TIT K OMAHA DAILY IJEE: TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 100.1. 0 r trill fc itkra antil 18 m. fee tad evening edition and ill f. aa. lee ngralx and Sander edition. Rates, t l-'Jc a word drat taaertten, e a TTord thereafter. Nations lakes) for leas than 2.o for the II rat laarr tloa. These advertisements snail ad raa eonseca lively. AdtartUfrt, tr resjndetlnsT a a na ttered eheek, can iit answers ad dressed ta n limbered letter la vara I lh flee. Itiwtn addressed will ' ha delivered aa resentatl tad eheek ealr. WAS! ED 811 1 ATIONS. A YOUNQ woman of (rood business quali fications wishes clerical position In oltlce or aa cashier. Address T 62, Bee office. A IciJ Si) A POSITION a stenographer, or would accept general office work. Experienced, references (urnlxned. Address, U 61. Uee. A 701 28 BOOKKEKPKR with three years' experi ence end beat of referenced wishes situa tlon. I, . Bee. A M712 27 WANTED MALE HELP. MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of thle being ine BEST and only reliable, moat practical barber college In the United btatea. Write for catalog today. Western Harbors' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B 736 GOOD messengers wanted: high salaries. A. D. T. Co., 212 8. lath St. 11 380 WANTED Experienced, honest, hunting organizers lor Fraternal Union; beat order In America. Liberal compensation. F. F. Kooae, President, Denver, Colo. B MJ30-F-17 WANTED, two good solicitors. H. B. Rldgley Atdec. Co., 707 8. ISth. B M377 26 WANTED, a young man who has had avme experience In bank work, partic ularly In handling money. U 20, Bee. B-M 107 WANTED, 6 good harness-makers; none but steady men need apply. Sehulze Hi os. Co., Duluth, Minn. . B MI43 29 ILL LEATHER WORKERS keep away from Lincoln, Neb. li -M451 2n WANTED Men td learn barber trade; growing demand for our graduates; pre pare now for spring rush; short tlrna completes; practical experience by free work, expert Instructions by quatllted barbers; tools, diplomas, positions and board given graduates; cull or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas St. B-M470 2 WANTED Married man to work In store and collect. State salary wanted. Must live In city. Ulva reference In first letter. Address, U 40, Ilea. B M481 Z7 BUSINESS firm wants reliable man to travel In the went. Good salary to right party. Expenses advanced. Bend self addressed envelope. Maxson, General Manager, Sykes 111k., Minneapolis, Minn. . . B M538 3o YOUNQ man to learn stationery business; statq experience, If any. Address, N 47, Bee. B Mj90 27 WANTED, young man with experiences In selling subscription books for the purpose of hiring college and normal students; must give bond and have college or nor mal education; salary and expense. ' Ad dress D. B. Zlmmer &. Co., Omaha, Neb. B-MS33 31 WANTED Successful salesladies to cell a newly designed lady's garment. We f;uarantae satisfactory results. Only adles of refinement and experience need apply. Apply with references. Call be tween 10 a. m. and noon, Tuesday and Wednesday, at 439 Paxton Block, W. U. Colling. B 70027 WANTED, two good eollcitors. H. B. Rldguly Mdfie. Co., 707 8. 16th. B M706 a WANTED, actors and actresses for travel ing theater company; can use good ama teurs. Addresa Charles B Burns, Nio brara, Neb. B M716 27 WANTED lor U. 8. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 36; citizens of United Htrften, of good char acter . and temperate habits, who can speak, .read and wctla-.F.nglUth. F Infor mation apply to necruiiuig uincer, intn and Dodge 8ts., Omaha, or poatofllce building, Lincoln. Neb. B SALESHU-I WANTED. 'EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type writers Monroe Co., U N. 16th. Si.. Omaha. 33 HELL Bitters as side line on commlrslon; ioo Cuming. 04 F WAITED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodge. C B&3 WANTED, girl to general housework. mall family and good wages; good home for good girl. Apply tL:4 1'oppleton Ave. C 730 NUR8E8' Training School, Pueblo, Colo.; six weeks' course; diplomas. Address above. C SiS F-6 WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing, manicuring or facial massage; abundance of practical experience by tree work, ex- Sert Instructions, lectures, etc.; tools, lplomaa aud positions given. Call rr write Moler College, !Jo2 Douglas bt. C M471 2 WANTED, a nurse girl who speaks good German and English. Mrs. K. C. Barton, 110 Bo. S2d Ave. C Mbu3 27 WANTED, a girl for general housework; good wages. 6411 8. 26th Ave. C 624 27 WANTED, housekeeper In small family. 8US N. lbth St. C 110 WANTED, buslnees woman, 28 years old or over, accustomed to bookkeeping, col lections and general ufUce work, aa us Blatant manager ot an office; salary $'J. Apply room 440, Chamber of Commerce. C M7 27 FOR RENT HOIBES. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co., otllce, L-llVi Varuam, or Tela. Ij-.k-m,,). D-3l HOUSES, $5 upward. Bemls, Paxton Blk. D 3! FOR RENT, one -room house, with gas, water and sewer; Just been placed In flrst-clitas repair; in good location. C. M. Buvhinatin. 4J6-3I Paxlou block. D 1; HOIKF ln Bl1 Prt ' cltV- The O. IV-U JLJ jjal Co., &0S Bee Blilg. D-33B VANS and baggage wagons. Tela. 1195-114i. U 3U1 JlOCXErt. G. G. Wallace. Browu Block D 341 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwait, Barker block. D 36 l-HOOM modern house, 23ii Charles. Tele phone A-2668. D HOI lP ,n " Pa"ts ot the city I'M-'.JL.J R. C. Peters it Co., Bee Bldg ll l-HOOM houso, N. 241b. $14.00. Tel. 684" D-M33 FOR REN 1 Mne-Toom house: lust rtemiv papered and repaired: all modern except luriiacv; .u 01. aim I'oppieiou Ave., ill. I wo -rom iiuusra, in ami dun ruij sjis. ill modern, city water and iikr iik One 4-room house, ?;th and Cuming tils., tuy wain, C. M. BACIIMANN, 436-37 Paxtou Block. D 428 4jt 8. tVTH AVE., 9-room modern house Wlllium K. Potter, receiver, 33 lirown bin. j none, i.i. i M 160 UAGUAltU Van a Storage Co. ' Tel. 14M. D ii FOR KENT 9-room, modern house. 425 N. SSth st. IJO 8-room, tiiotleru house. 2438 S. 2oth et. flS7-room houae. 15nl 8. ?Sth st. till t-rooni house. 1K! N. 21st a BRKNNAN-LOVK CO., o 8. I3TH 8T. D M3i4 417 VoH r"eNT Part cr all of 9-room hou .. at 1713 South loth St.; modern except fur liAi , ; good condition and convenient to 11 r uud depot. Imitilre 011 preiiiises or a t South 2(th street. D M134 FOR RENT Six-room cottagu; convenlen to business center; reut low. Imiulre a iJi ti. ista kit, 1 Mw. FOR REIT-HOI SES. DESIRABLE FLAT C rooms.; Kill Howard at., modern except I h"t. rid In beat of repair, $i per month UEOKOE A CO., 11 K A It NAM BT. I D M66 Fl ! MoDERV 7 room house near park. 19 f. i 2Mh. VU 1 3:15 BURT ST. 6 rooma I .' a;i3 N. 2d St 6 rooma ii.in 2417 Ersktne 8t 7-room brick house, hsih, closet , 18 0" ?':2 Martha St. -4 rooma, well . 1115 Hrlagu Pi. I rooma, well 7.00 McCAUl'E l.NV. CO., 168 DODOE ST. 11-373 FUR HENT-Fl HSISHKD ROOMS. DKWKI European Hotel, lath and Farnam. E 3 II PER WEEK 122 Bo lath St., one block south of court house. E 394 AETNA HOL'ttli, European, 13th and Dortgs ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone ;H. ELEGANT stesm-arealed rooms. 1'9 Capi tol Ave. ti-m 220 N. 17TH, NEAT steam-heated rooms. , jia j.i FRONT parlor, furnace beat, gas. 2i05 N. ... 1. 0. -,- f iviu di. ft mm ' VIENNA HOTEL, 1011-15 Farnam St. F-M12i STEAM-HEATED rooms, 110 per month. Barker Hotel, 13th and Jones sts. Tel. E M316 F17 ELEGANT rooms; hot water isoat; modern; reference, ism wenster. r aisji 3 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 So. mn street. m io;i-i- LARGE south front room. K24 Farnam. E M464 ROOMING accommodations for young men in private family, Wirt t. K -K3 FIRM51IED ROOMS AM) HOARD. FRIVATE family. 609 South 26th avenue. M40O BOARD and room, 120 Douglas. 'Phone FOR REST-STORKS AND OFFICES. DOUBLE parlors. Call at 1616 Webster at 1 AIM I OFFICES In The Bee building, 10.00 per month up. Kental price inctuues neat, light and Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co.. Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Bldg l-27 FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at yitt arnam. xzxvu, iour turlts and lirst-class cemented basement. elevator, tire anu uui k mi piuui . un, office counter and fixture!. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec ro tary The Bee Building Co., room loo. llej bUllUlIlg. 1 IM4 FOR RENT Store In first-class Iocs J Ion. rent reasonable. Apply R. c reins Co., ground floor. Bee Blag. l -bt FOR RF.NT The building: formerly occu pied by The Bee at 16 f arnam Bt. it naj four stories ard a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably, if Interested aDDlv at office to C C. Rose- water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. HALF store. 620 So. 16th St. I-63S STORES FOR RENT Tho 4-story and basement building. 83x120 feet In slse, Nos. 1414 ana ln Harney tit l?hl) nr month. Good atore room. No. 1413 Harney St., $60 per monin. I Store room and basement. In first-class con- I dltion. 1613 Howard St., &u per monin Store room, In first-class condition, 1433 8. iuVa sit CIA rr irwtrith GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. 1-M628 Fl FOR RENT, first floor, 1307 Howard St.; splendid place for light joDDing or manu facturing: business. i moss o AUUNTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THfl TWENTlKTli CCIM1UHI oome. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvasser make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee buiiuing, umana. at WANTED I want hustling agents to as sist me In obtaining Duyere for nansaa land; big profits for energetic people; no experience requirea. iiuanu tr. lochwuou, lUi-t Bryant oiug., ivanaas -iiy, aiu. J M714 1 WANTED TO RENT. A RESPONSIBLE business roan will make a two ot three-year lease of well built. attractive, seven or eight-room modern house-in good location. Address 8 67, Bee office, stauug particulars. iv amua- YOUNG man. desire, room and board In PPylVi'LryVl1'0 C" Hue; stale price. Address U 86, Bee. K M4;2 80 WANTED TO BUY. wanted, to buv or lease, modern dwell- liiar. 9 or 10 rooma. in nrst-ciass neignuor- boud. near car line. Would not enter tain proposition to buy except at low fig uses. 1 mean Dusinexs, um no aucu turn will be usid to answers unless ac companied by full particulars. Address, U 30, Bee. n-m-u TEN acres Improved, near Omaha; will pay casn. Auuress u w, XJe"-NM-( FOR KALK FlttMTtHE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. O 4o2 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TRY ME on wagon repairing. Flrat-clas 1 work, n- rroat, ittn ana x-eavenvroria. ruxlD family horse. 1118 ?amim. ONE carload of heavy draft horses. Omaha Stables. Hth ana itowaru sis. rMiui FOIt ALK 81i9CELLANEOtS. FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crib- Ultlg. CUIUUlliailoil wuuci . vi j-rougiaa. Q Alo4 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical inairumem, up. 1 ne W iumanc Co., 1621 arnam. W 4u tUllANl) safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnas d to; WAREHOUSE, 68.000 square leel, fine trackage facllltlca. and 1-al lium. Beeoe Run y an. 1H FOR SALE, lirst mortgage note bearing ( per cent .interest, payaoie every six moi:ihs; has about 2Vi year to run, good security and endorsed by respoiikiole party; amuuni, i,'ai. .iiquira c. id. Bachninnn. Room 4.4. I'axion block. INDIAN good and relics. 1119 Farnam. (J j NEW and Jhand typewriters, ill Farnam HARP, Sebastln Erard, double-acting, per fect coniiiiiiui, cosi u; win sen .wo, 1 -n easy .a nu ms If taken at once. 19o Cum ing st. W BUTCHEH8' Ice box; will sell or trade for buggy. ciara st. a FOR SALE Two stoves and three show cases witn stands, cheap if taken at once. Addresa V Di, Bee. vj-atoM 1X)R BALE, six-passenger rocksway cir riage. In good condition. Milton Rogers &. Sons Co. W-M.H LOOK! Fountain pen. automatic Indellhla pencil nickel reversible eiiholder and five noncorroslve pens, all for 30c la silver. L cis M lath nt v s Wurwlrk y 618 N. Uth bt., W. B. Warwick.. SECOND-HAND billiard and pool table: billiard tables repaired: a large stock f heap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Rru.iswli k-Balke-Col'ender C.. 4'7-9 H I'lth Q - ML' 11 tLAIHIOIAXTl. M R3. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass street. 14409 Wh I. C LAIHVOY ANTS. I MME. GILMER, genuine palmist, Si:. P. la. no MADAME LUCRETIA. medium. 1ft" Ch. cago Bt. B MG9J F3 SKI': the clairvoyant at 521 N. 19th B-.MW Z," ELECTRIC IHEATMEVl. MME. SMITH, baths, 11 N. 16. 2d floor, r. 1 T MT71 57 MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard 8t., baths. T 11113 27 GRACE O BRYAN of Kentucky, 720 R. l.lth. T 3J4 IT 7' MME. SAUNDERS gives magnetic treat ment. 1819 Leavenworth st. Flat 7. M3M 27 I'GItlONAL. VIAVI, Woman's Way to Health. Home treatment. Uuulet tree. 346 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. U 413 TELEI'HONE 700 for L. M. E. messengers. U 411 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair removed by electricity. R. 13, Frenicr block. U 411 RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire nupiu.e v-o , sn. x. un uuuuing, Ginana. U 7 FRIVATE hospital before ar.d during con- nnemeni; uames ooarueo ana anopiea. jura, uaraeis, mm Lite. ioi. iteu-UM. U 41 FRIVATE hos.pltal before and during con- ftnement; It rat-class in every respect; vbiMcs adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller, 2!jut Blondo St. Phone F-1182. U M427 CHIROI"ODY, mantcurlrtg, facial and spe cial massage taught una practiced A. Mayer, 012 Bee Bldg. Consultation free. Tel. 1716. U-MS37 PRIVATE hospital for Indies before and auring connnemeni; Daoies auupi' u. nvt 8 loth it, Mrs. Fisher. Tel. 131-. 1-116SI t l ELITE PARLORS, 616 8. 16th St., 2d floor. I Mllil -3 REPAIRS, supplies and records for any talking machine maoe. coiuns t lano t o.. 161 Douinu. U 414 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Oerisch, 3625 California St. Terms reasonable. U M402 ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Pax- ton. B. J. Scanneli, agent, &'9 Ware blk. U M44K bjU MARRY! Western ladles. Addresses free. Kncloee stamp. Star, 672 Fourth St.. Han Francisco, Cal. U 4&8 F-l NEW PIANO for rent, very reasonable. Address U 35, Bee. u Mds Qnortirloc ,nat flt Olobe Optical Co., opectacies 21s so. nth. u-i9 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. i PER CENT on business property. 0 per Cent oil reaiucuto yiuyciiy. Outlons to pay wnoie ur pari any uma. ... , . ,. . ..i -1 r - .... a iiipu OT. W. 13. ttJllilUiCl, Wl O. Will Dl, W 418 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. ureiuin-iAi v. v., b. niu. W 419 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds mi nnrrants. R. C, Peters tc Co., 170H Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W (26 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Pazton 31k. FARM and city loans, low rate vv. ii. Thomas, irst nil, nana diui. TXr'iTi FIVE PER CENT loans. Oarvltt Brojfc, 1604 Farnam. " " WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Binnn & co., iw t i uui PRIVATE money, F. D. Wead. 1634 Douglas. WANTED, to loan. $500 on good real estate security at l per cent, mqui.e N. Y. Lire riiiiining. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. "HEADQUARTERS" mil Kit AH V LOANS. Fverv man oi woman In Omaha, South Omaha and , Council Blurts getting a salary call -and get our money on our plain note, without .publicity mortgage or lndorser TTQ 1UI VP TTITUN1TUHE LOANS. floods m.in -. yur P""u 'educ- 1 n .r" of payment, the easiest. . our rate ure easny me iuwcoi. to pleas'!. rprniT rn Get Off Elevator at Third Floor. Room 3UV PAXTON BLUtn. itoorn.!. EASY TO GET TO PAY , 1 . .vi.l.ln. nur mt't hods We loan on furniture, piauoa, w.iwu. receipts, etc. or 11 you im posltronwecanmP-k.ou Without security, except your own 8Tee- ment to repay. " z , confldenrlaf and wo always try to Ple All we ask is inai you fore you "aw -Ue '".j. co 119 Hoar (EBUOllshed lb9) Sod 8. 16th St. X-M428 TRY US -for- SALARY and CHATTEL LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 633 Pauttou Block, Uth and Farnam Bis. Top FlOO'. X-M42S THE STAR LOAN COMPANY, Room 644. Paxton block. 'Phone F2298. This company is the private bank of the j wage-earner anu saiarieu empiuye. i 1 you have a permanent position aa ciera, bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or arti- san ox any a.inu, yuu i,u vuiu, vu yvw note, without aecurtiy or lndorser; Seml- Monthly.Monthly. Weekly. iu0rMurn to us....26 J ou-return to us.... 13 00 tit a ao v- 83 6.6. 3:v t 'in return to us.... 6-66 . 3 I la- return to us.... w w i-w Our ultices are private ana our Dullness confidential. From 9 a. m. to p. m X M517 LARGEST BUPINES3 IN LOANS TO HAI.AH1KU rtu 'lii., mercoanis, team- s-ers. boarding houses, etc.. without se- curlly: easleat terms; 40 ofhees In prln- clpal tlttee. Tolmun, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 32 WE LOAN money on furniture, pianos and diamonds. OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK, 1404 Farnam. upstalre. Tel. A-2113. X-703 CHATTEL, salary & Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co, sue. to D. Green, K. 8, uarxer dik X-MS11 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. ' F Reed, 319 8. 13. X 31 I MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 614 paitcn mock. The J A. Hutton Co. X 433 BlflNKSS CHANCES. ... , 0 . . c- , , , u 7Z7. , I FOR SALE Complete stock of secunuhand furniture, doing a good business; fine lo- cation; etore can be leased or stock can be removed, thta can be bought at a bar gain; leason lor selling is bad health. Addresa. P 49. Bee. Y MJ86 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange yoar 'ji:fclnes or property quick see J. U. re J. ti Y 43a juuujn. is. x. Lite. TO GET In or out of business) rail on Wil liams, Uouoi 411. MtCague building. X-434 Walk all over town to -find a position? J A want ad will tell you where to no. HI SIN ESS CHANCE.. IF Yotl want to get In or out of buslnesa or bov or sell property communicate with Northwestern Clearing Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. Y-o6 WANTED Party with from Si.ono to li.OW to accept permanent poslt.on; business manufacturliig. L. M. C, South Sioux City, Neb. Y Midi AN Investment of 125 has always averaged ff'tS per week; particulars on request. C. M. Bragaw & Co., New Orleans'. La. Y-M41S FC CASH for your real estate or business, no mutter where located; If you desire a quick tale send us description and price Northwestern Business AgeAry, D 312, Bk of Commerce bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Y 518 F2 FOR SALE. Mrst-clASS blacksmith and wagon shop, with or without building; write at once. Kucera Broa., Western, , Neb. , Y-M140 F17 WANTED Furniture stock In good coun try town; write fully. Address U 60, Bee. Y MS43 PARTNER wanted with 1.5"0 to buy half Interest In well-established hardware business la city. Address U 51, liee. Y-M642 WANTED Clean stock general mdse. from lio.ono to !20.rni. doing good busi ness, for fine improved, farm In Neb. Address V 63. Bee. Y M641 27 WANTED Implement stock In live country town. Address U 53. Beo. Y-M0 27 WANTED $1,000 to $2,500 drug stock In good country town; answer, with full particulars. Address U 64, Bee. Y-M639 27 WAVTED, to buy, HAND LAUNDRY, In city.; give particulars. U 48, Bee. Y-M644 FIRST-CLASS stock of millinery. Jewelry, furs, hair gooas. ladles' furnishings; going to retire; investigate. Mrs. Luke, 139 B. 12ln St., Lincoln, Neb. Y Mum 27 BOWLING alley, doing good business, for sale. Write P. Barrett, Norfolk, Neb., for ' terms. . Y-MtitSS) 27 JOHN J. RYAN CO-OPERATIVR BREED ING FARM AND BOOKMAKING EN TERPRISE. Five per cent weekly divi dends paid. Write or call on Mcclnfltn & Ward, agents, 406 Sapp block. Council Bluffs, la. Y-M716 F2 JOBBERS wanted to handle and sell our kiln-dry, rosln-dlpped bunch kindling wood; large stock on hand; our wood has been sold in Chicago stores for the past 16 years. Address the manufacturers, Greve, Hansen & Co., Inc., Clinton, la. T-M713 28 FOR SALE Do you want to buy a good laundry cheap? If so, address Blair Steam Laundry, Blair. Neb. Y 2i6 F-22 FOR EXCHANGE. PIANO wanted In exchange for good clear lot (except taxes). Address U 66, Bee. Z-M686 WANTED, typewriter, to be taken In part payment on piano. Addresa U 63, Bee. Z-M710 1 FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. HOMES ON . Small Salaries The Ladles' Home Journal is publishing a serie of articles telling how 10u homes have been paid for out of salaries of $5 to $20 per week. The demand for these papers Is greater than the news stands can suppiy. One does not have to go from home to And proof that'this can easily be done. There are in Benson alone halt a hundred Illus trations of this kind.: Same of them already have their homes clear; others are Just beginning. Take a car ride out ihere and talk to these home savera. If you can find a Blngle family that would go back to paying rent, then drop the matter If not, call on. us, or, i( It Is not convenient for you to go out, call and we will tell you how It is done. Paying monthly tent compared with paying monthly on a home is as far behind the times aa the old horse car la behind the electric motor.- BtNSEN & CARMICHAEL (342 PAXTON BLOCK. RE 688 26 HAVE A HOME OF YOUR Own. Make the rent pay for a Home. It goes now for rent receipts. Call or write us ana get our plan of selling homes on monthly payments. HOMES EE KER8" ASSOCIATION, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-i4"655 27 TEN. twenty or forty acres in fruits, one of the best fruit and garden farms In Iowa, adjoins city limits Council Bluffs. Address A, Beo, Council Bluffs. RE M17 F24 ALFALFA ALFALFA. Buy alfalfa land. It Is sure. to double ln value ln 8 years. Come In and let us tell you all about It and where to buy. HOMESEEKERS' ASSOCIATION, i-iret Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M658 27 HOU8E8 and lots In all parts of city; also sere property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 552. Bee Bldg. RE 438 RANCH and farm lands for &le by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner, Union Pa cific Headquarters, omah.i. Neb. HE 439 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. I have IIO.O00 to Invest in good paying rental property, either residence or ouni ness. Can be put out lu. one or more pieces. Address all offers of prcper-.y, with full description, to U ii. Hee fflce. I KE M3iH 28 2517 FRANKLIN ST., 7 rooms, large lot, paved st Price, $2,400. W. T. Graham, llrt bldg. RE-M4.'! 28 GOVERNMENT land, under Irrigation, in till regions along U. P R. R. In Wyoming. D. C. Patterson, Omaha. RE Mu48 F6 ,.,t 1 1 icnl C I W ILLlAIMoVJiN 1 CHARLES K.. 1203 arnam street. RE 437 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? It you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers ana stock ruisers about it. The best way to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Thta air ru tura wek!v uooa Ia ifirm j homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If . you nave a gooa piece o: land to sell at a easonable price you ouaht to find a buyer , ls small 2 cents pr word, ui. 1 U'UA; I li-1 M f t-M I I IPV InC 1 V tl I It I n yhN I UKI among loom. 1 ne cost ot an advertisement FARMER VlTlVIlA, 1M.D. RE-604 RANCH FOR SALE. l.SJO-acre ranch InPhelus county. Nebraska. five miles from Atlanta and twelve miles from Holdrege; au acres of line farm land; 600 aires of excellent valley hay land, balance grazing. All fenced and cross-fenced with three wires In four divisions, besides corral. Three good wens ana wiuunilils; has running water most ot the year; plenty of good shade. Improvements constat of frame house ana frame stable" for 20 head of horses, granary, corn crib, hog house, stock scales, gasoline engine, feed racks, tanks, 2oii-barrel capacity, cattle chutes, etc. Price, $18,000.00. FOR SALE BY COWGILL V FULLER, nuLontuc, i r-UKAatvA. RE-M 616-81 8-ROOM rotuge, corner lot, 27th Ave. and urant. $. l-room collage, full lot, barn. 2611 Corby $1,200. 4 lots, Andrew A Benson addition. $150 earh 4 lots. Myers, R. ar T. addition, $3ui each. mommy payments II desired. W. N. NAfioN, 446 Be Bldg. RE 434 FOR ILE-HKti, F.STATR. MODERN S-room house, also -room, fine locations, low prices. Inquire 1411 Vinton. UE-MSi F FOUR bouses, good repair, rent $H6. price $J,VJ0. V. 1'. Graham. Bee Hldg. RE-M 421 2S FOR SALE Bargain at $2f..00 per acre. In half section farm land with clay sub istdl, well Improved; eight miles from Newport. Rock muntv. Neb. Address P, Bee ofTlce. Council Bluffs. RE ) 20 WIRT ST., vacant lot, fine location, $9S0. W. T. Graham. Bee bldg. RE M4J2 23 COTTAGE and full lot near Slet and Mere dltlh Price, iiM. W, T. Graham. I'ee bldg. RE M 420 28 FARMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT, Improved farm 640 4S0 seres cultivated; $1.00 per acre., 625 New York Life. Omaha. MiS4 26 FARM FOR RENT. 70. acres, 6 miles northwest of Omaha, un improved. $3 per acre. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. MW Fl SHORTHAND AM) TYPEWRITING. GREGG S H., Touch T. W.. Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat. free. Out. Coin. Col., 17 & Doug. A. C. Van SANT'S school, 717 N. I. Life. 441 BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. 442 NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 443 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. ST1LLMAM & PRICE. 23 U. & N 1 Bk. Bldg. 468 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 4d MACFARLAND & MAY, New York Life Building. Room 304. 'Phone LioZ -823 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611H Farn. Tela. 1559-6S. EXPRESSMAN'S DeL Co. Tela. U 96-1144 47 EXPERT ACCOtNTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc. G. R. Rathbun, Room 16, Com IN at. bank 4M HARNESS. HARNESS made to order and repaired. Old harness taken In trade. 13th and Leaven worth. M447 F23 f RINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 608 8. 16th. 453 THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. 464 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. EGGS, 20C PER DOZ. T. & E. Batter ton, grocers, 324 N. 18th Bt 457 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced, reliable. 1613 Dodge, Arlington uiock, uroana, ixeD. uei. 3z&s. M3D5 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal I'lita are tne uest; safe; rename. 'lake no otner. Bend 4u, stamps, for particulars "Relief for Ladles'' In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR, Uth and Howard, cnmist. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty ox nre escapee, snutters, doors and saies. u. Anareen, f rop., iuz a. loth St. ACCORDION PLEATING. XJOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. 160 F OMAHA PLEATING CO.. W, E. Hatch, mgr., idiu xiowara Bt- ue. vsm. M767 F7 PATENTS. H. J COWGILL-No fees unless sucess. ful. 818 S. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 178. 448 SUES & CO B" Bld., Ol Onvaha, Neb. Ea tabllshed lf6. No lee It we fall. Hand cook free, 'i hiephone 1623 and A-2510. 4162 M10 PAWHOilOKGRI, rim p t Attn 1 1 . v. 1 . . ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 452 PLAIN SEWING AND DRESSMAKING MRS. M. CARR. 622 North Fifteenth street. VJu F-U FIR DRESSING. O R. GILBERT CO.. tanners. 1424 8. 13th. 449 CARPENTERS AND JOINEHS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repa.'rlng promptly eneiiuea to. J. I. UcUwtree, loth un I Lake streets. 870 FLORISTS. A NORRLANDER. 706 So. I6U1 St. TeL F-3.H9. Cut llowerj, bouquets, funeral de slar.s. M768 F7 WALL PAPER AND PAI Ell HANGING. C II.S, paints, varnlr.hes, window glass. T. J. sterner, ziii o. 20th St. Tel. A-2567. MT46 K8 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. r. xi. i-niiDin. loou f arnam. Phone 7M. -4 DEHXTIVK AGENCY. CAPT. THOS. CORMiCK, private detect ive. Dii Karnach uiock. Telephone A-2i32. 318 SCHOLARSHIP. BUSINESS oolletre scholarship for sale at a bargain In one of Omaha's leadlm; com mercial colleeea; life scholarship. Address 8 47. Ilee otllce. M7I6 CARPET ( LKANINGAND LAYING. A. K. JETT, 2015 Cuming st. -50 UPHOLSTERING. PETERSON & LUNDBURO. 115 8. 17th. Tel. L-2.Y-S. 791) TAXIDERMIST. J E. WALLACE, 60S 8. 13th St. M4CU GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA P LATINO CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. 464 TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay more Lambert, $25; superior to $100 mschir.es. Sent on atpruval. Monroe at vu, sit n.min DC. wiiiui.ia. 41j NBF.DLEWOHIt. EMBROIDERY at.d lace taught free. Mn. - Wi-scu, 1& Douglas. i.4 BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., Sll North l'b 4 ACTOMOlllLkS. ELBC. automobiles. Derlght. ftl Farnam. I'HOMlfJH APII9 A HI SI PPLIES. ALL MAKES tnlklng machines; send for catnlogi.e.. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago. Alti.i6 UARRAUE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools ana vaults, removes garbago and dead animals at reduced prices. till N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 451 liHAVKL ROOFING. BARR1CK Rooting Co., 1818 Cuming St. lei. v.ii. Mt,y LOST. LOST On east side Park car or between l'acltiu and Popplcton on 1'arke Ave., a black fur collar. Suitable reward for return of same to The Bee otllce. Lost 702 26 LOST, fox terrlor, about 6 months old; heavily marked with black. Return to 410 N. at. and suitable reward will be given. Lost Mi'll 29 LOST, a lady's gold pin, with diamond cen ter. Keturn to lr. Caileniler, lvw Cap itol ave., and receive liberal reward. Lost M. '06 S7 POIND. FOUND Bunch of keys. Call at Bee otllce. t ouiHi- ir.n MASSAGE. THREE FACIAL massages, $L 1711 Dodge. 764 F-S MISIC. THOB. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. t DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S Ladles Tailoring College, Suite 63-4-6-6, Douglas block, 10 Ln ana Dodge. C. D. Snyder, Mgr. Write for booklet. -MWI STOVE REPAIRING. NEBR. Ktove Repair Co.. 1003 Leav'nw'th, Tel. 2H4. RHUS J31 SIIOEMAKING. ROB. WIKLUND, union shoe shop. 17th and Doug. MAoO J31 GENERAL ROOFING. WwRK, ln any part of the country. Jones Booting Co., loll Burt Bt. lei. lvm. M173 BARRICK, Roofing Co., 1616 Cuming St. TeL 95L M479 LAIN DRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, ic; collars. 80, cutis, 40. 14 w ieavenwortn. Tel. A-I1&3. STAMMERING AND STt'TTERlNG. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 466 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 616, N. Y. Life Bldg. TeL 1664. 463 Dr. Grace Deegan, 613 McCagua Blk. Tel.2968 463 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. J L. SPITZBART. Tel. F-2606. 2523 Lake. M119 F13 COAL AND WOOD. HALD & RICB, 508 S. ICth St Tel. 1238. M115 F13 SIGN PA1MINU. 8CHROEDER Sign Works, 209 8. 17th. We also ship sign Write us. 376 June6 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. DOUBLE parlors. Call at 1616 Webster st. I M38 MASQUERADE COSTUMES. THEO. LIEBEN. 101S Farnam, costumes. ; ; M461 PATENT OFFICE DRAWINGS. PATENT DRAWINGS, application blanks, deeds, etc. Sues & Co., Bee Blag. Tele phone 1623. i3 M10' SHIRTS TO ORDER. OMAHA SHIRT FACTORY. 1916 Farnam. M370 F18 PLUMBING. FREE & WICKERSHAM, 602 8. 18th st. M47H F23 ELECTRICITY. GRAND ELECTRIC CO., 620 B. 16th at. Phone 2M6. Electrical supplies, wiring and repairs. 788 F7 POSTOFFICE NOTICH. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes t ay occur at any time.) Foreign HiU'Ji, lor ui8 weea ending Janu ary 81, 18, will close (PROMPTLY ln all cases) at .ne gcmFui posiuillce ss :oiluws: parcels post mails close one hour earlier than closing Line shown below. Parcels imul pikIii lor Gelmanv I'iumii At & 11 wn I Friday, per a. e. Patricia. Regular ana suppie-nentary malls close at foreign station Half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that supp.e tneniHry malls for jrope and Central America via Colon close one hour later at Ionian bUillon). Transatlantic Malls. TUESDAY At 8:30 a. m. for ITALY di rect, pei . . 01' ma unall must be di rected "per s. a. Slcilia"). WEDNESDAY At 1:30 a. m. for EUROPE. .i-. a. n. .-i,,., ia wueeuniuwn ; at a. m. ior r.L ii 11-c, per s. s. Frlet-land via Southampton tmtiil must bu directed "per s. s. Friesland") j at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS dlre-, per a. s. Rotter dam (man inuat iio directed per s. s. Rotterdam"). THURSDAY Ar 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, PORT UGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GIlEEl E BRI'lISH INDIA and LORENZO M A R- Ol t... per a. s. Lai Champagne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per . s. La Champagne"). FRIDAY At 6:30 p. m. for AZoKES IS LANDS, per s. s. v esterlund, from Boa- toll. SATURDAY' At 3:30 a. m. for IRELAND ner s. s. Ltrurla. via Q'leenstown (mall for other parts of Europe must be di rected "per s. s. Ltrurla ); at 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Kroohland, vbi Southampton; ut 7 11. m. for ITALY di rect, per s. s. Lalin unall must be dl- reeled "per s s. linn' ); at si::) a. m. f SCOTL.VND direct, jier s. a. Ethiopia 1 mall mu!-t be directed "per s. m. K'hl opla"); at 11 a m. for DENMARK direct, per . s. Norge tmall must be directed per 8. s. Noise"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes printed mutter, commercial papers and .-ainplts lot Germany only. The same clans of mall matter ior other parts of Europe will not be hent by this ship un less specially directed by It. After the l.ia.nij ot the supplementary transatlantic malls named above, addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the pi- is of the American, English, French and German -u.un.-i a. una remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for Montn S)d Central America. West ladles, Fe. TUESDAY At 9:30 a! m (supplementary 10 J) a. m ) for CENTRAL A. ME It If A (except Coma Rlca 1 and Si il'TH PACIFIC PORTS, per a s. AUIinca. via Colon (let ter mail for Guatemala must be directed "per f. s A lliar.i ,. " 1 ; ut 11 a - -n. for ' ARGli-NTlNE, URUGUAY aJat 1'AKA- POSTOFFICK NOTICE. OI'AY, r'' Merchant I'rlnce; at p. m. for OlAPAll'l'E, MAlt'l 1N1QI B HARMADOS and BRITISH. DUTCH an FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. TallMinnn st 6 30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s Ad mlral Dewry from Boston: at 11 ;3o p. M: for llAHAMAP, per steamer from Miami Kla. N EDNESDAT At H a. m. for NEW 1U N I 'LAND, per s. . Rosalind; at 11 3 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. a. Admlia Sampson, from Philadelphia. Till Ktil'AY -At S a. m. for t'l'llA, TUCA TAN CAMPECHE. TABASCO and fill Al'AS, per s s Vlgllancla tmall for othe purls of Mexico mut be directed "per s. S VlglluncU"); at 12 in. (supplementar; 1-' :' p. m) for BAHAMAS. tll'ANTAN A MO mill SANTIAGO, per s. . Orlsaba FRIDAY At P:3a. m. for HAITI, l r s. a FlHiiilrlH; at 10 m. for PEKNAMHUCO SANTOS and SAO PA I ' lA, per . e. East em Prince unall for other parts of Brasl must be directed "lT s. . Easteri l'rlnce"); at 12 in. for MEXICO, per a. a Semen, via, Tamplco (mall must be dl reeled "per S. B. Selicra '). SATURDAY At S a. m. for BERMUDA per s. s. Trlnldnd: at a. m. for PORTC RICO. CUHACOA and VENKXUEIA te Cfpt Vetiexurla parcels post malls', pel s. a. Ponce (mail for Snvanllla and 4'arta getin must be directed "per s. s. Ponce") at a. m. tstipplemeiilary 10: a. m., for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, CARTAGENA and GREY TOWN, per s. s. Valencia (mall for Costi Rlca must be directed "per s. s. Val encia"!; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. a Mexico, Ma Havana: at 11:3" p. m. fot BAHAMAS, per steamer from Miami, Fla Malls for Newtoundls.nl, by rail to Nortl Sydney, and thence by steamer, close ai tblii office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday, Wednesday an Saturday). Mails for Miquelon, by rail tl Lnston, and thence by steamer, close ai Clin office dally nt 30 p. in. Malls fot Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this otflct dally, except Thursday, at 6;30 a. m. (the connecting closes are made on Mon days, Wednesdays and Saturdays). Main for Mexico City, overland, unless spectallj addressed for dispatch by steamer, clost At this otllce dally except Sunday at 1:31 p. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. mil il:3o p. 111. Mails for Costa Rlca, Belize. Puerto Cortex and letter mall foi Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this oiflct dally, except Sunday, at l:i p. m. and '11. .10 p. 111., Sundays at "I u. m. .and 11:30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mon days nt ll:3o p. m. lor Belli- Puerto Cortex and letter mail for Guatemala, and Tuesdays at ll:3o p. in. for Costa Rlca). Registered mall closes at ( p. ra. pre vious day. Transpacific Mails. Malls fo, tho Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close hire dmly at 6:Su p. m. up to January :, inclusive, fur dispatch per L'. 8. transport. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New .salami, which goes via San Francisco) and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver and Victo la, li. C, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. after Jantary M and up to January 31, In i.Uhive, foi dlupatcft I'cr a. a. Mtowera. Mulls fc r Hawaii, China, lupan and Philip pine Islands, via Sun Francisco, close here daily at 6.30 p. m. up to January "31. In clusive, for dlxpatch per s. s. Hong Kong "Miiru. Malls for China and Japnn. via Tocoma. close here dully at 6:30 p. in. up to Janu ary 31, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Victoria. Mails for Hawaii, via Sun Francisco, close nere dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February 2, inclusive, for dispatch per a. . Alu m da. Malta for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Feb ruary 4 Inclusive, for dispatch per n. a. Shinuno Maru. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dnlly at 6:30 p m. up to February S, In clusive, for dispatch per s. a. China. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to February 11, ljicluLlve, for dispatch per a. s. Mariposa. Mulls for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Sun Francisco, closo here dully at 6:30 p. m. after January 31 and up to Febru ary 14, Inclusive, for dlspa'ch per s. s. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for Mew Zealand does not arrive in time to connect with this dispatch, extra mulls closing ut 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. ni.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. .vlll be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). Malls for China and Jaian, via Vancouver and Victoria B C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February 17, Inclusive, for dispatch per D. a. Empress of China. Merchandise for U. S. pontul agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada. Transpacific malls are forwarded o port of sailing daily and the schedule of clos ing ls arranged on the presumption ot theln uninterrupted overland .transit. Registered mall closes at i p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. V., Jan. 23, 1903. ESTATE OF PETER GLANDT Petitioners Vr Probate of tle Will Vain the Property at 0130,000. , . Petition for probale of the wl'l of Peter Glandt was filed in county court yester- dayand the will ls to be filed soon. The petition stales that the value of the realty ls $60,000 and of the personal property 8,70, 000, and those Interested in the estate are Mary Mangold, (laughter; Anna Stolley, daughter; Emma Glandt, daughter; William and Chris Glandt, sons; Paulina and Clara Williams, granddaughters, all of Douglaa county; Peter and John Olandt, sons, and Lena Matzen, daughter, Stanton county, and Harry Williams, grandson, ot Cedar Bluffs, Saunders county. That Aw foi Coldly and its terrible cough can soon be cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Try It. No cure, no pay. 60c, fl. For sale by Kuhn & Co. Yl. K. Thompson Is Surprised. When D. E. Thompson passed through Omaha Saturday evening on his way to Washington be received at the depot a number of boxes filled with roses. They were delivered by a messenger who did not stop to explain. Mr. Thompson wss rather surprised by the evidence of good will on the part of unknown admirers and more so when he saw the flowers, which had evi dently been prepared for a woman. Then he took a second look at the address and found that the roses were Intended aa a gift, to Mrs. Thompson, under the Impres sion that she was to accompany her hus band to Washington. Mrs. Thompson, how ever, remained ln Lincoln, to which place the roses were later oonslgned. Mortality Statistics. The following births were reported at the office of the Board of Health In the course of the forty-eight hours closing at noon Monday: Hlrths-O. F. Greenwood, 2622 Charles street, girl; Ncls J. Saline, Nineteenth and" Pierce treets. boy; Charles Swanberg, Thlrty-ieventh and Boulevard streets, boy; Frank Krunk. 2318 South Eighteenth street, boy; Isaiah Brader, 1614 Cass street, boy. THK REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday, January 26: Warranty Deeds. Jacob Mortensen and wife to Cora B. Trailer. n3 feet lot 1, block 10. Waterloo : $ 7D0 Martin vulck to F. G. Bogue, sene4 12-15-13 t Nora Woodruff et al to Mabel Ander sen, lot H6, Nelson's add 1,600 Margaret Green and husband to Al beit Koppenhaver. sVi lot 6. block 9, 8. E. Rogers' udJ t. 4,000 L. M. Bowers and wife to Jol'n Qreatn, lot 7, block 4. Bowers' add... 75 G. L. Boyle lo Otto Blemssen, lot L block 2, Washington Hill 1,125 Mary A. Daxon and husband to Bern bard Amlirsuii, lot 2, block 3, t'lar endi n add 4 N) Art bur Hale and wife to Florence B. Hiley, lot 3, block 711, Omaha 1 Elizabeth R- Williams and husband to G. A. Maguey, e4H feet lots 1 and 2. block B, hiilnn's add 1,650 Benson Iatnd Syndicate to Benson Mftlmiltxt Eplscopul church, lots 7 and 1H, block 2i. Benson 300 4to.lt Claim Deeds. H. II. Hcniiingcr and wife to Jacob Mortenson, lot 1, block lu. Waterloo 1 C. M. Mort'in et 11I lo Mary E. Mor ton, w'i of hk sw! nwvi and nw'i sw'i 2U-15-13 (except Ambler Place) 1,500 Nettle Harrington to Mary Harrlng ton. lot 9, block 1, McOavock & O K.'a add Deeds. Sheriff lo Elizabeth R. Williams. e49 . fet lots 1 and 2, block B. Sliliiu's add , 8,000 I.06J Total amount of transfer..