in THE OMAHA DAILY l.EE: SUNDAY, JAN U ATI Y 25, 1J0.1. SPEClALJjOTICES Adrerttsemeata tor toes , lame frill fee taken aattl 12 n. for ffcnlug edition and antll SO p. a, (or moralu aad mlr edition. ' Rates, 1 l-2o a word Ort Insertion, a word thereafter. Nothing! taken for less thai A fur the Aral laser tlon. Thnt advertisements aaaat raa foaiffolltalf. Advertisers, by reaaaatlnat faered eheck, raa liara answers ad dressed to a anaabered letter la rare nf The llee. Inffiri addressed will be delivered mm areeatatla af tba ' aheek naif. WANTEOSITt ATIONS. i A T"l.'NQ woman of good bnslnes. quali fications wishes clerical position In nihce or as cashier. Address T 62, Bee office. AvsJ J SITUATION wanted by boikkeeper ex perienced In handling Inrue wholesale Re count!". Reference furnished. Address, J 31, Bee. A 255 2u EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper seeks employment; will art an assistant; Rood cashier; excellent references. I' 3s, Hee. A 5:1 25 WANTED, position by a reliable sta tnjnary engineer or tireman; references. . Address L' 3a, Hoe. A 6t6 25 W'ANTED Position a cook or house keeper on ranch. Apply U 29, Bee. A 662 25 WAMtU-JULE HELP. HEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our allure to convince you of this being the BEST and only rellablo, must practical barber college In the ITnlted States. Write for catalog today. Western liar be r a' institute, Ouiaha, Neb. B-735 GOOD messengers wanteU; high salaries. A. D. T. Co., M S. 13th St. B-3S0 WANTED Two good hustler-. Open until Id, m, Western Art Co., 1714 Nicholas St. B-4S1 .WANTED Experienced, honest, hustling organizers lor Fraternal Union; best order in America. Liberal compensation. F. F. Koose, President, Denver, Colo. v IS MZ3t F-17 WANTED, two good solicitors. H. 13. Rldgley Mdee. Co., 707 B. 16th. B M377 26 WANTED State agent for Nebraska. Ex cellent contract and opportunity tor good man.1 Addcess, Bankers' Accident Insur ance Compaii), Dea Moines, iowa. B 3S6 25 WANTED, vestmskers; steady work. Ap ply Mcoll the Tailor, 211 . lath at. B-M400 2i WANTED, a young man who has had some experience in bank work, partic ularly In handling money. U 20, Wee. B-M407 WANTED lor U. 9. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can apeak read and write English. For infor mation apply to Recruiting Otllcer, ltuh and Dodge fits., Omaha, or postofllce building, Lincoln. Neb. B WANTED, HKI teams to haul Ice from Gilbert's lake to Wheeler & Hereld'n cold storage house. 1. Muccl, Council Bluffs. B M 153 25 WANTED, 6 good harness-makers; none but steady men need apply. Bchulse Bros. Co., Duluth, Minn. B M443 29 ALL LKATHER WORKERS keep away from Lincoln. Neb. B M451 29 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; growing demand for our graduates; pre pare now for spring rush; short time ' completes; practical experience by free work, expert Instructions by qualified barbers; tools, diplomas, positions and board given graduates; call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas St. B M470 29 WANTED Few good salesmen to handle the Improved tiro extinguisher; great In vention; big seller; great big, commission; good man can snake forty dollars a week; writ. Improved Fire Extinguisher Co., Newton, Iowa. B M467 25 WANTED Married man to work In store and collect. State salary wanted. Must live In city. Give reference In first letter. Address, U 40, Bee. B M481 27 FIFTEEN experienced directory men, ca pable of taking both advertising and In formation for business directory; salary, U0 weekly and 10 per cent commission; work now on; come if capable. K. C. Di rectory .Co., Armour Building, Kansas City, Mo. B 636 25 YOUNG man to travel; $60 month and ex penses; experience unnecessary; send references. Williams Co., Chamber Com., Detroit, Mich. B 530 2u WE WILL pay any man $85.00 per month and all traveling expenses, such as horse hire, H. R. fare, hotel bills, etc., to take orders for the greatest portrait house In the world. Your salary will be guaran teed and paid to you w.ekly If preferred. Address ll. D. Curry, Dept. 47, Chicago, 111. B-506 25 WANTED, man residing In Nebraska to travel; light work; young man preferred; state age; good salary; established busi ness; permanent for right party. Ad dressed envt lope. Manager, 701 Star Bldg., Chicago. B 504 25 YOUNG man, travel, advertise: experience unnecessary; ISO month, expenses; enclose self-addressed envelope. James Co., Monon Bldg., Chicago. B 501 25 TRUSTWORTHY men for 1803 to travel and collect; salury lis per .month; expenses advanced and salary paid eack week from office; enclose self-addressed envelope. Munager, 704 Star, Bldg., Chicago. B 199 25 ' WANTED, men with rig to Introduce Poul try Compound; straight salary. $20 weekly and all expenses; enclose stamp for con tract unci particulars. Dept. 117. Royal Co-op. Airg. co., inuiunupuiis, inn. 11-49S 25 BUSINESS firm wants reliable man to travel In the wwt. Good salary to right party. Expenses advunced. 8end self addressed envelope. Maxson, General Manager, Bykcs Blk., Minneapolis, Minn. MANAGER Man having go:d business qualifications and references can obtain managerial position with large corpora tion by Investing ll.ioO to $3,000. cash in company's capital stock. Liberal monthly guarantee. Address. i Auditorium Bldg. (Wabash Ave.), Chicago. H C1V11, service government positions; 14.9x3 appointments lutU year; this was 4. 8a J more than any previous year; excellent opportunity for young people; catalogue of Information free. Columbian Corre spondence College, Wathington, D. C. B- GOVERNMENT o.ltionr More than 13.000 appointments made last year; chances better for 3 ; xamlnatlf n ro in In every state; circular 151. giving fi;'.l particulars as to positions suUrlca. etc.. sent free. Address National Correspondence Insti tute, Washington, D. C. n IERN proof reading: tltuntlons secured, 115 to weekly. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. u CIGAR salesmen wanted; experience tin necessary; good pay. E. Manuel Com . pany. Station i. New York. u GENTS or boys, copy letters at home and return to us; highest prices paid weekly: send addressed envelope for copy and In structlons. Royal Mfg. Co., V Fulton St., New York. B 511 20 WANTED, permanent position open for right man. not to canvass but to travel for old established manufacturers with large capital: guaranteed salary of per year and expenses with chance of promotion; previous experience not essen tial. State age, general bueivtss q jfll.lcu tions and references. A. hires R. A Bygne. Munager, 44 N. 4th St.. Philadel phia. Ta. B 679 I5 COPYING letters; return to us: $25 per l.OuO. Send stamped. ad-Jresrei envelope. Ama son Chemical Co., Dept. A. C, 45 ' sSa'le St.. Chicago. B 576 tb WANTED. stret men. train news agents, book agents and canvassers: do you want a erack-a-Jack seller? Conner's Map of the Rosebud, soon to open, will be the greatest seller of the year. Get vour territory now or you will be too s. When writing, seed stamp. O. J. CON NER. 16o Howard St.. oi.iahs. U 5S7 WRITE for newpaere In spare tlm. Good pay. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. X. i67-i. WSTEI M4I.E HELP. Educate for Success Competition Is strong. Trslnlng and pre. pnratlon are necessary to success. Get this training early In life. Go to the right school. The REST will prove the cheapest In the end. We are experts In our line. Day and evening classes. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE. Includes Bookeeplng, Penmanship. Busi ness Arithmetic. Letter Writing, Commer cial Law, Forms, Customs, etc. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING- Pitman, Graham and Revised Gregg Shorthand; Tojch Typewriting, Practical Orammer and Office Work. CLASSES IN RAPID FIGURING. Under an exnert nractleal flsrurer. The drudgery of figuring reduced one-third un der our system. ENTER NOW. BRST EQUIPPED AND MOST UP-TO- DATE SCHOOL IN OMAHA TODAY. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS. BOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE N. Y. LIFE BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. WANTED By wholesale house, dealers In macninery and windmills, young man wnj Is good penman and accountant. State age and previous experience. Addrees, U 11, Bee. B-6W 2i DETECTIVES Every locality; good sal ary; experience unnecessary. inter national Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B 561 25 WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. B 621 26 PERMANENT position for a man of good habits and energy to represent large man ufacturing establishment known to every bank in the United States. Salary Vm per year and expenses. Opportunity for ad vancement. Apply, stating age and quali fications, to Manager, Dept. 1-3, Box ts24. Philadelphia, Pa. B YOUNG man to learn stationery business; state experience, II any. Address, IS 4i. Bee. B-M590-27 MANAGER wanted In every large county; "Game o' Skill" nickel slot machine for drinks, cigars or money, takes place of forbidden slot machines; strictly lawful everywhere; rented or sold on eusy pay ments; 60,000 now In use. Cunningham Furniture Co., Department 5. Chicago, 111. B 64a 25 WANTED, trustworthy man to travel In Nebraska; advertise, collect; experience unnecessary, position permanent; liberal salary and expenses to start. Self-addressed envelope for particulars. Trav elers' Dept., Pontlac Bldg., Chicago. B-645 25 LEARN artistic show card writing; new method. Huwley's Show Card School. 704 N. Y. Life, Omaha. B-563 25- WANTED, young man with experiences In selling subscription bonks for the purpose of hiring college and normal students; must give bond and have college or nor mal education; salary and expenses. Ad dress D. B. Zimmer A Co., Omaha, Neb. B M633 31 MEN wanted to learn barber trade; no matter what Inducements other concerns advertise, write to us for our terms and advantages: catalogue free. American Barber College, cor. 12th and Douglas sts. Omaha. Neb. B 690 25 TWO Gordon press feeders wanted, extra good wages, steady work. Btonecypher, 1201 Howard at. B 694 25 WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, advertising matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Advertising Bureau, Chicago. B 662 25 SALESMEN WANTED. EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type writers. Monroe & Co.. mi N. 16th St.. Omaha. 3X2 SELL Bitters as side line on commission; Una article, well advertised. 2m6 704 F3 WANTED, capable traveling salesman for Nebraska, to start Immediately; must furnish first-class references and give bond. Address, Box 60S, St. Louis, Mo. 494 25 WANTED An experienced salesman to tarry complete line of glove samples from fa.tory to retail trade In Wisconsin; also one for Minnesota and South Dakota.. No one without established trade in the terri tory need apply. Address, with refer ences and full information. Mason, Camp tell & Co., Johnstown, N. Y. 623 25 WANTED Two active salesmen In each etate capable of earning 125 weekly and expenses; ride line men earn 120 weekly. Sample . outfit, weighing one pound, free. All stores handle goods. Address, Man ager, llowlund Block. Clhcago. -640-25 WANTED At once, experienced traveling salesman for Nebraeka. We want a Bilcv.nar.; none other need apply. Box 514, Chicago. 48g25 WE MUST have more traveling salesmen. Apply at once. George A. Baker & Co., South Bend, lnd. WANTED, salesman; $60 monthly and ex penses; permanent, llerrlck Beea Co., Rochester. N. Y WANTED, salermen by manufacturer of grocers specialties; give experience fullv good salary. Address Box 517, Chicago, in. TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska terri tory. Exceptional opportunities offered for all-around hustler. Technical knowl edge unnecessary. Well established, re sponsible house. ElysUn Mfg. Co., De- iron, jucn. oba -o WANTED Salesmen to sell white lead the cainlns year on commission. Good side line. untenants white Jad Co., St. Louis, Mo. 671 25 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, by reliable Cleveland house, a wideawake man with good business experience to complete our travinng lorce ur iitc.1. standard line. Church & Co., EUaatone Bldg., Cleve land. O. 684 26 WANTED, traveling salesmen, goYd salary and expenses or commission; place spe cialty with groctry and general store trade; steady employment. Dr. Merrttt Mig. co., t. ivinxio ei., Chicago. -644 25 CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line: high commissions with advance of llui.uo monthly: permanent po sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., ueiro t, Mien. dot " SALESMEN X3H commission and other each premiums offered by an established cilemlar houre to first-class, experienced talesmen; references required; samples rcaay. Auoress uo u, vnicago. 654 25 WANTED, salesmen to sell on commission: no fake; best piopooition on market; $3 per month and expenses guarant.ed. Ad dress V S3, llee. e&s 25 WANTED, salesmen to sell side lines to the cltar and uuuor trade: bis' commls slon. Cowper Mfg. Co., 16 8. Clinton at.. Chicago, ill. 64a 25 WANTED FEMALE HELP. K". Girls. Call Canadian office, 1Mb. A Dodge. U &! WANTED, girl to.1 general bouaework. smull family and good wages; good horns fur good girl. Apply 31-4 J'opplvion Ave. c .30 NURSK8' Training School, Pueblo. Colo.; tlx eeks' count; diplomas. Address above. C Ssfc WANTED An elderly lady as housekeeper In a family of three. Apply to Mrs. Kd Yates, 1 North Uu 6u C MioJ Sa THEY SAY SERVANTS ARE HARD TO GET WHEN THEY WANT A PLACE THEY READ THIS PAGE. YOUR WANT-AD WILL BRING THEM. WASTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing, manicuring or taciai massage; abundance of practical experience by free work, ex pert instructions, lectures, etc.; tools, diplomas and positions given. Call cr write Moler College, 13o2 Douglas St. C M471 29 LADIES to make aprons, dressing sacques ana articles oi wearing apparel; goo-Is cut ready to sew; no outfit to buy; no deposit good pay; stamped envelope for particulars. Modern Supply Club 112 E. Slst fit., Chicago. C-606 25 $6 00 PER HUNDRED for addressing en velopes; send dime and stamp for full In structions; steady employment. N. G. Dorset, Cummlngs Bldg., 61st St., Chicago. C-602 26 LADY to travel and collect' In Nebraska for manufacturer: salary, $50 monthly and expenses to begin; send references and addressed envelope for reply. Treasurer, 702 Star Bldg., Chicago. C 4U7 26 LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 Monroe St., Chicago. C 4115 25 $5.00 PER hurfdred for addressing envelopes. send dime and stamp lor material and Instructions. Steady work. C. E. Miller, Ely Bldg., Chicago. C 490 26 LADIES to work dollies and centerpieces at nome; ail materials lurnieneu: nignest prices paid; no canvassing. Send stamped envelope to Ely Novelty Co., Elv Bldg., Chicago. . C 4S5 25 LEARN proofreading; situations secured, to .o weeKiy. nome correspondence School, Philadelphia.. C LADY SOLICITORS. EDUCATED, can se cure profitable employment and exclusive territory In presenting our "HOME ECONOMICS," full of new, unique, use ful and practical Ideas, never before pub lished. Address New Era Publishing Company, 419 N. Y. Life Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. C 615 25 LADIES or gents, copy letters at home; ... ii.uira iu 0u.,mj or ni mirpniug en velopes; nothing to buy; $20 a l.ouo paid weekly; send addressed envelope for copy and application blanks. Practical Mfg. Co., 12s Market St., Newark, N. J. C 513 25 WANTED, ten young women with good neuiin, euucaiion ana references to truin In a first-class hospital. Address, Supt. National Emergency Hospital, 441 Dear born Ave., Chicago. C 682 26 HOME employment, plain writers, filling smau manna; rate, per l.noo. stamped, addressed envelope. Woman's Commer cial Union, Dept. A. C, Chicago. C 577 25 WANTED, a nurse girl who speaks good ierman ana f.ngnsn. Mrs. K. c. Barton, 210 So. 32d Ave. C M603 27 WANTED, crockery saleslady. Address u 44, uee. C 697 26 WRITE for newspapers In spare time; good pay. Send for particulars. Press Syndi cate, Lockport, N. Y. C 566 26 WANTED, a girl for general housework; gwu wages. irCT o. Din Are. J tKM X i LADIES, make sofa pillows at home; en tirely new idea; is to iu weekly; materials furnished; no canvassing, steady work. Send stamped addressed envelope. New Textile Mfg. Co., Erie St,, Chicago. C-647 26 COPYING letters at home, full or spare lime, no names 10 supply, or addressing envelopes: nothing to buy; $20 per thou sand, paid weekly. Send addressed en velope for copy and application blanks. Imperial Co., 123 Liberty 6t., Jsiew York. C 658 25 WANTED, starch or mangle girl. Sheldon meant Launury, sneiaon, ta. c M446 26 I PAY $20 to $40 per week for addreselng envelopes ana mailing advertising of my pianos and other musical goods; Instruc tions and complete outfit sent by express; charges paid; no experience required. Cronkrlght's Wholesale Music House, Pittsburg. Pa. C WANTED, two apprentices. MeCabe, Gowns, 510 Karbach. C 693 25 WANTED, housekeeper in small family. 3723 N. 1SU1 St. C 410 FOR RENT FL11KIS1IED ROOMS. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam, i-B93 $1 PER WEEK 422 So. 18th St., one block soutn oi court nouse. u, avt AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago ft 31 L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. ELEGANT steem-iteated rooms. 1909 Capi tol Ave. fcwai 220 N. 17TH, NEAT steam-heated rooms. Hi 010 JJ.I FRONT parlor, furnace heat, gas. 2205 N. zotn st. tr m; VIENNA HOTEL. 1011-15 Farnam St. l mix; STEAM-HEATED rooms, $10 per month. Barker Hotel, 13 tn and Jones sts. Tel. E M316 F17 ELEGANT rooms; hot water fcoat; modern; references. 1616 Webster. fc-MJSU 2 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 So. 11th street. i los-i- LARGE 8. E. room In modern residence near Bc.nls park. Address U 33, Bee. E M46i 25 LARGE soath front room. 2224 Farnam. E M464 27 FOR RENT, to a refined couple, a pleasant small family.' Address U $7, Bee. E M610 26 FURNISHED room, all modern conven iences, to young man; reference. 1514 N. 17th St. E-54 25 2024 CALIFORNIA ST.. furnished rooms for gentlemen, large front room with al cove, two smaller rooms, bath, gaa, hot water, furnace heat, everything new; elegant location, moderate rent. E 601 25 ON OR NEAR Farnam St., nice, large, alrv ronm. southweBt exposure, with dully bath privileges, for one man, when there are no other roomers; references given. Address V 4s, Bee. E 622 25 ROOMING accommodations for young men In private family. 2o24 Wirt St. E 6-3 FURNISHED room; modern; furnace heat; references. 61 8. loth St. E 6o7 26 ho!) FIRMIHED Ml AD BOARD. PRIVATE family. V South 26th avenue. F-M400 BOARD and room, 1120 Douglas. 'Phone IftUA. F-MK4 27 SOUTH front rooms, single or ensulte, with board; house strictly modern; convenient to car line, alao within walking distance; young ladles preferred. Apply 24-4 Cass at. Tel. A269J. F-M393 25 FOR REST IX Fl' RSI SHED ROOMS. FOR RENT, suite of four rooms and bath, Ileum heat. Wllhnell bldg., 15th and Harney. G M474 2 FOUR modern, unfurnished rooms, with heat; rest of the house occupied bycouple with no children; references required. 213 S. 3oth si. O LH 26 FOUR nice rooms, lower floor of M 8. lUh St., icoderu, reasonable. 0-a Si FOR HUNT-STORES AND OFFICES. DOUBLE parlors. Call at 1616 Webster st I-M647 OFFICES In The Bee building, $10.00 per month up. Rental price Includes heat, light and Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. 1-279 FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x90, four stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator, tire and burglar proof vault, office counter and fixtures. For price ana particulars inquire C. C. Rosewater, sot-rotary The Bee Building Co., room It). Hen building. I-M667 FOR RENT Store in first-class Iocs' Ion i rent reason -.ble. Apply R. C. Peters 4 Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has four stories ard a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1-281 DOCTOR'S suite of two rooms, fronting on Douglas St. Robert H. Bennett, Agent. Room 22, Continental Block, 15th and Douglas. 1135 FOR RENT, desk room or larger space, with private olllce: front room In New York Life bldg. Call at 310 N. Y. L. I M 475 26 HALF store. 520 So. 16th St. 1638 8TORE8 FOR RENT. The 4-story and basement building, 33x120 feet In else. Nos. 1414 and 1414?, Harney St., $250 per month. Good store room. No. 1412 Harney st., $50 per month. Store room and basement, In first-class con dition, 1613 Howard St., $50 per month. Store room, in first-class condition, 1433 S. 16th St., $10 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. I-7-M628 Fl 501 AND 603 N. 16TH ST., good location for grocery, cigar store, billiard hall or ret.ill store of any sort; fix to suit tenant. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. 1-676 25 AGESTS WASTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good in come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $101) per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. 213 WANTED By the Monarch Book Co. cf Chicago, 300 teachers, preachers and other Intelligent ladles and gentlemen, as gen eral agents and book canvassers, in town and country districts In Neb.; best home literature; steady employment; salary, I'M to $80 per month and com.; write or call. C. T. Gudgell, State Supt., 407 Beo Bldg., Omaha, Neb. J M430 WANTED Agents in cities and towns; experienced canvassers preferred for first class, hundred per cent proposition; re liable, quick-selling goods; not novelties. Wire Specialty Co., Box 68, Akron, Ohio. J M468 25 WANTED, manager In every city, county, to handle best paying business known; legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoe nix Co., 15 W. 28th St., N. Y. J-637 25 $22 WEEKLY and all expenses for men With rigs to Introduce poultry compound; straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Parsons, Kan. J 629 25 WE PAY $26 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. J-628 25 AGENTS wanted to sell the new Improved Dandy Ink holder; fits any pen; writes 6o0 words at one dipping of Ink; never blots; works like a fountain pen; 160,000 sold In Chicago In months; samples free. Kin der Mfg. Co., 1364 N. Harvard St., Chi cago. J 619 25 AGENTS. $30 to $50 weekly easily made. We prove this. Luminous nameplates, numbers, signs readable darkest nights; samples free. Right Supply Co., Engle wood. 111. J-603 2o AGENTS, I have the secrets' or goods to start you on the road to success. F. Pierce, 22 D. 1420 Monroe, Chicago. J 500 25 STOP runaways; hitch horses solid In stantly; carry in pocket; sight seller; n genu wanted. Particulars for stamp. Pocket Hitching Post Co., Richmond, Indiana. J 49626 AGENTS A million' overcoat owners will buy our newly patented "Nome-ln-your-coat" thla winter; 7 agents sold 3,521 last week; no sending In orders to be filled you make and deliver coat hanger at once; sample, with your own name on and full particulars, 10c. Aluminum Hanger Co., patentees, 60 W. Van Btiren St.. Chicago, 111. J 542 26 AGENTS, don't work for rhers: learn a profession In ten days that will pay $10 to $26 per day. Prof. 8. A. Weltmer, Ne vada, Mo. J WANTED An agent, either gentleman or lady. In each town to take orders for skirt made to order. Stylish, swell dress ers will appreciate them. Big Induce ments to right party. The London Ladles' Tailoring Co., 2623 Olive St., St. Louis. THE AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE CO., Elkhart, lnd., insures persons from 60 to 84. Seventeen years in business. Liberal contracts to agents. J"-' PRICE LIST to agents published every week; prices quoted are in doien lots; sample of any article sent postpaid for loc; niagio puzzle keys, 16c; vanishing ball trick, large size, painted led, 50c; surprise clown water button, 60e; electric push but ton 18c; winking eyea, 5oc; pick me out puz'xles, 40c; pocket naturscope, 20c; horse shoe puexles. 40e; magic tacks, per dozen packs, loc; liars' license with red seal, zoc; mammoth packages, 25c; 25c book 1,000 ways of getting rich, 60c; $1.00 books, 6 and 7 books of Moses, $1.20; sample outfit, Including all of the above articles, sent for 60c, postpaid. Cut this out If you do not know what the articles are. you will soon see them selling on the street and will desire same. We make novelties and furnish catalogues with your name printed on at cost to us. 3i-page catalogue, with colored cover, $6 per l.". Novelty Supply Co. 80 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. J 680 25 AGENTS, to sell Royal Pepsin Bitters. Big commissions, easy seller. Samples free to responsible parties. L. & A. ScharfT, St. Louis. J 5i6 25 CALENDAR SALESMEN who have had experience. To such we will make most liberal proposition to Introduce and eel the handsomest line of calenders for lii4 ever offered to the public. Write promptly with references. I not write unless you are experienced calendar salesman. T he Kemper-Thumas Company, Cincinnati O. WANTED Agents or deputies to represent largest sick, accident anil death Unent association In the west. 1 p to date plan. To tlrst-class producers will give a first class contract. American Benevolent As sociation. St. Louis. Mo. J-.o-2a WANTED, agents with knowledge of city trade. Others may write. Good lnduce- Eoyer RlVr."! East Fifth Cincinnati, u. . - " WANTED, an agent, either sex, to sell shirt waist goods In their home and sur-...,.)iD- town. Ijirue line. Including high-class novelty patterns and excluMtve designs. Sells on sight. Big pay to right party. Buckley Custom Shirt Co., Dept. 1. St. Louis. Mo. J WE START you selling diamonds; don t accept employment until getting our lib eral offer; $6 daily ssre. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse. N. Y. J 6.1 25 AGENTS In every town to sell lace cur tains by sample or catalogue; big profits. Cincinnati Lace Co., tilenu bldg . Cincin nati, o. 2- AGEXTS WASTED. AGENTS, Automatic Washers sell them selves; one agent writes: "Exhibited sample to ten women; took ten orders." Tlmo required, 45 minutes; prollt, over $.'K).tiO; guaranteed to do a washing In 30 minutes; furnishes Its own power; re quires neither labor nor attention; costs less than any other machine; free sample and exclusive territory furnished; $50.00 week guaranteed; thousands of testi monials. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. J 643 26 ADVANCED methods, practical plan, for starting a profitable mall order business from home In co-operation with an old, established concern. Returns quick. Further Information free. Montagu Co., 9 Pond Bldg.. Boston, Mass. J 648 26 AGENTS can make $2,000 to $4,000 next three months handling newly patented article, absolute necessity, demand enor mous, experience . unnecessary, exclusive territory given. Household Novelty Co., (Manufacturers), 1512 Broadway, New York. J-657 25 KHAMROCK9 for St. Patrick s day March 17. We are the cheapest house In America for Khomrocks. Send for wholesale price list or 10c for sample line. Jos. . una, Omaha, Neb. J AGENTS for city and country towns to call on business men; exclusive territory; new proposition; call or send 2'c for pre paid sample and full Information. W. L. Co., Patterson bldg., Omaha. j fiss 2r, WASTED TO REST. A RESPONSIBLE business man will make a two oi three-year lease of well built, attractive, seven or eight-room modern house In good location. Address S 67, Be ohice, stating particulars. K M518 YOUNG married couple desire room and board in good neighborhood, with large room, permanent. Address U 23, Bee. K-M431 25 WANTED, two or three furnished and heated rooms for light housekeeping; no children. Address U 26, Bee. K 439 26 YOUNG man desires room and board In private family; must be convenient to car line; state price. Address U 86. Bee. K-M462 80 WANTED, rooms and board by man, wife and one child, near All Saints church preferred. Address N 42, Bee. K 602 26 WANTED two unfurnished rooms In pri vate family; no boarding hoime. Audress V. B. O., Bee Composing Room. K WASTED TO 11UY. WANTED, to buy or lease, modern dwell ing, 9 or 10 rooms, In tlrst-class neighbor hood, near car line. Would not enter tain proposition to buy except at low figures. 1 mean buslnees, but no atten tion will be paid to answers unless ac companied by full particulars. Address, U 30, Bee. N 457 29 GOOD home. $5,000 to $8,000; answer quick. Address U 46, Bee. N M596 26 SMALL cheap place for cash. Address U 46, Bee, N M5H3 26 FOR SALE KIHSITIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 402 FOR SALE, furniture for five rooms, com plete, for sale and house for rent at $12.00 a month; must sell at once, am going west. L. H. McClelland, 2620 Seward. O M604 26 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGOSS, ETC. TRY ME on wagon repairing. First-class work. H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 403 GOOD family horse. 1318 7arnam. P M600 FJ WANTED to buy, together or separately, a gentle Shetland pony, rig and harness. Address U 65, Bee. P 632 26 FOR SALE, cheap, 2 light spring wagons, suitable for grocer; 1 top buggy, suitable for business. O. II. Steuben's burn, 71a S. 16th st. P 6S8 26. FOU BALE MISCELLANEOUS. FENCE LATH for quick shipment, ' crib bing, combination ladder tsil Douglas. y M404 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical instrument, $5 up. The Wittmann Co.. 1631 Farnam. y 40a FOR SALE OR TRADE White hearse. Ogden Livery barn. Council Bluffs. 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1119 Farnam. X wv. WAREHOUSE, 68,000 square leet, fine trackage facilities. Beeoe it Runyan, loth and Farnam. Q 713 F4 FOR SALE, lirst mortgage note bearing 6 per cent interest, payable every six months; has about 2V, years to run; good security and endorsed by responsible party; amount, $l,6o0. Inquire C. 14. Bachmanu, Boom 44, Paxton block. Q-6M FOR BALK, burglar proof bank safe. The Omaha Bcalty Co., 310 N. Y. Life bldg. Q M476 26 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q 4o 75 LADIES' and gents' watches, 150 dia monds left n pawn, good as new, selling at half price. Dlnuiouu Loan Office, Hoi Douglas. Q M217 2 NEW and idhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam y nia OLD BUILDING FOR SALE Two-story frame, size about Eox6o ft., 26th and O sts.. South Omaha; must be re moved at once. GEORGE AND COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. Q M380 26 HARP, Sebastln Erard, double-acting, per fect condition, cost t0; will sell t.ijo. n easy payments If taken at once. 19o8 Cum ing at. Q 363 LOOK! Fountain pen, automatic Indelible pencil, nickel reversible penholder and five noncorroslve pens, all for )c lo silver. 616 N. Wth St., W. 8. Warwick. Q-391 26 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repaired; a large stock of cheap bor fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 47-9 8 loth. y-M426 Ml BUTCHERS' Ice box: will sell or-trsde for buggy. If 23 Clark st. Q M460 29 A WONDER Knife sharpening disc, razor hone, pocket knife sharpener; by mall, 25 cents silver. F. L. Stone, 1101 N. lHth St., Omaha. y 622 25 FOR SALE, one nearly new automatic Corona Reglna music box. with several twne sheets, In perfect condition, one-half cost takes it; nlckel-ln-the-alot attach ment; big money-maker for saloon or public location. Call or write H hmoller & Mueller, l.ilJ Farnam St., Omaha. y-630 25 PIANOLA Bargain, slightly used. For full Information call or write Schmoller Ht Mueller, 1313 Farnam, Omaha. 631 25 FOR SAI.K Two stoves and three show cases with stands, cheap If taken at once. Address U 67, Bee. y Ml MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, inventors, patentees and me chanlcs. and everyone interested In pat ents and inventions, to send for our In ventors Guide: this 6no-page book sent free; contains full Information about pat ents, how to obtain a patent, what to Invent for profit and how to sell a patent; this elegantly printed book sent free to any addreaa. O'Meara Brock, Patent Attorneys. "JO Eleventh St., N. W. Wash, lugtoil. ll. C. R 667 CLAIRVOYANTS. Mme. Gylmer Scientific Parlors PARLORS AT 815 8. 15TH. IN GRANITE BLOCK. 2D FLOOR. TAKE k LEVA TOR. Reliable Information on all affairs of life. Beneficial advice concerning any trouble or difficulties whatever. See this gifted woman; she can help you. Readings reasonable. B 660 25 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Casa street 8109 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, SIS 8. IS. 8410 MADAME LUCRETIA. medium. 1"9 Ch. cago St, 8 M692 F3 SEE the clairvoyant at 621 N. 18th. 8-M649 ! ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MMB. SMITH, baths, IU N. 15, 2d floor, r. I T-M771 F7 MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard St., baths. T-M113 r GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky, 720 8. 13th. T-324 F17 MME. SAUNDERS gives magnetlo treat ment. 1819 Leavenworth st. Flat 7. -M396 27 PERSONAL. VIAVI, Woman's Way to Health. Homi treatment. Booklet tree. S46 Bee Bldg., Omaha. U 413 TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. U-416 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. U, Frenzer block. U 411 RUPTURE! CURED without pnln. Emplra Rupture Co , N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. U-4T70 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gordels, 334 Lake. Tel. Red-1884. U-417 PRIVATE hoi.pltal before and during con finement; first-class In every respect; babies adopted. Dr. L. L, Miller, 2504 Blondo St. 'Phone F-11S2. U-M427 CHIROPODY, manicuring, facial and spe cial massage taught and practiced. A. Mayer, 613 Bee Bldg. Consultation free. Tel. 1716. U-M837 PRIVATE i hospital for laales befora and during confinement; babies adopted. 270$ 8. 18th st. Mrs. Fisher. Tel. fdli. U M68 F3 ELITE PARLORS, 615 8. 16th St.. 2d floor. J -51461 F23 REPAIRS, supplies and records for any talking machine made. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Douglas. U 414 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlsch, 3625 California St. Terms reasonable. U M432 ECZEMA BALVK that cured W. A. Pax ton. Bl J. Hcannell, agent, 609 Ware blk. U M448 F22 MARRY! Western ladies. Addresses free. Enclose stamp. Star, 672 Fourth St., San Francisco, Cal. U 468 F-l CHILDREN for adoption at the Child Sav ing Institute; boys aged 12, 11, 6 and two that are 6 years end one that Is 3 years old; four boy babies 8 weeks to 2 months old; also two girl sisters 9 and 6 years old. who want the same home; one t years old and one 11 months; four girl babies 10 days to 4 months old. Apply at Institute, 18th and Ohio ats. U M473 28 I WAS saved from consumption after my case had been pronounced Incurable and hopeless by eminent physicians. If you are suffering from this dread disease and will write me I will gladly tell you with out cost how It was done at home. My sole object Is to be of some benefit to hu manity. Rev. Melvin L. Peden, pastor Church of ChrlBt, Stone St., Gibson burg, O. U-627 26 BEAUTIFUL and accomplished young ladv, owning property and Independent Income, would assist kind and loving hus band. "Mae," Box 83, St. Louis, Mo. U 621 26 ATTRACTIVE young lady. Immensely vealthy, but lonely, seeks at once honest, capable husband. Will sexist In business venture. Address, Vera, 407 Temple Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. U 673 26 FORTUNES TOLD Prof. Haselton, horo scope writer. Send 12c, birthday, and three questions answered. 45 Grummond Ave., Detroit. Mich. U K2 26 CHILD LOST for 18 years; stolen from cradle; was told who and where her par ents lived by Zemindar, great Hindu Seer, who foretells correctly all private affairs, health and business. Full particulars, 2c. Box S., 245. Saratoga, N. Y. U-491 25 WONDERFUL life reading. Send dime and blrthdate to Prof. White, 669 Iglehart, St. Paul. Minn. He gives truthful Informa tion. U-639-25 FOR MEN Rare list of books, rubber goods, photos. Enclose 2c stamp ror list to King Co., Carbondale, Pa. U 488-25 YOUR FORTUNE 'TOLD from cradle to 5 rave, wnat 1 ten you comes true, nena ime and birth date. Prof. J. Myers, Drawer 704, Chicago. U 487 2a A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant; what he tells comes true; sena iuc ana nirtnaay. I'rof. E. Oarnot, box 2179 Boston, Mass. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles per- manentiy removea oy eieciricny; consul tation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mua Allender, 1613 Douglas. NEW PIANO for rent, very reasonable. Address U 86, wee. u m:o zt- ENLARGE YOUR BUSTS, LADIES! No matter now young 1 1 1 uiu jvu ie, we en large It 4 to 10 Inches; no appliances; no poison; absolutely safe; ll.Ooo Is we can't; home treatment. Sealed particulars, 4c Stamps. CONWAY SPECIFIC CO., 15 Temple Place, Boston. Muss. U-668-25 WEALTHY, lonely, kind-hearted gentle man, with elegant nome, see us wire to share his home and wealth. Address, Mr. Morgan, 810 Olive, Room 802, St. Louis, Mo. U-660 26 A WEALTHY, attractive lady, unhappy and lonely, seeks husband to share her wealth and affections. Address, Amiable, 715 Locust. Room 62, St. Louis, Mo. U-553 25 WANTED, the acquaintance of refined, good looking Christian lady; object friend ship. Address U 69, Bee. U 663 25 CORNICES, skylights, ridging, hip roll, etc., made In cois?r or galvanised Iron; roofing, tin work, etc.. done cheap and well. E. Savage. 2822 Farnam ot. U 668 25 MARRIAGE paper; send for Stover's; firlnts addresses of all personal ads both adles' and gentlemen's; I pages; latest lesue, 10c. A. D. Stover, box 919. Chicago, 111. U 67$ 25 MOSEY TO LOAM REAL ESTATE. 4 PER CENT on business property. " per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time, W. B. ME1KLE. eul 8. 15TH 8T. W-411 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real tstate. Brennan-Lova Co., 8o9 8. 13th. W lit WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters Co., 17ml Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 420 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemis. Paxton Blk. W C!l FARM and city loans, low ratea. W. H. Thomas. First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. l&ig, W-423 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 W 423 WANTED, city loar.s and warrants. W. Farnam Bmllh at Co.. ISu) Farnam street, W-H24 PRIVATE money. V. D. Wead. 1624 Douglas. W 42 WANTED, to loan. $600 en good real estate security at 7 per cent. Inquire Bt 607 N. Y. Life building. W-M141 MOSEY TO I.OAS CHATTELS. "HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS. Everr man ot woman In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs getting a salary call and get our money on your plain note, without publicity, mortgage or indorser trt qn FURNITURE LOAN3. Goods remain In your possession; you get the full amount of loan without deduc tion. Our system of payment the easiest. Our rates ore easily the lowest. Wa aim to Ple"kt,TART,E CREDIT CO. Get Off Elevator at Third Floor. Room 30V PAXTON BLOCK. RomSOS. C A CVTO GET CAJ I TO PAY Best explains our methods We loan on furniture, plHnos. warehouse reeclpts etc. Or If you have a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN Without security, except your own ngree. ment to repav. Our service in quick and confidential and wo always try to please. All we ask Is that you glvi. us a call be fore you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE IXJAN CO;. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2195. tEataolished 18S2.) 3o6 S. 1J8; TRY US -for- SALARY and CHATTEL LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 633 Paxton Block, 16th and Farnam Bts. Top FlOO'. X-M42S WE LOAN money on furniture, pianos and diamonds. Low rates. Any length of time. Private. OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK, 1404 Farnam, upstairs. Tel. A-2113. X 4131 CHATTEL, salary & Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co, sue. to D. Green, ft. 8, Barker blk X-MSll I MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. '. uoeo, lis s. li X J1 THE STAR LOAN COMPANY, Room 644, Paxton block. 'Phone FI29S. This company is the private bank of the wage-earner and salaried employe. If you have a permanent position as clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or arti san of any klnu, you can obtain on your note, without security or Indorser: Mont hly. Weekly. $100 return to ua... .$26 66 $13 86 $flj $ bo return to us.... 13.33 6.& 8 3j I 35 return to us.... 6.66 8.88 1.86 $ 15 return to us.... 4.00 2.00 l.uo Our oihYes are private and our business confidential. From 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. X-U517 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team Biers, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prlu clpsl cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 432 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried pHle; business confidential; lowest rates. 114 Paxtcn block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 433 LADIES' TAILORING COLLEGE. LADIES, THIS IS INTERESTING. And also pleasing to learn that J. A. Kels ter of St. ljoitls. Mo., has established a PERMANENT BRANCH of his college In Omaha. This Is now the third week since the opening and tho people are showing their appreciation of euch an In stitution by the manner In which they re spond, such as friends by Invitation and strangers through advertisement and other means of information. If you have ' not made us a call please write for BOOKLET. Young ladies should be more than glad that such a long-left want Is at last supplied, I. e., a place where they may learn DRESSMAKING, Including TAILORING, as an accomplishment. Mr. Kelster's St. Louis college was estab lished nine years ago, and has enrolled 8,000 pupils up to the present time, with a daily attendance of 150 to 900. Hoping Omaha's record can speak as well In nine years, you are all extended a cor dial Invitation by Bulte 68-4-6-6, Douglas Blk., 16th and Dodge. ; CHARLES D. SNYDER, MGR KEISTER'S LADIES TAILORING COLLEGE. W9 S TRANCE MEDIUM. BEND 2GC and stamp, with date of birth, and get trance reading of your past, press ent and future. I tell full names, dates, full name of futuro husband or wife, with age and date of marriage; give advice on love, business, marriage, speculations, di vorces, changes, etc., and tell whether the one you love is true or false; guurnn- . tee satisfaction. Address Mme. De Vere, Lock Box 915, Kansas City, Mo. . M4 55 Ml SICALE. Piano Tuner and Repairer, Ed Evans. Telephone F-266 FARMS FOR II EXT. FOR RENT, Improved farm 640, 450 acres cultivated; $1.00 per acre. 526 New York Life, Omaha. M594 26 FARM FOR RENT. 70 acres, 6 miles northwest of Omaha, un improved, $3 per acre. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. M627 Fl FOUR acres near Hanscom park, 6-It. and barn. acres near Krug Park, 4-R. and barn. 2 acres near Kruk Park, 4-R. and barn. Apply r D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. 68o X SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG S H . Touch T. W.. Bus. Branches, leieg. cat tree. oin. com. coi, it & jjoug. A. C. Van 8ANT S school, 717 N. Y. Life. BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. 44J NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 413 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BT1LLMAN ft PRICE, 23 U. 8. N I Bk. Bldg. 468 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 4t9 MAC FAR LAND A MAY, New York Life Building. Room 3o4. 'phone 15& -823 FINANCIAL. JOHN J. RYAN co-operative breeding farm iiu, iiiitij.! in. , M yi i : 1 1 b weekly dividends paid; write or call on McCluflln Ward, agents, 4o6 Bapp block. Council Bluffs, la. STORAGE. CM. Van Stor. Co., UU Faro. Tela. 1509-863 EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tela. 1196-1145. Mt7 EIPERT ACCOINTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc. G. R. Rathbun, Room 15, Com 1 Nat. bank M HAHNEsfl. HARNESS made to order and repaired. Old harness taken in trade. 13tb and Ieaven worth. M147 F22 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 6o6 8. 16thl 463 TUB DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. 454 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. EGGS, J0C PER DOZ. T. at E. Ballerlou. grocers, 8-4 N. UtkBt