Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
IoTa Men Dead and Maimed in Northwest
era Smash.
Wreck on Jersey Central Surpasses Recent
Eastern Eecordi of Disaster,
Expresi Tlowi Through Loci', Carrying
Death and Des'.mction to Many.
Twenty Bodies Takra from Debrla
of nnifl Limited and Other
are nnpniiH to Hare Per
ished In Colllalea.
CHICAGO, Jan. 28. Four persons were
killed, four seriously Injured and eight
slightly hurt In a rear-end collision be
tween stock trains on the Chicago
Northwestern railway near Laflx, 111, this
CHARLES X. COE of Woodbine, la., Im
prisoned In the debris and roasted to death.
B. LANE of Vail. la., pinned down by
wreckage, and burned to death.
A. A. AMEY of Scranton, la., badly
burned; died an hour later In the station
at Lufox. '
J. PETERSON of Ilattlo f reek, la., badly
burned and died before medical aid ar
rived. Berlously Injured:
H. Johnstone, Clinton, la.
William Kochslms. Fchleiwlg, la.
Evt-rs Nellson, Hchleswlg, la.
Albert Tlayman, Dunlap, la.
The trains came together In a dense fag.
r1ha killed and Injured were for the moat
part stockmen in charge of stock on the
way to Chicago and the east.
Train Hons Into Fnnrral Car.
CAIRO, 111.. Jan. 28. On the Illinois Cen
tral railway near Pulaski early today the
Chicago fast train No. 3 crashed Into the
rear of St. Louis train No. 203, which Is
duo here at 1:17 a. m.
Both trains were late on account of the
dense fos and the Chicago train was run
ning at the rate of sixty miles an hour,
, while the St. Louis train was making
thirty miles an hour.
The last car on the St. Louis train was
tho private car of the late Judge W. O.
Fentress and family of Chicago. Judge
Fentress, who died in Chicago Monday,
w-as the head counsel of the Illinois Cen
tral and his body was in the car enroute
to Bolivar, Tenn.. for burial.
The rear half of the car was demolished
and the coffin brokon open. The family of
the Judge was badly shaken up. 'Three of
the train crew were Injured, but none will
die. None of the pasengers were, hurt.
Twenty-One Dead on Jersey Central.
NEW YOR5, Jan. 2One of tie most
appalling railroad wrecks' that has occurred
In the vicinity of New York for many year
took place last night at Qraceland, on the
Central Railroad of New Jersey, when an
express plowed at top speed into the rear
of a local train.
Up to noon today the total loss of life
was believed to be twenty-one. Of theso
fourteen bodies had been identified and
even were held at rialnfled for identi
fication. From the wreckage twenty bodies
were taken, and Thomas McCarthy, fire
man, died In a hospital today.
More than fifty pcr-ona were injured,
orne of them severely. The hospital
reports today were, however, that with
perhaps one or two exceptions all would
i The blame for the accident la placed by
the railroad officials on Engineer Davis
of the Philadelphia Y Reading express, and,
according to a policeman who took Davis
from the smashed cab, Davis admitted that
be had taken chances and disregarded tha
danger signals because he expected to aee
the red and, green lights changed to white
as he n eared them. They did not change,
but it was too late to stop and In an In
stant the crash came, carrying death to
more than a score.'
A policeman who aided In the work of
rescue made this statement today concern
vlng Davis: ,
lL-"I assisted In carrying Davis, the en
gineer, from hia engine. Ha was terribly
Injured. He said: 'I am responsible for the
accident. I saw the danger signal, but ex
pected it to turn white.' "
The statement made last night that It
was a Royal Blue express that ran into the
local expresk was erroneous. This train
as not in the wreck.
Statement of General Mannarer.
O. Heller vice president and gen-
nanager of the Central Railroad ot',
ral ma
Nsw Jersey
who made an Investigation
of the wreck, gave out a statement today
In which he said the accident was due to
the "element of human fallibility" in
railroad operation.
"The company," he said, "has Installed
What la known aa the elertrlc-pneumatlc-automatlc
syatem of block signaling, the
Iguals working before, during and after
"The signals were working all right be
fore uud after the accident, as we found
on investigation. It see ma then that along
came the Philadelphia express, one of our
bourly tntius between New York and
Philadelphia, and. flying past all the warn
ings, was driven by Its englnner into
the local train with such force aa to tele
scope three of its coaches.
"So far as I csn ascertain, the only
explanation Davla, engineer of the ex
press, gave is that he did not see any
red lights. But he was in such a critical
condition that he barely knew what be
was saying. Davis was a thoroughly com
petent eugiuecr am had a very good record.
"Soon after the wreck the Somervlllle
local came through ou another track and
Ita cars were scratched a little, but the
.reports that this train raa Into lbs wreck
1 xe and caused further loss of life are
f5lly fulae."
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 28. A number of
rbllad.lphlans who were oa the express
train arrived here today. Their stories
describing tbo scenes which followed the
collision were pitiful.
M. M. Hardt, a traveling aaleaman, said:
I was In a day coach: my roach was the
Second In the train. We wcr going at
sixty miles an hour whop. I felt a terrific
shock and I waa thrown from my seat, as
wre ail the others In the car. "The first
shock a followed, by a second, almost as
hard a the first, and when we came to a
I ' l we were on the aide of a car that had
I In, r:ly plowed thtoiiah our cur Before
I I could get out a train from Philadelphia
1 1 t'UkiM'd In the ippoali direction on the far
urn. t'"'"oiB otiuuin iii w mauve or
ur truin utui the
one we had run Into
(Continued on 8cond Page.)
( nnodlan Baronet Rxplalas How
America Will Keen re Domln'n
la Ala.ban HI
VANCOUVER, n. C. Jan. 28 Plr Cm. '
Illbbert Tupper. In speaking of the roft.
miislon to settle the Alaskan boundary I
question, said It simply meant that the
I'nlted Pta es was to euchre Canada out I
of Its rights.
England would never fight the Cnlted
States for one Inch of Canarllan territory.
The I'nlted Ftates knew that and was sure
of lis ground when It arbitrated with Great
Britain over Canadian qmstiens. That hid
been proved by three similar arbliratlons.
For Great Rrl'ain there would b? one and
perhaps two Englishmen who were disposed
to lean toward the I'nlted States on the
ground .of Justice, the merits of the case
or strict Impartiality. They were also care
ful as to the legal phase of the question.
On the other hand, American Jurists on
an arbitration commission never swerved
a hair's breadth on any ground. If the
?nvl(tl tlirlMtfl favnrad th
Americans 1
Canada would lose. If each side hold Its ! tln the llns of the public lands In Ne
,.,i.i i f... 1 braska for grazing purposes. The intent
legal procedure the cane would fall to the
ground and leave the Americans In pos-
session of the disputed territory. The
United Statea would then say:
"Canada could not prove Its case and
we have the territory." So the I'nlted
States would doubtless win in any event.
Theory of Marder So Looser Enter
tained by Friends of the
Dead Man. N
NORDHAUSEN, Prussian Saxony, Jan.
28. Piince Wolfang Zu Stolberg-Stolberg,
who was found dead early yesterday morn
ing In the park bf bis castle at Rottle
bcrodo, probably committed suicide.
His father lay dead In the castle of Stol
berg and the son started to drive from his
castle at Rottleberode to spend the night
with his father's body. The prince took 1
a hunting rifle with him. As the family
explains, it was his custom to shoot itama
during his driver.
While the carriage was still in Rottle
berode park the prince told the driver
to atop, got out and walked, carrying his ,
rifle, into the thick woodB. , The driver
later heard a shot and waited for a long
time for the prince's return. Then he
searched the woods and found the prince
shot dead In the head and his hands clutch
ing the rifle.
The body lay In the wood five hours
whilo a coffin was being brought to the
spot. The prince, who was 63 years of age,
was a hereditary member of the Prussian
House of Lords.
His father was elevated from the rank
of count, to that of prince this year. The
bodies of the Son and father probably will
be burled side by side today.
Mlalatera Draft Kote Sarins; They Are
Satisfied with Attltnde of
Pekln Government.
PEKIN, Jan. 28. The foreign ministers,
with the exception of Minister Conger, at
a meettng; today, drafted hot rn "reply to
the Chinese note of January 19, express
ing a satisfaction with China's admission
that the Indemnity was on a gold basis,
saying that China's regard for its obliga
tions was so scrupulous that they had no
fear it would fail to meet them.
The ministers called attention to the nec
essity for soon Issuing bonds to the dif
ferent governments for their shares of the
indemnity, to replace the single bond
given when the peace protocol was algned,
and said they were unable to discuss the
questions raised by the recent Chinese note
until the bonds had been issued.
The ministers, including Minister Conger,
Joined in another note requesting a more
strict compliance with the protocol In
proclaiming the suspension of examinations
In districts where foreigners had been
massacred, and protesting against the num
erous appointmenta of blacklisted officials
to offices.
St. Loola Man la Soon to Leave on an
Importnnt Expedition In
LONDON. Jan. 18. W. N. McMillan of
St. Louis. Mo., has planned to leave Lon
don In a few days for Asia Abeda, capital
of Abyssinia, whence, with Colonel John
L. Harrington. British agent at the court
of King Menelik, and Ialdor Morse of Bos
ton, he will lead an important expedition
to explore the course of the Blue Nile.
The expedition will consist of 100 camels,
forty attendants and an escort of armed
Abyssinlans and a flotilla ol specially con
structed boats. The object of the expedi
tion is to ascertain the navigability of the
t i . . 1 1 a n tvmAa rnula trnm rontrnl
la to the Mediterranean,
J" . ,, ...,,.,, ... .
. ' n! "a? r''v' ."Jl . "v.
lllS "i. ... , . j..r . ....
expenses. He expects to launch the flotilla
at the aotirce of the Blue Nile in June
and hopes two months later to reach
Khartoum, 1,000 miles below, at the Junc
tion of the Blue Nile and the White Nile.
BUI Before Relrbarath
Increases Dntlea on
ni porta.
VIENNA, Jan. 28. The complete new
tariff laid before parliament today.
The duties on manufactured articles are
generally lucreaaed, specially high dutlea
being imposed on the nurat grades.
Among the principal rhangea cotton
yarns raised bO per rent; finest woolen
articles 31 per cent; leather, 20 to 3d per
cent; shoes, 20 to 80 per cent; fancy leather
goods trebled; raw tobacco raised to $21
per hundred kilograms, about 2S7 pounds;
textile machinery, 50 to 100 per cent;
electrical dynamos and motors, 10 to 35 per
cent; electrical apparatua dutlea doubled,
and on agricultural machinery raised 20
per per cent, with the exception of steam
plows and threshers, whlcM are not
To Try Divorce Case,
DRESDEN, Jan. 28.- Tha apecial court
assembled to try the suit for divorce
brought by the crown prince of Saxony
against his wife, who eloped some Jims
ago with Prof. Giron, met In camera today
for aeveral hours and then adjourned until
February 11.
la Critical Condition.
GENOA, Italy, Jan. 21 Hubbard T.
Smith, the vice and deputy consul general
at Cairo, who la at a hospital here, baa
become unconscious. The latest diagnosis
shows that be la suffering from cancer of
tha kidneya. '
Introdncei Two Resolution Calling for
Information Regarding Land.
' .
Is to
la the
Hear Case 1
of Indlaa
tale of
"oath Dakota.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. (Special Tele
gram. ) Representative Burleson of Texas,
who has the reputation of endeavoring to
quickly get at the mejit of a proposition
and who also believes but very few mat
ters should be withheld from the public,
today Introduced two resolutions In the
house which are the Immediate outgrowth
of efforts being made In congress to work
UD sentiment favorable to a bill permit
J of both of Mr. Burleson's resolutions Is
I the same. One Is a concurrent resolution
demanding certain Information of the sec
retary of the Interior and the other a
simple resolution "requesting some Infor
mation." The information sought at the
hands of the secretary of the Interior by
Mr. Burleson's resolution is:
1. What s'epe have been taken to prevent
illegal fencing of the public domain in
New Mexico, Wyoming and Nebraska?
2. The number of applications or filings
for a part of the public domain in Ne
braska ami Wyoming during the years 1901
and liK'2, under what Is commonly known
and called the desert land net, and, fur
ther, how many persons who have made
said applications or filings are actual
bnna-flde settlers on said land and how
many have fraudulently used said acts to
secure color of title to said lands for the
purpose of transferring the same to others?
The resolution further sets out that when
aid report Is made the attorney general
of the United States be and he Ik hereby
Instructed to immediately Institute or cause
to be instituted suit or smts to declare all
fraudulent applications of said land by vir
tue of any action taken under said home
stead act or desert land act void and for
a Judgment restoring said lands to the pub
lic A i m n I Tl an In n n avant aYiall ttiora ha
refunded any purchase money
been paid to the government where pur
chase was to fraudulently acquire said
Mrs. W. E. Andrews of Hastings, Neb.,
wife of the auditor for the Treasury de
partment,, was at home yesterday to her .
many friends in this city. Mrs.' Andrews '
was assisted in receiving by a number of i
Nebraska women. I
Suit Over Indian Tnxea. j
The case of the United States, appellant, i
vs. James A. Rlckcrt, as county treasurer J
for Roberts county. Smith Dakota, appellee,
on appeal from the United States circuit
court of appeals for the Eighth circuit Is ,
docked to be heard before the United '
States supreme court thiB week. Senator
Klttredge and W. D. Lane will appear as
solicitors for appellee. This suit was
brought by the United States at the Octo
ber (lftOO) term of the United Statea clr-
cult court for the ((strict of South Dakota
to restrain the defendant, James A. Rick
ert, aa. county treaaurer of i the. county t
Roberta, the collector of taxes under the
law of that state, from seizing and sell
ing certain personal property belonging to
certain Indians for taxes assessed against
such property for the years 1839 and 1900.
Kehraaka lillla In Conscreaa.
Representative Mercer today introduced
in the house Millard's bill to Increase the
pension of, Louis Webber to $25 per month.
Representative Burkelt today introduced
a bill to Increase the pension of William
F. Thompson to $30 per month.
The Joint resolution which passed the
senate January 24, extending the time for
construction of the Akron, Sterling &
Northern railway. In which Omaha capi
talists are Interested, was favorably re
ported to the house today.
Routine of Departments.
James H. Wise has been appointed post
master at Raymond, Blackhawk county,
la., vice W. W. Scott, resigned.
These, rural free delivery letter carriers
were appointed today: Iowa. Rockwell,
regulars, George W. Tanner, Karley E.
Brown; substitute, D. C. Shults. South
Dakota, Alexandria, regulars, Walter J.
Crouch, Fred C. Loomer, Max U. Graves;
substitutes, Vernin R. Benedict, James E.
Graves. Artesian, regulars, Milo J.
Strong, John P. Dlgro; substitutes, Frank
B. Whitney, Sivert Braa. Astoria, regular,
GuBtave O. Halveraon; substitute, Henry
Halverson. Canova, regular. Earl F. Sweet;
substitute, Sylvester H. Sweet. Dell Rap
Ids, regular, Alonxo W. Hunt; substitute,
Benjamin Porter. Romona, regular,
Henry C. Corlls; substitute, I. J. Corlls.
Tabor, regular, Frank W. Beeaman: sub-
) stltute. Homer S. Beemer. Toronto, reg
ular, Peter A. 1'eteraoo ; substitute. C. O.
Peterson. Ward, regular, Thomas Caaaidy;
substitute, William Cassldy.
The post office at Pella, .Lancaster county,
Neb., haa been ordered discontinued.
Peter Peterson has been Kppolnted tem
porary janitor In the public building at
Council Bluffs, la.
Fllando B. Kingsbury has been appoint
ed carpenter In the Omaha public build
ing. Ray W. Connell has been appointed sub
stitute letter carrier at Waterloo, la.
Oscar V. P. Stout of Lincoln, Neb., has
been appointed hydrographer in the geo
logical survey.
Deathbed Confcaalon of Man Read
a Talplt l.eada to Her
APPLETON, Wis., Jan. 28 Charged with
setting the fire which caused the destruc
tion of the village of Bear Creek, Wis., lust
July, entailing a property loss of ton.OiH),
Miss Lucille Cobert haa been arreated aa
a result of a letter addressed to a Catholic
prleat at Bear Creek, which was read from
the pu'plt, and which purported to be the
deathbed confession of a man in a Chicago
He claimed to have aet the fire through
a desire for revenge, the letter alleging
that he was Miss Cobert's jilted lover. Mias
Cobert Is held under 32.000 bonds. She
was proprietor of a millinery store In
whirh the fire started, and for which abe
collected $300 Insurance.
National Asaoelatloa Decldea to Ele
vate Charges by Ten to Flf.
trea Per t ent.
CINCINNATI. Jan. 18 The National
Hardwood Manufacturers' aasoclation today
decided to Immediately Increase prices from
10 to 15 per rent on the various gradea of
lumber produced by the member.
Tacks statehood Bill Onto
Jlraiarei by Wo? of
WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. A few minutes
lefore Senator Lodge (Mass.) suspended
his speech In opposition to the omnibus
statehood bill today, Sensor Quay (Pa.),
in charge of the bill. Introduced the state
hood measure as an amendment to each
of the appropriation bills, tbo agricultural
and the civil sundry bill.
The document was handed In quietly,
and the occurrence attracted no attention
at the time. The amendments contained
in each case all the provisions of the bill,
as it came from the house and provided
for the admission of Oklahoma, New Mex
ico and Arlxona as states of the union.
Senator Quay would not discuss the pur
pose of this step, but his friends prac
tically admit that it Is the Intention so to
join the measure with the bills voting
money for the conduct of the business of
the government as to render It necessary
to accept statehood in order to secure the
passage of the appropriation bills. This
purpose Is made more evident by the fact
that Mr. Quay requested that the amend
ments be referred to the committee on or
ganization and conduct of executive de
partments of which he is chairman. A
rule of the senate requires that In order
to prevent being thrown out on a point an
amendment to an appropriation bill must
be reported by some committee of the sen
ate, t
Mr. Quay's committee Is composed of
nine members, a large majority of whom
are favorable to the admission of all the
territories, and, although It Is a com
mittee which has not had a meeting for
years. It Is contended that It 1b perfectly
competent to pass on any measure that
may be referred to It for consideration.
In the usual order of business amend
ments to the sundry civil bill would have
been referred to the committee on appro
priations and to the agricultural bill to
the committee on agriculture, but tbis was
not done because those committees are
certainly not so favorable to the statehood
The Intention is to have the committee
called together at an early date to con
sider the amendments. It Is understood
that the decision to take this step accounts
for Mr. Quay's motion to adjourn at an
unusually early hour today.
John L. McDonough, formerly secretary
of state of New York, has been consulted
by President Rooserelt with a view to his
appointment as associate Justice of the su
preme court of the United States. The
letter written to Mr. McDonough amounts
practically to an. offer of the place if the
latter desires to have It. Mr. McDonough
has replied, expressing his appreciation of
the offer, but at the same time. It is said,
not definitely accepting. A positive state
ment of Mr. McDonough's Intention was
not obtainable in official quarters tonight.
The vacancy la caused by the promotion of
Colonel Jcmes F. Smith from tha position
of associate justice to that .of a member
of the Philippine commission, .to fill tte
vacancy caused by the retirement of Com
missioner Mosea. ,
epemtnr' alnd Men Mer at 'Indian
polls to Arrange Terms for
Central District.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Jan. 28. The coal
operators of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and
western Pennsylvania and representatives
of mining Interests in twenty other states
began arriving in Indianapolis today for
the Joint wage conference with the miners
which begins tomorrow. Between 250 and
S00 operators will be In tho city.
The conference between the operators
and the miners' wage committee only baa
to do with arranging the scale for the cen
tral district. This settlement, however. Is
of national Importance, for the settlements
In all of the other bituminous districts are
based on the terms reached In this one.
Most of the operators that arrived today
refused to talk for publication.
A few of them Indicated that the opera
tors would take the stand that the miners
demand too much. The miners, on the
other hand, seem determined to stay by
their demand for a rise of 12H cents per
ton mined.
If no agreement le arrived at It will
mean a cessation of work In the mines of
the competitive district on April 1.
Cannot Join Illinois Arbitration
Board, aa Miners' Union Takea
All Ilia Time.
INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 28 John Mitchell
today declined the invitation of Governor
Yates to accept the place allotted to a
representative of labor on the Illinois
State Board of Arbitration. Mr. Mitchell
said he was heartily in. favor of boards
of arbitration and that he heartily appre
ciated the offer made by Governor Yates,
but his work aa president of the miners'
union took ip all bis time.
Cattle Will Soon Starve to Death Un
less the Snow Melta Enough
to Get Grass.
CREAT FALLS, Mont., Jan. 28. Thore is
much alarm among the stockmen north
and east, who say they are threatened
with greater losses than In years.
At Norrls, Mont., extending from Chinook
east and north to Centrnl City, there was
a heavy snowfall two weeks ago. This has
hardened on top ad the cattle are unable
to get at the grays.
One stockman says the snow is crusted
so bard that it will bear up a wagon and
unlejs a chlnook comes very soon the' leas
will be enormous.
WALLACE. Ida., Jan. 28. Moro than
fourteen Inches of snow has fallen during
the past twenty-four hours in the Coeur
d'Alenes and the snow is fourteen feet
deep in .all of the country near St. Ro-
gent'a and Lookout Mountain. Ths anow
is said to be packed upon the sides of
the Northern Pacific tracks higher than the
tops of cars.
Palls Trlssrer of Carrleaaly Held
Ride and Immediately Slays
BOONVILLE. Mo., Jan. 28 Mrs. Alice
Hoeffer, wife of a prominent farmer living
near here, was accidentally shot dead to
night by her 4-year-old son.
Mrs. Hoeffer and ber husband were shoot
ing out of the window at English sparrows
and their aon pulled the trigger of a rifle
while his mother held it pointing at brr
left breast.
Yale President Defines Duties of Profes
lioial School Toward Country.
Discoveries Are Not to Be Under
rated, bnt Creation of Men to
Do World'a Work la to Be
Borne In Mind.
CHICAGO, Jan. 28. In the presence of
an assembly of educators and alumni from
all parts of the country. Northwestern uni
versity's new professional school building
at Lake and Dearborn streets was formally
dedicated today. In connection with the
ceremony there was a celebration of the
fifty-seventh anniversary of founders' day.
Dedicatory exercises were held In tne
assembly hall of the new building. At
their conclusion Arthur T. Hadley, presi
dent of Yale, was tendered a reception in
the rooms of the law school. The cele
bration commemorative of the founding of
the university waa held in the Auditorium
tonight, when Dr. Hadley delivered an ad
dress on "The Place of the Professional
School In the Modern American Univer
sity." Trachlnar Kqnals Research.
Mr. Hadley Bald: ,
There Is In these days a tendency to exilt
philosophical Investigation at the expenee
of teaching. Far be it from me to say one
word which might seem to depreciate the
value ot research. It is a thing of great
Importance t'i the rnmmunlty, and those
engaged In it often rind themselves better
ti'uclnrs on that account. Hut we make
a mistake If we tlx our eyes too exclu
sively on research at the expense of teach
ing and estimate the value of a university
solely on the former basts. It may be
true that one renl Jurist Is worth I'M or
dinary lawyers; thjit one medical discov
erer does more good ttinn l.tmo physicians;
that one prophet Is worth 1U,000 preachers
of the conventional type. Nevertheless,
the Institution which tries only to make
Jurists or discoverers or prophets will fail
to give the country the lawyers, doctors
and ministers which It wants.
It is In the power of the professional
school to be more than a mere
school, but not by neglecting Its plain duty
of technical training. To emphasize the
needs ot practical life was the original
function of the organized professl mnl
school In university affairs, and amid all
the changes which have taken place In Its
position and Influence It Is still charged
with the same duty and invested with tho
same privilege.
The annual banquet of the alumni of
Northwestern university at the Auditorium
hotel tonight was made the occasion for
conferring a number of honorary degrees
on men who have distinguished themselves"
In professional education In this country.
Among those who were so honored were:
James Barr Adams, dean of the Harvard
law school; W. W. Keen of Jefferson Med
ical college, Albert B. Prescott of the
dental school. University of Michigan, and
Deau Edward C. Kirk of the dental school.
University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Kirk was
given the degree of Doctor of Science, the
others that of Doctor of Lams.
New York Tax Flera Pay a Few
Dollars for False -Affidavits.
NEW YORK. Jan. 28. Philip Kaer, li
brarian at the city hall; Moses R. Springer,
Nathan Springer and Walter H. Sawyer,
the alleged tax swindlers, were arraigned
today. Applications for separate examina
tions was refused.
District Attorney Jerome announced that
Sawyer had been accepted aa a Btate wit
ness and partially exonerated Moses
William K. Secor, a detective, was thn
first witness and said he was introduced by
William Harcourt to Nathan Springer and
Baer as the man who was to impersonate
Monroe B. Bryant.
"Springer gave me a list of figures show
ing Bryant's valuations," he continued,
"and I learned them by heart. Then Baer
catechised me three tlmea on the list, com
plimented me on my memory and said that
I would do."
After that he went with Baer to the tax
office, where, as Monroe B. Bryant, he
signed and swore to an affidavit reducing
Mr. Bryant's assessment by 370,000. For
this service Secor said he received $5.
Eastern Lines Will Only Carry Per
lahable Gooda and Coal, Ow
Inar to Lack of Cars.
CHICAGO, Jan. 28. Nearly all eastern
roads centering in Chicago have served
notice on western connections that until
conditions change they cannot accept any
more "dead freight."
Until further notice efforta of eastern
lines will be concentrated upon moving
perishable freight and coal.
The traffic' conditions are said by east
ern men to be unprecedented. Western
railroads which are not suffering so much
from lack of equipment and power, are
materially Injured by the congested condi
tions of their eastern connections, as they
could move a much larger percentage of
traffic than they are now handling. If there
were eastern connections to turn it over to.
Strenuous efforts were made by the
board of trade to Induce the Lake Shore
and o'her main eastern roads to make
some additional provision for the move
ment of grain. Tbey were told that the
Lake Shore alone could use 10,000 more
cars than It possesses.
President la to Dedicate St. I.onla
Bnlldlna-a and Grounds
In April.
FT. LOUIS, Jan. 28. The grounds and
buildings for the world's fair will be dedl-
j cated on April 30 by President Roosevelt,
; when an address will be delivered by
Grover Cleveland.
The grand marshal of the day will be
Major General Corbln. The military page
ant will precede the program of dedica
tion. The column will include all branches
of the service and be composed of two
brigades cf regular troops and several of
national guards. ,
A display of fireworks will be given in
the evening.
Kanaaa Seasite Throwa Ont BUI Giv
ing" Female Saffrasre la
that State.
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 28. The state sen
ate today voted down the woman suffrage
bill, but received a' report favoring the use
of vottng marhines, which the house has
already approved.
Th" general opinion is that the Austra
lian Sai'.ot system at present in use is too
cum' rwiut.
Temperature at Omaha lutentajt
.1 a.
. !t:t
. a:t
. :
. :ti
. :i
. :t.i
. ;ti
i p.
t p. at .
told Wave Coming.
Forecaster Welsh of the Weather bureau
announces the approach of a cold wave.
He thinks the temperature will fall to xero
by Thursdnv evening. The wind will
change to high northerly and will be ac
companied by snow.
Sonthwest Improvement Club Has
Rnnlneaa with the Street Rail
way Company,
A large number of members of the South
west Improvement club, were present at the
meeting held last nlnht to hear reports
from the committee In charge of securing
signers for the petition to change the
grtde of Twenty-fourth street. Fred Zotr
mann reported that a number of property
owners were absent from the city, but a
number had signed. It wne stnted that 510
feet of property had been signed, whilo
about 700 feet is necessary.
It was reported that the city will take
charge of the widening of Twenty-fourth
street between Mason and Pacific streeta s
soon as a majority of the Interested prop
erty owners sign the petition for tho
change of grade, so that there will be
nothing In the way of having the street
car tracks laid as soon as tho street is
George M. Nattlnger raised the question
of street car service on the Park line, Bay
ing that during the busy hours of morning
and evening the service Is not adequate;
that In 1897 eighteen regular trains were
operated on the line, while now only six
teen are operated, with fewer extra cars
now than then. On motion of Mr. Nat
tlnger a committee, consisting of O. M.
Nattinger. Hugh Williams and R. W. Dy
ball, was appointed to take tho matter up
with the management of the company. It
was suggested that the traffic from West
Leavenworth street should be handled sim
ilar to the extra service on the Walnut
Hill line, nd for the purpose of getting
the proposition before the company S. E.
Howell was added to the committee.
The club adjourned until next Wednesday
evening. "
KuniiKh Members to Make Qooroin
Respond to Call for Special
Meet in B.
As was expected, thre was no difficulty
In getting a quorum of the city council
for the special meeting of yesterday after
noon and the roll call showed Messrs.
Karr, Ilurkley, Zimmau, Whitehorn, Has
call and Troetler present. The business
specified In the call was gone through
in a formal manner and but a few minutes
were consumed ln.,'ho proceedings...
. Tax Commlsalonor Fleming was not yet
ready to submit his certificate of the valu
ation of taxable property and was allowed
until Monday to complete It.
The resolution completing the formalities
in tho recent sale of $200,000 of city bonds
to Spltzer & Co. of Toledo was adopted,
and the appropriation ordinance providing
for the payment of December bills was
The forms of tho tax levy ordinances
were given their first and second reading
by title.
None of the estimates from heads of
departments as to their expenses for the
coming year had been received, but it
was reported that some of them had been
placed In tho hands of the mayor and
could bo secured at any time. After some
discussion It ras decided that tho mem
bers shall meet Monday morning at 10
o'clock to decldo upon tho apportionments
to be made to the various departments
and determine the amount It will be neces
sary to raise by taxation.
John Frnncla Snx-a It la Beeomlns;
Great Factor In Nebraska
"There Is no general realization of the
enormous growth of the dairy business in
Nebraska recently," said John Francis,
general passenger agent of the B. & M.
railroad. As It is now, our passenger
trains carry cars solely for milk every day
and I prophesy that it will not be long
before we will be running entire trains for
milk alone. Take a town like Beaver City,
for Instance. I have Just received figures
for the milk bUBlncus there of 1902. In
that year 1,057.500 pounds of milk were
shipped from there and from thin 50,657
pounds of butter fat were extracted by tho
separation process. Undoubtedly tho dairy
ing Industry is to become a vast factor in
Nebraska enterprises and it Is one that
muat be reckoned with in considering tho
resources and possibilities of this state."
Snowfall Rsceeda Recorila for Thir
teen Yenra on Monntalna,
ManaYea ami Desert.
SALT LAKE CITT, Utah. Jan. 28. The
heaviest January storm for thirteen years
has been raging In the Inter-mountaln
region for forty-eight hours and shows no
sign of letting up.
The mountain gorges are packed with
snow to a depth of many feet, while on tho
ranges and desert the fall has been almost
unprecedented. At Winncmucca, Nev.,
thirteen Incb'w of snow has fallen.
The telf graph service wept of Ogden has
been demoralized for two days and ail
trains are more or less delayed, but no
serious tleups are reported.
Movements of Ocean Veaacla Jan. ItH.
At New York Arrived: Iiluthcr. from
Hamburg, Boulogne and Southampton;
I'rliinaMn Victoria Lulse, from Hamburg.
Hiilled: Sicilian, for lieiiou jiud Niplta;
Rotterdam, for Plymouth and Boulogne;
Calabria, for Marseille and I-glmru; Fries
land, for Southampton; Celtic, for IJver-
At Antwerp Failed: Pennland, for Phila
delphia. At The l.lx ird-I'.issed: I .a Sivole. from
New York, for Havre; Philadelphia, from
New York, for Southampton, bwltxerland,
for Antwerp.
At Que nstown Sailed: Merlon, for
At Naples Arrived: Pulatla, from New
At tJlasgow Arrived: KurneHla, from New
York. At Liverpool Arrived: 1'Honla. from
At Ult rj'tar I'aum d : lleaixTla. from New
York, fi r Marnciiit-s und Naples.
At II tut Kong -Arrived previously:
Bhawmut. from Tucorna via Yokohama.
At Movlll Arrived: Coiinthlan. from 8k
John, N. ii., and liullfajt. lur Liverpool.
Joint Bevtnno Comiritte of tie Legislature
Holds Open Sf ision.
Victor Kosewater Spoaka oa Double Taxa
tion of Mortgages and Proparty.
J. II. Mcintosh Addresses Himielf to Bail
road Taxation in Cities.
Perry Resolution Concerning; I.oIm
bylata la Tabled In the lloaae
Move to Dlapenae with
Printing? Board.
iFYnm a Ftaff Correspondent.
LINCOLN, Jan. 28. (Special Telegram.)
The Joint revenue committee held Its
first pftiblle meting tonight in tho as
sembly room of the Ltndell hotel. All
members of the committee were present,
likewise a number of other legislators and
many outsiders. It was noticeable that
no regular or official representatives of the
railroads, who had been especially invited,
was present to submit the views of the
corporations. In the audience, however,
wero many Identified as railroad hench
men. Victor Rosewater and J. H. Mcintosh of
Omaha, the latter attorney for the Omaha
Real Estate exchange, and W. J. Lamb, and
attorney of Lincoln, addressed the meeU
Mr. Lamb, the first speaker, confined his
brief remarks chiefly to the mat ter of delin
quent taxes, saying they should be made
a state fund to pay state debt. All taxes
five years delinquent, he thought, should be
bid In by the state. To the end that no
question should arlee as to the municipal
ities' claims to pay certain bonds, ho
said, let the cities bid tho taxes not
redeemed. Within two years he would
turn over to the state the property with
absolute title. Mr. Lamb, though a "de
voted friend" of the present revenue law,
thought It rould be amended to embody
these provisions with profit.
Avoiding: Doable Taxation.
Mr. Rosewater, on Invitation of tha
chalrmnn, addressed the meeting, dwelling
chiefly on the subject of double taxation
of property, euch as securities for mort
gages, loans and debts and the notes,
bonds, etc., and In the hands of the lender.
Ho pointed out that these securities ton.
stltuted no addition to the taxabla prop,
erty, but were simply evidences of part
ownership, citing tho Illustration of cattle
paper, which represents a share of the
holder In tho cattle by which they ara ae.
cured. To avoid double taxation, be ad
vocated the unit system of assessment
whereby the property and the mortgage
or note would bo assessed together as of
ni j.uw nH-auuu oi i Qn preperie.
He submitted to the committee a draft co
eflng this part as follows;
Where any property within this state' la
mortgaged, conveyed or pledged for the
security of a loan or debt then owing, the
said property and the notes, bonds, mort
gages, deed of trust, trust deed, contract
or other conveyance shall be assessed as
a unit, and as one and the same, and aa
of one value and an the value of said prop
erty so mortgaged, pledged or otherwise
conveyed only, and any such notes, bonds,
mortgages, deeds of trust, trust deeds, con
tracts or conveyances shall not be other
wise returned or assessed: provided, that
In no case shall any property so mortgaged,
conveyed or pledged be asseBsed for less
than the market value of the loan or debt
then owing for which It Ih security.
If the owner in possession of any property
within this state so mortgaged, conveyed or
pledged for the security of a loan or debt
tfcen owing, falls or neglects to pay the
taxes thereon or permits said property to
be aold for taxes, the mortgagee or holder
of any conveyance or pledge for which said
property Is security may pay such taxes
or redeem said proerty go sold for taxes;
and on payment of any such bond, mort
gage, note or debt, or any action to en
force the name, the taxes so paid may bo
demanded, with Interest thereon at the
same rate specified in the mortgage, note
or conveyance, and the name shall be in
cluded in any Judgment rendered thereon
and any taxes so paid by the holder of tho
mortgage, note or conveyance shall be a
Hen on the property by which It Is secured
until the name shall be paid.
Takea Up Knneaa BUI.
Taking up the Kansas bill and the re
port of the Kansas tax commission, Mr.
Rosewater declared that, while It bad BJme
good features that ought to bo adopted In
Nebraska, on the main polnta it was Inap
plicable to this state because of constitu
tional limitations. While in the main
points of double taxation and corporate
taxation It was vicious and under the fea
tures embodied In it, which he thought
wero worth copying are:
1. County nsseHsora Instead of precinct
assessors, centering responsibilities and
avoldiiiK IneiiunlltleH; making of provision
for removal for failure to enforce the law
and the appointment of a successor from
the same political party in case of such
2. Full value assessment.
3. Assessment of merchandise and va1a
lii personal property at the average for
a yenr.
4. Assessment of brokers and commlseloti
men on the average catdtal Invested.
!. Assessment of express and car compa
nies on a proportionate capital employed
In the state, represented by the ratio of
grot earnings In the state.
6. Assessment of railroad property for
municipal taxation by municipal authori
ties. 7. I,cBH frequent assessments of real es
tate, at Intervals of four or five years.
Mr. Rosewater replied to many ques
tions brought out by bis remarks.
Pleads for City's HUM.
Mr. Mcintosh addressed the meeting at
some length. He, too, was kept busy answer
ing questions. Mr. MclntOHh la the author
of H. R. No. 171, tho bill designed to give
the Omaha tax commissioner the rlfM to
levy a direct assessment on the railroad
property within the corporate limits, In
stead of accepting the figures of the atata
Beard of Equalization, aa at present. His
remarks were largely along this line of
thought. Mr. Mcintosh's main point was
that Omaha's tax commiaaioner baa this
right under the constitution, and he plead
for the enactment of the law which would
enable him to exercise this right. He
showed that the universal senUment of
Omaha d-riun1ed this law. He said Ne
braska's revenue law was good In the main,
and Its enforcement was all that waa nec
essary to affo-d adequate relief.
He insisted that the railroads of Omaha,
using the Union Purine as un example, are
not paying their Just share of city taxes
under the prehent law. He completely dls-
t i-elled that old illtiHlon palmed off on
thoughtless people by Union Pacific attor
neys and lobbyists that, as every other
county In the state should share in the
valuation of the Omaha terminals it would
be double taxation and therefore upjust to
Increase the local taxea In the city of
Omaha. Like parking houses. Jobbing
bouaoa and all othur eoncarna dtpaadaat