12 TTTE OMATTA DATTjT BEE: PATURT1AY, JANITAHY .11. 100.1. BIG STRIKE IS TO CONTINUE Hegotiatiom for Settlement Broken Off at Coafcrecce Ti.&aj Morning. BURT INSISTS OS P.ECE WORK SYSTEM Telia (Mrlkrra Thr Can Serer Work for I nlon Parlflc I ntll Thrr (onirnt to IJlve Ptmilnm Senle a Trlnl. After almost two months of dillydallying In the rjprctntlon of a BPttlrmrnt, tho Vnlon rnrlflc at rlk la now starting In full Winn upon the third ijhatm of lt career. Frpaident Burt and the IrnuVrs of the ptrlk rs met In a momrntary conference yester day, and thn result la war to the knife for another period of Indefinite extent. All conferences are now declared off, and all chance for them Is annihilated until new conditions arise. President McNeil of the International Brotherhood of Holler Makers and Iron Bhlp Builders was spokesman for the strik ers at the conference, and the route by which tho agreement to continue hostili ties was reached is exposed In the follow ing dialogue which took place between him and Mr. Burt: Mr. McNeil Underntandlng that the con ference In New York was postponed till Bow In order that the actual attitude of the men regarding piece work might be learned, I now wish to state that we have canvassed the men on this proposition, and they have voted unanimously against It. I therefore announce that we will never Work under the premium scale system. Mr. nurt And I reply that you will never work for the Tnlon raelflc tinder any ether, system. I am sorry that you will not give it a trial, for I think it would prove a good thing If tried. I wish to congratu late the men on their conduct of th? strike, but I think the premium scale proposition would be a good thing for tem. I think It would mean more money to the men. You abould give It a trial. Conference la Brief. W. R. McKeen. Kuperlntendent of motive power for the Union Pacific, waa present at the conference. He and Mr. Burt were the sole railroad representatives there. Seventeen strikers attended. Greetings and introductions took some time, Mr. Hurt and Mr. McKeen meeting every man with a handshake. When the discussion was Anally reached, It did not last more than ten or fifteen minutes. . The entlro con ference continued only twenty minutes, When the men, having delivered their .Ultimatum and received Mr. Burt's In re turn, ,left the office. Strikers at once repaired to Labor temple, Where they went Into executive session to adopt plans for further conduct of the atrlke. The men were unanimous for mak ing the fight mere aggressive than ever, and there were three principal moves deter mined upon for the Immediate future. The first step will be to bring about. If possible, a general fight on the Union Pa cific system. At first this move will ex tend only to the shops, where U will be the effort to bring out every man who carries a card. This will bo undertaken locally through the Central Labor union, accord ing to the plan already outlined. A special meeting of the union has been called for I Sunday afternoon, and the matter will come up then. At the same meeting the scheme for the tlg mass meeting of all organized labor In Omaha will be taken up and plana perfected to have this held under tho auspices of the Central Labor union. The strikers will go still further and ask the American Federation of Labor point blank to make the attack general over the Union Paclflo system. Tbla proposition will b brought before the general officers and the bead lodges of the conductors, the trainman and the englnemen. As to Southern Pacific. As regards pulling out the shopmen on the Southern Pacific, nothing Is planned yet, for the strikers do not believe this will be necessary. Yet they are confident that they have the Southern Pacific men olid, and can call them out when desired. The strikers who attended the confer ence were: Machinists, Wilson, Grace, Mildred, Mulr and Brltton; blacksmiths, Kline, White, Reuf, Hender, Qrieb and Bowles; boiler makers, McNeil, Kennedy, Douglas, O'Donnell; machinists' helper, Schomel; plpeman, Innes. After tho conference Mr. McNeil laid: "We have shown them a good fight so far, ' but from now on It will be hotter than ever. I am going to my Kansas City 'headquar ters tonight. There will be no more con ference with Mr. Burt for a time." Mr. Wilson said: "Mr. Burt delivered this ultimatum expecting that It would at once crumble our ranks, that the men would break and begin going back to work. He'll not be long discovering his mistake. As a matter of fact, I think that March1 1 la about his limit. Statement for the Company. At Union Pacific headquarters yesterday afternoon this official statement was made concerning the strike situation: "Piecework has been a successful sys tem In the shops of our company for sis months past, and the committee repre entlng the strikers was told that no change In the system could be made at this Stfeacne, cach- ache, tnd man j other aches to which women are peculiarly eubject are generally the result of a diseased condition of the womanly organism. When this dis eased condition is cured, sidearhe, back ache, headache, etc., are cured also. - Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription establishes regularity, dries the drains which weakeu women, heals inflamma tion and ulceration and cures female weakness. When these diseases are cured the aches they cause are also cured. I will drop you a few lines to-day to let you know that I am feeling well now.' writes Mist Aani Stephens, of Brlleville, Wood Co., West Vs. 1 feci like a new woman. I took arveral bottle of ' favorite Prmcnpiina ' and of the 'Golden Medical Diacovery.' I have no heart ache now, no backache, and no pain in my tide any more. No beanng-duwn pain any more. I thick that there ia no medicine like Dr. Pierre's medicine. I thank you very much for what you hav door fur ne your medicine has don me Sauca good- ' The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book containing 1008 pages, ia given away. Send 21 one-rent stamps for expense of mailing only, for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the volume bound in cloth. Address Dr. V. Pierce, ?uflalo, V, V. I v... . ) V time. About 83 per cent of the work done la the Omaha shops la by piecework; 100 per cent of It at Armstrong, and from 90 to l')0 per cent at other places. "We now have more men In the shops here than we ever had before, and their character and skill Is all that we could ask. A reduction will soon be necessary, because our busiest season Is now over. The same condition applies to all other points on the line. With new shops and new machinery here, the same number of men can do much more work than formerly. In point of work done here, we have never turned out so many engines In the history of the shops as during the last six months. The same condition applies at Cheyenne. "If we were to take back the strikers now. It would mean that our force In the shops here would be crowded out, and this we dislike to do; but we would not have room for two forces. "Our train service Is becoming better, trains last week being 100 per cent better than during previous weeks. We are hav. ing some trouble this week because of high winds and stormy weather out west, for which the strikers will probably claim credit. Last week we put twice as much coal Into Nebraska as during Any previous week on the road, and every mine at Rock Springs Is running at full capacity. "Six new engines have Just arrived, and four more are on the road, and an In definite number of new engines will con tinue to arrive. We will soon have engines to burn. "This strike Is over so far as the com pany Is concerned. The men quit the service last June, and we hired new men to nil their place. Tbat'a all there Is to It." OQDEN, Utah, Jan. 0. Railroad men on all roads into Ogden expect that the boiler makers on the Southern Pacific, Short Lino and Oregon Railway and Navigation com pany will be ordered out today. The local union officials state that they expect tele grams to that effect from the head authori ties of the union. No word has yet been received. WARRANTS NOT CALLED FOR Connty Commissioner Proposed to Caneel Those Dated Prior to Jan nary. tS9S. ,founty Commissioner A. C. Rarte has had prepared and will submit to the Board of County Commissioners at Saturday's meeting the following resolution: Whereas, There are in the hands of the county clerk a number of warrants Issued prior to January 1, 1U8, and according to statute and the opinion of the County at torney, said warrants can be cancelled and the amounts credited to the various funds from which they are drawn; therefore, be It Resolved, That the county clerk be and he Is hereby instructed to cancel all war rants Issued prior to the 1st of January, 1MX, and that the same be credited to their respective funds. In explanation of his resolution Commis sioner Harte said: "None of the warrants Is for more than $50, but there are a great many of them, and so small that the per sons to whom payable will not take the trouble to come and get them, - Thus the money represented on their face la tied up and doing no good when the county might as well be having the use of It. I don't know what the total amount represented will be, but I judge that 90 per cent of the warrants. Involving as they do witness and Jury fees, are on the general fund, and wo can use more money in that fund very handily." Announcements of tho Theaters. There will be a matinee at the Orpheum this afternoon, and the Indications are for a large attendance, for the bill ia one that Is refined and artlstlo and should prove especially attractive to the women and children. This week's program will be brought to a close with this evening's per formance. The succeeding bill, opening the new week with a matinee tomorrow, will be headed by the noted magician, Servlas Le Roy, assisted by Talma and Bosca. Another Important feature will be Winona and Frank, the rifle experts, who scored heavily here at their last visit. Others embraced on the roster are: Arnlm and Wagner, presenting "Opera In the Kitchen;" Melville and Conway, In a funny skit, uniquely their own; Maud Mclntyre, character singer; Hediix and Prescett, vo callBts and dancer; Albert Kartelll, slack wire performer, and new kluodrome pic tures. HALV RATES Via Wabash Railroad. Mobile and return, 128.35; New Orleans snd return, $29.50; Havsna, Cuba, and re turn, $63.35; sold February 17 to 21. Half rates one way snd round trip (plus $2) to many points south on sal a the first and third Tuesdays of esch month. For full In formation call at Wabash office, 1601 Far- nam street, or address Harry E. Moores, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. Very Low Rates. To points In Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Utah and Colo rado, In effect dally from February 15 to April 30, vis Chicago Great Western rail way. Write to J. P. Elmer, O. P. A., Chi cage, for full particulars. CONFUSION IN THE CURRENCY Captain Taylor Writes of Preaea Conditions In tho Phllln. lions In tho F pine ialaads. A letter received yesterday from Captain Wallace Taylor says there Is much con. fusion In the Philippines over the condl tlon of the currency. Nearly all business Is transacted on the basis of payments In Mexican money and the pries of all produce varies with the value of that money In gold, so that it Is practically Impossible to know today what things are to cost to morrow. He writes: "The contabulary (with which he Is now connected) Is kept busy principally In the Islands of Samar and Leyte with the so-called fanatlcos, a sect which, being Christian In name, takes some of the doctrines of the Mahommedan re ligion and preaches that those who die In conflict with the American authorities sre assured of heavenly blessings. They wear amulets and seem to court death, fighting regardleBa of numbers or hope of success. At the same time a dozen Americana are sufficient to defeat a hundred or more cf them, as tbey are not well armed and do not know how te use the arms they have." Naran Mrs, a I la Dtacbarcesl. Naran Begal. who was charged with grand larceny, hud his hearing In the police court yrstfrday and ai dlachargrd. Begal was arrtsted at tho Instigation ,,f th Mer chants National bank, lie recently drew several IWO bills from the bank, ami while at the teller's window asked fur change for one of the bills. The telirr, In court today SHid that Begul did not hand a Slu bill to him, but Instead a (JO greenback. He also swore that his cah. at the end of tho banking hour a, aa jm) ,hy. A man named Kruse, who witnessed the change of the currency, was also placed upon the stand and swore that the bill handed to the eaah ier was, in hia opinion, a to note. When placed on the atand tit gal mada a compete denial of the state's evidence that he did not hand the proper amount to th cashier. DIED. ORAVF-S-John R., aged 43 vr. 10 months and 14 days, brother of tS-ank Uraven of Mondnmln, Ia., and I Graves of this city, January 29. at Clarkson hospital. 'untral Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock from Hwanson's undertaking rooms, rorner Seventeenth and Cuming atresia, le Furst Lawn csmstsry. WARRIOR EISER RELENTS Rents Two 'Phones of His Antagonist In Four Tears' Battle, PEACE REIfiNS O'ER A BLOODY FIELD Ills Rome Folks Think There Moat ' Be Rome Mistake and Banish the Enemy's Cohorts from Ills Caatle. Away with the bloody eword, the Red Cross society and the hospital ambulance; up with the white flag of truce, the song of joy and the price of public utilities' serv ice! John O. Yelser has rented two tele phones, tne war Is at an end and all man kind dwelling In peace and harmony throughout the jurisdiction! Allah be praised. Ail that this means can be appreciated only by those whose retrospective eye, traveling the gory corridors of the tag end of the last century, or from 1897 to 1901, sees and recognises the scars, the sbraslons and the blood stains left by Yelser and the Nebrsska Telephone company in their' struggle through the courts, the populist conventions and the state legislature of Nebraska. Yelser was In the legislature of 1897 and succeeded In having the Board of Transpor tation empowered to control and regulate the telephone companies. Subsequently he went to the Omaha office of the Nebraska company, which .was then charging $5 per month for telephone service, and demanded that a telephone be placed In his law office for (3, alleging this to be a fair rental. Three Starred Silver Dollars.' To make It good he formally tendered three silver dollars. Those same three dollars laid on the desk of Auditor H. T. Coe, where Yelser put them, for more than two years. No official would touch them and the janitors came to view them as sa cred appurtenances to touch which would be to court certain and Immediate death. Then began Yelser's four years' war. From Judge Cunningham R. Scott of tho district bench he secured an alternative writ of mandamus and then a peremptory writ. The company carried it up and the supreme court held that Yeleer's relief lay only In the State Board of Transportation. This board and Yelser went to the private office of President C. B. Yost of the tele phone company and for three weeks Yelser had the whole company. Its auditors and its workmen, on the carpet telling every thing they knew, from the depth of the underground conduits to the helghth of the telephone poles, and from the thickness of the wire Insulation to the number of pay days In February. Left High In the Air. Just as he was ready to put on an expert to tell from this evidence what charges should be, the telephone company's friends secured from the supreme court a decision that the transportation board, which was hearing the evidence, was unconstitutional, and thereby left Mr. Yelser so high In the air that he couldn't get down In time to catch up with the procession. Meanwhile he had forced the populist convention of the state to incorporate a telephone regu lation clause In Its platform and. forced Judge Holcomb to atand on the plank. . He flooded the state with a brief the slie of an unexpurgated edition of Balzao and he give the newspaper paragraphers aomethlng to writs about seven times a week. He appealed to the common law, the pride of the people, all the gods of mythology and authenticity, and all the populists of Ne braska, with and without whiskers. . Commenced In 1897, his fire was hot until 1901, when he took a Anal defeat and decided that until somebody else was will. Ing to put up for the ammunition, his battle with the octopus would better be aban doned. Gives In at Last. Meanwhile the octopus had pocketed his three silver slmoleons, given him credit on Its books with that amount and 'Charged against him all costs of litigation. Mr. Yelser at first used to run up a nag on the top of his office building to let his, wife knew when he would get home for dinner,' and kept In communication with the out side world and the court house by means of window banners. Never until this week has be given In and consented to patronize the company. He argues that he Is Justified now, because house 'phones cost but $3 and his office 'phone, on circuit B. only $3.75, Instead of So. Cronp. The peculiar cough which Indicates eroup Is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children. No time should be lost In tho treatment of It, and for this purpose no medicine has received more universal ap proval than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Do not waste valuable time In experiment ing with untried remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended, but give this medicine as directed and all symptoms of croupy will quickly disappear. Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Teelphone 238. FOR MILITARY INSTRUCTOR Captain Wassels Is Authorised Accept Position at Omaha High School. Captain William H. Wassels of ths Twen ty-second Infantry at Fort Crook has been authorized to accept ths position of mili tary instructor at the Omaha High school Csptaln WaBsels Is said by other officers to be one of ths most competent and energetlo of the younger officers of the regiment. Last year he was In charge of the rifle range at the Winnebago reservation while the Twenty-second regiment was at prac tice, and later was ons of the officers in charge of the competitive target shooting at Fort Riley. Ths captain Is expected to ar range his work at the High school so that It will not Interfere with bis duties at the post. UOCTOKS KMJOHSU HUKPICIDB Because Its Formula Is Submitted to Them. Alexander McMUUan, M. D., a prominent physician of Lansing, Mich., writes: "On three esses I have tried Herplcide for dan druff and the result has been all that could be desired." Herplcide Is made upon an entirely new principle, that Is, that dandruff and falling hair are caused by a microbe that Infests the hair bulb, and, by destroying the ml crqbe one's hair Is bound to grow luxur iantly. Herplcide la the only hair remedy that claims to and really does destroy ths dandruff germs. Mortality Statistics. The following blrtha and deaths were re ported at the office of the Hoard of Health in the con r ae or the twenty-tour nours enu Ins at noon Friday: .Hlrtha William W. Moore, 848 Bouth Twenty-third fctreet, girl; Louis Lelghton, southwest corner of Forty-eighth street and Capitol avenue, a-lrl: Flovd J. Campbell. iv4 Charles street, girl; Edward W. Hln- nett. Spalding tit re t, boy; Tel riiaten, 1-19 South Fourteenth street, girl; Sidney Knaup. 272" North Twentv-slxth street, boy. I'talhu-Mr J. V. Kot-kabaugh, hlv South Thirteenth street, aged 64 years; Edwin weoi'h'e Ward, YM1 Soutn Twenty-eighth street, agt-d 78 years; Mrs. Elisabeth Harnes. 'H North Twenty-aecond street. aged 66 years; Margaret K. Hobbs, 720 foutn rwrniy-eigtn street, agea ia years: Mra. Minnie Harris, Dodge street, egad oe rwa Deposit Yosr Money ia Oar Bank jroic mmi 75c and $1 Bunches of Flowers at 15c A Big Millinery Deal They flowers snrimi $5 & 7 it y I t o ' -f . resent ns well feQtil 1 J5-" M ' JM Jim ' u x m- 1 tein and Joseph, the leading Amorican designers, while they last, on Saturday $3 and $3 Trimmed Hats at $1600 ladies' and mines' trimmed hats, the very newest of the winter Ideas made of velvets, fine scratch felts, etc., and trimmed with fine plumage, flowers, fruits, velvet foliages, - ff ornaments, -etc., sold heretofore at 5.00 and $3.00, 1 , V Saturday $3.50 Qenulne Beaver Hats at $1,25-A limited quantity of the very best beaver hats made. In the following colors, navy blue, black, cardinal, green snd castor. Have been selling every where all season at $3.50 while they last Cuff & Sleeve Buttons 10c and 15c Tomorrow, a manufacturer's entire stock of ladies' and gents' a ( cuff and sleeve buttons. I I I fj Over 600 styles the dumb- w bell and lever kind. Fancy p yearl effects, gold, stones IJjC and agates worth 60c, at. . Great Lot of Ladles' and Qents' Stick Pins, worth 50c, at 10c. Muslin Underwear at 39 Cents. Large bargain squares with big lots of night gowns, drawers, and corset cov ers, made of good quality fine muslin and cambric, all neatly trimmed with fine embroideries and lace, a small part of this underwear has been displayed In our show window, some worth In a regular , j Cj. way up to $1.00, go at, choice Watch v a a Windows la ALBERT EDHOLfV., JEWELER, 107 North 16th Street. Opp. P.O. RINGS I ' Diamond, $10j0 to 500.00; Ruby, $30.00 to $475.00; Emerald, $50.00 to $200.00; Sapphire, $10.00 to $116.00; Olivine, $125.00 to $150.00; Pearls, $5.00 to $200.00; Opal, $2.00 to $150.00; Turquoise, $2.00 te $100.00; Alraandihe. $4.00 to $20.00; Garnet, $1.50 to $20.00; Amethyst, $2.00 to $25.00; Bloodstone, $2.00 to $15.00; Sardonyx, $2.00 to $10.00; Topas. $2.00 to $16 00; Signet, (latest fad), $2.00 to $30.00; 18 K wedding, $3.50 to $16.00. We also make rings to order In 14, 18 and 22 K. Just drop in and take a look at our clean up-to-date stock. Omaha's Favorite Cough Remedy For sale at all drug POLICE B0ARD LITIGATION Taking; of Depositions Will Begin Monday at City At torney'a Office. Members of the acting Board of Fire and Police Commissioners were served yester day with notice that the taking of deposi tions In the case of the State of Nebraska ex rel Kennedy et al against Broatch et al. now pending In the supreme court, will begin Monday at 10 a. m. Thla Is the case to decide whether the appointees of Mayor Moores or those of Oovernor Savage are the legally constituted Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, and the essential question of whether the mayor of Omaha or the governor of Ne braska Is the legally authorized power to appoint the Omaha Board of Fire and Police Commissioners. The witnesses whose depositions will be taken for the state are Mayor Moores, W. I. Kierstead, clerk ot the hoard; Herman Cromwell, Janitor In the city hall; Messrs. Kennedy, Heafey, Collins snd Mead, members of the mayor's board; W. H. Elbourn, city clerk, and Dr. Pea body and J. J. O'Connor. The depositions will be taken at the office of City Attorney ConnelL ChleagTO to Florida Without Chang- tag Cars. i Through passenger service to Florida leaves Chicago Union Station 8:40 p. m., via Pennsylvania Short Line through Louisville to Jacksonville and St. Augus tine. Find out about Its conveniences by consulting H. R. Derlng, A. Q. P. Agt., 248 South Clark St., Chicago. WILLS CARRY LARGE ESTATES I'ausually Large Number of Them Appear Jm County Court This Month. "This has been' the most remarkable month for the 11 Hug of wills carrying large estates since I have been In this office," said Chief Clerk Leslie of the probate branch of the county court yesterday, i "Not to mention the many that Involved $25,000 or about that amount, there were six which oomblned represented easily $1,000,000. The largest was that of J. L. Brandeis, involving a total of about $225,000. Next largest was that of Jane S. Rogers, Involving $200,000. The third was that of Peter Olandt. Involving $150,000. The fourth largest was that of Dean Campbell Fair, which, Inclusive of his $79,000 life Insur ance, Involved $125,000. J. J. Dickey's and Mrs. Anna C-Millard's each Involved about $100,000." Tbe Dickey will was admitted to probate yesterdsy. - - - BROWN'S Bronchial Troches Promptly Relieve Coughs, Hoarseness, Throat and Lung Troubles. , Wothlng aaeals this simple vamedy. acioasaBaras iHf IinwJ 4 Per Cent .nN 2JJzLlt on Deposits J. and M. Wilson, Wholesale Milliners 106 N. 15th Street, Retired from Business sold it their entire stock of a and foliages consisting of 7,!00 bunches of rosea, folitges, daisies, blossoms, violets, wild flowers, etc These goods are all in first-class ond'tion and are absolutely new, having been might by the Messrs. WiUon for the coming trad?. They cannot be duplicated any- where, in the country at whole sale at less than from $3.50 to 97, SO per dozen, while they last all go at, per bunch. 15c $10 Pattern Hats $2-50 1 cr t .. i i , . r-,i , . t ' ternary wun us on renruary 19101 eacD year the balance of our Parisian and New York winter pattern which havo been fifteen and ten dollars at the ridiculously lour price of $2.50. Some of thce hats are barely three weeks old, they being the last to arrive of 3 tha foreign and New York models, and rep the crpam of the Parisian artists idoas as thope of Lichen- 2.50 1.25 50c Golf Gloves at 15c- AIl of the odd lots of ladles', misses' and children's all wool golf gloves In plntn blnrk and fancy colors. hundreds of styles, dou ble and single knit, sold up to 60c, go at 15c H Watch Our Windows HOWELL'S ANTMCAVF stores, 25c and 50c. WE CHANGED THE SYSTEM of our telephone: our new number Is 797; o d number 747. If you call one of the above numbers and central says "BL'SV," call the other one, please. Remember, "HCHAEFER'S SELL IT FOR LESS when It comes to drug 'needs, and we Ue llvtr anything wo sell, at advertised pr!-e, free, any place In city or to Omaha depot. If lor out of town. HAVE YOU A DRUQ CATALOGUE? If no, get our prices on drug needs, surh as patent medicines, rub ber goods, purgleal Instruments, sundries. ! perfumes, toilet articles, etc., and compare I with prices in your catalogue, and SEE WHAT A DIFFERENCE. $1.) I'eruna txtamu on top) flic $l.'o I'eruna (stamp off top) tic These stamps are promissory notes good for lc. $l.i. Pierce's Medical Discovery 61c $1.00 I'ieree's Favorite Prescription 61c $1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic (guaranteed).. 7c $1.' Hers .Milt Whiskey (Want It?).. 57c $1.00 Gordon's Canadian Malt Whiskey. TSo $1 0l Temptation Tonic (new stock) 25o $J.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills $M) .ic yulnaeetol (guaranteed cold cure). ...20c SGHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE Ol'EN ALWAYS. Two Phoae-I47 and T07. 9. W. Cor. lOth and Chicago Its. 3 FREEii PLAYER RECITAL Saturday afternoon, 8 to 6, and evening, 7:30 to 9:30, at PIANO PLAYER PARLORS, Arlington Block, 1511-1513 Dodge St. Come and hear tbe Ceclllan and Lyraphons Piano Players. Some ot the finest selections from the greatest composers, mixed 1th lively ragtime, will be rendered. We extend a special Invita tion to owners of Ceclllan and Lyraphone Players, snd to owners of all other makes of players also. Something may be learned at to how beet to produce tbe artistic effects In performing on Piano Players. Please remember, we are headquarters for ths "Orange Music Roll," suitable for all makes of Piano riayers. coth In 65 and 58 note. Wi sell at 25 per cent discount off cata logue. It Is the best music cut, snd selections are made with the view to Us adaptation to Piano rendering peculiarly, as compared with other modes of rendering music. BMI Remrmber, also, that ws have the best equipped Piano Player Parlors In the country, and the best line of Piano Players In the world. PIANO PLAYER CO. P.- 1 Ladies' Furnishings. (ZEVER4L odd lots that we have gathered together and priced very specially for Saturday, 00 DOZEN ladies' plain and silk fleeced cotton hose, fruar anteed fast black regular1 2oc lOty r values SATUHDAY l,2 CO DOZEN ladies fine quality Sea Island cotton and fancy French lisle thread hose beautiful new patterns 7.""c and fl.OO quality yj Cr SATURDAY t-Jla L A DIES' GLOVES Special lot 'ladies' fancy and solid colored polf gloves, in wool and mercerized regular 25c and 35c grades 1fn SATURDAY. . LADIES' KID GLOVES Special lot ladies' fine imported kid gloves, new fresh stock, all selected skins every de sirable color regular fl.OO values CQp SATURDAY ..J J ssSsBB AW I f flwnJlfniUrt THIS BANK OPENED FOR BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 6, 1902. Copy of Our Fifth Report We are pleased to Invite your attention to this statement and respectfully ask you to open an account with us. We will be pleased to answer any letter you may write to us and we Invite a personal interview. Statement January 29, 1903 Charter No. 689. RESOURCES City of Omaha 6 per cent Bonds . $25,000.00 Time Loans. j ,388.46 City and County Warrant 24 ,62 1 .64 Premium Account 414.60 Fixtures 661.90 Demand Loans 25,000.00 Cash In offloe and Bank 76,823.75 101,823.74 $223,910.34 LIABILITIES Capital $50,000.00 Undivided Profits 1,876.56 Deposits Individual Deposits $149,556.69 Time Certificates 21,224,30 Demand Certificates., 51.40 Cashier's Checks 1,201.39 Total Deposits 172,033.78 $223,910.34 ' Banking Hours. 9 to 5 Daily Saturdays Until 9 p.m. CHECKS CASHED ON ALL. OTHER BANKS. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits and Certificates Running 3, 6 or 12 Months Money Can Be Withdrawn at Any Time Without Notice. City, County and School Warrants Cashed. J. L. Brandeis YOUR BOY la probably as bard on bis shots aa Mr. Smith's boy, for most boys are alike when it comes to shoes. Mr. Smith's boy bas been wearing our 11.60 shoe now for six years and Mr. Smith and the boy both tell us that they beat any shoe for wear that they cao get. The ahoea we sell Mr. Smith are no better than the ones you can get, for all our $1.50 shoes are alike In quality. We guarantee a perfect fit and sat isfaction. If we don't give It to you we give you your money back. DREXEL SHOE GO. Omaha's Ip-to-Date Shoe Hoims 1419 FARNAM STREET. if BaSEBXSBi 6k, Sons, Bankers Be sure you are in the right dental office before having your teeth mended.- BAILEY, THE DENTIST 3rd Floor Paxton Block. NO POISON Has Ever Been Found in the Enamel of AGATE NICKEL-STEEL KitchenTJtensils The BLUE LABEL Protected by Darltloa e' ttitn Ctrl Pasted on Every Piece PROVES IT. If substitutes are of fereJ, write us This trade-murk Is on every piece of genuine Acatc Ware, &ill i t Hnt l.-jrtmot an1 llou JurnUbing 8 tore, fcfiid fur new tkakWr. LALANCE & GROSJEAN MFG. CO. VTW YoltK Hop To M (IIUinA lr: 1520 V";j.;.-. Vann- ii, KINDS Cii0 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER llt-at Agricultural YVrvkly. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Addrena Omaha. Keb.