Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Thirty-Sixth Street Apprai it May Sepott
to OouboiI Tanight.
City Ofllclela Im Believe 1
Head TVIM Be Glvlna; Kali
(or Ceareaelon
It 1( expected that at tonight,' matting
3t the city council tbe appraise fi appointed
a week ago will make a report, on the prop
osition to vacate a portion f Thirty-ninth
street for the benefit ot (he Burlington
road. As the propr.sitlon Appears to come
In good faith, the comny MraBing t0
give the city a valuably tract of land In
return, it Is expected that the appraisers
will make return in accordance with
existing conditions.
At the present V tae the Burlington and
the Union Stock Yards company are spend
ing much money ta grading for tracks and
for the extension of cattle pens In the
western part of, the yards. Thosa who have
looked over the ground assert that the Im
provements tjrlng made and the ground of
fered Ui reVurn will mora than offset the
loss of. t. portion of Thirty-sixth street,
whlcV Is really line on the map. The
mayor antf council are willing to advance
the, interests of the city Inasmuch as It will
bitng to the city an increase In popula
tion aa well as large amount to be spent
lo Improvements both by the Burlington
and the stock yards company.
The three damage rases recently filed
-doubtless will be brought up and referred
to the ell attorney. Aa all of the esses
have been Died arter the usual twenty days'
ilmlt allowed by law, it Is not thought
that the city attorney will pay any atten
tion to the communications.
A number of petitions for Improvements
will. It waa stated yesterday, be brought
up, as It seems that South Omaha peoplo
are anxious to secure Improvements In all
parts of the city. There Is a demand for
more atreet lights, more water mains and
more paving. Aa the demand aeems to
be coming from all sectlona of the city It
la thought that there will be much business
dome here and many Improvements made
during tbe present 'year.
t'ltr Coancll Haa the Say.
At tho present time the city council has
he say as to whether the stock Inspector
ordinance should be passed or not. This
ordinance lias been drafted by City Attor
ney Murdock and If the council desire a
meat inspector It must pas the ordinance.
The mayor saya he la -willing to appoint
on Inspector provided the ordinance ia
rassed. Report haa It that the mayor will
refuse to appoint Claxk Howard and for
this reason, so It la asserted, the council
is holding back the ordinance. The mayor
eay that he Is rwidy and willing to ap
point a competent atock Inspector any time,
but that he will not submit to the dicta
tion of certain parties. The mayor has
In mind for the position an experienced
meat man who haa had years of experience
In tho work suid ia a taxpayer here. This
man, the mayor say's, will make an in
spection th:.t means business and will not
pass aour cooleie by whnn an order should
ba Issued to clean up.
Cloaca Clab Ilooms.
For some time past club rooms have
reen running In the basement of tbe
Tlvonka block, Twenty-sixth and N atreets.
These rooms were conducted by colored
men and as long aa order waa maintained
there was no Interference from the police.
Saturday night there waa a dance at the
club rooms and Jealousy started a fight,
which resulted In tbe firing of several
ehota by one member of the club. Tbs
dance broke up and tbe lights were out
before the police arrived. Yesterday a
Jgame ot pitch was going on, when there-
was another fight. As soon as Chief Brlggs
, beard of the second affair he started down
to notify the club members that tbelr
pety.ormanccs would not be tolerated, and
tbat the club would have to close, its
d-oors. Frank Flvonka, proprietor of the
ibullding, waa of the same mind and or
dered the club to vacate.
Sixth Annual Meeting;.
On Tuesday evening the sixth annual
meeting of the South Omaha'club will be
held at the club rooms, 417 North Twenty
fourth street. Officers will be elected and
reports from the outgoing officers will be
read. At the conclusion of the election
refreshments will be served. Every mem
ber ot the club Is urged to be preaeut.
Hapeet BIk Iletnrue.
V. B. Cheek and J. A. Cavern leave to
driy tor Oregon, where they hope to ae
t cure title to some timber lands. A tew
ot tbe friends of both of these well known
men are behind them financially and they
will not want tor money In case there h an
opportunity to secure claims right. It is
understood that quit, a fund has been
raised among South Omaha people to se
cure desirable claims in the timber sec
tluu, If It is possible to do so.
Hard Tlasea Social.
Thursday evening at Workman hall the
Presbyterian King's Daughters will give a
hard-times social. A general lavitatlen 1
extended to all. Those who attend are re
quested to "drere the part" In order that
an enjoyable evening may be spent. Al
ready some of those who propoae going are
casting about the stores for "Happy Hooll
gan " garments. An Interesting program is
to be rendered. t
t'otnolrt ins; School Hoaapa.
Tbn two-room addition to the East Al
bright school la practlually completed. The
building will be turned over to nhe officers
ot the school district on Monday and will
be ready for occupancy about the middle of
the week. As tor the four-room addition
to Lowell school. Contractor McDonald said
yesterday that lalhera were now at work
and that plastering would commence this
week if the weather weuld permit. The
root ia on the new part ol the building and
Its completion Is to be rushed In order to
relieve the overcrowded condition of aome
of the schools.
Blai Horse galea.
There will be two big horse sales at the
'stock yard this week. The first will be on
Tuesday, when ?O0 head or wore will be
offered. On Wednesday there will be an
other aale, with about the same number.
"Tbe demand now," said a horse dealer
yesterday, "Is for heavy draft horses. Com
mon stock ia going slowly. On Tuesday a
buyer wtll come from Wltconaln to pick
up heavy draft horsea for use In the lum
ber camps. The best horaea now on aale
Does not harm the Hands
Silver Polish
Not a soap, but It cleanses
Contains no acid or harmful
All reapon.ibie eau a package
jewelers keep W '
at this -market come from Iowa at the
present, tmPi although It la stated that
some g0oj Nebraska horses soon will be
sent .a."
Magic C Ity (ImiIs.
There will be a big horse sale at the
'ock yards on Tuesday.
Peter Young of Kearney waa In the city
Vesterdav vtaltlna- Oram Paul.
The feast of St. Agnes was duly observed
. at St. Agnes church yesterdsy.
An adjourned meeting ot the Board of
Education will be held this evening.
Dana Morrill has returned from Kl Paao,
Tex . where he went to attend a shooting
Mike Brennan returned home last night
from O'Neill, Neb., where he went to visit
R. C. Howe, general manager of the
Armour plant In South Omaha, la now
touring old Mexico.
While the condition of W. O. Slnane yes
terday was about the same, there did not
seem to be any change for the woree.
The men'a meetings at the Young Men's
Christian association, held every Bumlay
afternoon, are growing in Interest, aa the
attendance ehowa.
So far the South Omaha police have found
no trace of W. R. Parka, ttm Chlcaro
traveling man who dlpiearel from his
hotel at Lincoln on the night of January li).
Mrs. (Seorge H. Brewer, Twenty-fifth and
H streets, entertahied a njmber of friends
Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mr.
Brewer's mother, who la here from Nor
wich, N. Y.
The revival meetings at the Baptist
church, Twenty-fifth and H streets, Will
continue until Kebruury 1. MIf Johnson
hiK arrived from St. Paul, Minn., and will
assist In the singing.
Milo Lajghllii of Miami, Tex., closed a
contract yesterday for the erection of two
dwellings at Thlrt y-eecond anil R etreeta.
Oannis Harrington has the contract. The
two houses will cost 12 5o0.
(Continued from First Page.)
bas broken In on Its executive work to
listen to eulogies on deceased members,,
but the time has seldom been propitious
and laterly the practice has been meeting
with growing disfavor.
On account of pressure of business this
session it was decided to bold tbe memorial
sessions on Sunday and during the course
ot their eulogies today several members
took occasion to 'voice their recommenda
tion of the Innovation and to express their
opinion that It should be followed In the
At the session today tribute was paid
to the late Representative Russell (Conn.)
and Representatives ghepard and Pefen
gratb (Tex ), each ot whom died during tbe
recess. The attendance in the galleries was
quite large and tl-ere was a numerous as
semblage of friends of the deceased mem
bers on the floor.
At 2:55, as a further mark of respect
the house adjourned.
The house this week wilt probably con
sider the Fowler currency bill. The house
managers have arranged to bring In a spe
cial rule, making the meaaure a continuous
order .until disposed of. While It la antic
ipated that the bill will precipitate ajjvely
debate, lta friends believe Its passage is
Tomorrow will be District of Columbia
day and Tuesday wilt be given to quit a
number of measures of mjnor importance.
Ttiere are three appropriation bills on
the calendar aad It any time should remain
they will be pressed forward, aa it la the
desire of the leaders to get all appropria
tion bills to the senate as aoon as possible.
The anti-trust bill will not come up until
next week.
Meilcaaa Frarlnar Spread ( Plague
Male Aetlve War oa
CUL1CAN, Slnaloeh. Jan. 25. Some of
the wealthy families of this city have left
and othera are preparing to leave In a
short time on account of a fear that tho
bubonic plague may reach here.
Tbe state government, assisted by the
federal government. Is doing everything
to confine tho plague to Matatlan. Tbe
authorities are making a war on rats.
Thousands have been killed and the car
casses buried in the cemetery.
MEXICO CITY, Jau, 25. The charity
commission at Matatlan has received up
ward of $130,000 for use in combatting the
plague. Money la atlll pouring in from all
part ot the country.
Dr. J. H. Grimes, tho bubonlo plague
expert, who offered bis services to tbe
government, baa been notified to hold him
self in readiness to proceed to the stricken
GUAYMAS, Mexico, Jan. 25. As a sani
tary measure the government has issued
an order that fishermen must clean and
decapitate their finh at sea. A heavy pen
alty la prescribed tor cleaning Jiah and
-leaving tbe refuse on the shore or bring
lug undressed fish into the market.
Meilcana Clash with Xearrees aatl
Three Will Probably
NOCADOQE3, Tex., Jan. 18 In a gen
eral fight between Mexicans and negroes ou
the farm ot the Angelina Orchard company,
IWUlam McOhe, the white foreman, waa
killed and four Mexicans were seriously
cut, three probably fatally'
Ills Aereast Overdrawa.
A.-N. South, a saloonkeeper from Adair,
Ia., was arrested last night on complaint
of J. W. Dwyer who charges him with
passing a worthless check for til). Dwyer
says that he gave the check and it was
returned from the Adair bank msrked "no
effects." The prisoner aays that he did
give Dwyer the chera, nut wun no inten
tion of fraud. He saya that the day before
drawing this check he scut $fluu to his wife,
and that she did not go to the bank In time.
The banker did not aa ner in ragara to
the overdraft. The police are Inclined to
believe this version of the affair.
O fleer Caaasea fa Haady.
Kd J. Boyle, a Kansas City detective,
arrived tn this city yesterday morning to
take Hurl Handy to the Mlsaourl metropo
11a. They will leave here at 10 o'clock this
Rev. Charlea W. Savldge. who haa been
holding revival meetings In Johnson and
Richardson counties, returns Monuay.
Tom Kyan. while begging on the streets
waa arrested by Officers Kerrls and Bamuel
son which la the latler's lirst arrest since
his recent appointment to tne force.
While walking near the corner of Big.
tMnth and F'arnam atreets Sunday after
noon Mrs. Thompson waa aelsed with an
aiturk nt heart failure and was removed
In the police ambulance to her home, 1110
r amain street.
While laboring under the effaota of liquor
Robert Johnson whs arrcstea aunaay arter
nnon - rharaed with the malicious dectruc
tlon of property. Ha is said to have amuaed
himself by putting his foot through the
i.anel of a door at stdt North Fifteenth
Bam Harding waa arrested Saturday
v-nlno- bv Beraeants Kent rrow and Demp
ir ,nH officer Cook, uunn the charae of
kevplng a gambling house at 113, South
Thirteenth street. A. Y. kloOuyre. Pete
Kendall and C Hppwn were aiao arrested
charged with beta lamataa of tbe place.
whiia attemDtlna to allabt from a South
Omaha, street car. uear th corner of Four
teeiitn ana I'uuga scree is, nunu.y aiicr
mmn H. H. Neweomb, a resident or un
coin, accidentally slipped and struck the
lvenicpt on lila head. He was removed
i a i ho unlloa station, where his Inlurtta
were found to consist of several bad bruises
and cuts on the tv aa.
Publish your legal notices la Tbe Weekly
, Tsleeaoaa 2M. v
Call Government Bloodthirsty and Cowardly
for Condemning Lynch.
Saya Australia la Already Fetltlealaa;
Klaar for C Irairsry and It la
Better to" Await Heaalt Be
fore Breaklas; Alienor.
NEW YORK. Jan. 25. At a meeting of
delegatea of tho United Irish-American
Societies of New York, presided over by
Daniel F. Colahan tonight, resolutions were
adopted denouncing the trial and death sen
tence of Colonel Arthur Lynch aa a trav
esty on Justice.
The resolution says In part:
We desire to express our belief that the
British government will not dare to carry
out the sentence imposed upon Colonel
Lynch, and alxo to point out that the ac
tion of an Kngllwh court In finding h man
who had become In due form a naturalised
cltlxen of another country guilty of treason-
to England, In unjuxt, unfair and a
gross ylnlntion of all the conditions under
whlfh millions of citizens had been added
to the population of this country.
At this time, when Kiiftlsnd for Its own
aelnh purposes U attempting to conceal
Its enmity to America under the guise of
friendship In order the more thorouKhly to
avail Itself of our strength and power, It
endeavors to set said one of the cardinal
principles of otir Institutions and to take
from tis one of the greatext sources of our
We denounce Its action as cowardly,
brutal and tyrannical and predict that It
will only serve to call the attention of the
World to the fact that as you cannot change
the spots of the leopard, so you ennot
make the Kngllsh government anything
but stupid, bloodthirsty, cowardly and
National Societies Conservative.
A conference of representatives of the
national Irish societies was also held to
consider the question ot taking concerted
action on behalf of Colonel Lynch.
About fifty delegates were present when
R. J. Kennedy, president ot the United
Irish league called the meeting to order.
Thomas H. Romayne, addressing the
mealing, said:
I advocate a policy of silence an fnl
aa tho American Irish are concerned.
Twenty million Irish must have a heavy
Influence In Kngland In case they movo
conservatively. Therefore 1 think It best
to await I nst rjct ions from Ireland, and
especially from Australia, where Colonel
Lynch was horn, and where, of course,
a deep feeling In his behalf must exist.
I'nless I am misinformed a telegram was
received In this city today from an Aus
tralian gentleman, saying that steps have
lieen taken there to Invoke the clemency
of the king In Mr. Lynch's behalf.
Mr. Romayne advocated tbe appointment
of a committee of nine lj bring together
the tepresentatlves of the society and to
act as a general committee for the Irish
men of the city In behalf of Colonol
The committee was Immediately organ
ised and decided to call a general con
ference this week.
(Continued from First Page.)
tbe Indians, can exert a strong Influence
for good. Under the government's present
enlightened policy ot leading the Indian
from an Indolent life to one of self-support
and self-respect, the plan of breaking up the
reservation system and locating schools at
convenient points in charge ot superintend
ents of high character, will undoubtedly
produce good results. To our further rec
ommendation as to the proposed plan ot
examining applications we earnestly en
treat your attention. With great respect,
President Indian Reform Association.
Corresponding "Secretary.
In gnawer to the above the following
has been received:
15. My Dear Sir: Your letter of the Sth
Inst, has been received snd brought to the
attention of the president.
In reply I wouli' say that the president
has at once made Inquiries of the commis
sioner of Indian affairs regarding the seven
Indian agenta to whom you refer. Very
truly your.
Becretary to the President.
Mr. Philip C. Garrett, Indian Rights as
sociation, IJuS Arch street. Philadelphia.
Moantaln Sqowa Melted by Rain Help
to Swell the Floodlagr
PORTLAND, On., Jan. 25. The heavy
rains of the past forty-eight hours have
enured the anow In the Cascade and coast
range mountains to melt rapidly, and all
the streams flowing into the WllKametto
river bavo become torrents-
Advices from tbe upper river today show
that the Wllllamette is higher than ever
before recorded, and much damage bas been
done to farms along the river bottoms.
Many booms ot logs have broken away and
several million feet of saw logs set adrift.
On account of the high water it became
necessary today to close the locks at Ore
gon City to navigation.
The river at thla city rose three feet
during last night, and tonight stands fifteen
feet above low water. The weather bureau
predlcta a further rise on account ot the
large volume of water in the upper river,
though so serious damage has resulted
along the water front.
No through trains arrived over the South
ern Pacific today on account ot tbe wash
out between Harrlsburg and Junction City.
The road Is now dear south of Eugene
and through trains from California are ex
pected about noon tomorrow.
At Eugene., ore., tne wiuiametie river
registered twenty-three fact above low
water mark, the highest mark ot which
there la no record, but the water is now
falling. Yards and farms along the river
bottoms have suffered heavily and the loss
of stock will amount to thousands of dol
Froirn fironad Holds Klooda.
BAKER CITY, Ore., Jan. 25. Powder
river has fallen considerably during the
past few hours and all danger to city prop
erty haa passed. The valley Is still full of
water, the ground being frozen, keeping the
floods on the surface. All mountain streams
eaat and west of here are out of their
banks, and all trains badly delayed. Two
or three railroad bridges have been washed
out, but no other serious damage to prop
erty bas been reported.
Imports Mad Exports to 1'altad atates
Both Increase by Mlllloas
af Dollara.
MEXICO CITY. Jan. 25. During the first
four months of the current fiscal year tbe
exports Irom Mexico to the United States
amounted to 40,S0I,J?1, against 138,516.262
in the corresponding months ot the prev
ious fiscal year.
Tbe imports rose correspondingly, the
amount it American merchandise brought
in the first four months of the fiscal year
showing a gain of nearly 13,000,000 gold.
arrant to Care Paenmaala.
ROME. Jan. J3. Prof. Tlzionl of the Bo-
logna university haa announced to the
Royal Academy ot Science the discovery of
a eervnt to combat pneumonia.
"Ole Olaoa" at the' Iloyd.
Ben Hendricks haa been coining to
Omaha for tho laat thirteen years with his
"Ole Olson" makeup and dialect, but the
size of the house he drew at fie Boyd lsst
night would seem to Indicate that the
play and the player have lost none of
their charm for the people. Ole Olson
la an humble hero, but nonetheless a
pleasing one. snd the people apparently
like to watch his strugtje with the Eng
lish language, a loving cook-lady and a
bunch of villains at th same time. He
overcomes the latter, circumvents the sec
ond, and gives up the first as a task too
great for his tongue, which has been thick
ened by a descent from vikings who didn't
wsste time tslklng. Ole is saalsted along
the way by a number of persons who have
things to do with the working out of the
plot of the play. Several of these show
much cleverness, and all work together
with a harmony that makes the play move
smoorbly. One of the Interpolate. 1 fea
tures Is the Swedish Ladles' quartet, the
members having well trained voices which
chime melodiously in the folk-songs and
English numbers rendered. Thla waa an
especially delightful part of the perform
ance last night. "Ole Olson" will be re
peated thla evening.
Vaudeville at the I relahton-Orpheaat.
Two large audiences passed a verdict of
approval ou the bill at the Crelghton
Orpheum yesterday. No one of tbe acts
stands out with any startling prominence
above the level of excellence set for this
house during tbe present season, but all
are so near the mark that It would not be
overstating the truth to aay that the bill
Is the best balanced that has been given
yet. Cole and Johnson are In many ways
entitled to the honors. They are Imbued
with the true artistic spirit, and 'are
musicians of more than ordinary ability,
being possessed of carefully cultivated
voices and having extensive knowledgo of
the piano, the only Instrument they use.
Their songs are mostly of their own com
position, and are sung with good, taste.
And be It to their credit said they refuse
to sing "coon" Miss Dorothy Wal
ters whlstleB most tunefully, some of her
numbers being extremely difficult, and
Jamea H. Cullen sings a bunch ot his own
parodies on popular songs in a way that la
his own. Olivette Is a clever Juggler, do.'B
some mystifying work In the way of palm
ing cards and coins, spins tambourines In
a way never seen here before and doca
aome exceedingly clever shadowgraph work.
Purcell and Maynard do a pleasing sketch
and the Columbian trio also make good In
Its act. Some new and popular pictures are
shown bv the klnodrome.
Vessel Takes EIThty-lx Daya lie.
tnreen Nome and Port
PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Jan. 25. The
steamer Dawson City, elghty-elx days from
Nome, reached port today, under sail, after
a tempestuous voyage.
The entire trip waa marked by a succes
sion of accidents. 8oon after starting
-south tbe boilers commenced leaking, with
the result that the fresh water supply waa
consumed. Then fuel ran short and the
vessel was forced to resort to such canvaa
as could be fashioned Into sails. It put
into Port Moller tor fuel and water and
after remaining two weeks started again,
only to run into fierce etorma, which drove
It from Its course. Again fuel ran out, so
Dawson City headed for'' Dutch Harbor
to refill bunkers and tank si At this port
the sailors deserted and refused to con
tinue tne voyage. The run from Dutch
Harbor to thla port was made in twenty
two days, which Is considered a very good
allowing considering the weather and tbo
facilities for handling the vessel.
Dawson City brought no passengers
except Ha owner, Felix Brown ot Seattle,
and bis wife.
Voters Decide to Tarn Down Chamber
and Bend Coast Back to
PARIS, Jan. 25. Tbe election of a deputy
tn the Baasos-Alps district, rendered neces
sary by the invalidation of Count Bonl de
Castellane'a election by the Chamber of
Deputies, took place today.
Count Bonl was again a candidate and
was opposed by Andre Siegfried. The con
test waa strenuously conducted on both
The result at -the town of Castellans
showa a majority of 500 tor the count. The
returns from twenty other electoral sta
tions are atlll lacking, but the re-election
of the count seems assured.
Irish Town Overwhelmed by Dlaaater,
Which Is Lessened by Timely
x Removal of Explosive.
ARMAGH. Ireland. Jan. 25. A great Are
broke out here today and spread so rapidly
that iha local Are brigade waa unable to
cope with It and assistance bad to be sent
from Belfast, thirty-five miles distant.
Ten of the largest wsrehouses and shops
In the center of the town were destroyed,
the damage being estimated at $300,000. The
trade of the town is paralyzed. '
Tbe timely removal of a quantity of
dynamite from one of the doomed stores
averted a worse disaster.
I'apera Allege Archdake, Bwern tv
Celibacy, Will Kot Wed los.
fectloner's Daughter.
VIENNA, Jan. 25. The newspapers here
deny the rumor that Archduke, Eugene
one of tbe second cousins of Emperor
Francia Joseph, is about to renounce his
rank in order to marry a confectioner's
Archduke Eugene enjoys a large Income
aa the grand master of the Ancient and
Noble Teutonlo Order, one ot tho chief
obligations ot which is celibacy.
Moroeean Pretender Meets Hulana
Forees Where Victory Will
tilve lltaa Fes.
TANGIER, Jan. 23. News from Fes
dated January 21, says the pretender, Bu
Hamara, was then advancing at the head
of large forces and had arrived at a point
twenty-five miles from Fes.
A decisive battle was expected, when,
should the sultan's main army on the Be
bux river be defeated, it was thought the
elty of Fes would Inevitably fall Into the
hands of Bu Hamara.
Krnador la Shocked.
GUAYAQUIL. Ecuador, Jaa. 25. A slight
shock ot earthquake waa felt here this
It is said that everybody "eats a peck of dirt."
No one is anxious to get more than their share,
yet a few people still buy soda crackers in bags.
Crackers sold from a can or barrel are likely to
collect dust and other things in the cleanest of grocer
ies. The store must be swept; boxes and barrels
moved and the cracker box uncovered now and then
for a thoughtless buyer.
If you don't want to eat a peck of dirt
buy Unoeda Biscuit in the airtight, dust-proof,
moisture proof In-er-seal Package with red and white
seal. Baked and packed in perfect cleanliness they
reach you in the same condition.-
Whether bought at the general store in the
country or at the great city grocery, they are equally
fresh, and good, and wholesome.
Unoeda Biscuit above all
Four Organizations in Printing Trade Will
Doubtless Unit.
Convention Meets Today Iadlanap.
oils to Dlscaas Difficulties and
' Formulate Treaty It that
Be Found Possible.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Jan. 25. The offi
cers and delegates of the International or
ganisations connected with the printing,
photo-engraving and electrotyplng In
dustries have already arrived in the city
for the conference which will be held to
morrow to settle differences between the
Louis Flader of 8t, Louis and other rep
resenting the independent photograph en
gravers are here. . Among those of the
International Printing Pressmen and As
sistants' union who have arrived are W. H.
Berklln and Theodore F. Oaloskousky ot St.
Louis of the executive committee.
A preliminary meeting was held tonight,
at which plana were arranged for the pres
entation ot business to the conference
which will be called to order tomorrow by
President Lynch of the International Typo
graphical union. The conference will be
held at the headquarters ot the Interna
tional Typographical union.
The purpose of the delegatea will be
to agree on aome plan by which there wtll
be a national organisation under which all
branches ot the printing trades shall work
and each of the trades shall have repre
sentation of three votes at the national
conferences. The central body will have
charge of the label and shall say which
unions shall use it.
There has been aome doubt as to whether
the International Typographical union
would consent to an equal representation
for the reason that It has a much larger
membership than any ot the others.
A delegate of the independent photo
graph fngravers' union said there would
be no trouble about reaching an agreement
with the printers and the contending
branches of his union would both come into
one organisation.
Ministers Irate Local Veto Bill Kn
doraed by Illinois Antl-Balooa
Leaarue. '
CHICAOO, Jan. 25. From tbe pulplts'ln
every city and town throughout Illinois
today ministers advocated the bill recently
introduced in the legislature giving cities,
counties and smaller communities the right
to decide by ballot whether saloons shall
J exist.
This expression ot opinion and endorse
ment was the result of a general request
for sermons on this topic from the Illinois
Anti-Saloon league, and In Chicago nearly
all the ministers of Mie Protestant de
nominations asked the metabers of their
congregations to exert their Influence for
the passage of the measure.
Beported Aajrouad, Jnlia J. Hill, from
Florida, l'asaes I p Bar When
Fogr Lifts.
NEW YORK. Jan. 25. When the fog
lifted from the lower bay today the steamer
Jo . lrom "as. was iiug
! anchor In Gravesend bay. near tbe location
ei.wmcu n was rrpuncu
It passed up tbe bay and waa apparently
R. O. Gives Men Raise.
P4TTSBCRO, Jan. 25. It waa announced
today by D. J. Burke, who represented tbe
conductors at a recent conference with
Baltimore ft Ohio railroad officials at Bal
timore, that an agreement had been sanc
tioned by the company granting a 10 per
cent advance to data from Jan. I. The ad
vance extends over all branches ot the
road and was given to conductors, brake
men and yardmen.
Chateau d'lf (or Sale.
Every reader of Dumas knows the Cha
teau d'lf. which is referred to In the first
part of "Monte Cristo." Of course, Ed
cnond Dantet and(hts friend, tbe Abbe, are
purely imaginary cbaractera, aaya the New
York Tribune, but Dumas' descriptive
powers breathed such life Into them that
many visitors to the Chateau d'lf' ask to
sea the cells where the heroea of the
novel were Incarcerated. It la reported
that the keeper of the castle made a very
profitable income by pointing those cells
out, and It ia also related that Dumas
himself, on a vielt to If, greatly enjoyed
the Joke. The chateau Is to bo sold by
order ot the Ministry of War, and the
sale waa to have been conducted at Mar
seilles' Town ball recently. It having
been reported, however, that the building
was to be restored and converted Into a
gambling palace, the local authorities took
larm and conferred with the military au
thorities. The result la that the sale has
been postponed, and it ia probable that
when the property is again offered to the
public a clause wtll be inserted in the
conditions ot sale to the effect that the
chateau shall not bo converted Into a
gambling establishment.
They t'ae One Optle More Coatlnaoualy
Than the Other Keroe of
The man who spends bait his t'.me trying
to classify people said he never saw so
many left-eyed passengers tn one car, re
ports the New York Times.
"Wbnt do you mean by left-eyed passen
gers T" asked his companion.. '
"People who use their left eye more than
their right." was the reply. "The species Is
not common and, of course, none but a stu
dent In ocujar science would be able to de
tect offhand I ho few whom wo do meet. A
left-handed person advertises his peculiar
ity at once; not so the left-eyed man. As a
rule It takes an oculist to determine which
eye bas been used most, but there are cer
tain aeeullarltltles of the pupil and lid that
may be taken as pretty sure signs by the
trained observer.
"Left-eyed people are made, not born. Most
of us have been blessed by nature with eyes
ot equal visual power, but the attitude we
strike reading or writing causes us to ex
ercise ona eye more than the other and the
first thing we know we are right or left
eyed. This Is a one-sldedness that should
always be taken Into consideration when
buying glasses. A right-eyed man with left
eyed spectacles, or vice versa. Is at a de
cided disadvantage aod It Is the optician's
business to ase that he Is properly fitted."
Feinted Faraarrapha.
Oallery gods move In the highest circles.
Lots of men talk like philosophers and
act like fools.
A pain that doublea a man naturally In
creases hia algbs.
The bunion's progress Is painfully inter
esting to the pilgrim.
Lovers, like armies, get along well enough
till the engagement begins.
Wise Is tbe man who marries young,
makes a hit and doesn't brag about It.
Invalids often think they need more rest,
when all they need Is less medicine.
Men with small heads and pins without
any are apt to venture beyond their depths, vsslon of tbe American shoe Is so seriously
Pedagogues should remember that they ! affecting the English trade that extra
can't teach the young idea how to shoot i ordinary methods have been adopted to dls.
with blank cartridges. credit the Yankee articles. One shop at-
For each man who bltlee you because of i tracta a crowd by showing a section of an
your misfortunes a thousand will hate you
because of your success.
Hope vanlsbea with youth. Aa a man
grows older he quits hoping and begins to
gather unto himself everything In sight
that Isn't nailed down. Chicago News.
The Part of Wisdom.
"But why Is It," they'aBked, "that you,
who are such a good poker player, lost
heavily to that tuanT"
"For that reason," answered Bronco Jim,
gloomily, "that after the game was goln'
It come over me that I wasn't wearin' my
gun an' the other feller was wearin' his."
The Truth Abeet Kentucky.
People who have bad doubts as to the
loveliness of Kentucky may learn the truth
If they will study carefully the following
poem from the. St. Mary's (O.) Graphic:
By W. U. Meffc.rd.
Let me go to Old Kentucky,
Where the raccoon la hard to track
And the roads so very crooked.
You meet yourself a-comlng back.
'The other side."
But the road is very pleasant,
And the scenery something fine,
Yes, the air In so refreHhlng
That you think It Is divine.
Let me go to Old Kentucky.
Where the sky is pierced with hills.
And between thtise rugged mountains
Stands the little water mills.
"Tbe other side."
But they are run by Nature
, And not by th power of steam.
And when they go a-vlsltlng
They use their old oa team.
Let me go to Old Kentucky, '
Where they carry the gun and knife.
But lt a only for self-protection
And not to take your life.
"The other side."
But they treat you like a white man.
If you are down In th South
You are alwaya feeling good you know,
And not down in the mouth.
Kantn Boxers Seek to Flaoe Fa Chui on
Celestial Throne
8hana"hal Papers Fear Worse Horrors
Than Two Years Ago If Tana;
Fnh Blanc la Not Quickly
VICTORIA. J3. C, Jan. 25. The steamers
Athenian and Tremont arrived today from
the Orient, having both sailed from Yoko
hama and arrived within an hour of each
other. The ateamers bring further news
of the revolution In Kansu.
Dlapatchea to tbe Shanghai papers from
La Bhekow are to the effect that unless
Tung Fuh Blang is suppressed the powers
will soon find themselves face to face with
a bigger fevolt than that of two years ago.
Missionaries are already beginning to leave
the threatened district.
Messrs. Rydbog and . Soderstray, mis
sionaries who have reached Shanghai from
Slnang, having- come from tbe Interior
because of tbe threatened revolt, in In
terviews given o a German dally paper of
Shanghai state Tung Fuh Slang is galnlnj
ground and Intends to lead his army to
Slnang, where he will endeavor to make
his capital and place Pu Chun, who baa
been proclaimed emperor, on the throne.
Tung Is himself enlisting troops and
everything else points to the fact' that he
has government support. Kansu and
Shensl are overrun by Tung's forces. All
pro-foreign officials are being relieved
from Sungan.
Pekln' correspondents also tell of the
threatened outbreak In the northwest and
credit Yong Lu, the "real ruler ot China,"
with being behind the movement.
The Canton correspondent of a Hong
Kong paper states that the rebellion In
Kwangnl Is more serloUB than ever known.
The rebels, 40,000 to 50,000 In number,
have taken possession ot many districts
and towns and Pakngal Pakshek, Slsbtng,
Syan, Hlnlp and Lauchow are In their
possession. They are now marching Into
Yunnan, armed with modern rifles. The
officials at Canton are enlisting soldiers.
British Dealers Resort to All Kind
of Schemes to Head Oft
(Copyright, 19(0, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Jan. 26. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The ln-
alleged American shoe with a description
of tbs different ways in which It is said
to be "faked" such as a cardboard sole, a
filling of iron, waste and sheep lining com
pared with a section of an English boot
containing nothing but the finest materials.
But the popularity of American shoes la
spreading rapidly nevertheless.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
Consistency Is the one Jewel that no
woman ever wanted her huaband to buy for
Wives rule the husbands, children rule
the wives, and tbe cook rules the whole
bunch of them.
A woman has aa much respect tor a ?ai.
tor's prescription pad as a man bas for a
millionaire's check book.
It's mighty hard for a man to under
stand how a woman who fools around so
recklessly in a sleeping car ran be so ter
ribly careful about pulling down her bed
room curtains overlooking her own back
yard. New York Press.
A Glad Diversion.
I do not hate the Woman's Club,
Nor count It hnif a "In;
It seems to take her mind away
From what hae turned me bald and gray
The deadly rolling pin.
Ban Francisco Bulletin.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
Thla question arises in tho family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre
pared ia two minutes. No boiling I no
baking I add boiling water and aet to
eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Btrawberry. Get a package)
at your grocer to-day. io cU.