10 ! COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Tht Bottom rinally Tills Out of Boom in Maj Whett OPTION STILL CONTINUES TO FALL torn, Oats and Provisions Follow I ran. All Closing Mlahtly l.onrr After Doll Hay on Hoard nl Trade. CHICAGO, Jsn 3n There wb only a moderate (rade In whf.it today and the market v how I'd a lower tendent y, ll.iy ring ing at a ln-s of I'm1., iiay' corn was down 'v hiiiI oats were ofT Mi'ic. pro-vl-dons closed easy, the May proiiucls be I ii K a shade to 15e lower. There a little nf interest In thp trad ing In wheat and with no rews to encourage holders thp selling was nnlt mini throughout the day. Liverpool cables were wpak and the rold wave predli ti-il i r to lay filled to rcallie, tin" tempi1; at in e throughout the winter wheat bet ncin only moderate. ' he liberal Argentine snipmcnts were the main depret-sing inlliienr. belnij over 1.o00,iai bu. for the wn-k, ('umpired with only 456,ono lust week. The opening on May waa 4c lower at 7r.,t'.'7vc and there waa an eariy slump to i74 u Ji . A better demand developed lutrr in the day and the. price advanced to 7N'c, but re newed selling late In the session inured another break and the mirket atillng oft to Vi'ic and the close as weak and near the iMitloni. May being off 1 i 1 1 - at 77'!! 7iSc. Clearances of wheat and Hour were amall at 3MI.0O0 bu. ITimary receipts w re biZM) bu., against 3n7,X!0 a year ago. Min neapolis and luiluth reported receipts nf So? cars, whleh, with loral receipts of 4.'i car, none of contrart grade, made total receipts of 3C cars for the thre points, against 378 laat week and 2tfu a year ago. Corn was rather quiet and nn easier feel lng pervnded the pit. the fear nl a severe break In wheat preventing much buylna. The weakneaa of wheat waa the prln-lpal bear factor, altho"gh lower ruhies wer: parity responsible tor a lower opening. Small rerelpta and a good cash dcrrmid canned considerable covering by aborts, the latter part of the session, but nn the final break In wheat there waa another re action, the close being about steady, with Way off 'c at 44'4,c, after selling between 4c and 4514. loral ree- Ipts were 2.10 tars, with two of contract grade. Oats were easy In sympathy with the lower prices In other grains and trading was very light, with no features of conse quence. The close was easier, with May down Mi'4c at UK1!', after selling between S6c and 36'4jr. laical receipts were 203 cars. Provisions opened fairly firm on smill receipts of hogs and hlghtr prices at tho yards, but the eat'y strength 'i soon lost on liquidation b:- outsiders, while pack ers also had lard and rlba for sale. Cover ing bv shorts In January pork caused an adanie of l-oc In that delivery and the close was up 55c at $lK.6i. May pork dosed 15o lower at $16.55. May lard off 12V at J9 42' and ribs a shad- lower at $9.id1i9.17. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 36 cars; corn, 266 cars; oats. 195 cars; hogs, 16,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Opet:. High. Low. C'lose.Yes'y. Wheat I I I Jan. 74.' 74 74 74 j 74H Mav 7U'i7Vtr 774j uWii 78 July 74V075 75 ' ' -i'75 (n's Corn I I Jan. 45 46 44, 46 ; 4..'4 May 444"4 45M, 44 H,, 44', 45 Julv 33V"n-S 43H 4ov43VSi i:!', Oats I Jan ! S3, ST Mav July 32T. 32T 321 .3i!H: 3-Ts Pork j Jan. IS 75 19 0ft 1R 75 1R 75 Is 2S May Hi 75 Ifl 16 lfi 65 j lfi 70 Julv 16 36 16 35 16 10 16 20 16 35 Lard ! Jan. ! 30 10 20 9 90 SO I" 'JO Mav 8 55 9 55 9 4n 9 42H, 9 55 Julv 37Mi 9 37'4 9 KV 9 2?'2 9 35 Rlba- j I Jan. 97H 9 02H S 97',i 9 02'V 9 05 Mav 9 22V4 9 224 9 07'j 9 17H 9 14'4 July 9 0i 9"7Vtl 8 92! i) fil'ii 9 07Vi Cash quotations were as follows: FlOl'R- Oulet and easy; winter patents, $3.78X-i: winter straights, tSMiXfX); spring ratents, (3.603.95; spring straights. t3W3 50; bakers, J2.4bfn2.l0i. WHEAT No. 2 aprlng, 77&78c; No. 3, 72c; Ko. 2 red, 74(&4oi CORN No. 2, 4fAlc: No. 2 yellow, 4,"iir. OATS No, 2, S3c; No. 3 white, 33'it(36c. RYE No. 2. 49c. ' BARLEY Good feeding, 4245c; fair to choice malting, 4xf,jEj. - SEEDS No. 1 flag, 11.17: No. I north western, 11.22. Prime timothy, $4. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 216 62H ?'l'j.75. Iard, per 100 1b., . 90$, 10.25. Short ribs sides (loose), 8ftV(f9.10. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $K2fti8.50. Short clear sides (boxed), J9.37Vufl.iyH. Following were the recelptc and ahlp menta of flour and grain; Receipts Shipments. 10,000 15,100 2i4.7iiO 138.400 Flour, bbla 15.B00 64.81 ii) Wheat, bu Corn, bu Onts, bu It ye, bu Barley, bu ..226.10O ,.3HI,6I .. 6,7(iO .. Su.GOU 14.900 On the Produce exchange today the bat ter market was dull and steady; cream eries, 16rt'26c; dairies. 15fa'23e. Eggs, stronger; loss off, cases Included, 20V- Cheese, dull and steady," 136 14c. NEW YORK OF.;aM MARKETS. ((notations of the Dit on Varlon t'omnao'lltles. NEW YORK. Jan. ).-KI.01R-ReCpts, J2.705 bbls. ; exports, 35.242 bbls. ; dull, with buyers mid sellers apart; winter ' patents, W.6ji4.00; winter straight, ja.iKa3.66; Min nesota palent, 4.1544.af; winter extras, 2.(H"tia.l0; Minnesota bakers, M.26fi.40; win ter low grades, $2.6iK(2.90. Rye flour, steady; fair to g-Hjd. I3.3i3.3.i; rno'co to fancy. .'..4o 6U.55. Huckwheat flour, quiet, $2.20&'2.30, pjt and to arrive. I'OKNMEAI Steady; yellow western, 21.19: tlty, $1.17: Hrandywlne, 3.4(Kq3.5o. RYE Steady No. 2 western, 6V, f. o. b. afloat. KAKUKY Dull; feeding, 47i; malting. tU'iRoi'. WHEAT Receipts. 35.i:0 bu. Spot, weak; No. 3 rod, 81c. elevator; No. 2 red, 8lic, f. O. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Diiluth. 8ic, f. 0. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manltobu, 89c. f. o. b. afloat. Options were generally weak all day under dlHapnolntlug English cables, email export demand, better crop and weather news, local unloading and weak oJtclde markets. The close was weak at T'..il'-, net deiiine. March closed at 82",c; May, SO 15-liVii81c: closed at 8lc; Jul"', 7S'4 j'"'Jc; closed r.t 78V. CORN Receipts, 79,000 bu. ; experts, 50.732 bu. Spot, ateudy; No. 2, nominal, elevator, avnd tii'c, f. o. b. ntloat; No. 2 yellow, 59c; No. 2 white. t9c. Options were small. Ir regular. In the main steady all d.ty, reflect ing small contract slocks here, a good cash demand west and prospective smaller receipts, closing Heady at unchanged I 'rices; February closed at ft a?; March, fiTftr ;V; dosed at 57c, May, D0S.ff'V li-lrtc; cloned ai nic; July. 48i9o; dosod at 49 OATS-Recelpts, 42.000 bu. ; exports, 6.933 bu. Spot, ateady; No. 2. 43c; standard white. 4Cc: No. 3, 42V; No. 2 white. 44c; No. 3 white, 43V: track, mixed western, nominal: track, white, 4;y't'te; track, white state. 43D4e. Options fairly active and ateiiily; May ciofed at 42c. HAY (julet; shipping, 5570c; good to Choice, 9i ill 06. HOI'S-Firm; slate, common to choice. 19o2, 30i:i;c, 19.il, 24(o-'o; olds, fc'iljt.c. Pn" cltic coast. 1!W2. !74i32c; 1901, 2J2ic; olds, 1. 'tc. UlllES Firm: Ualveston, 30 to "S lbs 18c, California, 21 to ii lbs.. 19c; Texas dry 4 to 3o lbs . Me. I .KATH ER Firm : acid. 4(cr,vc lMtOYlSKNS Heef. firm; faiiilly. $15 00 li.CO; ineas, tio.oiti lo..V; beef hams lJI.aocu21.a0; packet. 14.(KU IS. 00; city extra India mot.s. 124. 0ui 27.00. Cut meats, steady to firm; pickled bellies. Is.Oi lo.ui; pickled shoulders. eS.2."V.50; pickled hams, 21l.ot; 11 fr. I .ard. steady; western stemmed. Slo. J.V; rehned, quiet; continental. 110 35; South America. Ill: compound. J7.12Jir.75. Pork steady; family. $18 7f.i 19 0o; short clear $11 (ii.ii2t.0o; mess, slS.0oil!l.50. Tl.I,oW-Steady. RICE-Firm. I'l'TTKR- Receipts. .t;6 pkgs ; firm; state dairy, lxjiiSc; creamery, exira, 2oc; creamery, crmmon to choice, 19j2-'m.'. Ei SOS Receipts, ,u24 pkgs.; steady: state and Pennsylvania, average best, 2t25c; western, Hor to fancy, li3c. MKTAI.S The I-ondon tin market was a little lower today, with spot closing at 131 15s and fuUres at 121 los. This showing caused a somewhat eusler tone In the local rcarket. whlrh closed at $28,75129.1 Cop per. !i!e tl.i. was loer In lordou, losing la isl. with siHit at Jl.'4 Ms 91 and futures at 155. locally the market was dull and without Important price changes. Standard Is quoted at $1.'; lake. $12 4.'.4j 12.70; electro lytic. $12 46nn2 6.; casting. $'2.2Wji; 50. lesd was Is 3.1 lower ! lmlon at 11 8s M. but here It continued qiiet and unchanged. Spelter was quit! and unr'iar.ged locally at J4.9C4IV0, but In London It advanced s (d to i 7s d. Iron was quoted at i.'s 6.1 in tiiasvnw and at 4.S 6.1 in Mldd.es borough. The local market continues more or less nominal: No. 1 northern fojndry'ls quoted at $24 .0044 V; Hit. I southern fouu- c!ry and No. 1 soft i-outhern foundry at f ' : M 3. ard No 2 northern fojndry at i.'2.'"'n22..V'. W arrants are nominal. 1MI Kl'OI.KMI.l; MiRKK.I. condition of Trade and notations on staple and r'sinry Produce. E'lOS-r rrsh stiM-lt. 1;, . LIVE I f il l.TKY - Hens. c: f.l.l roosters. ir"'-; tinkers. 12ii13c; ducks 'u- gees?, "" : si.rinit 1 hlrkrns. per lb.'. :'n . I'P.ESSEK PiUI-TIiV'-Yourn chickens, l"!!!'11?!-. hens. 1' c; turkeys, 15til.se; du' ks, I l 'i iic . rh ae. Iwi 11c. HI TTKP. - I'ac alng stock. K",c: choice d.ilry. In tubs. l.nHc; S'parator 24t25c. OYSTERS Standard, per rati, 2v; extra Kl. i ts. p r can. Xic. Nw York counts per rati, l.'c ; bulk, extra selects, jht gal., J1.75; bulk, st.milnrd. per Kal., Jl 35. r'KKSH FIS1 : -Trout, !"i;.ic; herring, 3c; pickerel. 8c; pike. 9 ; i.t h, tic; bufrln, ilrrsied, 7c; sunllsh 3c; b'utlus. 3c; wlipc lih, 9c; nalmon. Iic; hnddi ok, 11c; codfish. 12c, redsnapp r. 1ic; lobsters, belled, pr r lb.. 30c; Inheters. :rei 11, per lb., 2Sc; b.ill tv"ids. lc; catfish, 14c; black b;isa, 2oc; balib.it, 11c. P.RAN-Per ton J13.50. HAY Prices qui. ted by Omaha Vhnle rnle pealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land, $s; No. 1 medium. $7; No. 1 course, IS..M". Rye straw, $6. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair: receipts light. CORN Siio. OATS 54c. RYE No. 2. 45c VEGETABLE?. NEW CEI.ERV-Ka aman o, p;r del., 25c; California, oer doi., 4.V((i5c. POTATOES-Per bu., 1t"ii45c SWEET POTATOE8-lowa $2.25. and Kansas, Tl'RNIPS Per bu., 40c; Canada rutaba- gas, prr lb.. IV. BEETS New southern, per doi. bunches, 50e; old. per bu., 40c. I'l'd'il HERS Hothouse, per doi., $2. PARSNIPS Per bu., 40c. CARKt TS Per bu., 40c. (IKKK.N ONIONS Southern, per doten bunches, 45c. UADIhH ES Southern, per dog. bunches, 45e Tl'RNIPS New southern, per doi. bunch es, 60c. HP1NAC1I Southern, per doi. bunches, 50c WAX BEANS Par bu. box, $3; string beans, per bu. box, $1.60. CAHBAGE Holland seed, per lb., l'ic ONIONS Home grown. In sacks, per lb., l',-c; Spanish, per calf, $1.75. NAVY MEANS Pt bu., $2 60. TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-basket crate. $4.5o')i5 m. I'Al'UKIiOWBK- California, per crate, $2.75. FRF 1TB. PEARS Fal varieties, per box. $2.60. APPLES Western, per bbl., J2.75; Jona thans. 4.nii; New York stock. $3.25; Cali fornia Meiilowers, per bu. bcx, $1.50. GRAPES Malagas, per keg. 6."!7.0O. CHAN'l'KRKIKS Wisconsin, per bbl., Jl'Vu'i; i'.i ll and Huglea. Jll; per box, 13.6 . STRAWBERRIES Florida, per auait, 50c TROPICAL FRF ITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to srfze, $2."'j:.5'. LEMONS California fancy, $3.50; choice, $3.25. Oit AN11ES California navels, fancy, $3.25; choice. $3; Mediterranean sweats. $2.25. DATES Persian, In 7o-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c: per cuf of 30-lb. pks., $2.25. FIGS California, per lo-lb. cartons, $1; Turkish, per 35-lb.- box. 14iji8c. MISCELI .AN EO I r S. HONEY Nw I'tah, per 24-frame case, "cVl4;R- New York. $1.50; per -bbl.. $2.75. S A I' ERK RAFT Wisconsin, per Vubl., $2.25: per bbl.. JUL 75. POPCORN Per lb.. 2o; shelled. 4c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7V: No. 2 salted, 6V; No. 1 veal caiV. 8 to 12', lbs., 8V: No. 2 veal cal', 12 to 10 lbs., tic; dry hides, S1ii2c; sheep pelts. 2:'(j75c; horse hides, fl.50ft2.a0. NITS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell, per lb., lie; No. 2 solt shell, per lb., 13c: No. 2 hard shel!, per lb., i2c; P.razils. per lb.. 12c: filberts, per lb., 12c; almondt), soft shell, ucr lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large per lb., 12V; small, per lb.. 11c; cocoanuts, per doz.. One; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, ner lb., 5V; 'resisted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., fl.50; cocoanuts, per lot), $4. OLD METALS, ETC. A. B. Alplm qjotes the following prices: Iron, country, mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $s; copper, per lb., 8V; brass, heavy, per lb., 8V; brass, light, per lb., 6V: lead, per lb., sc; tine, per lb., 2V; rubber, per lb., 6V. WF.ARF. COMMISSION COM PAX V 110-111 Board of Trade. Omaha, Xeb Telephone 15 HI. CHICAGO. Jan. 30.-WHEAT-Market has been weak, off a cent from Thursday's closing prices. There was more liquida tion. The cold wave which was predicted waa not realized. Cables were lower an.l the other aide showed very little interest at the decline. Modern Miller said wheat was without, protection, but no damage re ported aa yet. Clearan-es, 380,000, mostly flour. Seaboard reports from 15 to 32 loads taken for export. Clearances for the week, 4.42V.OOO, compared with 3.702,000 last year. There Is the prospect of a very small de crease In the visible. Primary receipts, 522.0OO bu., against 396.0i) bu. laat year; pri mary shipments, 136,000 bu.. agalnat 84.000 bu. last year. Northwest receipts, 257 cars, against 344 l ist week and 249 a year ago. laical receipts, 40 cars, wltn none of con tract; estimate for Saturday, Sa cars. CORN Market has been small, within a narrow range. Prices were off a fraction early on favorable weather, but later there waa a recovery on the taking back of early sales. Cash corn was V to .c higher on account of the small receipts, the Inspec tloi only showing 2c9 cars, with two of or.tract; estimate for Saturday, 265 cars. The snipping demand is not quite so active, but there is still a pressure to till old sales. Clearances, 42.1,000 bu. New York reports 20 loads taken for export. Primary re ceipts, ;9Vuo bu., against 226.000 bu. last year: primary shipments. 718,0o0 Uiu., against 28I.0110 bu. Argentine shipments were only 41.000 bu. There were only 9 cars of contract out of private houses. OATS Market haa been firm, although there was a email decline early on flue weather and In sympathy with other grains. The range ot prices has beer small and , trae'e unimportant. Cash oats were V higher. Local receipts, 203 cars, with 8 of contract; estimate lor Saturday, 9." cars. Clearances, 7.000 bu. PROVISIONS Market opened strong, but fold off on liberal offerings of lard by Roloson. Later the market became, weak 011 selling of lard by Cudahy and general 'liquidation by long holders. There were 24,(ki bogs here; prices at yards, 10c hit hi r. Estimate for tomorrow. 16,009 head. Hogs In the west today, 52.9U0. against 64.500 last week, and 61Ki last year. WEARE COMMISSION CO. St. Louis Grain and Prorlalona. 6T. I-OUIS. Jan. SO.-WHEAT-IjOwer; No. 2 red, cosh, elevator, 71e; track. 'Vrt 7f'sc; May, 74c; July, 7Ht(&71V; No. 2 hard, 714 73c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash 41c; track, 41 i'c; aiay. ii't;. OATS SWak; No. 2 cash. 35c; track, 3ii 636c; May, 36-"-c: No. 2 white. 37c. RYE Strong at 4V0Oc. FLOl'R Wulet; red winter patents. $3.35 I&3.55; extra fancy and etmight. $3.15i3.40; Clear, $3.tii''n3.1.i. SEED Timothy, steady. $3.0uij3.FJ0. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.3o. BRAN-Dull, quiet, $10.0011.60; prairie, dull, $9.(.:i 11.50. IRON COTTON TIKS-$1.07'. BAGGING-6 5-ir,iii7 l-16c. HEMP Twine, 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, standard mess, $17.61. Lard, lower at T9.45. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed cxtr.i short and clear ribs, $9.12; short clems, $9.37V-. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, $10.00; clear ribs, $1o.12H; short clear, $10.37. METALS Iml. easy at t3.9503.97V. Spel te,'. t;rm at 4 85. POULTRY Higher; chickens. 11c; tur keys. 16c; ducks. 12c; grete. i'it7c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 17fa25c; dairy. 17t20c. EGGS Lower at 17c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 6.1X1 HU Wheat, bu 62.l 31.I4H Corn, bu I24.noO 352,iD Oats, bu 51.U00 66.0OJ Toledo irain and aeee). TO'.EDO. O.. Jan. 30. -WHEAT Dull, easier; cash and January. 77c; Mav. 9ue. CORN Dull, steady; January, 4oc; May, 44 V- OATS Dull, unchanged; January. 37c; Mav. 37V. RYE No. 2. 64c. SEEDS Clover. fairly active, easier; January, $7.15; March $7.20; prime timothy, $1.90; prime alstke, $8.10. ItBlalh 4. rain Market. ni'LI TH. Jan. 30 WHEAT Cash. No 1 hard 75c; No. 2. r.orthtrn, 73c: No. l'north ern. 76V: May, 77c; July, 7c. OATS May, 35c. I'earia Maran, PEORIA. Jan. 30 -CORN-Flrm ; 41V OATS Firm ; No. t while, S3V WHISKY-$130. No, 3. NlaaieaiMilla Wheat. Flour a aid Braa. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. SO. WH EAT May, 76t5Vi July, 7V, on track. No. 1 hard. THE OM AIT A DAILY 11KK: SATUKDAY, 7c; No. 1 rorthern. 7r.c; No. 2 r.orthern 74V. KIJif-Flr't : in tents. $3 frf.tj l. j cli nm. $2 yn 2. . MP.AN-Jn bull: .-tents. l n ,i 11; tlrt clears, $2.tH; seron 1 second $14 .vxii4.7 Liverpool (iraln anil 1'rntlmnrt. LIVERPOOL. Jim. M - WHEAT-Spnt, steady; ,'o 2 red western, winter, 6s IV; No. 1 no'thi rn. sprlnc Kl"i. No. I c,,, lornlii. ii IV Futiii's. qui"!: March, i.s 2: ' ; May, 6s 2'4d. CORN front, qui"'. Amcrlian mixed. new. n mi. f'.itjre, otiiet; Ji i-.i: incl: March. 4p4'd: Mav. -f 2's.d nom- t 1X31 R St. LciuIm fancy winter, quiet, PEAS Quiet: Canadian. 6 7d HOPS At I nclun 1 Pacific 6 liis'q t7 fis. PROVISIONS Meef. ipv; men. b'.'s 6d. Pork. rHy; coast ), f x t ri. prim rlrm, India wrst-ru. 75s. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 or., irrm. pjs lul. ilncifi. t timln rta lid i-ut. 2S to 30 lbs., steady, 676 1; shi.rt ribs, l'i to 24 lbs., steadv. 47s : long e'ear middles, light. 28 to 34 lh., firm. I'-s; long clear mid dles, heavy, Zii to 4n lbs. firm. 47s 6d ; short clear backs, 16 to 20 Ills'., firm, IK; cleu bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 51. Shoulders, square. 11 to 13 lbs., iie.idy. E". Lard, prime we-tern. In tierces, quiet. 61s: Ameri can refined In palls, quiet, nls. HiTTER-Nomlnal. "H EESi' Strwig; American finest white and colored, 62s 6d. 1 A LMJW Prime city, steady. 27s (Sd; Australian, in London, lirm, 31s 3d. Kansas City (iraln and Provisions. KAN8S CITY. Jan. 30. WH EAT Ma v, (KVaVSV: July, (KVic: cash. No. 2 hard. 6tii, fabiV; No. ;:, 6514f'HW1c: No. 4. f9fa62V; re jected. 54W,9c; No. 2 red, 69fi70c; No. 3, Mt'TSc. CORN January. 31-: May. :S'4li3SV; ca4i. No. 2 mixed. 391'V; No. 2 white, 4i4 i41V: No. 3. 40V. OATS No 2 white, 3(Vii6V; No, 2 mixed, 2fW36c , K 17-No 2, 45c. HAY Choice timothy, $13.50; choice prai rie. $9.00. ML'TTER Creamery, 'gCSc; dairy, fancy. 19c. EGGS Fresh,- 18c. Receipts. Shipments. Ro.OOO 41.60-1 126.0111) KS.S00 21,0110 28,"O0 Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oats. bu... Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30 BUTTER Firm, good demand; extra western cream ery, 1.M.-26V; extra western prints, 28c. EGGS Steady. fair demand; fresh nearby. 2"o at the mark; fresh western, 22 r23c; fresh southwestern, 23c; fresh south ern, 21c at the mark. CHEESE I'lichantfCd: New York full creams, prime, small. IficMV. New York fair to good, 13V1V; New 1 ork prime large, 14c. Mllwnnkee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jon. 30. W 1 1 EAT Mar ket lower; No. 1 northern. 78Vj'ii 7.s-,c ; No. 2 northern. 77(n77V; Mav. 77i'irn"v. sellers. RYE Steady: No. 1. 51''ifi2c. HA RLKY-Stea.lv; No. 2, M1 Tic; sample 464i 57c. CORN May. 44V. sellers. XF.W MIKK STOCKS AM) ROM). Hitch In I. P. Htrike Xegrnllntlona I n. settles Rnllns) ecorltles. NEW YORK. Jan. 30 After ruling djll and somewhat Irregular during the greater i part of the day the stock market In the I later trading developed n pronounced reac tionary tendency. There was no special features: of Interest in the eatly dealings. The profjvf lonal element tried to make capital out of the reported art -back of. the Venezuelan negotiations, but the greater ee.se and abundance of money and some moderately sharp advances In 11 few spe cialties tended to nfl'set the effect nf tho traders' selltnsr. Liberal mfvrliiRs by the banks carried the cash rate to the lo-vci-t I level In some time. Aciorillni," to tru?-t-worthy reports fully Sl'i.omMViO wns loaned at 3'4 per mit and perhaps half that sum at 3 per ent. It was stated that the greater part of this money was put out by the- PehnsyR aula railroad, which receipt made a large and advantageous loan in this market. This, however, was denied, and It was elsewhere reported that money which the trv.st companion had been lending re turned and bank money loaned at the lower figure. The rate for dfkiand money fell to 2'A per cent later In -4he day. ihe note worthy feature of the forenoon was the rhirp advonoe In St. Louis & San Fran cisco on reports, of an alliance with the Southern Railway. Much nl the buying of those Issues was said to be for Pitts burg account. Considerable weakness waa shown by the traction Btocks, particularly Metropolitan securities, on taik that an other Installment of the subscription was to be called for. Metropolitan Street Rail way Buffered in sympathy, and Brooklyn Rapid Transit, In which there will be soon a change of management, was also weak. In the afternoon the entire list became un si'ttled under the leadership of Union Pa cific and allied Btocks, which were sold on the news from Omaha of a serlouB hitch In the negotiations between Union Paclfto offlduls and the labor representatives. Tho closing wan weak. Forecast of the week a monev movement lndicnted a gain of some $i!.OO0,OO0 by the local banks. This is less than was looked for by students of the linuncial situation. The rate for exchange advanced 10 points to $4.8685, giving rise to some discusflon concerning the future movement of the market at the time when the gold outflow ordinarily sets In . Those j In toucn wun me movement nave indi cated that It was of no unusual significance, the volume of business being very much restricted, notwithstanding the departure tomorrow of the fast steamer which was expected some days ago to take out con siderable gold. Today's rate, however, was several points below tho export levei. and experts declared that there waa very sllgtn probability of early engagements. At tho same time It waa paid that next week's foreign exchange would depend entirely upon Ixir.dnn trading and the London stock j market. Anotner large natcn or railroad returns wlb Issued showing for the most port marked Increases In gros'E. but some of the i.et returns were regarded as un satisfactory. Business In bonds Increased slightly, but it also lacked a dellulte tendency. Total sales, par alue, $2.225.ii. The following are the closing prices on the New York. Stock exchange: AtclilKin M'i Ho. Rlly pld K -lo p(d :' Tex 4 Pacldc a Bal. A Ohio l""1 1011.10. st. U 4k. NV. n do Dfd 8.'U oa ufd. 44 Canadian Pacini- UiiS I'mon l'-.l(lc ..lt-14, .. .. .. 4f-j .. 24', .. U, .. .. .". ..!.i . .211 .13.1 ,.2ZU .. .. 4ii Canada 60 74 du old I'hea. St Ohio ChU-ago a; Alton.. do pfd Chi-' ISO &: K. 111. Ih'tnKO O. W.. do Ut pfd do Id pfd . (l'i Wabaah . 35 uo pfd . 7i Vhrellns He L. E. .111 j do 2d pfd . S7'4 Wis. Central . h:' I do pfd . 4IH Adama Ex .SlM'-l Aliiarlcan Ex ChUaso & N. W (hi.ago Tar. & Tr... Ill lulled aiatea Bx. do pfd ;l!',lW-lll-rnro C. r. '. St. L S',Amal. loppar Colorado an do lt pfi do 2d pld IV1. A Hti-ifon. llel. L W... ... saVAiuer. rar & F. ... iiiVj do pfd.... Amer. Lin. Oil.... . .17i, do pfd . .urn . . :m .. as American 8. A Ii.. 1 Mi, Urnver & R. u. do lit, I do pfd Eri do lit pfil do Sd t-fd Great Nor. pfd... Him kin Valley... do p'd Illtnola Central ... Iowa Central do pfd Lake Krlc & W... do pfd I. & N Manhattan L Mel. at. Ri Men. Central .... ftlex. National .. Minn. 4i St. L... Mo. Paiiflr M . K. & T do pfd lAnac. Mtnl'is 'o... Urimklyn 1(. T i'nlo. Kurl &. Iron. ,1'niia. Ilaa Coin. I'lir-afvo pfd. . 1:1 .2UP, .Hi I'M. H . IS . 'H'-i . 0 . 4f-i . 27 '1 .113 . 67 . Ill . I'lii . 4 K a is: . '"'a 7m, ..2UI ..ldli)! Cen. Kls-trlr .. i 'Hoi king l oal . .IIH4I Inter. I'apar .. 4.1'!; dn pfd .. 7J ilAiieile Obm .. 47 Natlnnal Ulacult .. ,.ll:i 'Nalion.U Lead . . 1 2-"i 1 v 1 No. Anierl-an .. 14 11 V Pacific Coam ..l.Hl! Pa.itlf Mall .. 2l7B,P',opie'a (.an .. 1J PriaMd S. l ar ..107 I 1I0 pfd ..Itli Pullman I'. Car .. 27 Republic Steel ..5'-' do pfd ..1H.I Sugar N. J. ('antral .129', N. Y. Central 1VH, Tenn. Coal ar Iron.. '-j II 7 15'. its :!7!- Norfolk c W. ":i54 I nlon Hk do pfd Ont a. -In at W... Pa-miiylvanta Br.itng do lnl pfd do Id pfd at. L. A S F. do lat pfd.... do 2d pfd 8t L. 8. W.... do pfd Si. Paul do pld So. Pa-tflc So. Rallay ... . 0:'i do pfd . 33S V. 8. Leather .lf-3 do pfd . al'a V. S. Kubber . 7:, do pfd .74 1 U . 8. Steel . i,i dn pfd . M--, Weplern I nion ... . 7. 11, Amer. !.o.'on.-illve. , "I-2,! do pl-l . a-)1- K. 1'. t-outh.rn. . . .171 I do pM .12 HiMk bland . t3 do pfd I7, New York Mlnlnai Stocks. NEW YORK. J the closing prices Adnma i on Alloa Hreee Urur.iiwti k Con i'i.niat. k Tunnel Con. t'al 4k Va lieadwoed Terra lioru Silver Iron SMvar Leadillle i'oa an. on 3d. The follnwing are mining .toons: :u t. llle Chief a . 2i Ontario .V.t . 4i llihlr :'il . 4'. Phoe.ilx T jPctoiti ' 3 I Savage 411 .i Sierra Nevada .. l-'i Sniail Hopra 1 1 an ibiandard 30u 1 Korrlgs Financial. I-ONDON, Jan. 30 Money was In good demand In the mark-1 today, but the pres sure was lessrp.ed. Discounts were firm. Business on the Stock exchange was quiet, with prices nearly firm. Consuls hardened end home rails were tlrm. especially heavies. Americans were Irregular at the opening, hardened, became inanimate ami e!os.-d steady. The idleness In Ihe Kafhr depurt- 1 nient has driven operators In those securi Flb'S s-rtlons. notably the West African. PARIS. Jan. 3D. B jsiness opt ncd calm on the bourse today. Later they became gen- erally firmer, with demands In various de luirtmrnls. Thlr was accentuated with the apprnai h of th option oiKralfons, which were mostly effected In buyers' favor. 1'lt' mHlriy tiaiilng became quieter. Rentes wire heavy, noulh Americans were weak. Industrials wrrc !rrcg ili.r and Rio flntos wet firm. Katlrs tluctuatid and closed with an unsc iislactory tone. The private rate nf discount was 2 15-16 per cent. Three per er.t rentes, f.i'f wic for the account MERLIN. Jin 3". The Internationals wire well niiiiitalned on ihe bourse today. PoMugtiesp iihI Argentines were In good di man. I and hardened. Locals were lirm. Prices generally closed below the N-st quo tations of the iiav. lUscount rate for snort bill". 3 per cent; for three months' bills. 2'i per cent. WEEKLY IMK (I.KAHIMiS. Knmmnry of llii-lnrss Trnasacted $y - the Associated Danka. NEW YORK. Jan. So. The following table, compiled by Mradstriet. shows the bank c:earii'K ut Ihe principal cities for the week ended January 29, with the per centage of Increase and decrease as com pared with the corresponding week last year: I CITIES Amount. Inc. Dec New York ( hlcago Boston Philadelphia St. louls Pittsburg Baltimme San Francisco Cincinnati Kansas City dev. lnd Mlnmapolls Ner 1 1. Pans Detroit Lnulsvllle Indianapolis Providence O.MAHA Milwaukee Buffalo St. Paul St. Joseph Denver Richmond Savannah Salt Lake City Albany 1 os Angeles Memphis Fort Worth Seattle Washington Hartford Peoria Toledo Portland. Ore Rochester Atlanta lies Moines New Haven Worcester Nashville Sprlngtleld Mass.. Norfolk ..' Grand Rapids Kirnntnn Portland. Me Sioux city A 11 p list a Syracuse Dayton, O Tacoma SpoHiine Topeka Davenport $1,299.779. 495.. I 199.619,278. 12.H.3i2.21. 116.472.221, I 45.501,45.. 1 45.s4n.lsi; 1 2i.isi.s( I i7.l7K.464 I 22.-52.i5 1 i 19.11.643 . In 448.-99, l.V39 62S 1 ln.636,90-';' 9. ml .572:. , 10.362.422. 8.0 LI 6.8!. 'isiij. "i'.b '. .8'. Is. 5. 21.4.. I 1-2 L6.2 12.3; 15.4, I 27.0; IS. 8 34.1 5.i 6. 2.0O1; 6,7i3,i(0,. 7.773.545; 7.6 4.99il 5.6 1.526! 6.008,5.11 1 4.676.9741 3 901,594 . 3,670.5o1. 4.607.211 2,475.f:7;. 2.936,326; 4.357.820, 2.732.lt25'. 3.255.370; .i.aOMis; 3.653.0901 3351.917; 2.677.2i iS!. 3.440.716 3.718.Wi 2.51 1.927 . 3.342.S9-1I. 1.951.531, 1.4S4.3I1; 1.184.956. 2.191.734, 1.567.633, 1.6''.2i6i l.iv1,8i6 . 16.2 14.0, 11.6 20.4 6.7 ..I 14.1 11.0 '20.1 31.2. "!o. 21.91. -.:!. 30.5 10.3 1.2 '.islol, 101.6 . 31.31. 3.0 . 4.0 . 26.6.. 26. 3. 19.4 . 2.4 'io.'o "i.i 1 1.612.236; 21.5'. I 1. IIKM2 . 1.357.071. 4.3,. ,2:7- 20.7!. 67.61. 22.0 . 1.91S.017; 1.6I3.9C3;. 1.574.411' 2.032.00; 1 i72.624' 1,341. 99s. 776,729 . 220,942' . 92.7i-9 . 1.073 691. 1. 41. ill 9!6f3j 7x1. -nm! 1.064. 7'9' 609.391-. 1.142 819,. 446,317. t70.0"0 e;i,9i9. 56.29S 64K.611I 396. .. 6a2.82S 671.294! . F-52.222! 62l.271i M5I.2-W. mi, 1561 327.0oO 366.66oi 319.254, 371.81 3ss,8l2 312,081.. 18i'.2i! . 161.0.18! 217,401 10. 473 .0.10 4,49..900 671,331 91.J17 476.224',. 210.37S. 2,006,942: . 17.4 De-ntiir, III. Wilmington, Del.. Evansv.lle Birmingham Fali River Macon Little Rock Helena Knoxvllle Ia-wcII Akron Wichita Sprlnglteld, 111 Lexington New H- dford ( h ittanooga Youngstown Kuiamazoo Fargo Mlnghamton Roc lord Canton Jacksonville, Flo.. Springfield, O Chester yulncy Bloniiilngton Sioux Falls Jacksonville, 111.... Fremont tGalveston IColumbus, O 5 Wheeling JVVilkesbarre Greensburg, Pa.... Munafleld, O Utlca, N. Y Totals, U. S Outside New York. .-3 35.81 18.0 9.81 14.6! 4 6 10.5 "2 .'7 "3!5 eo.oj ..I 25.2 37.i I. 30.81. 51. 4. ' 2j i I . 10.0.. 10.9,. 16. 3. 49.6 . 65.2 . 34.1 6,1.71 65.6 23.l! 25. 2 22.1 8.4 r .l$2,092,069,620 . 792,911,1251 3.0 6.5 CANADA. Montreal . Toronto .. Winnipeg . Halitax ... Vancouver, 19,006,236 14,643.130 3,5S,710 1.650,4341 1.070.3911 24.9 20.61 61.8 1.6 '49!8 B. C. Hamilton St. John, N. I Victoria, B. t (Cjuebec Ottawa London, Ont. 1.030,451 663.416 584,891 1,146.798 1,618,376) 646.643 4.8 '25"6 14.9 29B Total. Canada. $ 46.182,8231 26. 0! Not Included In totals because containing other items than elearlnga. Not included la totals because of no comparison for last year. vr York Money Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 30,-MONEY-On call, easier at 2V3'4 per cent, closing offered at 2 per cent; time money, easy; sixty days, AW'a4 per cent: ninety days, 4V4j4 per cent; six months, 4(h4i per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4iit5 per cent STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, f4.86.0ii 4MW0 (or demand and at $4.i3SoCav4.8ob for slxtv days: posted rates, $4.K4Vs1i.8'l; com mercial bills. $4.82'f44.83T- , . SILVER Bar, 47V; Mexican dollars. S'bONDB Government, steady; state, inac tive; railroad. Inactive. The closing quotations in bonds are as ?"b"3i. 2a. reg....iu L. N- nl. 4 101 do coupou l .Mx. Central 4a 74 do 3.. reg HO ! lo la Inc. ......... . 25 l ... . res U4'-i U ...1J4-, U.. K. Il T. 4a Ui . n,.nn.. l:ta' do .... M' do old 41. reg til N. T. y. gen. a-a... i do t'uspon do f. reg do coupon Alihlaim gen. 4a. do adj. 4a Dal. lllilo 4i.. do I'ia do voiiv. 4h Canada go. 2a.... Central of Oa. 5a do la Inc ,.11U ."S. J. - gen. a i-..-, ..101 No. Pacific 4a ldJ'a ..ln4; do 3a 72 ..102 N, W. eon. 4a lul .. 9-",i Hearting gen. 4a 7', ..lull, ht L el 1 M r. 5s....ll4'4 .. 8S1, Ut. L. A S. r. 4a ft'it ..lu4i2 Ft. L. 8. W. la i ..1-iw1, Uo 2a an . lnl 9. A. & A. P. 4a .. ;!., S.i. 1'a. IHc 4c li (her. & Oliln 4'i,...loa I htraso el A. 2 ja... 7x So. nauway na ni' 7iaa & Pacific l,...lie C. ft. ti Q. n. 4a.. fl.tvi T.. 81. I.. It V. 4a... T' ', M & St 1 n la. .Ill1, I nlon Pacific 4, l'lv, l'. i N. W. ". 7 U4 lo conv. 4a Id.', I'.. R. I. & P. 4....'.M ,W'alllah !a Ui'a C C 1 ' & 8t L g. 4a. .101 do In Ill I'hlcagn T. r. 4a I'. I so deb. B '7 Colnrailo 80. 4 ;i V.'ct Shore 1 110 Denver & R. O. 4s.. Mi Wheel. A I. K. 4a... 2 Krle prior hen 4.... Vs V. I . Central 4a itn general 4a....... 87 Cob. Tobacco 4a 7i K. W. ei.l). (.'. Is. ...112 ,Colo. Fuel &a t'4 hocking Vai. 4'-,s...ld Huck Island 17 l.nnaon ick Uniuatlnn,. LONDON. Jan. 30. Closing quotations: Co-sils for money... N. V- t'antml K'4 do a count Norfolk St Weatern.. 74', Anaconda t'v ao PM 4V Atcliihon do pfd naltlmnra Ohio.. Canadian Paclfl.- t'hiaaneakc A- Ohio. Chlraao C. V I'.. M St Si. P Tie lee ra Denver Sc R. O do pfd Rrle lio 1,1 pfd io :i rid Illlnoia Central l.ou.,vUle .V Naah . M . I: St T . to Ontar o Siealern .. 34H t'1., Pennaylvania 7a' .104 Hand Mlnea Ii .ie Heading 314 . ;..r do 1,1 pfd 44", . 2't do 2d pfd J '-, .1R7 ta Southern Hallway 3fi74 . 2?i lo pfd t7', . V Southern Paclflc . t t'nlon Piclnc. lf-4 . 42S do Pfd H' . 74 t'nlled State, Star)... . ca do pfd .I4i Wtka..h m1, .m do pfd 4', s BAR SILVER Steady at 21.d per ounce. MONEY 34 per cent. The rate of die count In the open market for siiort bills Is S'iii'a ier est nt and for three months' bills Is Zi-Wui- pet cent. lloalon Mocks ! Bonds. BOSTON. Jan. 3o. rc nt: lime loans, rtrsing of slocKa und -Call loans, 41,'ti,5 per cj5 iier cent. Official t .in 's: Alt hla..s .11-1 Amalgamated ... IlingUain laluniei A Hetli Centennial Copper Range .. 1 i-iiiiliifon t'oal . Kranklui Isle P.nyal Mohawk led Isimlnion .. oeola Parr.H uuln-y Faiita Pa Copper laroara-'k TritTmu.valn .... Trinity lulled Btalea .. I wit Victoria Win-.na Wolverine ...... Daly Weal...'.... ... ... :3- ..U" .. z .. 4"i ..m .. 10 .. if, .. r.i .. 1 .. .. 74 ..107 ... I', .AIM .. iM .. l-, .. :: .. 24 .. ', ... 7', .. r. .. u c la n Central 4a. . . . At-hionn ... do pf.l Ilostou A Albany.. Roetnn & Me Ho.slon Elrvaled .. N V . N. 11 & H. Kltehrn-rrt pfil t'nlon Pacifl-- M,i Central Amarl.-an gugar ... d- nfd American T. A T.. Dominion I. 4 fi... Hen. Kleclrb Maaa. Kleelrlc I uitad Krull I B Siael do pfd Weailngn. Ciuinon. Adventure AU-iur, Ex-olvldend. .n4 1 " ' -a . ; 14t'; .t2n .14 -I, .i0.ll, 24', .1! . 121 .IK ', tw . 27 .!' . It 4 .TAN IT A It Y 31. 1003. OMAHA LIVE STOCk MARKET Cattle Beceipts Mora M)derit and Pricti H Id Fnllj Steady. HOGS OPENED HIGHER, CLOSED WEAK Very Light Ran of keep and Lambs on gale, bat Market Could afely ;H' lnted trady on Both Killers anil Feeders. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Olhcial Monday 4..1 t.,5a o.i..4 OiTlclal Tins-lay 5,, lushj' t.oiri Olliclal Weunes.lay 3,'.io H.o-t S.iO) Oltlcial Thursduy d.o.,4 .oo6 3 ics t Ulicia 1 i'rluay l.j-a "i.tiaj 446 Klve days this week,...18,2.".7 4i85i 23.-93 Same days last week l-i.iis 4 1.4.16 24.W4 Sume Week before 1:1.342 3s,14o 23. it Ham three weeks ago...l.JI6 3i.iI6 l.3oi Same four weeks ago 14. nil 4i.os l.!i.-a Same days lasi year 14. ".M 3a.M3 11,316 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The loik w.iiM table shows the receipts of raitte, nogs anil shtep at Couth Omaha lor the year to uutt, and comparisons witn lasi year: tattle .... Hogs bliivp 1J03. inc. Dec. 76.4H5 LiS.ldU 71, diitl itt.tso 23.oiH 6J.U4I 44,6iO 3.1, tos H..l, Average -nc - 1-iaiu foe uugs a 1 South Omaha lor ihe last eeveial tint with com parisons: Date. j 1903. ili02. 1 101 . 119KX). ,1SSS.189;. Jan. 1... Jan. ... Jan. ... Jan. 4... Jan. .... Jan. ... Jun. 7... ja:,. .... Jan. ... Jan. 10.. Jan. 11.. Jan. 13.. nn. 13.. Jan. 14.. Jan. 1.. Jan. 16.. Jan. K,, Jan. 18.. Jan. 19.. jair. 30.. Jan. 21.. Jan. 22.. Jan. 23.. Jan. 21.. Jan. 25.. Jan. 26.. Jan. 21.. Jon. is.. Jan. 211.. Jan. 30.. i 33 1 3i 6 ;V.I I 5 271 4yi, SIM 6 48 . 40 I 6 41) I a 45T4I tt "! 6 36 ,, 6 41 j 4H4, 4-, I 6 391k! 6 4'i 0 bS'., 6 63 I 6 oil V 6 664 I 6 72-1.1 6 lioSl 6 o4 , 6 64Sj 6 734,1 0 2-' 6 22 b 1J, 2 I 6 24 OV, 6 UV 1 ls 6 14 6 04! I 6 00 1 6 14! 6 'ii 6 15 6 l?l 6 22 ' I 6 27 1 6 1) 6 01' 1 6 i'.t 6 0 6 14, I 6 1.' 0 9j b 6 -',') 4 361 4 tr 4 Vit 6 02 604, 6 Ot' i Ob, b 14, a -01 6 3oi 6 17; I 5 l&t 6 2n! 6 26 0 2lli 2J 6 27; I 5 tf., b 13 t Iji 6 21; b 13, 5 13 I 6 22 b 28 i & li 4 i; 4 u 4 , 4 2i 4 .! 4 3o I 4 34 1 4 4) 4 3b 1 i 4; 4 t3 i 4 58 L! 4 48 4 i6 4 &4 4 trl w 4 t:- 4 66; 4 4 4 co I 4 (.': 46,! 4 66 1 3 4 -i 1 18 1 il t 43. 8 41, 3 ii t 3S, 3 2i 4 4 to 3 4i 3 II 8 431 3 li 1 It 3 43 i I 07 a 4i, i 14 3 4J i 141 J tn, 3 1H 3 4i 3 4i I 3 23 3 47 8 bl 3 22 3 M 3 26 3 i 3 26 3 H 3 V6 3 oil 3 23 I 3 3j 3 62i 3 601 3 33 3 72, 3 83 3 6i' 3 M 3 6J 3 2i 3 b4, 3 Zl 3 66; 3 61t 3 nil 44J 3 47, 4 4s f -. I 4 3o, 3 uU it k, t OJ 3 IJ 3 bo; I 3 bO 8 4V 8 bl 3 li i tin 1 .1 69 1 I 3 56 3 HI 1 3 60 3 57, 3 tUi 3 68 ' I 3 64 , Indicates Sunday. The o miia 1 number of cars of stock brovght In today bv tit-li road wot: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. H'r'S. -.. 11 . Ot. f 6 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 4 Cnlon Pacific system 9 C. & N. W 8 F., E. A M. V 13 C, St. P., M. & O.... 11 H. & M 12 C B. & Q 4 K. C. & St. J 1 C. R. I. & P., east.. 2 Illinois Central K 3 14 27 16 10 10 4 9 2 103 Total receipts 68 The oisposiiion of the day's recelpta was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or ueua indicveu: Buyers. Omaha Packing Co Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 726 .. 309 1.416 Swill and Company Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour, from Moux City Vansant Co W. I. Stephen 412 1.776 231 3o3 2,079 'M 14S 1,!IS9 23 19 Livingstone & Shaller... 75 .... .... I a. b Hus o Lee RothschUd 25 .'. Other buye,I. 145 .... 130 Totala 1.569 7.9S6 1.270 CATTLE There was a light run cf cattle here today, to that the market steadied up a little. Buyers took hold quite freely and an ejirly clearance was made. The general market is quite a little lower than a week ago, but still it Is nlgher than the low point of the week. There were only a few bunches of beef steers In the yards, and the market was quite active and fully steady. As Is apt to be the case under such circumstances, some of the more desirable grades sold at prices that looked a little higher. There was nothing offered, though, good enough to bring over $4.65. As compared with the close of last week the market Is 1525c lower. There waa also more life to the cow trade than waa noted yesterday. The market was fully steady, and In some spots was a little higher. Although the big end of the re ceipts consisted of cow stuff there did not seem to be- any too many to nil packers orders, and an early clearance was made. The decline for the week Is fully as great as on steers and can be put at 20ft30c. The bull market showed no Improvement so far as the better grades were concerned, and In fact the trade was very dull and buyers did not seem to care whether they got any or not. Packera claim that the demand for bull meat Is the poorest It has been for a good many years, and that they have to sell the beat grades at little better than canner prlcea. For that reason they will not buy any bulls unless they can get them for a good deal less money than they were paying a short time ago. Veal calves held steady again today. . , , There were only a few etockers and feed ers In the yards, so that the better grades held about steady, but owing to the close of the week being at hand the commoner grades were even harder than usual to dis pose of. Representative sales: BEEF si ho. 1 1 I 1 to 2 11 1 11 1 11 1 At. ... ' ... MO ... t.13 ...1060 ... 90 ...115 ... u0 ... 2 ...12S0 ...U-87 ...1240 ...1233 ...1052 ...11(1 rr. 1 60 2 M i HI 3 (0 I 15 I 1l 3 to 3 M 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 OR 4 10 4 10 4 15 No. 15.. 1. 10., 5. I. 5.. It.. 13., A. 10M 1140 1081 1152 12M 1160 1205 117t 1098 127 1231 Pr. 4 15 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 20 4 2U 4 !8 4 25 4 20 4 IO 4 U 4 40 4 5 4 5 60 , 18..... to I .1150 .140. .140 I.. .1060 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 1 141 3 U 12 0 703 3 16 COWS. 1 40 I 00 5 1082 S 00 "" K,5 t (HI 1 1000 3 00 1 ' ' ' ' ;o 1 2 j 1 "0 J 00 830 2 25 11 1030 i Ou 7n I 25 7 H5 I 00 j' too 1 35 1 1070 S 00 4' 1012 S 40 1 755 I 00 je" 844 i 40 S 1175 3 00 ;, t 40 11 3 Oil 1 Kit) 2 611 7 2 3 05 j' 7S t 50 IS loot 3 10 l" 1-40 t 50 8 10J4 3 10 It 802 I M I lino 3 10 12 747 1 6-1 Hull ( 10 J 8S0 2 5.1 10 871 3 10 7 r,l 2 6-1 16 1092 3 HI f.' 1035 2 fill 1 8H3 10 1 111KO 2 to 2 1225 3 10 J7 Ul I 5o S3 48 I 18 1 H0 t 50 4 1M5 8 15 '4 S'K! I 60 18 toot 3 15 1 1,00 2 60 2 1074 15 I IMS 2 80 ai 93 3 15 5 '.!0 2 C 1 1I2II I 15 4 843 e2 80 5 1180 I 20 g 71 2 80 4 810 I 20 5 10a4 2 l) 18 11178 1 20 1 10 .0 t 1 2 10KS 3 20 2 tW i 45 8 1118 3 tr, 4 ......1055 1 85 6 1108 3 25 8M I 7i 3 1070 3 25 1 11137 2 75 74 Hi:3 3 25 1 8.v) 2 75 2 1150 1 25 t 1110 I 76 1010 2 25 IIM 2 75 S 1100 I 25 1 HL'O I 75 1030 2 35 1 8WI I 75 1 1140 3 2 1 Hill 2 75 12 1067 I 35 kS 2 81 1 1000 3 50 3 -- I i'l 1 1110 3 50 10 1051 2 85 ! 5U 3 60 4 117 2 85 S i lum) 3 50 7 12 -S 2 H I 2 1018 S f,o 1 II81I ! 0 I 1.100 j i 10 l'4 2 (HI 2 lxs i 3 5 I - , i ,;.50 4 lin 1 o0 2 So 2 1185 4 5 COWS AND HEIFERS. ,.. ra 3 15 4 1040 3 40 HEIFERS. 4 635 2 7.1 1 1140 4 00 BULLS. t "10 2 0-1 1 1330 3 00 1 Ul'l I 16 1 14-J 3 01 1 H0 2 4-1 1 14-.0 3 nr. 1 11-0 S 60 1 1120 2 10 1 llll J 4i 1 1.'UII I 10 1...., 1i0 2 81 1 1440 3 16 1 1420 3 76 1 1140 1 15 1 l:;4j 2 75 1 14.) I 20 1 l-'w) 2 76 1 12:10 I 20 1 1470 2 80 1 icio 1 ;j 6 1214 2 8' 1 1550 3 1 lei) 2 8:, 1 Ii I ;s 1 lfsi 2 140 3 3'. 1 1.140 3 00 1 ,. .1770 3 3i 1 10:1 3 00 I 2 i3ii J 40 W IW 1 IIUO I 60 1 f'O 4 00 STOCK I'AWg AND HEIFERS. 4 64J 3 70 CALVES. I I 4 HI 1 2;0 . U) t 170 i 28 t 146 t t, 1 150 8 l- 4 133 00 1 110 8 011 1 iW I ;s STOCK CALVES. 1 6JO 3 60 I no I (4) 1 1 10 I f.O 1 2e 176 t 385 I (a 1 .' 4 00 t 7 J 75 I SM 111 1 7n H '1 STOCK RRS AND FEEDERS. I .,! a vi I HA hO 770 2 i-n I M a f I 7a I ti-i g 7rt ' tb 1 7n J ', t tSA 70 1 ....'" t ft Sn 1 7i J tl j .-, , ait S an t 7. t H 4-1 1 71 W J Tl.'. 3 f-n 1 "! " I J(l 3 Mi 3 " 4 no HOC.S-There was a moderate run of hogs hire today and the market opened 5-i 1"C lilfchcr than t terday. i railing was not 1 ry brisk, however, as pneaers wete slow to I'M the advance and a good many sales men were u.iuble to Kct satisfactory offers on their droves The Munition, h-iweier. got worse Instead of better as the day advanced and by the time about o loads had changed hands the market flattened out and dosed extremely dill, with the advance o th.? morning practbtally nil lost. The bulk of the earlv sales' went f li m 8i". 7 i to f6 77'j. The light s'uff sold largely from t6 To down, medium weights from ; to JW.TT'i and the prime heavy hi-ss irom i;.7.'i to i.S". "At a late hour there were still a good many hogs In lirst hands. Representative sales: No. 62... 2 ... '.'... 87... 78. . . 80... 70... 82... S... 71... 7... 79... 70... 18. . . 74... 78... "S. .. M... 2... 64. .. 7... 64... 84... 63... 76... (6... 63... ... 11!... 83... 6... 88. . . ... 74... 66... A. Fh. Tr. No. At. gh. Pr. .173 ... t 60 Ml 257 ... 75 10 ... 8 80 ;,S 2:18 80 75 .119 81) 6 60 64 240 SO 76 .193 ... t -i .V. .-6H ... (76 1H8 ... 6:4 68 37t 120 T5 .114 ... f 15 is 7 0 ... 76 208 ... K5 70 S4 SO 75 .200 120 05 i'5 22 120 I 75 .214 ... 5 72 240 120 75 .216 80 8 85 76 f?6 ... 4 75 M ... 8 85 13. .iM ... 75 204 ... 85 84 231 ... 8 75 .212 120 65 06 248 80 75 .:3ft 80 8 5 75 248 80 ( 76 :'09 ... ( 85 67 247 4o 8 76 I'.-fi ... ( 66 80 218 9-1 75 .215 40 ( 871, 68 219 80 6 76 .:'41 120 ( 70 51 346 160 8 77', L'S.1 ... 70 87 L'44 ... 77', .250 ... 70 66 278 ... 77', .::ift ... 8 70 69 348 280 8 77, .207 ... 70 69 :52 ... 8 77V, .2:'8 80 70 40 :5 ... 77', -'4o ... nil, 70 2;,,i . 77t, 226 ... TO 48 247 180 8 77', .221 ... 6 7i 66 ST. I 40 8 77l ..20 ... 6 70 63 265 ... 8 77 .210 40 8 7:l4j 78 243 ... 4 60 . 241 ... 7!-, H 310 120 in 241 .,. 6 7.", 67 267 4-1 824j 246 ... ( 71, 70 2 80 6 82t .224 ... 72', 86 280 ... 82V, .257 10 8 72', 68 267 ... 6 85 :30 ... ( -;i, 6 ut 40 ( 85 ' 222 ... ( 76 SHEEP There were only four care re ported this morning and as two of those were late In arriving the offerings on the opening market consisted of one car of wethers and one car of ewes. The market could be quoted about steady, but, of course, there was hardly enough on sale to tell ranch about the situation. Packers-, though, seemed to be as anxious for sup plies as they have been all tho week, so ttifre was no sign of weakness. The demand for the better grades of both s-heep and lambs has been verv brisk all the week and prices have held fully steady on desirable grades. The onlv thing that has dragged at all has been the half fat stuff on days -when packers could get enough of. the better grades to fill their or ders. The feeder market his also ruled active and steady all the week. Quotations: Choice western lamba, $5 600 b.io; fair to good lambs. 34. 7506.40; choice native lambs, $5.75(&6.0i); choice yearlings. 14 tio.b, fair to good yearlings, 34.25itf4.75; choice wethers. $4 bOi&o.OO; fair to good, 34.00 JM.oO; choice ewes, 4V4.00fti4.26; fait to good, it,tgi.w ; reeder lambs, I3.O0Ht4. 00; feeder yearlings, J3.506vJ.6n; feeder wethers. ,3.000 3 25 ewes, a.MNirz.. Representative sales No. western ewes 5 western ewes 2"0 western wethers. 460 western ewes Av ...98 . 112 .. Ill . 106 Pr. 8 85 4 00 4 624 4 10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK M4J1KET, Cattle Are Slow, Hoars Roth Rise and Fall, 'While Sheep io Higher. t OlICAGO- Jan- 30 CATTLE Receipts. 5,000; market slow; good to prime steers; 34.60iftd.75; poor to medium, SS OOfij.SO; etock ers and feeders, $2.iTa4.,riO; cows and heifers, ei.4lkii4.75. canners, H.41KS2 40; bulls, 2 26rdi 4.25; CHlves, 3.tXNJj6.75; Texas-fed steers, 3.D"H?7i4.60. HOUS Receipts today, 23,000; tomorrow, 15,000; left over, 6.000; market opened 6c to loc higher and closed with advance lost. Mixed and butchers, 6.50(fi6.80; good to choice, heavy, $6.9ir(D7.10; rough, heavy, 16.50 i6.80; light, $6.35(&.65; bulk of sales, 16.55 4(6.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,000; market for choice higher; good to choice wethers, t4.4i,ji6.25; fair to choice mixed, $3.5oi4.4i; western sheep, 83.754r6.00; native lambs, 4.40f6.40; western lambs, $4.76S6.25. vuicitii yemeruay; Receipts. ....12,690 . ....31,143 ....14,206 Shipments. 0,374 4.384 1.927 Cattle Hogs . Sheep Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSA8 CITY, Jan. 30. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,800 natives, 250 Texans; calves. 50 natives. Corn cattle, steady to strong; cows, slow and weak; good feeders, strong; common, steady, slow; quarantine, steady. Choice export and dressed beef steers, 84.85 5.50; fair to good, $3.90,4.8o; stockera and feeders, 32.76G4.50; wostern-fed steers. 32.50 i4.60; Texas and Indian steers, $3.0(HfJ4.10; Texas cows, 42.00aJ.iK); native cows, J1.75a 4.00; native heifers, 2.7(KJ3.75; canners, $1.00 4i'2.00; bulls, $2.26ii3.25; calves, $3.O0ftr7.00. HOGS Receipt), 4.0o0; market oiiened 10c higher and closed weak. Top, $6.97H: bulk of sales, $6.75416.90; heavv, $6 8or"l.97ii; mixed packers, $ii.70f&6.95; light. $6.50'o4i.82; yorkers, $6.70ififl.S2'.t; pigs. $6.10ij6.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.3O0 market strong to 10c higher. Native lambs, $4.0dfti6.25; western, lambs, $3.85i6.10: fed ewes. $3.on36.10; native wethers. $3.5004.85: western wethers, $3.0O6H.8o; etockers and feeders, $2.504j3.60. evr York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 30. CATTLE Receipts. 3.764 head: steers extremely dull and 10fJ 15c lower; bulls and cows ateady to l(c lower; steers, $L4."ft45.40; oxen. $3.6'XiJ4).75; bulls. $3.50(84.40; cows, $1.80r3.6O; cables quoted live cattle and sheep steady; re frigerator beef lower at 9c; exports tomor row (estimated), 2,619 cattle, 60 sheep, 250 carcasses of mutton and 6,200 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 158 head; slower and lower; veals, $5.(.iii9.00; western calves, $3; barnyard calves, nominal; city dressed veals, lower at 1oi13c per lb. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,857 hoad; sheep easier, lambs steady to 10c lower; sheep, $3.o-KiM.50; lambs, $4.754c6-2o; choice, $6.35; culls, $4.50. HOGS Receipts, 1.419 head; atate hogs nominal; common mixed western, $8.30. St. I.oala Live Stock Market. ST. I-OriS, Jan. 80. C ATT LE Recel pt s, 1.5o0 head. Including 900 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, I4.o5fii5.30, with strictly fancy quoted up to $: dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.0ni 5.00; steers under I. WO lbs., $3.5txlM.50; stock ers and feeders. $!.35rci4.3o; cows and helfeis. $2.'.'5j4.50;t canners, $1.5Ku2.50; bulls, $2 35f 8.50 ; calves. $4.ou.v-fi.7u; Texas and Indian sheers. $2.9mfi4.4o; cowb and heifers, $2.25ij HOGS Receipts 4,000 head: market Bgiuc higher; pigs and lights, $6.25ff6.70; packers 6.5ift.80; butchers, $6.751 7.00. SHEEP AND LA M US Receipt s, 1500 head; market strong; native muttons $3.90 J6.20; lambs, $4.7of(i.'; culls and bucks. $2.0Ofi.(4.50; stockera, Il.504i3.00; Texans, $S.20 4.45. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST JOSEPH. Jan. 30 (ATTLE Re ceipts, l.(. Natives, $3.7Mr3.65; Texas and westerns, $3.3.Vp4.75; cows and holfers, $2.00 ((4.25; veals, $2.50(16.25; bulls and stags, $2.50 CI4.2.:. HOGS Receipts. 4.539. Light and light mixed. $6. 6od 6.87i ; medium and heavy, $6.S21-il''7.8); pigs. $5.75116 SO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,541; top Colorado lambs, $6.oo; top New Mexico ewes, $4..i0. Moux City Live Stock Market. 8IOI X CITY, la.. Jan. 3o.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpta, 200 head; Btciady; beeves, $'i bmfi'i.Oo; cows, bulls ami mlx-'d, $1. 5044. 10; stockers and feeders, $2.75 44.25; calves and yearlings, $2.5o4Y4 on. HOGS Recelpta, 2,ono head; 54 Hie higher, selling at $6.2oi6.80; bulk. $64oj67o. Stock In Sight. The following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal cltiks yesterday: Cuttle Hoes Sheen Omaha I. Chicago 5, -iii) Kansas City 1,M) Hi. Louis I..Vi St. Joseph l.is-H bioux City 2uo 7.6--6 4 41 23.'i o 4,1141 4.81l 4.5: :9 3.1181 7.HI) 2.3-1) 1,'HI I 1.644 Totals .10,816 46.145 " 1J.79 J Wort Market. BOSTON. Jan. 3a WOOI, The Commer cial Bulletin will say of the wool market in tomorrow's Ur.ue: The market Is active and prices are very firm. Ohio XX and above fleece has again sold at IWc. Fine staple, and clothing territory has been quite active at full previous prices. Dealers out of t'toi k have been unable to replenish at prlcea on which profit could be secured. Foreign art'. ins strong. American pur chases at Melbourne and Sydrey are esti mated at 3n. urn bales, largely on manufac turers' orders. Ihe latest advices from Buenos Ayres are that the market la excited and higher at 5 per rent advance. The shipments of wool from But ton to date from December tl, 1)2, are 24.968.153 lbs., nsalnst 24.175.1M lbs. t the same date Inst tear. Tho receipts to date are I l.6T8.x;t lbs., against is. .-."6.427 lbs. for the same per iod last yrsr. ST. lOl"IM. Jim. .6) WOOI Steady to Arm; medium grades and combing. 17tJ?1c; light fine, HWilHc; heavy fine, L'416c; tub wsrhed, lj.lic. NEW YORK. Jan. -WOOt-Flrm. LONDON. Jan. .-Wool, The offerings nt the wool auction sites todav numoered 14 341 bales, half of which were New Zea lunds. Th'" ileum id was steady. Low 'me dlim cros-l-r.'tls wire Irregular, but line cinss-breds were steady. Cape of Oood Hope Hint Natal sold readily lo the home trade and the continent. A few medium criv-s-hrcds und a few lot of good greasv n-erlnos were taken at full rntes by Amerl i an btivers. Following are the sales in de tail: New South Wales. bales: scoured, 6V1 (ills 8d; greasv. 'u HSI. Queensland, 4nl j bales; scoured. Is i.lfiils lid; greasy, ti'rt I'M. Victoria, lsno bales; scoured, iid'uis 2'jd; greasy. S..I 2d. South Apstralii., 2.2"0 bales: greasv, 4Ud'-i1s 'd. West Aus tralia. I.. "no bales; greasy. .".smiIO'-'. '.: Zealand. 7.4'" bales, scoured, fid'-ils -greasy, 5Vd'7i4d. Cape of Oood Hope nr. Natal. 1 bales; scoured, Is ftillils f-jl. greasy, 7ti6lid. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. Jan." 30. COTTON Qnlet. steady: sales, 4.850 bales: ordinary, 7 7-16c; good ordinary. 7 l5-'.e; low middling, 7V1; middling, 8;,c; good middling 9 5-1c; middling fair, loc; receipts, 7.M6 bale; stock, 355.921 bales. Futures, steady: Janu ary, 8.67c, nominal; February, s.So'tis (Sic; March, 8.761iS.77c: April, 8 2t S.S3c : May, 8 sifuS 90c; June, 8.944i H6c: July, 9 d.4?9.01c ; August. 8.65GjS6Xc; September, 8.227jS.26c. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows the total visible as 4.097.955 bales, of which 3,204.955 is American cotton. NEW YORK. Jan. SO. COTTON Opened quiet and easy at a d cllne of 23 points, under selling for both accounts, which was encouraged by rather disappointing cablR. Immediately after the opening prices worked a shade lower, then came a strong buying movement, chlelly from southern sources, though Vocal bulls were also dis posed lo support tho market. This demand put Mav fcaok to 8.92c. while March and July again touched 8.87c and 8 UOe. respec tively. But the steadiness dwindled down to small proportions around midday and when the estimate for larger receipts at New Orleans and Galveston tomorrow were received the market took a decidedly easier tone declining 2fii points below la -t night's finals on which basis It closed quiet. Total sales, about 200.000 bales. Saturday 'a receipts at New Orleans were estimated at 15,000 to 16,000 bales, as compared with 4.5!'i last year, while Galveston expects from 8.000 to 9,000 bales as compared with 6.'"1 last year. The regulnr weekly statistics were .lust about as expected and had little Influence on the market. F.T. LOCIS. Jan. 30 COTTON Sted: middling. sc; sales. 2!"2 bales; receipts, 8,277 bales; shipments, 8,074 bales; stock. Cfl,3.i6 bales. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 30. fOTTON Spot, good business done; prices 2'ril points lower; American middling fair. B.4S.I; good mid dling. R.Pfid; middling, 4.86d; low middling, 4 74d; good orillnarv. 4.62d; ordinary. 4 .Vd. The sales of the day were 12.000 bales, oT which I.OiO were for speculation and export, and included 11.600 American. Receipts were 20.000 bales. Including 16.KH0 American. Fu tures opened easier and closed steady: American middling. January. 4 79d: January-February. 4.7vif; February-March. 470d; March-April. 4 ?id: April-May. 4.79A4 sod ; Mav-June. 4.804i4.81d; June-July. 4.8oi4S1d: Julv-Auguat 4.80d; August-September. 4.T016 4.71tl; September-October, 4.51d; October November, 4.41d. Rank Clearings. OMAHA, Jan. 30. Bank clearings today. $1,119,3!9.01 ; corresponding day Ipst year, $1,094,037.08: Increase. $25,361.93. CHICAGO, Jan. 30. Clearings, $26,220,411; balances, $3.333. 738; New York exchange. 10c premium: foreign exchange, unchanged: sterling exchange, posted nt Jl.84ii for sixty davs and at $4.88 for demand. NEW YORK, Jan. 30 Clearings, $208, 422.038: balances, $11,275,239. BOSTON. Jan. 30. Clearings, $20,733,95; balances, $2.0M.811. PHILADELPHIA, ' Jan. 30. -Clearings. $16,294,633; balances, $2,039,131; money, 5 per cent. HALTIMORE. Jan. 30 Clearings, $30,8:i6, 695: balances, $416,345; money. R per cent. CINCINNATI. Jan. 30. Clearings. $3,921. 350; money, 44i per cent; New York ex change. 20c premium. ST. LOI'IS, Jan. 30. Clearings. $7.008, 335; balances, $681,450; money, steady at 5fi8 per cent; New York exchange, 25c discount. Oil and Roaln. OIL CITY, Pa., Jan. 30. Oil Credit hnl ances, $1.80; shipments, 84.863 bbls., average 84,862 bbls.; runs 108,543 bbls, average 75,939 bbls. 8AVANAH, Jan. 30 OIL Turpentine, firm. 6514c. ROSIN-Firm; A, B. C. D. E. $185; F. 1.80; G, $1.90; II, $2.20; T, $2.35; K. 8.05; M. $3.35; N, $3.55; WO, $3.80; WW. $4.20. TOLEDO, O., Jon. 30. OH No chango. NEW YORK, Jans 30. OH Cottonseed, dull; petroleum, firm; turpentine, firm, 64Va 65c, asked. ROSIN Firm. LONDON, Jan. 30 OII Linseed. 24s 6-1; eperm, 43; turpentine spirits, 42 3d. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 30. OIL Cottonseed, Hull refined, spot, 22s 4V41. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Jan. 30. EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues to show steadi ness in the face of a moderate demand; common are quoted at 4'ii5c; prime, bVic; choice, 5H4f4c; fancy. 74.i8e. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS Spot prunes are a little more active, some ex port demand being reported and prices are firm at the old figures, ranging from 3'V to 7c for all grades. Apricots are moder ately active and steady at 7H4f104c In boxes and 7MiT'iOc In bags. Peaches quiet; peeled are quoted at 124jlSc and unpeeled at 6,8c. agar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 30. 81 'GAR Mar ket steady; open kettle. 24.''3o; open ket tle, centrifugal, 3Vn3 9-16c: centrifugal white. 3&4c; yellows, 3V43Tc; s-conda. 2Vrlu3C. MOLASSES Steady; open kettle. 14f2c; centrifugal. 6ifr-18c; syrup, lWi24c. NEW YORK. Jsn. 30. SUGAR Raw. nominal; refined, dull. MOLASSES Firm. LONDON, Jan. 80. SUGAR Beet, Janu ary. " H1. . Dry Goods Market. ' NEW YORK. Jan. 30.-DRY GOODS There has been a good demand for tho gen eral run of cotton goods again today, with the market still In a strong position gen erally, and some loading tickets in 4.4 bleached put at value. Print cloths show no change. Linens are fair, with good business. Burlaps show an advancing ten dency and better demand. MANCHESTER. Jan. 30.-DRY OOODS Cloths, holders very firm. Yarns firm. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 30. COFFEE Spot, nominal. Futures opened quiet and un changed on featureless foreign news and speculative Indifference; ruled very dull, but developed an upward tendency bs a re sult of covering. The close was steady at a partial advance of 5 points. Sales were 5.6i0 bags, Including March at 4.25c; May, 4.4oc; July, 4.60c; September, 4.80c; October, 4.85c; December, 6.10c. Whisky Market. ST. LOl'IS, Jan. 30.-WHISKY Steady at $1 30. PEORIA. Jan. 30. WHISKY For finished goods. $1.30. CHICAGO. Jan. 30. WHISK Y On basis of high wines. $1.30. CINCINNATI. Jan. 30 - WH ISK Y-D's-tlllers' finished goods un the basis of $13" UpdakCoriuaiixr rhlf,o Hir1 of Trad ft, Louis ftWrt httnu Kxhatif. General Comn;ssion liealera to Grain and Provialotia lor I tail or I'uur. l)eller. Writ, tor c -..Intel l.iT.rr. (IKKIl i.i -I hi- ago, 642 Klallo Hid, MlbfcOurl Valley, low. to. i-uiaha. 318 l!, !n,; IC ! (jinana. -all Ue III.U iel?ytlo!iea--liiiaMa 2406 8 t. Oiualia. 410. P. B. W ea re. Prea V. A. Veare. Pre,. Earat-Mshed l!. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO icuibeia ul ll't, i rillcipai txt hanajca. Private Wires to Ad I'uiiiia. CHAIN. 4'MO i.o.!, ul !, IKIND1 Bought and sold for rash or future delivery. OMAHA BRANCH, llo-lll Board of Trade 1 elephone J ji W. E. Ward. Icsi M-naget. saw Vlii 3bs----- .JsH 4 V