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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1P03. SPECIAL NOTICES c-.r-rzr rrr '-. ,- m will be taken til It m. for Ike eealne; edlttnn and nntll B 30 p. an. for morilii and day edition. RatSa. I I -So ernrd dret lasertlem, la word thereafter. Nothing take far lata than for the Brat lasers Ian. Thcat ad vertleesaenta asast raa ronsecatlvelr. Advertisers, kr rennestlnsi tiered rhrek, raa bin aaawrra ad dressed to a nana be red letter la ear at The Raa. Aaiatn aa addressed will be delivered as araaaaiatlaa t Old ttk naif. W ANTE l SITUATIONS. A YOUNG woman of Rood business quali fications wishes clerical position In offlct or aa cashier. Address T 62. Bee office. A 999 30 WAMKU-MALE HELP. WEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of thia being tne tliST and only rellahlo, moat practical barber college . In tne United Hi a ten. Write for catalog today. Western Barbers' lnatltute, Omaha, No. U-736 GOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. A. D. T. Co., 212 8. Uth Bl. B 380 WANTED Two good huatlera. Open until k p. m. Westorn Art Co., 1714 Nicholas St. B--381 WANTED Experienced, honest, hustling organizers tor Fraternal Union; beat order in America, Liberal compensation. V. F. Kooae, president, Denver, Colo. B M230 i'-17 WANTED, two good solicitor. H. H. Itldgley Mdee, Co., 7"7 B. 16th. B M377 26 WANTED, a young man mho has had eome experience in bank work, partic ular ly In handling money. V 20, lice. T B M407 WANTED, 6 good hirness-makers; none but steady men need apply. Schulie Bros. Co., Duluth, Minn. B M443 1 ALL, LEATHER WORKERS keep away from Lincoln. Neb. - li M401 ar WANTED Men to learn barber trade; growing demand for our graduates; pro pare now for spring rjsli; short time completes; practical experience by free worn, expert Inetructlons by qualified barbers; tools, diplomas, positions and board given graduates; call or write, aluler Barber College, 13u3 lxug)as Bt. B-M470 2-J rV' ANTED Married man to work In store and collect. State salary Wanted. Must live In city. Give reference In first letter. Addresa, LI 40, Bee. B M4S1 27 BUSINESS firm wants reliable man to travel in the west. Good salary to right party. Expenses advanced. Bend self addressed envelope, Maxson, General Manager, Sykes Blk., Minneapolis. Minn. B M63S 30 fOUNG man to learn stationery business; state experience. If any. Address, N 47, Bee. B M"o 27 VANTED, young man with experiences In selling subscription books for the purpose of hiring college and normal students; must give bond and have college, or nor mal education; salary and expense. Ad dress U. B. Zlmmer & Co., Omaha. Neb. B M&iJ 31 WANTED, several good machinists. Su perior Iron Works, West Superior, Wis. B-205 24 ."ANTED, machinists to remain away from the Superior iron works. West Superior, Wis., as there !s 1 strike on there. Labor Council of Union, i'aclllu Strikers. B 400 24 ALESXEM WANTED. C VERY WHERE, to writers. Monroe & Omaha. sell Lambert Type Co., kU N. 16th St., 3.S3 -.ELL Bitters as side line on commission; one article, well aaverusea. &mo cuining 704 H ' WASTKD FEMALE flKLP. . airls. Call Canadian office, 16th & Dodge, C Sl WANTED, girl to.' general housework, small family and good wages; good home for good girl. Apply roppieton Ave. c JU NURSES' Training School, Pueblo, Colo.; six weeks' course; diplomas. Address above. C 3? F-5 ,v ANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing, manicuring or facial massage; abundance of practical experience by tree work, ex pert Instructions, lectures, etc.; tools. diploma and positions given. Call cr write Moler College, 1302 Douglas St. C M471 29 WANTED, a nurse girl who speaks good German and fc-ngiisn. Mrs. n. c. Karton, HO So. 82d Ave. C M0o3 27 WANTED, a girl for general housework good wages. u4D 8. 26th Ave. - C 624 27 WANTED, housekeeper In small family, I7H N. lktn St. C 410 FOR HE.BIT HOISKB. TO MOVE rj&m get Omatia Van Storage CO.; otnee, luii.s arnam, or leis. iw-kt. D HA FOUSES, to upward. Bemls, Paston Blk. U 3X0 FOR RENT, one -room house, with gas, water and sewer: Just been placed In first-cUma repair; In good location. C. M. uaenmann, umi ruun uioca. u 1 unitCCC in all parts of" city. The O. llUOUJ y, uavla Co., 60s Bee Bldg. D 3ka VANS and baggage wagons. Tela. lli-114&. HOUHErt. o. a. Wallace. Brown Block. I 347 lloUBWa snd flats. Klngwalt, Barker block. J KOOM modern house, 2311 Charles. Tele phone A-2MS. . Vloi tirWlCETQIn 11 Ps of the city 1 1 w w w w R.C. Peten A Co., Bee Bldg. I-3S3 5-KOOM house, N. 24th. U4.00. Tel. KM. D-M33i FOR RENT Nine-room house; Just newly papered and repaired; all modern except furnace; ;ud St. and Poppleton Ave., lis. Two 8-roora bouses, kuth ana Cu'lfornta bis., nil modern, city water and aewer, lis. One 4-1 00 111 huuae, 27Ui aud Cuniiug bis., tily watei. lvJ. C. M. BACHM ANN, 436-37 Paxton Block. D-62S 4-9 S. 25TII AVE., l-room modern house. William K. Potter, receiver, S Brown blk. 'Phone, 177. D M160 MAGGAKD Van tt Storage Co. Tel. 1196. I-lt FOR RENT L'5 9-room, modern house. 422 N. 39th, St. 8J0 t-room, modern bouse. N&s 8. 2uth at, 115 "-room house. Ii'"l S. 2Sth St., $10 -rKin house. N. il-t a. BHEN NAN-LOVE CO., 3W 8. 13TH ST. D MJ94 27 JUS HURT ST. 6 rooms s.oo 2713 N. 2IJ Bt 5 roums u.50 X417 f.rsanve ot. i-ruom brick house. bath, closet 18.00 2021 Martha Bt. 4 rooma, well i.iM 11 li Brlggs St. 1 rooms, well 7.ue Mi'CAlilb l.NV. CO., 15. DODGE ST. D 373 FOR RENT Part or all of l-rooro hou at 1711 South U'lh kit : modern inviii fur uace; good condition and convenient to car ana depot. Inquire oil premises or at 119 booth Zbtn street. D M434 FOR RENT Six-room cottage; convenient to business center; rent low. Inquire at 107 N. lkth Bt, D Ml. 4 27 DESIRABLE FLAT. I rooms, ion Howard St., modern except hest. and In best of repair. $; per month. GEORGE 4k CO., lMl FARNAM ST. D-Mii36 Fl MODERN 7-room house near park. 15"9 8 2ih. D -J FOB HENT FIHNISHED ROOMS. DEW ICY European Hotel lltb and rarnam P PER WEEK-B! Ha uth St. one tiWk ouia va vuuri duuh, c m FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM". AKIN A liOLSi:, Luiupes.i. Li; h and Dodge E 396 ROYAL HOTEL, European, ft I'hvag? E-39. L. M. E. haula trunks. Telephone 7 -Me ELEGANT steem-weeted room, tul Ave. 1 Capl- JSl 220 N. 17TH, NEAT steam-beated roomi. E ail J 27 a gas. 2J0 K-M747 2vth Bt. F VIENNA HOTEL, 1"11-1S Farnam St. K MIO BTEAM-HEATED room. 110 per month. Barker Hotel. 13th nnd Jones Bts. Tel. E M.116 F17 EI.UIAN'T roons; hot water heat; ml'"; reference. 1816 Webster. E M397 I ROOM8 for light housekeeping. 1113 Bo. 11th street. E 458-1 LARGE south front room. TA Fsrnam. E M464 fi' FOR RENT, to a refined couple, a pleasant alcove room, with nrst-ciass Doarn in small family. Address U 37, Bee. E M510 M ROOMING accommodations for young men In private family. 2"i4 Wirt St. E 23 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD, PRIVATE family K9 South Kth avenue. F M4A BOARD and room, 2120 Douglas. 'Phone F21..3. F-M402 27 FOR REST t XFtHSISHED KOOMS. FOR RENT, suite of four rooms and bath, st.'am heat. W Ithnell bldg., lMh and Harney Q-M47I 26 FOH REST STORES AMD OFFICES. DOUBLE parlors. Call at 1616 Webster su OFFICES in The Bee building, 10.00 per month up. Menial price inciuuea neat, light and janitor aervlce. It. O. Peters & Co.. Rentai Agents, Uround Floor. Bea Bldg l ii FOR. RENT Building suitable tor whole sale purposes at mo r arnam, ax, lour stories and first-class cemented basement. aievaior, mv sou uuigiai in urn uun, ottlce counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, secro tary The Bee Building Co., room li), l!ea building. iBLMi FOR RENT Store In first-class location; rent reason toe. Apply it. c rems Co., grouud floor. Bee Bldg. 1366 FOR RENT The b'jlldina- formerly occu pied by The Bee at Sis Farnam Bl. it naa four storlea ard a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press roum. This will be rented very reasonably. It Interested apply at office to C. C Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. i m DOCTOR'S suite of two rooms, fronting on Douglas Bt. Robert 11. uenneit, Agenc, Room 22, Continental Block, 15th and Douglas. 1136 FOR RENT, desk room or larger space. with private omce; iront room in ixew York Life bldg. Call at 810 N. Y. I 1 M475 26 HALF store. 620 So. 16th St. 1-638 STORES FOR RENT. The 4-story and basement building, 33x120 'eet In size, jnos. 1114 ana- narney nt . i';o ner month. Good store room. No. 1412 Harney SC. 150 per monin. Store room and basement. In first-class con .i t on. Howard St.. sou per minim Store room, In first-class condition, 1431 S. 16th St., tio per monin. GEORGE 4 CO., 1001 FARNAM BT. . 1 M628 Fl rn RENT, first floer. 1307 Howard St. splendid place ror llgnt jODDing or manu facturing Dusineas. x AGENTS WANTED. mi iMTirn f'anvaaslna- arents In every rountv to solicit suoscripiions 10 inc. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Kimiiv omulovment. with assured good in come. Agents In the country with horse and buaay especially desired. Canvassers m,ii, ,ittllv 160 to 1100 per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, umana. au WANTED By the Monarch Book Co. cf Chicago, 300 teachers, preacners ana 01 ner Intelligent ladles and gentlemen.'-as gen eral agents and book canvassers. In town n4 country districts In Neb.; best home literature; steady employment; salary, r0 to 10 per montn ana com.; wrue or can. O. T. Gudgell, State Supt., 407 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. J m. W ANTED TO HUNT. A RESPONSIBLE business man will make a two 01 three-year lease of well built, tiracilve. seven or eight-room modern house in good location. Address 8 57, Bee ottlce. sta l! Eg particulars. K MaU YOUNG man desires room and board In private family; must De convenient 10 car line; atale price. Address U 36. Bee. K-M462 30 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, to buy or ieaae. modern dwell ing, 1 or 10 rooms. In first-class neighbor hood, near car line. wouki nui emer tulo urooosltion to buy except at tow tlKures. 1 mean business, but no atten tion will be uatd to answers unless ac companied by lull particulars. Address, U 30, Bee. N 4i C GOOD homv 15.000 to 18,000; answer quick. Address u v. oee. auou BM ALL cheap place for cash. Address U 45 Bee. N-MM 26 FOR SALE Ft R IT L RE. rmcidfl Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 20J0. New and secondhand, bougnt, sold. exchanged. P 403 rnH HAI.K furniture for five rooms, com plete, for sale and house for rent at 112.00 a month; muxt sell at once, am going weut. 1 II. McClelland. aM Beward. O MtkH 26 I FOH 8 A LK HOUSES, WAGONS, ETC. TRY ME on wagon repairing. Flrst-claes work. 11, frosi, ifin auu icaveuworm. . r iim GOOD family horse. 1311 farnam. P-M690 Fl FOll bALfci MlSCELluANEOWS. FENCE LATH for quick shipment, cilb- ijinn. cumuliitttluu wuueiK ui uuugiaa. W kl4 FOR BALK, phonographs, superior to any oilier musical instrument. up. lue Wiitmann Co.. lul arnam. y 4u FOR SALE OR TKAU1S hue hearse. Ogden Livery nam, vou111.11 ciuu. 1D11AND safe cheap. Derlint, lilt Farnam. WAMKHOUSE. U,0U suuare leal. Ana trackage lanuuca. oeeoe at itunyan, iota and c aruam. W 114 4 FOK SALE, Urst mortgage note bearing a ner cent imcies., y , vvcry six months; has about 2 ycare to run; good ecurtly and eiiuursed by rusponwoi party; amount, inquire c. M. Lactimaun. liuum t-v raxtou block. Q-4C1 FOR SALE, burglar proof bank aafe. The W M4,o 26 INDIAN goods and relics. Ill Farnam. Q tu4 76 LADIES' and genta'- watches. 150 dia monds left n paan. good as new, selling at half prl-je. Diamond Loan Ofilce, l4 Dojglas. MXl. 26 NEW and tdhar.d typewriters. Ull Farrarm OLD BUILDING FOR SALE Two-story fra-ne, se about 6uxso ft.. tCth and o sts., bouth Umaha; must be re- rftioved at once. GEORGE AND COMPANY, lol Farnam St. HAIU', Bobastln h.rarl counie-actltig, p. r- let t condition. c.,l . ju; will sell lojo, n eaxy payments If laken at once, lvue Cum- liUs" at. w Jcj pi'TCHEPS- Ice box; will sell or trade for buggy. it Clark sb y-iiwo -Jt r THEY SAY SERVANTS ARE HARD TO OCT T i WHEN READ THIS PAGE. FUR SALE Ml( ELI, ANE4H S. FOR SALE Two stoves nnd three show case with stand. iht"ap If taken at once. Address U 57, Hee. i y MAM LOOK! Fountain pen, automatic Indelible pencil, nickel reversible penholder and five nnm-orroslve pens, all for 3"c In silver. 616 N. 19th St., W. 8. Warwick. W sj SECOND-HAND billiard and pool table; billiard tables repaired: a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Hri::iswlck-Balke-Oollendr Co., t''7-9 8 10th. ti M426 Ml CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1611 Cass street S 4V9 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist. 315 S. 15. a 4iu MADAME LUCRETIA, medium. IsfW Chi cago Bt. S MtB2 17 BEE the clairvoyant at 521 N. lth 8 M49 27 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MMB. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15. 2d floor, r. 2. T Mill FT MRS. DAVIS. 1621 Howard St., baths. T-MU3 27 GRACE O BRYAN of Kentucky, 720 S. 1.1th. T 324 FIT MME. SAUNDERS gives magnetic treat ment. iSVJ Leavenworth St. Flat 7. -M3D6 27 PERSONAL. VI A VI, Woman's Wsy to Health. Home treatment. Booklet tree. 3ltt uee BldK., Omaha. U 413 TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. U 41 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair removed oy electricity. R. 11, Frenxer block. U 411 RUPTURE CURED without pnln. Empire Rupture Co , N. Y. Life Bull I1U1 ng, Omaha. U 970 PRIVATE hospital before and during cdn- nnement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uardela, 3334 Lake. Tel. Red-l!w4. U 4U PRIVATE hot.pltal before and during con finement; nrst-ciasa in every respect; bcbles adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller. 2504 Blondo St. 'Phone F-1182. U-M427 CHIROPODY, manicuring, facial and spe cial massage taught and practiced. A. Mayer. 613 Bee Bids:. Consultation free. Tel. 1711 U-M837 PRIVATE hospital for lades before and during confinement: cables aaopi'.a. Z103 8. 1Mb st. Mrs. Fisher. Tel. r31!. u Mam r 3 ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. 16th St., 21 floor. REPAIRS, supplies and records for any talking machine made. Collins Piano Co., 1623 Douglas. U 414 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mre. Geriscn, cauiomia 01. lerms reasonaoie. U M43Z ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Pax- toru B. J.cannell, agent, aos ware nik. U M448 t zi MARRY! Weatern ladles. Addresses free. Enclose stamp, star, o,z rourm 01., aan Francisco. Cal. U 458 F-l CHILDREN for adoption at the Child Sav ing Institute; boys aged 13, 11. s ana two that are 6 years ana one mat is s yean old; four boy babies 1 weeks to 2 months old; also two girl sisters 0 and 6 years old, who want the same home; one 6 years old and one 11 months; four girl baoies 10 aays 10 , monina uiu. m Institute, l!th and Ohio sta. NEW PIANO for rent, very reasonable. Address U 16, Bee. u mono m- MONK Y TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4ty PER CENT on buslneaa property. ODllona 10 pay wnoie or pari any uiuo. ... n . 1 t rr 1 aaw a 1 r-r 1 1 BT W, O. BO rt I T T -, A x W 411 mqNEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., SO S. 13th. W 419 WANTED, city and fsrm loans; also bonds and marrams. reiera 0 v.u.( iiu Farnam 8t.. Bee Bldg. W 120 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-431 FARM and city Joans I-w "tes. W. H. Thomas, r lrai i 1. n uiu. ,,7 J- FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. lt - Farnam. WANTED, city loans and wsrranis. vr. Farnam Bmun co., i rual"f X PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. tt4 Douglas. WANTED, to loan. 1500 on good real estate security at 7 Per cent, iiiquiir .1 w. N. Y. Life building. W-M341 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTBS. k HEADQUARTERS" FOR BALARY LOANS. Every man 01 woman in umana, oouin Omaha anu i-uuutu salary call and get our money on your plain note, without publicity, mortgage or ladoraer trt FURNITURE LOANS. Goods remain In your possession; you get the fun amoum 01 iwn ""iiu"1 u .v. .n.n. our system of payment the eaalest. our rates are easily the loweaL We aim to "Jjxble CREDIT CO. Gflt Oft Elevator at Third Floor. Room 30V PAXTON BLOCh.- Koom a. EASY TO GET TO PAY Beat expuina our methods We loan on (uiniture, plauos, warenouse reeclpta etc. or 11 you nave a ticimiKui position we can nuke you a V SALARY LOAN Without aecurlty. cept your own eree- n... t tn r.tiav. iiur aerticv 1 " uuic anu confidential and wo always uy to pleae. ' All w ask la mat yeu givi. ua a ckm oe- fore vou borrcw vltewhere. UMAI1A .uuiwv.oun .. . 110 iinnrd of Trude b d. Tel. 229j. 1 (Estuullshed lii) 10 8. 16th St. TRY US -for- SALARY and CHATTEL LOANS. ' PHOENIX CREDIT CO. (33 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Sta Top Floo'. X-M42S THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Room 644. Paxton block. 'Phone TTM. This company is the oiivats bank of Hie s-earr,er ana aaiariea employe. ;i , luu huvs a permanent position as clera, : bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or am- aan of any ku.o, you call obtain on your ! note, aiihout security or Indorser: I Bemi- ' Monthly. Monthly. Weekly ltu return t- US....K n -- ; ' return to us.... 13 Si 3 . - - - r ... return to us..., i t) I 15- return to us 4 00 1 uO 1 - Our unices arc private ana our ousinese couOdciiUal. rum I s tu. M I p. m. X-MUX THEY WANT A PLACE YOUR WANT-AD WILL BRING THEM. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WE LOAN money on fumttare. pianos and OUmnnds. Low rates. Any lenath of time. Private. OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK. 1404 Farnam. upatalrs. Tel. A -2111. X-42S CHATTEL, salary A Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co, sue. to D. Green, it- s. Barker blk X-MSU MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F Reed, 319 8 IX X-31 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 32 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 514 Paste" block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 433 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Complete stock of sccunonand furniture, doing a good business; fine lo cation; store can toe leased or stock can be removed; this can be bought at a bar gain; leason for selling la bail health. Address. V 49, Bee. Y MX WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick see J. H. Join. i on. 843 N. Y. Life. Y 435 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411. McCague bulldlnc. Y 434 IF YOU want to get In or out of buatnesn or buv or sell property communicate witn Northwestern Clearing Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. Y-4 WANTED Party with from 2,0tK to 13.000 to accept permanent poslt-on; business manufacturing. L. M. C, South Sioux City, Neb. Y-M:42 AN Investment of 125 has always averaged 113 per week; particulars on request. C. M. Bragaw A Co., New Orleans, La. Y-M413 F5 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located; If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency. D 312, Bk of Commerce bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y 548 F2 FOR SALE, first-class blacksmith and wagon shop, with 07 without building; write at once. Kucera Bros., Western, Neb. Y M140 F17 FOR SALE Do you want to buy a good laundry cheap? If so, address Blair Steam Laundry, Blair, Neb. Y 256 F-22 WHTJLESALK and retail liquor store, es tablished In 1S77, In central Nebraska; will Invoice stock; doing a good business. Owner wishes to retire. A splendid op portunity. Wm. Madgett, JUal Estate, Hastings, Neb. " Y 208 WANTED Furniture stock In good coun try town; write fully. Address t! 60, Bee. Y--M643 PARTNER wanted with 11.500 to buy half Interest In well-established hardware business In city. Address U 51, Bee. Y M643 WANTED Clean stock general mdse. from 110,000 to 130,000, doing good busi ness, for fine Improved farm In Neb. Address U 52, Bee. Y M641 27 WANTED Implement stock la live country town. Address U 53, Bee., . T M640 27 WANTED 11,000 to 12.100 drug stock in good tcountry town; anasver, with full particulars. Address U M,"Itee. ..,-. Y-M639 27 WANTED, to buy. HAND LAUNDRY, In city; give particulars. U 49, Bee. Y M644 FIRST-CLASS stock of millinery lewelry. turs, nair guoas, ladies tur nishlngs; going to retire; investigate. Mrs. Luke, 13 S. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. Y MOSS V BOWLING alley, doing good business, for sale. Write P. Barrett, Norfolk, Neb., for terms. Y M669 27 WANTED Psrtner for the best meat mar ket In north-central Nebraska. Must have IfiOO and take charge of market Addresa, U 22, Bee. Y 40924 FOR EXCHANGE. PIANO wanted In exchange for good clear lot (except taxes). Address U 56, Bee. Z M686 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOMES ON Small Salaries The Ladles' Home Journal Is publishing a series of articles telling how 100 homes have been paid for out of salaries of K to 120 per week. The demand for theae papers la greater than the news stands can auupiy. One does not have to go from home to find proof that thia can easily be done. There are In Benson alone half a hundred tlljs tratlona of this kind, frame of them already have their homes clear; others are Just beginning. Take a car ride out there and talk to theae borne, savers. If you can find a single family that would go back to paying rent, then drop the matter If not, call on us, or, If It Is not convenient for you to go out, call and we will tell you, how It Is done. Paying monthly tent compared with paying monthly on a hpme Is ss far behind the times as the old horse car la behind the electric me'tor. BENSfcN Si CARMICHAEL 642 PAXTON BLOCK. . . RE 588 26 HAVE A HOME OF YOUR Own. Make the rent rT for a home. It goes now for rent receipt Call or write us anu get our plan of selling homes on monthly payments. HOME8EEKER3' ASSOCIATION. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 1655 27 TEN. twenty or forty acres In fruits, one of the best fruit and garden farms In Iowa, adjoins city limits Council Bluffs. Address A, Bee, Council Bluffs. HE M17 F24 ALFALFA ALFALFA. Buy alfalfa land. It Is sure to double in value In 8 years. Come In and let us tell you all about it and where to buy. HuMESEEKERS' ASSOCIATION, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M656 27 HOUSES and loU In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 552. Bee Bldg. RE 431 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pac fie Railroad company. IS A. McAUesler, land commissioner, Union Pa title Headquarters, Omajia. Neb. RE 13 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. I have tiO.uuo to Invest In good paying rental property, either residence or busi ness. Can be put out in one or more pieces. Address all offers of protx-rly, with full description, to U 14, Bee ottlce. I RE M3 24 COTTAGE and full lot near Jlet and Mere dith. Price, 1550. S. T. Graham, Bee bldg. HE-M430 38 :17 FRANKLIN ST.. T rooms, large lot, aed si Price, l.tou. W. T. Graham, Let bldg. Rt, All.l M OOVERSMENT land, under Irrigation, In ill regions along U. P. K. K. I'l vVoining. D. C. Patterson, Omaha. RE MbW b FOR SALE Bargain at 12500 per acre. In half section farm land with clay sub- Bull, well Improved; eight miles from Newport, Rock county. Neb. Address P, omce, council itiuoa. tinruu er THEY FOR SAI.F RF.AI. ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? Ii you wnnt to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farmers and stock raisers about It, The best say to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Thia agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 bonier ot farmers arid stock raisers, so If you have a goou piece of land to sell at a teasonable price you ought to find a buyer among th-m. The cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents prr word. 1 Hb IWbN 1 It 1 H CbNTURY FARM BR OMAHA, NbB. HE 604 WILLIAMSON FBre' " RE 437 MODERN 8-room house, also 6-room, fine locations, low prices. Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE Mw F FOUR houses, good repair, rent 136. price ..)-. v. i. uranam, iie Hidg. RE M424 28 WIRT ST.. vacant lot, fine location, t0. W. T. Graham, Bee bldg. RE MO 28 b-ROOM cottage, corner lot, 27th Ave. and Grant, ww. 6-roum coituge, full lot, barn. 2616 Corby, 11.200. 4 lots, Andrew A Renson addition, 1150 each 4 lots, Myers, R. A T. addition, 1300 acb. Monthly payments If desired. W. N. NASON, 446 Bee Bldg. RE 438 8NAPS In cheap orchard, farm, truck, tlm- er. rice and graxliiK lands. Finest 2-acre truck farm In N. E. Texas, 1 mile from City. 15.r. Ale) 1.200-acre) farm, 2 miles to station, 10 miles to city of av"i people; no stone; dry, level land, tor O. P. TAYLOR CO., Texarksnn, Texas, RE M5S1 2 RANCH FOR SALE. l.SnA-acre ranch InPhelps county. Nebraska, five miles from Atlanta and twelve miles from Holdrega; 2oo acre of fine farm land; sntt acres of excellent valley hay land, naiance gracing. All fenced and cross-fenced with three wires In four divisions, besides corral. Three good wells and windmills; has running water most or tne year; plenty ot good shade. Improvements consist of frame house and frame atable for 20 head of horses. granary, corn crib, nog house, stock scales, gasoline engine, feed racks, tanks, "-barrel capacity, cattle chutes, etc Price. I18.00o.ixt. FOR SALE BY COWGILL & FULLER, iiOL.UU.fc.Ull., IS fc. tlKAE" IVA. RE MSI 631 FARMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT, Improved farm 640, 460 'acres cultivated; 11.00 per acre. 525 New York Life, Omaha. M694 26 FARM FOR RENT. 70 acres, 6 miles northwest of Omaha, un- - improved, 3 per acre. GEOKGfc. CO., 1001 IAHNAH M. -M627 Fl SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG 8. H., Touch T. W.. Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat. free. Om. Com. Col., 17 ac Doug. A. C. Van BANT S school, 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N. X. Lite. NEB. Business II Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8T1LLMAN & PRICE, 23 U. 8. N 1 Bk. Bldg. 4t NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y, Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every wnere MACFARLAND & MAY, New York Life Building. Kuom aoi, room uu. 821 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Faro, Tels. 1561-861. EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tels. 116-1145. 467 EXPERT ACCOCNTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc G. R, Rathbun, Room 15, Com 1 Nat. ban HARNESS. HARNESS made to order and repaired. Old harness taken in trade. 13tn and i.eaven worth. M447 F23 miNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 506 8. 16th, THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. 464 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. EGG 3. 20C PER DOZ. It E. Batterton. grocers. 324 N. 18th 8L 4iW MF.DICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and lrnitularltles of women, from an caue; experienced, reliable. 1513 Dodge, Arlington D'ock, umana, iseo. iei. 13. M-y. MAN LFACTl RING. r. MELCHOIR, Uth and Howard, ma chinlst. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spa claity of lire escapes, tnutters, aoors ana sates. G. Andreeu, l'rup., lue S. loth BL ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN Pleating Co.. 2o0 Douglas Blk. 750 F6 OMAHA PLEATING CO.. W. E. Hatch, M.r., 1510 iiowurd St. Tel. 3256. -M767 F7 PATENTS. H. J COW'i ilLI. No fees unless eucctss. 31 o .oih St.. Omaha. Tel. 1798. ful. SUES ft CO., Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Es. tablisnea l&oo. o lee it we fan. Hand book free. Telephone 1633 and A-2510. 952 M10 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan OfUce, reliable, accommodat ing, all bunlnesa confidential, l&ul Douglas. 453 PLAIN SEWING AND DRESSMAKING MRS. M. CARR, 522 North Fifteenth street, :t'K-U Fl R DRESSING. O R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 8. Lib. 449 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work snd repairing promptly wtttnded to. J. T. Ochiltree, Kith and Lake streets. 170 FLORISTS. A NORRLANDER. 7o6 go. 16th St. TeL F-33u. Cut fluaerj, bouuuets, fjneral de iUus. um FI WALL rAIER AND FATER HANGING. C1L8. paints, varnishes, window glass. T. J. Sterner, 2526 No. 20th Bt. Tel. A-2f7. m . r NEEDLEWORK. EMT1ROIDFRT and lace taught free. Mrs. W I on, !'? Douglas. J. 4 DETECT IV 13 AGF.NCY. CAPT. TltOS. CORMiCK, private detect ive. 617 Karbach block. Telephone A-W. SIN CARPET CLEANING IND LAYING. A. K. JETT. 2015 Cuming at. 6:m) trilOLSTERING. PETERSON A LUNDBURO, 1U S. 17th, 7V Tel. I-23:-S. TAXIDERMIST. E. WALLACE. S. 13th St. M4 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 1536. M TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay moreT Lambert. 125; superior to lioo machines, sent on approval. Monrce ft Co., 611 N.lflth Bt., Omaba. 450 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATH railroad tickets everywhere. P. IL Phil bin, 15ue Farnam. Phone 784, ' t ' DALB TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 14th. 44S AUTOMOBILES. ELEC automobiles. Derlght. Ill Farnam, 460 PHONOGRAPHS AND SUPPLIES. ALL MAKES talking machines; send for catalogue, umana Bicycle CO., itn auu Chicago. Alb Jo GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced pricea. 6U N. 16th. Tel. 1778. -451 POIND. FOUND Bunch of keys. Call at Bee omce. Found 9y SCHOLARSHIP. BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at a bargain in sue ot umana s leading com. merctal colleges; life scholarship. Address 8 47. Bee office. MTU MASSAGE. THREE FACIAL massages. 10. 1711 Dodge. 764 F-6 MUSIC. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. David ge Block. 369 DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S ladles' tailoring college. Suite 53-4-5-6, Douglas block, loth and Dodge. C. D. Snyder, Mgr. Write for booklet. MH91 STOVE REPAIRING. NEBR. Stove Repair Co., 1608 Leav'nw'th. Tel. 294. M496 J31 ELECTH1CITY. MOVED to larger quarters. Grand Electric Co., pnone 3846. 620 bo. ietn Bt. 788 F7 SHOEMAKING. ROB. WIKLUND. union shoe shop. 17th and Doug. . , MViO J31 GENERAL ROOFING. WORK In any part of the country. Jones Roofing Co., 1517 Burt Bt, Tel. 196. v-M172 BARRICK Roofing Co., 1616 Cuming st. Tel. 95L M479 V 1 1 3 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, 3c, cuffs, 4c 1750 Leavenworth, Tel. A-17&3. -447 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 456 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. uuite bv. n, x. Liie uiag. Tel. 1664. Dr. Grace Deegan, 611 McCague Blk. Tel.2968 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. J L. SP1TZBART. Tel. F-2606. 3521 Lake. M119 F13 COAL AND WOOD. HALD & RICE, 506 S. lGth St. Tel. 1388. M115 F13 SIGN PAINTING. BCHROEDER Sign Works, 20 8. 17th. We also ship signs W rite us. 876 Junes ELECTRIC TREATMENT. DOUBLE parlors. Call at 161 Webster st, I M398 MA80.1IEKADB COSTUMES. TlltO. LIEBEN. WIS Farnam. costumes. M4l PATENT OFFICE DRAWINGS. PATENT DRAWINGS, application blanks, deeds, etc. Sues A Co., Bee Blug. Tele phone liz3 tio3 Mill eUlRTS TO ORDER. OMAHA SHIRT FACTORY, 1916 Farnam. M37u F1j PLUMBING. FREE ft WICKERS HAM, 602 8. INth st, M47S F23 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Intereated, ss changea muy occur at any time.) Foreign mal.s fur the ween einth.t' Janu ary 31, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tne general pustot.ree ss ;oll..a: Parcels post mada close one hour earlier than closing tune shown below. Pare, lj iiust mails lor Germany cluse at 6 p. m., rlilay, per a. s. I alricLa. Regular and supp.ementary malls close at foielgn station half hour later than clos ing time bhuwn below (except that supple mentary malls for Europe and Central America via Colon cluse one hour later at turvign station;. Transatlantic Malls. TUEBDAY-At 8:30 a. m. for ITALY dl- j iro, 11 m. on urn imuii inutit ue ui reeted "per a. s. Kli llla "). YVEDNEHDA Y At 1 :3u a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Celtic, via Cjueenstown ; Mt 6.1 a. m. for EUROPE. p r s. s. Frleslnn-I, via Southampton unall must be directed "it a. s. FTiesland "); at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. b. Rotter dam snail Diutt be directed "per u. a, Rottenlam"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. f r FRAN'"E. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORT I'GAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, GKEKi'E, BRITISH INDIA and LiJRENZ t M A It (jUtZ, per s. a. La Champagne, vl 1 Havre (ma 11 for other parte oi' Europe must be directed "per s. a. La Champagne"). FRIDAY At 6:30 p. tn. tr AZORES IS LANDS, per. a. s. Wcsterland, from Boa- aUXUKDAY-At .3 a. m. for IRELAND. POSTOFFICn NOTICE. per s. s. Etruria. Via QueenMown Imail for other parts of Europe must be di rected "per s. s. Etruria ): st 30 a. m. for EI "ROPE, per s. . Xroonland via Southampton; at T a. m. for ITALY di rect, per a. s. Lahn (mall must be di rected "per s. a. lhn"); at J0 a. m. f .t SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. F.thmpia (mall must be directed "per s. s. Ethl opla "); at 11 a. m. for 1'KNMARK direct. . per . s. Norge tmail must be directed pei s. s. Norge";. PRINTED MATTER, BTC.-Thls stesmet takes printed matter, commercial papers and samples for Germany only. The same class cf mall matter tor other parts of Europe will no lie sent by this ship un less specially directed by It. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic malls named above, addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American. English, French and German steamers, and remain opea . until wlthiu ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for loslk aad Central America, West Indies, Eta, TUESDAY At 9:80 a. m. (supplementary. 10:80 s, m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA, (excent Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Allianca, via Colon (let ter mall for Guatemala must be directed "rer a. s. Allianca"); at 11 a. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARA GUAY, per . s. Merchant Prince; at 1 P. m. for UUADALOUPK, MARTINIQUE, BARBADOS and BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Talisman; at 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Ad miral Dewey, from Boston; at 11:30 p. in. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from Miami, Fla. WEDNESDAY At 10 a. m, for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Rosalind; at 11:80 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral bampson, from Philadelphia. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. tor CUBA. YUCA 7AN CAMPECHE, T BASCO and CHI APAS, per s. s. Vigilant-la (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per a. s. vigllancla"); at 12 m, (supplementary II 5o p. m.) for RAHAMAS. G1JANTAN AMO and SANTIAGO, per a. s. Orlsaba. FRIDAY At 8:30 a. m. for HAITI, per s, s. riandrla; at 10 a. m. for PERNAMBI'CO, SANTOS and SAO PAULO, per s. s. East ern Prince tmail for other parts of Brasll must be directed "per s. a. Eastern Prince"); at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Seneca, via Tamplco (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Seneca"). IATI RDAY At 8 a. m. for EF.RMT DA. Ter s. a. Trinidad; at a. m. for POHTO RICO, CURACOA and VENEZUELA (ex cept Venesuela parcels post malls), per r. s. Ponce unull for Savunllla and Carta gena must be directed "per s. a. Ponce"); at 9:30 a. m (. pl mrn'irjf 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISL.vND, JAMAICA. 8A VAM1.LA, CARTAGENA tnd GREY TOWN, per s. s. Valencia (mail for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. a. Vsl encla"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 11:80 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from Miami, Fla. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, Kiid thence by steamer, close at thin ohlce dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Maila for Miquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. 111. Malls for Cuha, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this nllioe dally, except J'hursduy, at a. in. (the connecting closes are made on Mon days, Wednesdays nnd Saturdays). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close At this office dally except Sund&y at 1:30 ' p. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays hi 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. tn. Malls for Costa Kid, Belize, Puerto Cortex and letter mall for Guatemala, by rail lo New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close st this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 js. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. (connecting closes hrre Mon days at 11:80 p. m. for l'.eilxe. Puerto Cortex and letter mail for Guatemala, and Tuesdays at 11:30 p. m. for Costa ltica). ""Registered mail Closes at o p. m. pre vious day. " Transpacific Malls. Malls foi the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January 27, inclusive, for dispatch per U. 8. transport. Malls for Australia (except West Austrs.Ua, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via Ban Franclscoi and FIJI lslunds, via Vancouver and VIcto' la, B. C , close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after January "24 and up to January 31, in clusive, for dispatch per s. s. Mlowera. Malls fo Hawaii-, China. Japan and Philip- -pine Islands, via Bun Francisco, close here , dally at ;3u p. m. up to January 31, In clusive for oUttpatch per a-.-e. Hong Kong . Maru. . ... . Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, closl here dully at 6:30 p. ui. ua to Janu ary U1 Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Victoria. . Mull's for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p.- m. up to February 2, inclusive, for dispatch pur s. n. Ala meda. Malls for China and Japan, via Sentte, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Feb ruary 4 Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Shinano Maru. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February 8, In clusive, for dispatch per a. a. China. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February 11, lnclurlve, for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. Malls for Australia (except West Aus- . ralla, which Is forwarded vis Europe). New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Haw, .11, via San Kranclsco. close here dally at 6:.1i p. in. after January 81 and up to Febru ary "ll. Inclusive, for dlspafch per s. b. Sierra. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive in time to connect with this dispatch, extra malls closing at 6:30 a. m., 8:30 a. m. and 6:.V p. m. ; Sundays at 4:30 r m a a. m. ar.d 6:30 D. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). Mails for China and Janan. via Vancouver and Victoria B C. clone herr dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February "17, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Empress of Cliln.t. Merchandise tor L). S. postal sgoncy at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada. Transpacific mails are forwarded o port -of sailing daily and the schedule of clos tng Is arranged on the presumption of , their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Poslmsster. Postofflcc, New York, N. Y.. Jan. 23, Ifrtt. ;ow:hnmknt notice. OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QUAR TERMASTER, CHEYENNE. S yo., Jan. 19 1'3. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until 2 o'clock p. m . moun tain time. February 19. i:, and th-n opened, for constructing a bakery at Fort D. A. Russell. Wyo. Full Information and blank forms of proposal furnished on ap rllcajlon. plana and specifications may be seen here; also In office of Depot (juurtur master at hlcago. New York, Omaha and Denver I nlteil States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids to be marked "Proposals for constructing Bakery at Fort D. - Russell," and ad dressed Capt W. 6. cott. Constructing Quartermaster. J19 26 F 7 14.M A Moral Ihnt Was Lost. "Do you see that man on the other side ( of the street ?" asked the prohibitionist. "The one in rags end tatters?" "Yes., I tell you there's a moral In his life." "You know him?" "I used to go to college with him, and be was one of the brightest lellows there, but he drank. . He had a friend there vho was a clever fellow, too, and who never touched a drop. There was considerable good-natured rivalry between them aa to ho should be at the head of the class. During the first term it was a pretty even thing, but tho habits of he fellow who drank were" too much for him and he began to go down hill. In the second year he dropped off a little and iu the third a little more, and finally graduated at the foot ot tho class. Oh, it is a pitiful Ihing! All the time he was going down his abstemious friend ei going up. He graduatea witn uouors. n mt brighter of the two Is doing odd Jobs for a living, while the f He. d " The good man paused Ey'ldVnly. ss if he . had recollected something. "Will, where Is the friend now?" "Why why um aw I believe he's in jail for (mud. Pardon me! I'm in a great, hurry" And the good muu walked hastily away. Brooklyn Eagle. Works WOnders for Women. Electrio Bitters invigorate the female' system and cures nervousness, headache, backache sad constipation, or no pay. Ms. For sale by Kuha ft Co,