10 Til E OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. JANUARY 24. 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Market in All Lines it Dull on the Chicago Eoard of Trade. PRICES DROP ON ALL LINES OFFERED Wheat Rliri at Start, bat lAira Ualrklr oa Humor t Irralattng that HI Holder Is Seek Ins to tatoad. CHICAGO. Jan. 23. There was an active trade in wheHt tmlay, hut after a blgner opening the market rincd easier ani ihe cmse "ii May man 44ic lower. May corn whs down ViiiiXnr nu oats of! Wiilac. Muy provisions closed unchanged lu 241''-"! luwr. 'I litre was a firmer feeling In wheat, in fluenced by the higher cables arid the big export business oi yesterday, ami a new top notch was made on May at the start, the opening being a. shade to U'diiO higher at 81'V'''je. 'I nere waa a good demand nrly and a large volume of uuslnesa waa ransarted at the hiKher figures, but on tumora that the big holder was unloading there, waa a general scramble to get rd oi li nn stuff, and aa a reault the price droio.i treclpltous'y to K(4,c. At tne low polni a uettcr demiind developed anil a react on set In, the price rallying to 81-vc. The mar ket waa very nervous the latter part ot Ihe rj srlon and wart affected by the silantest influences. The clone waa easier. with 4'id c lower nt al'nc Clearances or wheat an. I hour were eiiial to 142,4isi htisheis. Primary receipts were 536.8IN1 bushels, compared witn 41J. bushei.4 a year ago. Minneapolis' and jiuluih reported receipts of 3.:2 cirs, which, with local receipts of 21 ears, 1 of rontriict grade, made total receipts for the three points of IttW cars, against 322 last week and i21 a year ago. Corn whs traded In moderately find th undertone was easier, although the opening whs firm on cables and on the strenictu in wheat. Continued selling by commission houses waa responsible for the weaker leellng. May was a shade lower to a shnde hiKher at the start, opening at 447Ac to 4.ic, ' und sold between 444" and 4ac, the clone being '.41 V lower at 44V. Local receipts were 409 cara, with 1 of contract grade. There was only a light trade in oats and the market was dull and featureless. The uncertainty In the wheat situation and free selling by some of the big scalpers caused weaknees, and the close was easy, with Iav Vg'Hie lower at 3844i36'r. after selling between Wi3fiic and 36' jc. Local receipts were 22 ears. I'rnvlstons were strong early on lighter receipts of hops and Arm prices at the yards but Inter on commission house sell ing of Ma' lard and ribs there was a reac tion and most of the early gain waa lost. The close was about steady, with May pork unchanged at tl6.S24. May lard was 24o lower at 19.60 and May ribs 244!Ac lower at . "tj 9.224- Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 4o cara; corn, 415 cars; oats, 40 cars; hogs, Sl.ooohead. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. High. Imw. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I II' Jan. 78 784 77Vi 77 77aff Muy sl4-24 824 H0- 8141 .SI. July 75Vd?6 76 7BV.I 73'4 ti Corn I I Jan. 47 47 46. SI 47, May 4474,t,45i 4ft 4141 41 44Va5 July 434'&"4l 434 434 434 3H Oats Jan. 1 S4'i Muv IXy, 36436 ftV'."WM,$4 364 July 324 32 liJVS-V'l 32Vn "H Fork I Jan. IS 25 19 25 19 25 19 2" 19 10 May 16 824 16 95 16 75 16 824 lb 824 I.ard Jan. 10 20 10 20 10 15 10 15 10 10 Mnv 0 65 9 674 9 00 9 60 9 624 July 9 424 6 474 9 40 9 40 9 424 nibs Jan. S 10 t 10 9 10 9 10 9 10 Mav 9 25 9 80 9 2 9 224 9 25 July 9 10 8 124 9 074 9 074 9 10 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FI.OUR null, unchanged; winter patents, t3.60fa3.7O: winter straights, 3.20tf3.45; spring Jatents. 3.5o'i:v: spring straights, 3.lK)y 4l: bakers, $2.35,2.80. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 7981c; .No. 3 spring. 74c; No. 2 red, "Oftc. CORN No. 2, 46c; No. 2 yellow, 46i,c OAT8 No. 2. 814c; No. 8 white, 34&J5c. KYIC No. 2, 60c. BARliKY ood feeding, 46H8c; fair to Choice malting, 50(ft5Hc. BKKD8 No. 1 flax, 11.19; No. 1 north western, (1.24; prime timothy, $4; clover, contract grade. IU.75. FHOYIW IONS Mews pork, per bbl., $18.10i9 18.15. Ird per 100 lbs., $9.flOt9.25. Dry ealted shoulders (boxed. I4.25fi4.60. Short clear sides (boxed), S9.874&10.00. Following were the receipts and hip ments of flour and grain: Flour, bbls. 27,800 19.900 Wheat, bu 3."0 4J!.0i0 187.210 143.900 l.Ooi) Corn, bu jmi.i.o Outs, bu 311 Tlv- Kn l.iKtll Uarlty. bu 66,000 15.600 r. .k- l.rf,,V .vnhanff, InHnr the but tor market was steady; creameries. 17&25c; dairies. 17(fi23c. Eggs, easy, loss off. cases returned, 2avc. cnerse, auu, mu. NEW YORK GCSKRAL MARKETS. (tnotatlons ot the Day oa Varloos Commodities. NKW YORK, Jan. 2S FIjOTTR Receipts, (607 bbls.; exports, 21,280 bbls.; market Arm but less active; winter patents, H.tyVtH.OO;. winter straights, $3.5mft3.6o; Min nesota patents, $4.154.35; winter extras, $.'. 30413. lu; Minnesota bakers. $3 26i3.40; win ter low grades, $2.4ikl2.90. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $3.ior(i.35; choice to fancy, 46Q4.55. Buckwheat flour, Bteady, $2.20$; 2 26. snot and to arrive. CORN MEAL Quiet; yellow western, $1.3); cltv. tUK; Brandywlne, $3.4(aj3.55. RYE Firm; No. 2 western. 60c, t. o. b., float; state, 6667c, c. I. f.. New York. BARLEY Steady : feeding, 42c, c. I. f., Buffalo; malting, 4760c, c. 1. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 8,550 bu.; exports, bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 834c, ele vator; No, 2 red, 83c, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, Duluth, 9t)c. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba. 90c, f. o. to. afloat. It wan an exciting day In wheat. First the market advanced to 84 l-16c for May on covering and strong cables. Then it broke to 83u under reports that the big western bull unloading. After that time It ruled Irregular in the last hour and closed Vir 'c nut lower; May, 82"i(tfS4 l-16c: closed at fcl'ic; July, goijjssc; closed at 80140. CORN Receipts, H.OuO bu.; exports. S.8A4 ru. bpot, steady; ro. i nominal, tJ4c, f. 0. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 68c; No. 2 white, tSc. The option market waa irregular again. January advanced over 3c on an other scare of shorts, but late positions after steady opening reacted with wheat and were easy all day. The close on Jan uary was at 2o net advance and May He lower. January. tii384c; closed at 67c; February, ftiMjoSc; closed at 684,0; March closed at 65V; May. t;Vu 50 S-ltic; closed at 6: July, 48 5-16a(8 9-16c; closed at 4Sc. OATS Receipts. 19.6W) bu. ; exports, 1.402 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2. 44c; standard white, 441.4c; No. S. 43Hc; No. S white. 44c; No. I white, 44c; trick, mixed western, nomi nal; track, white, 4-i'u47c. Options dull ana burely steady; May closed at 41c. HAY Quiet; shipping, 5"4;'70c; good to crn.loe, Wc4j$105. HOPS -Finn: state, common to choice. lni'3 crop, 3Ku37c: 1W1 crop. 24ft 2t!e: olds (KliHic: Pacific coast. 1902 crop, ii31c; 1'jol ill op. 2:25'; ulda, ill2'-iC. HIDES Quiet; Galvesion, 20 to 25 lbs., lEu; California, 21 to 25 iba., lUc; Texas dry, 24 to 0 U s., lie. LEATHER Steady: acid. ItiSrt&Hc. PROVISIONS Beef, dull; family, fl't.00 t 17.00; mess. $10.lxli 10.50; beef hums, $2o.5s r.'.UO; packers, $14 oc?n 15.00; clly, $24.00.'ti7.o4 t ut meats, nuiet; pickleil bellies. ii 75'fj 10.00; pickled shoulders. $.25; pickled hams, til.tktyil.2S. ljrd. easier; western etesmeti, 110.40; reflnod. dull; continent. $10.55; South America, $11; compound, fl 5tvti 7.75. Pork, steady; family. $18 .511 18 75: short clear, $1? h.tjil.50; nie.se, $18.i'j 18.51. TALLOW Flri.i; city, tv; country, i43 Wc RICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4'.'tf t'.o; Japan, nominal. BUTT KK- Receipts, 4.9:4 pkgs; firm; state dairy, imyix; extra creamery, 26c; common to choice creamerv, 19'h J.h. EGGS Receipts, 7.212 pkgs.; flrm; state lid Pennsylvania, average best. 2tc; wesi ern. pool to fancy, 211UJ4C. POLI.TRY-Allve: Quiet. unchanged. Dressed: Steady, unchanged. CI i EES E Receipts. dSo pkgs.; market firm; stute, full cream. faicy sii.ail. colored, full made. 14c: late maoe. 154ii4c; sinuli, . white, fall nude. HVnUV'; lste made. 1. !c; large, colored, fall made, 14c; late , made. 13c; large, white, fall made, Itvc; iale mai'.e. 1240. METALS -Tin advanced sharply In iAin ilun toila. gMiniug til 12a 6i. with spot and futura both quoted at New Y'ork responded partially to the foreign strength. . d anced 2a pirtnis to $2S i2.5u. closing flrm. Copper advanced I'm in London. .Mo-log there at M 2 sVl for spot and at ."- 7s d for futures. Iak-j(II- copper was io firm and hlxher. Standard Is qjoted t $11 47V.; lake. $12 S7Wtti2 6L", : electrolytic. 12 Smhlitt); casting. $l2.2ii'l2 ;S. Iad de clined tc 11 Bs 9d in London, but was quiet and unchanged here at $4 12V Spel ter waa unchanged locally at 4'6.oO. and In I y melon at kV 6s Iron In Olssgow closed at Ms fid and hi Mlddleshnrough at 47s fid. I.xflllv Iron continues quiet and uii'haneil Wurrants are nominal. No 1 northern foundry Is quoted at 23.i2.v; No. i nortlieeri foiimlry, ,Vn. 1 southern foundry and No. 1 soft southern foundry at IIMtIM Ht)!,l;l,K MARKF.T. I oadllion of Trade and ttaetttttona oa staple and lanrr Prodare. K(1(!F Fresh stock. Ifil9c. I.IVK I'Ut l.TKY Hens. 8c: old roost ers, !u'c: turkey., I2aif, ducks, M9c; gore-. ,( ; Sirlng chickens, per lb.. 6Hi9c. I iKKS.Kl) l'( H'l.TKV-Ynunx chickens. I'dllc; Inns, lilillc; turkeys, luiil8c; ducks, 't I v . a ese. iHillo. Ht'TTKH T'ncklng stock, Hiifiljc; choice dairy, In tubs. Itdl7c; separator, Ti'a-1'- (IVHTKHS-Hlnndards, p.-r can. 28c; extra selects, per tin, Sic; New York counts, per can. 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.76; bulk, thil ml, per gal., $1 45. h'KKSll FISH Trout, Millie; herring. 5c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, Sc; buffalo, dresfci d, :.-; suniish, 3o; nluetlns. 3c; whlte llsh, 9 ; salmon. IKc; haddock, 11c: eodllsh. 12c; redsnapper, luc; lobsters. bolld, per II)., 3"c; lolters, green, per lb., 2Hc; bull heads, luc; cattish, 14c; black bass. 2uc; hnllbiit. lie. HRAN-P.r ton, $13.50. HAY Frlces quoied by Oninha Whole sale Iienlers assocl-i"n- ,hol"C No. 1 t,p liind, $; fit. 1 medium, $7; No. 1 coarse, $H.ft'l. Hye straw, t. These prices are tor nny of good color and quality. DemanJ lair, receipts light. Cohn 36c. flATH-34c. HIE-No. 2. 45c. VHOHTAnLES. NKW CEI.EKY Kalamaioo, per doi., KC; California, per dux., 4om,li ITATOK8 Her bu., 4ef4Dc. HWEET I'OTATOES Iowa and Kansas, $2.25. Tl'RX I I'S Ter bu., 4oc; Canada rutaba gas, pr lb., I'.c. HEK'l S-Ter bu.. 40c. I'L'tTMIIKKft-Hothouse, per dot., $2. AR.4NI1'8 Fer bu., 40c. CAKKOTS Per bu.. 40c. (IKKKN ON IONS Southern, per dox. bunches, 4.k. RADISHES Southern, per dox. bunches, 45cv WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $3; string beans, per bu. box, $1.50. CAHHACrE Holland seed, per lb.. 1S.C. ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, pet lb., lVfcc; Spanish, per crate, $1.75. NAVY H HANS Per bu.. $2.60. TOMATOES New Florida, per -baket crate, $4.5iKao.i!0. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate, $2.75. FRUITS. FEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2; Colo rado, per box. $2.25. APPLES Western, per bbl., $2.75: Jona thans. 4i0; New York stock. $3.26; Cali fornia Hellrlowers, per bu. box, $1 W). GRAPES Malagas, per keg, $6.0Oj.7.00. t KAN BERKI E Wisconsin, per bbl., $10.6; Bell and Bugles, $11; per box. $3.60. TROPICAL, FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size. $2.Hj2.oii. LEMONS California fancy, $3.76; choice, $3.5i. ORANGES California navels, fancy, $3.26; choice, $.1; Mediterranean sweets, $2.25. DATES Persian, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6e; per case of 3u-lb. pkgs., $2.26. FIGS California, per 10-Ib. cartons, $1; Turkish, per S6-lb. box, 14'ol8o. MISCELLAN EOL'S. HONEY New L'tah. per 24-frame case, $3.i5. CIDER New York. $4.60: per -bb!.. $2.75. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per H-bbl.. $2.25; per bbl., $3.76. POPCORN Per lb.. 2c: shelled. 4c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c: No. 1 salted, Tc; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. 812c; shfep pelts, 2587Sc; horse hides, $1.60fi.50. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 roft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Braxlls, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., lc; hard a'.iell per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12HN small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per doz., 6uc; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6"c; roasted peanuts per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60; cocoanuts, per 100, $4. OLD METAL3. ETC. A. B. Alplnt quotes the following prices: Iron, country, mixed, per ton, Ml; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; copper, pr lb., 8'ic; brass, heavy, per lb., 8'ic; brass, light, per lb., 6tyc; lead, per lb.. 8c; xinc, per lb., 2V4c; rubber, per lb., 6HC WEARE COMMISSION COMPANY. 110-111 Board of Trade, Omaha, lVeb Telephone 151(1. CHICAGO, Jan. 23. WHEAT The mar ket reached a new high figure early at 8214c for May, and then declined 14c on great deal of proflt-tnking and stop-loss selling. There Is a difference of opinion as to the moves of Armour today. The popular view is that he sold early and that thero waa support from that source on the break. There was not so much cash business, but shippers said there waa no weakening In the situation with them. New York re ports 60 loads taken for export. Bales here were about 150,000 bu. Argentine weather Is still wet and cold. Argentine shipments, 456.UI0 bu. Minneapolis reported 1.000,000 bu. of wheat bought to arrive by one miller. Primary receipts were 636.000 bu., against 412.000 last year. Shipments from primary points, 166,000 bu., against 217,000 a year ago. Northwest receipts, 332 cars, against 388 last week and 306 last year. Clearances were only 141,000 bu., and for the week 8,538,000 bu. Local receipts were 34 cars, with one contract. Estimates for Saturday, 60 cars. CORN There has been a alight yielding In corn prices today, both for cash and futures. There was more May for sale at 45c than the market would take. The cash market declined V.ttVjc because of the car situation. There has been a fair demand, however. 200.000 bu. being sold from here. New York reports 20 loads taaen for ex port. Clearances. 714,000 bu. Argentine shipments were only 4.000 bu. Primary receipts. 728,000 bu., against 641.000 a year ago. Shipments were 641,000 bu., against 4411.000 last year. 1ocal receipts, 409 cars, with one ccntract. Estimates for tomorrow, 415 cars. St. Ixnils houses have been the best buyers of May. There were 11 cars and 16,0 bu. out of private elevators. OATS There hus been a dull oat market and prices have suffered a little on account of car embargo. Local receipts, 222 cars, with bIx contract. Estimates for tomor row. 210 cara. Clearances, 3.000 bu. New Y'ork reports IOO.OiiO bu. taken for export, laical cash sales. 100,000 bu. Shippers are holding off because of delay In getting cars and delay in getting them oft after being loaded. PROVISIONS Market has been steady, although there has been considerable sell ing credited to packers, especially uuaany. There were 30,o hogs here, with prices strong. Estimates for tomorrow. Hl.ooo. Hogs in the west today, 64.500. against 70,300 last week and iss.ru last year. WEARE COMMISSION COMPANY. St. Louie Orala aid Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 23. WHEAT Easy : No. ! red. cash, elevator, nominal: track, 75VJ 76c; May. 76c; July, 72c; No. 2 hard, 72 fe'74 corn Weak: catih. No. 2, 42'4c; track, 43ty44i4c; May. 414e. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 36c; track. No. S, 3lc; May. 37k,c; No. 2 white, 37c. RYE Easv at 49Va6ite. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents. S3. SO 2.60; extra fanjy and straight, $3.30'(j3.9o; cle:ir, SToutf 3. 16. SEKD-Timoihr. steady. $3.0(433.50. C iHNMKAly-Steadv. $2.3u. BRAN Firmer; sucked, east track, Rl 83c. HAY Easy; timothy, $10.dXiI 15.00; prairie, S9.6ofMl.6u. 'HON COTTON TIES $1.074. RAGGING 6 5-16(57 1-16C. IIKMP TH'INU-hv PROVISIONS Pork, steady: Jobbing, standard mess. $19.10. Ijirri. unchanged at n6;'-j. Dry salt meats (buxed), quiet; extra shorts and clear ribs, lii.U"; short clears, $H 37V. Ilacjn (boxed), quiet; extra shorts, $li: clear rlb, $10.12'; abort clears, $10,371. METALS Lead, firm at $3 97'. Spelter, firir. at 4. POULTRY Firm; chickens. 9c; t.ir kevs. c; ducks, 12c: geese. 6"6'7c. BITTER Steady; creamery, 22ir.Sc; dnlrv. lVoL'lc. EGGS Higher; fresh. 19c Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 4.uio 8.101 Wheat, bu 8tio 8. Corn, bu lHSt.(M) 278.000 Oats, bu 6U.UO0 "l.UuJ Minneapolis Wheat. Kloar and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. !3 WHEAT May. 7sti7kwc; July. V,c; on track, No. 1 hard, itf'jc; No. 1 northern, 7s''jc; No. 2 northern, 77c. FLOi'R-Flret patents. $4.05j4 15; second patents. $3.M'.4 4 00; first clears, $2.50; second clears. $2.ti6'i2 15. BKAN-ln bulk. $14.50614.75. Mllnaakre tiraia Market. MII.WAI KKK. Jan. SI WH EAT Irreg ular; No. 1 northern. Mtisl'ac; No. J north ern. &''-; Mav. hie bid. KYK-null; No. 1. .'ll.tjc B-AKLEV Lower; No. 2, &e; sample, 4ti!(i67V. t'oKN May, 44V sellers. Palladelohia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 23.-BL'TTj:- Steady, fslr demsnd; extra western cream ery. 2c; extra nearby prints, 27c. EGGS Easier; fresh nearby, 2'c, at the mark; freeh western, 24c; at th- timrk; iresh southwestern. 23'(i24c, nt the mark; fresh soiithern, 22c, at the mark. 'H EF.SE Firm. with a moderate de mand; New York full rreams. prime small. IWil4ic; New Y'ork full creams, fair to good, l.tVylsc; New Y'ork full creams, prime large. 14c; New YorK full creams, good large, 13Vol3c. Liverpool Kraln and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Jin 23 WHEAT Spot Firm; No 2 red western, winter, s Id; No. I California, fie ltd. Futures: Steady; Mirth, 6s d: Mav. 6s 34d. CORN Spot: Quiet; American mixed, new, 4s pi-jd. Futures: Steady; January, nominal; March, 4s o; May, 4s 3d. PEAS Q.ilet ; Canadian, 6s 7d. FLOI'R St. Iouls iancy winter, 8s 3d. I.'CPS At Ixindon (Pacific const) firm, 6 151 7 6s. l'RO VISIONS Reef, quiet; extra India mew, 107s 6d. Pork, easy; prime mess, western, 75s. Hams, short cut, 14 to lti lbs., firm. 47 Sd. Paeon, Cumberland cut. 26 to SH lbs., Ilrm, 48s; short ribs. 16 to 24 lbs., firm, 48s 6.1; long clear middles, light. 2 to 34 lbs., flrm, 4s; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., firm, 47s 6d; short clear backs. 16 to 2t lbs., flrn, 4Ss; clear bellies, 1! to 16 lbs., steady. 61s. Shoulders, square, II to 13 lbs., firm, 4os 6d. Lard, prime west ern. In tierces, quiet, 61; American re fined, In pails, steady, 61s. HITTER Nominal. CHEESE Firm: American flrest white and colored, strong. 62s. I Abum-Prime city, steady, 27s 6dJ Aus tralian In London, firm, 34s 3d. Kansas City nratn and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 23. WHEAT Mnv, 70i4(n70i.e; July. 67c; cash, No. 2 hard, 67f(j 6S'c; No. 3, 6Vfii7c; No. 4, ffifyMoiic ; re jected. 51W-59c: No. 2 red, 70c; No. 3, 67'56Ne. CORN January, 38c; May. 3Hi&SV; cash. No. 2, 39Vifl4"c; No. 2 white, 40',c; No. 3. 40c. oATS No. 2 white, 351V336C; No. 2 mixed, K'i.c. K YE No. 2. 46c. HAY Choice tlnothy, $13.0013.60; choice prairie, $H.76&9.on. BUTTER Creamery, 20S4c; dairy, fancy, 2oc. EGGS Fresh, 18fcc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 14X.800 32.0H0 Corn, bu 66.4"0 117.6 10 Oats, bu 23,000 36,000 Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. Jan. 23. WHEAT Dull, steady: cash and January, 70c; May. 82tc. CORN Dull, steady; January, 46c; May, 45c. OATS Dull, steady; January, 37c; May, 37c HYE No. 2, 53Hc. SEED Clover, dull, flrm: January, $7.25; March, $7.32H; prime timothy, $1.90; prime aislke, $8.26. Peoria Market, PEORIA. 111., Jan. 23. CORN Steady ; No. 3, 43c. OATS Steady; No. I white, 3314c. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Market Again Colorless and Sales Less Than Any Day Thla Year. NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Today' stock mar ket was entirely colorless again and tho level ot activity fell below that of yester day, which was the lowest since the open ing of the year. News developments were without perceptible efTect. 'there were some professions ot anxiety over the Vene zuelan situation, accompanying the opening selling, but this did not prevent the market from recovering when a demand for E:io developed. Tht bewildered room traders seemed eager tor any sign or leadership and ready to tall on to any nascent move ment. None of the day's movements was long lived. It Is possible that the Vene zuelan situation is an Influence on this dull ness, but the caanes of hesitation of spec ulation are1 probably deeper seated and have to do with the general outlook over a long future range. The signing yesterday of the Panama canal treaty brings into definite form the exchange problem ln volvd In the requirement tor the payment lor account of the United States govern ment to the Panama Canal company of $40,000,0u0. It has been suspected tor some time that preparations were making in the exchange market to meet this requirement, but exchange authorities express the opin ion that the symptoms attributed to this are due to other causes and that the ar rangements for the transactions are yet to be made. The recollection of the disturb ance to the exchange market caused by the payment to Spain 01 the $2o,0u0,0O0 indemnity provided Dy tne treaty 01 fans gives great Interest to the present transaction, espe cially on account of the delicate balance now maintained In . the exchange market. It was remarked with Interest that there was some falling off in the export engage ments of wheat today, following the rise in price of that cereal. The delayed arrival of, the steamship St. Louis was offered to explain last week's decline in dry goods im ports, so that this week's additional de crease la the more notable and interesting In the effect upon the exchange market. Wabash stocks were weak today on reports of new friction with the Pennsylvania rail road Interests. The strength of copper, both In London and here, was a help to Amalgamated Copper. The renewed buying of Erie gave some hope of resumption of, activity Dy pools, but the market made little response. St. Louis and San Francisco relapsed sharply, with denials of yester day's deal rumors. The languid demand for stocks made an advance seem eo hopeless that the traders turned to the short side of the- market and prices fell sharply below last night In the active selling movement of the last hour. The decline was accom panied by rumors of unfavorable Vene zuelan newa received at Waehlngton. The large gains in cash by the banks, both from the Interior and on subtreasury opera tions, promised a rise In reserves of nearly $7,ow),0uo. There may be large loans to fig ure in that Item of the banks. There was a report current thai after noon of $35,000,OtiM loan having been nbgo tlated by the Pennsylvania company. The market closed steady near the lowest. BoT?dB were Irregular. Total sales, par value. $2,840,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd Hal. 4V Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific.. .. 1 Bo. Railway 144 .. W do ifd 4H ..loilta Tciaa Pacific ( 4U .. Tolodo. St. L. W. 10 . .1J6V du p(d 44 .. 84 t'nion Hacltlc 10074 .. 61'i do pfd Canada So t'hea. aV Ohio Chicago Alton... do pfd Chicago. Ind. a L. do pfd Chicago a B. III.... Chicago a O. W... do let pfd do Id ptd Chicago a N. W... .. u wabaah .. 11 i do Dfd L-a'a . 44 . ii . 36 . : . ti .tuft .: .131 .iia . a . 40 . 81 . 7 Wheeling L. E.. . K) I do id ptd .IIS) :Wli. Central . :7H do ptd . lit Adama El . 411 American El .2Su I nlted Stales Kl... Chicago Ter. a Tr. 11 Welle-Fargo El &lls Alnal. Coyper do pfd c. c. c. 8 Colorado So. It Amer. car V 2 i do pfd do let pfd do id pfd Del. a Hudaon.. Pel. L. a W.... Denver R. O. do pfd Erie do lat pfd do td pfd Great Nor. pfd.. Horning Valley do pfd Illliiola Central . Iowa Central ... do pfd Lake Kris a W. do pfd L. A N Manhattan L.... Met. 8t. Rv Mex. Central ... Mn. National . Minn, a Si. L'.. ... VAmr. Lin. Oil ... 44 do ptd ...172 American 8. a R.. ...170 i do pfd ... St)'-4 Anac. Mining Co... ... T44 llrookljn R. T..... ... 3a Colu. Fuel I ... 70S Cona. Caa . .. f.41 Cnnt. Tobacco pfd. . ..JJ3 ;n. Elei-tric ...lol'4j Hoiking Coal ... 7V inter, faper ...H7V do ptd ... KS Inter. Power . .. 7JVi Laclede tlaa ... 45 iNatloual llm-ult ... ...11.1 INatluiKl Lead ... 1714, ... 4.11, ... 41H ,.. ... S ... 47 ... 74 ...21&Va ...1164, ...185 ... ... 17 ... 72 ... 7 ...f ... 46 ... 2'4j ...lit . .. 7 ... ...103'a . .. 4 ... Mi . . . : . .. ?i ... 1S'.t . . IV ...14 No. AmerW-an .. ...IMOs Hdilfic Cnaal ... ...lJK'i PailtlP Mall .... . .. Jl People'a .. ... l3e Preyed S. Car. ...107 ilo pfd ...ll"'i Pull nmi ! car Mo. Pacific M.. K. T 27', K. public Ste.el . do pfd os, ao pro N. J. Central. ..la., nugar ..Ifil Teun. Coal a I. .. 7.1',, Inlon lUg & P . . do ptd. . .. aiT, I'. 8. Leather . ..15 do p'd .. V. 8. Rubber... N. Y. Central No-folk ei W do pfd Ontario a W Pennsylvania .... Heading do lat fd do td pfd ft. L. a 8. F do lrt pfd do td pr.l gt. L. 8 W. .. .... do pfd St. Paul do pfd 8o. Pacific Offered. ... i ... 41 ... 77 ... 124, ... kn'i ... 1? .. do pfd .. 74 .. 754 .. 7 .. ll- .. 2i't .. ..177H ..m .. u C. 8. Fleel. :ic, hfo, u :, .-.'. 4H n 47, :o'4 do Jfd Weetern t'nlo.i Amer. Locomotive.. do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Rock Island do pfd Kerr York Mlalliig Stocks. NEW YORK. Jan. The followln g are the closing prices on mining atocks: Adama Con I.:t:!e fjlef Alice ts Ontario (50 Itreece 40 Ophlr I.u Hrunawlc Con 7 Putoul 33 Comslock Tunnel t', SavaKe ti Con. Cat. a Va l.5 Sierra Nevada ao Hunt Silver 1:P) tjmail Hupea So Iron Stiver 70 standard Suv Leadvllle Cos I Baak t'learlngts. OMAHA. Jan. 23. Bank clearings today, $1.2'.1424.t; corresponding day lust year. $l.l.b-4.u5; increaer. $11 ai f,7. NEW YO KK, Jan. -X Clearings, $230. balances. $:;.12 bo. PiiSTON. Jan. Clearings, $26,926,575; balances. $l.2u.66i. BALTIMOKE Jan. 23. Clearings. $;I.H5, O&s; balances, IW.4.4: money, 8 per cent CHICAdo. Jan. 2S. CleaHnjs. $27.h.!9 -053; balances, $1,1172 003; New York exctianKe, 3bc prvtulum; foreign exchange uuchaitgedi sterling posted at $4 44 for sixty days and at M KK for drmsnd. ST. IH IS, Jan. 2:l.- Mea.rlnRS, JS.fiTN. 442; balances, $s't.7i; money, steil at u 'ot, per cent; New York et hangr, :5c premium. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. I.T Clearings. $2I.o;g.512; balances. $.1.0l3,4Ji; money. 6 per cent. ..VClNNATf. Jan. 23.-Clearl.iS'. $3.9P1. 6V; money, 4t1 per cent; New York ex change, 2'k.- premium. Sew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 2S.-MONF.Y-On call, steady at 3ti4 per cent; closing. 3 er cent; time money in light demand; sixty ilHys. 4V4 Per cent; ninety days. 4HW 4 per cent; six months, 4VM ler cent; prime mercantile paper. 50int, per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy at ad vance, with actual business In bankers' bills nt $4 SH!.", for demand and at $4.8:55i(J 4,wf for nlxtv days: posted rates, $441 and $4.N7iVih.WI; commercial bills, $4.83' 4 K4 wILVF.R Bar. 47c; Mexican dollars, 37Hc. BONIiS Government, steady; railroad, irregular. The closing quotations in bonds are a fellow s: t S. ref. 2. reg....1" I.. N. unl. 4a 1H do coupon le Me,. Central 4a 77 du 3s. reg 17 do la Inc K'a, oj coupon Minn. A St. L. 4a...li3L, do new 4j. reg 14', M., K. A T. 4s do coupon I.;t0j do in 9414J do old 4k. rrg 110 N. Y. C. gen. IVtt. lm do coupon 110 N. J. C. gen. St l.1'4j do &a. reg ic3 No. Pacific 4a in;i"4 du coupon l'lt1 do Sa 721, Aichlwm gn. 4s to:. N. W. con. 4a lfU'k do adj. 4a M-t Reading gen. 4a 9ft. Pal. Ohio 4 U2n St. L. At I. M. r. 6a.. 115 do 'ta 4 St. U. 8. r. 4a.... fMUj do co.iv. 4e M4'4, St. h. 8. W. la M Canada So. 2s 8. A. A. P. 4a "2 Cent nil of (Sa. ns....1i So. Palfii 4a M'4, do la tnr 7 8o. Kallway ht. ...... Thee. A Ohio 4W....t"', Teiaa A Pacific la. ..117 Chlcaxo A. T., 8t. U A W. 41..11714 C, B. A g. n. 4a.... 4 Inlon Pacific 4a 7a C, M A St P g. 4...110i, ,no eonv. 4a lost, C. A N. W. c. 7...U5 Wabaah la C, R. I. A P. 4a ...li7! do ta 117 C C C A St L (. 4b..11',I do deb. D 111 Chicago T-r. 4a 5 Weal Shore 4a 74 Colorado A So. 4a... 4, Wheel. A 1. F. 4a. ..110 Henver A R. O. 4a... W'la. Central 4a i Erie prior lien 4a i"'( on. Tohacco 4a 7 do general 4a M Colo. Kuel 4 F. W. A I). C. la.... u: I Rock laland 4a T Hoiking Val. 4a...HM4i Pa. conv. IHa ins'. Wan. con. gold 4 104 Offered. Boston Mocks aad Roads. BOSTON, Jan. cent: time loans, closing of stocks . Atchtaon 4a laa la Mex. Central 4a Atchlaon do pfd Boston oz Albany Hostnn A Me Boston Elevated .... N Y , N. H A H.. Fltchbnrg pfd t'nion Pacific Me,. Central American Bugar do pfd American T. A T.... Dominion 1. A 8 tien. Electric alas?. Electric I nlted Krult f. 8. Steel do pfd 23. Call loans. 4'T5 per , 4Vq5 Per cent. Official inn bonds: I'M lAMotie, 43i loH! Amalgamated si 75 1 Bingham 8:114 7 Calumet A He. la Uo 4, centennial 25H ; Copper Range 190 , Dominion Coal MSVa'Franklln 221 1 Iale Royals ... 140HiMohewk 101 Old. Dominion 244,'Oaceola 1 ,gulncy 2-li .12!" . 1U . It . 61 . 18 . II ..US 1-1 8anta Fe Copper.... 4 .150 . tni . m tC, . 74 . iai4 lamarack .... S5 il'rinioun'aln . ISO Trinity 3f.'k Cnlted States HMVI'tah 8'' Victoria M'il Winona Weatlngh. Common... 104 IWolverin ... Adventure II I London Stock Quotations. . LONDON. Jan. 23. Closing quotations Consols, money N. Y. Central .15 . V4 . 44 . 34 . 7 . llH . 31 . 44X, . ! . 34j . 7l4 . .104 4 . M4 . 38 . 9V . 30 do account 93 6-14 Norfolk A Western. Anaconda 6 do pfd Ontario A Western. Pennarlvanla , Rand Mines Reading do lat pfd do 2d pfd Southern Ry do pfd Southern Paclflo.... Union Paclflo do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Wabash do pfd Atchlaon DOa do pfd 1(12 Baltimore A Ohio 14 Canadian Pacific 1394, Chesapeake A Ohio.. 54 Chicago O. W 281 C, M. A St. P 13 DeReers 22 Denver A R. 0 41 do ptd II Erie 40 do lat pfd 72', do 2d pfd M'i. Illinois Central. ...'.. .1B31 Loulavllle A Naah....lftl M.. K. A T 28. BAR SILVER Steady; 21 ll-16d per ounce MONEY 2H4i3 per cent. The rate of dis count In tho open market for short bills Is 8'fr3 6-16 per cent and for three-months' bills Is 3 3-lWfj3V per cent. Forelgra Financial. LONDON, Jan. 28. Money was fairly easy on the market today. Discounts were weak on the figures of the bank returns and increased expectation of an early re duction of the bank rate. Rates, however, are not expected to go much lower In view of the heavy .revenue collections until the end of the quarter. Business on the Stock exchange was on the verge of stagnation. Consols were easier. Home rails were weak, particularly the heavies, dividends being mixed. Amer icans opened irregular and recovered a fraction, though btuainess was narrow. They closed steady. Kafllra were lower. Gold premium at Madrid, 32.72. PARIS, Jan. 23. Kaffirs opened weak on the. bourse today, but the stocks on the official list were strong. Foreigners were heavy at first, but recovered. The shares of the new Panama Canal company rose on the signing of the treaty between the I nlted states and Colombia, providing for the construction of the canal. Credit Lyonnals was in lively Inquiry, owing to the extent in which that concern Is In volved In the Panama canal Interests. Later the official list reacted. A feature of the day's transactions was the recovery of 'Rio tlntos on the sharp rise in copper. Moat of the departments were strengthened and firmness prevailed at the close. Kaffirs closed with an unsatisfactory tone, due to the uneasiness regarding the labor supply of South Africa. The private rate of dis count was 2 13-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, loof 7Vc for the account. BERLIN, Jan. 23. Internationals were In good demand on the bourse today, Argen tines and Spanish 4s being particularly so. Banks were maintained. Mines relapsed on profit-taking. Canadian Pacific was harder. Exchange on London, 20m 49pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 2 per cent; three months' bills, 2 per cent. Wool Market. BOSTON. Jan. 23. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's Issue: The shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 31, 1902. are 19,761,712 lbs., against 18.720,913 lbs. at the same time last year. The receipts to date are 9,631.178 lbs., against 11.911,850 for the same period last year. Wool is firm and fairly active. Prlcea are sustained on all grades of domestic end extreme rates continue to be paid for choice selections. Considerable business hits been closed In Australian and South American wools to arrive. Round lots of new Cordova have been sold, some at and lc advance. Estimates are that 14,000 bales of Argentine croea-breds have been bought to date for this country. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 23. WOOL Unchanged; medium grades and combing, ITOj'Jlc; light fine, 16fe'lHc: heavy tine, M4flc; tub WHShed, lyw&c. NEW YORK, Jan. 23. WOOL Firm. LONDON, Jan. 23. WOOL Offerings at the wool auction sales today numbered 14,228 bales. Scoured were very tlrm and some New South Wales sold at rather dearer prices. Cross-breds were very firm and pold freely to the home trade and tho continent. Some medium greasy lots were taken for America. Sllpes were in good de mand and tirm. The withdrawals to date number 1,000 bales. Following are the sales in detail: New South Wales, 2.900 bales; scoured, 8M,dr(tls lotjd; greasy, 5dyi Vjd. Queens land, l.&ou balee; scoured, la 6Vidi&le lid; greasy. 4Vulll. Victoria. 3.(j bales; scoured. ludrgOs l"d; greasy, tdifls 3Vid. South Australia. imO bales; scoured, nil; greusv, MiUHtd. West Australia. 1.700 bales; scoured. Is 7d ; greasy, 4FllVrl. New Zealand. 2.5 bales; scoured, tt'dfuls S,id; greasy, 4Vull1d. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 7l bales; scoured. 7Vdls 8Wd; treasy. tr4 (fitted. A eale ut Cape or tioon tiope ana im sheep skins wus held In Mincing Lane to day. The offerings numbered U7.5i) skins, of 'which 116.9J4 were sold. The skins were not of guod quality, but they mere in good demand. Lomf, merino was unchanged, short merino slightly harder and other grades were. Pd lower. Ury Goods Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 23 DRY GOODS The demand for both staple and rancy cotton goods nas teen on a i ur acaie uwaj, uui business Is still restricted by limited ready supplies. Prices an very tlrm. Print cloihs are without change, bids at previous prices being turned down. Linens are in lnlr request ml tirm. burlaps are firm, with a moderhte demand. MANCHESTER, J- 23 DRY GOODS Cloih quiet and unchanged. Yarns strung. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 23.-COFFEE Rio. steud: mild, frm: Cordova. 7(U111tc. Fu tires opened steady at unchang-d prices. Speculation wus generally quiet. The close wa sieitiiv, net unchanged to 10 points higher. Saleb were 32.2jo bags, including March at 4. Sue; Mi'.y. 4.&oc; July, 4. Sic; Sep tember. 480c; November, 4.6jc; December, 6.txV.j5.10c. Whisky Market. CHICAGO, Jan "3 WHISK Y On ba-tls of high wines. $130. BT LOL1S. Jan. 23. -WHISKY Steady at 1 3 1 PEORIA. Jan. 23 WHISKY-For finished goixlx. SI :. CINCINNATI. Jan. 23.-WH I3K Y-Dls-tD'ers' knUhed goods, steady, on bavsla of el.ja. OMAHA LIVE STOU MARKET Beef Steers 'Derail k Dime Lower ind Cowi Ten to fifteen Lower. HOG MARKET STRONG TO FIVE HIGHER Feeling oa Fat heep and Lambs Hardly as Goad and Kales Were Made All the Way from Steady to Tea tents Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 23. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Official Monday 3.9K5 6,Wt 5,7-S Official Tuesday 5.b)0 s.olSl 7.04 Official Wednesday 4.140 2e4 6.1:11 Offlclal Thursday 3.111 7,704 2.oi. Official Friday 2.r 7, Vol 3,124 Five days this week.l9,2!4 40.i6 24. VH Same days last week. .. .19..44! 3M46 2:1. 7 19 Same week before I6.21S 3,746 1N.3W Same three weeks ago. .14.779 4'-'.iiM 1K.9HS Same four weeks ago H.il 22.844 12.o4.t Same days last year 16.746 53.4: 14.418 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana for the year to date, with companaons with last year: U. I!i2. Inc. Dec. Cattle 5.ii7 5i.lK5 622 Legs 139.412 178.422 Sheep 73.KK 43,4(2 39,532 Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with com parisons: Date. 1803. 1902.1901.1900.1895.lS9g.llS'j7 Jan. 1... 33 6 23 31i 22 29-)4, 6 19 211 34 6 24 6 3'JVjI 6 09, 4 961 4 Xi 4 96i t 02 6 04i e . C 06! & ot 6 14, 6 26 5 23 o 17 e I 6 161 6 2f, 5 26 5 2b 6 291 627) 5 2o 6 13 s 1 4 zi; 4 IU 4 :-ai 4 27 4 37 4 :t 4 34 4 3 4 .151 4 41, 4 491 4 bJ 3 Is 3 il e 3 25 3 32 Jan. .. 3 67 ' 3 57 1 I 2 44 II 47 1 2 2 4 3 Jan. .., Jan. 4... Jan. .., Jan. .., Jan. 7.. Jaa. S... Jan. ... Jan. 10. Jan. 11. Jan. U. JHII. 13. Jan. 14., Jan. 15. Jan. 16. Jan. 17. Jan. IS. Jan. 19.. Jan. 20., Jan. 21. Jan. 22.. Jan. 23. 39 2 m '-2; I 4 35 3 60 8 2 55 3 8 oO 2 3 3 3 3 501 3 ' 3 3 60 3 4 3 3 61 3 3 54 3 3 6b 1 3 3 591 S I 3 3 56 ' 40 I IS 43 2 L I 3 14 43 : 6 M 15 6 14 041 40 40 29 3 Oi 45, 3 14 i 09 I 6 47T 6 00 6 14 6 22i I 6 36H 3 19 41 4 58 8 06 3 3 4 leV 6 15 4 12 6 4t7l 6 17 6 221 6 39ai I 4 48 4 561 4 54, 4 tA I 4 631 4 591 4 511 3 22 C4 S ZO b0 3 2t 541 3 26 I 6 47V.I 6 27j I t ts', 6 io; I 6 53 6 02 1 6 b9Hi 6 03 57 3 23 ' I 3 3j Indicates Sunday. The official number of cara of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses. C, M. A St. P. Ry 9 3 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific Rv 1 1 1 nlon Pacific system.... 11 10 3 1 C. t N. W. Rv 7 27 V., E. & M. V. R. R 28 23 1 1 C. St. P.. M. A O. Rv... 34 6 2 H. & M. Ry 18 14 8 1 C, B. & Q. Ry 8 6.. C. R. 1. & P. Ry., east.. 10 10 C, R. I. & P. Ry., west. .. 1 Illinois Central 3 2.. Total receipts 129 104 14 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buvers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 436 1.151 236 Swirt and Conioanv 678 1.676 492 Armour Co ' 2W 1,607 v-udahy Packing Co 648 1.344 210 Armour oi Co., Sioux City 120 l,t27 .... Vansant & Co 20 .... ... Hill & Huntzlnger 9 Livingstone & Shatter. ... 56 ij. F. Husx 178 B. F. Hobhlck 26 Dennis & Co 7 l,ee Rothchllds 60 Werthelmer 1.. 121 .... .... other buyers 109 .... 122 Totals 3473 7.778 2.667 CATTIE There was a liberal run of cat tle here today for a Friday, and buyers took advantage of the opportunity to pound the market a little. They claim that they have been paying too much here for their stuff as compared with other points, and for that reason they were anxious to get this market in line. The beef steer market was slow In get ting started and could safely be quoted a dime lower man yesierua). m-"w of the cattle was Just fair, which, perhaps, v. - .Ama,h(n t tin with the lack of ac tivity. Today's decline wipes out prat tlcaliy all of the gain for the week, and leaves prices about where they were at the close 01 nisi weea. intu considerable unevenness to the trade, so , . . . . u t. , , 1, t nil u vr tnat some saies were mum .v. ih.r mhera. If anything the early market was the best. The cow market sunerea a nmo . nt ...... n - cl well than tne sieera. m """ j advanced Detore mucn irauuw and as a general tiling the d-.c lne amounted to Iwflloc. 1 oe aiiio " steers, the market was uneven and some I I 1 . sa, Vana Athaffl IrlA buncnes naa 10 iraii j " decline seemed to affect all kinds. Today s prices, even at the decline, wre a little better man tne nuc ui , --- still the big end of the gain made earlier this week was lost today. The bull market did not show much change today, as buyers have been tak tig ' n. . , . 1, .... (k.i ..lasa nf cattle. on an tne wccr u Veal calves also hevd about steady. There were omy a jew """ era and feeders In the yards, so that al though the close of the prices held about steady. As high as 34 46 was Da la ior buiiic tame, r stuff was slow.' the "same as usual. KepreseUtat.veESnb..:TEEB& i- ..T?.'-3 "4Pi- I I". 1010 to 10 1161 4 0 I 5 4 IM ' 40 Vl 1 an H 161 4 8 i ::::: Jm 'S! ih 4 It........ 11 M u 4 S5 i0 4 00 4 ilM 4 HI 4 B,6 4 00 4 40 V M0 40 1 "41 4 40 ( ..107. 4 08 W 1IM 4 4S ? " 106S 4 06 1M 4 45 ":: :::::.i"4 410 j , H7S 4 10 4 ll.t 4 45 1 " . .. ...1010 4 10 14 V 4 45 a" 1241 4 1 4 t70 4 5k , 1000 4 to 4 4 f) 1 ' . ?.6l 4 5 M 1107 4 K , imi 4 15 15 14 4 0 i . uoo 4 25 41 14l 4 40 l .'.'.'.V....ltt 4 SS 1S1 4 i iiv.j 4 25 50 141 4 70 BTEERS AND HEIFERS. a fit a 80 1 10. 4 M m w 111 10'' 1215 4,COWB. 1 70 1 60 48 W 111 i 10 1 50 10 1025 1 10 ; ... 80 1 00 47 1001 1 10 i '"" .... 410 1 00 4 171 1 tl i H4 IH 1 1070 8 15 I too 1 15 1 M0 I 25 2 ..110 1 15 1 1110 I 15 a' '"" til 1 15 1 nw 1 ta i I 40 1 1000 I 26 J " 1000 t 60 t4 1 25 J" . 110 1 50 H I" 1 25 f ' 810 1 60 10 7 I 25 J" ' 830 I 60 1 146 1 26 J"" ?0 1 60 14 lit 1 25 ' " no iki 11 iol 1 30 J'" 870 1 50 1 Mi I 80 i 75 1 kO 11 126 I 10 16' 171 1 60 II 5 1 0 1 1010 1 60 1 1141 I It , " (10 t 40 1 M0 I JO a" 1062 1 15 M IM I til IU 1 100 I 15 10 74 2 5 1 : 1 IS 10 11! 1 70 11 1004 3 38 I l0 I Ii 13 894 3 86 14 7z 1 75 1 HW0 1 35 1 m 1 76 4 Id 1 35 I t'.O I 75 1 1071 1 40 " M0 ! 75 6 lo'.l 1 40 1 1200 I 76 11 1172 I 40 10 16 5 76 14 1067 1 40 845 2 75 1 M0 1 40 1 100 1 10 1 1111 3 40 10.I0 I 85 42 lor. 1 40 WiO III 1 10 I 40 WJ) 2 8i 1 1 1 40 6 6MI I IS 1! 1040 I 46 i.l 1 IM 4 1171 1 45 II 1M7 2 to 4 1117 1 60 KW0 2 t 7 low a 60 .. Hk5 i ti 1 120 I 60 WA 1 (a) 17 1071 I 60 840 3 00 31 1U2 1 . 0 J 740 1 00 I 1120 1 6il U I ll 1 1SH6 1 hO 1 1060 8 08 18 liit I 50 6 7t 1 OH II 11.4 3 60 30 1 00 50 .10O3 I 60 1 70 I oo 1 1033 3 Ou I no 1 Oil 11 1 o 8 lOii 8 HI M " 3 uo 1 810 1 00 J H0 1 oo 11 871 3 KU 4 101 3 (4 12 H 3 10 ra 3 i 1 1 I'l 1 i;o s io 4 :o 3 to 3 1034 1 in It i 1 10 ( 178 1 li. io. : is 4l :3 3 16 14 1111 8 '5 lout 1 16 U Kiel 1 ir, 12 '"' si's I hi looo 5 t.5 7 10H0 3 66 20 DU 3 56 2 7l I :. 17 102 3 40 1 1170 3 0 T lt:,7 1 an 4. 21. 2. 1. 10 . 1 1 8 .liuO 3 65 .1116 3 65 .1170 1 74 1110 1 70 ...1015 I 76 .... xt I 75 lt 1 ao UIO 1 80 Ml! 1 Kl ... llijl 3 W 1 HO 4 no ll'K) 4 on ....110 4 25 VM 4 15 14M 4 U ....774 3 00 .... M IH 6 II 4 tt 1010 5 1 .... HEIFERS I H O t 0.1 1 J M IH 1 .... Ml I 70 1 470 1 71 M4 t 8 pmi 3 m 2 Wl It" KM 4 W) COWS AND HEIFERS. ..311 4 on ?i 30 I 36 6... 13... 1 CALVES. :.' 1 Ml 1 te) 4 00 1 .1") 3 i?i ISO CO 1 :'1M 4 6n I imi 6 On 1 1!0 6 On 4 In6 8 23 1 :':i 6 01 1 I.11 4 to 1 ;'" 6 Si 1 i-e 6 60 4 .'M S 76 4 la 4 60 1 IJO 6 7S 1 loo 4 Ml 2 145 I no f 166 4 60 3UL.L8. 1 llo an 1 14'M 15 1 l.(7i I fjl 1 .' 1.1H) 8 16 1 I"l 2 65 1 v...l"u 3 15 S 1470 2 k.1 1 .....10.10 1 26 1 i: 1 lai 1 1120 3 25 1 l.MI HO 1 1440 3 25 lisn 3 on 1 ia:to 3 : 1 UTO 8 00 1.. ...1S20 1 So ...1460 3 35 ...U.OO I 40 . ..120 8 60 ...1400 1 60 ...1470 I 71 1 l7o 3 10 1.... 1 1130 8 n 1.,,, 1 U'ciO 3 111 1.... 1 It'"n 3 in 1 Iimmi 3 in 1.... 1 l.'"0 J 10 STOCKERS AND FEEDERSV 720 1 ( 62 104 S 78 41 1 ;s 1 676 1 7J ' 6 I 40 J7 f.8 1 0 1 4o 3 60 4. 11M 1 o 1 790 3 50 4 137 3 86 7 700 3 f 4 16 1 an 4 3o 3 70 4 75 1 so JJ 1 70 6 1104 I an I loan 3 :n 14 4 m 41J 8 ,n 7 HO tW II M4 S 75 E. H. Qrubb Colo. 3i feeders.. Rs7 4 13 33 feeders.. C4 4 10 oil feeders.. ia4 4 45 HOOS There was only a moderate run of hogs here today, and under the Influence of a good local demand Ihe market opened strong to a nickel higher. The hum of the medium weight hogs sold from 8.&5 to 6.S, and the prime heavy hogs sold frtm $.) to $(5.75. The light weights went f-o-n 6 .i5 down. As a general thing the better weight hogs were a nickel higher, while the lighter hugs were strong to 5c higher. Trading was fairly active on the more de sirnhle loads, and the bulk of them was dlHpnsed of In good season. As !s gen erally the case, though, the lighter weights w-ere neglected, and were largely left until the last. There was no particular change In the market, though, from start to finish, as the late sales were Just about the same as those made early In the day. A fairly early clearance was effected. Representa tive sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Tr. 33 V9 ... 6 85 : 240 K0 8 SO 14 lSt ... 8 00 73 24 ... 8 80 S4 175 40 45 ti 242 40 6 HO 71 i4 ... 6 45 74 240 160 8 80 IM ...,8 50 6 ,272 4d0 8 00 R5 213 ... t 50 M 2A4 ... 6 60 88 197 80 GO 69 24 M li 210 00 6 50 68 252 ... 6 80 SH 11 ... 6 60 64 235 80 6 60 77 198 ... 6tV 70 215 00 6 t 01 21 40 8 5214 67 249 130 6 60 23 196 ... 6 n'Ji 78 228 40 6 6 B IM ... 6 52i 64 240 80 6 00 23 196 ... 6 621 69 247 160 6 60 45 2.11 ... 6 55 6.1 264 40 6 60 t7 2"0 ... 6 55 65 226 ... 6 60 72 226 80 6 65 M 240 80 -6 00 7 197 40 6 55 47 240 ... 85 3 40 6 65 78 245 40 6 fti 75 194 80 55 71 223 120 6 60 S9 210 80 6 56 90 227 ... 6 60 67 218 ... 6 55 63 23 40 6 Wl U2 224 40 66 6 234 ... 6 tfl 61 212 ... 6 65 65 241 ... 6 6.' 6 216 40 6 65 82 2H8 40 6 62V, 61 232 ... 6 65 48 245 ... 66214 69 218 80 6 55 M 270 40 6 62' 78 228 ... 6 55 ti' i!!9 80 8 62V, 81 214 40 6 55 24 2sr. ... 6 62' 26 227 80 8 67V, 6 205 80 6 65 65 229 40 6 67V, 48 2!iH 80 6 60 82 213 ... 6 67, 60 248 80 6 60 45 227 80 6 67V, 62 240 ... 6 05 6H 221 ... 6 67V, 62 260 40 6 65 73 213 ... 6 671 27g g M 3 225 ... 6 57V, 6$ 2)8 80 6 65 50 237 ... 6 67V, 62 261 ... 660 233 ... 6 67V4 41 399 ... 6 65 35 2."9 80 6 57 4 66 267 40 6 65 63 22 ... 6 57Vh 65 324 ... 6 674 M 232 80 6 67V4 64 2 120 6 674 79 241 240 6 67 4 73 20B ... 6 67V. 24 280 411 6 611 60 329 80 6 70 72 254 200 6 no 69 266 ... 6 70 c0 6 W 80 283 ... 6 70 74 232 ... o bu 52 311 ... 6 724 75 23(1 80 6 60 68 361 ... 6 75 74 232 ... 6 60 SHEEr-There was a smaller run of sheep and lambs here this morning than arrived yesterday, but the demand did not seem to bo In as good shape. The market started out slow and weak, although some sales were made that looked about steady. As a general thing, though, buyers were bidding weak to a dime lower, and as sell ers were holding for steady prices trading was not very active. Western lambs sold as high as $5.75, but they were In prime condition. Ewes brought $4.10 and wethers $4.80. The close of the market was, if any thing, a little weaker than the opening. There were not enough feeders offered to make much , of a test of the market, but anything desirable could be quoted steady. Quotations: Choice western lambs, $5.60g 6.75: l'atr to good lambs. $4.75ig6.40: choice native lambs. $5.7o(fi6.00: choice vearlines. $4.SWr5.15; fair to good yearlings, $4,254)4.75; cuoice werners, 4 .ouffjb.uu; lair to good, $4.00 I&4.50; choice ewes, $4.00tff4 26; fait to good, $3.25lS4.00; feeder lambs, $3.00fu4.00; feeder yearlings, $3.603.65; feeder wethers. $3.00(9 S.25; feeder ewer, tl.60rif2.2S. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 11 cull ewes at os 109 western ewes 96 3 60 i western ewes no 3 60 15 western wethers ft.1 A si 113 western yearlings ;. 100 4 80 western yearlings 81 4 85 4 bucks J20 2 50 25 cull ewes 89 2 25 239 old owes 103 3 60 11 ewes ilia a nn 222 western ewes 91 3 85 193 western ewee 97 3 15 188 western wethers 116 4 80 1 buck 250 S 26 2 native ewes 175 4 25 85 ewes and wethers 77 4 ?k 239 sheep and yearlings 90 4 80 at western lamna M j 00 75 western lambs Rt ft on 204 western wethers 109 4 60 ii western wethers 125 4 60 7 native lambs 104 5 so 361 Western lambs 74 6 76 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Are Slow, Hoars Incline Higher, Sheep and Ijimbi Steady. CHICAGO. Jan. 23. CATTEE Recelnts. S.OOO head; market slow, steady to lower; n " . , . . ...... . . . ' . , ri.inn,'u.au, yi 1 1 ,vf lliw dlum, $3.254i4.50; stockers and feeders, $2.2&4i 4.60; cows. $1.4flfrt-4.60; heifers, I2.004z4.76; fan ners, si.aiKiiz.ou; uuiis, ji.onn.iii; calves, $3.00 .1.50; Texas fed steers. $3.504c4.60. HOU8-Receipts. 30.000 head: estimated tomorrow, 18,000 head; left over, 6,000 head; steady to 10c higher; mixed and butchers, $6.2utr.60; good to choice heavy, t6.6oi6 95; rough heavy, $6.40i.65; light, t5-8u&6.36; bulk of sales, $6,3616.60. BU lEF A.N.U LAME8- Receipts. 4.000 head: sheep and lambs, steady: etood to choice wethers, $4.4ocau.OO; fair to choice mixed, $3.2Va4.40: western sheep, $3,504)6.00; native iambs, i4.axia6.Zo; western lambs. 14.5(1426.10. umeiaj yesteraay: Recelnts. Shlcments. Cattle 12,300 4,409 Hogs 32.427 3.498 Bheep 16,376 6t0 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 23.-CATTT,E-Re- celpts, 2. OHO head natives, 300 head Texans, bUO head calves, all natives; best corn fed cattle, steady; medium, luc lower; cows and heifers, dull to lower; quarantine, steady to lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $1 SiKrto.eo; fair to good. $3.50g4.75; stockers and feeders, $3.2f4i4.25; western fed steers, $2.75i 5.00; Texas and Indian steers, $3.00444.1": Tvxas cows, II.&kM.OO; native cows. $1.75414 1(11; native heifers, $2.504i4.30; canners. $1.0t"2 1, bulls, $2,354)3.75; calves, $2.754j7 00. I UMiS Receipts. 4,000 head; market 60 higher; top, $6 824; bulk of sales, $6.56411.76; heavy, t6.h6.&0; mixed packers, $6,5046.76; light. Jti.SKytf.ii; yorkers, $6.6o46.56; pigs, $D 9(&6 25. SliEEP AND I.A MBS Receipts, 2,600 head; market steady,' native lambs, 64.004 6.U0; western lambs, $3,964)680; fed ewes, $3.QC4)D.(4); native wethers, $.1.5o44.85; west ern wethers. $3,004)4.85; stockers and feed ers, $2,604)3.50. St. I.odIb Live Stork Market. BT. LOriS. Jan. 23. -CATTLE Receipts. l.LuO head. Including 1.0"0 head Texans; market steady: native shipping and export steers. $4.445 40. with strictly fancy quoted up to $0; dressed beef and butchers steers, tt.Oflii.W; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3 ,6opt.60: stockers aid feeders, t2 604t4 25: cows and heifers. $2.2f(4.50; canners, $1 5(i4r2.50; bulla, $2 3T4i3.50; calves. $4. 00416 60; Texas and In dian steers, $2,854)4.45; cows and heifers, $2.4Hl3 50. Hoi JS Receipts. 4,500 heau; market steady: pigs and lights. $62i(a6.50; packers. t6.4t.fii 6. 65; butchers. $6.6ii46.85. HHEE1 ANIJ LAM H8 Receipts, 500 head; market steady to strong; native net tons. $4 ("it4 75; lambs. $4.7o4io 8n; culls and bucks, $2 oo4i4.00; stockers, $1.5o4)3.00; Texans, $2.iS 4)3.tiO. Sloas tllr Live Stork Market. BIOl'X CITV. la.. Jan. 23. (Special Tele gram 1 f'ATTI.E Receipts, 2W head: neady; beeves. $3 50416 Oo; cows, bulla and mixed, $1 5o4l4 00; :oi kers and feeders, $J jo 4j4 00; calves and yearlings, $2,2543 85. 1KXJS Receipts. Souo bead; steady, sell ing at $&.754i66u; bulk, $6.1oru6.5o. w Turk Lite Sloek Market. NEW 'YORK. Jan. 21 -CATTLE Re ctlpts, 5 4U head: steers, I''uIjc lower, t x cuyi priuie bav, latter about steady; bulls and cows steadv: steers, Jt.rVHr.'i TA oxen. Jt .".0; bulls. t.l.K4M.4; cows. l.i'..i .! 'A".; cables kiwer; IHe rattle, 12tl.lc; lupf I34e per lb, dr4i'd welxht; refi -Igeratot beef Inwer nt 9'c per II).; extx'r.s. 2n jheep 1,462 cattle; loinnrrow, sheep, 7,9.i Mtinr ters of beef nnt l.e.'ii carrn!pes of mutto'i CALVES Receipts, ,i94 head; veals lower, barnyard ami we-nern slow; live cars tin rld; venls. tfi .inn.9t; barnvard cslve t.'I.O'ii.t.rxi; western. $3.20; city dressed veals, lower tit ltii'Uc. SHEEl' AN II l.AM ItS Receipts. 4"t head; market slow; nbeep easier; InmliK, PIiKk' lower; sheep. til.2Vu4.7i; few export, $.'.; lambs, $5.4.Vu6.20; culls, $4..Vi. HtHlS IteceljMs, 3.KW head; rateady; statt hogs, t6. 85; no sales of western reported. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 23 CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.644 head; active; natives, $3.8 S VS.-; Texans and westerns, $3 4jn,.ii; cows and belters, $J 4047 4.40; veals, $3.0.. ,(7 5o; bulls an I stage, $2,604)4.60; stockers and leedeis, 3 2;f 4.4". HOC.S Receipts. S.3A4 he:id; light and light mixed, t6.554i6.iO; medliiiit ami heavy, t6 6ii'6i. ISlir-EI' AND LAMBS Receipts. 684 head; active, steady. Stork la Sight HI l..,l. cl. Joseph . Sioux City , Totals ., Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 23 COTTON -Steady: sales. 6,9511 bales; ordinary. TS-ihV; good ordinary, ibl-ltV: low middling. '. ; middling, 8c; good middling, 9 3-ir.c; iniu illlng fair. ;,c; receipts. 9.1J2 bales; hIock, 8M.2.;9 bales. Km tires, quiet and ste.ul,; January, S.Ko.s-; Kebruarv, 8 66.-nN.6-c; March, g.TtMiti.TTc; April, 8.mVii8.s.3c; M:i . 8.M4i8.1Hc; June, 8,flt'q..96c; July. 9014j9.oji-; August, S.ui4)8.66'; 8eptembr, 8.2l!'(8.2i'c. becretnry Hester's .statement of tin world's visible supply of cotton shows 1 he total visible as 4.n4.212 bales, of which 3,2(.2I2 are American cotton. NEW YORK. Jan. 23,-COTTON-Opeiicd steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 4 points, and for a time showed reslHmncc, but gave way under a considerable volume of selling for short account, Hiipplemeii.ed by quite active realising by longs, i ncer tnlntles created hy the Mggresslve nctl.ii: nf Germany In bombarding th Ven-7.11,1 .11 tort at Kan Carlos was a factor. Following the flrt call there whs a necllne 1,1 ..... 1 points and later a partial rallv, with the market Pimlly 1 point higher to 4 points decline. January alone showed anv ad vance. The total sales of the session reached about 150.000 bales. Helling was arrested by continued favorable reports from Manchester, hs well as from cotton goods centers in this counlrv. with Fall River reporting print cloth sales to Ihe amount of 300.000 pieces, the week closing at 34c the highest price paid this season. The spot cotton markets of the country, with the exception of Savannah, which showed a decline of 1-16V, held their own, with Wilmington 1 iiowlng ViO advance. Ex porters appeared to be acquiring possession of the March, May find July contracts, while the Huston, contingent maintained a bullish relation to the general list and New Orleans continued to maintain Its premium over the New York bnsls. Super intendent King makes the amount of cotton brought Into sight this week 306,711 bales, against 271. x.'!4 last year. ST. IH'IS. Jan. 23. COTTON Steady ; middling, 8 1-lKc; sales, 226 bales; receipts, 3. 891 bales; shipments, 3.591 bales; stock, 30,105 bales. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 23 COTTON-Spot In fair demand with prices In buyers' favor; American middling, 4.84d. The sales of the day were lo.Oiio bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and export, and Included S.soo American. Receipts were 12,000 hales, including 11,700 American. Futures opened quiet and closed steady; Amerienn middling, g o. c, January, 4 7244.73(1; January-February, 4.'i2iJH.73d: Februarv-March, 4.724 4.73d; March-April, 4.729. Wd: April-May, 4.7.W4.74d; May-June. 4.74li4.75d: June-July, 4.74(B4.75d ; July-August 474d; August-September, 4.664i4.67d: September-October, 4.47d; October-November, 4.36d. Oil and Itoaln. ' OIL CITT, Jan. 23 OllJ-Credlt balances, tl.50; certificates, no bid; shipments, 67.778 bbls.; average, 86.946 bbls.; runs, 95,551 bbls.; average, 73.434 bbls. SAVANNAH, Oa., Jan. 23. OII-Turpen-tlne firm, 6!c. Rosin, firm; A. B, C, D, E, tl.65; F, $1.60; O, $1.85; 11, $2.05; I. $2 40; K. $2.90; M, $3.25; N. $3.65; WO, $3.80; WW, $4.20. TOLEDO, Jan. 23. OIL No change. NEW YORK, Jan. 23.-01L Cottonseed, quiet. Petroleum, steady. Ttirpen'.lne, firm. Rosin, firm. OVflAM Ton VI Oil f ... 1 ...... II.. seed, spot, 48. Linseed, 24s 104d. Tur prrtlne spirits, 42s. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 23. OH Cottonseed, Hull refined, spot firm, 22s 14d. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlt. NEW YORK, Jan. 23 EVAPORATED APPLES Only moderately active, but prices are firmly maintained. Common quoted at 44)6c; prime, 64)4c; choice, 5 4)64c; fancy, 74J8c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot prunes are in fair demand and are held firmly, offers below quotations being turned down In most Instances, while holders are Inclined to look for an advance. Prices range from 3V4c to 74c for all grades. Apri cots show a slight improvement In point of activity, but are unchanged at 744T'94r for boxes and 744)10c for bugs, peaches are quiet at 1218c for peeled and at 6vt44c for unpeeled. Soger aad Molasses. NEW ORIGANS, Jan. 23 SUGAR Dull; open kettle. 244'34c; open kettle, centrifugal, S 3-16433 11-lfic ; whites, cen trifugal, 3ft4c; yellows, 344j3 5-lCc; sec onds. 34470 &-16-. MOLASSES Steady: open kettle, 144J26c; centrifugal, IVgUc. Syrup. lOt&c. NEW YORK, Jan. 23.-8UGAR Raw, un settled; fair refining, 3 6-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, t ll-16o; molasses sugar, 3 1-16c; re fined, steady; crushed, 6.35c; powdered, 4.stc: grtinuiaien. . toe. MOLASSES Firm. Die la Military Hosplta I. BAN JUAN, P. R., Jan. 23. Alexander Newton Dassett of Durham, N. C, and James Garfield Patterson of Pittsburg, landsmen of the battleship Massachusetts, who were Injured by the explosion, Janu ary 16, of the powder charge of an eight inch gun, died in the military hospital here last night. The remains of Dassett will be embalmed and shipped to the United States. Patterson's body probably will be burled here. They were the last survivors of the gun's crew of nine men. To Prohibit Bandajr Playing. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Jan. 24.-In the house today a bill was Introduced pro hibiting the playing of foot ball and base ball on Sunday. The penalty is a fine of tto. MEMBERS Chicago Board of Trade Bt, Louis Merchants Excb'ge GENERAL COMMISSION Dealers in Grain and Pro visions tor Cash or Future Delivery, Write for our Market Letter. OFFICES Chicago, 642 RlaJto Rldg. Missouri Valley, Iowa. bo. Omaha, 3D Exch'ge Bldg. Omaha, 660-652 I4ee Rldg. P. B. Wears. Pres. C. A. Vare. Y-Pree. Established 1863. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO U,mh,r. nf II. a trin. inul h ,rhunu.. Private Wires to All Points. , CHAIM. iiuni'iMiiiaa at r;4:ae- noaini Bought and sold for rash or futurs delivery. OMAHA BRANCH. lid-Ill Hoard of Trade. Telephone 151. W. K. Ward, locsi Manager UOVKHSMKXT HOT If II. PROPOSALS FOR 8I'nsI8TENi:K Stores - mice Purchasing 1 oiiiuilaaHrv, V. 8 Army, Omaha. Neb.. January It. lO'l. Sealed proposals, subject to the usual con ditions, wl'l te received at tills ortice until 10 o clock a. m., January 2. 19n3. at whlc'i time and place they will be publicly opened for furnishing subsistence stores as (ul. lows: Pork, flour, coffee, sugar, canned goiula. etc. Pr. ference will be given to articles of domestic production, tllunk pro posals and specifications eon be obtained at this office. W. H. BEAN. Purchasi'i Commissary. Jll-iQ-il-a-ii-Uiu The following were the receipts of live stock at the six principal cities yesterday: Cattle. Hons. Hlice'n. Omaha 2. 97s ;.-,-, 3.1 jj Chicago S.imii .tn.oiai i.nii KQIINau f'llw O ihhl A ih.l , . ... i.tn-r v.e'i, 1.644 5.3ti IM 200 3.5O0 11.322 65.136 1" 8 'j