Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1903, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 23. 1D03. 3 CONVENTIONS IS PLtm Hunter of Stat i Zoi ct.ti Hi'.d Msetiiri a. Xht Cartel Citj. DAIRY INTEREST Of STATE GROWING oprerae Coort Dismisses Diane AIM Head Davra Maay Other Onlaloa. (From a "tad Correpon.lent. IJNCOLN. Jra. t8pe lal ) Tbs dairymen cot toher lu a tin t.-. I session t tha chapel of th Btt'e uV.verslty f h morning and held mott 'arresting meet ing at which ere present a Hrge num ber of tho.'e Interested In cow and cow meaaurea. Governor Mickey. Presidec' Dinsmore and Secretary Firna of the Board of Agriculture attended aod earh mcde a ahort talk. Tn ft. I . I mAAmmm . I .1 .... , t O Bnlvely of Lincoln spoke enthusiastically cf the growth cf dairying in Nebraska. He pointed to the Influence of .the wcal:h of the agr cultural population of a country "ft""" " " "-, been aaid that no country reachea Ita high- I TBI nrT-ioymrBi uaui n ibi mrn rri- fitenlvIy In dairying. Nebraska Is par tlrulsrly a4aptrd to dal-ylng by Itt faTor ble climate, pure watera. natural grassca. aweet. nutrltioua and abundant, and Its grains, which are not unknown among the dairymen of Europe. Also by Ita alfalfa. h'ch tTcwa so luxuriously aa to make oue think It Inligenoua. A report of Treasurer Ttassett sbowej that tha receipts for the year wrre JTS.i.M. and that there la a bnlance thcteof cn hand In cash of t2?.2. Tbf state appropri ation fcr tbe biennial was $2.or. of which there remains a balance of lt.1D2.07. la hla report aa aecretary. Mr. Bassett also recounted the Increasing growth of the dairy Interests of Nebraska and points jmt the Influencra bearing upon it. He also submitted a plea for proceia or ren ovated butter aa a whoreaoaie article of diet against which the discrimination of (the federal statute In ita antl-oleomarga-rlne law la ar. Injustice. . Dr. J. J. Fepp of the Iowa Agricultural college read an Illustrated paper oo dis eases of the udder, and Dr. 8. Stewart of Kansaa City apoke on tubrrculosla. W. C. Beaumont of Hemlngford presented apecimrn of the once much abused Rus alan thistle In a new role and -spoke at considerable length In commendation of its naefulness aa forage plant for da'.ry cows. IrrUatlaa C oareatloa. The Nebraska Irrigation association will hold Ita annual convention In room 111. University hall, mala building on the uni versity eampua, beginning tomorrow fore noon at 10 o'clock. All delegates, practical Irrigators, members of th legislature and frlenda Interested tn tbe cauae" of Irrigation will be cordial It welcome. A large number of delegatea art alrttdy In the city, an! J other will arrive on late tralna today. Dlaeaaalaaa Over Cora. Tbe Corn Improvers' aatoclatlon got down to business this morning wi'h large number present. H. F. M:Iotcsh cf Omaha Int red .iced a resolution declaring In favor of an appropriation of $ I. COO. 000 to $2,000. 000 If possible fcr necereary buildings at toe state farm. President Lee Smith of De 8oto deliv- . i . j a bf -Prof. T. L. Lyon of this cAy wh ! spoke of th experiments conducted by the j association. , In th absence of P. G. 'Holden of Amca. Ia.. A. P. Grout of Win chester, Clt, eeodacted Ahe discussto-ou breeding corn and II. F. Mcintosh spoke af the' need of corn Improvers. 1 In the discussion many questions of technical Interest -were raised, ft seemed to be settled thereby that' corn which grows low anon the stock Is best for the' yield and matures earlier and that In thia aectlon at leajt, vh'n the eara aro nllr. tn. K. nvln In II 1 fi nlrn of . heavy yield. Tber. waa also con.ld- VZ'r VbiT. gcod or XTn :T;tzT::;z::Jz ,"ckiv";';,ijtltta 'uu cou,d - ia- era. it sucn can maeea do avoiaea. ta)ned fQr Uck of cr,glnill Jur,MlclOIIi the "rtkor" Breesfra. , The Shorthorns were long on gord thinss t enforced only in a criminal trial. company against Craw- at their aixth annual metir.g this morn-; Martin Langdon. who is an attorney at j ford. Ke ers.vl. H !comb, J. Ing, even though W. J. Bryan was no- j ,,w ,n South Omuha. need not pay James logan against Wittum. Affirmed. Sulll tined too late to deliver hla addreaa. i Conlin the sum demanded by him for aerv- ! v'Keaane Trust Company againat Ather Prealdent Hanna gave a good talk and E. I rendered In drumming up suits for him. j ton. Affirmed. Albert. C. B Mitchell told how to breed show cattle. ! The supreme court saya tht this la clearly i Red W illow Company against Smith. Re- C. D. Bellows (old how t Ct cattle for the 1 ale ring. About ZOu were prcaent at the meeting. ITee Keener gwarsa. Yeaterday afternoon tbe bee kerfier de cided to hereafter hold their meetings In the winter In conjunction with the rgrlcultural and other societies. The adul teration of or entire substitution of glu A grest i cose for honey waa discussed deal of thla Is psssed upou l he public for honey and legislation Is needed for the protection of honey the same a In th case cf butler. The direct aale of tho proluct from th producer to the con sumer waa favored. Veterlaartaaa Raperlaaeat. Out at th tat farm thia morning tha Nebraaka State Veterinary aasorlaticn met for practical demonstrations In the treat ment of d'eeaaes of . farm animals. Dr. Peters of tbe university 4 arm and Dr. Twakar of Lincoln conducted the experl men aad several operations were per formed. At tbe afternoon meeting papers wer read relating 'lo the treatm nt of dlaeasea. C'aptala Klaaer Wed. Fia'nk Ringer. ' late captain of Lincoln company of light infantry. Nebraska Na tional Guard, waa married at the home of the bride Ihla morning to Mlsa a Jeon'e Gertrude Bell- Immediately alter the cer- )7sjsf Moil9 HAIX.MCAITH alwaya brinps back the natcml and . beautitui uor o youtii to gray. iadeJ or bleached hair. uivea new i.'c fcua crowtn lo thin nair. drutf and ba Mmrvs. lm mot m afjna, but a hair food, and t puamsel rrtor-a grav hair to us youthful Ci-.r. A baahhlul bar ctrcsa.og anal at avsaf bow Mrs. Kdct, MuucUbutgh, V. Va., waa mad jourg tm by using MAY'S SHUR-HEALTH et mm. My k u t W lor tiyM m r 1 m mtmm t (kOsarfi M U ibaat my . m? .; k lm uUf mm t mM. Am. fm i . m", iimMJktmg9 mm mmmt W f-m wmy mmmd 44 I hmvm mmt mmt4 tui ot mm DattL LAJtQS SOC B01TLE5. AT IXAOLNQ DCtO115Ti. Fbc3 So&p OSiesr t Cat aat aad ars i . '-. ta yea a ka- mi i rtavs rftw-raaattti tn Wna eaaa ir H.. . Si i- aa. lkt at nii4 r aaarmiiias Ca ( e't$a rvkra at UMlr abaeta aaly, ar iy aV Faala Uf -a . V --:. N J ,a.M waa w aui soap, ky tpnra. ta ta.Wi pavlac ua. -j- v ftv. l tsu ft . j ism tuftiaoa. r h n Hire Kaw..M... iWMiiaii ' v' arariai.'naa l c , aa i ' Si . NMa. N ) Aftita M-ft aaaitwara Jmt aar; y a I H Hmmttk E Nu.Hag Druvx:T aapr tfary IteirWk 1 OVIRtl-KTMN a CO . litk aa tVualaa. (CI. iaa aaa raptlal. arltt bUXOX llHIU m . SABAT"sv PHAB . 241 h aa4 ian a MMILiV. i sisav ruin , Mk. racYTA.i. mi W. ar. UUtVkS., ut . aaoax. aJI fxfs; iJw vsron; frnte rf-. for bridal :rl" eai.. Sex. ' t ' CbrjrMas 'Sir pr-'ol lbs crrmtj. TTsMle. l.ird. t H b 1 sd Kt p ibUr t a: tb ?..llo1a place am! dates: An'eloje r-nnty. 'a; Nellgh. February : Holt cr,ur,ty. a O'Neill. February 1: Rock county, ai Hasaett. Februiry I'1: Brawn coin: jr. a' Alosaoeth. February 1': Cherry eMinty. at Vslent'oe, Feb-uary U; SbeH Ian c-"iaty. t Knhvllle, Feiruery H: Paa-M ovnty. at Chadron. February II; SI. flinty, at Harrison, February 1 .A!ju'n' iTcnl rviliy will not turn o-r !:e o3"re to rataij Culver until r-l"ia--y TbU t iu wan ink! by fu ral Colby In erder to I abia lo make an .cven'ory of tbs r"'rnmit property !r. I hi" rbT of the offl-r. Iiertatoaa la t'earl. In a decision handed down by tbe su preme totirt last evening too tl.'rMS verdict recovered In the I.anejiter district coort stains' the Evans Launlry company by nra rmrford la reversed and a new trial gran'ed. A decision of Intereat to fraternal so rleiiea la tint in tbe case of Warner, ad- mlnlatrafor? eralost the Modern Wood men. Ar:i St. JM. Leon Richardson Joined the order at Msq'ioo, 111., taking out a ben e fli-1 a ry certificate that ran Tn favor of big lejral b!r. He kept op bla n.. - ,Kr.hln nxll he died at Seward. Neb.. jcne j- 1on jj. Ilgent aearch failed to reveal any relaties. W.rner bad himself , appointed administrator of the estate and , brought ault on the M.0) certificate, claim- " irusiee 01 me runa created oy me cerxin caie and that it waa Impreasod w'.th a trLst In favor of his administrator. The supreme court holda that this Is not the law, and that the money reverta back to the association. The purposes of a fra ternal association. It says, are vaatly dif ferent from those of an old-line insurance company, the policies of which have a mar ket or cas'j surrender value and confer a aluable right upon the beneficiary, which be cannot be divested of without Via con sent. A fraternal certificate, on the pher hand. Is a mere expectancy, the beneficiary bus no vetted right therein, being created by an assessment upon al' members liv ing and in good standing. Hla only inter est Is that of membership. Having no property in the certificate there Is no right or Interest upon which to Impress a trust. It became at hia death r-o pirt of hla estate .and the adminis trator has no right, title or interest there in. Beside that the administrator Is not Included among the benefletarles named In tue lawa of the association. The Intent la to provide surport for persons depend ent upon the member, and If the member had changed the beneficiary to his admin istrator It , would be absolutely void be cause be is- not of the class for whose benefit the association waa organised. All cases where recovery has been had are those where someone else tfcn the bene "clary, who Is dead before th member, might hive been the beneficiary. Richardson, It aeems. was brought np in an orphan asylum, and there Is no record of hla parentage and no relative has been found. Tava Crlmlaal Caaea. Alfred Moline. convicted In Phe'pr rountv of fraudulently obtaining tbe signature of ! Fred Krspf to a deed to a valuable quarter section of land, la gfsnted a new trtial. The Infcrmetlon la held not to state facts 1 ! and clrcumatrrces essentisl lo convict Mo- ! . . I line or tne crime Bccuseo. n:"n M- averaiin. a nruggiat of MInden. was convicted In the lower mnrt of .ini.f.' ,n, " I'qucr law. The etrpreme cour fnnr this. I'fa enoeal was based largely 0 technical grounds. Dlimlmra l a Ion rarlBe Caae. The" action rf the state to recover large peraltiea from tbe Unlet Pacific for alleged vlolationa of the maximum freight rate law w-nt the way of the one against the Mis si 'I Pacific The referee had decided thai tbe act waa Inoperative and void be cause dependent upon the statute creating tre state ra ilway commission, which had ...)oj ... . is!y declared unconatitutlonal. , I been prevlou ' clse being one where the penaltlea can be : alnst public policy and a contract la tnererore void, conlin was to gel 2a per ! cent cf what waa aecured for his services I in hunting up clients. I Clothier Falk of Hastings will have to claim aaalnat the state that he accented claim againat the state that he accepted. , i nr ruun uoiu iui uc oum not acc) a warrant for this amount and then appeal h "T. f .5e"!" ,h-. rem'Dd'r "J Ul IIIC .1.1 L.J , I ! . L (111- DL.l. 1.U1IIU DVl & - C. eff with the payment of less than It had ! Belts against Btate ex rel Jorgenson. Pro t handed over waa not borne cut by the facta. ! r?"' rrT"S,JiJm"S 1-oblngler. C. As to Dlatreaa Warraal (karate. In the caae of Red Willow county againit Isaac M. Smith, a deputy aheriff of that county, the court held that the sheriff or tbe county treasurer cannot recover the sum of SO cents upon escb distress warrant returned endorsed "no property found." The court aaya that a fee cannot be per mitted to be collected when there la no express statute allowing It. and that in view of the fact tbat In many cases it Is Impossible to collect on personal property because of the migratory naoits of many. It would offer a premium to Inciease 'he feea of officers at tbe expense of the public's without any locreaae In revenue. If the fee contended for in thia caae waa allowed. The action of the Lancaster county dis trict rourt in sustaining demurrers of A. D. Borgrlt aud hia bondsmen to the peti tion of the Northern Assurance compapy prevents aaa- arsaosaas.' "ta use canr.r.t be ie,rted. Oood fof 2 So eoka MARTINA SOAP U t la aav af tW Wwni gi-ii- a .hrr w1 f I aa af SnUcna liun a,"- I ft By af o s au. ca anu a a sc. cah at Harliaa nettatrd 9aa aa TWi o S iir f-tfty ( ToWi o S I. rtfty (( srruftr " - - ' lunpna. i a. a ar rwa. m iW U S ihm twa :tj atrd ,var'..Da ae tw taaBrtaaa aatlj s r arLL I'BIO CO . ir. Karaaia. HOWM L t'BI It aa raeaaaa, MKHCHAST. IMS Uavtr. :ul 4 -" J'H.N S aa aatr. :v oim ii. lai.t Fr- rvi m kaia. aataXat. u ar.aj . Huaau, tat m ihSN. I c sj as revlred. T rnrrrafl- r"i"d e b bond given as l' locil as-ot. claiming tha-. iororr bl'l'.'l li 'i a ceri'a-n policy, as instri'ctej. tbe company suffrred la-s. Tbe co'trt holds that tha atalute of limitation runs, not from tbe date of the art a bleb causes damage, but whin the pfvuniary loss was sustained. Aa agent cf llml'ej authority. It saya. murt a4bire faithf'illy tn h. lust melons anl If he eiceels, v!ol3i"-a or n-flects them, ar.d lass reulta as a consequence. It is bis duly to make it gnol. Raakera talua Maat I'sr. Th verlict of a lVux'is co-.iny Jury that tha Honkers tninn must psy Otto C. Fhwerln ti.o jrr.ount sarecd cpon In Ita contract of a-". lcert Irenrance. Pchwerlo lost an eye, as ha I'aic;;. ty a tree falling upn hitn. Tbo 1'ptcn i-hirartcrlied this va pre,-vtrcua ar. I Inslssod that h!a tes titroy showed vi tcasy (OTtrad'ctlrma that It I'Uitht to be thrown out aa fully untrust worthy. Tbe supreme rourt says that whether be told :h" 'ruth or not waa a qiKstlon fcr the Jury to decide, and hav ing tx-lteved him. Its ifrdlct wculd not be dlrturbed. ' Other Ielloa. The mandamus suit brought by J. T. Nlles to compel the auditor to register a 11.000 Douglas county bocu failed becauso tbe court hrld that the auditor waa enti tled to know the full history of tbe bonds rfgtr.,.oa. Ns hoIds k g , ar , ch t for . 5 pen, The p.w bonds are now omned by the achool fund. In the case of Vnion Savings' Bank against Lincoln Normal Vnivcrsity. the court affirms "he decree of the district court confirming the sale of the remains of the burned school building. One unsatis fied creditor objected, claiming that the purchaser had violated an Injunction by removing a part of the property pending litigation.' The court says that a refusal to confirm a sale ia not necessarily one of the punishments for contempt of court, as It might fall equally on the innocent and guilty. The case of Benjamin Koiiout egainst OGALALLA. Neb., Jan. S3. (Special Tele Mrs. P. A. Thorars. from Saline county, j gram.) C. F. Haak. canvassing among waa affirmed. Plaintiff charged that the I farmeVs for a Grand Island liquor house, woman had induced Anelixa Gunn. on her j arrested here for giving away wblaky deathbed, to deed her some property that ! samplee. He pleaded guilty and waa fined the. In a will, bequeathed to sora relatives, ' y County Judge Mathewa 1100 on each of but the court holts the plaintiff waited too ! tour counta. a total of $400. and Bent to 1 .... .V. I long to bring the suit. Oplatoaa Haaded Doas, Fremont Brewing Company against Han sen. Motion tor mandate ilemeii. Hart lord Fire lnsuran.-e Company against Hon. Motion for recall muniiate lni.l Commlaainnvra Dawes o'inty against Furay. uraer allowing alternative ant vaomeo. riuemy mutual rire insurance ompatw i against Murphy. Motl n to etrike brieis i overruled. Motion lo atflrm overruled. K. R. Ueinh. receiver, substituted as plaintiff in error an.1 given twenty days to ttcre and tile brief. iianiorth against Fowler. Motion to re quire matters to state tor whom apiicari TZZUJi,an, ,V-- r' 'JP'-n r,7'r,P I arnnavit oi crown overruled. Motion to i stnat iroin t.arecrlpt copy of aratwer of Me.en L. Jonea overruled. Motion to strike portion of clerk s certmcate overruled. Hhearer a-inst I'nion Stork Yards Com pany. L' on stiuulation. barker a?dlnt Farker. Motion for leave i to oocaet aa an apiieul overruled. Motion for order on aheriff to return lummini sus- tained. Dm against uimDret. for return of record. Older on attorney Kuseeil against Mci'arthy. Motion to quash till oi executor sustained . b'"" Iank .of Fender against Frey. Re- nearing oeniea. i,cniaHii Mutual IJfe Insurance rommnv againat Kiaii. Kenearmg oenied. tirown avalnst Chicago. Rock Island Pacific denied. Ha it road Company. Rehearing room againat Lewia. Rehearing denied. Chamberlain against Woolsey. Rehearing allowed. Knudson againat Parker. Jlehearlng al lowed. Prkin Plow Company againat Wilson. Re hearing denied. Ban lord against Anderson. Rehearing al lowed. Orcutt against McNslr. Rehearing denied. " I'nion Lite Insurance Company against Parker. Rehearing denied. rhoenlx Insurance Company against Zlotky. Rehearing denied. 8. ate ex rei Proui agaltwt Company, hehearing denied Nebraska M" led. .. RK? os.MeAar,"deCn0,eS.ty coyagDi,8,ednpcuria h ex rvl KreemaSagalnst Scheve. Re- hearing dented. Opinion by Sullivan. C. J., J orant again.M Commercial National Bin:, Affirmed. Klrkpatrlrk. C. Curtis against Zutavern. : -"versed. Hazt- I ings. c. i Rai.road Company against U, ton. Ke- ! e.ton agattwt Falk. Rehearing denied, Opln;on by sugwl. k . J. i Dougherty against Kubat. Revorsed. j Pouno. c. r-nV.nKr;..n T haleT Reverse! Ame",; . - . ... . 1 ....... .v., . . V Wltl.. II J against Tssehm k Canal Company. A t- i tinneu. uume, t. tiohie against Slmerai. Affirmed. Pound. c Warner a-ins Modern Woodmen America. Alarmed. Burnes. c. Langtion against Conlin. Reversed i of and petition dismissed. Oldham. . bankers' I'nion of the World agalnt Schwerln. Attlrmed. Ames, C. ahllT aaaiiiKt Chat:ibvrlaln B. House. Reversed. Hastings t'. Hatch against Falconer. Affirmed. Cld nam. '. Northern Assurance CruTipany against Borgelt. Reversed, with directions to over rule demurrages. . -Pound, c. 8tevenaon against Morgan. Affirmed. Loblngter. I. t-'hj!l agiatnst Barton. Reversed. Al bert. C Moline avalrtat State. Reversed. Hoi ciimb. J. t;anilall against Gross. Reversed. Old ham. C. Hart againat Rrdsley. Affirmeit. Sul livan, C. J. H ili-omb. J.. concurring sie ciatly in separate opinion. Sedgwick, cot.cunlng In separate opinion. Pierce against Atwood. Reversed, with instructions. DuSir. c". opinions tiled tn the following cartes will not be officially reported: State ex rel iles against t talon. ?e murrer sustained. Hoieomb. J. Rrown against Croft. Judgment of dis mlzaaJ tn re lot ore rendered aohere-l to. Hastings, c'. kelity against Dawe County. Reversed and ar'iur. di.-mtssd. Amea. . Omaha aaini1! Cuanter. Affirmed as 'o naving lax. hverl as to curbing tax. r.emanded. with dlrectior.a to enter decree tor di-fendunt us to curbing tax. Aiiiert, C- li.ilc.imb. J.. not sitting. jai kaon against McNatt. Revered. Kirk airi k. C. First National Hank of North P'.atte against Tyler. Affirmed. Kl'katrlck C. i hllda against Ferguson. Affirmed. Klrk patrlrk. . I'nion Savings Bank aii l-t Lincoln Nor. mal Cnlverslty. Alt.rmeil. Albert. Cltliens' State Hank o? Wood River against Porter. Affirmed. Hasting. C . Rollout against Thnrr.a'. Affir.ned. Old ham. C l ahn againat Rominocrf. Affi-med. Hast ings. C Sarpy County agulnsi Cla.'ke. Affirmed. Albert. C. Cook ajairst Paul. frme-l. Ibl.i gier. baker at;a!risi Gran 1 (-!".) Ranking omiaiiv. Reversei. with tiirecttoe.s to enter fier conforming to op:. I jii. lVund. t. ttvrtwick sgalnst Won,:,. Affy-med. liut. ne. C. fab'rt ail Ticket Comtiany against Le- ebvr. Aenr"t:ei. Ames. Huturmaii ugaiiist laracn Affirmed. Klrkpatrt.'B. C. Kvcrsoii against Stat . Aj?imed. Barnes. SEWARD. Neb.. J". iSpec!aL About a week ago her aaa fir ia the oflje of the Mutual Prolective Fir aaeo elation of thia place and after the fire th cash book. Journal and Iclgar wers mlsflng. Tbe annual meeting of tbe aewo elation waa held Immediately after th fire and the old officers re-elected, but resterdar afternoon the secretary. Wil liam Dupin handed In hia resignation to the boar J of directors, who held a meet ing a ad filled tbe vacancy by appointing O. A. Merriam. The directors state that there I no shortage la Mr. Dupln's ac counts, but that he had not given entire satisfaction tbe last year and h thought best to reslga. BANK OF VERDIGRE CLOSES Preslaeat Uaea East t Ralae Faatla aaa Haaea fe He Aale ta Pay Oat. VERDIGRE. Neb.. Jan. IS. (Special Tel-eg-am.) The Bank of Verdigre did not open for business thla morning. A placard gave notice tbat Stat Bank Examiner Fred Wbittrmore is In charge. It had been currently reported that the bank was embarrassed for ready funds, as several of Ita drafts had gone to proteit. The de pDsitora hope that the embarrassment la only temporary and that the"' president, who went ast for tbe parpoee this morn ing, may be successful In ' raising fundi necessary to reopen. The bank la owned solely by U F. Meaa man. a young man who came here from Pawnee City a little over two months ago. and as this is his first connection with , a bank, hla inability to tide the Institution over is attributed to Ineiperience. Tbi ex aminer Is working on the accounts and Is not ready to give cut a statement of the affairs. Tbe laat published atatement at tbe close cf bualnesa November IS give th loans at 117.320; depoaits. 119.993: available cash. t.0S; cspital. too.000. GENEROSITY PROVES COSTLY Ma a W ho Give Away l.taaor plea Meat Fay Viae af Faar Riaare' Dallara. I. II ....II k. I. .M Harvard Mas Takes La( Sleea. HARVARD. Neb.. Jan. 13. (Special.) Grotioua 8. Hancock, of whom the Kansas City papers have recorded the peculiar condition of death or trance, and who la reported to have lain slace Sunday laat I .,n.,.w.i in that ' . . . 1 . " cuy awaiting a araia crriiacaip iruiu u proper authorities before burial, came to Harvard from Livingston connty. New York, in 1873. taking a homestead a few milea south of Harvard, and continued to reside here till some twelve year ago. H . .. . .. . ... haa a wife, unless divorced, which cannot be ascertained here, aud on daughter at Dansvllle, Livingston county, N. Y., who have been advised by frlenda ber of the condition of Mr. Hancock. Eatertalaaaeat for Farnaer. YORK. Neb.. Jan. 12. K Special.) Great preparations are being made by th Com mercial club and the business men for th big ''farmer Institute .meeting that will be held at the Auditorium in York on February 4 and 5. The Commercial club baa arranged to serve, free, hot coffe and lunch In tbe large dining room of tha Fraternal building. ' Many noted lecturers and speakers, not only from Nebraska, bat from ' aurroundlng atatea.' will b here. The farmera .of Trt "cwmty are taking Interest In meetings of ibis) kind and are using advanced Ideaa In farming. Step OAT Platferaa Backwards. TECTMSEH. Neb.. Jan. 22. (Special.) While engaged in the work of harvesting ice here today. Robert Bryaon. ' who waa i hauling from the river to an uptown house, ! ufrr(. an aeeMent that Mat film a broken limb. He stepped off a three and a half foot platform backward and hia left leg was broken above the knee. Mr. Br y son wss engaged In unloading at the honae at the time. He la a man about SO year of age, consequently the fracture will be alow In healing. Warkaaea Have Baelal. SHELTON. Neb.. Jan. 22. (Special.) The member and tbelr famllle of Anchor i lodge. No. 14. Ancient Order or United i Workmen, held pleasant aoclal and bat- " , , J , . , iuet at their lodge rooms last evening. inc,uding Grand Maater Jaakalek. and the' trvenlng passed by the Initiating of a number of candidate. Anchor lodge la cne of the atrongeat in th state outaide of the large citiea. lark Waali YORK. Neb.. Jan. Xarasal. 22. ( Special. ) The Commercial club cf York has appointed a committee to obtain optlona on different tracts of land adjoining the city of York for a location of a atate normal achool in cas-9 York Is selected. York baa no public institution and ita people thluk that York ia the Ideal location for another normal in caae the legislature concludes that another normal will be built. lajareri ta a Raaaway. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. . (Special.) Q. H. James, an old gentleman living at Endl cott. Neb., In driving to thla city yeater day waa quite badly hurt In a runaway ac cident a mile south of town, by being thrown from bis wagon. The Injured man waa brought to this city and given med ical treatment and It will probably be sev eral daya before he ia able to return home. Aran C'raabett la Cars S'aeller. SEWARD, Neb.. Jan. 22. '(Special.) Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock Addl Hartwick was working around a corn theller. about three miles southwest from town, and got hia arm ccught la tbe gear ing. He waa brought to tbe office ot Dra. Potter Potter, wbo dressed the arm, but It is so badly crushed and torn that they have little hope of saving It. Beatrice foaaaaav Is lararaerateJ. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 22. (Special. ) Herman Bros.' Clothing and Gents' Furn ishing Goods company filed articlea of In corporation with tbe county clerk yesterday afternoon. Th capital stock of the com pany Is S2SO.0OO. The branch house of the company in this city is the establishment of A. H. Voorlman A Co., one ot the old est firms In this section of the state. Beatrice Mea BEATRICE, Neb. Ca ta Oklabeaaa. , Jan. 21. (Special.) A party of Gsge county farmers, comprising I'riah Bentley, M. B. 8elfert. 8. E. James. W. Woolsey and John L Pnidevin, ha gone to Augusta OkU.. with a view of purchasing land. To Erert Pa bile Klevater. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. Si. (Special.) A meeting will be held at Ellis, this county, January 27, to consider a proposition-for the erection of a 100. oM-bushel public grain elevator. 4 era Marked al Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 22 (Special. ) Aa enormous quantity of shelled corn la being marketed at preaeat. Tb price be ing paid by the local grata bujera la li cents. TIME CALLED BY MAJORITY Bw Ball Peoe AgrcemsBt Ettifiet) hj v HttioDa Leajno. PATIENCE CEASES TO BE A VIRTUE v lark aaa Braaklya Clafc Flaally rbeyrMai Vim ar Wal k Alaae. CINCINNATI. Jan. 2 The National Base Ball league has concluded its. con tinuous sessions of four days and nighta. The closing dsy waa as harmonious as the prevtoua three were discordant. The unanimous vote by which tbe league rati fied the peace agreement be f -ire daybreak waa continued In everything done today. When the meeting opened two of the clubs had injunctions hanging over them and the representatives of other club rame -to the meeting with thslr war paint on. Before the members separated to night they held a "love feast," lo which all participated, except John T. Brush, who had previously left for lodlsaapolls. waa current lobby talk that neither New York tor Brooklyn would get places on the committees. Todsy the same members heartily congratulated President Pulllam for appointing Mr. Ebbett on the schedule committee and Hanlpn .on the committee on rule. Member Rejalee at Reaalt. President Pulliam said: "I declared a few daya ago that everything was aa clear as the noonday sun. That la just how It turned out a perfect understanding and all-round acceptance of tbe peace com pact." President Ebbstts said: "Brooklyn la satisfied. W did not understand the peace compact at the outset aa we do now. We have been liberally treated by our asso ciates." John T. Brush said: "The New York club hss always been for peace. I am glad we reached an understanding. Now let us have has ball, not talk." A. H. 8oden said: "Boston waa for peace and we got It to our fulleat satis. faction." Frank DeHaa Roblaoa said: "After sixteen years' experience In the National league I will aay that we were never ao close together as after thia meeting, and before It we were further apart than ever before. We underatand the situation tnd each other aa we hever did before and the feeling could be no more satisfactory." James A. Hart, Frank Robtaon, Drey- fua, Conaot. Knowlea and other con curred in this opinion with the addition of praise for Herrmann. All I Haraaoaleas. After ratifying unanimously tbe peace agreement at 2 this morning, the National league continued Its adjourned Bees! on. There waa aome unfinished business from the meeting in New York last month and much more since the peace compact had been ratified. The closing hours of the consideration of the -joint peace agreement will never be forgotten by thoae present. Th repre sentatives of the eight National league clubs bad been In aeaaion all week and under unusually trying circumstances. After discussing tbe term of th peace agreement night and day for three suc cessive days, with the minority (New York and Brooklyn) allowed to have ita way In everything, the majority gave notice lata last night that It would rule, and th ultimatum la aaid to have been made un conditionally by August Hermann, who presented tbe majority -report of-the com mittee of th whole. Th minority kept th majority waiting all day yeaterday and when they convened at S p. m. it was atated by eeveral : "Thla ia now three Bights and out on theae all-night sessions." When a recess waa taken, from to -10 o'clock In the night. It was ac cepted aa a declaration from tbe majority that "time had. been called" on all ob structlons, protests, etc., after the clock struck II. Soon after midnight the minority and majority reports were disposed of and put on the files with the largest pile of paper ever accumulated by the National league, and then a resolution waa unanlmoualy adopted ratifying the peace agreement aa It cam from tbe conference. Thla was followed by unanlmoualy adopting resolu tion of thanks to Chairman Hermann and other member of the National committee on the joint peace commission. Theae as sociate were Hart, Roblaon and Pulllam. While the peace agreement ha been rat ified without changing' word, a resolu tion waa adopted, to compensate Brooklyn for tbe loss of Pitcher Donayan and other resolutions construing action 4 ao that the "New York In tbe American circuit" mexas the borough ot Manhattan and not Greater New York. Sehedale Casaaalttee Dae. f ' President Pulliam today waa authorized to appoint before February 1 a schedule committee of three to confer with like committee from the American league and report within three weeka after their ap pointment. It la believed that the Hermann schedule will likely be adopted. The arrangement for Interchange games tstweea the National and American team provides for entirely new arhedulea fr6m thoae already made for thla year. There are to be no conflicting datea from April 15 to October 15 In any of the cities having both National and -American league club. At 4 p. m. the meeting adjourned, sub ject to th call of the president. President Pulllam announced James A. Hart, Chicago; Edward Hanloo, Brooklyn, and Max Fleacbmann, Cincinnati, aa tbe committee on rulea. He also announced Barney Dreyfus. Pittsburg. Charles N.Eb betts, Brcsklyn. aad James A. Hart, Chi cago, aa the schedule committee. While no Instructions were given there waa a general expression of opinion that there should be not less than 140 gamea for each club thia season. OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL WINNER Defeat ata Omaha Rival la Well Played Gaaae af Baaket Ball. Five baaket ball players, comprising the first team of the Omaha High school, strove with an equal number fmm the Houth Omaha Hlgb school laat night and finally won by the close ecor of 1 to li A .arge crowd of lasales and laddlea from either achool lined the floor and gallery of the Young Men's Christian association gymnasium to cheer their respective cham piona, and tn game waa hotly contested from first to last. The end of the first half aho wed th score to be t to In favor of th Omaha boys, and they never lost any part of their lead. Increasing It 1 point in the second baif. when the final score was 1 to 13. The Omaha boys thua redeemed their de feat at the hands of the aame opponents on their home floor two weeks ago. when the South Omaha boys won is to 15. The Omaha team haa a good sc hedule arranged for thia season. Neat Friday a week they go to Uli.ux-I'lty to play the high school team of that city, and on February 1) they plav the learn of Heilevue college here. A game with the Lincoln High team comes later in the aenaou, and it ia ri pected also that the Sioux t'nv boya ran Da brought down to Omaha (or a return game. Th summary: OMAHA IC ill-SOUTH OMAHA. CherrtngtootC.t R F.IL.U 1-olt '. Iaubauga f. F R O Fergensen A. Meer C ' al Her Wslan R. O ll F Cuy Patterson L. ti. R. F Talbot Score; First half Omaha, t. South Omaha. C "eeond half Omaha. : Pvmth Omaha. T. Total Omaha. I. .4iith Omaha. 11 tJoals from field: " i; l-aa-Wnari. ?: l-tt. t: Miller. ?: Kergensen. 1. Goals from foul line: t'hrnntn. S out af IS chance. Coy, I out of , Kera-nst-n. 1 ut of ; Miller. 1 out of 4 toulj her rtngton. t: Mever. 1; Walsh, ; fatteraon. t. Ixitt ; Miller. 10; Coy. 1; Talhot. 1. Time of halves: Fifteen minutes, ttef. re-; Karan. ' empires: Hyan and Wlllard. Soorer; Durkee. Timer; Blxton. PROPER WINS RACE BY NOSE Skltlfal Jaekey Palls Vasal Abea4 la Flaa Oaklaaa Flalak. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 22 -The 3-vear-old handicag at Oakland today proved to be one of the beat races witnessed thla aea aon. Four clever performers went t.i the post, with Proper of the Jennings stable a pronounced favorite. A hard finish between Proper and Claude resulted In burns out riding J. D. Ialy and landing his mount a winner by a nose. Weather cloudy and track sloppy. Re sults: ' First race. aJx furlongs: I.adv Kent. 101 (C. Kelly), a to 5. won: busier, 9 iMcOov ernt, fj to 1, eeciind: lauisdowne. Si (Knappi. 10 to 1. third. Time: I;1SV Second race, three half-furlongs, i-year-olds, selling: H.x-eo, llu i HuK.-rmn). i to L won; Knob Hampton. Ill (Donnelly) in to L second; Samar, 110 (Frawley,4 to 1, third. Time: :4Jrt. Third race, one mil, selling: Mlrelna. 100 IW. Waldo). 2 to 1. won; Andrew Ring, 110 (Bumst, to 4. second; Dotterell. tCon nell). 5 to 1. third. Time: 1:43. Fourth race, one mile handicap: Proper, 111 (Burns i, even, won; Claude, 10 (J. Daly), i to 1. second: Durasao. 10 i Don nelly I. to X. third. Time: 1 4H, Fifth race. one. mile and fifty yards, sell ing: Hermencla. bi iBullmani. 5 to 2. won; AutollgtH. 110 (burns). 5 to X. second: As minster, 107 (J. Daly), i to L third. Time: 14S. Sixth race, elx furlongs, selling: Fres tano. 104 W. Waldo). 4 to 1, won; Golden Cottage. 107 (J. Daly). to 1. second; Wuia II, ill tTroxler). to i, third. Time: 1.14V All Favorite Lase. NEW ORLEANS. Jar. S3. Every favorite loet today. Th stewarda have ordered that further entries of the horse Alfred C, be refused and that mounts of Jockey J. Wlnkrieid be restricted to the horses of his employer. Ed Corrtgan. W eather clear and track heavy. Results: First race, elx furlongs: Showman. 113 (Haack). to 1. won: Glennls. lis (Red ferni, 1 to 1. second; My Surprise. 1"4 (Btl chananl. 10 to 1. third. Time: 1:17 4-5. Second race, one mile, selling: El Rey. IK 'Robertson), 8 to 1. won; Peat, 1 tBu- chanan), 4 to 1. second: Frank Kenny, 133 t. uller), i to 2. third. Time: 1:41-. Third race, five half-furlongs, selling: Bummer. 105 (Robbins), 1 to 1. won; Op tional. 101 (Scully). 7 to 1. second; Ed L, .OB (Redfern), to 1. third. Time: l.lo. rourt h race, one mile handicap: Harris, 104 (Winslett). S to 1. won; Nitrate, 110 (Red. ferni, 5 to 2. second: Ranklln, 101 (Robblna). b to 1. third. Time: 1:45. Fifth race, six furlongs: Federal. 112 (Wlnkfleldl. 3 to . won: Wealth. 110 (Bu chanan), even, second: Saint Cuthbert, 112 (Redfern). to 1. third. Time: 1:17. Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell ing: Carat, 104 Ibattlstel. i It I won: Frank M, 104 (Robbins). 11 to 10, second; Moeketo. 103 (Reddingtnn), 15 to 1, third. Time: 1:M. With) tbe Dowlera. The Cate Cltya lost two games last night to the Clarksons on Lents & Williams' al ley a x Score: ILAKKnOMI. 1st. 2d. Jd. Total. 174 19 57?. 190 a 695 152 177 519 117 . 239 51 170 1-E 48 i K4 K 2.06 '8. 2d. 3d. Total. 204 1SK 55 IV) 103 644 211 1V Bui ltt 233 56! 177 67 9b6 906 2.74) Oenman . rtrunke .. Schneider Conrad .. vlarkson 215 2H 190 17J 14 Totala 4 GATE C1T1 lst-i a .....211 135 ITS 153 Sheldon . (handler Marble .. Hesman . Encell ... Totala SS0 The Nationals won two games out of three from the Germans on the Gate City alley laat night. Score: GERMAN'S. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Weber 1S4 194 159 4S7 Lund 147 12S 170 44. toder 144 1S2 14 4 Beselln ........ll 128 1SS 42 Al Krug '. ,...136 190 183 509 '. Totala 7t 822 S41 1193 NATIONALS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Gilchrist 143 2m 10 6n7 Ahmanson 1 2"? 157 63 A Reed 12 ITS 635 Tracy 117 170 153 440 Potter 1S4 16 1M 524 Totals if! 91 802 2.56S geeka Xo Bewllsg.Hsssra. nvnXKATI. Jan. 22. Charles S. Eb- betta. president of the Brooklyn National Hase Ball Levgue club, today denied tbat he wi a candidate lor tne presidency oi the National Bowling league. Charier for Taaerealeals Ceagrraa, ATLANTA. Ga.. Jan. 22 A charter for a period of twenty yeara haa been granted the American Congress of Tuberculosis, leading American and Canadian physicians were among the petitioner. The object of the organisation is to study tne Dent methods for the treatment of tuberculosis and all pulmonary disease. aw tie Pmnanetfm weaned from 'SEIIATOR THOMAS la tha Hamate C hamber of tha l altad fctatea ea Fb- roary Itb, lata, ald "An American road to the Orient, 'The Over land Route'-central and natural-tor ourselves and our posterity, now and hereafter lor thous ands of years to come. "f The Overland Route" 'UNION PACIFIC! o V Rum Thrm Thmrk Traimt W ft.k r-lit.-:- piaea. I m 4tU ttmjftttwrs. City Ticket X Union Station, loth ana Marry. A Large Room One of the most desirable office la at the dlsix.aal of some nne lw wants. a decidedly handsome olHce with large flor spate and a large vault The room la 17x3! and the vault in connection ia the largest In tl- IuIMI" The room faces th mvgniitcent court of THE BEE BUILDING It dor ran b? readily mn mhen stepiiins off th -l vii'r mu Uu; H,ir.;i' i im on Ihc corrllr overlooking thj court. It cirt-tl. the rMm an h dlvldel, w ati lo gfv two prtvm offices anJ Mitiiit runm. und nuuM maki a apievr1.S (71r for two phyt fant nr oth r profffaional nit n. R. C. PETERS 6 CO. IfMAt AGt.HTS. Is an lierexlitarr disease. on? for i :... i tainted ancestry or bloxxl pononetl par entage is responsible. It i through the blood and show itself it welling and ulceration of the glandsof Ihc neck, catarrh of the head, weak eye, sore., abscesses and skin eruptions, with a gradual wasting a war of strength and vitality. It also attacks the bones and joints, resulting in white wrellin:. hip disease and defonm- j ties of even: kind. We see the effects of this awful blood taint every day, but it exists in so tnanv forms that f recjuently it passes for something else and is treated as another disease. Scrofula robs the blood of its nutritive, qualities, and it becomes too poor to pro tiuce neaitny growtn and development, and thin, emaciated bodies and pallid, waxy com plexions are the resulL Onlv a constitutional remedy, one that works through the blood, can reach a disease that has THE GIFT OF A TAINTED ANCESTRY been transmitted through generations ot been lurking in the blood f ince birth. S. S. S. cleanses the blood of all scrofu lous matter and tubercular deposits, and when rich, pure, health-sustaining blood is again flowing in tbe veins there is a gradual disappearance of all the dangerous symp toms of Scrofula; strength and vior return, and a complete cure is effected. S. S. S. contains no rlrong minerals to further break down and derange tbe sys tem, but can be taken by the very old," as wcii as the mtdille aged and young, with out any harmful after effects, or the least injury to the most del icate constitution. If vou have any signs of Scrofula, or your children are stunted or slow of growth. "pale and sickly, write us. and our physicians will advise you free of charge. Tbe Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, 6a. Forty Sties. 10c to i"c Each. A. SANTAELLA & CO., MAKERS TAMPA F I jA RICHARDSON i)RlO CO.. Distributors Specialists In all LllSEAbtS and DISORDER of MEN. 12 years of sU ccasful practise in Omaha. CHARGES LOW. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE find CC a l. ; aara, witawt cuiuua. paia ar rlLkd teat of tiaa Lasal (uaraalea ta aara res ar ianr rvtuaael. eVRUIt IC rsrrS lor Ills an tha salacs , OlrnlLId laaraasklr etaansed rram tn srataaa. Sx-ai evsry alga aa arouaaia iaapasara aasllr aa lorerac. Ne BKKAK1NO OUT" at tka Slaaaaa' oa tfes akin ar tae. Treainxat aaatalaa a (uitrraa tras or lojanaaa wadlclaaa. 1JC1V liril vrom bmM or' VICTIMS TO lit Alt ULll KCRVOl PEBIUTT OR IX BAUrlUN. wiStWO WAKN8S8 WUB BABXY Esc AT la TWNO as Mi DDLS" AiD: Uo at via, vlaarNa auvnaia. wit araan uaaam aa waaa. Cant caraat4- STRICTURE 2:u'ZVT Irorn bu)l OR. SEARLES & SEARLES. OMAHA fikis Depot y Stat T Food Inspector. , n. L. RAU&CCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITT VETERTNAHIAN. aasg Infirmary, Kta ana Kaaaat Ita.. Omaha, Neb. Vclephoue biJ. 1BEST ( . V s . l THE ) v . tlaaaAjaa assa Klassi faTaaa la sak Calora? ar w aaiiar salaaa as ataafta. ; Caaaaltatlea Kra. Treaiaaeat by MalL Call ar addreaa. IIO . tt t. 25 cents aBottleT it is a Genuine Remedy with All druggists HriJ II. BENT0F1 mint mrrnimf al fartiic Office, in Fa rram , fhone Jin. Phono Sls and a Large Vault !5i GROUND PLOO ' Ml E lltid.