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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY UEEt FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1003. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MI50R MESTfOS. Psvls sr. Is drugs. For rrnt, modern houw, 719 Sixth avenue. Expert watch repairing, LefTert, 40 B'y. Officer is selling dwelling rbp. 419 B'y. a Reduction esle on framed and nnframed picture. C. E. Alexander tt Co., 153 Bway. . Wanted, at one, boy with pony to carry Bee route. Apply at the otflce, 10 Pearl street. Mrs. I.. B. Cousins has been called to Um-oln. Neb., by the Illness of her grand daughter. Mrs. Iewls P. Henn of Rherldsn, Wyo., Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John 8chwab tit Vina street. We are. hcadq mrters for glass of all kinds. Bee us before you buy. C. B. I'ahu, Oil and Glass company. Sunday la my busiest day. Come and get twelve mounted photos for 25 cent. Car veth, artist, Broadway. Albert Smith of Kansas City and Stella Serafln of Chicago were married In this city yesterday morning, Justice Carson per forming the ceremony, Edgar L. Street, chief engineer of Street, WyrKM Co. of New York, the company which controls the Cltlaens' Gas and Elec tric company. Is in the city. Ous Plumer left last evening for Los Angeles, Cal., called there by the Illness of bis daughter, Irene, who with her mother left for the Pacific coast about a month ago In the hope of benefiting her health. Word has been received from Washing ton of the serious Illness of Jacob C. Mor gan, a former editor of the old Council bluffs Globe. Mr. Morgan was stricken with vertigo on the street and hi condi tion la aald to be critical. Th itntinn irmklna- to the formation of a local union among the employee of the motor company Is being revived. The em ployes of the Omaha system are urging the formation of a union In this city and It la laid that one will probably be organised In the near future. HI W. Ashley, assistant to the president; J. 8. .Goodrich, superintendent, and Jamea laughlln. trainmaster, comprised a, party of WabHSh officials who were in tne city vesterday on a tour of Inspection of the lines and terminals. From here the Tarty went to Dps Moines. F. L. Reed, clerk of the district court, has completed his report showing that llnee to the amount of $li.M have been col lected by him during the half year ending December 81. Thla amount is less the 10 tier cert which the county attorney receives as part of his emoluments. ) Th. PAunll tilt, Va rt V.Wm la Tllnn- nlng to give a minstrel entertainment atl the New theater in the Dear future. A committee: constating of George F. Hughes end- Robert Wallace went to Atlantic last . venlng to confer with the 8. A. Grubbs Minstrel syndicate relative to putting on the ahow here. , Mrs. Maud Franks and Mrs. Mary Tln nel, neighbors residing near Fourteenth treet and Sixteenth avenue, fell out and a -vordy battle resulted in some hair pulling. Mrs. Frank considered herself tne ag grieved party and filed an assault and bat tery charge agalnat Mrs. Tlnnel In Justice Jarson's court yesterday. Many pupils of the public schools who liave. Just finished the grade work, and who o not care to spend four years In the high school, will enter the Weatern Iowa college Monday, where they Intend to take up spe cial work In either the business, shorthand ir English departments. This institution n rapidly coming to the front as one of tho test commercial and normal schools of the west. Matter la District Coart. Thetrial of Wayne Sboup, a young whe l-srber", and Lewis Seldon, a colored por ter employed on the Northwestern-Union Pacific overland passenger train, charged lth robbing J. C. Fleming, a detective employed by the railroad, of $10. was be. gun In the district court yesterday. ' The personal Injury damage suit of Henry Lock against the city of Council muffs. In which the plaintiff asks $10,820 for Injuries alleged to hare been, received by reason of a defective aldewalk, was riven to the Jury yesterday noon, but up to a late hour last night no verdict had been reached. It was stated that a disa greement was probable. Mr. Sarah M. Wlatt brought suit for divorce from James A. Wlatt. to whom she was married In Holt county, Missouri, July 14, 1870. Bhe bases her petition on statutory grounds and aska to be awarded 5,000 permanent alimony. An attachment agalnat Wlatt'a property was Issued. The defendant was formerly a( member of the police force and more recently employed bs a special officer by the Union Faclflo at he Transfer depot, to guard the strike breakers. Selaera Make Good Haat. The seining of Lake Manawa Is atlll being Actively carried on under the supervision of Deputy Warden E. C. Brown. Yesterday the seine was drawn at Wray'e landing, which Is the portion of the lake where the bass are thought to be most plentiful. About 100 pounda of fish classed as "ob jectionable" were caught and became tba perquisite of Bill Hall and Jo Scott, the nsheraen employed to do the seining. It in estimated that nearly a ton of the varieties of fish which prey upon the game nab baa been removed from the lake as the result of the seining. It la said that great cor la exercised,, in the handling of the fish, ao at not to injur the gam fish, which ar rsturned Immediately to the water as soon aa aorted out from the "ob Jectlonabl" varieties. i ' Gravel roofing. A. H. Read. 124 Main St Real Eatat Transfer. These tranafert were filed yeaterday In the abstract, title and loan offic of J. W, Squire, 101 Pearl ttreet: Haver t Rlef to Emma Rlef, all his land In Crescent, Haxel Doll and Kockford towuMhlpe, w. d $ 1 Jane Haaa to Jeaale A. Tyler, nwU nU. aw U ami iU iwU nvU and neV swU nw4 lt-7t-44, w. d (.700 Abble M. Walker and husband et al to J. W. Colt, part lot 11 of auditor a subdiv of lot 5. Mallett aubdlv, w. d Thomas Q. Davis and wife to heir of Staphen D. Davis, all his rights In , roiil eatata wherever situated of Stephen D. Davis, deceased, q. c. d. $.000 Thomas Longeway ana wire to rxea Hhdd. lots i and 4. block SO. Burn' add. w. d 400 (.'. U. Saunders and wife to Chicago. Rock Island at Pacific Railway com nv Int tt lilm k 43. Klildlea' sub. dlv. w. d 17S John Reimera and wife to Theodora Kelmera, lota 1. . . 10, block 1. and Int. 1 f. I 7. 13. 14. 17. 18. 19. block 1. Babbitt Place, w. d S.000 Solomon McMullen to 8. C. Foote. lota 11 and 12. block 11$, Creacent, q. c. rt 80 Countv treasurer to J. P. Green shields, lc. 1 and 1. block 1. Plain view add. and lot U. block . Wright a add, t. d Total, nine tranafer.. ...$14,340 Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wtd were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Albert Smith, Kansas City Stella Seratln, Chicago .HI Alfred Oliver. Council Bluffs 53 Clara McDanlels. Council Bluffs 4 N. Y. Plumbing Co., tel. 250. Night. F667, NEW TllWATPDJA- ?: BBALL. wit a aaaw m Manajer. "Tou Be the Searchlight There'a a Bhow, BATURDAY. JANUARY. 84. The E. V. O. Comedy Co HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE pRicta Matinee. lO-S&c. Night, 10-3uc LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. M Pearl . Cour.cll Bluffs. 'Phone 7 BLUFFS. READY TO BURY ITS WIRES Telephone Company Only Waiting for the Gaming of Warm Weather. TALK OF ERECTING EXCHANGE BUILDING A ' City Attorney Redraft lag; Ordinance Requiring- Other 'Wires Placed la toaaalt aad Will Be Ready la Febraary. It was announced yesterday that the Ne braska Telephone company would begin work In the spring, as soon as the weather conditions permitted, to place Its wires In underground conduits within the dis trict prescribed by the recently passed or dinance. Thla work will Involve. It Is estimated, an outlay of about $75,000, and will give employment for many months to a large number of men. There Is some talk of the company adding to this' ex penditure by the construction of a building for Its telephone exchange. The present Quarters occupied by the company are said to be Inadequate and "unsuitable to the Increasing business caused by the growth of the city; The location of the exchange has not yet been determined upon, but It is voder stood that It will be In the center of the business part of the city and within a block or two of the present headquarters. It la said the company Is prepared to ex pend $25,000 to $30,000 , on lta proposed building for a centrat telephone exchange. Business men generally Indorse the ac tion of the city council In passing the conduit ordinance and favor the passage of the other ordinance with similar re quirements for all telegraph, electric light and other wires within the prescribed dis trict, so as to relieve the streets of the unsightly poles and the accompanying net- , work of wires. - Mayor Morgan 1a expected home from Oregon tomorrow,- when it Is thought ho will at once attach his official signature to the ordinance. In view of the fact that upward of 150 of the leading business and professional men of the city signed the petition urging the passage of the meas ure, it Is not deemed likely that the mayor will hesitate In signing It. City Solicitor Snyder Is at present en gaged In redrafting the other ordinance,, which will include telegraph, electric light and the feed wires of the motor company, and expeeta to have It In ahape to present to the city council at Its meeting In Feb ruary. ' FRAZIER FILES HIS, . ANSWER r.Iakra Some Peeallar Allegations a Defease at '. Breach of ' Promise Salt, Dr. J. W. Frailer of Honey Creek, la.. against whom Miss Leona Macktson of uincy, III., an evangelist of the United' Brethren church, brought ault for $10,000 for alleged breach of promise to marry, yeaterday filed in the district court his answer and a motion to have the trial of the sut continued until next term, In his answer Dr. Fraxler asserts that , . .... -. ... he and Miss Macklson discussed the evils of marriage without alncere love and af fection between the parties and the mutual desire for Its bonds, and that they both agreed that If at any time before mirrlage the affection of either of them was not holly for the other, or If the desire of either had cooled on abated, the engage ment was to be declared dissolved. Dr. Frailer further allegia la his answer that aa a result of an accident Miss Macklson is unfit physically to marry and that he him self la suffering from tuberculosis of the lungs, both ot which facta, he Insists are well known to the plaintiff. The doctor also make the allegation that Mist Macklson hat on nore than one occasion stated to other persons that the no longer loved htm and would not marry him under any circumstances, but she did want his money. Further, that she had also stated that the would have commenced the present suit long ago only she had waited until he had more property. As ground for having, the ault, continued, Dr. trailer asserts he hat been unable to aecure certain important witnesses and that owing to the death of hit attorney, the late Chancellor L. D. Roe, he had en gaged the aervlcea of Congressman Walter Smith: who would be unable to be pres ent at this term of court. Christian Endeavor Rally. Rev. C. E. Eberman ot Boston, field sec retary of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, who conducted a rally of the workers and members of the young people's societies of. the city and the Seventh Iowa dlatrlct at the Congregational church yea terday,. wat greeted by good sited audi ences at both meetings. In the afternoon Rev. Eberman conducted a workers' conference, which wat attended by a large number of the workera in the young people's societies. Practical hints and advice on matters pertaining to work for to young people of the church were given by Rev. Eberman, much benefit be ing derived by those present from the con ference, At the mass meeting In the evening Rev. Jamea Parsons of Harlan, president ot the Seventh Dlatrlct Christian Endeavor union, prealded. Mist Clara Belle Our, ccrtay of the district union, wat also present. Rev. Eberman addressed the meeting on Chris tian Endeavor work and what the move ment Is doing throughout the United States for the young people. There waa apecial music, the choir being assisted by Ned Mitchell. At the close of the meeting Rev. Eberman conducted a aecond conference fcr thoae who were unable to attend the afternoon aeasion. Receiver Cannot R-?Tr, Judge Smith McPheraon ot the federal court baa handed down his decision sustain ing the demurrer of Thomas Bowman, M. F. Rohrer and othera to the action brought against them In the United State court by A. U. Wyman. receiver ot the Nebraska Fir Insursnc company. A former action brought In the district court ws decided In favor of the defendanta, and It is ex pected that Judge MtPberson't 'ruitag will now end the litigation. About $10,000 waa involved In the action. Bowman and other defendanta were former stockholders in th defunct company and the receiver sought to make them liable tor double the amount of their stock. Plumbing and heating. Blxby Son. Dissolve t'stsr Injanrllon. Clerk Reed of the Board of Insanity Commissioners received word from Avoca yeaterday that Judg Green had hauded down hla decision dissolving the tempo rary injunction restraining tbe board from Inquiring Into the aanlty of William Cuppy. Ta board 11 go to' Avoca Saturday aad bear the case. The charge of Insanity was made against Cuppy following the habeas corpus proceedings bruught by bis wife to remove him from the custody of bis brother. Promotions Come Maaday. With the promotion of seventy pupils fron. the Washington Avenut school to the high school today, the enrollment In the latter Institution will reach the highest mark. In Its hlatory. The examinations which mark tile closing of the first semes ter of the school year were completed yes terday In all the schools and the grade promotions will be made today. Thla fore noon the periods In the high school will be shortened and the pupils will be dis missed at noon, thus allowing the teach ers the use of the afternoon in which to mark the examination cards, which will be given out Monday morning. Except for the promotions from the Washington Avenue building to the high school there will be but few changes In the grade schools. The following Is the list of seventy-four pupils who will be promoted today to the High school: Charles Baldwin, Mamie Barton, Bessie Beach, Edith Beswlck, Bayard Black. Carl Benjamin, Haxel Cook, Bes;le Crane, Will Cutler, Ruby Buse, Amanda Buckroan, Brook Carll, Ethyl Crisp, Joe Crose, Mary Chrlstensen, Clara Chllds, Loretta Dasbach, Mlntle Drake, Arthur Englund, Evoline Edgerton, New ton Farrel, Helm Gaines, Bessie Greer, Annie Graney, Charles R. Hart, Grace Hall, Ellcabeth Hamburg, John Howe, Mary Har den, Fay Howard, May Henry. Ester Han sen, Otto Hinrlchs, Frank Hennlnger; Oven Hunt, Marlon Harlan, Dora Hinrlchs, Eva Jones, Jessie Jackson, Ralph Jacobs, Lu etic Jarvia, Harry Kerney, Nellie Lewis, Jessie Llnlnger, Donald Mayne, Beasle Moomaw, Agnta Nelson, Velma E. Peck, Haxel Pippin, Nora Rolph, Gertrude Reed, Mae Rltter, Felix Scheffler, Gus Sauer, Clara Stamy, Nellie Swanson, Marina Slme, Dora Spetman, Florence Schroeder, Irma 8mith, Nellie Stephens, Fred Sheely, Esther Thomas, Gladys Thomson, Freda Timme, Hilda Vogeler, Msrlon Van Brunt, Roy M. Wahlgren, Scott Wesley, Margaret Wllea, Paul WadawdTth. John Wack, Ed Wood. Edward Walk. With the exception of Charlea Baldwin all of the pupils are from the Washington Arnue school.' The advent of seventy four new pupils Into the high- school Will make the total enrollment (43, the highest mark reached In the hlatory of the insti tution. Last year at the close of the first semester ' the enrollment was 627, which then beat all previous records. Another Heating Stove Free. The first heating stove given by William Welch to his coal customer was awardad to the Christian home.. Another has been put up on the same plan, and during tho next thirty days will be given away free to one of his customers. Before ordering your coal call at 16 North Main street or 'phone 12$. TWO 'SOCIETIES TALK SHOP Engineers and Brick and Tile Maker Hold Conventions '. at , Ami, AMES, la., Jan. 22. (Special Telegram.) Thlt evening't Joint aeeslon of the Iowa Brick and Til association at Engineering hall closed It twenty-third annual con vention. The convention met Wednesday, holding anoint program with the Engineer ing association, afternoon " and evening. Tnl, forenoon a special session was .1 t 1 1. . . held and 'In the afternoon a business session tad the following officer elected: Presi dent, O. T. Denlson, . Mason City; vice president, D. F. Morey, Ottumwa; treas urer, C- J. Holman, Sergeants Bluff;" sec retary, I. A. Williams, Ames. The program during the session In cluded addresses on subjects of Interest to brick and til men, on the subjects of clays, kilns, drainage, tile, various kinds of brick and methods of making brick and Ul. The Iowa Engineering society held ses sions Thursday forenoon. Joint sessions with the other associations .Wednesday and Thursday evenings, and will continue In session tomorrow. The program at the Joint sessions In clude addresaess on "Good Roads," C. P. Curtis. Ames; "Ventilating and Heating system of Engineering Hall," O. W. Bis sell, Ames; "An Engineer In Switzerland," W. J. Kamer, assistant chief engineer ot the Illinois Central rrilroad; "Des Moines River Viaduct at Fort Dodge," H. O. Keith, bridge engineer of Chicago I Great Western railway. Bridge construction. water supply system, seware disposal and palatable waters were subjects dis cussed. TBls evening, after the close of tho Joint session, a reception and banquet waa ten dered the members of the two associations by the Amea Commercial club at Engineer Ing hall. Laborer Commits Snlclde. CRESTON, la., Jan. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Peter Smith, who haa been em ployed on the, concrete gang near Nodaway, committed aillrMA anmA tlmn laat nfti In . 7 . . J. . I . ' a room at the Park house by shooting him self in the head. Hla body wat not found until late yesterday afternoon, when tbo door was broken In. He waa a single man, whose home was at Rome. He left no money and but few personal effect. Lot-, ters on his person disclosed the cause to havt been despondency. His father com mitted suicido in 18T7 by hanging, after aeveral attempts. The remains await word from hla two alsters, the only living rela tives. Robber Lose Hat aad Mask. AMES, la., Jan. 22. ( Special. ) A masked robber entered the Northweatern lun:h counter here last night and held up Allen Buck, the night clerk, and Charles Anler son, a roundhouse man. Buck gave battle to the robber tnd tucceeded In snatching his mask and hat. The robber thereupon knocked him down with hla revolver, in flicting a severe wound, then fled, with Buck crying loudly for help. He got no money, but left hit hat and mask. Propose t Teat Gam Law. SIOUX CITY. It.. Jan. 22. (Special Tel egram.) Ia It a violation of tbe Iowa game law to have In one'a possession out of sea son prairie chickens shipped from Ne braska? B. C. Potter tayt not and pro poses to shoot a few holes Into the com monly accepted . erslon of the Iowa game law. The authorities found 204 prairie chlckena in hie meat market, seized the birds and arrested Potter. His case vlll b tried in a Justice court Monday and a bitter fight Is planned. Dislocated Her Shonlder. Mrs. Johanna Soderholm of Fergua Falls, Minn., fell snd dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get It back In place as soon aa possible, but tt waa quit acre and pained her very much. Her eon mentioned that he had aecn Chamberlain's Pain Balm adver tised for apralnt and soreness, and sba tskad him to bay her a bottle of tt, which be did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to aleep. which aba had not done for several day. Tbo son wss so much pleased with the relict it gae I .a mother that he baa since recommeaded It la many othera. MONROE GETS THE BANNER Bbewi the Greatest Gain in Republican Vote at the Last Election JASPER COMES SECOND ON THE LIST Railway Men's Club Aaaoanrea the Abandonment of Fast Freight Train Both East and West Bonnd. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Jan. 22. (Special.) The program ha Just been arranged for the annual meeting cf the lowa Tippecanoe club and announcement made of the win ning counties lor the banner and flag. The club has a banner which goes to the county which makes the best showing of compar ative republican vote In the preceding state election and a flag to go to the second best. A committee ot the club today awarded the banner to Monroe county and the flag to Jasper eoun'y. Monroe county came within three votes of having aa many republican voies last year as In the presidential elec tion of two years before. The banner for 1901 went to Dubuque 'and the flag to Davis county. The banquet of the club will be held on February 9 in thla city, when republicans from all over the state will gather here. The banner wlir be returned by Senator Crawford of Dubuque and will be presented to Monroe county by Oovernor Cummins. The flag will be returned from Davis by Colonel S. A. Mooro of Blnomfleld and will he presented to Jasper cctlnty by Mayor James Brenton of thlt city, on behalf Of the club. The event it one which usually results in a large gathering of representa tive republicana from all over the state. Fast Freight Trains Abandoned. At a meeting of the Iowa Railway club In this city at which waa gathered a large number of the leading railway superintend ents and others, it was -made known that after the first of next month the railroad companies crossing Iowa are going to aban don the effort to beat each other with fast stock trains from Missouri river points and beyond. The railroad managers have reached the conclusion that such competi tion as they havo been Indulging In for several years Is too expensive and the damage to track and rolling stock by rea son of the faat time made by stock trains more than counterbalances all benefits de rived. The schedules will all be revlacd and the time lengthened. At the same time the fast trains for freight from Chi cago westward will be abandoned and longer hours be allowed for the tranbpor tation of all freight. New Corporation. f Dlllln-,Warren company of McCalUburg; capital increaeed from $15,000 to $30,000. Montrose Savings bank of Montrose) cap ital $10,000; R. H. Youkin, president; W. O. Goodrich, cashier. ' L. Ht Langworthy company of Dubuque; capital. $20,000; L. H. Langworthy, presi dent; C. H. Hubbard, secretary. . Iowa-Wyoming Marble'company of Coun cil Bluffs; capital, $50,000; by O. H. Rich mond, D. W. Bo.ab.nell and other. Church Federation of America ot Mar shalltown, a mutual insurance company;, by W. O. AlbrookJ C. C. Vail and others. Soldlvra' Exemption. A'ttofney General Mullan today rendered an opinion to ttie it ate auditor on behalf of the county audltorW Bremer county In the matter of exemptlob for ex-soldiers on property listed for taxation. The attorney general pointed out that the exemption of $800 tor toldlen appllet to personal prop erty and t) real eatate alike and should be deducted in every instance, save where It Is found that a soldier hat property worth above $5,000 to be listed for taxation.. There bat been aorao question as to whether this should be exempt from personalty, but the law makes no distinction. No Coal Conference Delegates. Oovernor Cummin has been urged by Mayor Maybury of Detroit to designate Iowa persons resident In Washington or othera to represent the state at a second conference In regard to the coal situation to be held In Washington next Tuesday, The governor did not send delegate to the first conference and will not to tbjs one. Governor Cummins Is confined to hit home with Illness, but hope to be sole to attend the Omaha club banquet January 29 and apeak in memory of President McKIn ley. He has canceled all other Immediate engagementa. Reapoaalblllty for Bee Stlnaa The Iowa supreme court today affirmed a Judgment in Warren county where a ped dler compelled a farmer to pay for a team of horsta stung to death by the farmer's beet. The team had been hitched near the beet tnd they attacked the horses. The horses were hitched in a public highway and the court holds the farmer negligent In placing his bees too near the bitching poet. The atate case of Zenas W. John, from i. . . . ' ; Muscatine, was amrmea, ana ne must serve ten year for perjury, becauae he awore falaely In trying to clear himself ot a charge of murder. Coart Deelslon. Tbe following were the decisions of the supreme court today: Mary R. Lawrence, appellant, against Washburn; Jonea pounty. Judge Rrmley; controversy over location of division line; affirmed, opinion by Weaver. Kllsabeth Manson against Alexander Sun plat, appelant; Dubuque county, Juiig O'Donnefl; foreclosure; affirmed, opinion by Sherwtn. Mary Fauait against A. W. Hosford, ap pellant; Dubuque county. Judge O'Donnell; recovery of money obtained through fraud; reversed, opinion by Deemer. Surah E. Hurry against V. H. Rownd et al, appellants; Bluckhawk county, Judge Piatt; relormutlon of a deed; affirmed, opin ion by BUihop. Carriers Blake Good Time. TECCMSEH, Neb.. Jan. 22. (Special.) Tbe four rival mail carriers from tbe Te cumseh postofflce walked their respective routes one day recently as the result ot a banter. They atarted at 11:30 o'clock In the morning. Eugene Bush, on route No. 2, waa the first to get in, having walked the shortest dlatancc. He arrived at 4.40 o'clock, having walked twenty miles. Ern est Young of route No 3 returned at 6:06 o'clock, after a trip of twenty-two miles. William Devenney. carrier of rout No. 1, ot horn at 6:10 o'clock, after serving patrona on a twenty-three and three-quar-tera-mile trip. William Graff of rout No. 4 waa the Jast one to get In. He re turned at 8:t5. after a twenty-three and one-half-mile Jaunt. At each farmhouae the boys had to turn out and go to the gate and recelv aad leave mall, and the rec- crda ar considered good one. Confess to Hobhery. SHELTON. Neb.. Jsn. 22 tSpeclsl.) The thief who entered F. C. Park's barber shop Monday ngbl and took therefrom all the tools .waa arretted th next day by Marshall Oliver. He waa found bunking with a special railway car gaug and tbe barber outfit stolen was found concealed lu the bunk with him. When arrested he deuled being connected with the theft, but yea.vrday hs owned up and waa taken be fore Justice Mitchell sad on pleading guilty wat bouad over to the dlatrlct eourt and will be taken to Kearney to await sentence. He gtvet Ms name aa William Diamond and claims his borne Is In Denver. BANQUET THE LEGISLATORS Mitchell Show That It Appreciate Passage of the Capital Re moval Bill. MITCHELL, S. D., Jan. 22. (Special Tel egram.) This afternoon forty members of the South Dakota legislature were ten dered a banquet by the cltlsent of thlt city. The arrived on the North Milwau kee pasaenger train, which laya here two hours by schedule, and the opportunity was Improved by preparing a sumptout banquet for the legislators who returned home this way. A brief address ot welcome was extended by Hon. H. C. Preston, city attorney. The banquet wst given aa a slight recognition for the Interest the members displayed In the capital removal fight at the opening of the legislative aeasion. The entire membership of the legislature was extended an Invitation to be present at the opening of the Widaiann during the latter part of September, when the corn palace will be In operation. TAKES A NINETY'FOOT TUMBLE Hot Spring; Qnarrymaa Likely to arvlve with no Broken Bonea. HOT SPRINGS, 8. D.. Jan. 22. (Special.) William Officer, who has bee'n working at the B. & M. quarry at Chllson, near Edge tnont, fell a distance of ninety feet and Is atlll alive, with good prospect of recovery. He was clearing a place on the face of the quarry in which to drill a hole and while attempting to roll a boulder ovec the face of the cliff he lost his balance and fell He was picked up and taken to Edgemont and after an examination It was learned that no bone were broken, but as internal Injurlea were feared he waa taken to the Orand Island hospital on the next train. It Is a marvel how he escaped being in stantly killed. It It supposed that his fall waa broken somewhat by a ledge about half way down. He waa perfectly conrlous while in the hands of the physicians and spoke of pains In his chest and shoulders. Historical society Meeting. PIERRE. 8. D.. Jan. 22 (Special Tele gram.) At the biennial meeting of the State Historical society last night Bishop O'Gorman of Sioux Falls delivered an ad dress on the early explorations of the Da- kola territory and a paper was read by President Riggs on early settlements. The old officers of the society were re-elected, being Rev. T. S. Riggs, Omaha, president; Rev. F. M. Shanafelt. Huron, vice presi dent; Doane Robinson, Aberdeen, secre tary. The state treasurer Is made by law the treasurer of the aoclety. Operation on Oovernor' Boa. PIERRE, S. D., Jan. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Dr. Mayo of Rochester, Minn., and Dr. Foxton of Huron today, assisted by Dr. Robinson of this city, perfo-med an operation for appendicitis at Benedictine hospital in this city upon Roscoe, the ton of Governor Herreid. The operation was successfully performed and the patient It as well aa could be expected. Deeds for Baaltariam Delivered. HOT SPRINGS. S. D., Jan. 22. (Special.) The deeds for the national sanitarium site have been turned over to the commit tee for the government and grading "vlll be commenced In a few weeka. Meets with Palnfol Accident. . HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Jan. 22. (Special.) While assisting In shelling some corn yes terday at the farm of John Cassldy, north of the city, Henry Lutt met with a pe culiar and painful accident. He waa feed ing the machine when the cylinder threw out a piece of a cob, and It struck him In the eye with sufficient force to knock him from the feeding platform. For a time he could not tee and It was feared the tight had been destroyed entirely. After receiv ing medical attention, l.owever, the Indi cations are that no permanent injury will result. Health at Small Cost. A few doset of Dr. King's New Life Pills will cleanse, tone and Invigorate the whole ystem. Try them. Only 25c. For tale by Kuhn & Co. FORECAST 0E THE WEATHER Snow Is Promised for Nebraska aad Iowa Today or To morrow. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. Forecast: For Nebraska Snow Friday or Saturday; Saturday warmer. For Iowa Fair Friday, except tnow In west portion; Saturday snow. For North and South Dakota Fair and warmer Friday; Saturday fair. For Illinois Fair Friday; Saturday snow or rain; fresh north to northeast winds. For Colorado Snow and colder Friday; Saturday fair and warmer In northeast por tion. For Wyoming Snow and colder Friday; Saturday fair and warmer. For Kansas Rain or snow Friday, colder In west portion; Saturday fair and colder in southeast portion. For Montana Fair Prlday and warmer In northeast portion: Saturday fair. For Missouri Fair Friday, except rain or snow In west portion; Saturday rain. Loral Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BL'REAl.'. OMAHA, Jan. -l. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the co -ekponuing uay ot tne last tli.eo years: 1903. 19T2. 1901. 19CA a 31 45 57 17 2i 2b 32 ) LU JUS 44 T .00 .UU .00 Maximum temperature .. Minimum temperature ... Mean temiwruture Precipitation Kecord of temperature nd precipitation at Omaha for thla day and nlnce March 1. 'J0!: Normal temperature 19 Kimi for the day 1 Total excess since March 1 4 Normal precipitation 03 inch L-eflclency for the day 02 Inch Total rainfall since Mar-h 1 29.68 lr..-ha Deficiency since Marcn i i.w inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1B.... t. 30 Inches LM-nclency for cor. period, lSul 19 inch Heport Irons Stations at T P. M. -it a 33 CONDITION' OF THE WEATHER. Omana. clear 21' Ol 1st 2 Val'-ntlne. snowing North Platte, rli.udy Cheyenne, snowing Suit Ijike City, cloudy Rapid City, snowing Huron, clear V. lllleton. cloudy Chicago, snowing St. Ixiuls, clear St. Paul, clear Davenport, partly cloudy ... Kansa City, clear Havre, cloudy Helena, clear BUmarck. cloudy 0lve.n, clear Sn .OJ 341 .03 '4 .OJ Ml Ml 41 .00 14! .00 321 . 141 3Hj l 30 32 Is 34 41 .u 141 .4)0 U .' Ml .00 t2 1 .a 4u T I W! 101 .00 .1 b ' .U0 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WEt-SH. ' Local forecast UlticlaL BOMBARDMENT IS RENEWED German Orurert Open Fire Again on San Oarloi rota. WEDNESDAY'S BATTLE IS CONTINUED Twelve Trnesoelaa Killed on First Day, Fortlnratlon Damaged aad (inns Dlamoaated la plte of Bad Markamaaahlp. MARACAIBO, Jan. 2i The bombard ment of Fort San Carlos by the German cruisers Vlnets, Panther and Falke was continued yeslerdsy afternoon until S o'clock. It was resumed this morning at day break. The first shells were hurled at the fort at 4 o'clock at long range. At Panther, belag ot light draught, closed In and again became actively engaged. The fort re plied. At 8. the engagement was proceed ing aa fiercely aa yeaterday. Twelve dead and fifteen badly wounded Venexuelana were counted In the fort at 7 last night. The result of today's bom bardment Is not yet known. Report First Day's Flarht. Panlhcr left its position close to Fort San Carlos, which It took up earlier In the day, yesterday afternoon at i. and Joined Falke, halt a mllo outside the har bor and about five miles from the fort. At 3 the corrhBpondcut of the Associated Press, It, a rowboat, approached one sldo of the fort, out of range, and witnessed tho long range fire of the German cruisers, which i was continued from 3 till 6. Vineta and Falke were close together and nearer the fort than Panther. The first two vessels, at a range of four and a half miles, poured In a continuous rain ofshell and only stopped firing when It became dark. At this hour the German vessels retired seaward, after having made two Ineffectual attempts to land troops In the village of San Carlos, situated at the base of the fort. At 7 on Wednesday evening the corre spondent, who was accompanied by a gov ernment telegrapher bearing a telegram from President Castro to the commandant of San' Carlos, landed on the Island and entered the fort. The walls were terribly battered and there were many evidence of the fierce engagement. Twelve dead Venetuelan soldiers were counted behind the ramparts and fifteen other men, se rlouslr wounded, were lying on a low plat form. The fort was literally covered with pieces of broken shells, though many ot the German shells had not exploded. The magazine bad a harrow escape, two shells having come within an aca of pene trating It. ' It It estimated by the commandant, Gen. eral Bello, that the German ships fired more than 1,600 shells. German Ala I Bad. Although the damage Inflicted by the sustained Ore of the German cruisers Is great, it It not at that would be expected from tuch a continuous fire from modern high power guns. The village of San Carlos suffered greatly. - The aim of the German gunuera appeared to have been Inaccurate, for mora than 60 per cent of their shells exploded In the village before reaching the fort. The cannon mounted at San Carlos had not sufficient range to reach Falke and Vineta, ao tho fire from these vessels wat not returned. Vineta and Falke draw too much water to cross the bar. Panther alone could do so, and this explains why it wat tbo only one to come In close to the fort.. ... 8ome of the artillery on the fort has been destroyed by the German fire, but there are still five guns that can be fired. General Bello hat shewn great bravery and It In no way Intimidated. He will not abandon the fort,' but will resist as long at It It possible for blm to do so. He tweara that on January 17, the occaalon of the first bombardment. Panther fired upon him first, without reason and without pro vocation. The report that the biggest of the three attacking vessels was either Engllrfh or Italian is untrue. All three vessels were German. The Venezuelan gunboat Miranda It In Lake Maracalbo. It waa doubtless the In tention of Panther. In trying to paas the fort and get Into the lake, to capture this vessel. The passage over the bar that leads Into the lake It narrow and the fort com mands it. General Bello It confident that be can alnk Panther if it attempt to get bx with the fire ot the five guna that re main to him. Wedneaday night passed without Incident and the garrison of Fort San Carlos retted from the fight of the day and made prep arations for what the morrow might bring forth. A fisherman from the village of San Carlot has arrived with hi family. Two of his children were killed by shells from the German cruisers. He reports that more than twenty-five Indian fishermen have, been killed or wounded tt San Carlot. The fishermen there are helpless. Last night there was a popular demon stration on th street! of thlt town. Caracas la Sarprlsed. CARACAS. Jan. 22. The German bom bardment of Fort San Carloa ia incompre hensible here. Tbe shelling was begun without any warning whetever. The for eign residents of Caracaa are greatly dis satisfied with this action of the German washlps, especially aa the Vantsuelan gov ernment maintains a fair and generous at titude In the matter of claims. Senor Baralt, foreign minister, aald to day: What more can we do than accept the term of the powers and send Mr. Bowen with full power from Venezuela to ne gotlate at Washington. Have we refused to agree to tne tf-rinHT State Department I Reticent. WASHINGTON. Jan. 22. A cablegram has been received here from Mr. Russell, American charge tt Caracas, confirming the press report to the effect that three war ships began to bombard Fort San Carlos yesterday. Th cablegram doea not Indicate the re sult Ot the bombardment, and, in fact, con tains no other detail. There ia a aingular reticence on the part of tbe Stat department officials, suddenly developed, In connection with the Venezue lan situation and especially with reference to the German bombardment, which may ASTHMA Climate wear oat. smokes and spray do not cure, Tbey relieve aymptoin lusU-ad of removing cause : wberea. we lak Astuuia so thoroughly out of th )u-m that nothing remains . wblrhcau pro4uceanatlack;suf1vrrr ar suoo able to work, eat, ! p and stand exposure without the sllKMest return of Astbrrut, brlns right In principle our treatment does what ' rollers" cannot do. We cure to stay . cured severe, Inna-standlng and pro- , Dounend "Incurahle" eases. If you ar Is bemuse you a re Ignorant of our i ml worn. Mince we bav treated fai,0n0 Asthma aud Hay Fever urrersra. If Tu denlr eonipleto re lltrf, bntlth restored, aud no return of Asibma, writ nr our Book 79 f-ra. s wanoi.H 14 IS, BifrALO, . T. be significant of the gravity with whlen tie view the situation. There la no longer any talk of exerting friendly Influences to prevent the bom bardments, but It Is difficult for the depart ment to answer congressional caller who are seeking for a reesonable explanation. An annoying feature of the situation It th probability that there may be t serious Interference with Minister Bowen'l mis sion. In which the Vnlted States, though not oQclally concerned, Is deeply Inter ested. There were msny rumort afloat to fh effect that the State department had taken steps to point out to th foreign offices at London, Berlin snd Rome Its view on this subject, but this could no.t be confirmed today. It was stated that at present th attitude of the Vnlted States must be on of pstlent waiting. Secretary Hay still remains at hit home nursing a cold. Such business aa Mr. Bowen has to do with blm Is transacted at his house. The minister was up at an early hour this morning tnd disappeared from his hotel, to It waa said, as rarda were refused save to th German' charge. Count Quadt. who returned unexpectedly from New York last night. He had been awaiting the arrival from Europe of hla family. So It Is a fair proposition that, his sud den return to Washington, without meet ing them, wat brought about by the un toward turn In Venezuelan affairs. Allied Diplomat Confer. Count Quadt also had a long conference at the British embassy with Sir Michael Herbert, and he also paid a call at the Italian embassy, where the ambassador, who Is suffering from a slight Indisposi tion, was unable to see him. It waa stated that nothing in the naturt of an answer to Minister Bowen's proposi tion for a removal of tbe blockade, as a condition precedent to negotiations, had been received from any of the European foreign offices, although it la admitted that there Is a free exchange of notes In prog ress between the embasslet and th Eu ropean capitals. Later Mr. Bowen appeared at the 61 ate department and had a short talk with Dr. Hill and with Third Assistant Secretary Pierce. He la making a number ot teml offlclal calls on the foreign embasslet and legations, other than tbo allies, and It It believed that thla it In pursuance ot hla general ejluty of adjusting any proper claims they nisy have against Venezuela. It la the underatandlng that none of the countries which refrained from Joining In the blockade will be permitted to suffer by Venezuela In consequence ot forbearance, but citizens who have suffered at a result ot a Venezuelan revolutionary movement will, when it comes to a aetMement of claims, be placed upon an equality with claimants from England, Germany and Italy. ROME, Jan. 22. The second bombard ment on San Carlot by the German war ships haa produced an unfavorable Impres sion here, as tbe necessity for a recourse to violence Is considered to have passed. Government officials are most cautloua In expressing opinions of the matter. In view of tbe peculiar situation of Italy, that coun try being allied with Germany Independ ently of the Venezuelan affair. Officials, however, say frankly that Italy will continue Its efforts toward concilia tion as It hat no resentment toward Vene zuela and Is seeking only to obtain the payment of Its .claims. Up to a late hour this evening the For eign office had received no representation from Washington regarding the bombard ment. FALLING HAIR Save Your Hair with Shampoos of Cuticcra Soap and Dressings of Cutlcura, Forest, Sweetest, Most EMyc and Economical ReMies For Making the Hair Grow when All Else Fails. Prevent baldness and cleanse tho scalp ot crusts, scales and dnndruffwith shampoos of Cutlcura Soap, and light dressings with Cutlcura, , purest of emollients aud greatest of sklu cures. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales aud dand ruff, destroys hair parasites, soothes Irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, loosens the scalp sVlo, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, aud makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all else falls. Millions now rely on Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, the great sklu cure, for preserving, purify ing and beautifying the skin, for cleans ing the Scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, ana the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitenlDg and toothing red, rough, and sore hands, , for baby rashes, lichlngs and dialings, in the form of baths tor annoying IrritatloDt and Inflammations or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weak nesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes, which readily suggest them selves to women and mothers, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Sale greater thai .the world's product of other skin cure Hold throughout the civilized world. McGRfeW SPECIALIST Treats all forma f ISEASES AND DISOtDEU OP MEN ONLV IT Tear Export rncs, Tear la omM. Hi rmrkbl sue es ha avr baa equaled aad every day bring many fuller ing report of th good a la doing, r th rellsf n haa given. Hot Springs Treatment for StpMlls And aU Blood Poisons. NO "BRKKINQ OUT" on tb skin or fae and all tlrBi lgn ot th disaaa auappear at onr. til Ann 4IOC1CC r-..tlr yr4 la DtaUUtJ IMteWia kMstkaa BO Day. VARICOCELE tSj;. . uit.ii aMcbfa, tu-kotur, Gkxi. aUdocy ao Iiiuoor iiae, ii "ZSiClZ CURES LOW CUAJCJEa. Truuut by uuOi. . U. buz M. OOm avr i a. isia u(. btwn 'asaa M Leuaita UI Cat Ul a. - - ( 2 A sT '"T-'