Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1903, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTAULISlli:) JUXE 10, 1871. OMAHA, M OK DAY MOKNIMO, JAN U A II Y 2G, 1903. SINGLE COPY TIIIl EE CENTS. DEADLOCK IS LIKELY locators Opposing Ita'.cbood Bill Threaten to Delay Appropriations. HISTORY AND PAST SPEECHES TO BE READ Members Accumulata Voluminous Doca- meets to Kill Time. QUAY THREATENS TO SIT CONTINUOUSLY Tenasylranian Bendy to Enforce Night Sec tions to Pats Measire TREATIES MAY SUFFER SERIOUS DELAY TJnllom Waata Cuba Canal Proto col Called Ip, bat Fears Art Ea tertalaed that ThU Will If at Be Possible. WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. Tha feature of the week In the senate will be the con tinuation of the contest over the atatehood bill. The lines are now more closely drawn tbsn they have ever before been since this measure waa Introduced. They are, Indeed, so taut that all onlookers real lie that they are about to break, but few unprejudiced persons would undertake to aay positively which side will meet dls acter. Vote Encourages Friends. The advocates of statehood were much encouraged by the vote of last week, and contending that it Sis been demonstrated that there la majority of the aenate favorable to tne bill, they declare that It Is preposterous to ask them to yield, while the opposition urge that the vote waa not a test at all and no real Indication of the attitude of the aenate. They say the bill Is'stsndlng In the way of other legislation and contend that It must get out of the road and remain out when the appropria tion bills begin to press to the front, as they will soon do. It Is probable, how ever, that with some exceptional times, the bill will hold Its .lace in the' front ranks during the week. It Is the intention, however, to use the appropriation bills only In caae there should be av effort to hold night sessions tn order to secure action on the statehood bill. Senator Quay (Pa.) has mora than once Indicated his Intention of asking the senate to "sit continuously," which means that he is contemplating night sessions. The general understanding among the friends of the measure la that the pro longed session test will come early In the week, possibly sbout Tuesday, but the Pennsylvania senator baa so far failed -to make authoritative announcement on that point. Senator Quay now asserts his In tention to press the bill more strenuously than In the past, and the opposition Is ' Just ss pronounced in Its Intention t? re sist Its passage. They say that ths bill cannot pass,,an pome .of them announce that they would rather take the responsi ' blllty for an extra session than have the statehood bill become law. When the question is again taken up Senator Burnham (N. II.) will proceed with Ms speech and It is now the plan to have Senator Kearns (Utah) follow him. Senator Peverldge (Ind.) also will be heard. ' The opposition Is prepared. It necessary, to Introduce extraneous matters for the j-urpose of preventing a vote. For Instance, tne senator had on his desk a copy of the incyclopaedla speech delivered by Senator Cluay during the consideration of the Wll son -Gorman tariff bill, which he threatens to read, and another has at hand a volum inous history ot New Mexico. May Block Other Business. It night sessions are atempted the op ponents of the bill will resort to the usual methods to kill time. On the other hand it Is admitted the supporters of the bill will take bold stand sgalnst allowing any other business to proceed until a vote Is secured on the statehood bill. 'Some would even go the extent of excluding appropria tion bills. There Is some apprehension on the part of the bill's supporters that there may be an effort to unduly discuss and delay the statehood bill and such a course will be resented. The work of the week will begin with the diplomatic appropriation bill tomor row. This measure Is In charge of Senator Hale (Me.), who will attempt to put It through with dispatch. . As the bill stands it Is not calculated to provoke muclj debate, but there Is a probability that there will be an effort to attach to It Senator ledge's (Maas.) conaular reform bill aa an amendment. If this effort should be aiade considerable discussion Is probable. Thre rre aeveral special orders for the' week . which will consume more or less time.- The memorial exercise ordered for Friday at the conclusion of the morning business In honor of the memory of the lata 8enator McMillan of Michigan. Is, m deed, expected to last a whole day. As usual In auch cases the senate will adjourn after the,, conclusion of the memorial ad dressea. Some time will be devoted on Saturday to exercises connected with the acceptance of the statues of Charles Carroll and Cbarlea Hanson, which have been pre sented for placea in Statuary hall at the capltol by the state ot Maryland. Senator Bcott (W. Vs.) also haa given notice ot a speech for Tuesday on the pension laws. Senator Cullom (111.) will make an Sort whenever the opportunity offers to secure consideration of the Cuban treaty, and be said today that be would again move. If necessary, to have the aenate go Into executive session during the week for the purpose of taking up ths treaty. Sena tor Cullom also baa In charge the Panama canal treaty and expresses a desire to se cure early consideration, but aa aeveral of the members ot the committee on foreign relations, which Is now considering the treaty, Bnd it necessary to be out of the city during the week, It doea not now seem . probable that the ceaal treaty will be re Jtorted during the week. HOUSE MEETS ON SUNDAY (Salestses Lata Members aa Prelude Mr'eek'a Dlaeoealoa of Maar Bills. WASHINGTON, Jsn. H. The house ot representatives today Inaugurated the ex pel I merit of holding memorial services for deceased members upon the Sabbath. It will be U Mowed hereafter during this ses sion sod pioOably will become the general practice In the bouse tn tbe future. Here tofore, except on rare occasions, tbe house (Coatlaued oa rifia Pace.) MILES TALKS OF SIBERIA Believes Bnlldlnaj of Railroad the Beginning- of Era of De velopment. (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) FARI3, Jan. 25. (New York Workl C-j blcgram Special Telegram.) General Miles I arrived In Paris this afternoon from Rus- I sla. Tb world's correspondent saw hlnj this evening at .he Continental hotel and talked with him on the subject of his long Journey. The gcneril said hU trip had been most Interesting and pleasant. He had been In Rus-:la before In tha summer, but he ound more Interesting to go there In the ',. ecauso one guts a better Idea of "i-r it that time 3f year and a Journey. . a. ", or counw try resembling nothings When tha general and hv,. vs, who Include Mrs." Miles aqd jd Mrs. Maus, crossed Siberia they Jivr.!1 tein days In railroad cars. Genual yfltt eonfesoed that It was rather fatlgtiii. but the cara were comfortable. Although thi cold was at times very severe., it was not so Intense as he bad experienced la north west America. " "The problem of tho Orient, especially In China," General Miles said. "la ono of great moment. It not only 'affects that country and its government, but it 1 oue In which nearly all the great powers of the world are Interested. "I predict a Rreat future for Siberia. Tba effect of opening up Siberia by the rail roads will be something like what has hap pened In our own great estern '.ountry. The headlight of the locomotive is Id sime respects the greatest clvllizcr in the wor'd. The development of a country's resources usually follows the opening of avenue a of communication and commerce by means ot railways. I anticipate that that will be the case In Siberia. The natives of Siberia struck me aa a strong, hardy race, both men and women, perhaps unequalled In endurance or ary other people In the world. They did not seem to be extremely poor, but were atsit ably clad and had an abundance of whole some food. "Along the line of the Siberian railroad there probably are 6,000,000 of people who live mostly in village, cultivating farms In the summer and gathering (he products of the fields, the same aa do the taming communities In the United States and Can ada. 'I have had no experience of the Si beria repreaented by pictures of sledres being chased by wolves," the general con tinued, smiling. "In fact .there is very lit tle difference between traveling there and at home. "We have had an excellent reception from everybody. Marked court-sy and kind ness has been shown to us wherever we have been. 'I was delayed, and arrived In the Rus sian capital one day late. Later I was In vited to an audience with the czar snd to a grand court ball, but my engagements would not permit me to remain. I have been away from home since 'September 11, and several Important matters are awaiting my attention." The general looked hale and hearty. He says Mrs. Miles Is a good traveler and bis stood the Journey well end has enjoyed her experience. When 4he World correspond ent called at the hotel she hsd gone tn visit her sister, Mrs. Cameron, who Is In Paris for her daughter's education. After staying a few days here, General Miles will leave for the United Statea by, way ot London. BRAZIL BIDS FOR PEACE Offers Land to Bolivian Government If Aere Expedition la Called Off. LA PAZ, Bolivia, Jan. 25. At noon yes terday the first vice president. Colonel VelKsco, waa banished under an executive decree. A police patrol conducted him to the Peruvian frontier. ' The reason for this sctlon was that Vice President Velasco, being a leader of tho opposition, could not assume the presidency without creating political disturbances. The aecond vice president, Dr. Anlbal Caprlles, will assume the preridency when President Pando goea to Acre. During the past week conferences have taken place between the Brailllan minister and President Pando. Tbe object of these, meetings has not "been definitely ascer tained, but It Is understood that Brazil Is seeking to dissuade the Bolivian govern ment from proceeding with the military expedition to Acre. It is aald that Brasil Is offering In exchange the Madeira terri tory, situated on the Bolivian frontier, with financial facilities for Acre. PARIS. Jan. 25. The Brazilian legation hero has Issued an official statement ex plaining the government's position toward tbe Acre dispute and tbe projected expedi tion by President Pando of Bolivia. The statement declares that the Bra zilian government haa given Bolivia to un derstand that the contract with the Boli vian syndicate is a monstrosity on law, since It entails the partial alienation of sovereignty to s foreign country and that the concession Is void Inasmuch as it dis poses ot territory which Is the subject of dispute with Peru. The statement proceeds to say that Bra zil has always given a liberal Interpreta tion to the treaty of 186T, seeking to favor Bolivia by procuring its facility of com munication on the Annzon and the Para guay, but Bolivia having alienated to a foreign syndicate the rights made to it In the Acre territory Brazil will now sustain the strict Interpretation of the treaty. After recounting the various proposals made to adjust tho dispute the statement concludes: Bolivia having refused ail thl J proposals and President Pando having decided to march tne ttrazlltan subjects i Acre, the jireaident of hns derided to concentrate letups in the adjoining atates of Matto Graaso and Amasona. FEAR 'FRISCO PLAGUE SPOT lor Shi from t Steamer of Port for Fear Infection. GUAYAQUIL. Ecuador. Jan. 2i The Board of Health has resolved ujU to admit Into port the Koamos '.ine steamer Her monthts, from San Franciaco December ."1, tor Hamburg, which baa arrived here. Tbe board also asks President Plaza to recall the Ecuadorian consul at San Fran cisco and to request Dr. Fellclmo Lopez of New York to go Immediately to that city and act aa consul until the plague disap pears from California. Malaria Honor Is Coanlaa. LIERPOOL. Jan. 25. Presiding at a complimentary banquet on Baturday to Prof. Donald Ross, the recipient of the Nobel prize for medical research. Sir Al fred Jones announced that ths United States had applied to Prof. Ross for ad vice and that he was going to America abort!. NEW, SYSTEM IS NECESSARY Present Plan of Selecting Indian Agent Certain to Breed BoandaL MANY OFFICIALS ARE TOTALLY UNFIT Indian Reform Association Calls At tention to the Reeord of Crookedness In the Service. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 25. Tho Indian Reform association has written the follow ing letter to tbe president calling atten tion to the necessity of a change in the method of selecting Indian agents: PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 9. To the Presi dent, the White House, Washington, D. C Sir. It was a great satisfaction to us to read In your recent annual message to con gress. In reference to the officials who rep resent the government In dealing with the Indians, that "A particularly high stand ard of conduct should be demanded from I them, and where misconduct can be proved the punishment should be exemplary." We heartly commend the high stand you have taken in this matter. At the same time will you permit us to call your at tention to certain facts in connection with the deplorable results incident to the pres ent method of selecting Indian agents which show beyond question the importance of a distinct change in the plan now In vogue for appointing them a change that, in our opinion, cannot be made too soon for the good of the Indian service. A careful examination of the changes ot agents in the Indian service from July 6, 1899, to November 10, 1902, (a period cov ering a little more than three years) Is sufficient corroboration of this assertion. There were fifty-five Indian agencies on July 6, 1839. Up to November 10, 1902. the number had been reduced to thirty-nine, by placing the Indians at sixteen agencies under the care of bonded superintendents of schools. In some instances these changes were made because the agents tn question were notoriously unfit; In others, because the Indians were so far advanced In civilization that an agent waa no longer needed. Omitting the latter. It leaves forty-three agencies as a basis tor compari son. During the three years In question, twenty-one agents (about 60 per cent of tbe entire-' number) were either dismissed from the service by the department or al lowed to resign, or refused reappointment for cause. In many Instances the official record ot these mon was very bad and must have exerted a most pernicious Influ ence on the Indians under their care. Too Moeh Polities. Of those so removed, one Is now serving a term In the penitentiary for defalcation; another la under Indictment by tbe United States grand jury for fraudulent practices and will doubtless be tried at an early date. His predecessor in office, guilty of similar offenses, upon learning - whr, ac tion had been taken, - committed suicide. Of the, others displaced. It may be said that two were removed for immorality, nine for dishonesty , and,, collusion with , traders , jr others snd seven on the" ground ot being "unfit" or "worthless." In addition to these twenty-one cases there are seven agents still In the service against whom serious charges have been preferred, who are wholly unfit for the responsible positions they occupy. Sev eral of these agencies are now being In vestigated. We desire to expresu our approval ot the earnest efforts tbe present commis sioner of Indian affairs, Hon. W. A. Jones, has almost invariably put forth to purge the service of Improper or unfit agents, in some Instances, however, he has been prevented from taking prompt action where charges were made, owing to a lack of In spectors who could be detailed to make the necessary investigations. Five years ago a statement prepared by the National Civil Service Reform league showed that a large number of changes made In the Indian agents was due al most entirely to political reasons. Tbe changes made during the last three years, however, show a commendable effort on the part of the Indian office to get rid of unfit or dishonest agents, whose appoint ments, ss a rule, were obtained through political Influence. It need scarcely be added that had the question of fitness been the determining "actor in the selection of those agents, the Indian office would doubtless hsve been spared this dark pago on Its records. We are glad to note that during the three years in question there Is but one Instance where tbe removsl of a good agent before ths expiration of his term wse due to political .pressure, and in that case the Indian office vainly sought to have the man retained, in view of his proved fitness. t Scandals Sore to Come. The Indian office unquest'onably desires to elevate the personnel of Its agents and keep the service free from scandal, but this is obviously Impossible so long as the pres ent system obtslns of permitting the ap pointment of men to these Important posi tions for purely political reasons. It would be a great Improvement, We be Tleve, If the executive were to Insist that men recommended to blm for the position of Indian agents by members ot congress or others should be subject to some form of examination analogous to those under tho civil service commission to ascertain their qualifications I. -fore they should be elig ible. Even this, wb'le it would be prefer able to the present system, would be far short, we believe, ot what ought to be done. If the position of Indian agent cjuld b" brought within the classified service tho problem wouldbe simplified, but since that J would require congressional action it is aouutiui wnetner it coui.i be accomplished. The authority conferred upon tbe execu tive to place bonded school superintendents ln charge ot sgencies, when such a step Is deemed advisable, affords a certain measure of relief. If the plan is followed wherever possible. t promises well for the future. These superintendents of Indian schools are usually men of Intelligence and high character, and before they are appointed must pass a rigid civil service examination to prove their fitness mentally and morally. That tbe plan Is sound In practice as will as ln theory Is evident from the fart t hut slthough more than one-third of the ln- ui.u Bgt-ucK-s are now in coarge or srnooi superintendents, not a single Inslsnce of defalcation in office has occurred. On tbe other hsnd, as has been shown, one-half of the Indira agents appointed during a period of three years bsve been retired from tin service by reason of unfitness or malfeas ance In office. The plan of placing Indian agencies under the control of school superintendents also has the effect of breaking up large reser vations, and to a certain extent dlbinte grating tribal fealty a ootent factor tn re tarding Indian civilization. Tie superin tendent, coming Into close relations with (Coulluued on FUlh Page.) APPROVE ALASKAN TREATY British Pnpera Seo '. Renewed Proof of Enallsh and American Friendship. LONDON, Jan. 26 The signature of the Alaskan boundary treaty has given great satisfaction to the English pre on tbe ground that It provides, at a critical mo ment In the Venezuelan trouble, n.i tin doubted proof of the uninterrupted friend liness existing between Great Britain and the United 8tatea. This point, which Is elaborated In all the edltorla's nn :he sub ject almost to tbe exclusion of discussion of the Intrinsic merits of the arrnugment concluded. Little dcubt Is entertalnel here that the United States senate will accept the treaty snd that (he commission will ultimately meet in London, but regret is expressed that no provision la made for the ..ppoint ment cf an umpire, because -n the event of the commlsslou being equally divided It Is said the controversy will bo HUle nearer a settlement. One paper thinks In this event the dis pute will be referred to The Hague tri bunal. The Times rejoices at the constitution rf the proposed commission, which. It nays, "Implies a high degree of confidence In the equity of the other side. Tilt, commission becomes virtually sn arbitration court. Al though arbitration Is a good .hlng In its way It Is not nearly so goot ns direct ne gotiation, merely because It does not Im ply so much confidence and good will. "Should It happru that the commission be unable to arrive ot a decision, no ham will come. We only have a striking illus tration of the complexity of the question, and then proceed to arbitration, t.'it we believe the commission will rseh it settle ment In a manner which will Icavi no of disappointment on either side." OTTAWA, Ont., Jan. 25. A dispatch from Washington regarding the signing of a treaty to refer the Canada-Alaska bound ary dispute to, arbitration was not unex pected. In the prime minister's absence, the other ministers do not care to discuss the matter. It is known that the Ottawa end of the negotiations have been pretty much In Sir Winifred Laurler's hands. The question is asked here tonight, "How far does tho treaty go?" ' If tho entire boundary dispute, without the Dyea and Skagway reservation, la to be referred to the arbitration commission, then Canada does not stand to be In any worse condi tion, than It Is today. If the ownership of Dyea and Skagway has been conceded to the United States then Canada is placed In a dangerous position. It is believed if the United States wins over the British representative, then the Canadian contentions are lost. It la generally believed here that Lord Alveratone. lord chief Justice of England, will be the British commissioner. He Is better known as Sir Richard Webster, and was sssQclate counsel for Canada before the Bering sea commission tn Paris. Mr. Justice Mills ot the supreme court Is men tioned as a likely representative of Canada. FEAR BANDITS WILL - FIGHT . Missouri Poasen SenecB, Joe Bank Rob. , bera and Expect Bis; Battle. UNION, Mo., Jan. 25. Tbe house, twelve miles from here, where tbe fight occurred yesterday between men suspected of being the robbers of the Bank of Union and offi cers, was searched today and asack con taining $800 was found In fhe cistern. Am ,! nf .V, RoKt IT, a n tr Dnnlnli .-.a en- hi. tvif .,, iv their rt.n.hfe; ...v- ' .. ' I . EjOi jj er, ttif,ru i o, huu ucui ajc uniut-a, a. icia- tlve, who were occupants of the hut, were arrested. Rudolph Is the stepfather of Wil liam Anderson, wbo escaped after the fight and Is suspected of complicity ln the rob bery. The prisoners have Been brought here. Aiiderson and a companion named Lewis are wanted specifically on the charge of robbing the bank. Lewis was wounded In the fight, but both secured horses late last night and departed. .They went to a farmer named Armstead and demanded two horses. He refused to comply, and, laying down 200, they forciby took the horses and rode away. It Is believed they will not surrender If surrounded, but fight to the .death. Posses are scouring the country and are being augmented by hundreds of armed men and boys. Anderson, who Is 21 years old, is de scribed as a typical backwoodsman, cool, deliberate and fearless, and If be Is dis covered a desperate fight will result. SICK FOLK FEE FROM FIRE Smallpox Hospital Biases and Patients Ksenpe In Their Slant clothes. BIDDEFORD, Me., Jan. 25. By the burn ing of the smallpox hospital today thirty six men and women patients were forced to escspe In their night clothes. The mercury was several degrees below zero snd all suffered terribly from expo sure. One man Is' expected to die. When the ' fire was discovered some of the patients seized mattresses and dragged them out on the snow, out of danger from the fire and huddled together upon them. Notwithstanding the dread of the dis ease the firemen and police went at the bulld'ng with a will, but failed to save It. The firemen and policemen gave up their outer garments to clothe the patients, who were cared for in houses offered by the owners aa temporary hospitals. STRIKE FOR RECOGNITION Indiana Railway Tied I p Because Company Refuses to Reeosjalse Xew talon. GOSHEN, Ind., Jan. 25. One hundred employes on the Indiana railway struck I extend to the whole of the Southern rai this morning. Service on the Goshen- I way system. The demand will probably be South Bend Interurban Is abandoned and I for 26 per cent Increase and changes In tbe city lines ln Goahen, Elkhart and South Bend sre tied up. Only msll csrs are In motion. The rnmnanv refuses to recognize the ' new unlon tormei n1 discharged several l employes for joining It. OLD WICHITA MAN SUICIDES Hallway Man of Much Experience Takea Fatal Hose of Morphine. HUNTINGTON, Ind.. Jan. 25 Robert E. Klnaird, at pne time geueral passenger and ticket agent cf the Fort Wayne, Cin cinnati a Louisville railroad, committed suicide today by taking morphine. Five years sgo be was geueral auditor of ths Suite F railroad at WUbila, Kan. WOLCOTT ACCEPTS TELLER Complains of Republican Treachery, bnt Urges Close of Senatorial War. ASKS COLORADO TO SUBMIT TO RESULT Bitterly Arralans Wicked Wrong Done His Pnrtyt Praises Dem ocratic Senator aa Honest and Devoted to Stnte. DENVER. Jan. 25. The climax In the senatorial fight In Colorado came tonight when Senator Wolcott, the candidate of tbe so-called "stalwart" wing of the republican party, announced his practical withdrawal from any further contest, and urged the people of Colorado to accept the election of Senator Henry M. Teller. Republicans Are Treacherous. The announcement was made In a signed statement. In which Mr. Wolcott charges certain republican leaders and sntl-Wolcott forces in the republican ranks with treach ery, deliberate and continuous, although he disposes of others of the antl-Wolcott crowd by characterizing them as "dupes" of the main conspirators. He refers to tho refusal of the antl-Woleotts In the house to unseat the democrat members from Arapahoe county and calls It "a crime against the republican, party and against Justice." Mr. Wolcott declares that Lieutenant Governor Haggott, when he withdrew from the senate chamber and with less than a dozen senators whose seats were undis puted, organized another senate was as sured of support by his associates in the state government, which support "fell away from him," however. Continuing, Mr. Wol cott said: There were three Joint sessions of the general assembly. At the lust -one fifty- one democrats voted for Teller. No other Joint session had been held and no repub lican had voted In a Joint sesyi' n. i no election of Mr. Teller was tinctured with fraud, first In the trickery of Adjournment by the democrats of the house; second. In tho arbitrary and fraudulent expulsion of two legally eleeted senatoia. There is, however, no legally constituted senate us might have been 1 1 1 l i in conspiracy and It is now too late to undo the wrong and, by unseating the fraud ulently elected members froia Arapahoe county. Insure the valid election ot a republican aerator. Wicked and unforgivable as Is the wrong done the republican party, yet from the point of view of the highest citizenship, there is but one thing to be done and ihat is for the neonle to accent the dcplor.ible situation and the governor of the state 'Ol lRsue a certificate of election to Mr. Tellef. Most Close Flarht Now. Mr. Wolcott says Important matters re quiring legislative action will be coming up and will demand all the time and at tention of the legislature, therefore, the senatorial contest should not be further continued. Speaking of Mr. Teller, the ex-senator says that In no sense was he a party to the frauds above referred to, although he waa the beneficiary. He pays the following tribute to the senator-elect: He has served Colorado (.early a gene rallnn -at -Wn.ahtngtnn and whatever-may be 'our regret that be no longer, marcnoa In the ranks of the party which has so highly honored him, every cltiaen ot the State wishes him health and strength and believes that he is single minded In his devotion to the material interests of the state. , Mr. Wolcott concludes his statement by saying that for himself, he has not tbe slightest sense of personal disappointment, neither does he cherish rancor toward any body. He declares that ho will alwaya be I found ln tnee raDks of th republican party n Colorado. t Governor ' Congratulates Teller. Henry ftfe Teller left the city last night for his country place at Grand Junc tion. Governor Peabody, who went to Canon City to spend Sunday at home, was a pas senger oh the same train and extended con gratulations to the senator. "My election, I feel sure, was perfectly legal snd regular," said Senator Teller, In conversation with friends, "for I succeeded ln getting the majority vote of both bouses. I am entitled to a certificate from the gov ernor and shall expect It, but if I fall to secure gubernatorial credentials I shall be able to take my case before the senate nevertheless." When asked If he would sin a certificate for election ot Senator Teller, Governor Peabody replied, "I will cross that bridge when I come to It." It Is understood, however, that the gov ernor will be in no haste to act ln the mat ter, but will allow the fullest time for the determination ot all Issues before he signs credentials for any one. The Colorado senator's term does not begin until March 4, and he is not likely to need any certificate until congress as sembles next November unless an extra session should be called. D. B. Fairley, chairman of the republican state committee, whose resignation haa been demanded by vote of a majority of tbe committee on account of his opposition to, the candidacy of E. O. Wolcott, has given out a statement declaring ihat the republicans will not recognize Teller's election. He says: In my opinion the election was Illegal and no attention will be paid to It by the state central committee or either faction of the republicans ln the houe or senate. The election Is Invalid, for the reason 'that the proer officers did not preside over the joint session. SOUTHERN MEN TO ASK RAISE Trnlnmrn and Switchmen on LouU-l.oulsvllle Brnnch Will Demand Increase. St LOUISVILLE, Ky:. Jan. 25. A committee of the conductors, trainmen and switchmen of the St. Louls-Loulsvllle line of the Southern railway will meet here this week to consider the advisability of demanding an Increase in wages. The movement is to be general, .ind iiay the present policy ot the management toward Its employes ln train service. MACKAY'S BENEFACTOR DIES Liveryman who Enabled Miner Make Millions Pasaes Away la Missouri. to COLUMBIA, Mo., Jsn. 25 Lswrence Bash, whose death In Bcone county his just been announced, lent John W. Mackay 110. 000 with which be bought and developed the Comstock led". Bash was then a prosperous liveryman of Virginia City, Nev., snd a warm friend of Mackay. Their friendship continued until Mackay's death. Bash returned to Mis souri many years ago and left a large estate. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Rain and Colder Monday; Tuesday Kalr. Temperature at Omaha Yesterdnyl Hour. Hear. llonr. 1 p. Ilea. . art . 41 . 4a . 47 . 4 . 4l . t.i 41 ft a. m , fl a. m, T a. m , N a. m , f a. m. in a. m, II a. m i 13 m.. .. m , m ;t an nit at at aa S4 40 SORE OVER BAR ELECTION Some Members of Omaha Association Are I.lsrhtly Bruised by Satur day MkIiI's Contests. It develops that .the transactions at Saturday night's meet ig of tho Omaha Bar association were ot such nature snd of such result that tbe dissociation's career during the coming year will be Interesting to observe. The fact Is that the executive forces sf the association are of different factions snd a trial of strength may re sult. "Before the meeting was called to order at the -Commercial clubrooms It had become generally known that F. A. Brogan and a following was to be pitted sgalnst John L. Kennedy and a following. The Kennedy faction hncTmade the charge that the Bro gan faction Is trying to run tlft association and the Brogou faction answered that It has had to run ,lt heretofore because others were not willing to do anything requiring so much work. This preliminary discussion brought to the meeting more than 100 of the 150 mem bers and the contest extended clear along the line, the Brogan faction declining to give In, after Kennedy had won In' ilie presidential cllndh. The vice president Is chosen by the executive committee, but for secretary A. G. Ellick, the successful can didate, had to beat E. C. Hoddcr and O. S. Erwin, and for treasurer Clancy St. Clair had to beat Hodder, who bobbed up ln both plnces. The division of honors oarao when the executive commlttemen were chosen. Hera the Brogan faction got W. D. Mcllugh. James H. Mcintosh and W. F. Ouiley seated, with Warren Swltzlcr and John Parish as the Kennedy minority. Brogan men assert that with this majority on the bo.ird their faction "will be able to run things, Just the same." Others who were In th race for a place on the committee were J. B. Sheean, Arthur Smith, B. O. Burbank and P. A. Wells of South Omuha. After the election there was a luncheon and general good time, but it is conceded that some rather sore spots remain. TO CONSIDER GRAIN RATES Transportntlon Committee of Com mercial Club to Get Busy with Railroads. The trsnsportatlon committee of the Commercial club and the grain dealers of the city will meet at the Commercial club rooms Mondsy at noon for the purpose of taking up the question of grain rat is 1 to Oifiaha. ' The " transportation ' trommlttee will thus be the first of the regular commit tees of the club since the reorganization to take up regular bualness, and it is said by members of the committee that the organi zation will teep at work ln this matter until the rates doslred by the grain dealers are secured. The membership committee of the club exnects to have a report to make at the meeting of the executive "Committee Tues day at noon which will show an Increase In membership of tho organization of fifty since the last meeting. With the change In the policy of the management of the club rooms It Is said that the membership com- mlttee finds a larger number of persons anxious to enroll their names upon tne books of the club than when all persons li respective of membership were permitted to have tho freedom of the rooms. CREIGHTON COURT CEREMONY Officers of Catholic Order of Foresters for Snsulnsr Year Are Installed. Crelghton court No. 1310, Catholic Order of Foresters, held Its second annual instal lation of officers at Arlington hall Sunday afternoon. This ceremony, coming as it did two weeks after tbe consolidation of Crelghton court with St. Philomena's court, was in a way commemorative of that ab sorption. The new court now haa a mem bership of seventy-five. J. B. Kennedy, installing officer, was ln charge of the ceremony, and the officials Installed were: Chief ranger, James 'W. Martin; vice chief ranger, M. N. Greeley; past chief ranger, N. P. . Plant; recording secretary, A. E. Kennedy; financial secre tary, J. H. Callahan; treasurer, W. J. Cul ken; senior conductor, John Pinault; Junior conductor, T. S. Kennedy; Inside sentinel, J. B. Foley; outside sentinel, Ed Daughton; trustees, P. X. Kennedy, P. J. Brennan, Anton Linnoman. UNUSUAL FUNERAL GATHERING Two Hundred and Fifty Vehicles Fol low Jlearae Containing Peter Glandt'a Body. The funeral of Peter Glandt took place yeaterday afternoon at the family rcssidencs near Bennington and friends came by team from many miles awsy to pay a last tribute to the deceased. The services were con ducted by the pastor of the Garman Luth eran church at Millard and thi pall bear ers were Chris Bull, Jisph Bull. C. Rohwrr, Emll Hansen, Henry Kuhl and Henry Bock. The interment was at Allen cemetery and 250 vehicles followed the hearse to the burial place. Many believe It to "lav been lbs most largely attended funeral la Douglas county's history. HANGS SELF WITH CLOTHING Indiana Murderer (onimlls Suicide In Jail While Awaltlns Trlal. MADISON. Ind.. Jan. 25. A man of the i name ol briefer shot and killed Richard i Smith at Vehay last night and when lodged In jail today cut his clothing Into strings and hanged himself. Movements of Ocean Vessels Jan. 2A. At New York Arrived: Ethiopia, from Olasgow and Movllle; Ktrurla, from IJver xmi and yu enstowii; Hiinovi-r, from Bre men. At IJverpool Arrlv.d: Gcoralc, from New York. At Queetmtown Arrived; Ivernla, from New York, lor IJverpool, and proceeded; hiixonl:). from Liverpool, for New Veil., and proceeded. Al Cherbourg Balled: St. Puul, from Southampton, for New York. At Movllle Ballfd; Anchoria, from Olas Sow, for New York. ALLIES SETTLE WAR Eeports Beach . Europe that RetUamant Will Come This Week. AMERICA TO COLLECT CUSTOMS DUES Washington to Appoint Commission to Ad minister the Port Offio I, BLOCKADE OF COASTS WILL END TODAY Eureisan Powers Deolde to EemoTs Ships lrom Bonthera Waters. CONFIRM BOWEN'S GUARDED STATEMENT Berlin and Rome Father Rnmnra a Peadlnsr End to EmbroBllo Which Lately Threatened Peace of World. BRUSSELS. Jan. 2fi. A dispatch to the Petit Bleu from Berlin says an agreement on the Venezuelan question will be reached next week and that a commission appointed oy tne United States sovernment will be charged with the administration of all the maritime customs offices In Venezuela. Taken ln conjunction with the ststeraent Issued by Mr. Bowen yerterday this Is be lieved to be authoritative. ROME, Jan. 25 The Patrla asserts that the Venezueisn blockade will be raised to morrow. Germany Defends Donihardntnt, BERLIN Jan. 25. The German pi-ess discusses calmly the bombardment of San Carlos. The leading newspapers here and in the provincial cities take the position that If the United States put Itself ln the place of Oermany It would see Ihat the commander of Panther, unless the blockade were to become) a djad letter, waa obliged to enter the lagoon of Maracalbo, and that the action with tbe fort and the sub sequent co-operation 'of 'lneta with Tan- thcr were Inevitable consequences. The newspapers attach some .'mportsnce to President Castro's throwing ridicule on the blockade and his remark that hs could render the blockade useless through the Maracalbo lagoon. Iiowen Not Communicative. . WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. Mr. Bowen feels optimistic tonight over the future In the Venezuelan matter. He adheres to tie bs- Ilef expressed by htm ln the statement given out last night that the case would re settled soon, snd satisfactorily. His latest proposition, the Importnnt fea ture of which la the matter of guaranty aa preliminary to the raising of the block ade, will be in the hands of all the allies by tomorrow afternoon, and Mr. Bowen thinks an answer might be received in Wsshlngton possibly by Tuesday. Mr. Bowen declined tonlfiht to discuss the announcement that a corooilsslon ap pointed, by tbs. United States-would, bs charged with the administration ot tha maritime customs offices In Venezuela. The Inference drawn from hia remarks wss that while the statement as a whole was lu correct, yet there was sn element of doubt as to some feature ot It. Bowen Confers with Diplomats. A long conference between Mr. Bowen and Sir Michael Herbert, followed by others between Sir Michael, Signer Mayor Des Plancses, tbe Italian am bassador, and Count Quadt, tbe German charge d'affaires, Indicated diplo matic activity In Washingtm today over the Venezuelan altuation. All the min isters declined to discuss the re: ulta of to day's meeting, but general statements made by them, that tbe situation tonight war ranted hope of early relief. Is significant of what has been accomplished during the last twenty-four hours. By this time the London, Berlin and Rome Foreign offices are In possession of Mr. Bowen's third proposition stating the nature of the guarantee he Is prepared to offer If bis Initial request Is eompltud with snd the blockade raUed at onc.i. . Strict reticence is maintained by all the negotia tors as to the nature of this guaranty r.-'d until tho joint reply of the powers is re ceived It will not be disclosed. , Mr. Bowen and the State department sre greatly Impressed with the attitude of the allied representatives ln Washington dur ing the present negotiations. While act ing at all times under Instructions from their Foreign offices they have expedited matters considerably by their Mtralghtfor ward manner of dealing with V'enesuia's representative. This fact has especially appealed to the Washington officials, wfco, while not participating In the preliminaries necessarily are vitally Interested In their result. Although Germany Is sending a special envoy here to conduct the negotiations, Mr. Bowen has taken occasion to express his sbsolute satisfaction with the manner tn which Count Quadt has represented bis government. Tbe Germsn charge, of course, has been acting under instructions fiom Berlin, but the point was made today by Mr. Bowen and by officials ot tbe Wash ington government, that the activity of Germany's representative from the day of Mr. Bowen's arrival and the Judgment he has shown has done much to aid in bring ing about an ultimate solution of the pres ent trouble. Action Expected This Week. Tomorrow there will be conferences be tween all the negotiators, but no definite action is expected regarding the blockade before Tuesday er Wednesdsy. Through out bis negotiations hers Mr. Bowen has dealt separately with the foreign envoys, while they have kept In constant touch with one another. There has been no Joint ac tion on their part. Tho Important fact developed today that the triple . alliance against Venezuela was far more comprehensive than was supposed at first. The agreement between Grest Britain, Germany and Italy Involved not only a joint initiative action for tbe collec tion of their claims, but each of tue three powers also pledged Itself to lift the block ade simultaneously. Tbt Ironclad nature of ths alliance al ready baa been communicated to the State department by Charge White and It Is this fact which waa responsible for the grave apprehensions heretofore felt regarding tbe outcome of tho dispute. The reply of tbe powers therefore necesiarlly will be joint. A favorable answer to Mr. Bowen's lsat proposition, and it Is tbe belief of all to night that tie answer will be favorable, will mean ths immediate withdrawal of all the blockading ships, while a deollnatloa to accept the guaranty offered by Mr. Bowou must rebult in the continuance cf the blockade by all three allies. Say Fort Fired First. . MATtACAIBO, Jan. 25. The United State legation baa been conducting an lnvestlga