Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1903, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DATLT ItEE: Fit ID AT, JAXUA11Y 2H. 19011. 1 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheit Market Again AttracU Most Attei . tion on Board of Trad. 'ALL COMMODITIES GO UP SLIGHTLY Wlirat Hold Ar with Ten Cents 4 Orrr, While Other Crili ana Provisions. Rlee from Three-Klshts to Half.' CHICAGO. Jan. 22. -The wheat market was again the renter of attraction on the (Board of Trade today and still further - In nr .- mdHa nrnvUlnnB pL.ilna Ikn (.MUM. T, J . " ' " ' . . . - . .. ' higher. May corn wua up o and May oats c higher. Wheat opened strong, with the May de livery from 24c to liijl4c higher. Wheat b.iII Bnllua ttnil . -.... B . A t . arnlnmA (1 f ! business waa enormous. It being reported ' that the leading Inn added on the neigh borhood of 4,i(i,000 bushels to hie lmmena line. The active buying of thla operator. with ainaller onea tailing on. waa the cause for the atrength shown In the pit, although the newa In waa of a bullish char i acter. Oood buying waa reported for lor . elgn account, both here and at New Tork, and additional cable were received telling of the damage to the French rrop. Ad- vices from Argentina an Id the weather there ,'waa threatening, and there would be no in cresse in the ehlpmenta of wheat from that i country fur aome time yet. The opening ,'waa atrong on higher cables, with May Wot to t,tJ4c higher e.t 80,4?ho,c. Heavy 'realizing ahortly after the atart Corced a I alump to 814c, but there waa a quirk rally on renewed buying and the price gradually advanced to 81V. There waa another de i cllne to 814c, but the market rallied and I Mav sold up to 81V- The cloae waa l'tc higher. SlS-riSlc. There waa good buying . of July, and that month closed fr-Sc higher at TaSTMnC after selling up to 76c. , Clearances of wheat and flour were 642.0O0 bushels. Primary ncelpta were 57,000 buehela. against 414,1X10 a year ago. M'nne apolla and Duluth reported receipts of 843 car, which with local receipts of 21 cars, rone of contract grade, and total receipts tor the three points of 374 care, against 803 last week and 840 a year ago. Com was rather quiet, but a firm tone prevailed, which waa helped to a large ex tent by strength In wheat. The weather was favorable for the movement and offer ings from the country were liberal, but the car situation was still a prominent factor, flood commission house buying toward the close-resulted In a atrong finish, May being ,e higher at 44744i-45c. after Belling between 44Mic and 46c. Local receipta were 252 cars, with of contract grade. Oats opened firm, along with other gralna, but n-i special features were manifested In the trading, with the main part of the "bimlnees for local account, and the aelllng was mainly by commission Rouses. The close waa firm with May S higher at 8V after ranging between 8fVg364c and 364c. Local receipts were 211 car. After a, little easier feeling early on aell lng, due to liberal receipta of hoga and lower prices at the yards, provisions ruled firm on a good demand from commission houses. Fuckers and room tradera were the chief acllers. The close was firm, with irtay pork KiU'Hc higher at $16,824- May lard closed 24c higher at 19.624. while rlba were up 24tjc at 3.1.25. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wheat, 80 care; corn, 400 cars; oats, 206 cars; hoga, Sl.WK) head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. ITes'y. Wheat I Jan. 77 Vl May WVS,tr July T5447 7 Corn Jan. 47 48 May UWlf 45 July 43 HVi Oats Jan. 44 May 36ViffVi SfiH July 32 32 Pork Jan. 100 19 124 May 16 624 16 824 Lard Jan. 10 124 10 124 May 9 55 62', July 40 424 Illbs Jan. 9 074 10 May 174 26 July 074 124 77 774WT, 76H 808, 7641 75HI 75H 47 47V 47V 44 f 4'44Vrfj 42(84I 42T4H43 344 364 34 36 34 324 32H 324 19 00 16 624 10 074 9 55 374 19 10 19 00 16 824 16 724 10 174, 10 10 V 24l 9 4241 v eo 9 45 ' 074 9 10 9 25 S 10 074 224 174 9 05 No. 2. Cs.h nnntatlona were aa follows: 1.-I.OI-R Dull and firm: winter patent. $3 60(83.70; winter straights, $3.203.45; spring patents, $3.50(ii3 80: spring atralghts, $3.004; 1.40; bakers, 12.SWt-. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 7Sf?S!e: No. apring. 72rq80c; No. 2 red. 77T7y;. rDMM 9 i7Uc: No. 2 vellOW. 47ViC, OATS No. 2. 844c; No. 2 white, 38c; No. 1 while. 34Vt36C. VVSVNn 2 BoUc. BARLEY Oood feeding, 46Q50c; fair to choice malting, 6cu8c. Bi.-iri'iNn l flax. ll.194rl.20: No 1 north western. 11.24; prime timothy, $4.10; clover, contract grade, $11.76. DunvimnNii Mesa tork. Der bbl.. $18. I-urd. per 100 lbs., $18.10. Short ribs sides (loose), $x.!74'&9 224. Dry salted ahoulders (boxed). $8.5o4l.75; short clear sldee (boxed). $3 3'.U.cB9..4. Following were the receipta and ahip- menta of flour and gram: Raretnts. Shloments. Flour, bb!e. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oats bu.... Rve. bu , 24.0OO 11,503 62.WI0 23.2I0 , 274.900 lnft,200 , 227,700 90.300 6.700 Barley, bu.. , 94.000 4,600 On the Produce exenange oaay inn oui ter market waa steady; creamerlea, 1725c: dalrlea, 17&23C. EggB, quiet, loas off, cases returned, 254c. Cheese, eteaay. lie. XEW YORK GENERAL MARKETS. Ueetatloas f the Day Varleas CoaaBnodltlea. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. FLOUR Receipta, 9.921 bbls.; exports. 16.100 bbls.; market firm and a shade higher: winter patents; $3. &&..; winter straights, $3.5ogr3.6o; Min nesota putents, $4.1.1(04.86; winter extras, l.i(1t J.10; Minnesota bakers, $3,264)3.40; win ter low grades, 12.6tvtir2.9o. Rye flour, tirm fair to good. $3.0tjd.36: choice to fancy. $3 4&&3 65. Buckwheat flour, firm, $2.20 2 Xi. root ana to arrive. CORNMEAL Firm; yellow western, $1.20; cltv. ll. i: Hrannywine. is.4uatvw. RYE Firm; No. 2 western, 6WfcC, f. o. b.. an oat: state, hfciobic. e. I. I.. New xorg. BARLEY Firm: feeding. 42c. K I. t Burralo; malting, 4;ooc, c. i. r., uurralo. WHEAT Receipt. 86,100 bu.; exports, 172.2112 bu. Huot, firm; No. I red, Stc. ele vator: No. 2 red. 84c, f. o. b.. afloat: No. northern Duluth, 904c, f. o. b . afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. lc, t. o. to., afloat. At Chi cago the support of wheat waa continued on a large scale today; prices rose to ths hlxhest point of the movement. Shorts and commission houses were the buyers. A big exoort trade, oouuled with higher English rabies and Uss favorable home news, helej the bulls. Closed firm and 44l 'ko net bigner March. 8&.u!AkC. closed at ic; May, 83, WJ 13-lc, dosed at 8Jc; July, 8oSitWHc, closed at H0c. CORN Receipta. 18.000 bu. Root, firm No. 2, 6nc elevator, andM04c, f. o. b., afloat No. 2 yellow, 6Jc; No. 2 white, 6i4c. Op tlons were quiet again, but very firm all la on covering, induced by cables, the wheat advance and export demands. CloseJ tirm at .'! !'. net advance; January ciosej at 6oc; Kenruary closed at 6.c; March, . Uko. cloeed at i4u: May, 4 (-liyw -ic, closed at 50c: July closed at K'c. . OATS Receipts, 31.600 bu. Spot, firmer No. 1. 44c: standard while. 444c; No. 3, 4UU.C. No. 1 white. 444c: No. 3 white. 41c trark mixed western, nominal; track white 4tn-l7c. Options fairly active and stronger Closed strong, vac hlgner. II AY Firm; shipping, tft$?0c; good to choice, anc!u(l.u6. HOI'S Firm: state, common to choice, 1WU crop. 30t.37c: lKOl crop. Wiitfc: olds 8124c: Paclito coast, lo crop, 2Hj31c; laol vrop. .stiM': oioa, rjwtc. IHDES-Hrm: Galveston. lO to li lbi 18c; California 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, H to jo ins., iv. LEATHER Firm; acid. 24fi264e. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $1500 017.00; mess. $10.00i lo60; beef hams, -$20 .Suy? 22 00; packers. 114 0C4i 15.00: city. U Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. t8.&4ji 1000; pli-kled shoulders, 18 26; pickled hairi, l .. II 25. Lard, dull; western steamed 110.45: refined, quiet: continent, 110 So; Bout America, til: compound, ti.504i7.76. pirk quiet; family. $18 6-u 1H.75; short clear, $19 60 ai2i isi: mess. i TAI-LOW Firm; city, tc; country, V,f RICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4VU l',!" Japan, nomlnni. BUTTER Receipta, 4.356 pkgs.; steady State dairy. lwq21c; extra creamery, 2c common to choice creamery. 19j25c. l-XHiS Receipts. 6,0!i pkgs.: steadier ataie and Pennsylvania, average best, 26v western fancy, 23c. C1(:K.SE-Recelpta. 4.023 pkgs.; market firm; ststs, full creum, fancy smell, colored, fall made, 144; late made. 13bl4c; small, white, fall made. 14441144c: late made, lJ"e: large, colored, fall made, 144c; late made. 13c: large, while, tall made, 144c; late made, UVc. POUl-TRY-AlKe: Quiet, steady; chlck tna, LJjltc, (owla, lio. Dressed: Firm; western chicken. HH14c; western fowls, sir, a im- im Fiivaneefi 12 si in the lin on rearket tndav. where It rinsed at 123 17s d for both spot and futures. The lin'al market was aomewhst Influenced ny the foreign strength and was Irregular; Ho'd t 8Ji (Ti.3i4. t opper also was higher in London, closing there at an advance of 17 6d to 33 1? frit for spot and tS4 174V1 for utures. On true side tne market waa firm nd a shnde higher. Standard is quoted nt IH.7S. lake at 112 ZVq ViM electrolytic at l.iii.H and canting at 12 i-t 12.Z.-.. Lead oerlln-tl is 3d In 1-onrlon to 11 10s, but here remained quiet and steady at $4,124- Spelter' whs hltther In bvin mnrkets, al though trade was quiet. Umdon advseiced 2 6d to 20 5s and the average price here waa Increased by about 24 points, th close being at $4.900. Iron was firm abroad, with Glasgow closing at 53a od and Middles borough at 47s 44d. Locally Iron was quiet and unchanged. Warrants were nominal. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at 123. m i. uo. no. 1 foundry nortnern, no. i rounary outbern and No. 1 foundry southern soft t $22.U"4J1'..S0. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKER. oadlttoa of Trade sal tootloas on Stnple and Fancy Produce. EGOS Fresh stock. 18iSlc. LIVE POULTRY lirnt, 94194c: old roost. ers, 4iAc; turkeys, ll'; ducks, Wpvc; geese, ,ifH?; nrlng chickens, per lb.. 1j94?. DKESIIEU Pt)l LTKY lOung cnicsens. lMi'llc; hi ps, l(ttllr; turkeys, lixSjlSc; dlicks, ll'iil.'t; geese,' lojllc. HITTER Packing stock. I44risc; choice dairy, In tubs, lWlTc; separator, 27&2!c. OYHTKns Htandaras, per can, zsc; exira selects, per can, 35c; New York ceunts, per n itt.. KitlW n I a r. t TtrnW ma I SI Tfi bulk, sts'ndnrd', per gal., $1.45. KKKHll t tsit rrout, yaw; nernng. oc; pickerel, 8c; pike 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, resscd, 7c: sunllsn, jc; niuenns, ac; wnne- flsh. r; salmon, 16c; haddock. 11c; codtlsh, 12c; redsnapper, pic; lobsters, boiled, per lb., aoe; lobsters, green, per lb., 28c; bull heads, 10c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 2oc; halibut. 11c. HRAN Pr ton, 113.50. HAY Prices Quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 up land. 1: No. 1 medium, n; No. l coarse, $.50. Rye straw, 16. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair, receipts light. l-UKN 3HC. ' OATS 34c. RVE-No. 2, 45c. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamaaoo. ter doa.. Kc: California, per doi., 46 75c. A iots-ffr mi., 34sc. SWEET POTATOES Iowa and Kaneaa. $2.25. TLKMF8 Per bu.. oc: tanaaa rutaoa- gas. per lb, 14c net. j per on., 4uc. . . Cl'Cl MKKRS Hothouse, per dos., $2. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 40c. CARROTS Per bu.40c. ' : ' ORKEN ONIONS Southern, tier doi. bunches, 45c RADISHES Southern, per dog. bunches. 45c. WAX BEANS Per bu. box. 3: string beans., per bu. box, $1.60. f CAHUAUU Holland seed, per IB., 140. ONIONS New home grown, in sacks, per lb., '14c: Spanish, per crate, $1.75. NAVY He. A No rpr BU., Wl.W. TOMATOES New California, rer 4-bas- ket crate, $2.75; Florida, per e-basket crate, $4 50&5.00. CAULIFLOWER California. Der crate. .75. . : FRUITS. ' PEARS Fall varieties, per box. 12: Colo rado, per box. $2.26. APPLES Western, per bbl., $2.76; Jona thans. $4; New York stock. $&25; California Bellfluwers, per bu. box, $1.50 UKAfr.s Malagas, aer Keg. I6.0OS7.00. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin, Jer bbL, $10; Bell and Bugles, $11, per box, $3.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, accordlne to size $2.00'o2.6O. LEMONS California fancy, $3.75; choice, $3.50. ORANGES Florida Brighta. 13.75: Cali fornia navels, $3.50; California sweet Jaffas, all sizes, $2.50; choice, $3. DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs., $2.25. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, $1; Turkish, per 36-lb. box, 144218c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah ntr 24-frama rase. $3.76. x CIDER New York, $4.60; per H-bbl $2.75. BAUERKRAUT Wisconsin. Der U-bhl.. $2.25; per bbl., $3.76. popcorn Per lb.; 2c; shelled, e. lUDES--No. 1 green, 6c; No, 2 green, Be; No. 1 salted, 74c; No. 2 salted, 64c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 124 lbs., 84c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6o; dry hides, 8 12c; sheep pelts, 2-Xa7bc; horse hides, $1.502.50. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 toft shall, nor lh . 45c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft shell. mi., jik , It Iinru BllClt,-per ID., 1G , Itraslls. per lb., 12c; filberts, "per lb., 12c; aimonus, soft shea, per lb.. 16c; hard onell, per lb.. 15c: Derans. lame, per lb.. 12Ue: small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuta, per doi., 80c; chestnuta, per lb., lCc; peanuta, per lb., 64c; roasted peanuts per lb., 7c: black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50; cocoanuta, per 100, $4. OLD METALS. ETC. A. B. Alplm quotes the following prices: Iron, country. mixed, per ton, $11; iron, atove plate, per ton, $8; copper, per lb.. 84c; brass, heavv, per lb., 64c; brass, light, per lb., 64c; lead, per lb.. 8c; xlnc, pe.' lb., 24c; rubber, per lb., 64c. WEARK COMMISSION COMPANY. 110-111 Board of Trade, Omaha, Keb Telephone 1510. CHICAGO. Jan. 22. WHEAT Ths ad. vance in wheat has continued, and at its best the market showed 14c over Wednes day. TJiere.was a double help in persistent foreign buying and continued absorntlon bv the bull leader. It la estimated that Armour toog about a.ixio. 000 May. The seaboard re- Sorted export business of about 75 loads, ne exporting house here aold 150.000 hu. of spring wheat direct. Minneapolis mills rold flour to the Philippines, which la the first business In that direction on record. Cables were strong. Argentine weather was still unsettled -and estimates on the surplus is reductd from 80.000,000 to 63.000.000 bu. Clear ances were 64,000 tu. The c::ly bearish feature waa the receipts at Drlmarv points of IM7,0U bu.. against 414,000 last year, and In the northwest of 343 cars, against 326 a year ago. me outside markets followed oura very slowly. Local receipta were 31 cars, with none contract. Estimatea for "Tioay, so cars. CORN Has been firm both for cash and futures 4o to 4c higher. Receipts were smaller man expeciea. Being ZoZ cars, with none contract; estimates for Friday, 400 cars. Clearances were 865,000 bu. Nesi York reported 47 loads taken for exoort. I,ocal cash sales, 60,000 bu. reported sold for export via Baltimore. Liverpool cabled ine nweaisn government proposed to re move its corn import duty. Price Current said Interior movement la freer. There la a little better supply of eastern care, but they are being furnished by eastern buv- ers. There were 17 cars and 22.000 bu. con tract taken out of private elevatora. Pri mary receipts were 741,000 bu., against lust year. OATS Market has been firm for cash and futures, both up about Vic. Oata have in me aovance in wneat. Howe was a liberal buyer. Ical receipta were 211 cars, with 8 standard. Estimates for Friday, 206 cars. There waa no standard sold out of private houses. Clearances 4.000 bu. New lork reported 200.IW0 bu. taken for export. provisions Maraet opened lower on larger- receipts than expected and lower pig "rices. Prices recovered on general commission house buying and In sympathy with strength In wheat. The mood was Influenced mostly by the estimated storks. There Is less lard and rlba than on January 1. Estimates for tomorrow. 31,0110 head of hogs. Receipts of hogs In the west today 70.000, against 82,200 last week and ttt.lOO last year. WEARE COMMISSION COMPANY. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITT, Jan. 22. WHEAT May 704j7o4c; July. 674it774c Cash: No. i hard. 67ijCc; No. 3. wi'&oii4c: No. 4. 6Mi4o rejected, 67ia60c; No. 2 red, 70c; No. $, Slt& sc. CORN January, SSc: May, 38S3To. Caah: No. 2 mixed, 34c; No. 2 white, 4oc No 3 4Uc OATS-No. 2 white, 35c; No. 2 mixed, Ac. RYE No. 2. 4c. HAY Timothy, $13.00;i3.&0; prairie, $3,753 S.lHt. BUTTER Creamery. 204J24c; dairy, 20c. EGOS-Freeh. 17Wc. Receipts. Shipments Wheat. bu- S8.ti0 .ll.suo Corn, bu...'. liS.S'iu lao.wio Oats, bu 41.W0 22.0OJ Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 22.-WHEAT-8r.ot, firm; No. 2 red western, winter, 6a 4d; IMo. 1 California, 6a 9d. Futures, steady; March, 6s VI: Mav, 6s 3'd. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 4k 104d: American mixed, old. no rluek. Futures, steady; January, nominal; March. 4s id. May. 4s ,d. PEAS Quiet; Canadian. 6s 7d. FLOUR St. Louis isncy winter, Sa 3d. HCPrt At London iPacinc coast) firm, 6 154tl7 5a. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; evtra India mess, lois 6.1 Pork, easy; prime mes, western, 75a. Hams, short rut. 14 to 16 lbs., firm. 47s 6.1. Paeon. Cumberland cut. 36 to DO lbs., firm, 4Se; short ribs. 16 to 24 lbs.-, firm, 4ia 6d: long clear middles, light. 2x te 84 lua., firm., long clear middles. heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., firm. 47s; short e'esr barks. 16 to 20 lbs., I. rm, 47s d; cle:i- bll1e:., 14 to 16 lbs., steady. 51s. Shoulders, s. inn. II to 1.1 It's., tirm. 41s. t .u.1. ,riin mi fi rm. In tierces, st iTny, Ms Stl , Amrrlcin re lined. In palls, sternly, lis. Itl ' r I'hll-Xnmlnai. CHEF.Hn Firm: American flrcst white and colored, strong, 62s. I allow I rime city, sler.dy, 27s 6dj Ana. irsllnn In London, firm, 34s 3d. The mMtrts of he:it Liverpool last week wero X1.!0 quarters Irom AU.'.nllc ports, trom l acltir and 4-t.OO.i from other porta. The Importa of corn from Atlantic pons last week were 29,7ou quarters. KF,W YORK STOCKS AM ItOKDS. Market Is Aaala Listless on More Room NEW YORK. Jan. 22.-The drift of prices In today's stork marat-t wis illl listless and hesitating and reflected nothli.g more than the shining whims of room traders, whose operations abaorbed the total deal ings. Yesterday's late advance m?t rather n positive check this morning in the news from Venesurla of a renewed nttirk upon the fort at Kan Carlos by German war vessels. It Is believed the least consequence of this must be to obstruct tne progress ot the settlement of the dispute between Venextiela and the pow-rs, which has been a source of uneasiness In the securities market ever since it became acute. Tn.'1 reports from Washington of a positive atti tude of disapproval of thla latest step on the part of ths American government of fered the possibility fo the Imnglnatlon of traders of more direct complications on our own part In the quarrel, it was more evi dent that a more serious view of Hit situa tion In Its effect upon American eerurllles was taken In Ijondon ihan here and the declines effected there In Amrlrnn storks Induced an effective arbitrage selling here at the opening. The lindon selling was not entirely cherked. even when prires re ceded to below the London parity. It was not until after the close of the lxndon day of trading that the local murket made nny effective recovery. The London selling of stocks creat-d a demand for exchange which stiffened the prices of bankers bills and reawakened the gold export question. There was also a fractional reaction In the price of sterKng at Paris, but Ixindon dlacounts and money went lower and the favorable Bank of England return aroused discussion of a prooable decline in the bank rate at an early day. The Bank of France also re flected a gain of about $1,000,000 in gold tor the week and a large contraction of note Issues and repayment of loans. The export demand for grain r-.eanttme continued large In spite of a higher price for wheat and offers a good supply of exchange bills. The price of American eagles also tell a fraction In the London market today. Some special weakness was shown by the New York public utilities, owing to the agitation of the franchise tax question and the difference of opinion disclosed aa to the application of the adverse Judicial deci sion to the law as a whole. The declines from last night ran from 1 to 14 points in the speculative leaders during the morning weakness. , , The late recovery prices was largely Connected with the anticipation of a divi dend Increase on Northern Securities, the directors of which went Into session early in the afternoon. Active buying and a sharp advance in Northern Securities on the curb and a raise of 3 points on Great Northern In the bcrd room was taken as corroborative evidence. The advance or i points in St. Louis &SBan Francisco, though unexplained by newswas a sustaining In fluence on the maraet. mere were ru.... that the road waa to pass to the control of the Southern railway, ine pruw. expectations on ine normtni "J:"'". dividend ran from an early rate of 44 1 per cent to 6 per cent, or a lump extra divi dend. The declaration of -the 14 per-cent dividend was not announced until after the market closed. The closing was steady but very dull. ...., TntB, Bunds were auu a,i'm sales, par value. z.i"u.". liiucu bonds were unchanged on call. Tk. rniinwini are the closing prices mi the New York Stock exchange: Atchison ...47 Bo. Banwar t'-m ... M4 da P4 M ...1014 Tim A Psclflo t do ptd Bl. Ohio do pta ., vb loirao, Bi. mi . o.i -a Canadian PaclBc. Canada So ...V& io via ... 74 Union r'aclne ..... ... 524 pt4 ... if Wabssh . . 71 do Dfd . 464 ..101 .. Ml .. iH .. t .. zs .. as .. ei .. 2' ..20b ..22U ..13a ..lis .. 14 .. 404 .. 4 .. 174 .. 41 .. 441 .. 4 dies, Ohio.... Chicago Alton. do pfd rhlraso. lad. A L.. 47 .Wheeling ALB SO I do Id pfd do pra Chicago B. 111. Chicago Q. W. .1(H) wis. Central . do pfd . 112 Adams Ei . tar Amerlcsn Ex do 1st pia do Id Dfd rhl.nsn A N. W . .2024 United Stats Ex Chicago Ter. A Tr...lM w eus-r srgo Amal. Copper c. c. c. Colorado So. 2ft do pfd . .. 69VV Amer. Lin., Oil . .. 44 do pfd...' ...174 'American 8. A R... '...170 do ptd 1 ... 34 Anac. Mining Co.... ... s4 Brooklyn R. T do lai pra da Id pfd Imi. a Hudson... Del. L. A W Denver St R. tl... M do pfd Erie ... 39' 1.010. ruei ex i..... . .. 704 Cooe. Oas .. 644 Com. Tobaoco pfd. ...508'., n. Electric ...10214 Hocking Coal ... Inter. Paper ...1414 do pfd . . . 4ft Inter. Power .!. 74: National Hlscult .. ...41 .National Lead ...ill iNo. American . 761 .IK'S .11M .IN) . 19 . i1 . t: . la . 44 . 21 .114 do 1st pfd do Id pfd Great Nor. pfd.... Hocking valley ., do Dfd Mllnola Central .., Iowa Central .... do pfd Lake Erie A W.. do pfd L. N .. 12 Pacific Cbaat . ..U.lTi PclUc Hill 3 .. .1401 People's Uae 1034 ... loVPrtesed 8. Car ... l"l do pfd 34 107V Pullman P. Car Z33 ...1114 Republic Bteel ....... 214 ... 174' do pfd 78 ... 404 Bugar Ho .. .1514 Tens. Coal A Iron... 634 744 L'nlon Bag P 14 ... t214l do pfd 711 ... SI't U. B. leather 124 ...lM'v do pfd (14 ... (14 V. 8. Rubber 174 ... II I do pfd 84 ... 744 V. 8. Steel 17 ... 7l do pfd IT Manhattan L Met. St. Rr Mex. Central ... Mex. National .... Minn. A It. It... Mo. Pacific M . K. A T do Pfd N. J. Central ... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania .... Reading do lit pfd do 2d pfd St. L. A S. r ... do 1st pfd do Id pfd ...79 Weetern Union M4 ... 784 Amer. Locomotive... 24 ... 374 do pfd S ... 41'itK. C. southern 34 ...173 do pfd 404 ...131 Rock Ialand 401, ... 44H do pfd It St. U 8. W do Pfd 81. Paul do pfd Bo. Pacific Ex-dlvldend. Ex-dlvldsnd and offered. New York Mosey Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. MONEY On call. easier, 24644 per cent; closing, 24. Time money, steady; alxty daye, 44fc'4 ' per cent; ninety days, 44fo'4;: aix months, 4S Prime mercantile paper, ooai per tiii. 8TEKI.1NO EXCHANGE Firm at $4.8690 4.86S6 for demand and at $4.83SO4.835 for sixty days: posted ratea. $4,844 and $4.874( 4 88; commercial bllin. $4.83p4.84. BIL.VEK Bar. wc; Mexican uouara. jic. BONDS Government, ateady; railroad. irregular. ' The closing quotations in oonus -r as follows: V. S. ret. ta. rag. ...! L A K. unl. 4a 100 do coupon ...lo .Max. Central 4a. ...107 I do ll Ino ...1014 Minn. A St. L. i ...1344 M.. K. A T. 4a. 77 do ts, reg...., dj coupon ... o ew 4s. reg do eoupoa . 15 .103' . W4 . fa .lM'a do 2a. do old 4a. Kg ll do coupon 110 ,N. T. C. gen. 34a.. lot N. J..C. gen. (a 1334 do fce, reg... do coupon . . Atchloou gen. do adj. 4a... Bal. A Ohio 4e no aifee ....103 No. P.clflc 4a 103H 104'i1 do 3a 724 ....1024 N. A W. con. 4a loi .... Kk Reading gen. 4a 37 ....1024 at. L. A 1. M. c. tl.1144 ....104 Rt. L. 4c B. r. 4a.,.. rf com. 4e 44. 81. L. W. ta 7 Canada So. 2a 10S do 2a Central of Oa. tje....l ,8. A. A A. P. 4a.. do la Inc 79 8o. Paclflv 4e Chea. A Ohio 4a lo I Bo. Hallway 6a Chlcaao A A. 3 14V3 Teiaa Pacific la . U . 84 . i .1174 .117 C U. A y. n. 4a ... M ;T.. ft. U it W. 4a.. C, M A Si P g. 4e...ll0'i Inlon Paclnc 4a C. A N. W. f. 1a....l34v do rout. 4 C, H. I. A P. 4....107', Wabaah la ( C (' Bt L 4a . 1014: do 2a Chicago Ter. 4a 34 ' do dr-. B ,.. Colorado 8". 4a Il't Shore 4" Denver A R. O. 4a... 1M1, Wheel. L. E 4a. Krle prior lien 4a.... Wla Central 4a do general 4a 14 Con. Tobacco 4a F. W. D. C. la. ...1114 Colo. Fuel con. 6a. Hocking Val. 44a.. .104 ..103 ..U7i ..not .. 744 ..noi .. t:4 .. !, .. d7V .. 34 Boston Sleeks and Roads. BOSTON, Jan. 22 Call loana. 445(6 per cent; time loans, 44&5 per cent. Official closing of stocks und uom's: Atrhleos 4a Uae la Mei. Central 4a. Atchleon do dfd Bovtnn A Albany Boetoa A Me ... Boston Elevated N. V.. N. H. A 101 lAllouea 106 4 ! Amalgamated ..... 7! r4'Calumct a Heels. 341 Centennial :rovper Range .... 1404 Itoinlnlon Coal ... 1U Franklin 221 llele Huyale .. ( .. 43H .. at ..Mo .. 2d .. 44 ..13u .. 104 .. It .. 8!i .. l4 .. 40 .. Tl ..108 .. 3.14 .. tv .. Zla .. .. ii -. 4S .3 3-13 .. (v . . 34 Sitrhburg pfd l;nlos Pacific Me. Central 140 Mohawk loi old IHimloloa ... 2H Oaiola American Bugar . do pfd American T. A T Iomlnlon I. A B. ftan. Electric .... Maaa. Blectrte ... t ailed Fruit I. 8. Sleel . ! H.rrot .12l4Uulncy .162 1 banla Pe Copper . . 641 riruoun'alu .1M (Trinity . 3 ll'nlltd 8late .... .1034 t'tah . 4 Victoria do pM ai 1 winona Vleetlnnk. t ORtBioa. .103 Wolverine Aoreuiure 144'llaly Wi Forelgrn Klnaaplal. IX)NDON. Jan. 12. Money was easy In the market today and supplies were In creased, but the payment of A12.5a.a0 of treasury bills, which was iwrtly offset by the call for 7.600.t nf the lam Japanese loan.. Dlacounts weukened consequently and alro owing o the condition of the conti nental rales of exrhatiKe. Hulnee n the Stork exthange oend quiet, mlth prls firm, snd be?ame somewhat more active. Consols stiffened the money proierts and the report that Uui government v. as buying. Horn rails were Irrrgutnr. Amerlcnna oi"nrd tirm and st psrlty: bernm" Idle and irr'-aulnr. and rinsed , ilet. Ksinra nuriii at u t hrntiKiwiut t n tiny, lint elided vttth a better tone. Hie wekiy slrtement t . the tn 1 a of Knxiand Fhciv.s the fnlniw niU ihniiios: 'I'titm reserve, iticrensed JUi.274.t; circii'Htioii, tlecreased A4W.(0; bullion, tncrriiso.l tLISt.-VI ; oilier securl tlh. Init'ensnl A.s.f1; other drpuslts. tle crrssed JLI;!.ii; puollc ileposlt. Increased .-.4i'.''0: no lew reserve, iiH'rensel .s:i,tj,t5. i.i ; irnvernmrnt serul ill"l. uncliMnirert. 'i ho proportion of the Hink of England's re serve to liability thlv verk Is 4il.( per rent, as compared with 44.14 per rent last week. The rale mI discount la unchanged at 4 per Cerit. FARIP. Jan. 22. I'rlrrs opened fVrm on the bourse today. Btiplnti-a was o.ilet. Rentes weakened. Spanish 4s nnd Turks were In brisk demand. The whole list be come firm ivat the cl'ee of the dny. Rentes became slronsrr ami fnrtl' oeneilted by the relaxation In the stringency of money In l.uniluii. hlrnincss ruled at th clos.'. Most nt the tractions rose mnterlnlly. ln diiHirltils wrrt iteiiernlly llrm. Rio tlntos gr-w tirm on trie rtcovery of the price of copper. Ktfllrs hardened owing to hopes that South African InlxT questions will pHitly he satisfactorily solved. The prlrate rnte of discount wna 2 13-18 per cent. Three per cent rentes, loof I'J'tC for tho account. Exchange on iJom.on. 25 f 12'4c for checks. The weekly statement of the Hank of France, rhwws the following changes: Notes in circulation decreased 7.H25.i4Kf. treasury HccouiHH ctirrnt Inercnsed 1!i.i'75..H)f, gold In hind Increnserl D.tSo.oflnf, bills dlscocnt'd e reused n FOn.iniif and silver In hand In creased 75.00"f. BERLIN. Jan. 22. Investment stocks, especially the bonds, were In demand on the hours" today, owing to the ease of money. Hunks and mines wtn Arm. Trice! at the close were somewhat Irregulm. t'a nndlan l'aciflrs were steady. Financiers here will experience a reduction of' the Relchshank rate of discount of 4 per cent in a few davs. The rate of discount fot short bills wns 2 p"r rent and for three months' bills 24 per cent. Sen- York Mining; Storks. NEW YORK. Jan. 22 The followln g are the closing prices on mining ;ocks A Oama Con Alice Breece Brunawlck Con.... Cometock Tunnel., f'on. cal. A Va... Horn silver Iron Silver Leadvllle Con .. ru .. .. 40 .. 7 ..lfa ..123 .. 7u .. 8 Little Cjlef .. Ontario ophtr Phoenix Potoel Savage sierra Nevada Small Hnpea .. Standard ... ...860 ...m ... s ... 40 ... 33 ... 0 ... to ...lev Bank Clearlnars. OMAHA. Jan. 22. Bank clearing today, $1,127,003.73; corresponding day last year, $1,321. 221. 27; decrease. $1h4.157.54. CHICAGO. Jan. 22 Clearings. $29,320,18: balances, $2,814,840; New York exchange, 40c premium; foreign exchange unchanged; sterling posted. $4,844 for sixty days and $4.88 for demand. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. Clearing, $248,030. i04; balancea, $9.19,54. BOSTON, Jan. 22. Clearlnga, $22,454,659; balances, $1,919,590. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 22. Cleartnr. $21,444,995; balances, $2,693,229; money, C per BALTIMORE, Jan. 22. Clearings. 3,568. 188; balances, $336,071; money. 6 per cent. CINCINNATI. Jan. 22. Clearings, $4,170, 500; money, 4tit4 per cent; New York ex change, 1Mj25c premium. ST. IX)U18. Jan. 22. Clearings, $8.637,21; balances. $1187.251; money, steady, 6 per cent; New York exchange, 40c premium. St. I.oals Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 22. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 74c; track, 754 7c; May, 77477c; July, 7So; No. 2 hard, 714fJ'74c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. 42Vtc; track, 4215440; May. 414c OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 36c; track, 36 37c; Mav, 364c;. No. 2 white, 38c. RYE Firm at 494'&60c. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, $3.25 433.35; extra fancy and straight. $3.203.30; clears. $2.602.80. SEED Timothy, steady. $3.O03.50. f'ORNMRAL-Steady. $2.30. 1 BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. fttj?82c. HAY Quiet, steady; timothy. $9.00 16.00; prairie, $11.60. IRON COTTON TIES $1,074. B A GO I NO 6 6-167 l-16c. HEMP TWINE !c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, standard mess, $18.10. Lard, strong, $9,674. hry suit meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $9; clear ribs, $9; short tear, $9.25. Bacon fboxed), steady: extra shorts, $9,874; clear ribs. $10; short clear, $U.25. M ETA LS I.i6ad, firm at $3.974. Spelter, strong nt $4 SO. 1 POULTRY Steady; chlckena, 9V4C,; tur kevs. 13c; ducks. 12c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Quiet; .creamery, 2228e; dairy, lS(ff21c. lit.. EGGS Firm at 18o for fresh. . Receipts. Flour, bbls ;, 6,000 Wheat, bu .'. 74.000 Corn, bu .1F2.(00 Oats, bu.... 69,000 Shipment". . 7.000 78,000 158,000 52.000 Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 22. COFFEE Spot, quiet. Futures opened steady at a partial decline of 6 points, under liquidation and European Belling. Influenced by lower Euro pean markets and heavy clearances. Im porters and shorts bought enough to steady values, which were also sustained by a little Investment demand as a result of smaller interior receipts and better reports from jobbers. During the afternoon busi ness was very quiet again and the cloee was steady on the opening basis. Sales were 24,000 baRS, Including: January, 4.20c; February, 4.20c; March, 4.30c; May, 4.4o( .50c; Juiy, 4.60c: September, 4.764i4.80c; Oc tober, 4.85c; November, 4.90c; December, B-Ooc. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frolt. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. EVAPORATED AFPLES Show considerable firmness as to holders. Common are quoted at 45c; Prime, oH'B'oVie; choice, 6i64c; fancy, 7 ft 8c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot prunea are In no more than moderate de mand, but are firmly held at prices rang ing from S4c to 74c for all grades. Apri cots are quiet, though aome export demand la reported from the coast; boxes are quoted at 74if4c for all grades and bags at 749 10c. Peaches are dull at 12318c lor peeled and 6i84c for unpeeled. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 22. BUTTER Steady, fair demand: extra western. cream ery, 2c; extra nearby prints, 27c. EGGS Quiet, but steady; fresh nearby, 26c. at mark; fresh western, 25c, loss off; fresh southwestern, 2324c, loss off; fresh southern. 22c, loss off. CHEESE Unchanged: New Tork full creams, prime small, 143144c; fair to good small, 13ViT'134c: prime large, 14c; fair to good large, 134134e. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. Jan. 22. WHEAT Fairly ac tive, unchanged; cash and January, 794c; 1V1 ti y 8'o CORN Fairly active, strong; January, 464c; May. 464c OATS Dull, firm; January, 87c; May. 374r. RYE No. 2. 534c. SEED Clover, fairly active; January, $7,724: March. $7.30; prime timothy, $1.90; prime a'lslke, $8.25. Sonar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 22. SUGAR Dull ; O. K., 2Vo4c; O. K., centrifugal. S13-16c: centrifugal whites. H'ufflc: yellows, 34W 2 15-lftc: seconds. 24ii3 5-16c. MOLASSKS-Steady:1 O. K.. 143C5c; cen- trifitKHl, 15'o18r; syrup, 19f'irc. NEW YORK. Jan. 22 Sl'GAR-Qulet; fair refining. 3 5-16c; centrifugal 96 test. 3 1-lnc; molasses sugar, 3 1-loc; refined, quiet. ' MOLASSES Firm. IJrr Goods Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. DRY OOODS The market continues very firm, with a fair demand. Wamsiitta and Utlca nonpareil fine muslins advanced to 10c per yard. Regular print cloths advanced He, with business narrow, orders were atrong. Wide goods were quiet and unchanged. Cotton underwear wus firm and generally well held. Cotton hosiery waa dull. Vhlaky Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 22. WHISKY On basis of high wines. $1.30. ST. IA)UIS, Jan. 22.-WHlSKY-Steady at $1.30. PKoHIA. Jan. 22 WHISKY For finished gor'- $130. 1NNATI, Jan. 22.-WHISKY Die tillers" finished goods, ateady, on basia ot $1.30. Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 22. WHEAT May, 78r; July, 7S-VU78V-. n t'ack: No. 1 nrd. "94c; No. 1 northern, 784c; No. 2 northern, 77lc. FLol'H I'lrst natents. ti.15Cr4.25; second patents. $3 w'; first clears, $2.50; second clears. $.'.0.Vii'J 15. BRAN In bulk. $14.25514 50. Pnlnlh Grain Market. DULUTH, Jan. 22 WHEAT Cash: 1 No. I hard. 784c1; No. 2 northern. 784r; No. 1 northern. 7cAc; May, ;c; July, ,c. 1 on' a u.v PFORIA, 111., Jan. 22. CORN-Ftrm; No. 2. 42c. OATH Quiet ; K0. J white, 324c. YHloKY-$1.3 OMAHA LIVE STOW MARKET Btf Eteeri Ac'.m and trone:, While Cowi Wiie Strong to Ten Higher. HOGS OPENED FIVE CENTS LOWER Demand Continued Active for Fat Sheep and Lambs and the Mar ket Could Safely Be Quoted aa Folly Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 22. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Olnelnl .Mommy s.fio 6.U0 6,728 umcial luesday 6.W) OIihimI Wednesday 4.1v ( tllclal Thursday 3,(4 Four tlfl.vs this week.16.tt9 Same days last week. . . .17. 815 Same week before l:t.2:t Krae three weeks ago..l3.'2 Same four weeks auo.... 6.30I Fame days last year 1 4.94 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipta of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana for the year to date, with comparisons with la-;i yeai : 19e;(. lJt.JJ. Inc Dec. v 'l tie 54.70 b4.010 hH4 Hogs 131.2W lih,0.S4 37,3fl8 Hheep 6M.212 39,814 29,398 Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha for the iaal several days with com parisons: Date. I 1903. 1902.1901.1900.I1H99.1898.1897. Jan. 1... Jan. 2... Jan. 1... Jan. 4... Jan. I... Jan. 6... Jan. 7... J a:.. 8... 6 33 I 6 22 4 951 6 374i k t! 4 6 6 2941 6 19 4 6 4 21 4 8U 4 4 27 4 7 4 Uij 4 84 4 3Si 4 35 4 41- 4 4 4 M I 4 68 4I2 4 48 4 5i 4 54, 4 b4 I 431 3 18 I 3il 1 67 1 57 8 4i 3 47 3 481 8 42- " I 4 35 3 50j 5i 3 bu) 3 f50 3 tVM 3 49 3 6l 3 64 3 56 3 691 ' I 3 49 3 44 8 i) 3 39, S 401 a a a wi 504 6 24 3 2i 3 27 3 'I.' 3 13 3 Li 2741 6 34l 6 394! 6 09! S 06! 5 4V. 6 40 I 40 e I 4641 6 4i4 6 SSV 6 41 6 4941 6 4941 I 6 3941 6 if: b 06 1 431 a 3 43 Jan. I. 0 lb b J4 3 14 Jan. 10.. 11.. a 14 0 25 6 04 6 2.1 i 17 6 00i Jan. $ 29 3 07 8 4J, 3 14 I j i 1-9 3 4V 3 la 3 47 06 I 8 23 3 47 3 611 3 22 3 M 3 26 3 i0 3 So 3 54 2 26 I Jan. 12.. Jan. 13.. Jan. 14.. Jan. 15.. Jan. 16.. Jan. 17.. Jan. 18.. Jan. 19.. Jan. 2o.. Jan, 21.. Jan. 22.. 6 14 6 161 6 22i 6 X. 6 15 6 26 6 171-5 L1H 6 22 6 291 I 6 27 1 6 27 1 6 15 6 26 I I I 6 47 . 6 5841 6 53 I Indicates Sunday. The official number of care of stock brought In today by each road was: 8.619 7,004 SJ1 6.1S4 7.476 2,736 32.245 21,681 . 21,578 36,400 17,948 36.9M 17,H19 18.7K9 11,093 45.317 13,908 C, M. & St. P. Ry 10 8 Wabash ny 1 Union Pacific system.... 13 7. 4 C. Ac N. W. Ry 11 29 1 V., K. A M. V. Ry 29 21 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.... 35 7 B. 61 M. Ry 14 12 7 C. B. c Q.-Ry 11 6 C, K. I. P. Ry., east.. 9 7.. C, R. I. & P. Ry., west.. 2 Illinois Central 4 1.. Total receipts 13S 101 12 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sharp. omana packing uo Swift and Company Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour,' from Sioux City Vansant & Co W. 1. Stephen Huston & Co living-stone & Shaller.... L. F. Husz Wolf & Murnan B. F. Hobblck Other buyers Lee Rothschild Werthelmer 468 1.091 530 765 1.547 247 634 1.617 1.181 839 2.112 551 156 2,012 136 35 1 88 6 23 19 1S5 24 29 Total 1,408 1,378 2,509 CA1-1 i.M Recelots of cattle were not 111 all excessive thrs morning owing to a good Jocal demand, 0 that the market ruled ictlve- and stronger from start to finish on all desirable grades of killers. The quality of the offerings aa a whole was tully aa good as yesterday, which helped out the trade to quite an extent. There was a good active demand for beef ateere and the more desirable grades could safely be qaoted stronger. As high as $6.10 was paid, 'which was not only the top price of rhe day, but for several days past. Cattle changed hands quite freely, eo that an early clearance was made. The commoner kinds were, of . course, not aa ready sellers and probably in moat cases did not sell mush if any higher than yes terday, but at the iime time tne feeling waa undoubtedly Deuer, as Duyerw tooa hold with more life than they did the first of the week. , The cow market waa also active and the market could be quoted strong to a dime lilcher than yesterday. Trading was qjlte brisk on an Kii'.as irom cannrrs to too best cornfedn. The big bulk of the re ceipts consisted of cow stuff, but still there did not seem fx be any too many to meet tho rccinlremrnts or the local traae. The bull market continued very dull and In fact sellers found it a difficult matter to dispose of them at any price. Packers apparently have very little demand for that class or stun ana as receipts nave been quite liberal of late they have about all they need for the present. Veal calvoa, though, were In good demand at fully ateady prices. - The stocaer ana ieeaer marmi um uui have the snap to It that was noticeable yesterday. The quality, though, waa very inrorinr which undoubtedly had a great deal to do with the lack of activity. Specu lator all claimed tnat mey were anxioua for good stuff and the few bunches answer ing to tnai aescription i-umiiiniiumi chums T - K, tvim KMmirmn kinds were verv slow sale, with prices no mora than ateady. Kepreaentative sales: DbDV D i CJiulVali No. Av. Pr. No. A. ft- 11.. HI IK 1 10 4 38 J . . .... M 111 13 U74 4 38 1 m Hi 10 11S 4 86 .. Ml 1 10 11 1175 4 40 IT 1010 4 00 3 4 40 U 330 4 00 1 U0 4 40 4 1170 4 00 83 1331 4 40 I (71 4 00 "11 4 40 ,.. .ti0 4 00 ...v 1331 110 K4 4 00 1 1130 4 80 1440 4 00 80 11 4 60 1 1140 4 00 t lt 4 M 1 26 4 OS 1 333 4 Ml 1 1110 4 10 It 1161 4 so (J Mi 4 10 14 1314 4 80 1 1000 4 10 1 1400 4 88 10 J4 4 16 1 1270 4 S 1 1110 4 13 38 H'O 4 33 Jj 100 4 It 14 15O0 4 0 i 1011 4 33 1 18S0 8 00 10 liJfi 4 11 1477 6 10 IS 1143 4 !S STEERS AND HEIFERS. 9k 1071 4 00 14 1J74 4 Ml an 104 4 IS 1 1306 4 70 STEERS AND STAGS. I lira 4 io STEERS AND COWS. a 1000 8 60 1 117T 4 a COWS. 1 r.0 I 00 11 1014 I w 1 1020 I 00 3 33 8 38 1 IV) 1 ?5 .... 'S 8 38 1 20 t ttv I0t 3 i 4 M 8 3 : 1"71 I IS 14 11 t 40 1 1130 8 !l f,0 1 40 1 1040 i 15 ,' ! 40 3 1IM) I 2S j' MS 1 60 I .11141 8 Hi MS 1 HI 17 M4 8 IS t 1000 t M 4 4M 3 31 4 eM t SO 6 1144 8 30 1 IMI !M 3 1014 I 30 l' 1000 I SO 8 IS I 30 1013 1 iO 11 10.14 1 30 a IN IW IS 1"J4 I JO 142 J as 17 394 1 SO I I0 1 4S 1 na 3 3S I im i ts i mo i ss t 1IS4 8 70 14 344 8 36 4 115 t IS 43 1021 I 35 1 1040 1 7S ! H'5t 8 40 1 70 1 7S 13 1077 3 40 l' SHO 3 76 14 10M I 40 li 1000 1 7S It 100S I 40 4 7i J 75 14 1033 8 40 II 361 I SO 3 1111 8 40 4 1101 t Ml 3 1116 8 4S 1 1OS0 i s.1 t 0 8 45 1 1040 I SS 14 1001 3 46 4 1OK0 t S6 11 1015 I 46 370 t 0 13 W4 3 50 1 10J3 1 M 1 174 8 60 1 10HU 1 M 10 1161 I 60 1 ... ion 1 0 10 1UI7 8 60 11 HO I VI S 1004 1 60 1 1110 I S K lll 8 60 1 106 1 SS 1 1345 8 40 10.10 I 00 1 1317 8 ( S I too I 00 T 101 1 46 1040 I 00 18 1063 1 46 1 , lilt I U4 5 1143 I th It Ill 3 Oo 11 i:o 1 70 f,S I 00 30 1060 3 70 4 Ml I I 84 lUil 76 M I 00 1 10.VI 1 76 1 11110 8 00 1 12110 3 0 17 751 8 Oil It 1040 8 30 1 1024 3 00 tl 13 1 " 14 IK7 3 OS 16 1061 8 1.1 t 1100 I 0 1 lilt 1 5 lil I IS 1164 I SS 676 3 10 1 110 I S.1 1 S20 I 10 1 1"40 I S 4 M7 3 IS I'- 3 as 1 est 3 15 t 126 3 SO 1 o I 16 16 123 3 SO 1 6t,3 3 IS 14 1174 8 M l 3 15 1 1470 4 14 89S 1 20 1 1240 4 10 t 111 1 -'0 COWS AND HEIFERS. 14 10O0 1 66 CALVES. I "40 IU 1 120 1 so 1 210 S ae 1 I 4 ( 1 " 173 I 00 1 130 4 2S I 1.10 S3 1 ISO I :s t 2:0 6 : 1 Jl 4 25 ' tl I 60 I .''114 I 1 141 8 78 i ISO III 1 i4 1 re STAGS. 14 irrj 3 ss 1 4 r 1 ..i:no 4 00 HEIFERS. 1 4-0 1 :., 1 1480 I 10 1 mo 1 ,i m 7 3 3 1 60 t so 1 t ss 1 4.'.J 1 6:1 111 S6 I 36 4 3W1 1 70 11 710 IH 1 I VI 7 7 41 I SS bM, 2 ,1, ll S8 I SS 10 7J r 76 36 "4 I 46 8 4.5 I 76 36 IN IH 6 4. 1 ... IS 8.14 I 70 1 610 I 7 I SIS 8 78 1 40 I 7S II 744 8 30 1 677 1 76 1 1440 I 30 1 0 1 7S 1 110 I SS It 4t 1 . I , 1330 8 to 1 7S6 1 HS 1 1110 4 00 44 741 J 00 BULLS. 1 440 1 IS 1 1140 I 10 1 1300 I 70 1 1210 8 38 1 1000 I 76 1 1170 3 16 1 1239 ! 75 1 l'0 8 IS 1 14.40 1 K6 1 1130 8 80 1 14O0 t to 1 160 a 30 a i:is a 7 wi a 30 a iiw 8 oe 1 170 a ss 1 870 a 00 1 iim a ss 1 660 8 00 1 1370 a ss a 7 a 00 8 ins 8 as 1 1020 a os 1 ino a 40 1 1140 8 05 ' 1..-. 1430 8 SO 1 10K0 3 10 1 1670 8 40 1 310 a 16 1 1470 8 40 1 isfo a is BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 8 70 a 00 8 420 a 78 $ 421 a 00 a 40 8 TS 1 4h0 3 55 8 74 8 75 t S60 3 35 8 64 8 T8 1 41 a 40 14 737 8 75 4 621 8 6o 8 871 8 SO 1 730 3 So 8 721 a 35 8 725 8 SS 1 400 4 00 I..! 340 a 5 4 813 4 00 863 3 70 81 844 4 08 6..... 74 8 70 W. Smock Utah. 46 feeders.. 890 4 15 Kennedy Ac Co. Utah. 24 feeders.. 892 4 25 V letVh 53 feeders.. 9S2 3 80 $7 feeders.. IN IK J. Nlchola Utah. 61 feeders.. 4 10 J. Jackson Utah. 27 feeders.. 886 4 25 6 feeders.. 1008 4 25 24 feeders.. 943 4 25 B. Fox-Utah. 11 feeders.. 900 4 00 6 helfera...iO00 2 65 10 feeders.. 930 4 00 HOGS There were not aa many hoga hrre today ne arrived yesterday, but re ports from other points were unfavorable to the selling Interests, so that the market eased off a little. At the start the decline amounted to about a nickel, but toward the close the feeling became a little better on the good weight hogs, so that the market closed a little stronger' on that clase of hogs. The bulk aold from $S50 to $6.00 and prime hogs sold aa high at $8. 8b. The light weights sold largely from 86.0O down. After buyera and sellers got to gether trading was quite active, eo that an early clearance waa made. Representa tive sales No. Av. Sh. Pr. .. 6 76 ... 6 (X) .. 6 30 .. 6 35 No. i.;... &.... 67... 73... 66 .. 72... 38... 36... 65 .. CO... ... 68... toil... 76... 71... Av, ...2T8 ...246 ...2S2 ...2IM ...244 Sh. 40 Pr. 65 ( 66 6 65 66 65 6 66 10 124 18 141 91 155 67 176 ...181 200 6 4-1. 6 42 , 6 46 6 46 6 45 46 6 47 47V, 60 6 60 6 60 6 50 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 50 6 60' 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 50 6 60 6 624 6 62 6 52V, 6 624 6 624 524 624 .6 624 130 120 1J0 61.. 71.. 54.. 79.. 82.. 76.. ...177 . . .1S9 ...196 ,..195 ...192 ...194 ...2 ( 66 ..45 80 S66 55 27! ."49 80 6 65 .244 80 6 65 70.. ,208 .257 120 6 65 73 216 .... 235 226 265 233 257 256 2S2 40 56 6 56 6 56 e"55 6 65 66 6 65 6 65 6 56 6 66 6 674 6 674 6 674 674 6 674 6 674 6 674 64 6 674 6 574 6 674 6 674 674 65. .219 VI.... 86. ., 84 ... 53.... 7..., K3.... '18.... V9.. , 75.... 74.... 68.... ..214 ..217 ..195 ..223 ..264 ..214 .216 . 21? . 208 ..237 ..231 40 34. 68 83 67 240 120 'to iao ioo 40 40 so 120 120 160 40 40 240 320 2-12 63 248 65 250 71 274 2 270 66. 83. .270 .2)15 .2;' .243 73.... 202 68 191 71 .210 48. 67... 71... 78... 75... 65... 50.,. 70... t2... 61... 83... t2... 23... 40... ... ..242 ..221 ..232 160 160 120 40 66 40 27 86 ?4R ....2.16 ....225 ....2S5 .. ,.228 .. .'Zo ... 232 r '.!'.'.2'1 .... 280 !!!as ....2f . . . .267 ....20 ....ifil ....15:' 63. W. tt. 65. "J. 67. 0. ...SOI ..:. ...250 ...25E ...297 .. 10 ...288 120 120 .. 8 SO W 6 60 40 0 .. 6 60 40 6 60 ,. 6 60 .. 6 60 80 624 6 62 4 e 55 6 65 65 65 6 55 6 65 6 65 6 55 64.. 120 'so 80 40 1H0 160 67... 61... 71... 1... 5S... .262 .296 .200 311 .33u ?16 .293 6 624 63 05 71 6 62V 6 66 24 120 65 .70 2S0 240 6 65 SHEEP There was tust a fair sized run of sheep nnd iambs here this morning and the market opened active and fully ateady. The quality was good, so that the market on paper looks higher. Mexican yearlings from the same feed lot as those that sold yesterday for $5.10 brought So.20, but they were prime stuff and the packers ara anxious for them. Western lambs sold up to $6.60 and western ewes $4.00. A little bunch of native ewes brought $4.40, but they were better than anything that haa been here in a long time, uwing to the active demand everything that arrived waa disposed of in short order, but several trains were late, so that the market waa prolonged until late In the day. There were no new developmenta In the feeder situation and the market could be quoted unchanged. Quotations: Choice western lambs, $5.60fSj 5.75; fair to good lambs. $4.76(50.40; choice nntlve lambs, $5.75(tt6.00; choice yearlings. $4.9o4c5.15; fair to good yearlings, $4.25$p4.75: choice wethers, $4 60&6.00; fair to good, $4.00 f4.50; choice ewes, $4.O0QH.2o; fair to good, $3.2?,(f?4.00: feeder lambs. $3.JO4H.O0; feeder yearlings. $3.50f3.6E; feeder wethers, $3.00 2.25; feeder ewer, $1.60K12.25. Representative eaies: No. 12 cull ewes .., 23 western ewea 42 western ewes 203 western awes 440 western yearlings 266 western yearllnga 249 Mexican yearlings 23 western lnmbs 90 western ewes 4 culls 251 western ewea 41 western ewes 66 native ewea 424 yearlings and wethers..... 15 western lambs 202 native lambe Av. . 93 . 99 . 96 . 95 4 fvt$ . 80 . 88 . 81 . 102 . 100 . 99 . 130 . 164 . as . 68 . 69 Pr. 2 60 1 75 4 00 4 00 4 80. 4 75 6 20 6 25 8 60 2 75 3 50 4 25 4 40 6 00 6 25 6 60 London Stock Qaotatlens. LONDON, Jan. 22. dosing quotation!: Coneola for money.. 81 5-14 New York Central.... 164 do aocouot (1 Norfolk A Western... 74 Anaconda S do pfd 84 Atchleon 83 Ontario A Westers... 34 4 do pfd 103 Pennaylvanta 73-4, Baltimore A Ohio. .. .104'i Rand Mines 11' Canadian Pacific. 1834 Reading 81'4i t'heaapeake it Ohio... 64 do let pfd 44H O. W 2SS do Id pfd 384 C. M. A St. P 1834 Southern Ry S4S4 IeReera 2IH do ptd 37 Denver A R. 0 41 southern PaelSa do Dfd. ti Inloo Pacino 1H 40'4 do pfd , to 73-4 United Slates Steel... 34 67 '4 do fd 84 1S24 Wabsah tl 181 do pfd 4T 1388 Erie 0o let pfd do 24 pfd Illlnola Central lxiulavllle de Naih.. Mtreonrl. K. AT.. BAR SILVER Quiet at 21 11-ltd per ounce. MONEY 24(38 per cent The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is $Str3 7-16 per cent and for three-months' bills 3 b-Vii'Sk per cent. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Hoars Teat to Fifteen Ceata Higher, Sheep amd Lnmbs Strong;. CHICAGO, Jan. 22. CATTLE Receipta. 10,000 bead. Including 3,000 Texana; good to prime steers, $4.;o6.85; poor to medium, $3.254. 50; mockers and feeders, $2.26iv4.6o; cows, fl.40-g4.50; heifers. 12.Ooii1.7E; canners, $1.40(72.60; bulls, $2.004.00; calves, Z.Wit 7.5"; Texas fed steers. $3.6o4.40. HOGS Receipts today, 84,000 head; to morrow, head; left over, 6.000 head; market KU15e lower than Wednesday morning; mixed and butchers, $6.2G4jt).60; food to choice heavy, $6.6iv?j6.90; rough eavy, 86.4K"ni 60; light, $69uii.30; bulk of sales. $640&S.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipta, 10.000 head; sheep strong; lunibs, strong to loo higher; good to choice wethers, $4.4036.00; fair to choice mixed. $3.2V4.40; western sheep, $3.6K(;6.00; native lambs, $4.26u3.25; western lambs, $4.6utt4i.l0. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 15,428 4.822 IliiKi 2X.3M 1,010 cheep 22.928 844 St. Joseph LIto Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 22. CATTTE Re ceipts, 1,611 head: natives, $3.75t6.86; Tex asiH and weeierns, $3.3&(U6.15; cows and heifers, $2.25-u4 &: veals, H.OOij6.7o; bulla snd stags, $2.5(i4.50; yearlings and calves, $2.6nriH.35; Mockers and feedera, $3.0tKjj4. in. H04.S Receipts. 6 958 head; light and light mlxsd. $6.40416 65; medium and heavy, $t 5" 8ii: pigs. U.3o 20; bulk, $6 504x6.724. SHEEP' AND LAMBS Receipts, l.iSS bead; active; top Mexican lambs, $6.06; top Mexican yearling wethers, $5; top native wethers, $4.76. Hiatal C My l.lie Stock Market. KANSAS CIT1T. Jan. 22. CATTLE Ro ceipts, 4.4) head natives, 300 head Texans, l:Vi head calves, mostly natives; corn fed rattle. covs and heifers and quarantine, steady tn H-o lower; storkers and feedera. steady; bulls, sluw: choice export and dreaded beef steers, $4 85ij5 80; fair to .good. $.;.50vj.'.: fair to good, $3.60-H a0: stockere and feeders, $2.at4j4.24; western fed eteers. $2.7501O: Texas and Indian steers, $3.16if 4.10; Texas cows, I J.iiS 00; native i"i, $; native heifers, $2.Mi4 lo; canners, II. 0.-10; bulls, ti. 4"k 75: calve. $2 l tl !... HlMJS Receipts, n.i"0 head; inarkei li. lower; top, 8H.mi; bulk of sales, $.4.xti ; heavy, 8o 67Vttitt.NO; mixed packers, so 4ixu' light. 6.ii.4o; yorkers, 8o.40iuti.4j; pigs, $.S.,j(tvj.20. rtHEKP AND LAMB. Receipts, 2.001 head; market strong to 10c higher; native lambs. $4.oo-irn. western lambs, $3.3Mit5.R5: ted ewes $j.ooj 4 86; native wethers, W r-ay-4.86; weetern wethers, $3.0044.8o; Blocker and feeders, $2.0O4j3.5O. Ht. Lomls Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 22. CATTLE Receipts, 1,200 head. Including 800 Toxans; market steady to atrong; native shipping and ex port steers, $4.40u"fi.ftO, with strictly fancy quoted up to IO; dressed beef and butcher steers, l.0iiiYoi; steers under l.Ono lbs., $3-60&e.60: stockcra and feeeVrs, $2.6Vfi4.'.Vi cows and hellers, $2.26u4.f; canners, i..h. 2.60; bulls, $2.2.60; calves, M.Omti'ri iw; Texas nnd Indian steers, U WNni; cows and hellers. $2,304)4.00; canners, $1.5tvrj2.B,, bulls, $; calves, $4.ii.50; Texus and Indian steers, $2.8ii4.40; cows and heifers, $2 3043.60. HOtJS Receipta, $.600 hoid; market ateady; pigs and lights. $fi 2.Vuti.o0; packers, M. 4141 6.66 ; butchers, $.404t90. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 700 head; market strong and hlpher; native mutton. 84. 004. 85; lambs,, $4.754i 25; culls and Ijih k, $2.0O'ml.OO; atockeYa, $1.60-n3.00; Texana, $2.w 13.90. . w York Live Itoek Market. NEW YORKT Jan. 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.9" 3 head, milnly consigned direct; no sales reported; dressed beef steady, city dressed native aldee, extreme range, 7Viiyi0c; cablea unchanged; export atcauy, 304 cattle. CALVES Receipts, 653 head: alow ami weak; veala sold at $5.00iif9.60, not Including a single calf at $10; barnyards, :(.0(tj.(.J . a car of westet-ns at $2.75. , SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipt a, 7,9. head; sheep about steady; lambs about Ho lower: sheep, $3. OOjj-4. 76 ; lanibe, $0.K (.25:. one deck at $6.36; a deck of Canada, at $5.60. Slonx City LIto Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 22.-t8peclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head: steady; beeves, $3.6tXjj16.00; cows, bulls and mixed, $1.6tKM..); atoc'Aers and feeders, $.'.0 64.181; calves and yearlings, $2.27.(Ii3.85. HOGS Receipts, 8,i!u head; owloo lower, aelllnr at $.".90inJ.OO; bulk, $t.16(&6:46. SHEEP Receipta,' 100 head; atrong. Stock In slant. The following were the recelnta of Use stock at the alx principal cities yesten Ihv: cattle. Hogs. Sh tl'. Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis St. Joseph .., Sioux City .. a.-.4 i.47 2.7.0 ln,l. 2,--0 7'4I 1..M9 h-0 10,011! 4.210 , l,2i) 1,681" froo 20,615 34.0110 8.6-10 3.1) 6. 958 3,210 Totals 62,tU4 16.924 Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 22. WOOL Unchanged ; medium grades and combing, 17rti21c; light fine, 16 194c; heavy flue. 13'ul8c; tuu washed. 19?3';c. BOSTON, Jan. 22,-WOOL-The market here waa quieter this week, but prices mostly tended upward. Quotations: Terri tory, Idaho line, ltlU'l-ic; tile medium, Uit 17c; medium, 164417c. Wyoming line. 14(i;k-; fine medium, 17ml8o; nndlum, l-tfiloc. I'tali line, 14015c: fire medium, 16(jl7c; medium 17f(jl8c. Dakota fine, Italic; tine medium, 1617c; medium, 1i1Kc. Montana, line choice, 19&20c; line average, 174 inc; line me dium, 194iAc; staple, 19f(j20c; medium. VJip 20c. Pullod, scoured baslx, fine, 4s4'(i6ic combing, 40C''43c; tine combing, 4,"iHhc; Cali fornia finest, 63u6c. Ohio and Penusvl vanla XX and above, 31 Hi 32c; X, 275j'28c; Nu. 1 and No. 2, 31(ti32c. Michigan X and above, 274j28c; No. 1 and No. 2, 2"i'o28u. Kentucky, Indiana, etc., -blood, 22f(23c; -bloud, 22(r 24c; braid, 154) JOc. Texas, 12 months. )9ji 30c; California, northern choloe, 214f2c; northern average, 17il8c; southern, 124110. NEW YORK, Jan. 22. WOOI-Flrm. LONDON, Jan. 22. WOOL The offerliiBs at the wool auction sales today numbered 12,286 bales. The attendance waa large, A superior selection of fine scoureds caused spirited competition between French and German buyers., Merinos were In demand. ' Crossbreda were In moderate demand and sold steadily A few lots of merinos were taken for America. A good eelectlon of Cape of Oood Hope and Natal waa In keen demand. Following are the aalea In detail: New South Wales, 1,500 bales; scoured, 64d 4ils94d; greay. 64rir(jls2d. Queenaland, 400 bales; scoured, lslld4i2H4d; greasy, 84 (tylld. Victoria, 2,300 bains; scoured, is 64'l'ii Is lid; greasy, &4d4jls 2d. South Australia, 2,400 bales; ecoured. Is 4d4i"ls 64d; greasv, laid. Went Australia, 3,000 bales scoured, . Is24dlsbd; greasy, 6411 lid. New Siea land, 1,500 bules; scoured, 64d4jls4d; greasy, 4-iini4d. Cape of UdO'd Hope ami Natal, 1,100 bales; scoured, 84d4flsd; greasy, 444tl04d. A sale of Tilioen skins was held in Mincing Lune today. The pf ferlngs amounted to 6,134 bales and con sisted mainly nf crossbreds. Demand wtn steady, purchases being made by American and German buyers, as" well as the homo trade. Merlnog were spiritedly competed for at unchanged rates. Croeabreds were Va'v.d lower and lambs were 4d dearer. Following are the sales and prices obtained for clothing and combing: New South Wales, 40 bales at 44jH4d: Queensland. :t8o bales at 7d; Victoria, 1,447 bales at 3Va4d; South Australia, 524 bales at 4a4j84c; West Australia, 623 balea at 4408d; Tasmania, 454 bales at 14d; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 18 bales at 13d; Punta Arenas, 68S bales at 4Vttl7d; Buenos Ayres, 55 bales at 3VoNd; Falkland Islands, 62 balea at 6411 '6d. l cotton market. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 22. COTTON Steady; asles, 7.249 balea; ordinary. 815-16c; low middling. 84c; middling, go id middling, 9B-16c; middling fair, 8T4c; re ceipta, 7,433 balea; atock, 375,494 bales. Fu tures, steady; January, 8.714; 8.72c; Feb ruary, 8.69a1.7!c; March, 8.794i8.80c: April, 8.844j8.86c: May, 8.924j8.93c; June. 8.96428.98c; July, 9.03479.040; August, 8. 67 4J 8.69c; Septem ber. 8.26ft8.30c. NEW YORK, Jan. 22.-COTTON-Opened ateady at an advance of 3t4 points, cables being strong, with large activity reported at Liverpool on account of Egyptian spec ulations, some placing the total of their purchases In the English market at 60,000 bales. There was a further advance pf 142 polnta on the more active positions when It became Apparent, that public buying or ders were not of large volume and the mar ket commenced to sag, a decline of 54P7 points from the top ensued. Thy weakness was Increased by the indications that re ceipta would exceed early estimates. The early estimates polned to port receipts of 28.000 bales for the day. later estimates In creased the fl (fores to 29,000, the actual total was 28,538 bains, against 32,111 last year. The amount of cotton to be brought Into sight this week Is variously estimated at, from 290.000 to 330,000 bales, close esti mates being ImposHlhie. by resann of the fact that a large estimate of cotton la pre pared for shipment abroad without cer tainty aa to date of shipment. The, selling waa assisted by encouraging reports from Fall River and the dry goods trade, with certain lines of cotton goods reported to b. scarce and tending upward. The market on this news rallied and closed quiet st KO 4 polnta advance. Total sales futures, 2261X1) bales. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 22. COTTON Firm ; middling, 8 18-lAc; ealea, 925 bales; receipta, 4,987 bales; shipments, 4.827 bales; stock. 47,453 bales. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 22 COTTON Spot, good business done; 2y4 points higher; American middling fair, 5.46d; good mid dling, 6.02d; middling, 4.84d; low middling, 4 72d; good ordinary, 4.66d; ordinary. 4.4Hd. The sales of the day wee U.OOO bales, r.' which 1,000 were for speculation and export and Included 10,6n0 American. Recclp-a, 10.000 bales, l-.iciudlng 1.800 American. Fu tures opened firm and closed bsrely steady; American middling: October and January. 4.74; January and February. 4.76d; Feb ruary and March. 4.76d- March and April. 4.76d: April and May, 4.77d; Mtv and June. 4.77&4.78d: June and July, 4.77fi4 78d; Julv and August. 4.71d: August and flentemher 4 9d- September and October, 4.47d; Octouer mm nuvvuiuvr, a.oou. Milwaukee Grain Market. MTLWATTCEE, Jan. 22. WUKAT Higher; No. 1 northern, 81Ur82c; No. 2 northern. 80WlUe; May. g!XtT81c. sellers. RTE Steady; No. 1. 61447J62e. BARLEY Lower: sample, 484S&80. CORN-May, 47(&M8o. Hard Goal G6.00 Per Ton la not aa good an Invent men t as 1,000 bu. of wheat. BOYD & MERRILL Room 4, New Tork Life, Omaha. P. B. Wears. Pres. C. A. Wear, v IT11 Estsbtlahed 1882. WEARE COMMISSION CO., CHICAGO Member of the Principal Extbanaue. Private Wires to All Polnta. GRAIN, 1'HOVISIUAS, HOIKS, lltl.NDf Bought and aold for rash or future delivery. OMAHA BRANCH. llo-Ul Board of Trade. Telephone 151A W, 2S. Ward. Local Manager.