THE OMAHA DAILY 11 EE: SUNDAY, JANUARY IS. 100P,. Gives His Secret To the World H RanwkaSIs Discovery by a R3nmka!)l3 Man, THE ART OF FASCINATION, THE POWER OF CHARMING, THE SECRETS OF PERSONAL MAG NETISM FILLY AND COM PLETELY REVEALED AT. LAST Marvelous, Mysterious Force Which Gives Wonderful Msntal and Phys ical Strength; Overcomas All Dis eases; Enables You to Know the Secret Natures of Others and to Handle Them as You Please, .: V'.- Prof. R. F. Robertson, Fsych. D., C. D.. la the greatest living teacher of Personal Magnetism, lie has astounded the scientists of1 the world. He has discovered a new system of developing and imparting mag netic force. He believes the great power he has discovered lies dormant in every In dividual. Ha guarantees you can master Its great secrets at your own homo and per form wonders of which you have never dreamed. You can know at a glance the aecret natures, talents, weaknesses, strength and vices of every person you meet. You can quickly develop marvelous physical and mental power, overcome all diseases In yourself or others, banish pain and bad habits without drugs or surgery Prof. Robertson can read your secret nature and Influence your thoughts, though a thou sand miles away. He can teach you how to do the same: Thia may seem Incredible, but ha absolutely guarantees this result under a forfeit of 11.000.00 In gold. The power of hypnotism, persuasion, threats and ' en treaties pales into insignificance when com pared with the wonders of thla mighty force. Professor Robertson calla his new dis covery tho "Kl-Magl" System of personal .Influence. You do not have to have sub jects upon which to practice. , Professor Robertson's Instructions are ao plain and explicit that you can raad them carefully and at once use this groat power secretly to Influence and control the thoughts and de sires of anyone you wish. You will be startled and mystified at tho wonderful things you can do; you will be astounded at the amazing power that you can exer else over others. Prominent ministers of the Gospel, lawyers and business men have mastered Protestor Robertson's new ays tern, and they give It their highest endorse went. 8. I. Yetter of Mlddletown. Pa., says Tour 'Kl-Magl' System of Personal Influ ence has brought mo that success In busi ness for which I have been looking. It is the magnet that controls; there Is no guess work about It It is a scientific fact. It haa taught me to know and coutrol myself aa well as others." Dr. Hs H. Chllds, box No. TO. Saratoga Barings. N. Y., writes: "In your 'Kl-Magl System of "Personal Influence I have found what I have for years searched for In vain It haa changed my whole trend of thought and given my life a new meaning. I feel younger and stronger every day. I find In It the key to business success." Mrs. A. B. Egert of 502 Woodland avetaue Cleveland. O., writes: "I do not see ho ny society woman can become a successful leader without a knowledge of the wonder ful secrets Imparted by the , 'Kl-Magl' Sys tem." Mr. George W. Howard of 1ST Beech treet, Detroit, Mich., says- "By means o your 'Kl-Magl' System I have made torn startling discoveries In tho characters my friends. It Is far beyond my fondos expectations. It should be in the hands of every man and woman who wishes achieve the greatest auccess in life." We have Just Issued 8,oon copies of Prof. IlohertHon's new book entitled "The Secret iif Power." We provoe to give these 8.000 copies away absolutely free to interested persons for the purpose of showing the atartling possibilities of this great discov. ery. We want you to have one free. After you jtel one tell your friend. He will want one alao, but he must writ at one If he gets In on our free distribution, as these books are going very fast. After 8.000 cop lea of tha book are distributed everybody will want one. But they will cost money then. Remember, they cost you nothing now. Address Columbia Scientific Academy, Dept. 4J4-M. 1931 Broadway. New York. f EfmYRQYAt. PSLLS " rllHHHM.ll'S I :ni;lisii tura Mali. IU.IM.T'.i,ni..Bi.:i MiH imtm. Ma tw,, fuil.. t5 I ".Man wants hut little hr below" SaiJ u inorbiJ puct Ion years .iu. 1'iu prima tu doubt that ancle- nt ;: When 1 look t I li Bee's) grciit "Want Ad" p.t;o. 11 aJ ! kliaiUii w.J lalut (Tllfc nf ,ll l'rt;(i.l. H Ml 4,. I THIEVES SHOOT YOUNG MAN Victim Hal Deleted Thorn ia the Aot of lobbiaj the Meat Storehouse ONE OF SUPPOSED CRIMINALS ARRESTEO Hustled Off In Ariel I sent a l.ynrhlna; llntr a Hard a e Trlaa i Order to Pre and Ofllrera Time to PERRY. Ia.. Jan. 17. (Special Telegram.) Harry Pattee. teller of the First National bank, on returning from the calico ball, a big social function, at t o'clock this morn ing, was shot In the right breast Just be low the nipple by two men who were steal ing meat which hung on the back porch of his father's house. He had undressed and was ready for bed when he heard a noise and on going to the back door saw the men and grappled with one of them, who shot him and ran away. He got back Into the house and called for help. His father and two sister were aroused and called Drs. Trout and Ross. The wound bled freely, but hey could not locate the ball. Harry rested easily during the day, but tonight is worse nd It Is feared will not rally again. To morrow, if well enough, X ray are to be sed to locate the bullet. Marshal Rlsser telephoned to Knoxvllle or bloodhounds, which arrived at 8:15 over he Rock Island and were immediately put on the trail. They followed it to the old pest house, now occupied by Steve Crandall, fellcw-about-town, who ia on parole from jail for stealing a hog some time ago. He ad gone down town and given himself up to be taken to Adel to Jat to serve out his sentence. He was locked Lp and the hounds put on the trail for the other man. They racked him through a barn and there lost the trail. He Is supposed to have taken a orse and left town. Talk of lynching has been rife all day and the officers decided to take Crandall to Adel to Jail at 7 this evening. A mob of several hundred git together and tried to et the prisoner away from the officers. Cluba and fists were freely used, a rope was passed through the crowd and waa put ver Crandall'a head, but the officers got It off again. Someone hit him In the face with a club and broke his nose. After drawing revolvers and threatening the crowd the officers managed to get Crandall on the 1 'clock train for Adel. The disgrace of a lynching was narrowly averted. The other man !a still at large, but it la expected he will be arrested in a day or so. DES MOINES, la.. Jan. 17. (Special Tele gram.) Governor Cummins was this even lng notified by the captain of the militia company at Perry that he had already called out his company to patrol the city in connection with the shoctlng by robbers lest night of Harry Pattee. The governor had not been asked to call out the mil Itta and the action of the Perry captain was unauthorized, but the governor said he would make no objection to the militia company acting as a police force If they chose to do so. HANDY WITH CARVING KNIFE Sheep Batcher Attempts to Make Pro fessional Victim of CoU i orcd Woman. At 9:33 o'clock yesterday evening Arch Harvey, excited and short of breath, ap peared In the police station and after hold ing onto a door casing until ne caught u,p with bis breath, said: 'Deya a man been cuttln' a gall up Jes now. over at Lcventn street. He a cut- tin' her now!" The six or seven officers in the rooms rushed for overcoats and cluba and started on a run with Arch, who was so excited that he could not aay where the murder was being done. Up some dark stairs, over the hand laun dry of H. Slaughter at 205 North Eleventh street, they found the girl who had been carved, a broken tumbler and some colored folks. The girl had an inch and a halt long cut on her shoulder. The man had escaped The woman was Hattle Walker; the man Burrell Handy, with whom she had been living since she came to Omaha. She bad been to the police station early In the even ing to protest against Burrell, who had been beating her for weeks. Hattle has been working for Mrs. Slaughter, who feeds boarders. Handy eats these meals. He la employed by the Swift packing house In Sooth Omaha and is a handy man In the sheep killing department. It seema that yesterday evening he started for the Slaughter bouse, that la, the hand laundry, with the Idea of eating another meal and doing for Hattle. Treat ing her proferalonally aa a sheep, he started in handily with a good sized knife, but was bothered by Arch and others. About half an hour after the first alarm, Handy re turned to finish the work, saying: "I sure will kill that wench tonight." The police were again called. WILL ELECT AN ARCHBISHOP Peculiar Method to Be Pursued Selecting a Successor to Lata Dr. Temple. LONDON', Jan. 17. The members of the Ancient chapter of Canterbury met on Fri day to take the first step In the formal election of a new archlbishop of Canter bury, In succession to the late Dr. Temple. , The chapter rlerk read a letter recom mendatory, whose quaint phraseology In suggesting that Dr. Davidson 111! the va cancr Is aa follows: "Trusty and well beloved, we greet you well. Whereas, the archlblshopric of Can terbury is at the present void by the death of Dr. Frederick Temple, the late arch- Samples Mailed Free. A Trial Package of Dr. Bloaaar'a Ca tarrh Cure Will Be Sent Free to Any Sufferer From Catarrh. Ta demonstrate the merits of his remedy, Dr. Blosser effers to mail, free of charge, to any one suffering from Catarrh, a three days' trial package of this valuable medi cine. It the trial package does not convineo you of its curative properties, you will have been at no expense; If it benenta you, you will gladly order a month's treatment at $1.00. It Is a harmless, pleasant, vegetable com pound, which Is smoked In a pipe, the medi cated smoke, being Inhaled, reacbea dir ectly the mucous membranes lining the head, nose, throat and lungs, heals the ulcerated parts, effecting a radical and per manent cure. Mr. Joseph Chabot. Kaycee. Wyo.. writes: "I am free from catarrh, owing to your wonderful remedy." Miss Annie E. Young. Camden, N. J., writes: "Am completely cured of catarrh after using-your medi cine." Mrs. E. M. Howd, Water Valley. Miss., writes: Smoking yovlr remedy haa entirely cured me." If you wish to try the remedy and get full particulars, testimonials, etc., write to Dr. Blosser Company, 3(5 Walton St., Atlanta, Ga. bishop thereof, we let yu mwl that for Ttaln considerations t this present mov ing, w of our princely disposition and rest. being desirous to prefer up lo the same archbishopric a person meet thereunto, and considering the vltrue, learning, wisdom, gravity and other good gifts were with the right reverend father In Ood. our right rusty and well beloved counsellor, Randall Thomas Davidson, doctor of divinity, now bishop of Westchester, Is endued, we have been pleased to know and recommend him to you to be elected and chosen to said archbishopric of Canterbury." The election Is fixed for January 27. It Is a purely formal proceedure, and follows the king's nomination as a matter of course. SEES HOPE FOR IRELAND Redmond (Inlni l.nvr la Imminent to Heal l,iins Utaadlna Wounds. LONDON. Jan. 17. John Redmond, M. P.. responding to a national address, presented to him at Edinburgh this evening, said he believed Ireland would soon see a law which would heal the wounds of the century and give the Irish people a chance of living In peace and prosperity on their own soil. If the chance of settling the Irish land queatlon was lost by rejection of the mea sure, said Mr. Redmond, there would be an overwhelming Justification for such a strong, menacing and dangerous public movement In Ireland as he would be sorry to see. He thought the spirit of concilia tion with the Dublin lard conference would be reproduced In the House of Commons, and If so the political parties might com mence the work of appeasement and Justice. Hitherto the Irish nationalists had been fighting landlordism and not the landlords, whom they wished would remain to take a part In the government of the country. The demand on the treasury in connection with the voluntary purchase scheme was not unreasonable. Th4 deficit would disap pear In ten years by the reduction In the cost of governing Ireland. Laying aside the questions of what was due to the land lords, and of the debt due to Ireland, It would be a profitable investment to settle the land question which had baffled the best English statesmen, had been a source of poverty, misery and bloodshed and had caused the emigration of millions of Irish men to America who cherished there an undying hatred for the Union Jack. He did not believe the settlement of the land question would settle the home rule question and he would hestltate to say that It would be the removal of the last obsta cle. In conclusion said he. If the last chance was lost, the losers would be the landlords and those desiring to maintain the connec tion between England and Ireland. Tho Irish people were ready to accept the situa tion in the event of the acceptance or the refusal of the pending proposition. AMERICAN 'VARSITYS BEST German Professor Lament Short coming; 4of 111 National Scat of Learning. BERLIN, Jan. 17. German scholars are beginning to give unusual attention to American intellectual progress. Prof. Welti of Freiburg university, comparing the scien tific development of Germany and the United States, says the real American danger exists In Intellectual rather than economic things. The foremost among the new world uni versities, be points out, ore better equipped than those in Germany for comprehensive training, and the munificent glfta from pri vate individual for libraries, museums, laboratories and professorships supply the American professors with facilities for In struction superior to those of their German colleagues. Therefore, Germany ia in dan ger of being surpassed by the United Statea in intellectual development. Describing bow German workers are handicapped by the Inadequacy of libraries, Prof. Welts remarks: ' German Investigators often painfully real ise the fact that their American colleagues work under far more favorable clrcum stances. We have libraries, numerous and good, but there is not a single one where it can with certainty be reckoned tnat adequate material exlpts for the subject In hand. The larger Herman u-niversniea, like Berlin, Munich and Uoettlngen, have often attempted to get means for supply ing the missing books, but in vain. After several weeks of correspondence with six or more libraries the Inquirer Anally ascer tains that It is impossible to write a dis sertation In Germany at all. In conclusion, the professor assert that the Americans not only have the better tools, but owing to their large teaching staffs and more minute subdivision of sub jects, the American students are able to pursue individual scientific tests more ef fectively. WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC GOES ON Bohemian Paper Make Startling; Statement Regarding? It Extent. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PRAGUE, Bohemia, Jan. 17. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Notwithstanding International congresses and much public Indignation the "white slave" traffic la assuming enormous pro portions. The other day fifteen Polish girls between"l5 and 18 and under charge of a "chaperon," were discovered between Prague and Cracow, but the police de clined to Interfere, and it is surmised that they are In the pay of scoundrelly agents. A Prague newspaper of good standing states that to its certain knowledge aa many as sixty girls are shipped dally from Bohemia on the way to America by way of Bremen and Hamburg. The Pravo Llbu. another Bohemian Jour nal, says 200 girls a week are sent from Gallcla to Dresden and Leipslc, whence they are dispatched to various ports In the north and south of Europe for shipment to New York. HOLDS OUT HOPE TO PRISONERS w. H. Ashley of Beatrice Seek Re lease of Almost Three Hun dred Convict. TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 17. (Special Tele gram.) W. H. Aj,hby, an attorney of Be atrice, Neb., haa taken a contract to secure the release of the 285 Oklahoma convicts whe are confined under contract In the I Kansas atata Danitentlarv at Lansln. Kan. As a first step In carrying out his contract he appeared in :he state supreme court here today to argue for trs issue ot a writ cf habeas corpus for I. N. Terrill. on of the Oklahoma prisoners. Terrill is In prison for murder. He Is seeking release on the ground that the Oklahoma contract for the rare of convicts at Lansing Is In valid. He Is a lawyer himself and insisted on arguing his own rase, but Asbby ap peared also, aa a "friend ot the court." The court took the matter under advisement. It Is expected that the writ will be granted, which will open the way for Aehby to secure the release of every one of the Oklahoma convicts. Oklahoma Is expecting such a decision and Is plannTng to rush all Its convicts back to Oklahoma by epectnl train as soon as It is found necessary. Asbby notified Governor Bailey ot this In tended move todsy and asked him to take steps to prevent so summary a proceeding, which would shut Asbby out. Tbe gov ernor promised to Investigate ths mat lex. PRESIDENT CROWS ANXIOUS Sceki AfsuraEC! of Anti-Tru,st Legislation and Cubun Treaty. COLORADO LIEUTENANT LET OUT OF ARMY Trraiirr Ilepnrtmcnt Declares radge Orenn lied Part of I nltcd Mutes for Purpose of Customs Col lection on Cable. WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. Important con ferences were held today between the pres ident and prominent members of the senate regarding the legislative prospect for the remainder of the session. President Roose velt Is anxious to see some anti-trust leg islation and the ratification of the Cuban reciprocity treaty. Such assurance as are possible at thla time have been given him th-t both these desires will bo fulfilled. Ia the course of an Interview today Sen ator Barrows (Mich.), who rast spring led the opposition to reciprocity, told the pres ident that, with rosslbly one exception, the nineteen senators who then opposed would support the pending Cuban treaty as amended. Ho liad no doubt that the treaty would be ratified aa he was assured that no oerlous opposition was to be expected from those democrats who regarded it with disfavor. Senators Piatt (Conn.) and Aldrlch (R. I.) discussed the prospect of anti-trust lcg Islstlon. Both were of the opinion that some measure could be passed, although It was pointed out that with less six weeks remaining, It would be difficult to over come any strenuous opposition. Senator Beverldge (Ind.) told the presi dent that it was now certain the omnibus statehood bill would not be passed by the senate." Ho did not Indicate what fate awaited his committee statehood measure. Hobson I In Quandary. Upon the recommendation of Admiral Bowles, chief constructor of the navy. Act lng Secretary Barling today assigned Con struotor Hobson to duty In chars,? of the construction department at the Pugel Sound naval station at Bremerton. Mr. Hobson has been for som. months past on waiting orders, having declined an assignment to Pensacola, pending action by congress authorizing his retirement, and Is now in a position where he must resign from the navy altogether or undertake active duty for which ho feels himself unfitted by rea son of an eye trouble. Disapprove Water Cure. Final action baa been taken by the pres ident and secretary of war In the case of First Lieutenant Edwin A. Hickman of the First cavalry, one of the officers tried by courtmartlal for administering the water cure to Filipino prisoners. The military court acquitted him and the papers have been Indorsed with the simple word "dls approved," evidently Intending to depre cate the employment of tho water cure without affecting the Judgment of the court in acquitting the officer on the general ground that Its employment in this in stance was Justified by circumstances. Colorado Lieutenant Let Out. Secretary Root haa directed that the res ignation of Second Lieutenant Kistler, Fifth infantry, be accepted for the good of the service. This action was taken on the recommendation of Brigadier General Funs ton, commanding the department . of Colo rado, to avoid scandal and the expense of a trial. It appear that Lieutenant Kistler haa been abcent without leave from his poBt at Foit Logan, Colo., since December 15 and has duplicated his pay accounts. Paclfle Ocean 1 American. The Treasury department has decided that the bottom of the Pacific ocean la not "foreign country" within the meaning of the tariff lavs, and hence repair cable im ported by the Commercial Pacific company cannot be withdrawn from a bonded ware house without the payment of duty. Trust Bill Come I p Soon. Representatives Littlefleld and Overstreet of the subcommittee of the house Judiciary committee were at the Department of Justice today ip connection with the prep aratlon of an anti-trust bill. The subcommittee expects to have its bill completed so as to have a final con fcrence with the attorney general on Mon day. If it finds that It can be formally adopted and a report ordered on Tuesday or Wednesday, the committee may adjourn until Wednesday, otherwise there would be a delay until Friday. Pushes Safety Appliance Bill. H. R. Fuller, representing the brother hoods of locomotive engineers, firemen, railway trainmen and the orders of rail way conductors and railroad telegraphers, addressed a letter, today to Speaker Hen derson urging that time be allowed at an earjy day for the consideration of the safety appliance bill. Price Raiser Mulcted. A bill waa Introduced today by Repre sentative Bell (Colo.) providing that any producer, dealer, transporter or agent who shall Join with any other person or persons for the purpose of raising the price of any article of food or fuel, or Its car- Like a Comet This (A in tne skv comes - me star oi neann famous remedy to the weak and weary despon doesfor the stom ach that which it Is unable to do (or dent dyspeptic. curing all stomach Itself, even If but slightly disordered or overburdened. troubles and digestive disorders. Kodol supplies the natural Juices of digestion snd does the work of the stomach, relaxing the nervous tension, while the Inflamed muscles and membranes of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. It cures Indigestion, flatulence, palpitation ol the heart, nervous dyspeps a and all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying and strengthening the glands membranes of the stom ach and digestive organs, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Tr feiler Csa Ssssly Trs. Bottles onTy. $ 1 .00 Sut hcidir.g 24 times ths trial sua. which senior 50c rrssartd sy L C DtVrTT CO, CfilCAOO, mum mi a.'iisp l ...u. .,,! i s 1 WWA m II i riage and hauling, shall be guilty of ex-, tortlon. A maximum prnslty pf a I.YOop. fine cr Imprisonment f. r one year Is pro vided. Poatnfltre Is t loaril. For the reason that no suitable person Is available to take the office, the fourth assistant postmaster general has discon tinued the pcstofTlee at Keokoi, Island ot Man, Hawaii. The postmaster, whose com pensation was a year, resigned some time sao. ' Chinese Inspector Accused, Commissioner Genersl Sargent of the Im migration bureau haa filed charges against Ralph Isard. Chinese Inspector ststlooed at Brooklyn. Among other things Isard Is charged with being in league with persons Interested lu smuggling Chinese Into this country. It said that the buslnest. of smuggling Chinese for a consideration has covered a long period of time and the department believes that evidence of guilt Is conclusive. Isard hss been summoned to Washington and has been furnished with ctfpy of the charges. Itnrk Burled at Artlnartoa. The remains rf Alfred E. Buck, late United States minister to Japan, who died at the consulate a few weeks ago, were pri vately Interred in the National cemetery at Arlington today. Mr. Buck was a volun teer soldier during the war of the rebel lion and was entitled lo a military funeral, but at the request of his wife the usual military ceremony at the grave was omitted. Kaprnsc of the District. The District of Columbia appropriation bill reported to the house today carries an appropriation of $7,749,225. The current appropriation Is $3,462,923, while the esti mates submitted exceeded $10,000,000. WOOL GROWERS HOLD MEETING a'atlonal Association Convenes In Kansas City nlth Senator Warren In the Chair. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 17. The Na tional Wool Growers' association met here today In annual convention and many dele gates to the national live stock meeting re mained over to attend its sessions. Speech- making, reports of Its officers and consid eration of resolutions took up tho time. Senator Francis E. Warren of Wyoming, president ot the, association, presided and delivered his annual address, which was followed by the reports of the executive committee and the treasurer. The program included addresses as fol lows: "How Knowledge Pertaining to the Sheep and Woolen Industry, Both National and International, Can Be Brought to the Attention of Those Interested," by Hon. Frank P. Bennett, Boston: "English Tax payers In America," M. E. Cooper, Pennsyl vania; "State and Federal Inspection," Dr. D. E. Salmon, Washington, D. C, chief of Bureau of Animal Industry; "The Cotswold Sheep," Frank W. Harding, Wisconsin; "Mutual Interests of Wool Growers and Wool Manufacturers," 8. N. D. Orth, Bos ton; "Benefits to Be Derived from Organi zation and Co-operation." Hon. Jesse M. Smith, Utah: "The Sheep that Produces 100 Per Cent Fine Delaine Wool," L. L. Harsh, Michigan; "Transportation of Live Stock to Market," R. F. Buller, Idaho; "Co-operative Wool Selling," Joseph Ewing, Ohio. In his address President Warren said the wool growers of the country were In better condition now than they had been for years past. The country, he said, is practically free from old wool stored in former years by speculators, and with the marketing of the clip this year he believed better prices would prevail. Take It all the way from the sheep's bsck to the clothing ot the consumer there is no surplus In this country at this time. Presi dent Warren said that the United States seemed to have become a mutton-eating na tion within the last two years. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 17. The last of the delegates to the National Livestock con vention left tonight, when 200 started for Memphis and New Orleans on a special train over the 'Frisco. The next annual convention will be held In Portland, Ore., on the second Monday In January, 1004, one day prior to the Na tional Live Stock association's meeting. Senator F. E. Warren of Wyoming was re elected president and Frank P. Bennett of Boston will serve . another year as vice president. The president will appoint a secretary and treasurer. Resolutions relating to the forest re serves and the disease known as "scab" among sheep provoked the principal dis cussion of the session today. One resolu tion a-iked that Jurisdiction over the forest reserves of the Black Mesa, Grand Canyon and St. Louis be transferred from the Interior department to . the Agricultural department. Upon the dvice of Senator Warren, action on the resolution was post poned. . , A resolution extending the thanks of the. convention to the bureau of animal industry for Its activity In combatting scab"-and asking that government In spectors be appointed to Investigate and fight the disease caused a lively discussion between Utah and Idaho delegates. J. X. Moyle and Jesse Smith of Utah Indorsed the resolution and Darlow Ferguson ot Idaho said It was not necessary to ask government assistance, as the few Bta'es affected were amply able to fight the dis ease. The resolution was finally tabled. SHOOTS THROUGH WINDOW Assaasla Murder Missouri Lumber man a He Sits Heading Pa per. CHARLESTON, Mo., Jan. 17. J. W. Bow ser, a wealthy sawmill owner of Annlston, six miles south ot here, was assassinated last night by some unknown person while he sat reading a paper In his room. Both barrels of a shotgun were fired Into Mr. Bowser's head, almost tearing It frcm the ohoultVrs and causing instant death. The window was not more than seven feet from Mr. Bowser's cbalr snd the gun was evi dently pressed against the glass. Mrs. Bowser, the wife of the murdered man, was, the only occupant oi tne nouse and she bad Just moved a few feet away from the table beside which her husband sat when the snVt waa fired. Otherwise she would have been seriously injured. Mr. Bowser, in addition to his saw mill property, was tbe owner of 10. 000 acres of timber land In this county. No clue has developed as to the perpetrator of tbe deed ' and no arrests have been made. No motive for tbe deed is known. Mr. Bowser came here about eight years ago from Lebanon, Ind.. where an aged mother and an Invalid sister still reside. CRUSHED IN AN ELEVATOR Vonna: Woman of ev York Meet ' with Arcldcat la t all torn la Hotel. SANTA BARBARA, Csl , Jan. 17. -Miss Caroline Kelly, a young society woman of New York, has suffered shocking Injuries in ac elevator accident In the Potter hotel. As Miss Kelly entered the car she slipped and fell. Tbe elevator, for some unex plained reason, shot upward, crushing Miss Kelly against the floor above. Amputation of one of ber legs will be necessary and tbe shock may prove fatsl. She ta a sister-ln-law of Louis Olvernabd. a wealthy silk manufacturer of New York, EXPLOSION ON BATTLESHIP Prmatnre D-scharge Kills Bit Men and Injures Three Others. ACCIDENT OCCURS ON MASSACHUSETTS Maanlacrnt Discipline Shnnn by the Officer and Men Probably Prevents Additional K plosions and More Scrlon Hraplta. SAN JUAN. P. R.. Jan. 17. Six men were killed and three others were wounded, two of them probably fatally, by the ex plosion of a powder charge cf an elht Inch gun on board the United State bat tleship Massachusetts yesterday morning, while at target practice off Culcbrn Island. Details of the explosion were obtained when Massachusetts arrived hero today. The explosion occurred in the starboard after eight -Inch turret shortly before noon yesteruay and was dne to the accidental discharge of a pectisston primer while tho breach of the gun was open. r.oalarn Miraculously F.scapes. The full charge exploded In the turret and killed or injured all the crew of the gun, numbering nine men. Ensign Ward K. Wort man. w ho was In charge of the turret, escaped Injury, though be waa stand ing near the scene of the explosion. The dead: . K. J. FLATT, S29 Eighth atreet. Troy. N. Y. 8. F. MAUNOWSKI, 8433 Ontario avenue, Chicago. F. H. LOESSER. 13$ East Eighty-sixth street. New York. ANDREW HENDRIKSEN. Norway. R. RUIE. Walnut hills. Cincinnati. A. S. TACHE. Miami street, St. Louis. The seriously Injured: A. N. Dossett. Durham, N. C. J. O. burg. W. A. Patterson, 22 Sohoe street, Pitts- Schert, 375 Cleveland avenue, Chi- cago. Magnificent discipline waa shown by the officers and crew. Captain Lee, commanding the marine guard of the vessel, and Ensign Clarence Abele Immediately flooded the tur ret with water, and Lieutenant Charles F. Hughes and Gunner Kohlweln went below to the magazine, picking up powder charges and preventing further explosions, while Lieutenant William C. Cole and Gun Cap tain Soneman entered the turret and with drew tho charge from the other gun, whose breech was open. The survivors of the gun's crew when res cued were burned, mutilated and nearly dead. One man, whose clothing was on fire, Jumped overboard. In less than a minute after the explosion three streams of water were pouring Into the turret, preventing the charge In the other eight-Inch gun from exploding. A funeral service for the men killed was held this afternoon on board Massachusetts, Chaplalu Wright officiating. Afterward a procession was formed on shore and pro ceeded to the military cemetery of Torto Rico, whero the Interment took place. The regimental band of the garrison of Porto Rico took part in the ceremony. Admiral Hlgglnson and the officers of Massachusetts were at the graveside, where military honors were rendered. The injured men are lying In the military hospital. They are severely burned, Schert and Dos sett not being expected to recover. Admiral lllcalnson's Report. WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. Admiral Hlggln son cables from San Juan, P. R., under to day's date, that by an explosion ot powder in the eight-Inch turret ot the battleship Massachusetts five men were killed and four injured. None were commissioned efflcers. The text of Admiral Hlgglnson's cable gram is as follows: SAN JUAN. P. R.. Jan. 17. Secretai of Navy Washington: Powder charge ex ploded r.ccklentally In eight-Inch turrt'. Massachusetts. Cause being investigate; by board. Dead A. Hendrlcksen. boat s mate; F. It. Losser. apprentice; F. L. Mallnowskl, landsman; K. J. Piatt, ordinary seaman; Robert Rule, ordinary seaman. Injured W. W. Asohert, apprentice; A. S. Tacke, coxswain; J. O. Patterson, ordi nary seaman; A. N. Dossett, ordinary sea man. ALABAMA NEGRO STANDS SIEGE Bar Himself In 'Woodland Shack and Keep Pursuers OS with Guns, biL,LKiA, Ala., Jan. 17. Tom Benton, a notorious negro, who escaped from Jail here three weeka ago, is now barricaded in a deserted shack a few miles beyond Hardy vllle. In Shelby county. Attempts to take him have proved"lnetfectual and he has al ready killed one man, a negro, and wounded several white men. Inhabitants of the neighborhood are terrified. After his escape from Jail, where he was confined for shooting a negro foreman and killing a negro at tbe lime works In Shel- byvllle, Benton returned to Shelby county heavily armed, and threatened H. L. Bow- den, a contractor. He then hunted up two negroes who had testified against him and proceeded to fire on them, but they suc ceeded In driving him into the woods, where he barricaded himself. He is now keeping hi pursuers at bay. Bou!idaiidFoot With muscles drawn and throbbing with Jain, emd the joints swollen, stiff and ten der, the rheumatic patient is as helpless and dependent as though bound baud and loot.1 No disease causes such intense sufleriiifr. such excruciating, sharp, nerve-racking paina aa Rheumatism, and this unfeeling monster, unless checked, crushes the strength and hope of its victims. When the svttem becomes infected with Uric Acid and other like poisons they are absorbed into the blood and lodged in the muscles, joints and nerves. Then with the suddenness of an electric shock, pains begin to shoot through the muscle or joint affected, which often swells and inflames, and becomes tender, feverish and sore. Unless treated through the blood Rheumatism grows steadily worse, finally ending in shrunken muscles, immovable joints, shaky nerves, and the iuvalid's chair A of Rheumatism can never be complete or permanent until the acid blood lias been purified aud the system cleansed cf all poisonous matter. S. S. S. does this promptly and surely, because it is a perfect blood medicine, and an nntidotc for the irritatinsr acids that cause Rheumatism. S. S. S. purifies anil invigorates the polluted, stagnant mood, ana wnen a irec, liealthy circulation is again established, the gritty, corroding particles nre wasuea on oi lueacninEniuscir and ioints. and the longed for relict comet ct last, and the cure is perma nent because the cause lias been removed aud nothing remains iu the blood and sys tem to produce another attack. Write for our special book on Rheuma tism. Medical advice costs you nothing j The. Swift Specitlo Ct., Atlaita, . HOSPES nAUMncr.NT- Line of Pianos -AT ORLiATLY Reduced Prices Nowhere else cnu be found the World-Henters, consisting of the incom parable Knabe Piano THE BEAUTIFUL Kranicii & Bach THE CELEBRATED Kimball Piano THE RELIABLE Hallet & Davis PIANO Instruments that stand nt the head the delight of the musical profession. They have no equal. Their prices ranee from $W0 to $l.oon each. We have decided to mark them down lo whero the t:ser can reach them. Therefore, for this week wo have de- Ided to offer ;he high-grade pianos at 27, $248, $LTi. $278, $2l7. $:I27, $S.1S. $387, 435, either for cash or payments of t"j to 50 down and $10 to $'.5 rer month. Then again e have rlaniard xakes In Mshogany, Walnut, Oak and Fionch Wal nut finish from well known factories, such the STERIJNG PIANO, NERDIIAM PIANO, KRELL PIANO. WHITNEY riANO. SCHUMANN PIANO, HINZE 1IANO. BURTON riANO, nd many ethers. Pianos that range frola $200 00 to $300.00 that we will offer thla week at grdat reductions. Fine I new Pianos. $128, $137, $148, $167, $187, $197, $217, $225, on terms of from $15 down to $10 down and $6.00 to $10.00 per month. . A. fine, stool and scarf accompanlca, each instrument. . . r Every Piano Is fully guaranteed Every Instrument as represented Every custo mer satisfied. It is a well known fact that our prices are the lowest, our terms the easiest, the quality of our goods the, finest and the treatment of our cust omi ts the. best. . I We have pleased 11.000 In twenty-nine years and want to please that many more. Don't fall to visit Hospe s Talking Ma chine room. Victor Talking Machines from $15.00 to $50.00. Over $.000 records to select from. These instruments sold on easy payments. Our Music Box room ia replete with ta. CELEBRATED REGINA MUSIC BOXES. Prices from $10.00 lo $3i0.00; on easy payments. Over 1,000 discs, from 2."c up; easy pay ments. The Piano Player department contains the latest mechanical piano players msde. THE ANGELUB It has no eijual. THE APOLLO That plays in five differ ent keys. THE KIMBALL piano player, and others, ranging In price from to(i up. Kiid in easy psyments. Musical Instrument of all kinds at whole sale and retail. Send for catalogue. 1513-1515 Doughs. K -sniTassj-S- Hi, J smsmnanjajBriil I -; r- ;i -v.- r - '! - lpg