Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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upon outpoint; and Inromlns; channels for
thlr trad and proprlty the Vnlon l'a
elflc ahouM be trade to pay. Its Just hare
of city taxfa. He ehowed that while it
owned In the heart t Omaha 430 "acres of
land It would undr the present status pay
an that fabulous possession the bagatelle
of a ear In taxes, while the city's
total municipal payment must be tbla year
Mr. Mcintosh pleaded for the assessment
of property at Its full cash value anS
polnfrd out that In the face of Ita shanvf
less statements to the contrary the total
yalue of t'nlon I'aclflc property In Omaha
la tl.'.ooo 000.
."And this road rays but 1 per cent of
the taxes for city purposes," he snld.
Hn showed the Injustice, of this to the
otber Omaha taxpayers. Mr. Mcintosh made
It plain that It was not a question of
valuation he and his friends were plead
ing for, but one of fair assessment and
taxation. And he ahowed conclusively that
assessing railroad property In Omaha for
municipal purposes did not affect one lota
the state or county assessments In any
other portion of Nebraska, as the railroads
re trying to make peoplo believe.
Messrs. Harrison, I'ro and Mead of the
Omaha Real Estate exchange were present
at the meeting. The Omaha and Lincoln
exchanges meet tomorrow afternoon to dis
cuss these propositions and In the evening
the revenue committee will hold another
open meeting.
Table I'erry Herniation.
The IVrry resolution, Intended to head
off the lobby, was effectually sidetracked
In the house today, when It was laid on
the table by a decided majority. Douglas
of Rock, who made the motion, stated that
the only effect of the passnge of such A
resolution would be to unfavorably adver
tise the state, whllo tho lobbyist, It dis
posed, would work on Just the same. The
lobbyist, he pointed out, did his most ef
fective work at other times and places
than In and around the legislative hall.
Terry announced after tho vote that In
case the lobby became too conspicuous be
would move to take the resolution from the
table and Insist upon a vote upon It.
, I'rlntinsc Board a Luxury.
Senator Harrison thinks the state of Ne
braska Is maintaining an expensive sinecure
In the State Board of Printing and ho to
day Introduced a reaolution In the senate
providing that the committee on ac
counts and expenses be authorized to In
vestigate existing conditions and satisfy
the senate whether or not this board Is
Deeded or could with profit be done away
with. Harrison's Idea la that each state
department should be allowed to look after
Ita own printing contracts and that such a
system would be far more satisfactory In
the matter of finance as well as In others.
Considerable i Interest has , been aroused
over this matter, and it , Is 'expected that
10 me Immediate action will be taken.
' The Omaha bouse delegation has se
cured another appointment, that of Mrs.
E. M. Dodsoa as copyist In the enrolling
committee room. She was sworn In to
day. Mrs. Dodson waa postmaster of
Benson under President Harrison. Her
term was continued during a part of Presl
Jent Cleveland's last administration and
the was reappointed by President1 McKln
tey. Miss Grace Ballard of Washington county
was today assigned to a position in the
. mgrossing committee room.
leaate Proposes to See' Whether It la
Not a. t'selesa Appendage 1
of Government.
(From a. Staff Correspondent) ".
LINCOJJN. Jan. 28. (Special.) The cal
ilum light of publicity will be thrown on
.he elate printing board if the senate fol
ows, out the Idea of Harrison f Hall,' w-bo.
ntrodticed the following resolution:, ;
Resolved. That the ' committee on ao
iounta ana erpendUures be InutriHtetl and
tmpowrred to investigate the work of the
itate printing board, in order that this
xidy may uncertain If the continuance of
mill board Is beneficial to the state or oth
irwise. Warner's resolution to have - a commlt
:ee appointed to Investigate the difference
n charges made by telephone companies
n different towns carried without debate.
The greater portion of the afternoon was
lonsumed in a wrestle between Senator
Howell of Douglas and the revenue com
mittee, in which the latter won out. How
ill was the father of a Joint resolution to
equest the supreme court to appoint a
wmhilsslon from that body to act with the
olnt revenue committee of the senate and
he houae. The Joint resolution was re
erred to the revenue committee and re
torted back that It be indefinitely postponed.
This brought forth a deluge of oratory from
iowell, who moved that the joint reaolu
lon be placed on general file. During his
-eniarks Howell stated that the members
if the legislature were apparently divided
nto three sections those who favored the
inforcement of the present law, those who
leslred a new law and others who be
lieved that the present law should be
intended. "TOere is now soma talk of ad
ournljg for one week to allow the joint
venuo committees to get up a measure'
. le said. "They cannot get . up a revenue
till in, that time, and the object of the
isolation Is to assist the revenue com
olttee. The printing of the, last revenue
111 cost $800, and it Is impossible for this
To take cold. It'a so common to uej?lect
the cold. That' la one reason why tiiere
are ao many people with deep-seated,"
stubborn coughs, and to many more with
"lung trouble.
The short, quick way to cure a cough
ta to use in. Pierce 'i.-O'
Golden Medical Dis- J-7
overy. The quicker
this remedy is used the
quicker the cure. But
even when neglect bas
let disease fasten on
the lungs, "Goldenl
Medical Discovery
may be relied on to
cure in ninety
eight cases out of.
every hundred.
The only motive
for substitution is
to permit the dealer
to make tlie little
extra profit paid on the sale
of lcea meritorious medi
cine. He gains. You loae.
Therefore accent ho substi
tute for "Golden Medical Discovery."
M ain feeling quite well.' write Mlu Dorcas
A. Lwi. of No. 11J9 14th St , WiuhinKton, I). C.
My cough U very much better, and (owe it all
to Ir. rtrrcc's Ooldrn Medical UUcuvery. I
cannqt uv too much in praiK of the medicine.
I had ben null a sufferer fur a long time, and
after rending Doctor Pierce's Common Sena
Medical Auviter thought 1 would try hn ' Gol.ltn
Mclical Discovery,' 1 commenced taking it in
Mav, itkg. Had not been sleeping well for a long
time. Took one of Dr. Pierce s
(.olden Medical Diacovcry and slept Dearly all
flight withont coughing, so I conliuued taking
it. I am in great sympathy with everybody who
auffera with a cough. I bad been a auffrrer for
mora than ten vrara. 1 Ined kits of different
nmtlrinra and different doctor, but did not feel
nutc-h better. 1 couKhcd until I commenced apit
tinn blood, but now I feel much stronger and
am entirely well Dr Pierre's Golden Medical
D..seovry nth het medicine I have ever takca.
sly ham is in Williamsburg, Virginia.
Dr. Piaree'a Pleasant Pellets are a la
dies' luxative. No other medicine equals
Uwua fuc genUcneaa and thoroughncaa,
El's 0 tEasg
-TAW y
a V
revenue committee to get up a measure
In a week. For their assistance I ask
the adoption of my motion."
Bro-wn of Keys Paha, chairman of the
senate committee; Anderson of Saline and
Pemberton of Osge made strong speeches
against turning down tbs report of the
committee. Other debates were developd.
The report of the committee was adopted
by a tote of 20 to 13.
The fnJloing bills were reported favora
bly by the committees and placed on gen
eral file:
S. F. 26, .for the appointing of an Insur
ance deputy.
8. F. 61, fixing fees to be paid by foreign
corporations to do business In the state.
S. F. 34. a bill to memorialize congress
to establish the ststus of the First Neb
braska militia, was reported favorably en
grossed and later parsed.
S. F. 40, to prohibit the employment of
elevator conductors under IS years of ago,
was reported properly engrossed and
Committee on printing reported that In
conjunction with the house committee It
had ordered printed 1,500 copies of the two
governor's messages.
A motion was carried to allow ill senate
employes pay for six days a week except
the poetmaster, mall carrier and custodian,
who are allowed six and a half days.
Warner's reaolution to hsve a committee
of Ave appointed to Investigate the differ
ences in rates charged by telephone com
panies in different towns carried without
debate and the rlialr appointed Warner of
Dakota, Meredith of Saunders, O'Neill of
Lancaster, OitTln of Dawson and Brown of
Keys Taha on the committee.
The senate adjourned at 4:15 until 10
o'clock tomorrow.
Bills on First Hearting;.
8. F. 124. by Harrison of Hall-ror the
relief of Daniel I Johnson.
B. F. 125, by Hall of Douglas Relating to
anienomeius 01 articles 01 incorporation.
H. F. 126, by Day Relating to duties of
district school tvienln.
8. F. 127. by Urlffln of Dawson Relating
to appointing 01 tlsh commissioners.
8. F. 12S, by Warner of Dakota To pre
vent any Judge or Jimtlce from practising
In any court while holding oftlce.
8. F. 12li, by Warner of Dakota To pro
vide for a Hen for the feeding and care of
live stock and to establish a priority
II. R. 64 To provide penalties for carry
ing concealed weapons.
House Lara the Perry Ilesolntlon on
the Table with Scant
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 28 (Sueclai.l The
Perry resolution to exclude professional ! flrm" ln existence asking that he protect
lobbyists from the houso waa laid on the . Gorman Interests so far as he may be able
table this morning. Douglas of Hock in- I ln hl representatlona to the powera. He
troduced his resolution which was seconded i '8 especially urged to call to the attention
by Ten Eyck of Douglas, the vote being j'o the powers tho serious harm that will
about two-thirds for the resolution: accrue to foreign trade in Venezuela and
Whereas, The Introduction of the reeolu- throughout South America If the allies
tlon of the gentleman from Furnas sug- ! Insist on any proposition Involving the
gests that this house Is menaced by objec- overturning of the currency system of
tionable lobbylets; and. ,
Whereas. To vote against the resolution ' Venezuela.
Is equivalent to saying that we encourage ! This appeal, with Mr. Rowen's endorse
the presence of such persons; and. ment, has been communicated to the
Whereas. No flagrant Intrusion on the ' .....
part of lobbyists has come to the attention powers. Mr Bowen is thus placed ln the
of this house as a body; and j peculiar attitude of asking protection from
nereas, we are an agreen tnat. it 11
becomes necessary for our own protection
and for the protection of the good name of
the state, we shall promptly adopt the en
tleman's resolution, - 4
Tnerefore, to the end that eatd .resolution
may be at hand when needed, 1 move' that
It be laid on the table.
These bills were passed:
S. F. 10. by Marshall, to legalize the
issuance of bonts for the establishment
and maintenance of heating and lighting
systems by villages and cities of less than
6,000 Inhabitants; H. R. 67, by Gilbert of
Douglas, the Omaha water works bUl; H.
for carrying concealed weapons. ln rouna numDtrs tne aeDt amounted on
tears of Bw6f was the author ff' a' mo- December 81, 19OLT t- aomething oveA $14,
tlon, whicb waVpastMtd, giving to wldor , 000.00Q, td;.pnsltecrj of vlafitts whletf had
of the late RepresenttOvfc Johti tL' Musiok ; tMvltfus1y,'bcW jtfljijsted. Bldcyj that data
the salary which- would AaVe besn' paid to "w jiaynsad' been made onthe debt,
that deceased member. Mr- 6weu P'n provides that 13 per
H. R. 4, by Nelson 'of. Douglas, the meas- j cent;tfhe customs receipts of all Venez
ars providing for a new codification of the fuOlaa ports -shall go. toward the payment
laws regulating negotiable Instruments to of 'this debt. This arrangemert will not
be uniform with the laws of other states, j Interfere 'with the plan for the settlement
has created more interest , in the house 1 of the unadjudlcated claims, orthe Day
than any other similar bill. Lawyers ol ! cnt of the latter 30 per cent 6ftti fus
the house take the position that it con- I toms dijtles of the two ports lit. Puerto
tains more legal questions than any other j Cabello and La Guayra have cen offered,
bill yet Introduced or likely to be Intro- j These ports were selected because they
dueed. and will affect the laws of Nebraska I would be the last to fall Into the hands
In the most vital manner.
This afternoon ln the committee of the
whole tho house took up this bill for con
slderatlon. It had been referred by Speaker j
Vockett to the comm'ttee on banking. To " bas maae wun Venezuela win ce mier
this several of the lawyer members scri- fered with. The French charge ' d'affaires,
ously objected on the grounds thatjhe M. Pierre de Margerle, was authorized to
measure "fairly bristled" with legal prob- ! to conduct negotiations with Mr. Bowen
lems and Yor that reason should, of neces
slty, go before the Judiciary committee.
Loo ml s of Dodge and Thompson of Mer
rick, attorneys, and Douglas of Rock of yet by the Belgian minister, Maron Mon
the banking committee insisted on this r cheur of the claims of his government, but
It was voted to have' the bill referred
back to the Judiciary committee.
Nelson, author of the bill, was anxious
for it .to be eongfttered by the banking
committee. Speakor Mockett took occasion
to explain that he referred the bill to the
tanking committee, thinking the bsnkers,
being the ones wbo. deal with negotiable
Instruments, ought to be able to deal with
the bill.
The house In .committee , of the .whole
considered bills and adjourned at 4:30.'
New Bills.
H. R. 23, by Burgess To prevent the
organising of credit guaranty Insurance
H. K. 243. by Jones of Richardson To
provide for the destruction of weeds and
brush growing ,almig or upon any public
road or highway In the state.
11. It. 2, by Morsman, Jr., of Douglas
Riiattng to probate bonds.
' H. K. 21, by Cropsey To compel annual
stat ment pf ghe tomlitlon of Joint stock
legal reserve life Insurance companies.
H. R. 2M by Mangold To require county
tourda to aid to county agricultural
11. R. H7, by Mangold To irovlds for
the funding of county Indebtedness.
II. K. its, by Se-irs To regulate the prac
tice of veterinary medicine and veterinary
surgery, including veterinary dentistry; In
the state.
II. H. 2-I9. by McAllister Providing, for
appeal ln peace warrant run and relating
to proceedings to keep the peace.
II. R. &. by Nelson of Dounlaa For the
ellef of lianlel L. Johnson y authorising
b.iard of educational land and fund to Issue
certificate of purchase to him for lands he
11. R. 251 by Thompson Relating to the
contracts for repairing bridges, culverts,
It. R. 253 by Meradlth Relating to fees
of county oncers.
H. R. 253, by Mockett Amending divorce
Halt Promises aavport.
The Prospect Hill Improvement club held
Its regular weekly meeting last night ut
Thirty-fourth and Decatur streets and list
etied during most of the eveninu to a talk
by Councilman Hascall, who undertook to
show that advancement comes almost alto
tether through the effort of native and
alert citizens, and told many incidents ln
connection with the early settlement of
Kansas City, Bt. Joseph, Nebraska City
and other piacea to prove bis theory. A
letter wjs read from Senator Hall, wherein
be promised to do all he could for the equal
taxation bill. Messrs. Charles I'nltt. O. I'.
Van Guilder. Jt hn 1'utler. J. F. Dully and
J. M. Talbot mad remarks. It was decided
to auk the women and boys to attend fu
ture meetings and a resolution was adopted
Invttliiu- newsiiuner men to attend. Mr
West berg will talk next Wednesday on th.'
"Financial bunding or umana.
Perky to Lecture.
Mr. H. D. Perky, founder and suppnrte
tit the oread Institute at Worcester. Mass
arrived in Omaha last night and la staying
at the I'axtmi. He will lecture uml- r the
auspices of the domestic science departme
of the Omaha Wumun'i club at the First
Congregational churcb. tonight.
Leopold's Government Offers to Administer
Venezuelan Onitomi for Powcri
Cable aaaaestlon for Prompt
rseence In !lr. Ilontn'i Latest
Proposition so thai Dlorkade
May lie liaised at Onee,
TARIS. Jan. 2S. It was learned today
that the Belgian charge d'affolres at Cara
cas has Informed his diplomatic and official
colleagues that Belgium will undertake the
administration of the Venezuelan customs
in behalf of the allies and other foreign
claimants, thus relieving the I'nlted States
and other interested parties from the re
sponsibility of administering the settle
ment. Belgian agents will be appointed to. re
ceive the customs and distribute the re
spective portions to the different claimants.
Frnnee i:ieeta F.qnsl Treatment.
The attitude of the . French gov
ernment rotative to the claims
against Venezuela is that the - French
claims are in the nature of first lien on
the customs receipts, and that under the
circumstances are not to be subordinated to
otber claims.
This view has been communicated to the
representative of the allies, to Mr.
Bowen and to the State department at
Washington. .For this reason, the officials
here express confidence that no arrange
ments will be made to give priority to the
claims of the allies over thosa of France
and other powers similarly situated.
It Is said that 40 per cent of the cus
toms receipts will probably be sufficient to
satisfy Francs, the allies and all the other
No rm In Washington.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2S No advices have
yet. arrived here from London, Berlin or
Rome relative to the Venezuelan negotia
tions, but the representatives of the allies
are hopeful that the final answer of the
powers, authorizing the raising of the
blockade, may reach here within the next
twenty-four hours. It will be communi
cated at once to Mr. Bowen and the
preliminary protocol will then be signed. .
Impressed with the fair spirit in which
Mr. Bowen has conducted the negotiations
for Venezuela, an appeal has come to the
minister from or.e of the largest German
the powers for the Interests of their own
Ministers I'rcre Aeeeptanee,
SIgnor Mayor des Flanches,' the Italian
ambassador, called on Mr. Bowen 'this 1
afternoon and informed him that a Joint
cablegram had been Bent to the powers ,
j urging the prompt acceptance of the last
I I1" this afternoon Mr. Bowen gave out
'a 'brief stat.wnt of the diplomatic debt
' .of Venezuela and methods for its future
of the revolutionists.
Assurance has been given the French
government that it shall receive fair treat-
ment, and that no previous arrangements
whenever he desired to take up the French
claims. - . . . j tii 1 -
No instructions have been . received as
these are expected shortly.
Await Reply froia Veueanela. '
BERLIN, Jan, 28. The allies are await
ing Venezuela's rerdy to their conditional
acceptance of the guaranty. Venezuela ap
pears to have asked theallies to permit all
pending claims against it to participate in
their payment out of customs receipts set
apart for that purpose. This the allies
have declined to agree to and it Is upou
this point, particularly, that "Venezuela's
answer la awaited. .' - ...' .
Illorkade Hot Over Yet.
LONDON, Jan. 28. It was said at the
Foreign - office today , that there was no
change in the Venezuelan blockade situa
tion. The reports that It wWl be raised
Fosd ThaC Pat lllai Itljtht.
It IS eaay to correct the. bad effects of
wrong eating If one will give It a little
thought. Scientific food Is Just as pleas
ant to the palate, and in the ease of Orape-
Nuts. Is more delicious than Improper food
and it makes a world of difference ln
her.lth and spirits.
Some three months ago." writes Mr.
E. L. Saunders of Boston, Mass., "1 1 suf
fered terribly with Indigestion; all kinds
of food distressed me; sometimes I had a
feeling of suffocation about the heart,
especially at night. My sleep was broken
and I lost flesh rapidly.
'I commenced using Grape-Nuts and the
relief from Indigestion was almost Immedi
ate, and In a short time entirely disap
peared; my heart resumed Its normal con
dition and I attribute the cure entirely to
"A well known lawyer of this city told mo
that he suffered from excessive nervous
ness, and before entering the court room
to try a rase was obliged to resort to
stlmulents. I urgd bira to try Orape-Nuts
which he did with almost marvelous re
sults; he not only gained flesh, but the
nervousness left and his former strength
and confidence returned
"I am convinced that Grape-Nuts glvj-s
sirr'ag'tit to the body snd vigor to the brain.
It is worthy of the highest praise and I
will cheerfully answer all letters seeking
information ln regard to the food." Re
member Grape-Nuts food la most emphatl
cally not a medicated food in any sense of
the term; it Is made of wheat and barley
by scientific processes and the only rea
son It helps cure people Is that tbey quit
Improper food and take a food In which tho
strong brain and nerve building elements
he I of Nature's grains are preserved and pre
Ot I BAn.uJ tf. t V. a rfl.aaliv. m.i'hlna,. In a fi.rr
I . . j . - .... .1... . v.
ful" lw "'""" u
inai can oe quicaiy ana surety aigesiea.
Immediately are premature. Everything
depends on the compliance of Venezuela
with the terms . laid down by the repre
sentatives at Washington.
The claims of- powers other than those
engaged In the .blockade will not be In
cluded in the arrangement by which 30
per cent of the customs will be guaran
teed by Venezuela. It Is, however, under
stood that the German warships will re
frain frora entering Lake Maracalbo.
Uermans Eaoaerate Captain.
NEW YORK. ian. 23. In a letter from
Captain Eckermann of the German corvette
Tanther to Captain George Terrlll of tha
Red D. line steamer Julia regarding the
charge of giving Information leading to the
capture of the Venezuelan warship Mi
randa, the German commander says:
The thorough groundlessness of this ac
cuBatlon, which Is likely to Injure your
personal honor and to deprive you nf your
poeltlon, Induce me-to place at your free
disposal, you being absolutely unknown to
me, the following statement:
1. There never was any signal passed
between you. and Panther.
2. 11. M. 8. Panther did not leave Its
anchorage on the evening of December 2i,
1Hi2, and, moreover, since the beginning f'
the blockade until the present duy has not
passed over the bar of Maracalbo. Mi
randa, moreover, has not been seized.
(Continued from First Page.)
The wreckage was thrown back, upon us
And caught tire.
Charles Herman said: . . "
The accident occurred at 8:35 n. m. 1
know this definitely, because I had Just
looked at my watch an Instant before.
Three persons wedged In the burning wood
slowly burned to death, while the other
passengers were unable to render them aid.
We then quickly tore the seats from the
cars, 'piled them up against the wreckage
and strove to rescue all of the living we
could. Several of the escapes were re
markable. Two mh were sitting together
ln the same seat. One escaped with only
a slight cut on the ear, the other being
terribly mangled.
A husband and wife, also sitting together,
were thrown high In the air and alighted
on top of the car. When we reached them
she was holdlna up the man, she being
virtually uninjured, but he was ln a very
bad way.
Saaset Limited Wrecked.
TUCSON," ArIzl,J Jan. 28. A disastrous
collision occurred on the Southern Fa-'
clflo at 3 this morning, between passenger
train No. 9, westbound, and No. 8, east
bound. The wreck occurred near Valls
burg, Ariz., twelve miles east of 'this city,
as a result of which twenty are dead.
From the best information obtainable it
appears that both trains were running at
full speed and came together with a
terrific crash. The engines and cart piled
up and immediately took from the ex
ploding oil tanks of the engines. The
flames were communicated to the cars,
eleven of which were quickly consumed.
The first news of " the wreck reached
here when a tourist car, which had been
broken away from the eaetbound train,' ran
down grade to Tucson, where it was
Following Is a partial list of the dead:
J. M. "HILTON, Cambridge, Mass.
J. M. HILTON, Cambridge, Mass..
J. W. BRUCE, engineer.
R. S. WILKEY, engineer.
GEORGE M'GRATH, fireman.
Among the injured is L. L. Bradford
Canyon City, Cdlo. '
A number 'of others ' were slightly In-i
Jured by brokt glass. Both engineers,'
Bruce and Wilkey, and Fireman McOrath
were burned to death in the wrecks of
Ulelr engines.
' Manager Alger 'said: '
Telegrams we have received' say the col-
Ilslon-was cauoed-by negligence of the tele-
aNhi:?tV.I810anndd' fuVteenmfles
east jot Tucson. The westbound train, No.
, calk the Street Limited, was two hours
late and waa Fraveling on the Time of the
tralnrJWown jiaJCji, 7. The eastbound train
No. 8, tor tlvt1rsrnt City Express, which
left the (Ihklaiiif: Mole at 10 o'clock Mon-
should ha-ve fat ajgnanj, stopped the west
bound train aiwi delivered orders to the en.
Klneer which roUld tiave cauaed him to
take a siding at a' point designated by the
division train dispatcher.
I do not believe the wrecked cars were
burned on accint of the bursting of the oil
reservoirs on the' engines. -'Hardly any of
tne company a, locnmorives on the division
at Tucson Imrji-olf, and I believe the cars
were burned from ftre-veeatterad from the
furnaces or fire boxes of, the engines.
Accidents In St. Loots.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 28.r-As'"the result of a
heavy fog that ' overspread the city for
several hours today there were several
street car tolllslons. Within seventy min
utes two head-on collisions occurred on the
Clayton division of the .transit company's
lines. ', ' " . ..' ;
Seven men were seriously Injured in the
two wrecks and a nuepbe ol otters re
ceived bruises aftf 'tsitp)'
,: Among thd'fee 'hurt f.W. N.
Riley of Chicago, who -received 'Internal In
juries, ln addition to having Lis face', hands
and left thigh' cut.
Missouri Pacific Denver Eipreii,
KANSAS CITY, Mo.; Jan. 28. Missouri
Pacific train No. 1, which left hew. at 6:10
tonight for Colorado, crashed Into a
switch engine, head on, In the east bot
toms In this city. Three trainmen on the
passengqr train, were seriously hprt, and
both engine and dining car were, badly
The injured are: ' ..V'
: . James--, Berhrelng, , fireman, .Qsawatomte,
Kan.; skull fxactured and ehoulder lacer
ated. C. W. Hut'ton, dining car ' conductor,
Union City, Ind.; right .hand lacerated,
bruised about''h'6dy.' -. " ' ' '
The passengers were shaken up, -Vut
none were hurt. After a. delay of -two
hours, another engla'wa 'procured, and
the train proceeded??! ;ts "ixraey. .
. Colonkbns' vHrat Defeat.
FREMONT. Jtfeb.. Jan.'' 28. Ysiieclal.WThe
Fremont bowfers defeated Columbus: three
straight games tonight, this being the rirgt
serleM t olumqus nag lost this year. The
the score:
I 1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Diets .f.. lil liS 146 4vl
Helm Iu6 l.)t 174 ,415
Denslow 12S 1:1 148 467
Niddaugh 1 11 lril 6"2
UUdden 15e lit) 141 450
Totals..,.".!,",' 790 ICO 777 2,37
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Nichols I'M 16a lu9 -4a4
Baker 16 lit ITS .40)
Fauble 143 US 157 I6
tingorlus 14 1!6 120 er
llagel .I- 12o 1U2 150 4B7
Totals 710 772 ' 744 2.22U
Retail I.lqnoe Dealers.
The organization of the Omaha Retail
liquor Dealers' aaauclatlon was perfected
at a meeting held at Washington hall
Wednesday afternoon, coimiuu-ion una fy
luws, rigidly excluding all wholesale liquor
dealers, were adopted and permanent orH
ters chosen as fottuwa: Charles Krhg.
president: Charles rarmer, vice presmni;
Henry Keating, secretary; John Hush,
treasurer; Crmrles Rumohr;- James Adams
ami '. . F. authill,. executive committee;
F.inll Uatr, sergeani-ni-urma. ji tne jmt-k.
ent time the local aaaoclutlon will not
a mi tale with the state association, but this
may be done In time.
Don't Loae at Meal
Through '. dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Take Electric Bitters. They cure stomach
troubles or no pay. Only 60c. For sale fcy
Kuhn Co. ' ',
NEWMAN Bernard, Thursday morning,
January fci. at his residence, Bouth
Twenty-ninth- avnua 'uuarai botlce
l?MY llftYM) IC IMniTVL'Il
Senator EawHm Kaieei Question of Alleged
Torture in Philippics.
- - -.1
Saya Father Aatfnstln Deserved Death
for .eadlaat Insurrection and
UnlalnK Funds to Help Hebels
Against tatted States.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. A sharp debate
was precipitated In the senate today, when.
Mr. Rawlins (Utah) called up a resolu
tion, directing the secretary of war to fur
nish the proceedings of a number of courts
martial ln the Philippines.
In the course of his remarks Mr. Raw
llnj referred to the death of Father Au
gustln, and said ha was murdered In cold
blood. This roused tl.e Ire of Mr. Bever
ldge (Ind.), who demanded to know wbo
had commit ted the cold blooded murder.
Mr. Carmsck (Tcnn.) Joined, and charac
terized the charge that the democrats were
assailing the army as the "meanest and
dirtiest" of any that had been made
against the party.
Mr. Froctor (Vt.) defended Captain Cor
nelius M. Brownell, who mentioned the
Rawlins resolution as responsible for Fa
ther Augustin's death;
The statehood bill was then taken up,
Mr. Lodge speaking in opposition. An at
tempt by Mr. Aldrlch (R. I.) to divide the
business of the sennte with the statehood
bill failed.
Trleat . Fonlly Murdered., .
Mr. Rawlins In moving his courts
martial reslutlon urged that It be
adopted) becausu neighbors and relatives of
the persons concerned had demanded the
facts.- He referred to the death of Father
Augustln, who had been murdered
in cold blood. "We have reason to Infer,"
said he, "that a foul crime has been com
mitted and that the criminal is within our
borders, and tinder the present conditions
of the law cannot be reached."
Mr. Beveridge (Ind.) said he had hoped -an
end had been reached of the policy of 'In
sulation and badger about American sol
diers. .
Replying, Mr. Rawlins said he had not
specifically charged any person with hav
ing committed cold-blooded murder, but
his statement was based on affidavits 'on
file ln the War department. "It Is thq
old charge," said he, that we have
called attention to tortures and thereby
have been arraigning tho Amoriran army.
It is. a false and infamous charge and I
will cram it down tha teeth of' the-men
who-: have falsely given it utterance-. I
brand , the statement as Infamous It not
cowardly. .It Is simply an attempt to -put
me In a false position, which I will not
occupy." . ' . '
Hever Mure Defends Army.
"If that. is' the .best explanation the
senator can give," remarked Mr. Bcverldge,
"for his remarkable language here, I think
the best friend the tenator has would have
advised him to accept the alternative of
He then entered upon a defense of the
army .and said that Mr, Rawlins had gjveu
the best argument why the resolution
should not be adopted. .
Mr. Hoar (Mass.) interrupted and .asked
, tf it was to Impute to. anybody
a desire to attack ' the American
army when the government of the United
Btates Itself , through, its. military authority
: had made auch charges,
! '' Bev""e revertedato th, use of the
words "cold-blooded murder", and said that
! .Mr., .Rawlins would not undertake the. re,'
f'J-' X.ii,'m. . !. .
-Possibility .of saying, It..,,. ...
t Mr. Carmackr characterized . the . .charge
i t. ..,. ooiiinir ih. srmv
as "the meanest and dirtiest" of all that
had been ,made. "It has been .the very
vermin," he said, "of .this debate and I
am a little surprised to find It crawling ln
the hair of the honorable, senator from
. "Jake Smith Is so . more the American
army than the senator from Indiana la the
American senate and not half as much as
he thinks he Is." '
Perjurer Goes Unpunished.
Whoever made the charge, he said, con
sciously took a falsehood upon his Hps
when be spoke It. He declared that the'
senate committee on the Philippines had
refused to Investigate tho murder of Father
Augnitln. There had, been a policy of
suppression, he aeacrted, and In the case
of onflf witness, who, he said, had testified
falsely before the committee, he had been
allowed 'fo go unpunished.
'He insisted that whatever action had
been taken by the president and War de
partment had been because they were
driven to It by the minority of the senate
and that even then no ' single fact was
brought to - light.
Replying, Mr. Deverldge said Mr. Car
mack had made his charge because the In
vestigation did not result as he had hoped
It would.
"It did not result In putting on the
American army tho ban which tho senator
bad thought would be" put ' there, but
resulted ln s complete and brilliant vindi
cation." '
Mr. Carmack again reverted to the In
vestigation by the committee on Philip
pines as to the conduct of the army ln the
Philippines and said It occupied but four
days of seven hours each, "although the
secretary of war with his usual loose and
lavish unveraclty had said It occupied five
Priest Leads Rebel.
Mr. Proctor said that Captain Cornelius
M. Brownell, who was -charged by the
Rawlins resolution as being responsible for
the death of Father .Augustln, was a Ver
mont man-and that there waa no better
specimen of the volunteer soldier In Ver
mont or any otber state. He had read a
statement by Captain Brownell detailing
the circumstances of a plot to massacre
his company and the methods 'adopted to
overcome It.
He declared tha,t Father Augustln was
the head and front of the insurrection in
bl district.
From his standing in the church Father
Augustln was ?ble, to divert Its revenues
from their legitimate purposes and use
them to further the Insurrection. He read
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woman, and will be sent free in plain
envelope by addressing application to
Dr ad field Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga.
I''"'' Father Augustln. addressed to
the priests of the Islands, calling for con
tributions to aid the Filipino caue.
Replying to Mr. Tillman, he said Captain
Brownrll had been mustered out of the
service, and the Judge advocate general
I had held that he could not now bo court-
mMr.iaTll'lman. Interrupting, said If Cap-
tan Brownell was Innocent of murder he
! ought to be able to prove Jt. but those
I who wished Fhould be allowed to produce
' evidence showing that the captain was
' not Innocent.
Continuing Mr.
rrortor said Captain
Brownell was Justified In taking the steps
he did. He had seen a man hung for a
much smaller violation of the rulea of war
than Father Augustln was guilty of.
Mr. Tillman declared that "for the
honor of the American army I would to
God Father Augustln had been shot by a
drumhead court-martial instead of being
tortured to death."
Mr. Quay (Pa.) cut the debate short by
demanding the regular order.
Discussion of the statehood 'bill, there
upon, waa resumed, and Mr. Lodge ad
dressed ill, serale tn . onosition to the
omnibus measure. He had not concluded
when, at 5:13, the senate adjourned.
Dispone nf Four I'sgri of Indian Ap
propriation Bill Tiltlne; Survey
Grant to Dakota.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2S. Tho house to
day, made slow progress with the Indian
appropriation bill, covering ouly about
eight page ln over four hours. Mr. Burton
(O.) hung on the flank of Mr. Sherman
(N. Y.), who had charge of the bill, and In
sisted upon an explanation of every. ifem.
He succeeded in having -several appropria
tions cut down.
la the course of the debate he hirnlshe l
some Interesting statistics ' on tho subject
of Indian education designed to show that
the more money the government spent the
ciore helpless the Indians became.
The. senate amendment to the bjll to
amend the bankruptcy act was agreed to.
The house then resumed conslderatiot' of
the Indian appropriation bill.
While the bill was being considered Mr.
Smith, the delegate from Arizona, took the
floor, and replied to some of the charges
made In the senate during the debate on
the statehood bill,, to. the effect that Ari
zona had repudiated Its debts.
Mr. Smith explained that he was "com
pelled to reply In the house because Ari
zona had no- representative In the annate.
He denied that Arizona had ever repudi
ated a single dollar of debt or defaulted on
a .dollar of it.
The charge, he said, was based upon the
fact that a horde' of men owning bonds
known to bo fraudulent hod come to con
grrsB, and had those bonds validated after
they had been declared Invalid by the su
preme court.
. He 'explained how one of the counties
In the territory had been induced to issue
bonds to promote a railroad enterprise.
But, he said,, no' railroad had been built
for. tho H0.0OO debt which congress had
raddled on the people.
H thought the act validating the bonds
should be repealed or the United States
should assume their payment. 'Amend-
tents were agreed to .appropriating $21,300
for a survey of the Pine Ridge reservation,
Sfluth Dakota,' striking out the approprla-i
tlon of $10,000 for a warehouse at St. Louis
and appropriating $1,000 In settlement of
the claim of the eastern band of Cherokee
Indians of North Carolina against tna
United States.
Saapended h- nirefa fMrnsro Men
'XoVr Claim' ltnndred Thon. "'!
aad.Daaiages, .. , ,
CHICAOO, Jan. 28. Charles Walte and
Robert H Thorburn of- the former board
of trade firm f ' Walte', Thorburn 'A Co.
have each commenced a suit against the
former j resident pf the ' board of trade
and the former, board of directors for 1100,
000. Plaintiffs claim damages for their sus
pension from the privilege of the board.
The suit Js an- outgrowth of a corner in
July oats last year.
Three Utah Miners Fntombed by
snow Sneeomb and Five Others
Are Herlonaly Injnred. .
SALTLAKE CITY, Jan. 28. Near Park
City today an avalanche tore the big shaft
bouse of the Quinoy mine to pieces. Bight
men working in' the shaft house , were
burled in the ruins. A large force of men
immediately set ti work digging them out
nnd finally succeeded in rescuing five, who,
though badly injured, will probably re
cover. The remaining three were killed
The Chief of Healers.
' Old aores, ulcers, plies, ftstula and like
stubborn maladies soon yield to Bucklen's
Arnica Salve or no pay. 20c. For sals by
Kuhn & Co.
Governor Ma-na the Credentials for
the Vw Colorado Sen
, ator-Klert.
DENVER, Colo., Jan. 28. Governor Pea
body today signed the certificate of Henry
M. Teller's election to the United States
nenate - . '. '
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 28. The legislature
In Joint session today ratified the election
of Chester I. Long to succeed William A.
Harris as Uulted States senator.
Davenport Firm tlas-Ko Assets...
DAVENPORT, la., Jan. 28. Develop
ments today show that the Northern Build
ing company, which failed yesterday, has
liabilities amounting to 1150,000 and no
About $100,000 of the Indebtedness is on
paper held by Iowa banks. A meeting of
the creditors has been called for tomor
row. '
Kaffirs Fight Amona; Themselves.
DURBAN, Natal, Jan. 28 Serious fao-
And many other painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
Mother $ Frlead. This great remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
l II
tlonal fights between Kaffirs hv occurred
In the I'mslnto district, thirty-seven miles
from here. It is reported that forty natives
were killed.
Car Company Declares Dividend.
NKW YORK Jan. J-The Pressed Pteel
Cur company has lerlar d a quart rly divi
dend of l per cent on the preferred end
1 per cent on the common stock, in addi
tion to an fxtr dlidil of 1 per cent on
the common stock.
0 fi 9
contains no adulter
ation of any kind.
Made in strict con
formity to tlie U. S.
Governm't Revenue
Put up in one and
two-pound prints.
Swift & Company, Chicago
Kansas City
Omaha .
St. Louis
A skin ofbtnulji in
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It hi Moo4 th tit
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and la so harmtofli
wa taat. it to ba
ura t 1a spai"!?
oAaa.-'1 AcOftpt - n
unterffft iof alml-
lar ,nanie.i,i Dr.- 1
A. Sayra sata to s
lady ot th haul-
ton ta patient): '
. "As you ' ladlea
will uaa tham. 1
r. command OOl'K AUD'a "REAM aa tho iMat
harmful of all tha akin pmpaintlnna." For aal br
all drusilata and fancy soda dalrs ln tha I'nltwt
8tata and Europ.
FERD. T. FtOrKlS, Prop'r.
17 Great 'Jones St.. M. X- '
Pinters rongtien by needlework
catch every stain and look hopelessly
dirty. Hand Sapollo removes oot only
the dirt, but t Uo the loosened, injured
cuticle; and rtstotcn the tlagert to
their natural beauty. , ...
Civ jrewi.ui tetntltul ki of hah, nd half
th tattl of bMtity t worn. TboMteuUrU TltUs
tiats, ri h bron harlet, mallo fold tiTectk,
warm chtaciuit mm, oro pcwiiiotfeeuljr by
Imperial Hair Regenerator -
Tha Sttuiar4 Hair Coloring for CWayo Plihwd
Hair. Mrkca the hair aolt and bmo.iv !Umpla
ararhalrclaiadaM. Saad (or paaiphiri.
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Bold by Hhermari A McCorinell Uru Co.,
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America's Foremost TCmotlonal Artrcna,
- In the GroeteNt of Modern Lira inn a,
Prices: Mat 26c, Wc. Nlht Sc. S0c, 7;,
Friday and Matunlar. Hat. Mating-.
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TIIK FA I Alr U i :ll.
SS People and Two Cars of Kpnclal Scenery.
PTlces Matinee. Hoc. &0c. Night, 3bc 60c, 76c.
Crelghton-Orvheum Telephone IS:1
High Class Vaudeville
IIITIMCC TtiniV llAny Part of
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Children, I
TOlllHT, Mll.l,
10c, 25c, 50c.
at Hotal
ai-Kt i ii. t- is 'i t hi;.
UMi to p. in.
SUNDAY, e at) p. m. D1NNEH. 78s
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tataxl bii enlaricemerjt of this ca(. doubling
Its forroer (.apactiy.
Finest Cafes 'West 'of New York.
SCiO.UOO In Accent Improvetaanta
Open Jan. 3rd to May 1MB.
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am - SW M T .
l SwtUsJevsey
I , ft w.