Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1903, Image 1

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    The . Omaha Daily Bee.
Judge Springer Oalli on OVtle Men to
Thwart Merjer Plan
Talis Convention Delegate! to Strengthen
Hands of Thoie in Power.
If Nation Imhta Oorporatiotn and Officials
Mast Bow to Storm.
Join Good Point, of Existing Law
with Orl.ln Clau.ea In Pendlna;
Menaurea and Aake Con.
arreaa to Pass It.
KANSAS CITY, Jar 18 The sixth annual
Convention of the National Live Stock as
sociation adjourned this afternoon to meet
next year at Portland, Ore., after electing
II tho old officers for the ensuing year and
taking the Initiative In a systematic cam
paign against the packing bouse merger.
William M. Springer, general counsel of
the association, in a spirited address out
lined a bill "to protect trade and com
merce against unlawful restraints and
monopolies." and which he said was merely
an adaptation of the Sherman anti-trust
law and the other bills now pending In the
In the discussion that followed President
John W. Springer said that a bill along the
lines suggested by Judge Springer would
bo printed within a week by the associa
tion and sent to every legislature In the
land, and that If the proposed merger was
ever consummated the National Live Stock
association would string parking bouses
from Chicago to San Francisco. In re
sponse to an appeal from the executive
committee for a legislative working fund,
17.500 was subscribed In less than thirty
Condemns I'srklnv Mercer.
A resolution Introduced by Frank M.
Btewart of South Dakota, protesting against
the packing merger was adopted. It says:
While we fully appreciate the ratural
desire of the men who have risked such
enormous capital In the building up of the
tracking Industries to protect that cnpitnl
from u.igoverned and unreasonable compe
tition which might prove disastrous to all.
yet we believe that tho plan proposed will
lead to the more feared dangers of uncon
trolled greed and avarice, and as the pro
ducers of the raw material, we must natu
rally protest BgalnHt the unreasonable tnx
that will be necessarily placed upon our
labor and Inveetment through the adoption
of the plan' proposed.
During an address at the afternoon ses
sion, Jerry 8impson favored tariff reform
and said, the enactment of the tariff law
by Germany Was a discrimination against
American products and should teach them
bow the present tariff system discriminated
against other countries' He asked those
- members-of the Wopl Growers' association
present if it were not a fact that wool
was worth as much In London and Liver
pool as la America.
Senator Warren of Wyoming, replying to
the quest Ion, said anyone who knew any
thing of the question knew that such was
not the case and a lively tilt between the
two delegates ensued.
Herbert 8. Hadley of Kansas City' said
the removal of the tariff on meat products,
which was suggested by the National
Butchers' association, would please the
packers, but would work great injury to
American farmers. xIn the course- of his
remarks, he said: "President Roosevelt
stands out as the best type of tbe Ameri
can stockman, and suggested that Colo
rado could not have a better representa
tive In the United States senate than John
W. Springer, sentiments that aroused the
delegates to great enthusiasm.
Tonight the delegates were entertained
t an elaborate smoker In Convention hall,
the chief attraction at which was the Mega
phone minstrels, sn aggregation of 200 fun
makers, who had been trained for the oc
casion by St. Clair Hurd, a vell known
actor. Tomorrow 200 or more of the dele
gates will start for Memphis and New Or
leans on a special train over the 'Frisco.
where they will be the guests of those
Many Resolutions Aeted On.
The work of the last sessions consisted
In passing ppon resolutions favorably
recommended by the executive committee.
In the delivery and discussion of several
addressee of Interest, In the naming of a
convention city and confirming tho old
officers for the ensuing year, all of whom
had been recommended for re-election.
The officers endorsed are: John W.
Springer, Denver, president; John M. Holt,
Miles City, Stunt., first vice president; E.
J. Hazenhath. Salt Lake City, second vice
anient; ueorge l uouiamg, iienver,
treasurer; Charles F. Martin, Denver, sec
retary; Fred P. Johnson. Denver, assistant
President Springer had wished lo with
draw from the office to attend to his pri
vate business affairs, but waa prevailed
upon to continue In the position tor at
least another year. H finally consented In
order, he said, to assist In urging certain
federation legislation for the betterment
of the stock interests of the country,
which had already been started.
The counsel, who last year were Judge
William M. Springer of Washington, D. C.
and Hon. Ralph Talbot of Denver, will
also be named by the convention.
Contest for est Convention.
The fight for the 1904 convention was
taken up the last thing In the afternoon.
Although there were halt a dozen cities in
the race for the honor. Portland, Ore.,
seemed to be far in the lead and the dele
gation from that state was confident cf
winning out.
The delegates of the American Angora
Goal Breeders' association held a caucus
and unanimously endorsed Portland, and
other agencies were actively at work for
the coast city.
The addresses on the morning program
Included one by Hon. William M. Springer
on "The Proposed Merging of the Packing
Plants ot This Country, the Effects an
Remedy," one by Captain Brttton Davis,
Chihuahua, Mexico, on "The Live Stock
Industry ia the Republic of Mexico and Its
Relations to the United States." and a
third by Prof. C. !'. Curttss ot Iowa on
"The Benefits Derived from Experimental
Address of Judge Springer.
Judge Springer's address, which was well
received, led to considerable discussion.
Mr. Springer detailed at length the pro
ceedings lo equity begun by Attorney Gen
eral Knox In Cblcsgo last May against tha
so-called "beef trust" and derlsred that U
niioiUrs, had information that the de-
(Continued on Fifth Page.)
CJrrman Reich. lasc Deride. Jiot to Dr-
nounce Internatlon,
BERLIN. Jan. 18. Fly HI 0,
Reichstag trday adopted a stlbat
the resolution asking the government
denounce the most favored nation treaties.
The substitute requtsted the government
to denounce treaties with cojntrles hrt
experience showed the most favored na
tion clause were favorable to Germany's
interest. The socialists and the radicals
compesed the minority.
During the debate today Hcrr Gotheln,
radical leader, said the United States ob
served the treaty of 1828 loyally for the
fa vi red ration clause in the present sense
wan unknown prior to th Anglo-French
treaty of 1861.
"The greatest obstacle against commer
cial treaties," he added, "Is open and dis
guised export bounties which tho zealots
for these resolutions should help to abol
lch. We cannot draounce the reciprocity
arrangement with the United with
out damaging our Interests with other
"Prince Bismarck has eald that the
United States already is discriminating
against Germany under the agreement of
19(K, since we do not get the same con
cessions as France and Portugal in the
case of wines. Now that President Roose
velt has made a treaty with Cuba giving
extraordinary concessions to its sugar, the
United States will surely make us con
cession because Germany Is Its best cus
Victim, of London anil niobe Failure
Seek to Prosecute Whltaker
LONDON. Jan. 18 At a meeting today
of the supporters of the movement to
prosecute Whitaker Wright and others con
nected with the failure of the London ft
Globe finance corporation, limited, In which
considerable American money was lost. It
was resolved to raise a fund of $26,000 tor
the purpose.
Arnold White, who presided, announced
that $10,000 had already been promised and
said that unless the honor of the adminis
tration of English law was to remain under
a cloud Immediate steps must bo taken to
sift the scandal. The reason the prosecu
tion was not undertaken by the government
was that officers were shetterlng themselves
behind members of the royal family. Mr.
White said be believed that "certain hang
ers on at court" were using the name of
the king and others for the purpose of
hiding their own nefarious deeds.
Dr. Charcot Will Start In Mar Under
Auspices of the (iovfrs
; meat.
PARIS, Jan. 16. Dr. Jean Charcot has
announced plans for an Arctic trip, under
the auspices of the Academy of Science and
the Ministry of Public Instruction. A ship !
is now rnner construction ' ax v& i&aiu,
The party wlU leave France on May 15
for Spitsbergen and then proceed to St.
Josefsland. The expedition will he .exclu
sively French.
Lieutenant Bergen will probably be a
member of the party, which will also com- j
prise several scientists. Dr. Charcot says
France has hitherto left Arctic exploration
to foreigners, but he hopes to revive the
French interost.
Blames Ilrltl.h Government for Join.
Ins; with Germany In Vene
suelau Affair.
LONDON, Jan. 16. In the course of a
spirited attack on the government's gen
eral policy. Lord Rosebery, speaking at
Plymouth tonight, referred to Venezuela.
He reminded his audience that when the
liberal government had the same kind ot
debt collecting to do In Nicaragua, It first
consulted Washington and then settled the
business in a couple of days. He said he
did not know the facts In the Venezuelan
affair, but felt sure the government must
have had imperious motives In entering
Into an alliance with Germany.
He desired", however, to hear the govern
ment's motives before criticising It.
Attempt to Hrenk Obstructionist
Hanks Foreea Members to
Sleep on Duty.
VIENNA, Jan. 17. The session of the
Keichsrath, which began on Thursday, con-
unuea until e on rriaay morning, ji was
! resumed at 10 and at 3 this morning shows
i "
There have been long obstruction
speeches in the Czech language, with oc
casional outbreaks ot disorder. The Czech
minority Is maintaining a quorum In relays.
muni wt vue .... uiuiib . u ma
lobbies or playing cards.
.1 IK .U.CUUru -
obstruction to extend the session until
Anonymous Manifesto Says Caah Muat
Ke Paid by March or Towns
HAVANA. Jan. 16. An mani
festo was Issued here yesterday saying the
liberating army ot Cuba will not wait
longer than March 4 for the payment of the
soldltrs but will unite Bud occupy every
town from Point Maysl to Cape San An
tonio, pacifically.
General Gomez and the other generals
have expressed themselves as being per
fectly satisfied with the attitude ot tho
government regarding the payment of the
army. Gomez is still revising the lists
of those who are entitled to pay.
Officer Attacked by Rolomaa Slaya
Plve, Kacapea, Though Wounded,
aad Hetarna with Force.
MANILA, Jan. 16. Constabulary Inspec
tor Fletcher, while traveling alone In the
province of Albay, Luzon, last week, waa
attacked by thirty Bolorqen. He killed five,
but was himself wounded. He escaped and
formed a party which pursued the bandits,
overtook them and killed six more.
Crown Prince la St. Petersburg.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 16 The German
crown prince, Frederick William, arrived
hers today en a visit to ths czax.
Stnator Distr'ch Simply Desires to Have it
Ee'errel at Present.
. . '', Department Announce, the
of Postmasters Under He
' adjustment Aet Hare Ho
Merit In Law.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Dietrich called up his bill
relative to the leasing of public lands In
tho state of Nebraska before the public
lands committee of the senate today. He
stated to the committee that he desired no
action upon the bill at this time, but
would only ask that It be sent to the sec
retary of the interior for a report as to
Its merits. He stated to 'be committee
that he hoped to be fortified with consid
erable Important matter when the measure
should come up beforo the committee for
consideration. He stated he hoped that
the legislature of Nebraska would assist
by its affirmative action In placing the bill
upon the statute books of the United
States. Beyond that he did not desire It
to go at the present time.
Iowa ('nnirraimrn Cla.h.
Representatives Walter I. Smith of
Council Bluffs and Thomas Hedge of Bur
lington became involved In a lively tilt to
day over a war claim growing out of equip
ment in the matter ot clothing for the fa
mous Third Iowa Infantry regiment dur
ing the early days of the civil war. Judge
Smith stated that he was representing the
bill in the absence of his colieague. Judge
Rumple of the Second district, who Is lying
critically ill in a Chicago hospital with
cancer of the throat. He briefly outlined
the measure and said the contract was
made with the firm of B. F. Moody & Co.
by Cyrus C. Bussey, colonel of the regi
ment, and on order of General John C.
Fremont, ' major general of the United
States army, as agent of the United States
In pursuance of a letter addressed to
Samuel J. Klrkwood, then governor of the
Hawkeye starte.
Congressman Hedge In antagonizing the
measure said that the claim was not rem
iniscent of service, but of the greed and
rapacity that took shelter und;r the dark
ness of thoso days. Ho told a story as to
how the firm secured the contract for
equipping troops and how this old claim
had been stalking Its way through congress
for many years.
Judge Smith, In response to Mr. Hedge's
vicious attack upon the bill, contended
that the claim of Moody ft Co. was a lust
one and he stated that the charge that
there was any chicanery growing out of the
equipment of troops by the governor of the
state of Iowa, Samuel J. Klrkwood, was
absurd on the face of It.
Notwithstanding the earnest effort of
Judge Smith to secure favorable considera
tion for Judge Rumple's measure, the com
mittee decided to report the bill to the
bouse with an unfavorable recommenda
tion, which means ths death of the meas
ure. ' ', "
Claim Agenta Stir Up Postmasters.
Through claim agents In Washington,
postmasters In Nebraska are calling upon
their members of congress to secure back I
alary for them by reason of readjustment j
of salarleo. So persistent have these post
masters become that Senator Dietrich de
cided to ascertain from the Postoffice de
partment whether these postmasters have a
right of additional compensation as alleged.
In reply to Senator Dietrich's inquiry As
sistant Postmaster General Wynne states
In a letter received today that there are
erroneous impressions prevalent regarding
the readjustment ot postmasters' salaries.
Mr. Wynne says that the misstatements are
largely due to claim agents who are in
forming postmasters that there Is due
therj back, unpaid salary, and who offer
for a fee to furnish facts and data rela
tive thereto.
Mr. Wynne states that all accounts of
postmasters who served between July 1,
j 1864, and June 30, 1874. and who respec- j
I tlvely applied for readjustment of their
lrte. under the act of March 3. 1883.
were examined in accordance with the pro-
visions ot .the act as Interpreted by the
attorney general. That all amounts found
due them under above act were paid in
full to January 1, 1890. That congress by
Its act .of August 4, 1886, declared that tho
method of readjustment employed was the
method Intended by the act of March 3,
1883, and that the readjustment and con
sequent payment by the department should
be a final settlement of all claims under
the act of March 3, 1883.
The assistant postmaster general further
said In his letter to Senator Dietrich that
i the claims now being presented to the de-
j purtment from postmasters In Iowa, Ne
braska and, South Dakota have no official
standing whatever, nor can they be recog
nized by the department.
Names Some Postmaatrra.
8enator Millard today, upon request of
Representative-elect J. J. McCarthy, nom
inated Hon. S. F. Nesbltt for postmaster
I a ,
Tekamah, vice P. L. Rork.
The senator also named W. F. Walker
as postmaster at Hemlngford, Box Butte
county, vice Alvin N. Miller, resigned. This
nomination was upon the recommendation
of Representative-elect Kinkald.
Senator Millard has received notice from
the postoffice department that In reply to
his requeet the free delivery will be estab
lished in Nr.rfolk on June 1.
Miss Gertrude Dietrich, daughter ot the
senator, and her colleg-; friend. Miss Leslie :
Farwell ot Lake Forest, are In Washing- i
ton for the purpose of attending a number
of social functions. They were guests at a I
dinner given by Senator and Mrs. Fair- ;
banks and will receive with Mrs
Sternberg tomorrow. They were also in !
the receiving line at Mrs. Fairbanks' recep
tion yesterday.
Joe U. Lane of Davenport, Congressman
Rumple's predecessor in congress, is in
Washington on matters connected with the
depatrar nls,
L. S. Locstculer of Iroquois, S. D., with
his wife and sister, pawed through Wash
ington today en rout to Porto Rico, whers
they will spend the winter.
Prolog; Iowa's Claim.
Major M. S. Byers, adjutant general of
Iowa, Is In Washington In relatlou to a
claim which he has pending in the War
department for $20,000 growing out of the
equipment of Iowa regiments during the
Spanish-American war.
Representative Burke of South Dakota
today Introduced a bill to provide an ap
propriation of $150,000 tor the erection ot
a public building at Pierre. 8. D.
T. G. Henderson, a nephew of Speaker
Henderson, and wife are guests of tha
general tn thvlr way home to Iowa front
New York.
A.p. Humboldt ot Iowa Is in Washing-
(Continued oa Third Page.)
Caatlron Contracts Have Kent
Supply, but Contractors Mow
Ran Short.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 18. The Treasury
department today received an official cer
tified copy of the act approved yesterday
placing coal on the free list. Upon Its re
ceipt the department telegraphed tho neces
sary Instructions to collectors ot customs
throughout the country directing them to
put the act into immediate effect. The tel
egram read as follows:
Admit all coal Imported on or after 15th
Inst, free of duty under the act of loth
Inst. Copy by mall.
Shortage of coal Is causing some con
cern In the navy. The various navy yards
are appealing to the bureau of equipment
for fuel.
Arrangements were made today for the
shipment of coal from the depot at New
London, Connecticut, to New York Navy
yard. Through the foresight ot Rear Ad
miral Bradford the coal famine thus far
has not affected the navy. Ironclad col
tracts having been closed before the strive
for delivery at normal prices.
CHICAGO, Jan. 16. The grand Jury in
vestigation Into the cause of the fuel short
age proceeded today, notwithstanding the
agreement on the part of the Illinois Manu
facturers' association to arbitrate Its dif
ferences with the coal men, and coal deal
era f;oin a number of suburbs appeared
before the Inquisitors.
These were for the most pert small re
tailers, who told of the trouble experienced
by those who have to depend upon the out
put of the mines not under contract or
upon "free coal."
The free coal mined in Illinois being
only 30 to 40 per cent of the entire output,
and it being admitted by operators that
contracts were made at such low prices
that little profit was mads on them. It
was declared that the burden of the profit
making falls heavily on dealers who are
compelled to handle the free coal.
One of the first witnesses to appear was
J. M. Glenn, secretary of tho Illinois Manu
facturers' association, who failed to re
spond to a telephone summons and who
was brought in on a forthwith subpoena.
Other witnesses were Mrs. R. Klrby, Tal
lulu; O. W. Hatch. Greenview; C. A.
Stearne, Springfield; W. G. Bartel, Carter
vllle; L. W. Stenseney. Auburn, and Ter
rence Casey, Wllliamsvrtle.
LONDON, Jan. 16. The remission of the
coal duties by tho' United, Slates congress
seems to have little or no effect on the
British market. At this time there are
only two American orders on the Cardiff
market, as compared with at least a dozen
a fortnight ago.
PARIS, Jan. 16. United States Consul
Gowdy says it is not likely that any French
coal will be shipped to the United States,
the French mines being unable to meet
the demands of the home market.
MATTOON, 111., Jan. 16. Tho citizens of
Newman, a small station on the Indiana ft
Decatur road, today held up a passenger
train In order to get coal. When the De
catur accommodation pulled Into Newman
a crowd of angry citizens surrounded the
engine, compelled the engineer to shut oft
steam and then took every chunk of coal
out of the tender. ' ,'
.Jt was resorted that tne.'O' -vtas coal vn
the siding at Montezumaj Ind., billed for
Newman, which, the company had refused
to haul through, but -it wgs learned later
that the report was untrue.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 16. Two of the
public schools closed today on account of
lack of coal.
Craard Man Shoots Ills Sweetheart,
WoB.di Her Companion and '
la Suicide.
CHICAGO, Jan. 16. F. J. Conlln, lying in
wait for his sweetheart, Jennie Dyer, who
bad gone to a party with another suitor,
shot and kille her on her return home
tonight. He also shot Frank Brltt, of whom
he was Jealous, and then turned the weapon
upon himself and will die.
Brltt and MIbs Dyer were ascending
the stairs when the crazed lover sprang In
front of them from behind a storm door.
He had the revolver In his hand. Their
1 laughter as tbey came along the atreet had
frenzied him. and when they mounted the
"Don't shoot, 'Gene," exclaimed tho hor
rified girl as she turned to flee. But Con
lln grabbed her by the arm and, pressing
the revolver to her forehead, fired. She
reeled down the steps and fell dead.
Brltt. attempted to wrest the pistol from
his hand, hut was thrust aside. Another
shot was fired ' and the bullet lodged in
Brill's Jaw, causing a serious but not dan
gerous wound.
Thinking he had killed them both, Conlln
walked a few steps toward the sidewalk
and shot himself in the bead. The doctors
at Englcwood Union hospital say be can
not live.
Conlln became acquainted with Miss
Dyer about three years ago and had been
paying her attention up to a short time
ago, when he was told be need call at the i company was reduced from $267,500 to $225,
house no longer. He insisted on calling-'000; M- E- Smith ft Co. from $312,000 to
there, and Miss Dyer had refused to see
him upon his last visit,
Thirty Paaaengera Are Injured, Four
of Them Sometvhat Se.
GUNNISON, Colo.t Jan. 16 Westbound
passenger train No. 317 on the Denver it
Rio Grande was derailed three miles east
of Sargent at 9:20 o'clock this morning
and thirty of the sixty passengers were
injured, but only four seriously. Tbey are:
S. P. Gulschall of Montrose, Colo., head
j and back cut; Internal Injuries.
Charles B. Miller of Chicago, leg injured.
F. G. Lohr of Kansas City, arm wrenched.
Griffin, assistant superintendent ot the
Denver ft Rio Grande, face cut.
The cause of the accident was the break
ing of a bolt holding a fishplate by a freight
car, which Jumped the track a little earlier.
Paaara Nantucket I.lghtahlp, Going
Dead Slow, aa Though want,
lug Steam Power,
NEW YORK. Jan. 16. The American line
steamer St. Louis was sighted oft Nantucket
lightship at 6:40 p. ui., going dead slow.
Signals wert made to the south shore
lightship, but owing to the heavy gale
tbey were unintelligible.
The slow rats ot speed at which St. Louis
was traveling indicated that unless assisted
it would not reach New York until lets on
Saturday night. Appearances indicated that
St. Louis was khort of steam power and
the signals were thought to Imply that
trouble with her boilers bad been txperi
enced. ,
Board of Equalization Aocepts Sworn State
ments of Firm Members.
Attorneys for Companies Are Mot
Heady and tloard Alo Wants
Opinion of City Attorney
on the SnJbJect.
The 'city council, sitting as a board of
equalization, yesterday afternoon made re
ductions aggregating $139,500 In the assess
ments ot three of the leading Jobbing houses
of the city. They were those of Paxton ft
Gallagher, M. E. Smith ft Co. and the Lee-Class-Andreesen
company. The reduction
was made on the strength of sworn state
ments of representatives of the firms as to
the value of tho company property.
Because the rallraad attorneys were not
ready yesterday, and the city attorney
had not been able to complete the legal
opinion requested of hira the hearing of the
railroad assessment cases before the Board
of Equalization has been passed until this
morning at 10 o'clock.
When tho hour set for the hearing ar
rived Councilmeh Burklcy, Zlmman, White
horn, Trostler and' Hascall were present,
and later Messrs. Lobeck and Karr dropped
In. On motion of Mr. Hasc'l It was agreed
that the question of jurisdiction should
first be taken up for argument.
J. H. Mcintosh, representing the protest
ant, George T. Morton, was on hand and
ready to proceed with any of the railroad
cases, and he suggested that the Union Pa
cific case be first taken up. Mr. Rich, ap
pearing for that company, said he was not
ready and asked that the case be passed to
the early part of next week, but said he
could be ready If necessary Saturday morn
ing. The case of the Burlington road was
thej called, and Mr. Breckenrldge asked
that It also be passed, as Mr. Greene, who
had charge of the case, had been engaged
on another matter In the federal court and
had not been able to get his mind on this
case In so short a time.
I.oltcrk Objects to llclny.
Mr. Lobeck and several of the other
members of the board objected to the delay
on the ground that tho companies had been
given ample notice and mu be as well
prepared at this time as they would be one
day later.
Mr. Mcintosh argued that fair notice had
been given tho railroads and that delay was
unnecessary. He eald he could not agree
with the railroad attorneys and Councilman
Hascall that there was any question of
jurisdiction at Issue before this board. This
board, be said, need find no necessity to
set'.le the question ot Its Jurisdiction or to
construe constitutional questions ot any
sort, but should take the record as It finds
It. The duty of the Board of Equalization,
as defined Jay law, he said, was not to as
sess property, or to. overrule assessments
that had been made, tiut to take the assess
ment rolls as they were and bring all prop
erty to the same standard ot value. He did
pot believe that thla board would take upon
itself to. assess properly or ta refiiw to
equalize, or yet to repudiate the work ct
the tax commissioner and the Board of Re.
view, and therefore he did not see that
there was any question of jurlsidictton.
Duty of Board to Equalise,
It did not devolve upon the Board of
Equalization, he said, to construe the con
stitution or the charter for the tax com
missioner and Board of Reviow, or to de
termine whether their work had been per
formed In a legal manner. The assessment
rolls had been certified to this board and
It was now the duty ot this beard to
equalize the assessment.
It was found that Mr. Connell could not
be ready to submit the opinion which the
board had requested as to Jurisdiction be
fore the afternoon and the cases were
passed until Saturday morning. All of the
witnesses who had been subpoenaed for
Friday wero notified to be on hand Satur
day morning.
An application from E. L. Stone for re
duction of the assessments on a number of
lots owned by the Dewey ft Stone Furniture
company was returned by the tax commis
sioner with reductions recommended to
the total amount of $11,825. The recom
mendation of the tax commissioner waa
John F. Coad of the Coad Real Estate
company made application for a reduction
ot the assessment upon the two lots at
the corner of Seventecnih and Harney
streets and just opposite the Boyd theater.
The corner lot hati been assessed at $35,000
and the other ono at $27,60(., and the re
quest was that they be reduced to $25,000
and $20,000, respectively.
After some dls-
cusBion a reduction ot $5,000 was made In
the valuation placed upon the corner lot
and the other was left as It was.
Jobber. Get Reductions.
In the course of the afternoon session
the board made reductions In the assess
ments of three of tho larger Jobbing houses
aggregating $139,500. The Paxton-Gallagher
$240,000, and the Lee-Glass-Andreesen com
pany from $225,000 to $200,000. The assess,
ment of the lust named firm was reduced
by the Board of Review from $250,000 to
(225.000. In each of these three caBcs the
chief basis of the petition for reduction
was that the applicant had been assessed
higher In proportion than other houses In
the same line ot business. The Paxton
Gallagher company was represented by
Charles H. Pickens, E. H. Smith ft Co. by
Arthur C. Smith and the Lee-Glass-Andree.
sen company by E. M. Andreesen. The
gentlemen all arrived at the council cham
ber together and were heard by the board
In the order named, each in turn making
a statement under oath.
Mr. Pickens said that last year his firm
bad paid upon a valuation of $80,000, which,
on the 40 per cent basis of that assessment,
represented $200,000 of property. This year
the assessment had been fixed at $267,500
and his firm considered that excessive and
unlalr. Ho thought the assessment should
not be more than $225,000. He stated that
his company was capitalized for $500,000.
which included real estate and buildings
of the value of $104.00, occupied by the
firm, and $24,000 ot other property outside
of the city of Omaha. Among other facts
concerning the business he mentioned that
a considerable amount of the goods handled
by his firm never cams to Omaha, but
were shipped direct from the factory to the
retail dealer. Mr. Flckcns said that be.
tween September 15 and November 15, tbe
period of assessment, bis company's stock
was heavier than at any other time In tbe
year by reason of large consignments of
canned goods shipped in during the summer
months and not distributed until late lb
tbe fall. During that term the value of the
stock would range, he though, from $250,.
uH) to $775,000.
Mr. Smith said that last year bis firm
had been assessed St $&0,000, representing
(Continue! on Second Page.)
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Saturday and
Sunday; Colder Sunday.
Temperature nt timnha Yesterday!
ft n.
l n.
T n.
H n.
1 n.
1( a.
It a.
12 m.
. . :t:
, . nx
, . hi
. . :
. . si
, . ;:t
. . n:i
. . ;iu
I p.
a p.
4 p.
ft p.
41 p.
T p.
H p.
Emrrsenry Meeting; Held to Take
Stepa Needed to Oppose
When the city council. In its capacity of
Board of Equalization, -ut down the assess
ment rolls $139, ;00 yesterday afternoon In
Its reductions on the valuation of three
Jobbing houses. It sounded a general alarm
for the members of the Real Estate ex
change. Tho tax committee of the exchango
held an enn-rg"ne-y meeting lasf evening at
the office of Graham & Ure to consider the
situation and it was decided to protest
against these reductions.
Considerable comment was Indulged in
upon the manner in which the examination
of the representatives of the Taxlon-Gal-lagher
company. M. E. Smith & Co. and
tho Lee-Glnss-Andreesen company was con
ducted. The particular point of dissatis
faction was that none of the gentlemen
was even asked to state under oath wheth
or not the amount of tho assessment upon
the property of his firm as returned by the
Board of Review was greater than tho true
value of that property, or required to give
any specific or definite Information as to
the true value of tho property. Several of
the members of the committee said that It
Messrs. Pickens, Smith and Andreesen
would Btate specifically rndcr onth that the
amounts of their respective assessments as
returned by the Board of Review were
greater than tho act(!l value of tho prop
erty they would accept the statements
without question, but In the absence of
such evidence thev would opposo any re
duction of the assessments.
It was agreed by the committee to form
ally protest before the Ronrd of Equaliza
tion ngilnst the reduction of any assess
ment except upon tho sworn statement ot
the applicant that the nssement is greater
than the value cf the property. Tho com
mittee also decided to protest nftiiinst the
reduction In the assessment of the New
York Life property from $6r0,ono to $.".30,000.
Frank Jelen Cornea Out of Runaway
Accident with Numerous
Frank Jelen, an expressman, residing at
1233 South Fourteenth street, had a narrow
escape from death late Friday afternoon
while driving a pair of frightened horsea
on Center street. Jelen was returning
from the Union depot, where he had deliv
ered a trunk, and was crossing Eleventh
street on Center, when bis team made a
wlld r(;V Liward" rblf tfenttc " afreet. r lilt
some manmr tho wneon was overturned.
Jelen being caught beneath it. The horses
dnshed at breakneck speed for t-.vo blocks,
while Jelen was rolled and cut beneath the
trap the entire distance. No ono who wit
nessed the runawny knpw that tho driver
was pinioned beneath the wagon box until
(he horses were caught on Thirteenth street
and bystanders righted tho outfit, when
Jelen, bleeding from several very bad cuts
and bruised In a terrible manner, was
found. He was removeO to the police sta
tion, where Drs. Arnold, Ilahn and Mick
attended him.
A three-Inch gash was Inflicted on tho
right side of his Jaw, while another wound
two Inches In length had been Inflicted upon
the rluht temple. A deep cut four Inches
in length was found upon his right leg be-
tween tho kneo and tho hip. Ills handn
and other portions of his body were a mass
of bruises and cuts. The extent of the
patient's Injuries were of such a nature
that he was Immediately removed to Clark
son hosi.lta! for treatment.
Richard Hunter, Joarplt SHi-iimm nnd
Ren Cherrlnarton to Hepreacnt
Omaha Society.
At the H I ffh .ehool ve.lArrtnv nflornonn
the members of the Demosthenian Debating
society held a preliminary debate to de
cide who should represent tho Omaha Hlh
school agaiuat the Llucnln High school
! tno debate, which occurs January
23. Out of the seven contestants those ad-
judged tho distinction of representing tho
Bchool were Richard Hunter, Joseph Swen
Sun and Ben Cherrlngton, the same trio
who defeated (he Beatrice High school lant
month. Tho resolution to bo debated la:
Resolved, Thnt the action of the govern,
ment in causing the removal ot fences In
closing public la nils In the Vest is detri
mental to the public.
Omaha has the affirmative and Lincoln
the negative.
Topcka Trouble May Fztend to All
Telephone Operators tn Mia.
aourl and Knnaoa.
TOPHKA, Kan., Jan. 16. National offi
cers of the Telephone Workers' union aro
here looking after a strike that has been
begun by the Missouri and Kansas em
ployes in this city.
In a statement Issued tonight the officers
say they will call a strike of all tho union
teli phone workers on the Bell lines in both
Missouri and Kansas unless the.deuiauds
are compiled with.
Couimla.lon Men Wlxh Cougreaa to
Streufttbrn Interatate Com
merce Decision.,
CHICAGO, Jan. 16. Congress is asked
by the National League of Commission
Merchants to pass a law granting more
power to the Interstate Commerce com
mission to enforce Its findings.
Movements of Oceau
Yeaeels Jan. 1(1.
At San Juan Arrived Moltke,
from New
York, via Kt. Thomas
At Hamburg -hulled Prinzessln
Lulse, for New York.
At Liverpool S. tiled Cevlc, for
At Naples Sailed Cambroman, for Bos
ton. At Movllle Sailed Numl'lian, from Liver
pool, for Kt. John, N. H, and I biln l- lptihi.
At Han KrancLco Arrived Hanir-e.. Irom
Hamburg: Z. ailuij.ll, from Honolulu. Sallnd
Neko, lor Hamou!-; Anne du tjrelaynu,
for .Sidney.
At 'ortiar.d. Ore. Sailed 8uriouf, for
.(outh A'rica.
At t (l.raltar Arrived Trave, from New
urk, .'or Algiers, Naples, etc
House Parses His Revenue Basolntion by a
Vote of 78 to 17.
This Frovidss for Bills for Rebuilding or
Repairing Structures,
Authorizes Appointment of Committee to
Frame a levenm Bill.
Attorney Raldnln of Union Parltls
on Hand to Plant the Omaha
Charter Tax Revision
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 18. (Special.) As was
anticipated, tho opposition to tha Sears
resolution, blazing the way for tho enact
ment of a revenue law by subordinating all
public building measure, withdrew ltscll
In tho house today when Senrs of Burt
called up his resolution as the special
order. The result was the adoption of the
resolutions, amended by Meminlnger ot
Madison, permitting bills carrying appro
priations for repairing and rebuilding statt
Institutions to reach their third reading
and bo rlaced upon fiual passage, irre
spect've of the passage of a revenue bill.
Sears did not offer to resist this amend
ment and seemed content with tho proceed
ings. Immediately following tho action on thi
Seara resolution Douglas of Rock Introduced
a resolution providing for the appointment
of seven members who shall frame and
Introduce a revenue bill within fifteen
days. The full text ot tho resolution,
whk-h went over until Monday, appears in
tho houso routine report, as do also ths
vote by roll call oa the motion of Sweezy
to refer the Seam resolution to the Judi
ciary committee for a period of ten days
and tho adoption of that resolution by 78
to 17.
Much to tho surprise of a considerable
number, the Rears resolution was adopted
without discussion. It was plain from
tho proceedings Thursday and subsequent
developments that what opposition there
was to trie movement would not venture a
vigorous Dght on the floor of the house
this early In the session, yot It was not
supposed that the resistance would fall
altogether to manifest Itself.
Revenue Legislation Aasnred.
Tho result of today's proceedings servos
to substantiate the thoory that revenue leg.
lslatlon will not be Ignored at thla aeaslon.
Leading exponents of this policy In the
house are well satisfied and evon enthusi
astic In some cases over tho progress ot '
affairs, and give evidence ot a .firm belief '
that their Idea will' achieve complete suc-
' w.auwrvT ? tsso.,
. "5"r uraiuyiug iu r. Dears
and his friend. Seara said today:
"I am glad Douglas Introduced this reso
lution. If he or someone else had not, I
would have done so myself, for I consider
that the proper way to get. at the matter.
I regard tho resolution, therefore, aa In
direct line with my efforts."
Hasty of Furnas, In the senate. Intro
duced a resolution providing that the com
mittee on re-.enue and taxation formulate
a bill that will adequately provide for as
sessments and tax collections In the atato
and that the bill be Introduced not later
than February. An amendment changed
this so that the committee will only recom
mend tho introduction of such a measure.
i l nree years study in a law office and an
' education equal to a high school course are
I requisites that shall be possessed by any
i person wishing to become a lawyer If a bill
Passes which was Introduced by Warner of
! Dakota in tne senate.
Rnlilnln Prefers Lincoln.
John N. Baldwin, attorney for the Union
Pucillc, on bis first visit to the state capital the convening of tho legislature, spent
ft busy day among the law makers. Tho
genial corporation lawyer found his sur
roundings so attractive, that he declined a
request by wire from tho Omaha city coun
cil to appear beforo that body Saturday
'r""K Hna argue ino l tlion I BCinC 8 CSSS
,n ,lho matter of tho rallroad'a assessment
and tax levy In Omaha.
"Wo will arguo our case when the proper
time comes before the legisl-ttlve commit
tees." said Mr. Baldwin.
'I have no fears uf belnpr unnble to con-
j v'nr, ,hom of ,hp "nfalrnca nnd injustice
of this proposed legislation. We are now
paying all tho taxes we should pay and will
resist to the very last any movement de
signed to augment our taxes. This charter
revision proposition Is wrong and we mean
to fight It hard.
"We do not say we are paying as much
city taxes, proportionately, in the city of
Omaha as other individuals or concerns.
Wo are actually paying less, but as a mat
ter cf fact that Is right. We are paying
all we ought to pay. It would manifestly
bo wrong to make out city taxea tn Omaha
equal In rate to other taxpayers. Omaha
Is not entitled to assess for local taxation
the terminals within tbe city limits at their
full cash value. Tho reason for this is
Aritiuiirnt of the Railroads.
"If our road terminated but here at flo
at rice or North Platto or somo other point
in Nebraska those terminate which ex
ponents of the charter revinlon claim are
wrrth $11,000,000, would not posness that
value or anything like their actual value.
Then, we claim and this we will clearly
demonstrate that (he property in Omaha
Is only an Integral part of the terminal
valuation. We hove six miles of track In
Omaha and fifty-three out here In Dawson
county. Now, those miles In Dawson enter
into and are Just as much the creator of
tho valuation of the Omaha terminals as
tho mileage actually comprising those
terminals. It would bo radically wrong,
therefore, to clump all the money arising
from the taxation on the full valuation of
these terminals Into 'he el'y of Omaha. It
would be utrong to every other county In
tho state through which tho Union Pacific
p:ine. Omaha Is not entitled to this and
cannot have It If we can. help It."
Asked about tho position of tho Union
Pacific on the proposed new revenue law,
Mr. Baldwin said:
"We are in favor of revision of the rev
enue laws wherever necessary and I am
convinced that some Instances of this kind
do exist. Hut my impression Is that the
chief fault lies in the misapplication of
our present lsw. 1 believe what we need
most Is an adequate provision for the ( f
crtsful enforcement of existing laws."
No Suflrrago Illll Thla Seaalon.
Miss I sura Gregg Is responsible for ths
stauuieut that tha women ot Kebruska will