Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1903, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone ll-694.
We close Caturdays
spnts i(Hclf only once a year.
prices of ( liejip oneH. Wool lllankets at prices of cotton ones.
There ia plenty of winter to come and never again will Blankets
he ho low. Supply yourself with Warm Blankets when you
can buy them at prices like these
White Wool Elankcts
1100. tn this sale at
1.1.60 anil $175. In this sale at..
$.i 00, In this sale at
$.k.75, la this sale at
. $1.98
. $2.20
. $3.00
. $3.25
$7.50, In this sale at $5.00
$175, In this sale at.... $4.42
$9.00, In this sale, at $f!.00
$11.00, In this sale at $7.75
$13.25, in this sale at $8.00
$14.00, In this sale at $9 3
$1.E0, In thla sale at $1100
$18.00, In this sale at $1250
Cray Wool Blankets
$3.20. In this sale at $1.98 a pair
$3.25 and $3.60. In this sale at.. $2.29 a pair
$4.75, in thla sale at $3 60 a pair
$5.60, in this sale at..
$8.60, In thla sale at..
$7.50, In this sale at..
...$4.60 a pair
$5.42 a pair
$5.75 a pair
$8.00 a pair
$8.00 a pair
$8.00, In this, sale at
$11.00, in this sale at
$11.60, In this sale at
$8.00 Bath Robe Blanketa at.
$4.50 Bath Robo Blanketa at.
$4.D0 Indian Robea at
..$8.50 a pair
....$3.98 each
....$2.97 each
....$2.97 each
Cotton. Wool and Down Comforters at
greatly reduced prices.
Chiffon Hat Drapes
A large line of new up-to-
date Hat Drapes just received
Chiffon Hat Drapes, with hemstitched
borders, 1 yards long, In black,
navy, brown, white and white and
Chiffon Hat Brapes with appllqued
grape designs.
These styliBh goods come at 60c, $1.00,
' $1.50 and $2.00 each.
The correct thing for spring wear.
Y. M. C. A. Building. Corner
his bill was introduced precisely for the
purpose Indicated above. -
Oregg of Wayne, who has Introduced
more bills In the house than any other
member. Is the author of two measures
prohibiting youths under the age of 18 from
enjoying the delightful privilege of smok
ing or chewing tobacco In any form and
Imposing fines upon violators of this aot
or merchants who sell tobacco - to such
Aa there la a questionable feature about
the enrolling ot the Howell water worka
bill in the aenate, the Douglas delegation
has expressed the desire that when the bill
la taken up in the house, Gilbert's house
Die the same measure be substituted aa
a means of insuring the success ot the
measure. , '
The Omtiii city election bill, by Saun
ders ln the senate and Gilbert in the houae,
the measure which seeks to promote the
chances ot Mr. Saunders tor becoming
mayor ot Omaha, having passed tha house
and senate, was today signed by the
speaker and president ot these bodies
respectively and Is now ready to be
presented to the governor for his signature,
which will make the bill a law.
Petitleaa Received from Farmers'
Grata Oraaalaevtloa as Pro-,
teat from Limbcraia,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 24. (Special.) Growing
out of tha Farmers' and Grain Men's as
sociation, a petition, algned by Henry Slev
rs and other, was preaented to the aenate
thla morning by Reynolds of Dodge requir
ing all railroad companies operating lines
Boa Palas, Itching. Scabby ..
kla Ulseaaes,
Svrelllnars. Carbuncles, Platplea,
Sera fal a, permanently cured kr Uklki Uotanl.
kluod 111 tu. il destroy. Ihe active fuaon la tlM
Stood, il ion have at-hea and oelua In booae. back
a i)4 Joint,. Iirhliig 8vabtr Halo. Blood tola hot or
ikia. Swollea tllaada. Iltalute.ead Hum pa an tha
Bala, aiucita reuaee la noma, aore ioroal. riia
Slae or tenelve eruptlone. Cullf-'uHord Spoil
Or raak an Skin, all run-down, uc uervvue. tu-ere
en auy pert of Ihe body. Hair or Kyvbrow. tailing
out I'arbuuclM or Italia, Wat
Botanic Blood Dalai, caaraateed
la cura evea tha wont and stoat deep-eeated run
rkra doctors, patent BBrdlciuea. auj hot apnnia
fall, Steele all aoree, elope ail atnaa and peiue.
rvducee alt eaalitii.a, utak.e blood para and rlth.
completely crta.-ains tha aotlra -body luto a eleau,
keeUbr coouili.". H. B. a), fcaa vilrad Ihuuaeeaa
of caaaa ol UluvJ rataoa aiw, eller reaching tat
last ataa.
Old Hhaemal lean. Catarrh, Keaeena
ra ranaad tj aa awful Poisoned eondltloa at tha
Miuud. B. b n. auipe tiettius aad Spitim.. lit,
lug and aVratdbiua. Acbe eud. i'alne; curve aaeuuia
ttaav. .etarrhi ueale all fexaoa. koalaa, Krupliuue,
Salary fciuueie. loul IveUrtes koroa ar fctAaaaal
1 bjr givlug a para, hualtkr blood supply to .Betted
parla. 1 ,
Caaaor t'nred
Botaule Blood Balm Curee Caara at all KlnJa.
gupparallng aaelllnsa. tain., but .a. Tuutora. ugi
I lr-re. It killa the tauter Polaoe aad haat. u
aort-s ar aorat aamor prlut. II jou kava a par
alalaut Tliupla. Vart. awvllluga. bhoollug. StlugiLa
Falaa, taaa Hloo Ualat and Ikar a III I hut
for tbajr a-vlop. law Cancar. Many apparantlir
bopal raaua o( caticar vurad b taiag Bouutia
bio')' Italm.
it aa bit HA Nik.
Hny m lane tewllla f.r
drNHlUI. fake airrirf
liuiM M I a
Hmm It llu, ... II.) ulwa.ea.M-
rh-a tha rllt ata-tattiy la lake
r aal aaa ymmr aaaaajr a
maii'llv be r S
Holnnle Hload Ualna U. M. II. la
riaaaant and aal. to lake. Thoroughly taa'ea for a)
yra. CouiiMtavd of Pura atulaule lu.ra4,ttoia.
Stramthaua wvak klUaera and ak aUiBka, ba, cure.
raeiaa, LViupi.le direotloua so llk each botlla.
bold la Uutaba hy lloatan Slare Drag
Driiartaitat, lUlh aal Daaataa Sta.
la Coaaell Dlafla hy R. K. Andaraon.
KI.K Uraadwar. la guath Omaha by
Utlloa ltrasr to.. Slth ana) N.-
t all ar writ any .bare alnraa.
tlloa4 Ha lam seat hjr aarcaa aa re
cli at 1.
Bee. Jan. 2S, 1903.
The final Closing
Out Sale of All
Our Blankets
Commences Monday morning
at 8 o'clock none reserved.
Tim grand opportunity pre
Fine KLauketrj will be sold at
New Spring Dress Goods -
No more old Dress Goods to
show you. We have closed them
alL out. The new-comers are
here. The exclusive and ele
gant dress stuffs.
We are glad to see them. Tou'll
be pleased, too. It Is aa pleaiant
to 3nl and carry off theae first new
, comers as to pluck the first daring
little blossom o& spring.
rlcs, all new colors, the soft, cling
' ' Ing, all wool stuffs U Includes all
the new spring colors of gray, mode,
castor, blue and other desirable
. shadea 44 Inches wide 11.00 per
NEW ETAMINES In an all wool,
clinging fabric, yet is crisp In feel,
very pretty affects are brought out
with linings of contrasting color 14
new color to choose from 44 Inches
' wide $1.00 a yard.
goods are very susceptible to the In
troduction of color effects, because
--- of their transparency very popular
fabric for fluffy effects, with tucks
and flounces soft, clinging goods
magnificent line of new color to
choose from $1.50 a yard.
SPECIAL We are showing a complete
line of new spring eolors in a hand
some all wool Etamlne at 60c a yard.
ARB HERE We believe our preaent
stock of new Foulard Silks to be the
largest and handsomest ever shown
In this city. Come and see them.
Sixteenth and Douglas Sta
of railroads In the state to provide to any
and all peraons or corporations ejgaged In
the business of dealing In grain or coal
accessary site along the railroad tracka
of the respective railroads for the erection
of elevators or coal sheds, or both, and to
require them to- furnish all grain, coal,
lumber and live stock dealers equal tacll
itiea for ahlpplng out.
-The aenate passed S. F. $0, to reduce the
rate ot Intereat on county depoalts to :
per cent. Instead of S per cent, as the pres
ent law provides. Should this bill become
a law It Is claimed by the Douglas senatora
It would mean much to Douglaa county
and instead ot getting no Intereat pa county
deposits it would realise a large sum.
Sloan of Fillmore wants to repeal the
law relating to free achool booka and In
troduced a bill to that effect.
The Introduction of S. F. 62, to repeal the
lien law and substitute a. Hen for labor
only has brought forth objections from the
oretnised lumber dealers of the state, who
Insist they are entitled to protection
against Irresponsible and dishonest contrac
tors and people who erect buildings.
Seaate Roatlne.
President Harrison called the aenate ' to
order at 10 o'clock.
The engrossing committee reported the
following bills properly engrossed: S. F.
10, to legalise bond Issues In cities ot the
second class; 8. F. 27, establishing fees to
be charged appllcanta for dental certifi
cates; 8. F. 30, reducing rate Of Interest
on county deposits to per cent.
These bills were later read a thhd time
and passed. '
Committee reported favorably on the fol
lowing bills: 8. F. 40, elevator conductors
to be over 18 years of age; 3. F. 4, to
memorallse congress to establish the sta
tus of the Nebraska militia.
The committee on expenditure and ac
counta reported two desks missing and
were requested to keep hunting for them.
.At 11 o'clock the senate adjourned un
til I o'clock Monday.. ..
B. F. 108. by Brown of Keys Paha To
prescribe the mode of reviewing findings of
fact upon appeal to the supreme court In
suit In equity. a
8. F. 1U. by Sloan of Fillmore To repeal
free achool book kw.
8. K. 110, by Hloun of Fillmore To amend
aeotlon KA, article I, chapter xvtil. Com
plied Btututea, relating to certificates of
8. F. 111. by 81oan of Fillmore To amend
aectlon W. article lv, chapter xvlli, Com
piled Statulea, relating to cumpentuitlon for
towruhlp ottleers.
8. F. 112, by Howell of Douglas To pro
vlile for the arimlnHinn of erlppled and dls
eaaed children Into the Home of the Friend
less. . F. 113, by Reynolds of Dodge Granting
the right oi way to telephone companies
along, over, under and acroaa the atreets,
alleys and public grounda of metropolitan
cltlt-s and clliea of the Itrat clasa.
8. F. 114. by Hall of Douglas- A Joint
reaolutlon recommending to the elertora of
tha stale to vols at the next elenliia of
members of the legislature fur or against
convention to rev me, amend and change
the constitution of the slate.
H. H. 40 To amend sections t
chapter xxxil. entitled "Frauds,"
Compiled Blatutea.
and S.
of the
nothing? bt Raatlae Baaiaeaa ai
Early Adjournment la
d aa
(From a Btrff Correspondent -LINCOLN
Jan. 24. (Special.) H. K. 80,
by Lao mis of Dodge, relating to the fees
ot election, was Indefinitely postponed, as
were also H. Ra. 19, Ijy Douglas ot Polk,
relating to clerk's fees in recording legal
Instrumeats; IS, by Uacgoid of Douglaa,
relating to the . formation and regulation
of agricultural societies and 47. by Kerns
of Nemaha, relatlnl to spraying of trees
and ahrubery.
H. R. SO, by Jones of Otoe, Axing feet
ot certain state and couuty officers., was
recommended to paaa, aa were also H. R.
114, by Uregg at Wayne, relating to re
ports of superlnt, -cden's of echo lj; .ill,
by Gragg, relating to the election of oncers
in school districts; TV, by Loom! a of l"odb-e,
relating to school tax; 41, by Burgess ,ot
Lancaster, relating to the term- ot office of
school board members, aud 2, by Koetter
ot Douglas relating .to tha free use cf text
books. irrta After Deaeleaelea.
This resolution, introduced by Rous of
t I. p. m. '
Hall, chairman of the deficiency committee.
waa adopted: '
Where,- Dflrlem,lp. exlnt In many of
the stale Institutions and department.
some of which have existed tor the past
wo veara.
Whereas. Bnld rlrflrlrnrlea are unfair to
the merrlinnta and unfair to the employee
of said Institutions and departments; there-
lore ik it
Resolved. That the henils of the different
departments nnd the aupenntenden'e of the
different Institutions where deficiencies
exist shall furnish to the chilrman of the
detlclenry committee a rertlrled statement
or the esiiniAte l deficiency Tor tne monma
of February and March, 19"3.
This resolution. Introduced by Jones of
Otoe, was referred to the judiciary com
mittee: We. the rlnderslened women.' oltlsena of
Otoe county, Nebraska, most respectfully
(leiitinn your honorable roty to repeal tne
aw which alves to the widow the rtuht of
dower and to enact In lieu thereof a law
KTHntliiK to n widow of an Intimate nos-
spased of real estate one-half of the real
estate In fee simple and one-half or the
personal property.
;gnt-d by Mra. T. C Mugnnn ana otnna.
Another copy of the resolution wss pre
sented containing tha signatures of T. C.
Maughlln and other votera of Otoe county.
A resolution b Rouse of Hall that when
the house adjourn it be until Monday at
p. m., was kdopted.
Douglas ot Rock, chairman of the. spe
cial revenue committee, reported (hat the
committee had arranged with the senate
committee on revenue and taxation (o meet
each evening, beginning next Sunday, aud
requested that the atanding house commit
tee to which members of the special rev
enue committee belong hold no evening
meetings during this period.
On motion or Thompson ot Merrick the
house went into committee of the whole
and the apeaker called .Thompsqn to the
The committee re4ommende3 the consid
eration of 8. F. No. 35 for H. R. No. 6
and the passage of 8. F. No. $6 and the defi
nite postponement of the latter, relating
to issue of teachera' certRtoake by normal
schools. It recommendr that H. R. 7,
the Gilbert water worka bill pass.
At noon the house adjournemd.
New Bills.
H. R. 214. by Christy Act to amend sec
tions it, 4 and 11 of an act entitled "An act
creating a food commission," by authoris
ing employing or chemist at VMM, rood In
spector at !, extending the commlsBlon'B
acope to all food products. Authorizing the
commission to order all food products
branded, repealing sections of old law for
payment of Inspection fees and repealing
ctlon authonzlna commlHsion to Issue
permita to manufacture Imitation producta.
11. K. zid. by Burgess To reduce agents
commission fees from $2 to 60 cents In In
surance companies under laws of state of
Nebraska and provide for payment of all
Insurance fees Into state treasury.
H. H. 216. by Dernier Granting the
right of way to telephone companies along.
over, under and across the streets, alleys
ana public grounds of metropolitan cities
anil cities of the first class In the state of
Ni bj.a.ska for stringing and maintenance.
11. It. ill. by At wood To repeal section
7 of chapter xxxlxb, which provides for
census by precinct and township assessors
of farm and factory producta.
ri. K. Zla. by Atwood Extending the limit
of allowance to road overseers from $30 to
$50 per annum.
ri. K. Bin, by Hoy to make liens ror
keeping live stock a prior claim to mort
gages. H. R. 220, by Trask Fixing definite sal
aries as compensation for township officers.
H. R. 221, by Ten Eyck To amend chap
ter xxxlx of the Compiled Statutes, con
cerning "Innkeepers," by adding thereto
a new section giving to inkeeners. hotel
keepers and boarding house keepers a lien
upon the effects of any person a guest.
H. R. 222. by Ten Eyck To extend to
poultry the protection of cruelty to anl-
H. Ks. 223 and 224. by Gregg To pro
hibit minors under 18 years from using to
bacco in any form in any public place, and
to fix a penalty for such offense.
II. R. 226, by Ferrar (by request) Mak-
ing more rigid the adulterated food law by
idding to Its prohibitions and increasing
Us penalties. It amends sections 1, 2, 3, 4
and 6 of an act entitled "An act to pro
Vide agalnHt adulteration of foods, etc." -H.
R. 226, by Junkln To provide for the
bonds of county treasurers and payment
ot same. .
Fair Today aad Tomorrow la He
- braaka aad Iowa Is late
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. Forecast:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair
Sunday and Monday; colder Monday.
For North Dakota Snow Sunday and
Monday; colder in weat portion Monday.
For Iowa Fair Sunday and Monday;
light to fresh southeast winds.
For Kanaas Fair Sunday; Monday, fair
In north, rMn In south portion.
For Missouri Fair Sunday; Monday,
fair, except rain in west portion. x
For Illlaols Fair In south, snow flur
ries In north portion Sunday; Monday,
fair; southeast winds.
For Colorado Fair Sunday except snow
In northeaat and In mountain districts;
Monday, fair In west, sdct? and cold In
For Montana and Wyoming Rain, turn
ing to snow, colder Sunday; Monday, fair.
Loral Record.
OMAHA, Jan. 24. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the co-responding day of the ast three
1903. 19C2. 1901. 1900
Maximum temperature.... 37 28 31 61
Minimum temperature.... 24 8 16 17
Mean temperature ,30 18 24 34
Precipitation '.00 .00 .00 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1.
Normal temprature 20
V'xcesa for the dav , 10
Total excess since March 1 SiU
Normal precipitation 02 Inch
L'ertclcncy for the day 02 Inch
Total rainfall since Mar :h 1 29.68 Ir.ohes
Deficiency since March 1, 19i2.... l.US inches
Deficiency fur cor. pt-rlod. l-2 8.34 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 19ol 21 Inch
1.. A. WELSH.
Local forecast (Jlliclal.
A School Roy Digs Dow a to Find Food
to Hnlld Him Right.
A good, straightforward letter was re
cently sent by a bright, clever yotith which
shows his ability to go to the bottom of a
trouble and rectify it.
Ho says: "I attended High school tor
three yeara, but made little progresa. I
did not enjoy good health; my food was
not 'properly digested; this caused bead
ache, and hence I could not sUidy. I
tried taking exercise In the foot ball field
but waa unable to atand it,- as It always
Increased my headache.
"During the summer holidays I began
eating Grape-Nuts, and the benefit was
Immediate, the headache stopped, my food
digested properly, so that I had no more
stomach trouble, nfy general health im
proved, my weight Increased and my brain
was clear and bright.
"The result wss that this summer I pro
cured junior leaving and Junior matricula
tion' standing. I also took my place on
the foot ball team as half-back and played
in all the games of 1901.
"This wonderful Increase In mental and
physical health I attribute to no other
cause than the nourishment I got from
Grape-Nuts. 1 recommend them to every
body who desires health. I am only a boy
of 17 yeara, but my weight is 148 pounds,
and thla weight was procured solely by
the use of Grupe-Nuts." Name given by
Tostum Cereal Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
There is a reason why Grape-Nuts should
correct a delicate, pbyalcal, or a sluggish
mental' condition. The food li highly
nutritious 'sod is predigested so that it
helps the digestive organa to assimilate
other food, it Is also rich In the phos
phates that go directly to make up the
delicate gray matter of brain and nerve
Message of Governor Put Finiihing Toaohei
to this MeMore.
Cas Hereafter Try Parties Wis Vlo--..
late the Law Wlthla" Boaitdary
of ladlaa Reaer-ratloa la
oath Dakota. ,
(FTom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON,' Jan. 24. (Special "Tele
gram.) Governor Mickey's message to the
legislature of Nebraska yesterday regard
ing Senator Dietrich's land lease bill has
practically defeated any legislation on tha
part of congress at thla session. There Is
little chance ot any new bill, should It be
Introduced, receiving consideration on ac
count of matters of greater Importance
pressinf for consideration. The only pos
sibility of tha bill receiving any' attention
whatever would be . through a memorial
from the Nebraska legislature asking con
gress to consider Senator Dietrich's bill
favorably. '
In the event thaj the legislature should
not take kindly to Senator Dietrich's bill
It has been suggested by members ot the
Nebraska delegation that the legislature
memorialise congress to create a commis
sion to be appointed by the president to In
vestigate the. public land question and re
port to congress at Its next session. The
president evidently anticipates the present
condition continuing, for he .referred
directly to this matter In his Isst message
to congress as follows:
"In view of the prime Importance of
these matters I commend them to the ear
neat consideration of congress, and If con
gress finds difficulty in dealing wHh them
from lack .of thorough knowledge of the
subject, I recommend that provision be
made for commission of experts specially
to Investigate and report upon the compli
cated questions involved."
' If no lease legislation, as provided by the
Dietrich bill, Indorsed as It has been by
Secretary Hitchcock, is passed at this ses
sion the position of the western cattle
men, It Is asserted, will relapse Into the
same condition It was a year ago. The
question then arises, What will be the at
titude of the government aa to the fences
which the stockgrowers claim Is so neces
sary to tftelr welfare?
Martla-Gamble Bill Passes. '
The Martin-Gamble bill, extending juris
diction to the federal courts over crimes
committed upon Indian reservations In
South Dakota, has passed both houses of
congress .nd now goes to the president
tor his signature.
Senator Dietrich, upon the recommenda
tion ot Congressman Hlnshaw, today, pre
sented the name of Fred E. Witt for post
master at Thompson, Johnson county. Neb,
Thompson to Call' Monday,
D. E. Thompson has a 3 vised the Stat
department that be will be In Washington
on Monday. Mr. Thompson will, ot oourse,
call upon the president to pay bis respects
and also upon Secretary Hay to receive his
final instructions.
Senator Millard today Introduced a bill
to refund $800 to John T. Welts and Walter
H. Bhupe of Omaha, being the, amgunt of
the purchaae money they paid Into the
United States treasury tor the purpose of
making ooal" entry No. 43 at Helena, Mont.
and which entry was subsequently can
celled by the commissioner of the general
land Office. The bill was, referred to the
committee on public lands for ooneidera
tlon. . ... - V V
Eztead Railroad Franchise,
Senator Millard .today secured tha pas
sage ot his Joint resolution to extend the
time for the construction of the Akron,
Sterling ft Northern railroad in Alaska.
It is understood that several Nebraska cap
iallsts are Interested In this matter and
tha resolution extends the time within
which to complete the contract two years,
Senator Millard today Introduced a bill to
Increase the pension of Louis Webber of
Arlington. Neb., to $25 per month,
Representative Mercer today Introduced
bllla to Increase the pensions ot Peter
Henkel and William Arnold.
Roatlne ot Departments.
" Rural free delivery carriers were
pointed today as follows: - .
Iowa Calmar, Knut Barlow, regular.
South Dakota Arlington, Albert P. Run
ner. Wash F. Evarts. regular!; William
Winsor. Mrs." F. L. Allen, substitutes.
nnice. Ralph Nelson, '. regular; Alfred
Llndskog, substitute. Lennox, Wilbur T.
Little, regular; Alfred Allbone, substi
tute. ' '
The postofficei at Lark, Worth county,
la., Leroy, Lake county, and Beth, Day
county, S. p., have been ordered discon
tinued. ,
The First National Bank of Buchanan
County, St. Joseph, Mo., hss been approved
as reserve agent for the National bank ,of
Pawnee City, Neb., and the First Na
tional bank, ot Omaha for the Big Timber
National bank of Big Timber, Mont."
W. 8. Peck of Armour, S. D., was today
appointed a railway mail clerk. - .
The postmaster at Sioux City, la., has
being allowed one additional letter carrier
from -March 1.
; postmasters appointed: Nebraska, Mrs.
Belle A. Beemer, LaneVster, Lancaster
county, vies E. Davia, resigned. Iowa,
Mrs. Anna Buck, Nanitp. Aoair county.
Wyoming, John Purdy, Fort Laramie, Lara
mie coutty.
President nominates Poatmasters for
Towns la Varloos Weat
ern States.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. The president
today sent the following nominations to
the senate. Postmasters:
Nebraska George A. Eckles. Chadron;
James N. Brooks. Rushville; Frank R.
Stewart. Randolph; Stephen E. Cobb, Em
erson; William T. Owene, Loup.
South Dakota Thomas B. Roberts,
Armour; John W. Walsh, Montrose.
Iowa William D. Burk, Muscatine.
Kansas Jamas S. Alexander, Florende.
' Missouri Moses M. Adams. 8eneca; J. L.
Enclaa, Shelblna; Thomas M. Morsey, Wsr
renton. '
Noted Aetroeo Broaarht. lovr hy Paea.
mania Lies Serloasly III at
- Detroit.
DETROIT, Jan. 24. Miss Rose Melville,
ths actress, who has been playing "Sis
Hopkins" tor several seasons, is 111 in
this city with pneumonia. .Her condition
is said to be aarioua.
Conrt Hold Sorlng-ela Caaaat law
. creaso.Dobt la Order to Get
SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Jan. 4.The cir
cuit court today held that the tax voted to
maintain a Carnegie library la Illegal be
cause the levy exceeds the debt-making
power of the city. '
Every book lover desires to
stifAidnrd works of fiction in un
Heretofore but few were able
books, owing to their great cost.
We are the first and only publishers to have realized the de
mand for such a library, sold at
During the forty-eight vears of our publishing of books we
have never lost sight of the fact
keystone of our success. We have built up the greatest book
business in therorld selling millions of volumes every year,
manufactured in the most complete printing establishment in
the world.
In order to retain oru skilled labor and keep our presses
busy during the dull summer months (when publishers generally
are reducing their forces) we printed a special edition of THE
lection of books embraces fifty volumes SELECTED FICTION
edition is LIMITED and while
above the cost of making the books. ORDERS MUST RE SENT
Each of the fifty volumes In this grand
novelist, whose nnme will live ns lonp as
volumes Is In every way worthy of their
the binding a rich, dark, red-ribbed si IK
stamped In gold.
As each volume Is complete In Itself
of a set, the books can be used for presentation purposes. One or more
mane a most acceptable gift.
To prove the worth of thla library, we
portation charges prepaid, and let you examine the books In your home. If you
find them as represented, you pay In eas monthly payments. If you don't want
ine dooks, you return tnm at our expense.
H, Rider Hasrirard.
Mr. Marion'. Will.
Jolea Verne.'
Around tha World In Eighty
Dar. .
Tha Myatarloua Inland.
Alexandre Dumas.
Beau Tanrrada
Tvant Yera After. t
Charles Dlrkena.
Great ExDectatlona.
A Tala of To Cities.
Ralph Connor.
Black Rprk
frrgna Home.
The Black Carnation. '
Hall Cain.
' Tha Bondman. " '
Eaerton Castle.
' Conaequencea.
H.h Conway.
A Cardinal Sin.
Y'lrtorlen Sardon.
J. Fennl.aore Cooper.
Tha Deerslayer.
Tha Last of tha Mohlcana.
Th. Pathfinder.
Tha Pioneer. Th. Prairie.
Florence Marryat,
Firlnc tha Footlights.
A Fatal Bllenoa.
Robert Buchanan.
Th. Heir of Linn.
Th. Wedding Ring.
Th. Master of the Mine.
W. Clark Rnaaell.
Tha Ptoren Pirate.
Blrknell Dudley.
. A Oentleman from Olaacony,
W. 14. Norrla.
Heepe of Money.
Charlea Head.
A Perilous Secret.
Put Youraelf In His Place.
Margaret E,ee.
Lorlmer end Wlfa.
Victor Hugo.
Toller, of tha Sea.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Rujr Blaa.
Only for
United State.
Street ft Smith,
New York City, ,
' please send me, on three
days' approval, delivery
charges prepaid, your LIBRARY
ume. If retained I agree to pay for
same according to the terms of this ad
vertlsement. If not satisfactory, I will
return book within six daya at your expense,
, Name .'.
' , Books Are On Exhibition at Our Branch Office, No. 5 Beekman St
Street & Smith, P"tshers, jyew York.
Miners Do Not Commit Themselves to
Socialistic Doctrines.
Favor the Establishment of Co.
Operative Stores by Miners, to
Be. However, Free of Con
nection with laloir,"
INDIANAPOLIS, ltd., Jan. 24. Another
clash between the socialistic and conservau
tlve factions opeued the United Mine
Workers' convention today.
A reaolutlon from Gwynn, Kan., favored
public ownership of railroads apd the coal
mines. The committee .an resolutions,
formed of conservative members, brought
in a counter resolution- settlug forth tho
inability ot the railroads to move coal from
the mines and recommended that tha con
vention be not committed to "get coal"
movements, government ownership and
other such grave questions.
The whole matter waa tabled tor good on
motion of W. II. Hasklns ot Ohio.
Favor Co-operative - Stores.
A resolution was passed favoring the es
tablishment ot co-operative stores by min
ers absolutely tree of any connection with
the organisation.
U P. Talmage of Iowa presented a reso
lution commlttingjtbe convention to supoprt
socialism. It wss promptly defeated by an
overwhelming vote.
A resolution favoring raising a heavy
reaerve fund for strikers was referred to
a special committee.
The convention today voted to Increase
salaries as follows: ,
John Mitchell, president, to $3,000; W. B.
Wilson, secretary-treasurer, to $2,600; Vice
President Lewis to $2,500; members ot tha
executive committee aud auditing commit
tee to $4 per day; S. M. Sexton, editor of
the Miners' Journal, to $1,300.
The convention also acopieo. a resolution
In fsvor of limiting the power ot federal
courta in issuing injunctions against labor
The principal changes In the law that
will be asked are that two or wore elec
tive Judges must approve the application
for aa Injunction before a federal Judge can
possess a library of the world's ,
attractive and enduring form.
to procure such a collection of
Our motto has always been:
PRICES," and this has been the
they last we will sell tbe sets ON
at a price that is but slightly
library is a complete story by a famous
English literature. The make-up of the
content. The paper Is of a selected quality.
cloth, with titles ana authors names neavuy
and there Is no indication that It Is -
offer to send the entire set. all trans
uu IAMS cnj ttiaiv.
Robert Loula Stevoasoa.
Th. Master of Ballantraa.
Treasure leland.
Mra .Forreater.
Of tha World Worldly.
S. Werner.
Tha Price Ha Paid.
Florence Warden.
Ralph Ryder of Brant.
Georaro Eliot.
Waahlngrtoa Irvlngr.
Tha Sketch Bonk.
Marie Corelll.
' Thelma.
John Straaare Winter.
Those Girls.
Rosa Nouchetto Carey.
Wee Wife.
Harriet Beech er Done,
t'ncle Tom'a Cabin.
William Black.
Mlaa Mulock.
Young Mrs. Jardlne.
Frank T. Ilullen.
The Cruls. of th. Chachalof.
"Rita." i
' Mlaa Kate.
Book Is of Standard Library Size and
Beautifully Bound In Cloth-
After examining the books send us your
decision. If you conclude to keep them.
the total cost will be 119.60 for
the CO volumes, payable SO
cents upon the acceptance
of the books, and $1.00
month, thereafter
until paid for In
Issue a restraining order; that tha par
sons enjoined shall have a right to answer
within thirty days; that there must be
reasonable proof of right to an Injunction:
that the Judge who issues she restraining
i !aDL 0t tnr tha -D(1 th a- trial
shall be by Jury.
Delegates were ordered admitted to the
Joint Interstate conference from district No
13 of Iowa.
Signs Agreemeat wltk Morcnn's Ship,
ptagr Combine, hnt Retalaa
. ' Identity.' ' - '
COLOGNE, Prussia, Jan. 24 The Inter
national Mercantile Marina, company and
two ot the German lines have algned an
agreement with the French Transatlantic
company on the same general baala as that
which unites the combine and the German
Will Attend Topeka with
General Wood aad Chester
EMPORIA, Kan., Jan. 24. General Fun
ston. General Wood and Chester I. Long
will be guesta of the Kansas Day club at
its Topeka banquet on Thursday.
Eretr 7rus Wearer Intercttcd.
Bxplmiat It tell at Sight.
arroBss aaaonTS Sarrrf. coarost s sasa.
Closet tha opening la 10 days on tha arer
age taac in usual health.
New Method, New action. New 'Malts.
"far. oaelraei4-ea eaaelaa; Varieaaela,
7 1 vvnarcai Wvlkewil, aw.
Price) Within. the) Reach of All.
IfflTIPC Oalas te U. aaataal fcaMl fee tela Treat
Htl I I W C - aaa eapel, er laai.Maal Ml ara.n.
H rlwaloaa tor fr. book let eoetaJirtns ptatee. Ml intra
ttuii. aad inforiuauoa aUml tiua OMMiara iuatrunMaii.
o la, 104 Dearborn St., Onloago.
lMt alee St., raaaaalaala. M a. Url at., M lark.
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Don't think because you have becu Itf
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Open eveDlaga until 1 o'clock. Saturday
veuinsa uutii 10 o'tluck.
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