Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Strikers Begin Arrangements for Great
Hut Meeting in Omaha.
ObJr of lemeatratloa, Strike
Leader. Declare, I to Pat the
Point at Inane Plainly
Before the People.
At conference of strike leaders yes
terday It was decided to hold la the near
future In Omaha a mass meeting cf all
organized labor. "The chief object," said
leader, "will be to put before the body
plainly the point at Issue In the strike,
and especially tbn treatment accorded the
strikers by President. Burt."
Action taken Wednesday whereby the
number of policemen on duly around the
bop grounds was doubled Is offered by
the strikers as the Immediate cause of this
Step. As one strike leader put It:
"Wednesday the three policemen who
have been on duty at the shop gates were
taken off because they had become
acquainted ' with the nun and were too
lenient. In their place came six new
policemen, two at each gale. This actioa
was taken at a time when there was
absolutely no call for it. Everything was
and has been quiet down there, and thoxe
men are not neceaeary there for any rea
aons of protection of person and property.
"This action la Just a direct slap at us
from President Burt and It shows that he
Is atlll actively on the aggressive. jn
New York City he asked us not to hand It
to him so hard In the newspapers, and
Bow he comes back and gives us this, while
be la pretending meanwhile, that be will
call a conference shortly.
"Now there are 12,000 membera of organ
ised labor in Omaha and we are going to
get them together In the largest mass
meeting ever held and bring this before
them. We will have a monster parade,
with banda and general enthusiasm, and
It will be a big affair. Such an event will
do much to awaken the general public to
the merits of the case.".
Chief of Police Donahue aaya that the
force of policemen at the ahop grounds has
not been doubled. He says that there Is
atlll on duty but one officer at each gate,
aa formerly.
Locomotive Wood Worker and PI pe
ine a Desire to Get Into Com
mon Movement.
Locomotive wood workers and plpemen
who struck at the Union Pacific ahops last
Monday because they were ordered to work
on the premium scale system wish to be
come actively identified with the machin
ists, blacksmiths and boiler makers who
have been out on atrlke tor the same rea
son during the last seven months.
Yesterday both the wood workers and
plpemen met and appointed committees to
confer with the other strikers and ask for
representation on their joint executive com
mittee. Both meetings were held at
O'Noill's hall. Sixteenth and Cuming streets.
This action makes It apparent that these
latest recruits to the striking forcea mean
buainess aa much aa any of their predeces
sors. Thla ia a surprise to some of the
machinists and boiler makers, who thought
and aaid openly at first that the wood work
ers and plpemen would go back abortly.
flrlklac laloa raclfl. Flpemea
Likely to Be Accepted la
Official organisation of the Union Pacific
striking plpemen under the American
Federation of Labor.- set for yesterday,
has been postponed for a few days. This
ia because there now aeema some chance
that the plpemen will be received Into the
local plumbers' union, and the delay la
to await a definite answer from that or
ganization. Plumbers have always, heretofore, re
fused to let their fellow craftsmen at the
shops join the union, because of the dis
crepancy In wages. The plumber about
town geta from 40 to 0 centa aa hour,
while those at the shops get only SO cents.
Yet the shopman plumber makes as
much or more money than his city col
league, for be worka all the year around
all day long, while the other has odd jobs,
losing hours and sometimes days between.
Girl Meets Straacer at Beer Gardea
ad Later Makes Kick
' S Hani.
Oeorge Doubert of Reading, Pa., came to
Omaha Wednesday and that night atarted
In to aee the city by gaa light. At a beer
garden ho made the acquaintance of a well
dressed young woman who said her first
name was "Mabel." Cheering cups were
delivered and drauk with alacrity, after
which the friend escorted him to the Ox
ford hotel. When Doubert awoke yesterday
morning he discovered that his companion
bad disappeared with 1260 which he had
secreted in an Inside pocket. He sought
solace from Captain Haze when ha reported
the theft yesterday morning and la atlll
making the police station his headquarters
while awaiting the return of the girl.
It la Heeeaaarjr that the DaadraS Germ
Be Eradicated.
"Destroy the cause, you remove the ef
fect." Kill the germ that causes dandruff,
falling hair and baldness, you will have
ne more dandruff and your hair must grow
luxuriantly. Herplclde not only contains
the dandruff germ destroyer, but It is also
a moat delightful hair dressing for regular
toilet use. No other hair preparation Is
on thia scientific basis of destroying the
dandruff germ, and none other claims to
be. for the simple reason that it Is only
recently that a deatroyer of the germ has
been discovered Newbro's Herplclde, the
only hair preparation that actually kills
Have you
r ..AlUL'.!
-Style dsi 200 2-50'
Ths W. B. at II. IA $
1.50, 13 CO. $3.00. $3.50.
Women Kust proof,
50 and $7.50.
W-00. 12 50 and $3 00.
Crecque. at $150, $2.
Latest la Girdles,
at Wc, 11.09 au4
Bill for Xrbraaka Orannlsatlon'a Aa.
naal Convention at Hauling.
Seat Month.
Program announcements are out for the
thirty-first annual merting of the Ne
braska Press association at Hastings, Feb
ruary 10 and 11.
Tuesday morning, the 10th, will be al
lotted to the registration of members at
the Dostwlrk hotel, which Is to bo head
quarters. Tuesday afternoon, at the court
house, there will be routine Introductory
business, an address of welcome by Mayor
Miles, a response by Will M. Mnupln of
Lincoln, an address by Rev. John Powers
on "The Press In tho Eyes of a Citizen," a
discussion of the topic led by E'tgar How
ard of the Columbus Telegram, a paper by
Mrs. Cora Nevln of the Iaurel Advocate
on "Higher Ideals for the Country News
paper" and a discussion of the same led
by Mrs. M. M. Warner of the Lyons Mirror,
the first section of the Round Table, con
ducted by Robert Good of the Newport
Eagle, and tho reading of the composite
story, "The Trials of Adam Weatherwax,"
written by six persons, each unknown to
the others. Tuesday evening there will be
a reriptlon at the hotel from 8 to 9:30
and a smoker at the Elks' club from 9:30
to 12.
Wednesday morning tiers will bo a paper
by J. O. Alden of the Aurora Republican
and a discussion of the topic, not yet an
nounced, by C. Clinton Page of the Hold
rege Progress; a paper by E. E. Correll of
the Hebron Republican on "The Nebraska
Press Association Excursion to the Black
Hills," and a discussion led by Mrs. A. E.
Kelthley of the Weeping Water Republican.
Edgar 8. Bradley of the Trl-Citv P-ess club
of Omaha will tell of the coming meeting
in Omaha of the National Editorial associa
tion. A. W. Ladd of the Albion News will
regd a paper on "Large Jobs In Country
Print Shops" and J. W. Barnhart of tho
Auburn Herald will discuss it. The session
will close with tho second section of tho
Round Table.
Wednesday afternoon W. O. Purcell of
the Broken Bow Chief reads a paper on
"County Organizations" and I. M. Aras
berry of the Broken Bow Republican dis
cusses It. George P. Marvin of the Beatrice
Democrat reads a paper on "Early Days of
Journalism in Nebraska" and R. D. Kelley
of the Fremont Leader discusses It. Walter
Williams of the Columbia (Mo.) Herald la
to address the convention on "The World's
Press and the World'a Fal.'." Another ad
dress will be by Ewlng Herbert of the
Hiawatha World.
Following this the secretary will an
nounce the winner of the composite story
contest and distribute copies of the story.
Then will follow a business session and
adjournment, the crowd to visit the asylum
for the Insane at 4:30 p. m. In the evening
there will be a general reception at the
Elks' hall, with gamea and dancing.
President Adam Breede of Hastings and
Secretary F. N. Merwln of Beaver City are
"booming" the convention diligently, etern
ally and persuasively.
Georire Hayes Completes One Jail
Term and Mast Answer
Other Charges.
George Hayes, who attracted considerable
attention a short time ago by robbing six
Catholic churches In Omaha, completed his
sentence In the county jail for ons of the
joba yesterday and waa Immediately ar
raigned befota Judge Berks on the charge
of robbing the St. Mary Magdalene church
The prisoner stated to the court that he
had pleaded guilty on the former charge
with the understanding that the balance of
the counta would not ba used against him.
He said he considered his offense trivial,
as he robbed many and no Individual would
auffer aa a consequence. The court took a
different view of the c ud held Hayea
for hearing Friday. There are still four
counta against the prisoner which will be
Geta flOO.OOO a Year.
Because he has a keen, clear brain In a
rigorous body. Electric Bitters give both,
and satisfy or no pay. Try them. 60c.
For sale by Kuhn Co.
Publish your legal notices la The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 138.
The Woman's alliance jot TTnlty church
will give Us monthly social at Metropoli
tan hall this evening.
lVarl R. Murnhv auoa for Hlvnrxa tmm
Andrew J., alleging extreme cruelty. They
were married March 23, 1902.
Uttlcer Ceveresse Is doing emergency duty
at police headquarters during the absence
of Officer Jackaon, who is sick.
Kdlth Bartlett has been taken Into cus
tody by the police upon suspicion of hav
ing relieved a stranger of his cash Wednes
day evening.
Rebecca Garvin petitions for divorce from
Oliver, alleging cruel and Inhuman treat
ment. They were married at Pembroke.
Ontario, September 17, 1&S1
A navy recruiting office opens Monday.
January 26. for ore week at the Midland
hotel, to be in charge of Lieutenant H.
LeL. Husbrouck and a corps of ten.
Eva Parker has been arrested by Detec
tive Donohue uunn suspicion of having
been the young woman who escaped from
the room In the Oxford hotel with George
Doubert's J260.
The members of the Omaha Curling club
will compete for the pair of curling stanes
presented by Thomas Kilpatrick Saturday
noon at Cut-Off lake. Visitors welcome to
go and look on. ,
Bert E. Smith and Anna L. Grant were
married last evening at the resilience of
Rev. Charles W. Haviilge, the ceremony
havlna been iwrformi hv ur r xI
llarned. The young people live In' Omaha!
A stovepipe In the barber ahop of J. W.
Gearhardt at 1S20 Douglas street, set Are
to the ci-tllng shortly after 12 o'clock last
niKht. The blase was noticed before It htl
ma.le r.iach headway arid a lues of only
about $a was caused.
An officer of the Kansas City police de
partment Is expected hire toduy with
papers for Burl Untidy, the negro who ia
wanted in the Missouri city for murder.
The officer hua been to Jefferson t.'ity ami
to Lincoln and will have all the necessary
papers, so that he can take I lit prisoner
away with, him immediately. '
On telegraphic Instruction from tli,
sheriff at Hawilns, Wyo., the police ar
reted A. 8. Jones on the arrival of the
I'nion Pacific train from the west. The
messuge did not say what the charge
against hire waa and Joins says he does
not know. He ny he had been In the
mountains on a hunting trip.
New Spring Corsets
tried the new Habit Hip Corset?
(lives elegance of figure. Price $1.00, $1.50,
$2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 up to $7.50.
Among our lending latest style Corsets are
the P. I). at $1.75, $2.75 and $3.50; the P. X.
at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.50; the Ii. & G. at
$1.00, $1.50 and $2.00;; the Nemo at $1.00,
300 3&6 am! $50-
and $5.00. The W C. C. at $1.00. $1.50,
t $1.0oJ $1.75, $2.75 and $3 00. The La
' f
Head of Bankrupt Company on Witness
Stand feftre Keferee.
Tells of the Itclatlona of the Build
In to the Mercantile C'ompaajr
and How Kstlmatea oa
Cost railed.
W. R. Bennett has been examined by the
creditors cf the bankrupt company before
Referee Clapp In federal court. He was
placed on the stand for the purpose of Im
parting information regarding the manner
of conducting his business, of keeping the
books and the relations of the Bennett
Building company to the W. R. Bennett
company. The examination waa conducted
by V. W. Morsman.
Tho aituatlon was at all timea a severe
train on the witness, reaching a critical
point shortly before the noon adjournment
during a recital of the history of hla failure.
All the misery of the last two months and
the bitterness of his defeat rose in him and
choked his voice. The court room became
absolutely still execpt for the voice of the
speaker and those present gazed at the pa
pers on which they were making notes or
out of the windows.
Mr. Bennett explained how one friend,
whose came he could not give, had been
unable to furnish the financial support he
had promised and that the total cost of
building and stock had risen $100,000 above
what they had expected.
"Some Irons Were Burned."
"I have had all slaters and no brothers
to help me in this enterprise," he said.
"They have done all they could, but there
waa much they could not do. For Instance,
there is an art in the marking of goods,
which should be attended to by one of the
Arm. There were so many such things to
be seen to. It was Impossible for me to
cover all of the ground. And ao," he
finished, with some difficulty, "some of
the Irons In the fire were burned."
The examination brought out the holders
of the Bennett Building company stock aa
follows: W. R. Bennett, 2.893 shares; S. F.
Bennett, 2,000; F. W. Brown, 160; Irving
Allison, 1. These shares had never been
paid for and there Is now an agreement
between W. R. Bennett and J. E. Baum
whereby the latter will possess them In
case he and his associates can secure the
composition of a company to manage the
Bennett store. They are held now In
escrow by O. W. Ralney. "Mr. Baum,"
said Mr. Bennett, "is the only one who
has shown any disposition to befriend the
Bennetts In the reorganization of a com
pany and fix mattera so that we might
be given positions from which we could
look forward to some time being on our
feet again."
The shareholders of the W. R. Bennett
company were given as follows: W. R.
Bennett, 378 shares; S. F. Bennett, 61
shares; Cornelia E. Bennett, 40 shares;
Mrs. Wade, 40 shares, nnd Mrs. Brown, 40
shares. One hundred and thirty-nine shares
are atlll in the name of Mr. Bennett'a
mother, who Is now dead. According to
the memoranda carried by W. R. Bennett
the lot on which the Bennett building
stands cost $150,000 and the barn Mullding
cost $10,000.
The testimony of W. R. Bennett was
conttnued yesterday afternoon, when a
number of minor points were brought out.
This ended the session of the creditors.
The various departments owned by Indi
viduals in the Bennett store will open to
morrow tor business. They will be con
ducted on the first floor. The question of
opening the remainder of the atore 1b In the
hands of Judge Munger for decision.
Concludes Deal vrlta the orsjr Heirs
ad Will Assume Control la
I "
It has been conclusively settled that
Rome Miller will on February 1 add to his
hotel Interests In this city by assuming the
proprietorship of the Millard hotel. He Is
now proprietor of the Her Grand and la ex
tensively Interested in the Paxton. The
transaction whereby Mr. Miller will become
lessee of the Millard hotel baa now been
entirely completed and will become effec
tive February 1, at the expiration of the
present lease with J. E. Market Son.
The Millard hotel property ia owned by
the helra of P. J. Sorg and Mr. Miller's ne
gotiations have been carried on through
Paul A. Sorg as the' representative of tho
estate. These negotiations were begun at
the time it waa first announced that J. E.
Markel had determined not to renew hla
lease of the premises and Mr. Miller held
several conferences with Mr. Sorg at Chi
cago, but it waa not until Wednesday night
that the final documenta were executed in
The beginning of Mr. Miller's tenancy
of the hotel will be attended by Improve
ments and repalra throughout the house,
but this work will be conducted In such
a manner that it will not necessitate the
closing of the hotel at any time. These
Improvements, it Is estimated, will cost
from $15,000 to $20,000, and will embrace
new decoration of the entire Interior of
the house, refitting the bathrooms through
out and a thorough overhauling of all the
It is now Intended that there shall be
some consolidation in the operation of the
Millard and Her Grand hotels when they
como under the same management. For
Instance, only one laundry will be main
tained, and there will be one system fot
purchasing supplies and keeping the gen
eral accounts aa far as la possible.
The Millard hotel has, since It waa built,
eighteen years ago, been under the man
agement of J. E. Markel, with the ex
ception of two years.
Mr. Miller's leaso of the Millard hotel
property ia for two years, with the op
tion of an extension of one year at the
expiration of that time. He states that
there will be no change for the present
In the executive staff at the Millard, and
Mr. Davenport will remain as chief clerk.
Ilacklen'a A r alt-a Salve.
The best in the world for Cuts, Corns.
Boils, Bruises. Burnt, Scalds, Soros, Ulcers,
Salt Rheum. Cures piles or no pay. 25c.
For aale by Kuhn & Co.
Mortality tttatiatiea.
The following births and deaths were re
ported at the ufHee of the Hoard of Health
in the course of the twenty-four hours
clufing at noon Thursday)
HlrtliH Clay Peterson, 2US South Forty
slxlli avenue, girl; Carl ChrUleneen, 967
North Twenty-flith avenue, boy: William
Polan, 2713 South Ninth street, girl: Charles
Maluney, South Seventeenth street,
girl; Richard lloye, 21t Vinton etreet, boy.
Lieatlia iilium Palmer. 3" North Thir
teenth street, aged 32 years; James Patrick,
ll2o Sherman avenue, aged 30 years.
Prof. Ncsbitt, the eminent teacher cf
"French in Five Weeks," without home
study or drudgery, gives his free opening
lesaons at the Y. M. C. A. parlors today, at
10:30 a. m , 4:30 and 8 p. m. The regular
course begins Mondsy.
STEIN Mrs. Hannah, wife of Robert E.
Stein, January ;:, of paralyvU; born
April 11, ltC4.
Funeral at family residence, 411 Faraara
Street, at 1 p. in. fjuniia, January jta. lu
terwsnt at Prospect Hill cemetery.
The Dundee - Woman's club met on
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. W. Mar
shall, the "Spanish School of Art" being
the subject of the day's lesson. Sketches
of Rlbera, Velasquez and Murlllo, Illus
trated by copies of their best known works,
were given by Mesdames Barr, Howard
and Johnson. On Thursday morning the
club spent two hours at the Llnlnger gal
lery, where, with Mr. Llnlnger, they
studied Ma collection of Spanish art.
At a special meeting of the Visiting
Nurses' association, called yesterday aft
ernoon, final arrangements for the annual
birthday party were made. Each year the
association holds a public reception In one
of the large homes of the city that are al
ways at Its disposal for this purpose This
year Judge Wool worth and Mrs. Howard
will lend their home, and the reception
will be held on Monday afternoon, Febru
ary 23. While a large number of Invita
tions are alwaya irsued, a general Invita
tion la issued, too, to those Interested
friends whose names and addresses the
secretary may not have. It Is the custom
for each guest to bring a contribution, 1
cent for each year she has lived, this money
going to the support , of the association
work among the city dependent. Refresh
ments will be served and a mandolin or
chestra will play during the afternoon. The
reception ia always among the largest so
cial affairs of the winter and this year's
gathering promises to be no exception.
A basket ball tournament for the benefit
of the building fund of the Young Women's
Christian association will be held on Jan
uary 30. The first association team has
pledged $200 toward the building fund and
it hopes to clear at least halt of that
amount from this game.
Mrs. W. P. Harford, preatdent of the
local association, addressed the Sioux City
association on laat Sunday. The fourth of
the entertainment series will be given on
tbe evening of February 9, when Dr. H.
C. Herring will lecture on "Browning's
'Saul'." The Shakespeare club takes tip
the atudy of "Antony and Cleopatra" this
The association basket ball, team will
play the Bellevue college team at Belle
vue on Saturday. The party will leave
Omaha at 9:50 a. m. and return at 4:10 p.
m. There Is genuine enthusiasm among
the members over the tournament sched
uled for January 30 between the University
of Nebraska team and the Omaha Young
Women's Christian association team, and
the Omaha Young Women's Christian as
sociation second- team against the Lincoln
Young Women'a Christian association.
The tournament will be held at Germanla
hall. Nineteenth and Harney streets, and
a large attendance la promised from both
Lincoln and Omaha.
A challenge has been received from the
Lincoln High school basket ball team.
Over a hundred guests were present at
the anniversary celebration at South
Branch on Tuesday evening, that marking
the completion of the third year of associ
ation work at the branch. A program of
music, recitations and reading was given
by the members, followed by refreshments.
Fifty-one girls attended the meeting of
the Sunkhlne club on Saturday, the aewlng
class now being so large that at least two
extra teachera are necessary.
Notwithstanding, the efforts of the
Oeorgla Federation of '' Women's Clubs,
which have been 'watched with Interest by
club women all over the world, the Georgia
legislature hat refused to take any ac
tion" whatever restricting child labor In
that state. In Spite of the deplorable con
ditions resulting'' from lack of a proper
regulation of the system. This la tho
second time the Georgia legislature has
defeated a child labor bill, presented by
the most Intelligent and best posted women
of Its state, and the result Is that these
chivalrous aouthorn gentlemen have suc
ceeded In converting several thousand
women of their state alone Into very de
cided advocates of women's suffrage.
Mr. Marshall Darrach will present
"Twelfth Night' In the auditorium of the
First Congregational church on Friday
evening, February 20, at S;15 o'clock, un
der the auspices of the City Mission asso.
elation, the proceeds to zo to the mission
' The Home Queen Circle has this week
issued a pretty little outline of Its places
and dates of meeting for the season, to
gether with some of the subjects to be
considered. The outline Includes several
aoclal gatherings. Including muslcales and
card parties.
A circular letter has been prepared and
will be Issued this week to the clubs of
the state, calling attention to the action
of the Columbus convention urging the
use of all possible Influences to secure
legislation for better state food laws. The
letter Includes a statement from tbe dep
uty food commissioner, S. C. Bassett, in
which he says he Is preparing a bill for
the support of which he asks- the women.
He says the food commission Is now sup
ported by a system of permits and fees
that not only hampera tbe works of the
commission, but Is not Just to all parties,
and advises an effort for a law that will
include all food products used by man
Instead of the present law, which In
cludes only those which relate to 'airy,
cider and vinegar products and adultera
tions or Imitations of the same,
A map In the office of the Library com
mission at Lincoln la dotted with stars
representing the location of traveling
libraries. There are thirty-one In all, and
they are In all parte of tbe state, ex
cepting the extreme northwestern part.
It ia the plan to put seven more traveling
libraries on the road this week and the
secretary. Miss Edna Bullock, hopea that
by the expiration of the two years' term
there will be fifty. These traveling col
lections have greatly stimulated the inter
est In books and In many placea have re.
suited In the establishment of local libra
ries. The National Civil Service Reform league,
at Its twenty-second annual convention held
recently In Philadelphia, expressed lta ap
preciation of tbe "excellent work for thn
cause being done by women'a c'.ubs in al
most every state."
Miss Alice Howell, former leader of the
oratory department of the Omaha Woman's
club, now Instructor In that branch at the
University of Nebraska, had a conspicuous
part on tbe program given this week by
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in tbe family
every day. Let oa answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert, Pre
pared in two minutes. No boiling I no
bakingl add boiling water and set to
eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. lo cu.
the Lincoln Woman's club. Mrs. W, P.
Harford of the Omaha club baa been se
cured for the program at the next meeting
of the Lincoln Woman's club, which ia to
be preaented by the department of parlia
mentary practice.
There was a large attendance at Thurs
day morning's meeting of the depart men t
cf household economics of the Woman'a
club, a brief business session preceding a
talk on chemistry given by Mrs. MacMur
phr, that being the science under discus
sion at present. On invitation of tho de
partment. Dr. Abby Virginia Holmea will
repeat her lecture on "What a Woman
Oticht to Know" before the department at
Its next meeting, on Thursday, February 6.
The next kenslngton will be entertained
by Mrs. C. H. Townsend and Dr. MUlen,
on Wednesday afternoon. In the east parlor.
The Invitation is extended to all who are
Interested In the philanthropic work of the
There was an animated discussion of the
woman's property rights bill soon to he
brought before the legislature and also of
the pure food laws. - .
Several patriotic societies of Louisiana,
Including tbe Daughtera of 1S12 and the
state chapter of the Daughters of the Con
federacy, have united In an effort to pur
chase a largo collection of relics owned by
Andrew Jackson and now in the possession
of Colonel Andrew Jackson, his grandson.
The collection Is now In Nashville and
there has been some talk of their purchase
by the state of Tennessee, but there lallt
tle probability of an appropriation being
mnde for that purpose. Among the articles
Included In the collection are a desk chair
of Washington's, presented to Jackson
whllo he was In the White House; La
Fayettc's sunft box, presented by himself to
the president; a bronze atatue of himself,
presented by Napoleon Bonaparte; legglns
and other Indian work, presented by Sam
Houston, with an autograph letter; a wax
bust of Santa Ana, presented by himself
to Jackson; a gold mounted snuff box made
from a piece of William Pcnn'a treaty elm,
and a large number of letters and docu
ments of historic value.
Elks' Grand Kxalted Holer Will Visit
Dallas for the Tesaa Iteunlou,
Then o East.
George P. Croak, grand exalted ruler Be
nevolent and Protective Order of Elks,
leaves Omaha tomorrow for an official visit
In Dallas, Tex., where, on the 26th Inst.,
all the lodges of Texas meet In reunion for
a three days' session, to form a state or
ganization of Elks' lodges. At this time
they are to dedicate a new Elks' lodge and
clubroom also.
From Dallas Mr. Cronk Journeys to New
Orleans, Birmingham, Ala.; Richmond, Va.,
and to Bedford, Va., there to Inspect the
National Elks' Home. From there he goes
to New York, which he expects to reach
February 9. Returning to Omaha, he vis
its, enroute Cincinnati, Indianapolis and
This will be an official visit of the grand
exalted ruler made at thla time that he
may visit as msny lodges in the south aa
possible. In that section of the country
the membership of the order has Increased
in a greater ratio than in any other por
tion of the country, and this official visit
on the part of tae grand exalted ruler la to
show his appreciation of the work which
tbe subordinate lodges have done In the
southern states.
Ladr Wants Position.
A young lady with exceptional reference
and ability wishes a position with good
house as cashier or office employe. Moderate
salary if advancement is promUed and
position permanent. Address T 62, Bee
Announcement of the Theaters.
Anna Held, she of milk-bath fame and
other idiosyncrasies of modes of living,
will be seen with her company of beautiful
women and clever comedians at tho Boyd
tonight In the "Little Duchess." Her en
gagement Includes Saturday matinee and
night. The company Includes Joseph Her
bert, Luella Drew, Knox Wilson and many
others of prominence. The special features
of the show are the fencing girls and the
sadie girls. Mies Held will display five
gowns of Parisian makers that will be the
envy of all hor women auditors. The com
pany numbers sixty-five.
Low Kates South, Southwest and West.
On January 20 and February S the Bur
lington offers special low one-way and
round trip ratea to many potnta aouth,
southwest and west.
City ticket office, 1507 Farnam at., tele
phono 250, or at pas'.dnger station, 10th and
Mascn sta.
Sam'l Burns' annual February reduction
sale commences Monday, the 2d.
Saturday afternoon, 3 to S,
and evening, 7:30 to 9:30, at
Arlington Block, 1511-1513
Dodge St.
Come and hear tho Ceclllan
and Lyraphone Piano Playera.
Somo of the finest aelectlons
from the greatest composers,
mixed with lively ragtime,
will be rendered.
Wo extend a special invita
tion to owners of Ceclllan and
Lyraphone Players, and to
owners of all other makes of
players alao. Something may
be learned as to how beat to
produce the artistic effects In
performing on Piano Players.
Please remember, we are
headquartera for the "Orange
Music Roll," suitable for all
makes of Piano Players, both
In 65 and 58 note. We sell at
25 per cent discount oS cata
logue. It is tbe best music cut, and
aelectlons are made with tbe
view to Ha adaptation to
Piano rendering peculiarly, as
compared with other modes
of rendering music.
Remember, also, that wa
have the beat equipped Piano
Player Parlors In the country.
r i
and tbe best line of Piano
Players In the world.
The most comfort
able Bed Pan ever
made. We sell them.
Price, 60 cents. SEE
2622 Shermaa Ave.
Cornea la Ptlsjht anfl Extracts flflO
from fir Department See
retary'e Pocket.
Misfortune has sgaln overtaken "Spud"
Farrlsh. secretary to Chief 8alter. Jle has
but recently returned from taking treat
ment for a severe attack of rheumatism,
and now thlevea have made him their vic
tim. Farrlsh reports to the police that
some prowler entered his room at 1914
Douglas street by raising the window and
extracted $160, all the money be possessed,
from his vest pocket, and then had the
audacity to throw the empty purse back
upon tbe porch.
tilant Strides. ,
Connoisseurs, the fashionable world,
those whose palatea easily detect superior
ity In excellence, set the stamp of approval,
and by general adoption are advancing the
popular brand of Moet Chandon "White
Seal" champagne towsrds exclusive use
at a very rapid pace. The Increase In
salea for the year 1!W2 over 1901 was
867.1H bottles, a record never before at
tained In the history of the champagne
trade, marking a gain equal to R64 per eent
greater than the combined Increase of all
other brands of champagne. Moet A
Chandon White Seal Is acknowledged as
"The Acme of Perfection."
Fast Local Train
Illinois Central
Effective January 18th. 1903.
Leaves Omaha - 10:45 A. M
Leaves Council Bluffs 11:05 A. M.
LOQAN 11:59 A. M.
WOODBINE 12:13 P. M.
DUNLAP 12:30 P. M.
DOW CITY .12:43 P. M.
ARION 12:47 P. M.
DKNISON V.1:00 P. M.
WALL LAKE..... 1:40 P. M.
FT. DODGE 8:20 P. M.
DUBUQUE 10:20 P. M.
CHICAGO... 7:00 A. M.
Makea all intermediate atops between
Omaha and Chicago.
Tickets, 1402 Fai'nam Street.
Diet. Pass. Age., III. Cent. R. R., Omaha.
Arc Odious
Read these prices carefully. Then look
up the "ads" of he other fellows and see
for yourself. "FIOURKS DON'T LIE,
10c Toilet Papery 1,000 aheets Be
&c Mennen's Talcum Powder lo
25c Kondor's Catarrh Jelly.... 15c
dOc Kondon's Catarrh Jelly 3c
tor Danderlne 15c
100 Papold Tablets, 3. 3 "c
$1.00 Orange Blossom c
il.00 Booth's Hyomel lc
boc Booth's Hyomel liquid 30c
f.Oc Lactopeptlne Tablets 36c
25c Hill's Cacarara Quinine 15c
Are these goods staple? Ask any drug
gist. Fuller Drug & Paint Go.
114 S. 14th Street. Tel. 349.
Cor. 34th and Hamilton. 1'hoae Al
Z5c Laxative Bromo Quinine ISo
Kathrop's Cold Cure (guaranteed).... 25c
25c Chamberlain's Cough Syrup 20c
Lathrop'a Compound Cough Syrup
(guaranteed) 25o
ROc SvruLi of FIkS 35o
l $1.00 Peruna
Utner goods at similar low prices.
jgj MO. 6
Mobile and T"''" New Orleans
Returu jfeSIl and Return
$28.35 vr,S29.50
Havana, Cuba, and Return $83.35
Tickets on sale February 17 t22. Long limit and stop over. Tho Wabaah
Is the shortest, quickest and best line to south and southeast.
All Information at Wabash office, 1601 Farnam street, or address
Harry E. Mocrei, G. A. P. D., Omaha, ilsb.
Tays fifteen per cent on par of one dollar nnnuallj-. Checks received monthly.
This stock advances to $1.50 a share February 1st A bona fide Investment,
safe as government bonds. Dividends paid from proceeds of sale of oil. Oil
fields at McKlttrick. Kent Co., California. In the heart of tbe greatest oil pro
ducing country on this continent Further Information from
M. .1 fiRPFVY looker. 4H Bee Pldg.,
tJ UHLL Y It Omaha, Phone I.J3.U.
Nothing Like It for
Chapped hands. Face
or Lips,
Ask your druggist
For Sale at Kuan's Drug Store, 15th
ft Mueller
Buy Your Piano Now at Our
Get choice of the larg
est stock and greatest
variety to be found - in
the West.
New Pianos on $L00
Weekly Payments
1 Erbe Upright, CQO
used, but good Oven
1 Emerson Piano, ftl"JIJ
full size, used 01 I M
1 Dobson Piano, 1 1 fl
ebony finish !p 1 0 O
2 Sample Pianos at
eastern factory prices.
Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail
1313 Farnam Street, Omaha.
502 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Who's Your
Is making $7.00, $S.00, $9.00 $10.00,
$12.00 Trousers to order this week at
$5.50, $6.53, $7.50, $8
It will, pay you to Investigate this.
No tailor this side of Honolulu makes
better clothes than
1513 Farnam St. ' Tel. 18S7.
Is TOO MUCH like buying a coffin or a
wedding present when your Intended Is
with you; you don't stop to conrlder the
prlre aa you should. O'JH LONU SUIT IS
PRICE they are asked for preacrlptlons .or
sny other drug need cause our prices are,
right and if you find them too high aa com
pared to others we won't expect your busi
ness. Just remember ' SCHAKFER'S
liRl'rt NKEDH.
mtc Possonl Face Powder 22c
&'e Grave s Tooth Powder ioc
6tc Colgate's "Perfume want It..., 26,;
c Genuine Caatoria K4r
tl.00 Palne's Celery Compound 740
$1.00 Pierce's Medlral Dln'overy atc
$100 Plerce'a Favorite Prescription 64c
$1.00 Butler's Female Regulator 7.Se
$1.00 Hossack'h narsaparllla tZo
This is the guaranteed Blood and Skiu
$1.00 Peruna gie
$1.00 V1NOL 76c
J Chester s genuine Pennyroyal Pills $1.0i)
Two rnoaee 74T and A 3:12(1.
C. W. Cor. 10th aad Ckleasjro Sta.
Flea Photosrraphlo Illastrat lops.
for It. 25c a bottle
Glyccrolo of Roses
and Douglas St. 25c per Bottlo.