10 THE OIAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JANTTATIY 27. 1003. CITY PRIMARIES IX APRIL Both RermUioan and Darnocratie Ctnnit tesi Expected to Mike Change. THEY WANT TO AVOID LONG CAMPAIGN CHnlrmaa Herrlnsr of Republican Committer Ftrora April 10 for Primaries and the Following Day for the Convent lo. It Is the expectation of Carl Hytrin, chairman of the republican city com rat tea, that the republican city primaries w1:l be held April 10 and the convention April 11. A democrat states that probably 'he prl marlea and convention of that party will be held "early In April." The rerent legislative enactment rharg Ing the date of the election from March o May IS, which Governor Mickey la expected to approve, made advisable the change In the proa-ram of he two city committed. The republicans were to brve had their primaries February 13 and their convention February 14. Befora fixing a new date It will be necessary either to rescind the. old resolution or move to re consider It. This, however, will not uecs sJtate any special meeting, Chairman Her , ring states, but can be attended to at an 'adjourned meeting of the committee, which !was dated for February 3 some time ngo. "We could have our primaries April 17 i and our convention April 18, and still keep I within the statutory requirements In the f matter of giving notice and making filings," Staid he, "but those dates. It seems to me, would be making a too short campaign. t Hence, I suggest April 10 and 11, the : preference seeming always to be that such 1 affairs be on Fridays and Saturdays." Chairman Gilbert Is Away. The democrats are temporarily "In the . air." Chairman Gilbert of their city com ' mtttee has been at Hot Springs, S. D., since last Friday trying to convince a Jury ' that he has the right on his side in a cer ' tain law suit. When he left It was too early to call the committee together and ' he will not be at home until Wednesday i morning, so there Is nothing for other members to do but wait. A Howell fol lower who Is on the committee said that Gilbert and the others of the committee had had no conference before the latter's departure and that no communications have since passed between them, but that he believes the chairman will round them in as soon as he gets back and have a new pair of dates decided upon, uch dates probably to be early In April. . MORE SPEED ANdTeSS COST What Connly CommlHliiiim noire t In the Collection of Delin quent Taxes. County Commissioner A. C. Harte, as Douglas county's representative on the legislative committee of the State Associa tion of Commissioners and Supervisors, went to Lincoln yesterday to meet with Other members of this committee and see if something cannot bo done toward securing the Insertion in a legislative bill of a pro vision which will have the effect of rrrklng less expensive and more speedy a county's Collection of delinquent taxs. "It now requires about five years t;? s county to get possession of and sell for taxes property on which the taxes lite ac cumulated, and foreclosure proceedings are so expensive that sometimes they cost all the lot Is worth. Our plan Is to havs a law making taxes delinquent six months after due and enabling the county to vike the property by order of court ono year after date of delinquency, selling to 'he tightest bidder. This would mean a reduc tion In the cost of the process to about 1, because the order of the court would serve as a deod to the county unci the only cost would be that of recording." The Celebrated 1W Vintage is represented In this market by O. H. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, to whose magnificent quality and natural dryness is due its unique position, manifested by 125, 719 cases Imported In 1!02, being 407,304 bottles more than any other brand. NEW CASES AGAINST WOODMEN Miss A vara Frlssell Appears Aaraln ' as IMalntfft In I'nlted States Court. Miss Agnes Frlxzcll and Miss Mary C. Frlzzcll of Fort Smith, Ark., have lnstl tuted suits in the United States court against the Woodmen of the World, John C. Root and a number of other officers of the order for damages for the publication of an alleged libelous article tn tbe Sov ereign VlBltor, the newspaper of tbe so ciety. These suits are tho outgrowth of a suit brought by Agnes Frlzzcll a year ago. In which she secured Judgment against cer tain of the defendants in the present suit. Prior to the trial of the first case against the order Mies Friizell was 1 injured by falling from a street car and brought suit against the Omaha Street Railway com pany and it was In mentioning this suit that tbe article upon which the present actions are based was published. 1 Vow and acsin there is an item in tbe newspapers concerning the birth of a! "ynny baby so small that a quart cup nobis it comfortably. If the article tola i all the facts it would probably tell also ) of a mother who in weukness and misery i bad looked forward to the baby's advent With shrinking and fear. I i To have fine, healthy children tho' mother must be healthy, and it is the 1 common testimony of mothers that the use of Dr. Pierce's f 'f! Favorite Prescrip- ij tion not only pro- jtlTk motes the mother's - C?--i"Sv health but also eivea her strength to give her child. "Favorite Pre scription " accom plishes these results ay tranquilizing the nerves, promoting a healthy appetite, and jrivintr refresh ing sleep. It increases physical vigor and gives great muscular elasticity, so that the baby's advent is practically painless. It is tbe best of tonics tor nursing mothers. "I glndly recommend Pr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription." wntn Mrs. J. W. G. Stephens, ol Mil. Northumberland County. Vs. Urfore my third little boy was born 1 took six buttles. Hr is the finest child and has brru from birth and 1 suffered very much less than 1 ever did before. 1 unhesitatingly advise sspevtaut mothers to use the Favorite frcscnptiua.' The dealer who offers a substitute for "Vavonte Prescription" does so to gain the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. Dr. rierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing iooS pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing onty. Send 31 one-cent Kamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the book in paper covers. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. AHiiarl Babg.: WOMAN IN CLUB ANO CHARITY Copies of the first biennial report of tho Nebreeka Tubllc Library commission ar being distributed by the library committee of the Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs to all of the club presidents of the Btato Federation, together with a circular from the committee, which says In part: The Nebraska Federation' of Women's Clubs, through its committee on library ex tension, would call your attention to the excellent showing rnaile In this report. Hlnce the law creating the commission was lnrgely due to the effective work of the clubwomen of our state we naturnllv feel a pride In the work accomplished during the lust two years The report proves most conclusively that H.tKio has done very well for tha seventeen months of active work on the present basis of expenditure. If the work Is strengthened and enlarged there must be an Increased appropriation of JX.oiiij to carry on the work for the two yenrs. Now that rlubwomen e Interests nr so carefully consulted would It not be well for us to use our Influence to support this measure and by so doing we may have a part In making Nebraska, a better and more attractive state In which to live. Would It not be wise to appoint a committee of two or more women from your club to, either by personal Interview or correspond ence with local members, ask them to sup port this measure when presented in the legislature. The committee Includes Mrs. Belle M. Stotttcnborough, chairman; Mrs. Anna M. Steel, Miss Margaret O'Brien and Mrs. Mate E. McOlll. The report of the commission gives much credit to the women's clubs of the state, both for the agitation an effort that re sulted In the establishment of the commis sion and for subsequent agitation for the establishment of libraries. The greatest obstacle to the establishment of libraries after the Ignorance of their Importance and desirability has been disposed of, is the in efficient revenue law of the state. The two mill levy provided for by law, for li brary purposes, is worn than inadequate in most towns. The traveling library Is therefore deemed the most Important fea ture of the commission's work. Thirty collections of forty volumes each are now in circulation In tbe state. They remain three months in a place, and aro then re turned to Lincoln for Inspection and the recording of statistics before reshlpplng. The demand for the books Is said to bo In creasing without effort on the part of the secretary to augment It In fact, the de mand for books has always been greater than the supply, and places could have been found for several times the number of books available. The thirty traveling li braries have made altogether sixty-six trips, Including those now oui, end have visited 44 places In thirty counties. In twenty-one of these places reporting, the average number of borrowers has been 48. These 21 libraries contain 840 volumes and reached over 1,000 actual borrowers. The 40 volumes were loaned 6,021 times In ten months, although most of them were not In circulation the whole time. This circu lation Is considered remarkable, as com pared with tho circulation of books from public libraries over the country. In many cases the books were read aloud to the fam ily circle and In number of ..readers ex ceeded the actual number of borrowers. In addition to extending the circulation of books the commission desired to take up other lines of work that promise profita ble results, such as the Farmers' Institute and reading courses. There Is a call now on file for just this kind of work and much that ought to be done for people on the farms. The Ladies' Aid society of South Tenth Street Methodist church will meet at 2 o'clock on Wednesday atternon at tho home of Mrs. Johnson, at 1106 Georgia avenue, January 2$. The year tiook of the Missouri Federation Is Just out, showing a membership of 112 clubs, Including 4, TOO women, distribute! In forty-seven cities and towns and thirty eight counties. ' The division of the state into eight congressional district, with a vice president for each, each by virtue of her office being a vice president of the State Federation, is one of the new fea tures that promises to be one of the most profitable arrangements yet undertaken. The recent meeting of delegates in St. Louis for the election of a local biennial board was the first definite step toward the entertainment of the General Federa tion biennial in 1904. The election of Mrs. Philip N. Moore as president of thj local board is generally satisfactory, for, having demonstrated her executive ability n local, state and general federation work, there Is no fear for the success of the undertak ing. The president of the Wednesday club will be first vice president of the local board, Mrs. Edward Taussig, second vice president, Mrs. W, N. Jones third presi dent, MUs Tower corresponding secretary and Miss Fischer secretary. Mrs. A. K. Gault presided at Monday's meeting of the political and social de partment of the Woman's club, the subject of the meeting being the State Institution for the Feeble Minded at Beatrice. Mrs. Henry McDonald, who has recently vlsl'ed the institution, gave a most Inter stir ac count of It, its rules, the class oyatem. the amusements and diversions of the in mates and the general plan on which It is conducted. A general discussion fol lowed. Mrs. J. C. Hammond was another speaker, the State Board of Charities ai d Correction being her subject. It Is practically certain that Mrs. Wil liam Spencer Crosby can be secure! to present her Wagner lecture recital, under the auspices of the Woman's club, some time during the latter part of February, as a sufficient number of subscriptions have been made to meet tho necessary expense of the enterprise. TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION Aareitte Amount, After Alterations by Doard of Equalisation, Is 9121M3,70S. Tax Commissioner Fleming finds that, after the assessment rolls have been al tered according to the action of the Board of Equalization, the aggregate assessed valuation of all property Is $129,403,705, which consists of real estate appraised at $71. 898, 185 and personal property at $57,505,520. Tbe aggregate amount of all railroad property treated by the State Board of Equalization as being part of the right-of-way of the respective companies, as now included In the personal property lists, Is $26,330,170. A quiet discussion overs bottle of Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne will prove beneficent. Bouquet exquisite. Motes (rum Army Headquarters. Word Is received from Fort Meade to the effect that the First battalion of the Thir teenth cavalary ut that post prohnbly will sturt for the Philippines by February 16. This post, while not In the Department of the Missouri, is supplied by the local com nitssury ottleexs and paid from this city. The quartermaster's department will ad vertise for 5.0HO.UOO pound of soft coal for Fort Leavet. worth, the coal to be delivered In. mediately after contract Is awarded. Bids will be opened Friday for ten ponies to be delivered at Crawford for the use of the I'r.lted States army at West Point Mili tary academy. A Wonderful t tsi, Weak, sickly invalids are soon changed by Electrlo Bitters into healthy men and women. They curs or bo pay. 60c. For sals by Kuha ft Co. thousands of men waiting Result f Conference at St. Louis Over Railroad Wages to Be Far Reaching. FIFTY-TWO WESTERN ROADS INVOLVED 'General Demand of Conductors and Trainmen for Increase of Twenty Per Cent Is Matter I'nder Con sideration at St. Loots. Just now 150.000 conductors and train men In the west sre eagerly waiting re sults of the conference of thoir repre sentatives with the general managers of tho fifty-two railroads on which they sre employed. Those managers .ire requested to raise wages 20 per cent and .o pay double time to men hauling double-headed trains of more than thirty cam. Slace January 5 last the cessions havo been In progress, snd there Is no prospect yet of an Immediate conclusion being reached. The fifty-two companies iha are in communication with the fifty-two general managers comprise the Western Associa tion of General Committees of the Order of Railway Conductors and the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. The Unrtory this association embraces includes all lines south of Chicago Including the Illinois Cen tral southern lines, extending then north as far as the Duluth, South Shore. & At lantic railway, west to the Paeiflo coast and south to the Gulf of Mexico. On January 6 all tho railways Included In this district were approached with the demands as named. Some committees were granted hearings, some were offered compromises, some were offered no satis faction whatever. But whatever the In dividual success enjoyed by the different committees of the different roads, none of those results were final, as It Is admitted by both sides, the trainmen and the rail road managers, that the result of the con ferences now in progress In St. Louis will furnish the pattern after which all the rest of the roads will construct their set tlement. Fonr Gonld Lines to Act. In St. Louis the four Gould lines are in volved in the conferences. Committees representing the trainmen and conductors of the Missouri Pacific, the Cotton Belt, tbe Missouri, Kansas & Texas and the St. Louis & San Francisco roads are In session separately with the respective gen eral managers of those lines. The men who are asking the concessions are confident they will get them. They say they have asked for JuBt what they want. and will accept no compromise, as that would be a virtual admission that their de mands were exorbitant and unreasonable in the first place. They say that they are certain to get all they asked, as the roads cannot run without them and cannot afford to fall out with them for that reason. They are strongly organized and could conduct the strongest strike ever begun, as the con ductors have a reserve fund of $350,000 and the trainmen one of $400,000. There would be nearly $1,000,000 to start on. In Omaha two of these fifty-two general committees are in operation. S. C. Ma comber is chairman of the Union Paeiflo body, and it has secured no hearing yet with officials of the road. A. F. Ward is chairman of the Fremont, Elkhorn &. Mis souri Valley committee, and it was granted one short session with General Manager Bldwell and General Superintendent Hughes. The railroad offered nothing in this session, not even a compromise, so tha matter merely awaits the , result in St. Louis. No notice of a future session has been received from either committee here from the railroads Involved, and none is expected till the adjustment is reached in St. Louis. ASK FOR ARBITRATION BOARD Employing Job Printers Want Ques tion of Wages Settled by Arbitration. The question of the proposed new scale of wages of job printers of Omaha has gone to the headquarters of the Interna tional Typographical union for considera tion. After a number of conferences the employing printers decided that they would like to have the matter settled by arbitra tion and suggested that an impartial board of arbitrators be empowered to Investigate and report. The request was sent 10 the international headquarters for considera tion and it is probable that it will be granted. It Is expected that President Lynch of the International union will visit the city in the interests of the local craft and that at that time the arbitration board will be created. The employing printers do not object to the scale Itself, but they desire some plan adopted by which the wages paid In Omaha will be enforced In towns in the Immediate vicinity from which Job printers compete with the local house. CAN OF BEER PROVES COSTLY While Andrew Rakoske Goes to Sa loon New Acquaintance Robs House. Too much confidence in a stranger cost Andrew Rakoske of Thirty-first nnd Walnut streets $60 In cash yesterday. The stranger called at the Rakoske residence, made himself egreeable to the man of tbe house nnd flnnll consented to pay for a I can or beer. Ynn) uakosxe was getting the beer at a nearby siloon the stranger was getting Rakxk's cash from behind a picture that hung on the wall. The rtb bwjr has been reported to the police. Croup. The peculiar cough which Indicates croup, is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children. No time should be lost in tho treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has received more universal ap proval than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Da not waste valuable time In experiment ing with untried remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended, but give this medicine as directed and all symptoms of croup will quickly disappear. Announcement of the Theaters. Ross Snow, who comes to the Boyd to night for a single performance In the title role of "Happy Hooligan," Is the best ex ponent of the American tramp, that real monarch of all be surveys anywhere on earth, untrammeled by dog or gun. Indeed, Mr. Snow's "Hooligan" is so like tbe gen uine article that he would be arrested for vagrancy anywhere except upon the stage, where he literally "rules the roost," and roosts as the boss rooster. Notice to Kinployra. The employes of W. R. Bennett Co., to whom back pay is due a'e requested to call for same at general offices (basement), Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock. E. B. HASTINGS, Trustee. DIED. HKJSK Kobby Dewey, aged 4 years, Bunday at 10:15 a. n .; son of Aaron llene, 2532 Chicago etreet. Funeral Tuesday at 2 o'clock from resi dence to I'leaaant Hill cemetery. Chicago papers. pleue copy. KKMMEKUNG-F. A., aged 81 years. Jan uary to, at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. A. Acbwald, 2 Cbarlas iuhL 'u&srsi noUca ltr. Deposit Yoar Money - COIN la Our LAST WEEK OF OUI Grand Clearing Sale Every day this week will be bargain day in Boston Store. During the cominf week, the last of our ijreat clearing sale we will offer values that will draw the greatest crowds that have yet visited the sale. We intend to make this a record breaking week Since the opening of this sale we have done an immense volume of business by reason of wonderful clear ing sale values. For even greater crowds we have prepared even greater values. EVERYTHING IN THE STORE MARKED BELOW COST DURING THE LAST GREAT WEEK OF THIS SALE. 23c Laces at 3tc, 5c and 10c yard Three large bargain squaros with thousands of yards of plain and fancy laces and InBertinga, also galoons and bands in fancy Venice net top orientals, black silk laces, torchons, Valenciennes, and point d'esprlt laces worth up 1 C 4 f to 26c. yd at, a yard J2COC"lUC Three bargain Squares of Embroideries Including suisae, nainsook and cambric In the neat and dainty patterns, also wide showy fine embroideries and insertlngs-worth up to 25c a yard 25c Handkerchiefs at 3icand 10c Two bisr; lots of hundred of dozens of ladies' and men's plain and fancy handkerchiefs in plain nnd hemstitched also lace snd embroidered edged and all pure linen hand kerchiefs In all widths of hems vorth UD to 25c. each $1.25 Wrappers at 59c Our entire stock of ladies' fleece lined, full made wrappers In medium and dark colors, braid trimmed, In all CZO sixes, go at clearing sale price, each -C $2.50 ilen's Casslmeres at 88c Yard-'Our entire stuck of H-yard wide men's casslmeres. These are Imported, nil wool fabrics and are partic ularly desirable for walking Bklrts, tailor-made suits, boys' and mrn's trousers; they are in plain colors, checks snd stripes, go on bar gain square at clearing sale price, yard 69c Dress Fabrics at 25c Yard Albatross in all colors, including creme, all wool suitings In black and white mixtures, brilliantlnes in black and colors, all wool snowflakes and novelty dress goods, on sale on bargain square, at, yard AdKJ $1.00 Silk Vevets at 48c I Our entire stock of $1.00 silk velvets in reds, blues and 411 colors of the the rainbow, on sale at, a yard 48c Yard Wide Percales at 8tc- -Two cases of nw porcalos, extra heavy and yard wide, also batistes in light and dark grounds and stripes, especially adaptable for shirt waists, house gowns, children dresses, Q 1 etc., on sain on bargain square, at, yard 02C Watch I Our i Windows L ALBERT ED HOLM, JEWELER, 107 North 16th Street. Opp. P. O. WEDDING GIFT SUGGESTIONS Cut glass water sets, salad bowls, wine sets, fruit dishes, ice cream plates, Qor bam silver nut bowls, $15 to $35. Vegetable dishes, $30.' Teaspoons, per set of six, $3.60 to $10.00. 'Coffee spoons, $2.50 to $7.5 0. China clocks, $2.00 to $25.00. WOODWORKERS FEEL SECURE Being Affiliated with Older Strikers They Eipaot to Win Out SEVENTEEN NEW MEN AT THE SHOPS Labor Leaders Endeavor to Indace Strike Breakers to Knllst In the Navy Facetious Offer to President Bnrt. Locomotive wood workers who left ths Union Pacific shops a week ago because piecework was forced upon them say that thus far the road has secured seventeen new men to fill the places of the fifty who left. The striking wood workers say there Is not the slightest change in their senti ment, and that they feel substantially en trenched now that they are affiliated with the older strikers In the Locomotive Build ers Trades' council. Said one wood worker: "Though our numbers are not so very great we feel that our action In striking had a peculiar significance far, beyond that which the action of a body of fifty or seventy-five men would usually carry. You see President Burt had informed the east ern magnates of the Union Paeiflo railway during the conference at New York City that most of the men here wanted piece work. Then he came home and tried to Introduce it among the wood workers and plpemen, with the result that everyone quit work. That would seem to tell us own story, and a strong one, to Mr. Cornish, Mr. Harrlraan and others." Steering; Men Into the TCavy. A wholesale transformation of strike breakers into United States navymen will occur in the next few weeks, if the leaders of the Union Pacific strikers have their way. Information has been spread by representatives of the strikers among tli? men working at the shops to the effect that they can enlist tn Tncle Sam's navat service If they wish. The government has Just established a naval recruiting station on the third floor of the Midland hotel, just above the machinists' headquarters, rid the strikers are steering up for examination all strike breakers whom they ran persuade that the only real life Is to follow tho sea. Offer to President Uurt. Strike leaders yesterday issued the fol lowing offer of settlement to President Burt: We do not Wl:h to be behind In 8? oMty. and so will give to President Hurt all the premiums arising from the pre mium scale" system as a bonus for an honest settlement. That should make li m a rich man. according to his own state ments Give us Just the day s wages ami be may have all trie eura iiruuuu. IS AIX WALKS OP LIFK. Herplcide is Tsed to Cure Dandruff E. H. Lyons. New York, N. Y., says: "I am very fond of Herplcide and enjoi using it. It is refreshing." Dr. J. H. Buah, Toledo, Ohio, writes: "Newbro's Herplcide has given bettei satisfaction than anything I have tvei used." Mrs. Borkey of Cbadron, Neb., says o Herplcide: "It cleaned my iead of dandruff anil stopped my hair from falling out. It Is the best remedy for dandruff I ever used, and 1 bsve used a great many." R. 8. Coleman, Ann Arbor, Mich., says "I havs used two bottles of Hcrplcldi and. dsrived bsaeflt Usrafrom." 4 Per Cent Interest paid e cj if vat a v wr go at, r r- 4 f C-OC-1 UC 3k-10c 88c 25c W hite Goods at 12ic Pique effects, Nainsooks In stripes Btid small checks, also Striped Walstlnge, all on sale at, a yard 122C Watch Our Windows I new place form. k. barnum lie is to lie Superintendent of Motive Power for Rock Island Railway. It was announced in railroad circles yes terday that M. K. Barnum, formerly mas ter mechanic of the Nebraska division of the Union Pacific railway, with headquar ters here, bad accepted the position of su perintendent of motive power and machin ery of the Chicago, Rock Island & Paeiflo railroad, with headquarters at Chicago. Mr. Barnum takes his new place February 2. He left Omaha a month ago to be assist ant superintendent of motive power and machinery of tbe Southern railway, with headquarters at Washington, D. C. That position was secured him by Mr. Higgins, who went from the position of superin tendent of motive power and machinery for the Union Pacific to a similar position with the Southern railway. Publish your legal notices in Ths Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. HER COMPANY N0T"WANTED Police Extend Pressing Invitation to Bertha Llebbeke to Travel On. Bertha Llebbeke, who Is known to the police as "Falntlpg Bertha," was arrested upon orders from Chief of Detectives Dunn Sunday night, after she had secured ac commodations at the Her Grand hotel. Bertha Is considered a clever thief by Chief Donahue, who will ask her to leave the city at once unless she desires to serve time. She was arrested last Thursdays In Sioux City, la., where she was operating with a bogus diamond. She has supplied herself with several Barrios diamonds, which she palms upon unsuspecting clerks who wait upon her while she is supposed to be desirous of purchasing unmounted Jew els. She has a bad history with the police department, the chief states, and he con siders ber absence from the city desirable. Or. Lyon's PERFECT ooili Powder Used by people of refinement lor over a quarter of a century PREPARED BY J. Ms JOHNSON, The Druggist. PRICES ALWAYS TUB LOWEST. 716 North 16th Street, Tslephona 923. SCOLLAR 'Ml'! GOWNS. A Oood quality muslin gowns with tucked anil Insertion a- yoke, also lace and em broidery trimmed, slip overs, at hc CHC")l Hll Bi7.C!. Iist Rrade long cloth, with 2J hemstitched ami valen- clennes Lire tiickltiK an.l dainty colored silk ribbons, hIko tine French cambric, with pretty nr:it em broidery effects, regular and extra large sizes. 1.25. Hetter grades of French lawns, cambric and nainsook, most elaborate trimmings, excellent vaiues, Ji.60, 11.90. $L.2'i to J3.T5 each. SKIRTS j rf Pplendkl quality musiln 4nC skirts. with extra full tucked flounce, well mndo and full cut, 4fc each f Good quality muslin skirts fT iteep ounce, with torchon lace tticklne and line dain ty embroidery effects, cue. f Fine nmllty long cloth, WjC deep hemstitched tucked flounce and tucked open w-ork embroidery, also beautiful lace trlmmlnps, 9fc. All well finished and liberally cut. in I lvM! BJ Bold Crowns From $2,85 Special Prices Work raaraDtM4 10 FMIIafs from Set of Teeth from.. Teeth Extracted Teeth Cleaned Small UNION DENTAL COLLEGE , 1533 Douglas, Room 4. Open till 9p. m. Sunday 10 t 4. Mobile and Return $28.35 Havana, Cuba, and Return $63.35 Tickets on sale February 17 Ito 22. Long limit and atop overs. The Wabash Is the shortest, quickest and best line to south and southeast. All Information at Wabash office, 1601 Farnam street, or address Harry E. Moores, Q. A. P. D Omaha, Neb. Cure the COLD and stop the COUGH. Ask your druggist, or send 25c to SOFT AS VELVET Not velvet candy this time, but we mean you can keep your face and hands ss soft as velvet Hlldreth's or anyone else's vel vet If you will use EGYPTIAN IXDTU8 CREAAf. Chicago and Denver ueople send here for It, as do many other former Omaha people who have moved from this city. Our new size Is a great favorite, and Is a money saver to thoBe who know the preparation; It holds 8 ounces, JuBt 4 times more than the 10c size, and sells at 25c. The loc size holds 2 ounces snd Is a trial size. If you try it and don't like It your 10c or 26c is ready for you. Bpeaklng of Velvet Candy Hllilreth's some dealers ask lue, 15c and 2e fur this article; we are VEKV MUCH PL.EASEU to sell It for Se. 12: and o; same as everything we handle, lowest price. "BCHAKEK'H SELL, IT FOB LESS," Is our battle cry, and our guarantee la "OL'Il (lOfllifl ARK AH GOO! AS THE BEST AND BETTER THAN THE REST." We deliver everything In the city with out extra charge, day or night. SCIMEFElTS DRUG STORE OPEN ALWAYS. . Two Phones T4T an A332K. . V. Cor. lth and Chlcaso Sta. Daputy etat Vatarmavlaa Pood Inapaotor. fl. L. tmiACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. Pfflo and Infirmary, tsta and Mason Sta, Dliiaha. Ni'U. Telephuiie IH'J. Purest Drugs at Lowest Prices $1.00 reruns 62c $1.00 Lydla Pinkham Compound . ....... 75c EOc Syrup of Figs ...,35c 50c Malted Milk 40c 25c Chamherliiln'a Cough Syrup 20c 25c Piao's Consumption Cure 20c 25c Bucklen's Arnica S live ...,20c 25c Carter's Llttlo Liver I'ills 15o 25c Mennen's Hoisted Talcum Powder ..15o Equally as goad Talcum Powder 10c Ctias, E. Lathrop, Pharmacist, Corner 24th and Hamilton. 'Phone A14i. i . . f WHEN YOU BUY A You arte not raying for CHKOMOS. hCllKMKs, i i:i: DKALS, ETC., but for FINE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO. I QUALto I MHOK TED CIGARS, JT. ft. fUC MKRCANTim CIUAJl CO., Haul, tit. LeuU. L'tUua Mad 1. n."aii iBfUfffflplTBatf m 1 Ll S Sale of Women's Muslin Underwear. Today The Nebraska places on siodaJ sale, in the new women's furnishing depart ment, several lare- lots of undemiuslins for women. This is our initial Rale. We offer it as n criterion. Judge us by it. Nothing is skimpy or indifferently ninde. Ev ery garment is clean and fresh, full and generously proportioned. Every stitch is true -every button firm. The garments are identical in quality as those .you are paying i." to 35 per cent more in price. DRAWERS 25c Oood quality muslin draw ers, open or closed styles, with !aco t'-iiiimlncs and hemstitched tucking, well nindo and liberally cut, .c, all sizes. 45c Fine qunllty enmbrie draw ers, with hemstitched luce trlmniliiKS. also many beautiful patterns of dainty embroi deries, open or closed, regular and extra large sizes, trio. Corset Covers 15c Oood quality muslin covers wlih pl-.iln and Hamburg idKe, all sizes, IV:. Large assortment of full ZiC uni' r'aln shaped cambric " covers, beautifully trim med with lac and embroidery, 2&c, nil sizes. Strong line of cover, In . jiC "ne qunllty of cambric, w newest designs and stvles of trimmings, with luce nnd embroi dery insertion, 3ic, all sizes. yr. W ars fejTTXIft 25c ..$3.00 Pre Free Soft Fillings ... Frea Charges for Material. New Orleans and Return $29.50 aT- ' IF . Your Teeth Are Too Precious to Take Chances on. Patronize Only Reliable Dentists. BAILEY, THE DENTIST 3rd Floor Paxton Block. HOWELL'S ANTI-KAVF Howell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Misses' $1.50 Shoes We don't want you to forget that we have the Ideal winter shoe for tbe ir.lHses, for $1.60. Our stock Is the largest In Omaha, snd In these par ticular shoes we have them In all sizes, so as to Dt the narrow, the broad, the short or tho long foot. Just as easy for us to fit you to a pair of these ahoea as la any of tbs higher priced ones. We have these shoes In S to I tor young women, with heel or spring heel, at $2.00. Box calf or heavy Wd just the thing for cold and wet weather. DFIEXEL SHOE GO. Omaha's Un-to-Date Shoe Hous Send for New Fall Catalogue. 419 FARNAM STRIET.