Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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iNsiKAMh mn SLOW
Prof. her
.Pt'rori Complain to fciat. of Ttilare U
Mcue Furri-it or L::e,
l.larola Men Are Invite' to Attead
.Mrli Inley f.lnb llinoDrl to lie
llrld In Omaha nnil
Man Accept.
(From a FtarT Correspondent.)
LINTOLN, Jan. 2V iSpecial.l Cora
plaint hss been mad to the insurance de
partment of the auditor's office about the
Interstate Mutual Hall insurence com
pany of Omaha, and the department has
started an investigation. George Nerelsch
of Douglas county antf W. 11. Moon and
Thomas Doty of Butler county are three of
the complainants. The two latter state.!
that '.h-y ha I taken out policies at 15 an
acre, and both had sustained losjes. When
It rame to a settlement one Wis offered 118.
being 12 more than the premiums he had
paid, and the other waa offered S53 for a
aettlement, and he had paid to the com
pany $41. The Douglas county man had. a
500 Tons adjusted for 1100, which, under
the policy, waa to be paid by December 15.
To date he haa not received a remittance
from the company.
During the year 1902 complaints of the
aame character were made against this
company. Mr. Pierce, the head of the In
surance department, haa written to the
company for an explanation, but has not
yet received a reply. The company's per
mit to do buslnesa will expire In a few
days. .
prtna. a New Scheme.
F. R. Matthews of Coolldge, Kan., de
sires some Information In regard to the
"Mother Birthday Club of America," and
hsa written to the Insurance department
of the auditor's office for the Information.
"I have . applied for the agency for the
state of Nebraska," he writes, "and I want
to know where I am at before beginning
business." Further along on the card he
states: "It is not an insurance organiza
tion, but It Is the next thing to It, and
I want to know If there Is anything to
hinder the club from operating In Ne
braska." Mr. Pierce Is not up on mothers'
club birthdays, and la contemplating call
ing a meetlug of the mothers' club of Lin
coln to discuss the matter. '
The annual meeting of the Nebraska
state conference of charities and correc
tions will be held In Lincoln February 6
snd 8. and a moat Interesting meeting Is
predicted. The local entertainment com
mittee la composed of twenty-three per
sons, and all who attend are assured of
hospitable treatment. The programs were
received from the printer this morning,
and Is as follows:
Dr. F. L. Wharton.
Address of welo-ime on behnlf of city....
Mayor Wlnnett.
Address of welcome on behalf of state..
Governor J. II. Mickey.
Response on behalf of th? conference. ..
Chancellor E. B. Andrews.
President's adilrens
Dr. A. W. Clark.
Enrollment of members
Prayer ;
Rev. John U Marshall.
Indeterminate Sentence ,.
Dr. J. L. Greene and ex-Governor Lor
enio Crounee.
Redemption of the Criminal
Rev. E. A. Fredenhagen. Superintendent
Kansas Society of the. Friendless.
Dr. II. O Rowlands, Judge Tlbbeta and
Prison Work
. Major. R. W. McLaujrhrfy, Warden
Fort-Leavenworth Penitentiary.
Dlcusrlon and questions answered......
Dr. J. E. Tuttle.
Address Juvenile Courts
Judge B. B. Llndney of Denver.
Rev. H. C. Swearengen.
Organisation of City Charities
Prof. C. E. Prevey of Lincoln.
Discussion on Punishment of Husbands
Who Abandon Their Families
Chief of Police Donahue of Omaha.
Dependent Children
Rev. I P. Ludilen of Lincoln and Rev.
J. S. Levitt of Omaha.
Sanitarium Treatment of Tuberculosis..
Dr. R. C. Moore of Omaha.
Af noon nn Adjournment will be taken to
the Lincoln Hospital for the Insane, where
lunch will be nerved to all members of the
conference and the afternoon session will
be he'd, followed by an Inspection of fie
Papers by Dr. W. B. K,-rn of Hsstings.
I'r. .C A Ynctig of IJncr.In and
r. I.. Potion of Lincoln.
M nr
I'm) e- M Wnl no I orrlmer of Lincoln.
I til n sh -d bul ess
Ad Iress
Major McIKiahr'y of l--i venworth.
Ailr r,a -1 he tl.inintie. Klflrient and
Economic Artp it Ion of Stite
Ini I ut.rns
Judge I j, G. Klnne of Dos Molne.
Imlte Lincoln Men.
Clyde Sundblsd and E. B. lTlchsrd, rep
resenting the Young Men's McKlnley lnb
of Omahs, arc In the city In the nteris
of the flrf annual banquet of the club to
be given Thursday night. They have In
vited many prominent Lincoln people and
It Is r-xpected that about fifty will at- ,
(red. Among these will be Governor j
Mickey and the state officers. Governor
Ml,.lr,a n rl Vn.rl. HmMfn ilrhill allnfrDV '
- biivj .milin .,,.,".,. ... im.j w ....
i ,w. . .i . . . . . . iiy
A large representation of the Yrung Mfn's
republican club of Lincoln will at'?n.l in
a body. President W. G. Roberts being
among the number. The Lincoln Voting
Men's llcpubllran club numbers among its
members forty-seven office hn'.d'rs and
the club's representatives expect to tell
the Omaha young men how :hey did It
Mr. Sundblad and Mr. Prlchard will remain
in the elty until tomorrow evening and will
accompany the delegation to Omaha.
Jsdgniesl for Bond Company.
The United Slates district court has de
cided In favor of the Fidelity Deposit com
pany of Maryland In its suit against Wil
liam Thnmssen, ex-tressurer of Hill county,
for $14,142 05. The suit was brought by the
bond company to recover money paid out
while bondsman for tbe defendant. While
Thomssen was treasurer of Hall county
a bank In which he had county money de
posited failed and the bond company had
to make good. Mr. Thomssen was rep
resentative in the legislature from Hall
county two years ago.
James Pratt haa filed suit in the United
States district court against Hitchcock
county for 12,500. It Is a suit on coupons
on Bonds Issued by the county for the
building of an Irrigation ditch known aa
the Holdrege ditch. The county has made,
no payment on the coupons, of which ab;ut.
$18,000 la outstanding, and the suit. Is
brought to test the law.
residence of her children, grandihtl-
dren and treat grnndchlldren. There were
fifty-four srsts occupied at the table. Mrs.
Kerns was born In Pennsylvania, but rsme
here In 1M. where she hss since resided.
Hf r husband died here In 174.
One nnrirmi M-n !elli Interent In
Sheep Itanrh and Invests In
precinct to Joel Miller for $19,000. or about
I79.17 per acre. 8. 1. Will purchased a
farm of 160 acres from E. D. l.ughlln for
$f5 pi r acre. I.and thst wonld not com
mand $.",0 per acre six years ago nov sells
for not less than l."0, and one. farm west
of town re.ently brought linn per acre.
Fremont People Assail Validity of
the Franchise of the
FREMONT, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.)
The fight between the Bell Telephone com
pany and the Fremont Telephone company
has reached the city council, and last night
a petition was presented by forty-six cltl
xens of tbe city praying that the Bell com
pany be prevented from extending Its lines,
putting In any new 'phones or doing any
repairs, which would practically put. them
out of business. It Is claimed by the pe
titioners that the Bell people have no
authority to do business in the city; that
the records of the city council do not show
thst they have, ever been granted a fran
chise, and that they have done business
here only with the consent of the city and
without Its express permission. In 1881 a
franchise was granted a local company to
construct a telephone line. Nothing was
done by this company, and it is claimed
that Its franchise lapsed. The telephone
matter remained at a standstill until 1885,
when the present company put In Its ex
change. The Bell people were evidently
taken somewhat by surprise by the act ot
the Tremont' company, and the matter was
laid over for a npeclal meeting, to be held
Saturday evening.
Councilman Wlntersteen's antl-expeoto-rating
ordinance came up for a third read
ing, and was passed with but one dis
senting vote. It punishes spitting on the
sidewalks, depot platfornts or other pub
lic placea an offense punlthed by a fine
and is modeled after a similar ordinance
In Denver.
CHADRON. Neb.. Jan. 27. W. R. Mc
Oanncn returned this morning from
! Sioux City, where he has been for the
' purpose of purchasing oil well boring
machinery, and reports that he has sold
rne-half Interest In his 40 acres of deeded
i land laying within the oil belt to a Sioux
man for n t onsldcratlon of $10,000,
and that they had bought a full outfit for
:h? boring of oil wells which would be
shipped direct fro:n the factory at an early
date. Mr. McGannon Is one of the well-to-do
sheepmen of this county, snd, while
the county records show no transfer of
h!n land, he Is sn upright gentleman, whose
reputation for veracity is never ques
tlcned. This Is but one of the man deals
which tire being made almost dally look
ing to the development of this oil region.
Persons ere coming Into town daily with
samples of ell they have found in their
old wells or coal found In some old aban
doned excavation.
Fred Houghton, who has been In the dis
trict surveying and locating, came In to
day, and says that, while all tho land in
the county which Is considered strictly
within the oil belt has been taken up, he
believes that considerable land laying on
the south side of White liver will prove
as good oil or coal land as any that has
yet been taken. There is also a valuable
strip In South Dakota, Just west of tho
8ioux Indian reservation. Mr. Houghton
says that the most valuable strip of land
lays between Nebraska and the reserva
tion, and is known as "No Man's Land,"
but It has never been surveyed or opened
to aettlement.
The first company which nrrixd on the
ground has everything in readiness to be
gin boring as soon as M. J. Miller, the
manager, returns from Chicago, and It is
understood that he will be here by Feb
ruary 1.
The Gutamnla Oil Mining company hao
been doint; some work sinking shafts over
Its property as a means of ascertaining tho
formations and the nature of the stratas.
The shafts invariably show stratas of cal
careous sandstones cemented together by
carbonate of lime or a chalk composition.
The rocks are cf the derivative class and
composed of carbonaceous accumulations.
SAYS HE MARRIED FOR REVENGE likens him to old-time prophets
Kidney Trouble
Colonel Henick McrtTr?d Tre'ident
Obtained ureinata:al Aid.
Qneer Kiplanatlnn of Alliance Man
Who la t'hararel with
ALLIANCE. Neb.. Je.n. 2S. (Fpccial Tel
egram, i A. B. Chelf, the Alliance man.
who on December 2S was married to Miss
Kate Goldrlrk nt Grand Island and four
davs later married Miss Bon'c Herron at
Wspella, III., his been located In Denver.
It Is not llkelv that the blgimy thar,o
will be passed, as the father of Miss Her I tonight.
Points to Wonderful Prescience and
Saya He Always eemetl to Know
How Ilia Actlonn Would
CLEVELAND. O., Jan. IS. The annunl
reception and lanquet of the Western Re
serve society of the Sons of the American
Revolution was held at the Hollcnden hotel
ron has derided to drop the matter, and
If reports are true, wife No. 1 is with
him In Denver. In a statement made in j
the office of County Attorney Mitchell, i
Chelf confessed his puilt. claiming he did j
not know the crime was punishable, de
clared his love for the ...,noi wife, and .
that he had married MUs Herron for re- ,
vengo. Mis? Herron is s handsome and i
highly cultured college girl. Her fnther .
gave her for a wedding present a oheck ;
Among those who responrkd to toasts
was Captain W. Daniels, president of the
N'elraska society, and Colonel M. T. Her
rk'k, who spoke on "William M K nicy.
Citizen and Patriot."
Colonel Herrlck said in part:
To an American audience It seems al
most super(l!oiic to Kperfk of the character
of the beloved McKlnley's citizenship,
ptnii'MnnnFhlp and pati lotlMn. because II is
now iniiesTruciiiuy a pari or tne imiinn
history. That It was hlirh. that It win
of $1,500. which, fortunatclv. she hnd not Vorld know., ami the lofty example
signed over. j he set fhlnes forth nmona men ot nil nn-
, ! tli. up ap a beacon umn a mount ilu hclKht.
MARRIED MAN AND GIRL ELOPE' ments of the policy which he founded Kr.ul-
Farm Hand Leaves Wife and Takes
Foarteen-Year-Old Dnuabter of
Ills Employer.
I nally unfold themselves. . statu! In
Of Long Standing Cured by W erner's
Safe Cure -flany Cases Invest. ga
ted ny the llditttr an J Found to
Bo Completely Curid.
An Imrstigatlon by the Kiiltor of thU
i i nper ot the m my miraculous cures made
: by Warners Safe Cure has si Impressed u.
with tho curative powers of this great
medicine that we publish two of these let
! ten for the bent-tit of our renders. Mr. J. j
MlllamM, of 7s Columbia St. Ietr,ilt.
MIcbiKmi, Kx. Ilrlg.-tien. order Soi.k ..t
St. (ieorge, hvs: I'm- years I suflcred
from Kidney and bla. Iiler troubles ami trie!
many nurture but none of ihem h-cmt-il t
i help. Klnnliy my doctor hail tne try
Warner s ate Cure, which helped me from
. the 1 1 r 1 dose, and ntter I hint taken three
bolt ii a I was completely cured. My gem-re I (
hen it n Is better and I have not had the i
sliRhtesi attack of Kidney or bladder troubl- ;
since. It any one haa weak or unlit aliliy '
ki(ini- s. I heartily recommend Warner a
8ate I "lire."
Mrs. Lucy Baxter, or Newport News. Vn ,
who Is IK years old, says: "About twenty
years ago 1 was given up by doctors, who 1
said 1 w is so tar gone with Hrlgnt a imi
ease that I could not recover. Dropsy was
well developed. Dr. Martin, of Syracuse,
N. V., prescribed Warner s Safe Cure in
connection with Safe Tills. After taking
three bottles I was able to resume work
and by degrees cured. I have to thank
Warner's huff Cure fur being alive to-day."
If you have paine In your nncK or side
Fast Loea! Train
Illinois Central
l:rrectlve January 18th
amaiement. v ewlng the gigantic work that , Vhll, ,1HRi,llK ,,,-ir.o. difficulty In pass
he so pat ently end silently wrought, ask- na;cn, torpid liver, your
Ing ourselvee. whence came this mighty . ' j" ' ' re diseased
j power that he 7 Like the i.roph- , MAfcK Tlu'sj TKST AND FIND OUT.
i ets of old. he seemed to pierce the future . , ,ns(, or bottp. Attcr
I seeing cieariy me invisiuie evenis nenroi u h , , :4 hl)urH f u , a re(,(ilsh or
c.,v ffr , ; . ,ne ve" "f ht' ""known- '"f fr"f" ,no',,,hP!: . brown color. If particles float about In it.
SIOUX CITY. la., Jan. 28. (Special Tele- source could come his wonderful gift oi )f ( lj( ,.tll,dv ml , reM assured your
gram.) Himself a married man, William Prescience, this remarkable faculty of ds. kl.lMP flro diseased and unable to do their
v . ' : . i tt-firk nno ir not ntienneii 10 imineoiHieiv
FUlts that followed decisions at a tlm- Krl,nf, ai!.Rp, ,labetes. rheumatism,
when the most conservative and cnlrne- f , ,d ,nnammaUon oi the blsd
of men knew not what the morrow mlKht g K. tn,,B r lirinary troubles will
aBj;h,hi b;e,e,fh;;nl;, ,t7; in -h-t timo'
things In our philosophy which I'DWdence ANALYSIS FREE.
haa not revealed to lis. !
Leavss Omaha
Leaves Council Bluffs
10:45 A. M
11:05 A, M,
John, a hired man In the employ of Fred
erick Cardsen of Nellgh, Neb., has eloped
with the 14-year-old Cathrena, daughter
of Cardsen.
The family came here yesterday from
Nellgh, John accompanying them. 11 had
previously sent his wife to Cnrthage, Mo.
Af'.cr reaching here the man and young
girl made excuses to absent tuemselves
for a little while, and havi not yet re
turned. The father Is grief stricken, and
the police are at wcrk on the case.
Organize Knrni-ra Klevalor,
DAVENPORT, Neb.. Jan. 28 (Special
Telegram.) The Farmers, Elevator asso
ciation at this place met in ih' opera
hcuso this afternoon and effected a perma
nent organization. Constitution and bylaws
were adopted and the fillowing ofTUera I
were elected: H. E. Rowland, pres. dent;'
C. S. Bean, secretary; R. Twocd. treas
Conceives Idea Thnt Lord (oninmnila
lllm to olleet vionrj- or
KJI! People.
This section has all the surface appear- urcr, ' a board of five dlrec'or? was also
ances of having been at ono time a groat
lake or body of water and the rocks that
are being taken out of these shnftB are
composed of substances previously con
tained in solution in the waters of tho
region and brought Into tbe solid state by
precipitation or by the agency of organism.
Those who visited the World's fair In Chl-
cngo will probably remember tbe great re
lief map which showed the geological sur
vey and condition of this particular section j John W. Tulleys of Red Cloud, Neb
and which showed a coal deposit here ex- I been holding a Masonic school of lnstruc
tending aa far west as Whitney, Neb., but j tlon. which has been In session here nt
was there discontinued with cropplncs '. the Masonic hall, for the last three days.
elected. Tho cnpltal stock of the assocla- ;
ticn will be $5,000, more than J2.000 of i
which was subpcribd this afternoon, and 1
the bnlanco v.i:i ho taken. In ide of a week
It is the Intention to commence bu3.nt.4s r.s
soon as the balance oi me siock is euo
scribed. j
Masonic School of Instruction. I
(From a Staff Correspondent."
LINCOLN, Jan. 28. (Special Telegram.)
Ernest Patterson, a lieutenant in tho Sal
vation army, Is In the city jail suffering
with temporary Insanity. Tonight Patter
son conceived the notion that the Lord
hnd Instructed him to go to the varioim
merchants of the city and demand money
with which to purchase necessary supplies
for the use of the Salvation army. From
C. A. Tucker he was instructed to demand
$200 and a gold watch, and with the in
structions was the further order that if the
. Lord had failed to prompt Tucker to comply
! with tho demand, Patterson was to kill
him. To rome of his associates Patterson
told of the visitation of the Lord, and
I If there urc symptoms In your case you
i ,ii not understand, send a sample of urlno
IMQnNC ' to tne medical department of Warner s
IPiOHIVu , gll(o (.ure Co.. Rochester, N. Y., and tliw
' doctors will analyze it and send a report
and advice tree, togeiner wiui vkuhioio
medical booklet which tells all about dls
; cases of the kidney, liver, bladder and
blood and cure for eame. ....
' Warner's Safe Cure. 1m the only absolute
! cure for all these lorms of kidney, liver and
bladder troubles. It lias nrougni uio nicsa-
im.w T , ,,. , the latter lrfcrmed the police, who ar.
TABLE ROCK, Neb.. Jan. 28.-(Speclal.) . . ho,. ,. ,u ,,
as . .. .
manu on lucaer. l aiiersou is years ui
age and la very prominent in religious
Peculiar Ideas ftecardlaa;
Mark Twain's cure for a cold In the head
was simple, but he claims very effective In
bis own case: his plan was to eat nothing
whatever for twenty four hours or pre
sumably until the trouble bid disappeared.
Although not able to speak from per
sonal experience as to the effectiveness of
this treatment, It certainly has the merit
of extreme eccmony, but it occurs to us
that the application of It to case of nasal
catarrh might be attended with difficulties.
Catarrh, aa everyone knows. Is a chronic
cold In the head and Mr. Twain's treat,
tnrnt. If It should become a fad, would
make of us nation of f asters: an army,
mutating the example of the Immortal
Tanner who achieved world wide fame by
fasting forty days.
Catarrh Is certainly becoming a national
discs se and there Is little doubt but that
errors in diet, particularly over eating Is a
very common cause.
Most people however are more Interested -In
the cure of the trouble than In the cause,
and modern medical science has produced
more effective and less heroic remedies
than Mr. Twain's.
- HydrasUn Is a new remedy, very effective
In soma forms of Catarrh. Red Gum la an
other which on account of lta antiseptic
properties Is very valuable, while many
severe cases of Chronic Catarrh have becu
entirely cured by the aangulnarla or ex
tract of Blood root alone.
Within a year an enterprising chemist
has combined all of these remedies In tab
let form, palatable and convenient and the
superiority of thla tablets over other ca
tarrh remedies is so apparent that all
druggists now carry them In stock to sup
ply tbe popular demand.
They are called Stuart's Catarrh Tablets
and It Is doubtful If any medicine has
achieved national popularity in so short
time as this.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are used by
thousands of traveling men because they
be carried In the pocket and used any
ind in any quantity being free from
Cocaine, opiate or any poisonous drug.
They clesr the head and throat from the
disgusting secretions of ca)arrh, very often
In a few hours time.
For nasal Catarrh they are far superior
to any wash, lotion or ointment the use of
which Is often aa Inconvenient and annoy
ing aa the disease Itself.
For cougha. colds, bronchial catarrh and
catarrh of stomach these tablets give Im
mediate relief and a permanent cure where
lotlcos, douches and Inhalers make no 1m
prssloa whatever.
This preparation la a boom to catarrh
sufferer and any druggist will tell you
that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets is ft remedy
that ftaa coma to atay.
Oae ot Clatoala Suspects Cinched aad
Aaother One of Them
la oa Trial.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 28. (Special Tele
gram.1 After a trial lasting twenty-four
tcurs. Michael O'Brien, one of th Cla
tonia bank robber suspects, was found
guilty by a ury in the district cour to
day. Tho Jury went out at 1 p. m., re
turning with a verdict at 5.
The case of James Hall, charged with
the same offense, was taken up imme
diately after O'Brien's case was disposed of.
A large crowd of spectators was prcs"nt
at the hearing and several detectives from
the Kansas City and Oes Moines detective
associations are here.
John Herrod. charged with stealing a
team of horses from Kimball's livery barn
here Isst fall, was arraigned before Judge
Letton. He pleaded guilty and was sen
tenced to one year In the penitentiary.
asaln In the same btelt at Glenrock. Wyo..
where we now have a very productive coal
The soil of this district is so full of car
bonate of lime that unless the hay crop is
cut during the dry season and well cured
before It becomes wet It effects the hoofs
and horns of the cattle and causes them to
drcp off, and It Is in districts whore car
bonate of lime Is most evident that coal
has been discovered.
People here are- feverish with excitement
cd would not be surprised at the discovery
ot either oil, coat, goe or all ot them In
fact they really expect It.' Already tfcou
sanda of dollars have been expended, In the
purchasing, filing and grouping of claims,
and when the snows disappear In tho
spring the amount of work that will be
done will equal, If not surpass, that of tho
Beaumont, Tex., fields.
miwaskee Makes More oa Niobrara.
NIOBARA, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.)
The agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee and
St. Paul railway at Running Water haa
been Instructed to ascertain the fulled de
tails aa to the business done In Niobrara
! for the past four years. The occasion of
this investigation la a mystery, unless
there is more to the report of last fall's
survey than the Milwaukee p?ople care
at this time to repeal. The transfer be
tween the Milwaukee and Northwestern
waa considerable last fall, but was hin
dered somewhat because the Northwestern
refused to make traffic arrangements. It
is believed a trausfer station will be established.
I thocaai
J can be
tlma ar
Hlfth School Contests.
YORK, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.) -The
declamatory contests of high schools of
Ycrk county are being held this month
at Waco, Oreshain. York, Bradonaw, Ben
edict and McCool Junction for the purpose
of selecting representatives to represent
the h'gh schools at the county declama
tory contest, to be held at Bradshaw on
January 31. Helen Bcalough will repre
sent York in the dramatic class, and May
Talbert In the humorous. Bradshaw is
represented by Myrtle Allen for dramatic
honors, and Mattlo Steinberg in the hu
morous class. Eodle Anderson of Waco
will try to win the honors for Waco in
tho oratorical clas3, and May Carscaden,
dramatic and Cecil Thorpe In the humor
ous. The Qresham school sends Charles
Krelmter to wrestle for championship hon
ors In the oratorical class, and Emma
Berryhlll In the dramatic.
It will be a very close contest, as all
of the contestants are working hard and
will be the best class yet contested for
county honors.
Several were here from adjacent towns
and from the surrounding country.
Old Settlers to Meet. '
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Jan. 28.-(Spe-clal.)
The annual meeting of the Old Set
tlers' association of Otoe county will bo
held in this city on next Friday evening.
Von of Ambassador to Marry.
ALBANY, N. Y., Jan. 28. The engage
ment is announced of Miss Carrie Oliver,
second daughter of General and Irs.
Robert Shaw Oliver, to Joseph Choate, Jr.,
the sen of the United States ambassador
to the court of St. James.
ing of health to thousands upon thousand
or sunerinK nieri aou "inru.
Warner'H Safe Cure is purely vegetable:
free from narcotics and other harmful
drugs round in many so-called kidney
cures it Is pleueant to take and free
from sediment. tlleware of so-rnlled
kidney remedies which nre full ol
sediment and of had oilr they nrc
harmful.) It does not constipate.
Warner's Safe Cure can be purchased at
anv druK store or direct in two sizes 5"c.
anil $U a bottle. Be sure you get
bowels gently and aid a speedy cure.
Hefuse Snhtltntc they are danRer
0418. Ask for Warner's, it will cure you.
tins Big O for onnsmrsl
irritation! or ulcerstlom
of mucous menibrsnei.
PnliilMi. snrl not sttrio
gnt or poi.enous.
Sold by nmsaisla.
.T MM In ptin wrnwr.
I.y ixsru-K. -iii. for
Si 00. nrJbnttltmtJ.:.
Circular sent oa rstt.
LOGAN ll:r.i A. M.
WOOOniNE 12:12 p. M.
PUNLAP 12:30 V. M.
DOW CITY 12 : P. M.
ARION 12 47 P. M.
DEMSON 100 p. M.
WALL LAKE. 140 P. M.
FT. DODGE 2:20 p. M.
DI BIQVE 10.2a P. i.
CHICAGO 7:01) A. M.
Makes all Intermediate stops bet we. n
Omaha and Chit-ago.
Tickets, 1402 Farnani Street.
Dlst. Tass. Agi.. 111. Cent. R. R., Omaha.
M -W tiarantr4 3
iy-awJJ sot la ctrleiar.
M, A -KT NE-VS SaANS qtiteKiy rnre
ft- B.B Servounes.M rrsuiMuf shun-,
futllUK UKiiliouft. cimlin. Imses.
Oaf A 1C Married nit-11 sail men Intending
to murry annual uko 1 box: ntinnlsiiing inulu; wHb nurt'i fml ! ntiwi-r restored. $l.nutt
in.ll flu
Bherman Ac McOonnell Drug Co., Omaha.
mm 1
is here nnain, with its
long evenings.
Twentieth Century
Is chock full of tho Ideas
cf tho brainiest men in
theconntiy- well known
men, (elected aswriterii.
because they know how
to xnaks farming par.
Ono idoa may bo worth
a hundred dollars to jou.
34 to 48 r-.tek, weekly.
1.00 per yonr.
Write for I rro SnmtCopy
4 HaaklcU
ITCH Famam St.Omahs,Ksb.
Aacsts waatoa at weary I.0 .
1 ' 'aai IB inaaaaaaBaaaaaaniaaaBHaaiBaaaavaor
. .J iiiii m 11 mil I III '" " ' in 1 II " " ' -11.
- , '. jt ' tft!&fi7mr- r- 'n ifr"" r'V1" , Wiai. -n aaaaniii rr-i hi if m
ti-JliS-V Ef fc,".a V ill Elt ','.! tl "13 I mi IV7 ErVltZB I 1 -II 19 KLWiaEl
Prlies for Corn.
YORK. Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.)-Greater
Interest is being taken In the Farmers' In
stitute meeting, and resides the large
number of lecturers entertainment will b-s
furnished the farmers in t'ae way of
lunches, etc., which the Commercial club
and the business men are actively prepar
ing. One of the banks here has of
fered a prize of $5 for the best dozen ears
of white corn and the best dozen ears of
yellow corn to be exhibited at the meet
ing on February 4 and 5. The state uni
versity expert will, be the Judge of the
corn. Other prizes will be awarded.
To Build Elevator at Ellis.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 29. (Special.)
The meeting of farmers at Ellis yesterday
of consider a proposition made by C. T.
Peavey of the local Grain company of
this city to build an elevator at that town
wi:h a capacity of 100,000 bushels, was
largely attended. The farmers are fa-
vcrably impressed with Mr. Pcavey's prop
osition, and are to meet again next Sat
urday for the purpose of giving It further
Ilaarom Stands Trial.
FREMONT. Neb.. Jan. 28. (Special!
W. L. Haacom. who was arrested by the
Omaha police and brought to Fremont by
Sheriff Bauman on the charge of being
Implicated with Charles Miller In the rob
bery of Herman Suhr's saloon In Scrtbncr
about two weeks ago, was arraigned be
fore Justice of the Teace Hinman this
afternoon and plead rot guilty. His ex
amination waa adjourned. No trace has
yet been found of Miller, who broke Jail
here last night. He was permitted to take
exercise In the corridor and Improved tho
opportunity by cutting through the roof.
Four other prisoners In the Jail were not
so lucky, and are still in confinement.
Putt las; la ew Brldae.
SOUTH BEND. Neb.. Jan. 28. (Special.)
--The Rock Island bridge crew rame In
from Falrbury Tuesday evening to pick
up material and finish work 00 tbe railroad
bridge. A footbrWge. three feet wide, and
spanning the full 'width of the Platte river,
Is also being constructed to replace the
old bridge leading to the state fisheries,
which was found unsafe for travel on ac
count of the damage from high water.
Help firaadtaa Celebrate.
' TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Jan. 28. (Special.)
The th birthday of Mrs. Sarah Kerna.
the oldest parson living in this vicinity,
waa obasrve. yesterday by gathering at
Parents of Elarhteea C'hlldrea.
NIOBARA. Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. James E3gate will celebrate
their golden wedding tomorrow. Both are
hale and hearty, the old gentleman doing
a good day's work at his trade, that of
mascn. and the wife her household du
ties, hla only tailing being that of extreme
de&fness. Mr. Esgate served four years in
the army. This couple have the distinc
tion of being the parents of eighteen chil
dren, nine of whom are atlll living.
Mrs. Frances Kingsley,
First Vice-President of the Historical
Club ,544 Garfield Ave., Chicago, IIL9sajs
Chicago. III.. 644 GarfieM Avenue. October. 9, 1902.
After doctorinir for eleven months and taking, forty-three bottles of medicine and finding no relief for leucorrhoa
, resulting from irritation of a fallen womb 1 took inc of Cardui and fourteen bottles cured me. This seems strancre but
.t i the simple truih. v tne of Cardm helped me lToin the time I began taking it and having beard t praised so highly
, l TlJi-.3'iI-li ! L'.I.L. a. :i. I1LI 111
l y irienus wno naa inea 11 1 ion. sausneu inai 11 wouru ueip rue, nnu ir,
did. Itcureduie. Took everv bit of ache, pain and h'eadache.crainpsand r
dragging down sensations away till 1 felt young, strong and happy once rit&St CaO
more. It is u wonderful medicine ana a true rnena I o women, vv nen 1 look back on the r
months of torture I had it seems like a hideous nightmare. Wine of Cardui will cure
anv woman I believe. 1 have more faith in it than all other medicines combined.
Who would go on suffering female troubles after reading the earnest statement of thiiprominent woman? Are you suffering from leu
corrhcea'r' Have you the irritation of a fallen or misplaced uterus? Do you have periodical headaches? Do you have aches, pains or cramps
in the abdomen? Have you "bearing down pains"'!' Do you feel as if you, were never "young, strong and nappy"?
How can you refuse relief when you know these troubles are torturing you, are growing worse uay after day? If you go to a phy
sician after a local examination, he will probably tell you an operation is necessary. Mrs. Kingsley took Wine of Cardui and she
was cured without an operation. And this is what you may do. Shooting pains, irregularity, inflammation and bearing down pains make
thousand.! of women miserable. Why drag through life never enjoying anything? Wine ot Cardui haimade over 1,500,000 weak and suf
ferinff women well and strong. We ask you to go to your druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine ot Cardui and begin to take it at
n .,!... .n.l iia ka.liEi Mr. ICimrtflev writes asnaa..
once. iUiwM-.u..r....v.:, -..T i- r mmm. mvmwmr amii. MV rTX afsm
f"S l 11 14 I .jJ j-s- WK A aw. .llk. I 66.1 r. 1
1: p"
alioiit will soon be vours. It vou think special ui
rections axe needecf in your case, address, giving
.umnhmii Indies' Auvisoxv Derjartment. The
I (Jhattanooga Meilicine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn.
iiiii uLaaaii " '
'"Vli-" W-Tl Aafli faJluM
?Hr- f 111 r-t-tfr apfrrVrii iMarTHa a iMw 1 1 ii,m
i lit
4 h
t w 1 1 t a a--7 ri' pta r
Terms ol Moth District Coart.
NIOBARA. Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.)
The terms for the ninth Judicial district
court for liK'3 have been announced by
Judge Boyd as follows: Antelope, March
18 and December 14; Knox, April 27 and
September S; Madison, March 2 an No
vember 30; Pierce. March 10 and October
12; Wayne. April 13 and November .
Cereal Mill In Operation.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 29. (Speela'..)
The new cereal mills of Ed 8. Milier were
put In operation yesterday. The plant Is
equipped with all the latest'improved ma
chinery, and the rapacity of the mills will
be about 6.000 bushela of grain daily. U
Is a new Industry of wilch Beatrice citl
sens may well feel proud.
Die Prices for Farm lass.
ASHLAND, Neb., Jsn. 28. (Special)
Fsrm land In Saunders county north and
west ot Ashland Is reaching the highest fig
ures known In many years. David Wilson
haa aold his farm ol 240 acres la Green
IT, : -Vte
i . : : 'fa'
The number of trains operated between Omaha and Chicago via th' Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway has been increased to three daily fast trains each
way. These trains are magnificently equipped with palace sleeping-cars, dining
cars, and free reclining-chair cars. The trains are 6olid, widc-vestibuled, heated
by steam, and are lighted by Pintsch gas and electricity. Nothing finer moves on
wheels. The service on the dining-cars is perfect.
Eastbound, the trains leave the Union Passenger Station, Omaha, promptly
as follows :
The Limited, - - 8.05 p. m. .
Eastern Express, 5.45 p. m.
Atlantic Express, 7.45 a.m.
At Chicago these trains arrive at the Union Passenger Station, Canal and
Adams streets in the heart of the city. Excellent connections for the East and
TICKETS, 1504 Farnam St.
F. A. NASH, Ceneral Western Agent.