "liquors." 8. F. 135. by 1UII of linn (by request) To establish a military code for the state of Nebraska ami to provide for the organi zation, gcvrri.mcp.t and compensation of the iniltua and to provide for the tnroll- :ient of tho uiiorganueil n.ilitla. to on lorm with an act of the t nlusl Btates con grvaa "to provide the efficiency of the n. Ul na and for other pun oss." 8. V 16, by ll.iiiii.4s To romotn the I Independence of otra at u'.l.c e.o.ili ns. to enforce me wecrccy o: uie uut.oi. 10 pro- ide for the irctlrg and nonuiiKtlng of nil candidate lor ei-.lne oltlctk, except can didate to Pa cnooen at any ap i.u elec tion, or to vnshlp or precinct oricea or members of school boards l ot member t f ih boards of edjcatloti, by popular vote at primary elections and to provide for the uiantier of so doing; to provide what qual ilitalloii ax ntcvurr to entitle a person to vote at surh primary elertlm. In pro vide fr the placing ot the n.irms of run lllxte for ti.imlniiion upon the primary lei tlxn iinllot of th-lr iiolltlr.il party mid the t:Himr of so doing, end tn pro Irte-for the eelrctinB; an.! appointment of juiigej and clerk" to aerve nt euoh primary eiet tii.n. t provide f..r thn nntliif-atlim t nn. I1 T" t f ' ""' h, V-'Tnry ttnru. of th-lr nomlniitir- candidates for oflire to le ..ilel at any (. in I election and lor town ship ami precinct olflcs. and to provide for the i.rder ol plai ire tickets of political parties upon the l-ailot for pohlle eli i tlnn. Hini to iirovl.l.- for the printing and dietrt butlon of lullotM to lie ied ot pnhllc elec tions and prim rv election!, for nominating rHtiiliiiH tes for ntnee To lie voteil on at pub. '"' election nu pulille exper.ee; to regulnte '". i''rm:,""n 't ': parties an.l prevent I m 1 1 '1 upon the member of nnv party, t imer in piioiic elections or primary elections, and to provide for the pun'Hhmrnt for the violation of th same, and to repcnl ecc Ho,, 117, ll!. l.ii, 1J1, l-'. lit. U'4. K'.-.. l--a. liV.b, uic, li.il. l.e, 12:.f. u:g. Uh, 12-'l. lii), 12..k, Ii.M and Uti, 1J7. l. S3, l.:a. i.-a. i:, i:u. 1.14. l ' ., v.'M. i it. i.-.k, mm, h i, m, MJ.-l's, IU. 44a, 110, 117. 14.S. !. l.V), lol. InJ, l.'3, l.)4, 1 s, 1., l.iT, l..)i, lia nn l lfiu of chap ter 2ti of th Compiled SmuiteS ot Ni Iraskn for the lear P.tH. us now existing, and to repeal all nets or parts of acta in conflict herewith; pruvlde for nomination of ull state and local olllcus ut primary elections. REVENUE COMMITTEE WINS House Finally Accedes to Hnioeit to Adjourn I ntll Febrn ary O. . (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 30. (SpeclaM The spe cial house committee appointed to confT with the senate committee on adjourning to enable the Joint revenue committee to complete a revenue bill, reportd this m mlng that .the Joint committee recom mended adjourning until Monday, Febru ary 2. The report occasioned, a long and spir ited debate In the house. Member of the special .committee appointed to draft the revenue bill opposed the report, contend ing that adjournment until Monday next would not give them time to do tho work placed upon them. Sears of Burt, Wllsqn of Tawnee, Thomp son of MerrU'k and Loontls ot Dodge all vigorously denounced the report. Tliey wanted an adjournment until Monday, Feb ruary 9, at least, as the work of framing n revenue law could not possibly be done in leFS time. Rouse of Hall and Splnlock of Cass also spoke in their behalf. All maintained that the houso had crowdod upon tho Special committee the most onerous task of Ibis session, and that the committee ought to be given adequato time to complete this Important work and submit a bill which It could commend and support, and which If passed would be a credit to the legis lature and the state. The report of the committee was voted down, and another motion car. led that the committee be instructed to again .confer with the senate committee, representing that it Is the sense of the house to ad journ until Monday, February 9, at 2 p. m. Petition for Kevr Kxemptlon Un These resolutions were introduced by Christy of Nemaha: We, the undersigned residents, Voters, citizens, ttxpByers and metohants residing and doing buidussa In Otoe county, realizing that our present laws rrRardliii; exemptions aro unjust and detrimental to the mer chants' interests and to the best Interests oC society, aiding and abtltlna dmhonest tieople to Ignore and avoid tnelr honest debts, forcing merchants Into bankruptcy and causing hardship to' the people by an Increase of cost In their supplies, petition your honorable body to-armnd, modify or rep'-al our exemption laws to tsuch an extent at leaat thut the merchants may have eoiial proptectloti under the laws to any ptber plasa of citizens. WherenM. We have heard continued r-' ports of extnrtionat'j telephone charges, and as the aenate haa appointed a committee to in vest Inn t vuch churues and complaints. Therefore 1 move you that the speakeir'j of the house appolhv a committee' or tnn-e to investigate, and, repor.t on such pharses to this house. ; H. R. 100, by Gregg of Wayne, A bill proldtng the establishment cf not less thun three nor more than five Junior normal schools In western Nebraska, took up much tixne In the house this afternoon. Tho bill was recommended for passage by the committee of ' the- whole, after- tour attempts to, amend it were dcted Man Water Work Hill. I Speaker Mockett signed H. R. 67, by Gilbert of Douglas, the Omaha water works ;bill, which had passed both bouse and senate. ..." The senate at this lime tent in a com munication that it had voted to adjourn to. next Thursday, the house concurring. The house voted to refuse to concur In the senate' action. This resolution by Pear of Burt was in troduced: T mov thut from the time of this week's adjournment until February 9 the-regular order of luslncse urd:r tho fallowing named heads be dispensed w ith: Ri ports of corn mltteea, resolutions, introduction of - ollla, bills on first reading, bills on second read ing, bills on thlid reading, special order, miscellaneous business, unfinished business. And that members may be excused by tiling applications with the clerk. Mr Sears said the committee ought to be given time for Its work r discharged from lt duty, since It was Impossible for. It to perform the task assigned to It in three or four days. Ten Eyck of Douglas called attention to the Sears resolution adopted some lime ago, shutting off all appropriations, until the passages of a revenue bill,, together with the fact that the revenue committee, when appointed, was given fifteen days t" complete Its work, and did not complain, and that eight or nine daya of that time have gone, and yet no work Is done. . He was against a long adjournment. 'If this committee can't or won't get down to business, let individual members submit bills, or let us quit playing horse and drop the revenue bill altogether," laid Mr. Ten Eyck. . Kennedy ot Douglas urged that the com mittee be given the time It asked and put it on record before casting aspersions aa to its motives or intentions. Speaker Mockett stated that the resolu tion Just introduced by Sears would. It adopted, change the rules of the house; After nearly all the day had been con sumed in threshing over this matter a communication was sent in by the senate announcing Its concurrence In the house' action in adjourning Saturday until Mon day, February 9. The. Sears resolution, which was ac countable for forcing action by the senate. was withdrawn. Tho bouse adjourned until 10 a. m. to morrow. . . New Bills. H R. 262. hv Christy Authorizing the construction on the state fuir grounds of inc. nh building and one pjbllc comfort building with water closet ariangements, and to appropriate for such purpose the sum of fli.Kio. 11. R. 2t)3 by MeClay To amend section 13 of chapter l.xxxlia of the Complied Stat utes, eiillllea Boioiers ana suuorv. ito vldes for honorable burial ot ex-soldlers and sailors by county board at cost not .YcAeitlnir ItiO. H. K. 2'.t. by McClay (by request) For the relief of WUlurd R. KeWfer, a state house janitor, who fell and broke his leg Ai.nroi. i.itca X2.UUJ. II. K. Ctii, by Hurgess To provide for the erection of a fireproof butldknx In the city of Lincoln to be used aa a museum an.l lil rnry building by the Nebraska State Historical society Appropriates tVM. 11. K ;;. by Hogitfe by fiiue.t) To amend aectlon lJ, chapter VMLC ot titla il. Part' I!, of the Coda ot t ivll l'ro cedure. to provide that eeilons on wrlrren agreements or foreign Judgments may be gin any limu wiihin ten years from their U4te. lie tit limit U nve wars. H. ft. UOT. by Ten Kyck It.y request) To l.-.v ori oruie ci'.les of the first class, having Kb tti.iii ''o and more than u.uuo In hall, h i. This U the sj.uth Omaha char ter MM tndurke.l by Mayor Koulsky and the charter revision commission. It pro vides for the fumtin of Boating Indebted ness of KT.uuj. and therefore ibe div'e rate Ot WU'Itkl PAYNE FIGHTS OLD CLAIMS Oaih ii Voted by House of EepreffnU'.ivej on Any-War Bills. ICE AT NINETY CENTS PER HUNDRED .Mew lark Man .DalWcd fey Abaeateca Ileitis;' Arrested and Rcccaa Or dered Till Today, When Illd Are to Pass. WASHINGTON, Jan. 80. This was the las- private claims day ot this congress In the house, and members with bills on the calendar carried everything before them la committee of the whole. Forty five billa were artod on favorably, oesplte the efforts of Mr. Payne (N. Y.), the re publican floor leader, assisted by Mr. Can non (111.) and others to defeat some of them. Many of tho claims were old, dat ing back to the civil war, and a few orig inated prior to that time, the latter be ing for balances due for carrying malls in the south when the war broke out. -- Mr. I'ayne was insistent In his opposi tion to these,' calling attention to the fraudulent nature bf many similar claims In previous congresses. He expressed the opinion that all had been paid before,' but the members interested atood together rfnd voted him down every time he demanded a division! .There were several bllla to reimburse postmasters and Internal revenue collectors for stamps lost or'stolen. One was to pay the balance oft' a contract for ice fur nished Mho army hospitals in the Missis sippi valley during the war. The amount claimed Is $80,000, and Is for Ice at the rate of 90 cents a hundred pounds. Among the others were bills to pay George C. Elli son, an engineer aV the capital In the sev enties $5,000 for , the eost of defending himself against the charge of murder; to pax $o,000 to the widow of Samuel Muehl raan, one of the victims ot the old Ford theater disaster which collapsed on a num ber of governmeut clerks employed there. When the committee -of the whole re ported Mr. Payne Wockef: final action to day by making the point of no quorum. But the friends of -the claims refused to be balked. A recess woe ordered until tomor row at 10:30, -iii order to .continue today's session, and the aorgeant-at-arms and his deputies were sent' out to arrest and bring In absentees. It was 8 o'clock before the requisite quorum ws secured to carry the motion and let tha session go over until 10:30 tomorrow forenoon. SENATE - EULOGIZES M' MILL AN apeeehes Are,,Mavd In Honor of Pend Member nnd Adjournment ' Taken. WASHINGTON, Jan. 30-The chaplain of the senate In his prayer today referred to the late Senator McMillan of Michigan, the day having been sot apart to pay trib ute to the memory of- Mr. McMillan. At the conclusion; Mc Burrows (Mich.) called up the resolutions relative . to hl3 fcue colleague -and paid, an earnest tribute ta Bin memory,,., i AXlter- other, .speeches ' the senate adjourned- ..- IOWA "MAN' "UNDER v ARREST He 1 la Ciitred t'hllllcothe, to Sieallna; Mo., and Confesses AJuable Silk. ,i y bun rtilP nv ' CHILLICOTtWj.Mo.. Jan. 30. (Special.) -rrSaniiiel A Hite, Jft'oiing'. man giving :hls i home as -CeateiWiklPa Iov.was arrested In ! thla ctty-yeaterday afternoon on the charge , wa" also the view, ho contfnue-d, of the ot burglary... After helBg -In the "sweat 1 t'nlted States, which would be a long time box." for i-t wo - hours he confessed to bur- before making Itself responsible for a dls glarlzlng a dry igoods store 'at Breckln- ' orderly state like Venezuela, the Foreign ridge, this elate, and stealing silk to the j office had maintained intact Great Britaln'a amount of $W0 He named aa his accom- friendship with America, plice J. W...jGrJfHth, aeveral years hlB j Ird Cranborne concluded by declares senior, but tin latter denied rtht charge, j there is ho German r European alliance, Hlte in his confession said that he and 1 b,lt Great Britain is ready to co-operato Griffith were in tho employ of a Centerville w'th the powers not only In South America, man jand that ''when they robbed -a .store ! but Asia, Africa and Europe, the goods we-e either taken or shipped to 1 emphasizing the point that there was Mm. The Centerville man, according to-the j " alliance, but merely a co-operation with claim, ot Hlte,. disposed . of tha goods and Germany, Lord Cranborne strongly depre pald them for their work. I cated the attacks made by the British The young burglar gave a list of towns I press on Germany. He reminded the audi they had visited In northern Missouri and pn('e of Great Britain's resentment of Ocr- aouthern Iowa.' He eald he had been work- Ing for the last seven or elgat ' months and that during; That time they had stolen thousands of dollars worth of gesda. The local' authorities ' notified ' the au thorities at Centerville and asked that an Investigation be made. The police are ot the edict that they have made a very Im- th ,.f.,.. portant capture. They refuse to divulge the name ol the Centerville man. LINCOLN BULWARK OF CHURCH Presbyterians Tlalm Great President Paid 'Pevr Rent Rearnlarlr and Meldom'.MiSBcd Service. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Jan. 30. A celebra tion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Presbyterian church In this city was held today In the First churoh. George M. Black, for many yeara treas urer ot the Flrsi church, told of Abraham Lincoln's connec'ion with the church and of his promptness in paying the quarterly pew rent,, Attention was railed to the assertion PREACHER OUTWITTED. Ia Anotber Preacher's Family. "It Is-easy to sing the praises of Postura Fpod Coffee; In fact, I should he most un grateful did I hot," saya Mra. R. B. Wright, the wife of the minister or tne r irsi con gregational Church of Boise, Idaho "Five years ago' I was a nervous wreck and yet hard to convince that coffee Vas Injurious.. Postum was recommended by a -friend and found to be delicious and strengthening. In a short time my nerv ousneas left tne and today I am well and hearty without a moment's sickness. "My Dusband has boen relieved ' of bil iousness by its use and our eldest daugh ter, whd waa a delicate child, hat won derfully Improved In health. She' has gained in flesh and Is stronger than ever before In her life, while I scarcely know I have any nerves. The whole family, children and all, prefer Postum to coffee. "How sorry I feel when t hear any one say: 'I don't like Postum." I know they have not properly prepared It and have frequently suggested another trial four teaspoonfuls ot Postum to a pint of water, -which. must boil at least 15 minutes after boiling commences, have cups warm and servevery hot with good cream this is a cup fit fpr a king. "I know many who have been benefited from Its use; nervousness, dyspepsia, with countless other Ills, vanish when Postum beromea'ta family breakfast drink and coffee ta left out. "At our table recently, a clergyman was asked If he would not have his cup refilled He replied, "I never allow myself but one cup of coffee,' and when Informed that he had been drinking Postum. ha exclaimed. indeed, I will have another cup.' sur prised and gratified that he had been out wltted. This was considered a good Joke by the younger member ot the family. made by Herndon In his life of Unroln that he seldom attended church, and many of the older members bore testimony that Lincoln's attendance was regular, aver aging three Sundays out rf four. PEACE PARLEY HALTS (Continued from First rage.) titles It to International recognition. This was formally executed prior to the adop tion of force by the allies, and while Ven ezuela retained full Independence In the exercise cf Its sovereign right to mske a treaty. Therefore, It is maintained that this antedates rights arising from a resort to force. It Is not Insisted,-however, that this prior treaty settlement entitles France to prior ity in the division of the customs receipts, as the officials hold that all the powers having claims should receive equal treat ment. It was St flrt supposed that Great Drltnln, Germany and Italy took this view and thut the opposition came from the personal attitude of their representa tives. But tho latest advices indicate tho sympathetic attitude of the British ambas sador at Washington, Sir Michael Herbert; the German charge, Count von Quadt, and the Italian ambassador, Senor des Plan ches, who are restricted by their instruc tions. Full recognition la given of the evident fairness of Mr. Bowen. The oubject Is receiving careful consideration and there probably will be further negotiations to ward the presentation and acceptance (of the foregoing principles. Wnlllna to Hear frnm Castro. LONDON, Jan. Sh. President Castro's decision regarding the division of the Venezuelan customs is still awaited. The opinion expressed at the German embassy and endorsed at the foreign office here Is that if the president is as anxious as the powers to end the difficulty he would agree to give them the preference demanded. No protests on the subject of the prefer ences demanded by the allies have been received from tho other powers. It Is stated at the foreign office that a friendly exchange of opinions between the various European governments Would undoubtedly dismiss any misunderstanding over the allies' claims. Recently, it Is asserted at the foreign ofTtce, France arranged that ite Venezuelan customs grants of 13 per rent should be respected by the alllu. This the foreign office officials say will be done, but it Is pointed out at the foreign office and at th German embassy that aa France has so far received no payments under the agreement, It will doubtless see' the advisability ot accepting a reduced amount and Increased security. . r This, it ia stated, could be done upon the 30 per cent customs basis, as In six years, the payment period proposed, the claims of the allies would be more than wiped out, taking as a basis the average cus toms receipts, and the balance remaining would be applied to the clalma of France and other countries In tho proportion of, ray, 5 per cent of the customs receipts, un der the same guaranty which Induced the allies to promise to raise the blockade. NEW YORK, Jan. 30. Baron Speck von Sternberg, envoy extraordinary and minis ter plenipotentiary, from Germany to Washington, arrived today on the steam ship Auguste Victoria. Cranliorne Explain Alliance, LONDON, Jan. 30. Lord Cranborne, un der aecretary of foreign affairs, speaking tonight at the banquet of the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, sal' 'the govern ment's policy In Venezuela was dictated by determination to' defend the "'lnte'rerttil of British subjecta and that there was "no Infringement .of the Monroe doctrine. This : man criticism on the British operations In South Africa, and said: - "We ought to take care that we ourselves are not guilty of a similar fault against Germany." Germans Are Surprised. CARACAS. Jan. 30. The captain of the nnrm.n i.n,l... I"! - 1 1 ..V.I..1. I- i 1 ! " ";-""" ' 1 at Puerto Cabollo, on tho occasion of the German emperor'a birthday 'sent an Invlta tlon to the German colony to celebrate the flay on board the cruiser. All re fused; one, the head of one of the chief Germau firms at Puerto Cabello, answering: Tell the eantaln that his lnvltxtlon s ir. prises me under the present clrcumst.inres when Venesuela Is suffering from an un justifiable aggression on the part of Ger many. I will not attend nor allow any. of the young German clerks employed by my ntm 10 aiiena me ceiepration. PROMISES TO BUY FRANCHISE New York Charters Street Railway with Compulsory Purchase Clause. NEW YORK, Jan. 30. Mayor Low pre sented a statement to the Board of Esti mates today in favor of municipal owner ship of a s trot railway In the Bronx. The question of granting a franchise to a company came up and after the maysr bad ben heard It was awarded, with a pro vision which obliges tho city to buy the company's property at the end of fifty years. WYOMING FAVORS STATEHOOD I.raUlatnre at Cheyenne Adopts Me morial to Conirresa t rains; Passage of Bill. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Jan. 30. The legis lature today adopted a memorial to con gress favoring the omnibus statehood bill. HYMENEAL Mason-Charabera. NIOBRARA, Neb., Jan. SO. (Special.) The marriage ot Miss Sarah Minerva Cham bers and Mr. William Caton Mason ot Jollet, 111., took place at the borne of the bride's parents, Judge and Mr. Benjamin F. Chambers, last evening, Rev. E. J. T. Connolly, pastor of the Methodist Epis copal church, performing the ceremony. A large gathering of friends was present besides the father end mother of tbe groom and fther relatives ot tbe contracting par ties from out of town. Mr. Mason was the first assistant engineer of the Niobrara extension of the Fremont, Elkhorn & Mis. sourl Valley railroad. They will make tbelr home In Chicago. Zandrr-lloflmau. WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. 30. (Special.) William IL Zander and Miss Stella. M. Hoffman of Stanton were married by County Judge 8. S. Krake In this city on Wednesday. Tbe parties are well known young people of Stanton county and will reside there in the future. WATERS FLOOD STREETS Allegheny iivfr'g Riling; Tide - Tlirengh gharrsburg City. flows RAILROADS SUBMERGED AT PITTSBURG Stream I tlll Vive Fret llelow Dan ger Mark, but Train Have to Take Ronndnbnnt (irf Over .Innrtlin Koail. SHARt'Sni'HU. Pa., Jan. 30 The Alle gheny river la rising fast near Sharps burg, the lowlands along the river tonight being covered with several feet of water and at 10 p, m. the floods were within twenty yards of Main street, and rising through the side etrerta at the rate ot ten inches per hour. I'lTTSUlRG. Pa., Jan. 30. Tho rivers tonight are booming as a result of th heavy rains here and at headwaters, but river men, who should know, do not ex pect more than twenty-two feet at this point-, The flood stage Is twenty-four feet, but at midnight, with but 19.fi ..feet of water, the Pittsburg ft Western tracks on the Allegheny side are under water and trains are being handled over the Junction road. Because of the heavy Ice in the Ohio (oday no coal was stared south, but It la expected that by tomorrow the waters will W clear enough to allow boats to start. It Is expected that at least 4,000,000 bushels will be shipped on this rise. Dynamite Ice Barrier. ME ADVILLB, Fa., Jan. 30. French Creek has been blocked by an Immense Ice gorge for twenty-four hours and the lowar part of the city has been under water as the! result. The rhoenlx Iron works, the Meadvlllo Malleable Iron works and the Keystone View company were obliged to suspend operations. The gorge extends from Bu chanan Junction, three miles below, to the .city. The Erie Railroad company now has a band of men dynamiting In an effort to dislodge the Ice. LET M'KINLEY BUST, CONTRACT Battlefield Commission Arranges to Commemorate; Brave Deed of Pres ident's Soldier Daya. - COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 30. The Bpot on the battlefield of Antletam, where William McKlnley stood under fire on the evening of September 19, 1862, and served -hot coffee and rations to his comrades is to be marked by an appropriate monument. Today a battlefield commission awarded the contract for Ha erection. The cost Will be $5,000. On the top of the rlghthand corner of the first die of the monument Is a figure of peace, with two busts of McKlnley, one representing him as he appeared at tne time ot his enlistment, tne other as be was at Buffalo Just beforo his murder. The 'busts are surrounded by a wreath of laurel leaves resting on two crossed sabers. On the face of the die is a repre sentation of a battle scene, with a commis sary wagon drawn up in the foreground and the sergeant serving rations to his comrades. EXCULPATES SELF BY CRIME New Yor-k Police Chief line Honaea '" Drakes Into to prove ' H la :,,( Watcfcfwlneea. ,,- . ,., , NEW YORK. Jan. 30. Owing ta numer ous., recent robberies In the millionaire residential, diatricti for which Police' Cap tain Lantry has been aeverely criticised, the captain today, had-recourse to a onlque expedient for the, purpose of showing that he was not ta blame.. - - He . sent seven detectives to fifty-six houses, of wealthy people to see if they were, guarded, Th detectives-, entered every one of them and in many instances got to the aecond. door before they were discovered. On meeting ,aomeone. In the house the detective announced their errand and In every Instance they aay, they were abused by the servants or mistress of the house. MARION . MIDOIE STAR MAN Annapolla Class lDOit Standing la An nouncedIowa and Nebraska Member Rank lllarh. ANNAPOLts, " Jan. 30. The " academy board, of the .naval academy today an nounced the f)nal etanding of the members of (he 1903 clnss, which will, be graduated on February 1. The first six are star men, each ot whom earned better than 85 per cent In all examinations. Donaid R. Bat tles of West Mill Creek. Pa., and Alex ander H. Van Kuren of Howell, Mich., are the honor men of the class. These six are: 1. Donad Raymond - Battles, West Mill Creek, Pa. , , 2. Alexander Hamilton Van Kuren, How ell, Mich. 8. William .Woods Smyth, Marlon, la. 4. Paul Henry Fritz.. Grand Forka, N. D. 6. Stephen Clegg- Rowan, at large, D. C. 6. Walter Stratton Anderson, Carllnvllle, IU. ..... Among Ihe other Roy Warren Ryden, Des Moinea, la., come eighth. Leo Sahm, Dubuque, la., twelfth, Fred Halstead Po teet, Sedalla, Mo, thirteenth, and Ralph A. Koch, Fatrbury, Neb., twentieth. A Guaranteed fare tor Pile. Itching, blind, bleeding and protruding piles. No cure, no 'pay. ah aruggist ar authorized by the manufacturer of Pato Ointment to refund, the money where It falls to cure any case of piles, no matter ot how long standing. Cure ordinary cases In Ix days; worBt case in fourteen day. One application gives ease and rest. Kelleves ltfhing Instantly. This I a new discovery and It Is th,e only pUe remedy sold on a pos itive guarantee; no cure, do pay. i-ric cue. (lust for Point l.oiua. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30. A 12-Inch gun. 3-; feet long and welshing 1 1J . . is pnunos. has arrived nere io ne moumea m mini Lome, on the northern side of the Golden Gate. Two similar p'ece of ordnance of the same battery will snoruy vv snippeu f-om Pennsylvania. . This signature Is on every bos of the geanli Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet the remedy that rare cold la ne day. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for the softest skin, and yet efficacious in removing any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect condition. In the bath gives all the desirable after-effects of a Turkish bath. It should be oa every wash stand. A 10- QROCERS AND DRU0015TS STRICXEH WITH NERVOUS PROSTRATION Two Physicians Said Mrs. Mack Was Incurable. Paine's Celery Compound NYa. lined and Lffected a ondcrful and Glorious Cure. Paine's Celery Compound comes to tha fild of suffering humanity when the best effort a of physicians prove fruitless when hopeless 'men and women are pronounced Incurable. Tho grateful and happy testi mony of Mrs.J. U. Mack, of Clear lak". Wash., maintains the claim that, "Palne'a Celery Compound makes lrk people well." Mrs. Mack says: "Several years ugo I was 'stricken with nervous prostration, iind two doctors de clared that no medical skill could ever euro me. One of your books came l.nto my hands just when I was very low with nervotm prostration and congestion. After readlngr It I asked ami begged for Paine' Celery Compound. Tho medicine vu procured" for me, and you may think I am using exaggerating statements, when 1 say that three bottles cured me and made me feel like a new womnn. My present condition of health I certainly owe to the marvelous virtues of Paine's Celery Compound. I cannot say enough In favor of this wonder ful" medicine; it ia a llbdsend to ail weak, nerwius people.' ' DIAMOND DYES for children's clothes are ' most ser viceable. They color ' Jfrrttets, oats, c:ipe. ribbons, stonUlnKS. oa well as dresses. No other dyes eo,uul iilamon.l I 'yes In variety of uses; they never disappoint. l'lrectlon book and 45 dyed warmples free. DIAMOND HYF.S, Hurllngton.. Vt. HEART DISEASE SOON CURED! By the Great Specialist in Heart Dis ease, Franklin Miles, M. 0.. LL. 8., Who Will Send $2.50 Worth of His Personal Treatment free. . To demonstarte the remarkable curative powers of his new, complete personal treatments by mall for heart disease, short breath, pain In the aide, shoulder or felt arm, oppression In the chest. Irregular pulse, palpitation. smothering apells. putting of the ankles, or dropsy, Dr. Miles will send X2.M worth free as a trial, to all who mention this paper. Ills treatments are the result of twenty five years of careful study, extensive re search, and remarkable success in treating the various ailments of the heart, atomaclt and nerves, which so often complicate each case. So astonishing are the results of hi complete personal treatments that he does not hesitate to offer all persons a trial free. Nothing could be more liberal. Fewr physicians have such confidence In their remedies. There 1b no reason why all atllloted persons should . not avail them selves of this exceedingly liberal offer, aa they may never have another euoh op portunity. ' No death comes more1 sud denly than, that frtta hear disease Mrs. A. kronck of Huntington, nd., was c'urd after tnirty pliysolans had failed; Mrs. Flora Qraetor of Brlstolvllle,'. O., after twenty-two; Jas. K. Wuite, the . noted actor, after a Bcore had pronounced him Incurable; Mrs. Frank Smith of ChJcago, after five leading physicians had given tier up; Mr. Julius Kelster of Chicago, after ten; Mrs. R. Parker," after sixteen failed; Col. N. G. Parker, ex-trensurer of South Carolina, says: "Tvr. Miles Is a skillful physician in a. field which require the best qualities of bead and heart." A thousand references to, and testimo nials from Bishops, Clergymen, Banker, Farmers, and their wives will be sent upon request, 7 Send at once for free examination chart pamphlet and free treatment before It Is too late. Address. Franklin Miles, M. IX, LL. 13., 204 to 209 8 late Street,, Chicago, 111. Mention Omaha Be. THOSS BKJtUXirui, li'sLJs AnbnraTinU.MDotkiMbleanionf fhah louaoie women, are pruaucea our; oy Imperial Hair Regenerator ths cleanest and most luting Hah Cob orlng. It 1 really ppM1. absolutely barmlaM tnd ONE APPLICATION Vh wed tree. Send lor Ptupnlet. Imperial Chetnlca; Co. Iii YV a.l St.. N. T. bold oy onerman & jdctonneu uruf uiht Omaha. Neo. Subscribe for the New Qulde, tha TRAVELERS TIME-SAVER $2 a Year In Advance. February Cumber now tin at 'alt netea elands, t5c per copy. 1'ublithed by TRAVELERS GUIDE COMPANY, i IT U. B. National Bank, , - - - UMAHA. aIIISEHEKTS. 'Woodward A ffUrffes, UT U Ol Manage1 1-s. THIS AFTERHQ0H-T0M3HT. THE FATAL WEDDING Prices: Mitlnee 25-SOc. . NlRht 25-50-75C. SUNDAY MAT. & MUN. 4 TpFRDAY MAT. A N1C1HT K1UHT- ' Pickings From Puck Prices Mat., 25-BOcj NlgUt. 25-60-7&O. . . The A -.Princess 'v Chid ri 7Ccl.- Night, -&- 7t.;-n4,snt ; ; Satl Toy ' IrlceJ Mat., 25-50-76V-S1. NlglU, M). 7c-l-l 5U. WED & THURSf IS IUM 1 D KTKLK RELLEW. IN . A Qentlemati of l-ranca Prlce-25-&oc-$l-l.&0. Crelghton-Orpheum Telenhonei-l&ll Matlneea Thurs., Hut., bun . J lj Every Night s:15. . HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Cole and Johnson, CUvette, Columbian Trio. Ja. II. C'ullen. I'urcell and fl.ynaid. tmroihy Walters and the Ktnudroiuex frltea luc, Zoc, &uc. , v JIO I lL. Th3 MILLAR0'a,fc"""" " iiiw iiiib.nin(miti( t trading Hotel ai'K ll. KKULIIK. LUNCHEON. FIKTY CENTS. 12:110 to t p. m. SUNDAY. b.U p. m. DINNER, fi Madi!)r'4nereaaini bualm a hcuiI. tatea au nkueiucut of tbla cafe. doubUt U tut wct ckiiavUjr F1 1 t IN o