TJir. OMAHA PATTA' IIEK: TUESDAY, JANUAKY 27, 100.1. "S) HH fi p tiV tig KJ Val U rerr (6m tha remit tf sever wetting, which brines on a wild, trrliip ' brin-hiti, on I if nerlM-iwl It tcxnv-V V i'INX reai-hrs the lrni mi l nil r rove fntjrt. Hhea you gvt V .'' TT WOV UI IWl kHO ill 3W lulu VI vvuu Mmv . ... f 1 .w, .... . I ... r.. h leua UR. HULL 5 yUEiI ftYHU.J It bftii cursl roughs on 1 colds for fifty years. Ixs. in 1 pTecth e rem"ilY r m wnl pure Ton In Mrs, Imviila I'HtiT, t. 'urnrsril, Iiulinna, savs 'Ir. Bull's Cough Wyrupcanuot bo beaten fur coughs and lung troulilf." Thousands of suc'i let'em are rooelre.1 telling rf tho remnrkchl" run mvlc bv 1'r. Hull's 1'nuirh Hvrtip, which la Jd by all drui;guta. . io certs a large bottle. REFUSE SUDSTITUTE8. Torre b none juat as good as " Dr. Euil'g Couph Bynxp," wliii h lint cured fir f0 ypnn, Cl'ouji substitutes sold by iinrtiUu drtctrWH for i-roCtmdvdj not cure ami con Wn inmrlouiincrfvlniM. HEK THAT YOU GET TliB i-Af. K'AOK vrira tui; "BL'LL'ti head' o.v tuk trkd to amend the resolution by giving the rhlrf rlerk power to discharge au nnifloyo r,r ofnrrr.' Tho niti given bjr both men for th-!r prep-sIMc-uj was that Incompetent and tnaccurnte work Is b' lng done and that some steps should be Itikc-n to stop It. A rumbor of members here Joined In the (horn against the employes for bad work, but the Good and Orcpg motions weut to the table, It being thought that they atii,ed at depriving the speaker of his pre-oira-. tlves. Tb .speaker slated that he would tromptly let cut any man not competent. Thl:i question of employes studied lh flume v hlch was arising ovrr tho printing mat ter and t'jere were soiiie real Interesting doings about that time. Invent Ipnte the Contract. "A committee was appointed by this bouse some time ago to see that bills were printed In their regular order," put In Bur gcsB of Lancaster. "Now 1 want to know what that committee has done along this linn. I know one thing; It has not suc ceeded In having this order carried out. nilla ore not pointed In their regular order. And another thing the printers who snatched this contract sway from the house are not complying with that provision which enjoins upon them the duty of re turning' all bills within three days. To my certain knowledge many bills have been rnd are now being kept out five or six days. I want this thing corrected." This seemed to tickle all aroi'nd. Nel ton of Douglas then swung high to the left and landed his faithful sledge squarely on the anvil. "1 certainly want to add my protest to what baa been said about the Inaccuracies in printing," said the chairman of the Ju dicial committee. But Mr. Nelson found his chief source of complaint in tho poor proof reading that has been done. After Rouse of Hall bad delivered a short speech on the subject and Sweesy of Adams had put In a couple of healthy jabs, Sears of Hurt brought matters to a cli max by Introducing a resolution provid ing that the judiciary committee be In structed to investigate tho printing con tract and determine whether or not it is binding on the house. Mr. Sears, Uk'e many others, took the position that the house had been robbed of a right when outside parties made the contract for Its ow'n printing.' ' "That Is our printing, and I believe we are the ones to let this contract," said the tall sycamore from up the woods. "Out at -any rata, I want to be satisfied on this point. I wsnt this committee to determine the point. . I want to know . if this house can't tnajk, mora satisfactory rontract. I know one thing, that the print ing board and party of the second part did iiot make thia contract for our health. And I 'won't be entirely satisfied until my fund of information is Increased." The resolution was adopted. .' In connection' with this printing contro versy it may be of interest to state that had the opponents ef the Howell-GUbert water works bill not been on the alert the downfall of that tueasuro might have been accomplished, Before this. It contained a very serlbus defect when It was, as the Lowell bill, being acted on by the ' senati. Tha title and the body, of the measure vera at variance and as the- bill passed th nenate it was absolutely illegal, "That is why," said a friend of the bill itnd a member of the Douglas delegation, "we have taken steps to have the Gilbert Mil substituted for the Howell bill in the Uouse. - That bill was absolutely Illegal, as it was acted on in the senate. This was due to an error either In printing or proof, reading. It is true, but that would not have cut any figure had the .measure been then . attacked." - ' Legislative Motea. Kennedy of Douglas, the only democratic member from Omaha, made his first ap pearance 1q the; hoase this afternoon, hav ing beon detained because of illness.' Mr Kennedy was presented by Ten Eyck and sworn in by Speaker Mockett. The chief Justice Ind the associate justices were out of the city and the- lawyers of the bouse decreed that tho speaker had the right to perform this function. Rouse of Hall has introduced In th. bouse the bill providing for participator by Nebraska In the Louisiana Purchase ex position at St. Louis In 1H04. It maker provision for the appointment of a boarr of commissioners by the governor to look out for the state's interests and appropri ates $75,000. Omaha labor unions arc against the pas sago of H. R. m, Introduced by Reed of Nemaha, to modify the present exemption laws. Gus Hollo, a member of the Omaha .Central Labor union. Is here to fight the bill. This morning ho la quoted & &lug "The bill Is Intended solely to help the grocers' trust. It esonc'. be of service to the laboring man. Tho grocers claim thai the bill will do away with the losses In curred by giving credit to men who never psy snd thereby reduce prices, but thi clslm is too thin. Every grocer keeps a blue book In which Is the record of his customers. I! a customer has a reputation of falling to psy his debts be will be ro fused credit,, so you see the measure will be of no benefit In that direction. It will ( do away with tho protection which the ex Individuality of Design is a characteristic of ;Gorham Silver while sterling quality of -material and sincerity of workmaruhip are guar anteed by the Gorham trade-mark. The cot is always moderate. All responsible jewelers kesp it manna m t? U V lili i brines Jt J X A . i T . . V It's ft harm- a d.iv. X eruption law has given to the family of the laborer." SENATE COMMITTEES SLOW rraetlenlly Jio Bnslneaa Transacted . on Account of Failure to Report. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 26. (Special.) The sena tors evidently did not spend Sunday In committee meetings. Not a committee was ready to report this afternoon and conse- ouently very llttlj work was done. Senator O'Neill of Lancaster csllcd the attention of the senate to the slow prepress of the committees. After a talk by President Harrison on tho need of the eom-nlttees getting together, the senate adjourned until 2 o'clock tomorrow, the Intervening time to be devoted to committee meetings. The senate went Into a committee of the whole to discuss blfls on tho general file, with Meredith of Saunders In the chair. O'Neill's bill to prevent the employment of elevator conductors under 18 years of ago passed the committee of the whole after a lengthy discussion. Hall of Doug las moved to amend to make the age limit 14, but this amendment was lost. S. F. 34, a Joint resolution to memorallze congress to establish the status of the First Nebraska militia, passed the com mittee of the whole. " The committee of the whole was 'dis solved and Its report adopted by the senate. A recess of fifteen minutes was taken to get committees ready to report. Senate adjourned at 4 o'clock until 2 o'clock tomorrow. mils on First Reading:. S. F. 115, by Sheldon of Cass To amend section 1032b, chapter x,, title 80, Code of Civil Procedure, tenants to be responsible for reasonable dangers during pendency of action. S. F. lib, by Hastings, of Butler (by re i quest) To provide for abllihlns a pub- lie road to and from lands surrounded or pnui uui ircilll tt uuuu ruuu in en lam cases. HOUSE HAS LIVELY; SESSION Printing and Honae Employes Fur nish Topics f or D bate. . . (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 26. (Special.) The house, after a recess since Saturday noon, convened at 2 p. m. today the beginning of the fourth week of the twenty-eighth session. It immediately took up Governor Mickey's message on the Dietrich land- leasing bill as the' epeclal order. After the reading of the governor's mes sage the resolution submitted Saturday by McAllister of Deuel waa read and num ber of resolutions on the subject intro duced. But on motion of Sweesy of Ad ams, consideration of the entire subject was deferred until 10 a. m. Tuesday, be cause of the absence of ao many mem bera. A resolution by Jones of Otoe provided that the' house' flatly reject the request of Nebraksa's congressional; delegation that the legislature petition congress for tbo passage of the Dietrich bill, and that in stead the house recommended the defeat of the bill. The McAllister resolution, for which this one was offered as a substi tute, favored action In line with the rec ommendations of President Roosevelt and Governor Mickey. Junkln of Gosper offered a resolution condemning the practice of fencing graz ing lands as wrong and calling upon con gress for their immediate removal. Herron of Antelope introduced a resolu tion favoring the holding of public land for the purpose contemplated In the home, stead law, and providing tor an Increase to two sections to each homesteader of arid and aeml-arid lands. ' Shelly of Douglas was the author of a resolution providing for the recommenda tion by this legislature of the adoption of President Roosevelt's plan that a commis sion of experts be appointed to investi gate the condition of leasing and fencing grazing lands and aubmit Its report to congress. Ten Eyck of Douglas at this time an lbunced that Kennedy of Douglas was pres ent for the first time this session, having been detained by Illness and moved that iio be sworn in. The speaker named Ten Eyck, Sears of Burt and Good of Nemaha to wait ou a Justice of the supreme court to administer the oath, but all the justices being out of the city this function waa performed by Speaker Mockett. Prlntlnv Matter In. The committee on public printing here reported. In compliance with previous in structlons of the house, that the contract for printing bouse documents was let by Auditor Weston, Treasurer Stueffer and Secretary of State Marsh, as tho State Trlntlng Board, to the Stste Journal com pany at $1.34 a page for 500 copies, as com PRred with $1.18 last term, providing for the return of bills in their order and within three days after their delivery and a penalty of $25 for each breach of con tract. At this juncture general discussion arose over the house printing contract, which resulted in the adoption of a resolu tion by Sears of Burt that the house judi ciary committees be Instructed to examlno the contract let by the 8tate Printing Board to the State Journal company and report as to its legality and binding effect This discussion came up when Good of Nemaha submitted a resolution that all officers and employes of the hous be made amenable to the chief clerk, which resolu tion was sought to be amended by Gregg of Wayne, glvlug the chief clerk power to discharge any Incompetent employes or officer. Both members explained that the object of their motions was to correct cer tain, inaccuracies la the printing of bill and house journals. Wilson of Pawnee thought this would be encroaching on the Speaker's prerogative, and finally both amendment and resolution were tabled, having, however, induced step to accomplish the desired result. - During the period of discussion Speaker Mockett stated that be had appointed sev eral employes, uuknowa personally to him, on the earnest reroniniaadattoa of friends, and that it be became satisfied of the in competency of any employ and. had the power he would discharge him. It waa V-.V-(T XL V.V,M( 3 generally conceded the spesker possessed this power. H. R's from 110 to 119 Inclusive, by Gregg of Wayne, relating to schools, were recommended for pSKenge. H. R. 28. by Hathnrn of Red Wl ot, for the relief of Russell F. Loom Is, was also recommended to pass. H. R's. from 214 to 226 Inclusive were given their second reading. These bills wore read the third ilme and passed: S. F. Sr.. by Fries of Valley, substituted for II. U. 6, by Oregg of Wayne, at lst'ee's request, reducing from $100,000 to $10,000 the investment Of normal schools before they shall be authorized to Issue teachers' certificates. The houso adjourned at 4:10. Xrw IUIIh. 11. n. 227. hy Morsm in. Jr. To require sworn qualifying ptrtements by signers of ll.iuor dealers' bonds. II. H. 2-. by Douglas Maklns It a penal otT-ns-' to receive, rum en 1 r buy nnv Imrse. live stork, mule, row, sneer, bull, heifer or enlf, of any value, or any other perwonnl rropity of the vnlue of J "' or more, which lias been stolen in another s-ate or terri tory of the 1'nlteil States, knowing the Bame to have t ern stolen. H, R. hy IjukI:is Requiring fnloon to remain closed throughout any election Unv ' H.' TV' 230, by Douglas To nmrr.d section 1113 of the Crlmlnnl Code, relutlng to in juries to fencep, gHtes, etc. K. H. &il, by House To provide for the participation bv the state of Nebraska In the Louisiana Purehase exposition, for the appointment of s state board of rommls Bloners by the governor; to provide for a notification by the governor; to provide for the reimbursement of each member of suld bosrd, for hotel, traveling and Inrl dental expenses; to provide for a state ex hibit at said exposition; to define the duties of the board of commissioners In relation t.ereto; for the payment of salaries to em ploves ami for the appropriation of 175. Ouo. il. It. 2.1-', by Thompson (by request i To reduce number of secretaries of State Hoard of 1'harmscy from five to three, and their dally compensation from $o to $2, re quiring seven years' experience to secure certificate as registered pharmielst. Instead of three years, and reducing certlticate fees from $2 to $1. II. R. 233, by Hathorn To raise limit of prhoo! taxes In rltlcs from 25 to 30 mills. H. R. 2.15, by Hathorn Relating, to the otlng of school district bonds. H. H. 234, by Hathorn To Increase levy for dlxtrlct school purposes from 25 to 30 mills on tho dollar: emergency. IS LEASE BILL OR NOTHING (Continued from First Page.) made for the proper care of the stock in transit. The National Live Stock associa tion. In a recent convention, approved the pending bill and secured its favorable con sideration by tho houae. The humane so cieties of the country are uniting In op position to It. They have presented state ments from some of the largest shippers of live stock In the country in support of their assertions that cattle cannot be car ried for forty-eight hours on cars without serious Injury. The shippers of Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago are opposed to the measure and will add their protest to the objections made by the hu mane societies. The indications are that tho bill will be allowed to die In the senate. Gathering Irrlscntlon Statistics. The acceptance by congress of the prin ciple of fedoral aid In the construction of irrigation In the western states has given a great Impetus to every industry in that section of the country. The people of the eastern states are Just beginning to realize the opportunities offered In the territory to be opened up. Aa the proposition do velops a tide of immigration will inevitably set in and this region will become one of the most populous and prosperous in the country. With large areas cf reclalmable land and plenty of available water Ne braska especially will be benefited by the measure. The actual work of surveying, locating and constructing reservoirs and other Irri gation works will be done Ijy'the geolog ical survey. In order to obtain a 'better un derstanding of the present extent cf Irri gation, the location of the areas Irrigated and to gain other Information useful in this work, the Fifty-seventh congress au thorized the director of the census to bring down to date the irrigation statistics ob- i . . . . .. . .. T. . tained in 1900 by that office. Letters of inquiry and schedules are now being sent out to secure the necessary information. All Interested In irrigation should answer as fully and as promptly as possible any inquiries they may receive, so that the merits of the various sections of tbe coun try may become known. Irrigators who do not receive blanks within a reasonable time should notify the census office at Washington and they will be supplied. It is Interesting to note in this connec tion bow much it will mean to the coun try at large to have the arid lands of the west reclaimed. According to the census of 1900 the total Improved farm area of the United States was 414,800,000 acres. It Is conservatively estimated that the re claimable area is not less than 60,000,000 acres. Its reclamation, therefore, will add nearly one-eighth to the actual crop-pro ducing area of the country and will exceed by a liberal margin the tillable land of all the states, excepting New York, on the Atlantic coa3t from Maine to Florida. Al lowing forty acres, the average size of ir rigated farms, this area will make 1.250,000 farms, or a little less than one-fourth the number In the United States in 1900. The occupants of these farms will add directly to the population 8,250.000 and indirectly In the accompanying mercantile, professional, manufacturing and Industrial classes at least 3,125,000 more, a total Increase in the population of the United States of 9,375,000, or nearly 124 per cent. The figures of the last census show that tbo works required to Irrigate 7. 263. 273 acres cost $64,289,601, an average of $8.85 per acre. At this rate the expenditure re quired to reclaim the area proposed would be at least $450,000,000. After the govern ment has performed Its part there will bo no delay by the farmers 1 carrying on the work. While tbe initial expense Is enor mous, it Is not comparable with tbe value of tho crops which will be grown on the lands reclaimed. The total cost of all the Irrigation works in use in the country Is only three-fourths of the value of the crops produced each year on irrigated lands. Attorney Oeneral F. N. Prout of Ne braska is In Washington for the purpose cf arguing the Rock Island Injunction case before the supreme court. Upon motion of Senator Klttredgo, Ed win R. Wlnans of Sioux Falls, S. D., was today admitted to practice before the United Slates supreme court. nontlne of Departments. Chester E. Conner of Charlton. Daniel N. Clark of Albla, la., and Robert D. Gird ner'of Brltton, S. D., have been admitted to practice before the Interior department. Ray A. Blakley was today designated as a member of the rivll service board for the Esthervllle (la.) postofflce. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Frank J. Winter, Bailie Mills, Knox county, vice O. McBytrs. resigned; Bessie Cowdrey, Thompson, Jefferson county, vice 8. J. Wahl, removed. Iowa-rAlva A. Andrews, 6rwal, Wayne con?My. - ... The Congress Coost ruction company, of Chicago was today awarded tbe contract for the construction of the Norfolk (Neb.) postofflce at Its bid :of ?3.550. It Is to complete the work In slxteeu months. ' The Omaha National bank of Omaha was today approved as reserve sgefct for the First National bank of Arlington. Neb. Eeicut. No tin.. ! ray. Your druggist will refund jour money It PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure ringworm. tetter,- old ulcers and sores, pimples -and blackheads cn th face, and alt skia dis eases. (0 cenla, TELL TALES OF CIVIL WAR Nw York Confederate Camp Holds Annual Reunion, and Banqntt. . SOLDIERS PRAISE OPPOSING LEADERS Lee, Lincoln and Dnvls Held Ip na lllnh-.MIndedl Men Actuated by Idea They Believed to Re Itlaht. NEW YORK, Jan.' 2S The thirteenth annual banquet of the Confederate Veteran rump of New York, held tonight at tho Wcldorf-Astoria, was made memorable by eloquent eulogies of the great figures of the south and the north during the civil war by men who had fought In the arm ies opposing them.' Charles Francis Adams of Massachusetts, a soldier of tho uuion, responded to the toaBt of "Robert? B. Lee," and Colonel Henry Watterson, a toldier-of the Con federacy, paid a tribute to the character of Abraham Lincoln. The .third toaBt to Jefferson Davis Wis responded to'by Will iam Hepburn Russoll, formerly of Mis souri, and now commissioner of accounts of New York city. L'pward of 500 comrades of the camp and their guests were present, ant the pres enco of many Women lent, brilliancy to the banquet. Commander Henry E. Owen presided, with Mayor Low at his right and Colonel Watterson at his left.. Others at the guest tuble were: , Ororge 11. Taylor, commander at Ham ilton uost; J. ndward Oraybill, president Georgia society; Oeneral A. S. Karnes, commander Lafayette post; Colonel Sam uel D. Paul, lieutenant commander C. V. of New York; August Van Wyck. president Southern society; Roger A. Pryor, .regent Virginia society; D. L. Snodgrass, former chief Jusllro of Tennessee; .lames It. Park er, past Commander C. V. of New York; Oeneral Thomas l. Ilubhard of New Eng land sorlety. Walter fl. Ixigsn. regent Em pire Slate Sorlety Sons of American Rev olution; Rev. Ororge 8. Haker, chaplain O. V. of New York, and Rev. Nevltt Steele, president of Maryland society. The opening toast to "The President and the Army and Navy of the United States a Prince Among the Rulers of tho World and but the Servant of a Free People" was drunk standing, amid great ap plause, the orchestra rendering "Hall, Co lumbia." This was followed by the toast to Geiieral 'Lee, "Nature Made Him and Then Broke tho Mould." Lee Uentleiuau In War, In responding Mr Adams said: Reckless of llf to attain the legitimate ends of war Lee sought to mitigate its hor rors. Opposed to him at Oettysourg, I here, forty years later, do him Juutire. No more creditable order everr Issued from a com manding general than that formulated by Robert K. Lee ue, at the close of June, he advanced on a war of invasion. "No greater disgrace," he then declared, "can befall the army, and through it the whole people, than the perpetration of bar barous outiages upon the innocent and de fenseless. Such proceedings not only dis grace the perpetrators and all connected with them, but are subversive of the dis cipline and efficiency of the army and de structive of the ends of our movement. It must be remembered that we make war only on armed men." Lee did not, like 'J'illy and Metac, . exhort hla followers to kill and burn, to make war hell. He did not proclaim that he wanted no prisoners. He Old not enjoin It upon his soldiers as a duty to cause the peojwe of Pennsylvania to remember they lad been there. J thank neaven he at least was still an American and not a Tilly nor a Melac. While war at -beet fs bad. yet lta neces sary and unavoidable badnees.wns not in that campaign enhanced. In scope and spirit Lee's order' was observed, and I doubt if a hostile-force ever advanced in an enemy's country or fell back from It In retreat, leaving behind it less cause of hate and blttefnttHt 4han'dld the army of North ern Virginia in .hat memorable campaign which culminated at Gettysburg. Because he was a soldier Lee did not feel it Incum bent upon him to Aroclalm himself a brute or to exhort his (oTlo.wers to brutality. . . , One word more and I have done. Some six months ago. In a certain academic ad dress at Chicago, is callod to mind the faet that a statue, -of ..Oliver jL'romwell now stood in the yard V'if Parliament house in i jjoiiuou, uiiHe iu torn iiimuiiu jtaii ui v tini. P11" 'rora the root of wmcn nis eevereo head had once looked down. Calling to mind the strange'ehanges of feeling evinced by the memory or that grinning skull the presence of that image of bronze--re-meraberlng that Cromwell, once traitor and regicide, stood now conspicuous among England's worthiest 'and most honored! asked, Why should It not also in time be ra with Lee? Whv uhould not bis efT.srv. erect on his charger and wearing the in signia of his confederate rank, gaze from his pedestal across the Potomac at the Vlr- Slnla shore, and his once dearly loved ome at Arlington? He, too, fs one of the precious possessions of what Is an essential factor in the nation that now is and is to My suggestion was met with an answer to which l would now make reply. It was objected that such a memorial was to be provided for from the na'.lonal treasury, and that Lee, educated at West Point, holding for yeara the commission of the United States, had borne arms against the nation. The rest I will nof here repeat. The thing was pronounced Impossible. - Now, let me here explain myself. I never supposed lost Robert K. Lee's statue in Washington would be provided for by an appropriation from the national treasury. 1 did not wish It; I do not think it fitting. Indeed, I do not rate high statues erected by act of congress, and paid for by public money. They have small significance. Ieast of all would I suggest such a one in the case of I-ee. Nor was It so with Crom well. His ef!ly is a private gift, placed where it is by act of Parliament. So, when the time la ripe, should It be with Lee, and the time will come. This was succeeded by the rendering of the "Bonnie Blue Flag" and songs .of ante helium days' by Mrs. Holllngsworth Wat kins, formerly of Louisiana. Lincoln's t-ove for Sooth. In responding to tbe toast to Abraham Lincoln. "He Was Not for an Age, but for All Time," Colonel Henry Watterson said: Jefferson Davis, than whom there never lived, in this or In any land, a nobler gentlemun and a knlgntller soldier, de clured that next after the surrender at Ao pumattox, the murder of Abraham Lincoln niaue tne darkest day In tne cultndur for the soutn and ihe people or the south. vnyT necause air. iavis nan come to a knowledge of the mugnaiilmlty of Mr. Lin coin s heart and thu generosity of his lu tentlons. if Lincoln had 11 vd there would have been no era of reconstruction, with its re pressive agencies and ouuresaive leulsla tlon. There would have brn wanting to the extremism of the time the cue of his taking off to spur the eteens of vengeance, for Lincoln entertained, with respect lo the rehabilitation of the union, the single wish that the southern states "should come back borne und behave themselves, and If he had lived he would have made this wish effectual, as ho made everything effectual to which ne seriously addressed himself, His was tbe genius of common sense, of perfect intellectual aplomb. lf sprang from a southern pedigree and was born in tne souin. ii Knew an aDout the Couth, its institutions, its traditions and its peculiarities. From first to bust throughout the angry debates preceding the war, amid all the passion of the war Itself, not one vlndic. live, proscrlptlve word fell from his tongue or pen, whilst during lta progress there waa scarcely a day when he did not pro ject his great personality between some southern roan or woman and danger. Vet the south dor not know, except as a kind of hearaay, that this big-brained, blg-souled man was a friend, a friend at court, whm friends wers most In neea, having the will and the power to rescue It from the wolvea of brutality and rapine whom the history ot all wars tella us the lust of victory, the small of battle, lures from their hiding to prey upon the helpless, the dying and the dead. But, perusing the arter-story of those dread duvs. Mr. Davis knew this and died doing full justice to the character of 4Yii attain uiui-uin. The yeure tre gliding swiftly by. Only a llttla while and there shall be no man living who saw service on either side of mat great struggle ot syfciems ana meas. its paaaluns long ago vanished from manly bosoms. That has come to pass within a tdiicla atineratlon in America which in Kurope required ages to accomplish. There 14 no disputing the verdict of events. Let Ha relate them truly ftnA mtemret them fairly. When ihosr are gone that fouaht the battle and posterity comes to strike the final balanr aheet. it will be shown that the makers of the const'tutlnn left the , relation of lut states W the federal guv era- ment and of the federal government fo the states open to a double construction. It will be told how tb mistaken notion flint slnve labor w:is requisite to the profit able cultlvutlon of sugar, rice and cotton raised h p(r'noint property interest In the southern section of the union, whilst In thfc northern section, responding to the trend of modern thought suci tho outer 'movement of mankind, there arose a great moral sentiment aunlnst elavery. The con flict thus established, gradually but surely sections lizlng party lines, whs as Inevitable as It whs Irrepressible. It was fought out to the bitter and logical conclusion at Ap pomattox. It found u n huddle of petty sovereignties, held together by a rope of sand. It made and It left us a nation. Dull Dies a Martyr. Mr. Russell, In replying to the toast of Jefferson lav!s, said: Abraham Uncoln and Jefferson Davis were both sons of Kentucky. The rojrage, the slnrerlty, the honesty of purpose that seem the heritage of all true Kcntuoklans were their in fullest measure. In their nucestry. their edurntion, their surround ings they typify opposing forces and ir reconcilable political Ideas. lo trie one the lx-ciarntion or lnuepeno mennt that "all men are created equal." and therefore free. That was the u tnlnant and compelling motive in tne nubile, life of Abraham Lincoln. To the other the same declaration meant that cer tain colonies. owlnK separately allegiance to Oreot Prltttln. had declared that they "are and of rlKht ought to be free and In dependent stales," nnd therefore that the tares forming the federal constitution were free and Independent. The dominant political Idea of Jefferson Davln was not the Individual man and his personal rights, but the Individual state ns the bulwark of conservative government and exlstlnr; Institutions. In brief, the rontrast between Lincoln and Davis Is that tlir one believed in the inalienable rlirhts of man. the other In the Inalienable rights of state sovereignty. Hoth were jlnrere. both honest and both In lrgo mensure rlitlit. Jefferson Davis was as morn a prodict of his environment as Abraham Lincoln, and he, as i.,uch ps Lincoln, died a martyr to the principles In which he believed. Abraham I.Incoin gave bis life for the union nnd the freedom of man. Jefferson Davis died politically, and his heart died then, when Orant. refused his sword at Aotiomattox. The name of Jefferson Davis Is. linked lndlssolubly with the confederate states, lie made a government where none ex isted. He overcame difllcultles of colossal magnitude. His genius dominated a great war for years. The defeat of the southern confederacy was his defeat. Its full was his fall. Its obsequies Ills obsequies. The final toast of the evening was to "The SUvnt Brigade," all rising and a bugler sounding "taps." TAX LEVY FOR THE SCHOOLS (Continued from First Page.) quoted from the reports by Mr. lloman, Mr. Funkhouser reminded the board that there was $110,000 in the bond redemption fund thst had gone into that fund from the appropriations of recent years and that the sinking fund had been brought up to date. He quoted other figures to show why ap propriations had been larger since 1897 than in that year and where the money had gone. By a vote of 10 to 2 the board adopted a report from the committee on high school recommending that tho superintend ent and the chairman of the committee on high school be authorized to secure a regular army officer to act as commandant of cadets at the high school, provided a satlsfaotory assignment of a suitable of ficer, regularly trained at ,West Point, can be secured at an expense not to exceed the sum now paid for that service. On recommendation of tbe same commit tee, Mr. Pearson, now teacher of manual training in the Beatrice High school, was elected assistant teacher of manual train ing and mechanical drawing at the high school for the remainder of the year at a salary of$30 per month. , CONGRESS EXCEEDS POWERS Gives Hitchcock Right to Make. Crim inal Laws Governing; Sheep -. ;..-i'.''.i.'. ; fterflinsr. ' ''- ' ' ' SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 26 Tbe United States .district court today sustained tho demurrer of Frank Martinus, charged 1th running a band of 2,000 sheep on the Fish Lake forest reserve in violation of lUler formulated by th secretary of ' the In terior. The Judge held that congress bad ex ceeded its legislative power in empowering tbe secretary of tbe Interior to make rules, the violation of which would be a criminal act, and held that the law was unconsti tutional. The decision Is regarded as of th? great est importance to Utah sheepmen nnd a number of pending cases will be ih.-own out of court. TAMMANY MUST SEAT DEVERY Supreme Conrt Issues Peremptory Order Favoring Kx-Pollce Chief. NEW YORK, Jan. .26. Justice Deven- trltt, in the supreme- court, today granted a peremptory writ of mandamus to Peter Garvey, Devery'a former lieutenant in the Ninth assembly district, ordering the general committee of Tammany ball to recognize him as a member and also to recognize as a member of tbe executive committee of Tammany hall, the person duly chosen by Garvey and his fellow mem bers. At a meeting of the Tammany gen eral committee a few days ago a resolution was adopted denying recognition to Garvey. Tha effect of the decision Is to secure Devery a seat In tbe executive committee of Tammany ball. FLOOD DANGER IS PASSED Orroton Trains Ran W lien streams Again Seek Shelter of Their Banks. PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 26 Reports from the upper Wllllamette valley show that the river. Is falling and all danger from floods has passed. At Albany the river reached blrty-one feet this morning and was still rising slowly, but the rain has ceased and the floods are expected to begin falling today, The first through train to arriv.? over the Southern racific since Saturday reached here this afiernoon. The roct is reported clear and all delayed tralna will arrive tonight. In the Rogue river valley there was a heavy fall ot snow last night and fthia morning. FATHER SHOT BY HIS SON Young; Ma the Whila ENID, O. T., Jan. 2. Frederick Walker aged 20 years, shot and killed bis father, Smith Walker, a farmer and politician while the bitter was at dinner at his home near Jefferson. Young Walker became Infuriated because bla father chastised him. The dead man waa 45 years of age. ; WINNIE GREEN GOES FREE Illinois Jadae Refuse to lead Col orado Suspect Back for -Trial. BLOOMINGTON, 111., Jan. 26. Judge Moffatt today discharged MUa Wlnnls Green, whose extrsdltlon on a charge of larceny of diamonds was aought by Jewelry firm in Denver. Murders Parent Latter Is at HI Dlaner. SEEK TO RESTRAIN COURTS Miners Claim Injunction Law Needs Ian. . diate Radical Amendment JUDGES CANCCL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS Warn- Workmen Off Own Property and Imply 't lint Capital Has Pro prietory Inteweat la Those. Who W ork-tor Wastes. INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 26 At today's ses sion of the Mine Wofkers' convention the special committee on tbe defense fund rec ommended the collection of 'a large sum. It did not deem It advisable at this time, however, to eetabllsb a national defense fund, but, owing to tbe unorganized condi tion of the 'Vnlnrs lh many districts. It was thought' best' to continue the 10 cents per month assessment for another year. It advocated ' that each district accumulate and maintain a fund until it becomes suffi ciently large to meet any crisis. Many dis tricts already maintain such funds and It Is believed that If It la necetssry for the national' organization' to have funds It can draw on the districts. I rate Kew Injunction Lave. The report of tbe special committee on injunctions went fully Into details, the committee giving the history of the opera tion of tbe injunction law ami, alter snow lng tho grest abuses to which It has con tribuled. recommended that Mr. Mitchell appoint a committee of two to go to Wash tngton and use its influence to secure the passage of the antl-lnjunctlon bill now , pending In the senate, the committee also to be instructed to get the record of every senator1 and representative on the bill. The report ssys: Injunctions In labor disputes are usually ? ranted against violent or unlawful arls. or which the statute or common law pro vides ample remedy, and are a clear vio lation of the right of trial by Jury. They go far beyond the point of protecting the property of the plaintiff and deny to mem bers of the trade unions restrained their constitutional rights of public assemblage. They prevent us from going on our own property to hold meetings because It may happen to be near to 'or within sight of the property- of our employers, although It would be difficult to Imagine how it would be possible for us to own any property that Is not adjacent to some other property. They deny to us the right to talk to our fellow citizens and endeavor to persuade them to ceae working for the plaintiff, and Injunctions embodying these orders are granted because It is alleged that If meetings are held and employes are lnduo?d to cease work, tbe property of the em ployer will be Injured beyond any legal means of redress. That their property Is entitled to the same protection ns that of other citizens receives cannot be denied, but when an In junction ie Issued restraining the members of a union from In any manner Interfering with an employe It carries with it the as sumption, on the part of the court, that the emplover socking the order has a prop erty Interest In his employes, an assump tion absolutely contrary to the letter of our constitution and the spirit of our laws. The trade unionists of the country r.evor have, and do not now ak. Immunity from tne requirements of the law. We ore now and ever have been defenders of law and order. We ask no special privileges at the hands of the government. We seek only to secure for ourselves the same rights tnat are accorded to other citizens of our land. Keens More to Make Strike. The report of the ' committee pn consti tution suggested many changes, the most important of which ..was a change in the voting representation of the district! so far- as tho power to Inaugurate a general suspension of work waa concerned. Here tofore every district baa had one vote In such matters, irrespective of Its size, and two-fifths of the d&trlcts could vote to suspend work in all parts. Under tbo amendment adopted there will be one vote for every two hundred members of the district. Under. the new order It will re quire about three-foufths of the' districts to order a general strike. During consideration of the report of the committee on Initiation fees, Mr. Mitchell said: .... . Von have marie provision for the mem bers of boys between the ages of 14 and 16. It seems to me that you ought to make some provision for boyg under 14 who work In our mines, r or my pari., i uo uui w Ueve fney should be allowed to wora at an. Following this -suggestion, Delegate Ray Hudson offered an amendment that boys under the age bf 14 years1 old be charged a $25- Initiation "fee; In order to make It prohibitive. The entire matter was finally referred ' to the different districts. A recommendation that check welghmen employed by miners must be members ot the United Mine Workers for three months and must be elected by the organization. and that no person shall bave a vote un less he assists in -maintaining tbe welgh men was adopted. ' Delegates Get Mlleaa-e. A bill for 110,980.40 was reported by tbe committee on transportation to cover the railroad expenses ef the 746 delegates. A delegate from Montana, who drew $86.75, led all of the delegates. The tellers on tho'receat rljctlon of na tional officers by the recently taken ref erendum, then reported. John Mitchell, who had no opposition for resi dent, received 56,032 votes, and W. B. Wil son, who bad no opposition for secretary treasurer, received 66,125 votes. Vice President T. L. Lewis of Ohio was re-elected over T. V. Nichols of Pennsyl vania by a vote of 29,03$ to 17,249. Tbe election for delegates to tbe Amer ican Federation of Labor resulted In the selection of President Mitchell, Secretary Wilson, Vice President Lewis, W. D. Ryan of IlllonjB, John Fahy of Pennsylvania, W. H. Hoskins of Ohio and John Dempsey of Pennsylvania. Michael McTaggart, John Mossap and Patrick N. Fitzaimmons are the new audit ors,, and Joseph Pope, Reese Bennett and John C. Hesoan alternates. CHILD FLOGGED TO DEATH Wealthy Kansas Farmer and His Wife Faea Charsje ( Fatal Cruelty. SMITH CENTER, Kan., Jan. 26. Albert Jordan and bis wife of Crystal Plains are In Jail here, charged by a coroner's Jury with whipping to death Harry Kippers, 4 years old. The boy, with an alder brother and sis ter, were entrusted to the care of tbe Jor- We a h. Hearts Are due to indigestion. Ninety-nine of every one hundred people who have heart trouble can remember when it was aUnple Indiges tion. It is a scientific fact that all cases of biart disease, not organic, are not only traseabla to. but are the direct result of indi gestion. All food taken Into the stomach which fails of perfect 'digestion ferments and swells tha stomach,- pulling it op against the heart. This interferes with the action of the heart, and in the course of lime that delicate bur Hdtal '8rgn becomes diseased. Mr. D. HUubl. ot' Nfc. O.. serf: I had stomach trouble and was ni tel aiat as I had heart trouble nth it. I loos Kodol Drspepu Cur fot; about four month and It oured m. ; Ko4ol W3eU What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. Botties only. $ 1 .00 Sir hokfmg 3tt Ome th trial sua. which Mils for 60c. Praoarod by . O. O.WITT St CO., OHIOAOO. flan's a year ago by their gnarrtlan. Mr. Jordan f a reputable, wealthy farmer. VARYING FREIGHT COMES HIGH Pennsylvania Itallrnad Prtttea Pli. crimination rs for seventy Five Thoaaand. HOLLIDAYSRURO, Pa.. Jan. 26 The suit of E. W. Mentzer against the Pennsylvania Rallraad Company to recover $sco.OOO dam ages for alleged discriminations in freight rates was settled today. The company Is tq pay $15,000. HELP for the HOUSEWIFE COMPANY EXTRACT OF BEEF. The national drink of the United States la acknowledged to be lifer, ond of all the beers brewed there Is none that can excel Blue Rib bon Beer made In Omaha. Its superiority lies In its purity, its flavor, its strength and itn all 'round excellence. Blue Rib bon Beer Is the beer you want to jrder for your home. Brewing Co. OMAHA. T leph on 126 O A skin of beauty is a joy forever. iR. T. FELIX GOl'RAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM. OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER Remove Tn. Plmplri, KrscklM, Moth Patches. Rash and SklD Ills? na every blemlih oo beauty, and defies deteotlon. baa atood the teat of nrtr-ST yeara, and la ao hamileas we lasts It to be sure It la properly snade. Acoept no counterfeit of simi lar name. Dr. L. I A. Bayr said to s ladr of the . haut- 'tdn ta patient): - "Aa rou ' ladle will ue them. I r coram) 'OOtKATJD'S CREAM" aa th leaat harmful of all the akla pseparatlnn." ror aala br all drusslata snd fancy (ooda dealers In th United . Bute and Kurope. FERD. T. HOPKISS, Prop. 17 Great Jon St.. N. T. HAND . SAPOLIO Is especially valuabls during the summer ceason, when outdoor occu pations and sports are most in order. GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS and CALLOUS SPOTS yield to it, and it is particularly agreeable when used in the bath after violent exercise. ALL 1ROCERS AND DRUQQ1STS rfe Imperial Hair Regenerator rfr J Tha KAAmrA H.! iTnlnrlno' The Standard Hair Colorlnaf for Oray or Bleached Hair, is clous, durable and perfectly hartnlM It air Yiy&S 4 Coloring. Anf naturml ahade. Leavine VpY'XA haJr WutlhiL clean snd slowy. ONE krZrA application lahtX months. zJS Sample of bair colored frae, ; Privacy aaaurad. Bend lor Pamphlet.. Imperial Chemical Co.. 135 W. 23d St., N. T. Boia by Sherman a McUunneli Drug Co, Umaba. Net. . AMlStSMKIVTS. BOYD'S, Woodward & Burgess. Managers. TOXIOHT OSLY. , . The Hilariously Funny "Fares, HAPPY HOOLIGAN With .ROSS SHOW aa HOOLIGAN. Prices 2Sc, 60c, 75c. WED. MATINKR AND NIOHT. Sullivan, Mack and Mjisln Trumbull In 'T1IK IRISH I'.iWMJIIOKKH." Bilces: Mat 26c, 50a Night 25c, Wc, 75c. Special Thttra. Mat. aad Klrtit ( KITE rUITOt In ''THH TWO ORPHANS. ' " " ' JTires Matinee, 25c, 50c. Night, 250, 50c, loc, $1.00. Friday, Saturday Mat. anil Night. "TIIK FATAL WKIIUIMi." Prices Matinee. 25c, 50c. Night, 25c, 50c, He. Crelghton-Orpheura Telephone 1531 Ma 1 1 net Thurs., But., Sun,, 2:b Every Night :15. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Cole and Johnson, Cllvette, Columbian Trio, Jaa. II. Cullen, Purcell and Maytiard. tiorothy Waltura and tha Kinodroma. l'licea luc, 25c, 50c. ' UOTGLI. The HILURDlww- - Miw "''"'"omani, a leading iiotal I'KI ItL rKA TtllU, " LUNCHEON. FIFTY CENTS. 12 0 to 2 p. m. SUNDAY, 5.30 p. in. DINNER, 75s 1 dteadlly Increasing business has necessi tated au enlargement of this cat, doubling Its former capaiaty. HOT SPR1NOS. ARKANSAS.' 55 PARK HOTEL Si Finest Calea Wast ct New York. . . taO.OuO In Recent Improvements, Open Jan. rd to May ltta. Lr.der New Management. . " J. K. Uayes. C A. Brant. Lessaaa. TDE11DM ,lJl Pintxux V Jyi n' i r, t .' i . 1 si iUiyLir& M' St.. S1 VJ It d