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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1903)
4 THE OMAHA DAILY 11EE: MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 100.1. The umaha Daily Hee. E. ROSEWATER, EDITOR, PLl'MSIU'.U e;rt MORNINO. TKH.M3 OF CL'lttH 'RI FTION. Dnlly He (without Kunday), imi Year.. $4 SO UBily Mee nr.d SuiKliiy, one Year lilu f ralt-'l line. One i ear I'M Bunriay 1 !, one 1 tar tci baturusy Hi, One War l.&o Twentieth Century .farmer. One Year.. DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Pally Hee (without Sunday), per copy.... tc Dally lee (without Sunday), jT wek...l2c Daily !) (including HuiiUh)), prr vck,.li'c Wnnilay Hee, per ropy be Evening (.without Bundny), per week So livening lire (Including Sunday), per wk 10c Complaints ef irregularities In delivery should b addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICE8. Omaha The Ree Building. South omiiha City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth Mid M Streets. Counrll Uluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 16w Unity llulldlng. hew York 2331 I'ark Row Hulldlng. Washington il Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communlcatlona relating ti newa and ed itorial mutter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Kill lu rlul Department. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION, btnte of Nebraska, Douglas County, an.: Ocorfp H. Tuchiirk, secretary of The Ree Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning. Evening and Bumlity Rec printed during- the month of December. 19l, waa as follows: 1 82.3HO I 81.120 I 1,470 81.000 t 81.04O : 81.830 T SS.OOO t ....80.1MM) t 30,000 io ao.uao 11 SO.bUO 12..... 80,970 13 SO.fUO 14 2i,824 15 8V10 1 80,910 17 80.MO is so.eio 19... 10... ... 23... u...,rM ..xa,rMi ,.80.00 ..80.1MO 24.. a mojum 8! SO.M30 to ... ..80,7tM ..80,870 .. 28.. 2t.. .. a.. Total Ift2,48 Less unsold ar.d returned copies.... 10,181 Net total ealaa 9JM?M Net average sales 3tt,3 GEORGE B. TZ8CHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to oefore me this Slet day of December. A. D. iSna. M. B. HUNUATE, (Seal) Notary Public. If Nebraska telephone subscribers will rut In a ground wire they may hear something Interesting on the Lincoln circuit Nebraska dairymen are to be given special permission by law to color their butter. Why can't they also be given special permission by law to chalk, their milk? 8enator Teller of Colorado says he ex pecta he will have to defend his election against a contest The chancer are good, too, that the senator will not be disappointed. Omaha la forging to the front among the clearing house cities and If it keeps up Ha gait to the end of the year it will rank as the sixteenth clearing house city in America. The woman who has been playing wetnurse to the royal family of Italy teems to have struck the moat lucra tive occupation yet opened to the aex. But will the club woman who has been Mamoring for new money-making ,vo- catlona follow suit? ' The adverse . action-, of Governor Mickey and the Nebraska legislature on the Dietrich land leasing blU la taken at Washington to sound the death knell of that measure. Congress la not apt to do something for Nebraska which Nebraska does not want John N. Baldwin cf ' Iowa has taken upon himself the patriotic duty of pro- riding Nebraska with new revenue leg islation. The Iowa statesman feels per fectly safe from any of the pains and penalties he would Impose upon de linquent Nebraska taxpayers. The board of university regents bas figured it out that they will be able to spend the entire Income of the Institu tion from government aid, endowment returns and proceeds of state tax to a penny. There Is no flaw In the mathe matics of the university financiers. Minister Bowen gives assurance that the pending controversy between the three allied powers and Venezuela may be aettled soon and satisfactorily. There Is no good reason why this controversy should not have been sent to an arbi tration tribunal without first Indulging in acta of war. According to all reports, the Kansas state government la worse railroad rid den than the Nebraska state govern ment ever was. That explains why the railroads are ao anxious to have Ne braska copy after Kansas in all matters of lawmaking In which th railroads are directly interested. i . iis The output of Nebraska beet sugar fac tories for the year Just closed is almost 23.000.000 poujds, according to figures compiled by Deputy Lalr Commis sioner Watson. It will be remembered that beet sugar production Is another of the Industries which it was predicted could never be developed to substantial proportions In this country. Several Nebraska legislatures have successively gone on record in favor of the election of United States senators by direct rote of the people and It would not be out of the way for the members of the present body to give expression again to this demand, which voices the practically unanimous sentimeut of all thir const ltuents without regard to party affiliations. When It comes right down to bust ness aud brass tacks, the state senate has no real prerogative to mix in tlie work of formulating the proposed new revenue measure.' The Nebraska con stitution expressly declares that all revenue bills shall originate In the bouse and whatever participation la accorded the svuator lu Joint committee Is purely by couruy. Vnder the circumstances' it might be prvprr fur tlx senate end of the combination to sit In the back seats knd let the house members occupy the front places on the platform. TBI H Kit fHPRMAX LA W HVFFICIEXT. Ex-Senator Edmunds, who was chair man of the senate Judiciary commit tee when, the Pherman anti-trust law was pnssed .and had much to do with the framing of the act. Is of the opinion and his opinion is entitled to great weight that the law Is "entirely enp able of putting an end to such so called trusts and such combinations as Inter fere with or restrain commerce among the states." lie thinks that the only dimctilty with It lies In faulty admin istration. In a Just published letter Mr. Ivimund says that the act was re garded by the senate Judiciary commit tee that reported It in 1810 as In re spect to Its general scope an exercise of the whole constitutional power of congress, "which could only legislate for the freedom and regulation of com merce with foreign nations and among the several states." Mr. Edmunds soys that the law only needs to be fully enforced to pnt an end to the combinations to which It ap plies and expresses the opinion that the attorney general and his assistants 'will find easy means. If supplied with the necessary funds, to arrest the prog ress and undo the mischievous work of such great and Injurious combinations as have so largely come Into recent ex istence." Attorney General Knox, Sen ator Iloar and other able lawyers do not believe that the limit of the con stitutional power of congress was reached In the anti trust law of 1800 and the attorney general haa pointed out. In the Judgment of many very con-1 clusively, how congress may further ex ercise power for the supervision and regulation of combinations engaged In interstate and foreign commerce. It la very probable that more could have been accomplished under the "Sherman act than has been, but we believe there are few who regard It as the final, leg islative word on the subject There is especially a demand for additional leg islation that will do what la not done by the lnw of 1800, provide for pub licity and supervision of the organiza tion and workings of the combinations. The Sherman act will stand, but it can be made more effective If supplemented by some such legislation as la now pro posed. BRITISH VBJeQT TV CCBAX THUATT. The first thought of Americans gen erally In regard to British objection to the reciprocity treaty with Cuba Is likely to be that It is an Impertinent attempt to Interfere with the unques tionable right of the) United States and the Cuban republic to enter Into a com merclal agreement which they deem to be of mutual advantage. It is easy, however, to understand the great con cern manifested by the British manu facturers and merchants, since with the treaty In operation most of their trade with Cuba would be lost and trans ferred to American manufacturers and merchants. This trade is now consid erable. Another effect of , the , treaty would be to seriously Injure the sugar industry of the British West Indian pos sessions, which have been seeking a reciprocity arrangement with this coun try that wonld be favorable to their sugar. Or course with a 20 per cent re duction In the tariff on sugar Imported from Cuba the British Islands cannot profitably compete In the American mar ket aud this would doubtless be disas trous to their sugar industry. That Is a matter, however, which the United States Is not bound to consider. In negotiating a reciprocity treaty with Cuba our government haa had the Interests of Its own people in view. Great Britain must look after the Inter ests of her colonial subjects as best It can. The. British cabinet will consider what can be done. Retaliating with an Increased duty on grain has been sug gested. Existing conditions in the United Kingdom ,are such as to make exceedingly unpopular a .course that would Increase the price of bread. There are hundreds of thousands of nnem ployed people and much destitution, and distress. A London dispatch of a few days ago stated that the depression la spreading steadily among the principal trades .and the number of workless, starving laborers wss increasing. In such circumstances It would be a grlev oua mistake to Increase the grain duty and It seems most improbable, that this will be done. It appears that the British ambassa dor at Washington has been informed by Secretary Hay that in negotiating the reciprocity treaty with Cuba the United States bas done no more than had been promised and had no Inten tlon of modifying the treaty. It will certainly not be modified In the Inter est of the British possessions in the West Indies, which have enjoyed the advantages of the American market for their products and done the greater part of their purchasing in the British mar ket The treaty with Cuba should cause no serious controversy, as It Is sug gested it may, between Great Britain and the United States. Our right to make the treaty Is unquestionable and Its negotiation waa prompted as well from a sense of duty to Cuba as from a conviction that It Is essential to the maintenance of such close relations with that republic as are manifestly deolrable for the mutual Interests aud weirare of the two countries. There are' sound reasons for favoring Cvba and In doing so our government Is un der no obligation to consider what the effect may be upon the British jiosses slons. The conclusions of the British cabinet will be awaited with much in terest In the year 1901 IVugIas county ex pended ST8.3tXLBl for new briilfc-.'s. In 1902 the 4X!endlture for bridges was r25.?27.M. or a total la two years of t103.504.23. Competent engineers ex press the opinion that a saving of 125, 000 might have been effected In the construction of thee bridges had there been fair competition and honest super- vision of the work. There Is now In the county bridge fuL.l f 20.403.07 and It may confidently be predicted that this large sum will t dumped Into the britige trust hopper unless the brakes are put on and a new policy adopted by the l-cinrd of commissioners In pro jecting and const meting bridges. (AX OMAHA TRCST VMAHAt The city of Omaha is a .corporation owning tangible property valued at more than Sliro.Ooo.Ooa The right of the owners of this property to manage the affairs of the corporation has been established by precedent usage and law and np to this time has never been questioned, denied or abridged. To make It plain, the city of Oinaha ever since It secured Its first charter has en Joyed the same rights that are conceded to semi public or private corporations, tamely, the right of Its owners or stockholders to control the affalra of the corporation through directors, trustees or managers of their own choosing and responsible to them for the efficient and honest administration of corporate affairs. In other words, all the charters ever enacted for Omaha by succeeding leg- islatures have recognized primarily that the taxpayers, who are stockholders in the corporation, bad a tight to desig nate through the ballot box the men who were to conduct the affairs of the corporation. And now It Is proposed by a man who is not known to be the owner of a foot of real estate In Omaha and has not paid a dollar of personal taxes in Omaha to Invoke the charter-making power to constitute another man, who Is not a stockholder In the corporation of Omaha, to appoint for Omaha a board of directors with exclusive power to negotiate, acquire and supervise and manage property of the corporation of millions of dollars In value. If Is proposed further that this Irre sponsible board appointed by an out sider shall have the right to appoint a general manager for this property at such salary as It may see fit to fix for any length of time without the consent of the stockholders or the officers of the corporation. Now, suppose that any bodv should nronose to the Wlslarnr to enact a law that would at,thr.rl tho governor to appoint a board of direct ors or trustees for any other corpora tion whether its property was assessed at only 1.000 or $1,000,000. Who would dare stand up and Justify such a meas ure under pretext that the stockholders of the corporation could not be trusted to select honest and capable men to manage Its affairs? What would be thought of a proposition that the direct ors appointed by tho governor to man age the affairs of a corporation should be clothed with the right to appoint their own successors without the con- sent of the governor or of anybody else, and should moreover have the right to appoint a high-salaried general manager for the corporation before it had ac quired any plant or property to manager Surely such a proposition would not be countenanced by any legislature and would not receive endorsement by any body of business men or property own ers whatever Its promise of advantage might be. And yet this is precisely what Is proposed by the water works bllL Is there any other city In America that would not protect its right to self- government? Has any other city In America ever been placed in such a hu miliating position as to stand self-con fessed of dishonesty, Imbecility and moral cowardice that It would not re sent the attempt to take from it its Inherent right of self-government? Grant that municipal ownership of the water works has become a para mount necessity, why should not the people of Omaha have the right to elect the water commission and why should they be compelled to pay a high-salaried commissioner before they birve pur chased the works? Cannot Omaha trust Omaha? The endorsement of the Howell water bill by the Real Estate exchange shows how easy it is to pipe-line a measure vitally affecting the Interests of the community through a body that Is not familiar with the subject and whose members have not studied the problems Involved or the questionable features of tba proposed act The bill in question was first referred to a committee, a majority of which was In close touch with Mr. Howell and Is said to be very anxious to assist him In getting a sub stantial foothold In Omaha. The com mittee heard Howell In behalf of his own measure and then asked the man ager aud lawyer of the water company to state their objections. The manager declined to talk. The lawyer declared that his company had no objections to the proposed purchase, providing It could get a satisfactory appraisement but the taxpayers and heavy property owners of Omaha were not consulted. The committee reported back to the members of the exchange that In its Judgment the bill waa all right and the exchange took It for granted that it was all right and endorsed It with out knowing to what extent it would Involve the city In needless expense and costly litigation. In other words. they were willing to go it blind so long aa It held out the prospect of municipal owuersb'p of the water works. Now that the city election haa been postponed two months there Is no good reason why the primary elections for c:ty nominations tailed by the re spective county committees should not also lie set ahead sixty daya. A city c tti'i'olgu -f three mouths would be an ateiiiiuat-lc uuisance aa well as an un heard cf thing. When Manager Kenjon was on the wUpcs star. J before the Interstate Couau-rce commission last week the only aner that could be elicited from him in response to the question what amount of money was Invested In the packing plants at Omaha was. 'Well, there Is a big difference In talk ing for advertising purposea n,l 'n talking for taxation, you know." A comparison of the tax assessments re turned for these btg meat packing and stock yarda corporations Mlth the stockholders reports will quickly verify the truth of this sage pronounce ment. LI The secretary of the Omaha Board of Education Is said to be very much wrought t'P oxer the audacity of Speaker Mockett In Introducing a bill 'that will have a demoralising effect upon the educational Institutions of the state and should It liecoine a law would place the schools under the direct power of politicians." The offensive measure denounced by the secretary authorizes the appointment of school boards in cities by the mayor and council. There Is nothing so absolutely audacious or revolutionary in the proposition, al though It may shock- the nerves of the well paid and not overworked secretary. School boards are appointed by mayors subject to confirmation by boards of aldermen or city councils in Chicago, St Paul, Albany and quite a number of otber American cities. The character aud standing or the members will com pare favorably in those cities with that of Omaha school boards and their re lation to politics and politicians differs very little from the nonpartisan Omaha board, whoso members are not barred from participation In active politics. What the secretary evidently dreads is a reversion that might leave him out In the cold when fuel la so scarce. We apprehend, however, that he is unneces sarily alarmed over the Mockett bill and the audacity of the speaker, at least so far as Omaha Is concerned. Ex-Senator Allen thinks he sees In the Sears resolution, which pledges the legislature to enact & new revenue law which will lniure the payment of out standing debts' and deficiencies before appropriating money for new departures In state institutions, "the master hand of the lion. Edward Rosewater." Sen ator Allen Is decidedly complimentary, but In this case ex-Speaker Sears ia en- t,tled to a11 ths crem for h,s cours whlcn has the hearty approval Of The Bee. A free distribution of copies of the Kansas commission's revenue bill baa been instituted, with the palatial quar ters maintained by John N. Baldwin at the expense of the Union Tacific aa the distributing point The railroads may be able to fool legislators who want to be fooled, but they ennnot fool the taxpayers. Two of the scholarships established by Cecil Rhodes to provide education at the English universities for students from the outside English-speaking world have been awarded for South Af rica. Aa yet there bas been no visible scramble among 'American students to connect with the Rhodes' benefactions. A Pertleent laqalrr. Boston Transcript. Why are not the flags halfmaated over the death of his royal majesty, the sultan of Sulu? Love for His Eeemles. Cleveland Leader (rep.). The do not like Roosevelt: neither do the trusts. These are two and sufficient reasons why be will be elected president in 1904. Civilisation's Reeky Road. Chlcaxo Record-Herald. The army of the sultan of Morocco Is armed with flintlocks and muzzle loaders, and his people believe that the devil in vented the cannon. How can civilization be expected to flourish in such a pitiful country as that? Differences la Men. Chicago Chronicle. John Mitchell bas refused a $10,000 reil dence tendered to blm by the miners' union circumstance which will deepen Deacon raer'a conviction that Mitchell la a vision ary and a crank. So tar from refusing any thing that is offered to him, the deacon lk in the habit of reaching forth and acquir ing anything that he wants whether It Is submitted to his acceptance or not. Better Late Tbaa Never. Philadelphia Press. Agulnaldo saya that he Is sorry to emerge from his quietude and retirement, but ha felt that it waa hie duty to ask the United States for $20,000,000 in gold and a credit for ISO, 000, 000 more for the development of the Philippine islands. Agulnaldo had bet ter thought of this matter before be began his rebellion and destruction of property, If he is anxious to develop the islands he had better work out some other method ot doing it, or else stay In retirement. A Comatoa La nam a ire. New Tork Tribune. Secretary 8haw In a carefully considered speech expresaea the earnest hope that within s reasonable time English will be the common language of all the eountrlea In both the Americas. The advantages of such a change almost surpass Imagination but It cannot be doubted that they will be enjoyed by after generations. Perhapa not at any time in this centurr, however, for the obstacles and difficulties will be ex ceedingly hard to surmount. MItLIOXS FOR DUFK.ISE. Large Stock of Money la tke Treas arlee of Trade Vatoaa. Cleveland Laler. The public will be astonished to learn from tbe annual report of the treasurer of the United Mine Workers of America that the organization has on hand more tbaa s million dollars. Coming so soon after the great anthracite strike, when tbe miners of the bard coal region seemed t be reduced to extreme need, the condition of the treasury ot the union of mine work era ia far better than outsiders could have guessed. Tbe big figures simply show what power there la in vat numbers united for com moo purpose. It only takes $! or $5 from every member ef the miners' union to make $1,000,000, and tbe American Feder ation of Labor could raise $10,000,000 by tax ot $1 on every mcoiber. The labor organizations ot the United States have become giants worthy of com carlson with tbe huge business corpora tloos of tbe times. Both labor and capital are being welded Into auch immense masses that the citizen who elands alone, as worker or aa an fnveator, la ccntclcua hie littleness and bW precarious position whenever there are storms brewing ia tke business as! ludusuiai swfll. not Jin Atioi T sew tork. . Ripples an the Carreat at Life la the Metropells. The big skyscraper opposite the Fifth Avenue hotel, known as the Flatlron, and which la one of the sights of the Mg city. Is pronounced "a public and private nuisance" in s complaint filed In court by Gibson W. Vincent, a clothing merchant doing business within wind range ot the building. Mr. Gibson swears the Flatlron so deflects the air currents that his plato glass wlndowa have been crushed like egg shells, and he wants $5,000 fqr damage to his atork and anxiety of mind. To cor roborate his contention Mr. Vincent eeta forth In hla bill ot complaint that the Flat iron "Is of an extremely peculiar and un usual shape," and for this reason the air currents aweeping around the structure perform some fearful and wonderful tricks. According to Mr. Vincent's bill, so flerco has become the disturbance at times that pedestrians have been hurled -violently to the sidewalk. Occupants of buildings In the neighborhood tell ol being eyewitnesses to some of tbe frightful and alleged unlaw ful acts of the wind after Its natural course has been changed by the Flatlron. There have been days, they say, when persons' In trying to board street cars at the corner ot Broadway and Twenty-third street have suddenly found themselves blown ten feet away, while the car moved on. 'They con tend that It Is out of the question for a woman to walk down Broadway and retain her hat In proper shape, and that among men the habit ot pro'nnlly haa been la mentably Increased since the Flatlron be gan to interfere with the air currents. Ex perts on wind, air currents and the like ill figure in the trial. A party of Brooklynltes returning home from a theater In Manhattan the other lght walked down the east side of Broad way to Twenty-third street, relates the Brooklyn Eagle. At a point nearly oppo site Twenty-fifth street one of the women topped suddenly and, throwing up her ands, uttered a piercing scream. Conster nation seized the other members of the party and they gathered about her with a rapid Are of solicitous questions. When she could gasp the words she said: "Oh, I thought it was falling over!" In time she explained that "It" was tho Flatlron building, that marvelous slice of architecture which splits Broadway and ifth avenue apart at Twenty-third street. She had chanced to look up at it Just as a flock of clouds was flying rapidly south ard through the moonlight and at first glance the illusion was perfect. Tbe build ing did seem to be pitching forward. It is worth a trip to that point to see this remarkable structure by moonlight, es pecially If there be clouds passing south ward over It. Not much imagination is re quired to make the spooky-looking build ing aeem to do all sorts of strange minus. It is no trick at all to rcake yourself be lieve it Is a twenty-story steamboat, rush ing, stem on, straight at you. In his wlerdest dreams, tbe most enthu- slaatic pie-lover on record never saw such construction as waa served at the annual ball of the Consumers' Pie Baking company In Brooklyn one night last week. It was a pie, but it defies classification. It weighed 110 pounds, was three feet wide. two feet deep and seven feet long, and these things were In It: Two hundred egg; fifteen pounds cf co- coanut, six pounds or cranberries, six pounds ot mincemeat, alx pounds of plm- pple, six pounds of plums, twelve pounds of lemons, six pounds of peachea and fifty pounds ot sugar. It took six men fifteen hours to make this pie. Each one had a section and be had enough to do to keep him busy all of one day. A half ton of coal was used to do It to a beautiful brown and the pie was in a huge oven for an hour and a half. A pecial steel plate Baa 10 pe maae o Dane it and this alone cost $18. Cntll midnight this delicious pie was on exhibition in Saengerbund hall, with a special guard to protect It from the hun gry. When the algnal was given more than 200 pie-lovers attacked it In a body and It was all gone in the course of a couple ot hours.' It was the biggest pie ever made and thooe who ate It say it was also the beat. Pepsin was In great demand at the Brook lyn drug stores the next day. A certain Broadway restaurant known for the Parisian quality ot lta cooking, is also acquiring for tta cafe a flavor of smart Bohemianlam, which la profitable in tbe extreme. Half of New Tork wants to be thought recklessly and spectacularly giddy," the proprietor says. At any rate, be has solved the secret ot success, reports the Evening Post. Every night the small marble-topped tables are plentifully occupied. It Is especially good Bohemian form to loll upon tbe leather cushioned wlndowseats and call for a writ ing portfolio. Inkwell and pen. After all, those who look on may Imagine one aa dashing off a rondeau, or even such a dif ficult verse form as the villanelle. The proprietor does not begrudge his guests the papers and pens. They are valuable as theatrical properties, and he knowa It. The air Is heavy with Tachalkowsky, the bouquet of liqueurs and the fumes of Egyp tian clgarettea. One ia conscious vaguely that tbe women talk very loud, and do not know It. PERSONAL NOTES. Wagner still makes a good deal ot noise In tbe world; the royalties on his operas yielded $115,000 last year. Tbe citizens of Carllnville. III., have atarted a movement looking towar4 tbe erection of a monument in that city over the grave ot General John M. Palmer. Half of the English statesmen were made prominent by their American wives, but you never hear of an English woman doing anything for an American husband. A chemist employed by the New Tork Board ot Health to analyze various pre pared foods sold In the groceries of the city obtained 373 samples and louna that J1S were adulterated. Hia report la said to have been "startling." Tbe Isle of Pines, south of Cuba, Is the original of Robert ' Louis Stevenson s "Treasure Island." Prof. John Finley bas been visiting the Island and in writing of the experience aaya that, even at this late and unromantle day, be found men digging for treasure there. Tbe new governor of Pennsylvania seems to think that libraries and universities, when given away to tbe citizens of other states, are not as useful to tbe inhabitants of Pennsylvania aa would be good roads He would like to see a few Carnegie pikes and a Rockefeller boulevard or two. Little Dog, Curly Bear, Mountain Sheep, Toung Bear, Two Horna and White Grass, Indians of tbe Blftckfoot reservation, have petitioned the federal government for work. If their names count for anything. Uncle Sam can aettla tbla problem quickly by turning them loose upon one another. D. O. Mills, the New Tork millionaire owns a $1,000 overcoat and tbe fact only became matter of public knowledge when the costly garment waa stolen. Mr. Mills attended s dinner in the bouse of a re la tive and found on preparing to return home that the overcoat bad disappeared, having probably been carried off by an expert hall thief. Tbe owner offers a reaaid of $104 Itjt lu return. TIPS FOH TIIK I.KOISI.ATt RK, Slanton Picket: Ex-Srskfr Sears Is right. Let ways and means be provldod to pay off the presnnt state debt before more debta are contracted. There Is rood business sense in the resolution. David City Record: Speaker Mockett seems to meet with a good deal of opposi tion In the legislature and the big appro priations may not go through so easy at Lincoln as the organization ot the house seemed at first to Indicate. Emerson Enterprise: The Indications are that the rresrnt legislature Is made up of Intelligent and buslnecs-llke men and thnt they will enact some good laws. The press of both parties should give them a chance and wait until the end of the session to offer criticisms. ' Albion News: The legislature seems de termined to enact a revenuo law compe tent to raise money sufficient to pay off the floating indebtedness of the state be fore making any appropriations for further slate buildings. This is in harmony with the wishes cf a large majority of the people. St Taul rhonograph-Press: Our legisla ture should pass a resolution for s United Statea constitutional. amendment snd send a copy of It to every state where the legis lature is In sessionasking for the direct election of United States senators, as that is the only way we can accomplish this much needed reform. Charpell Register: A bill has been Intro duced in the legislature by Hon. O. C. Mc Allister establishing an experimental Irri gation etstion at or nfar North Platte, and appropriating) $10,000 for same. Should this bill go through It will be the first time the extreme western part of the state has been recognized by an appropriation. Stanton Register: Conflicting Interests in the legislature are fighting for supre macy and It is becoming plain to all the citizens that a continuation of the present fights is liable to cause the failure of meri torious measures. We will venture this prediction, and believe that It Is true: No law will be placed on the statute books this winter unless Its passage Is secured by trades and combinations. Aurora Republican: One of our lcirtsla tors haa Introduced a bill to prevent the wounding and crippling ef pigeons for the amusement of tportsmen. Lootuls Is his name and he has our unqualified approval. We have been hoping some lawmaker would Introduce such a measure. Certainly the wholesale slaughter of helpless birds for tbe Idle amusement ot misled sportsmen is against the laws of Ood and self-respect of mankind. The bill should pass. Benkleman Chronicle: About the biggest Job the present legislature bas on Its hands is the enactment of a satisfactory revenue law, or the amendment ottho law we now have to make It fair to all and effective In the collection of the taxes. It cannot be overlooked in framing such a law that de linquent taxes .accumulated under crop failures, which bore heaviest on the west, and created conditions differing from the eastern counties, where tbe present law was fairly effective. David City Record: Sears Introduced a resolution providing that no bill should come up In the house for- a third reading calling for appropriations for public build ings until after an adequate revenue bill should be formulated to raise money suf ficient to get the state out ot debt, which was adopted by a large majority. It was amended so as - to permit appropriations for rebuilding or repairing buildings, to open the way to complete the penitentiary and rebuilding the Norfolk asylum. This will give tbe lobby , a short rest Grand Island Independent:. Tbe paasage ot a bill enabling the farmers to own and operate elevators, thus to handle, sell and ship their own grain. Is urged, it being al leged that the farmers would receive from to 6 cents more per bushel for their grain If they could sell and ship for them selves. Really It ought not to require a bill. Any man or number of men ought to be given the opportunity to erect elevators If they see fit and receive the same treat ment by the railroads as are given to any other owners ot elevators. Such appears, from the statements of the friends of the proposed legislation, not to be the case. Where there are Independent elevators It s stated that there la difficulty In securing cars. Columbus Telegram: Every member of the legislature has taken an oath to sup port tbe constitution of Nebraska. That constitution expressly states that the su preme court of tbe state shall consist of three Judges. The Telegram and all men know that tbree Judges are not enough to transact the baslncss of the court. But no matter. There stands the constitution. Every citizen has sworn to support that constitution. The creation of a supreme court commission is an insult to the consti tution. A bill Is now pending to give new life to the present supreme court commis sion. Tbe Telegram Is aware that the com mission is in popular favor, and fiat In opposing It we are regarded at a bac). -num ber. But there stands the constitution, and we had rather be true to that constitution than to win the approval of men by being false to It. Fairly Pardonable Pride. St. Louis Republic. Without arrogating to Itself any of that dlssgreeable, Pharisaical superiority which lta own recent crusade for Clean govern ment might naturally Inspire, St. Louis may tender a recipe to gang-ridden cities. There Is no startling novelty or originality In the recipe s determined, fearless grand Jury snd a prosecuting officer with honesty and courage. is mo m as m sesx.M TvWvWfflMx wWv us i mi in as raw ax Ur C "S , !' I.M am r l. TC . kuara. bMcaltiiMiAnn It " M Every well-posted doctor today knows all about Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Most doctors order it for coughs, colds, bronchitis. and even for consumption. ADOIISII THH 8S.OOO UIT. Illinois Movlnar to Repeal the l.avr Ltmltlnat Death llammri. Chicago Tribune. Fifty yeara as next month the Illinois legislature liberalized the common law by permitting damages t be recovered for the benefit of the widow and next of kin where the death of a person had been caused by the wrongful act, neglect or de fault of another. M'hen the legislature made this desirable change In the law It provided that the "fair and Just compensa tion" for the pecuniary Injuries to the family of the deceased should not exceed $5,000. That limitation on the damages uhlrh a Jury may award has remained un changed to this day. Half a century ago $3,000 was a large sura. It earned for its owner when he loaned it more than twice as much as It will today. A merchant who had made $:0,0i0 then was considered to have accumulated a for tune and to be In a position where he could afford to retire from business. The aver age earning power of the man who works with hia head or his hands his value to the family of which he Is Ihe malnsVy is far greater today than It waa half a century ago. For that reason1 verdicts In suits to recover damages for personal In juries which do not result In death are so much larger than they were. There are cases where $5,000 is ample compensation in case of death. It may more than make up to tbe recipients the loss occasioned by the death, but In an Increasing number ot cases it does not. A bill haa been Introduced to raise the limit from $5,000 to $13,000. Its passage will be a long ctep In the right direction, hut it will be better to co still farther and to have no limitation. The general as sembly should complete the work begun In 1853 by providing that where a person has been killed by the wrongful act or neglect of another those dependent on him shall recover what they prove to be fair and Just compensation for the pecuniary Injury Inflicted on them by his death. Thla Is the law now In the state of New Tork. Un der It verdicts were not lpng ago returned against the New Tork Central awarding damagea for twelve times tbe amount that can be awarded In Illinois. The damages were not punitive. They represented' simply the value of the decedenta to their families. The Influence of railroad corporations snd other corporatlona which are liable to pay damages for deaths occasioned by their negligence will be exerted to defeat an at tempt to raise the limitation or to do away with It. vTha legislature should rise su perior to that influence and make the law read as It should read. Then It will be for the rallroaus to protect themselves by exercising greater care In the operation of their lines, thus minimising the number ot persons killed or Injured through the wrongful acts Qr.neglect of their employes. LAIGIIISQ GAS. Willie Pa, some wordu are called ."Jaw breakers," arn't they? What kind of words are they? . Pa 1 guess, my son, they're the' kind a man is forced to eat at times. Philadelphia Press. Sympathetic Listener In these dreary, desolate wastes, Mr. Dashpok.', 1 suppose you grew fond even of your 6ks. Keturned Arctic Explorer Heavens, no, miss! We had plenty of pemmican and walrus meat. Chicago Tribute. . Sezso Ruytcr is not an' author; he's a born chemist. Tizso Why? Sezso Every novel he writes becomes a drug on the market. Brooklyn Eagle. "Why don't you get rid of that mule?" "Well, siih," answered the colored man, "I's done been a-trailln' all my life, an' I nebher once got de best of a bargain. I'a holdln' en to dat mule, 'case it I was to trade ira off, I'd turn up wlf a sentence in lull rt 11' tvnhnlii f v r ' ' W H 1 n ton Star. . 1 "Ton were telling Miss Oausslp thla morn ing that you were going to be married aRaln, weren't you?" said the shrewd man. "Why, yea." the widower gasped la sur prise, rhow did you know?" "After you left her she beiran to count on her fingers." Philadelphia Press. Mr. Brighton haa a faint streak of down on his upper Up. "When I get to be a man, papa." said his little 4-year-old. "I'm going to have a great big mustache like yours.1 Th hat boy haa been feeding on candy ever since. Chicago Tribune. "I want my photograph to be a natural likeness, without any retouching- or robel- llPhing. 1 suppose you will charge less for tt7" "On the contrary. madam, we must charge more." "More? Why la that?" "Madam, to let an exact likeness of yon go out of this gallery without any work upon It wouia con us a nunnrea customers at least." Cleveland Plain DeaUer. LIXLAHT. Hush baby, my darling, the sand man Is nigh ' Kock-a-by-baby-o-by ! And he will soon get you, I see by your eye Kock-a-by-baby-o-by! . So cuddle up tight In your fond mother's anna. May angela watch o'er you and keep you from hnrm. And when bright morning dawns may your first loving coo B the sound that shall greet me and call me to you Itock-a-by-baby-o-by! Tour sweet honey lips let ma kiss, precious one Roek-a-by-baby-o-by! Tour troubles are ended, your day's work la done Kock-a-by-baby-o-by! Now mamma enfolds you with loving em brace, While smiles of sweet Innocence halo your face. May wur life be unclouded, as bright as tno sun; May your troubles be few and real sorrows not one. Kock-a-by-baby-o-by! Talmas. Neb. CORYDON ROOD. Your doctor use It? i.e. ai sa ecv.