Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1903, Image 1

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    The Omaha. Dailx
Indianapolis Tenders Miners' Leader Semi
Official F amotion-
Calls Sn-pensions Horrible and Creatars of
Tsrr.ble Suffering.
Capital Mast Sometimes Bs Fongbt by Only
Means Arailable.
people Tausjht to Better Appreciate
Principles Which Inderlle Work
re Organisation by Iioas
ad Terrible Struggle.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Jan. 18. The four
teenth annual convention of the United j
Vine Worker of America will open here
tomorrow morning. Every train today
brought delegates from every part of the
United State.
Mr. Mitchell arrived shortly after 4 and
mi taken Immediately to hla hotel. Vice
President Lewie and many members of the
executive board are already here and those
iwho are not will arrive In the morning.
The delegates from the western and south
ern states arrived today. Other delegationa
which arrived were one from Flttsburg,
headed by Pat Dolan and Uriah Belllng
ham with seventy delegates, the anthracite
delegates numbering over 100 men, the Ohio
delegation, headed by the officers of that
State, and 200 delegatea. The Tennessee
delegation has also arrived with many
delegatea, headed by the officers of that
Committee Meets Mitchell.
Mr; Mitchell was met at Greenfield by a
reception committee representing the Cen
tral Labor union of Indianapolis, John J.
Appel, August Kuhn and Mortimer Lever
ing, representing the cttlsens, and Ell
Hlrschburg.aod Gua W. Kevers of tb Elks.
When the committee boarded the train
Mr. Mitchell waa at lunch, but left the
table long enough to meet the committee,
tie was met at the depot by carriages and
With the committee was taken to his hotel,
where he held an Informal reception for a
Dumber of hla personal friends.
The crowd which assembled at the depot
to welcome him waa large. The evening
was raw and cold and the train waa nearly
an hour lata, but notwithstanding these
drawbacks, the people waited. When Mr.
Mitchell appeared he waa greeted with
cheers, which continued until he bad left
bis carriage and entered the hotel. The
crowd expected that he would be accom
panied by Samuel Qompers, president of
the American Federation of Labor, but it
la probable Mr. Gompera will Ond It Im
possible to attend the conveatlon at all.
Those who accompanied Mr. Mitchell were
Prof. Frank Warn, Inatructor. of political
economy or tba University of Penneyl
ranla, and Harry' 8. Kefflngton of the Boot
nd Shoemakers' union. Others who ar
rived on the same train were: John Fahey,
president of District No. of the anthracite
workers; President' W. H. Hasklns, Vice
President D. H. Sullivan and Secret ary-
Treaaurer O. W, Savage of the Ohio Mine
After the arrival of the president at the
hotel many of the delegatea, organlzera and
officers called to welcome him and to ex
tend their greetings. At 6 a dinner was
erved In the "ordinary" at the hotel for
Mr. Mitchell and the reception committee.
After the dinner John Feltman, who acted
a toastmaster, called upon President Lev
ering of the Columbia National bank to
Welcome President .Mitchell.
John L. Feltman, president of the Cen
tral Labor union, called upon Mr. Mitchell.
- Holds Strikes Wrosg.
Mr. Mitchell spoke only a few minutes
and said:
To live up to the measure that has been
et for ir.e by the people of the United
State la Indeed a difficult one. The great
cum tier are prone to believe that a man
whose name has appeared In the press
dally for the last few month and whose
picture has been printed In the newspapers
from on count to the other Is a great ora
tor. To be a great orator and to be able
to make eloquent utteraneea has always
been my wisn. i am just a plain talker.
I have perhaps been honored by organ
ised labor as much or more than anyone of
Its many lenders today. Whether I de
serve these honors or not I cannot ay I
have tried to do my duty toward the men
who h'tve chosen me a their leader and I
feave striven hard for them.
I heartily (hank the people of Indianap
olis for the cortllut welcome they have ex
tended me. I believe that they have the
right conception of the purpose of or-
r;anlxed labor. Th majority of them be
leve differently than they did Ave year
go, when the union of the country were
blamed wholly for the many strike and
lockouts in factorlea and In the roal fields.
I am not here to epeak of the merit of
the controversy between the operator and
miner In the anthracite field. Strikes
nd lockouts, however, axe foreign to the
iiurpose of organised labor, i do not be
ieve In strike. I regard them a horrible
nd the creator of suffering. Put I do
believe that the laboring men of the coun
try should never urrender the right to
strike and protect theinaelves against or
ganised capital.
1 for one do not regard the Interest of
capital and labor as so much opposed to
each other that they cannot be recon
ciled. I have alilillng faith In the cttlsens
of this country and believe that they can
solve tne great labor problem which con
fronts u and solve It right. The labor
principle are ronslicred more lofty now
by that clans of the people who hereto
fore did not understand the purposes of
trades union.. The anthracite strike will
result. 1 believe. In the establishment of
proper rUatlons betwten employers and
I am deeply grateful to you, the repre
sentative men of the city, for the hearty
welcome you have extended me. Next to
tny little mining loan In Illinois I always
regard Initlunapoll as my home and I ap-
Jreclate the honor you have and will
lo ma.
Labor Will Welcome Lender.
Tomorrow the labor unions will celebrst
Mr. Mitchell's .return. At night a parade
of laboring men will be held, followed by
mass meeting In Tomllnson hall, where
tbs following program will be followed:
Address of welcome.' John I.. Feltman,
president C entral I-abor unlor ; address,
'"Our Uuest," Charles A. Bookwalter,
mayor; address, John Mitchell, president
United Mine Workers of America; adiireas,
James M. Lynch, president International
Typographical union; address, V. H. Wil
son. -rt'ary l ulled Mine Worker of
America: address. 8. M. Sexton, editor
United Mine Workers of America; addreaa,
T. I- Lewi, vice president United Mine
Worker of America. .
Tomllnson hall haa been decorated for he
occasion and extensions built to the stage
la order to permit setts for 600 men.
The oonveutloa will open tomorrow
morning. It will be railed to order by Mr.
Mitchell, who will give way to Mayor Book
waiter, who la to welcome the delegates.
H will be followed by John Feltman
resident of the Central Labor union, who
will welcome ths mine worker on behalf of
(Continued on Fifth rage )
taae People All Popalar, bat Grace
and AaMllty Prove Premier
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, Jan. 19 (New York World Ca
blegram 8peclrJ Telegram.) The number
of variety dnr nnd singers In Germany
who get not' "''' '''nds that 1 to say,
ss regard titr.v Vy -s Is rspldly in
creasing. An lnqW t ''Iclan has as
certained that 60 per". ' -tun vari
ety actresses ' who marr'v, ids In
far better social position th. "rtli
and training would have led thvhjx pect
and 20 per cent wed men of title.
Dancer are far more successful than
comic singer In variety hall or. actresses
In comedy or serious actresses. Only 10
per cent of the dancers In German theaters
have applied for help from the sick or In
digent fund, or to ask for old age pensions.
The percentage of serious sctresses In
strsits Is over 45. Only 6 per cent of tho
actreese who In recent years have married
men of note have been divorced and only
one dancer In every 200 has. They Inva
riably turn out good mothers In bcrmany.
At tho present time thirty-eight counts
have wives who were comedy sctresses or
dancers. A Prussian prince (Adalbert) Is
morganatlcally married to Thereee Elsatalr
and Prince Phillip of Hanan to Albertine
Staber. Among other bearers of proud
names who have recently married stage
women are Duke Ernest of Wurtemberg,
Prince Sulkowsky, Prince Paul of Thurnl
and Taxis, Count Schafranch. Every year
the number of such marriages Increases.
Society grumbles for a while, but gradually
gives In, and tho favorites of the footlights
become lights of society, , prominent In
every social function and eager in all phil
anthropic movements.
Pianos, Flute and Cornet Are All
Right, bat erman Jnstlce Balk
oa Bleating Calf.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LEIPSIO, Jan. 18. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Adolph
Bungn, a student, wants quiet, but a young
woman In the flat below him plays the piano
all day long and far Into the night, and In
the flat above two young men persistently
practice on the flute and cornet. Bunge
has protested and begged to no purpose.
Then he bought a calf. As soon as the
young woman ceased her piano scales and
the young men their duets Bunge stirred
up his calf with a stick and It began a
hideous bleating. Every time It showed
signs of weariness he punched It again.
Neighbors were furious, but Bunge refused
to give up his calf unless they conceded
Finally Bunge was arrested as nulssnce
and the magistrate fined him heavily for
"ralBlng cattle" on premises not st apart
for that purpose. Bunge made a passionate
speech In behalf of calf music and offered
to produce the beast, but stern Justice
would not listen to his plea.
Many Art Treasures Still Belngr Dis
covered In the Barled
ROME, Jan. 18. (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) Although the ex
cavations at Pompeii have now been going
on for ninety years the burled city, which
haa slept for so many centuries under the
undulating plain at the foot of Mount Vesu
vius, appears to be an inexhauattble mine
of archaeological wealth, for hardly a year
passes without Important discoveries being
' The most recent of these Is a magnificent
atatue of Perseus, which has just been
placed In the Naples museum near a famous
piece of statuary, jthe Narcissus. Another
interesting find consists In a bas-relief rep
resenting sacrifice before the sbrtne of
Anthrodlte. The excavations, although at
tended by great difficulty, are being actively
continued, and when it Is remembered that
a considerable part of the ancient city Ilea
still undisturbed under the lava and ashes
which burfed It nesrly nineteen centuries
ago, it la easy to understand all the ex
traordinary Importance and the possibilities
of these researches.
Take Whatever Oamblln Resort
Leaves la Possession of Its
(Copyright. 190S, by Pres Publishing Co.)
NICE. Grance, Jan. 18. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) There 1 a
virtual reign of terror between Nice and
Monte Carlo. Visitors constantly com
plain, though fruitlessly, to the authorities
of being robbed In trains and ln the atreeta
after dark. Monte Carlo especially la in
fested with bsnds of toughs, whose violence
la uncontrolled by the police.
Nesrly every night visitors are waylaid
and robbed. Those leaving the casino late,
who live any distance, have taken to go
ing boms ln bands for mutual protection.
Two English women were robbed Thursday
at ( o'clock In the evening, Just on the
Patients Are Treated After the Bar.
herons Methods of Two Cen
tnrles Ao,
(Copyright. 1303, by Pres Publishing Co.)
VENICE, Jan. 18. (Nw York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) The discov
ery that the Inmatea of the Sankcrvlllo
asylum for the Insane here had been
gagged, handcuffed, chained to the walls
and otherwise Ill-treated after the barbar
ous methods of two centuries ago, has
caused a great stir throughout Italy. The
asylum was under the direction of a monk.
Father MInorettl. He haa been replaced
by a specialist In nervous disease and the
antiquated Instruments of tortur will be
used as evidence In Mlnorettl's trial.
Too Bsiy Floatlua; Motor Company
to Com to America at
(Copyright. 193. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Jan. 18. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) The arl and
the eountes of Carnarvon have cancelled
their passages to New York on the steamer
Celtic at the last moment. But they will
go to the I'ulted State soon, aad after a
brief visit In New York they mean ro Jour
lauiornia tor a stay oi some montna.
ko""d Carnarvon's departure Is delayed by
I the arrangements for floating a big motor
1 company U which ha la largely lolwresisd.
Executive Brd of American Federation
Beceives Influential Support.
Redskin Are to Be Allowed Two
Delegatea to Next National Con
vention at Atlantic City
in Jaly.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 18. The
board of the American Federation of Cath- I reached the discovery.
ollc Societies has been In session here to- The holes thst have proved the wealth
day. Among those present wera President I of the country were sunk early last winter
T. B. Minahan, Columbus; Secretary An- ' and the first man to reach Dawson from
tl.ony Matre, Cincinnati; Edward D. Rear- ; the new country has Just arrived. He Is
d-n, Anderson, Ind., supreme representative , a Jap named J. Wsda, well known In Daw
of the. Catholic Knights of America; T. H. ' eon, where his veracity and honesty are
Conner! of Chicago, supreme chief ranger recognized. So far the report haa not
of tho Catholic Order of Foresters; David been spread to any extent In Dawson, but
Duff of Pottsvlllo. Pa., supreme president j ths little that has been told has created
of Irish Catholic Benevolent union; H. W. j an excitement that surely means a stam
Fowler of the Louisville Federation; F. W. pede.
Immiktls of Pittsburg, president of the The gist of Wada' reports Is thst tho
Pennsylvania Staats Verband: Nicholas
Conner of Dubuque, supreme representstive !
or the Herman Central Vereln; Joseph Gal-
vln of Brattlebcro, provident of the C. O.
F. of Vermont; Rev. H. Ganns of New :
York, representative of the Catholic In-
Idan bureau; Bishop McFaul cf Trenton, N.
J., and Blshcp Mesmer of Green Bay. Wis. j
In the absence of H. P. Mooney of Cleve- i
land, T. H. Connon presided. The morn- !
lng session was devoted to a general dis
cussion of the work of the federation and
to hearing reports.
Prelates Approve Federation.
Secretary Matro reported that the fol
lowing prelates had approved the work of
the federation:
Cardinal Marllnelli. former papal dele
gate; Archblnhon H Pnlpnntn nnnl Ii
gate; Cardinal J. Olbhons of Baltimore: '
Archblsh ps KMer of Cincinnati. Hynn of
Philadelphia, Katzer of Milwaukee Bour
gade of Santa Fe nnd Williams of Boston;
Bishops Spalding of Peoria, Horstman of
Cleveland. Maes of Covington, Folev of
Detroit, McQuade of Rochester, Olofleux
of Boise City. Idaho, Gabriels of Ogdens
burg. N. Y.. Hald of Ttelmnnt M r l
hue of M heeling, Va., Blcnk of Porto Rico,
Mueller of Columbus, O., Mat of Denver,
Montgomery of Los Angeles. Mlchaud of I
nurnngion, vi., forest of Ban Antonio,
AJerdlng of Fort Wayne, Heslln of Natches,
Forest of San Antonio,
ruin oi ieavenworin, van vyver of Rich
mond, Ind., Allen of Mobile, Burke of Al
bany, i Ryan of Alton, III., Verdanger of
Brownsville, Tex., James McFaul of Tren
ton, N. J.. S. Q. Meemer of Rv
Wis., T. Grace of Sacramento, Kellly of
Savannah, O'Connor of Newark. N. J.,
Meerschauerdt of Guthrie, Okl. O'Connell
of Portland, Me., and Hrondel of Helena,
Mont., and Abbott Conrad of Conception,
Secretary Matre reported state federa"
tlons In Ohio, New Jersey, Indiana and
Massachusetts, and county federatlona In
the following states:
California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mary
land, Massachusetts, Michigan Minnesota,
Aiiaaoun, rxenrasKa, r loiida. New Jersey,
New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas,
Wisconsin, West Virginia, Porto Rico, Ver
mont, Alabama, Delaware, Montana, Maine,
North Carolina and Oregon.
State and national organtsatlona that
have alnce last August endorsed the feder
ation ln their conventions:
Catholic Knights of America of Ohio,
Young Men's Institute- of Pennsylvania,
German Staats Verband of California,
Ancient Order of Hibernians of Massa
chusetts, Catholic Knight of America of
Kentucky, Catholic Knights of Ohio, Young
Men's institute of Ohio, Roman Catholic
Central Vereln (German), Young Men's Ca
tholic union. Catholic Knights of Illinois,
Bohemian Federation, Catholic Knights of
America of Oregon, supreme council of the
Young Men' Institute.
Organizations, national, state and indi
vidual, represented In the federation in a
body or by subordinate branches:
Knights of St. John, Ancient Order of
Hibernians. Catholic Order of Foresters,
Catholic Knights of America, Irish Catho
lic Benevolent union. Young Men's Inst1
tute. German Central vereln, Bohemian
Federation. Catholic Knights and Ladles of
America, Western Catholic union. Catholic
Knights of Illinois, German State leagues,
Catholic Knights of Ohio, Knlichts of Co
lumbus, Knights of Wisconsin. Catholic
Mutual Benevolent association. Cntholin
Benevolent Legion, Knights of Father
Mathew, Knight of St. Paul, Knights of
St. George. Total Abstinence Benevolent
society, American Catholic union, Yonng
Men Catholic union.
Reports were read from organizations in
thirty statea and lettera Indicating many
acceslons. Among the latter was ooo from
the Augustine Fathers of ths Philippines.
' Tell of Indian Work.
Dr. Ganna explained the work among the
Indiana and atated that a uniform system
now - prevailed in all government Indian
Following this address the Indian socie
ties were admitted Into the federation and
accorded two del gatea to the national con
vention at Atlantic City next July.
The following national advisory board was
ArchblxhoD Katzer nf Mllwmilrea and
Elder of Cincinnati, Bishops Meemer of
C4iven Bay, O'Connor of Newark, N. J.,
Mlobaud of Burlington. Vt., Kink of
Leavenworth. Blenk of Porto Rico, Ver-
aanger or uexas. tioban of Scranton, Pa..
O Council of Portland. Me.. Kellly of
Savannah. Gabriel of Oadensbure. N. Y..
Glorleux of Boise City, Idaho, Horstman of
neveiana ana Mae or Covington, Ky.
Resolution were adopted requesting all
bishops to ask the Catholic societies ln
their respective dioceses to affiliate with
the federation, appealing to Catholic socle
tie to contrlbut to the support of Indian
schools, urging all Catholic arcletlea to
celebrate the papal ailver Jubilee and on
various other matter connected with the
work of organization.
At the night session Bishops McFaul and
Mesmer and Messra. Minahan, Mooney and
Matre, were appointed aa a committee on
arrangementa for the congress of the Cath
olic societies at Atlantic City next July.
Will Look for Improper Book.
The committee on law, consisting of
Alphonse Koeble of New York, Judge H. T.
Shr'.ne of Covington, Ky., and President T.
B. Minahan of Columbus, O , was instructed
to. Investigate certain booka and any im
proper l'terature being aent through the
malls and bring the matter to the attention
of the Postofflce department.
Arrangements were made for meetings In
the near future to form federatlona In New
York, Philadelphia. Newark. N. J., Buffalo
and other eastern cities, so that the organi
sation may become aa strong In the eastern
aa In the middle state before the national
convention is held at Atlantic City next
summer. Much time waa devoted to plana
tar raising revenue for the more complete
organisation of the federation.
Police Officer Bring His
doa to Stand Trial
of Crime.
from I.oa
i Scene
NEW YORK. Jan. 18. George Stone,
charged with the murder of a negro In
Chicago In 1S83. a as brought back from Lou.
don by a Chicago police official on tht steam
ship Luranla, which arrived her today.
Sloit U1 be takes to Chicago at one.
Miner Stampede to Take t'lnlm la
Fields . J ant Discovered la
Americas Territory.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. l4. A special to
the Times from Dawson says: A rich strike,
the magnitude of which is said never to
have been equalled since Bob Henderson
told his story of the Klondike, has been
made eighteen miles north of the Tsnsna
river, 300 miles from Its source. The dis
trict Is in American territory. Circle has
been depopulated end a wild stampede of
prospectors from all the surrounding coun-
try Is In progress, but as yet few havo
district resembles the Klondike In its for
matlon, but has a heavier growth of llm- j
ber. Gold in widely different kinds had
been found In eight different creeks when
Wada left for Dawson on December 28.
The original strike was made on the
Pedro, a creek running parallel with
Tanana. about eighteen miles from the
river. This creek Is staked-for miles. Dan
McCarthv. a well known rl.nnit mart a
the discovery on Gold stream, a continua
tion of the Pedro, which has proved to be
the richest so far found- The dirt ran 25
cents thirteen feet down and bedrock not
yet reached. McCarthy struck pay dirt
on December 24 while sinking his first hole.
It panned 7 cents. On Christmas day he
had IS cents to the pan. Three days later
he had found 25- cent a to the pan. The
ground became richer as he descended, and
what he found before reaching bedrock may
be atlll more sensational.
Pedro creek haa not as yet equalled Gold
stream. Seven centa Is ths richest found,
but Its wealth la better Indicated In a
statement that Costa Bros, sunk seven
holes to be
OI Kla ln
bedrock and found an even run
every one with a pay streak
over eight feet deep right through and
about 600 feet wide.
YJold stresm Is a big district, three clalma
wide. It was not yet all ataked out when
Wada left. About 100 men were working
Jack Costa was offered $50,000 for his
claim on Gold atream and refused it.
Some Democrat May B I'naeated, bat
Deadlock on Senatorial Blee
tlon Seems Certain.
DENVER, Colo., Jan. 18. Interest ln the
senatorial fight ln Colorado centera ln the
report of the house elections committee In
vestigating the contests filed against seven
teen democrats. The matter was ln the
hands of the elections committee far several
days, and while positive evidence has been
brought that . frauds were imniltted In
several precincts of ArapabeeT county, tba
large majority received by the democrats;,
ranging from 2,000 to 5,000, will be hard
to overcome In every instance. The report
will be made to the house tomorrow.
Chairman Breckenrldge, a republican.
chosen by agreement with the anti-Wolcott
members and the democrats, ln an Inter
view said he believed there would be two
reports, a majority report by the repub
licans, who control the committee, and
one by the minority members.
He thought both aides would stand to
gether, but did not want the Inference
drawn that In the end the entire aeventeen
democrats would be ousted.
It Is the general opinion that those dem
ocrats whose majorities reached close to
the maximum will be allowed to retain
their aeats, but the others will be thrown
out. It also Is believed that the unseating
of the entire seventeen, which Mr. Wol-
cott's supporters demand, would give them
the balance of power In the house. But
should this be done, and the threat of the
democrats, who control the aenate, to un
seat every republican senator, be carried
out, the result would probably be a dead
lock, for the senate, then unanimously
democratic, would refuse to enter a Joint
On Tuesday the legislature meets ln Joint
session to ballot for a successor to Senator
Teller. The equal division of the repub
licans for and against Senator Wolcott
remaina intact, with no apparent hope of a
change between now and Tueaday.
SALEM, Ore., Jan. 18. Balloting for
United States senator will begin on Tues
day next. On the first ballot, It la con
ceded, C. W. Fulton will lead with about
thirty votes. Ex-Governor T. T. Geer will
probably stand second, with close to twenty
votes. Jonathan Bourne and Binger Kerr
mann will have from six to ten each.
Shoe Organisation Will Supply Work.
Isgmea to Replace Striking;
Knlarhts. ,
LYNN, Mass.. Jan. 18. The first real
teat of atrength between the Boot and Shoe
Workers' union snd tbe cutters' assembly
of the Knights of Labor la expected to come
tomorrow, when the Boot and Shoe Work
ers' union will make an attempt to send
Its own men to fill the places of the Knights
of Labor shoe cutters now on strike.
- The fight Is looked upon aa one of ex
termination for one or the other of the
It waa a busy day at Knights of Labor
headquarters, making final preparatlona to
cover every factory where a strike la on
at an early hour tomorrow. The Boot and
Shoe Makers' union's officials state that
they will have the backing of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor.
LonUvlIle Dealera Sow Ask Three
Seventy-Five Per Ton of
' Fncl.
LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Jan. 18. Navigation
haa been resumed on the Ohio river, but
the movement of boats Is alow, owing to
the floating ice. The a arm weather haa
brought no relief to the coal situation and
it la atlll ImpoailbU to start any tows for
southern markets from tbe Pumpkin Patch
above Louiavllle. ,
The price of coal for shipment by rail
to Chicago, Indianapolis and other markeia
haa been raised again by local dealers and
13.75 a ton 1 asked for Pittsburg coal ou
Arrangements have hot yet been com
pleted for (hipping coal to Chicago from
Falls City In box cars. Thia mill be done,
however, this wek and many ualnload
will be aeau
Former Mayor of New Tsrk Succumb
After Plncky Fight
Bishop Potter to Officiate at Faneral
Which Is Vised to Take Place
la t,ery Charch oa
NEW YORK, Jan. 18. Abram 8. Hewitt,
former mayor of New York and for many
years representstive In congres. died at 8
this morning In his 81st year, having been
critically ill for ten daya. With htm at the
moment of death were hla wife, his three
sons and three daughters.
Mr. Hewitt, who has been In feeble health
fjr some months, was attacked with ob
structive Jaundice on January 8, and from
the first It was realized by hit attending
physicians. Dr. E. L. Keyes snd Dr. E. L.
Keyes, Jr., that there waa practically no
hope for his recovery. On the following
Sunday It was thought that Mr. Hewitt
cou,1 not survive the night snd the tnein-
ners oi ni lamtiy were suminoueu io urn
bedside, but his wonderful vitality kept him
alive for a week longer.
On Thursday Mr. Hewitt rallied so
strongly that some hope was entertained
that he might recover, but on the follow
ing night relapse occurred, and It was
then evident that the end was not far off.
A slight Improvement was note'd on Satur
day morning, but late that night the phy
slclana notified Mr. Hewitt's son, Tetnr
Cooper Hewitt, that death was Imminent
and the other children, Edward R. Hewitt,
Eraklne Hewitt, Mrs. J. O. Green, Miss
Sarah Hewitt and Miss Eleanor O. Hewitt,
were summoned, and with their mother re
mained by the bedside until the end.
The funeral services, which will be con
ducted by Bishop Potter, will be held In
Calvary church, of which Mr. Hewitt waa a
member, on Wednesday.
Father of Steel Industry.
Abram Stevens Hewitt had been living In
retirement for tho past fifteen years or more,
after having rounded off a long and ardu
ous public career as congressman, mayor
of New York and other positions. His
days were the days during which the
foundatlona of Amerlca'a present pre-eminence
in matters industrial were being laid,
and it is largely due to hia energy and
fore3lght that the country occupies Its
present proud position ln the world's af
fairs. Politically he did much, but Indus
trially far more, and It la aa one of the
pioneers In the steel business of the United
State that he will be chiefly remembered.
Born ln Haveratraw, N. Y., on July 31,
1822, he was over 80 at the time of his
death but he retained his mental and many
of his physical powera to the end. Hli
education began in the public schools of ,
New York city and was completed at
Columbia university, where he graduated
In 1842 at the head of his claas, after hav
ing aupported himself through college by
teaching. After taking his degree he re
mained at Columbia for two yeara as assist
ant professor of mathematics, and then
went to Europe with Peter Cooper, hie
subHfaquent partner In baalnessi
The next year jard study won him ad
mission to the New York bar, but falling
eyesight compelled him to relinquish the
practice of his chosen profession snd led
to his first connection with the steel Indus
try, then in Its Infancy in America. The
business then founded under the style of
Cooper & Hewitt still continues and con
trols the Trenton, Rlngwood, Pequest and
Durham Iron works, which largely owe their
prominence to Mr. Hewitt's energy and re
sources. During the civil wsr he was able, owing
to a special study of gunmaklng In Eng
land, to supply the government with war
material, which, although It 'materially
assisted the union forces ln the historic
struggle, cost the then young firm heavy
financial losses.
In the course of his Industrial career Mr.
Hewitt waa Instrumental ln Introducing to
America the Martins-Siemens, or open
hearth, method of manufacturing steel,
which baa done aa must almost as any one
thing to promote the development of the
lnduatry In thia country. V
Never Had a Strike.
Although a wealthy man and one whose
fortune was built up by hard toil and un
remitting thought, Mr. Hewitt waa never
a hard taskmaster, tor during all the yeara
he waa ln businesa his work were never
closed a day through any difference of opin
ion between labor and capital, and even In
period of financial depression he kept
tbe plant running at loss rather than
displace any of his work people.
Tbe plan of tbe Cooper union was his and
the success of that Institution Is looked
upon by many as his most enduring monu
ment. It waa a labor of love to him and oc
cupied much of his thought, even after the
weight of yeara led to Ma virtual retire
ment from active participation In the r
fairs of the world. For more than a quar
ter of a century he bestowed upon It, vol
untarily, an amount of labor exceeding
that of many college presidents.
As a politician Mr. Hewitt Is noteworthy
as one of the few who ever defeated Presi
dent Roosevelt ln a fight for office. It waa
ln 1886 that he waa nominated by tbe demo
crats tor mayor of New York and found
himself rsnged against the late Henry
George and Mr. Roosevelt. When tbe votes
were counted he beaded the poll with 90,
552, Mr. George came next with 68,110 and
Mr. Roosevelt last of sll with 60,435. His
administration of the city waa marked by a
rlgll enforcement of the laws and a dls
position to bold all his subordinate officers
most strictly to their duty.
But this was the crowning point, 3ot the
beginning of his political life. Ho first en
tered public affairs In an official capacity
In 1874, when he was elected to congress,
where he served with the exception of one
term till 1887. In 1876 be waa chairman of
the national democratic committee and as
such bad to organize the campaign against
his life-long friend and partner, Peter
Cooper, who ran that year for president on
the greenback ticket.
All thia tlms he had been an ardent
democrat, but two yeara ago the campaign
for free silver led him reluctantly but
firmly to withdraw his support from that
party and throw his energies on to the re
publican side.
In the course of his csreer Mr. Hewitt
waa tbe recipient of many honors. He waa
made an honorary LL. D. of Columbia ln
1887 and waa president of the Alumni as
sociation in 1883; in 1876 he was elected
president of the American Institute of Min
ing Englneera and createj a world-wide
Impression by his retiring addreaa on "A
Century of Mining and Metallurgy la tbo
United States."
(iermany Booms Fair.
BERLIN, Jan. 18. The German govern
ment baa opened in Berlin a bureau to fa
cilitate th preparation of German exhib
it at ths St. Louis exposition.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer
Monday; Tuesday Snow.
Temperature at ttmnha Yesterday I
Hoar. Dcr. Hoar. Ilea.
(I a. m..,,.. I'd 1 p. m ...... Vl
a. m 20 It i. tn KM
7 a. m V Bp. n Vt
K a. m Ill 4 i. m .'
I n. m. . . . . . lt R p. m sill
III it, m it H p. m its
11 a. m .2.1 7 . m Si
12 a 314 M p. m V
1) p. m SC7
Mrs. Mattle fsrr, from South Bend,
Tnrna on Oaa to Kml
Mrs. Mattle Zarr, who came to Omaha a
few days sgo to take medical treatment,
was found dead In bed In her rooms at 119
Dodge street, Sunday morning. Death was
due from asphyxiation, the gas Jet being
found wide open. Tho deceased was shout
SS yeara of age and her home was In South
Bend, Neb.
Saturday evening Mrs. Zarr retired to her
room early. As she hsd been consider -d
mentally unbalanced P. L. Vose, the pro
prietor of the house where she was room
ing, took the precaution against posslblo
accident by turning out the gas ln Mrs.
Zan's apart merts after she had retired.
About 7 o'clock Sunday morning the strong
odor of gaa was detected ln the hallway
and an Investigation led to the discovery
that the fumes were emitting from the
apartments of Mrs. Zsrr. Dr. Van Camp
waa summoned. Entrance waa effected by
one of the bystanders climbing through the
transom. Dr. Van Camp found that Mrs.
Zarr was dead and that llfo had been ex
tlnpt for several hours.
Special Officer Jackson was called, and
after a hasty examination found that tho
gas Jet In tbe room had been turned wide
open, though It had been tightly cloaed
when the woman retired. Coroner Brallcy,
who was notified, decided that an Inquest
wss unnecessary.
For some time past Mrs. Zarr has been
laboring under the hallucination that the
spirit of her husband, who died some time
ago, was haunting her, and It la thought
that while Buffering ono of these attacks
she may have arisen and turned on the gas.
The remains were taken to Ma'il'a under
taking rooms, snd will be sent to South
Bend, Neb., ..his afternoon.
Chicago Minister Tells of the Salter
Inn; of People ln Fin
land. John Falkner. a Lutheran minister of
Chicago, haa been prompted by a letter
from a friend ln the stricken district, to
renew his appeal to Nebraskane and others
for aja for the perishing people of Finland,
In a letter sent The Bee It Is stated that the
Finland crops are a total failure; that no
pen can describe the suffering already ex
isting snd that ''according to reports from
reliable sources, 400,000 people, or one
sixth the population of Finland, will die
from hunger unless prompt aid is extended
them." . The letter received by Rev. Falk
ner from his friend tn Finland contains
accounta of the death of whole families
from cold and starvation and indicates that
religion and raw bark are about all that
othera have left to sustain them.
Asks Interstate Commerce Comnila.
elon to Let Him Reply to
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 18 The Courier-
Journal tomorrow will say: I
John W. Gatea Snd his associates have
demanded a hearing before the Interstate
Commerce commisslonere that they may
reply to testimony given by J. P. Morgan
and George W. Perkins ln connection with
the merger of the Southern railway system.
This Information came here tonight tn a
telegram to Colonel Bennett Young, who
waa attorney for the Kentucky railroad
commissioner during the hearing The
telegram aaya Gatea feels that an injustice
was done him by the evidence given by
Morgan and Perkins, and that he wants to
give his side of the case.
Stenographer Work All Snndny Writ
Ins; Bll-a Found by Coal
CHICAGO, Jan. 18. For several hours
today stenographera were at work writing
up the Indictments found against coal deal
era by the grand Jury yesterday. It Is as
serted that there are one or two Indict
ments wblch at least three of the Jurors
are in favor of withdrawing, and there wtll
be a vote taken on these bills before report
Is msde to the court.
The charge made against the coal deal
era. It Is said, are conspiracy to fix pricea
and blacklisting. Tho latter Is made against
retailers, and especially. It la aatd, against
the Retail Dealers' Association of Illinois
and Wisconsin.
Will niscass Flre-Mllllou-Dollar Col
leve and Hay's hote on Rou
manian Persecution.
8T. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 18 It Is expected
that 125 delegates, Including many of the
most prominent rabbis of the country, will
be present at the eighteenth biennial coun
cil of the Union of American Hebrew Con
gregations and the Sabbath School union,
that meet here on Tueeday.
Among the Important subjects to be dis
cussed sre the Hebrew Union onjlege at
Cincinnati, for wblch It la proposed to ralae
$5,000,000; tbe Increase of circuit preaching
to the weat, and Secretary Hay'a note to
the powera on tbe oppression of Jews In
Famona Politician Sits ip and
Recovery Is oe Looked
WATERLOO. 111.. Jan. It. Colonel Wil
liam R. Morrison la Improving rapidly. He
sat up most of the day and bis physician
have hope of hi ultimata recovery.
Movements of Oeeuu Yeaarla Jan. IS.
At New York Arrived: Casael. from
Bremen; Cytiirlc, from Liverpool and
(junton; I'hilailrliihirf, from Southamp
ton and Cherbourg; Lucanla, from Liver
pool and Queentown.
At jueeniown Hulled: Etruria, from
Liverpool, for N w York.
At Lixird Passed: Zclandle, from Phila
delphia, fur Antwerp.
House is Expected te Fass Anti-Comblnc
Measure This Week.
Propotin. ii te Limit Debate if Bingla
Day, or Two at MoeU
Flood of TJsoloss Suggestion! Are Feared if
Aiterat'ons Are Permitted.
Proposal to Rive Alaska Delegate la
Also Expected to Come Vp as
Stnp-tiap Between More
Important Matter.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. The tndlcattona
are that the present week will witness the
passage by the house of an anti-trust meas
ure prepared by the Judiciary committee.
The subcommittee which has the matter In
hand expects to have the bill ready to re
port on Tusday and no delay la expected
In tho full committee. It Is still pokslbl
that a separate measure will be repotted
to cover the publicity features.
As soon ss the messure or measures are
reported everything will be sidetracked and
they will be brought before the bouae. Tbe
leaders already have agreed to this course
ond a special order for consideration will
be prepared.
No decision will be reached as to the
length of time which will be allowed tor
discussion or whether opportunity will be
given for amendment. The democrat will
desire extended debate, but owing to the .
lateucm of the session It Is not jrobable '
that more than two daya at most will be
allowed. It la more likely, to be a single
day. At least the members of the subcom
mittee are of opinion that a day will be
ample. The admission of amendments pre
sents many difficulties and in order to pre
vent a flood of propositions of all aorta
the rule will limit the amendments at least
to those pending when the ilme allotted
for consideration expires.
Appropriation bills probably will occupy
the time of the house to !ho exclusion of
everything elso If the anti-trust bill does
not appear. The District of Columbia con
sular and diplomatic and Indian bills are
on the calendar. The bill to grant Alaska
representation In the house through a dele
gate la a continuing order beginning on
Wednesday, but the debate for lta consid
eration provides that It shall not Interfere
with appropriation bills, ao It can be ured
aa a atopgap whenever appropriation bills
or other Important matters are not pend
Scnnte Will Consume Mack Tint Con
sidering! Reciprocity with Hew
Republlo. j
WASHINGTON. Jan. 18 The statehood
bill, the Immigration bill and the Cuban 1
reciprocity treaty will vie with each other
ln demanding the attention of the senrte r
during the present week, but the proba
bilities are that before the close of ths -week
all of them will be displaced tem
porarily by the legislative, executive and
Judiciary appropriation bills.
The last named measure has been under
consideration of a subcommittee of the
senate committee on approprfat'one for two
weeka and will be laid before the full com
mittee tomorrow. Ita consideration by the
full committee will be completed at one or
two sittings and as soon aa possible It
will be taken up ln the eenate, the purpose
being to present consideration of ths ap
propriation bills as rapidly aa possible
ln order to avoid the necessity for an extra
session. Senator Allison chairman of the
committee on appropriations, haa given
notice that he will resist all further efforts
to secure sn adjournment of the aenate
from Thursday to Monday, as all ths sup
ply bills yet remain to be passed.
The fact that Senator Cullom, aa chair
man of tbe commute on foreign relatione,
baa given notice that he will ask (he sen
ate to go Into executive session on Monday
to consider the Cuban treaty doea not mean'
that there will be any clash at that tlmo
between the treaty and, atatebood bill, aa
under the agreement the statehood bill dos
not come up until Z. There Is a conflict,
however, between the notice given by Sen
ator Cullom in tbe Interest of the treaty
and one given by Senator Falrbanka to the
effect that be would seek to call up ths
Immigratlou bill during the morning' hour
on Monday. These Interest certainly will
be reconciled. It la probable that tbs
treaty will be given the preference. The
present Indications are that the Cuban
treaty will be before tbe senate for some
time to come. Whatever may be Its ulti
mate fate there la no doubt that the pres
ent disposition is to dtecuss It at consid
erable length. Many southern senators feel
that the treaty discriminates against south
ern products, and thsy are organised for a
determined fight.
There are also aome Indications that
while the beet augar Interest may not
openly oppose the treaty as amended, they
will stand ready to encourage others In op
position. The tobacco Interests are dissatisfied with
the agreement and are preparing to fight
It Mgorously.
The first effort of the opposition wtll be to
ubstltute ome other messure for tht
treaty. This measure will be either the re
ciprocity bill psssed by ths house of repre
sentatives last session or ths French re
ciprocity treaty. There will be many ef
forts to smend It If the senate decides to
proceed with Its ccnslderstton, snd th off
ering of 'heae amendments will bs followed
by much speech-making.
After 2 o'clock tomorrow Senator For
sker will continue his speech In support
of the omnibus statehood bill. 11 will be
followed by Senator Burnbam In opposi
tion, who will speak for two or three daya.
All efforts looking to a compromise on ths
s'atehood bill appear for the time to bavs
been abandoned, and both sides now clslm
that It la their purpose tc fight It out on
tbs lines already drawn. Tbe opponent
of the bill profess confidence ln their abil
ity to continue the present speechmaklog
aa long as may be necessary to accomplish
its defeat for the present session.
The friend of the measure express eon
fldaore that tbey will secure vots before
th vloee of the session.
The trust question Is receiving no little
attention at the bands of senators, but
tbeir talk Is confined largely to tbe cloak
rooms. The members of Senator llnar'a
subcommittee are giving attention to the
subject as Individuals, but will poslpono
formal considerstlou until the bouse arts,
unless It becomes apparent that actios
there will bo postponed too long. SeLators