Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1903, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily
i:staiilisiii:i) jum; 10, ihti.
si noli: copy tiikkk cents.
louefelt Claims Mart re 2 President Ranki
Only ,
After Washi: '.$'oi and Lincoln-
Tfhai Slectfd A rr erica Faces New Prob
lems Which Ihr All Progress.
;.'. ttj-i, T.i. .,l n;4U i
Lifted Land t) Foremoit Place.
frnmlnrnt Men In Public I. If I nlte
to Par Slstnal Tribute to Slain
Head of In lied Stale
CANTON, O., Jan. 27. President Roose
velt tonight participated In a notable trlb
uto to the memory of the late President
McKlnley. Ho was the principal orator at
.a banque- given under the a' spices "f the
"Canton league on the late president's birth
day. Surrounded by friends, neighbors,
business and political associates of the dead
president, he pronounced a brilliant and
eloquent eulogy upon the life and works
of McKlnley, a eulogy by many regarded
as tho most beautiful and heartfelt tribute
ever paid to the memory of the distin
guished dead.
The banquet was held In the grand opera
house, the seats being removed In the pit
and the house entirely refloored for the
occasion. The Interior of the building was
beautifully decorated with flags and flow
ers, tho floral decorations being particu
larly elaborate. Festoons of flags were ar
ranged around the gallery, and the thlr
1 teen great banquet boards were massed
tvlth carnations and roses and Interspersed
With smllax and ferns.
Among the 457 guests were, besides
President Roosevelt, Judge Day, toastmas
ter; Secretary Root, Secretary Cortelyou,
Generals S. B. M. Young, General Luke
E. Wright, Surgeon ' General Rlxey, Cap
tain W. S. Cowles, Colonel Theodore Big
ham, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture
Bingham, Representative R. W. Taylor,
James W. Grant, Colonel Myron T. Her
rlck of Cleveland, J. G. Schmldlapp, H. H.
Kohlsaat of Chicago and Charles Emory
Judge Day Pays Tribute.
Judge Day, as toastmaster. Introduced
president Roosevelt, and spoke briefly In
part. as follows:
We commemorate today the birth of a
rreat American. Though gone from us, he
has left the Imperishable memory of his
character and deeds. His life la a part
of the history of his time. ine great
things he wrought have left their Imprint
tipon hh country s desilny and huve writ
ten his mono among tne Immortals.
To the most of those who gather about
tins nonra tonignt u was given to Know
and love William McKlnley. This city was
his home, It was ttrt he came arter lour
years of service In the field to begin tne
civil career scarcely paralleled In the
world's history.
There are those here tonight who watched
every slen ol) that great career with the
keen Interest of friendship. To have known
William McKlnley was a constant lesson
In natriotlc devotion to public duty and
cheerful constancy In upright living. He
never forgot the friends of his early man
hood. From the nignest places nis eyes
turned fondly to the ';whlte porch of his
lta often declared that the good will and
approval of those who beet knew him were
dearer to him than the highest earthly
hnnnT. Ha believed In the upbuilding of
American citlxenship, of the enlargement
of comforts and privileges of the American
home. In these he found the highest duties
t constructive statesmanship.
Without Ostentation or Display.
Tn such a home, without ostentation or
display, William McKlnley lived. In Its
idomestlc peace and comfort he had hoped
to pass the remainder of his days when
the cares of offlce should be laid aside.
It Is tilting that In this home of his
i choice his fellow countrymen should meet
to pay tribute to his memory and to renew
the lessons of patriotism and virtue which
Ms life taught. William McKlnley's most
precious legacy' to mankind Is the example
of his life and character. He believed im-
rllclty in his country and Its .Institutions,
le had supreme faith In the people. He
recognised that an enlightened public sen
timent was the ultimate appeal of the
statesman In a free country, and sought
to guide It In the channel, be believed best
and safest for Its welfare.
He mver sought to exalt himself above
the people he served. He kept In touch
with them and, as far as possible, de
lighted to take them Into hla conlldence.
In private life he met his fellow citizens
upon equal terms. He fulfilled to the Ideal
Cardinal Newman's definition of a gentle
man. He never Inflicted pain.
Presence an Inspiration.
Ills presence was always an Inspiration.
His duty clear, he never shirked responsi
bility, however grave. He nerved others to
trelr duty. He loved to make others happy,
lie mattered sunshine, never gloum. With
ull his strength of purpose and character
he was gentleness Itself. He loved to give
a kind word when he could do no more. He
was freu from resentments, he met calumny
with silenco and unfair criticism with char
ity He was possessed of a sublime cour
age, sustained hy an abiding faith In his
t'.od that did not falter In the pretence of
death. In his career the youth V the coun-
:try may learn tiiti t the surest foundation of
1 enduring success Is character.
It Is a hlKh tribute to the fame and
memory of William McKlnley that brings
to his old home today to loin In the ob
servance of this occasion ine president of
the lulled States, the members of his
cabinet and others from high places in
the public service and from among tnose
who served with hlin In war and peace.
Hoosevelt an Able successor.
This country has not lacked high-minded
and able men to serve It In time of need.
It did not lack such a one when our great
Later fell. In bis strong ar.-iap of the
helm, the ship has kept true to Its course,
lie has steadily grown In the loe and con
fidence of hts countrymen, Under his guid
ance the country Is still advancing In pros
perity and security at home and respect
It la one of the felicities of the occasion
and one fol which we feel the highest ap
preciation that the president. Cordially ac
cepting the Invitation txtemled htm, Is able
to be with us this evening.
Theft Is no better fitted to portray
the great character of the man In whose
honor wo amt-mble tonight. It Is a privilege
to present to you to respond to the tlrst
sentiment, 'William McKlnley.'" Theodore
liooaevelt, president of the United Slates.
McKlnley One of Few.
In reply Mr. Roosevelt said:
lr Toastmaaiter and Gentlemen
Throughout our history, and indeed
throughout history generally. It has been
given to only a Very few thrice-favored
men to take so mamed a lead In the crises
faced by their several generations lhat
thereafter each stands as the embodiment
of the triumphant effort of his generation,
president McKlnley was one of these men.
If (luring the lifetime of a Feneration no
crisis occurs surbi lent to call out In marked
manner the neikUi of the strongest leader,
then of course the world does not and cannot
know of the existence of such a leader, and
lu cn-e.iueuce there are long periods In
the history of every nation during w hli h
no man apoears who leaves an indeliolc
mark In history. II. on the other hand,
tho crisis Is one so many-sided as to call
for the development and exercise of many
distinct attributes, it muy be that mors
thau one man will appear In order that the
XeuUiiiMsl oa fmii Pgw.
WonM Like
tan In
to Amiinir Mualral
of Mrtropoll
ew York.
PARIS. Jan. 27. Joan
being asked as to the '
bung Induced to amii.
musical management of
de Rcszke, upon
'kdlhnod of his
. s artistic ar.d
'1 'ripolltan
Opera house In Npw 101k. 1. ' t '
would be cx"cedlnr!y agrccatiK .
to (llvl.lp his time between New Yf,
Paris, but that at .present all he Its
oi me rumureu unri was wum u- i.. -the
newspapers ami that, naturally, he
rou M make no deflulte statement until
an actual proposal had reached him.
The Impression conveyed by M.
Rcszko'B remarks was that under favor-
hie ' conditions he would be willing to
assume the post or musical anu arustic
adviser to tho Metropolitan In conjunction
with Charlra Frohmaa or anyone else
whom the stockholders might select to take
charge of the business management.
Hesitates to Approve Treaty Which
May lie llcjerted In Part
hy Washington,.
HAVANA, Jan. 27. Senor Capote, leader
Of the republican consi rvatlves, president
of the sonnto and a member of the foreign
relations comml'tee, said this evening that
tho foreign relations committee had In
tended reporting tho reciprocity treaty
earlier, but lis ardor had been cooled on
reports from Washington regarding the op
position to the bill and the various amend
ments pending there.
Senator Capote said:
We regard the t'nlted States ns the
party of the second part. The Cuban sen
ators are not Inclined to approve what may
tip disapproved in various particulars at
I can assure you the report of our com
mittee will be favorable, anil that ratifi
cation by the senate is certain. The com
mittee will meet tomorrow, and their re
port will be shortly forthcoming.
African Possessions Lose Rubber and
Ivory Trnde, but Increase
Agricultural Products.
BERLIN, Jan. 27. The government sent
to the Reichstag today a memorandum
showing the development of the German
The Dumber of whites in the African pos
sessions increased In 1!W2 from 5,571 to 6,-
661. The Increase Is almost wholly due to
Boer trekkers to German Southwest Africa.
The African colonies show everywhere a
decrease In exports of Ivory and rubber
which Is compensated for by agricultural
The experiment of cotton growing In
Tongoland is making satisfactory progress,
The 'principal condition for successful cot
ton growing is the creation of cheap trans
portatton between the Interior and the
anto Domlnsro Aatrees to Submit
American Claim for B,000,
COO to Arbitration.
SANTO DOMINGO, Jan. 17. The proposi
tion made by United States Minister Pow
ell to refer the disputed claims of the
Santo Domingo Improvement company of
New York to international arbitration has
been accepted by the Dominican govern
The claims Involve a money Indemnity
amounting to $5,000,000. The government
has heretofore strongly resisted any set
tlement and repulsed all advances made
by the American minister.. On December
10 it declined to arbitrate and its accept
ance now Is regarded aa an Important vic
tory for the United States minister.
Mr. Powell expects to reach a settlement
of other American claims in a few days.
British Authorities Seise Chinese
Conspirators Who Sought to
Cause Revolt.
HONO KONG, Jan. 27. Acting on lnfor
matlon received, the governor today caused
the arrest of seven Kwangsl rebels, which
led to the discovery of plans for a simul
taneous rising here and at Canton.
The men were found to be in possession of
banners and secret codes for communicating
with tbelr fellow-conspirators.
German Representative to Be Envoy
Extraordinary and Minister
BERLIN. Jan. 27. The title and rank
of envoy extraordinary and minister plenl
potentiary have been conferred on Baron
Sreck von Sternberg, who succeeds Dr,
von Holleben as the representative of Ger
many at Washington
Crowu Prince Guataf Assumes Ills
Father's Duties as Monarch
I of Dual Klniduni.
STOCKHOLM. Jan. 27. At a Joint meet
ing of the Norwegian council today Crown
Prince Gustaf assumed the duties of the re
gency of tho two kingdoms.
He will go to Christiana on January 30.
Man Known to Have Been
Drowned and Sixteen Are
LONDON, Jan. 27. The British steamer
Graffo, from Glasgow for Buenos Ayres,
was sunk off Ramsey Island today.
Six of the crew were rescued by a life
boat, one man lost bis life and sixteen are
Steamer ftoea to Bottom.
LONDON. Jan. 27. The British steamer
Graffo, from Glasgow ior Buenos Ayres,
was sunk off Ramsey Island today.
Six of the crew were saved by a lifeboat.
One man lost his life, and the remainder
of the crew, numbering sixteen, after be
ing tossed about in a boat in ths Irish sea.
were rescued by a pawing steamer aud
lanled at Cardiff this evening.
VICTOiUA. B. C, Jan. 27. The steamer
Nlng Chow, from the Orient, brings news
that the bubonic plague at Toklo is grow-
Ing. Ten rases have occurred and twenty
two suspects are held. There had been, six
deaths uu It Jauuary 10.
Burglars Blow Up lafe and Get Away
with tLe Cash.
le Attracts Cltliena, Who Gather
Around the Building, but No
One is Hart In Ex-
I chaaae of Shots.
WATERLOO, Neb., Jan. 27. (Special
Telegram.) The Citizens' State bank of
fhlc r,l.i. ..v.l a - o tht.
' " l ....... m i ooucru a i w v . . . . ...
I morning. The robbers secured 13,500. Of
this sum $2,700 was In currency and the
balance In gold and silver. The damage to
the safe and furniture Is estimated at $600. ,
The bank is fully protected by insurance, j
The robbers, of whom there were at least
hree, and perhaps four, girlned an entrance
through the front window by removing a
pane of glass. They carefully avoided dis
turbing the burglar alarm.
Their work Inside, the building was easily
and quickly accomplished. The safe stands
outside of the vault and It was completely
wrecked by a charge of nitroglycerine.
The noise of the explosion awakened the
people In the vicinity of the bank and they
soon fathered around, but were kept back
by the robbers. A number of shots were
exchangeM, but no one was hurt.
In the confusion and darkness the bur
glars made their cerape with their booty
snd although a posse was soon assembled,
there is little cluo upon which to work.
Stranue Men Are Suspected.
Several strange men In a wagon were
seen north of town yesterday and it is
thought that they may be the robbers. To
day It was said the outfit bnd gone towards
Omaha and the officers there have been
notified to be on the lookout for it.
Detective Franklin and pose, with
bloodhounds, took the trail from the
wrecked bank. The hounds seemed some
what confused and were unable to get a
After an hour J. W. Miller, ono of the
posse, found a roll of bills tucked under a
plank in a barn one and one-half miles
from Waterloo. The dogs were taken to
the barn. At noon they were in full
chase to the north of Waterloo. The
trail is fresh and the race will be hard.
Illinois Rank Is Wrecked.
STEELVILLE, 111., Jan. 27. Robbers
blew open the vault of the Bank of Steel
vllle at 3 o'clock this morning and secured
$3,000, with which they escaped In a car
riage. The sheriff at Chester was notified
at an early hour and has left with a posse
for the scene of the robbery.
The Steelvllle village authorities have
notified the authorities at Carthage, St.
Louis and East St. Louis, aa well as ths
constabulary of all the small towns within
a radius of fifty miles, and It is believed
the robbers will be captured before night.
Nitroglycerine was used to open the
vault and four explosions were necessary
before the robbers could gain entrance.
One man did the work inside the building
while another stood guard on the sidewalk
Paul Zlmmcr, an engineer In Glister's
mill, was awakened by the report of the
first explosion. Mr. Zlmmer, who lived
next door, glanced out of his front window
toward the bank and saw the man standing
on the sidewalk. Dressing hurriedly Mr.
Zlmmer went down through the alley in
the rear of his house to the mill and in
formed the mill employes.
Woman Is Warned.
Zlmmer and the men then armed them
selves and started back toward the bank.
Three other explosions were heard In. the
bank building In quick succession. The last
explosion was followed by a crashing of
glass, and sheets of flame poured from the
bank windows.
Mrs. Zlmmer In the meantime had dressed
herself and was standing on the lawn of
their dwelling, which adjoins tho bank
property, watching the robbers. She
screamed to her husband to hurry up or
the robbers , would get away with the
The robber on guard turned toward the
woman and flourished a revolver and said:
"Shut up or I'll blow your head off."
Turning to the bank the' robber asked
his confederate: "Are you all right, Jim?
Hurry up and scrape up the cash, for they
are after us, but I will blow the head off
the first man I see."
The mill Is only two blocks from the
bank, but so rapidly had the robbers
worked that the vault was blown, the
money gathered up and the two men were
running rapidly up the street by the time
Mr. Zlmmer and his posse had armed
themselves and started back toward the
back. The men left town In an easterly
Steelvllle la a village of 300 Inhabitants.
Will Celebrate Centennary with
Elaborate Rejolclnara In Presence
of President and Diplomats.
CHICAGO. Jan. 27. The program for the
Chicago Centennial celebration planned for
next September In observance of the 100th
anniversary of the arrival of John Klnzie,
the city's first permanent settler, was de
cided upon today.
The date for the beginning of the cele
bration Is Saturday. September 26. The
plans for the first day Include yacht races
for centennial cups and fireworks at night.
Centennial religious mass meetings will
be arranged for the following day.
The program provides for a big indus
trial parade on Monday, an electric parade
on Tuesday, a military parade on Wednes
day, a centennial banquet on Thursday and
a centennial ball on Friday.
President Roosevelt, his cabinet and the
foreign legations and all notable public men
throughout the country will be Invl'ed to
Detectives Locate Him In South j
Africa and He la Xow oa
Way Home.
VINELAND. N. J., Jan. 27. A cable
dispatch has been received here from
Prlucess Salm Salm of Prussia saying that
she bad found her nephew. Frederick C.
Johnson, and that he sailed for borne from
Antwerp on Saturday.
Johnson, who if the son of Colonel
and Mrs. Edmund Johnson of Vlneland,
disappeared in Belgium four months ago
while retarninr from a visit to the Drln-
, Less.
I His baggage was found at Antwerp and
! as be bad several hundred dollars with
! him foul play was feared. Detectives
looked through Europe for the lad. They
finally located him in South Africa and
V ....... V. kirn . A . V. . I
rrttldrll Par nt"fects tn 'Widow
of 1IU Martyred Prede-ffor.
CANTON, O., Jan. 27. President Roose
trplt and party arrived at Cantou at 2 this
afternoon. In accordance with the presl- .
dent's expressed desire, his reception was j
quiet and unostentatious. A great throng j
of people had assembled at the railway
station, but It was a perfectly silent throng. '
All seemed Imbued with the spirit tf th j
anniversary commemorated by the visit of I
the president.
As the president's train stopped Judge
William R. Day, whose appointment to the
t'nlted States supreme court bench ws an- i
nounced yesterday, accompanied by Major
General S. n. M. Youpg, boarded the prl- i
!' prc.m,i,. soon aner-
ward Fidcnt Roosevelt alighted from the
vate car to greet the president. Soon after
car and was greeted by the local rneep
Hon committee. j
The party entered carriages and were
driven directly to the residence of Mrs. )
McKlnley, on North Market street, as Mr. I
Roosevelt desired first to pay his respects I
to her. Afterward he was driven to the,
Whitelawn cemetery to visit the tomb of
the late Presitlent McKlnley. There ho
paid a silent tribute of respect to the
memory of the distinguished dead.
After viewing the site selected for the
magnllcent monument to be erected in
memory of McKlnley, the visitors returned
to the city. They were driven directly to
Iho residence of Judge Day, where they
were entertained at lunch, together with
several distinguished Ohioans who were
here to attend the banquet.
At 6:4" the president held a reception at
the Hotel McKlnley for those In attendance
upon the banquet and for the citizens of
Subsequently he walked In a driving rain
from the hotel to the banquet hall, a half
square distant. Despite the inclemency
of tho weather the streets were thronged
with people.
Special precautions were taken to Insure
the safety of the president and his path
way to the opera house was lined with
secret officers, policemen and soldiers. As
the president entered the banquet hall the
assemblage rose as one man and cheered
him heartily. The demonstration the first
of the day was a personal tribute to tho
president, which he acknowledged with evi
dent pleasure.
Re-Fleeted to the Senate by the Two
Houses of the Wisconsin
MADISON, Wis., Jan. 27. John C.
Spooner was re-elected to the United States
eenate today by the two houses of the leg
islature In separate session.
The election will be confirmed by the
joint session tomorrow.
Nelll Brown of Wausau received the com
plimentary vote of the democrats.
DOVER, Del., Jan. 27.i-The sixth ballot
for United States senator today was with
out result.
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan, ,17. Congressman
Chester Lv Long was t4ay - elouted Uni
ted States senator by both houses of the
Kansas legislature. He received 123 votes,
against 35 for Senator Harris.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind-. Jan. 27. At a Joint
session today of the house and senate Sen
ator Fairbanks accepted election to suc
ceed himself.
COLUMBIA, S. C., Jan. 27. Congress
man Asbury C. Latimer was elected United
States senator today to succeed J. T. Mc
Laurln. CARSON CITY, Nev., Jan. 27. Francis
J. Newlands' election to the United States
senate will be ratified in Joint session to
Missouri Attorney General Claims
Combine Exists to Fix
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Jan. 27. The
supreme court en banc this afternoon took
up the ouBter suit against the packers and
arguments will be concluded tomorrow. .
Attorney General Crow opened for the
state, reviewing the testimony as given In
the report of Referee KJnley, and contend
ing that the evidence sustained the con
tention of the state that a combination
existed to control the prices of freah beef
and pork.
He referred particularly to the evidence
of cooler managers, solicitors and agents,
showing that companies were fined for tell
ing at prices different from those fixed
by cooler managers. He contended that
rebates were given secretly.
Counsel for the packers contended that
evidence from only minor officials, such lb
agents and cooler managers and from
butchers, was really hearsay evidence and
not' competent to bind companies. The
real combination was composed of butchers
to control prices to consumers.
Tomorrow the alleged sales of unwhole
some meat will be discussed.
Maurice Fiahbrrar ' Says Hebrews
Are Armenians and 'ot a
Separate Race.
NEW YORK, Jan. 27. At a Joint meet
ing of the American Ethnological society
and the New York Academy of Sciences
Dr. Maurice Flshberg, a well known
anthropologist, delivered an address in
which he made the declaration that there
was no such thing as a Hebrew race and
I that Hebrews were not descendants from
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but were in
reality Armenians.
"The Aryans," he said, "were up
to quite recently considered to be a race
on account of their linguistic affinities,
although In the light of modern an
thropological research we know that there
is no such thing as an Aryan race."
After citing opinions on the origin of
the Semites, Dr. Flsbberg advanced the
theory that they were differentiated from
other races In Africa and not in Asia, as
was generally believed to be the case, and
reviewed the physical characteristics of
ancient and modern Semites.
Chicago Sends Twenty-One Thousand
Dollars to Relieve DIs.
CHICAGO. 111.. Jan. 27. Contributions
amounting to $7,000 for the relief of the
starving inhabitants of tort hern Sweden
were today forwarded from Chicago.
Previous remittances make the total thus
far collected by the local Swedish relief
Again City Council Tail U Oat Quorum for
Regular Maeting.
Status of Two Electric Franchise
Ordinances Said by Some Mem
bers to Be Reason for Ab
sence of Others.
Again last night the city council faired
of a quorum, and on this occasion It was
Councilmen Burkley, Zlmman and Trosller
who were on hand. Hoye, It was known,
Was too ill to attend and Mount had not
come In from his Wyoming sheep ranch
for this meeting. Lobeck had announced
that he would have to be nut of the city,
but last night it was said at the council
chamber that he had been unable to take
Us Intended trip by reason of illness. The
reason given for the absence of President
Karr was Illness, but as he had been able
to nttend the commlltcc meeting Monday
aflernoon but Utile credence was given
to lhat excuse by the members present,
particularly when Mr. Zimman reported
that Mr. Karr had told him at the commit
tee room Monday that he did not know
whether he would he at the council meet
ing. IIukct.U and Whltchorn were totally
unaccounted for, and having learned some
thing by the experience of the previous
Tuesday evening the members who were on
hand made no effort to send for them.
Franchise Ordinance Pendlnw.
Those mcmhers of the council who are
willing and ready to meet have now become
convinced lhat the continued absence of
several of the others Is due to solicitude
as to what might be done with the Rose
water franchise ordlnnnce In case a meet
ing should be held without the presence
of Mr. Hoye. There are now two of these
franchise ordinances lu the hands of the
council, both of which have had their first
and second readings, and a full official pub
lication, and cither of which might be
passed at a regular meeting.
One of these is the so-called open-door
franchise, which extends to any persons or
company who shall comply with certain re
quirements the right-of-way In the streets,
alleys and boulevards of the city for un
derground and overhead wires for the dis
tribution of electricity for light and power.
This 1b the measure which Councilman Has
call and some of his colleagues have urg
ently advocated and have hoped to pass.
The other ordinance is similar In nearly all
of its terms, but would grant the franchise
specifically to Andrew Rosewater. After it
was supposed to have been permanently
shelved with no further progress than its
first and second reading, it was revived at
a meeting when Councilman Hascall was
not present and ordered published; and
therefore It now has the same standing be
fore the council as the other.
Hoye'a Presence Desired,
Without Councilman Hoye It is believed
that the open-door ordinance could not pass
no matter, which of the other members
might "bs present, and a meeting might
easily b so constituted as to attendance
that the Andrew Rosewater ordinance
would pass. Therefore It has been con
cluded that Mr. Hascall and the other sup
porters of the open-door ordinance will try
to prevent a regular meeting of the body
until Mr. Hoye is well enough to attend.
In the meantime business has been ac
cumulating and several urgent mat'ers are
in the hands of the clerk. Most Important
of these are the forma of the tax levy or
dinance, which must be given their first and
second reading that they may be parsed,
in accordance with the law, at the first
regular meeting In February, which will be
the next regular meeting of the coun
cil. Call Special Meeting.
To provide for this the members who
were present last, night have issued a call
for a special meeting to be held this after
noon at 2 o'clock, and as theifranchise or
dinance Is not Included In the call and
therefore could not be acted upon at this
time it Is expected that there will be no
difficulty in getting a quorum.
The call for this meeting comprises in
the business to be considered the report of
the tax commissioner as to the appraise
ment of taxable property, the report of
the Board of Equalization and the appro
priation ordinance to pay the expense bills
for last month, besides the tax levy ordl
nancea mentioned.
New York City Librarian and Others
Fall Into a Neat
NEW YORK, Jan. 27. Philip Baer. the
city librarian, Walter F. Sawyer, Nathan
Springer and Moses Springer were arrested
today, charged with tax fixing.
District Attorney Jerome said tonight
that In one Instance an assessment of $250,
000 had been almoBt entirely obliterated.
The Bpeelfic case on which the arrests
wore mado was that of Monroe B. Bryant,
a Jeweler, who is said to have been of
fered a reduction In his assessment for
$80,000 to $10,000, half the sum saved to go
to prisoners.
The first Information was given by Wil
liam Harcourt, an ator, who said Nathan
Springer had asked him to procure a man
who could personate Mr. Bryant and
"swear off his assessment."
At the district attorney's request Har
court took County Detective Secor to
Baer's office In the city hall, who decided
that he. "would do."
After being furnished by Nathan Spring
er with minute directions as to what ho
should do, Secor. accompanied by Ilaer,
and followed by seral detectives, went
to the office of the tax department, where
I he represented himself as Mr. Bryant and
succeeded in getting his assessment re.
dured from $80,000 to $10,000.
The arrests followed Immediately. The
prisoners were taken to court ond held in
heavy ball. Sawyer is said to havo made
a full confession. Other arrests are ex
pected tomorrow.
Calumet Doctor Heads Committee to
Collect Funds for Starvlna;
CHICAGO, Jan. 27 Appeals for aid for
ths starving Finns are being made by Dr.
C. J. Sorrenson, surgeon-ln-chlef of tho
Northern Michigan general hospital, who
Is president of the Flnn'sh central relief
committee, with headquarters in Calumet.
According to Dr. Sorrenson, no le.s than
400,0u0 Finns are starving, and not since
the famine of 1867. which caused the death
of 100,000 persona have th'- conditions been
a desecrate.
Forecast for Nebraska Haln Wednesday
and Thursday.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday!
1 P.
ft a.
l a.
7 n.
a i
m . .
m . .
ni . .
in i
m . .
n . i
a. m
a. m
a. m
1 1
l .
Will Confine Ills F.fforta to Persuad
ing l.ealalnture That Rnllroada
Are orr Palna; Full Taxes.
John N. Baldwin, general rounsel for the
Union Pacific Railroad company, has dn
cllned thi challenge to meet a reprcfcnta
tlve of the Omaha real estate exchange in
Joint public debate on the railroad taxa
tion question. Mr. Baldwin's reply to the
brief note of the tux committee Is a lengthy
epistle, refusing to recognize any special
Interest in the subject of railway taxation
on the part, of the people of Omaha, and In
sisting tbal Iho Icidslature now In session
by if properly constituted committees Is
the only body before whom he will appear
to urje a continuance of the existing tax
exemption of railroad property. Ho adds
that ht has no objection to representtstivi s
of the real estate exchange presenting their
side of the matter to the legislative com
mittee at the same time with him. Before
the legislature he declares he will be
prepared to maintain for Iho Union Pacific
these three propositions:
First That the railroads In Nebraska pay
their full Bhare of all taxes.
Second--That if Omaha bo permitted to
tax a greater proportion of the railroad
properties than is allotted to it under the
existing method of distribution of values,
it must certainly to that extent reduce the
revenues of the cities, villages and school
districts otits'do of Omaha, along the full
length of the railroad mileage tn the state.
Third That there are no provisions in
the existing statutes of this state discrim
inates in favor of railroad property In the
matter of any kind of taxation.
Five Men Are Added to Detective
Branch, Blaklna; Total of
"Tbe Increased business of the police de
partment during the last few months," said
Chief Donahue, "was the direct reason for
the Fire and Police commissioners adding
five new detectives to that branch of the
service. For some time past the work has
beVn seriously handicapped through the in
sufficient number of plain clothes men and
the reduction of the number below (he
proper Btandard."
The new detectives appointed were taken
from the night anl day staffs of patrolmen
and are as follows: Tony Vannus, Julius
Mansfield, J. T. Dunn, E. B. Ferris and
Dan Davis. Detective John Savage has
been given the pawnshop detail, while Do.
lectlve. Stryker, Who has had charge of that
work, v.ill becorao'' an ordinary detective.
The new appointees will serve six months'
probation, dating from February 1. Tho
total number of detectives now oa the
force is twelve, including Chief Dunn.
J. II. Cuslck and M. F. Hotchklss, newly
appointed patrolmen, have been rejected
because of their age. A. T. Slgwart and
Josiah Thomas, though exceeding the age
limitations, were retained.
All Trades Acknowledge Supervision
of General Body with Power
to Settle Disputes.
INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 27. The conference
of the national and International organiza
tions allied with tho printing trades
reached an agreement tonight by which
all trades tn any way connected with print
ing will be under a general body with
power to settle disputes. Each of
the different orders will have an equal rep
resentation In the central body.
The branch of the International photo
engravers which seceded from 'the Interna
tional Typographical union a few years ago,
was given control of all photo-engraverB;
heretofore this body was not recognized by
the American federation.
Admits Conspiracy to Trade Worth
less Bonds for Valuable
Mlnlna Stock.
DENVER. Colo., Jan. 27. In the case
against Charles H. Emmons of Denver and '
Peter Johnston and John II. Phllbrook of ;
Chicago, charged with .nlng the malls (
to defraud former Sheriff W. J. Burchi- J
nell out of $17,500 by trading him worthless 4
bonds of a Chicago company for valuable
mining stocks, Phllbrook today made a full
,.w)rt i., . V. .. I .... ...I w: I
Ho showed letters to prove '.he conspir
acy and said he was Induced to go into the
scheme by Johnston. The case was not
concluded today.
Storm Strikes Mormon Slate, llnlli
Trains and Delay F.lertrlc j
Communication. I
OGDEN, Utah, Jan. 27. The heavy snow- ;
fall which commenced hero at dusk last
evening i;nd continued all ninht has broken I
m.nrK' nil the ciecl rlc lichl tclenhnnn an.t '
telegraph wires.
Trains from all directions are delayed.
ftovernor Agrees to Man Senator
Teller's Certificate on l.eunl
DENVER, Jan. 27. Attorney General
Miller has given nn opinion Mint the elec-
tion of Hi nry M. Teller a) United Stales!
sena'or Is legal and Governor I'cabody will
sign the certificate of election as soon as j
it reaches hiin.
Movements of Ocean teasels Jan. 27.
At New York Arrived: Kroonland, from
Antwerp. Kailed: Nomtidle, for Liverpool.
At yueenslown Arrived: litonla, from
LIveriMiol. and procet-.i. d.
At Auckland Arrived : Sonoma, from Han
KranciM-o via Honolulu, for Sydney, N.
S. W.
At Yokohunvt Sailed: Empress of China,
from Hook Koii(, Hhanghal and 11 logo, for
Vhiicou vi r
At Antwerp Arrived: Finland, from New
At Movllle Arrived: Furneacla, from Nw
Perry of Furnas Want to Clear th House
Declares War on the Paid Agents of Inter
ested Corporations.
Committee Decides te Take Existing Itatnte
and Work it Over.
Resolution by Warner of Dakota
Calls for Inqalry Into the Vari
ous Schedules of Charges
Now In Force.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 27. (Special.) Profes
sional lobbyists must leavo the floor of the
house, vacate the lohbles and confine their
ixTtilcloua work to operations outside that
part of tho state building controlled by the
house of representatives. If a resolution
Introduced today by Perry of Furnas car
ries. Mr. Perry's resolution concedes to
this class of Individuals the right of. ap
pearing, as citizens or their representa
tives, before committees when so requested.
Hut, in harmony with the voice of honest
aud decent citizenship of Nebraska, Mr.
Perry declnres that these boodle dispensers
cannot continue their brazen operations In
the legislative chamber.
"I believe my resolution will go through,"
said Mr. Perry. "It Is right and no honest
and self-rcspecling man can question or
oppose it. I mean t,o place every member
of the house on record by an aye and no
vote at any rate. If the members of this
house want this nefarious practice con
tinued, they will havo tho opportunity of
so recording their desires, so that their
constituents may understand them.
"I introduced this resolution becnase I
believed it was needed. I feel confident of
the support of the decent and substantial
element of fhe press and public In my ac
tion, and have no fears or concerns as to
what others think or say or do."
Mr. Perry laconically remarked that It
was not hla purpose In Introducing thta res
olution to unseat any member of the houso.
Lobbyists Seem Worried.
This resolution hns nrquscd greatest In
terest In and out of the house. Certain
members and recognized lobbyists of pro
fessional character are seriously disturbed
over It. They seem fully to realize the seri
ous aspect of this resolution with refer
ence to their indefensible methods and are
at a loss, however, to know Just what to
do. To oppose the resolution would be
showing their hnnd; to support It lending
their aid toward depriving themselves of
usurped privileges and powers which are
most potent factors In the accomplishment
of their predatory schemes. The chances
are the resolution will carry.
The Terry resolution is tho fulmlnatlon
of a growing sentiment to purify Nebraska
legislatures. Mindful of unblushing out
rages previously perpetrated by these cor
poration lackles, tho decent members of
the house and senate have resolved to wipe
nut this iniquitous tradition of trafficking
in votes and consciences. And so deter
mined is this sentiment that no doubt It
will go hard with the party or parties who
persist in this wholesale outlawry after the
adoption of tho Perry resolution.
This much ran be said of certain veteran
lobbyists and corporations: They have
I shown a moro timorous spirit In projecting
j themselves into the house and senate this
i year than usual. This is .notably the case
with tho Union Pacific gang. They seem to
recognize the expediency of working under
cover. But still this diffidence may bo
due, doubtless Is, to the l&ck of courage
on the part of legislators Instead of their
defiant dictators. It has been noticeable
for somo daya that nocturnal visitations
are the rule at the palatial quarters of the
Union Pacific In the Lindell hotel. It Is ex
tremely rare that a member ventures across
the threshold of this precinct In the day
time, but If one will take the pains to
watrh be can count a number who are bold
enough to enter during the more quiet
hours of night. John N. Baldwin Is at the
head of the Union Pacific lobby. He has
no telling how ninny able assistants and
three regular stenographers.
Revenue Revision Plan.
The Joint house and Donate committee
on revenue revision decided tonight to
take the present Nebraska law as a basis
of operations Instead of the proposed Kan
sas law bo persistently boomed by the
Union Pacific as tho only panacea for rev
enue and taxation complications. General
and complete revenue revision will there-
iore do unueriasen not on mo lines aic
loted by this railroad corporation. As was
forecasted In The Bee, the subcommittee
appointed to decide whether complete or
fragmentary revision should bo attempted,
reported In favor of fhe former and the
Kansas bill. The meeting was secret, hut
some kind members gave out statements as
to the proceedings. Oue motion was made
that the subcommittee's report be accepted
and the Kansas-Union Pacific bill govern;
mother motion was made that the Kansas
bill with the present Nebraska law be
taken as the basis of revenue revision, but
this was not entirely satisfactory, so re
pugnant to certain committeemen was the
Idea of being dictated to by the Union
Pacific Railroad company. Both these mo
tions were Inst, and one carried to proceed
upon the basis of the Nebraska law.
A plan was practically agreed on to
amend the law governing tho State Board
of Equalization by increasing the tax levy
from 5 to 6 mills, this law to be operative
j this year only. It is designed as an emer
j gency provision. The committee will hold
j open meetings Wednesday and Thursday
I nights, where the railroad representatives
and citizens in general may appear.
Itepudlute the Irsalng Hill.
As was expccied and predicted, and prac
tically predetermined, both house snd sen
ale toilay recorded their repudiation of the
Dietrich land leuslng bill. In accordance
with Governor Mickey's message both
branches of the legislature gave final and
emphatic expression to their sentiments on
tbis measure.
The senate disposed of the matter through
Its committee on live stock and grazing, to
which the Dietrich bill was referred, by
having Introduced a bill denouncing Sena
tor Dietrich's measure, favoring the open
ing of all this land for homestead pur
poses and Increasing each homesteader's
holding from 160 to 610 acres and recom
mending the adoption of President Roose
velt's plan to have congress appoint a com
mission ot expert to Investigate and re-