THE CVMA1IA DAILY PATUniLVY. JANTTATIY 31. 1003. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES will be libra aatll 13 m. fur tee "l"t edition and .mil M p. a, for n.r.l.i and Header edUlon. Rates, 1 .2 a word flraf laserflaa, la a word thereafter, ftothlaa take far less tbaa S.a for the nrst la.rr. tloa. Three ad vertlaeaneats aaaat e rvn consecutively. Adeertleere, ay reeuastlaai a tiered cheek, raa btir aaawara ad to a numbered letter la rara at Tho nor. aaawara ao addressed will bo delivered presentation ( tkd tk.ak only WASTED VITIATIONS. A YOUNO woman of good business quali fications wishes clerical position in nCice r aa cashier. Address T 62, Uee oflice. A KOJ 30 WANTED, position as collector, bookkeeper or any ntiice work; tlrsl-cluss rcitri mm and three years experience. Address W . Bee. A 868 31 R'.:niSTKKKI) PHARMACIST, employed, desires 'hnriK; 26 yearn of uk", 0 year of experience; bt'ft ol references. Addresa W . O.. bee. A-Mtv. .:! A POSITION as stenographer, or would accept general office woik; experienced; references furnished. Address 1' 81, Hee. A-K2 ! WAVfEO MALE HELP. MKN to ltarn barber trade; free rallroal fart) upon our lallure to convince yuu of this being the BEST and only reliublo, most practical barber college In the I'nlted Stales. Write for catalog today. Western Barbers Institute, omuha. Neb. 11 i 36 GOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. A. D. T. Co., 212 8. 13lh St. liJH) "WANTED Experienced, honest, hustllns organisers for Fraternal Union; best order In America. Liberal compensation. F. F. Hoose, i'rcsldent, Denver, Colo. 13 M230 F-1T WANTED, young man with experiences In veiling: subscrlpilun books for the purpose of hiring college and normal students; must give bund and have college or nor mal education; salary and expensed. Ad UitHS D. II. iUmuuT 6c Co., Omaha. Neb. WANTED, two good eollcltars. U.ll. lUdgely Mdse. Co., iu7 8. lth. U Miuo l WANTED, harness maker on new work and repairing; no "bocxers ' need apply. 11. A. chandler. Central City, Neli. iJ il . JO 31 CARRIED man to work on farm; houso furnlMhed; send references. Address llux 4, CrelghUiit, Ntb. . , il-M,uil 1 WANTED, an efficient dry goods salesman; window trimming, card writing and ad. writing essential. Levi Downs, Atlantic, la. U -f WANTKD for V. 8. army, able-bodied un married men between aitcs of 21 and 35; citizens of I'nltecl States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, road and write English. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Olllcer, IHt.h and Dodge 8ts., (imahu, or postotllce building, Lincoln. Neb. LI SALESMEN WANTED Up-to-dato and active, to sell tlrst-ciaHs groceries direct to consumers at wholesale; tlrt-clnss ter ritory and lltieral Inducements. George Meldrum & Co., 9 and "I North Green bt., ChlcUKO. li MX8 1 SALESMEN WASTED, EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type writers. . Monroe & Co., bu M. liith tit., omaha. iw 8EL.L Hitters as side line on commlvslon; tine article, well advertised, Uwk Cuinuig. it4 ti WANTED, 8 salesmen to solicit and collect; quicK promotions. i i-axioti diock. M7G6 WANTED FEMALE HELP. lot) Qlrla. Call Canadian office, lath & Dodge. C SiJ WANTED, girl fo.- general housework, amaU family and good wages; good honio lor good girt. Apply i'oppletun Ave. c (30 XJRSE8' Training School, Pueblo, Colo.; six weeks' course; diplomas. Address above. l-UxV-'-b "WANTED, housekeeper In small family HZi ti. Uth Bl c 410 GIRL wanted, to do plain housework. 41ti9 Davenport. Take arnom cur. C 71S WANTED, experienced cook and laundress; goou wages, u a. ism hi. C-M743 1 WANTED, 20 young ladles to introduce a new brand of breakfast food. Address W 1, lice office. C JJJJ4 3 WANTED, a good girl for general house work; goou wages to the right girl. Ap ply to Mis. H. 8. WUcojc, 21u Wirt. C-750 31 HAVE YOU A POSITION equal to your abilities? Energetic and reliable women do well working for ub; no more work ana neiier pay; write lor particulars. crescent works, Ann Arbor, Mien. C-MM7 81 A CHAMBERMAID wanted at the i'reche lilt U and Harney. C-MMi 1' WANTED A middle-aged lady to tendj baby. Call at Vm California bt. 1 C M.SKl l FOU Hk.A'l MtltaKI. TO MOVE right get Omalia Van B to rag. vo-i uuc, uiis rarnaiu, or leis. iaov-tM. L) to HOUSES, 5 upward. Uemls. Faxton Blk. D aw HUUOtO Vi Davis Co., 6o8 Uee ul(Jg D i3u VANS and bassags wagons. Tela. HSj-Ulj. D ISiil liOOES. Q. Q. Wallace,. Brown Block. U 387 liULBUS ana lists. Ring wait. Barker block. D ii 1-HOOM modern house, 231) CharUs. Tele puunr a-wuo. U ij HOUSES Kn an parts or the city. C Peters ft Co., Bee bidg. D SEVEN-ROOM house, 2i 8. 41st St.; gas, city water. Call Omaha Bidg, Loan Aseo'n for key; llu. D M734 l FOR RF.NT-Pnrt or all of 9-room houo at 171S Houth ldth Ht.; modern except fur nace; hooiI condition and convenient to cor ami depot. Inquire on premises or at 11 tooth &ih street. D M434 FOR RENT, West Farnam Kt. district. i-room, modern hoase and burn, 1J. (-room, moderu house, paved elreet, good local. on, uu. 7-room house, near Hanscom purk. (15. v-rvom house, N. ttst st., (it. li 11 EN NAN-LOVE CO.. 3o!l 3. 13th St. S21I BURP ST.- rooms. i v. 8n Iil3 N. 22J Bt. iioiu u.jO 1417 Ersklns Se.--ruoin brick house, bath, elosel . .15 00 r32J Martha KV 4 rooms, well 6,i) Ult Brlgos St. -3 rooms, well 7 uo McCAUta 1NV. CO., luoti DODGE BT. . 1 373 DESIRABLE FLvT. ' ( roitms. 1611 Howard st., modern except heat. ad In best of repair, 4ju per nionm. GEORGE 4- CO., IM FARNAM BT. . D MtUe Fl UODKliN 7-room house near park. lj 8. kih. . , D (Ut FOR RENT Nine-room house; just newly papered and repaired; all modern except furnxc; ILd Bt. and Poppleton Ave.. (18. Two -ruom houses, 3- th and Cuilf.H-nW His., all moderu, city water and Sewer. lis. One 4 -mom house, '27lh and Cuming tit.., city watei, iu. C. M. RACHMANN. taa-37 Faxton Block. D-S2S t9 S. 1TH AVE., -rooir modern bouse. Wiiiium K. 1'otter, receiver, 4 Brown blk. 1'hoiie, . D-f-Mlit UAGGARD Van A blorage Co. Tel. HSi D Us FOR RENT, one 8-room huuse, with kss, water and sewer: Ju.t Urx-n placed In first-class repair; In good l cation C. M. Luchniaiin, Vie-17 faxtoa block. D i7 FOR R i:T-IIOl E. i FOR RENT, all modern 6-rim tortus-. Apply Dr. Ford, toom v ilK'iu hldg. D-M7t; i I-HOOM boure. N. Nth. 114 W. Tel. 84 D-MJJ J OIl I4E. T-r I H.MsllEU ROOMS. DtWEt European Hotel, 13 th and Farnam. 11 ITU WtKh-IC Ho lSlh St.. one block south of court bouse. E 3V4 AETNA HOCSi.', European, lath and Dodf E 3!u ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16tb & Chicago E 3!l L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 7o. ELEG A NT trn-rf a'.J rooms. 19.3 Capl tol Ait. E 1K1 gas. 220 E-M747 2th St. F6 VIENNA 1I6TEL. WU-1S Farnam St. E M122 STEAM-HEATED rooms, $10 per month. Barker Hotel, i;,th and Jones sts. Ti l. Kja. E M316 FIT- ELEGANT rooms; hot water heat; modern; reference. 1616 Webster. E M3SJ 3 RfiO.MS for light housekeeping. JU2 So. 11th rtreet. E 159-1 FOR RENT, Inra-e south front room, fur- nmned or unfurnished; tlrst-clnes loca flon. 2224 Fnrnim. E M735 31 HHMSIIF.D ROOMS AND BOARD. Ft RNISHED rooms, with bourd, at the Hillside, lath and Dodge its, Tel. t'-Mi. F-M744 1 W 8. 25TH AVE., slnglo room. F M4U0 PIEASANT alcove roorrl. with first-class board, for two refined le iple; private fam ily. -571 Bt. Mary s Ave, F S67 Kil FOIt RENT l.Fl IIMSHED ROOMS. ONE suite of S unfurnished rooms on first Door, also one furnished front room 'with alcove; ad mudirn conveniences and board. Mrs. Geo. L. Dentils, 15u2 So. Mill. Tel. F-2,33. U aoS F3 . Ft)R RENT Four rooms In tirst-class con dition. Cull ut 3jc4 b. 17th tot. G MS'Jt) 1 FOR. HEM T 91 ORES AND OFFICES. DOUBLE parlors. Call at lClt Webster at 1 Altrirf OFFICES In The Bee building, I10.U0 per month up. Rental price memoes neat, light anu janitor service. R. c. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Blug. I Hit FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at iu tarnain, xsu, lour eloriea aud tnst-class cemented banc me nt, elevator, lire and burgiur proot . vault, cilice counter tnd tlxtures. or price and particulars inquire C. C. Rosev.ater, socio tury Mhe Bte iiuildliig Co., room lf, Be. bu4iding. l-Mjt; FOR RENT Store In first-class locnJlonj . - . . .. 1 . .. A ....I., U I ' U.l.f . I (ill, icaiwn .uigi 1 1 ' J . t . . j w Co., ground floor. Bee Bidg. 1 204 FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by ibe Bee at bltt rurnaui bt. it nas tour stortea ard a basement which was formerly used us The Bee press room. This will be reined very reasonably.' If interested apply at office to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee bulluing. 1 ML HALF store. 620 So. 16th St. 1-638 STORE8 FOR RENT. The 4-story and basement building. 33x120 eet H sue. Not. 141 and 1414ft narney nt.. S2b0 tier month. Good store room, Nd. 1412 Hnrney St., $uO per month. Blore room and basement, In first-class con dition, ltiia Howard St., ao per monm. Store room, in tlrst-cluss condition, S. liith st., iiu per niontn. GEORGE oc CO., 1W1 FARNAM ST. 1 MSi Fl AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THli! TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Uieudv employment, with assured good In come. Agents in the country wun horse and buggy especially duBlred. Canvassers make easily VM to tUUO per month.- Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee funding, umuna. . s WANTED I want hustling' aRents to a sist me In obtaining buyers for Kuneua land; big protits tor energetic peopie; no experience reuuireu. iiuuiiu r. iocawoou, mi-i Bryant bidg., Kansas City, Mo. J &f714 1 WILL erec one-story building to suit tenant at lZlb Harney, inquire n. u l'elers Cu.i ground floor, Bee bidg. J-MiW 5 WANTED TO RENT. A RESPONSIBLE business man wilt make a two ot tliiet-year lease of well Lutlt, attractive) seven or eight-room modern house In good location. Address 8 67, Bee office, staling particulars. Iv Mala' LARGE.' airy room, south front exposure. with dully bath urivueaes. on oi near Farnam tlreet, where there are no other roomers. No courtesies asked; references given. Aduress C 4. Bee. iv .MiSU 31" WANTED, 6-room house, with or without bourd, eentruliy located, for Si mouths; modern conveniences. Addrens U 60, Bee office. K-M.33 i WANTED,- to rent, good, fust driving horse and buggy fur i months; must bu moderate; lor city use only. Auuress U 4i, Bee othce. . K Miis t WANTED, three or four unfurnished . rooms for housekeeping. . Addrees W I, Bee. K M77 1 FOR SALE F HI NIT t HE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. TeL MJu. N'w and seconur.anu, uougni, sum, exchanged. u-i FOH HALE HORSES, WAVOSI, ETC TRY ME on wagon repairing. First-clues work. 11. from, mu una i,euvenwoi in. GOOD fandly torse. 131S farnam. MtkW F3 ONE carload of heavy draft horses. Omaha Hiubles. 14th and Howard, sis. 1 FOIt ALE JU.SCELLANEOIS. FENCE LATH for quick shipment, cub uuig, coiuulnallou laudtra. yui i.oUiiias. FOR BALE, phonographs, superior to any oilier musical instrument, 4j up. li.s Wiituiauu Co.. lu-1 V allium. W4ua ilillA.Nli safe cheap. Derlht, HIS Farnam. WAREHOUSE, liS.OOO square leel, fine truckage fucllltlca. Deeoe ok Runyart, lulh and ruruuin. w iu i t FOR BALE. ltrt mortgage note bearing per cent interest, puyaoie every si mocilis; has siwut .'i vuc to run, good .. security and endorsed by respon.ioiu pally; amount.. .nquirc 'j. M iiaciiuiuiin. Room 4U I axtou block. Cj-Gis FOR SALE, six-passenger rockawuy c:tr riuge. In good conaliiou. .'.lilun Rogers & sons t ). y M,o4 INDIAN good and relics. 1119 Farnam. O PROFESSIONAL stereopticon und moving: picture machine, calcium luinu. oua esse almost new; will take (to. Taylor, sua bouth lUlh st. U M.2D 1 BECOND-H AND billiard .and pool tables billiard tables re;. aired ;a large stoek i cheap bar nxtures. clear counters, etc The Brcwwica-Baixe-Coiieiiuer to., v, b loth. U-M1J6 Ml FOR SALE. 1 blacksmith shop. 2 sets of tools. Inquire at 1512 Webster St. 75 INDIES' and (tents watches. 150 dia monds left lu pawn, good as lit w, selling at half, price. IMainotiJ Ia.un nffict. 14"1 Douglas. Q M740 F27 FOR SALE Two stoves und thrse show c.ises with stands, cheap If taken at once. Address U 67, Bee. t-M6l HARP. Kebastin F.rard, double-acting, por ted condttlen. cost f?M, will sell $35t. n easy payments U taken at once. 1 Cum lut U ' C-3oi YOU CAN TALK TO OVER 30,000 READERS WITH A LITTLE WANT-AD. FOR SALE Ml El, I. AN KOI S. NEW and 2dhand typswrltcrs. Ult Farnara ij, us FOR SALE, scholarship In Omaha Husl- ncsa college cheap. Address 2. Uee. U-M723 ! CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1611 Cass street. H 4'J9 MME. GYI.MER, genuine palmist, 515 S. 13, iiu MADAME LUCRETIA, medium. IV Chl- rsa-o St. S M'." F3 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths. Hi N. 16, 2d floor, r. 2. X Mill 1T7" GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky, 720 8. 13th. 1 3-4 Fit MME. SAUNDERS gives magnetic treat ment. im lxavenworth. Flat 7. T M76I 4 BATHS 501 N. 13th SC. T-7C9 F28 . r PERSONAL. VIAVI, Woman's Way to Health. Home treatment. Booklet tree. 346 Bee lildg., Omaha. u 4U TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. U 416 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair removed uy electricity. K. 1Z, Fremer block, U 411 RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire ivupcure co, n. x. i,ire Building, umaaa. U-70 PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnemeni; DKbies ooaraca ana adopted. Mrs, Gardels, iiiA Luke. Tel. Red-ISM. U ill rRIVATcl hoi-pltal before and during con- nnemeni; nrst-ciasa in every respect; br.Wce adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller, 2yji Blondo St. 'Fhone F-1W2. U M427 CHI RorODY, mantcurlna-, faclnl nn.-l spe- cihi musnage laugnt ana practiced. A. Mayer, 612 Bee Bidg. Consultation free. Tel. 1716. U MS3J PRIVATE hospital for lanles beforo and auring connnement; bablea adopt d. ivi b. loth st. Mrs. FlKher. Tel. 1-Si:,. U-M6D9 F ELITE PARLORS, 615 8. 16th St., 2d floor. I -M461 F23 REPAIRS, supplies and records for any taiKing macnino maao. Collins 1'iano Co., 16J2 Dou.inii. U 414 PRIVATE santtarkim for ladles before and utir ng connnement. JLr. and Mrs. Gcrisch, U-o California Bt. Terms reasonable. U-M432 ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Pax- ton. B. J. Scannell, agent, 60U Ware blk. U M448 F22 MARRY! Wrestern ladles. Addresses free. Enclose stamp. Star, 672 Fourth St.. San Francisco, Cal. U 47iS F-l 9nprtirl(3 'hat fit. Globe Optical Co., opeciacies -m so. j6th. v-m A WHOLESOME nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of women. Write for free booklet explaining fully. V4aT Co., 348 Bee bidg., Omaha. Tel. 1IW6.. ' U M8i3 MONEY TO LOANREAL ESTATE. 4V PER CENT on business property. D per cent on reaiuence propciiy. Options to pay whole or part uny time. W. 11. MEIKLB, 401 S. 15TH ST. W-41S MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. urennan-Jiuve uu., o. toui. W 41 wanted city and farm loans: also bonds and warranis- xv. v. i oici. m. vu.a .im . . I . . . t . I n 1 7 ,-J arnam Bt., Bee isiug. uu 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemis. Paxton Blkv FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat. Bank Bid. Tel. 1C48. W 122 FIVE PER CENT loans. OarVIn Bros., 1604 Farnam. " WANTED, city loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street W 44 PRIVATE money. F. P. Wead, 1524 Douglas. WANTED, to loan. (600 on good real estate security at 7 per cent. Inquire at 607 N. Y. Ufa building. W-M341 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. "HEADQUARTERS" FOR SALARY LOANS. Every man oi woman In Omaha, South umaha and Council Bluffs getting a salary call and get our money on your piain note, without publicity, mortgage or tndorser try u8 qn FURNITURE LOANS. Goods remain in your pojsesston; you get the full amount of loan without deduc tion. Our system of payments the easlesu Our rats aro easily tho lowest. We aim to Plc,-.IjIAriuE CREDIT CO. Get Off Elevator at Third Floor. Room 30V PAXTON BLOCK. Room 303. X 427 PAY US For Just what time you keep the money Is ull we ask, and pay It back In one month or tnke six months or more In which to repay It. We make both Chattel and Salary loans. Our rates are low, our service quick and without publicity. We are the oldest concern in our line wltn all around consistent dealings to recom- "TlMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 11. Hoard of Trade RltU Tel. 2Z. (Established ls2 ) 306 South 1int- The HFST ulace to borow money on your SALARY, P FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK, etc., Is , WHERE you ran get any amount. WHERE you get the lowest rates. WHERE no charges ure made In advance. WHERE everything W. -confidential. WHKKE you e ii It In easy payments. WHERE you po ior only the time money WHERE can you do better than at the PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 633 Paxtou block, 16lh and t arnara. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO rua i.c, lueil'liiuii, "t- ; stria, boarding houses, etc., without se- j curuy; easiest terms; 40 offices in prln- . ciLtil iltlii. T'olmau. 110 Board of Trade, Bidg. i ' HAT TEL, salary Ac jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co. sue to D. Gieun, R. s. Barker blk , X-Msll JHE STAR LOAN COMPANY, Room 644. Paxton block. 'Phone F223. This company Is the private bunk of the and saiurled employe. if you huva permanent position as clerk. bookkeeper, salesman, niacnimsi or am- ..... unw Lit,.. v.i.i r.n nlitl.111 OH VOUf nuie without st'eumy or indoiser; Semi- Monthly.Monthly. Weekly, lim return to us.... (J6 6t (U 3i (tl ( ait-reiurn to us.... 13 33 6-6. 3 i fo return to ut. t 15- return to us.... 4 Oo 100 1'ju bur offices are private and our business vouhdentlul. From a. ru. to i p. m. X M517 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, homes, cows, etc C F Reed, 319 8. 13. X 31 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried Iitople; LMsitiers confidential; lowssi rates, it l'a'C" blocK. The J. A. Hutton Co. A VU WE LOAN money on furniture, pianos and diamonds nMAIIA CHATTEL 1XIAN BANK, 1404 Farnam, ustairo. lei- A--1U. X Jtsi niISE ( IliNiES. W1IKN vnu want to buy. sell or exchange your business or pri'perty quick see J. H. ! dUIIUl Jll, MO iH. i.ii. FOR SALE Complete stock of secondhand furniture, doing a good business; tine lo cstion; store csn be leased or slock can be removid; thlo can be bought at a bar gain; teason for telling is bud health. Address, P 49, Bee. Y M. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room I1. McCague building. Y 434 FOR SALE Grocery stock of about (l,iw; fine established trade; a splendid oppor tunity to engage in a money-making bus iness; located In northwest part of the city. Address W 10. Bee. Y Mfevj IF YOU want to get In or out of or buv or sell property communicate wltn 'Northwestern Clearing Co., N. Y. Llie Bidg. Y 436 WANTED Party with from 12,000 to (5.UO0 to accept permanent posit. on; business manufacturing. L, M. C, Bouth Sioux City, Neb. Y-M532 AN Investment of (35 has always averaged Tt per week; particulars on request. C. M. Bracaw & Co., New Orleans. La. Y-M I1S F5 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located; If you desire a it;lek sale send us. description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 312,' l'k of Commerce bidg., Minneapolis, Minn, Y 51s F2 FOR SALE, first-class biacksmlth and wagon shop, with or witcout untitling: write at )nce. -iiucera Bros., Western, Neb. Y-MHO 1T7 IOHN J. RYAN CO-OPERATIVE P.REFD ING FARM AND BOOKMAKI.NU ENTERPRISE.- Five per cent weekly divi dends paid. Write or call on McCIaflin & Ward, agents, 4c6 Sapp block. Council ItlulTs. Iu. ' Y-M7U F-'6 FOR SALE Do you want to buy a good laundry cheap? If so, address Rlnlr Steam Laundry. Blair. Neb. Y 206 F-112 WANTED, responsible party to take half Interest In well establlsbed bank In Ne braska; tlrst-class . opportunity. Address W 4, Bee. Y-iM 3o A PHYSICIAN with established practice In Omaha would like a dentist to share office In Bee building. Address W 6. Bee. Y-M7S1 31 1 CAN SELL, YOUR BUSINESS. No matter where It 1st send description and cash price and learn how. 1 have or can find tho business you Want to buy. Tell me your requirements. W. M. Os trander, Ilsme OfTIre, Suite 1443 North American Bidg.. Philadelphia. Offices In fourteen cltleB Y FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED, typewriter, to be taken In part payment on piano. Address U 63, Bee. Z M710 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TEN, twenty or forty acres in fruits, one of the best fruit und garden farms in Iowa, adjoins city limits Council Bluffs. Audrcss A, Bee, Council Bluffs. RE M17 F24 HOUSES and lots In all parts ot city; also acre property and farm lands. The o. F. Davis Co., Room 552, Bee Bidg. RE 433 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllcster, lamb commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters. Omaha, Neb. j. RE 439 GOVERNMENT land, under Irrigation, in oil regions along- U. P. R. R. In Wyoming. D. C. Patterson, Omaha. RE M648 F Ull I lAMQniSI Charles H 1203 attiam street RE 437 DO YOU WANTTO . SELL A FARM? U -you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stock raisers about It, The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural "weekly gocB to 40,000 homes ot farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a teasonable price you ought to And a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents ptr word. THfc IVVfciNlltiH ChNiURY FARMER UMAHA, NbB. . . RE 604 : : '' RANCH FOR SALE. 1,800-acre ranch lnphelps county, Nebraska, Jive miles irom Atlunta aud twelve miles from Holdrege; 2uo acres of fine farm 'lano; imu acres of excellent valley bay land, balance grazing. All fenced and cross-fenced with three wires in four divisions, besides corral. Three good wells and windmills; nas running water most ol the yeur; plenty oi goou shade. Improvements constat of frame ' house and frame stable for 20 head of horses, granary, corn crib, hog house, stocit scales, gasoline engine, teed racks, tanks, goo-barrel capacity, cuttle chutes, cto. Price, i8,00o.uo. FOR SALE BY COWGILL &. FULLER, HOLDREGE, NEBRASKA. BE-MS16-31 6-ROOM cottage, corner lot, 27th Ave. and Grant, m. 6-room cottage, full lot, barn. 2616 Corby, (1,200. 4 lots, Andrew & Benson addition, (150 each 4 lots, Myers, it. & 1. addition, fcjoo eacn. Monthly payments If desired. W. N. NASON, 446 Bee Blda. RE 133 FOR SALE, one of the finest houses In the West Farnam street district. 116 N. 36th ave., 10-room house, hardwood floors and finish, all modern Improvements, large barn, size of ground 7xl65. Price, tlo.'fu. Terms to suit ptrrchat.t r. If not sold by 1'vbruary id same win ue ior lease. A. j Love. 3o S. 13th St. RE M763 4 FINE IMPROVED FARM In eastern Nc brassa; 4Nt acres In the Platte valley Merrick county; (10.000 worth of Improve- rr.enls; half mile from town; price only 4o per acre. Must be sold before March 1- tM per acre after March 1 It not sold before tnst aate. Payne Investment Company, umaha, or Heutor & Stone, Central City. ' RE M73 3 DOUBLE, modern house; ' rents for (24; price, (1,400. Box 44, irvingion, .Neb. UE M777 1 MODERN 8-room house, also 6-room, fine locations, low prices, HMUirv 1411 niton RE-Mvij F FOR 8ALE Choice suburban home; handy to street cars; M-room. brick house, barn, sheds, servants' quarters, chicken, car riage and lee hoJaes; 5 acres choice fruits "and shrubbery, luriipes, : apples, cherries und garden; splendid condition; 25 pt-r cent less than actual value; fall In quick or miss chance of lifetime. Vf. W. Nason, akieiit, 446 bidg. RK MsSs SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. i , . GREGG B H . Touch T. W.. Bus. Uranchee. ; Telcg. Cat. free. Om. Cum. Cul., 1, a Doug. A. C. Van BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 4U I 1 ' I EOYLE8 college, court reporter principal. I N. Y. Life. Hi t - ' NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyds i Theater. 44i CONTRACTORS AND BLTLDERS. J U 6PITZBAHT. Tel. F-Cooi i.'iii Laae. Mil FIS PATENT OFFICE DRAWINGS. ' PATENT DRAWINGS, application blanks, deeds, etc. Sues l Co., Bee Bluff- Tele phone 1623 k;j Mlo STAMMERING AND (TITTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Rainge Bid-. LAW AMI COLLECTIONS. ST1LLMAN ft PRICE. 11 U. 8. NT Ek. ni.1t. 468 , NEW BNOW-CHVRCH CO., lat floor N. T. i Life Bidg., attorneys and collectors every I w here. . h MACFAHLAND MAY, New Tork Life Building. Room 3"4. 'Phone liii IIARNES. HARNESS made to order and repaired. Old harness taken In trade. 13th and Leaven worth. M447 F2 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. ! TWIN CITY EXP. Thone 1717. 606 8. lsth. 4a8 THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. 464 UHOCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Eaas. 20C PER DOZ. T. & E. Balterton, grocers, 3J4 N. 18th St. 4S7 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced, reliable. 1513 Dodge, Arlington b'ock, Umaha, Neb. Tel. 3.U. M3ij ACCOHDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. 750 FH OMAHA PLEATING CO.. W. E. Hatch. Mgr., 1510 Howard St. TeL 3256. M767 F7n PATENTS. H. J COWGILL No fees tinless suecss. ful. 318 8. loth St., Omaha. Tel. 17H8. 4H SUES CO., Bee Bidg., Omaha, Neb. Es. tubllfhsd 1M6. No tee It we tall. Hand book irte. Telephone 16J3 and A-2510. 05.' Mlt PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Oflce, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 13ol Douglas. 432 PLAIN SEWING AND DHESM A Ivl.Vti MRS. M. CARR, 622 North Fifteenth street. X'F-11 - - - - - 1 . . CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Luke streets. 3,'0 FLORISTS. A. NORR LANDER, 706 So. loth St. Tel. F-3309. Cut flowerj, bouquets, tjnetal de signs. M768 F7 j WALL PAPER AND PAPER HANGING. OILS, paints, varnishes, window glass. T. j. oierner, z.120 ivo. 20tn St. Tel. A-2.161. M746 F6 TICKET DROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. 11. Phllbln. ljua Farnam. 'Phone 784. -456 DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. THOS. CORMtCK. prlvaie detect ive. 617 Kuruach block. Telephone A-232. 318 SlIIOLAHSIIlP. BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at n bargain in one or umana s leading com mercial colleges; life scholarship. .Address S 47. Doe office. - M716 t CARPET CLEANING AND LAYING. A. K. JETT, 2015 Cuming st. -4530 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLAT1N6 CO., Bee Bidg. Tel. 2535. 44 TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay more' Lambert, (25; superior to (100 Sent on approval. Monroe & Co., 811 N.16lh St.. Omaha. 459 fArbs For rent. . V FARM FOR RENT. 70 acres. 4 miles northwest of Omaha, un improved, (3 per acre. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. M627 Fl FOIND. FOUND Bunch of keys. Call at Bee office. Found 9H4 DANCING ACADEMY. JENSEN & ftREYERS, Washington hall; largest In Omaha; new clauses forming; for Pet).; reduced prices; adults Tuesdays and Fridays, 8 p. m. 740 MASSAGE. THREE FACIAL massages, (L 1711 Dodga. 764-F-6 MUSIC. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. 369 FIR DRESSING. O R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 8. 13th. 44 ELECTRICITY. GRAND ELECTRIC CO., 620 8. ,16th st. Phono 2846. . Electrical supplies, wiring and repairs. 7S8 F7 DRESSMAKING. KRISTER'S Ladles Tailoring College, 8uite 63-4-6-6, Douglas diock. loin ana uuage. C. D. Snyder, Mgr. Write for booklet. Mum STOVE REPAIRING. NEBR. Stove Repair Co., 1603 Leav'nwth. Tel. 2(4 -MIW J11 SHOEMAKING. UOB. WIKLUND. union shoe shop. 17th ana ixiiik ai.sai jji GENERAL ROOFING. WORK In any part of the country. Jones Roonng Co., IjIi Burt st. lei. liiie. -M172 BARRICK Roofing Co., 1616 Cuming st. Tel. 651. M479 LAtftDRY. OMAHA Steam Luundiy and City Towel Bupply. Lao Leavc-nwurto. Tel. a-1ins. 720 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 51). N. x. Llie Bidg. lei. 1064. - . 161 Dr. Grace Deegan, 612 McCague Blk. Tel .2974 46 LOST. LOST, gold stickpin, with small diamond setting stirroumlHd by four opals. It. M. Harris, M. l. bmitn & to. no reward, Ixst 771 Fl MANl CACTI RING. P. MKLCHOIR. 13th .and Howard, ma cninisi. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a ape . clalty of tire escapee, shutters, doors and . sales. G. Andreen, Prop., luct 8. loth at. 445 SIGN PAINTING. BCHROEDl- R Blgl W Works, 209 8 17th. W also ship signs. v rue 7 Junsi STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 15UH Farn. Tela. l."--ta tX PRESSMAN '8 Del. Co. Tela. llsf.-IUi COAL AND WOOD. HALD & RICE, 60S S. 16lh St. Tel. 12. -Mir. Fit ELECTRIC TflKATMKVT. DOUBLE parlors. Call at 1C16 Webster st. l-M.t'S MASttlERAUE (OSTIMES. T11EO. L1EBEN. 1018 Farnam, costume. Mull SHIRTS TO ORDER. OMAHA SHIRT FACTORY, 1316. Farnam. VX70 F1S PLVMDINQ. FREE & WICKER SHAM, 602 1 8. 1Mb st. M lis I'-J.l 4 OMR ACTORS AND Dl II.DEHS. A. J. Tlerson. 20th and Burt. Tel. L-2SW. 7..3 GRAVEL ROOFING. BARRICK Roofing Co., 1616 Cumins St. Tel. K.U. . -MITS; SEEDS AND POILTRY SIPPL1ES. E. II. ULLERY & CO., 1611 Howard St. .i;i2 I PIIOLS1EIIING. CARI-iON & CO., 2121 Leavenworth. Tel. 218. PETERSON &. LUNDBURG, 115 8. Tel. 1-2358. 'W TAXIDERMIST. J E. WALLACE, 605 8. 13th St. - MlOo AEEDLEWORK. EMBROIDERY and luce taught free. Mrs. l.suti. 1620 Dougias. 3i4 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 NorthJIUh. , rrrA. J ' ALTOMOUILES. ELEC. automobiles. Dcrttht, 1118 Farnam. l'HONOGUAPHS AND SUPPLIES. ALL MAKES talking machines; send for catalogue. Omaha lilcycie cc, 16in and Clocugo. MQJj GARHAUE. ANTI-MWNOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans teaspooia and vaults, removes nurbuye und dead qnimaln at reduced prices, wl N- iyh. Tel. 17itf. ''1 101PEUT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE lessons in bookkeeping, etc. G. At. Luihbun, Room 15, Coin I Nut. bank Li POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as ciiuui8 iint occur at auy tune.; . Fotuibii muiib lor the weeH cnuuiii Janu ary 31, iil-J, will close U'liOMl'iLi lu ull cases) ut me guiietat postotttce us .uuowsi furcels post ittaiui ctose one Hour earner than Closing tune showu Uoi'iw. Parcels poet iitans tor Gt-iiiiuiiy ciuse at o p. tu., ci'iuay, per s. a. iJatnctu. Reaulur unu supp.eiiictiiary mans close at luiciKti siuUon bait hour later than clos ing nine shown below leicepi mat supp.u- lUellltti y mutts tot' u.i uw mhu v,eiaidl AJUcnc Via colon ulostt one hour later at lot visit station;. TransHtlant I9 mis, SATURDAY At 3:30 a. m. for IRELAND. per 8. s. Ell una, via wueenstown (mail lor other purls, of Europe must be dU reeled "per s. , Ltturia ; ut 6:30 a. in. for EUROPE, per s. a. Krooniund, via buiitliumplon; ut 7 a. m. lor ITALY di rt ct, per a. a. Lahu tmail must be di rected "per s. a. i-rfhn";; at 9;3o a. m. for BCOTIAND direct, per s. s. Ethiopia tmail must be directed "per s. s. Einl-"); at 11 a m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Nortij unall must be directed per s a. Norge";. I R1NTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer lakes printed matter, commercial papers and samples tot Germany only. The same class of mull mutter ior otner par Ls of Europe win lib', be tent by this ship un less sueciully directed by It. Alter the closing ot the supplementary transatlantic mans numea above, addi tional supplementary nialls are opened on the piers of the American, Engilsn, French and German steamers, unu remain open until wlthia ten minutes ot the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls foe South r-nd Central America, West, Indira, Etc. SATURDAY Xt a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. b. Tflnldad; nt 9 a. m. for PORTO ItICO, CURACOA and VENEZUELA (ex cept Venezuela parcels post mulls), per r. u. Ponce (mall for Bitvanllla and Carta gena must be directed "per s. s. Ponce"); ' at 9:30 a. m. 'supplementary 10:30 a. m.) tor FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, BA VANILLA, CARTAGENA aud GREY TOWN. P'f c s- Valencia (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "iter 8. a. Val encia";; at lo a. ni. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 11:30 p. m. for BAHAMAS, ptr steamer from Miami, Flo, Malls for Ncwtitindinnd, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at ihlj office- dally, nt 6:.(0 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday, Wednesday and . Baturduy). Malls for Mttjuelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at 1 llils office ilai: at 6:30 p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail 10 port Tampa, Flu., and thence by steamer, qlose at this office daily, txeen', at "b.M a. m. tthe connecting cIom-h Ure made on Mon days, Wtd-nsiiays and Saturdays;. Malls fur Mexico City, overlund. unie-s specially uddressed for dispatch by steamer, close mi this office lUlly except Sunday ut 1:20 p. 111. und 11:30 p. in., Sundays a. 1 p. m. und 11:30 p. in. Mulls for Costa Rica, Belize, 1'utrlo Curts und letter mall for Guatemala, by rail to New Orlraus, niul thence' by sti Himr, close at this office dully, except at :30 p. m. and 11:30 p. 111., bundufS ut '-l p. in. und 11:3 p. in. (connectlnB closet here Mon days ut ll:8o p. ni. for Belize. Puerto Cortez und letter mull for Guatemala, and Tuesdays ut li:50 p. m. for Costa, Rica;. Recistered mail closes at C p. m. plu vious duy. Transpacific Malls. Malls fo. tho Philippine islands, via San Frurvcisco, close heic daily at 6:3o p. ni. up to January :, .ncluslve, for tiisputch per I'. S. transport. Mulls for Australia (except West Austrtlla, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via Bun Francisco) und FIJI Islands, via Vancouver und Vlcto la, B. C, close here dully ut 6:30 p. m. after January 24 and up to January 31, lu, fni dlsputch per . s. Mlowcra. Mai's f'.r Hawaii, China. Japan and Philip pine Islands, via Ban Francisco, close hete dally at 6:30 p. 111. up to Junuarv 'J1, In clusive, for dl.-patcli per s- r.. iiung Kong Muru.. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, close here dxlly at 6:3u t 111. up to Janu ary 31, Inclusive, for dispatch ptr s. s. Victoria. Mails for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 n. m. up to February 2, inclusive, for dispatch per s. n. Ala meda. Mulls for China and Japan, via Seatt'e, . close here dally at 6:30 p. rn. up to Feb ruary 4 Inclusive, for dispatch per b. 8. Shlnsno Maru. Mulls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dully at 6:30 p m. Up to February 8, in clusive, fot dispatch per s. s. Chlpa. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesus islands, via Ban Francisco. clme here dully at tM p. m. up lo February 11, lnclucive, for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. Malls for Australia texfept West Aus- tralia, which is torwaidea via Europe;, New Zealand, Fill, Samoa and, via San Francisco, close here dully at 6:30 p. rn ufter January "21 aud up lo Febru ary 14, Inclusive, for dbpa'ch per s. s. Fbrra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying toe British rual1 for New Zealand doe not arrive ui time to -omeet with this tils) at-:h. extra malls closing at 6.(0 a. m., DM a. m. and 6.u p. m.; Sundays at 4 .it I'OS I tFFI K NOTICE. a. m . a. m. and 6:30 p. m. will be fn.tds up and loiw.irded until the arrival ot iIki I t.t-.srd steamer:. Malls for china and Ji-an, vl.i Vaci. uvof and Victoria. M C.. rliwe hr-rt dnilv at 6. SO p. m. up to February 17. Im lnslve, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of China. Merchandise for I'. S. potttl nit'iit.i .it Bli.tntihal cannot be forwarded via Canada. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port ol faillngr dally and the arhrdule or cim Iiik Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mull closes at p. in. T'e- lens ll IV. CHUNKI.U'S VAN COTT. rosimaster I'ostollitt, New York, N. Y.. Jan. 23. l' .1. .M I'RNMF.NT MITH K, CHIEF WJ l"A RT ER M ASTER'S OFFICE, Omaha, Net,. Jan. i'i, 1X1 SeHied propos als, 'n triplicate, subject to the usual urn tlltiens, will be received at tins office until P' n. ni., central standard time, February :-S. i:m. fcr luriilslnug material and laber In instaliinK a steam heating plant In the giintd house s Fort Roliinmm. Neb. Full Inform .r.lon f TnlMlicd u application to this office, where plana and tt itli atlons may be seen, or lo the quurlcriiiuMer, l-oil It tiibison. l n-positls to be ir.niked "Pro posals tor Btrnin llcnting. ' mid adilrt.scd to John W, Pullman, Chief yuai tei ninHter. 6tI-2S)-3"-Sl I- .l . ..I p A I I.W V TIM E C.VltD. , l.MON STATIUN-UTII ami M AHl V. In Ion Pseltlc. Leave. ..a a.u am Arrive, a i :, psn u a.. put Overland Limited., Thu Fust Mail Ca.iloliiia r.x press a 4:20 pm I'acinc t-xpivss all...o pm Eastern Expreft. (. 5 :IA m 1 IK" .MllinllC AAp.CiS .-sj Uill I Tuc Colorado opccial...; l nicago t ecuti ri'uoi...ii i. in am u a.-K' at.i mX . v 1. . . 1 lam i. oi, und btroiU!-ltur( Em ices... I) 4:10 pm b!2:) pm Not Hi i mite Local a 8 i'j a:n j, pm Grand Isiund Local.... b j:.ui pm u l:jj p,n i..i.iuift t ettti-ai. . , ' Cnlcagn L.'.p'cts, a 7.35 r.m V-lliUi., .Vle.l.t apullS :10 pai uu i.iiiiut-.i a 7:50 pm a 8:i'5 a-ii M 1 1. oca i.n:s fl. l-'UUt ' l-.xpit-ss b 7:!-"i am iiH';3."i ; iu Cliutito Local l'i;4j am tun jk') i..pi. ss ali):w p,n tiitiiit iiUi-h ihUuti a. I'ucHie. KAS'L'. Chicago I'uyliglil L i u..a jiOii nni u 6 4n au cliK.i.u i.i, if iiui i.oc.ti. i :iw u l il u put Clticat." J-.pii" oli, u a, ii u j.iu pin UeS -tldlMea l-.X ,tleo . . . . a i.u'l.l OiJ;ji;,,iij Fust Exp. ,.t u.Jj iirt u 1 Ci but . VV Kb l . Rocky Mountain L t o..,i o;o0 pin a ani Lincoln, Colo, fciiiuifes, UtiutT, l'ucblu allC West 4 1:30 pm u 5:00 pm Colo., Texas, Cul. und Oklahoma Flyer u 5:40 pni H12.40 jnu t .t Bt. Louih "Can.ioii Bali'' Express ' a'Ci ptii a 8:20 am St. i.iium '.ticat, coun cil Blulfs u 9:15 am al0:30 pm clxtcauo C Northwestern. ' 'i ne .Sorili wesiern Line." Fast t, hicufcO u j:4u urn a 7:00 am Mull a h.iu pm a 8..w u.u Local .iloux Cliy a a.iu ant u 3:30 pin Ujyiirflu at. Duf i Am cnlcui;u.. Local cuicuao Local canon Fast Chicago ... . asi fal. i a -.1 Limited v.'incugo... Fast Alan Local tioux city.. ...u i.oj am uiu:.j pm ...a s.w am iui -Jio.i ...ali.jj biii it c.iw pni . ..u .ju pm n um ...a u;uo pm ,t i.M pm ... . p.n u saj uul ...u t:lu pni a K.ju am a ;io pm ...b 4:00 pm O :m urn it leu Ht, Mllniilfi St. Paul. Chicago Dujilgnt u . :u am udl:15 pin Chicago I'usi LAprcas...a i:4j pm a i :4U pm c'hictiko Limited. ..a s.uj pm a i':uo am Us .vtollics LXplcss. ChtcuKo lxical .I..J...OUlt 1'l.ClltU. St. Louis Express.... Ac C aud el. L. Ex. ..a. iHm uiii a 3;4u pm . lo:40 am ' ..al0:00 am a :5 pm . pm a 6.1j am UVRL1NGTON ST AUON IOTH A MASON Burlington .V TliisHonrl River. Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:55 am Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a f:4ti pin Denver Limited a, 4:25 pm a 6:4u um Black Hula and Puget bound Express... allilO pm a 3:10 pro ' Col-rado estibuled Flyer a 1:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall .b 2:62 pm a :U am tori crooa and Platts- moutn b 8:20 pn. bll:l!6 anv v Beiievue ft PuclUc Jul. ..a 7:wj pm a 8.27 am Uelievuc At 1'acihc Jet. ..a 3;oO aito . , , . KttnsaiM City. JuseiiU dt Council Uluns.. ' ; ';..'. ' Kansas City Day Ei,.al: 'rn. 1:05 pm 6t Lqu1 Flyer a 6;10 pm all:16 am , Kansas City .Mghr Ux..alo:3o pm a 61U aiu chicutin. llullluirlon Si Aulney. ChlcaKO Special... a 7:00 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:o fn a 7:60 am 1 Chicago. Local .....a 9:23 um ull.00 pm i Clilcugo Limited a b.o5 pm a 7:60 am Fust iail. a i.4j pm WEBSTER DEPOT 16TII A WEUSTEH Fremont, ElWItorn Missouri Valley. Leave. Arrtva. Black Hills, Deadwood, Lead, Hut Springs a 8:00 pm a 6:00 pm youiliig, Cunper and Douglus 1 :00 pm 0 6:00 pm Hustings, York, David City, superior, Geneva, Exeter und Bewaru....b 1:00 pm b 6:00 pm Ecnesteel, Lincoln, Nio- brara and Fremont. ...b 7:30 am b 10:26 aro Fremont Local u 7:30 am Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water ,.b cilO pm a!0:25 am Chlcaarn. St. Paul, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ..a 6:30 am a :10 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:o0 pm all:) am Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b 8:4a am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday, c Sunday only. STEAMSHIPS. KOLLAHD-AI..ERIGA LINE New 1 Win-Screw blesoiera of li.SOO TobK KBW YOKK KOTItKUAS, via UUULOUNa. tUlllm Weduwiday at 10 A. II. Amsterdam Frti. AautsrHim .......slsr. 11 Hyndan Kb. UiStiitaDdam Mr. IS Kottrrdatn hlAr. 4Hotterdftm .'. Mar. 26 llollnnd-Amerlea Line, SO B'rtray. N. Y. lUrrr Moorra, U01 Kamam at., 1. 8. McNallf, 11:1 Farnam at., 11 S. Junea, Ibvi Farntni st., Louis Nffae. First ht l Dk.. H D. Kladmao A Cs., 1614 Capitol . t'hi a Vlanta, all bo. lutb at., 8. L. Koaturva, 509 Bo. 12th St., Omaha, sfaala. PINKERTONS WILL GET WORK American Bankers' Association Wfll Employ Them on tho Waterloo Case. ! Word was received from Waterloo yester day afternoon that the Plnkerton detecting will be employed to work out clues left by tl'r roblers of the Citizens' State bank, whether or not the company in which the bank was Insured sees St to engage them. In a telephone message to The Bee Cashier Waldron said: "The American Bankers' association has Interested Itself In Tuesday morning's rob bery, and instructed me to prepare a full report ot the robbery,, and also to relate, the circumstances which we consider a clue to the Identity of the leader. The associa tion has the Plnkertona regularly employed and already has instructed them to get to work on tbla case at once. I think the In surance company, also, will act when it learns what we have to tell." DONATION F0RWISE HOSPITAL Mrs. J. I.. Braadele ' Contributes a I.OOO In Memory of Her I. ate Husband, Mrs, J L. Brandnls, In memory of her late husband, yesterday morning contributed $1,000 to the building fund ot the Wise Memorial hospital. The donation was ac companied by the following letter to th. vice president of the hospital association: Dear Mrs.' Sonnenberg: In memory of my beloved husband, recently deceased, 1 wish to donate to the Wise Memorial hospital, to f used in the purchase or erection of a fospltal building, or In buying a site thereto 1 enclose a bank check for the amount, Cordially yours, - Mud. J. L. BRANDEI8.