Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1903, Page 2, Image 2
Tlir, OMAHA DAILY HKKt ' FRIDAY JANUARY .TO, 1103. claimed Mr. Mcintosh. "It cost more to support the city of Omaha than It takes to moft the demand of iho rntlre state nf Nebraska. Our city taxes are tbroe tlmi ahat our state or county taxos arc Why tot compl the railroads to do their duty ml ccutrtbute their share toward bearing thli burden? Why should the richest ei,d ttronsest property owners In the f.ity tt Omaha be allowed to shirk thla obliga tion?" Yalae of Omaha Terminal. Mr. MrIntoh road the statement of Chlrf Engineer Digue of tho I'ulon Pa cific In the maximum rate rase, where he aid tho I'nlon latlflc terminals In Omaha (wcre worth not less than tio.Ouo.ftiif). On 2M blocks In Omaha last year he showed that the I nlon Per I fin. paid the munltlcnt urn of 915,56 for all taxes. Aftrr having at flral refused to hear Mr.- Mcintosh and then limiting him to twenty minutes, the committee then 11a torrd to a talk from Hon White, attor ney of the Klkhbrn. Mr. White argued that passing the pending bill would create an equality In Omaha and Inequalities In other parts of the state. After being oalld to their chairs !or four hours, one of tin committeemen, Dr. Wilson of Pawnee, woke up and Indignantly proclaimed: "Mr. Chairman, we are oelng buncoed here. We have fooled awiy Ic ur or flvo days listening to arguments on a matter that comes beforo the legislature nd not this committee. " Everybody seemed to agreo vl'h the doctor and wondered why he mid his col leagues had not discovered this sonive. The joint senate and house Cinim'ttce appointed today has derided to re.;omi'i"n 1 adjournment over next week te allow the revenue committee time to complete Its work. The matter will be settled tomor row. R-aldn-ln llrouaht In. John N. naldwln was smoked out by the Omaha Real Estate exchange committee this afternoon and forced to appear before the Joint committee. At first he flatly re fused to appear today, despite nf his recent open letter to Chairman Wead of the tax committee. This position was rather a surprise as he had professed to be ex tremely anxious to debate the matter be fore the joint revenue committee, and this challenge was sent to Mr. Baldwin kt the Undell hotel by the real estate men from Omaha: LINCOLN. Neb':, Jan. 29-Uon. John N. Iialdwln, Undell Hotel, Lincoln, Neb.: ptf Blr Agreeable to your letter of th 27th Inst., we beg to advise you thitt we are here with our representative prepared t sustain before the revenue committee of the house, having under consideration 11. It. 171, the following propositions: t. That railroads do not pay their, fair share of municipal taxes. 2. If they did It would In no way affect the taxes they should jmy ln tiie several counties of tlia state. 3. The foregoing being true, the clause in city charters discriminating In favor of Tallrnnds In the matter of municipal taxa tion, should be repealed. Immediately on receipt of this, be kind enough to advise us If you will meet oisr representative at 1:30 this p. m., which Is time said committee meets. Your respect fully. Tax Committee of the Omaha Heal Estate Exchange. By V. D. WEAD. Chairman. Here is Mr. Baldwin's answer: LINCOLN, Jan. 29.-Mr. F. P. Wead, Chairman Omaha Real Kstate Exchange, Uucoln: Sir d have youi communication, v'ated Lincoln, January 2H. which was re ceived' by messenger at 12':S0 p. m. today. You ask me to meet your representative at 1:30, this date, in joint discussion before the house revenue committee. This Is the first Information coming to me thn I was expected to discuss this question with you liefortf- the house committee at the hour mentioned. I have never received an 'n vltatlon of any kind or charncter from the house revenue committee to be there at this time or any other time. We. hooa-'to appear before the senate committee on revenue, the house committee on revenue, and the special committee or. revenue tomorrow evtnlng to present our views with reference . to these matters. Tfoivat -uMinw, can be frreacat-.-tth your Iepfesnta-H(Wf If you desirey or if 1 lie comnaittefc soMquesta. Yum respectfully, V. rJLii$T. JOHX.If ;.Ml.U W IN. ' .i HrM-5 Him r.t . V BcmethTne'Jwrought ; about" a "change in Mr. Baldwin's1 program," for he appeared this evening 'before the committee, and made a apology, stating that ho had been asked to 'Apeak-at a dinner 'this even ing, hut bad finally' decided to forego' that pleasure and make his argument on the tax matter, ' He asked for two hours' time, and shortly after 9 o'clock began his address.-' '. . .. Theie gentlemen from the Omaha Real Estate exchange are In 'Lincoln In the In terest, of this taxation matter and attended the meeting this nfternswn: W. C. Shrtver, W. II. Green, B. R BalJ, TV A. Crelgh, E. Sweet, H. 'A. 'Westerfleld, O. S. Wallace, W. T.-Granaro, fl. P. Bostwlcky A- S. Charl ton) '' ReVblriB, W. F. Johnsen; ;.U'll lltii Ftfetiting, ." W.'1 L. Pepplefon,' ny. L. Bef6y'N.'',P. Dodge, Jr., Judge" lingdon, Judga'v J, W Lyttle, Ed George., W. G. tire, ' F. D. Wead, C. T: Harrison and J. H. Mcintosh and others, besides other Omaha citizens not piembers of the ex change. 1 H should be said that the Lincoln Com mercial mgn are working jealously with the Omaha men for the passage of this bill and want one that will benefit Lincoln in a similar way. Attorney Tlbbetts of this city addressed the meeting, today -along these lines. ". Howell , of Douglas in the senate today introduced a bill providing for the estab lishment of. a greater Oraaha. The bill Is reviewed in detail in. the senate routine.. BILL FOR GREATER OMAHA Joint Itesolntlon' Introduced la the Senate' by Howell of Douglas, (From a BtanT Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 29.T-(Speclal.) Senator Howell of Douglas this aftertioon in the senate laid the first stone In paving a way tor - greater' Omaha. 8. F. 130, ' Intro duced by Senator Howell, provides for a bill for a Joint resolution to amend article x of the constitution. The amendment of fered by the Douglus senstor Is ss follows: That where more than one-half of the Inhabitants of any county shall reside within the corporate limits of some organ ized city thit it'tUMluture may by law pro vide for the creation of such territory as may bo AiVlgnaled within said county Into oita political organisation to be known as the ty am) county of , ami to va foverned by one set of officers, and the out lng lurrttury, If any there be,, of such county may by ltrtwlallve act be attached to the adjacent cojnty or counties .without the vnt of the Inhabitants, and to such new municipal the right to make Its own churtnr by a vole of the people within Jirh city may be granted and . regulated by law. I pon the, division of any county' under this provision 'the sec tions so separated shall each pay its Juxt , proportion of the ge.ieral !iutt'tleduea, to vte ascertained ami proviueu tor, as may by law te uenrnimcu. Senator Howell stated that the bill was Introduced at the request of parties who bad draws It up, and that at the present . Easy and Economical to Use GORHAM Silver Polish Contain i no deleterious substance Does not ?ake or adhere to the surface time It would not result In a greater tut Us object was that should Omaha, Omaha at any time want to take up the matter It would have the legaj right to do so. More Money from laiaraare. Senator Hasty of Furnas Is very anxious that Nebraska should get more money out of the Insurance companies doing business In the state. In the nature of taxes, and to find out the reason that Nebraska Is not getting as much as its sister states he Introduced a resolution that a committee of three be appointed to investigate. With th resolution, which under the rules went over until tomorrow. Senator Hasty handej In the following comparative statement of business transacted by insurance companies j in Iowa for 19e0 and for Nebraska for 1901, and the amount of tax, and fees paid Into tho state treasuries for the respective years, fraternal insurance companies not Included : ' IOWA Premium received I?.5OT.97S 76 I.orses ( aid 3.330, 1.'9 45 Fee paid S f',.679 Taxes paid 1N.1.C92 77$ 230,772 "2 nkrraska. Premiums received J.".1S7.'V13 33 Louses paid 1,7U1,Si7 17 Kfs paid f:i,97i 47 Taxes paid 1,63 ooJ 3S.6"9 47 The Central Labor union of Omaha has requested Senator Harrison to Introduce a resolution passed by that body, request ing the paBsago of a law which would per mit the assessment of railroad property within tho city limits at Its actual cash value. (amblers Can Come. Some little amusement was created In the usually dignified senate In the dis cussion of 8. F. No. 11, providing for the appropriation of money by county boards for the county fairs. While In tho com mittee of the whole, Hasty of Furnas moved to amend the bill by adding that no county fair association should receive any of the money so appropriated If gam bling for money" or other valuables was I allowed at the fairs. "Gentlemen," he said In support of the amendment," at Hastings at the last fair there were some city dudes out there aud stole more money from tho country folks than was taken In by the fair manage ment." This aroused Senator Hedge, who slated emphatically that there was no gambling In Hastings. "The preachers of the town c'ostroyed every gambling devlie in the city, so do not argue for the adoption of the amendment along that line." Although Senator Hasty announced that it "pained" him, the amendment was lost without a slnglo vote being cast for it. Senate Knnttse, The Bcnate started the day's business at 10 o'clock by slnglnr-1 ''America' It was the first attempt in tho song line and soma little discord was noticeable. The following bills were placed on sen atorial file: S. F. 55, relating to water and water works. H. R. 60, appropriating $1,800 to pay Incidental expenses of the legislature. It was amended to read (28,000. S. F. 38, entitled guardians and wards. S. F. 117, in regard to the Dietrich land leasing bill. The rules were sus pended and the bill was placed at the head of the list. Brown of Keya Paha withdrew from the committee to investigate charges of tele phone companies and Howell of Douglas was added to the committee. The Harrison resolution to have the com mittee on acaounts and expenditures inves tigate the State Printing board carried. A motion was carried to appoint a com mittee of three to confer with a like com mittee of the house in regard to adjourning in order to give the revenue onmlttee time to get up a revenue measure. Har rison of Hall, Brown of Keya Paha and Warner of Dakota were appointed. The revenue committee desired to adjourn from January 30 to February 11. The salaries of the bookkeeper and tht, clerk of tne committee of the whole were fixed at $4' per day each. On behalf of the 6ontraI Labor union of Omaha Harrison of Hall introduced a pe tition asking that the city charter be amended that railroad terminals may be taxed for municipal purposes. Afternoon Session. The senate resolved Itself Into a com mittee of the whole, with O'Neill of Lan caster in the chair. Ine following bills were reported back to the senate with the recommendation that they be passed: S. F. 25, giving villages the same right to Issue bonds for heating and lighting pur poses as cities of the first and second classes. ' 8. F. 87, to compel the placing of planks on bridges and culverts before crossing with engines. Amended that one person go 100 yards ahead of engines on the road to prevent accidents. 8. F. 14, authorising county boards to ap propriate money tor county fairs. 8. F. 86, to provide for the appointment of an insurance deputy. 8. F. 61, fixing ; feeo charged Insurance company and others for filing papers. H. R. 60, to appropriate 14.800 for in cidental expenses of the legislature. ; was amended to read $28,000, t , 8. F. H an act relating to township or ganisation was referred back to the com mittee, v '.' 3. F. 8, entitled-county and .county of ficers, was referred back to committee. Hasty of furtias Introduced1 a resolution to have a committee of three aopolnted to investigate the reason ot the difference in taxes paid by Insurance companies In Ne braska and in Iowa. Bills on First Read In nr. 8. F. ISO. by Howell of Douglas (by re quest! Joint resolution to amend article x of tru; Constitution of the state eutitled founttes.v. fur Greater Omaha. 8. K. 131,- by Anderson of Halln peal an act entitled "An act to provide for the payment of .bounties for tbe destruc tion of wild animals In NebraekA." . 8. K. 132. by Brown of Keya Paha--To establish an experimental, station at or near . Crawford. . . HOUSE HAS SPIRITED DEBATE Discussion Is County to Give (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 29. (Special.) H. R. 18, by Douglas of Rock, to entitle county treasurers to maintain official seals that would enable them to validate tax titles occasioned a heated and protracted deba.e. The bilt having been referred to the ju diciary committee,, was by a malority rec ommended to pass and tor Indefinite post ponement by tbe minority. The argument of the majority waa that It was necessary as a means of enabling the oollectlon of taxes which otherwise could not be collected; that It would give the. greatest good to the greatest num ber and had beet required and demanded for many years. One member, CoaU of Holt, stated that In hie county over $200, 000. of back taxes were uncoIetsblo for wau ot what this bill provided. The minority contended, that the validity of tax: deeds by county tressurers was not .nly sot essential to the full ccllfctlon of tans, but would work a serious hardship upon the widow and other amall property owners; that under existing laws the prop erty of this class was -secure- from, the I "tax sharks," but would be subjected to their selfish grasp if this bill passed. I 'Sweety of Adams, who submitted tbe Over Bill Treasarers Seal. minority report.' led In the debate for that side, while Douglas of Rock, Kennedy of Douglas nnd others championed the ma jority side. . The house finally adopted the majority report by a vote of 78 to 21 and placed the bill on general file. These members voted against the bill: AnoVrHon of Hamilton, Anderson ef Kearney. liacon. Htntno. Cald well, Christy. Copsey. 1 obry, lCuuenbtirger, Fries, Hogrefe. Johnann, .MemmlngT Perry, lued, gears, gweezy, Tooley, Trask and Vlanek. Ferrar and Loo m I a were absent and not voting. All other members went on rec ord for the bill Ansnllrrt Its I'nllllenl. H. R. 103. by Jonrs of Otoe, providing for the election of countv commissioners by an entire vote of the county in counties not under township organization,' was vig orously assailed as a political measure. In this connection Rouse ot Hall Insisted that It was an attempt on the part of cities of Ihe class of Netrrska City to obtain con trol of the county board. Kennedy of Douglas said that from observation he wa convinced that regardless of the purpose, the practical effect of this sort of bill U political, as suggested by Rouse. The committee on boundaries, county seats and township organization brought in an adverso report on the bill, which was voted down, allowing the bill to go on gen eral file. Thompson, Nelson of Douglas and Sthin stock were appointed to confer with a acn ato committee relative to adjourning over next week to allow tho Jdint revenue com mittee to draft a revenue bill. Nelson of Douglas offered tbly resolu tion: r move that on Monday, Tuesday, Wednexdny and Thursday of the following week thl house remain In session while the committees on revenue are ut work, lint diiili-fc sr. Id days no bills be taken up In the committee of the whole and no bills Fh.oll be taken up for passage on the third reunintr. The coraml ttee on accounts and expen- ditures recommended the payment of mis- cellaneous billd amounting to fl, 90.25 and the report was adopted. H. R. 32, by Koetter of Douglas, com pelling Omaha school board to buy Its own text books and H. R. 42, fixing salaries ot secretary of school boards were passed. The house adjourned at 3:30. II. R. 2ft4, by McCIuy (by renuext) A bill to amend section 4 of chanter ixxix ot sub division 1 of the complied Btatutes, relating 10 cnanges in scnooi districts. H. It. 2ihi. by Thompson (by request) To punish the stealing of domestic fowls and to punish p. rsons rectlvlns or buying stolvn domestic fowls, making the uffmise felony. H. K. 256. by Ten Eyck To establish a military code for tbe state of Nebraska, and to provide for the organization, gov ernment and compensation of the. mllllla, anil to provide lor tho enrollment , of . the unoigj.Liieed militia, to conform with an act of .the .United States congress "To pro mote the efficiency of the miliila and for other furpoees." H. K. 2;,7, by Flshback Relating to at tendance of district schools. H. K. 25X, by Knox Giving married women same right to sell, barter and con vey as a man. 11. R. LT, by Jones of Otoe Relating to compulsory education. It. K. 2, by Anderson of Hamilton A Dill to prohibit hunting on the rivers and lakes within the ntate of Nebraska. H. U. 2til. by Perry To repeal the pro visions for two trluls In action concerning real property. DEFENDS BIG NEWSPAPERS General Taylor ttayu Dny of the Small Sheets Has Forever Gone By. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 29. General Charles H. Taylor, publisher of the 'Bos ton Globe, was the principal 'speaker' at the banquet tonight of tho Louisville Board of Trade. He said: - , 'Some' people complain that our : news papers are too large. This objection la difficult to meet, for the simple reason that It Is so unusual for a customer to make a fust- because he is getting too much for his money. The newspaper of today is like the bill of fare In a hotel. There Is a table of con tents which shows tho reader that which he most desires to read. You do not go Into a hotel, pick up the bill of fare,- begin with the first item and. eat right down hrojujflt and then tile of apoplexy. On the contrary, you select what you wish, and you should do Just the same with a newspaper.- The expanded and expanding newspaper alms to meet the wants of all classes. And this Is what a small newspaper could not do. It would have no room for the Intelli gent presentation of any subject". It could announce that the president of the United States had sent a message to congress. but from lack of space it would be unable to tell what he saltl. Truly the small paper would be a power ful arousr of public curiosity, but, believe me, 'It would satisfy ho one, least of nil the busy man. The busy man Is Just the man for the big newspaper. Most of thw buify men of my acquaintance go through two and three and four newspapers every day- They know how to dispatch their reading as they know how to dispatch all their affairs . ' .. . The small paper certainly would not meet the requirements of the home. There tho spirit of our American democracy has emancipated the -children as well as tho women until now every member of the family stands up for his or her rights as a newspaper reader. ' In, the good old days, when our fathers really were masters of their own houses, the newspaper was made , for men alone, ami It was so forbidding to youth and to women that it was the last thing that the wife or the son or the daughter would think ot looking at. That narrow spirit made it possible for the newspaper to he small,' but who- would revive those-condl-Hons In our day? -1 -' How About the advertiser. The dally newspaper is the best medium through which advertisers can reach their patrons. If you print from twenty to 200 columns of advertising in a single Issue, how can vou do it in a small newspaper? Tho whole proposition Is so absurd that It is astonishing .that lritelllgnt people persist In making It a topic of public discussion. A small newspaper was feasible when Europe was three months .Instead of tbree seconds from this country. In other words, this is no longer a four-pga world and a four-page civilisation, and 1 think we are all glad of it. The speaker then showed ; that they could never have the ideal newspaper, be-, cause Journalists, like clergymeblawyers; physicians and business men, wore. human, with . the limitations which nnjsVA!otitxol them In all of ther work. Ho. showed what a brilliant failure tne itev. nr. enei djyi's attempt to print a religious daily proved, and demonatrated that Mr. Shel don lost a great opportunity to make useful aud helpful suggestions to the press. He also touched on the charge tnat dally papers publish too much crime and scan dal. Ia presenting a mirror or tne events of a day It. was Impossible not to Include such events within decent limitations. The people themselves were the real sen- sationallsta, though unconscious of U. All the first reports ot bank failures, terrible accidents and fires were usually fearfully exaggerated, were started by the people themselves und grew in size as they flew from mouth to mouth. The intelligent re porter got at tbe facts and the newspaper came out with the truth and set a thousand wild rumors at rest. RAISE SCHOLARSHIP" CASH Kansas v City Catholic Women Aid Kdncatlon In Head Sinn's Memory. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 29. At a meeting of Catholic women in this city today $J7J was subscribed to the Richard P. Bland schol arship of Trinity college, Washington. Mrs. Rlchsrd P. Bland, regent for the college In Missouri and KaDsas, Is trying to raise 13.000 to endow a scholarship In memory of her huBband. TO CI UK A t OLD I ONE IV I Take Laxative. Eoiuo Quinine. Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature on each .box 25c. SHAW UPHOLDS HIGH TARIFF Eaji Free Trade i Only Theoretically Dtsirable Policy. PROTECTIONISTS TAKE LOCAL VIEWPOINT ee Interests of 'One Country Only, Whereas Their Opponents Look on Xatlone of World a t nit with Identical Interests. NEW YORK. Jan. 29. Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury, was the princi pal speaker at tin McKinley dinner given by. (he West Side Republican club at the Waldorf-Astoria . tonight. . Mr. Shaw dealt at length with the rival claims of protectionists and free traders, claiming that while the latter were right In theory, practically their Ideas would play havoc with the country. Theory Preaches Free Trade. Secretary Shaw said '.n part: I am RW-aro'thht most of the textbooks and many of the colleges tench free trauV, and I admit that free trade Is theoretically correct. 1 am also aware (hat nearly every statesman whose wisdom has con tributed to the advancement -of industrial prosperity In the I nited States during the last century has taught protection, and I Insist that, practically rpcaking, protection Is correct. 1 think both these propositions can be de.monstratvd with mathematical accuracy, niwi at the same time I concede that cor rect theory is 'always in harmony with practice. The difficulty with he schoolmaster Is that he thinks of the human race as a unli. and he Is correct if It be nought to equalise wages and standards of living throughout the world The statesman Is correct so long us ha has Irt mind tne advancement of the American people and the establish ment of economic conditions peculiar to ourselves. Unless we propose to drop our f tH",'1,arof liv'nK o tne average or ine tect our people from competitfon w'lth tl he product of cheap foreign laborers fly so doing we are rela tively of greater advantage to the world than If we lowered our standnrd. The last Usual year was the most pros perous ever experienced, but during that same year we actually consumed more for eign products than ever before In our his tory, our unprecedented prosperity creutcd a market bevond our ablllt to supply. This does not Imply that theschedules of any tariff law are perfect, or ever were, or ever will be perfect or that they should never be revised., It does Imply, however, that they should pot be revised simply be cause they are Imperfect. Some one Indus try should show an actual hardship before preseit conditions are disturbtd. Foresees I.orv Price Cntnpaln. After reviewing the opposition to high prices in 1S92, resulting in the election of Mr, Clevelaud, Mr. Shaw eald: There are Indications that another cam paign Is to be waged against high prices. It is again - urged that American-made goods can be bought in foreign markets cheaper than at home. I suppose this is true in some instances. Hut this Is not the outgrowth of protection. If any of you gentlemen will go with me tomorrow to the office of the Hoard of General Ap praisers, 1 promise to show you 100 articles that are sold regularly cheaper In the United States than in the country of origin. Sugar at 7Vfc cents wholesale In France, in Holland and In Russia Is imported, charged with a duty of 95 cents per 100. and sold in this city at- less than 6 cents. This is .not only true of sugar and choco late and macaroni, liut of steel anti china ware, g(44war and many other articles. ' ,- No one presumes to insist that existing; conditions might not be improved by a re vision of the tariff schedules, and no one dares insure against their being made worse. -'.. j When the present tariff law-was passed It was said In convention on the platform and through tlxr. press that it would re main undisturbed-lor twenty-five years. It Is now nearly six. years old and some people lave changed fielr Ihfnds, 1 am not pre pared to say- unwisely, but before I Join the chorus I would Jlke to have the dlrectof announce to t aUdlence Just what par tloular change wropoaea -to have rauda and- to give spiqilte reasons therefor. The only 'free,, trade argument that ap peals to me ak' sound Is the one favoring tho- cheapest possible material for manu factures designed for export. The Amer ican manufacturer of shoes, for Instance, would find it difficult to Invade foreign markets against a competitor who not only pays less wages, but who also has the advantage of cheaper leather. The "answer to mis argument re publican drawback policy evolved in tl-j interest of the exporter. These laws should be made as liberal as possible. There are three pre-requisites for a demand for re fund of duty. Klrst The duties must have .been actu- Second" The Imported material must have been wrought into a finished product with the aid of American labor. Third The finished produ t must be ex ported and thus removed from competition In the home market, r When it is conceded that the government does not expect to profit at the expanse of the exporter then every possible facility should be offered him. and no unnecessary obstruction, hindrance or delay thrown in his way. I know it Is urged that a less stringent law wmrtd bpen the door to fraud, but there can be no fraud when the ex nf American manufactures re covers back no more than has been aclu allv paid, either upon the Identical ma terial which has been used in the manufac ture or upon the same kind and quality of material. Absolute identity need not be an essential. SAILORS ACCUSED. OF MUTINY Rescued by Ship on High Seas and Then Placed In Custody on Suspicion, ' LIVERPOOL, Jan. 29. The British steamer Brunswick,' Captain Brown, from Maranham, Brazil, " via Funchal, arrived here today and landed five survivors ot tho British bark Veronica, Captain Shaw, from Ship Island, Miss., October 6, for Monte video, who were picked up at sea before ar riving at Funchal. The men reported that Veronica was burned at sea December 20. The police have detained four of them on susplclou of having mutinied and mur dered Captain Shaw and seven of the crew of Veronica, after wOilch they are alleged to have set fire to the ship. The cook of Veronica, a colored man. Who wss 'among those who were rescued by Brunswick, made a statement to Cap tain Brown which' caused hint to cable to Scotland yard. The cook, however, asserts that the men led by the boatswain, a German, mutinied and murdered the captain, chief officer and others and threatened to kill him If ho be trayed them. Three ot the men In custody are Oer mans. The fourth is an American, Wil liam Smith, who shipped at a Mississippi port. PROMISES SAFE MATCHES German Government keeks to Pro hibit lie of Phoaphorns, Glvlna; Manufacturers Snbstltnte, BERLIN. Jan. 29. In the Reichstag today Home Secretary von Posadowskl-Wehner, supporting a government measure, abso lutely prohibiting the use of phosphorus In the manufacture of matches, said Ihe gov ernment had acquired the patent ot a new Igniting substance which was harmless to the health of the workers and had placed it at the disposal of all match factories which were still using phosphorus. He knew some manufacturers contended that phosphorus was not injurious, but tbe government bad . accumulated evlience showing thst even ten years after men had ceased to work la match factories they contracted phoasy jaw. Herr Eduard Mueller, national liberal, re marked that It was easy enough to abolish one entire Industry by legislation, but what would become of the poor operatives after they had been deprived of employ ment. France, he added, had a standing after of J12.500 tor the luveutton of a satis- factory substitute for phosphorus and the prize had not yet been awarded. The bill was referred to a committee. OPPOSES SHIP SUBSIDIES Hamburg-American Line omll taja llonntles on Stenmera Work .' Harm to All. t PURLIN. Jan. 2H. Hcrr Ballin. director general of the Hamburg-American line. In an Interview with the editor of the Tagcblatt publlsheT today, said the German com panies regretted the British 'government had subsidized the Cunard line. They did tot fear competition, but held It was a bad example for other countries, as If one coun try should subsidize lines, others might do likewise Until finally all subsidies would have to be abolished by an International agreement similar to Ihe Brussels sugar convention. He thought the Cunard line's new largo subsidized steamers were too ex pensive to be run at a profit, owing to their enormous consumption of coal. The British government, Herr Ballin as serted, was really making a present of new steamer to the Cunard, as It found the capital tor building them and subsi dized the vessels sufficiently to yover tho Interest and the organization of the new capital. France's experience, he further remarked, showed the deadening effects of state sub sidies. He would try to prevent the Ger man government from Imitating Great Britain's lead. Means of . transportation created at considerable expense were al ways failures when commerce did not ex ist. German lines were successful because German merchants had the courage to carry American products and theieby gained return freight. Denmark had cre ated a splendid free port at Copenhagen and the Hamburg-American line had been Induced by Danish friends to establish n line between the United States gulf ports and Copenhagen, but the freight was not there. The only regular commcdity of fered was oil cfike for cattle feed, but not In sufficient quantity to maintain the line. Hungary was trying to create di rect communication betwei Flume aud New York, partly by force, for Austrian Hungarian emigrants would be compelled to use line. The Hamburg-American and North German Lloyd companies at the request of the Hungarian government eent a committee to Hungary a year ego to In vestigate the possibilities of a direct New York line, but it was decided that it could not be made profitable because the freight was not sufficient and pacsengcrs will not take sixteen to eighteen days over a Journey which could be made In half the time. CLAIMS . BOGUS SON IS HEIR Polish Countess Churned with Seek . ins; BlK Kstate by Fraud. BERLIN, Jan. 29. Countess Isabella Weslerska Kwileckl, belonging to a i tch and aristocratic Polish family, has been arrested on the charge of pretending to have borne a son six years ago. She I? said to have presented the boy as the -heir to an estate of 10,000 acres, with a yearly rental roll ot $1S,000. Count Misjlslaw Kwileckl, a member of tbe Prussian House of Lords, and bis eon Count Hector Kwileckl, tt nvmber of the Reichstag, contested the legitimacy of the countess' son two years ago and af'.er a sensational trial at Posen slio wai ac quitted. Tbe countees and the count, her husband, continued living quietly on the Polish estate after tbe trial, spending the winters In fashionable Berlin soo'cty.' Suspicions regarding 'ho legitimacy of the countees' son continue! and Iho rose cutlng attorney obtained fresh testimony through a police examination of a woman who bore a child at tn-t time (he Jn ot the countess is said to have been boiu. GERMANS .. MAKING, SOUNDINGS Slnrnfllcau't Proc-eedlnara of Army and Navy Oflloera In the Harbor of Havana. HAVANA, Jan. 29. It is reported that several German army and navy officers passengers on the steamer Moltke, which has arrived here on a cruise through the West Indlea, have made extensive sound ings In Havana harbor, near Santa Clara battery, garrisoned by American troops It Is said they also took photographs of fhe fortifications.' In view of the attitude of Germany In Venezuela this is regarded as significant. A reporU that Mr. Squires had informed President Palma of the actions of the Germans was denied by tbe minister, who says he has heard only rumors. Moltke sairsd yesterday for Nassau, and will arrive in New York on February 1. The German officials aboard Moltke were sent on the cruise by the German gov ernment, and, it is understood, have been making soundings secretly all over the West Indies. 1 ' Cajlzole, the most dangerous bandit In Cuba, has been captured after a desperate fight. In a suburb of this city. ' '. MAJOR GLENN IS ACQUITTED Verdict le Popular lu Manila and He ia Ordered to Heturn to Duty. MANILA, Jan. 29. Major Edward F. Glenn of the Fifth Infantry, who was tried by court-martial on the charge of unlaw fully killing prisoners of war, has been ac quitted. Major Glenn has been ordered to return to duty. The verdict Is popular. Frelaht Traffic Is Suspended. AMSTERDAM, Jan. 29. The freight traf fic on the Dutch Railroad company's system is suspended owing to the strike of 300 freight engine men in sympathy with the employes of several transportation compa nies who have boen on strike for some time past. The employes of the state rail roads threaten to Join the strike. There was a conflict between strikers and non strtkera in the suburb of Dugerdam .this morning Several men were seriously in jured. Has American Chamber of Commerce. BERLIN, Jan. 29 An American Chamber of Commerce was organized here tonight with 101 members engaged In business in Berlin, Hamburg and other German cities. H. Krelssmann of Chicago, formerly I'nited States consul general, and now a street railway owner, was elected president. Tra Ins Send Wireless Messages. BERLIN, Jan. 29. Experiments con ducted by the military authorities have shown it to be easy to keep a moving train In constant wireless communication with a fixed -signal station. The Brown sys tem was used. Iowa Creditors Meet. DAVENPORT. Ia., Jan. 29 Creditors of the Northern Building company met today and received reports showing that the concern owed $160, OdO, with no assets ex cept possible profits on contracts on band in various cities in Ijwa and Wisconsin. These contracts amount to 1330.000. Tbo creditors decided to carry out tbe con tracts. . BAER'S FIRM TARES FLOOR Reading Company Presents Case to Goal Strike Ooramitsion- MINERS WITHDRAW IMPORTANT CLAIM Aiiree that Weluhlna- of Coal Is Im- prnrtlcable In Southern Field, Thnuah Still Demand Practice Klsenhere. rillLAI-KLPHIA, Jan. 29 The Philadel phia & Reading, the last of tho large coal companies, presented Its case to the strike commission today. At the afternoon session It was an nounced- thst the mine workers and the Reading officials had agreed that the weigh ing of coal In lha southern fields was Im practicable, thus settling, so far ss that field was cr-ncerned, one of the principal points in dispute, but it Is still a bone of contention in the middle and upper regions. Company Ensures Living; M'aste. Simon T. Wolverton presented In book form all the communications whicn have passed between tbe mine workers, their organizers and the coal operators. The first witness was John Velth Of Tots- vllle, general mining superintendent of the company, t'nder examination he gave in detail a technical description of the vary ing tondlllons of the mines. If a miner was unable to earn living wages, he said, it was the rule of the com pany to"-give him an allowance. The company flli not ma'ntaln company stores or employ company doctors, neither had if w docking system. At the opening pf tho afternoon session Attorney Wolverton, for the Reading, said that at a conference held during the noon recess between John Velth and G. W. Hart ley, secretary of district No. 9 of the min ers' ,unlon, It was agreed that the weigh ing of coal in. the Ninth district, which takes in all the southern cost fields, was Impracticable because of the pitching veins. Most of the coal mined in that region was paid for by the yard. John Magulre of Pottsvllle, a division superintendent for the Reading company, said an eight-hour workday would have the effect of reducing the output. . Witness said . the company always got along with its employes until men who never saw the inside of ad anthracite mine came between them. When asked whom he referred to, be named ' Messrs. Mitchell 'and Fahcy, but could not give one irut'ance where trouble resulted through Mr. Ml.tchell or Mr. Fa hcy coming between the company and the men, except the general strikes of 1900 and 1902. PAY TRIBUTE TO H'KINLEY (Continued from First Page.) subject of "McKinley and the Tariff." The governor said that be had come in spite of the advice of his physician, after pelng -confined ' to the house for several days. His address In part was as follows Lean imagine no time more appropriate for a reflection upon the principles of the republican party than the birthday of Wil liam McKinley. I thank you for the hos pitality which has made me forget whether I am on the east side or the west side ,of that historic river which separates the mates of Iowa and Nebraska, but in the great republican brotherhood there are no state lines; we follow unfalteringly tho teachings -qf those leaders living and dead wjtio have made the country great; there fore I feel' at home among the ardent and dominant-spirits ; who have made Omaha famous. I feel at home among those who have given to Nebraska so high a place In the ranks of our party. Ho Iowa Idea. When I was aekeoT to be with you this evening It was suggested tor me that I was expected to speak on "The Iowa Idea," There Is no Iowa Idea, If by Iowa Idea It la meant to convey the Idea that the re publicans -of that state hold any Ideas which distinguish them from the party in other Mates. In 1901 the republicans of Iowa adopted e platform believed to be orthodox In republicanism we conducted a campugin to success on that platform. A HUle later, in the spring of 1902, that can didate for governor made a speech in Min neapolis. Some of the guardians of the republican, party endeavored to call . him to account and It was found that he hud nreached from the Dlatform on which he was elected. That . gave rise to a little discussion on the subject of the platform, for I want ydu to understand that Iowa re publicans' are united on the idea of protec ttou as enunciated by William McKinley. ?'he republicans then reiterated the plat orm of 1901 and the newspapers took the matter 'up and the phrase "the Iowa Idea" v as coined by one, who -would rather make an epigram than state- a truth. The re publicans of my atate are alert, progres sive and earnest. A few years ago history fastened upon the house of Bourbon the motto, "Forget nothing; learn nothing." Later the democratic party adopted the motto, and I hope it will remain In peace ful possession. Thank God the republican party has never taken on this motto or paralyrls and decay, therefore it controls the greatest country on earth. It carried tha doctrine of protection to Us loftiest height and it boldly wrote the word "Gold" in its platform arid the nation was strength encd; then keenly alive to the new dignity which had come .to American manhood It widened the limits of the republic so that even though I am 'speaking in the mid watches of the night the morning sun is lighting 111 Glory as It proclaims the sovereignty of the I'nited States in the islands of the Philippines. ' Will Advance In Future. As the party has moved on In the past It will move in the future to confer greater glory to the people of this republic. This liiwu platfom declares that nearer and dearer to the hearts of Iowa republicans than any other policy is the policy of pro tection, and to -this oollcy Is due the high position we have taken In the struggle and contest of tho world. We believe It has lone more to bring happiness to the home than any other policy. We, however, be lieve that protection is a means to an end ; wn believe it was ordained and Is main tained to give to the American people the maximqm of work to be done In our own country; we believe that a tariff schedule Is not anj cannot be permanent. If there Is anything that threatens republican suc cess It is the idea that tariff schedules must remain Inviolate. I do not want to turn th country over to the democrats and to save the country that contingency I believe that we elioum do what ought to be done ourselves whenever It ought to be done. I do not believe that "stand pat" is tho maxim uiinn which we should pro tted. In place of "let well enough alone" I say that If you let well enough alone today toinorirow It will not be "well enuuwli." I do not believe in a general li. rift revision. 1 would If I could destroy the Hplrlt which says that when a re publican congress approacnes inese scnea ules the world shudders and business stops lucause some change is suggested. Such, I think. Is a fair representation of the "Iowa idea." ' Believe In Reciprocity. As to reciprocity, the republicans take to their hearts the last and loftiest utter ance of William McKinley as he stood In the shadow of the tomb. We believe In reciprocity other than in conventions. I ASTHMA Climates wearout. Pmokesandspraya do not cure. They relieve symptoms liiklead of removing cuiies ; waerfutf, we lake Asthma u tliorouKbly out of thn K t in I hut mailing remains w h Icti cu n prod nor an wt taek ; su flcrers ara tmiu aula to work, tel. klecp and Mand lMire without the 1Ik)iU.-1 return of Anlbma. lu-lrig ritjlit In iiMncirilu our troatment due what ' nile.'s" cuu not do. W e cure to stay Cured severe, luiiK-atanillng and pnj. ninineed(iMnirvl)le"cHW, If you are skeptical.rt iftneeaUM'you aretimnrant fourgn--at work. riuc l-wt we bate treated Athnia sud Hay rover bnnnn. if you delre ivmipiete re lit!', Iivulth rwUirud, aud no return of Asthma, write for our book 73 Free. C iiaauLU uaybs, bvnAVO, M. y. would like to introduce the wot U 're ciprocity '" Intn the vocabulary nraon MTrim as well ns Into that of renvcnCiii Mi Klnlev nt HufTriln -ems to me to b.e driven back thn h-irlson of the Amerieim future far more distant '.:nn many reu. Use. I tlillik he know better than we know' what the struggle of the future Is to be. He know that If We would '"Mat well enough alone.'' that we mist selre the opportu-!. Iilty providence has broi,lit to our graspl He Knew that the market" of . the worl' had been considered by the cabinets oj the world and he stated a conclusion tht the American people can never for get what' wss In MeKniVy'a heart when the bullet of tlvi HS.Hsin struck hint down. The reclpr:ltv which will send out of (his country lim.m.i"n In products tnflde bv Americana even If It will bring to th's coiin'rv $..n tum.oeo of products. This Is the reciprocity in those treaties which now lie apparently forgotten In tbe arch ives of the senate. I do not criticise the Semite, but. I say that that reciprocity which Is onlv lued as n hlh sounding phrase I unV-orthy the party and the American people. Poller I" the Orient. Following ' Governor Cummins, W. E. Balnbrldgo of Coutuil Bluffs spoke of "Mc Klnley's Eastern Policy:" He said that In that strange international event In China the policy of the government ehonn brightly; that at the lime of Ihe killing of the German ambassador ' the. . division of China was Imminent, hat President Mc Kinley came to tho relict of China, pro posing to tbe powers such -a policy aa would save China from disintegration. Among those present """from out of the city were: Richard O'NolllN Dr. F, A. Graham, Vlctbr Seymour, JohtT-Farwell, B. C. Fox. D. A. Fry, P. J. CosgrJV. C. Y. Smith. J. C. F. McKlsson. J. 8. Pwer. W. O. Roberts, Wallace Crandall and Mlnor Bacon, all of Lincoln, Senator Sheldon, of Nehawka, Senator Dean of Iloldrege, Sen ator Wall of Loup City and Mat Oerlng ot Piatt smouth. TELEGRAPH ' MAN PROMOTED A. A. Oergaa of Denver Succeed Former Chief as Assistant Superintendent. DENVEH, . Jan. 29. The announcement was made tonight of the appointment of A. A. Gargan as assistant superintendent of the Third district of the Western Union Telegraph company, with headquarters at Denver. Mr. Gargan was chief clerk to Assistant Superintendent Horton, recently promoted to superintendent. DENVER SWINDLERS JAILED Jury Finds Men Cuiltr Who De frauded Former Sheriff Out of f 17,500. DENVER, Jan. 29. The Jury in the fed eral court In the case of Peter Johnston, Charles H. Emmons and John H. Phll brook, charged with conspiracy to defraud former Sheriff W. K. Butehlnel out of 117,600 worth of mining stock, today found Johnston guilty. and discharged Emmons. In consideration of bis having confessed Philbrook was discharged. OHIO FLOODS BREAK BRIDGE Three Bent Washed Out and Keara Are Entertained for Entire ,T Structure. COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 19.-HIgh water and an tec gorge washed out three bents of the long trestle over Alum creek about six miles from here today.' There Is danger that tbe entire structure, several hundred feet In length, will go. Waters In the Scioto are reaching a dangerous point ASK ' VOTE ON LIQUOR LAW Kansas Politicians Secure Constitu tional Convention to Consider Prohibition Amendment. TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. M. A constitu tional convention will likely be ca'led as a result of action In Its favor by the Kan sas house today, - . . , , The prohibitory amendment will be sub mitted to a vote of the people if the plans of the promotors of the convention sre carried out. DeWitt V De Witt Is tha name to look for when r you to to buy Witch Hazel Sslve. 1 DeWltt's Witch Haul Salve Is tha orielnal and only genuine. In fact DeWitt ! the only Witch Hazel Salvs that is made from the unadulterated WitcH-Hazel All others are counterfeits base Imi tations, cheap and worthless even danterous. DsWm's Witch HazelSalve Is s specific (or Piles: Blind, Bieedlnr. Itching and Protrudtnt Piles. AlaoCuta. Bums, Bruises, Sprains, Lacerations, Contusions, Bolls, Carbuncles. Eczema. Tetter, Salt Rhaum, end all other Skin Disease. . SALVE 'V.-Jlv i Co., Chlctfo I aXPA KBD E.C. DeWitt t? BOYD'S) Woodward & Burgess, Managers. m, and Night THE FATAL WEDDING Tonight, Sa Prices: Matliee 23-50c. Night 25-50-73C. BrNDAY MAT. & . MItiHT Pickings From Puck MOlf. A Tl'FSDAif MAT. t NIOilT- The Princess Chic Prtoes Mat 25-50-yno. Prices Mat., 25-50c. Klght, 25-&0-7&C 7t.c-tl-l.6o. WKI1. ft THUR8. NIGHTS KVKLi: HELLKW -IN- FRI.. BAT. MAT. Sc NIGHT San Toy Trlces-Maf.. -50-"f.c-l. Night, Kj-'m-7&e-l-l.i. A Gentleman ol France Prlces-25-60c-ll-1.60. Creighton-Orpheum Telephone 1531 Matinees Thurs.. Hut., bun., 2:15 Eery Night S lS. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Cole snd Johnson, tilvetu, Columbian Trio, Ja H. Culien. Purcell and .laynanl. Ixjrotliy Walters and the Klnodrome. i'rlcc s luc, oc, &ua. UO I Bui.. Tha MILLARD tSIb and Dusslai Ms OMAHA. nKM. omanas Leading Hotel i i-K( IAI. KKtTlHK. . LUNCHEON, FIFTY CENTS. 12:10 to 2 p. m. SUNDAY. . p. m. DINNER, 753 a. attadlly Increasing; business has aecessl taicd an enlargement of this cats, doubling its luiiuer capHclty.